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WWE Rebirth: Conquering the Big Four

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[b]WWE Headquarters New York City Sunday, March, Week 4 11.32 PM[/b] “Well, it’s been one hell of a year, and thanks to Cameron, we put on one hell of a show last night. I don’t think any of us thought we’d still own this building today. $30 million in debt, dwindling fanbase, talent jumping ship at every opportunity… Those were dark days.” Vince McMahon looked at the assembled people, all in his office, celebrating the success of WrestleMania. His son, Shane, daughter Stephanie, her husband Paul Levesque, and the Head Booker of WWE, Cameron Brogden. “But with a new perspective, new talent, and a new strategy, not to mention a lot of luck…” “You don’t need luck when you’re a sophisticated booking robot sent back in time to change the future for one lucky billionaire.” Cameron interjected, gaining stares from the rest of the room. “What? You should see what I did for the Invasion in an alternate universe I created when I altered the timestream… I call that the ‘B-Verse’. The ‘C-Verse’ is just way out there… Paul’s a janitor, Mr McMahon is CEO of a paper company… And don’t get me started on Tommy Cornell… But I’ve said too much.” “Right. No more drinks for you.” Levesque said, pulling the bottle of Jack Daniels away. “Anyway, that lottery win brought us out of the red, and we’ve been making a steady profit ever since… Which is why I’ve decided to start a new development territory down in Florida.” Vince said. “Florida? But then they’ll almost be in direct competition with Deep South…” Shane argued. “Which is why I’m sending an unstoppable team to run it… Your mother, Linda will be in charge of all the finances, and the booker will be Jim Cornette. Between the two of them, Deep South will be crushed, and we’ll have a new generation of superstars.” Vince said. “And it’ll give those jabronis Cameron decided we had to hire something to do.” Paul interjected. “I’ve got storyline ideas for most of them…” “Of course you do.” “Guys, don’t fight, we’re celebrating… Remember?” Steph stopped the two from talking. “She’s right. Enjoy the moment.” Shane added. Cameron smiled, and thought back to the year that led up to this huge victory…
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Don't get too excited, it's basically all hype for now, until I find a database I like enough to use for my conversion, I'll be posting a summary of the first year (and the events leading up to it (embellished somewhat from the Read Me file in the DOWWE mod from TEW2005)), followed by some news posts reflecting the changes I'll be making when I convert (there's a few big ones, that may not be entirely realistic, but I'm doing them anyway), but there will be shows eventually, I have too many story arcs inside my brain for this to die now.
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[B]Background Part 1: The Death of Eddie Guerrero and Aftermath[/B][I] (Taken from the Readme from the Death of WWE mod, by aznblusazn (with slight modifications, but mostly a direct copy/paste))[/I] November 13, 2005 - The death of Eddie Guerrero shocks the nation when he is found dead in his hotel room the morning of a RAW/Smackdown! supershow. November 14, 2005 - The edition of "RAW is Eddie" is broadcasted. November 15, 2005 - The cause of Guerrero's death is determined as acute heart failure caused by an undiagnosed heart disease and stain placed on his heart from overworking himself. November 17, 2005 - The funeral of Eddie Guerrero takes place. A special tribute edition of "Smackdown!" is broadcasted. November 18, 2005 - Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore is found passed out in a hotel lobby after overdosing on Somas. Dinsmore is then indefinitely suspended from WWE. November 21, 2005 - Vince McMahon announces a new drug testing policy for WWE. November 25, 2005 - Vicki Guerrero is approached by a civil rights group known as the WDPA (Wrongful Deaths of Professional Athletes) about a possible lawsuit against WWE. November 26, 2005 - After discussion between Vicki and the rest of the Guerrero family, an agreement to go forward with the lawsuit, which claimed that WWE knew of Eddie Guerrero's past abuse and health condition yet continued to work him anyway. The claim also is made that WWE could have prevented Guerrero's death. Meanwhile, an anonymous senator catches the news of the death of Guerrero, the story of Dinsmore, and the new WWE drug testing policy during a sports talk show and pushes to get Congress and the Federal Government involved in the situations. November 27, 2005 - WWE settles with Vicki Guerrero for $15 million dollars and a written contract for Eddie Guerrero's royalties. WWE also settles with the rest of the Guerrero family for another $15 million split amongst the remainer of the family and agrees to Chavo Guerrero's release from his contract. WDPA refuses the out of court settlement and is determined to shut down WWE. The Federal Government notifies WWE of an investigation that will take place in the near future. November 28, 2005 - (Morning) Vince McMahon contacts a group of representatives of the Federal Government investigation and attempts to bribe them to call off the investigation. The representatives reject his bribe offer and inform McMahon that they will continue. (Night) Vince McMahon decides to go on RAW, in a 20+ minute segment, and blast the Federal Government, and a new stable that are dub "The Representatives" made of Scott Taylor, Sylvain Greiner, and Tyson Tomko, debut, playing a "Right To Censor" type gimmick. November 29, 2005 - "The Representatives" invade Smackdown! and cut a dreadfully long 20+ minute promo making several homosexual comments toward each other. November 30, 2005 - The story of Vince McMahon's attempted pay off of the Federal Government and short clips of "The Representatives" air on all national news channels. December 2005 - WWE suffers from a drastic drop in popularity all over the world. In some parts of the United States, there were actual boycotts of the WWE product, with ever free tickets failing to help attendance. In an attempt to hold its dropping fanbase, WWE creative decide to go with a very edgy type product, more than it ever has been, and hotshotting big matches on free television such as Stephanie McMahon being stripped topless live on RAW, Hulk Hogan returning, an overuse of gimmick matches (Hell In The Cell, TLC, Hardcore) on free television, an incident where Kane (the character) was "killed" by getting thrown into a flaming garbage dumpster by "The Representatives", a rape angle where Trish Stratus is raped by Edge and Kurt Angle, Trish refuses to press charges and reveals she is pregnant, and then Edge and Angle feud over who the father is, and in one of the most edgy segments ever, Randy Orton defeats The Undertaker in a Hell In The Cell match on Smackdown! and proceeds to crucify him on a cross, complete the the thorn crown, and then whips him repeatedly with a whip as he is risen up above the Smackdown! fist stage. UPN refused to play the segment, so it was aired, without USA's approval, live on RAW. January 2006 - UPN drops their deal with WWE and buys out their contract with them. WWE's stock falls almost 75%, with WWE RAW only pulling a 1.2 rating. The USA Network is forced to move RAW to a 11PM time slot due to its risky nature. Chris Benoit's contract ends with WWE and he leaves the company. With UPN cancelling SD!, WWE has no choice but to end the brand extension, and due to its falling popularity, WWE releases a lot of unused talent, cancels their developmental deals with OVW and DSW, and releases a large group of talent to make up for the lose of revenue. Shawn Michaels and Mick Foley do a shoot promo on RAW, without creative's approval, and quit the company because it's "against [their] morals". Meanwhile, TNA gains its largest amount of momentum by getting WWE RAW's former 8PM-10PM timeslot on Spike TV. February 2006 - WWE RAW drops below a 0.7 rating and the majority of the WWE stockholders sale their stock back to Vince McMahon. Going into a massive debt, McMahon decides to sell the video library and trademarks that WWE owns. Vince McMahon sells the WCW library, rights, and trademarks to Eric Bischoff, and the ECW library, rights, and trademarks to Paul Heyman. The remaining libraries are sold to various independent companies. Eric Bischoff begins talks with Ted Turner to attempt to get WCW back in business, while Paul Heyman, along with Tommy Dreamer, use their own funds to get ECW back in business. Shawn Michaels announces that he is taking a break from the business. WWE releases even more talent as their popularity continues to go downward. TNA's Impact becomes the number one rated show on Monday Nights, pulling a 4.1 rating, with the debut of Chris Jericho. March 2006 - After five years since its destruction, WCW is reborn when AOL/Time Warner agrees to give a Monday Night time slot for WCW Monday Night Nitro starting in April 2006. Heyman and Dreamer have been having success, building ECW's reputation up with weekly live shows with a lot of the former ECW talent. The Federal Government ceases their investigation after four months and notifies WWE that they will be motioning their roster regularly. TNA makes huge signings such as Chris Benoit, Mick Foley, Rey Mysterio Jr., Nicho El Millionario, Juventud Guerrea, Super Crazy, Shane Helms, Shelton Benjamin, and Jim Ross. Eric Bischoff announces that Sting and Ric Flair have signed written deals with the company as well as a series of former WCW superstars under pay-per-appearance deals.
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[b]Background Part 2: The ‘Rated R’ Era[/b] After a lacklustre WrestleMania 22 card, which saw Hulk Hogan become World Champion for the 15th time, it seemed like the WWE was doomed to fail. Then a single phonecall changed Vince McMahon’s life, and started the company’s return to the Big 3… The hottest storyline of the year began the RAW after WrestleMania… A chance encounter between ‘The Rated R Superstar’ Edge and the WWE Champion, Hulk Hogan, led to a months-long feud, which saw Edge become a true force to be reckoned with, seeing Hulk Hogan to his 16th World Title reign, giving Edge two WWE Championship reigns, and passing the torch from the legend of yesteryear, to today’s superstar. Meanwhile, the Triple H and Big Show feud hotted up, as the two arch-nemeses fought each other tooth-and-nail, neither seeming to gain the upper hand for long, a true clash of the titans every time they met. The King of the Ring Tournament saw Kurt Angle taking on John Cena in the finals at Judgement Day, which saw Kurt Angle take the title of King, after interference from Randy Orton, who claimed he should have been in the final, leading to John Cena vs Randy Orton at every PPV until SummerSlam. The month of May was a hard time for the WWE, as they lost their television contract with USA Network, forcing them to record RAW four weeks straight, without having anywhere to air it. They quickly received a deal with America One, and by June were back on the air. We also saw a number of new talents appear in the WWE, as well as some returning old ones. The Tag Team Division hotted up, seeing The Hooliganz (Brian Kendrick and Paul London), Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid), The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark) and The New Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart, Harry Smith, TJ Wilson and Nattie Neidhart) join the company. The shock return of Jeff Hardy also saw the Hardys reform, which quickly returned the tag team division to heights not seen since the days of the SmackDown Six. William Regal’s return, with protégé Mark Belton, and Bobby Lashley’s new trainer Bob Sapp, added two more teams to the division, further strengthening it. Matt Hardy and Rob Conway had a solid feud over the Intercontinental Championship, which saw the creation of a new match, the Title on a Tightrope match, which many smarks complained was just an Ultimate X match, with one wire, but the two put on a solid match, if not really in their element. The return of RAW to network television also saw John Bradshaw Layfield win half share in the WWE, in a bet with Vince McMahon. JBL aligned himself with the Government’s Representatives (Mr Grenier, Mr Taylor and Mr Tomko (later replaced with Mr Hernandez)), and waged war against McMahon, who fought back by bringing Kane back to the WWE (a new, masked version, with a new man under the mask (Canada’s own, Kurrgan)). July saw the return of WWE’s innovative Taboo Tuesday, albiet now Cyber Sunday. Big Show was quick to cash in his guaranteed title shot, won during his feud with Triple H, but Triple H wasn’t done with him, attacking Show in the middle of the ring. JBL decided that the match should be interactive, and gave the fans the choice of third competitor, Triple H, John Cena, or Randy Orton. Rob Conway was forced to defend his Intercontinental Championship against whoever the fans chose from the rest of the roster. The Backseat Boyz had to defend their World Tag Team Championships against The Hardys, MNM and The Stampede Bulldogs in the fan’s choice of Ladder, TLC and Tornado Tag. Carlito was fighting Kurt Angle in a fan’s choice mystery partner match. All was set for a great PPV… Then disaster struck. WCW signed the WWE Champion, Edge, to a written contract. Arrangements were made, and an impromptu PPV was held, which saw Edge compete twice. First, jobbing to his old enemies, The Hardys, and then losing his WWE Championship to The Big Show, allowing the WWE to salvage their Cyber Sunday Main Event. Then the booking team decided to gain back some heat, by having Hulk Hogan appear to taunt Edge on his way out. But Cyber Sunday still hadn’t resolved all it’s problems… The Edge’s Farewell PPV saw the WWE lose all it’s PPV deals, and the new deal with Wrestling World didn’t quite get through in time, leaving WWE broadcasting to no-one. The show did go well though… Big Show retained against Triple H, The Backseat Boyz retained, John Cena beat Randy Orton (again), Kurt Angle and Booker T defeated Carlito and The Undertaker, we crowned a new Intercontinental Champion in Ken Anderson (the fastest rising star in Sports Entertainment history), Kane beat the everloving crap out of Mr Grenier, and Trish Stratus won a Fulfill You Fantasy Diva Battle Royal. But things were just hotting up in the WWE…
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[b]Background Part 3: Divided We Stand[/b] The month of August was full of good news for the WWE, who were still recovering from the shock loss of their biggest heel, Edge. Vince McMahon won the lottery, effectively cancelling out all of WWE’s debts, putting them in the black for the first time in almost a year. Then, they inked a deal to have SmackDown aired… On The Learning Channel. Once again with two brands in the land of kayfabe, JBL took control of RAW, and Vince McMahon took control of SmackDown, and the mad scramble for talent began. JBL fired the first shot, signing up the WWE Champion, The Big Show, but Vince countered with his signing of Batista, the #1 Contender at SummerSlam. JBL attempted to book himself into the match, but was once again countered, this time with the second SmackDown signing, ‘The Game’ Triple H. Randy Orton and John Cena, who signed to RAW and SmackDown respectively, threw their hats into the ring, and we had an Elimination Chamber match on our hands for SummerSlam. JBL signed the Intercontinental Champion, Ken Anderson, but Vince McMahon named Brian ‘Spanky’ Kendrick the #1 Contender at SummerSlam, and signed him to SmackDown, breaking up the Hooliganz, as Paul London was staying on RAW to be a founding member of the Lightweight Division. Vince signed the WWE Tag Team Champions, The Backseat Boyz, but JBL’s allies, The Representatives (Grenier and Taylor) won a tournament, deciding the #1 Contenders for SummerSlam, so all the gold was being defended not only for the champs, but for the brands. SummerSlam came around, and we saw the double-doublecross of the century. The Big Show retained his WWE Championship, only to have Vince McMahon make Kurt Angle cash in his King of the Ring title shot, and steal the title. The new champion then told Vince McMahon thanks for the bribe, but he was signing with RAW anyway. Ken Anderson managed to retain his gold, as did the Backseat Boyz. Paul London defeated four other men to become the inaugural WWE Lightweight Champion, and MNM won a Tag Team Showcase match. September saw the return of the European Championship, the holder of which was decided on the return broadcast of SmackDown, in a 10-Man Battle Royal, which saw Brian Kendrick take the gold. Vince McMahon also created a new World Heavyweight Championship, which would be competed for at Unforgiven, in a match between Triple H (who won a #1 Contender’s match that night) and ‘The Immortal’ Hulk Hogan. The two began a feud which saw Brian Kendrick get caught in the middle, all culminating in the SmackDown main event at Unforgiven… Ken Anderson began the feud that has thusfar defined his career… After a few nominal title defences on RAW, the Intercontinental Champion made an open challenge for Unforgiven, and it was answered by the last man he expected… The Deadman. The Big Show, furious with Kurt Angle and JBL’s betrayal at SummerSlam, begins to wage a one-man war against the two, using his rematch clause to get into the main event of Unforgiven. Meanwhile, in the RAW tag ranks, The Representatives feud with the Stampede Bulldogs, before inspiring Rene Dupree and Rob Conway to reunite as The Resistance, to counteract their former ally Mr Grenier. Batista jumped ship to WCW, but not before being thoroughly squashed by Bob Inc and John Cena on SmackDown, in a show that also saw Hardcore Holly become the #1 Contender to the European Championship at Unforgiven. September also saw the first two matches of the fast-paced Best of Five Series between Paul London and Jushin ‘Thunder’ Lyger, for the WWE Lightweight Championship, with Lyger winning the first fall on RAW, the second fall being set for Unforgiven. Booker T and Carlito began their imfamous feud, and Hulk Hogan vs Triple H, featuring Brian Kendrick, continued, as Brian Kendrick won a match allowing him to name the stipulation for Hulk Hogan vs Triple H at Unforgiven, making it a Loser Leaves Town match. Billy Kid… Man, I forgot his name was copyrighted by WCW… Billy the Kid debuted, attacking Teddy Hart and Jimmy Yang, to make an impact on the Lightweight Division. The same show saw the return of Lance Storm, who proceeded to put on a technical showcase with William Regal that night. Unforgiven was one for the ages. A solid undercard saw The Resistance defeat The Representatives and The Stampede Bulldogs in a triple-threat match, The Backseat Boyz defend their Tag Team Championships against the Briscoes, Lyger taking Fall 2 in the series against Paul London, after London was attacked by Triple H backstage. Randy Orton was disqualified in an Interpromotional Handicap Match against Bob Inc, Brian Kendrick retained against Hardcore Holly, Booker T cheated to defeat Carlito, The Undertaker defeated Ken Anderson via Countout, so Anderson retained, and in the main event, Kurt Angle retained, with an illegal pin. But it was the SmackDown main event that got everyone talking… Triple H won the World Heavyweight Championship, when Brian Kendrick attempted to interfere, but hit Hogan instead. After the match Kendrick and Triple H go nose-to-nose, and it looks as thought it’s about to escalate, as Hulk Hogan gets back to his feet… Only to meet with Sweet Chin Music from Brian Kendrick… After a month of producing comedy gold, The New HeartBreak Kid had turned on Hulk Hogan. The following Friday saw Hulk Hogan return to SmackDown, claiming that he obeyed the stipulation, and did in fact leave the town Unforgiven was held in… But this was a different town. He called Brian Kendrick out, and the two agreed to a Title vs Career Match that night, which saw Brian Kendrick cheat while the referee was down, resulting in the Hulkster leaving the company for good (his contract also happened to run out in the days following). The same week saw Big Show become #1 Contender to Kurt Angle, John Cena become #1 Contender to Triple H, and the return to professional wrestling of Sean O’Haire, who began dominating right away,almost earning a shot at Brian Kendrick’s European Championship, but the champ weaseled out of it, instead facing Randy Orton at No Mercy in a non-title match. The Undertaker once again became #1 Contender to Ken Anderson’s Intercontinental Championship, Paul London made a comeback, winning two straight falls in two weeks against Jushin Lyger, evening the series, which would come to a finish at No Mercy. Following a few hints, we saw Triple H and Brian Kendrick reform Degeneration X, turning on their partner Booker T, and laying waste to everyone in their six-man tag team match. No Mercy won the PWFlashlight’s Show of the Year, and there’s no doubt why… The Backseat Boyz retain their Tag Titles via disqualification in a Tag Team Turmoil match, where they interfered in the final fall, between The Hardys and MNM, The Resistance and Stampede Bulldogs teamed up to take on all three Representatives in a handicap match, scoring a comfortable victory. Paul London and Jushin Lyger put on a classic, with London retaining. Kendrick defeated The LegendKiller via DQ, when Sean O’Haire attacked The New HeartBreak Kid. O’Haire snapped completely, and had to be sedated and tied to a stretcher. Booker T and Carlito fought to a time-limit draw, The Undertaker defeats Ken Anderson, this time via DQ, as Anderson uses his title belt to attack Taker, in front of the ref. Triple H defeats Cena, following a sledgehammer shot, whilst the ref is unconscious, and Kurt Angle retained against Big Show cleanly, forcing a submission with the Angle Lock. Vince McMahon and JBL then announced that Survivor Series was going to be a Battle of the Brands. The build-up to Survivor Series didn’t do much to further any storylines, besides Vince McMahon stripping the Backseat Boyz of their titles, starting a tournament for the vacated gold, which the former champs won anyway.We also saw Garrison Cade join D-X, not to mention Sean O’Haire debuting his new gimmick, that of a madman who spoke in song lyrics, and his psychiatrist, the lovely Rebecca Bayless. The Undertaker defeated Ken Anderson in a No DQ match for the Intercontinental Championship, further intensifying their feud. Survivor Series was possibly even better than No Mercy, even if the build-up was lacking. The Battle of the Brands saw SmackDown score three points, with the Tag Team Champions, The Backseat Boyz, defeated The Resistance, and Brian Kendrick defeated Paul London (in what should’ve been Match of the Year(and was, according to Rebirth fans :D), but RAW won convincingly, with Ken Anderson defeating Booker T, The Representatives defeating The Hardys, Kurt Angle defeating Triple H, and Team RAW (JBL, Lance Storm, Randy Orton and The Undertaker) defeating Team SmackDown (John Cena, Carlito and Bob Inc). Paul London was injured by Sean O’Haire at Survivor Series, after saving his former best friend Brian Kendrick from a post-match assault. Billy the Kid decided to pick the bones, winning the Lightweight Championship the following night on RAW. The Big Show joined forces with the Resistance to take on JBL, Randy Orton and the Representatives, in a feud that went until WrestleMania (or even beyond…), Ken Anderson and The Undertaker were both named #1 Contenders to Kurt Angle’s WWE Championship at Armageddon. John Cena was once again #1 Contender to Triple H’s World Heavyweight Championship, and Sean O’Haire was finally the #1 Contender to the European Championship. Christopher Nowinski returned to run the Tough Enough Contest, and Lance Storm and Teddy Hart feuded with William Regal and Five Star Flash. Armageddon saw the biggest shock of the whole year, Ken Anderson pinned Kurt Angle to become the WWE Champion. Triple H retained via questionable means once again, Sean O’Haire near-destroyed Brian Kendrick to take the European Championship, Billy the Kid retained his Lightweight Championship with help from Regal and Belton, Big Show and The Resistance defeated The Representatives in an Elimination Tables Match, even though Randy Orton was the guest referee, Bob Inc won the Tag Team Championships from the Backseat Boyz, following a brutal Steel Cage Match and Carlito defeated Booker T. The PWI Awards saw Kurt Angle, Ken Anderson and The Undertaker rated #1, #2 and #3 respectively in the PWI100, as well as 11 other guys ranking. Coming up next… The Road to WrestleMania!
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[b]Background Part 4: The Road To WrestleMania… And Beyond[/b] The New Year saw Paul London fighting for the right to be in the Royal Rumble, even with JBL handing him the #1 Entry spot. Brian Kendrick traded in his rematch for the European Championship to get into the match, and JBL convinced Kurt Angle to cash in his rematch for the WWE Championship to get the #29 spot, with the #30 spot going to SmackDown, with Vince McMahon announcing that the spot will go to a Mystery New Signing. With Kurt Angle out of the title picture for now, JBL was free to book Ken Anderson vs The Undertaker, Champion vs Champion at the Royal Rumble, and the two fought backward and forward all month. The Backseat Boyz and Bob Inc continued to feud over the Tag Team Championships, with a Barbed Wire Masscre booked for the Royal Rumble. Carlito and Booker T… Well, they were still fighting… Billy the Kid and Teddy Hart started their own feud, Tough Enough continued to stink up the ratings, Sean O’Haire continued his war on DX, moving to Garrison Cade, and the two were booked in a match at the Rumble. The night of the Royal Rumble came, and it was another masterpiece from the WWE. The European Championship match opened the night, with Garrison Cade getting deliberately disqualified, before attacking O’Haire some more. Bob Inc put on an amazing hardcore match with the Backseat Boyz in their Barbed Wire Massacre, but in the end the champs were too good for even the boys from Philly. John Cena built tensions between himself and Kurt Angle, by convincing Kurt that Edge was the Mystery #30 entrant in the Royal Rumble, leading to some pretty funny segments throughout the night. Carlito defeated Booker T via countout… Continuing the feud some more. Paul London and Brian Kendrick agree to work together in the Royal Rumble, to improve both of their chances of winning from their early spots. Triple H retains his title via pinfall in a close-fought match. Ken Anderson adds to his title belt collection, winning the Intercontinental Championship from the Undertaker. The Royal Rumble match was as great as always, with Paul London lasting the full 60 minutes, with some help from Brian Kendrick… And the #30 Entrant… The one… The only… Shawn Michaels (much to Angle’s surprise). The final four were Shawn Michaels, Paul London, Brian Kendrick and Kurt Angle. HBK and his protégés made short work of the Gold Medallist, before Shawn Michaels hit Brian Kendrick with the Superkick, before eliminating him, and act Kendrick didn’t take kindly to, eliminating Shawn Michaels, leaving Paul London the last man in the match. But Paul wasn’t going to win it that way, challenging Kendrick to a one-on-one match, which he won, with a little help from old HBK. The next night, London announced he was jumping ship to SmackDown, to face Triple H at WrestleMania, and in his last RAW match, he defeated Kurt Angle. The Undertaker invoked his rematch clause, and won… Via DQ. JBL comes out and announces that Taker and Angle will have a match at No Way Out to determine the #1 Contender at WrestleMania, and next week there will be a fatal four-way to determine Ken Anderson’s opponent for No Way Out, when he defends his Intercontinental Championship. On SmackDown, we find Brian Kendrick blaming London and Michaels for his loss at the Royal Rumble, MNM become #1 Contenders to the Tag Titles, and Cade and O’Haire continue their feud… As do Carlito and Booker T… Unfortunately. Over the coming weeks, Paul London and Shawn Michaels form the New Rockers, and Vince McMahon puts them in a tag team match with DX’s Triple H and Brian Kendrick. Lance Storm becomes the #1 Contender to the Intercontinental Championship at No Way Out, but not before Rodney Mack introduces his new manager, Antonio Banks, forming the foundations of the Talent Bank. JBL announced that he’d signed a new deal with the USA Network, bringing RAW back up to 2 hours, albeit at 10PM. Triple H and Kendrick win the WWE Tag Team Championships, only to lose them a week later, due to interference, Alexis Laree debuts, in a short-lived almost romantic context with John Cena. Ultimo Dragon is the #1 Contender to the Lightweight Championship, but Teddy Hart continues his feud with Billy the Kid, leading to a lot of nice matches that keep the smarks happy. JBL, Randy Orton and The Representatives continue their feud with The Resistance and The Big Show. Ken Anderson cuts some nice promos, including one that reveals that he’s a member of [i]that[/i] Anderson family (kayfabe-wise at least), whereas Lance Storm was only trained by a member of a legendary family (The Harts), and a number against Taker and Angle. WWE announced that the King of the Ring PPV will be returning in May. No Way Out went to air, and everyone agreed it was a solid show. Billy the Kid and Ultimo Dragon open the show, and set the bar pretty high, with Billy the Kid scoring the pinfall following a distraction from his cousin, Mikey the Kid. Teddy Hart evens the odds before they can beat him down though. Brian Kendrick helps Cade win the European Championship, interfering whilst the referee’s back is turned. MNM become Tag Team Champions, when Bobby Lashley leaves the ring to be rid of Melina, and MNM make short work of his lone partner, before turning on Melina when she refuses to choose between the two. Randy Orton faces The Big Show, but it ends in a DQ when the Representatives swarm the giant. The Undertaker beats Kurt Angle to become #1 Contender to the WWE Championship at WrestleMania. Booker T defeated Carlito via dubious means, to continue the feud some more. John Cena and Kurt Angle agree to a match at WrestleMania. Ken Anderson loses the Intercontinental Championship to Lance Storm, when The Undertaker distracts him. The New Rockers defeat Degeneration X when London pins Kendrick. Adam Booker wins the Tough Enough competition, before defeating the runner up Tony Ward, when the guest referee, Chris Nowinski, attacks Ward. Adam Booker is named the #1 Contender to the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania (as part of his Tough Enough prize). Ken Anderson invites The Undertaker to choose their WrestleMania stipulation, and the Deadman obliges… And the match is made a Buried Alive match. The Lightweights steal the show on every RAW this month, qualifying for a five-man Title on a Tightrope match. The Money in the Bank Ladder Match is announced, with qualifying matches held on both shows throughout the month. Shawn Michaels and Brian Kendrick get ready to face off in the Battle of the HeartBreak Kids at WrestleMania. Carlito and Booker T feud their way to the definite finale of their feud, a match at WrestleMania, where, regardless of the results, the two cannot face each other in a singles match for a full 365 days. Thank god. Bob Inc cash in their rematch, against the newly renamed Quicksilver (MNM without Melina) for WrestleMania. JBL and Big Show continue to feud, with Big Show scoring a match against Randy Orton for his troubles, this time, if Big Show wins, JBL stands down as Chairman, if Orton wins, The Big Show and Resistance can be traded to SmackDown after the draft. The newest member of the Talent Bank arrives, Elijah Burke, who Banks touts as the next big thing. Garrison Cade jumps ship to WCW, but not before dropping the European Championship to Sean O’Haire, and being the victim of the most memorable spot of the year, suffering an O’HaireBomb from the top of a ladder onto a chair. The stage was set for the biggest show of the year, and boy, what a show it was. Lance Storm retained the Intercontinental Championship against ‘Tough Enough’ Adam Booker, not that many people cared. Billy the Kid defeated Teddy Hart, Shannon Moore, Jushin ‘Thunder’ Lyger and Ultimo Dragon in a Title on a Tightrope match to retain his Lightweight Championship. Bobby Lashley turned on Bob Sapp, costing the pair the Tag Team Championships, and ending a month of tension. Carlito defeated Booker T to finally end the feud in a One Last Time match. Rene Dupree won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, after Matt Hardy interfered, taking out Sean O’Haire and Jeff Hardy (somewhat accidentally). JBL interferes to help Randy Orton, forcing The Big Show and the Resistance to leave RAW forever. The HeartBreak Kids steal the show, with Kendrick giving up in the end and taking the DQ defeat, following a chairshot, as the two are too evenly matched. John Cena defeated Kurt Angle in a match that even Dave Meltzer would’ve enjoyed. Paul London delivered on his promise to give us a match the likes of which we’ve never seen, putting up the fight of his life, and taking Triple H to his limits, but in the end, the King of Kings scores the pinfall. The Undertaker and Ken Anderson go all out in the Main Event, putting on one of the greatest WrestleMania main events of all time, with The Undertaker finally defeating Ken Anderson cleanly for the WWE Championship, burying him alive… Where do we go from here? Coming up next: The WWE’s standings…
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I'm still waiting on a database that I like enough to covert. I'll probably go with 1RC (or whatever they're calling it), because I know those guys will deliver. I also like Bobinc's 'As The Title Turns', so if that's completed first, I might give that one a spin. Oh, I forgot to mention in my background posts... Within the last few (in game) months, AAA managed to go Global, hence the 'Big Four' in the dynasty title. Next up I'll be posting the current champions and their Top 5 Contenders, NWA-style, just to let y'all know where everyone stands. So you may postpone the mark-out moment until I start announcing my changes to the universe...
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In an effort to keep the WWE fans in the know, as to how their favourite wrestlers stand in the title picture, following each of the five major PPV's, Royal Rumble, King of the Ring, SummerSlam, Survivor Series, and of course, WrestleMania, we will be listing the current Roll of Champions, as well as their Top 5 Contenders. [CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/rawlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]RAW Champions[/B] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/WWEHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Champion[/B] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/theundertakerxi1.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Undertaker[/B] [I]In a hard-fought victory, The Undertaker continued his WrestleMania winning streak last night, after burying Ken Anderson alive. Who can stand up to his might?[/I] [B]1. Ken Anderson[/B] [I]Ken Anderson has been granted an extension to his rematch clause, due to his admission into hospital after last night's Buried Alive match. His return is uncertain, but Mr Layfield has allowed Mr Anderson time to recover, making him the #1 Contender so long as The Undertaker holds the championship.[/I] [B]2. Randy Orton[/B] [I]The LegendKiller defeated The Big Show last night, which certainly puts him in prime position to become a top contender. It's also quite helpful that he's one of JBL's favourites.[/I] [B]3. Kurt Angle[/B] [I]He may have lost to John Cena last night, but Angle is still one of the top superstars on RAW, if not in the entire WWE. The Olympic Gold Medallist is always a threat to the champion.[/I] [B]4. The Big Show[/B] [I]He may be getting traded post-draft, but he's still on the RAW roster for now, and is the only man who can beat The Undertaker for size and strength.[/I] [B]5. Sylvan Grenier/Rene Dupree[/B] [I]Rene Dupree may have won Money in the Bank, but Mr Grenier is the leader of The Representatives, and JBL's lackey. The two have shown time and time again that they're evenly matched, and we'd hate to separate them now. Dupree will be among the post-draft trades though,due to The Big Show's WrestleMania loss.[/I] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/WWEIntercontinental-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Intercontinental Champion[/B] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Lance20Storm5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lance Storm[/B] [I]Storm won the Intercontinental Championship from Ken Anderson, with a little help from The Undertaker, and successfully defended it against 'Tough Enough' Adam Booker at WrestleMania.[/I] [B]1. William Regal[/B] [I]Storm's former tag team partner, and his closest rival. One has to believe the two will lock up some time in the future, with the title on the line.[/I] [B]2. Rodney Mack[/B] [I]With the Talent Bank in his corner, Rodney Mack has become a major player on the RAW roster, championship gold can't be far off.[/I] [B]3. Shawn Hernandez[/B] [I]The muscle of the Representatives, you'd have a hard time matching Mr Hernandez for power.[/I] [B]4. Antonio Banks[/B] [I]The leader of the Talent Bank has proven that he's not just a mouthpiece, he can compete in the ring with the best of them.[/I] [B]5. Elijah Burke[/B] [I]The youngster has shone recently on RAW, under the guidance of Antonio Banks. A shot at gold must be on the horizon.[/I] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/WWELightweight.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Lightweight Champion[/B] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/BKidmanLW_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [B]Billy the Kid[/B] [I]Copyright issues aside, Billy is a top lightweight on the international scene, as his title defence at WrestleMania proved. Love him or hate him, he's the man to beat.[/I] [B]1. Teddy Hart[/B] [I]Longtime rival of Billy's, Teddy has proven to be the hottest young prospect in the division since Paul London. Just don't make that comparison to his face.[/I] [B]2. Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] [I]One half of the greatest series of matches in Lightweight history, with Paul London, and the father of the Japanese Super-Juniors, there's no disputing the fact that Lyger is a legend.[/I] [B]3. Ultimo Dragon[/B] [I]He may have lost to the champ at No Way Out, but 'The Last Dragon' has proven his abilities time and time again on the international stage, meaning he'll always be considered for contendership, until he retires. [/I] [B]4. Shannon Moore[/B] [I]The Prince of Punk hasn't had much time to shine in the WWE, but he did qualify for the Title on a Tightrope match at WrestleMania, and he is certainly a top-level Lightweight.[/I] [B]5. Scott Taylor[/B] [I]This list wouldn't be complete without one of The Representatives. Regardless of his loyalties, Mr Taylor has proven himself to be a great competitor.[/I] [/CENTER] Next... SmackDown!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/smackdownlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]SmackDown Champions[/B] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/WWETitle.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Heavyweight Champion[/B] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Ghhh3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple H[/B] [I]Triple H defeated the Legendary Hulk Hogan to become the first World Heavyweight Champion, and has defended it against all challengers ever since.[/I] [B]1. Shawn Michaels[/B] [I]HBK made his return at the Royal Rumble, and has proven himself to still be The Main Event, The Icon and The Showstopper. He's coming off a victory at WrestleMania too.[/I] [B]2. John Cena[/B] [I]He may have lost to Triple H already this year, but Cena is still a huge name in this industry, and is coming off a WrestleMania win.[/I] [B]3. Carlito[/B] [I]Perhaps the most surprising entry on this list, but he did defeat Booker T at WrestleMania, and has certainly been on his way up the card this past year.[/I] [B]4. Brian Kendrick[/B] [I]The New HeartBreak Kid took it to the #2 entrant on this list for over twenty minutes, proving that he may just be worthy of taking ol' HBK's mantle.[/I] [B]5. Kane[/B] [I]Since his return earlier this year, Kane has come back bigger and meaner than ever, carving a path through the roster that can only lead to one place... The World Heavyweight Championship.[/I] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/WWEEuropeanAAF.jpg[/IMG] [B]European Champion[/B] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/SOHaireE_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sean O'Haire[/B] [I]After that terrifying ladder spot a few weeks ago, who is even willing to get into the ring with this maniac?[/I] [B]1. Bob Sapp[/B] [I]His partner just turned on him, but after he has his revenge, many predict Sapp will turn his attention to singles gold, and may be the only one who can take O'Haire in a fight.[/I] [B]2. Bobby Lashley[/B] [I]If Sapp can take O'Haire, then so can Lashley, and Lashley might just be willing to do things Sapp isn't...[/I] [B]3. Jeff Hardy[/B] [I]He qualified for Money in the Bank, and put in a good showing, almost winning the match, proving he still has what it takes to be a singles star.[/I] [B]4. Hardcore Holly[/B] [I]He's been loyal to the company, and we like to reward that around here. Holly may have already lost to O'Haire in his previous title reign, but he's still a badass.[/I] [B]5. Matt Hardy[/B] [I]Always looking to escape from his brother's shadow, this might just be the way for Matt to do it.[/I] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/WorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Tag Team Champions[/B] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/quicksilver.jpg[/IMG] [B]Quicksilver[/B] [I]They've kicked their valet to the curb, and defeated the seemingly unstoppable powerhouses, Bob Inc. Who's next?[/I] [B]1. The Hardys[/B] [I]Awesome singles competitors, even better tag team wrestlers. These guys have held the belts more than any other team on the roster.[/I] [B]2. Briscoe Brothers[/B] [I]These guys won't take any crap from Quicksilver, their smashmouth style might just win them those titles.[/I] [B]3. Backseat Boyz[/B] [I]Kashmere and Acid held those tag titles for months, perhaps it's time they returned?[/I] [B]4. The Lost Boys[/B] [I]The darkhorse of the division, these guys are quite talented though, just a little unlucky.[/I] [B]5. ???[/B] [I]Perhaps the draft will freshen up the division?[/I] [/CENTER] Next up... News updates!
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  • 2 weeks later...
[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/pwf.jpg[/IMG] The guys over at TotalExtremeWrestling.com had an exclusive interview with 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair, where he more or less stated that his argument with Eric Bischoff at last week's Nitro taping was the last straw, and he was leaving WCW. Apparently he doesn't even know why he joined 'that son of a bitch''s company in the first place. His latest WCW experience has also soured his taste for the business, and he doesn't know when he'll be back, or who with. Could this be the last we hear from the Nature Boy? I hope so, he's completely irrelevant in this day and age.
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[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/pwf.jpg[/IMG] TNA have issued a press statement regarding Chris Benoit's injury from the house show last night. He appears to have broken his arm, and will be out of action for over a month. TNA states that he has asked for his release, citing a burnout from the industry, and if Ric Flair can retire, than maybe it's time for him to do the same. OOC: Controversial move, I know, and I'm not looking for the Benoit argument. I'm taking him out of the industry, plain and simple.
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Listen no matter what people are always going to argue about what Benoit was I like personally as a wrestler and mentor to them from what i have read and heard he was a great man When it comes to his personal life a monster near the end But lets all remember him as a wrestler and remember how he brought us great matches and im not trying to offend or upset people i just think that the talk of Benoit wrestling legacy being trashed because of this needs to be thrown out the window and never be brought up because of what he did, yes a horrible ending to a great life and career
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[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/pwf.jpg[/IMG] Vince McMahon has today announced the opening of a new promotion down in Florida, called Florida Championship Wrestling. He has announced the finances will be handled by his own wife, Linda, and the booking duties will be taken up by Jim Cornette, who will also continue his Colour Commentary duties on RAW. A number of talents who have been languishing on the WWE roster have been sent down to FCW, including Kevin Fertig, Tyson Tomko (who was re-signed a month ago), Matt Morgan, Adam Booker, Tony Ward (Tough Enough Runner-Up), Jon Heidenreich and Mark Belton. The most surprising signing is former TNA star, Monty Brown, who Jim Cornette announced was given the FCW Heavyweight Championship, before the promotion has even held a show. It's been speculated that this, along with a large signing bonus are what convinced the former NFL star to jump to the smallest of the Big 4.
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Ok, I've finally begun converting the RIP VKM database to match the Rebirth-Verse, just a couple of basic things for now, what I can remember off the top of my head, without having to get my laptop out (the screen's all blurry and hurts my eyes, so I'd rather avoid it while I can)... Unfortunately, I've got other writing projects, not to mention my job, an upcoming holiday, and of course that social life I've been neglecting since discovering Adam Ryland, so it's slow going from here. Just updating to give y'all hope. However, if you're a G-Prime addict (and I know you all are ;)), and are a fan of comic books, feel free to head over to my website [url]www.lessthanthreecomics.com[/url], where I've started posting my other work, kind of a continuing series of short stories, about superheroes. Feedback would be much appreciated over there too, I'm not even sure if I have readers, or just people who've been clicking links.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/pwf.jpg[/IMG] This week's Special Draft Edition of SmackDown will be two hours long, and on The CW network, as will every episode for the rest of the season, as part of a deal between CW, the WWE, The Learning Channel and CTV Sportsnet. (OOC: I couldn't very well leave my show on The Learning Channel, could I? Not long now boys and girls... At this rate, I'll have the database converted in a week or two, unless something comes up.)
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  • 3 weeks later...
[B]RAW Taping Alumni Hall, New York Monday, April, Week 1 7:34 PM[/B] Cameron knocked on Vince's door. "Come in." Vince ordered, and Cameron did, barely even glancing at the people already in the office. "Sir, you'll never believe it... Paul Heyman's managed to hire Raven away from TNA, and Rob Van freakin' Dam away from WCW. The internet are calling it the 'Extreme Exodus'. Why can a second-rate company like ECW pull off crap like that but we ca-" Cameron stopped talking when he realised who the two men sitting in front of Vince McMahon's desk were... "Cameron, meet our new signings... I trust you recognise them..." Vince said, a hint of smugness in his voice. "Uhhh... Yeah, I know who you guys are... Welcome aboard." Cameron managed to spit out. "Thanks." They both said. "Anyway gentlemen, I'm sure my intern has plenty of business he needs to go over with me, so why don't you two head out into the locker room, I'm sure you've both got old friends you want to catch up with..." Vince ordered, and the two men complied. "Vince, remind me to never doubt you again. How did you land those two?" Cameron asked, once the new acquisitions had left. "Huge signing bonuses. I trust you'll have some storyline ideas for them already?" Vince said. "I've got an idea for ****** already, we'll start the hype at Backlash... ******* on the other hand... I might have to think about that one for a while." Cameron said. "I didn't see anything on the internet about those guys jumping ship." "And you won't. Their previous employers let their contracts run out, at their request. This has been a long time in the making kid. Now, let's go over tonight's show one more time..." OOC: Guess who finished converting? I'll give you a hint. The guy who'll probably have a show posted by this time tomorrow.
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