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A Whole New World

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This is a fun little game I've been playing, that I've finally decided to turn into a dynasty. I started a universe in 1950 with one promotion, which I own, and every 5 years I will (if I have enough prestige) quit and start a new one, effectively building the game world from scratch. Our first company is the [B]National Battle League[/B] based out of the Tri State region. In my head they are a mix of realistic fighting and comical characters. While there are no promos in the actual fed, I will be adding some interviews and such to flow storylines together, at least until I have enough entertainers to run angles. but enough talk, let's meet the starting roster: [B]Misa Akita:[/B] A ninja from the far east who is shrouded in mystery. He uses many Karate chops, and Karate kicks, to play up the fact that he is, in fact, a ninja. [B]Lucas Fernandez:[/B] Playing a Mexican Rebelde, Fernandez is rude, vicious, and stands for what he believes is right and just. All females swoon for him. [B]Antonio Sheridan:[/B] Coming strait from the construction business, Antonio is a full blooded Italian who can fight with the best of them. His Italian DDT is one to be feared. [B]Rick Hughes:[/B] A man from the hard streets, Hughes grew up defending himself and his family. The only weapon he ever carries are his two knees, but they are classified as lethal. [B]Jeffery DiBiase:[/B] A rich man who thinks he can buy wins and friends. We don't really know what he's doing here. [B]Joel Rhodes:[/B] Joel Rhodes scowls at your puny gimmicks. Joel Rhodes needs no gimmick, only heads ... to smash! [B]Shinzo Kaibara:[/B] Another from the mythical Far East, Shinzo is an honest, hard working man, with an incredibly stiff clothesline. He seems to have a lot of potential. [B]Steven Wright:[/B] He is from Wales. That's all we really need to say. [B]Fernando Lopez:[/B] You may recognize him as the star running back from the short lived San Juan Sharks football team. Lopez is a gifted athlete with plenty of punch to match his speed. [B]Oliver Larsen:[/B] BWAHAHAHA! Larsen sails the high seas in his search for plunder, glory and Valhalla! He is the smarks favorite wrestler, and a good technician. [B]Cowboy Jack Avatar:[/B] Defender of Justice the hard way, Avatar is putting NBL under Marshall Law. With is Cowboy Pop finisher, and overall skills and looks, Avatar is obviously the cream of the NBL crop.
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[SIZE="3"][B]NBL First Days[/B][/SIZE] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Monday, Week 2, April 1950[/I] 57 in attendance. (I swear 25 of which were DiBiase's Pose) [B]Dark Match 1 - E-[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E-[/B] [B]Jeffery DiBiase over Joel Rhodes[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]Respectable match keeping the ... well I guess you could call it momentum going from the Dark Matches. Joel plays it strait, but DiBiase cheats extensivly to get the win.[/I] [B]Misa Akita over Rick Hughes[/B] - [B]F+[/B] [I]Hmm, ratings are supposed to go up, not down. Akita plays up his quickness against the larger Hughes. Hughes is able to chase him down and get a few strikes in, but Akita the the shock pin for the win.[/I] [B]Shinzo Kaibara drew with Steven Wright[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]Allright, back on the correct path. Both men show skills, Kaibara with his striking and Wright with his take downs. Eventually the 15 minute time limit passed with no man being named the victor.[/I] [B]Fernando Lopez over Antonio Sheridan[/B] - [B]F+[/B] [I]Erm...I guess Antonio's more of a project than I thought. He couldn't even make the super over, talented brawler look good. Yeesh. Lopez overpowers the Italian, and gets the pin to move into the finals of this four person tournament.[/I] [B]Cowboy Jack Avatar over Oliver Larsen[/B] - [B]D-[/B] [I]Winner! Of course a Cowboy versus a Viking would get these fan's going. Jack and Oliver go back and forth for a while, until Jack hit's the Cowboy Pop (Stunner) and it's all over.[/I] [B]Cowboy Jack Avatar over Fernando Lopez for the NBL National Battle Belt[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]Not enough gimmicks? Whatever the case, this was a disappointment. We thought we could play up Jack's power versus Lopez's speed. Apparently Jack's faster than the star running back, so our plans feel apart. In the end, a shoddy, not well planned Cowboy Pop ended it, with Jack the champion.[/I] [B]Overall Show: E+[/B] [I]Owie...was hoping for at least the D range... Of course when a companies down, Adam Ryland must kick them. Oliver Larsen got caught in possession of cocaine. Our prestige took a hit (although it started at zero, so this is the best time for it I suppose.) So we have a hopped up Viking. Should we work it into storylines?[/I]
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[B][SIZE="3"]NBL Second Wind[/SIZE][/B] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Friday, Week 2, May 1950[/I] 60 in attendance. [B]Dark Match 1 - E-[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E[/B] [B]Misa Akita over Joel Rhodes[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Rhodes played the over the top bruiser to his best ability in this match, shoving the obviously smaller (even if Rhodes is a middleweight) Akita around the ring. Akita used his chops and technical ability this time to get a big win.[/I] [B]Kaibara and Wright agree to two more matches, one next, and one next month. The audience understands neither of there accents.[/B] - [B]NPiG[/B] [B]Steven Wright over Shinzo Kaibara[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Wright did all he could to keep Shinzo off his feet, and it looked as if Shinzo was either taken by surprise, or distracted. Either was, Wright scores the first tap out victory in the NBL.[/I] [B]Fernando Lopez over Jeffery DiBiase[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]Poor DiBiase. He just isn't as good as he thinks he is. He complained about losing to Lopez, who is ahead in skill and popularity. I think Lopez actually landed a few shots in there. Anyway, Lopez overpowers DiBiase for the squash.[/I] [B]Cowboy Jack Avatar over Oliver Larsen to retain the NBL National Battle Belt[/B] - [B]D+[/B] [I]Sweet Mary and Joeseph I am good. Yes, it was a risk sticking Mr. Prestige Killer in the main event, but he delivered and kept up with me enough. Larsen played up his fearlessness, taking shot after shot and coming back. He cound't come back from a Cowboy Pop, securing my first defense.[/I] [B]Overall: D[/B] [I]Now THAT'S more like it! With this D I "D"clare NBL a small company. We'd have to bring in some talent...or something. And what's with the switch from third person to first person when talking about myself? Perplexing...[/I] * NPiG = Not Played in Game -or- completely made up. Question: Would you rather see the angles run as reviews like in this show, or as quotes?
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[QUOTE=Orange-kun;487129]Awww. What happened to Ignacio, you're secret computer baby? :P[/QUOTE] He hasb't debuted yet, so he doesn't exist. [QUOTE=mistaken;487140]You have inspired me, I have set a database back to 1900, added just 1 worker and 1 promotion. and started the game unemployeed, I want to see where the world gets to by 2008. (in the promotion editor i doubled the amount of future promotions)[/QUOTE] Glad to inspire. [QUOTE=Purple Cowboy;487145]I love alternate realities, nice start. Another subscription added! :)[/QUOTE] Thanks :). ...but no one answered my question :(.
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[SIZE="3"][B]NBL Small Problem[/B][/SIZE] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Monday, Week 2, June 1950[/I] 62 in Attendance. [B]Dark Match 1 - F+[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E-[/B] [B]Dark Match 3 - E[/B] [B]Jeffery DiBiase over Reginald Jarrett[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]Okay, we are really tiring of DiBiase's crap. He whines and is a backstage problem, and can't pull out a good match. Jarrett debuts to a loss here, but DiBiase shouldn't get too many more wins [/I] [B]Benjamin Maivia over Robert Leroy[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Two debuts here, and both are high tipped for fame. With a name like Maivia how can I not try to push him? Also, Leroy keeps coming up on the "internet" as the future superstar. Maivia out ran the Frenchman around the ring, tiring him, before attack and getting the pin.[/I] [B]Kaibara comes out and talks about where he comes from, honor is king. He will defend his honor![/B] - [B]NPiG[/B] [B]Shinzo Kaibara over Steven Wright[/B] - E- [I]Shinzo looked STRONG in this payoff match. Even though the series is even at 1-1 we are going to give this a rest. As for the match, Shinzo overpowered Steven, with no distractions, and put him away with a stiff clothesline. [/I] [B]A new wrestler, Samuel Miller, comes out and talks about how he'll light NBL a flame![/B] - [B]NPiG[/B] [B]Samuel Miller over Fernando Lopez[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Mr. Miller does not disappoint. Taking all that Lopez can dish out, Miller fights back with a vengeance. Once Lopez is dazed, Miller does what no one before him has. He leaves his feet on purpose, launching himself into a flying clothesline, which scores him a win.[/I] [B]Cowboy Jack Avatar over Antonio Sheridan to retain the NBL National Battle Belt[/B] - [B]D+[/B] [I]I'm starting to think it's me. I whip Sheidan around, he plays the plucky (albeit c*cky) underdog and we put together the best match in NBL's little history. I defend my Belt for the second time with a Cowboy Pop.[/I] [B]Overall Show:[/B] D Not a bad show to move forward as a small company. Nothing really to report. The new four all fared well, except maybe Jarrett.
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[B]Show Preview[/B] [U]NBL Train Wreck[/U] [I]Because we have confidence in our shows![/I] Joel Rhodes vs. Steven Wright Reginald Jarrett vs. Antonio Sheridan Jeffery DiBiase vs. Fernando Lopez Benjamin Maivia vs. Oliver Larsen Robert Leroy vs. Samuel Miller Cowboy Jack Avatar vs. Shinzo Kaibara for the NBL National Battle Belt
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[SIZE="3"][B]NBL Train Wreck[/B][/SIZE] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Saturday, Week 2, July 1950[/I] 68 in Attendance [B]Dark Match 1 - E[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - F+[/B] [B]Dark Match 3 - E[/B] [B]Antonio Sheridan over Reinald Jennings[/B] - [B]F+[/B] [I]Okay, why did I hire Jennings. Sheridan controls the match, and still Jennings manages a way to ouf everything up. I can only shake my head in misery as Sheridan gets the pin.[/I] [B]Fernando Lopez over Jeffery DiBiase[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Speaking of misery, I put DiBiase in this match hoping the older Lopez would teach him respect. Or pain. More hoping for pain to be honest. Lopez beat DiBiase pillar to post, and finished him quickly.[/I] [B]Oliver Larsen over Benjamin Maivia[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]The Vike charged Maivia and held control most of the match, showcasin a truely aggressive move set. Maivia put up his best fight, but he's just to inexperienced to hold off Larsen.[/I] [B]Samuel Miller over Robert Leroy[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]The new car feeling is still going strong for Miller and his Leaping Clothesline. Leroy, however, has stalled, no matter how much the 'insiders' like him. Leroy sold the clothesline well, and Miller caught on with the fans a bit.[/I] [B]Cowboy Jack Avatar over Shinzo Kaibara[/B] - [B]D[/B] [I]Shinzo pulled out everything, but could not land his still clothesline. Eventually I fought back, playing underdog for the first time ever. We battled and battled, and the crowd loved it. Eventually Shinzo ate a Cowboy Pop and a pin, but neither man walked away ashamed. We both gave it our all.[/I] [B]Overall Show: D-[/B] Bad showing, but not as bad as we thought it would be. Still, Kind of Bad Show sounds worse than Train Wreck. What? It does! Stop looking at me like that. In news our announcer and Jeffery DiBiase don't like each other. Well, I don't like DiBiase much either.
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[SIZE="3"][B]NBL Turning Point[/B][/SIZE] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Tuesday, Week 2, August 1950[/I] 60 in attendance [B]Dark Match 1 - E[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E-[/B] [B]The Darkness over Pedro Romero[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]The Darkness parades around like a super hero, which disgusts Romero. Unfortunetly for him whenever he tries to attack The Darkness, it is a fit of futility. Darkness wins in what can be considered a squash match.[/I] [B]Reginald Jarrett attacks The Darkness after the match, calling him a false hero. Darkness pushes him, which causes Jennings to fall awkwardly on his shoulder.[/B] - [B]F[/B] [B]Shinzo Kaibara over Rick Hughes[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]To think he was in a highly decent title match recently. Poor Shinzo. Hughes put up a huge effort, but Shinzo was off his game, probably depressed at how his push is going. He still got the win with a clothesline, but it didn't look good.[/I] [B]Antonio Sheridan over Fernando Lopez[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Hmm, a dissapointing day all around. I expected bigger things from these two. Lopez has never really lived up to my expectations for him. Antonio had a decent match last month, but looked lackluster here. He did get the win, but the match was very forgettable.[/I] [B]Samuel Miller over Cowboy Jack Avatar for the NBL National Battle Belt[/B] - [B]D+[/B] [I]So here is the new golden child of National Battle League. I put over Miller, acting confused by his quick offense, and selling his leaping clothesline well.[/I] [B]Overall: D[/B] It was time to give the belt up, and to be honest, Miller's a great talent and on fire with the fans. Hopefully he can continue this roll, and be a true leader while I sit at spot #2. As for news we signed 3 new people: The Darkness, Pedro Romero and another who has yet to debut. We released Lucas Fernandez and Armando Moreles for poor behavior. Reginald Jennings got injured for 2 months.
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keep this up it's awesome, I am doing more of a watches journal, with a start of 1900, I've run 3 and 1/2 years so far, it been amazing to watch thew world populate, if I can get to 2008 I will have generations of wrestlers that have come and gone and a world with true history. we will have to see though, i won't post anything on it before i get through a fair portion in case i loose interest, or don't have the time to finish it.
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[SIZE="3"][B]NBL Prove It![/B][/SIZE] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Thursday, Week 2, September 1950[/I] 70 in Attendance [B]Dark Match 1 - E+[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E-[/B] [B]Rick Hughes over Oliver Larsen[/B] - [B]F+[/B] [I]These two don't click, which really makes for a horrible opener. Hughes' knees finally found a victim, battering Larsen around until he got the pin.[/I] [B]Fernando Lopez over Pedro Romero[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]That's more like it. Lopez pulls a good match out of Romero, even though Romero whined the entire time about losing to Lopez. Lopez showed off his punching talent, knocking Romero out in what looked like a lopided boxing match.[/I] [B]Antonio Sheridan over The Darkness[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Sheridan puts the licking on The Darkness. Using short punches and kicks to the thigh, he wears Darkness down to set up for the DDT.[/I] [B]Samuel Miller over Cowboy Jack Avatar[/B] - [B]D[/B] [I]I've made a hypothesis. Sequels are not as good as the original. Miller and I put on a show, but it's a show that's been seen before, so the crowd was a little less hot.[/I] [B]Robert Leroy over Misa Akita[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Kids. Don't book drunk.[/I] [B]Overall: E+[/B] Even with the mishap, it wasn't a complete disaster. I guess we have some talent here in NBL. However, that does not include Pedro Romero or Jeffery DiBiase, as I fired them after the show. I hired a Portuguese man name Gerado Cortez, and he seems to be a solid midcard type.
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[B][SIZE="3"]NBL Octoblitz[/SIZE][/B] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Saturday, Week 2, October 1950[/I] [B]Dark Match 1 - E[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E[/B] [B]The Darkness over Misa Akita[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]I decided to give Misa Akita some show time, and I was impressed. He usually put up F+ in the dark time, but now put up an E. Darkness prances like a superhero, catching Akita's attacks and getting the win.[/I] [B]Guillermo Ortega over Gerado Cortez[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]A nice little match to debute Ortega. He's not as skilled now, but he has potential and I'm considering him as a little pet project. Cortez is on the wrong way down the card.[/I] [B]Robert Leroy over Benjamin Maivia[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]I basically give Leroy wins to see if the insiders are right about his being the "best overall wrestler" and "hot tipped to become a future superstar". I personally see nothing impressive.[/I] [B]Ella Jarvinen over Antonio Sheridan[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]Ella's hott. Really, I think I fell for Ella as soon as we met. Swedish, beautiful and strong knowledge of a wrist lock takedown. I gave her the win over Antonio as he's stalled recently. It wasn't the best, but Ella still can be great.[/I] [B]Cowboy Jack Avatar over Fernando Lopez[/B] - [B]D-[/B] [I]Ho hum. I didn't bring my all to this match, and neither did Lopez.[/I] [B]Samuel Miller over Shinzo Kaibara to retain the NBL National Battle Belt[/B] [I]Miller's putting up good numbers, but I can't help but wonder if the luster is fading. In this "battle of the clotheslines" Sammy Miller's connected first, and he keeps his title.[/I] [B]Overall Show: D-[/B] As you can see two new additions, Ella Jarvinen and Guillermo Ortega. I see both of them as future Main Eventers. I fired Reginald Jarrett because he was a waste of space, and injured. Also Steven Wright and Shinzo Kaibara became friends. Zuh?
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[SIZE="3"][B]NBL Good Times[/B][/SIZE] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Wednesday, Week 2, November 1950[/I] 64 in Attendance [B]Dark Match 1 - E-[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E[/B] [B]Steven Wright over Joel Rhodes[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]Poor Mr. Rhodes. Can't buy a win. Steven used his takedowns to slow Rhodes and ground out a victory.[/I] [B]The Darkness over Gerado Cortes [/B] - [B]F+[/B] [I]Hmmm. Both of these guys dissapointed big time here. Maybe time for some more remodeling?[/I] [B]Antonio Sheridan over Ella Jarvinen[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]Sequels. Not good. Ella put in the best she could, but that's not good enough to be with an Upper Midcarder that needs to be carried.[/I] [B]Shinzo Kaibara over The Samurai[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]Thank you Kaibara! He pulls a huge win over the mysterious masked man in a gimmick. Samurai had some good offense, but Shinzo was determined, and hit the Stiff Clothesline for the win.[/I] [B]Fernando Lopez over Guillermo Ortega[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]Ugh! Another stinker. Ortega young, which is why I expected Lopez to carry him. I wont make that mistake again... or will I...[/I] [B]Samuel Miller over Cowboy Jack Avatar to retain the NBL National battle Belt[/B] - [B]D[/B] [I]Go me. Go me. Savin' the show. Oh yeah! I put in something extra to pull out a fantastic match, leaving Miller looking like a million bucks and a decent champion again.[/I] [B]Overall Show: D-[/B] No news at all. Boring month, November is. So, for those following along, any input. Likes, dislikes. Anything?
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[SIZE="3"][B]NBL Christmas Clash[/B][/SIZE] [I]The Weston Gymnasium - Sunday, Week 2, December 1950[/I] 131 in Attendance [B]Dark Match 1 - F+[/B] [B]Dark Match 2 - E[/B] [B]Misa Akita over Ella Jarvinen[/B] - [B]E-[/B] [I]Had a bit of a storyline here, with Jarvinen accidently pulling down Akita's hood, revealing that Akita is female. This lit a fire under Misa Akita, a fire that led to her victory.[/I] [B]Steven Wright over Konstantine Hovart[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]I think this is the most underwhelming E+ match I've ever experienced. Wright did a good job, playing the underdog role, as the bigger Hovart beat him around. However, Wright's comeback seemed to staged. All in all not a ad debut for Hovart.[/I] [B]Guillermo Ortega over Rick Hughes[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]Ortega looked fantastic going over Hughes here. His moves flowed into each other, and with a showing like this it is easy to see why I hold him in such high regard.[/I] [B]Fernando Lopez over The Darkness[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]The match was billed as a chance for Darkness to prove himself and win a shot at the title. We had no such plans, as it ended up being a somewhat interesting squash match.[/I] [B]The Samurai over Benjamin Maivia[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]The Samurai avenges his Good Times loss with a victory ove rthe very talented Benjamin Maivia. He uses a new move, called the Samurai Drop (Sidewalk Slam) as a finisher and puts away Maivia for good.[/I] [B]Ignacio Moreno over Antonio Sheridan[/B] - [B]E[/B] [I]Ignacio here debuts as a Main Eventer, so I put him over our resident jobber to the stars Antonio Sheridan. Antonio fought valiantly and dirty, but Ignacio's speed and kicks were too much.[/I] [B]Cowboy Jack Avatar over Shinzo Kaibara[/B] - [B]D-[/B] [I]I decided to reward Shinzo by giving him some time back at main Event level. He has the talent, just not the consistency. I'd love to say I'll be putting a title on him, but he'll need to pull good matches regularly.[/I] [B]Tyler Vessey over Samuel Miller for the NBL National Battle Belt[/B] - [B]E+[/B] [I]Vessey is a famous former MMA fighter. With his brawling skills and popularity, I figured he'd be the perfect man to defeat Miller. He has some nice move he calls the German suplex, even though he is not German. I just hope he can pull a D level match next month.[/I] [B]Overall Show: E+[/B] Hired Tyler Vessey, George Hannigan, Konstantine Hovart and Ignacio Moreno. Extended the contracts of Antonio Sheridan, Fernando Lopez, Joel Rhodes, Misa Akita, Steven Wright, Rick Hughes and Shinzo Kaibara. Also, our Road Agent says he doesn't like Fernando Lopez. Well, that's interesting.
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nice pace your keeping with this diary. I am holding onto my new 1900 watchers diary until i have enough to share. I've ran just over 4 and 1/2 years now. there is one really strong Fed, but no one else has even held a show. dumb question at what point do the national shows start occurring? because some places have almost 100 unemployed and unimproving wrestlers.
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[QUOTE=mistaken;490422]nice pace your keeping with this diary. I am holding onto my new 1900 watchers diary until i have enough to share. I've ran just over 4 and 1/2 years now. there is one really strong Fed, but no one else has even held a show. dumb question at what point do the national shows start occurring? because some places have almost 100 unemployed and unimproving wrestlers.[/QUOTE] Yes, but its keeping me from coding... le sigh. I have no idea. I only have 10-20 unemployed. [QUOTE=Kovic;490428]Just read this diary throught, althought there is one that needs to be pointed out.. Ella Jarvinen is SOOO finnish name that she really can't be swedish.. we have beautiful girls here in Finland :p[/QUOTE] Upper European somewhere something. She gets a gimmick anyway :P.
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[SIZE="3"][B]End of the Year Awards[/B][/SIZE] At the end of the year we held an award ceremony, celebrating the companies longevity, our capable workers, and of course our ability to consume alcohol. A secret ballot was used, so that no screwing with the results could be done. [B]Wrestler of the Year[/B] Jack Avatar (7-3) Average Match Rating: D The first holder of the NBL National Battle Belt, the owner of the company and a solid performer, it's not a shock that I was voted to this high position. [B]Match of the Year[/B] Cowboy Jack Avatar over Antonio Sheridan at NBL Small Problem - D+ [B]Card of the Year[/B] NBL Small Problem - D
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