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Canadian Charisma Championship Combat: A Poisonous Influence

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[B][I]From PWInsider, November 27th 2007 Written by Peter Senerchia[/I][/B] Canadian Charisma Championship Combat is a peculiar wrestling company by anybody's standards. Founded in 1996 as the 'underground' alternative to North Of The Border Pro Wrestling and Canadian Golden Combat by Troy Winner, it is a testament to what one man's creative vision can do to shape a promotion, and the long-term effects this can have. Even to this day, 4C still bears the marks of each of its main bookers, whose legacy has made it into one of the hardest promotions to sum up in the wrestling world. The high-spots were always there, of course. 4C was built by Troy Winner to hit heights he could only dream of, and its young stars scraped the ceiling every night in their attempts to please the crowds. But then, after a few attempts at putting a show together himself, Troy brought in the services of another man to help out. That man was Jack 'JG' Wells, formerly of the HGC, and filling in booking duties in between taking stuntman gigs in films and television. Perhaps not surprisingly for a man involved in the mainstream media, Wells convinced Troy of the importance of including more than just undirected spotfests. Under his reign, 4C gained its first few actual plotlines, started using promos and vignettes, and gave its wrestlers actual characters. The fans stopped going for popcorn every time the action slowed down for ten seconds, and actually paid attention. Slowly but surely, Wells turned 4C from a poorly-directed display of athletic nonsense into an actual wrestling fed, before moving on to greener pastures and better wages. Where J.G. Wells unified 4C, Hugh Dansigny nearly tore it to pieces. A notoriously abrasive personality, he allegedly volunteered to take over the book off his own bat after seeing a 4C show, calling Troy Winner and promising to turn his company into a powerhouse. What Troy Winner thought he was getting is uncertain, but what he actually got was both triumph and disaster in one for his company. Hugh's presence backstage was a constant source of aggravation as his ego swiftly managed to fill most of the space in the arenas. Reports indicated that barely a show, contract negotiation or a backstage meeting went by without someone starting a shouting match, and several workers quit rather than continue to work in such an environment. Yet, in spite of all this, by the time Troy finally had enough and threw Dansigny out on his ear, 4C had actually grown in size and its fanbase had become even more dedicated. Wells had stabilised the company, but Hugh Dansigny had started it growing. Then, finally, came the booker of 4C today: Joey Poison. A loyalist to the company and one of Troy Winner's projects since day one, many were leery of his appointment to the position, fearing the ego-trip that so often happens when a wrestler is placed in charge of his own push. Indeed, it is not unfair to say that Joey Poison's greatest success story was Joey Poison, and that had he not been in charge of the booking it is unlikely that he would have achieved his 4C Title reign as soon as he did. On the other hand, this is to put in negative terms something that proved extremely positive, as Joey Poison managed to inject with his new character a note of humour that 4C had previously lacked. A brief alliance with Phenomenal Excess proved a hit with the crowd, but Joey's days of doing the MC Hammer Slide were short-lived as eventually he turned on his friends to start his new gimmick: Joey Poison, the heel who never cheats but will go to any lengths to distract his opponent and throw them off their game to score the cheap win. Across the board, the most po-faced characters began injecting a note of wit and humour into their performances, and once again the crowd bought it, flocking in even greater numbers to see their new favourite promotion. 4C is and always has been a mish-mash of styles and influences, often contrasting but rarely conflicting, and yet somehow fundamentally remains a blank canvas. Whoever next takes over the reins, the only certain thing is that once again, things are due to change.
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Troy winner sighed, and sat back in his chair. “So, that's it?” Joey Poison nodded sadly. “Afraid so.” “And there's nothing I can do to convince you otherwise?” “Sorry. I'm just really not feeling it any more.” The pair sat in silence for a moment, Troy thoughtful, Joey attempting to look apologetic. Eventually, Troy broke the silence. “Why, though? I mean, you've been doing this job a while – why quit now? You've been a damn good booker! You stopped this place flying apart after that **** Dansigny. Why quit?” Joey sighed. “Honestly? I've not been feeling it for ages now. I've been trying to come up with new ideas, but it's just the same old stuff again. We need a new broom, we really do.” Troy shook his head. “Bull. We're going as strong as we ever have. Hell, the crowd's crazy for Sayeed as champ, we've got a decent tag division for the first time in God knows how long, that Newton kid's been working up as storm...” Joey snorted. “Yeah. You want the truth? Most of that stuff was Katrina's idea. I've been talking my ideas over with her, and she's got half a dozen for every one I've had.” “What? Joey, are you telling me that your girlfriend has been booking my shows for the last... how long?” “Six months, give or take. You know why I said you should hire Davis? Because she thinks he's hot. That's the limit of my booking decisions so far, Troy.” “Huh. Well, that's...” Troy stopped again. “Wait, you've been booking the shows based on what your girlfriend said to do, right?” “Right.” “And the last few shows have been awesome.” “I suppose so.” Troy grinned. “Joey, does Katrina want a job?”
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[B][I]From Katrina Young's MySpace page:[/I][/B] Day 92 of hiatus from competition. Exercise: 300 squat thrusts. I'd have done more, but I noticed how many I'd reached and decided not to kill my muscles for the next week. Hair Status: Apricot. Gah! If I wanted apricot I'd have bought apricot hair dye, not blonde! Serious correction needs doing there. My plan to hunt down and kill every daytime TV presenter in the world is progressing apace. Steven And Chris, I have decided, will die first. I shall cut them into thin strips and wallpaper the house with them. Now that's home improvement. Day 93 of hiatus from competition. Exercise: Sparred with Joey. Got him to beg for mercy seven times. Only actually had mercy once. I just like the little whimpering noises he makes. It's so cute. Hair Status: Covered by the World's Largest Hat for long enough to buy more hair dye. Jesus, I hope nobody took photos. I have decided that I shall spare Jerry Springer from death. He will instead live in eternal torment, as I sit him on a spike and leave him to be impaled by his own weight for the rest of time. It's a satisfying thought. Day 94 of hiatus from competition Exercise: 16 kilometres on a treadmill. I keep surprising myself with this. It does make the time fly by. Hair Status: Brownish. No longer looks the colour of vomit. This is an improvement. OMF'inG! I just spoke to Joey. Troy Winner? He wants to give me a job. As in, a booking job. For 4C. I CAN STOP WATCHING DAYTIME TV TO AVOID MY BRAIN SHUTTING DOWN. THANKYOU GOD. Also, I get to see that Davis Newton kid in wrestling shorts. This will... please me. Day 1 of New Job I'd give the usual updates, but... Well. I just had my first conversation with my new boss, Troy Winner. Joey's gone over it with me, and I'm remembering most of what he said right. What he said included: “So, we've got one of the talent's girlfriends booking? Small world.” “I want you to turn this company into a national powerhouse, even if it is a tall order.” “I don't want to be short with you, but just remember that I'm the boss.” “It takes a big man to build a company like this up from nothing.” My boss is four feet and three inches tall. I nearly died trying to keep a straight face. SOMEBODY HELP ME.
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[QUOTE=Regis;480798][B][I]From Katrina Young's MySpace page:[/I][/B] Day 1 of New Job I'd give the usual updates, but... Well. I just had my first conversation with my new boss, Troy Winner. Joey's gone over it with me, and I'm remembering most of what he said right. What he said included: “So, we've got one of the talent's girlfriends booking? Small world.” “I want you to turn this company into a national powerhouse, even if it is a tall order.” “I don't want to be short with you, but just remember that I'm the boss.” “It takes a big man to build a company like this up from nothing.” My boss is four feet and three inches tall. I nearly died trying to keep a straight face. SOMEBODY HELP ME.[/QUOTE] It's official: Midgets are comedy.
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[B]CANADIAN CHARISMA CHAMPIONSHIP COMBAT PRESENTS: UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT[/B] The following matches are announced: Canadian Dragon vs. Frankie Dee [I]The veteran heel CanDrag takes on the White Angel in thew first match of new Head Booker Katrina Young's reign. Will guile and experience triumph over Fighting Spirit?[/I] The Black Label Brotherhood vs. Thunder and Lightning [I]The artists formerly known as the Dirty White Boys make their 4C debut tonight, facing young up-and-comers Jason Thunder and Lightning Lomas. WIll they make a splash, or disappear without a ripple?[/I] Brett Fraser (c) vs. Primal Rage for the 4C Hardcore Title [I]Brett Fraser continues his pledge to defend the Hardcore Title against all comers, from any promotion. This week PSW sends a challenger, in the form of Primal Rage. Will the belt remain in Canada, or go home to Pittsburgh tonight?[/I] Phenomenal Excess (c) vs. Thug Life for the 4C Tag Team Titles [I]The culmination of almost a year-long feud, Thug Life get one more shot at the Tag Team Titles. Will the 187s achieve dominance over the Tag Division, or will Phenomenal Excess get away with their titles and their lives?[/I] Davis Wayne Newton vs. Joey Poison [I]Davis Newton has made no secret of the fact that he considers himself 'too good' for 4C. Joey Poison, though devious and tricksy, is a 4C loyalist from day one. Which will triumph?[/I] Barry Kingman vs. Jacob Jett vs. Sayeed Ali (c) for the 4C Championship [I]In a characteristic display of arrogance, last month Sayeed Ali boasted that he could beat both of his Number One Contenders singe-handedly. This month, he gets his chance to make good on that promise.[/I]
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[B]Canadian Dragon[/B] vs. Frankie Dee [I]Build Dee slowly or NOTBPW will steal him. Ideally, make him awesome only once they're full.[/I] [B]The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] vs. Thunder and Lightning Debut win to strengthen the tag scene. Probably involves cheating. [B]Brett Fraser[/B] (c) vs. Primal Rage for the 4C Hardcore Title [i]The belt will not go to Pittsburgh.[/i] [B]Phenomenal Excess[/B] (c) vs. Thug Life for the 4C Tag Team Titles [I]One last shot adds intrigue, but I suspect the Phenomenal E's talent advantage means they keep it and the 187s just miss their shot for a while.[/I] Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] [I]"No, seriously, honey, I do like you better. You go over, see?"[/I] Barry Kingman vs. Jacob Jett vs. [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] (c) for the 4C Championship [I]If he can beat them both single-handedly, you get some serious heel heat for your champ.[/I]
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[CENTER][U][B][SIZE="5"]4C PRESENTS... Under New Management[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] And this was it. First show as Head Booker – and it's me taking the first actions. Hey, if they're going to crucify someone, might as well be me, yeah? Our limited pyro budget went off, the music swelled, the thousand fans yelled and cheered, and I stepped out into the ring to greet them. “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Katrina Young.” Pop. Nice. Wasn't expecting that. “For those of you who don't know me, my MMA record with ALPHA-1 currently stands at 13-5, and there's a few of my matches online. So, if you think a woman isn't hardcore enough for 4C, I invite you to reconsider.” Once again, pop, although a smaller one. Shouldn't get so aggressive. “Now, when Troy Winner came to me and asked me to take over the book, I wasn't sure. Troy, I said, what does 4C have to offer? Aside from that hot piece of ass, Joey Poison.” There were a few boos – Joey's still working heel – but more laughs. The 4C fans are smart, they know the score between me and him. “So Troy just shrugs, and says to me, not much. Only the highest fliers, the bloodiest brawls, the best talkers and the craziest fans in all of Canada!” Now that gets them going. Nothing appeals to a fan like being given a mention. “Now, how could I refuse something like that? How could I turn it down? How could I go back on the chance to make this into the biggest and best fed in the world? So I'm promising all of you now, each and every one of you, that from now on, this fed is my life! Not a day goes by when I'm not trying to make this place better! And not a show goes by when I'm not trying to give you guys the best damn wrestling you've seen in your lives! And to that end, here's a couple of guys I think might do rather well together. They've been here a while, and I think you might know them – Canadian Dragon and the White Angel, Frankie Dee!” [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] Nobody warns you how much of a rush being in front of a thousand-strong live audience is. And you know what? I think they like me! [B]RATING: C[/B] [B]Canadian Dragon vs. Frankie Dee[/B] What followed was both awesome and underwhelming – I know these guys can do better. Specifically, I know Frankie can do better. An attempted roundhouse kick halfway through the match showed so much daylight we might as well have dropped a sun in the middle of the ring, and he completely mistimed a super-rana, almost landing on his head while CanDrag came down half on top of him. On the other hand, these guys have been working together for a while, and it does show. Blown spots or no, some of the reversal sequences in this match were fantastic. The crowd were on CanDrag's case from the moment he bailed from the ring after a big tackle by Frankie, and when he reversed an attempted Dragon Sleeper into the Northern Neckbreaker a few people started throwing things. Not bad for the first match of the new administration. [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] Canadian Dragon wins in 9:44 with a Northern Neckbreaker. Frankie Dee was really off his game tonight. Canadian Dragon and Frankie Dee have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. [B]RATING: D[/B] [B]The Black Label Brotherhood vs. Thunder and Lightning[/B] Next up, Tag Team Action. The artists formerly known as The Dirty White Boys have been running indie bookings since SWF kicked them to the curb, and I'd have been inclined to leave them there if not for two things: one, they actually know how to work a plunder-based brawl, and two, I found out that they actually call their own matches. Even the fact that they both seem to think that 'selling' means 'step backwards if someone hits you', but the superman bit kind of helps their tough guy image. Also, the Black Label Brotherhood selling for Thunder and Lightning? Nah. I like Jason and Lomas, but they need a lot of work before their half-decent technical game can be a credible threat. Job squad, ho! [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] The Black Label Brotherhood defeated Thunder & Lightning in 13:24 when 'Chains' Bonham defeated Jason Thunder by pinfall with an Outlaw Funeral. [B]RATING: E-[/B] The crowd weren't too hot on the last match, but they warmed up quickly when we cut to the back where we were greeted by everyone's favourite brightly-coloured lunatic, Joey Poison. “People of the world! It's good to see so many smiling faces staring up at me and you know what? It's good to know that at any point, any one of you could be hit by a moving motor vehicle! Which is not funny. Not even slightly. Cruelty to animals – that's funny! Dropkicking kittens, now there's a way to pass an evening with your family! Why, I personally have kicked eighty-two-” At this point, someone in the ring crew hurled a small toy cat across the screen, with a strangled 'meow' “See! See! I told you it was funny! You heartless bastards! Anyway, though, there's more to say than just that. Because, y'see, I've got an announcement for all of you! Something to brighten up your day! Because a few days ago, I made a new friend. A new friend for Team Poison, which totally exists now and everything! I know you were saying, 'Poor Joey, he has nobody to help him against all these mean people who want to stop him doing his crazy thing and occasionally kicking them in the head', but no! Not any more! Because now, without further ado, I present to you, the awesome, the tough, the terrifying, Gorgon!” And out of the shadows she steps, the monster heel in women's wrestling today, actually standing taller and weighing more than Joey himself. “This woman is here to stand against anyone who wants to mess with me! Anyone who thinks that they can run around claiming to be better-looking than Joey Poison, Gorgon will break your face! Anyone who thinks they're a better wrestler than Joey Poison, Gorgon will break your bones! And anyone who thinks they've got a nicer home than Joey Poison, Gorgon will break in there and STEAL YOUR COUCH!” [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] If I knew what the hell Joey was on, I'd have started taking it years ago. Also not a bad début for Gorgon, as these things go. Hopefully we'll be able to make more of her role as Straight Man to Joey sooner rather than later. [B]RATING: D+[/B] [B]Brett Fraser vs. Primal Rage[/B] Brett Fraser's open chellenge to any wrestler from any promotion has a simple reason behind it: our hardcore division had its guts ripped out. Sayeed Ali is the only other guy who can go in a plunder match with Brett, and he's our main champ! So it is that we're forced to bring in outside talent. In this case, the young Primal Rage came in from PSW. He knows how to work a hardcore match well enough, so this didn't totally suck, but still, the crowd knew he wasn't going to win. Lack of suspense, lack of name value – well, at least they bled a gusher. [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] Brett Fraser defeated Primal Rage in 9:40 by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT. [B]RATING: E[/B] Now, back to stuff that actually has heat on it, as the 187s make their way to the ring. Sayeed's done a fantastic job keeping these guys over, and his main championship run has managed to make Thug Life's failure to capture the tag titles far more bearable. Also, he knows how to work his character on the stick. “Shut your mouths, you god-damn cr*ckers!” The crowd don't. They never do. “Shut your mouths and pay attention for once! Yeah, you listen to the n*ggers! It must kill you that a fine young black man can stand here and hold this belt, and you can't do nothing about it!” The 187s raise their fists in a Black Power salute as the crowd boos. “But when it comes to conspiracies to keep the gold away from the oppressed minorities and on the white man, there are two people in this arena who are as bad as the worst slave-traders! For twelve months now they have turned these fine, proud black men into a laughing stock! A Mick and a god-damn dancing, g**k-loving honky trying to steal away our pride and our identity! We've taken it all! We've jumped through your hoops, boys, the n*ggers have danced for their slave-masters too many times! Now you get your white asses out here right now, and we settle this once and for all!” The crowd loves to hate Sayeed Ali, with his racist ranting and indiscriminate blending of black power clichés. Which makes it all the better that the crowd just loves Phenomenal Excess, and cheers like crazy the moment 'U Can't Touch This' hits the sound system and Phenomenal E shoots out from backstage, doing the picture-perfect MC Hammer Slide that has become his trademark. Duberry Excess follows, sipping a White Russian as always. E grabs the mic. “You'd better watch that language, man! You'll get us banned from TV! And if we get banned from TV before we even make it onto TV? That's just crazy! We'll get some kind of temporal paradox! I'll end up killing my grandfather and being my own sister and having the ****s take over the world with their dinosaurs! Freakin' **** Dinosaurs, man! So tone it down, okay?” He turns to leave, before being grabbed by Duberry Excess. “Er, dude? They kind of wanted a match.” “Oh! Yeah. Should we do it?” Duberry shrugs, and sips his drink.”Sure. Why not?” “Okay! It's on, baby!” [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] Whatever Joey's on, he got it from Phenomenal E. While it seemed kind of anti-climactic, this feud has gone on way too long already – dance-offs for the title, Thug Life fighting for the No. 1 contendership, Thus Life losing the No. 1 contendership, Thug Life being attacked, the matches falling apart, and to be honest it needs to end. So it did! [B]RATING: D-[/B] [B]Phenomenal Excess vs. Thug Life[/B] ...But it didn't end well. Thug Life are everything that can be wrong with someone's age in wrestling put into a team. Slim V is all potential and no skill to back it up, while Killah has experience but is as slow and old as anyone I've see. He was huffing and puffing by the end, and seemed ready to sell the submission by passing out rather than tapping. By contrast, the champs worked their asses off, Phenomenal E working the crowd with his crazy dancing white guy schtick and Duberry Excess providing a decent technical workrate. It still kind of sucked, though. [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] Phenomenal Excess defeated Thug Life in 9:39 when Duberry Excess defeated Hardcore Killah by submission with an Excess Force. Hardcore Killah was visibly tiring towards the end. [B]RATING: E-[/B] With the title match over, the time has come for Joey Poison's match. Davis has already made his way to the ring, when the lights dim and Alice Cooper's 'Poison' slams out over the sound system. Joey's ring entrances have been growing steadily longer and more elaborate as he's grown the character, and this in particular was no exception. Gorgon seemed rather confused, but then she's playing Joey's straight man, so it's not much of a problem. [B]RATING: E+[/B] [B]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Joey Poison[/B] God, the eye candy! My brain may overload. Aside from that, however, there wasn't much behind this match – no long-standing rivalry, no grudge, no challenge. Just two guys who happen to be good wrestlers in the ring together. Which isn't to say that they didn't do well with the match – far from it. It was kind of helped, though, by Joey's gimmick. Y'see, Joey always does something wacky in his matches to distract his opponent. It's his thing, and it keeps him in heel heat. Well, this time, Joey started exactly mimicking everything Davis was doing. He threw up the three fingers. He hit the same moves in the same sequence. He even did that flicky thing with his hair that makes them both look really, really cute. And all that added up to something useful: Davis calling the match. Because Joey, bless him, just does what he thinks is cool and funny, and couldn't string together a coherent story to save his life. Still, it all worked out well – Davis spent half his time worrying about Gorgon at ringside, and the other half getting pissed at Joey for mocking him. There wasn't really any doubt. [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] Joey Poison defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 17:38 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. [B]RATING: D-[/B] And with that done, we head to the hype for the main event! First, Barry makes his thoughts known to Terry Smith. “Barry, what are your thoughts about facing Jacob Jett and Sayeed Ali tonight? Do you have a game plan?” Barry snorts. “My thoughts? My game plan? My plan is the same thing it always is: win. Barry Kingman doesn't have black power, Barry Kingman doesn't need a hot blonde at ringside. Barry Kingman has the skills he was born with. Barry Kingman has no fear. And that's it. Barry Kingman – no gimmick needed.” [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] There are trees less wooden than Barry. If he didn't have a catchphrase, he'd be lost out there. [B]RATING: E+[/B] Next up, Katie Cameron addresses the crowd for Jacob Jett. “Hey, Sayeed! You'd better watch out tonight, because this man here – oh, screw it.” And, dropping the mic, Katie and Jacob proceed to make out like teenagers for the remainder of their screen time. [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] Ah, eye candy. Is there anything you can't solve? And I'm a great believer in equal opportunities eye candy. I will smear Jacob Jett in oil at some point if it KILLS ME. [B]RATING: C+[/B] And finally, the champ gets to speak again. “Barry Kingman, Jacob Jett, you better just lie down now! Because I'm telling you, there ain't no way you boys are walking out of that ring with my belt! This n*gger will defend his property to the death, and I don't care if the god-damn Crippler's your daddy, or if you bring your bitch to the ring, you do not have the power to stop me! I claim this title for my people, for all my n*gger homeboys out there, and no matter how hard you try, cr*ckers – you ain't getting it!” [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] Phenomenal E was right. Sayeed may actually get us thrown off TV before we've even got a TV show. [B]RATING: D-[/B] [B]Barry Kingman vs. Jacob Jett vs. Sayeed Ali for the 4C Championship[/B] And finally.... your MAIN EVENT! The action started out fast and furious, as well befits the ring with the cream of 4C's talent in it. All three men worked their hardest, and showed off their contrasting styles well without clashing too much. If Jett had his feet on the ground for more than half of the match I'll be amazed, Sayeed bloodied his knuckles from punching so hard, and Barry did what he does best: make up suplexes as he goes along and drop people on their mother****ing heads. Even Katie did her part, cheering and yelling along with Jacob's spots so well that the crowd went right along with her. In the end, the match built to its big finish: Barry caught Jacob in mid-air, dropped him into a backbreaker, followed up with the psychotically fact Dragon Suplex he calls the Black Out, before being blindsided by Sayeed. One double-underhook piledriver – the GBH Driver – followed, and one three-count later, Sayeed's arm was raised. Sweet. [I]Roadie's Notes:[/I] Sayeed Ali defeated Barry Kingman and Jacob Jett in 19:57 when Sayeed Ali defeated Barry Kingman by pinfall with a G.B.H. Driver. Jacob and Katie have – obviously – great chemistry. [B]RATING: D+[/B] [B]OVERALL RATING: D[/B] [I]Final Notes:[/I] The buzz after this was good, in the boys as well as the crowd. A few people wanted to see the CanDrag/White Angel match go longer, with the consensus being that they'd rather have seen less of Thunder and Lightning jobbing out yet again, but we can live with that. All told, a successful first show!
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