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Total Championship Wrestling my way.

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December 2007 Tommy Cornell had had enough of this year. Since buying Hollywood Grappling Company back in 2004 things have been very up and down for the company. He has lost chunks of money. Eventually Tommy and the gang were able to get the company to a National status, but are so close to being downgraded by many industry insiders. What looked like at one time to be a serious contender to the all mighty Supreme Wrestling Federation is now fighting for its very own existence. Tommy knew he had to make a change. It was late in the evening and pondered over possible ideas on what to do next. The troops had remained very loyal to him and his dream. But his patience was perhaps wearing thin. He knew there is one individual who he could call. This individual works right now for SWF. He had helped build D.A.V.E. to the verge of going to the next level, but had a falling out with Phil Vibert. He helped get Pittsburgh up and running. And now was working with Professor Nero out of Rhode Island. Yes he is under contract with SWF but working in the proverbial minor league for some unnamed offense. Mike Cooper was sitting in his small little office, which was a glass box inside of the middle of the wrestler’s locker room, down in Rhode Island Pro Wrestling after a show. As everyone was sitting around, most packing up to leave but a few dedicated students watching some old wrestling tapes, Mike’s phone rang. He picks it up, answering. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] Hello, this Mike, how may I help you? [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Mr. Cooper, this is Tommy Cornell from Total Championship Wrestling. My eyebrows raise. I had expected this call to come at sometime but had thought I would have had more time than this. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] Hello Mr. Cornell, how may I be of service to you? [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] I think I could ask you the same question Mr. Cooper. I’ve been keeping my eye on you for the last two years, and I must say I’m a bit shocked at your treatment. A grand wrestling mind that took a small bottom-dollar promotion like Danger and Violence Extreme Wrestling and turned it into a national phenomenon with a cult-following that would die for you, has been having his talents squandered away by a money-grubbing big-time corporation. My ego grew as a smile stretched across my face. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] Please, go on. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Yes, well we here at Total Championship Wrestling all agree that you’re being kept under the glass ceiling for sure. You were kicked off the writing team, you were taken off-screen and now you’re stuck building the stars of the future for a company that seems to hate your guts. Face it Mike, if I may call you that, you’re giving back to a company that never gave you your time to shine. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Mr. Cornell, you can sit there and fill my head full of hot-air all night but it doesn’t really serve a purpose other than to waste time. I know my life story, so could we please cut to the chase. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Certainly, time is money after all. Mr. Cooper we at Total Championship Wrestling know that your contract with SWF is running short. We’d like to sign your checks in place of SWF if you catch my drift. I’d like you to come work for us as the head writer, and possibly an on-screen character as well. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Interesting. Very interesting. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] What do you say Mr. Cooper? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Jesus, that’s a big decision. Could I have some time… I was cut off in mid-sentence by a knock on my door. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Hold on one minute please. Come in! Andre Jones entered through the door and approached my desk. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Whatsup? [COLOR="blue"][B]Andre:[/B][/COLOR] Mike, I just wanted to tell you that I got the call! I’m being called up next week! I owe it all to you Mike, thanks so much. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Well congratulations Andre, I always knew you had it in you. Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got a very important call to make. Andre made a “Call Me” sign as he backed out through the doorway, and shut the door behind him. I stared at Andre through my glass panes as he walked away, contemplating what to do. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Mr. Cornell, I’m well aware of my abilities to the industry. I know what I’m capable of, and who would be more thankful of my talents. These boys down here do depend on me, but damnit I’m tired of getting pushed around. When would you like to meet about my contract? [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] You’re doing the right thing Mr. Cooper. How’s Thursday for you? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Just perfect. Goodbye Mr. Cornell. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Goodbye Mr. Cooper.
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The next day Mike sat around his house, not coming to work and watched TCW. Absorbing as much info as he can on every worker in the ring. Mike wanted to be educated on the product he would be working with and the very next day Mike marched into Richard Eisen’s office down at SWF Headquarters. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Richard Eisen:[/B][/COLOR] Mike, what’s this I hear about you leaving? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] That is correct sir. You know my contract runs out December tenth and I want you to know right now I don’t intend on signing any extension. December thirty-first I clean out my SWF locker, and January first, I join forces with your competition TCW. [COLOR="blue"][B]Richard Eisen:[/B][/COLOR] Mike, why would you do this? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Richard, you and I haven’t always seen eye to eye on things. You know that and I know that. Everyone here’s crapped all over my name ten times over! I don’t mean to show any disrespect towards you personally Richard; I just don’t fit in with your “perfect-mold” company. TCW’s really the place for me. [COLOR="blue"][B]Richard Eisen:[/B][/COLOR] What are you talking about Mike? We’ve treated you with the utmost respect around here, and if there’s anything to your disliking we’d be more than happy to go out of our way to change it for you. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Ha, yeah, and I am going to crap golden bricks. The two shared a small chuckle at my sarcasm. [COLOR="blue"][B]Richard Eisen:[/B][/COLOR] Alright, I’ll inform the webmasters and tell them to put the full story on the internet so no rumors get started about how you tried to disrespect me or anything like that. Good luck Mike, we’ll miss you around here. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Yeah, I’m sure. Catch you later Richard. As I left Richard’s office and walked down the hall towards the elevator that would bring him to the ground floor but he ran into Peter Michaels on the way there. Peter handed a small stack of stapled papers to Mike. [COLOR="blue"][B]Peter:[/B][/COLOR] Mike, I just had the lawyers finish drawing up your new contract. Here’s a pen, I’m sure you know where to sign. I grinned as I have wanted to do this for some time now. I dropped Peter’s pen, then continued to tear the contract in half, then in half again, and drop the pieces at Peter’s feet. [COLOR="blue"][B]Peter:[/B][/COLOR] Where the hell do you think you’re going? Get back here right now! Mr. Eisen is not going to approve of this. But I just kept on walking and once I entered the elevator and pressed the ground floor button and waved goodbye to Peter until the doors closed.
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I sat in my first TCW management meeting with the likes of Tommy Cornell, Joel Bryant, Archie Judge and Arnold Westberry. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Gentlemen, I’d like you all to know that for past few years, TCW should have made a bigger splash than what we have. With our TV show, and all of the amazing talents we have on our roster, how could we not be successful? But we are close to the dream but not close enough. Now as you may or may not know Mike here is being put into the head booking position. Joel as was discussed the last time around wants to concentrate on his career. Mike any words you wish to add before we go on. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Thank you sir, Joel thank you to you as well. You have left me a phenomenal roster with a lot of talent. I have nothing but the uttermost respect for you sir. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Come on let’s get this love fest out of the way can we? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Your right Archie, sorry if I wanted to show some respect. TCW has evolved immensely gentlemen from its early stage of life know has HGW. In that era we had a owner who had the cash. But lacked the business aspect to this industry. Many considered us SWF light. Meaning we tried to meet and beat SWF at their own game. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] We all know the history here so if you have a point lets get to it. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Archie, ease up there. Let the man speak. [COLOR="blue"][B]Arnold:[/B][/COLOR] Yeah Arch, why you crabby, roids acting up again? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Leave him be. I am use to dealing with the cantankerous type for awhile now. Back to my point. SWF can not be beaten at their game. No matter how you slice it. No matter what you do, your not gonna beat them. Everyone in the meeting begins to murmur and mumble to one another in disagreement and disapproval of my response. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Quiet, quiet down everyone. Don’t make me flicker the lights. Mr. Cooper is entitled to his opinion, as we are to all of ours. Tell me Mr. Cooper, what do you think it would take to get TCW to the top of the mountain?” I sat there with my fingers pressed against one another in a Mr. Burns like fashion, thinking and pondering about how to phrase this. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] We stop. We stop trying to beat them. We are not SWF, nor will we ever be SWF. Again more rumblings. Tommy looked perplexed as he is now beginning to wonder if he has made a huge mistake. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Tell me what oh great genius boy. What are we to do? Close up, go home with our bags packed? I didn’t stay here for this long just to see us go under. That’s bull crap. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Who said anything about closing? I sure as hell didn’t. I was asked what it would take to get us to the top of the mountain. I answered said question. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Tommy, how many times have I told ya to lay off the sauce before you make business deals. This kid is off of his rocker. After thinking for a second. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Maybe the kid is right. Maybe we should stop. Mike, If I’m reading between the lines here. We stop trying to compete with SWF because we are two different products. We attract two separate types of audiences. But that is the reason why went to almost exclusively to ring product. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] And that is where you made the first move towards success. Now we complete the circle. I am asking for a 10 percent decrease from ring product to have some stories told outside of the ring. We have some outstanding talent here that can do decent with the stick. We mold them and hone their skills. But we never lose our vision of the final product is the story being told in the ring. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] And lets sprinkle some fairy dust on this pig too. All I hear is gibberish. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] All right smart guy. Let’s put this to a vote then shall we? All in favor of stopping the competition between us and SWF, and forging on with our product, therefore creating our own audience base, our own stars, our own name brand, therefore becoming the best wrestling organization in the world speak your peace now. Or do nothing and staying second rate for as long as we exist. Archie stands up out of his chair, leaning over the table as he casts his vote. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] I’m solely and fully against Mike Cooper on this one Mr. Cornell. I VOTE NO! [COLOR="blue"][B]Arnold:[/B][/COLOR] Mike I know your reputation and what a mind you have when it comes to the industry! I have respect for you but I have to side with Archie here. I too am voting no but no disrespect. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Non taken Arnold, I think you are wrong but it’s my opinion. Joel, what’s your take since everybody here knows mine. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel:[/B][/COLOR] If it wasn’t for big leaps and jumps that were risky, we wouldn’t be here in the first place would we Tommy? Frankly Mike, I’d rather always be looked at as second best than a year long fad that died off. But Mike does have a good mind when it comes to this business and took a rinky-dink promotion and turned it into a national phenomenon! Even if it was years ago. I vote yes. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] I know your reputation too Mike. I know that you’re a talented booker, but this isn’t booking you’re talking about! This is my family business you’re talking about! This isn’t some little rinky-dink promotion for you to drive into the ground! This is my life! This is my passion! And I’ll be damned if we take one jump ahead of ourselves. But you do bring up some points. Archie, Arnold, I’m sorry but I feel we should give Mr. Cooper’s plan a go at it. Arnold shakes his head in agreement, but Archie is definitely pouting. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Mr. Cooper I have a few goals I wish to have from you. First we have around 10 million in the bank to continue this little endeavor, In two year I want it to hold 15 million. Secondly I want Wolf to be more over. I feel the kid has got a lot of talent. Third goal, You got me thinking when you said develop our own stars. Let’s see if you’re that committed as you were in your speech. Can’t sign anybody that’s in another organization that’s at cult level or higher. And finally, the product here is very athletic; we do tend to bruise from time to time. Anybody you do sign I want them to be able to handle it. They must be athletic, and have some toughness to them.
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TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview The New Wave VS The Tag Team Specialist Charlie Thatcher VS Ric Law Genghis Rahn VS American Buffalo Sammy Bach VS Joey Minnesota For the TCW All Action Title Sam Keith VS Koshiro Ino Ricky Dale Johnson VS Wolf Hawkins For the TCW International Title Eddie Peak VS John Anderson Rocky Golden VS Tommy Cornell For the TCW World Heavyweight Title Predictions and comments welcome.
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Week 1.January 2008 Wisconsin Gardens Attendance: 7,787[/CENTER] The show opens with the opening video featuring Genghis Rahn, Rick Law, Tommy Cornell and the rest of the top stars from TCW featuring stock footage from them. The camera crew pans the audience then cuts to the announcers table. We see Kyle Rhode, Jason Azaria, and Shawn Doakes welcoming us to the New Year and a new look for TCW as we come into 2008 white hot. They also give us a brief rundown from Psycho Circus. Match #1 [B][COLOR="Blue"]The New Wave[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"]The Tag Team Specialists.[/COLOR][/B] Both teams have a different styles and different views of life. The Specialists prefer to have the action on the mat with various holds and counters. The New Wave can do that, as well as mix it up, or can go to the air. So they prefer a faster paced match. The action remained fairly open but it was the The Wave pulling off the victory with a Wave of Mutilation. [B]Winners: The New Wave Rated: C[/B] Segment #1 We cut to back stage where we find Sam Keith and Jasmine Saunders backstage. Jasmine looks apprehensive in front of Keith. [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith:[/B][/COLOR] Just hold the mic woman. O never mind, get out of my scene you tramp. He pushes Jasmine out of the scene and the crowd boos. [B][COLOR="red"]Sam Keith:[/COLOR][/B] Boo me all you want you idiots. I’m Sam Keith and your not. And that makes me happy. You know ever since I have come down here to T C Dubba. One thing has remained constant. Other than dealing with the hicks from around the country. Wisconsin, what is that French for alcoholic hick. I flew into this god forsaken state and flew over what, a million bars. Anyway, speaking of hicks. The biggest hick I have ever run into my whole life has got to be Ricky Dale Johnson. I mean sure you have got the look. But I am so much better than you. So after hearing about how Ricky has got a better body than I for the last several months. I have decided to end this non sense once and for all. Ricky, I challenge you to a pose down. I know I am better than you. But I want to silence these hicks once and for all. [B]Rated: C+ [/B] Match #2 [B][COLOR="blue"]Ric Law[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"]Charlie Thatcher.[/COLOR][/B] Charlie was introduced first as he and the rest of the world was waiting for Ric Law to make his intro. Ric comes out to his music “I fought the Law, and the Law won” music. He comes down and high fives a few fans on his way down. Law crawls into the ring and Charlie pounces. Thatcher hits Law with some powerful clubbing forearms keeping Law down for a few. Law managed to gain the advantage after Thatcher missed a running clothes line that Ric ducked under. Thatcher turns around and Law kicks him in the bread basket. Law wins the match. [B]Winner: Ric Law Rated: D+[/B] Match #3 [B][COLOR="Blue"]Genghis Rahn[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"]American Buffalo/ w Floyd Goldsworthy.[/COLOR][/B] The Arizona Assassin is out first. He makes his way to the ring. He paces inside the ring waiting for his opponent. Out next is American Buffalo being led to the ring by his manager Floyd Goldsworthy. American Buffalo looks on stoically as Floyd just verbally hammers the crowd drawing jeers. No technical wrestling here. Just two big hosses going at each other. The match pretty much broke down from the get go as the two men battled inside and out of the ring. Both were counted out as the action spilled to the backstage area. [B]Winner: Draw Rated: C[/B] Match #4 [B][COLOR="blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"]Sam Bach w/ Karen Killer[/COLOR] for the TCW All Action Title[/B] Joey Minnesota comes out first and comes streaking down to the ring. He dives thru the ropes and prepares for his opponent. Sam Bach is out next being led down to ringside by his valet Karen Killer. These two put on a pretty good match. Sammy cheating a bit with a well timed rake to the eyes or Karen getting involved if Joey started to go on a roll. But over all action was pretty good. Joey was about to go for the win when Karen pulled Sammy outside the ring. Bach grabs his title and makes his way back up to ringside. Joey motions for Sammy to come back, but Bach justs points to his head and says “not today punk.” [B]Winner: Joey Minnesota. But as a result of the count out Sammy Bach retains the All Action Title. Rated: C-[/B] Segment #2 Ricky Dale Johnson is backstage with Jasmine Saunders. [B][COLOR="Blue"]RDJ:[/COLOR][/B] Buck up Jazzy, Sam is a Wiley fellow. But have no fear ma'am, because good ole RDJ is gonna rope that no good cuss soon enough. Keith you spin a tale longer than a Texas used car salesman. Long winded and wrong. You wanna have a pose down? Ok, I’m game. Bring your crying towel with ya. [B]Rated: B[/B] Match #5 [B][COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B] Ino was already in the ring as we come back from RDJ’s promo. Sam Keith is out next and he is looking particularly smug after hearing RDJ accept his challenge. He even strikes a few body building poses in the walkway saying “ Watcha gonna do about these guns Ricky” Sam and Ino lock up with a classic tie up. Sam pushes his man into the corner, Ino goes into defense mode but Sam breaks cleanly. Keith backs up and points to his head. Ino and Keith lock up again but this time Keith is in the corner the ref calls for a break but Sam is yelling “He has my hair.” Ino denies it. Whack! Keith drills Ino with a stiff right hand. And he starts to go to work on Ino. But the crowd starts to cheer as Ricky Dale Johnson makes his way down. Sam sees what is going on. RDJ strikes the same body poses as Keith did earlier. Sam is frustrated and kicks the ropes. Ino catches a second wind and drop kicks Keith. Goes for a cover and Sam kicks out at two. Ino dashes against the ropes and lands a running elbow, again Sam kicks out at two. Ino goes for the Kobra Bite, but Sam rakes his eyes to stop Ino’s momentum. Sam then locks on the Proton Lock and its all over. [B]Winner: Sam Keith Rated: B-[/B] Match # 6 [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] for the TCW International Title[/B] Ricky and Sam Keith exchange death glares as it appears they were going to come to blows. But Sam walks away. Wolf Hawkins music plays as he makes his way out meeting Sam Keith about half way down. Keith tells Wolf to “lay that hick out.” Wolf pats Sam on the shoulder telling him “consider it done.” Wolf slips thru the ropes and shows the crowd his International Title. He then shows Ricky and tells him “This is the closest you will come to this old man.” Ricky just laughs and responds” Come on pip squeak, lets get it on.” Both were pretty fired up for this match and it showed in the ring. RDJ takes control after a wicked clothesline that about takes Wolf right out of his boots and goes for a cover. Sam Keith makes his way down throws in something to Wolf as Sam pulls Ricky off Wolf. Ricky and Sam go at it verbally as the referee tries to get in between the two so he can send Sam out of the ring. Wolf gets up after clutching what has been thrown to him and punches Ricky in the back of the head dropping him instantly. Sam leaves the ring and referee Sam Sparrow goes to count. 1, 2,….. Not like this, no,…..3! [B]Winner: Wolf Hawkins and still International Champion Rated: B[/B] After the match Wolf and Sam Keith lay the boots to Ricky Dale Johnson. Beating him severally. Officials come down and restore order as Sam and Wolf leave the ring. Sam pauses up the walkway and strikes some more poses much to the jeers from the crowd. He and Wolf laugh as they go back stage. [B]Rated: B-[/B] Match #7 [B][COLOR="Blue"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"]John Anderson[/COLOR][/B] Eddie makes his way down as ring officials work to get Ricky Dale to the backstage. Eddie checks on him as the officials help Ricky walk to the backstage. The Machines music hits as John Anderson is being led out by his tag team partner Brent Hill. Brent and John taunt Eddie as they make their way down and in the ring. Eddie charges at the tag team champions and the make a hasty retreat out of the ring. Referee Ray Johnson calls for the bell and we are ready to start the match. Brent gives John last minute encouragement as John gets into the ring. Eddie again charges but John ducks his head under the ropes telling the referee to get Eddie to back up. Eddie just laughs as he backs up and starts clapping getting the fans into the match. Finally these two lock up and John takes Eddie down with a fireman’s carry. This match up was pretty open as both men looked good in the ring. Brent tried several times to get involved but was either meet by Eddie or the ref to stop him. Brent made one too many attempts to get involved and Referee Johnson tells him to leave the ring area now or be suspended for a month. John Anderson is upset, Brent Hill is upset. But Eddie is standing there gleaming from ear to ear. Finally Eddie lands the Peak of Perfection on John to pick up the win. [B]Winner: Eddie Peak Rated: C+[/B] Tommy Cornell is getting ready for his match. [B][COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell:[/COLOR][/B] Four times, Four times this belt has been rearranged to fit this waist. Four times I have been world champion. Even after all of the board of directors attempts to screw me over. Nobody ever holds onto the belt very long except for one individual. ME! I hear boo-hoo syndicate this, Cornell cheated that., Boo-Hoo. Get over it, I am the champion again. Once again I lead the pack. And once again I hold the power. And they respond by sending me, Rocky Golden, o how princely. Golden couldn’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag. I can hear it now, down goes Rocky, Down goes Rocky. Haha. Now get out of my way as I have wrestler to desmantle. [B]Rated: B+[/B] Main Event [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR] for the TCW World Heavyweight Title[/B] The match starts with the two locking up, Rocky Golden gets the upper hand. He drives Cornell to the corner, and the ref breaks them up. Rocky smiles at Cornell, telling him to bring it, Cornell rushes out and does a dropkick. He hits with another, and goes for a cover. Rocky kicks out at 1, and Cornell go to pin him again, but Rocky pushes him off at 1. Rocky tries to get to his feet, but Cornell denies him with a kick to the head. He goes for another pin, but gets only a 2. Cornell gets a headlock on Rocky, but Rocky quickly pushes Cornell off of him. Rocky runs off the ropes and tries to jump over Cornell but the Cornell hits with an armdrag. Cornell then goes for a suplex, but Rocky counters with a headbutt. Rocky shakes away the pain, then grabs Cornell and lands a powerslam. Rocky picks Cornell up and whips him into the corner, then runs at him with a clothesline, then rams his shoulder into Cornell's gut several times. Tommy Cornell is in trouble here ladies and gentlemen. Rocky whips Cornell into the opposite corner, but Cornel grabs onto the top rope and jumps to avoid a running Rocky Golden, who collides with the turnbuckles. Who then walks into another armdrag, then Cornell applies an armbar. Rocky gets up after a moment, and hits with elbows. Rocky puts Cornell into a bearhug, but Cornell quickly gets out by copying Rocky and driving his elbows into the back of his head. Cornell then hits a short armed clothesline, and Rocky falls back onto the ropes. This was all he needed as he slaps on the Guilt Trip. [B]Winner: Tommy Cornell and still TCW World Heavyweight Champion Rated: B-[/B] [CENTER][B] Overall Rating: B- TV Rating: 3.11 [/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Quick Results New Wave beat Tag Team Specialist Rick Law beat Charlie Thatcher Genghis Rahn drew with American Buffalo Joey Minnesota beat Sammy Bach Sam Keith beat Koshiro Ino Wolf Hawkins beat Ricky Dale Johnson Eddie Peak beat John Anderson Tommy Cornell beat Rocky Golden [/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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Another board meeting took place to discuss the ratings of the previous show and the events that took place on it. [B][COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR][/B] I’d like to discuss first, and foremost our ratings last night. We pulled a 3.11. SWF managed a 3.45. Virtually a dead heat as far as I’m concerned. Everybody starts to applaud except me. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR][/B] Why so gloom today Mike? That was great news. [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] I don’t care what SWF pulled. They are a global company. I expect them to out do us in the ratings. If anything it shows you one thing. They have a global corporation and are doing no better than us right here in the states. I’m more interested in was the network happy, were the sponsors happy, but first in my opinion, were the fans happy. [B][COLOR="blue"]Bryant:[/COLOR][/B] Well I was backstage trying to get a gage on the feedback. Seemed like most everybody enjoyed themselves Mike so no problems there. [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] Thank you Joel, I wanted to do that myself but was busy watching from the production table. Archie and Arnold any problems backstage we need to know about? [B][COLOR="blue"]Archie:[/COLOR][/B] Non that I’m aware of. [B][COLOR="blue"]Arnold:[/COLOR][/B] Only one that I noticed. Archie, I’m sorry to bring this up. Seemed like to me Sammy Bach and Karen were off the page last night. [B][COLOR="blue"]Archie:[/COLOR][/B] Now wait just one damn minute, I paired those two together…. [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] Actually Mr. Judge I noticed that one myself. I wanted so see if anybody else was paying attention. [B][COLOR="blue"]Archie:[/COLOR][/B] You been here long enough to get your coffee cold and that’s about it. And you think your gonna come in here and wave a magic wand and change everything that we have spent years, years I tell ya to evolve. [B][COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR][/B] Archie, calm down, nobody is changing anything with out my approval. But it would be reason enough if two people noticed it, perhaps there are more. Whats the plan Mike? [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] It could have been one of those nights, or perhaps there was a chemistry issue. Lets ride it out for now and see what happens before we start changing the order around. [B][COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR][/B] Very well. Is there any other business that needs to be resolved? [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] Actually yes since I have everyone here. [B][COLOR="blue"]Archie:[/COLOR][/B] Great here it comes, some other pipe dream idea. [B][COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR][/B] Enough of this Mr. Judge. I want to hear what your boss has to say. [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] Archie I don’t know what your problem is with me, perhaps we need to have a sit down and discuss what exactly is on your mind. [B][COLOR="blue"]Arnold:[/COLOR][/B] He ain't gonna talk to ya Mike. He has been like this for years. You should have heard how Joel and him would go at it. [B][COLOR="blue"]Bryant:[/COLOR][/B] It was like watching a lion eat a rabbit. It wasn’t pretty. But old Archie has a pretty good read on most items. [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] Gentlemen, I have a long day in front of me, not to be rude but lets get back to business. I have composed of a list of worker I would like to bring in. Also listed as you can see is what they are asking for. [B][COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR][/B] Bike Maintenance? What the hell. [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] It’s cheaper than travel expense. [B][COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR][/B] Make it happen.
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TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview Chance Fortune VS Sammy Bach for TCW All Action Title John Anderson and Brent Hill VS Painful Procedure for the TCW World Tag Titles Gengis Rahn VS Ronnie V Pain American Buffalo VS Clark Alexander Ric Law VS Wolf Hawkins for the TCW International Title Ricky Dale Johnson VS Texas Pete Eddie Peak VS Sam Keith Tommy Cornell VS ??????? for the TCW World Heavyweight Title Predictions and comments welcome.
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Really cool back stroy and I love the meetings you have some great convorsations skills, first show wasent bad either keep it up you got my hooked now for predictions Chance Fortune VS [B]Sammy Bach [/B]for TCW All Action Title-Seems like you want to keep it on sammy [B]John Anderson and Brent Hill [/B]VS Painful Procedure for the TCW World Tag Titles-PP is a joke and Anderson and Hill are the future [B]Gengis Rahn [/B]VS Ronnie V Pain-Got to keep Rahn looking strong [B]American Buffalo [/B]VS Clark Alexander-Same as above Ric Law VS [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]for the TCW International Title-Gotta love Cornells man crush on Wolf [B]Ricky Dale Johnson [/B]VS Texas Pete-RDJ has a title shot coming up soon by the looks Eddie Peak VS [B]Sam Keith[/B]The syndicate just doesnt lose [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]VS ??????? for the TCW World Heavyweight Title-Tommy keeps the strap for a while
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[CENTER][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/B] Week 2. January 2008 Virginia Park Fields Attendance: 8,314[/CENTER] The show opens with the opening video featuring Genghis Rahn, Rick Law, Tommy Cornell and the rest of the top stars from TCW featuring stock footage from them. The camera crew pans the audience then cuts to the announcers table. We see Kyle Rhode, Jason Azaria, and Shawn Doakes as they welcome us to Virginia. Tommy Cornell’s music hits. He makes his way down to ringside drawing great heat. He paces the ring, smiling, and then speaks. [COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Show some dignity and respect for your champion! After being put through conspiracy after conspiracy, one man still has what every other wrestler would die for. That man is me. And what I have is this. (holding up the world title.) How many times have I told you it doesn’t matter what you throw at me, I have and always shall overcome. Because the cream will always rise to the top. Not RDJ, not Ric Law, not Rocky Golden, nobody brings as much prestige to this title like I can. I…..( Tyson Baine’s music hits.) [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyson Baine:[/B][/COLOR] Rocky almost had your number last week. [COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Well if it isn’t Mr. Demonic himself. Key word you used was almost. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyson Baine:[/B][/COLOR] The demon inside me still exists, his blood still flows freely thru my veins. But that is irrelevant. [COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] You are irrelevant. You’re on my time now… (The lights start to flicker and a buzz sound fills the arena) [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyson Baine:[/B][/COLOR] You interrupt me again and I’ll rip your throat out. Do not mock me ever again or I will unleash the demon. Rocky showed me and the world that you could be beaten. You see since regaining that title, the title that you hold so dear to you, will be your demise. Every time you get that belt it changes you inside. You gain a false sense of confidence. That confidence was shaken last weak. This week, I intend to break it. [COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] You will get a chance, like everybody else will get their chances. Just not tonight. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyson Baine:[/B][/COLOR] WRONG! As per instructions from the board of directors. You are hereby ordered to defend that title, TONIGHT!. The crowd pops to the news. Tommy is physically upset. He and Tyson stare holes through one another as Tyson has a smile on his face. The announcers hype what a main event that will be here tonight. Match #1 [COLOR="blue"][B]Chance Fortune[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Sammy Bach[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW All Action Title Chance got off to a hot start, constantly using high octane moves. He starts off using lefts and rights and hitting a clothesline before hitting a springboard elbow. Goes for a cover, but only gets two. Sammy gains a bit of momentum by a distraction from Karen Killer and starts using his knees as weapons. Eventually Sam gets enough steam to hit a bulldog. And he gets a two count. Chance responds buy hitting a series of dropkicks that sends Sammy Bach out the ring. Bach recovers and proceeds to chop Chance in the chest. Eventually Sammy ends the match with a Bach on your Back. [B]Winner: Sammy Bach and still TCW All-Action Champion Rated: D[/B] Our announcers hype that The New Wave have been announced as number one contenders to Brent Hill and John Anderson’s Tag Championship. The two champions are backstage after hearing the news. They go on and tell us that they are not afraid of The New Wave. They welcome the completion. But like the rest who have tried lately, they too shall fail. [B]Rated: D for the announcement, C+ for the promo segment.[/B] Match#2 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Painfull Procedure[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Brent Hill and John Anderson[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW Tag Team Titles. Not gonna lie about this one, this is just to put over the champions. And they did their best to showcase their skill. [B]Winners: Brent Hill and John Anderson and still TCW Tag Team Champions Rated: D[/B] Match #3 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Genghis Rahn[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"][B]Ronnie Pain[/B][/COLOR] Two of our larger combatants go at it. Pain only hangs around in the match because of his size. But lets face it Rahn is better than Pain. Probably the most interesting event was Rahn was able to land the Rahn to the Hills to end it. [B]Winner: Genghis Rahn Rating: D+ [/B] Rahn is still in the ring after putting away Ronnie Pain when Texas Pete comes lumbering down bearing a chair. He slams the chair on the unexpecting Rahn’s back. Pete continues his assault as backstage officials come down and get in between the two. Pete slams the chair down on the ground and walks away slowly to the backstage area. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match #4 [COLOR="Red"][B]American Buffalo[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="blue"][B]Clark Alexander[/B][/COLOR] Decent match between these two men. Used more as a "push" for American Buffalo than anything else. Buffalo ends it with a clean pinfall. [B]Winner: American Buffalo Rating: D+[/B] Match #5 [COLOR="red"][B]Wolf Hawkins[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]Ric Law[/B][/COLOR] for Hawkins’s International Title I fought the law and the law won plays as Ric Law comes down to ringside. He slaps high fives with the fans as he gets ready for the match. Wolf’s music starts to play and Law points at Wolf as he makes his way down. Wolf just strolls down like it’s a forgone conclusion he is winning. Wolf and Ric circle each other and are about to tie up when Wolf ducks under the ropes. In the end Law has control of the match and takes down Wolf with a hard clothesline. Ric then picks up Hawkins and is about to go for the Long Arm of The Law but Hawkins connects with A Full Moon Rising instead. One.....Two.....Three. Hawkins retains [B]Winner: Wolf Hawkins and still International Champion Rating: B[/B] Match #6 [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Texas Pete[/B][/COLOR] The two powerhouses lock up, before Pete throws Ricky into the ropes, meeting Ricky with his shoulder into his gut on the rebound. Pete then head butts Ricky, followed by another. Ricky gets knocked off balance, but then start to punch Pete. The action spills outside of the ring and Ricky gets slammed through the announcer’s table. Pete rolls his man into the ring and goes for the cover but only gets a 2-count, so he pummels Ricky some more. Ricky starts to get his second wind. But here comes someone, no wait there are two of them Ghenis Rahn comes thru the crowd as Sam Keith comes down the walkway. They both dive thru the ropes at the same time and a massive brawl irrupts. Pete and Rahn on one side. Keith and Ricky on the other. Referee Sam Sparrow calls for the bell. But nobody cares. They are too busy tearing into each other to care. [B]Winner: Draw. Rating: C+ for the match. C+ for the brawl.[/B] Match #7 [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]Eddie Peak[/B][/COLOR] Peak makes his presence known at the start with immediate offense, kicking Keith in the shins before going to work on his knees to wear him down. Sam eventually counters and locks on a sleeper lock. Eddie counters with a drop to his knees ramming Sam’s chin into the top of Eddie head’s. Eddie maintains his advantage going with a few rights and lefts, even clothes lining Sam out of the ring. Eddie goes for a baseball slide, but Sam pulls up the ring skirt and traps Eddie between the apron and the actual skirt. He continues to pound Eddie before throwing him back into the ring. Eddie manages to get some more momentum and offense, as he gets Sam into the corner. He hit’s a running clothesline move, but Wolf Hawkins comes down distracting the referee and Eddie. Sam then drills Eddie in the back of the head with a stiff right hand. Sam does some body building poses before locking Eddie in the dreaded Proton Lock. [B]Winner: Sam Keith Rating: B+[/B] Match #8 [COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="blue"][B]Tyson Baine[/B][/COLOR] for Cornell’s World Title. Both men lock up, but Tommy squeezes out of it and trips up Tyson. He then has Tyson on the ground and locks him in a front headlock. Tyson eventually gets back up and throws Tommy into the corner turnbuckle. Bain then runs and lands several shoulder strikes in the corner, however when he pulls Tommy out of the corner, Baine receives a clothesline and both men lay flat lined. Tyson is the first back to his feet then throws Tommy into the ropes and clotheslines him onto the canvas. He follows this up with another one, then a powerslam. Tommy surprises Tyson with a roll-up, but only gets a 2-count. Tommy then hits a couple clotheslines, then a shoulder block, then attempts a moonsault. It connects, but only gets a 2 count again. Tommy throws Tyson into the ropes, but on the rebound, gets speared. Here comes Sam Keith. But Ricky Dale Johnson comes down and those two brawl. Officials come down and get Sam and Ricky separated and backstage. This bought enough time for Cornell to get to his feet and toss Tyson out of the ring. The two brawl outside of the ring neither gaining a clear advantage. Eye rack by Cornell, Eye rack by Tyson. Both are stumbling to get back inside of the ring. Cornell looks like he is the first to clear his vision and runs at Tyson, only to get spinebustered instead. Tyson goes over to the rope and starts taunting, ready for the Hades Bomb. Here comes Brent Hill and John Anderson and they act like they are going to climb in the ring. Tyson sets up in a defensive stance ready to pounce. By this time Cornell has gotten to his feet and locks on a Guilt Trip onto Tyson. Tyson tries to get to the ropes but Tommy has it synched in good. Tyson is struggling mightily but wont go down. Eventually the big man drops to a knee. Still struggling, but more slowly now. Down goes the big man. The ref checks on Tyson. That’s it, he’s out. [B]Winner: Tommy Cornell and still TCW World Heavyweight champion. Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: B TV Rating: 3.01[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE] Sammy Bach beat Chance Fortune to retain his TCW All Action Title The Machines beat Painfull Procedure to retain TCW Tag Titles Genghis Rahn beat Ronnie V Pain American Buffalo beat Clark Alexander Wolf Hawkins beat Ric Law Ricky Dale Johnson drew with Texas Pete Sam Keith beat Eddie Peak Tommy Cornell beat Tyson Baine [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=TheBrockLock;474402]Really cool back stroy and I love the meetings you have some great convorsations skills, first show wasent bad either keep it up you got my hooked now for predictions Chance Fortune VS [B]Sammy Bach [/B]for TCW All Action Title-Seems like you want to keep it on sammy [B]John Anderson and Brent Hill [/B]VS Painful Procedure for the TCW World Tag Titles-PP is a joke and Anderson and Hill are the future [B]Gengis Rahn [/B]VS Ronnie V Pain-Got to keep Rahn looking strong [B]American Buffalo [/B]VS Clark Alexander-Same as above Ric Law VS [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]for the TCW International Title-Gotta love Cornells man crush on Wolf [B]Ricky Dale Johnson [/B]VS Texas Pete-RDJ has a title shot coming up soon by the looks Eddie Peak VS [B]Sam Keith[/B]The syndicate just doesnt lose [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]VS ??????? for the TCW World Heavyweight Title-Tommy keeps the strap for a while[/QUOTE] Couldn't fool you for the most part. You get good news, bad news. Good news you get a brownie. Bad news, I made it. :eek: Thanks for reading hope you enjoy the rest that is coming.
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So far, so good. On first glance, I'm enjoying the match writeups. I'm at work, unfortunately, so don't want to jump into the back story material or make any predictions yet. I'll give things a more thorough reading this weekend.
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[QUOTE=TheBrockLock;475772]Any idea when the next post is gonna be? Not to be impatient or anything but this is one of the better diarys and I do have to defend my prediction championship you know.[/QUOTE] I will try and have something posted tonight. Realistically probably another meeting. Card is wrote up but I need to get a couple more wrote so I don't feel pressured to get one up. Like the rhythm I'm in right now. Play a little, write a little. Thank you for reading. [QUOTE=d_w_w;475823]So far, so good. On first glance, I'm enjoying the match writeups. I'm at work, unfortunately, so don't want to jump into the back story material or make any predictions yet. I'll give things a more thorough reading this weekend.[/QUOTE] Thanks D_W_W.
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Another week and another board meeting. The room this time seems a little tense. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Great job on last night’s card. You idiot. A pose down challenge. Then our freaking ratings went down. Tommy this idiot is going to run our company right in the crapper if he continues on this course. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy:[/B][/COLOR] The ratings are a little concerning Mike, but as far as the pose down thing, I enjoy it. It’s something different. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] OK gentlemen. Let me break it down to like this. The ratings are my fault…. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] See that, he even admits it. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Archie, I have tried and tried to see things from your point of view. I just can not seem to shove my head that far up my a** to see where your coming from. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy:[/B][/COLOR] Gentlemen, enough. This constant bickering is not going to get us anywhere. Archie stop with your wise cracks. Mike, enough egging him on. OK explain why the ratings are your fault. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Well plain and simple, I made a rookie mistake. I failed in notifying the station ahead of time to build up what matches were to appear that evening. That will not happen again, as a matter a fact; I have already sent stock footage of the workers to appear on next weeks show. Gentlemen I am still trying to get back into a groove in working for a company this size. I assure you that will not happen again. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy:[/B][/COLOR] I can see that as a realistic excuse. Perhaps you should get an assistant? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I have thought about it but I still feel I am capable of performing my duties as is. I will hire one only if I feel I can not handle the workload or ordered to by this committee. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel:[/B][/COLOR] Tommy, I can not mention how many times that has happened to me. He will be OK and will learn from it. I don’t think it will happen again. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy:[/B][/COLOR] It’s your call Mike; I say hire an assistant, but if anything like this happens again I will tell you to get an assistant. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] Understood. As far as Sam Keith and Ricky are concerned. My idea is to not physically over use Sam. But to almost double his appearances to help out others. I figure having Ricky even in the same scene as Sam should give Ricky a bit of a rub. Has anybody talked to Sam to see how long he wants to do this for? [COLOR="blue"][B]Arnold:[/B][/COLOR] I have had a couple of chit chats with the man. He gives me the feeling he wants to do this for as long as his body holds up. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy:[/B][/COLOR] He as talked to me as well. I think somewhere down the line he may be participating in these meetings. He has been a true warrior and his insight would be truly an asset. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Agreed. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I’m going to agree as well. Someone get me a calendar. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Why? What did you forget now? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Nothing, I just want to mark on it I agreed with Archie today. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Blow me. The meeting came to an end as we filed out. I waited for Archie to leave as he was in a hurry to get out. Perhaps this time I may have egged him on a little this time. But the Richard Cranium deserved it. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel:[/B][/COLOR] Mike, can I have a minute. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Sure Joel, what’s on your mind? [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel:[/B][/COLOR] Any ideas in store for me and Robert? [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Joel I know you stepped down to concentrate on your career. But I admit I’m having trouble coming up with an idea for you two. You got one? [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel:[/B][/COLOR] Meet me for lunch and let me throw an idea at ya. [QUOTE] TCW Presents Total Wrestling Genghis Rahn VS Freddie Huggens Edd Stone VS Sammy Bach for the TCW All Action Title The New Wave VS Brent Hill and John Anderson for the TCW World Tag Titles Sam Keith VS Ricky Dale Johnson in a pose down challenge Texas Pete VS The Young Guns in a handicap match Joey Minnesota VS Wolf Hawkins for the TCW International Title Koshiro Ino VS Tommy Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Title. [/QUOTE]
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[B]Genghis Rahn[/B] VS Freddie Huggens-Another person gets feed to the Rahn Edd Stone VS [B]Sammy Bach[/B] for the TCW All Action Title-Tough one here but I think ur high on Sammy but I do like Edd The New Wave VS [B]Brent Hill and John Anderson [/B]for the TCW World Tag Titles-Yet again a tough one but im going with my gut Sam Keith VS [B]Ricky Dale Johnson [/B]in a pose down challenge-keeps the feud alive [B]Texas Pete[/B] VS The Young Guns in a handicap match-Pete needs to get some momentum going Joey Minnesota VS [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]for the TCW International Title-Both the future of TCW but Wolf comes first Koshiro Ino VS [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]for the TCW World Heavyweight Title.-Tommy never looses unless on PPV.Period
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[B]Genghis Rahn [/B]VS Freddie Hugg[B]I[/B]ns Edd Stone VS [B]Sammy Bach[/B] for the TCW All Action Title - heel/heel ? [B]The New Wave[/B] VS Brent Hill and John Anderson for the TCW World Tag Titles - but by DQ/CO Sam Keith VS [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] in a pose down challenge [B]Texas Pete [/B]VS The Young Guns in a handicap match Joey Minnesota VS [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]for the TCW International Title Koshiro Ino VS [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]for the TCW World Heavyweight Title.
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[CENTER][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/B] Week 3. January 2008 Louisiana Auditorium Attendance: 8,922[/CENTER] The show opens with the opening video featuring Genghis Rahn, Rick Law, Tommy Cornell and the rest of the top stars from TCW featuring stock footage from them.Pyrotechnics go off and the camera crew pans the audience then cuts to the announcers table. We see Kyle Rhode, Jason Azaria, and Shawn Doakes as they welcome us to Louisiana. [B]Rated: B[/B] The announcers go over tonight card and talk about the pose down contest between Ricky Dale Johnson and Sam Keith for later tonight. They question weather it will be a good move for Sam as he is set to take on Rocky Golden tonight. [B]Rated: B[/B] Match #1 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Rocky Golden[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] Just as Rocky enters the ring, he is struck by the Sam Keith with a huge right, and the brawl begins. Keith hits another big right hand, and then chops him across the chest. He whips him across he ring, and knocks him down with a clothesline. He picks him up, and then hits a huge scoop slam on him, and then covers, 1……………………….….. 2 ………………………….. and a kickout. Sam picks him up, and then he throws him over the top rope. He goes to whip him into the barricade, but Rocky reverses it, and Sam hits the barricade. Rocky then stomps away at him, before knocking his head against it. He then whips him into the steel steps, and Sam’s head goes crashing into it. Rock continues to stomp at him, before getting a steel chair. He swings it, but Sam ducks and kicks Rocky in the gut causing Rocky to drop the chair. Sam then hits Rocky over the back with the chair, and then hits his head against the steps. He rolls him back into the ring, and then goes for the Neutron-Plex, but Rocky hits a low blow, and then hits a neckbreaker on Sam. He covers, 1…………………….. 2…………………….. and the kickout. Rocky then whips him into the corner, and then hits a clothesline on him. Rocky starts to hit Sam in the ribs with rights and lefts. Rocky whips Sam into the opposite corner. Rocky starts to run and dives at Sam in the corner. But Sam moves at the last second causing Rocky to smash his head into a pole. Sam covers, 1………………………. 2……………………... and a kickout. Sam picks him up, and sets him up for a DDT. But Rocky low blows Sam to stop the attempt. Rocky was playing possum and nails a huge spear on Sam Keith. He covers, 1…………………….... 2…………………………. 3! [B]Winner: Rocky Golden Rated: B-[/B] Match #2 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Genghis Rahn[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"][B]Freddie Huggins /w Laura Huggens[/B][/COLOR] Rahn has established the upper hand. He hits Freddie with a press slam, and then picks him up and delivers another one. Rahn climbs to the second rope, and hits the flying clothesline on Freddie. Rahn then taunts Freddie, before hitting him with short arm clothesline. However, Laura Huggens gets up on the apron and distracts the referee. Rahn sees this and goes after Laura, and starts to chase her around the ring. After a short chase around the ring, Laura runs into the ring, followed by Rahn, who gets nailed by a baseball slide by Huggens as Rahn was coming into the ring. Freddie rolls Rahn back in the ring and covers Rahn, 1………………………… 2…………………… and Rahn kicks out. Freddie is fuming and starts to get angry. Freddie sets up for the Huggens Kiss, but Rahn moves and Freddie lands hard head first on the mat. Rahn motions for a Rahn to the Hills, and gets it to finish the match. [B]Winner: Genghis Rahn Rating: C-[/B] As Rahn leaves the ring Freddie Huggens is shown still recovering in the ring as our announcers talk about a beating he took. Just then someone comes dashing through the crowd. He leaps over the guard rail, dives through the ropes, no way it cant be can it? Why it’s Fumiro Ota. Laura shrieks in terror. Thrust kick by Ota, a chop, another chop. Then a Ninja Strike. Ota leaves just as fast as he came in. What was that all about? Where has he been? Is Ota here to stay? [B]Rated: D[/B] Match #3 [COLOR="blue"][B]Edd Stone[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Sammy Bach /W Karen Killer[/B][/COLOR] After a decent start to the match, Edd takes control. He has Bach in the corner, and hits him with a splash into the corner, and follows up with a ddt. Edd covers him 1………………………2………………….but Sammy kicks out. Edd runs at Sammy but he counters and throws him over the top rope. However, he holds on the apron, and as Sammy taunts, Edd nails him with the springboard bulldog. Sensing the danger, Karen jumps up on the apron. However, Edd goes over to her and she drop to the floor. She gets the title belt and brings it into the ring but the referee stops her. Karen throws the belt into the corner. Bach nails Edd with a clothesline and then picks him up and nails a brainbuster. He covers 1………….. 2………………..and Edd kicks out. Bach does a cut throat gesture, but Edd gets Sammy into a rollup. Sammy kicks out at two as Karen re-enters the ring. Edd goes to swing at Karen, but she again drops down to the floor. Edd turns around and walks into a Bach With A Vengeance by Sammy on the title belt which Karen had put there. He throws the belt to the outside and covers 1…………………. 2……………. 3! [B]Winner: Sammy Bach and still TCW All Action Champion Rating: D+[/B] A video package is shown featuring some highlights from both The New Wave and John Anderson and Brent Hill. Their match is next. [B]Rated: C+[/B] Match #4 [COLOR="red"][B]John Anderson and Brent Hill[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]The New Wave[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW Tag Team Championship. The New Wave enter the ring, and they immediately start to brawl with Anderson and Hill who were already there. Scout starts to attack Brent, whilst Guide goes after Anderson. The New Wave each nail big right hands on the champion, and then they throw them over the top rope. Guide whips Anderson into the barricade, whilst Scout knocks Brent’s head onto the steps. Each The New Wave tries to whip the champions into each other, but the whips are reversed, and the New Wave crash into each other. Brent and John pick up Guide, and they drag him into the ring. They whip him across the ring, and then they hit a double shoulder tackle on him. Scout enters the ring, but he is taken down with a double clothesline. Guide gets up, but he is hit with a double suplex, as Scout runs at Brent. However, Brent hits a scoop slam, and then John Anderson gets ready to climb the top rope. He does so, but as he reaches the top he is knocked off the top rope by a steel chair shot from Guide. John falls to the floor, and then Guide starts to hit him with the chair again. Brent goes after Scout, but Guide hits a clothesline on him from behind. Guide then enters the ring, and they a double spinebuster on Brent. John tries to re-enter the ring, but he is knocked off the apron. Guide starts to choke Brent, as Scout leaves the ring, and goes and picks up some trash cans from underneath the ring. He throws them into the ring, and as John runs towards him, John gets blasted in the head with a trash can lid. The Referee is allowing it as long as this does not get out of hand. The New Wave turns to hit Brent with a trash can. They then throw him over the top rope, and then whip him into the steel steps. John runs at The New Wave with the ring bell, but they give him a spine buster onto the steps. They roll John into the ring and cover him, 1……………………………… 2…………………………….. and he kicks out. Guide then picks up John, and ddt’s him onto the mat, as Scout gives Brent a back drop. The New Wave go to pick up John, and give him a spiked piledriver, when Brent appears and clips Guide in the back of his knee dropping John. Scout goes to pick up Brent but is low blowed from behind by John Anderson. Brent and John start to dominate The New Wave and start to show a total lack of respect from Referre Ray Johnson. The World Champions go out and grab their titles and bring them in the ring and beat down their opponents with their belts. Johnson has seen enough and calls for the bell. [B]Winners: The New Wave by DQ. As a result of the DQ John and Brent retain the belts. Rated: B-[/B] A video is played showing Ricky Dale Johnson in the gym. He is doing various weight lifting techniques. He looks like he is ready for Sam Keith. And the pose down challenge is next. [B]Rated: B+[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson’s music starts to blare through the loudspeakers. Out steps RDJ and plays to the fans. He steps into the ring and begins to pace and prepare himself for the contest. Sam Keith is out next. He strolls down to ringside showing some of the effects from his earlier contest. He climbs into the ring and asks for a microphone. [COLOR="Red"][B]Sam Keith:[/B][/COLOR] You people shut up. No wander this organization is second class. It treats its workers as second class. I had match up against Rocky Golden earlier and what did Ricky have, nothing. He got to stay backstage and do whatever he wanted to do untill now. So that’s how your gonna treat a former world champion. I don’t think so. I am bringing in my own judges for this contest. But to be fair, unlike this organization, Ricky can pick one member from the broadcast both to act as a judge. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] Sam, you think your slicker than deer guts on a door knob don’t cha. Well partner, any way you slice it, I’m still gonna win. Hey, Doakes, come on up partner. Shawn Doakes makes his way from the broadcast booth and climbs in the ring. [COLOR="Red"][B]Sam Keith:[/B][/COLOR] Ok fine. Now for the rest of the panel. I give to you the editor of Musclehead Magazine, Jeff Crenshaw. And his roving reporter, Shane “The Body” Brody. Both of them come out to a nice reception. [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith:[/B][/COLOR] Ok dudes, its like this. We each have one minute to do our best body building poses. Then you judges score the performance 1-10. One being the worst, 10 being the best. Think you can handle that Doakes? I don’t want you playing favorites here. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] He’s got it meethead. Let’s flip to see who goes first. [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith:[/B][/COLOR] I call heads. The coin is flipped by Mr. Crenshaw. Tails it is, so Ricky Dale Johnson does his routine first. He flexs, he grunts, he poses, and the fans eat it up. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] Top that Sam. Sam Keith is a little annoyed. He wasn’t expecting Ricky to perform that well. Be he starts anyway. He Flexs, he grunts, he snorts, and the fans boo unmercifully. But to be unpartial, he at times looked as good as Ricky did. [COLOR="red"][B]Sam Keith:[/B][/COLOR] Why even bother. It surely has been seen by the entire world who has the better body here in TCW. It’s me and the fans out there know. The three judges huddle together. They now have a decession to announce. Shawn Doakes has the microphone. [B]Shawn Doakes:[/B] After consideration, we have come to unanimous decesion. The winner of tonights Body Pose Challenge is……….Ricky Dale Johnson! Sam is beside himself. He can’t believe the news. He looks at Jeff Crenshaw and Brody. You can make out Sam’s announcement that he thought he and them had a deal. Jeff and Brody look at each other and say Don’t mess with Texas. Sam looks at Ricky Dale who is standing there with a big toothy grin. He turns his back to say something. Sam seizes the opportunity and attacks. He puts down Ricky with some devastsing forearms to the base of Ricky’s neck putting the fan faverite on the mat. Sam continues his beat down as ring officials finially come down to shield Ricky from any further damage. Sam leaves and about the half way point up the walkway he turns and shouts, this aint over yet you hick. Not by a long shot. [B]Rated: B[/B] Match #5 [COLOR="Blue"][B]The Young Guns[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Texas Pete / w Floyd Goldsworthy[/B][/COLOR] in a handicap match. Pete squashes the Guns in less than 4 minutes. He finishes by hitting a Lone Star Drop on both of the Guns. [B]Winner: Texas Pete Rated: D [/B] Match # 6 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Joey Minnesota[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Wolf Hawkins[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW International Title The match kicks off as Joey immediately goes and attacks Wolf. He nails right hands on him, and then he hits a snap suplex. Joey then runs off the ropes, and hits a running elbow drop on Wolf. Joey picks Wolf up, and then knocks him down with a dropkick. He covers, 1……………….……… and a kickout. Joey takes Wolf down with an arm drag, and covers, 1……………………. and a kickout. Joey picks up Wolf, and whips him against the ropes. He goes for a clothesline, but Wolf ducks, and scores with a spinning heel kick. Wolf then drops the elbow on Joey, and covers, 1……………………….. and a kickout. Wolf picks up Joey, and he whips him into the corner, and then hits a splash on him, before following up with a neckbreaker. Wolf then climbs to the second rope, and he goes for a cross body on Joey. However, Joey moves out of the way, and Wolf crashes into the floor. Joey then runs off the ropes, and goes for a elbow drop but Wolf moves out of the way at the last second. Wolf then goes to cover Joey. 1.…………………. And a kickout. Wolf then starts to talk to the referee. Wolf picks up Joey, and then whips him against the ropes, taking him down with a powerslam. He covers, 1…………………………. 2 ……………………….. and again Joey kicks out. Wolf then picks up Joey, and takes him down with a clothesline, and then he stomps on him. Wolf taunts Joey and the crowd, as he locks a sleeper hold on him. He has the hold locked in, as he keeps his arms tight around his neck and head. Joey tries to get out of it, but Wolf’s Hold is relentless. The referee drops Joey’s arm. The first he drops it, there is no response, and the same happens with the second time. He drops it for a third time, but Joey has enough strength to pull it up, and then he hits a back drop on Wolf. Joey gets up to his feet first, and he runs at Wolf, taking him down with a axe handle, and then a clothesline. Wolf gets back up, but Joey dropkicks him down. Wolf rolls into the corner, but Joey hits a cross body on him, knocking him down. Joey then hit’s a Empire Spiral. No wait, Wolf moves at the last second causing Joey to crash on the mat. Wolf rolls Joey up and grabs his tights, 1………………………………. 2……………………………… 3! [B]Winner: Wolf Hawkins and still TCW International Champion Rated: B[/B] We cut to back stage and Tommy Cornell is hanging out with the rest of the Syndicate. They all laugh at Cornell for having to defend his title against Koshiro Ino. Cornell says while trying to keep a straight face, Ino is a international superstar. He has won, well what has he won? Sam Keith says wasn’t he a tag champ some where? Cornell responds , o yeah, he was a world caliber tag team champion. Brent Hill and John Anderson look at each other than say yeah but not world champions. Cornell assures them no,, not world champions. But he is and as long as Cornell is around the belt stays on him and no one else. [B]Rated: B+[/B] Match # 6 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Koshiro Ino[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship A great start of the match. The action was open and both men put on show. Eventually Ino has gained control, and hits Cornell with a kick to the back. He then picks up Cornell, and goes for the kick to the head, but Cornell ducks, and nails the reverse ddt on Ino. He covers, 1………………. 2………….. and a kickout. Cornell picks up Ino, and chops him a couple of times, and then hits the northern lights suplex. He covers, 1……….. 2……… and a kickout. Cornell then runs at Ino, but Ino back drops him instead. Ino sets Cornell up for the Kobra Bite, but Cornell ducks again, and hits the Rough Ride. Cornell covers, 1…………………. 2…………………… 3! [B]Winner: Tommy Cornell and still TCW World Champion Rated: B-[/B] Wanting to add insult to injury Cornell picks up his belt and nails Ino in the head. Ino is laid out by the blow as Cornell continues to stomp away. Referee Sam Sparrow tries to get Cornell to stop. Sparrow calls for help and out comes Rocky Golden. Rocky dives into the ring but Cornell sees him and kicks Rocky as he enters the ring. A chop by Cornell. Another one, but wait, Rocky fights back. Another chop by Cornell, Rocky rushes at Cornell and lands a clothesline that sends Cornell out of the ring. My gosh what brute strength this man has. Cornell has had enough as he makes his way slowly to the backstage area. [B]Rated: B+[/B] [CENTER][B]Final Rating: B TV Rating: 3.11[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"] Quick Results Rocky Golden beat Sam Keith Genghis Rahn beat Freddie Huggens Sammy Bach beat Edd Stone The New Wave beat John Anderson and Brent Hill Texas Pete beat The Young Guns Wolf Hawkins beat Joey Minnesota Tommy Cornell beat Koshiro Ino [/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=TheBrockLock;476078][B]Genghis Rahn[/B] VS Freddie Huggens-Another person gets feed to the Rahn Edd Stone VS [B]Sammy Bach[/B] for the TCW All Action Title-Tough one here but I think ur high on Sammy but I do like Edd The New Wave VS [B]Brent Hill and John Anderson [/B]for the TCW World Tag Titles-Yet again a tough one but im going with my gut Sam Keith VS [B]Ricky Dale Johnson [/B]in a pose down challenge-keeps the feud alive [B]Texas Pete[/B] VS The Young Guns in a handicap match-Pete needs to get some momentum going Joey Minnesota VS [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]for the TCW International Title-Both the future of TCW but Wolf comes first Koshiro Ino VS [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]for the TCW World Heavyweight Title.-Tommy never looses unless on PPV.Period[/QUOTE] As usual. Great job only missed technically the TCW Tag Title match. Hope you enjoyed the card. More to come soon bud. [QUOTE=Rob4590;476115][B]Genghis Rahn [/B]VS Freddie Hugg[B]I[/B]ns Edd Stone VS [B]Sammy Bach[/B] for the TCW All Action Title - heel/heel ? [B]The New Wave[/B] VS Brent Hill and John Anderson for the TCW World Tag Titles - but by DQ/CO Sam Keith VS [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] in a pose down challenge [B]Texas Pete [/B]VS The Young Guns in a handicap match Joey Minnesota VS [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]for the TCW International Title Koshiro Ino VS [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]for the TCW World Heavyweight Title.[/QUOTE] Congrats sir you were perfect. Hope you enjoyed it as well. Looking forward seeing your reviews.
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After a very busy week which is bound to be even worse this week as we prepare to get ready for Malice at the end of the month. I think to myself, lets get this meeting over with. I really don’t feel like dealing with Archie this morning. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] ( As he throws a folder down on the table.) Get a match set up for these two this week. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] ( I look inside the folder) Holy crap Tommy. Care to explain how in the hell I am going to use the McWade’s so late into the month? [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Calm down Mike. We get to use them for one show. Gentlemen, and I’m sorry Mike I should have told you sooner but this agreement came to fruition to fast to keep you in the loop. We have a working agreement now with NOTBW. I have always had close ties to the Stones and almost considered signing there years ago. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] Good move boss. Unlike some of the moves made by this company the last month. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel:[/B][/COLOR] I’m at a toss up on this one Tommy. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] I see more advantage to them than to us sir. Care to walk us through the thought process? [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] We with out giving you the particulars on how it all went down. Basically we get to use each other’s workers as long as it doesn’t screw the other company. I have been thinking for some time now about venturing into the great white north and this gives us an opportunity. [COLOR="blue"][B]Arnold:[/B][/COLOR] Shall we treat them as VIP’s or just the standard procedure? [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] We lets not baby them but I want them to feel welcome to the team. I think if we treat their workers well, ours will be as well besides that when their workers go home you know they are gonna spread the word how well they were received. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] You looking to go on a spending spree? [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Not at this moment but I am just laying the foundation perhaps to some growth in the future. I know it gives them a greater amount of exposure but I tied your hands Mike by saying you cant sign anybody that works for a cult size promotion or higher. This opens a few doors for you. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Thanks, I think. The McWades are a fine team. Don’t get me wrong, but they are one dimensional. Besides that not really known to most folks down here in the States. But I have an idea on who to match them up. [COLOR="blue"][B]Archie:[/B][/COLOR] You just don’t get it do you Mike. You boss, Mr. Cornell hands you a silver plater. And you whine about it like a little girl. If you cant handle this position maybe you should step down and let some one more qualified than you take the realms. [COLOR="blue"][B]Me:[/B][/COLOR] Or maybe I should hire a younger more qualified road agent who would work for less than some aging, hate mongering, fossil. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] Ok gentlemen enough. Everybody go back to work. Archie can I have a minute with you please. [QUOTE] TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview Texas Pete VS Rick Law Ronnie V Pain VS Tyson Baine The McWades VS John Anderson and Brent Hill for TCW Tag Titles Edd Stone VS Genghis Rahn Sammy Bach VS Koshiro Ino VS Joey Minnesota winner gets International Title Shot at Malice. Wolf Hawkins VS Eddie Peak for the TCW International Title Tommy Cornell / Sam Keith VS Ricky Dale Johnson / Rocky Golden [/QUOTE]
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[B]Texas Pete [/B]VS Rick Law-Tough one Pete is getting push but Rick is a better wrestler Ronnie V Pain VS [B]Tyson Baine[/B] The McWades VS [B]John Anderson and Brent Hill [/B]for TCW Tag Titles Edd Stone VS [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] Sammy BachVS Koshiro Ino VS [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] winner gets International Title Shot at Malice. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] VS Eddie Peak for the TCW International Title Tommy Cornell / Sam Keith VS Ricky Dale Johnson / Rocky Golden-DQ for interference to keep the feud going
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[CENTER][B]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/B] Week 4. January 2008 Evanovich Riverside Attendance: 8,403[/CENTER] The show opens with the McWade Brothers coming in from the parking lot carrying their equipment. The New Wave step into the picture. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Guide:[/B][/COLOR] You them boys from up north? [COLOR="blue"][B]Dean McWade:[/B][/COLOR] We might be. What’s it to you? [COLOR="blue"][B]Scout:[/B][/COLOR] Well boys, we mean no disrespect. But you know your going for the titles we have been chasing right? [COLOR="blue"][B]Dallas McWade:[/B][/COLOR] We sure as hell do. And we gonna win them belts tonight too. [COLOR="blue"][B]Guide:[/B][/COLOR] That’s great. Go into the match with confidence. But let’s say for the sake of argument you do win those titles. What are your intentions? [COLOR="blue"][B]Dean McWade:[/B][/COLOR] Well boys, we are gonna take those belts north with us you see. [COLOR="blue"][B]Dallas McWade:[/B][/COLOR] Yeah, but we of course would let you boys here get first dibs at them. [COLOR="blue"][B]Scout:[/B][/COLOR] That’s all we wanted to hear. Good luck boys. [COLOR="blue"][B]Dean McWade:[/B][/COLOR] We don’t need luck. They do. [B]Rated: C-[/B] We cut straight to the pyro and find our announce team of Kyle Rhodes, Jason Azaria, and Shawn Doakes hyping up the fact that Malice in Wonderland right around the corner. Matches signed so far include. Tommy Cornell and Rocky Golden in the main event for the TCW World Heavyweight Title. Speaking of those two men they will be teaming against one another tonight as Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith go against Rocky Golden and Ricky Dale Johnson tonight. Match #1 [COLOR="Red"][B]Texas Pete W/ Floyd Goldsworthy[/B][/COLOR] Vs [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law[/B][/COLOR] After a relatively even matchup, Law hits a suplex on Texas Pete. Pete gets up as it appears it took a lot of effort by Law to land the suplex. Pete runs and sends Rick flying to the outside of the ring with a clothesline. Law hops up on the apron and climbs to the top rope. Law attempts a flying cross-body but Pete catches him in midair and nails Law with a front powerslam. Pete covers Law but only receives a two count. Pete lifts Law up and locks in a cobra clutch. Pete then lifts Law up and hits a cobra clutch backbreaker. Pete then flings Law across the ring. Pete goes over and covers Law but only receives a two count. The fans chant “Lawman, Lawman!” Pete raises his hand. As he is stalking Law. Rick makes his way to his feet. And BOOM! A devastating Choke Slam! Pete covers 1.………2.………..3! [B]Winner: Texas Pete Rated: C-[/B] Match #2 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tyson Baine[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"][B]Ronnie V Pain[/B][/COLOR] After a few minutes of action, Pain attempts to go for the pump handle slam. Pain gets Tyson onto his shoulder but Tyson slides down Pain’s back. Tyson then plants Pain with inverted DDT. Tyson then goes over to the corner and climbs to the second turnbuckle then jumps and hits a head butt. Pain slowly gets back to his feet. And turns around and gets drilled with Hades Bomb. Tyson covers. One………. Two……. Three!!! [B]Winner: Tyson Baine Rated: D[/B] The scene shifts to backstage where we see Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith getting ready for their match later tonight. [COLOR="Red"][B]Sam:[/B][/COLOR] Can’t believe the board gives us those two right before Malice. [COLOR="red"][B]Tommy:[/B][/COLOR] Let’s just say I have some pull on the board of directors. [COLOR="red"][B]Sam:[/B][/COLOR] Why do they call this the Garden Sate? No garden could ever grow in cesspool of garbage. [COLOR="red"][B]Tommy:[/B][/COLOR] They call it the Garden State Sam, because we are gonna plant some Ricky and Rocky tonight. [COLOR="red"][B]Sam:[/B][/COLOR] I plan on saving just a shred of Ricky for Malice. [COLOR="red"][B]Tommy:[/B][/COLOR] I’m gonna take Rocky out tonight. He isn’t going to make it to Malice. [B]Rated: B+[/B] Match #3 [COLOR="Blue"][B]The McWade Brothers[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"][B]Brent Hill and John Anderson[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW Tag Titles At the four minute mark, Brent tags in John Anderson. John immediately begins to attack Dallas with a fury. John hits Dallas with a succession of right hands and then shoots Dallas off of the ropes. John hits a back body drop on Dallas. John picks Dallas up and slams him to the mat with a body slam. The McWades are in trouble. John then hits a leg drop. John covers Dallas. 1...2.….Dallas kicks out. John lifts Dallas up. Dallas pokes John in the eye. Dallas the tags John with multiple right hands knocking John to the mat. Dallas then lifts John up and shoots him off of the ropes. John comes off of the ropes, ducks Dallas’s clothesline and nails Dallas with a clothesline of his own. John then tags in Brent. Dallas pokes Brent in the eye and makes a tag to Dean. Dean enters the ring and takes down Brent with a right hand. Dean then stomps on Brent. Dean plays to the crowd. He then sets up in the corner for spear attempt. Brent gets back to his feet and turns around. Dean charges at Brent. Brent sidesteps Dean, and Dean’s shoulder goes flying into the steel post. Brent then nails Dean with a chop block. Brent then grabs Dean and nails him with a shin breaker. Dean then grabs Dean’s left leg and prepares to lock in the figure four. Dallas enters the ring and runs over Brent with a clothesline. John enters the ring and attacks Dallas. Dean gets up and begins to stomp on Brent. Dallas kicks John in the gut. Dallas then sets John up in the powerbomb position. Dallas then lifts John up but he counters the powerbomb into a DDT. John then climbs the turnbuckle. And he flies off of the top rope and hits Dallas with a Ammo Dump. John turns around and is nailed with a Spear by Dean. Dean mocks and John. Brent catches Dean with a school boy and a hand full of tights for the cover. 1.…2.…3! [B]Winners: John Anderson and Brent Hill and still TCW World Tag Team Champions Rated: D+[/B] After the match is over the Champions are stalking the McWades looking to beat them down when the New Wave come rushing in from the backstage. John and Brent make a hasty retreat. Guide and Scout attend to the McWades and then call for the microphone. The New Wave challenge the Champions for a match at Malice. Perhaps it was because they were coming off of the high of beating The McWade’s, but The champions agree. [B]Rated: C[/B] Match #4 [COLOR="blue"][B]Genghis Rahn[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Edd Stone[/B][/COLOR] Edd enters the ring and extends his hand to Rahn. Rahn looks baffled but reaches out for his hand but Edd pulls it away. Edd laughs but that causes him to clutch at his ribs. Rahn spears Edd. Rahn then lifts Edd back up to his feet only to slam him back down with a spinebuster. Rahn then shakes the ropes and gives us notice that the Rahn to the Hills is next. Rahn lifts Edd to his feet and delivers the Rahn to the Hills. Genghis covers Edd. 1.…2.…3! [B]Winner: Genghis Rahn Rated: C+[/B] As if right on queue, Texas Pete comes barreling down to ringside carrying a chair. He drills Rahn, not once, not twice, but three times before Rahn drops to his knees. Pete discards the mangled remain of the chair. Pete runs against the ropes and plant Rahn right in the head with a big boot. Floyd Goldworthy is just smiling from ear to ear as Pete is laying out Rahn. [COLOR="red"][B]Floyd Goldswothy:[/B][/COLOR] Come to Malice if you can. Come to Malice if you dare. If you do make it, it will be a Golden opportunity. Come on Pete, save some for later. [B]Rated: B-[/B] Wolf Hawkins is backstage with Jasmine Saunders. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jasmine:[/B][/COLOR] Wolf, you are going against Eddie Peak later tonight. Any thoughts on tonight’s match up? [COLOR="Red"][B]Wolf Hawkins:[/B][/COLOR] Only one. Pain. You see Jazzy. When you are this good looking. This talented. There can only be one solution. And that is me winning. Eddie is going to be begging, and pleading with me, Wolf, please stop hitting me. Your so much better than me. Eddie Peak walks up behind Wolf. [COLOR="red"][B]Wolf Hawkins:[/B][/COLOR] He is back behind me isn’t he? [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jasmine:[/B][/COLOR] Yes he is. [COLOR="Red"][B]Wolf Hawkins:[/B][/COLOR] He there buddy o pal of mine. We was just talking about how a worthy opponent you are. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Eddie Peak:[/B][/COLOR] Having fun? I hope you are. Laugh it up now pretty boy. Because in a few minutes. You wont be. Just out of couristy what kind of soup do you like? [COLOR="Red"][B]Wolf Hawkins:[/B][/COLOR] Soup, soup. Why do you want to know what kind of soup I like? [COLOR="blue"][B]Eddie Peak:[/B][/COLOR] Because that is what your going to be eating for the next week……..THROUGH A STRAW! With that Eddie walks away as Wolf takes a heavy gulp. [B]Rated: B[/B] Match #5 [COLOR="blue"][B]Joey Minnesota[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="blue"][B]Koshiro Ino[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Sammy Bach W/ Karen Killer[/B][/COLOR] After a few minutes of mostly Joey and Ino dominating, Bach makes a comeback, clotheslining both men. Bach hits a dropkick on Ino and then hit’s a springboard back elbow on Joey. Bach throws Ino out of the ring. Joey attempts to clothesline Bach. But Bach ducks the clothesline and hits Joey with a backcracker. Bach covers Joey 1.………2.…… and a kick out by Joey. Ino comes back in the ring and nails a dropkick on Bach. Joey recovers and rolls up Ino but Ino kicks out at 2. Karen tosses Bach a chair. Bach swings at Joey. But he ducks the shot and drop kicks the chair onto Sammy Bach’s head. Karen grabs another chair, enters the ring and swings at Ino. But Ino ducks it and Joey goes out and grabs Karen down from the ring. Bach lands a inverted DDT on Ino. Joey tries to get back in the ring but Karen grabs him. Bach goes running against the ropes and does a sucide dive onto Joey outside of the ring. Bach recovers seeing Ino still down in the middle of the ring. Bach climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps looking to land a top rope splash onto Ino. But Ino lifts his knees up causing Bach to crash onto the tope of them knocking the wind out of him. Ino leaps to his feet and lands a Kobra Bite to pick up the win. [B]Winner: Koshiro Ino Rated: C+[/B] Match #6 [COLOR="Blue"][B]Eddie Peak[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Wolf Hawkins[/B][/COLOR] for the TCW International Title After a good match, Hardy manages to hit a Full Moon Rising on Eddie. Wolf covers Eddie. 1....2....Eddie gets his shoulder up. Wolf has a shocked look on his face. Wolf gets up as Eddie struggles to get to his feet. Wolf then shoots Eddie off of the ropes. Wolf gets set too early and Eddie makes him pay by delivering an axe handle smash which sends Wolf to the mat. Eddie lifts Wolf up and applies a cobra clutch. Eddie then lifts Wolf up and hit’s a cobra clutch slam. Instead of going for the cover, Eddie pulls his strap down and does the signal for the Peak of Perfection. Wolf slowly makes his way to his feet. Wolf turns around and Eddie puts his hand around Wolf’s neck. Wolf punches Eddie in the face several times but Wolf refuses to break his grip. Wolf then pokes Eddie in the eye causing Peak to release his hold. Wolf then nails Eddie with a kick to the gut followed by a Wolf Bite and goes for a quick cover. 1.…2.…Eddie kicks out. Wolf then climbs to the middle rope and nails a guillotine leg drop. Wolf goes for the cover. 1...2.…Eddie kicks out. Wolf gets up and taunts some the fans. Wolf then begins to stalk Eddie. Eddie makes his way back to his feet. Eddie turns around and Wolf nails him with a kick to the gut. Wolfs runs against the ropes and nails Eddie with a second Wolf Bite. Wolf covers Eddie. 1.....2.....3! Eddie kicks out but after the three count. [B]Winner: Wolf Hawkins and still TCW International Champion Rated: B+[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson and Rocky Golden talk about their match against Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith. [B]Rated: A[/B] Match #7 [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson and Rocky Golden[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="red"][B]Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith[/B][/COLOR] Long fast paced match and it keeps the night going along good with this great match between four men. Ricky Dale wants Keith in the ring numerous times but Keith refuses to come in leaving it down to Tommy Cornell. Cornell goes for a spinning neckbreaker but Ricky pushes him off and tags in Rocky! Rocky comes in cleaning house then knocks off Sam Keith off the apron and Cornell backs down. Cornell cowars into a corner. Keith then takes a opprotunity to rush up the ringside, grab Rocky‘s head and drops back down to the floor causing Rocky to slingshot off of the ropes by his neck. Cornell goes to work landing several heavy shots on his fallen opponent. Rocky starts to get fired up and starts to stand up. Rocky fires a big right hand onto Cornell which connects. Another one staggers Cornell. Cornell ducks a third right from Rocky and then goes for a DDT but Rocky pushes Cornell off and nails the Fall away Slam on the champion! Rocky then runs across the ropes to pops from the crowd and connects with a devastating elbow drop! Rocky then pumps up and then starts to pick Cornell up. Sam Keith sensing what is about to happen crawls through the ropes. Ricky sees him and does the same meeting Keith before he could do anything. Sam and Ricky start to brawl. Rocky lifts Cornell up connecting with his finisher, the Golden Gate Bridge (Release Northern Lights Suplex) for the three count, One...Two...Three! Here comes the rest of the Syndicate. Rocky and Ricky celebrate and duck out of the ring before the rest of the Sydicate can enter. Tommy and Sam are furious as Rocky and Ricky make their way back up the ramp. [B]Winners: Ricky Dale Johnson and Rocky Golden Rated: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Final Rating: B TV Rating: 3:20[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"] Total Wrestling Quick Results Texas Pete beat Rick Law Tyson Baine beat Ronnie V Pain Brent Hill and John Anderson beat The McWade Brothers Genghis Rahn beat Edd Stone Koshiro Ino beat Joey Minnesota and Sammy Bach Wolf Hawkins beat Eddie Peak Rocky Golden and Ricky Dale Johnson beat Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith [/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=TheBrockLock;477935][B]Texas Pete [/B]VS Rick Law-Tough one Pete is getting push but Rick is a better wrestler Ronnie V Pain VS [B]Tyson Baine[/B] The McWades VS [B]John Anderson and Brent Hill [/B]for TCW Tag Titles Edd Stone VS [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] Sammy BachVS Koshiro Ino VS [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] winner gets International Title Shot at Malice. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] VS Eddie Peak for the TCW International Title Tommy Cornell / Sam Keith VS Ricky Dale Johnson / Rocky Golden-DQ for interference to keep the feud going[/QUOTE] Only missed 1. Great job. More to come soon as I have Malice mostly written. Should be up this weekend.
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[CENTER][B]TCW Presents Malice In Wonderland Preview show[/B][/CENTER] Malice in Wonderland will be coming live from the Nevada State Armoury. And what a action packed card we have in store. All if the TCW titles will be defended that evening so lets take a look at what we have in store. [CENTER][B]Match #1 [COLOR="Blue"]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"]Sammy Bach W/ Karen Killer[/COLOR] for the TCW All Action Title[/B] Joey Minnesota is one of the most talked about young talents in wrestling. Even if his record for the month has been shaky at best he looking to gain his first ever TCW Title. Or can the "The Elation Sensation" defend his title? Sammy is looking to gain a measure of revenge losing earlier to Joey early in the month via count out. [B] Match #2 [COLOR="Blue"]Genghis Rahn[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"]Texas Pete W/ Floyd Goldsworthy[/COLOR] In a Falls Count Anywhere Match.[/B] "The Arizona Assassin" A five time TCW Hardcore champion is set for action. He has been blind sided several times by Texas Pete and is looking to put an end to it. Or can the big man from Texas being led into battle by the infamous brains behind many a champion prevail? [B]Match #3 [COLOR="Blue"]The New Wave[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"]Brent Hill and John Anderson[/COLOR] For the TCW World Tag Team Titles[/B] The New Wave have been a force to be reckon with since arriving here at TCW. They clearly have their eyes set on championship gold. The four time Dave Tag Champions look to add to their collection of championship. Or can the TCW Tag Team champions being the wrestling Machines they are retain against the up and comers. [B]Match #4 [COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] for the TCW International Title[/B] "The Kobra" is a international super star. Who has come to TCW looking to go to the next level. With such weapons like the Kobra Bite and the Kobra's Poison can anybody stop him? Or does the ****y youth from Florida have what it takes to retain his championship? Wolf has been on a unbelievable roll since joining forces with his Syndicate mates. [B]Match #5 [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B] The charismatic brawler from Texas has been involved in a very heated feud over the last month involving a living legend Sam Keith. Does RDJ have the heart to outlast the legend? Or does the former world champion add one more notch to his impressive resume of those who have fallen before him? [B]Match #6 [COLOR="Blue"]Rick Law[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="blue"]Eddie Peak[/COLOR][/B] The charismatic young powerhouse Rick Law is scheduled to battle " The Hardcore Assassin". This one promises to be a very exciting match. [B]Match #7 [COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR] for the TCW World Heavyweight Title[/B] And in the Main Event. Rocky Golden has been a pain in Tommy Cornell's side for the last month. Now he is poised to take what is so coveted by Tommy Cornell. Or does once again the reigning TCW World Champion put down another revolt against him? [/CENTER] [QUOTE]Predictions and comments welcome. This one is going to be a big write up as I have 17 pages wrote. Yes it maybe huge but it evolved into something that I wasn't prepared for. Do not count on every show to be this huge but my mind really went on a tangent. :)[/QUOTE]
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[/B]Joey Vs [B]Sammy[/B] [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] VS Texas Pete W/ Floyd Goldsworthy In a Falls Count Anywhere Match. [B]The New Wave [/B]VS Brent Hill and John Anderson For the TCW World Tag Team Titles Koshiro Ino VS [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]for the TCW International Title [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] VS Sam Keith Rick Law VS [B]Eddie Peak[/B] Rocky Golden VS [B]Tommy Cornell [/B]for the TCW World Heavyweight Title For some reason I am not confident with these perdictions at all. Very excited for the write up though.
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