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What's happening in your dynasties

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While I think that it's great for people to post their dynasties (they are very entertaining to read), I thought that it might be good to have a thread which just gives people an overview of what's going on in their respective promotions. Right now, I am running D16NJD16 WWF 1991 mod "Filling the Coliseum". Right now I am in April. Here's a lowdown of what's happened to date (again, just an overview): [B]January[/B] [LIST] [*]The British Bulldog won the Royal Rumble [*]Hulk Hogan turned heel by helping Sgt. Slaughter win the WWF Championship over the Ultimate Warrior [*] The Undertaker went undefeated [*]Jerry Lawler began his search for a "Queen" [/LIST] [B]February[/B] [LIST] [*]Andre the Giant confronts Hogan telling him not to "make the same mistake he did". Hogan later beats Andre by DQ at Saturday Night's Main Event when the Warrior ran in. [*]The Undertaker's undefeated streak continues. He's later confronted by Andre, who tells him "You haven't beaten me yet". [*] Jerry Lawler announces Queen Sherri as his "Queen". Randy Savage confronts them, and gets beaten down. [*]It's announced that WrestleMania VII will take place in Wembley Stadium. The British Bulldog will face Sgt. Slaughter for the WWF Championship. [/LIST] [B]March[/B] WrestleMania highlights: [LIST] [*]The British Bulldog won the WWF Championship in front of 79,000 of his hometown fans. [*]Hulk Hogan defeated The Ultimate Warrior. [*]Andre the Giant defeated The Undertaker (I considered Taker going over, but Andre already "did the honors" for Hogan at WrestleMania III, so I thought that the WWF owed him. Plus, having Taker lose at his first WrestleMania means no streak). [*] The Rockers defeated The Hart Foundation for the WWF Tag Team Titles. [*]Battle for The Crown: Jerry Lawler defeated Randy Savage. Savage has to relinquish his "Macho King" gimmick, but he got Elizabeth in the end. [*]The Brooklyn Brawler defeated Ted DiBiase after Virgil turned face. I ran an angle where Dibiase tried to buy the Brawler to clean his gutters. [/LIST] Hogan vs The Bulldog is the probable match for SummerSlam. What's happening in your promotions?
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