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WEXXV: The Devils Rejects

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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]Foreword:[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] This is my first diary ever, in any game. I thought about doing one back in TEW07, but never really had the inspiration or desire. With the new TEW08, I found myself not being able to stay in one savegame; I had a long save with GCG but got bored with it, and after that I constantly started over and over again with almost all promotions in the game. Someone said in the forums that maybe doing a diary would help me to get more in to my games, 'cause of the time spent in making the diary and focusing more in the stories and the game itself. I chose WEXXV because it's different, challenging, and it enables me to be very creative with the storylines and especially with the characters and gimmicks. Freedom of choice ;) And, I havent seen a WEXXV diary in the Dynasty section (Correct me if I am wrong but there is no WEXXV diary going on, atleast not in TEW08?). I'm going to take a more game-wise direction with the diary, and I'll be focusing on grades and development of workers etc., but also the stories are there of course, mainly in-ring. I'll appreciate direct and honest feedback and help with english, as it is [U]not[/U] my native language. If you are posting replies in the topic, I'll be more than happy if you would correct me if you notice that I have said something wrong. :D (* I started using the same form on my shows from the last shows of page 2; The first shows are really .. chaotic and without direction. I took a new turn on my diary on page 2/3. First shows are quite bad, latest shows are really, reall good :) ) EDIT: I've had couple of difficulties with the diary :D I've changed the structure of show and the writing style several times. I advice to not pay much attention on what happened during the first and second tour :D I suggest reading just the month reports and the big shows and the shows that have pictures in them. I've taken a new direction once again on page 8 and will continue that chapter :)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=4]The Beginning, pt. 1[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] So, there I was. Talking to Ruy Kahajara, being the winner of the drawing contest which involved designing new gimmicks for WEXXV wrestlers Kinji Akamatsu, Taheiji Konoe and Zeshin Makioka. Kajahara was really pleased with my artwork, altough I only did new gimmicks for Akamatsu and Konoe, I had nothing for Makioka (and neither had the other contestans, there was only one picture submitted for him. Poor guy). I got my prize; A small sum of money for my effort and free tickets for tonights show, "WEXXV Reinventing Your Exit 2008", and of course a backstage pass and a cool WEXXV t-shirt with autographs from wrestlers. The show would start in few hours so I had some time to visit the locker room and the arena. As I was passing trough the hallway, I saw Kajahara sitting alone at a table with some pen and paper. He looked really desperate and somehow lost, leaning on his hands and looking down at the paper in front of him. " -What are you writing..?", I asked, in which Kajahara replied with a grin on his face.. " -It's a suicide note" .. .. "Sign here". :eek:... :D I started laughing with Ruy joining me for a second, but then he got dead serious. "-To tell you the truth, I have nothing for tonights show.. Nothing. And there's just few hours before the show starts! The first show of 2008! And I have not made a single segment for it..*sigh*". There was an awkward moment of silence, as I did not know what to say to the owner of WEXXV. Then he looked me with a crazy look in his eyes "Say.. Aren't you a keen wrestling fan? How would you like to help me book tonights event? I really liked your work the new gimmicks, is there any change you could be interested with booking a real wrestling event?". I was stunned. I wanted to shout "Yes, absolutely!" immediatly to him, but somehow I managed to keep my composure. I had to look really stupid with my mouth open, a weird look on my face and my legs shaking. Then I realised where I was and with a calm tone I said "Why not?", and sat down right next to Ryu.
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][B]The Beginning, pt. 2[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] We had to take an overview of the roster first, and after a while it looked something like this: [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]Main Eventers:[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] Ruy Kahajara, age 50 [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Kimitada.jpg[/IMG] Kimitada Ohishi, 51 [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Saionji.jpg[/IMG] Saionji Omura, 60 [SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Upper Midcarders:[/SIZE] [/B][/SIZE][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Hiroshi.jpg[/IMG] Hiroshi Morisue, 29 [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Munemitsu.jpg[/IMG] Munemitsu Senmatsu, 22. Holder of the WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Gareth.jpg[/IMG] Gareth Wayne, 34 [SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Midcarders:[/SIZE] [/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Matsudaira.jpg[/IMG] Matsudaira Morioka, 35. Holds the WEXXV Blood Brothers title with Mamoru as Naga-Mori [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG] Larry "The Pisschrist" Wood, 39 [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Mamoru.jpg[/IMG] Mamoru Nagahama, 32. Holds the WEXXV Blood Brothers title with Matsudaira as Naga-Mori [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Koichi.jpg[/IMG] Koichi Kajiwara, 32. Holder of the King Of Death Matches title. [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Henry.jpg[/IMG] Henry Lee, 38 [SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Low. Midcarders[/SIZE] [/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Doug.jpg[/IMG] Doug Peak, 28 [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Battle.jpg[/IMG] Battle Sakata, 31 [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Travis.jpg[/IMG] Travis Century, 44 [B][SIZE=3]Opener & Enhancement talent:[/SIZE] [/B][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/AQUA.jpg[/IMG] Zeshin "AQUA" Makioka, 21 [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Prototype.jpg[/IMG] Taheiji "Prototype" Konoe, 21 [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Jackal.jpg[/IMG] Kinji "Jackal" Akamatsu, 24 [/CENTER] A lot had changed since I last looked at WEXXV's roster. Larry Wood is now called "Pisschrist", Doug Peak has a new hairstyle and adopted a new mask.. He looks almost like his brother Eddie. And hey, what do you know, Taheiji and Kinji have put on the masks that I had designed for them! And oh my god how embarrasing for Zeshin to wear that ridicolous AQUA -mask that some amateur had designed for him.. I truly feel sorry for the guy :( But the more things change, the more they really stay the same. I noticed that there seems to be a huge gap with the really old people, and really young people. Almost all of the top guys are veterans and young guys are terrible."-WEXXV really needs new talent", Ruy nodded in agreement. "- Yeah, the roster could use some solid and reliable workers", "-But let's just concentrate on tonights show, shall we? If you succeed, consider yourself employed." With just 100,000 dollars, the plan is to use as few workers possible at the start. And slowly trying to expand when gaining more money. We will start in Kanto, as it's the biggest region in Japan.
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Interesting start, not a lot going on but hopefully that'll change as showtime approaches. As for your roster, it is slightly alarming that your main event has a combined age of more than 150-not want you see. I'm not sure what hardcore workers are available in Japan, but if you can get Jack Marlow go for him, guy's a hardcore machine and could fit in as Jungle Jack
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[CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/WEXXV_alt6.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5]WEXXV: Reinventing Your Exit 2008 [/SIZE][SIZE=2][B]Monday, Week 1, January 2008.[/B][/SIZE] [B]Gunma Hall, Kanto. Attendance 220.[/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Ruy Kajahara opens the show and receives HUGE pop! He goes to the ring and says that it is his right to start the first show of 2008 as the owner of WEXXV. He welcomes everyone to the show and tells that he will be in action tonight! In a matter of fact, he issues an open challenge for a Barbed Wire Japan match to anyone in the back. Grade: [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=SeaGreen]B+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Saionji.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Saionji Omura comes out to the and accepts the challenge! The two hardcore legends will clash right here tonight! Barbed Wire match, Japanese style! Grade: [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=SeaGreen]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Henry.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Doug.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Battle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Hiroshi.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] American Psychos (Henry Lee & Doug Peak) vs. Brothers In Vengeance (Battle Sakata and Hiroshi Morisue) The crowd is all over Henry Lee, who even trips on the ring ropes. Also, Henry and Doug seem to be really winded right from the start. Brothers In Vengeance pick up the victory with Running Powerslam on Doug Peak. [B]Winners:[/B] The Brothers In Vengeance. Grade: [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Red]E[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Hype video for Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. Kimitada Ohishi. Grade [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="Sienna"]C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The video does not even get to the end, when the crowd is going wild for the sudden appearance of Munemitsu.. And wait.. Holy hell, he is dragging a bloodied Kimitada Ohishi behind him. That's a nasty gash he's got on his forehead. Munemitsu continues to pummel the old veteran Kimitada all over the arena, and the beating ends with a Release Powerbomb off the stage trough a stack of tables. And the match haven't even started yet! [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="Sienna"]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Munemitsu.jpg[/IMG][SIZE=3][B] VS.[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Kimitada.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Munemitsu Senmatsu (c) vs. Kimitada Ohishi for the WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title. Kimitada took a huge beating at the hands of Munemitsu before the match started, so he's already weakened. He tries and tries to get some moves done on Munemitsu but just can't avoid the blows that Munemitsu delivers. Munemitsu just plays with Kimitada, rolling him in thumbtacks. Munemitsu lifts up Kimitada and puts him into a Tree of Woe, and hits him with a barded wire 2x4 right in to the groin area. The match ends with a Super Smash Lariat and Released Powerbomb off the apron straight to the floor. Munemitsu retains the gold. [B]Winner:[/B] Munemitsu Senmatsu. Grade [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Amidst a chaotic backstage area, Saionji Omura and Ryu Kajahara finally come face to face! They both pause, psyche themselves up, and charge. Numerous other wrestlers come between them, and the two are pulled away before they can make contact by Munemitsu Senmatsu, Kimitada Ohishi, Battle Sakata, Hiroshi Morisue, Doug Peak and Henry Lee.. "Save it for the match!", Hiroshi shouts with a deep voice. [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=SeaGreen]B-[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]VS. [/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Saionji.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Ryu Kajahara vs. Saionji Omura, Barbed Wire Japan -match. A solid bout and truly the match of the night as you would expect. The two Japanese hardcore icons go back and forth in a brutal match, and surprisingly Saionji picks up the victory with a Collapsing Piledriver into a pile of thumbtacks. [B]Winner:[/B] Saionji Omura. There's a bunch of tacks in the top of Ryu's head.. That's gotta hurt like hell. [SIZE=3][B][COLOR="Sienna"]C+[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Show grade: [SIZE=3][B][COLOR="Sienna"]C[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]. Not a bad show at all, being the first WEXXV event of the year and the first I have booked. :o Ruy thanked me for the help, and said "See you on Wednesday, right? You know, our first tour event?". "Absolutely", I said, and shook his hand. (* any feedback concerning the structure of the writing style, placing the images, font size and colour would be nice! .. I'm thinking of shortening the image urls. Right now they are i.e .../DiaryPictures/Ryu.jpg and change that to R.jpg for example. Any tips on how to make the process faster? :) )
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[quote=1PWfan;486633]Nicely done show. Very clearly put together, although enxt tinme you should think about reversing the angle and match. For one thing, it didn't make much sense[/quote] Which angle and match? I didn't quite get it what you meant, please explain :D Oh yeah, the main event? I took the cheap way and pasted the lines from the face off, originally I had in mind that they were in the backstage area! I'll change that now! And Dragonmack, yeah, I noticed that also, especially with the orange. I'll change that also.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;486637]Which angle and match? I didn't quite get it what you meant, please explain :D Oh yeah, the main event? I took the cheap way and pasted the lines from the face off, originally I had in mind that they were in the backstage area! I'll change that now! And Dragonmack, yeah, I noticed that also, especially with the orange. I'll change that also.[/QUOTE] Ah, I see. Yeah, that makes a lot more sense un yerms of flow. But a post-match brawl would probably still have been better for your overall show rating, a strong ending seems to pull the rating up rather a lot.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/WEXXV_alt6.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]WEXXV: Kill Your Idols Tour (Wednesday)[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Wednesday, Week 1, January 2008 [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Gunma Hall, Kanto. Attendance 191[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The show starts with Ryu Kajahara talking about how he is going to get back on the right track in a match against Gareth Wayne tonight, when suddenly all the lights go off. When they return, he is down and covered in blood, lying unconscious on the ground with the attacker nowhere to be found. Grade: [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=SeaGreen]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Henry.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Doug.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS. [/B][/SIZE][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Mamoru.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Matsudaira.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Next: American Psychos VS. Naga-Mori (c), Tables match for the Blood Brothers -title. In a very short tables match, Naga-Mori come out victorious after Henry and Doug botch a series of moves and keep accidently hitting each other. Naga-Mori makes their first tag title defence of the year. [B]Winners:[/B] Naga-Mori. Grade: [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=DarkRed]E+[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Kimitada.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Battle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Hiroshi.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [/CENTER] The Pisschrist (Larry Wood) & Kimitada Ohishi vs. Brothers In Vengeance A nice solid hardcore match between reliable workers. The Pisschrist defeats Battle Sakata with a stiff Running Big Foot. [B]Winners:[/B] The Pisschrist & Kimitada Ohishi. [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][B]D-[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Saionji.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Munemitsu.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Saionji Omura is in the ring, getting warmed up for the match against Munemitsu. Out of nowhere, Munemitsu Senmatsu appears to the ringside and pulls Omura out of the ring and starts beating the **** out of him. Not again! The same thing happened with Ohishi! The assault is quick and brutal as Munemitsu keeps throwing Omura against the ringsteps and does a Super Smash Lariat against the turnbuckle which leaves Saionji Omura lying on the ground. Grade: [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=SeaGreen]B[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER]Saionji Omura [SIZE=4][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] Munemitsu Senmatsu [/CENTER] Munemitsu throws Omura into the ring and the match starts. Again Senmatsu is just toying with his opponent as he leaves the ring to get some barbed wire boards, two of them to be specific. Omura tries to get up, but a wicked knee lift from Munemitsu drops Omura right back on his back, thus giving some time for Munemitsu to set up the board in a leaning position against the ring corner. He lifts Omura up and delivers a strong lariat which causes Omura to go back first into the board with high velocity. Omura grunts as the barbed wire goes deep in his back and sticks into his skin. Munemitsu grabs Omura by the hair and throws him to the mat face down, the board still on his back!! Munemitsu delivers a double stomp, sandwiching him between the ring and the board. Then Munemitsu rips the board from his back, revealing the bloody back of Omura. He then sets up both boards next to each other and powerbombs Omura on top of the boards to get the three count. [B]Winner:[/B] Munemitsu Senmatsu Grade: [COLOR=Sienna][B][SIZE=3]C[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Gareth.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Ryu Kajahara VS. Gareth Wayne[/CENTER] Ruy is still a bit daized and confused because of the attack earlier, but manages to keep his word and gets an easy win over Wayne with the feared Kajahara Claw.[B]Winner:[/B] Ryu Kajahara. Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna][B]C+[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Munemitsu.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] But wait! As Kajahara is celebrating, Munemitsu comes out of nowhere and attacks Kajahara with a steelchair! One chairshot after another drops Ryu to the mat as the crowd is all over Munemitsu, some fans even throwing drinks at him. Munemitsu grabs the mic and reveals that he was behind the attack earlier in the evening, saying that Kajahara is his next victim, and then hits Ruy with the mic. Munemitsu starts doing stiff knee strikes all over Kajaharas body, and then does a Release Powerbomb on top of a steelchair to end the show, posing on top of Kajaharas bruised body. Grade: [SIZE=3][COLOR=SeaGreen][B]B+[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER] Overall grade: [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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As a non english speaker and writer myself lets help eachother correct the spelling shall we? Good job so far btw will be reading. Again trying to help here and for a non native speaker you are doing a heck of a job! If you would prefer I could PM you any spelling mistakes in the future. If someone would be gracious enough to do so for me I would be happy. PS. Love the movie the devils rejects be curious if you could weave it in somewhere.
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Oh man, that many? :D Actually most of them are really easy mistakes which I can spot too.. I was a bit tired yet excited about this whole diary thing, maybe that is the reason behind those mistakes :) I'll edit those now and try to make less of them in the future. Thank you for the feedback and correcting the text! :) EDIT: Those "space between" things are just happening to you (?).. the text looks just fine, with no gaps between the lines :o I even checked those from the edit mode, no extra spaces found. :) Thanks once again for the time to correct my spelling.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]Update:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B] Friday, Week 1, January 2008. [/B][/SIZE][LEFT] So, I was hired. I was so excited about the job (and the Wednesdays event) that I forgot to write about it. Ryu gave me these following "goals": - WEXXV must gain popularity in Japan. Also his friend Kimitada Ohishi must have a high momentum (i.e he has to be on the winning streak :( ) - I can't hire or even extend anyone's contract who has bad industry reputation or low stamina levels. (There goes half of the roster :D) Were still losing money with each show (about 5,000 dollars), altough the shows have been really good.. So we should be getting bigger and bigger in Kanto with time. And yes, Ryu gave me the option to hire new wrestlers to the roster. I can't wait to get the negotiations started. [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE]Also his friend Kimitada Ohishi must have a high momentum (i.e he has to be on the winning streak )[/QUOTE] remember he has to have that amount of momentum just before the goal lapses so you can still go job on him just bring him back up in time if he hasn't retired/left the bussiness before that. [QUOTE]I can't wait to get the negotiations started.[/QUOTE] And in come the psychos and brawlers (with good stamina) Oops most psychos are old as ..... so low stamina man what a pain! PS jsut checked the product again and with that modern and daredevil in it you can set up a good superjunior/cruiserweight division too. Seems the only wrestlers that don't fit your product are the technicians.
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/WEXXV_alt6.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][B] WEXXV: Kill Your Idols Tour (Friday)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4] [B][SIZE=2]Friday, Week 1, January 2008[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][SIZE=2]Gunma Hall, Kanto. Attendance 212[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] The show starts with a highlight video showing what Munemitsu did to Kajahara in the end of Wednesdays show. [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Ryu Kajahara comes out and starts taunting Munemitsu Senmatsu of his cowardly attacks towards him and his friend Kimitada Ohishi. He calls Munemitsu a young punk with no respect, and challenges him for a match. Munemitsu is nowhere to be seen. [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Battle.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Hiroshi.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B] VS.[/B][/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Koichi.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Prototype.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/SIZE] Brothers In Vengeance [B]VS.[/B] Koichi Kajiwara & Prototype Konoe [/CENTER] The crowd wasn't impressed with Konoes moves or even basic wrestling. Hiroshi Morisue got the pinfall with a Running Powerslam on Konoe to end the short match. [B]Winners:[/B] Brothers In Vengeance [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]E[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Gareth.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]VS.[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Doug.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/SIZE] Gareth Wayne [B]VS.[/B] Doug Peak [/CENTER] Gareth wins with a short match with a Shoulder Breaker after a botched interference by Henry Lee, as he hit accidentally his tag partner Doug Peak with a chair. [B]Winner: [/B]Gareth Wayne [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=DarkRed]E+[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Munemitsu.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=2] [B]VS. [/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Saionji.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Kimitada.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE] Munemitsu Senmatsu & The Pisschrist [B]VS.[/B] The Wild Things [/CENTER] Munemitsu comes out to a choir of boos but just doesn't care as he even flips the bird to the crowd. He clearly seems frustrated about the challenge Ryu made earlier tonight as he has trouble concentrating on the match. The Pisschrist instead is all over The Wild Things, doing many innovative moves involving chairs, barbed wire and steelsteps. Finally he gets Munemitsu into the match with a nasty trick where he hid a bunch of thumbtacks in his palm and then made the tag to Munemitsu. For a moment it seemed that Munemitsu was going to attack Pisschrist but instead unleashed his rage on Ohishi, delivering a brutal Super Smash Lariat to get the win. [B]Winners: [/B]Munemitsu Senmatsu and The Pisschrist in 6:57 when Munemitsu Senmatsu defeated Kimitada Ohishi by pinfall with a Super Smash Lariat. [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Ryu.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][B]VS.[/B][/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Mamoru.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/SIZE] Ryu Kajahara [B]VS.[/B] Mamoru Nagahama [/CENTER] Mamoru was in the wrong match at the wrong time as Kajahara destroys his opponent quickly with all of his trademark moves, finishing him with the Kajahara Claw. [B]Winner:[/B] Ryu Kajahara [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Ryu Kajahara is heading back down the aisle after his match, frustrated. As he reaches the stage he gets attacked by Munemitsu Senmatsu, who came out of nowhere. Kajahara tries to fight back to no avail as Senmatsu does a Release Powerbomb to Ryu Kajahara right into the stage itself, which cracks and sends Ryu Kajahara through the hole. As Munemitsu Senmatsu looks on smiling, Ryu Kajahara is stretchered out with a neck brace on. Senmatsu grabs the mic and shouts "I accept!" [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Sienna]C-[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[quote=Hyde Hill;487699]remember he has to have that amount of momentum just before the goal lapses so you can still go job on him just bring him back up in time if he hasn't retired/left the bussiness before that.[/quote] (* Yeah, that sentence was just for the kayfabe purposes ;) ) [quote]And in come the psychos and brawlers (with good stamina) Oops most psychos are old as ..... so low stamina man what a pain![/quote](* Yes, we'll see what I can do, who I can keep and who has to go ) [quote]PS jsut checked the product again and with that modern and daredevil in it you can set up a good superjunior/cruiserweight division too. Seems the only wrestlers that don't fit your product are the technicians.[/quote](* What a giveaway :p You'll see who I have hired.. )
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=2][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/WEXXV_alt6.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][B] WEXXV: Kill Your Idols Tour (Wednesday)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4] [B][SIZE=2]Wednesday, Week 2, January 2008[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][SIZE=2]Gunma Hall, Kanto. Attendance 300 (SOLD OUT)[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] .. The show starts with Ryu Kajahara being attacked by The Pisschrist and Senmatsu in the backstage area! The Wild Things come running in and fight them both off, saving fellow veteran Ryu Kajahara from a serious beating. [B]Grade:[/B] [COLOR=Sienna][B][SIZE=3]C+[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] Ryu Kajahara is absolutely outrageous of the constant attacks done by Pisschrist and Munemitsu. He swears to get his hands on both of them, TONIGHT!! He also thanks The Wild Things for rescuing him. [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Green]B+[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][B]The Wild Things vs. Brothers In Vengeance [/B][/CENTER] Kimitada Ohishi defeats Battle Sakata with a DDT on a steelchair to get the win after a solid bout between two good tag teams. [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] After the match Pisschrist hits the ring and attacks the Wild Things, furious of how they interfered with his and Munemitsus plan and saved Kajahara earlier in the evening. The psychopath Pisschrist seems to be a man possessed as he repeatedly hits them with barbed wire 2x4's, leaving the Wild Things in a bloody mess. [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][B]Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. Gareth Wayne [/B][/CENTER] Munemitsu Senmatsu defeats Gareth Wayne with two Super Smash Lariats and makes his 3rd defence of his WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title. [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][B]C-[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][B]Ryu Kajahara vs. The Pisschrist[/B] [/CENTER] Kajahara defeats The Pisschrist after a long and brutal Barbed wire Japan match with Kajahara Claw with thumbtacks in his hand. In the end of the match Munemitsu came down to the ringside trying to distract Kajahara but it had no effect on the veteran. As Kajahara applied the Kajahara Claw on Pisschrist, Munemitsu went to get a steelchair but was too late as Pisschrist quickly tapped out. [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] .. As soon as the bell rang to end the match, Munemitsu stormed to the ring and nailed Kajahara out cold with several chairshots. Kajahara tried to block the shots but to no avail, and with The Wild Things taken out earlier, Kajahara had no one to come to rescue him this time. With blood coming out of Pisschrists mouth, he raises Munemitsus hand and together they pose over the fallen, lifeless body of Kajahara. [B]Grade:[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=4]A[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black]Overall Grade: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][B][COLOR="Sienna"] [SIZE="5"]C+[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]Quick Results:[/B] The Wild Things def. Brothers In Vengeance Munemitsu Senmatsu (c) def. Gareth Wayne to retain the Warrior's Heart Title Ryu Kajahara def. The Pisschrist (* I think I'll do these tour events without images in the start.. I still can't use the whole roster because of the financial situation and we're still in Small size. When Regional, I'll be doing more and more stuff per event and longer reports! ;) I am really happy about how things have worked out in this diary and in the game, and loving it..)
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Nice show wil be following and the spelling has gotten loads better. Sleep helps eh. Totally understand the removal of the pics as they can be as time consuming as the writing itself. Would help instead is blue and red for heels/faces to keep em apart or it wil get confusing in the long run. Keep up the good work and would have nominated you for rookie dotm but I already used up my nominations before you posted.
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(* Wow, awesome, thank you guys! And yeah, WEXXV doesn't use any face/heel divide and so won't I. The guys just are badasses and will fight anyone, anywhere, anytime. Oh yeah, Munemitsu is now at A popularity in Kanto in just 4 shows, Kajahara is at B+. I'll be doing few more shows tonight. Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them!)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/WEXXV_alt6.jpg[/IMG] [B]WEXXV News:[/B][/CENTER] [B]- [/B]WEXXV has signed Katsuhiko Shunsen as Colour Commentator, and Ryuzaburo Sugiyama and Munenori Umari as Managers. Robun Yamazaki will continue in Announcing position. (* Ryuzaburo Sugiama will be known as Eisaku Sugiyama and Munenori Umari as Umari, so that I won't accidently choose wrong people to wrong angles etc. (There's another Ryu in roster, and many wrestlers whose name begin with the letter "M") [B]-[/B] WEXXV has also signed five (5) new talents who will debut in near future. ;) - WEXXV has changed their schedule, the tour event that was held on Fridays will now be held on Saturdays.
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/WEXXV_alt6.jpg[/IMG] [B] WEXXV: Kill Your Idols Tour (Saturday)[/B] [SIZE=4] [B][SIZE=2]Saturday, Week 2, January 2008[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B][SIZE=2]Ibaraki Community Hall, Kanto. Attendance [SIZE=3]773[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Umari.jpg[/IMG] The show starts with the new manager, Umari, introducing himself and announcing his first client in the promotion, and that person is none other than the WEXXV Warriors Heart Champion, Munemitsu Senmatsu. [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Green]B-[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B]The Wild Things vs. American Psychos[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Saionji Omura def. Doug Peak with a Collapsing Piledriver. The crowd didn't like this 7 minute spectacle, as all participants were exhausted after the match. [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Just as The Wild Things are slowly heading to the back after the match, Umari comes out to everyones surprise and introduces his new clients, who are.. [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/demon1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/demon2.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Chaos1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Chaos2.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [SIZE=4][B]THE CHAOS DEMONS![/B][/SIZE] .. Who then attack the Wild Things from behind, pummeling them with heavy blows to the back. As the Wild Things are down, the Demons set up a glass table and finish Saionji Omura with a Double Throw Powerbomb trough the table. [B]Grade:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed][B][SIZE=3]D[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [SIZE=3][B]The Chaos Demons vs. Travis Century & Prototype Konoe[/B][/SIZE] The Demons got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren't impressed. [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][B]E[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Once again Umari comes out to hype the next tag team ladder match, which involves Munemitsu Senmatsu and a mystery partner against Naga-Mori.. And the mystery partner is.. [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Acid.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/acid.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][SIZE=4][B]ACID!![/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B]Munemitsu Senmatsu & Acid vs. Naga-Mori[/B][/SIZE] Acid and Senmatsu clearly dominate Naga-Mori with their unique offence. Senmatsu strikes Naga-Mori with Super Smash Lariats and Acid finishes them with the Acid Rain Bomb. [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D+ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B]The Pisschrist vs. Gareth Wayne[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER]The Pisschrist finishes Gareth Wayne with a Running Big Foot. After the match he mysteriously shouts that the black dawn will come soon! [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]D[/COLOR][/SIZE] A recap video of Munemitsu vs. Kajahara -feud this far. [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=4][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]A [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B]Ryu Kajahara vs. Hiroshi Morisue[/B][/SIZE] Kajahara ends a solid hardcore bout, the match of the night, with the Kajahara Claw. [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=3][COLOR=Sienna][B]C[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Ruy Kajahara quickly cuts a promo saying that he isn't afraid of Munemitsu and his troops, and he will be gathering a group of his own to fight the fallen ones! So just bring it on, Munem.. [B]Grade:[/B] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]A[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] ..Just as Ryu is finishing his speech, Kajahara gets attacked by Munemitsu Senmatsu in the ring. During the chaos, Senmatsu picks up a piece of broken glass (from the table used earlier) and blasts Ryu Kajahara, catching him right in the face. Ryu Kajahara immediately drops to the floor, blood everywhere, screaming about his eyes. A host of officials charge down, and he is stretchered out, apparently blinded, while Munemitsu Senmatsu grins and spits on Kajahara. He picks up the blood covered mic and announces that the new era has begun in WEXXV as he, The Pisschrist, Umari, Acid and The Chaos Demons will now be known as.. [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Munemitsu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Pisschrist.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Umari.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Acid.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Chaos1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/Chaos2.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/demon1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/DiaryPictures/demon2.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=6][B]SCUM OF THE EARTH[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] The show ends with all members of [FONT=Georgia][B]Scum Of The Earth[/B][/FONT] standing tall in the ring. [B]Grade:[/B] [B][SIZE=4][COLOR=RoyalBlue]A[/CENTER] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]Overall Grade:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Sienna]C [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Quick Results:[/B] The Wild Things def. The American Psychos The Chaos Demons def. Travis Century & Prototype Konoe Munemitsu Senmatsu & Acid def. Naga-Mori The Pisschrist def. Gareth Wayne Ryu Kajahara def. Hiroshi Morisue[/CENTER]
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