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DOTM Joint Nomination Thread

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[SIZE="3"]First Make Sure you have sent in your [URL=""][B]Hall of Fame[/B][/URL] Ballot.[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]And the [URL=""][B]Hall of Records[/B][/URL] will now Help keep a log of all of the winners. [/SIZE] [center]__________________________________________________[/center] [SIZE="4"]RULES[/SIZE] [INDENT][LIST=1] [*]You may nominate [B]or[/B] 2nd one Dairy from each Category [*]you may not nominate or 2nd yourself [*]All nominations need to be seconded to make the voting round [*]All nominations must include a reason [*]Real World & Cornellverse: must have at least 5 shows, with at least 2 of them being run during August [*]Rookie DOTM: may have up to 5 shows and have started since July 15th [*]You CAN nominate the the winners from last month's Rookie Category [*]You can NOT nominate Tristram's "Prequel to Death Of WCW?" [*]You can NOT nominate McShamrock's "Pittsburg Steel Wrestling: Dave's not here" [*] (The TigerKinney Rule) You may substitute your noninations or 2nd between Categories with in reason, but may not exceed 3 total [/LIST][/INDENT] [center]__________________________________________________[/center] 2nd* - means that the diary has been seconded so that you do not waste your vote, or fail to 2nd a diary you want to see put up for diary of the month [U][SIZE="3"][B]Real World DOTM nominee's:[/B][/SIZE][/U] [list][*]2nd* [thread=14123]Wildfire1234's "NWA Return to Glory"[/thread] [*]2nd* [thread=15014]Nevermore's "ECW Worldwide"[/thread] [*]2nd* [thread=21194]Keefmoon's "From Montreal To Attitude"[/thread] [*] [thread=29001]iMac's "WWE: The Next Generation"[/thread] [*] [thread=26405]Dse81's "The New NWA"[/thread][/list] [U][SIZE="3"][B]Cornellverse DOTM nominee's:[/B][/SIZE][/U] [list][*]2nd* [thread=29414]No Neck's "Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011"[/thread] [*]2nd* [thread=32191]James Casey's "MAW: 10 Simple Rules"[/thread] [*]2nd* [thread=32911]Dragonmack's "The David Mack Chronicles: The CGC Era"[/thread] [*]2nd* [thread=33304]Tigerkinney's "Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0"[/thread] [*]2nd* [thread=32960]Nevermore's "MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling" [/thread] [*]2nd* [thread=32966]D_W_W's "HGC: Hollyweird meets Hollywood"[/thread] [*] [thread=32070]Trekkiemonsta's "WLW Because Dancing Is Cool"[/thread] [*] [thread=33653]Rob4590´s "TCW Failure is not an option"[/thread][/list] [U][size="3"][b]Rookie DOTM nominee's:[/b][/size][/U] [list][*]2nd* [thread=34661] Marcel Fromage's "21CW: Style over Substance"[/thread] [*]2nd* [thread=34857]EricAdam's "PGHW The new mission statement"[/thread] [*]2nd* [thread=34709]Tyler Gadzinski's "TNA: The New Face of Pro Wrestling just got a New Face"[/thread] [*] [thread=34784]Bretter Person's 'North of the Border Pro Wrestling"[/thread] [*] [thread=34757]shamelessposer's "An MAW Story"[/thread] [*] [thread=34894]Diary Writing Tips[/thread] [/list] [B]Nominations will be open until August 31st (12 pm Eastern)[/B]
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Missed out on nomination last time, due to the author not being around for personal reasons , but No Neck's: [B]Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011 [/B]has been as good as it's ever been. Also not sure if he's done enough shows for this month, so it might end up in the 'rookie' category but [B]Trekkiemonsta's: WLW Because Dancing Is Cool [/B]also deserves recognition. I draw a fair bit of praise in some quarters for my match writing but I feel Trekkie's are just as good if not better than mine. Finally Dragonmack's[B] The David Mack Chronicles: The CGC Era[/B], is also deserving of nomination once again. He's really picked it up this month with some really compelling storyline's, that includes one of the DeColts turning heel !
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;486496]Missed out on nomination last time, due to the author not being around for personal reasons , but No Neck's: [B]Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011 [/B]has been as good as it's ever been. Also not sure if he's done enough shows for this month, so it might end up in the 'rookie' category but [B]Trekkiemonsta's: WLW Because Dancing Is Cool [/B]also deserves recognition. I draw a fair bit of praise in some quarters for my match writing but I feel Trekkie's are just as good if not better than mine. Finally Dragonmack's[B] The David Mack Chronicles: The CGC Era[/B], is also deserving of nomination once again. He's really picked it up this month with some really compelling storyline's, that includes one of the DeColts turning heel ![/QUOTE] 3 Cornellverse nominations. we'll have to go to Judge Mills Lane on this one, Judge? [CENTER](High Pitched voice from Celebrity Death Match) "After reviewing the tapes I'm inclined to think that though he did not nominate into each category, 3 is the number of Categories which he did not exceed, so. [B] I"LL ALLOW IT!"[/B][/CENTER]
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Throwing in my picks. Real World can't choose as I really don't follow any of the current real world one, although I am sure they are deserving of attention Rookie - [B]21CW: Style over Substance by Marcel Fromage[/B], for excellent graphical presentation, as well as the challenge of what is probably the hardest SE promotion to succeed with. C-verse : [B]Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 by Tigerkinney[/B] For interesting stables and characters, getting PRP to job to somebody, and for sending the Latino Kings packing. 2nds will come as more nominations come in.
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Don't read Real-World (not really my kinda thing), but for C-Verse I'll nominate [B]MAW: 10 Simple Rules[/B] by James Casey, as it's a well written, strongly characterised diary that actually manages to justify expanding the company whilst staying true to MAW's 'training camp' ethos. As for rookie diary, I'll nominate [B]21CW: Style over Substance[/B] by Marcel Fromage.
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As James Casey has just been seconded I will nominate Rob4590´s TCW Failure is not an option as it is hard to keep intrest in TCW up and he has been producing interesting shows. And for rookie PGHW The new mission statement by Eric Adams which has a good backstory and I am a sucker for a full roster overview. And North of the Border Pro Wrestling by bretter person also good backstory and first couple of shows have been nice and like the time he puts in reporting his signings.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;486523]Would it be wrong of me to nominate the Diary Writing Tips thread for Rookie status or some such?[/QUOTE] Hey you can nominate the Hall of Fame, the hall of records or last months DOTM for all I care. It will then be up to the voting community to 2nd it and Vote on it for DOTM. I am the curator of this museum, I don't decide what is and isn't art, I just choose how to display it.
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I'd like to noimate both Nevvy's diaries; ECW Worldwide and his MOSC one, the name of which escapes me right now. Both are just so entertaining, and in completely different ways. Beautiful stuff. Out of interest, Mr Mistaken Curator, how comes only the previous months are ineligible rather than two previous months as has been in the past? Not a complaint, just wondered how it came about?
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;486548]Out of interest, Mr Mistaken Curator, how comes only the previous months are ineligible rather than two previous months as has been in the past? Not a complaint, just wondered how it came about?[/QUOTE] I forget which, but in one thread it was 1 month, in the other it was 2.(or i could read the above post where dragon told me) and my own inclination is none, if a writer could be a the top of his game month after month why not let him win? but variety is the spice of life and after looking and how often writers repeat I felt that 1 month was probably enough off a cooling of period to keep a single write from dominating. I would love to read the diary that could pick up 6 wins, that diary has yet to be written. for next year I am contemplating a whole new rule, 1 win per category per year. so that at the end of the year you have 12 winners. (and 12 positions in a pole, hmm) but hey I'm just a curator, if the viewing public wants the rules changed I would be more than happy to oblige.:cool:
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;486556]Monkeypox probably could have if he had kept it going. Also seconding No Neck's "Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011"[/QUOTE] Never read it, will have to have a look. between you and Tiger, I have implemented a new rule. rule 10 shall from now and until I am no longer curator be called The TigerKinney Rule.
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[QUOTE=mistaken;486555]for next year I am contemplating a whole new rule, 1 win per category per year. so that at the end of the year you have 12 winners. (and 12 positions in a pole, hmm)[/QUOTE] I agree with everything you said, barring this. I think that you do need a cooling off period (to be honest, Nevvy will just storm the RW one month after month if you don't) but a new one every month? I'm not so sure. It's just a personal preference, and people can say if they think otherwise, but I'm not a fan to be honest. If you win in, say, December, you're not the favourite one that month. In fact, if all the previous winners are still active, you're not even in the top ten. You're just the best of the ones that aren't the eleven already victorious. And that seems like a shallow victory to me, but as I say, that's just my opinion. If people think it would be better by all means gopher it.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;486559]I agree with everything you said, barring this. I think that you do need a cooling off period (to be honest, Nevvy will just storm the RW one month after month if you don't) but a new one every month? I'm not so sure. It's just a personal preference, and people can say if they think otherwise, but I'm not a fan to be honest. If you win in, say, December, you're not the favourite one that month. In fact, if all the previous winners are still active, you're not even in the top ten. You're just the best of the ones that aren't the eleven already victorious. And that seems like a shallow victory to me, but as I say, that's just my opinion. If people think it would be better by all means gopher it.[/QUOTE] that's 4 months and a lot of thought away. I certainly would not make the any major changes such as that with out putting it up for discussion first. And I am always willing to discuss any rule. I by no means have the right answer to be honest I don't even have a good answer the first time around. (see the evolution of the Hall of Records from a simple table into a marble wall with names engraved into it, and soon pictures as well) I strive for two things, 1) To give as much thought and effort to this process as the writers give to their diaries. 2) Make sure everyone feels the process has been fair and equatable.
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[quote=MattitudeV2;486518]For Real World I have to go with Wildfire1234 NWA Return to Glory.[/quote] I'm seconding this one. It is one of the best dynastys out there and it is coming to an end (at least this version). And Magnus vs Mr Wrestling was awesome!
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If I'm allowed to 2nd two other C-Verse diaries, then I'd like to 2nd Dragonmacks CGC, and Tigerkinney's Puerto Rican diaries. Both very different to each other, but both extremely interesting. The booking (in both) is extremely logical and well thought out, and everything has a reason to it. By the way - thanks to Hyde for my nomination - I'm extremely flattered to even be mentioned in the same breath as most of these writers.
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Call me biased, but my vote for rookie diary goes to shamelessposer's [URL=""]An MAW Story[/URL]. I greatly enjoy a well-written MAW diary, and this one won me over through use of a VD joke, among other things. If I could second as well in this category - I know I can't - it'd go to EricAdam's PGHW diary... I'll settle for pimping it :p And I may not comment in it much (at all?) but I'd like to second Nevermore's MOSC diary, which is just brilliant fun and depressingly well presented as well.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;486701] If I could second as well in this category - I know I can't - it'd go to EricAdam's PGHW diary... I'll settle for pimping it :p [/QUOTE] but wait that's not all i have for you today folks, because with every order of the super turbo ultra jet dry shammy wipe towel we'll throw in 4 more free and then double your order, that's right 10 free super turbo ultra jet dry shammy wipe towels for the low low price of just your soul.... oh wait sorry i went way off topic there. You can indeed second Ericadam's dairy by invoking rule 10, the TigerKinney rule (though i am considering the Kinney-mac legislation as that just seems more jurist-prudent) so unless you say other wise i shall count those as your 3 votes
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;486559] I think that you do need a cooling off period (to be honest, Nevvy will just storm the RW one month after month if you don't) but a new one every month? I'm not so sure. [/QUOTE] Something we do on another board for a contest like this (altho it's weekly): Before the first contest, everyone's score is set to 0. Highest # of votes wins the first contest. If you win, your score from then on starts at -X, where X is the number of votes the second-place person got. It makes it harder for you win again that year, but not impossible. You manage to win twice? You start with two negatives to your score from then on... good luck, hard, but not impossible.
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