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I'm torn between two names for a team consisting of Lex Luger and Paul Orndorff, so I thought I'd get you guys' opinion on which is better. The names in question are The Narcissists, and The Wonderful Package. Also, If you have a better name in mind, let me know.
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[QUOTE=ThomasRiordan;468344]The Narcissists for sure. Although The Wonderful Package(s) would be great if they were doing a gay porn star gimmick.[/QUOTE] That's brilliant! Somebody's got to use that. I could totally see Luger and Orndorff pulling that off too.
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[QUOTE=ggazoo;469235]Have you considered "Totally Wonderful"? It's close to Orndorff and Roma's "Pretty Wonderful, but it's just a thought.[/QUOTE] Yeah, but I didn't want it to be anything close to something affiliated with the worst member of my fav stable (4 Horsemen). Yeah... Lex and Paul could pull that off, probably better than Billy and Chuck. But I doubt TBS would be happy with it :p
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