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TNA ~ The Heyman Era

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/ImpactBanner-3.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"][B]TNA iMPACT! From The iMPACT ZONE! with 1,000 people in attendance[/B][/COLOR] [I]*The opening video rolls and hypes/recaps the Sting/Joe rivalry, Rhino turning on Christian Cage against The RIOT Squad, the tease of “The Fallen Angel” returning last week and the main event of Matt Morgan facing Sting. The pyro goes off as well as all the crowd shots of everyone going crazy we then cut to ringside with Mike Tenay and Don West*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Welcome to TNA IMPACT!!! [B]Don West:[/B] We have a lot going on tonight Mike! [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] We sure do Don, the final spot in “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament will be filled, The RIOT Squad will face off against Christian Cage and Samoa Joe and in our main event “The Icon” Sting will face-off against “The Beast” Matt Morgan! Let’s go to the ring for our first match! [B]Time: 3:00 Rating: C[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][B]“The Middle Eastern Nightmare” Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Peter Gruner[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]Gruner debuted in TNA recently also Bashir hasn’t been around TNA for long himself but made a splash last week when he kept Sabu from winning The X Division Championship from Petey Williams! These two put on a pretty decent high flying match where Bashir cheated to get the upper hand and finished Gruner off with the WMD![/I] [B]Winner: Sheik Abdul Bashir Time: 6:15 Match Time ~ 8:00 Total Time Rating: D[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What a win for Bashir! [B]Don West:[/B] He just defeated a cruiserweight legend! [I]*Bashir is in the ring celebrating when the lights go out and Sabu’s music hits*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] This can’t be good for Bashir! [B]Don West:[/B] Where is he? [I]*The lights come back on and Sabu is in the ring with a chair!*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Sabu is in the ring! [I]*Sabu swings the chair at Bashir but he ducks the shot, gets out of the ring and darts to the top of the ramp*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] Bashir was an inch away from getting decapitated by that chair! [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] And you have to think that this isn’t over yet Don. [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: E+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to BG James*[/I] [B]BG James:[/B] I’m joined at this time by the man who will face “The Icon” in the main event of Impact tonight, Matt Morgan! [I]*Morgan walks into frame*[/I] [B]BG James:[/B] Matt you are one of, if not the most athletically gifted men here in TNA, but do you think that you are ready for Sting tonight? [B]Matt Morgan:[/B] BG I WAS BORN READY! “THE BEAST” IS HUNGRY AND TONIGHT “THE BEAST” WILL FEED ON THE FLESH OF THE STINGER!!! STING I USED TO BE A FAN OF YOURS BUT THE WAY THAT YOU’VE BEEN ACTING LATELY IS REPREHENSIBLE!!! TONIGHT YOU FALL TO THE HELLEVATOR!!! [I]*Morgan screams and walks out of frame*[/I] [B]BG James:[/B] Powerful words from an intense Matt Morgan! [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: C-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to the locker room of Team 3D, Booker T and Kurt Angle. Angle stands in the front of the locker room as Team 3D and Booker sit in chairs*[/I] [B]Kurt Angle:[/B] Gentlemen can I have your attention please! [I]*Booker and 3D continue talking*[/I] [B]Kurt Angle: [/B]HEY! SHUT UP! [B]Booker T:[/B] Hey watch how you talk to us son! [B]Kurt Angle: [/B]Listen we need to get some things straight for tonight! [B]Brother Ray: [/B]That’s right we need to straighten stuff out! [B]Kurt Angle:[/B] The number one priority tonight is to make sure that this guy (point to Brother Ray) qualifies for “The Road To Gold And Glory”! [B]Brother Ray: [/B]That’s right! Then I can get what I’ve deserved for a long time, a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Title. [I]*Booker and Angle look at each other and roll their eyes*[/I] [B]Kurt Angle: [/B]Yeah, then Ray can get his shot at getting a shot! [B]Booker T:[/B] The other thing we have to make sure of is that Sting isn’t embarrassed by that Gladiator punk, Matt Morgan! [B]Brother Devon:[/B] His sorry *** ain’t no problem man! [B]Brother Ray:[/B] We’ll make sure that Morgan isn’t a problem! [B]Booker T:[/B] One more question… [B]Kurt Angle: [/B]What? [B]Booker T:[/B] What about AJ’s friend??? [B]Kurt Angle: [/B]We’ll take care of him when the time comes… [B]Brother Devon: [/B]Oh my brothers…TESTIFY!!! [B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]Awesome Kong and Raeesha Saeed vs. Taylor Wilde (TNA Women’s Champion) and Roxxi[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Taylor Wilde has now been champion for over two months and has successfully defended her belt on more than one occasion; she is teaming with one of the founding women of the Knockouts division, Roxxi. Their opponents tonight are the former Women’s Champion, Awesome Kong, and her manager Raeesha Saeed. Kong dominates this match looking unstoppable and finishes off Roxxi with the Awesome Bomb![/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Awesome Kong continues to look impressive! [I]*Kong goes outside and gets a chair*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] What’s she doing?!?!? [I]*Kong puts the chair on the floor and motions that she’s going to hit the Awesome Bomb on Roxxi on to the chair*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] OH NO!!!! [B]Winners: Awesome Kong and Raeesha Saeed Time: 5:58 Match Time ~ 8:00 Total Time Rating: D[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*The music of Paul Heyman hits the arena as he comes out on the entry ramp*[/I] [B]Paul Heyman: [/B] STOP RIGHT THERE KONG! [I]*Kong drops Roxxi and looks at Heyman with a crazed look*[/I] [B]Paul Heyman:[/B] I can’t have you injuring everyone in the Women’s division! If you don’t stop you will be suspended! [I]*Saeed gets a microphone*[/I] [B]Saeed:[/B] SUSPENSION! You think that frightens Kong? She will do what she wants when she pleases and if you have a problem with that then you will be next on the list! [I]*Kong hits Roxxi with a back fist as she attempts to get up*[/I] [B]Paul Heyman:[/B] I swear to God if you don’t stop you WILL BE SUSPENDED!!! [B]Saeed: [/B]GIVE KONG A TITLE SHOT AND THIS WILL END! [B]Paul Heyman:[/B] Is that what this is about…a title shot!?!?! [B]Saeed:[/B] Yes, Kong wants the gold back! [B]Paul Heyman:[/B] ….FINE! At No Surrender it will be Awesome Kong challenging Taylor Wilde for the TNA Women’s Title! [I]*Kong throws Roxxi out of the ring*[/I] [B]Saeed:[/B] Thank you Mr. Heyman…it’s been a pleasure doing business with you. [I]*The music of Kong hits the arena once again*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]Kong will get a chance to get her title back at No Surrender! [B]Don West: [/B]That’s going to be an awesome match! [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: D[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut to ringside with Mike and Don*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]Earlier today we received a DVD in the mail from Beer Money. James Storm and Robert Roode asked us to play this video and the higher ups have decided to oblige them. Let’s take a look at this video from Beer Money Incorporated! [I]*The video begins to play with Storm and Roode riding in a limo*[/I] [B]James Storm:[/B] So LAX at No Surrender you’ve decided to invoke your rematch clause…big mistake boys! [B]Robert Roode:[/B] You see we are Beer Money Incorporated and we are the baddest and best tag team in wrestling today! [B]James Storm:[/B] That’s why we’ve talked to Paul Heyman and he has made the match at No Surrender a No DQ match…boys we’re about to give you a taste of what No DQ means. [I]*Storm takes a sip of his beer and pulls out a nightstick while Roode holds a chain in his hands. The two men exit the limo and it appears that they are outside a gym*[/I] [B]Robert Roode: [/B]Here we are in Brooklyn… [B]James Storm: [/B]The home of Homicide! [B]Robert Roode:[/B] This is his gym… [B]James Storm:[/B] And here he comes now… [I]*Homicide walks outside of the gym and Beer Money Inc. storm him and beat him mercilessly with the chain and nightstick! Homicide is busted open and bruised after the beating from Beer Money Inc.*[/I] [B]James Storm:[/B] Tell your buddy Hernandez that we’ll see you guys at No Surrender! [B]Robert Roode:[/B] If they show up at No Surrender! [I]*The two men laugh*[/I] [B]James Storm: [/B]Hey Homicide…Sorry about your damn luck! [B]Time: 4:00 Rating: C-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to Jeremy Borash*[/I] [B]Jeremy Borash:[/B] At this time I welcome everyone’s favorite super hero……..ERIC YOUNG! [I]*Young walks into frame*[/I] [B]Eric Young:[/B] Hey Jeremy…I’m not a super hero! [B]Jeremy Borash:[/B] What about Super Eric? [B]Eric Young:[/B] I’m not Super Eric! [B]Jeremy Borash:[/B] But you look alike! [B]Eric Young:[/B] How would you know…..you can’t see his face! [B]Jeremy Borash:[/B] ……never mind….. [B]Eric Young:[/B] So do you have some questions to ask me JB? [B]Jeremy Borash:[/B] Tonight you face Booker T, how are you feeling going into the match? [B]Eric Young: [/B]TERRIFIED! Booker T is pretty scary, he’s big, he’s fast and he’s agile…if I lose I might get fired…oh crap…what am I going to do!?!?!? [B]Jeremy Borash:[/B] I would suggest you don’t lose… [B]Eric Young:[/B] Good point…I better get ready. [B]Jeremy Borash:[/B] You’re still in your street clothes Eric….and your match is up now! [B]Eric Young:[/B] What!?!?!?! Oh Crap [I]*Young’s music can be heard playing in the background*[/I] [B]Eric Young:[/B] I’VE GOTTA GO!!!! [B]*Young takes off running*[/B] [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: D+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"][B]Booker T w/Sharmell vs. "Showtime" Eric Young[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]Eric enters in his street clothes followed by Booker T who is accompanied by Sharmell! Booker T will take place in “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament while Eric Young isn’t even booked to appear at No Surrender…Booker T wins in convincing fashion following The Book End![/I] [B]Winner: Booker T Time: 5:43 Match Time ~ 8:00 Total Time Rating: C[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage as AJ Styles steps out of a car*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] There he is “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles! [I]*Styles makes the hand motion of “The Fallen Angel” as he walks towards the arena!*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] There AJ goes once again signaling for Christopher Daniels, but tonight AJ will attempt to qualify for “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament! Could Daniels be back-up for this match? [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]He’s going to have to go through four other men, Brother Ray, Abyss, Kip James and Chris Sabin so he might need some backup! Don West: That’s sure to be a great match! [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: B-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We see a video where recapping Petey Williams’ Open X Division Challenge. We see the challenge and highlights of him beating Peter Gruner and Sabu*[/I] [B]Time: 3:00 Rating: E+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Fans here we are once again for the Petey Williams’ Open X Division Challenge! [I]*Petey comes to the ring with Rhaka Khan*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] And who will his opponent be……………. [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] IT’S “THE PRINCE OF PUNK” SHANNON MOORE!!!! [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]TNA X Division Title “Maple Leaf Muscle” Petey Williams © w/Rhaka Khan vs. “The Prince of Punk” Shannon Moore[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Petey takes the fight right to “The Prince of Punk” and gets the upper hand. After a quick exchange of high flying offense Moore is able to gain control and goes to work on Petey. This challenge has helped Petey to improve his stature within the company as this has been a fun storyline. Moore went up top and went for The Halo but Petey moved and hit Moore with The Canadian Destroyer for the three count![/I] [B]Winner: TNA X Division Champion…PETEY WILLIAMS Time: 7:54 Match Time ~ 10:00 Total Time Rating: D[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to BG James*[/I] [B]BG James:[/B] At this time welcome a three time TNA Triple Crown Winner… “The Phenomenal” AJ STYLES!!! [I]*Styles walks into frame*[/I] [B]BG James: [/B]Tonight you, AJ Styles, have a chance to qualify for “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament, but first you have to go through four other men. What are your thoughts going into this match? [B]AJ Styles:[/B] Simple, my thoughts are on making it through this match, going to No Surrender and winning the tournament and then taking on the World Champion at Bound For Glory! [B]BG James: [/B]I have to ask…two weeks ago you told Sting and company that you were bringing backup to TNA. Last week a video aired and it appears that a former X Division champion and your former tag team partner may be returning to TNA…what can you say about this? [B]AJ Styles:[/B] I’ll say this…And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire….Sting, Kurt, Booker, Team 3D…your day of Judgment is coming! [I]*AJ walks off as BG looks confused*[/I] [B]Time: 3:00 Rating: C+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]“The Road To Gold And Glory” Qualifying Match "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs. Kip James vs. Brother Ray vs. Chris Sabin vs. "The Monster" Abyss[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]All five men make their way to the ring with AJ Styles making his entrance last. Devon, Booker and Angle come to ringside but are evicted by referee Earl Hebner before the match even begins. Kip James was the first elimination when Sabin, Abyss and AJ all ganged up on him while Ray simply watched on from the outside. Sabin hit the Cradleshock to get the three on Kip. AJ and Sabin then exchanged some quick offensive maneuvers while Abyss chased Ray all over The Impact Zone. After AJ hit a dive to the outside on Ray and Abyss he got back in the ring and hit Sabin with the Styles Clash to get the three! Hebner went to the outside to try to get Ray and Abyss back in the ring, while Earl was outside Devon came out through the crowd and nailed AJ in the ring with a vicious chair shot to the head. Ray quickly got back in the ring and covered AJ for the three. [/I] [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]Team 3D has just robbed AJ of his chance of being in the main event of Bound For Glory! [B]Don West: [/B]They cost him a title shot Mike! [I]Ray and Abyss began brawling and it ended whenever Abyss hit Ray with the Black Hole Slam followed by the three count![/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What a crazy match! [B]Don West:[/B] And with that the last spot for “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament has been filled! [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] The only question left is this….who is the newest acquisition for TNA Wrestling that will be in the tournament? [B]Winner: Abyss Time: 14:25 Match Time ~ 19:00 Total Time Rating: C+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*A video plays hyping Danny Hollie and Doug Basham, The RIOT Squad, it really puts over the violence and brutality of the team*[/I] [B]Time: 2:00 Rating: D[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage where Crystal Louthan is standing by with Samoa Joe and Christian Cage*[/I] [B]Crystal Louthan: [/B]Tonight you two will face off against The RIOT Squad. What are your thoughts headed into this big match? [B]Christian Cage:[/B] This isn’t the first time I’ve stepped into the ring with The RIOT Squad, you see last time I got in the ring with them it was with my partner….Rhino. We had them on the ropes Rhino had been outside of the ring the whole match and I was ready to tag him when…BANG!...he tagged me with a Gore! Now my friend Rhino, tonight me and Joe are going to take care of The RIOT Squad and then at No Surrender…when it’s you and me in the first round of “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament….you’ll see how I roll! [B]Samoa Joe:[/B] RIOT Squad…tonight your undefeated streak ends! STING! I hope you’re back in your locker room watching this because you are going to get a sneak peek at what is going to happen to you at the pay-per-view! THERE WILL BE NO RETREAT! NO REMORSE! ………No Surrender!!! [B]Time: 3:00 Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]The RIOT Squad vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage and Samoa Joe (TNA World Champion)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]These four men meet in the center of the ring and begin exchanging fisticuffs. Christian looked more pissed off than ever in this match and really was on a rampage! The RIOT Squad used under hand tactics to corner Joe and work him over. Joe eventually made a hot tag to Christian who cleaned house and had just hit The Unprettier whenever two masked men ran in the ring and began to beat down The RIOT Squad. As a result of the interference the ref had to call for the DQ.[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] These masked men just attacked The RIOT Squad! [B]Don West:[/B] Could these be the men that Jim Cornette has recruited to face The RIOT Squad at No Surrender? [B]Winners: The RIOT Squad Time: 13:48 Match Time ~ 16:00 Total Time Rating: C+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]*We cut backstage to the locker room of AJ Styles*[/I] [B]AJ Styles: [/B]Team 3D…you guys just made the biggest mistake of your careers. You have caused judgment to come upon you! Now the angel will rain coals of fire upon your souls and “The Phenomenal One” will make you weep! This is how it’s going to be…at No Surrender you guys show up and I’ll show up and bring my partner with me and we’ll have ourselves a little match. You can try to deny me this match but if you do then I’ll keep on coming after you until you give it to me. Team 3D, at No Surrender you will fall to “The Phenomenal One” and…………….. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels! [I]*AJ makes the hand gesture of Christopher Daniels as the camera zooms in tight on the intense face of AJ Styles*[/I] [B]Time: 3:00 Rating: C+[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]“The Icon” Sting vs. “The Beast” Matt Morgan[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Both men come to the ring and stare each other down to start the match. Morgan used his youth and tenacity while Sting used his experience and underhanded tactics in this match. In the end Morgan was going to hit Sting with The Hellevator when Booker T suddenly appeared on the ring apron to distract Morgan. Morgan went after Booker allowing Sting to recover. Sting hit Morgan with a chop block from behind and then hit Morgan with The Scorpion Death Drop to gain the three count.[/I] [B]Winner: Sting Time: 10:42 Match Time ~ 13:00 Total Time Rating: B-[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Sting has just stolen yet another win! [I]*Kurt Angle and Team 3D join Booker T at ringside*[/I] [B]Don West:[/B] Joe will have to have eyes in the back of his head at No Surrender! [I]*Sting calls for a microphone*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Sting wants a microphone! [B]Don West:[/B] He obviously has something to tell us. [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] I imagine he has something to tell Sting. [B]Sting:[/B] (breathing heavily) Samoa Joe…did you just see that…at No Surrender…you’re not just facing me…you’re facing all of us! [I]*Team 3D, Booker T and Kurt Angle climb in the ring*[/I] [B]Sting:[/B] We are legends of this business…you aren’t going to just take our spots…you are going to have to earn them! Joe you don’t deserve to be champion…the champion should be a great legend of this business! That’s why at No Surrender I’m going to take your title…and either Kurt Angle or Booker T is going to win “The Road To Gold And Glory” tournament…then at Bound For Glory it will be an all legends main event while you young punks are going to be forced to compete in undercard matches! You guys, AJ Styles…Samoa Joe…Christopher Daniels…Monty Brown…Homicide…Hernandez…Matt Morgan…you guys aren’t on our level and you never will be. Joe…at No Surrender…IT’S SHOWTIME!!! [I]*Sting’s music hits as he celebrates with Booker T, Team 3D and Kurt Angle*[/I] [B]Mike Tenay: [/B]Sting is giving these young guys fuel to drive them. [B]Don West:[/B] I’m not sure if Sting wants to do this. [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] We understand that next week…MONTY BROWN returns to The Impact Zone! [B]Don West:[/B] UNBELIEVABLE!!! [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] We’ll see you next week! [B]Time: 4:00 Rating: B[/B] [B][U]Overall Rating: C+[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"][B]TNA NEWS & NOTES[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER]The past two weeks have been great for TNA on the ratings front. Impact two weeks ago scored an all-time high rating of 1.67 while this past week it pulled a solid 1.62. Apparently the signing of Paul Heyman as well as the influx of new and returning stars has breathed some life and interest into TNA. Speaking of returning stars, Christopher Daniels is set to return at No Surrender in a tag match with AJ Styles. The decision was made by Paul Heyman that it was time for Curry Man to hang it up so Daniels was brought back. TNA has big plans for Daniels so it'll be interesting to see in the coming weeks. We understand that Petey Williams will defend his TNA X Division Title at No Surrender against the Japanese Legend.....Jushin Thunder Lyger. Lyger has looked good in his two matches with TNA. Paul Heyman is the master mind behind the old guys vs. young guys feud and he's pleased with how it has gone so far. We've heard word from some TNA insiders that you can expect to see some old faces reappear in the X Divsion soon.[/CENTER][/SIZE]
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Picks contest heading towards No Surrender chopps4312 - 23/22 Lexa90 - 19/22 iceman - 10/15 rhyseboi - 7/8 MattitudeV2 - 12/14 iceman - 5/7 Sons of Kohral - 9/14 tizzyt - 5/7 angeldelayette – 5/7 Person with the best pick percentage right before the PPV will get to create a match for No Surrender…must participate in at least two picks contest to be eligible. Hopefully the long layoff hasn’t lost any of my readers.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/ImpactBannercopy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]TNA iMPACT! PREVIEW[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER]This week on Impact join us as we will only be 72 hours away from No Surrender!!! We understand that during the week Samoa Joe requested a warm up match for No Surrender, and boy did Paul Heyman give him one! This week in the Impact main event, in a non-title match it will be Samoa Joe taking on Kevin Nash! The former relationship between these two may affect the outcome of this match! This week Monty Brown will return to the Impact Zone! It has been two years since Monty Brown has wrestled in TNA and he will make his return this Thursday as he prepares for Sunday and "The Road To Gold And Glory" tournament! Rhino and Matt Morgan are on a collision course for Impact! One has to think that Christian Cage will be watching this match as he will face his former friend at No Surrender in "The Road To Gold And Glory" tournament! Sabu will take on Sheik Abdul Bashir this week! Bashir cost Sabu a chance at becoming X Division Champion and Sabu will look to gain some revenge this week on Impact! Plus we will hear from AJ Styles, Sting and Booker T as they are scheduled for interviews! All this plus The Motorcity Machine Guns, Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams will be in action! Don't miss this weeks addition of Impact!!! [/CENTER][/SIZE]
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Impact Quick Picks Non-Title Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Nash Angle and Sting vs. Shark Boy and Super Eric Rhino vs. Matt Morgan Sabu vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir Monty Brown vs. Johnny Devine The Motorcity Machine Guns vs. Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt Velvet Sky vs. Taylor Wilde
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[B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Kevin Nash [B]Angle and Sting[/B] vs. Shark Boy and Super Eric [B]Rhino[/B] vs. Matt Morgan [B] Sabu[/B] vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir [B]Monty Brown[/B] vs. Johnny Devine [B] The Motorcity Machine Guns[/B] vs. Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt Velvet Sky vs. [B]Taylor Wilde[/B]
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Impact Quick Picks Non-Title [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Kevin Nash [B]Angle and Sting[/B] vs. Shark Boy and Super Eric Rhino vs. [B]Matt Morgan[/B] [B]Sabu[/B] vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir [B]Monty Brown[/B] vs. Johnny Devine [B]The Motorcity Machine Guns [/B]vs. Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt [B]Velvet Sky [/B]vs. Taylor Wilde
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Non-Title [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Kevin Nash Title on the line or not, Joe is the champ and wins for a reason. [B]Angle and Sting[/B] vs. Shark Boy and Super Eric Unless Russo took over booking there is no way these two lose lol [B]Rhino[/B] vs. Matt Morgan Morgan, i think some how, some way Cage costs Rhino the match [B]Sabu[/B] vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir Sabu. Hopefully he gets a win. Hopefully [B]Monty Brown[/B] vs. Johnny Devine The Pounce! [B]The Motorcity Machine Guns[/B] vs. Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt Nough said [B]Velvet Sky[/B] vs. Taylor Wilde Yeah, Taylor is a sad attempt for TNA of a Stratus like female wrestler Glad you're back bud
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