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Redneck Wrasslin'

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THIS SHOW SUCKS! THIS SHOW SUCKS! THIS SHOW SUCKS! This can't be happening to me. Suddenly I'm startled from my slumber. Thank God, it was only a dream. Except, this isn't my bed, and this definitely isn't my bedroom. Did two midget clowns just run by? Suddenly my grandma's final words, before she passed on and left me a sizable fortune, come back to me. She said, "Jake, always be true to yourself and if two redneck wrestlers want you to help them start a wrestling company, don't do it." At the time I thought it was all the drugs and painkillers she was on, but now I know she was a freakin' visionary. I can hear the crowd chanting, only instead of "This show sucks," they're chanting, "Start the show!" What have I gotten myself into? I pick up the flyer sitting next to me on the bench, and read it. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/wronglogo.jpg[/IMG] Oh boy...
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My name is Jake Shire and my story begins three weeks ago. After my grandma's passing I decided to take the trip she had told me she always regretted not taking, I went to Pittsburgh. My friend Big came with me. Thats not his real name, but he thinks its funny to go up to girls and say, "Hi, I'm ..." well, you get the point. Anyway, so it was Saturday night, and we were looking for something to do. Unfortunately neither one of us is good at planning ahead, So Penguins- sold out, Pirates- wrong season, and Steelers- not this January. Thats when Big stumbled upon Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. We were both fans, so we decided to go to the show. Luckily, not sold out. After the show we headed to the local watering hole. We'd both kicked back a few, when who do I see... [CENTER][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/ThimblebyLangton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/WootonFitzpaine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] So while Big was getting slapped by another girl, I decided to start up a conversation. I bought them a round and I told them I had been at the show. I also said that I thought they should have beaten the Deadly Alliance, and should be the champions. They agreed. [B]Wooten:[/B] You know something Thimbleby, if we had our own company, we could be champs whenever we want. [B]Thimbleby:[/B] Yeah, and we'd never have to lose to no pretty boys. [B]Wooten:[/B]All we need is a money mark- I mean source. Thats when I said those three fateful words, In Heri Tance. Suddenly, they were the ones buying rounds. Come to find out, we all were from Iowa. They talked about how nice it would be to wrestle in their home state. In my condition I thought the idea of running a wrestling promotion was the greatest idea ever. I got their phone numbers, which was three more than Big got, and we agreed to meet the next week. Then I ran to the bathroom and puked.
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So a week later Big and I are sitting around my house. [B]Big:[/B] You have to call them. Our own wrestling company, that would be so cool. [B]Me:[/B] I don't think this is how she would have wanted me spending her money. [B]Big:[/B] But dude, its your money now. Besides, its wrestling, you can get rich like Tommy Eisen. [B]Me:[/B] Or go broke like Phil Vibert. [B]Big:[/B] Who? [B]Me:[/B] DAVE [B]Big:[/B] Dave's not here, man. [B]Me:[/B] Very funny, we're not in Pittsburgh anymore. [B]Big:[/B] But seriously, this is what we always dreamt about, well that and my les... [B]Me:[/B] Would you stop. I've never dreamt about being a wrestling promoter. [B]Big:[/B] and the ... [B]Me:[/B] No! Well... NO! Be serious for a second. I was drunk when I agreed to all this, should I keep my word? [B]Big:[/B] The things people have agreed to because of alcohol... I gave him the death glare [B]Big:[/B] Look, if you were excited then, then that's your true feelings. Alcohol always brings out the real you. You should do this. Your stressing man, let me get you a beer. It seemed to make sense, I think. Well I know it did after Big and I kicked back a "few" to relax my nerves. I made the call.
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So we met, and of course, Big came with. [B]Me:[/B] I can't believe this is actually happening. I was so nervous I almost didn't call you guys, but my word means a lot to me. [B]Big:[/B] Yeah, all he has in this world is his balls and his word and he don't break them for no one. death glare [B]Thimbleby:[/B] I understand, investigating your money is a huge thing. [B]Wooten:[/B] Thats why Thimbleby and I have outlined what we think would be the most successful product. Being small, we aren't going to get the best wrestlers. [B]Thimbleby:[/B] But we can get the funniest. [B]Wooten:[/B] He means entertaining. I think we should focus the company on entertainment. [B]Big:[/B] And women. death glare [B]Wooten:[/B] Just what I was going to say. Not too much that the kids won't come to the show, but enough to make the dad's bring 'em. But really that will only be a small part of the equation. People want to have a good time, and if we can't give them a technical masterpiece, we might as well entertain them. [B]Me:[/B] Makes sense. [B]Wooten:[/B] So the next thing we need to decide is the name. [B]Me:[/B] I've been thinking a lot about this and I've got some ideas: Iowa Pro Wrestling, Iowa Championship Wrestling, Championship Wrestling from Iowa, and, this is my favorite, IOWA- International Olympic Wrestling Association. silence [B]Thimbleby:[/B] Boring. [B]Wooten:[/B] What he means to say is that all of those are too serious. They don't encompass our company's attitude. We had an idea of our own... [B]Thimbleby:[/B] Redneck Wrasslin' Company. [B]Me:[/B] What? [B]Big:[/B] I love it. [B]Thimbleby:[/B] Think about it, everyone loves rednecks, so they will come to make fun of 'em. [B]Wooten:[/B] And so will those that don't realize they are rednecks. It'll get peoples attention, that's the important thing. [B]Me:[/B] Redneck? [B]Wooten:[/B] Yep. [B]Me:[/B] If you're not going to budge on that can we at least call it Wrestling, I always hated when it was called Wrasslin'. So we compromised. [B]Wooten:[/B] The next thing we need to do for the Redneck Wrasslin' [B]Me:[/B] Wrestling... [B]Wooten:[/B] ehm, Wrestling Company, is to get a staff, workers, and secure a building. I suggest you let us take care of that as we have the connections and we promise we won't go over the budget you set. [B]Me:[/B] I guess that sounds good. So we shook hands and headed to the bar. While Big was getting slapped I told the guys about my high school wrestling career. I told them that I had nicknamed myself the Scorpion, because I always worked out in a Golden Scorpion T-Shirt, and I had a really cool reverse headlock that I used to pin a bunch of guys with. They laughed and bought me more rounds. I couldn't believe that this dream, I guess it was my dream, was about to become a reality. Then I went to the bathroom and puked.
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So the big day finally came, the last Friday in January. I arrived at the Hunter's Town Hall and headed to the makeshift locker room. Before I could enter I was cut off by Thimbleby and Wooten. [B]Thimbleby:[/B] You need to see the belts. [B]Me:[/B] You've got the Heavyweight Title belt? [B]Thimbleby:[/B] Not exactly. See, Wooten and I couldn't decide who should be world champion, so we decided that tonight we will only have Tag Team titles. [B]Me:[/B] No singles title? [B]Wooten:[/B] Don't worry, you have to save something for the next show. Take a look at them. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/Generic_Tag02.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/Generic_Tag02.jpg[/IMG] [B]Me:[/B] Those are really nice, where'd you have them made? [B]Wooten:[/B] Made? [B]Thimbleby:[/B] At Walmarto Belto Makero [B]Me:[/B] Oh ok... what? [B]Wooten:[/B] Come on, lets introduce you to the boys.
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As I walked into the locker room I saw the most eclectic group of wrestlers ever assembled. [B]Wooten:[/B] We've put a roster together of 12 wrestlers, 4 lady wrestlers, and several staff members. First let me introduce one of the best talkers in the business, and always a hit at the after parties, "The Slick Pimp Daddy" Ernie Turner. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/ErnieTurner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ernie Turner:[/B] Wazzup? [B]Wooten:[/B] This guy bumps better than anyone I know, Ben Williams. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ben Williams:[/B] Ohmygodiamsoexcitedofrthisopportunityicantbelieveyouarereallygoingtogivemethechancetoshowhowgoodicanbeijustcantwait... [B]Wooten:[/B] We'll talk more later, Ben. This guy is a young wrestler just looking for a chance, Keith Vegas. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/KeithVegas.jpg[/IMG] [B]Me:[/B] So is your name Vegas, because you're from Vegas? [B]Keith Vegas:[/B] No. [I]silence[/I] [B]Wooten:[/B] Anyway, this is Mad Dog Mortimer. He goes to the same dentist as Thimbleby and I. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/MadDogMortimer.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wooten:[/B] And this is Extreme Deluxe and Super Sonic. They call themselves "The Quest." They were part of an infamous backyard outfit. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/ExtremeDeluxe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/SuperSonic_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Deluxe & Sonic:[/B] (In a snooty voice) We were stars of a well funded documentary that was honorable mention at Cannes. [B]Wooten:[/B] And this is your announcer, Lee Bambino. He's friends with the yard t... I mean backyard guys, and he works cheap. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/LeeBambino_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] (also in a snooty voice) I was the voice of the well funded documentary that was honorable mention at Cannes. [B]Wooten:[/B] And this is our referee, Jonathon Taylor. He used to work with Ernie in the old SCCW. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/JonathanTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wooten:[/B] This is New York Red, he's, um, the referee's brother. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/NewYorkRed.jpg[/IMG] [B]New York Red:[/B](under his breath) Why am I always the refs brother. [B]Wooten:[/B] And this here is El Medico. He does double duty as he's actually a real medic and we're required to have one at the show. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/ElMdico.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wooten:[/B] This is Agent 69, we met her on our, uh, scouting trip to Vegas. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/Agent69.jpg[/IMG] [B]Agent 69:[/B] I'm VERY pleased to meet you. [I]gulp[/I] [B]Wooten:[/B] And this fine young lady showed up at our last PSW event looking for a job, not realizing we didn't have a women's division, "The Farmer's Daughter" Ellie May Walton. [I]wow, what a cutie[/I] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/EllieMayWalton.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ellie May:[/B] (In a shrieking voice) HOWDY! [B]Wooten:[/B] And these two fine ladies were recommended by your buddy Big. The L. W .A. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/CorrineWhite.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/VivJacobs.jpg[/IMG] [B]Corrine White & Viv Jacobs:[/B] (bass voice) Hello. [B]Me:[/B] What does LWA stand for. [B]Wooten:[/B] Um... [B]Big:[/B] Lookers... with... As... [B]Wooten:[/B] Lookers with Attitudes. [B]Me:[/B] Oh, OK. [B]Wooten:[/B] This is Mafia Mikey. [B]Thimbleby:[/B] We owe... [B]Wooten:[/B] We, ah, are taking care of his wages ourselves. The less said the better. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wooten:[/B] And these are your color commentators, Hustler D and Joker the Pimp. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/HustlerD.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/JokerThePimp.jpg[/IMG] [B]Me:[/B] Two of them? [B]Wooten:[/B] They come as a team, besides they work for half-price [B]Joker:[/B] (growly voice) Startin' with the short jokes already. [B]Hustler:[/B] (growly voice) Keep it up and I'll take that microphone and... [B]Wooten:[/B] Just kidding guys. [B]Me:[/B] You guys are announcers? [B]Hustler:[/B] Don't worry, we have stage voices. [B]Joker:[/B] And we're never crass around the kids, only their mot... [I]Hustler elbows him[/I] [B]Joker:[/B] Kids love clowns. [B]Wooten:[/B] That's right. Now let me introduce you to the final member of your staff, your personal assistant, Buttercup. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/Buttercup.jpg[/IMG] [B]Me:[/B] M m m my p p p p [B]Wooten:[/B] Lose your voice kid? Don't worry, she'll help you find it. She'll also help keep everything organized and make sure everyone is where their supposed to be. Well, what do you think? [B]Me:[/B] Looks like everything is in order. Except, you said 12 wrestlers, and the two of you makes 11. [B]Wooten:[/B] Well, thats because [I]he tosses me a black mask[/I] [B]Wooten:[/B] Your the twelfth wrestler... Scorpion. [I]everyone laughs[/I] [I]oh boy[/I]
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Why had her words only come back to me now. I just know this is doomed to fail. At least if it doesn't work out, I can just move on with my life and forget this ever happened. Then I remember something else Wooten told me tonight. [B]Wooten:[/B] To get a deal on this place, I had to guarantee we would come back the next six months. Crap. I'm screwed. Not only am I going to go bankrupt, but I have to wrestle tonight. I decide to take a look at my costume in the mirror. [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/Scorpion.jpg[/IMG] Hmm. Not bad. Not bad at all. Actually, I look kinda bad ass. Whats that? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here. Actually, no one else is here, I should try flexing [B]Me:[/B] Watchya gonna do... [B]Buttercup:[/B] What are you doing? [B]Me:[/B] Oh nothing. [B]Buttercup:[/B] Well, get that silly mask off so you can come watch the first couple of matches with me. She walks away. This mask isn't silly, it's bad ass. I sit down and take a look at the flier... [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/Zflier1.jpg[/IMG] ...and I realize three very important things: 1. Mafia Mikey is one scary dude, and I have to wrestle him 2. I need to teach Buttercup how to use spell check, and 3. It looks like I'm stuck with Wrasslin'.
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Wooten had gone over all of the finishes with me, so I joined him and Buttercup in an area where we could watch the matches but not be seen by the fans. Big was also sitting with us. He is a school teacher, correction, gym teacher, and a huge fan, so I asked him to grade each of the segments for me so I could have another point of view. [CENTER][B][U]Match 1[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/KeithVegas.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/ExtremeDeluxe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/SuperSonic_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ben Williams & Keith Vegas vs. The Quest[/B][/CENTER] The quest come out to the ring and start cutting a promo about how this company stinks, and that even the "Redneck Luchadore" is too good for these fans, and that they are only using this as a stepping stone. Great, first act out and their trashing the company So Ben Williams and Keith Vegas come out and grab the mic, and Ben rattles something off so fast I couldn't catch what he said, except I think it was something about the Bionic Freckle Face. [B]Ben:[/B] Isn't that right Keith? [B]Keith:[/B] Yep. (Big's Grade:F+) And the match begins. Ben does what he does best and bumps like crazy for the quest. Vegas just kind of stood on the apron and I didn't see him do too much. Sonic hits Ben with some kind of hurricanrana and picks up the win. (F) [CENTER][B][U]Match 2[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/Agent69.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/EllieMayWalton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/CorrineWhite.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/VivJacobs.jpg[/IMG] [B]Agent 69 & Ellie May Walton vs. The L. W. A.[/B][/CENTER] Ellie May comes out a yippin' and a hollerin' which the crowd seems to be digging. Agent 69, then starts cutting a pro-communist promo. [B]Me:[/B] Did someone forget to tell her that she's the good guy? A pro Russia speech in the middle of the heartland? [B]Wooten:[/B] Don't worry kid, the only thing these folks hate worse than communists, is militant... lookers. [B]Me:[/B] I hope so. Sure enough, The LWA comes out and get booed rather viciously. (E) The match is on, and the LWA use their power to win. (F+) Wooten reminds me that I'm up next, so I put on my mask. Mikey is already in the ring as they announce me. [CENTER][B][U]Match 3[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/Scorpion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/MurderousMikey_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Scorpion vs. Mafia Mikey[/B][/CENTER] As I get in the ring I get face to mask with Mikey. [B]Mikey:[/B] You ready kid? gulp As the bell rings he clotheslines me. The next thing I know I'm in the air in what I can only assume is a power... [B]Jonathon Taylor:[/B] Hey kid, you can stop acting now. You sold it good. Get up now. Sold? Oh yeah, the Match. (F) I make my way backstage and buttercup meets up with me, and helps me to the bench. She tells me they're doing a short intermission so I have a few minutes before the next match will start. El Medico checks on me as well and tells me i did a good job selling. I don't think Mikey gave me much of a choice. I then make my way over to the box and join Buttercup for the final two matches. [CENTER][B][U]Match 4[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/ElMdico.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/MadDogMortimer.jpg[/IMG] [B]El Medico vs. Mad Dog Mortimer[/B][/CENTER] I have a hard time following the match, as I'm still a little woozy, but I know I saw Mad Dog barking at some fan. I didn't realize it before, but i think the dude is legit crazy. Medico gets in some good offense, but Mad Dog wins the match with a DDT (F) Ernie Turner is out next with New York Red and starts cutting a promo about the hicks in the crowd, and bragging about having more brains in his pinky than the whole audience. It was actually pretty good. The Good Ol' Boys than come out and stick up for their home state, which gets a lot of cheers. (E+) [CENTER][B][U]Redneck Tag Team Titles[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/ErnieTurner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/NewYorkRed.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/ThimblebyLangton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y140/jerem77/RWC/WootonFitzpaine.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ernie Turner & New York Red vs. The Good Ol' Boys[/B][/CENTER] The match begins and the bad guys get in some token offense, but as Wooten told me, this is all about the hometown boys. Wooten pins Red after a running boot to the face. (E) The crowd seems happy, and Thimbleby and Wooten talk to them as they leave. I ask Big how he thought the show went, and he gave me the breakdown. I made him give me an honest grade on the LWA as he originally ranked them really high for some reason. [B]Big:[/B] Overall, I'd give the show an E-. Not great, but the fans went home happy and all 13 of them mentioned that they'd be back, and maybe even bring a friend. [B]Me:[/B] 13? [B]Big:[/B] You seem surprised? Didn't you see them. [B]Me:[/B] I guess I was worried more about what was going on in the ring, and my match. [B]Big:[/B] Don't worry, its a start. As long as they enjoy it, they'll keep coming back, and they'll bring their friends. 13? Oh boy.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Buttercup and I were the last ones to arrive at the after party. I had spent quite a bit of time thinking about how everything had gone down. It had been a lot of fun, but I had also lost money. Sure, I had invested my inheritance and one bad show was not going to do me in. But, six bad shows would put a serious dent in my retirement plans. Buttercup had volunteered to drive me as she knew I really needed to tie one on tonight. As I get to the bar, I take a seat and look around at everyone seemingly having a great time. The backyard boys are sitting at a table by themselves. They actually look rather uncomfortable. Are they drinking Zima? Agent 69 is up at the bar, giving the cold shoulder to some local while Ellie May Walton is out on the floor line dancing, and a hootin' and a hollerin'. Mafia Mikey and Thimbleby are rather deep in conversation with Mikey looking rather annoyed. Big is in quite the animated conversation with Viv and Corrine, they seem amused by him so maybe tonight he won't actually get slapped. El Medico and Mad Dog Mortimer are trading shots, and from what I can see Medico is drinking him under the table. Ben Williams is sitting with Keith Vegas, New York Red, and Jonathon Taylor. Ben is running his mouth so fast I can't understand a word he is saying. Taylor is listening as best he can but Red is obviously irritated. Keith just sits there holding his beer which still looks full. [B]Me:[/B] You having fun Keith? [B]Keith:[/B] Yep. Ernie Turner and Joker the Pimp are apparently making a bet on who can get some girl's number first. Hustler D is holding the money. Buttercup brings me a pitcher, what an assistant. Wooten comes over and joins me at the table. [B]Wooten:[/B] You holdin' up kid? [B]Me:[/B] Hey, 13 people, it can only go up from there, right? [B]Wooten:[/B] That's right. Hey I have some bad news. Well, its not really bad. [B]Me:[/B] What now? [B]Wooten:[/B] We already secured the date for next month, and I just got a call that the PSW show is the same day. So we're not going to make it. However, we'll meet with you before then and go over the booking plans. However, from here on out, you're the booker man. [B]Me:[/B] I'm the booker man? [B]Wooten:[/B] Hey it's your money, so you should be in charge. However I'll still help as much as you want me to with the planning. Also, I recommend you use Ernie as a resource. He's got a lot of buddies from the old SCCW that work for cheap. And don't worry about us not being there, we'll set up an angle so the people will be even more excited to see us in March. [B]Me:[/B] You really think this is going to work out? [B]Wooten:[/B] Of course it is. Of course it is. As I finish my third glass, I take another look around. I was wrong, Big did get slapped... but he's smiling. Keith looks sloshed, but his beer is still full. And, I think Joker just won the bet. I guess anything is possible. Buttercup gives me a reassuring smile as she refills my glass. This is going to work out... isn't it?
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