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A backyard dynasty

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[quote=author note][I]Howdy, and welcome to A Backyard Dynasty! I'm Tom Bombadil, and I'm a relative n00b as far as the TEW series goes. Some of you may know me from A Backyard Diary in EWR on GameFAQs. It gets referenced heavily in the backstory, so if you're sufficiently masochistic or want to see what you're in for, you can check it out at these two links: [URL="http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=563110&topic=28582122"]http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=563110&topic=28582122[/URL] [URL="http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=563110&topic=42034389"]http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=563110&topic=42034389[/URL] Like A Backyard Diary, this will try to simulate with at least a vague accuracy what would happen if I randomly opened up a fed in real life, and as such the opening roster consists entirely of friends of mine that I've edited in. Names have been changed, naturally. It seems that you folks run your dynasties a bit differently than the way we run our diaries, but I'll try to adapt somewhat, and hopefully we can meet in the middle. Expect more focus on kayfabe and worldwide happenings, and less on backstage events. It'll be mostly serious, but I take myself with a grain of salt as well, and you are encouraged to do the same. Hope you enjoy it! ^_^[/I][/quote] Going into Eye of the Storm, all eyes were on Thunder Championship Wrestling. The company had gone through a real rough patch as of late, with many top stars being signed away or deciding to call it quits, and the TV deal suddenly tanking due to a scheduling crisis, but TCW had shown its mettle by bouncing right back. The home-grown TCW workhorses were finally getting a chance to shine at the top of the card, the tag division was beginning to show signs of life again, and the molten hot B-Boy was doing a fine job of anchoring one of the best American cruiserweight divisions of all time. There was even talk of expanding the company’s horizons after Thunders of Revolution next month, and the rumor mill was abuzz with talks of signing indy legend CM Punk. Yes, TCW was once again shooting upwards in the indy scene, and the product had never been better! These thoughts and more ran through Tom Bombadil’s head as he worked out some kinks backstage. Mentally patting himself on the back for a job well done in pulling his company out of its slump, he idly wondered for the umptillionth time if he really deserved to be headlining again. It was too late to turn back now, though, after setting himself up for the main event next month. Like it or not, Bombadil would once again be headlining the biggest card of the TCW year, and this time he would not only be going over, but he’d actually hang on to the belt for a while for a change. Of course, maybe he should just hotshot the belt to B-Boy or use it to lure Punk to the fed…. Bombadil was so absorbed in second-guessing his booking that he very nearly forgot to walk out when his music hit. He immediately refocused his energies towards the upcoming 6-man tag match as he stepped out onto the ramp, not even noticing a weird tingling in his fingers….. [quote=A Backyard Diary]-Tom Bombadil and Team Impact v. Simply Amazing and Chris Bishop Back and forth match. Bombadil and Wave are of course the focal points, but everybody gets to hit their spots, except maybe Bishop, who turns into the whipping boy for the faces. Bombadil gets a hot tag relatively early on, and does the house of fire thing, taking out all three heels! Hotshot’s the legal man in, and starts to stand…Bombadil pulls back and calls for the Boltic Kick! He calls for it! He’s calling for it! He’s…still…calling…[I]Bombadil gets a funny look on his face, and pauses for a second. Bombadil clutches his chest and collapses! The ref throws up the X, the match comes to a screeching halt everybody’s in the ring here come the medics….Bombadil’s not moving at all…a stretcher is brought out….the locker room starts to empty…Bombadil’s wheeled out on the stretcher…there’s an ambulance outside, and they take Bombadil away….[/I][/quote] These words signaled the abrupt and untimely end of one of the greatest pieces of amateur literature the internet has ever known. “A Backyard Diary” not only sparked new life in the journaling community of the freeware wrestling sim known as Extreme Warfare Revenge, but also single-handedly popularized the now legendary fictional Hoganverse scenarios of the modder Adam Ryland. Hundreds flocked daily to GameFAQs.com, hoping for a new update into the world of Tom Bombadil’s little federation that could, and critics all around the world raved about Bombadil’s insight, evocative writing, and rugged good looks. All good things must come to an end, however, and A Backyard Diary came to an end that was as tragic and untimely as it was abrupt and surprising. The outright adulation of millions (and millions!) of Bombadil’s fans could do nothing against a simple hardware failure, or the blatant ineptitude of the local computer repair shop. And so, in August of 2008….er, wait, 2007 if the dates are going to make any sense…the save file for A Backyard Diary was suddenly lost forever into the dark void of time, and readers the world over wept in despair. Killing off his own character in the middle of the ring to close out the diary with a bang, the real Tom Bombadil vanished from the online wrestling community for weeks. This, however, was only the beginning of the remarkable story of Bombadil, however, and the tragic loss of the greatest fictional wrestling fed the world has ever known paved the way for the birth of the greatest actual wrestling fed the world has ever known… --- It was depressing to lose the diary I’d worked so hard on for two years, sure, but in the end, I had to realize it was just a game. After about half a day of moping and whining, I was able to move on with my life, and started preparing for the spring semester with a renewed focus. Visiting the old EWR boards proved too depressing a venture, so I simply stopped thinking about my old project. In the end, it really wasn’t a big deal at all, right? Fortunately, some people don’t quite let go so easily… I had first been introduced to the wonderful world of EWR by a user by the name of WOOnatureboi16. Although slightly…unbalanced…natureboi was intensely passionate about EWR and its community. He was so helpful in getting me started that I even let him make a cameo in my diary’s backstory, and I edited him into the Hoganverse mod as a top-tier legend under his real name, Ric Flair. natureboi was so thrilled by the backstory, in which his character gave mine a hundred grand in start-up money after being impressed by my ideas and passion, that he became a fanatical fan of the diary from the first post. It was his promotion that gave me my foothold in the cutthroat world of booking sim diaries, and his continued obsessive shilling of the diary turned it into an international phenomenon. To this day, he denies being the reason “A Backyard Diary” landed a major sponsorship with TCW, but I doubt even Ryland would have gone that far. I suppose I should have figured he wouldn’t let me fade away that easily. Still, you have him to blame for everything that’s happened. I’m just a random smark that happened to be in the right (?) place at the right (?) time, although some people have gotten it into their heads somehow that I know a few things about the wrestling biz. Anyway, the next chapter in my life started, like any good start of a new chapter in life, with Facebook. At some point, I guess I had foolishly mentioned my real name. Most people didn’t even notice, but then…there was natureboi. I returned back to my apartment after the first day of class, only to be met by a rather quizzical look from each of my three roommates. Red Kramer, my best friend and one of the few wrestling fans I knew, jerked his thumb towards the answering machine and grunted, indicating I should check it. I found….23 near-hysterical messages, begging me to come back to EWR. One of them was a cute-sounding girl, whose number I jotted down for later, and the other 22 were from a guy I could only assume was natureboi. Shaking my head, I explained to my roommates that some people were rather into that wrestling game I used to play. I was quite curious how natureboi had found my number until I logged on Facebook and found my wall spammed with WOOOOO’s and urges to walk down golden aisles or something. My inbox had quite a few messages from the more dedicated of my fanbase, so he must have posted my page somewhere. Here, however, natureboi had only tried to contact me once, in one of the most coherent messages I’d ever seen from him: [quote=Ric Flair]Bombadil, I know you can make TCW real. It is my greatest desire to see a man like you rise to the top of the wrestling industry, and I know you have the talent to do it and make the greatest wrestling federation of all time. You may not know it, but I wanted to be a wrestler once. I might have made it, too, if I hadn’t blown my back out. Your diary finally let me live my dream, so now let me return the favor. At the bottom of this message is the information for a bank account I’ve set up, with a hundred thousand dollars in it, just like the diary. Sorry I couldn’t make a check out to you like you wrote. :) The money’s yours to start a wrestling federation with. Don’t worry about paying me back- a hundred grand is pocket money to the Nature Boy! Just please, go out there and do what you were born to do… Be the man. Sincerely, Ric Flair[/quote] Well, I wasn’t overly sure what to make of that. I assumed this was some sort of joke, but deep inside, I knew it wasn’t, as I found out when I visited the local bank. I was now $100,000 richer, with no idea what to do next. While I didn’t know he was a frustrated wrestler, nor did I want to know how he had the financial means to throw around six-digit sums on a whim, I knew that he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Oh sure, he’d probably try to understand if I used it to do something mundane like pay off my student loans, but he’d gotten it in his head that I should have some of his money, and I wasn’t going to get him to take it back under any circumstances. Really, though, did I want to let him down? Even with a nice little start-up bonus, starting a wrestling federation and having it ever go anywhere was little more than a pipe dream for random college students such as myself, but yet…maybe he was right. Maybe I DID have what it took. Maybe I could start the next golden age of wrestling….maybe…. It was the old EWR board that got me. Flair had rallied the EWR community to lament my loss and beg me to accept his offer. People I hadn’t even heard of were pleading with me to make the diary a reality, and I just couldn’t say no, especially with Flair counting on me like he was. Heck, deep down, I had always wanted to try my hand at wrestling, but I never had the guts. When it inevitably flopped, I could just go back to my normal life, right? Of course, there’s a bit of a difference between sitting around playing with collections of data and organizing a real, living organization, and I only had experience with the former. I got some of my more talented acquaintances to construct something that might pass for a ring, and there were a few local businesses desperate enough to slap their names on it. The early days were a logistical circus, but I bumbled through somehow. The only thing I couldn’t figure out was a starting roster. I knew that my organization wasn’t sexy enough to attract anybody I’d ever heard of, but I had no idea how one might go about finding random people to slip on tights and act like idiots for a buck. In the end, I decided to go the exact route that my fictional counterpart did, and puppy-dog eye my friends into submission. Nobody really took anything I said seriously, but when I started waving hundred dollar bills in their faces, most of them decided they could at least try it out. And so, within two weeks, I had assembled an organization, containing the finest….well, to be honest, it contained a bunch of clueless schmucks, myself included, but we were ready to go to some extent. All we needed (besides divine intervention) was a name. TCW probably wouldn’t appreciate it if I recycled Thunder Championship Wrestling, and Flair’s suggestion of WOOOOOOO didn’t really catch on with anybody else. In a burst of anti-creativity, I eventually settled on Thunder Extreme Warfare. [quote=roster][b]TEW STARTING ROSTER[/b] (parentheses indicate their role, if any, in the old diary) The Barbarian (Newcomer) The Barbarian was the oldest out of my circle of friends, his schooling having taken longer due to enlistment in the Air Force. In addition to being older and wiser than most of us, Barbarian was a naturally intense man, who would no doubt happily put his body on the line time after time. He was a short and stocky man, and much stronger and more fit than he looked. Duke Berkman (The Duke of Berkmanshire) Berkman was a born entertainer, and easily the most charismatic of our relatively group. While fairly clueless in the ring, Berkman’s improv acting background and strange, compelling charisma made him right at home cutting promos and entertaining the crowd. Tom Bombadil (Tom Bombadil) I was easily the biggest wrestling fan of the group, not that it said much, and as such had more of an idea what I was doing than most. I had dabbled in professional acting as a kid, and while I wasn’t the greatest ever, I was able to maintain a strong stage presence, and loved cutting promos. I had a decent all-around set of skills, a strong martial arts background, and good potential to learn, but my tiny build and athletic incompetence would prove major obstacles in the coming years. Curt Callaway (The Big Stud) Callaway was a state amateur wrestling champion in high school, and as such was probably the only worker who had any business trying to wrestle in the early days. Callaway was also a solid football player, and easily the most legitimate athlete on the roster. He was a nice guy and a good worker, even though he seemed rough around the edges at first glance. Jack Hill (Newcomer) Hill was a rather awkward fellow, but he nonetheless could carry himself well on stage. Our friendship had become rather strained by a recent romantic rivalry, and hadn’t quite recovered, but I knew that his enthusiasm and tae kwon do expertise would be highly beneficial to TEW. Paul Kashmere (Thunder Prince) An old friend of mine from before college, Kashmere was the youngest member of the roster. He came back from an exchange program in Japan with a truly impressive mastery of martial arts and a fantastic work ethic. He was a good guy, to the point where his naivete and idealism actually made him difficult to deal with even for me, and had a natural charm I hoped fans would like. Joey Moss (Cyber Conjurer) I met the number two fan of my old diary at a music camp, and unlike Flair, he was fit as a fiddle and ready for action. Once I introduced him to my diary, he threw himself into it like he did with everything he enjoyed, and I knew he would bring that same fervent devotion to the real deal. A singer by trade, Moss was perfectly comfortable acting, although his high-pitched voice rather diminished the effect of his rugged appearance. Nonetheless, Moss would prove a competent all-around worker, and a valuable workhorse. Rick Rowell (Rolly McRollerson) One of my closest friends, Rowell was never known for his high levels of energy, but he was a pleasant guy who would enjoy the chance to goof around for the crowd, and he would cause even fewer backstage problems than the rest of my rather tame friends. Great Scott (announcer Double S) Scott was the quiet, hard-working type, and he was training to be a fireman at the time. He obviously had his doubts about the whole wrestling concept, but resolved to give it a shot. He was in excellent shape, and quite easy to work with, so he had strong potential as a workhorse. SHAZ (Newcomer) SHAZ was, in a word, crazy. Raised in Europe for several years, he had seen the wild life, or at least come a lot closer than the rest of us, and come out better for it. He was another one who found his new part-time job more amusing than anything, but he was sufficiently big and athletic and wild to make an entertaining worker who’d be up for just about any crazy angle. The Texan (The Texan) The Texan, or Red Kramer as most normal people knew him, was my best friend, and an invaluable help in getting TEW off the ground. Apart from his organizational talents, Texan was a big wrestling fan, who was excited by the prospect of beating the snot out of people. Don Thunder (D-Cal) Finally, there was Thunder, the smallest man on the roster next to me. Although he was probably the ****iest person I had to deal with, he also was very dedicated to entertaining the fans. He possessed some wrestling knowledge, and was much more in shape than one would expect, but his true talents lay in his flamboyant personality, which lent itself perfectly to the world of wrestling. TEW STAFF Wayne Adams An aspiring sportscaster, Adams did a fantastic job anchoring our school’s sports coverage, and was the obvious choice for color commentary. Rick Bass (road agent The Trout) Another sports announcer from our school, and the second most knowledgable wrestling fan around, Bass was happy join his frequent partner Adams at the announce table. J. Wesley Forthington Forthington didn’t initially want anything to do with this venture, but seeing all his friends sign up, he finally agreed to offer his services as a valet. He possessed an aloof charm and a dignified air that let him fir the part…hopefully. Dave Hampton Even smaller than me, Hampton wasn’t that interested in wrestling, but he was more than willing to referee for me. Sara Masterson I decided it would be best to have a kayfabe owner other than myself, and given that we didn’t have a women’s division yet, Hampton’s girlfriend was a shoe-in for the spot. She was an excellent locker room leader and advisor, and also had a pleasant demeanor that made her a perfect fit as a pleasant, professional figurehead. Mike Nelson (The Camera Guy, who I think jobbed twice and then went back to development forever) Nelson was an aspiring film director with loads of talent, so I figured he would be a good choice to oversee both the production crew and the backstage area. When he wasn’t running around doing everything at once, he was actually able to help out with the psychology of matches quite a bit, and hiring his girlfriend as head camerawoman didn’t hurt his morale. (Anybody else from the old diary probably ain’t gonna show up, except maybe Dragon Rosado, who’s too young at the game’s start)[/quote]
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So, I see that you folks like to do predictions here. Is there some sort of scoring system that's commonly done? We could get a little contest going...in the meantime, here's the first card for y'all, although you have virtually nothing to go on... [quote]TEW Brave New World Rick Rowell v. SHAZ The Texan v. Joey Moss Great Scott v. The Barbarian Duke Berkman v. Tom Bombadil "Lion" Paul Kashmere v. Jack Hill Curt "Stud" Callaway v. Don Thunder[/quote] Also, this is the first round of a tournament to crown the first TEW World Champion, so if you can successfully predict that before we start, you'll get bonus points or something!
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NEWSWIRE 21CW: Joey Beauchamp, UK Dragon join on PPA Joss Thompson, Jonathan Faust to turn face 5SSW: Megumi Nakajima wins All-Asian Championship from Raku Makuda Kiko Sakakibara and Yumi Maruya win Tag Team Championship from Seek & Destroy Munemori Umari, Akahito Miwa join on PPA APW: Jimmy Stratosphere for success BHOTWG: Eisaku Hoshino joins on short-term Signs Samoan Machine Hell Monkey joins on PPA CGC: Roger Dodger joins on PPA CZCW: Fox Mask wins Xtreme Championship from Flying Jimmy Foxx Davis Wayne Newton joins on PPA EWA: All eyes on Toby Juan Kanobi GCG: Barry Griffin wins Openweight Championship from Harumi Okazawaya Kiminobu Kuroki wins Openweight Championship from Barry Griffin GCG rises to Cult! Tsugiharu Odaka joins on PPA PGHW: Calls up Totoya Munakata ROF: Harley Neill becomes head booker SWF: New PPV deal with United Kingdom Choice Signs James Prudence, Steven Parker, Chris Caulfield, Darryl Devine UEW: Vita joins on PPA USPW: New PPV deal with American Option Des Davids and Darryl Devine to team as Party Central WLW: Koji Kojima wins Streetfighting title from Magnum KOBE Silver Shark wins Show Stealer title from Magnum KOBE TCW: Chance Fortune for success WEXXV: Sainoji Omura wins Warrior’s Heart from Munemitsu Senmatsu Katsuhiko Shunsen joins on PPA TEW: UEW makes 2 offers to SHAZ (current count: 2) (For some reason, SHAZ is apparently a really hot commodity in Europe. He’s gotten dozens of offers every test run of this mod.) Misc: Des Davis rising Gareth Wayne hurt badly in match American Buffalo and Genghis Rahn at war Mohamed El Yaaggoudi to switch from MMA to Brawler Pistol Pete Hall, Mephisto to retire Hot property Geena the Warrior Princess Abraham Slam and Ruud van Anger not on speaking terms Barry Griffin hurt badly in match Totoya Munakata and Washi Heat begin rivalry
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Welp, I was hoping for a bit more of a response, but at least SOMEBODY opened it up. ^^;; January, Week 2 Sunday, 2008- TEW BRAVE NEW WORLD I Held in front of 13 at Hunter’s Town Hall -A pleasant looking girl comes out and introduces herself as Sara Masterson, TEW’s “Lady Owner.” She thanks the fans for coming, and talks about TEW’s goal of someday revolutionizing the wrestling industry. She says that the crowd will be lucky enough to witness the first card of TEW action! Masterson finally wraps up by announcing a tournament to crown TEW’s first world champion. Tonight, there will be six singles matches, with the six winners facing at Frozen Fury in February. However, also on the next show, there will be a 6-man elimination match, and all four winners will face off at New World Order in March for a chance to wrestle for the title at Rain of Blood! Rating: E- -Match: Rick Rowell v. SHAZ The first ever TEW match is not exactly auspicious. Rick Rowell gets a decent pop as he came out to (what else) Never Gonna Give You Up, but the crowd seems more interested in heckling his wild-eyed opponent, SHAZ. After some mediocre brawling, followed by decidedly bad brawling, Rowell finally taps out to an unconvincing bear hug. Rating: F -Match: “Lion” Paul Kashmere v. Jack Hill The second bout turns out slightly better. Kashmere comes out in full martial arts gear, and takes a while to high-five his way to the ring. Hill goes with more of a traditional MMA getup, and looks to be trying to emulate MMA style in general. Pretty stiff match, and all striking. After a series of stiff chops, (wooo!) Kashmere hits a roundhouse kick to the temple, dropping Hill like a sack of bricks for the pinfall. Rating: F+ -Hill is in the ring, recovering from his loss, when new music hits. Out comes a decidedly snooty young fellow, decked out in tails and carrying a cane, and he introduces himself as J. Wesley Forthington. Forthington commends Hill on his fighting spirit, even given that he lost, and suggests that they form an alliance. Hill isn’t sold on it, and blows by him without giving an answer. Rating: F+ -Match: The Texan v. Joey Moss A short match that features two of the more focused brawlers in the promotion. Texan comes out playing the badass redneck gimmick perfectly, but Moss goes for more of a strong, silent ice man type of character. The match is short and sweet, and ends with Texan rebounding off the ropes right into Moss’ spinebuster for the pin. Rating: E- -Texan collects his senses, and gets up to leave, but out comes a snarky little Puerto Rican guy! We don’t catch the guy’s name, but he openly mocks Texan for losing to Moss, and bolts when Texan tries to go after him. Rating: E- -Match: Great Scott v. The Barbarian A no-frills brawl. Great Scott is just an unassuming hunk of muscle, and Barbarian is, well, a barbarian. Scott ducks a nasty looking lariat and hooks in a sleeper hold for an eventual win. Rating: F+ -Tom Bombadil hits the ring for his next match, but decides to exercise his right to free speech first. Bombadil says his opponent is Duke Berkman, and that he’s not worried at all. Berkman, apparently, is a shrimpy guy (Bombadil’s hardly one to talk) who couldn’t outwrestle a housecat! (what?) Bombadil guarantees he’s going to win the next match! Rating: D- o_O -Match: Tom Bombadil v. Duke Berkman For what it’s worth, it appears Berkman is indeed almost as shrimpy as Bombadil. He hops in the ring and decides to meow at Bombadil for some reason. Bombadil’s not quite sure what to think of this, and Berkman seizes the chance to start pounding Bombadil’s face in. Berkman nearly gets the win in the brief match, but Bombadil winds up making good on his promise by stopping an avalanche with a nasty superkick! Rating: E- Bombadil and Berkman have great chemistry! Darn right we do! -Match: Curt “Stud” Callaway v. Don Thunder Callaway comes out in a black wrestling singlet and headband, and his opponent is the snarky guy from before! They put on a chain wrestling clinic, (well, as much as can be expected) but in the end, Callaway catches Thunder in a figure four, and Thunder is left with no choice but to tap. Rating: E Overall: E- Can be considered a success, should have increased popularity. [quote]TEW Frozen Fury Predictions: Wildcard Elimination Match: The Texan v. Duke Berkman v. Rick Rowell v. Jack Hill v. The Barbarian v. Don Thunder Quarterfinal: Great Scott v. SHAZ Quarterfinal: Curt Callaway v. Tom Bombadil Quarterfinal: Paul Kashmere v. Joey Moss[/quote]
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Oh T-Bomb. How I wish the other Gurii played TEW. Wildcard Elimination Match: The Texan v. [B]Duke Berkman[/B] v. Rick Rowell v. Jack Hill v. The Barbarian v. Don Thunder Quarterfinal: [B]Great Scott[/B] v. SHAZ Quarterfinal: Curt Callaway v. [B]Tom Bombadil[/B] Quarterfinal: [B]Paul Kashmere[/B] v. Joey Moss
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NEWSWIRE: 21CW: Elimination Agents win Tag titles from Anglo-Scots Connection Leo Price and Nightmare win Tag titles from Elimination Agents the same night 4C: Whippy the Clown joins on PPA Barry Kingman wins Hardcore title from Brett Fraser 5SSW: All Japan TV debuts 5SSW High Velocity BHOTWG: Acid, Champagne Lover, Rhino Umaga, Mohammed El Yaaggoudi, Jungle Jack join for tour CGC: Alex and Jack DeColt to turn heel Ryan Powell wins Canadian title from Trent Shaffer Bobby Thomas rising star CZCW: Mario Heroic joins on PPA Plagues wins vacant Coastal Zone Championship Los Deporte Hoy debuts CZCW Wrestling Night EWA: Jed High wins European title from Super Falcon Devastation United win Tag Team titles from Double Dutch GCG: Mokuami Maita, Venom, Washichi Inao join on PPA Jimmy Cox wins vacant World Heavyweight title INSPIRE: Japanese Sports Vision 2 debuts INSPIRE Lightning MAW: Erik Strong wins Rip Chord Invitational Challenge, beating Oscar Golden MOSC: Danny Patterson wins UK Championship from Kevin Jones NOTBPW: Derek Frost rising star NYCW: Coyote Dynamite wins Tri-State Regional Championship from Lee Wright OLLIE: All eyes on Championa Jr Los Deporte Hoy debuts OLLIE Guerra Extrema PGHW: Call up Stone Yoshikawa, Eien Miyamoto PSW: Carl Batch joins on PPA Ash Campbell wins vacant National title Callum and Lazy Joe to team as Risk and Reward SAISHO: Shingen Miyazaki, Julian Watson, Harumi Okazawaya join on PPA Shingen Miyazaki wins vacant Destiny title SOTBPW: Blood Raven wins Campeon de Menor title from Pirata Malvado Rebelde Loco, Lobo Blanco, and Pirata Malvado win Campeones de Trios from Vincente Romero, Junior Youth, and Hysteria SWF: Runaway Train, Squeeky McClean to turn face, Lobster Warrior to turn heel CBA debuts SWF Rock’n’Rumble Seleccion Mexico to carry SWF PPV’s Shady K for success SWF rise to Global! TCW: Wolf Hawkins, Brent Hill to turn face GNN Total Sports debuts TCW Ring Wars USPW: Puerto Rican Power, Mainstream Hernandez join on PPA Forces of Amercia win tag titles from Towers of Power WEXXV: Ryuzaburo Sugiyama, Taka Kajiwara join on PPA WLW: Americana and The Tic to team as The Foundation All Japan TV debuts WLW Full Force Mokuami Maita wins Show Stealer title from Silver Shark Misc: Sam Keith suffers minor injury in match, recovers Geena the Warrior Princess shifts from Brawler to Entertainer Chess Maniac, Tetsunori Yasuda, Hector Galindo rising Joan Evans and Super Falcon start rivalry Hot properties Roku Sotomura, Jed High Ryan Powell suffers minor injury in match, recovers Washi Heat on the rise Jemma Griffiths caught in possession of hard drugs Pistol Pete Hall retires Phillip Cooper suffers minor injury in match Mephisto leaves the business King Kong Kennedy shifts from Brawler to Entertainer TEW: UEW makes 4 offers to SHAZ (count: 6)
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February Sunday 2, 2008- TEW FROZEN FURY -Lady Owner Sara Masterson is in the ring to fill tim- er, let the fans know what they paid to see! Tonight, the show will open with Don Thunder, The Barbarian, Jack Hill, Rick Rowell, Duke Berkman, and The Texan in a six-man elimination match for the last semifinal spot! We’ll also see the winner’s bracket continue with Scott v. SHAZ, Callaway v. Bombadil, and Kashmere v. Moss! Rating: E- -Match: Texan v. Berkman v. Rowell v. Hill v. Barbarian v. Thunder Thunder rushes the ring and takes everybody out, but then all five of his opponents gang up on him and take him out! Thunder’s the first eliminated, falling prey to a Lone Star Smasher (Stunner) from Texan, and soon after, Hill taps out to a Torture Rack from Berkman. The Barbarian struggles, but then goes berserk, taking out all three faces! Barbarian eliminates Berkman after a killer two-hand chokeslam, but Rowell immediately hits a rollup for a three count! Texan and Rowell are the last two left, and they brawl for a bit before Texan hits the Lone Star Smasher for the three count! Texan celebrates, having earned his way back into the bracket. Rating: F+ -Hill is shown backstage, throwing a tantrum in the locker room. He’s approached by J. Wesley Forthington, who once again suggests a partnership. Hill actually responds this time, but only to tell Forthington where he can put his partnership. Rating: F+ -Match: Great Scott v. SHAZ Uninspired and awkward brawling ensues. SHAZ mercifully ends it quickly with a bear hug to advance. Rating: F+ -Match: Curt “Stud” Callaway v. Tom Bombadil The majority of this match consists of Callaway jerking Bombadil around the ring like a rag doll. Bombadil, however, is able to sneak his knee into Callaway’s nether regions while ref Dave Hampton is out of position! Bombadil immediately follows with a rollup, and gets the cheap pin! Rating: E -Bombadil prances around the ring like he actually accomplished something. He calls for a mic, but gets about a syllable into a promo before Duke Berkman comes out with, er, an orange! Berkman congratulates Bombadil on winning another match, and ponders whether Bombadil is good enough to be his rival. He presents Bombadil with the orange, and challenges him to crush it with his bare hands! Bombadil, who has been scoffing the whole time, seizes the chance to show off, and (after a couple of minutes of grunting and straining) manages indeed to crush it! He tosses the orange down in triumph, and flexes for the crowd! Duke seems duly impressed, but then he grabs the discarded orange, and mashes it into Bombadil’s face! Duke giggles and runs off, leaving Bombadil blinded, confused, and citrus fresh! Rating: E+ -Match: “Lion” Paul Kashmere v. Joey Moss Another relatively short match, and somewhat disappointing as a main event. Moss dominates a lot of the match, but Kashmere hits a kick to the face out of nowhere, and manages a pinfall! Rating: F+ Overall rating: E- [quote]Semifinal: “Lion” Paul Kashmere v. Tom Bombadil Semifinal: The Texan v. SHAZ Great Scott and Rick Rowell v. The Barbarian and Don Thunder Duke Berkman v. Jack Hill[/quote]
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You better enjoy it TB. The other gurus need to convert too. Imagine EnDub doing the Ultimate Survival with Cornellverse characters. Semifinal: “Lion” Paul Kashmere v. [B]Tom Bombadil[/B] Semifinal: [B]The Texan[/B] v. SHAZ Great Scott and Rick Rowell v.[B] The Barbarian and Don Thunder[/B] [B]Duke Berkman [/B]v. Jack Hill
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Newswire: 5SSW: Saeko Hiroyuki, Dragon Assassin, Umeko Hotta join for tour CGC: Jacob Jett joins on PPA CZCW: Mainstream Hernandez joins on PPA FCW: Sensational Singh and Titan to team as The Suicide Solution GCG: SUKI, Hell Monkey join on PPA Dark EAGLE, Bryan Holmes joins for tour Matsutaro Kataoka joins for tour Hinote Dojo: Shinoya and Sayuki to team up Katsuhiko Shunsen sent down NOTBPW: Can-Am Blondes win Tag titles from Kelowna Playaz NYCW: Des Davids joins on PPA OLLIE: Swarm I and Swarm III win Campeonas de Parejas from La Generacion Siguiente PGHW: Shooter Sean Deeley, Nathan Coleman join for tour Burning EXILE joins for short-term Torch Nakazawa called up Bryan Holmes released Bryan Vessey wins Elite Series PSW: Curt O’Malley joins on PPA SAISHO: Sekozawa and Yamanoue win Destiny Tag titles from KAZ and Mizoguchi, are now a regular team SOTBPW: Junior Youth and Rebelde Loco to team as Los Heartbreakers Gonzalo Ruibo and Pirata Malvado to team as Crazy Chaos SWF: Sign Eric Tyler, Fabulous Frank, Grandmaster Phunk, Matt Sparrow, Jez McArthuer USPW: Cherry Bomb and Alicia to team as Sweet Pain WEXXV: Henry Lee wins King of Death Matches from Koichi Kajiwara WLW: Rises to Cult! American Elemental joins for tour Sadanobu Koruba joins on PPA Misc.: Junnosuke Fukazawa retiring Geoff Bourne injured in match Hell Monkey injured in match TEW: Current SHAZ count: 10 Joey Moss, Great Scott extend contract Tom Bombadil decides not to document as many news story types to streamline things- simultaneously, interesting news stops happening Fourth wall broken
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Could've sworn I already posted this one. o_o MARCH SUNDAY 2, 2008- NEW WORLD ORDER -Dark Match: Joey Moss d. Curt “Stud” Callaway Rating: E- -Dark Angle: Masterson hypes card Rating: E- -Match: Duke Berkman v. Jack Hill A just plain awkward match, with the two distinct styles not really meshing at all. Hill has the match won, but goes for one last kick to the head, which Berkman catches and reverses into a clothesline. Backcracker gets three to put the match out of its misery. Rating: F (Chemistry was poor) -We see Hill spazzing out backstage again, and again he’s approached by Forthington. Forthington reiterates that he could make something out of Hill, and pleads with Hill to take him on as a manager. Hill ponders, and finally gives in! Rating: E -Match: Just Great (Scott and Rowell) v. Wild Storm (Barbarian and Thunder) Nothing particularly special. Thunder eventually gets the pin on Rowell with the Thunder (People’s) Elbow. Rating: F+ -Semifinal Match: The Texan v. SHAZ Don Thunder is back out at ringside within a few minutes of the opening bell, worrying Texan. Nobody knows why Thunder’s out there at first, but they figure it out quickly enough when he grabs Texan’s foot! Thunder keeps messing with Texan, costing him momentum at key intervals, but Texan still is able to hold his own…nevertheless, SHAZ is able to slip out of the Lone Star Crusher, then hit a full nelson suplex to get the pin! Rating: E- -Tom Bombadil is backstage, hyping up his match with Paul Kashmere. He says that nothing will stop him tonight! It is about this point that something hits him in the side of the head, then several small somethings. It looks like Bombadil’s being pelted with…grapes? He looks offscreen to ask what somebody’s doing, then gets run off by Duke Berkman wielding a bag full of grapes! Rating: E+ -Semifinal Match: “Lion” Paul Kashmere v. Tom Bombadil Pure striking, almost. Kashmere lands some solid kicks, and then it degenerates into a brawl. Bombadil goes up for a moonsault, but Kashmere rushes, and hits a superplex instead! Bombadil tries to get to his feet, but a roundhouse kick to the head puts him down for the count. Rating: E- -Kashmere celebrates in the ring and grabs a mic. He thanks the fans for their support, and says that he looks forward to beating SHAZ at Rain of Blood! Kashmere informs us that Rain of Blood is an all gimmick match show, and that the main event will be himself and SHAZ in a First Blood match! About then, SHAZ comes out, and rushes the ring! SHAZ is slightly more fresh, and gets the upper hand, then reaches into his trunks to pull out…a razor blade! He starts carving up Kashmere’s face! Security officials show up and pull the two apart to end the show… Rating: E+ Overall: E- Success, should have increased popularity [quote]RAIN OF BLOOD PREDICTIONS Lucha Libre rules: Just Great (Rowell and Scott) v. The Marauders (Barbarian and Moss) Tables: Curt "Stud" Callaway v. Jack Hill w/J. Wesley Forthington Tuxedo: Duke Berkman v. Tom Bombadil Texas Death: The Texan v. Don Thunder First Blood match to crown the first ever TEW World Champion: "Lion" Paul Kashmere v. SHAZ[/quote]
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Lucha Libre rules: Just Great (Rowell and Scott) v. [B]The Marauders (Barbarian and Moss)[/B] Tables: [B]Curt "Stud" Callaway[/B] v. Jack Hill w/J. Wesley Forthington Tuxedo: [B]Duke Berkman[/B] v. Tom Bombadil Texas Death: [B]The Texan[/B] v. Don Thunder First Blood match to crown the first ever TEW World Champion: [B]"Lion" Paul Kashmere[/B] v. SHAZ
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NEWSWIRE 21CW: Rolling Johnny Stones wins UK title from Daniel Black Francis Fires Stefan Raynor 5SSW: Joanne Rodriguez wins All-Asian title from Megumi Nakajima BHOTWG: Call up MYSTIC Dragon, Heihachiro Sakai, Katsuhiko Shunsen, Reijiro Hiraki GCG: Murkami and Takayuki 2000 to tag, win Tag titles from Ikina and Tayama Hinate Dojo: Seiji Jimbo joins on PPA MPWF: Magnifico wins Campeon de Lucha from Hijo del Relampago NotBPW: Stone Siblings win Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup PGHW: Kawashima and Koiso win Glory Tag Crown from Muruyama and Ugaki Call up Simon Flemmingway Lee Bennett wins Historical Japan title from Tetsunori Yatsuda RIPW: Roger Dodger joins on PPA Brendan Idol wins vacant RIPW championship Playboy Jake Sawyer joins on developmental SAISHO: Taka Kajiwara, Washichi Inao join on PPA SWF: Call up Nevada Nuclear, Emmy High Concept win Tag titles from Amazing Bumfholes Enygma, Jack Giedroyc to turn heel Brandon James, Joe Sexy to turn face Steven Parker wins Shooting Star title from Marc DuBois TCW: Steve Gumble wins All Action title from Sammy Bach Rise to International! Signs Jay Fair, Mikey James, Carl Batch, Curt O’Malley, Des Davids, Frankie Perez Edd Stone wins International title from Wolf Hawkins UEW: Stig Svensson wins World title from Joey Beauchamp Ali Bloxsome wins vacant Nations title Toby Juan Kanobi joins on PPA WEXXV: Fire Battle Sakata, Zeshin Makioka, Kinji Akamatsu Munenori Umari joins on PPA WLW: The Great Hisato wins Universal title from Emerald Angel Other: Junnosuke Fukazawa retires Slayyer changes from Luchadore to Regular Wrestler Akinori Kwakami suffers hernia in match Fate suffers major concussion in match Ryu Kajahara to retire TEW: UEW make 4 offers to SHAZ (Count: 14)
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[i](Eh, been neglecting this a bit, so let's go ahead and post the show, too!)[/i] APRIL WEEK 2 SUNDAY 2008, 2008- RAIN OF BLOOD -Sara Masterson once again is in the ring, hyping up Rain of Blood! This is, apparently, an annual show of all gimmick matches. Tonight’s main event will be Lion Paul Kashmere and SHAZ in a First Blood match for the title! Rating: E- -The Barbarian and Joey Moss are backstage. Barbarian talks about how he beat Just Great last month, and now he’s going to do it again with a new partner! Barbarian and Moss are calling themselves the marauders, and they’re gonna walk all over Rowell and Scott! Rating: E -Lucha Libre rules: Just Great (Rick Rowell and Great Scott) v. The Marauders (The Barbarian and Joey Moss) Rowell comes out with a lucha mask on, and seems to be enjoying himself. Just a plain bad match- Rowell seems to think wearing the mask means he can fly around the ring a lot more than he clearly is able to, and Barbarian’s smash-mouth style blends awkwardly with Moss’s more methodical approach. The Marauders take two straight falls after a fairly painful match. Rating: F+ -Backstage, Forthington is shown psyching up Hill. Forthington says that Hill made the right choice, and that the match with Callaway would be his first of many wins! Rating: F+ -Tables match: Curt “Stud” Callaway v. Jack Hill w/J. Wesley Forthington Somewhat disappointing match. Hill’s striking abilities soon come up short against Callaway’s technical mastery, and most of the middle consists of Hill awkwardly selling rest holds. Callaway gets a table out, and nearly breaks it accidentally trying to put Hill in a full nelson on top of it, then heads up top….Forthington grabs Callaway’s ankle! Referee Dave Hampton is unsure what he saw, and he, Callaway, and Forthington argue, leaving Hill time to recover, rush, and toss Callaway through the table instead! Rating: E- -Tuxedo match: Duke Berkman v. Tom Bombadil Kinda fun match, with Berkman goofing around and Bombadil getting more and more upset as his clothing gradually comes off. Bombadil snaps and nearly gets Berkman’s tux off in one go, but Berkman gets a flash rollup and pantses Bombadil for the win! The mortified Bombadil runs to the back, screaming like a girl and displaying lovely pink briefs, as Berkman strips to his boxers in the ring in celebration. Rating: E, although the one girl out of the crowd of twelve maintains it was a 5-star match… -Texas Death Match: The Texan v. Don Thunder Pretty decent match. Texan almost puts it away with the Lone Star Smasher, but Thunder hits a low blow eventually, then sets up a big superplex to get the win. Rating: E- -World Title First Blood Match: “Lion” Paul Kashmere v. SHAZ Quite a bit of a letdown after some of the undercard efforts. After some draggy technical work from SHAZ, Kashmere hulks up and hits three consecutive roundhouse kicks to the face, and SHAZ is busted open! Kashmere is your first TEW World Champion! Rating: F+ -Kashmere celebrates for a few minutes, but a bloodied SHAZ doesn’t like it at all! SHAZ rushes Kashmere with a chair and busts him open, but Kashmere battles back, and the two brawl fiercely until SHAZ tumbles out of the ring… Rating: E+ Overall: E- (aw, c’mon) Show was a success, should have increased popularity. [quote]FLOWER OF DESTRUCTION PREDICTIONS Qualifier: The Texan v. Don Thunder Qualifier: Duke Berkman v. The Barbarian Qualifier: Great Scott v. Tom Bombadil Qualifier: Curt "Stud" Callaway v. Jack Hill w/J. Wesley Forthington Sleeping Lions ("Lion" Paul Kashmere & Rick Rowell) v. Da Bears (SHAZ & Joey Moss)[/quote]
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[i](Good thing I set up that buffer! Between homework, DOTT, KYR, and Spore, this thing's been kinda neglected recently. Sad day. :\)[/i] NEWSWIRE 4C: Trent Shaffer joins on PPA 5SSW: Rise to cult! Yoko Ikina, Tsutomu Watanabe, Shirosama Ezakiya, Ochiyo Iijima join on PPA June Butler and Raku Makuda win Tag titles from Kiko Sakakibara and Yuma Maruya BHOTWG: Yasuhiko Taira wins Burning World title from Kinnojo Horri Call up Ninja Shunji Silver Shark and Yoshii Shiomi win Tag titles from Kiyaru and Scorpion Hyosuke Kokan wins Burning Junior title from Sensational Dragon CGC: Davis Wayne Newton joins on PPA The Pop! to bring back Title Bout Wrestling CZCW: Donnie J wins CZCW title from Plague Bittersweet Inc. win vacant tag titles Whippy the Clown, Brendan Idol join on open Insane Machine wins Xtreme title from Fox mask GCG: Tayama and Murkami win vacant Tag titles Japanese Sports Vision 2 brings back Stars of the Golden Canvas Hinote Dojo: Seiji Jimbo wins vacant All-Japan title INSPIRE: Shingen Miyazaki, Mokuami Maita join tour MAW: Ryan Holland joins on PPA MPWF: Rotura Violenta to debut on Canal Tres NOTBPW: Dan Stone to turn heel Emma Bitch wins Women’s title from Melody Cuthill NYCW: Jay Chord joins on PPA Rises to Regional! OLLIE: El Critico wins Campeon de Universal from Marcos Flores PGHW: Japanese Sports Vision brings back The King’s Road PSW: Shane Sneer, Rico Santana join on PPA RIPW: Ernie Turner, Brains McGhee join on PPA SOTBPW: Red de la Lucha brings back Lucha Libre SWF: Call up Playboy Jake Sawyer Canada On-Air to add SWF Supreme TV TCW: Shawn Gonzalez joins on PPA Sign Black Eagle Eddie Peak wins International title from Edd Stone Canada 1-Choice to carry TCW shows USPW: NCTV to bring back American Wrestling Happy Elwood’s contract expires WEXXV: Jacob Jett joins for tour WLW: Kazuma Narato wins Tap Out title from Magnum KOBE Dean Daniels’ contract expires Bairei Masujiro wins Show Stealer title from Mokuami Maita Misc: Takayuki 2000 breaks neck in match Joey Poison, Acid both suffer floating kneecaps in matches Phoenix II on drugs? Ryu Kajahara hangs up boots Big Smack Scott becomes Entertainer Henry Bennett suffers hernia in match TEW: UEW make 4 offers to SHAZ (Count: 18) ~~~ SATURDAY 2, MAY 2008- FLOWER OF DESTRUCTION -Sara Masterson is once again called upon to start the show by trying to convince the record breaking crowd of 19 that they didn’t just waste six bucks each. Apparently tonight, we’re getting Rick Rowell and the new champ Paul Kashmere in main event tag action against SHAZ and Joey Moss! Also on the card, four qualifying matches. The winners will fight in a four-man elimination match next show for a title shot at the second biggest show of the TEW year- Thunders of Revolution! Rating: E- -Match: The Texan v. Don Thunder Short but sweet little opener, as Texan powers his way to a quick victory. Rating: E- -Match: Duke Berkman v. The Barbarian Barbarian manhandles Berkman, but the plucky weirdo manages to stay alive…at least until Bombadil shows up to grab his foot, allowing Barbarian to hit a spinebuster for 3! Rating: E- Berkman debuted a Cartoon Joker gimmick, but apparently wasn’t offscreen enough. -Match: Great Scott v. Tom Bombadil Another pretty short match. That’s what happens when you book five matches for an hour show, I guess. Scott picks up the win to advance after something vaguely resembling a muscle buster. Rating: E- -Backstage, Bombadil’s frustrated with his loss. Berkman comes up to congratulate him, and it seems he’s eating a fig right off part of the tree branch. Bombadil yells at Berkman, who points out that he brought fig leaves as a present- after all, Bombadil might need them after last show’s display! Bombadil gets flustered as Berkman holds a leaf up for sizing, but snaps when Duke decides the leaf is too big for Bombadil and gives him a tiny one instead. Rating: E+ -Match: Curt “Stud” Callaway v. Jack Hill w/J. Wesley Forthington Another short match- a good thing in this case, given the complete lack of chemistry between these two. You’d think two semi-legit fighters would be able to work something out. Forthington tries to make things interesting, but gets no opportunity to interfere properly, so Hill soon taps to a figure four. Rating: E- -Match: Sleeping Lions (Kashmere and Rowell) v. Da Bears (SHAZ and Moss) Moss doesn’t work with SHAZ’s crazy style any better than he did with Barbarian’s. He’s not looking to be a tag specialist, at any rate, but at least he added a bit more depth to his gimmick- he learned to sneer occasionally as part of a quiet city slicker persona. At any rate, Rowell’s lack of inspiration, kayfabe and legit, drags his team down, and SHAZ puts him away with a bear hug after the only decent length match on the card. Rating: F+ Overall: F+ (Bite me, overall rating algorithm! That was an E- show and you know it! >_>) Success, increased pop, blah blah blah [QUOTE]LORD OF THE RING PREDICTION(S) Rick Rowell v. Joey Moss Elimination: Duke Berkman v. Jack Hill v. Don Thunder v. Tom Bombadil #1 Contender Elimination: Curt "Stud" Callaway v. The Texan v. Great Scott v. The Barbarian TCW Title: "Lion" Paul Kashmere (c) v. SHAZ[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Tom Bombadil;496137][i] Overall: F+ (Bite me, overall rating algorithm! That was an E- show and you know it! >_>) Success, increased pop, blah blah blah[/QUOTE] lol, it was because your Main Event match was an F+. Not sure if you knew that. But yeah, it always blows when your undercard was awesome but your main event tanks, because it lowers your show rating
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[QUOTE=Sons of Kohral;496387]lol, it was because your Main Event match was an F+. Not sure if you knew that. But yeah, it always blows when your undercard was awesome but your main event tanks, because it lowers your show rating[/QUOTE] Yeah, I knew that the overall rating was weighted, but I didn't think it was THAT weighted. :\
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Question: How much do we care about the newswire updates? It was one of the coolest parts of my EWR diary (both in my estimation and my readers') but there was less to keep track of, and since I'm new to Cornellverse, I can't edit out unimportant news here really. The way I'm running things right now, the majority of the time put into this dynasty is spent going through and copying down the news, which I'm willing to do if people like it, but if y'all don't really care, I can cut it back or out and update this a good bit more often probably. I leave it up to you, the fan(s). While we're at it, if you have anything to say about the format, or the style, or the booking, or whatever, I welcome feedback. I'm perfectly happy to tweak storylines to favor the people my readers like more. (Team Impact in my old diary got a much bigger push after they started consistently doing well in the Power to the People polls, and Rolly McRollerson probably would have gotten the world title push snowcamp wanted had his contract not expired. Then again, I guess he technically did anyway in the epilogue. >_>)
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