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[CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/ImpactBanner-2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]TNA iMPACT PREVIEW[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Things will heat up this week on iMPACT! In what many fans have called a "Dream Match" New Japan Pro Wrestling's Japanese legend Jushin Thunder Lyger will take on TNA's own olympic gold medalist, Kurt Angle. This match is sure to dazzle fans and will be match for the history books. Last week Paul Heyman's security force, his tag team, The RIOT squad debuted. The RIOT Squad will have a tough obstacle this week as they face off against a team that had some trouble last week, Christian Cage and Rhino. Paul Heyman has revealed that there will be a qualifying match for "The Road To Gold And Glory" tournament when "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan takes on Booker T. AJ Styles has promised that he will be at iMPACT and he has said that he's bringing backup...who is the backup that AJ has promised and what kind of impact will AJ have on the night? Petey Williams Open X Division Challenge will continue this week when he faces off against another opponent who has answered the challenge. TNA has learned that his wrestler is a former ECW superstar who will be challenging for the TNA X Division Title.[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Plus, Team 3D takes on The Motorcity Machine Guns! Gail Kim, Shark Boy, Jay Lethal and more will also be in action! Tune in to iMPACT this Thursday on Spike TV![/CENTER][/SIZE]
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TNA iMPACT Quick Picks Kurt Angle vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger "The Road To Gold and Glory" Qualifier Booker T vs. Matt Morgan The RIOT Squad vs. Rhino and Christian Cage The Motorcity Machine Guns vs. Team 3D Petey Williams Open X Division Challenge X Division Championship Petey Williams (c) vs. ??????????????? Gail Kim vs. Christy Hemme Doug Williams vs. Shark Boy vs. Jay Lethal BONUS WORTH 2 POINTS: Who is AJ Styles' backup?
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[B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger "The Road To Gold and Glory" Qualifier [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Matt Morgan The RIOT Squad vs. [B]Rhino and Christian Cage[/B] [B] The Motorcity Machine Guns[/B] vs. Team 3D Petey Williams Open X Division Challenge X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams[/B] (c) vs. ??????????????? [B] Gail Kim[/B] vs. Christy Hemme [B]Doug Williams[/B] vs. Shark Boy vs. Jay Lethal BONUS WORTH 2 POINTS: Who is AJ Styles' backup? Lashley :p
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"][B]TNA NEWS & NOTES[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER]Both Paul Heyman and Dixie Carter were very impressed with Doug Basham and Danny Hollie (The RIOT Squad) during their redebut with TNA. The two impressed both in-ring as well as how they got over with the crowd. During his match with Kevin Nash this past week on iMPACT Lance Rock came off the top rope and landed awkwardly on his ankle funny. We have heard that Lance Rock has broken his ankle and will be out for at least two months. Also Paul Heyman made the announcement this past week that Monty Brown would be returning at No Surrender when he faces Kurt Angle in "The Road To Gold and Glory" tournament. We understand that the ink is still drying on Monty's contract. Monty is said to be very excited to be returning to wrestling after a long lay-off. This past iMPACT pulled a 1.31 TV rating on Spike TV. This is a HUGE improvement for TNA who have failed to break the barrier of 1.2 for a LONG time. Many look at this as an immediate sign of success for Paul Heyman...only time will tell. This week's main event featuring Kurt Angle taking on Jushin Thunder Lyger is getting major press coverage. After this match Jushin Thunder Lyger will only have one more match on his contract as he is simply appearing as part of a talent trade with NJPW.[/CENTER][/SIZE]
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You know what stinks about being number one? There is only one way to go from there. Down. You can't move up in the standings. Oh well, i'll try two weeks in a row of perfect picks [B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger I wish Lyger would win, but i see Angle throwing an Olympic size fit over losing to him. "The Road To Gold and Glory" Qualifier [B]Booker T [/B]vs. Matt Morgan Booker T wins. If it was anyone else but Morgan, i'd go with them for the simple fact it isn't Booker or Morgan [B]The RIOT Squad[/B] vs. Rhino and Christian Cage Tough call. RIOT squad should win for they are the new team and should look strong. But Rhino and Cage are Rhino and Cage... [B]The Motorcity Machine Guns[/B] vs. Team 3D Wow, two tough matches in a row. I'm gonna go on a limb here and say upset MCMG win. Then get beat up Petey Williams Open X Division Challenge X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams[/B] (c) vs. ??????????????? Another challenger another win [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Christy Hemme Gail Kim for the simple reason she's Gail Kim [B]Doug Williams [/B]vs. Shark Boy vs. Jay Lethal Two faces against one heal.......Jay Lethal is a tempting pick, but i'll say Williams BONUS WORTH 2 POINTS: Who is AJ Styles' backup? Reply With Quote Wow, so many different options. But in the end. From his past, who better to help him out then The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels?
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[B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger "The Road To Gold and Glory" Qualifier [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Matt Morgan The RIOT Squad vs. [B]Rhino and Christian Cage[/B] [B]The Motorcity Machine Guns[/B] vs. Team 3D Petey Williams Open X Division Challenge X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams (c)[/B] vs. ??????????????? [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Christy Hemme Doug Williams vs. [B]Shark Boy[/B] vs. Jay Lethal
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[B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger "The Road To Gold and Glory" Qualifier [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Matt Morgan [B]The RIOT Squad[/B] vs. Rhino and Christian Cage The Motorcity Machine Guns vs. [B]Team 3D[/B] Petey Williams Open X Division Challenge X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams[/B] (c) vs. ??????????????? [B]Gail Kim [/B]vs. Christy Hemme [B]Doug Williams[/B] vs. Shark Boy vs. Jay Lethal BONUS WORTH 2 POINTS: Who is AJ Styles' backup? Bobby Lashley
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[B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger "The Road To Gold and Glory" Qualifier Booker T vs. [B]Matt Morgan[/B] The RIOT Squad vs. Rhino and Christian Cage [B]The Motorcity Machine[/B] Guns vs. Team 3D Petey Williams Open X Division Challenge X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams (c)[/B] vs. ??????????????? I think the ??????? is Justin Credible. [B]Gail Kim[/B] vs. Christy Hemme [B]Doug Williams[/B] vs. Shark Boy vs. Jay Lethal I WOULD have said Monty Brown, but now I'm going to say Lashley. P.S. Awesome write ups and shows. I hate rw diaries, but i love this
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[CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/ImpactBanner-2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]TNA iMPACT! From The iMPACT ZONE! with 1,000 people in attendance[/COLOR][/SIZE] *The opening video rolls and hypes the Sting/Joe storyline, the Lyger/Angle match and the Rhino/Cage vs. The RIOT Squad match. The pyro goes off as well as all the crowd shots of everyone going crazy* [B]Time: 3:00 Rating: C+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Welcome to iMPACT! Earlier today these two men arrived at The iMPACT Zone. [I]*The cameras show Sting and Kurt Angle arrive*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]Kurt Angle has a match against Jushin Thunder Lyger later and Sting has got to be thinking about Samoa Joe. [I]*The cameras continue with Sting and Angle as they walk into the building*[/I] [B]Time: 1:00 Rating: B+[/B] [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]Doug Williams vs. "Stone Cold" Shark Boy vs. “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Doug Williams just signed with TNA! Jay Lethal was wearing an eye patch to sell his injury that he sustained during the attack that So Cal Val perpetrated on him. Doug Williams used his vicious knees throughout the match to do some serious damage. Despite all of the offense from Williams, Lethal was able to make a comeback and had Shark Boy down in the middle of the ring as he went up top for the Elbow Drop. Sonjay Dutt and So Cal Val came out on top of the stage and distracted Lethal. Lethal got down off the turnbuckle and went to the ropes. Lethal began shouting at Dutt and Val as they made out on the entry way. Lethal continued screaming allowing Doug Williams to come in and hit Lethal with The Northern Lights Suplex for the three.[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What a huge win for Doug Williams! [B]Don West:[/B] I can’t believe that So Cal Val and Sonjay Dutt are still rubbing this in Jay Lethal’s face! [B]Winner: Doug Williams Time: 5:40 Match Time ~ 9:00 Total Time Rating: C-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to the office of Paul Heyman*[/I] [B]Paul Heyman:[/B] As you know by now we are having a one night tournament at No Surrender to determine who will challenge for the TNA World Heavyweight Title at Bound For Glory 4 in Chicago! Already announced participants in “The Road To Gold and Glory” tournament are Kurt Angle, Rhino, Christian Cage, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Monty Brown and the newest acquisition of TNA wrestling. For those of you who can’t count that’s seven people. We have one spot left, that last spot will be determined next week. We are going to have an elimination match. I’ve determined five men who I think are worthy of a shot, these men will compete next week. Kip James… Brother Ray… Chris Sabin… “The Monster” Abyss… And lastly… … … “THE PHENOMENAL” AJ STYLES!!! One of these men could very well win the whole tournament and then go on to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion at Bound For Glory! Good luck to all who are involved next week…happy hunting! [B]Time: 4:00 Rating: C-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to Cage and Rhino who are talking in their locker room*[/I] [B]Christian Cage:[/B] Look man, I don’t know what happened last week, but we need to be on the same page this week. [B]Rhino:[/B] I know. Those guys just got to me. All of the talk began to play with my emotions. [B]Christian Cage:[/B] So it was just an emotional thing? [B]Rhino:[/B] Yeah. I got upset that I haven’t performed to the level that I’ve been wanting to. I want some gold Christian! [B]Christian Cage:[/B] Well buddy you’re going to get that chance in “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament, (laughing) but you’ll have to get through me first. [I]*Christian begins to shadow box*[/I] [B]Rhino:[/B] Yeah… [B]Christian Cage:[/B] It’s going to be cool to wrestle against my best friend at No Surrender. [I]*Cage extends his hand to Rhino and he accepts*[/I] [B]Christian Cage:[/B] May the best man win! [B]Rhino:[/B] Oh…….he will. [B]Time: 2:00 Rating B-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]Gail Kim vs. Christy Hemme w/Jimmy Rave[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Gail Kim simply outmatched Hemme in this one. Rave played the comedy angle on the outside constantly playing his Guitar Hero controller. Hemme attempted her split leg drop but missed, Kim followed this up by locking in the Dragon Sleeper and getting the submission victory.[/I] [B]Winner: Gail Kim Time: 4:10 Match Time ~ 6:00 Total Time Rating: D+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What a victory for Gail Kim here on iMPACT! [I]*The music of Awesome Kong hits the PA*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] Uh-Oh…things are about to get ugly!!! [B]*Jimmy Rave bolts at the sight of Kong*[/B] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Jimmy Rave just ran away! [I]*Kong gets in the ring; Kim tries to put up a fight but falls to the spinning backfist! Kong picks Hemme up and racks her causing her toes to touch her head when she stretches her. Finally Kong nails Kim with the Awesome Bomb*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] The devastating power of Awesome Kong continues. [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: D-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*Saeed is on the ramp and she has a microphone*[/I] [B]Raesha Saeed:[/B] Paul Heyman do you see this! No woman in this company is safe! This type of devastation will meet every woman in TNA until Kong gets another title shot! Taylor Wilde when Kong gets her hands on you, you will look worse than either of these two women! YOU WILL BE DESTROYED BY AWESOME KONG! PAUL HEYMAN WE WANT A MATCH AGAINST THE BARBI DOLL…AND KONG WANTS IT A NO DQ MATCH!!! GIVE US THE MATCH OR YOUR ENTIRE DIVISION WILL BE DESTROYED!!! [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: D-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video plays to promote X Division Champion Petey Williams and his Open X Division Challenge*[/I] [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: E+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]Last week it was the former Billy Kidman, Peter Gruner, who will it be this week? [B]Don West:[/B] We know this much, he’s a former ECW superstar and I can’t wait to see who it is! [I]*Petey Williams comes to ringside with Rhaka Khan by his side*[/I] [I]*The lights go out and this hits the arena…..*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] IT’S SABU!!!! [B]Don West:[/B] THE HOMICIDAL, GENOCIDAL, SUICIDAL MANIAC…SABU!!! [I]*Petey Williams leaves the ring and attempts to leave but Sabu chases after him and gets him to the ring and this match begins*[/I] [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]TNA X Division Title Match Petey Williams © w/Rhaka Khan vs. “The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Sabu is making his return to TNA after being gone for more than two years. Petey Williams continues his Open X Challenge and it gets even more difficult tonight. There were quite a few botched moves in this match but it didn’t take away from the excitement. Sabu attempted the triple jump moonsault but Petey was able to get out of the way and Sabu hit the ref. After the ref was hit Sheik Abdul Bashir ran to ringside and nailed Sabu with a Spike right in the throat! Petey recovered at the same time as the ref and Petey nailed Sabu with the Canadian Destroyer which was followed by a three count.[/I] [I]*Sheik Abdul Bashir has a dubious smile on his face as he looks on from the top of the ramp*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] And Petey Williams squeaks out another win here in his Open X Division Challenge. [B]Don West:[/B] What business did Bashir have in this match?!?!?! [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] None! I’m sure this isn’t the last he’ll hear from Sabu. [B]Winner: TNA X Division Champion…PETEY WILLIAMS Time: 13:34 Match Time ~ 16:00 Total Time Rating: D+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to JB*[/I] [B]Jeremy Borash: [/B]At this point I welcome the nineteen time World Tag Team Champion, Team 3D! [I]*Ray gets right in Borash’s face*[/I] [B]Jeremy Borash:[/B] Brother Ray…. [I]*Ray flips the bird at Borash*[/I] [B]Brother Ray:[/B] Leave…. [B]Jeremy Borash:[/B] But… [B]Brother Devon:[/B] You hear the man, now beat it! [I]*Ray snatches the microphone away and faces the camera*[/I] [B]Brother Ray:[/B] Tonight, we face off against the two young punks named Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, The Motorcity Machine Guns. These two punks have beaten us before but it will not happen again. Sting and Kurt Angle are right; you young punks have no respect. We were a part of a professional wrestling revolution while you punks were a bunch of zit faced middle schoolers. We had won tag team gold before you punks had ever even had a wrestling match, yet you have no respect for us, because of that we will have no respect for you! Tonight we will destroy these two young punks from Detroit and after that we will work our way up and become twenty time World Tag Team Champions… [B]Brother Devon:[/B] OH MY BROTHER……TESTIFY!!! [I]*Ray drops the microphone and Team 3D walk towards the ring*[/I] [B]Time: 3:00 Rating: C+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where a pickup truck is sitting, the door opens and out comes AJ Styles*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] He said he would be here tonight and here he is! [B]Don West: [/B]I can’t approve of this, he must still be hurting. [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] I’m sure he is but I can’t wait to see what he has in store for tonight. [B]Don West:[/B] But where is the backup that he talked about last week? [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Maybe that question will be answered later Don. [B]Time: 1:00 Rating: B-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]The Motorcity Machine Guns vs. Team 3D[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]In this match 3D brawled while The Guns tried to use their speed to their advantage. 3D cornered Sabin and began to make quick tags followed by double team moves. Sabin dug deep and nailed Devon with an enziguri which enabled him to make the hot tag to Shelley. Alex cleaned house until Ray ended that with a low blow. Ray and Devon then began to work over Shelley. Shelley appeared to be out of it as Ray began taunting to the crowd. Brother Ray went to pick up Shelley and got caught with a small package… 1….. 2…. 3!!![/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What a huge upset from The Motorcity Machine Guns! [I]*3D looks shocked as the bell rings*[/I] [B]Winners: The Motorcity Machine Guns Time: 7:44 Match Time ~ 10:00 Total Time Rating: C-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where Booker T is sitting with his wife watching and reacting to the loss Team 3D just suffered*[/I] [B]Booker T:[/B] These morons! They should have finished them when they had the chance! [I]*There’s knock at the door*[/I] [B]Booker T: [/B]Come in! [I]*The door opens and it’s Sting*[/I] [B]Booker T:[/B] Well if it isn’t Sting, what can I do for you? [B]Sting:[/B] Booker, we need to talk. [B]Booker T:[/B] Go ahead my friend. [B]Sting:[/B] When I came out and pulled Samoa Joe off of you at Victory Road I wasn’t concerned about you, I was concerned about Joe. Things changed though, whenever Joe put his finger and stuck it in my face and told me to F off...things changed. I realized one thing these guys have no respect for us; they have no respect for the business. So I’m here tonight to ask you one thing Booker….are you with us….are you with Team 3D, Kurt Angle and I? Or…are you against us. [B]Booker T: [/B]Sting…first of all…I don’t like your tone. [B]Sting:[/B] Well that’s something you’re just going to have to deal with! [B]Booker T: [/B]Secondly, I agree with you! I came to this place that no one cared about with hopes of having great main event matches against people like you and Kurt Angle, but that didn’t happen. What happened, I was put into matches with a fat, out of shape, wannabe champ named Samoa Joe! So here’s what I say, I have a qualifying match for “The Road To Gold and Glory” tournament coming up next and if you can prove that you are on MY side then I’m with you. You dig? [B]Sting: [/B]I think I know what you’re saying. I’ll make sure to let you know how I feel. [B]Booker T:[/B] Now if you’ll excuse us we have a match to go win. [I]*Booker T leaves the locker room while Sting holds his bat up and looks at it*[/I] [B]Time: 4:00 Rating: B[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]“The Road To Gold And Glory” Qualifying Match Booker T w/Sharmell vs. “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]“The Blueprint” has continued to impress here in TNA but this is his first HUGE singles challenge. Booker T is coming off of a loss to Samoa Joe but is looking to get back into the swing of things. Morgan dominates early using his power to his advantage. Booker T uses some underhanded tactics to gain control of the match but that doesn’t last long as Morgan nails with his Bicycle Kick and signals that it’s time for the Hellevator! Just as Morgan gets Booker in position the lights go out![/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What’s going on? [B]Don West: [/B]You know what this means! [I]*The lights stay out for another 10 seconds but when they come back on Booker T has Matt Morgan pinned*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What just happened! [I]*The ref looks confused but counts the three*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] I think that Sting just proved to Booker T that he’s on his side. [B]Winner: Booker T Time: 8:39 Match Time ~ 11:00 Total Time Rating: C+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to the locker room of Jay Lethal where he is pacing around like a caged animal*[/I] [B]Jay Lethal:[/B] Sonjay…Sonjay…Sonjay…Sonjay…Sonjay… [I]*Jim Cornette walks into the room and stands back with a puzzled look on his face at the sight of Lethal*[/I] [B]Jay Lethal:[/B] Val…Val…Val…Val… [I]*Jim slowly approaches*[/I] [B]Jim Cornette:[/B] Black Machismo. [I]*Jay grabs Cornette by his jacket*[/I] [B]Jay Lethal:[/B] Black Machismo is DEAD! That was someone that I was to appease and appeal to Val, that part of me is DEAD! I am simply Jay Lethal! [B]Jim Cornette:[/B] Okay Jay, I’m good with that. I always thought “Black Machismo” was goofier than a pet coon! Will you let go of me now? [I]*Jay lets go of Cornette and appears to calm down*[/I] [B]Jay Lethal: [/B]Sorry… [B]Jim Cornette:[/B] Look Jay I need to ask you a question. I need a tag team, I’m still trying to figure out who I’m going to get and I thought to myself, who better than a former TNA X Division Champion! So what do you think Jay? [B]Jay Lethal:[/B] There’s not way! [B]Jim Cornette:[/B] NO WAY! WHY? WHAT HAVE YOU GOT BETTER GOING ON?!?!? [B]Jay Lethal:[/B] REVENGE! SONJAY AND VAL ARE GOING TO FALL THEY ARE GOING TO FEEL MY PAIN! [I]*Lethal breathes for a second*[/I] [B]Jay Lethal:[/B] I’ve already talked to Paul Heyman and I’m getting another shot at Sonjay Dutt at No Surrender, this time I’m walking out with the last laugh! [I]*Lethal turns to leave the locker room*[/I] [B]Jim Cornette:[/B] EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT PAUL HEYMAN! I’M SO SICK OF PAUL HEYMAN! I DIDN’T NEED YOU ANYWAYS! [B]Time: 3:00 Rating: D-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]The RIOT Squad vs. “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage and “The War Machine” Rhino[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]The RIOT Squad make their way to the ring after an impressive victory over Shark Boy and Curry Man. Last week Cage and Rhino lost to Sting and Angle. At No Surrender Christian Cage will face off against each other in the first round of “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament. We join this match near its conclusion.[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] This has been a back and forth match with Cage fending off both members of The RIOT Squad! [B]Don West:[/B] Christian Cage hasn’t been able to get a tag in to Rhino the whole match but has held his own! [I]*Christian Cage finally hits Basham with a huge clothesline and both men go down!*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]This is “The Instant Classic’s” chance to get the tag in! [I]*Cage begins crawling towards the corner where Rhino is holding his hand out*[/I] [B]Don West: [/B]Cage is only a couple of feet away! [I]*Rhino jumps in the ring*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What? He wasn’t tagged in! [I]*Rhino begins stomping Christian Cage*[/I] [B]Don West: [/B]WHAT’S HE DOING?!?!?!? [I]*The RIOT Squad get in the ring and hold Cage up while Rhino crouches in the corner*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Oh no….here it comes [I]*GORE! GORE! GORE!*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] This is sickening… [I]*Basham covers Cage*[/I] 1….2…3 [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]Rhino has just betrayed his long time friend Christian Cage. [B]Winners: The RIOT Squad Time: 9:38 Match Time ~ 12:00 Total Time Rating: C+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*After the match Rhino and The RIOT Squad continue to beat the crap out of Cage*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] This is sickening! [I]*The RIOT Squad nail Cage with The RIOT Act*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] Leave him alone, he’s defenseless! [I]*Rhino hits another Gore on Cage*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] DISGUSTING! [I]*The RIOT Squad get chairs and nail Cage with a Conchairto busting him wide open*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] We need some help out here! [I]*Officials try to come out and stop the beat down but are met with getting beat down themselves*[/I] [I]*Rhino sets up two chairs right next to each other near the ring posts*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What’s he doing now?!?!?! [I]*Rhino gets on the second rope while The RIOT Squad hand him Cage…RHINO DRIVER through the chairs!*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] This is one of the worst betrayals I’ve ever seen in my life! [B]Time: 4:00 Rating: C-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where Joe and Nash are talking, we join them mid conversation*[/I] [B]Samoa Joe:[/B] I just want to know why you entered Kev? [B]Kevin Nash:[/B] Why I entered “The Road To Gold And Glory Tournament”? [B]Samoa Joe: [/B]Yeah Kev! [B]Kevin Nash: [/B]Honestly… [B]Samoa Joe:[/B] Yes. [B]Kevin Nash:[/B] I don’t think you can beat Sting! I think he’s a legend and you’re a kid who is still learning the ropes. So my thought is that if you aren’t champ, then I’m the next best thing. So when you lose at No Surrender I can step in at Bound For Glory and win the belt! [B]Samoa Joe:[/B] When I lose…. [B]Kevin Nash: [/B]Yeah, when you lose. [I]*Joe gets right in Nash’s face*[/I] [B]Samoa Joe:[/B] Kevin, I’m telling you right now that our working relationship is over! You’ve doubted me from day one and I’m not going to put up with it anymore! I’m going to run over Sting! When I’m done with him…well I hope you win “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament so I can run over your old crippled ass at Bound For Glory! [I]*Joe walks off*[/I] [B]Kevin Nash:[/B] That-a-boy Joe. [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]DREAM MATCH Jushin Thunder Lyger vs. “The Wrestling Machine” Kurt Angle[/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]The Japanese Legend and The Olympic Gold Medalist make their way to the ring for this historic contest. This match gets the boxing style intros from JB! In the match Angle tried to use his wrestling skills to keep the high-flying legend down, and it worked near the beginning of the match. Lyger was eventually able to use his skills and turned the match in his direction! Lyger attempted to come off the top rope with a missile dropkick but Angle caught his leg and applied the Ankle Lock! Lyger almost tapped but was able to get to the ropes.[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What a phenomenal match so far! [I]*Lyger was still able to mount a comeback and nailed Angle with the Lyger Bomb out of nowhere! 1… 2…. KICKOUT!!!!*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] Lyger almost had him! [I]*The match continued as the two men battled with both being exhausted! Lyger set Kurt up once again for The Lyger Bomb but Kurt slipped out and nailed The Angle Slam!!!*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] He’s going for the cover!!! [I]1… 2… 3!!!![/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What a huge win for Kurt Angle! [B]Don West:[/B] This match is one that will go down in the record books! [B]Winner: Kurt Angle Time: 13:34 Match Time ~ 16:00 Total Time Rating: B+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*As soon as the bell rings the music of AJ Styles hits the arena*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Here he comes “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles! [I]*AJ has a microphone in his hands*[/I] [B]AJ Styles:[/B] Congrats Kurt! You just beat a legend of the sport fair and square! It’s too bad that you can’t beat me fairly! It took a man who was once an idol of mine cracking me over the head with a baseball bat in the head to keep me down! You two are pieces of work, beating me wasn't enough...you had to break my ribs and open a gash so large on my head that I had to have 40 stitches. You may have won the match Kurt, but DON’T HUNT WHAT YOU CAN’T KILL!!!! You may have put me down but I’m far from being out! Next week I’m going to win the last spot in “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament and I hope to see you in that match Kurt….you better hope we don’t face off because if we do it will be a night that you remember for the rest of your life! [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*As soon as AJ’s music hits Sting comes from the back and cracks him with a bat across the back*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Sting just took another cheap shot at AJ Styles! [I]*Right behind Sting is Booker T and Team 3D*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] This team of legends are now beating a man up four on one! [I]*The four men drag AJ towards the ring*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] And it’s about to be five on one! [B]Don West:[/B] Where’s AJ’s backup… [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]OH MY GOD!!! [B]Don West:[/B] IT’S THE FALLEN ANGEL!!! [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] IT’S CHRISTOPHER DANIELS!!! [B]Don West:[/B] HE’S BACK!!!!!!!!! [I]*The heels in the ring freeze as the lights flicker in the arena*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] WHERE IS HE? [B]Don West:[/B] It would seem that he’s playing mind games! [I]*The lights come back on and Samoa Joe is standing in the ring*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] LOOK! [B]Don West:[/B] It’s the TNA World Champ, Samoa Joe! [I]*Joe cleans house and stands tall as Joe and AJ stand in the ring*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Is “The Fallen Angel” on his way back to TNA? [I]*Joe and AJ both make the hand sign of “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels as iMPACT! fades to black!*[/I] [B]Time: 4:00 Rating: B-[/B] [B][U]OVERALL RATING: B[/U][/B][/CENTER]
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Picks Points headed towards No Surrender. chopps4312 - 17/15 - Apparently you are in my head Lexa90 - 14/15 - You're pretty close to being in my head iceman - 10/15 - an average of 2/3 ain't bad rhyseboi - 7/8 - you missed this pasts shows picks... MattitudeV2 - 6/7 - glad you're reading iceman - 5/7 - glad you're reading as well Sons of Kohral - 5/7 - I appreciate the kind words about my diary...I'm glad that you're enjoying it The person with the greatest percentage picked correctly (participating in a minimum of 2 shows) will get the prize of creating a match for No Surrender! [SIZE="3"][I]This past show was my favorite so far...as always feedback is awesome[/I][/SIZE]
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I think it's you and i both are on the same page. Clearly we both agree on how TNA could be booked. And if it was this way, we know they'd at least have you and I tuning in each week to watch lol. Great work again. And the Rhino turn, i did that in my current TNA game too. Freaky man.
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[QUOTE=chopps4312;488970]I think it's you and i both are on the same page. Clearly we both agree on how TNA could be booked. And if it was this way, we know they'd at least have you and I tuning in each week to watch lol. Great work again. And the Rhino turn, i did that in my current TNA game too. Freaky man.[/QUOTE] And after that you make Val Venis as your champion :p
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Well yeah. You can't have a great promotion without some flaws. And what better flaw than an ex porn star gimmick to lead your promotion? Actually as far as i am concerned he is a great veteran who i am sure would be cheap. Good on the mic and can help the younger guys out. Give him a decent push to get him up on the ranks and he'd have no problem going over for the younger guys. Nash, Angle, Booker, and Sting i just don't see doing that. Something that is needed to keep a promotion strong is building up more talent and passing the torch on. Still, your doing great and if that day ever comes in your diary could very well be the demise of my guessing. I'd be forced to always vote for him lol
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/ImpactBanner-3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]TNA iMPACT! Preview[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][CENTER]The action is heating up as we head towards No Surrender!!! This week we have a huge main event when "The Icon" Sting faces off against the TNA rookie "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan! Sting will continue to build momentum as he heads towards his huge clash at No Surrender with TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Samoa Joe! Speaking of Samoa Joe, this week he will team up with Christian Cage as they look for revenge against The RIOT Squad! Last week The RIOT Squad and Rhino put a massive beat down on Cage, will he be ready for this week? Last week as we went off the air Samoa Joe and AJ Styles showed signs signalling that "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels could be returning to TNA. Is Daniels really on his way back or are Joe and AJ simply playing mind games with the veterans? Also this week the final spot in "The Road To Gold And Glory" tournament will be decided when AJ Styles, Kip James, Brother Ray, Chris Sabin and "The Monster" Abyss face off in a five-way elimination match! The Open X Division Challenge will continue when Petey Williams faces off against another mystery opponent, last week it was Sabu, who will it be this week? All this plus, Beer Money, Eric Young, Booker T, Sheik Abdul Bashir, Taylor Wilde, Awesome Kong and more of your favorite TNA stars![/CENTER][/SIZE]
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TNA iMPACT Quick Picks Sting vs. Matt Morgan Christian Cage and Samoa Joe vs. The RIOT Squad The Road To Gold And Glory Qualifier AJ Styles vs. Kip James vs. Brother Ray vs. Chris Sabin vs. Abyss Booker T vs. Eric Young Open X Division Challenge Petey Williams (c) vs. ????????????? Peter Gruner vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir Taylor Wilde and Roxxi vs. Awesome Kong and Raeesha Saeed
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[B]Sting[/B] vs. Matt Morgan Christian Cage and Samoa Joe vs. [B]The RIOT Squad[/B] The Road To Gold And Glory Qualifier [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Kip James vs. Brother Ray vs. Chris Sabin vs. Abyss [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Eric Young Open X Division Challenge [B]Petey Williams[/B] (c) vs. ????????????? Petey Gruner vs. [B]Sheik Abdul Bashir[/B] Taylor Wilde and Roxxi vs. [B]Awesome Kong and Raeesha Saeed[/B]
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TNA iMPACT Quick Picks [B]Sting[/B] vs. Matt Morgan [B]Christian Cage and Samoa Joe[/B] vs. The RIOT Squad The Road To Gold And Glory Qualifier AJ Styles vs. [B]Kip James[/B] vs. Brother Ray vs. Chris Sabin vs. Abyss [B] Booker T[/B] vs. Eric Young Open X Division Challenge [B]Petey Williams (c)[/B] vs. ????????????? Peter Gruner vs. [B]Sheik Abdul Bashir[/B] Taylor Wilde and Roxxi vs. [B]Awesome Kong and Raeesha Saeed[/B]
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[B]Sting[/B] vs. Matt Morgan My dislike for Morgan's gimmick along with how i see the Sting storyline progressing makes me pick Sting on this one. [B]Christian Cage and Samoa Joe[/B] vs. The RIOT Squad Interference from either Rhino or Sting could give them the win via DQ. The Road To Gold And Glory Qualifier AJ Styles vs. Kip James vs. Brother Ray vs. Chris Sabin vs. [B]Abyss[/B] I am picking Abyss as i don't see him fitting any where else right now in your plans. Though it would be helpful to know what your plans are for this diary lol. [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Eric Young God i hope Young doesn't win Open X Division Challenge [B]Petey Williams[/B] (c) vs. ????????????? And for the record i'm going on a limb here and saying i see Sabu again as the challenger Peter Gruner vs. [B]Sheik Abdul Bashir[/B] You signed Kidman too? GET OUT OF MY HEAD! lol Gotta go middle east on this one Taylor Wilde and Roxxi vs. [B]Awesome Kong and Raeesha Saeed[/B] The massive Kong for the win
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[B]Sting[/B] vs. Matt Morgan [B] Christian Cage and Samoa Joe[/B] vs. The RIOT Squad The Road To Gold And Glory Qualifier [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Kip James vs. Brother Ray vs. Chris Sabin vs. Abyss [B] Booker T [/B]vs. Eric Young Open X Division Challenge [B]Petey Williams[/B] (c) vs. ????????????? [B] Peter Gruner [/B]vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir Taylor Wilde and Roxxi vs. [B]Awesome Kong and Raeesha Saeed[/B]
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[B]Sting[/B] vs. Matt Morgan [B]Christian Cage and Samoa Joe[/B] vs. The RIOT Squad The Road To Gold And Glory Qualifier [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Kip James vs. Brother Ray vs. Chris Sabin vs. Abyss Booker T vs. [B]Eric Young[/B] [I]My beyond reason pick of the night[/I] Open X Division Challenge [B]Petey Williams[/B] (c) vs. ????????????? [B]Peter Gruner[/B] vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir Taylor Wilde and Roxxi vs. [B]Awesome Kong and Raeesha Saeed[/B]
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TNA iMPACT Quick Picks [B]Sting[/B] vs. Matt Morgan [B]Christian Cage and Samoa Joe[/B] vs. The RIOT Squad The Road To Gold And Glory Qualifier [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Kip James vs. Brother Ray vs. Chris Sabin vs. Abyss [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Eric Young Open X Division Challenge [B]Petey Williams (c)[/B] vs. ????????????? Peter Gruner vs. [B]Sheik Abdul Bashir[/B] Taylor Wilde and Roxxi vs. [B]Awesome Kong and Raeesha Saeed[/B]
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