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DOTM Joint Nomination Thread

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[QUOTE=Rathen4;471627]I only do that to Deezy's threads as you know they're going to be abandoned. I do it with a mind to upgrading when he gets shows up and running - but surprise surprise it's not happened yet.[/QUOTE] nah this isn't in reguard to a single user. I've seen a rash of one star ratings. there is even a poor bloke who is making an honest attempt, and asking for feed back. he had no feed back left but had been pounded with at least 5 one star ratings. (he had 3 shows up) the diary was rough, but he needed help not a bunch of one star ratings. I think some time the star system is used as retribution, from people you've pissed off. (deezy diaries are what they are)
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[QUOTE=mistaken;471624] second and off topic to this thread. How many of you use the star rating system? and at what point do you feel the need to rate a thread? (and i know no one reading this is doing this!) do you ever feel the need to give a 1* rating when a diary hasn't even posted a show yet?[/QUOTE] I don't use it at all because it's just too arbitrary. That and I'd rather stay out of any tit-for-tat situations, I'm just writing/reading for fun. :)
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heh I have been hit with a a 1 and a 2 star rating after some people, not including myself, gave me 5 stars. Some people are more like well I would give this 4-3 stars but some have givin it 5 so ill just give it a 1 to lower the average. This of course gets equelled out the more people rate but people rating isn´t that commen. Plus I don´t even have show up yet and am already getting rated? (I know the accent is bad but it is just a small part of the whole thing.) Sorry if this is a bit off topic but just venting hehe. If any of the diary writers I gave a shout out can be considered rookies I would nominate them too.
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I've been lurking the forums :> Btw. if this is wrong, tell me how to fix the "format". [B]Diary of the Month - Nomination (?)[/B] Hmm.. APW - A Country Designed Purely to Kill You, by Rathen4, [URL=""][/URL] It has that graphical layout and I just love it. Matches are goodly written and Swoop has his winning streak (or have I missed something?) Altough I have got lazier, and I can't read too long matches anymore ( as the matches just seem to get longer :O) Good booking and good work with the graphical things (altough, again, Infernos pics suck :O) And another + because its an Australian Promotion and.. well.. its just awesome. Other one is the EWA diary by Comradebot, but it has been nominated already. So... [B]APW - A Country Designed Purely to Kill You, by Rathen 4 is my (nomination) vote!![/B] Yes, I've been lurking :>
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I don't think I've given any ratings, but I was also shocked to see Hyde Hill at 5 stars without posting a single show. But seriously guys: [quote]What about the rookies? I know there has been more than one good diary to start this month. so for the rookies i will relax the rules, you will still need a second, but nominate as many as you think are deserving.[/quote] It seems like nobody wants to nominate any of the new diaries, and there's plenty of good ones out there. I already nominated EWA, but since everybody else apparently can't follow the rules, I'll also nominate Stennick's USPW: After School Specials are Edgier Than Us.
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End of the day? I thought Australia was ahead of you guys? And July has 31 days... I've got just over 24 hours ;) Not much chance though... Haven't even started the booking. EDIT: That's 'just over 24 hours' Australian time. Add 10-11 hours for GMT, and take off another few for US time... Just saying, I could pull this off.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;471657]End of the day? I thought Australia was ahead of you guys? And July has 31 days... I've got just over 24 hours ;) Not much chance though... Haven't even started the booking. EDIT: That's 'just over 24 hours' Australian time. Add 10-11 hours for GMT, and take off another few for US time... Just saying, I could pull this off.[/QUOTE] I can't read a calendar right, or else I am trying to rush the week. you've got about 37 hours (as all times are Eastern standard cause I'm Egocentric time wise :) ) oh and the front page is now up to date as well
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I Nominate Jim Force Returns, For It Is The Only Dynasty With The Awesome Power Of The Fooooooooooooorce! Jim Force Returns His A Higher Forceclorian Count Than Any Other Dynasty, Meaning It Is Number One, All Other Dynasties Are Number Two Or Lower! Only By Harnessing The Awesoooooooooome Poooooooower Of The Fooooooorce Can This Contest Truely Be Anything But A Faaaaaaaaaaarce! (EDIT: I just found out that the forum has a 'turn all-caps posts into normal posts' filter. Dammit. It was funnier all in caps.)
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[QUOTE=mistaken;471711]I can't read a calendar right, or else I am trying to rush the week. you've got about 37 hours (as all times are Eastern standard cause I'm Egocentric time wise :) )[/QUOTE] That gives me until 4 PM the day after tomorrow. No sweat. Half the show's done already (I've just got a whole bunch of promos to write...)
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[quote=G-Prime;471471]I'd like to nominate Wildfire1324's "National Wrestling Alliance: A Return To Glory", because the build-up to Showdown 12 has been excellent, the tribute show to Dylan 'Butcher Brody' Summers was executed perfectly, and for putting Mr Wrestling III in a cage with Mark Magnus in the near future.[/quote] I'm seconding this one. Wildfire is one of the best on the board, and I've always enjoyed this dynasty. As far as nominations, I'd like th nominate mistaken's 'blAck mAil diAry' for the rookie catagory, as I believe it shows alot of promise.
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I nominate Hyde Hill's "TCW To The Brink And Beyond" for rookie DOTM. Even though not having run any shows yet, the background story has been a hoot, and this seems to be a great diary in the making.
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I don't use the star system. I did once upon a time, to fairly rate someone on their ability, but I got fed up of it as people don't use it for anything more than retribution, as already said. Only time I do it now is when I see someone good has 1 star or something, because that is clearly not a fair indication of their ability but if a lurker sees it only has one star they may not read it. My problem is you can always tell when there has been a 1 star pick, and usually it's where it's not needed. A 1 star diary to me is an incoherent, badly spelt load of tosh with poor punctuation and grammar and no understanding in to what goes in to either a good wrestling show or a good piece of writing. So if someone gives, say, Tristram's 1 star they're so clearly trying to hit out at him rather than giving an opinion on a diary that it makes me a little infuriated for a while. but you just have to block it all out, I guess.
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[QUOTE=mistaken;471749] the crop of new '08 diaries seem to be coming along nicely. my only problem? so many diaries so little time :eek:[/QUOTE] I hear you on that one. I've been doing tons of catchup reading over the last couple of weeks and I just realized that I have 25 dynasties that I'm subscribed to! :eek:
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Can I nominate Mikeyg32118's WCW 98 - Putting Heart Back into the Business? It started this month and has too many posts for Rookie. I'm not sure if there's any rules on nominating a diary for diary of the month when they started this month. :confused: Anyway, the shows are fantastic with so much detail applied. It definitely deserves a mention.
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;471442]I would like to nominate "HGC (Cverse97): Hollyweird meets Hollywood!" by d_w_w. The story has been intriguing and I've been enjoying the reader interaction.[/QUOTE] I'll second this nomination. I think d_w_w has some very slick storylines running, with the perfect amount of humor in the mix.
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I'd like to second the nomination for Stennick's USPW: After School Specials are Edgier Than Us. It's really good and, well, I love me some USPW. I'll probably nominate or second someone for the Cverse DOTM, but I'll maybe wait a little bit and see if the front page is updated, as I'm too lazy to look through the posts myself, to see who is and isn't nominated. Regarding the stars - here's what I do: I give 4 or 5 star's to the diaries that I like. I think of them like kudos for a blog. 4 means I like your diary, 5 means I really, really like your diary. I never give anything below a 4. If I really don't like someone's diary, I just don't read it. It's not for me to give it a lower rating, especially to the degree that others might decide to not read a diary based on star ratings. So yeah, just 4's and 5's.
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Lazorbeak and D.W.W thanks for the nomination guys. I appreciate it a ton, I didn't expect to even be mentioned in this let alone nominated. USPW first ever ppv will be up in the afternoon. I'm trying to think of someone's diary Im' enjoying that hasn't been nominated. Prequal Death of WCW is good, D.W.W's HGC diary is good, MAW 10 Simple Rules is doing good things. All of them have been nominated though so I'll have to go back through and look over the first few pages again.
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[QUOTE=totti;471793]Can I nominate Mikeyg32118's WCW 98 - Putting Heart Back into the Business? It started this month and has too many posts for Rookie. I'm not sure if there's any rules on nominating a diary for diary of the month when they started this month. :confused: Anyway, the shows are fantastic with so much detail applied. It definitely deserves a mention.[/QUOTE] Seconded. Good bloke, love his ding dong and love his great diary.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;471471]I'd like to nominate Wildfire1324's "National Wrestling Alliance: A Return To Glory", because the build-up to Showdown 12 has been excellent, the tribute show to Dylan 'Butcher Brody' Summers was executed perfectly, and for putting Mr Wrestling III in a cage with Mark Magnus in the near future.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the nomination dude. :) I just posted the undercard for SHOWDOWN 12: END OF DAYS tonight and the main event will be up tomorrow. Here is a link for anyone who wants to get a peek into what the NWA: A Return to Glory is all about. (Cough *cheap plug* Cough) [url][/url]
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