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Mick Foley Present's: Bang Bang Wrestling

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It was a normal day, just walking on the sidewalk like I always did, see I'm unemployed and a wrestling fan. Yeah I'm not the most popular guy around, but nobody wants a smart ass on the job, I just don't know when to joke and when not to joke. Anyways back to my friendly walk, I looked around and saw all the business men walking around with their... suitcases and it made me feel sorry for myself, I had never achieved what I wanted to be as a kid, and these guys had, I was just a road bump on other's roads to success as the kind judge once told me as a child. Well I looked around and saw someone who looked very out of place, with all the suits and families walking around, here's this guy with long hair and a bum's beard, that's what I call a beard that make's you look like a bum, and he looked like a bum. Suddenly, I think he caught me looking at him, I turned around quickly only for someone to tap my shoulder, I flipped around to be face to face with the apparently hobo man. "Hey." "Look guy, I don't have any money but I do carry a gun!" "You don't happen to be a wrestling fan, do you?" "... Yeah, I am why?" "Good, then you'll know who I am right!?" "Are you drunk?" "You mean you've never watched the WWE?" "Ehh, no, I was always a DaVE fan myself before they went out, but SWF is doing pretty good these days, never did like TCW for some reason." "What the heck is a DaVE?" "Wait, how can anyone know anything about wrestling, not know about DaVE? They had a TV show man!" "No, I wrestled for the WWF, I was a pretty big star in the nineties, I don't know what a DaVE or SWF is." "Well I don't know what a WWE or WWF is." "Look, I don't know what's happening here, one second I was asleep at home, then I wake up and I'm in the middle of some woods, can you please tell me where I'm at?" "Well that's what homeless people do, they get drunk and wake up remembering how they used to be big successes." "You've never heard of [B]Mick Foley[/B]? [B]Cactus Jack[/B]? [B]Dude Love[/B]? [B]Mankind[/B]?" "Nah but they sound like a bunch of Larry Wood ripoffs." "Where am I?" "Talking with someone who has nothing better to do." This was the first time I took a look at his clothing, he didn't dress like a hobo, he was wearing a flannel vest, it was like someone out of a cheesy 70's movie, this dude was wasting my time I had more impor... I was hungry. "Well you've wasted enough of my time, I'm out of here." "Wait you still haven't told me where I am." "You're in the Tri-State region man." "What you mean, like New York?" "Yeah nobody really calls them by the state names anymore, just the region ya know, South East, Great Lakes, Tri State etc." "What the hell is going on here?" "A hobo talking to an unemployed guy, who can't pay the rent for much longer." "You wanna make some money?" "HAHA!" "What?" "Dude, how is a hobo going to make me any money?" "Well I can't write a third book if I don't have a legacy anymore, I guess I have to build myself up again, I'm gonna open a wrestling promotion!" "With what money?" "I always carry around ten thousand dollars, just in case." "How could I make money off of this?" "Well I need a head booker, you seem to know this... world, better then I do." "Alright then, you got me interested, what should we call this?" "[B]Bang Bang Wrestling![/B]" [I]To Be Continued~![/I]
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[QUOTE]Great line. This looks really cool. Just don't become a carbon copy of PSW[/QUOTE] Thanks for the comment, I try to keep it original, that's why I brought Mick Foley into the cornellverse and made him a confused hobo. [QUOTE]Haha. Hobo :) Interesting backstory, or.. I don't know. Mick Foley got me to read this, and I hope Foley will be wrestling, you know.. in his own promotion. I will be following this![/QUOTE] Mick Foley won't be wrestling, you'll find out just exactly who will soon. :D Now back to business. Several days later, I didn't feel right, it was like waking up from a bad dream, my life sucked but now I was going to get to do my dream job, working in the business I had followed my entire life. No doubt this so-called legendary Mick Foley was my first friend in awhile, so with nowhere for him to go I decided he'd be my roommate, mainly because I needed the help paying the rent. After I described the modern day wrestling scene to Foley, he decided that BBW's product needed to be edgy, we needed to be the hardcore style of wrestling that had made DaVE such a popular alternative, but to tune it up even more. Throw in some storylines, some controversy and some brand new matches, Foley himself had decided to come out of his retirement to wrestle as Cactus Jack, I don't know how that name got him successful but hey maybe it'll work again. I'd gone to the liberty of going through signing our roster of wrestlers and staff, for some reason Foley told me to make sure not to sign anybody named Ric Flair, what kind of name is that? Sounds like an old guy name, just guessing. Also I was in negotiation's with Sgt. Bubba Lee something and he demanded more then $2,000 and a main event title, wait what was his name again? Without further ado, the roster of BBW! [B]Main Event[/B] Cactus Jack Jack Griffith The Darkness Warrior [B]Upper-Midcard [/B]Grease Hogg American Machine [B]Midcard [/B]Ace Youngblood Black Eagle Frankie Perez Larry Wood [B]Lower-Midcard [/B]Air Attack Weasel Primal Rage [B]Opener [/B]Zeus Maximillion [B]Enhancement Talent [/B]Evil Spirit I'll admit that it's not the best roster in the world, but hey it's a work in progress, after much debate on what to name the first show me and Foley wanted to make it a big innaugeral show, and that's when it hit me that the ultimate name was just right there, right in front of me the whole time... [CENTER][B][QUOTE] [B]Bang Bang Wrestling Present's it's very first show![/B] [B]BANG BANG!! 2008!! Live from the Tri-State Region![/B] Cactus Jack vs. Jack Griffith for the BBW World Championship, in a Japanese Style Barbed Wire Match! The Darkness Warrior vs. American Machine, the winner gets a title shot next month! Grease Hogg vs. Frankie Perez Black Eagle vs. Ace Youngblood Larry Wood vs. Primal Rage Air Attack Weasel vs. Evil Spirit Also. "The Greek God" Zeus Maximillion in action! [/QUOTE][/B][/CENTER]
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