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DOTM Joint Nomination Thread

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does having one person run both DOTM out of the same Thread work? [I]As long as you are willing to put forth the effort to do it, then I don't see a problem[/I] Should I stick with 2nding the nominations? (it seemed to bring alot more people into the thred) [I]Yes, as that guarantees at least two people feel the diary is deserving. Not that everyone's effort shouldn't be appreciated, but this is supposed to be the best of the best.[/I] Should the Rookie category stick around? [I]Although I prefer some more substantial body of work before considering a diary for DOTM, it doesn't hurt to have a category to recognize promising new diaries, especially as mention here could get other people to take a look at the diary and get it more reader support. I know one of the things that was frustrating when starting out was not seeming to get any response or feedback on my work to see if anyone was even remotely interested in it.[/I]
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[QUOTE]Does having one person run both DOTM out of the same Thread work?[/QUOTE] Same as dragonmanck, plus I think it is better to keep it centralized as then you will have the same procedures and rules for all three. [QUOTE]Should I stick with 2nding the nominations? (it seemed to bring alot more people into the thred)[/QUOTE] Yes as it ensures that only the most deserving are nominated and that others can get honorouble mentions as there is a plethora of good stuff out there. [QUOTE]Should the Rookie category stick around?[/QUOTE] Yes as long as there are viable candidates. Support for new writers is a great thing and helps expand the universe. I know it has motivated me even more for one. [QUOTE]Any other complaints on how I ran things?[/QUOTE] It was not clear from the get go if a rookie diary needed to have x number of show's up to qualify for the rookie category.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;473357]Seconding is better than my system, with the judges that didn't always reply. So continue, it's a great way to work it, and I should know, considering DOTM was my idea :P/ Ignore my arrogance, I'm particularly drunk.[/QUOTE] I thought it was Adam's idea ;)
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;474742]But his wasn't run anything remotely like this one...And was for C-Verse.[/QUOTE] It's okay sweetie we all know you came up with the real world one. Well done. Congrats. It was a great idea. Marvellous. Wunderbar. Danke. Merci. Cheers. Have a cookie... :p
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;474805]It's okay sweetie we all know you came up with the real world one. Well done. Congrats. It was a great idea. Marvellous. Wunderbar. Danke. Merci. Cheers. Have a cookie... :p[/QUOTE] I did get a mite defensive, didn't I? My bad.
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Well bless my soul what's wrong with me, I can understand why you're all shook up G-Prime, but man, rest assured bro, we know your stroke bro, and we thank you for setting up the DOTM's. The truth of the matter is we can't go on with suspicious minds bro and we need to all be in this together, you are the true master of disaster, you are the dogs bollocks and frankly without you DOTM would be meaningless. Hurry back with Rebirth, bro.
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