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World Wrestling Entertainment 2008-Post Summerslam

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William Regal pinned Paul London with a double underhook power bomb in a dark match(C+) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Week Four October 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler Mike Adamle is in the ring to announce that next week on Raw, there will be a big announcement that will shake the foundation of the entire WWE. It will be big but this Sunday is Cyber Sunday, which also will be as one of three men can voted in to be the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship CM Punk. It could be John Cena, Shawn Michaels, or Chris Jericho. The choice is yours but tonight on Raw, these three men will compete in a triple threat match. The announcers hype up that big main event for tonight! (B-) [COLOR=red][B]Cherry vs. Beth Phoenix(w/Santino Marella)[/COLOR][/B] Beth Phoenix, the WWE Women’s Champion, will face the WWE Diva’s Champion Michelle McCool as part of Cyber Sunday, where the fans get to choose which title will be on the line. Tonight, the Glamazon faces off against a Smackdown Diva in Cherry and wipes the floor with her, as Santino cheerleads at ringside. A vicious power bomb puts Cherry down for the pin as Beth bulldozes her, leading up to the battle between the WWE Women’s and Diva’s Champions, where you the fans get to choose which title is the line. [B]Winner: Beth Phoenix(w/a power bomb) Match Rating: D-[/B] John Bradshaw Layfield is out, saying that it’s a disgrace that he is no closer to getting his rightful championship shot at the World Heavyweight Title. But last week, Kane ran out during his match with Batista. JBL brags that he had the match handily won but Kane stuck his nose into JBL’s business. So tonight, JBL will put Kane down once and for all before Kane’s match with Batista at Cyber Sunday. Cole and Lawler say that JBL was not close to beating Batista last week. In fact, he was prepared for the Batista Bomb until Kane came out. But be that as it may, JBL is in the ring, as he is ready for Kane to make his way down to the ring. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Kane[/COLOR][/B] Kane pummels JBL in the ring as the match with Cyber Sunday that Kane has with Batista is hyped. It will either be a Casket Match, a First Blood Match, or an Inferno Match! JBL manages to ram Kane into the steps on the floor and vicious clothesline puts Kane down. Kane is rammed into the barricade and JBL to the top rope. Rocket launching shoulder block sets Kane up for a two count. Belly to back suplex and attempted camel clutch but Kane gets up and falls back, to crush JBL under his weight. JBL is stunned and Kane pounds him, before he is slammed down. To the top rope and flying clothesline but JBL rolls to the floor. Kane follows and rams JBL into the apron hard. JBL is rolled back into the ring but before Kane can enter the ring, Batista runs down and hits Kane with a lariat to the back of the head! Kane is slumped on the ring apron and Batista quickly crouches down. JBL pulls Kane into the ring and takes a full head of steam. Clothesline from Hell murders Kane! Kane folds up like an accordion! JBL straights Kane up to score the pin! [B]Winner: JBL(w/the Clothesline from Hell) Match Rating: B[/B] JBL leaves with the victory as Batista enters the ring to get some of Kane but Kane fights back with punches, kicks, and a big boot rocks Batista. Kane rushes Batista but Batista ducks and Kane eats a spear. Kane is down and Batista pounds away at him. Attempted Batista Bomb but Kane counters with a low blow. Big Boot delivered by on Batista and Kane is to the floor. He grabs a steel chair from ringside. Kane enters the ring with the chair and Batista is up. Chair levels Batista. Batista goes down hard. Kane motions for something from the back as Batista is bleeding. The announcers mention that First Blood is one of the choices for this Sunday and we see some crew members roll out a casket. Kane demands the casket be opened as he’s about to demonstrate another choice for stipulations this Sunday, the Casket Match. The casket is opened and Kane grabs Batista by the throat. Choke Slam right into the casket. Kane slams the lid shut for a second, before he pries it back open. Kane walks around and pulls back the ring apron. He has a can of lighter fluid and he walks around but out comes security and referees to back off Kane before he can demonstrate the third choice, an Inferno Match, by pouring that lighter fluid on Batista. Remember, Batista and Kane square off at Cyber Sunday and you can choose between a First Blood Match, a Casket Match or an Inferno Match. Batista is helped up, looking battered as Kane cackles on the ramp. (A) Santino Marella is backstage, when Val Venis walks up to him. Venis says at Cyber Sunday, they might be opponents if their match gets voted in but tonight they are tag team partners. They have a chance to become World Tag Team Champions. Santino nods saying that true, this Sunday, the fans could book for the humbling of the “Val Bigboski” by Santino Marella but tonight Val has a chance to ride Santino’s coattails to the World Tag Team Titles. Obvious Val is not too happy about this, as he is a veteran of the team but Santino holds up the Intercontinental Title Belt, to show Val one belt that he won’t be getting any time soon. Both men part their separate ways until tonight when they step into the ring to square off against Priceless for the World Tag Team Titles. Can they coexist? Time will tell (C-) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Diva’s Champion Michelle McCool vs. Katie Lea Burchill[/COLOR][/B] Michelle was a woman possessed. Katie got in a couple of good moves but in the end, the Heel Hook forced a tap out from Katie. [B]Winner: Michelle McCool(w/the Heel Hook) Match Rating: D[/B] Out comes Beth Phoenix after the bell and she attacks Michelle from behind, before she pulls her up in a double chickenwing, before Beth throws Michelle down onto her face viciously. Beth raises her hands in triumph. For Cyber Sunday you can vote for either Michelle’s Diva’s Title or the Glamazon’s WWE Women’s Championship to be on the line when they square off at Cyber Sunday. (D+) John Cena is backstage, saying that Cyber Sunday is his chance to get back on tonight. He says both Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho are good athletes, but two men who Cena has beaten in the past and will do so both tonight, along with the Cyber Sunday voting. Cena urges the fans to vote for him at Cyber Sunday, where he reminds us this is the first time him and CM Punk would have ever faced off if that match gets voted in. (B+) Santino is out, with a smug look on his face. He announces that his WWE Intercontinental Title reign is only three hundred and ninety more days away from shattering the record previously set by the Honky Tonk Man. Tonight, Priceless better be ready, because tonight, Santino, and the “Val Bigboski” will beat them for the World Tag Team Titles. (C) [COLOR=red][B]World Tag Team Titles Santino Marella(w/Beth Phoenix) and Val Venis(w/Layla) vs. Priceless©[/COLOR][/B] Most of this match, is Val Venis fighting off Priceless with Santino getting a cheapshot or two in when it benefits him. However, once Val Venis is double teamed, Santino just shrugs his shoulders, takes his WWE Intercontinental Title Belt and walks off. The announcers yell this was an obvious ploy by Santino to soften up Val Venis, just in case their WWE Intercontinental Title Match at Cyber Sunday is the one voted in for the fan’s choice championship challenge. Val Venis tries, but he is not enough man to beat two men. Vicious DDT, sets up a cobra clutch Russian Legsweep by DiBiase and the champions retain. [B]Winners and Still World Tag Team Champions: Priceless(w/the Cobra Clutch Russian Legsweep) Match Rating: C-[/B] Priceless get the win but out comes Cryme Tyme from the back. Cryme Tyme takes Priceless down with clotheslines, which forces them to scatter. It will be Cryme Tyme against Priceless for the World Tag Team Titles as one of the three possible choices for the fans choice championship challenge. The other two are of course Santino Marella against Val Venis for the WWE Intercontinental Title and Hawkins and Ryder putting the WWE Tag Team Titles on the line against Festus and Jesse. This Sunday, Cyber Sunday! (B-) CM Punk makes his way down to the ring before he talks about his choices for Cyber Sunday. All of them will be great opponents that should test Punk’s abilities as World Heavyweight Champion and hopefully put some critics to rest. But the opponent that he really wants to get his hands is Shawn Michaels. For the past week, he’s thought about nothing about that Superkick that Michaels nailed him with, that caused him to be pinned by Jericho. CM Punk says that Shawn Michaels against CM Punk would be a dream match but whether it’s Punk against Michaels, Punk against Cena, or Punk against Jericho, he will walk out against Cyber Sunday the World Heavyweight Champion. (A) [COLOR=red][B]Non Title Match: Lance Cade vs. CM Punk[/COLOR][/B] Punk and Cade trade holds and forearms to start, before Cade takes Punk down with a spinebuster for a nearfall. Cade pounds away at Punk and goes up top for the elbowdrop but Punk rolls out of the way. Dropkick into the corner, running roundhouse kick into the corner and bulldog connects. Punk picks up Cade and hoists him up. Go to Sleep connects and Punk scores the pin. [B]Winner: CM Punk(w/the Go to Sleep) Match Rating: B-[/B] Chris Jericho is standing backstage, saying that at Cyber Sunday, the fans should vote for him. He reminds us of the classic match he had against CM Punk at Unforgiven where he came close to winning the title and when he’s voted in at Cyber Sunday, he will beat Punk .As for his two opponents in the Triple Threat Match, Jericho will beat them tonight, before he beats them in the voting for Cyber Sunday. He was the first ever Undisputed Champion, when he beat The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same time and he will win the Cyber Sunday voting, before making history once again and being the first person to win the championship after winning the Cyber Sunday voting! (A*) [COLOR=red][B]Bryan Danielson vs. Charlie Haas[/COLOR][/B] Danielson is once again put over as being trained by Shawn Michaels and as a great striking and submission specialist, who can also go to the air. Haas and Danielson have a nice, but short, technical encounter that ends with Danielson hitting a running knee strike in the corner, that sets up the airplane spin. Haas is dropped on his feet and Danielson strikes Haas in the face with the elbowsmash. Haas drops to the canvas and he is k’oed which gives Danielson the win. [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson(after knocking out Haas with an elbowsmash) Match Rating: C-[/B] Randy Orton is returning soon. Footage of Orton holding up his WWE championship during his six month plus title reign after a series of high profile victories. (C) [COLOR=red][B]Kofi Kingston vs. Goldust[/COLOR][/B] Kingston runs wild but Goldust cuts him off and knocks him down with a clothesline. Goldust slowly works over Kofi and applies a chinlock, but Kofi fights up, before he connects with the Trouble in Paradise for the pin on Goldust! [B]Winner: Kofi Kingston(w/the Trouble in Paradise) Match Rating: D+[/B] Shawn Michaels is backstage, saying that he’s not worried about losing the Cyber Sunday voting because history is on his side. Every time Michaels was on the ballot, in 2004, 2005, and 2007, he’s won the voting. He’s 3-0 in the Cyber Sunday voting and he will be 4-0. He admits that his record in actually winning those matches is 0-3, but it’s going to chance at Cyber Sunday. Punk had better get used to being intimate with the boot of the Heartbreak Kid because at Cyber Sunday, he will be hearing a bit of Sweet Chin Music. Michaels says he wants one more run on top before he calls it a day and he will get it at Cyber Sunday. As for tonight, Jericho and Cena will fall to the Heartbreak Kid just like they will in the Cyber Sunday(A) [COLOR=red][B]Cyber Sunday Preview Triple Threat Match: John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho[/COLOR][/B] Michaels goes after Jericho right at the bell and throws him to the floor, before he dives at him, punching away at him, before Jericho is rammed into the barricade. CM Punk is on commentary for this match. Michaels chops away at Jericho but Cena moves to the floor and pulls Michaels off but Michaels pops Cena and rolls Jericho into the ring. Michaels dives at Jericho and chokes away at him. Cena leaps into the ring with a flying legdrop to the back of the head. Punches by Michaels and leaping shoulderblock knocks Michaels through the second and third ropes. Michaels whacks the back of his head on the bottom of the guardrail which allows Jericho to beat Cena from behind. Belly to back suplex connects for a two count. Jericho pounds away at Cena, before a leg lariat brings Cena down. Jericho pounds away at Cena and leaps to the middle rope. Lionsault connects for a two count. Jericho beats down Cena and works him over. Walls of Jericho applied but Cena is turned over into the ropes. Jericho pounds over Cena and double underhook backbreaker, running dropkick to the back before Jericho pounds away at Cena. Attempted Code Breaker but Cena hangs on. The back of the head of Jericho hits the canvas. Cena hooks the leg and STFU attempt, but Jericho is in the ropes. Forearms by Jericho and into the ropes. Springboard dropkick is ducked and Jericho hits the canvas. Cena delivers a running clothesline. Another running clothesline. A third running clothesline. “You can’t see me”, Five Knuckle Shuffle. Jericho convulses on the canvas and Cena pulls up Jericho. He hoists him up and F-U sends Jericho to the canvas. Cena raises his hands into the air and [B]gets blasted with the Superkick![/b] Michaels is back into the ring and he covers Cena to score the pin. Afterwards, Michaels stares down Punk on the outside and makes it clear he wants the championship belt. [B]Winner: Shawn Michaels(w/the Superkick on Cena) Match Rating: A[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Line Up[/COLOR][/B] Matt Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam vs. John Morrison Tommy Dreamer vs. Eddie Colon The Boogeyman vs. Mike Knox Evan Bourne vs. Michael Starr Elijah Burke vs. Chavo Guerrero (And Vote Cyber Sunday here[URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL])
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La Resistance defeated Super Crazy and Stevie Richards when Dupree pinned Crazy with a double spinebuster that him and Conway hit in the dark match(D+) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Week Four October 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Todd Grisham and Tazz. [COLOR=purple][B]Elijah Burke vs. Chavo Guerrero[/COLOR][/B] Some good spots in this match, but the fans did not get behind these two heels fighting. Chavo missed the Frog Splash which set up the Elijah Experience for Burke for the pin! [B]Winner: Elijah Burke(w/the Elijah Express) Match Rating: D+[/B] Matt Hardy is backstage, saying that at Summerslam, he failed to win the ECW Championship against Mark Henry, when Henry was disqualified and he never got his rematch. Hardy urges the fans to vote for him over John Morrison and Matt Hardy, and Hardy will go onto win the ECW Championship, before he beats Morrison and Hardy tonight. (C) [COLOR=purple][B]Evan Bourne vs. Michael Starr[/COLOR][/B] Starr showed some promise in this match, but the dazzling high risk offense by Bourne, that included a rana that set up a Shooting Star Press spelled the doom for Michael Starr and another victory for Evan Bourne. [B]Winner: Evan Bourne(w/the Shooting Star Press) Match Rating: D[/b] John Morrison is backstage, saying that the fans should vote for him because he’s a winner and a man of class. Not someone who will choke on their title shot like Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy would. Tonight, he’s going to prove it by beating both of them in the ring in tonight’s Triple Threat Match. Then at Cyber Sunday, he will end the ECW Championship reign of Mark Henry(C+) [COLOR=purple][B]The Boogeyman vs. Mike Knox[/COLOR][/B] Mike Knox attacks the Boogeyman at the bell. Boogeyman fights back and hits a spinebuster before he goes for the worms but Mike Knox bails out for the ten count. Boogeyman dances in the ring before he eats the worms to a loud pop from the crowd. [B]Winner: The Boogeyman(via countout) Match Rating: D+[/B] Rob Van Dam is stretching backstage when he looks at the camera. Coolly, in a mellow manner, he looks at the camera. He says Hardy and Morrison are both good, but tonight RVD will beat both of them in the Triple Threat Match and the Cyber Sunday voting, before he walks into Cyber Sunday and beats Mark Henry to get the ECW Championship back. Why? Because he’s (points thumbs to head) Rob. Van. Dam. (C+) [COLOR=purple][B]Tommy Dreamer vs. Eddie Colon(w/Armando Estrada and Eric Perez)[/COLOR][/B] Dreamer starts early but Colon cuts him off and wears Dreamer. Colon pounds away on Dreamer but Dreamer fights back and clotheslines Colon to the floor. Colon is on the ring apron and Dreamer attempts to suplex Colon into the ring, but Perez takes the legs of Dreamer out from underneath him. Colon collapses on top of Dreamer to score the pin. [B]Winner: Eddie Colon(after Eric Perez interference) Match Rating: D+[/B] All three Puerto Rican Nightmares triple team Dreamer until Ricky Ortiz runs out to make the save. Ortiz slides into the ring and chases off the Nightmares. The announcers hype up a potential Dreamer and Ortiz against Perez and Colon(C-) [COLOR=purple][B]Matt Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam vs. John Morrison[/COLOR][/b] Mark Henry is at ringside watching this match. Three way spots, with Hardy taking Morrison down the floor before he leaps onto him with a pescado and Van Dam delivers a baseball slide to knock Hardy into the guardrail. Flip plancha to Morrison and Hardy onto both men at ringside. Morrison is rolled back into the ring and a slingshot legdrop for a two count by Van Dam. Van Dam pounds away at Morrison and spin kick connects for a two count. To the top rope and split legged moonsault but Morrison gets the knees up. Morrison grabs Van Dam in a cradle and brings him down with a swinging neckbreaker from that position for a two count before Hardy breaks up the pin. Hardy pounds away at Morrison and Side Effect connects for a two and a half count. Hardy sets up Morrison and goes for the Twist of Fate but Morrison shoves him off. Spinebuster bomb brings down Hardy. Morrison climbs to the top rope and sets up Hardy with a corkscrew moonsault that steps up a nearfall. Morrison sets up Hardy for the Moonlight Drive but here comes Van Dam. Kick is blocked by Morrison and stepover spin kick brings Morrison to the floor. Hardy kicks Van Dam in the back of the leg and Twist of Fate attempt but Van Dam shoves Hardy off into the ropes. Leaping roundhouse kick rocks Hardy. Van Dam leaps to the top rope but Morrison is in the ring and Van Dam connects with a missile dropkick to take him out again. Van Dam delivers a forward roll into the Rolling Thunder on Hardy before he leaps to the top rope. Five Star Frog Splash connects to Hardy and Van Dam covers hooking the leg for the pin. [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam(w/the Five Star Frog Splash) Match Rating: C[/B] [B]Show Rating: C[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Line Up[/COLOR][/B] Champion versus Champion Non Title Match: Triple H vs. Shelton Benjamin The Big Show and Jeff Hardy vs. MVP and The Brian Kendrick Shannon Moore vs. Vladimir Kozlov Michelle McCool and Funaki vs. Beth Phoenix and Santino Marella Jesse vs. Zach Ryder Mr. Kennedy vs. Umaga R-Truth and Scotty Goldman vs. Gregory Helms and Carlito Festus vs. Edge (And vote for Cyber Sunday here: [URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL])
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The New Bulldogs defeated Ryan Braddock and Kenny Dykstra when DH Smith pinned Dykstra with the Running Powerslam(D-) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Week Four October 2008[/COLOR][/B] A look at the events of last week where Edge cost Triple H his match with the Brian Kendrick and subsequently broke his arm. At Cyber Sunday, Triple H will put that WWE Championship on the line against Edge in either a Cage Match, a Last Man Standing Match, or a Streetfight(A) Your announcers are Jim Ross and Roddy Piper [COLOR=blue][B]Festus vs. Edge[/COLOR][/B] Edge attacks Festus from behind at the bell but Festus knocks Edge around, using his power game. Edge manages to take control and end the match after a couple more minutes with the Spear to gain momentum leading into his match with Triple H for the WWE Championship at Cyber Sunday this Sunday. [B]Winner: Edge(w/the Spear) Match Rating: C+[/B] Shelton Benjamin stands by backstage saying that tonight he is going to beat the WWE Champion Triple H one on one. As for Cyber Sunday, it doesn’t matter what match the fans vote in, he’s walking out of Cyber Sunday as the WWE United States Champion when he beats Jeff Hardy(C+) R-Truth makes his way down to the ring for his tag team match with Scotty Goldman against Gregory Helms and Carlito(C+) [COLOR=blue][B]R-Truth and Scotty Goldman vs. Carlito and Gregory Helms[/COLOR][/b] Typical tag team fare tonight that ends with Carlito putting Goldman away with the Back Stabber as Helms takes R-Truth down to the floor. [B]Winners: Carlito and Gregory Helms(w/the Back Stabber) Match Rating: D+[/B] Mr. Kennedy….Kennedy!(B) [COLOR=blue][b]Mr. Kennedy vs. Umaga[/COLOR][/B] Kennedy attacks Umaga right at the bell with punch after punch, before he delivers a clothesline. Another couple of clotheslines and Umaga is down. Kennedy stomps away at Umaga and neckbreaker but Umaga is up and he kicks Kennedy into the corner. Umaga chops away at Kennedy and whip into the ropes. Running hip attack connects and Umaga hits Kennedy with a side slam for a two count. Umaga stomps away at Kennedy, before before Umaga headbutts Kennedy, palm thrust to the chest, before he hoists up Kennedy. Samoan Drop but Kennedy kicks the legs and jabs away at Umaga, before he shoves him into the ropes. Kneelift takes Umaga into the corner and running clothesline into the corner. Kennedy grabs Umaga and attempted Mic Check but Umaga puts the breaks on. Savate Kick takes Kennedy down into the corner and running hip attack into the corner connects, before Umaga hoists up Kennedy. Samoan Drop connects this time. Umaga climbs to the top rope. He leaps off but Kennedy moves and splash connects to the canvas. Kennedy with a kneelift and attempted Mic Check on Umaga. He connects. Kennedy looks pleased but Umaga is on his feet. Kennedy turns around and Samoan Spike waylays Kennedy. Umaga covers hooking the leg to score the academic pin. [B]Winner: Umaga(w/the Samoan Spike) Match Rating: B-[/B] Umaga stands in the ring when the lights come out and the voice of the Undertaker echoes throughout the arena, promising to make Umaga Rest in Peace soon enough. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Jesse vs. Zach Ryder(w/Curt Hawkins)[/COLOR][/B] Jesse attacks Ryder at the bell but Hawkins runs in within seconds for the disqualification. [B]Winner by Disqualification: Jesse Match Rating: D+[/B] Hawkins and Ryder are beating down Jesse in the center of the ring, until Festus rushes out to make the save with clotheslines. Hawkins and Ryder defending the WWE Tag Team Titles against Festus and Jesse will be one of the three matches in the fans choice championship challenge, with the other two being Santino Marella’s defense of the WWE Intercontinental Title against Val Venis and a potential Priceless World Tag Team Title defense against Cryme Tyme(D+) Santino is out with Beth Phoenix tonight, for their mixed tag team match against Michelle McCool and Funaki. Santino reminds us that he has only three hundred and eighty six more days left before he breaks the record. Tonight Glamerella is going to beat Funaki and Michelle(D+) [COLOR=blue][B]The WWE Diva’s Champion Michelle McCool and Funaki vs. the WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix and Santino Marella[/COLOR][/B] Beth and Michelle will face off at Cyber Sunday, where the fans get to choose between the Women’s Title or the Diva’s Championship being at stake. Also, Santino against Val Venis for the WWE Intercontinental Title will be one of the choices for the fan’s choice championship challenge. Michelle and Beth brawl off into the sunset, which leaves Santino and Funaki in the ring. Santino looks to prepare to finish off Funaki but Val Venis is in the crowd. The WWE Intercontinental Champion yells at Venis and Funaki backslides him for the pin. Funaki continues his three week winning streak as Santino throws a fit in the ring as Val Venis waves at him from the ramp. [B]Winners: Funaki and Michelle McCool(w/a backslide) Match Rating: D+[/B] Vickie Guerrero is backstage where she announced a big main event for next week on Smackdown between the Undertaker and Umaga. She predicts the Undertaker will be finished off once and for all next week on Smackdown! (A) [COLOR=blue][B]Shannon Moore vs. Vladimir Koslov[/COLOR][/B] Needless to say, the vicious Russian remained undefeated, punting Moore with a vicious running headbutt to the midsection that knocked the wind out of him for the pin. [B]Winner: Vladimir Koslov Match Rating: D+[/B] Koslov beats down Moore after the match. Out comes Jimmy Wang Yang but he gets hit with the running headbutt to the midsection. The crowd gives a moderate reaction as the Great Khali runs out. Khali has had a couple of run ins with Koslov in the past. Khali steps into the ring and Koslov rushes him but Khali catches him in the clawhold. Khali has the head vice applied on Koslov. Koslov breaks the hands of Khali and Khali staggers back. Running headbutt to the stomach of Khali and Koslov knocks him back but Khali remains on his feet. Khali chops Koslov in the head and Koslov rolls to the floor. Khali may be the only man who can withstand that vicious running headbutt to the midsection of Koslov and Koslov might be the only person who has the power to break the head vice of the Great Khali! Khali and Koslov will be a titanic battle when it happens between these two hosses. (B) [COLOR=blue][B]The Big Show and Jeff Hardy vs. MVP and the Brian Kendrick(w/Ezekiel Jackson)[/COLOR][/B] Big Show knocks the heels around to start off this match but when Hardy is in the ring, he is tripped by Kendrick, allowing MVP to take control of the match with a swinging neckbreaker. Double teaming from Kendrick and MVP for a good portion of the match. Hardy fights out with a double clothesline and tag made to the Big Show who enters the ring, rocking both men with punches, kicks, and vicious headbutts. Jeff Hardy dives onto Kendrick on the floor but Shelton Benjamin runs out to knock Hardy into the ringpost. Ezekiel enters the ring but Show grabs him by the throat. Choke Slam connects to Ezekiel. Kendrick is on the ring apron and Show grabs him by the throat but this leaves him open by the Drive By Kick from MVP. Show is slumped in the corner and a second Drive By Kick connects and Show falls back which allows MVP to score the victory on Show as Jeff Hardy is still down from the attack of Shelton Benjamin [B]Winners: MVP and The Brian Kendrick(w/the Drive By) Match Rating: B-[/B] Triple H, the WWE Champion, is backstage, with a cast on his right arm. Last week, Edge broke his arm. The doctors said that Triple H should be out for six weeks to let it properly heal, but Triple H refuses to step away, especially when the WWE Championship is on the line. Edge will get his at Cyber Sunday. Streetfight, Last Man Standing, or Steel Cage, it really doesn’t matter, Triple H just wants to avenge his arm being broke by Edge. Shelton Benjamin is just another speed bump in the way to the road to Cyber Sunday! (B) [COLOR=blue][B]Non Title Match: WWE Champion Triple H vs. WWE United States Champion Shelton Benjamin[/COLOR][/B] Triple H chops away at Shelton with the good arm, but Shelton ducks a knee and wipes out Triple H with a spin kick. Shelton fires some stomps to the arm of Triple H and leaping dropkick, before he delivers an armdrag. Armbar applied as Shelton cranks on the recently broken arm of Triple H. Shelton pulls himself up and kneedrops the arm but favors his knee as he connects with the cast. Triple H sets up Shelton and pounds away at the knee, before applying an Indian Deathlock to Shelton Benjamin. Triple H pounds away on Shelton Benjamin in the hold but Shelton is in the ropes. Into the ropes. Elbow ducked and spinebuster connects, but it also bangs the injured arm of Triple H off the canvas. Triple H favors the arm and Shelton goes to work on it, wringing it out, before he delivers a single arm DDT for a two count. Shelton pulls the arm of Triple H and hammerlocks him, before bringing him over with a powerslam from that position for a two count. To the top rope goes Shelton Benjamin and he leaps off but Triple H whacks him in the face with the cast on the way down! The referee warns Triple H about using the cast as a weapon and Triple H delivers a running knee to the face. He picks up Shelton and facebuster scores a two count. Triple H pulls up Shelton and pounds away at him. Pedigree attempt but the arm of Triple H gives up and Shelton catapaults Triple H into the corner. Kick attempt is blocked but Shelton snaps into the Dragon Whip. Two and three fourths count! The broken right arm of Triple H is really crippling his effectiveness for the cover. Shelton kicks Triple H in the midsection and goes for the Paydirt but Triple H elbows out with the good arm. Sleeperhold applied but Shelton counters with a sit out armbreaker on the bad arm. Reverse Thrust kick into the corner and attempted Stinger Splash. [B]Triple H moves and Shelton hits the corner hard![/B] Shelton staggers out into a roll up from Triple H which scores the pin! [B]Winner: Triple H(w/a roll up) Match Rating: B+[/B] [B]Edge runs out and attacks Triple H from behind![/B] Shelton joins in on the attack but out comes Jeff Hardy to take out Shelton with a missile dropkick. Edge throws Jeff Hardy to the floor and turns around but [B]Triple H nearly takes the head of Edge with the cast![/B] Edge has been dropped as Triple H stands tall as Smackdown goes to black. (B) (Last call for the votes for Cyber Sunday. The voting will close tommorow afternoon. The link is [URL="http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html"]http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681055531.html[/URL])
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[B][U]WWE Cyber Sunday 2008[/B][/U] We cut to the ringside area where Vickie Guerrero is in her wheelchair to announce the results of the stipulation for the Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy WWE United States Title Match this evening. The tallies appear on the screen Best Two Out of Three Falls Match-Nine Percent I Quit Match-Zero Percent Ladder Match-Ninety Percent The crowd pops when it is revealed the Ladder Match has won by a landslide. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE United States Championship Ladder Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin©[/B][/COLOR] Both men exchange chops at the bell with Jeff Hardy getting the better of the exchange and Irish whip to Shelton Benjamin into the ropes no Shelton reverses. Tilt a whirl is countered into a flying headscissors. Jeff Hardy takes a running start and dropkicks Shelton Benjamin to the floor, right at the edge of the ladder on the ramp. Hardy takes a running start and baseball slides Shelton Benjamin down. Hardy pulls up Shelton and rams him into the barricade. Punches to Shelton Benjamin before he throws him into the ring. Jeff Hardy grabs the ladder and sets it up, before he rolls it into the ring. Hardy steps into the ring and kicks away on Shelton Benjamin. Into the ropes and Jeff Hardy connects a leaping elbow smash to the face. Hardy picks up the ladder but Shelton is up. The ladder is mounted on the shoulder, before Jeff Hardy rushes Shelton Benjamin. The top of the ladder smacked right in the face of Shelton Benjamin. Jeff Hardy sets up the ladder in play, underneath the United States Championship belt. Hardy climbs up the ladder but Shelton dropkicks Hardy off the ladder. Hardy is knocked down and Shelton with a chop to the chest. Another blistering chest chop and Shelton scoops up Hardy, before slamming him down. Shelton Benjamin grabs the ladder and snaps it shut, before he props it up in the corner. Jeff Hardy is picked up and Shelton Benjamin drills forearms into the face of Jeff Hardy, before sending him into the ladder back first. Hardy lands on his face and Shelton Benjamin fires a series of stomps to the head. Shelton Benjamin picks up Hardy, before whipping him into the ladder chest first. Hardy staggers backwards and Shelton Benjamin bends over, placing his head between the legs of the challenger and hoists him up. Hardy attempts to fight but Shelton falls backwards. [B]Electric Chair Drop drills Hardy onto the ladder propped up into the corner![/B] The back of Hardy’s head bounces off the ladder and Shelton Benjamin pulls him out of the corner, before he grabs the ladder. The ladder is set up in play underneath the championship belt and climbs up the ladder. Shelton Benjamin is climbing the stairway to heaven towards the United States Championship belt but Jeff Hardy crawls towards the ladder. He might not make it in time no wait he grabs the ladder and tries to shove it over. The ladder is wobbling and Shelton Benjamin can’t grab onto the ladder. Shelton drops down, before he bounces off the ropes. Spinning leg lariat drills Jeff Hardy in the face. Jeff Hardy has been taken down and the United States Champion whips Hardy into the corner. Stinger Splash in the corner punishes Jeff Hardy. Shelton Benjamin hooks Hardy for the Exploder but Hardy elbows out of the hold. Shelton is shoved off the ropes and goes for a kick but Hardy blocks it. DRAGON WHIP CRACKS HARDY IN THE FACE TO TAKE HIM TO THE ARENA FLOOR! Jeff Hardy is on the arena floor and Shelton Benjamin walks over, to position the ladder underneath the title belt. After the ladder is in play, Shelton Benjamin makes his way down the ladder. He can taste the championship gold. He’s climbing up the ladder one rung at a time. We see Jeff Hardy stirring on the floor as Shelton Benjamin is climbing up the ladder. Wait, Hardy is pulling himself up and [B]he runs up the top rope, before leaping to the ladder and then raining down the punches onto the head of Shelton Benjamin![/B] Jeff Hardy rains punch after punch down across the top of the head of Shelton Benjamin. Both men are on the ladder, exchanging punches but Hardy manages to grab Shelton around the head. [B]Superplex by Hardy with both men standing on the ladder![/B] The crowd pops big time as both men are down in the center of the ring, broken from that big move off the ladder as we see replays from the move. Hardy is up as the ladder is tipped over from the move. Quickly, he sets up the ladder in play. He is pulling himself up the ladder, one rung at a time. He has the championship belt in sights crosshairs. Three fourths of the way up the ladder before Shelton Benjamin runs up the ladder and punches away. Hardy punches back and knocks Shelton Benjamin off the ladder but Shelton lands on his feet and runs off the Ladder. He hooks Jeff Hardy and [B]Exploder Suplex off the ladder takes him down![/B] Both men are down in a heap in the center of the ring as Hardy is folded up like an accordion. Shelton Benjamin rolls over, before he climbs up the ladder. He’s climbing up the ladder, but one of the steps of the ladder breaks. Shelton drops down the ladder, that appears to have been busted in the battle. He kicks the ladder over before he rolls to the floor. Shelton pulls back the ring apron, before he pulls a second ladder out from underneath the ring. The ladder is slid into the ring and Shelton rushes Hardy, before he knees him into the face. Shelton Benjamin pulls up Hardy, before he slams the challenger down. Benjamin has the second ladder set up underneath the belt. Shelton sets up the first ladder into the corner and picks up Jeff Hardy. [B]Shelton Benjamin whips Hardy into the ladder so hard that he flips upside down[/b] The United States Champion turns around, before he climbs up towards the championship belt. He makes his way up but Jeff Hardy pulls himself up. He manages to pick up the first broken ladder and rams it into the second ladder, tipping it over and causing Shelton Benjamin to go over the top rope to the arena floor. Jeff Hardy collapses, favoring his ribs. Shelton Benjamin climbs back into the ring, to go after Hardy with more kicks to the midsection. Into the corner and Shelton charges in. Attempted Stinger Splash is blocked and Jeff Hardy runs up the ropes. Whisper in the Wind connects to Shelton Benjamin. Both men are down but Hardy rolls over, still hunched over with the injured ribs but he sets up the ladder in play. Hardy climbs up the ladder but Shelton Benjamin climbs up the other end. Punches away on Hardy and Shelton rams the head of Hardy off the top of the ladder, before he hooks him. [B]Sunset Flip Power Bomb off the ladder folds up Jeff Hardy like an accordion![/B] Shelton has driven Hardy down but he’s wiped himself out as well. The crowd is making some noise, trying to get behind Hardy who was absolutely murdered by that move off the ladder. Shelton Benjamin is up and he adjusts the ladder. He is climbing up the ladder, one rung at a time. Jeff Hardy pulls himself up to his feet. Shelton is on the ladder and Hardy kicks at the ladder. The ladder wobbles and Shelton Benjamin drops down and begins to attack Hardy with kicks and punches, to rock him. More chops and Shelton Benjamin whips Hardy into the ropes. The head of Shelton is ducked and kick to the face. Front facelock set up into the Twist of Fate by Jeff Hardy! Both men are down in the center of the ring and Jeff Hardy looks to be barely conscious, it looked like that attack took the last bit of energy he had out of him. Jeff Hardy pulls himself to his feet but so does Shelton Benjamin. Running kneelift to the midsection and Shelton Benjamin sets up the Paydirt but Hardy elbows out. He shoves Shelton Benjamin off the ropes and kick attempt off the rebound by the United States Champion is blocked. Dragon Whip connects to Hardy and Shelton Benjamin sets up the first busted ladder into the corner. Hardy is down but Benjamin pulls him back up. Vicious chops rock Hardy and Shelton props Hardy against the ladder in the corner. He moves the other ladder into the opposing corner. Shelton climbs to the top rope and keeps climbing up the ladder. Hardy doesn’t look like he has the energy to move. This kamikaze like effort by Shelton may finish off the challenger. Huge leap off the ladder no [B]Hardy moves and Shelton cracks knees first into the ladder in the corner![/B] Shelton falls back, clutching his knee caps, that might have been fractured from when he hit the ladder. Hardy looks dazed but he pulls himself up, feeding on the cheers from the fans. He should move the ladder over and go for the gold, but he climbs up to the ladder. Jeff Hardy has been known to take risks that have paid off in the past but this one might be a bit too unnecessary. He’s on the top of the ladder. Shelton is stirring, but does he have enough to move out of the way. Jeff Hardy throws all caution to the wind and leaps off the ladder. [B]Swanton Bomb off the top of the ladder by Hardy causes him to crash onto the prone form of Shelton Benjamin![/B] Hardy drags his broken form up and he struggles over, before he drags the ladder over underneath the dangling form of the United States Championship. The challenger is climbing. Reach for the stars Jeff, reach for the gold. He’s almost there and Shelton has been taken out. Jeff Hardy has his fingertips on the belt just as Shelton Benjamin is stirring but [B]Jeff Hardy grabs the gold and collapses from the top of the ladder with the belt in his hands![/B] [B]Winner and New WWE United States Champion: Jeff Hardy Match Rating: B-[/B] Out comes Teddy Long, to announce the results of the fan’s choice championship challenge: Festus and Jesse vs. Hawkins and Ryder-4 percent Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless-9 percent Val Venis vs. Santino Marella-85 percent Out comes Santino Marella along with Beth Phoenix. Santino looks smug, saying that Santino and the Intercontinental Championship equals money. Eight five percent of the fans voted for Santino’s title defense against the “Val Bigboski” tonight and Santino reminds us that he only has three hundred and eight four more days before he beats the championship milestone set by the Honky Tonk Man. (C-) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Val Venis(w/Layla) vs. Santino Marella©(w/Beth Phoenix)[/COLOR][/B] Santino attacks Val as he’s removing his towel and pounds away at him but Val Venis fights back. Nice kneelift and fisherman suplex nearly scores a quick nearfall for Val Venis. Venis pounds away on Santino and slams him down, before going up to the top rope. Money Shot connects on Santino after about ninety seconds of action. We could have a new Intercontinental Champion but [b]Beth Phoenix pulls the referee out of the ring at two and a half![/B] This is means for a disqualification. Beth Phoenix has just screwed The Big Valboski out of the Intercontinental Title. [B]Winner By Disqualification: Val Venis(Santino remains Intercontinental Champion) Match Rating: D+[/B] Venis is in the ring as Santino leaves, having stolen the victory. With that, we cut to Mike Adamle who is in a lockerroom with security and the three competitors for the World Heavyweight Title Match as well. Adamle announces that the voting was rather close but here is the final tallies. Chris Jericho-38 percent John Cena-23 percent Shawn Michaels-47 percent Shawn Michaels looks please as he gets a World Heavyweight Title shot tonight against Punk but both Jericho and Cena obviously had prepared to fight. Adamle says they have some time to fill when the last match went a bit shorter than intended, so he’s making Cena and Jericho right now so they can blow off some steam for not getting in the title shot. That match is right now, so Adamle tells them to head down to the ring(B-) [COLOR=red][B]John Cena vs. Chris Jericho(w/Psycho Sid and Lance Cade)[/COLOR][/B] Cena overpowers Jericho at the start, shoving him into the corner and punches away at him. Into the ropes with an Irish whip and high back body drop launches Jericho into the air. Shoulderblock and Jericho flies backwards onto his back. Cena pulls Jericho up and rear waistlock into an atomic drop that causes Jericho to flip onto his back. Jericho takes a powder to the floor as Cena motions for him to get into the ring but obviously is not in too much of a hurry to risk getting a piece of that big seven foot psychopath on the floor named Sid. Jericho enters the ring and Cena punches away at him. Into the ropes and back elbow is ducked. Drop toe hold by Cena as he comes off the ropes into an attempted STFU but Jericho is in the ropes just before Cena could turn the hold. Cena breaks the hold and stomps away at Jericho. Elbows driven to the back of the head and gutwrench suplex. Cena floats over for a two count. He picks up Jericho and forearms him across the face. Scoop and a slam. Cena waves the hand to his face to a mild reaction, mostly boos before he goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but [B]Sid trips up Cena from behind on the floor[/B] Cena takes a swing at Sid but Jericho catches Cena with a running kick to the back of the head. Cena falls back on the canvas and Jericho backs off, before he drops an elbow. Another elbow dropped down on the chest of Cena, as the referee is yelling at Sid and Cade, before he ejects them from ringside for Sid’s involvement in this match. The damage might have been done as Jericho pulls up Cena and slaps him, before backing off. Nice spinning heel kick takes down Cena. Jericho picks up Cena and double underhook right into a backbreaker. The back of Cena is down across both knees and Jericho continues to go to town with stomps, softening up the back of Cena for the Walls of Jericho. Bow and Arrow submission hold applied in the mean time as Jericho cranks on the back of Cena. Cena is struggling, the pain may be too much for him but Jericho has to watch his shoulders so they don’t get pinned on the canvas. Jericho breaks the hold and drives a knee into the back of Cena. Irish whip sends Cena backfirst into the corner and Jericho delivers a corner clothesline to soften up Cena. Jericho backs off and takes another running start. Cena drops down but Jericho leaps to the second rope. Springboard back elbow takes Cena down for a nearfall. Jericho works over Cena with more stomps and some punches. Into the ropes and Jericho grabs the legs of Cena, before he takes him down. Walls of Jericho attempt. Cena is struggling but Jericho has Cena set up. He is going to turn Cena over into the Walls of Jericho. Jericho leans back on the Walls of Jericho, sitting down on the back of Cena! The crowd has a mixed reaction, some booing, but others cheering Jericho as he punishes Cena with this hold. Cena is struggling, inch by inch, nearly to the ropes and he grabs the rope. The hold must be broken and it is broken but Jericho drags Cena into the center of the ring. He stands over the broken body of Cena and taunts him. Legs are grabbed and attempted Walls of Jericho but Cena manages to twist his legs before he forward rolls Jericho into a pinning predicament for a two count! Jericho is up to his feet and he goes for an elbow but Cena ducks and hoists him up to the shoulders. Attempted F-U but [B]countered into a Swinging DDT![/B] Cena has been dumped down onto his head and Jericho is on his feet. He raises his hands and leaps to the middle rope. Lionsault but Cena moves. Jericho lands on his feet and delivers a running dropkick to the head of Cena as he is on his hands and knees. Jericho sets up for the Code Breaker but Cena grabs onto the ropes. [B]The back of the head of Jericho slams into the canvas and Cena hangs onto the leg before he turns over right into the STFU![/B] Jericho is dead center in the ring and has nowhere to go as Cena cranks on the hold. After about a minute in the hold, Jericho has no choice but to tap out to give Cena the victory at Cyber Sunday! [B]Winner: John Cena(w/the STFU) Match Rating: B[/B] Cena might have not won the World Heavyweight Title voting but this win over Chris Jericho could have gone a long way in establishing himself to be next in line for a future championship shot, whether it would be against CM Punk, Shawn Michaels, or anyone else. Out comes Vickie Guerrero and Mike Adamle to announce the results for WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix and WWE Diva’s Champion Michelle McCool, for which title will be on the line when they square off tonight. Diva’s Title-60 Percent Women’s Title-40 percent. Michelle will defend her diva’s championship against Glamazon(C-) [B]WWE Diva’s Title Match: Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©[/B] Michelle looks focused and Beth rushes her at the bell but she ducks the attack and dropkick knocks Beth Phoenix backwards. Michelle fires a series of forearm smashes but Beth Phoenix steps back calmly and waylays Michelle with a vicious clothesline. Phoenix picks up Michelle by the hair and throws her across the ring. The WWE Women’s Champion fires a vicious kick and hoists Michelle McCool up over her head. Gorilla Press into a Michinoku Driver delivered by Beth Phoenix. What an impressive combination of technique and strength by the Glamazon. She refuses to go for the cover, instead she punishes Michelle with more attacks. Double underhook suplex brings her down for a nearfall. Beth Phoenix applies a double chickenwing and the end could be near no way, Michelle scissors onto the ropes and kicks back into a pinning predicament. All four shoulders are down for a one count but Beth turns Michelle over but Michelle counters with a forward roll into a heel hook. The leg cannot be properly looked and Beth quickly kicks Michelle off. Michelle bounces back to her feet and kicks to the midsection. Stepping back and handspring into a back elbow smash cracks Beth right in the face in the corner. Beth falls backwards and cartwheel into a backflip splash. She did not hit all of it all of it and a two count only. Michelle picks up Beth Phoenix and whip into the ropes. Running up to the second rope and punches but Beth Phoenix puts her head between the legs of Michelle and [b]folding power bomb out of the corner![/B] The Glamazon picks up the Diva’s Champion, who is dead weight from that high impact drop. Double chickenwing applied and Beth lifts up Michelle McCool. She turns around and Glam Slam brings Michelle down onto her face and chest. Rolled over and Beth Phoenix scores the win to add the WWE Diva’s Championship to the WWE Women’s Title she has already held. [B]Winner: Beth Phoenix(w/the Glam Slam) Match Rating: D-[/b] Beth Phoenix now has all of the gold, both the Women’s and Diva’s Championship belts. We cut backstage as Shawn Michaels is backstage, talking about how he’s going to walk out with the championship but [B]Chris Jericho runs down the hallway and blindsides him![/B] Michaels goes down and Jericho stomps away at Michaels. Jericho is pissed at losing both the World Heavyweight Title voting and also losing to John Cena tonight. Jericho picks up Michaels and throws him headfirst into a metal door. Michaels goes down and Jericho takes a running start, before he knees Michaels in the face. He pulls Michaels into the center of the room and punches him viciously in the face opening a cut over his eye before he throws Michaels onto a table backstage. Jericho waylays Michaels with more forearms and he picks up a pipe. Michaels struggles to his feet and Jericho swings the pipe. [B]Vicious running swing into the chest of Michaels![/B] Michaels drops down after being waffled with the pipe as Jericho walks off. He’s just destroyed the Heartbreak Kid, he might not even compete tonight. (A) Out comes Mike Adamle to announce the winning stipulation for the Kane and Batista match. Casket Match-Nine Percent First Blood-Twenty Eight Percent Inferno Match-Sixty One Percent The crowd pops big time as they are looking forward to seeing someone set on fire. Will Batista get burned again or will Batista avenge Kane’s attack on him with that fireball? (B) [COLOR=red][B]Inferno Match: Batista vs. Kane[/COLOR][/B] Both men are surrounded by fire as they lock up. Batista attempts to push Kane into the fire to start but Kane fights back with punches. Another series of punches and Kane goes for a clothesline but Batista ducks. [B]Vicious lariat knocks Kane down and causes the fire to shoot up around the ring![/B] Kane knows how close he is to those flames but Batista kicks him before he has a chance to get away. Another kick by Batista and Batista rams Kane into the corner. Batista chokes Kane in the corner, both men have got to watch it, they are near that fire. Kane is pulled into the center of the ring and Batista whips Kane off the ropes. Kane comes mere centimeters away from his legs hitting the fire before he comes back off the ropes. Elbow right to the mouth of Kane and Batista hooks Kane. Attempted suplex but Kane blocks it. Another block and [B]Kane takes Batista over with a suplex that causes the flames to shoot up into the air![/B] Batista is down and Kane wraps his hands around the throat of Batista. Chokehold applied, Kane is trying to smother Batista in that vicious choke. Both hands are wrapped around the throat of Batista as Kane is putting his large frame into the throat of Batista. Batista attempts to squirm out but Kane keeps choking Batista. Batista is rolled over and Kane grabs him in a rear naked choke as he inches Batista forward. He’s attempting to push Batista’s face, that had just recently began to heal from the previous fireball, into the fire. Kane has a hand on the back of Batista’s hand as Batista’s face is just a couple of inches away from tasting flames. Batista is putting his hands on the canvas, in an attempt to push himself up and away from the dangerous fires. Elbow cracks Kane in the mouth. Another elbow cracks Kane in the mouth. Kane falls back and Batista punches away at Kane but Kane comes back with a big boot. Batista is down and Kane picks up Batista, before he hoists him up and down into a side suplex. Kane puts Batista up into a sitting position and head vice applied. The Juggernaut known as Kane is just having his way with Batista. He wants to humble the Animal first before he moves in for the climatic finish of Batista. The head vice is on as Kane has a sadistic grin on his face. He pushes down onto the cranium of Batista, the Great Khali has utilized this move in the past but somehow, it’s just more dangerous in the hands of Kane. Kane pushes down onto the head of Batista but Batista is fighting off. Elbows attempt but Kane shoves Batista off. Hand to the throat and Kane goes for the Choke Slam but Batista shoves Kane off of that. [B]Spinebuster brings Kane down![/B] The flames shoot up and Batista is up but Kane just keeps coming. Uppercut to the throat. Another uppercut and Kane whips Batista into the corner. Running corner clothesline, before Kane prepares to choke Batista down into the corner. Kane has a nasty look on his face as he is trying to choke Batista down into the corner but Batista is powering out once again. Kane is shoved off and [B]Batista explodes out of the corner with a huge spear![/B] Kane has been winded. Batista is up and he rushes Kane as he gets up. Running clothesline drops Kane as the flames explode up into the air. Batista is going to beat Kane. Kick to the midsection and Batista muscles Kane up. Huge spinebuster brings Kane down! All he has to do is get him into those flames but Kane is already back up. Batista rushes Kane but Kane hoists him up. [B]Hotshot drops Batista right onto the top rope throat first![/B] Kane launches himself at Batista but Batista ducks down. [B]Kane goes through the ropes and lands on the floor![/B] By some miracle, Kane avoided touching the fires and Batista backs off, before he takes a running start at Kane. Batista leaps over the top rope and down in front of Kane. Batista winds up and a huge punch levels Kane. Kane staggers back and Batista slowly works over Kane with punches, but Kane fires back with an uppercut of his own. Batista is staggered and Kane pulls back the ringsteps before he has a small bottle of something underneath the steps. Batista turns around and [B]Kane smashes the bottle right over the head of Batista![/B] The glass is embedded into his forehead, as blood and the fluid in the bottle, which the announcers identify as a rubbing alcohol of some sort. Its all over Batista’s upper body and Kane grabs Batista by the throat. [B]Choke Slam on the floor![/B] The mats have not been exposed but the damage is done. Kane picks up the limp body of Batista and scoops him up. [B]Batista is dropped chest first onto the fire![/B] Kane has set Batista on fire, flames rise up on his chest and right arm, and quickly here come the ring attendants with the fire extinguishers to put Batista out, but he had already been badly burned in a short time because of the rubbing alcohol Kane dumped on him. Never the less, Kane is your winner. [B]Winner: Kane(after setting Batista’s chest and right arm on fire) Match Rating: C+[/B] Kane looks thrilled as Batista has been severely burned. He may be out for several weeks because of these burns and Kane has a sadistic grin on his face. Batista is helped to the back for medical attention, as he’s severe pain. Teddy Long is backstage to announce who is going to defend the ECW Championship against Mark Henry. We see the results coming up on the screen. John Morrison-Fourteen Percent Matt Hardy-Nine Percent Rob Van Dam-Seventy Six Percent. Rob Van Dam gets his chance at the ECW Championship against the dominant monster champion Mark Henry, winning by a landslide! (B) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW Championship Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Mark Henry©[/COLOR][/B] Henry shoves Van Dam into the corner and Van Dam bounces back, before he rocks Henry with a forearm. Another forearm across the face. A third forearm across the face rocks Mark Henry and Van Dam whips him into the ropes. Leapfrog over Mark Henry. Henry turns around and Van Dam delivers a leaping dropkick to the face of Henry. Van Dam stands there and points his thumbs his thumbs to his head to remind us that he is Rob Van Dam. Henry charges Van Dam but Van Dam ducks and leaping roundhouse kick knocks Henry backwards. Another leaping kick and Van Dam grabs Henry in a headlock but Henry quickly shoves him off the ropes. Leapfrog over Henry by Van Dam and Henry turns around right into a spin kick. Henry staggers a step back and Van Dam rushes him. Leaping spin kick knocks Henry back through the second and third rope to the floor. Rob Van Dam points to himself and takes a running start. Attempted cross body block but Henry catches Van Dam. [B]Van Dam is slammed chest first onto the barricade[/B]! Van Dam is down in a crumpled heap at ringside and Henry stomps away at him. More stomps and Henry picks up Van Dam, before throwing Van Dam into the ring steps. The challenger crashes into the steps and Henry rolls Van Dam into the ring. Henry steps into the ring and fires a kick to the chest of Van Dam. Into the ropes goes Van Dam and Henry clotheslines Van Dam down to the canvas. Henry backs off and kneedrop driven down across the chest of Van Dam. Van Dam spasms underneath the weight of Mark Henry and Henry pulls him up, before he rams forearms across the back. Whip into the ropes and huge clothesline that Van Dam does a one hundred and eighty degree flip onto his face. Van Dam is down in the ring and Henry rams some forearms down across the back of Van Dam. He picks up Van Dam and down across the knee with a backbreaker. Henry pulls up Van Dam and short clothesline sends Van Dam into the corner. The World’s Strongest Man backs up and running avalanche crushes Van Dam into the corner. Henry applies a bearhug on Van Dam. The ECW Champion is squeezing Van Dam, trying to force a submission or knockout out of Van Dam. Henry shakes Van Dam like a ragdoll for about a minute before the referee checks the arm. The ECW Champion may have Van Dam. The arm lifts two and a half times before Van Dam breaks the hold by clapping his hands to the ears of Mark Henry. Henry backs off, there has to be ringing in his ears as Van Dam connects with a series of martial arts kicks to the chest of Henry. Those educated feet of Van Dam is rocking the ECW Champion as he backs off. Spin kick to Henry but the big man remains on his feet. Another spin kick rocks Henry and Van Dam bounces off the ropes. [B]Leaping spin kick drops Henry down to the canvas![/B] Van Dam makes the cover but Henry powers out at one and a half. Henry pulls himself up and Van Dam fires a series of kicks to the leg but Henry blocks the kick. Legsweep delivered to Van Dam with the free leg and Van Dam backs off the ropes. [B]Rolling Thunder connects right to Mark Henry![/B] Two count on the ECW Champion and Van Dam quickly leaps to the top rope but Henry is on his feet. Cross body attempt is caught and [B]Henry brings down the challenger with a bone rattling World’s Strongest Slam![/B] The fans go into a hush, their hero might have fallen in his quest to capture the ECW Championship. Henry covers but Van Dam is in the ropes at two and a half. The World’s Strongest Man pulls the limp body of Van Dam into the center of the ring. He looks like he is going to hit the splash, the same move that ended the career of Finlay. [B]Van Dam rolls out of the way of the splash causing Henry’s bulk to slam hard into the canvas![/B] The wind has been knocked out of Henry as he rolls over and Van Dam is on the top rope in a blink of an eye. [B]Five Star Frog Splash connects to Henry![/B] The crowd pops big time as Van Dam covers hooking the leg and scores the pin! Ladies and Gentlemen we have a new ECW Champion! [B]Winner and New ECW Champion: Rob Van Dam(w/the Five Star Frog Splash) Match Rating: C[/B] Rob Van Dam raises his hand as he drapes the ECW Championship belt over his shoulder before he does the thumb point to cheers from the fans as we see replays from this match. Out comes CM Punk, ready to put the World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Shawn Michaels, who had just been beaten to a pulp backstage by Chris Jericho not even an hour ago. Cole and Lawler speculate if Michaels will be one hundred percent but out comes Shawn Michaels. He looks battered but he enters the ring, saying he won the Cyber Sunday vote and the fans have given him their stamp of approval, so injury or not, he’s going to step into the ring with CM Punk tonight. Punk nods and hands the World Heavyweight Title belt to the referee. (A) [COLOR=red][B]World Heavyweight Title Match: Shawn Michaels vs. CM Punk©[/COLOR][/B] Lock up and Michaels quickly takes Punk down with an armdrag. Two more armdrags and Michaels jabs away at Punk, before he drills an elbow to the top of the head. Another elbow to the top of the head and Michaels sends Punk into the corner. More punches rock Punk and Michaels grabs Punk around the head, before taking him down with a snap mare. Elbowdrop driven to the chest of Punk. Boot scrape across the face of Punk and Michaels hits a leaping stomp. Michaels picks up Punk and headlocks him but Punk shoves Michaels off into the ropes. The Heartbreak Kid comes back with a shoulderblock. Punk kips up to his feet and slaps Michaels in the face. Michaels fires back with a series of rapid fire punches and he throws Punk into the ropes. Flying forearm knocks Punk down to the canvas as he comes off the ropes. Michaels covers Punk but only a two count. The Heartbreak Kid picks up Punk and forearms him across the face. Another forearm across the head and Punk is thrown into the corner. Charge by Michaels but the boot jacks the jaw of Michaels. Michaels staggers backwards and Punk to the second rope. Clothesline rocks the challenger! Cover by Punk but only a two count. Stomps continue to punish Michaels and Punk picks up Michaels. Stiff forearm right between the eyes. Another stiff forearm and Punk whips Michaels hard into the corner. Remember, Shawn Michaels had to retire for four years because of an injured back and Punk charges in, before he unleashes on Michaels with a series of rapid fire kicks. He pulls Michaels out of the corner into a kneelift and he hammerlocks Michaels, before he twists him around into a vicious clothesline. Two count off of that move and Punk backs off, as Michaels sits up. Running dropkick to the back of the head! The head of Michaels snaps back and Punk kneels down right beside the challenger, before he unloads on him with forearm after forearm to the head. Punk picks up Michaels and open handed slap doubles him over. Michaels is bent down and Punk backs off, before he pivots into a roundhouse kick to the top of the head of Michaels. Another impressive strike by the World Heavyweight Champion, that could knock out HBK. Cover by Punk but only a two count. Punk pulls Michaels back to his knees and kick to the ribs. Another kick to the ribs and Punk picks up Michaels, before he pulls him into a short arm elbow smash. To the outside goes the World Heavyweight Champion. He’s taking a chance, a high risk move and Michaels is up on his feet. Punk raises his hands and [B]missile dropkick punishes Michaels![/B]. Breath taking move from the World Heavyweight Champion! Punk rolls over onto his back and does a kip up, mocking HBK. Cover on Michaels but only a two count. Punk picks up Michaels and kneelift. Another kneelift and a running dropkick sends Michaels into the corner. Running knee strike drills Michaels in the face and sets him up for a vicious running bulldog that scores a nearfall! Punk picks up Michaels and more chops, before he whips Michaels into the ropes. Elbow is ducked but not the sleeperhold! Punk is putting down Michaels with the sleeperhold, his knees are buckling down to the canvas, as the champion is trying to cut off the flow of oxygen to the brain of the Heartbreak Kid to put him out. He already took a beating earlier tonight backstage but Punk is really pouring it on. Michaels is down on his knees before he drops to his side. The champion adds a bodyscissors to really squeeze the air of the Heartbreak Kid. The arm is checked and drops two and a half times, before Michaels fights out to his feet. He elbows out but Punk shoves him off the ropes. [b]Double Clothesline takes both men down![/B] Both men have just wiped each other out as the standing ten count is placed on both men. The referee reaches nine before [B]both men kip up to their feet simultaneously![/B] Staredown before they begin to exchange punches. The Heartbreak Kid gets the better of the exchange as he backs off Punk who fires a desperate kick but Michaels evades it. He hoists up Punk and inverted atomic drop, before he bounces off the ropes. Clothesline drills Punk. Punk is back on his feet and Michaels kicks him. Another kick rocks Punk and Michaels hooks Punk. Snap suplex brings Punk down to the canvas. Michaels raises his hands into the air and climbs to the top rope. Punk is down in the ring and Michaels leaps off. [B]Flying Elbowdrop delivered to Punk![/B] The fans are on their feet, even those who were supporting Punk, as they smell title change coming up. Michaels is in the corner and he begins to tune up the band. Punk is up and he looks dazed. [B]Superkick by Michaels. No ducked by Punk! Kneelift and attempted Go to Sleep but Michaels is kicking his feet and he drops down behind the challenger. Punk is shoved off the ropes and Superkick. No Punk ducks that one as well and kicks Michaels in the face as hard as he can, before he brings Michaels onto the shoulders. Go to Sleep connects this time![/B]. Punk collapses on top of Michaels and scores the pin! [B]Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk(w/the Go To Sleep) Match Rating: B[/B] CM Punk is on his hands and knees after having won a tough battle with Shawn Michaels and [B]Randy Orton runs down from the ramp and punts the vulnerable Punk in the head with the running kick![/B] The announcers are going crazy, Randy Orton has returned and has struck Punk. Orton taunts Punk and unloads on him with punches and kicks. Out come a variety of wrestlers. Scotty Goldman enters the ring first to try to save Punk but Orton kicks him, before bringing him down with the RKO. Ryan Braddock in and Orton quickly attacks him, before throwing him to the floor. Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, and D’Lo Brown all enter the ring, but get quickly attacked and dropped one by one with RKOs by Orton. Out comes John Cena. Cena enters the ring and gets in the face of Randy Orton, as paramedics are down to check on Punk. Orton spits in the face of Cena but before Cena can fire back, John Bradshaw Layfield rushes out and clocks Cena from behind. Cena is being stomped by JBL and Orton in the center of the ring. Cryme Tyme attempt to save Cena but are taken out by Priceless on the ramp. Priceless, JBL, and Orton leave, as Cena, Punk, and Cryme Tyme, among others, have been taken out. (B) Vickie Guerrero comes out to announce the results for the fan event for the WWE Championship! Cage Match-14 percent Last Man Standing Match-33 percent Streetfight-52 percent It will be Triple H putting his WWE Championship on the line against Edge in a Streetfight.(B+) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Championship Streetfight: Edge vs. Triple H©[/COLOR][/B] Both men unload on each other with punches at the bell but Edge gets advantage and whacks Triple H with his own championship belt for a two count. Edge stomps away on Triple H and whips him into the corner. He throttles Triple H with the tag rope in the corner. The cast is still on the right arm of Triple H that Edge broke last week. Edge pummels Triple H and throws him to the arena floor. Baseball slide knocks Triple H backfirst into the Smackdown announcers table. Edge delivers an elbowsmash to the chest of Triple H. Another elbowsmash to the chest of Triple H and Edge punches away on Triple H, before he grabs the hammer of the ring bell. Edge walks over but Triple H fires some kicks and he whips Edge hard into the barricade. Triple H charges Edge but Edge moves and [b]Triple H hits shoulder first onto the barricade![/B] Edge grabs the bad arm and slams the cast right off the ring steps. Another slam off the ring steps and Edge wrings out the arm, before he climbs up to the ring apron. He leaps off and [B]the arm of Triple H smashes onto the ring steps with a thud![/B] The arm of Triple H is exposed, over the steps and Edge walks over. He has the hammer once again and [B]Edge slams the hammer right into the cast of Triple H, break it open![/B] The broken right arm of Triple H is exposed and Edge goes to work on it with punches, before he climbs to the ring apron. [b]Armbar takedown right off the ring apron crashing the arm of Triple H right off the steps with a solid smash![/B]Triple H is wounded and Edge pounds away at Triple H before he rolls him into the ring. Edge enters the ring and grabs the arm of Triple H, before viciously driving some elbows down onto it and running it over, before ramming into the buckles. Triple H fights back with his left arm with some punches but Edge quickly grabs the arm and brings down Triple H with a single arm DDT! Edge goes right into a Fujiwara Armbar, as he leans back on the broken arm of Triple H. Triple H is showing that he won’t give up that easily and he tries to break the hold. Edge releases the hold, so he can punish Triple H some more. Irish whip into the corner and Edge delivers a kneelift to Triple H as he leaves the corner. Edge goes behind Triple H and Edge-O-Matic brings him down. Edge goes right into a cross armbreaker. He is applying pressure to the arm of Triple H and Triple H makes it to the ropes. The referee is telling Edge to release the hold but the Rated-R Superstar refuses. Technically this is a streetfight, so the referee can’t do anything. Triple H manages to kick his legs over the floor, causing the hold to be broken. Edge quickly is up and he leaps over the top rope. [b]Slingshot cross body causes Triple H to crash hard into the guardrail![/B] Edge picks up Triple H and he removes the ring mats. The mats have been exposed and Edge picks up Triple H, before he pounds away on the Game. Attempted piledriver on the floor but [B]Triple H counters with a high back body drop causing the back of Edge to connect with the exposed cement![/B] Triple H is down on the floor, cradling his injured right arm but Edge is up already. Edge pummels Triple H with punches and rams him facefirst into the announcer’s table. Edge grabs the timekeeper and tosses him from the chair, before he folds up the chair. The Rated R Superstar swings the chair and [B]crashes it into the head of Triple H![/B] The chair has busted Triple H open, a cut has been opened on his forehead. He’s down and Edge enters the ring to take a breath, as he favors his back slightly from that back drop on the floor. Triple H begins to pull himself up to the ring apron and Edge takes a running start towards Triple H. [B]Huge spear through the ropes sends Triple H off the ring apron. Edge hangs onto Triple H as he vaults through the ropes and the crash right through the ECW Announcers Table![/B] The spear has put down the Game but Edge is down as well, that could have been enough to wipe him out as well. Edge cut his face up on a glass pitcher on the table but he drags Triple H into the ring. Triple H enters the ring and Edge slides into the ring. He crawls over onto Triple H, the belt could change hands. Cover but [B]Triple H manages to roll the shoulder up at two and three fourths![/B] Edge has a sadistic look on his face, he can’t believe that Triple H kicked out of that. Punches to Triple H and Edge picks up Triple H, before grabbing the arm. Another single arm DDT brings down Triple H right onto the injured arm. Edge leaves the ring to grab the chair and throw it into the ring. Edge enters the ring and lifts up the chair. The chair is jabbed into the arm of Triple H. Edge now folds the chair over arm of Triple H. To the outside. He’s going to Pillmanize the arm once again. That’s how Triple H suffered the broken arm in the first place. Edge is up and he leaps off. [B]Triple H pops up and nearly decapitates Edge with a vicious chairshot as he leaps off the ropes![/B] The Game collapses down but he gets back up. In the time it takes Triple H to recover, Edge has shaken off enough of that chairshot to get to his feet. Edge charges the champion but the Game ducks before he punches away at Edge and shoves him away with the left arm. High knee drills Edge. Edge goes down but Edge is back up. Triple H kicks Edge before he drills him with the facebuster. Edge is down and Triple H gives the signal. Pedigree but can he do it with one good arm? He had trouble getting it on Shelton Benjamin on Friday because of the bad arm. Kick to the midsection and Pedigree, but Triple H staggers back, as he favors his arm. This allows Edge to catch him with a kick and [B]Implant DDT brings Triple H down to the canvas![/B] The champion has been drilled and Edge rolls him over hooking the leg. [B]Two and three fourths count after Triple H just barely managed to kick out![/B] Edge is on his knees, head in his hands, he was just a split second away from winning his sixth world championship. The Rated R Superstar picks up Triple H and throws him to the arena floor. Edge slides to the floor and pulls back the ring apron, to pull out a sledgehammer! It looks like Edge is going to cause Triple H to suffer the ultimate humiliation by beating him with his own signature weapon. Triple H manages to fire a punch. Another punch. Somehow he is firing back with another punch. More punches and Triple H whips Edge into the ring steps hard![/B] Edge connects back first into the steps and Triple H rolls Edge into the ring. The Game is in the ring and he fires a kick. He’s going for the Pedigree again but once again the arm gives out. Triple H bounces back off the ropes and catches Edge with a high knee right to the face. The Game goes to the floor, he has the sledgehammer. Edge might have taken away the Pedigree but he might have also made a crucial error in introducing the sledgehammer into the equation. The Game enters the ring and turns. [B]Edge runs him over with the Spear![/B] Loud boos as Triple H has the wind knocked out of another attempted comeback by the Spear of Edge! Edge covers Triple H, we could have a new champion. No, we did not as Triple H rolls the shoulder up just before the count of three! Edge is frustrated. He’s yelling, screaming, pulling at his hair. He pulls himself up again and positions himself for Spear number three. Edge backs off and rushes Triple H. [B]Spear is blocked when Triple H rams Edge into the throat with the handle of the Sledgehammer![/B] Edge falls back, clutching his throat in pain. Triple H pulls himself up as Edge struggles to his feet. The Game has the sledgehammer and Edge looks to be unable to block it. [B]Sledgehammer shot nails Edge hard![/B]. Triple H threw everything he had left in front of nailing Edge with the Sledgehammer and he rolls over, before he covers Edge hooking the leg to score the pin! Triple H has managed to retain the WWE Championship in this Streetfight, but Edge took him to the limit. [B]Winner and Still WWE Champion: Triple H(after he used the sledgehammer) Match Rating: B-[/B] Triple H is presented the WWE Championship belt, having walked out of another Pay Per View with the gold. Who can stop Triple H? Next Pay Per View is Survivor Series, but until then we’ll see you every Monday night on Raw on the USA Network, every Tuesday on the Sci Fi Network for ECW, and Friday Night on MyNetworkTV for Smackdown(B+) [B]Show Rating: B[/B]
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Cryme Tyme defeated Deuce and Chuck Palumbo in a dark match when Shad pinned Deuce with the G9(C-) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Week One November 2008[/COLOR][/B] A recap of Cyber Sunday is shown, mostly the closing moments of the World Heavyweight Title match and Randy Orton running out to kick CM Punk in head, the face off between Cena and Orton, JBL punking Cena, and Cryme Tyme getting cut off by Priceless. Tonight it will be Cena and Punk against JBL and Orton in tag team action(A) [COLOR=red][B]Michelle McCool, Mickie James, and Melina vs. Victoria, Natalya, and WWE Womens and Diva’s Champion Beth Phoenix©(w/Santino Marella)[/COLOR][/b] The announcers remind us that last night, the Glamazon beat Michelle McCool to capture the WWE Diva’s Title, in addition to the Women’s Title she already holds. Star studded six women tag team action to start out, with Michelle dragging the match down when she was in there, as she struggled to keep up with the other five divas. Unfortunately she was beaten down for most the match until the hot tag was made to Melina, who runs the divas over like a house of fire. Clothesline for all and Mickie James and Michelle enter the ring, before dropkicking Natalya and Victoria to the floor. That leaves Beth and Melina in the ring. The Glamazon kicks Melina and goes for a power bomb but Melina counters with a DDT. Beth is pulled up in a dragon sleeper and Melina twists herself before she leaps up and drops the leg down right on the chest of the Glamazon. Three slaps of the mat later and Melina has pinned the WWE Women and Diva’s Champion in the center of the ring. [B]Winners: Melina, Mickie James, and Michelle McCool(dragon sleeper into a standing legdrop on Beth by Melina) Match Rating: D[/B] Out comes Santino Marella who is still the WWE Intercontinental Champion, after Beth Phoenix saved his title last night by being disqualified against Val Venis at Cyber Sunday. The Glamazon is backstage, nursing the wounds from her loss to Melina just a bit ago. Santino gives us an update, reminding us that he is striving to beat the Honky Tonk Man’s record as the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time. Santino announces he has, drum roll please, only three hundred and eighty three more days to go. Tonight, he’s going to add to his legacy by defeating a former three time Intercontinental Champion, the “Breakheart Kid Michael Shawn” tonight. Big pop for Michaels but Santino says he’s going to whoop Michaels and pin him one, two , three to prove he is the greatest WWE Intercontinental Champion of all time. That remains to be seen as out comes Shawn Michaels, who came up short with winning the World Heavyweight Title. A dominant victory over Santino, even with his weak win loss record, would be big, considering he’s the Intercontinental Title and winning the belt will move Shawn in line for the opportunity to have another crack at Punk. (B-) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Santino Marella©[/COLOR][/B] Michaels knocks around Santino, who bumps like crazy and tries to go to the floor for the countout but Michaels blocks his way and beats Santino with more punches. Michaels knows all the cheap tricks to save the time, he used many of them after all when he was Intercontinental Champion back in 1993. Vicious chops set up a slam for Michaels who climbs to the top rope. Michaels leaps off with the elbow drop and cues up the band. Santino is up and [B]Sweet Chin Music waylays the WWE Intercontinental Champion![/B] Santino goes down but out comes Chris Jericho and Lance Cade from the back. They slide into the ring and attack Michaels, drawing the disqualification and saving Santino’s title again! [B]Winner By Disqualification: Shawn Michaels(Santino retains the title) Match Rating: C(and both men click, which kicks off an entire week of odd chemistry notes as you’ll see in the near future).[/B] Cade and Jericho are stomping a mudhole in Shawn Michaels, as he tries to fight back. The crowd is cheering, as someone hops the guardrail and pushes past security. A fan has appeared to enter the ring, someone get security. Cade goes for a clothesline but the intruder ducks and dropkick takes Cade down. The hat and sunglasses come off. [B]That’s no fan, that’s Marty Jannetty![/B] Jericho rushes Jannetty but Jannetty catches him with a superkick, sending him to the floor. Cade is knocked to the floor. The Rockers are standing in the ring! Thankfully for HBK, Marty Jannetty was here to make the save. The Rockers shake hands as their music plays. Now Michaels has some back up against Cade, Jericho, and Sid, in his former long time tag team partner, Marty Jannetty. (B) [COLOR=red][B]Val Venis(w/Layla) vs. Cody Rhodes(w/Ted DiBiase)[/COLOR][/B] Val Venis is fresh off of a disqualification victory over Santino last night and he unloads right on Cody, before knocking him backwards. Running kneelift to the chest knocks Cody Rhodes down. Val Venis stomps away on Cody but as he backs off. DiBiase grabs the ankle. Val Venis turns around and attacks DiBiase from behind, but Cody Rhodes delivers a kneelift to the back of Val Venis. Rhodes pounds away on the Big Valboski, ramming some elbows to the back of the head and he sets up a Hangman’s Neckbreaker for a two count. Rhodes puts a chinlock on Venis but he powers out, elbows and belly to back suplex. Standing ten count and Venis blocks a punches, before he fires back with punches of his own. Fisherman suplex delivered by Venis for a two count. He picks up Rhodes and forearms, before he shoves him into the corner. Spinebuster brings him down and Venis climbs to the outside. He’s going up top but DiBiase is on the apron. Venis drops down and punches away at him, before DiBiase is knocked off the ring apron. The Big Valboski scales the ropes again but Rhodes drops down to crotch Venis. Venis falls down and Rhodes climbs up. [B]Superplex brings Val Venis off the top rope![/B] Rhodes floats over and scores the pin! [B]Winner: Cody Rhodes(w/a superplex) Match Rating: C[/B] Rhodes and DiBiase enter the ring and pummel Val Venis with stomps. The crowd is trying to get behind Venis but Venis is being drilled to the canvas. Rhodes picks up Venis and vicious DDT drops him. He picks up Venis and shoves him right to the Million Dollar Dream. The World Tag Team Champions are having their way with the Big Valboski. Wait a minute, the crowd is looking towards the ramp and [B]Hardcore Holly slides into the ring![/B] We haven’t see Holly since Cody Rhodes turned him to join Ted DiBiase and form Priceless in the first place. Holly takes Rhodes down with a clothesline before he stomps away at him, getting some payback for his betrayal. DiBiase drops Venis and goes for Holly but Holly delivers the a huge leaping dropkick. The World Tag Team Champions are sent packing as Holly checks on Venis in the ring, while looking at Rhodes and DiBiase with hatred in his eyes at the two young guns.(C+) [COLOR=red][B]Paul London vs. Kane[/COLOR][/B] Kane has brought a casket down to ringside. It is mentioned that based on the burns he suffered in the Inferno Match against Kane, Batista will be out for a few weeks. London is attacked at the bell, as Kane destroys London. London keeps getting beaten down but he fights back until Kane wipes him out with a decapitating clothesline. Kane picks up London and vicious Choke Slam drills London down! Kane pulls up London, before setting him up. [B]Folding power bomb to London![/B] London has been destroyed and Kane covers him with one foot on the chest to score the pin. [B]Winner: Kane(w/a folding power bomb) Match Rating: C[/B] Kane beats down London as he looks down at the casket at ringside. He drapes London over his shoulder and walks him over to apron right next to the casket. Kane bends down and opens the casket. [B]Rey Mysterio pops out of the casket![/B] Kane backs off like he’s seen a ghost, he thought he had beaten Rey up so badly that he would never return. Rey delivers a headbutt to the midsection of Kane backing him off. Mysterio springboards into the ring and dropkick knocks Kane backwards. He goes to the outside and leaps to the middle of the rope. Second springboard dropkick drops Kane onto the ropes. Rey winds up and 6-1-9 nails Kane in the face. Kane gets to his feet and Rey is to the outside. He jumps off the ropes, right into the hand of Kane. Kane is back up, still coming but so is Rey. Out comes security to separate these two men. Rey has returned tonight but Kane just kept coming at Rey, despite his high impact offense. (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade[/COLOR][/B] Both men stare down, both former trainees of the Shawn Michaels wrestling academy. Recap of Danielson knocking out both Charlie Haas and Paul Burchill over the past couple of weeks. Cade punches away at Danielson but Danielson comes back with some leg kicks, before he brings Cade over with a double underhook suplex. Danielson backs off and running dropkick to the face. He picks up Cade and elbows to the head but Cade fights back and delivers a sidewalk slam for a nearfall. Cade pounds away at Danielson with punches, before he slams his opponent down. To the outside and attempted Flying Elbowdrop, but [B]Danielson rolls out of the way![/B] Danielson chops away at Cade, before he backs off. Running Forearm Smash takes down Cade for a two count. Danielson pulls up Cade and rams a couple of elbow to the side of the neck, before he pulls Cade into a back elbow smash for a two count. He picks up Cade and onto the shoulders. Airplane spin delivered by Danielson. What power exhibited by Danielson! He drops Cade to his feet and aims the running elbowsmash that knocked out both Haas and Burchill but Cade ducks. Danielson comes back on the rebound and Cade hoists him up. [b]Hotshot delivered to Danielson![/B] Danielson falls back and Cade makes the cover to score the pin on Bryan Danielson, the wind knocked out of him from getting his throat dropped across the top rope. [B]Winner: Lance Cade(w/a Hotshot) Match Rating: C+[/B] Mike Adamle is backstage, when Teddy Long and Vickie Guerrero(wheeled backstage by Steve Lombardi in her wheelchair), are backstage. It is mentioned that they were called to be here tonight, because of the big announcement that will be made by Shane and Stephanie McMahon at the end of the show. Both are fearful about the possibility they may lose their jobs. Adamle says that he’s not worried about his job, because of the big match he’s going to make next week, involving Cade and Jericho against the Rockers. Also, Survivor Series will return to strictly classic five on five Survivor Series matches this year, so he makes a Survivor Series Match with Randy Orton and CM Punk as captains. (C) [COLOR=red][B]Kofi Kingston vs. Chris Jericho(w/Psycho Sid)[/COLOR][/B] A clip is shown from this past June where Kofi beat Jericho to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship. He unloads some offense on Jericho to start, including a nice flying headscissors and a springboard twisting forearm smash sets up a two count. Kofi pounds away on Jericho and whips him into the ropes. The head is ducked and Jericho delivers an uppercut, before he sets up Kofi for a backbreaker. Jericho punishes the back of Kofi Kingston, beating him down in the ring. A series of stomps and a suplex, not to mention a prolonged bow and arrow submission hold punishes Kofi Kingston. Kofi fights out and pounds away at Jericho. Desperation swing is ducked and Kofi backs off the ropes. [B]Asai Moonsault to a standing Jericho for a nearfall![/B] Kingston pummels Jericho and sitdown face jam brings Jericho into the canvas for a two count. Punches and kicks and Kofi Kingston whips Jericho into the ropes. Leaping spinning elbow smash drops Jericho for a nearfall. To the outside goes Kofi and he goes for a missile dropkick but [B]Jericho moves and Kofi hits the canvas![/B] Jericho grabs Kofi and attempted Walls of Jericho but [B]small package counter for a nearfall![/B] Kingston is up and grabs Jericho into a backslide for another quick nearfall. Kofi bounces off but Jericho ducks an attack. Back off the ropes and kick to the midsection sets up the Code Breaker. The wind has been knocked out of Kofi Kingston and Jericho covers him to score the academic pin! Kofi gave it his all but Jericho won tonight. [B]Winner: Chris Jericho(w/the Code Breaker) Match Rating: B+[/B] Footage is shown hyping up tonight’s JBL and Randy Orton against CM Punk and John Cena tag team main event, showcasing the interactions between these four men have had over the past couple of months(A) [COLOR=red][b]World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk and John Cena vs. Randy Orton and John Bradshaw Layfield[/COLOR][/B] This is Randy Orton’s first match since June when he suffered that broken collar bone at the hands of Triple H. Punk and Cena send their enemies packing to start. Cena and Orton face off, these two men have had their history, with Orton putting Cena on the shelf for four months. Orton and Cena exchange punches, with Cena getting the better of the exchange and inverted atomic drop, sets up a leaping shoulderblock for a two count. Cena pounds away at Orton and into the ropes no reversal. Cena turns around and clubs JBL but Orton kicks Cena and rocks him with a DDT for a two count. Orton works over Cena. European Uppercut staggers him back and tag to JBL. Into the boot of Layfield and JBL enters the ring, to attack Cena with body shots. JBL whips Cena into the ropes and big boot takes him down. Elbow drops punishes Cena and JBL picks up Cena, before he hammers away on him. Vicious belly to back suplex punishes Cena for a two count. Stomps by JBL and rams him right into the corner. Distraction by the referee as Orton chokes Cena with the tag rope. Punk enters the ring but this allows JBL and Orton to double team Cena in the corner as Punk has the referee tied up. Short arm clothesline and JBL rams his knee into the head of Cena, before setting him up for a camel clutch. JBL puts the pressure on Cena, but Cena powers out before he falls backwards, ramming the back of JBL into the canvas. Cena needs to make the tag, he’s been pummeled for the last several minutes. Tag made to Orton and Cena attempts to move to the corner but Orton grabs the leg. [B]Cena kicks Orton off and tag made to Punk![/B] In comes the World Heavyweight Champion, unloading on Randy Orton. Jabs rock Orton, Punk is getting his hands on Orton for kicking him in the head at Cyber Sunday. Roundhouse kick knocks Orton down and JBL rushes Punk but Punk ducks and spinning leg lariat knocks JBL through the ropes. Cena goes after Layfield and punishes him on the floor. Punk has Orton set up in the corner and running knee strike in the corner sets up the bulldog for a two count. Stomps by Punk and leaping kneedrop. He goes to the outside and slingshot into a somersault senton down on Orton for another two count. Punk delivers a kick to the face of Orton, before he chops away on Orton. To the shoulders of Orton for the GTS but Orton drops down and shoves Punk off the ropes. Kick and [B]RKO brings Punk down in a snap![/B] Orton covers as JBL throws Cena into the steps. Randy Orton has just pinned the World Heavyweight Champion in the center of the ring with his finishing move. [B]Winner: Randy Orton and John Bradshaw Layfield(w/the RKO) Match Rating: B+[/B] After the commercial break, Shane and Stephanie McMahon both make their way down to the ring. Stephanie announces that over the past month, they have been doing an evaluation on the WWE brands or to be more particularly their general managers. Needless to say, while the talent worked their hardest, they were displeased with the overall mismanagement of the General Mangers. So tonight, they’re calling them out to settle this right now(B-) Out comes the three General Managers. Shane says all three of them have been a disgrace to their respective brands, starting with Mike Adamle. They got a lot of heat with the board of directors for Adamle but Shane says him and his sister was willing to give Adamle a chance. He failed, therefore Adamle is fired as Raw General Manager. Adamle looks depressed as Stephanie announces that Adamle’s replacement will be a true leader, who will restore Raw to its glory. He is the man who kick started the Monday Night Wars by starting WCW Monday Nitro. He was the mastermind behind the New World Order. The fans begin to get excited and even some of them boo when they realized where this is going. He was in fact Raw General Manager from 2002 to 2005 and will get one last chance to work his magic, to bring Raw back to the heights it should have been. “I’m Back” kicks up and out comes Eric Bischoff with a smug look on his face. Bischoff looks smug as he looks at Adamle. Bischoff walks down to the ring as he shakes hands with the McMahons in the ring. (C-) Shane says that Teddy Long was the most promising of the three, but he was an ill advised fit for the ECW brand. Long is served his walking papers as the General Manager of the ECW brand. Therefore, after much debate and a very close vote, by the narrowest of margins, he is just barely voted in as the new ECW General Manager. He is the visionary behind ECW. “This is Extreme” plays and the crowd gives a loud pop as Paul Heyman makes his way down to the ring. The brains behind ECW has returned and is going to get one more chance to lead ECW. Heyman shakes hands in the ring and Bischoff looks disgusted at having to share the ring with Heyman but Heyman is back in ECW(B+) Stephanie then turns her attention to Vickie Guerrero. She tears into the Smackdown General Manager, saying she abused and exploited her status as a grieving widow to get the job. She then proceeded to abuse her power once she got it, including having affair with one of Smackdown’s top stars in Edge. Stephanie looks disgusted, as she says there’s nothing she can’t stand more than a person in a position of power having relations with someone who works for them. Therefore, Vickie Guerrero is fired from being Smackdown General Manager. Vickie begins screeching, saying they can’t fire her. Shane calmly remarks that they just did as Steve Lombardi wheels Vickie backstage. Shane announces that only one man could be Smackdown General Manager. It is only fitting that they made this decision, with Bischoff as Raw General Manager and Heyman as ECW General Manager. “No Chance In Hell” plays and the fans give a loud pop as Vince McMahon comes down to the ring. Mr. McMahon is back from his horrific accident that he suffered in June as he walks to the ring, looking back to one hundred percent, with his trademark strut. Vince slides into the ring, as we have Bischoff, we have Heyman, and we have McMahon. A new era dawns in WWE, as these three legendary power players in wrestling share the ring as we fade to black. (B-) [B]Show Rating: B[/B] [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Line Up[/COLOR][/B] Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison ECW Champion Rob Van Dam vs. Chavo Guerrero(Non Title) Tommy Dreamer vs. Eric Perez Evan Bourne vs. Elijah Burke.
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The New Bulldogs defeated Colin Delaney and Matt Striker in a dark match when DH Smith pinned Striker with the Running Powerslam(D) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Week One November 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Todd Grisham and Tazz. Out comes Paul Heyman for the State of the Extreme address. Heyman says its been a long time since he’s been on ECW, but after almost two years of soul searching, he has returned, better than ever and more refreshed. He is ready to show the world why ECW is the number one brand in WWE today! He introduces us to the man who last week at Cyber Sunday became the brand new ECW Champion. Here comes Rob Van Dam, the ECW Champion. Van Dam walks down to the ring to cheers as he has the belt draped over his shoulder. He enters the ring as Heyman congratulates him on his victory. Not even a month ago, Van Dam wasn’t even on ECW, now he’s back and the champion. Van Dam gets on the microphone, saying how stoked he is to be back and the champion. Tonight, RVD says he has a match with another former ECW Champion named Chavo Guerrero, who’s cool, but he’s no (points to self) Rob Van Dam. Heyman nods saying that there will be a big announcement later in the evening but right now he says that several new faces will be coming to ECW before long, along with some old ones. They are going to, as they’ve always do, redefine Sports Entertainment. (C+) [COLOR=purple][B]Evan Bourne vs. Elijah Burke[/COLOR][/B] Both of these young athletes are looking to impress the new ECW General Manager Paul Heyman with a big break out performance. Burke viciously grounds Bourne and works him over, including a nice full nelson suplex that gets a mild reaction. Bourne blocks a slam into a spinning headscissors and catches Burke with a knee, before he runs up the ropes and connects with a Swinging DDT. To the top rope and Shooting Star Press connects for the pin! [B]Winner: Evan Bourne(w/a Shooting Star Press) Match Rating: D+[/B] A video look at the return of La Resistance, Rene Dupree and Robert Conway. They had a chance as a tag team in the past but went in a slump. La Resistance broke up and eventually they were released, but they are back on the brand where dreams come true, ECW(C) [COLOR=purple][B]Nunzio and Super Crazy vs. La Resistance[/COLOR][/B] This was almost a squash match, with Crazy getting in a couple of good moves, including an Asai Moonsault to the floor with both men. However, with Nunzio in the ring, the Frenchmen picked him off until they hit a double team power bomb/neckbreaker combination move for the pin to pick up a victory in their return match as a tag team. [B]Winner: La Resistance(w/a power bomb/neckbreaker combination on Nunzio) Match Rating: D[/B] Armando Estrada is backstage with the Puerto Rican Nightmares, Eddie Colon and Eric Perez. Tonight, Perez squares off against Tommy Dreamer. Colon tells his partner it should be no problem, he beat Dreamer handily last week. Estrada warns Ricky Ortiz, telling him not to get in their business again and they will exterminate him like the vermin he is. The Nightmares are ready for action, next on ECW(D+) [COLOR=purple][B]Tommy Dreamer vs. Eric Perez(w/Armando Estrada and Eddie Colon)[/COLOR][/B] Perez gets attacked at the bell early as Dreamer rocks him with punches. Perez goes low and takes down Dreamer with a neckbreaker for a two count. Kneedrop and Perez stomps away at Dreamer, before he goes to the outside, taunting to the crowd. To the top rope, but Dreamer slams him off. Dreamer runs over Perez with a clothesline and stomps away at him, before pulling him to the top rope. Kick sets up an attempted Dreamer DDT but Eddie Colon rushes into the ring. Dreamer takes him out with a clothesline but Estrada enters the ring and hits Dreamer behind with a kendo stick for the disqualification! [B]Winner By Disqualification: Tommy Dreamer Match Rating: D[/B] Estrada beats Dreamer with the kendo stick several times as the Puerto Rican Nightmares hold him down. [B]Ricky Ortiz runs down from the back![/B] Ortiz enters the ring and double clothesline to the Nightmares. Estrada swings the kendo stick but Ortiz ducks that and leaping forearm smash takes him to the floor. Ortiz checks on Dreamer, who is bleeding from the mouth from those kendo stick shots. This is far from over. (C) [COLOR=purple][B]Non Title Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. ECW Champion Rob Van Dam[/COLOR][/B] Chavo attempts to attack at the bell but Van Dam dodges the attack and spin kick takes Chavo to the floor. Baseball slide dropkick brings Chavo into the barricade and Van Dam hammers away at Chavo, before rolling him into the ring. Van Dam enters the ring and legsweep sets up a twisting legdrop for a two count. Punches by Van Dam and leaping spin kick sends Chavo into the corner. Forward roll into a monkey flip allows RVD to flip his opponent to the canvas. Van Dam to the top rope but Chavo is up and he “inadvertently” shoves the referee into the ropes. Van Dam is crotched and Chavo grabs him. [B]DDT by Chavo with Van Dam sitting on the top rope![/B] Van Dam is driven down and Chavo covers for a close nearfall. Chavo stomps away at Van Dam and spinning boot scrape. He picks up Van Dam and whip into the corner. Running clothesline connects and Chavo hooks Van Dam. Brain buster connects. Normally this might be enough, but Chavo is going to the top rope. Up to the top rope, high risk move. Perhaps the Frog Splash. He leaps off but [B]Van Dam moves and Chavo hits the canvas hard[/b]! Chavo is clutching his stomach and Van Dam gracefully leaps to the top rope. He’s up top and [B]Five Star Frog Splash connects![/B] Three slaps of the mat later and Van Dam has pinned Chavo Guerrero. [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam(w/the Five Star Frog Splash) Match Rating: C+[/B] Paul Heyman comes out to congratulate Van Dam on his victory and announce that Mark Henry has activated his rematch clause for the ECW Championship and that will happen next week on ECW on the Sci Fi channel. Van Dam just coolly nods from the ramp as the announcers hype up the return match for the ECW Championship between Mark Henry and Rob Van Dam next week.(B) [COLOR=purple][B]Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison(w/Miz)[/COLOR][/B] These two men were in the ECW Championship voting at Cyber Sunday but failed to make the cut. Hardy and Morrison trade holds on the mat for the first couple of minutes until Hardy rocks Morrison with a pair of hiptosses and a dropkick sends Morrison to the floor. Hardy rushes Morrison and a running cross body to the floor. Morrison goes down and Hardy rolls Morrison into the ring but Miz grabs the ankle. Hardy kicks the Miz off and gets a kneelift, before a swinging neckbreaker from Morrison sets up a two count. Morrison beats down Hardy, with delivering some stomps and Hangman’s Neckbreaker for a nearfall. Morrison works over Hardy and nice dragon sleeper applied but Matt Hardy runs up the ropes, before he bridges for a two count. Hardy pounds away at Morrison and Side Effect scores a two count. Hardy picks up Morrison and slams him down. To the second rope and elbow driven down to Morrison for another two count. Hardy picks up Morrison and attempted Twist of Fate but Morrison grabs onto the ropes to block. Kneelift brings Morrison to the floor. Miz enters the ring and [B]gets hit with the Side Effect by Matt Hardy![/B] Morrison is back into the ring off the top rope and [B]Top Rope Somersault Neckbreaker brings Hardy down![/B] Morrison climbs to the top rope and corkscrew moonsault connects on Hardy. Morrison covers to score the pin! [B]Winner: John Morrison(w/the Corkscrew Moonsault) Match Rating: C+[/B] Grisham and Tazz say that this win may put Morrison in line for a title shot against whomever wins the return match between Henry and Van Dam next week. Morrison and Miz are in the ring and here comes Heyman, clapping at their victory. Heyman enters the ring with a duffel bag over his shoulder and slides into the ring. He says he’s gotten the petition that Miz and Morrison made and he’s decided to agree to their terms, at least partially. Heyman unzips the bag, to remove the old ECW Tag Team Title belts to a mild mop. Morrison says they’re take their belts now but Heyman shakes his head, saying that they have to earn the belts, as part of an eight man tag team tournament. Since they wanted the belts back, Heyman has signed them up into the tournament. (B-) Heyman announcers that there is another team as well that wants a piece of Miz and Morrison. They’ve been saying that they are the best tag team in ECW History, but this team begs, no demands, to differ with Miz and Morrison. This team is also in the tournament. Morrison tells Heyman to bring them on, they can beat any tag team in the world. [B]Out come the Dudleys![/B] The crowd pops as the Dudleys have returned to ECW. Bubba and D-Von enter the ring and get face to face with Miz and Morrison who are not backing off. Miz and Morrison slap the Dudleys and [B]they knock Miz and Morrison back to the canvas![/B] The Dudleys are beating them down in the ring and Bubba yells for D-Von to get the tables but Miz and Morrison rush off. The tournament starts next week as Heyman says the Dudleys will be in action in the first tournament match. (C-) [B]Show Rating: C+[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Line Up[/COLOR][/B] The Undertaker vs. Umaga Triple H, Jesse, and Festus vs. Edge, Curt Hawkins, and Zach Ryder WWE United States Title: The Great Khali vs. Jeff Hardy© Scotty Goldman vs. MVP R-Truth vs. Vladimir Kozlov Funaki vs. Shelton Benjamin The Big Show vs. Kenny Dykstra WWE Diva’s Title: Maria vs. Beth Phoenix©
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Carlito and Gregory Helms defeated Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang in a dark match when Carlito pinned Moore with the Backstabber© [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Week One November 2008[/COLOR][/B] We see a video package, with Umaga and the Undertaker, dominating a wide variety of opponents, leading up to their match tonight, Umaga and the Undertaker one on one for the first time(A) Your announcers are Jim Ross and Roddy Piper. Out comes Vince McMahon, the General Manager of Smackdown. Vince gets on the microphone and talks about his ordeal this past June where he was crushed by the video screen. He says he has done much soul searching and has come to one conclusion. He deserved every bit of the suffering he had, because of all the people who’s lives he had made a living hell. He needed to step back and repent for his sins, so last Sunday right after Cyber Sunday, he signed the control of World Wrestling Entertainment over to his daughter Stephanie. The crowd boos at this decision but Vince just lets them get it out Vince says it’s time for him to step back his day to day duties, but he just can’t give up the thrill of having power, so he opted for less power, as Smackdown General Manager. He can be fired but if someone gets out of line, he can still fire them. But he will be fair and just, this is the dawn of a new, kinder, gentler, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. At Survivor Series, Vince says he’s going to show the world that why he is the most successful performer in wrestling history, by making a five on five Survivor Series match for Smackdown, with Edge and WWE Champion Triple H on opposing teams. This will be the age of Smackdown and the age of Vince McMahon. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Diva’s Title Match: Maria vs. Beth Phoenix©(also the WWE Women’s Champion)[/COLOR][/B] Maria attacks the Glamazon at the bell, to try and knock Phoenix off of balance but she fights back and knocks Maria down to the canvas. Beth Phoenix throws around Maria like a ragdoll as she bumps. Airplane spin into a slam and Beth puts on the double chickenwing, before she drives down Maria with the Glam Slam for the pin. [B]Winner: Beth Phoenix(w/the Glam Slam) Match Rating: D(both women clicked and the fans are no longer calling for Maria’s head like they were recently before her short trip to developmental over the past couple of weeks)[/B] Edge is pissed after last Sunday’s loss to Triple H. He claims that Triple H got lucky, if Triple H did not use the sledgehammer, Edge would be the WWE Champion right now. The announcers point out that Edge was the one who brought the sledgehammer into play and sealed his own fate. Edge says he just wants one more chance at Triple H and he will walk out with the WWE Championship. (A) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE United States Title Match: The Great Khali vs. Jeff Hardy©[/COLOR][/B] Khali pounds Hardy down but Hardy fights back and bounces off Khali with a pair of dropkicks. Up top and Whisper in the Wind drops Khali for a one count. Hardy leaps at Khali but Khali chops away at Hardy, before choke lift and Hardy is thrown in the corner. Hardy’s body snaps off the ropes and [B]chop to the head[/B]. Head vice applied by Khali, as he’s trying to crush Hardy’s head like a melon but Hardy fights out, and he dropkicks Khali. Two more dropkicks but Khali shoves Hardy down with one hand. Hardy bounces back up and Khali chops away at him but [B]Vladimir Koslov walks down to the ring![/B] Khali goes for the Tree Slam but Hardy goes to the eyes and pounds away at Khali some more. To the top rope and missile dropkick sends Khali staggering. To the top rope and Jeff Hardy delivers a second missile dropkick which sends Khali through the ropes to the floor, where Koslov attacks him. Khali fights back and pounds away on Koslov on the floor. The referee is putting on the ten count and Jeff Hardy steps back, he looks to be in no hurry to get in the middle of these two hosses. The referee reaches ten and this match is over! [B]Winner By Countout: Jeff Hardy Match Rating: B-(both men had good chemistry. Yep, you read that right)[/B] Both Koslov and Khali brawl into the night when Shelton Benjamin comes out. Shelton Benjamin says Jeff Hardy beat him for the United States Title last week at Cyber Sunday but Shelton will get the belt back, as Shelton is exercising his return match clause. It’s gong to be Jeff Hardy defending the WWE United States Title Match over Shelton Benjamin, without the ladders this time, next week on Smackdown(B-) [COLOR=blue][B]The Big Show vs. Kenny Dystkra[/COLOR][/B] Dykstra attacks the Big Show at the bell and pounds him but Show comes back and delivers the Choke Slam for Dykstra for the pin. Show scores the pin on Dysktra as it’s announced that the Big Show will face off against Triple H for the WWE Championship next week on Smackdown. [B]Winner: The Big Show(w/the Choke Slam) Match Rating: C[/B] Vince McMahon is backstage when Jesse and Festus enter. The Smackdown General Manager says he’s a big fan of Jesse and Festus and he noticed that they didn’t get all that many votes for their WWE Tag Team Title Match against Hawkins and Ryder. However, next week, it’s Vince’s vote that counts, so Hawkins and Ryder will put their WWE Tag Team Titles on the line against Festus and Jesse. Festus and Jesse(well mostly Jesse) look pleased with this chance to win their first gold on Smackdown. (C+) [COLOR=blue][B]Festus, Jesse, and WWE Champion Triple H vs. Edge and the WWE Tag Team Champions Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder[/COLOR][/B] Edge and Triple H will be on opposing teams as part of Survivor Series for a five on five Survivor Series match and the tag team title match next week involving Hawkins and Ryder defending against Jesse and Festus. Festus runs wild at the bell, knocking Edge, Hawkins, and Ryder around with punches, kicks, and clotheslines. Once Jesse is in, he is trapped in the corner and triple teamed for the majority of the match by the trio of Hawkins, Ryder, and Edge until he manages to clothesline Hawkins out of his boots and tag to Triple H as Ryder enters the ring. Despite the fact that he still has a broken arm, Triple H unloads on Hawkins, Ryder, and Edge, knocking them around. Triple H is cleaning house is one arm. He whips Ryder into the ropes and connects with a vicious Arn Anderson style spinebuster, with one arm. Cover made as Jesse and Festus cut off Edge and Hawkins, allowing Triple H to score the pin! [B]Winners: Festus, Jesse, and Triple H(w/a spinebuster) Match Rating: B[/B] Funaki is backstage to cut a promo. The past three weeks Funaki has won matches. He has been on Smackdown since the beginning and Funaki will rise to the top. Funaki warns Triple H and says he better watch out, because he’s coming for the WWE Championship. Whether or not that’s going to happen remains to be seen, but Funaki has been on a roll as of late and tonight he faces a tough challenger in the former United States Champion Shelton Benjamin. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]Funaki vs. Shelton Benjamin[/COLOR][/B] Funaki has a chance to win the title back next week and Shelton clocks him, beating him with punches and stomps. A vicious German release suplex folds up Funaki like an accordion and a spin kick knocks him further for a loop. Shelton is having his way with Funaki and it looks like the winning streak is going to end. He throws Funaki into the corner and Stinger Splash punishes Funaki. He gives the signal for the Paydirt but [B]Kenny Dykstra runs down to the ring![/B] Dykstra has had his share of problems with Funaki in the past, including two pinfall losses to Funaki and Dykstra stomps away at Funaki. Shelton yells at him to stop but it is too late, as the referee is calling for the disqualification win for Funaki! Funaki has won his fourth match in a row. [B]Winner By Disqualification: Funaki Match Rating: C-[/B] Shelton Benjamin is not too happy and he shoves Kenny away. Kenny is trying to apologize to Shelton but Benjamin is having none of that. He remarks that after he gets the United States Title back next week, he’s coming for Kenny Dykstra. Kenny continues his apologies but they fall on deaf ears. (C-) [COLOR=blue][b]Ryan Braddock vs. Big Daddy V[/COLOR][/B] The return of Big Daddy V ends in less than thirty seconds with a Samoan Drop on Braddock. Ross and Piper hype up Big Daddy V as a potential challenger for that WWE Championship held by Triple H and after his dominance tonight, it’s hard to argue. [B]Winner: Big Daddy V(w/a Samoan Drop) Match Rating: D[/B] R-Truth comes down to the ring, rapping. Next, he faces off against Vladimir Koslov, in a battle of undefeated Smackdown Superstars. Which man will taste their first defeat on Smackdown? (C+) [COLOR=blue][B]R-Truth vs. Vladimir Kozlov[/COLOR][/B] Truth kept the large Russian off of balance for several minutes, offering him his toughest challenger to date. Kozlov knocks R-Truth down and works him over with a Canadian Backbreaker but R-Truth drops down and forearms away to Kozlov. Leaping forearm smash knocks him down and R-Truth sets up for the axe kick but [B]Carlito is out and he trips up R-Truth on the floor![/B] R-Truth turns around and takes a swing at Carlito but Carlito backs off before he turns around, [B]right into the Battering Ram Headbutt![/B] R-Truth has been knocked down and Kozlov covers him. R-Truth tastes defeat for the first time, thanks to Carlito. [B]Winner: Vladimir Kozlov(w/the Battering Ram) Match Rating: B-(both men had good chemistry)[/B] R-Truth rolls to the floor and Carlito takes some shots at him but R-Truth fights back and both men brawl to the back, continuing their feud. [B]Out comes the Great Khali to a mixed reaction from the fans. [/B] Khali steps into the ring and Kozlov knocks him around with punches. More punches and running knee rocks Khali. Kozlov pounds away at Khali but Khali fights back and series of vicious chops to the head of Kozlov. Both men continue to brawl as the entire locker room empties to keep these two titans apart. You’re going to need an army to keep these two men at bay but somehow, security, referees, and several Smackdown superstars managed to hold them at bay. Kozlov leaves as Khali bellows to the heavens. Piper is yelling to let them go at it. (B-) [COLOR=blue][B]Scotty Goldman vs. MVP[/COLOR][/B] MVP is hyped up as someone who is always a couple of solid victories away from a match with WWE United States Champion Jeff Hardy or even WWE Champion Triple H. Goldman is still smarting from that RKO he suffered at the hands of Randy Orton at Cyber Sunday when he tried to save CM Punk from a further beating. MVP slowly works over Goldman with some chops, suplexes, and a couple of submission holds. Seated abdominal stretch is fought out with elbows but MVP returns fire with some punches Goldman fights back with some punches of his own. Nice forearm smashes rock MVP and Goldman catches MVP right in the jaw with a leg lariat. To the top rope and springboard clothesline rocks MVP for a two count. Goldman could be moments away from the biggest upset in his Smackdown career. Attempted Frankensteiner but [B]MVP counters with a power bomb into the corner![/B] Goldman hits the corner hard and is slumped which leaves him in perfect position for the [B]Drive By Kick![/b] MVP covers Goldman and scores the pin! [B]Winner: MVP(w/the Drive By Kick) Match Rating: C[/B] Vince McMahon is backstage to announce that next week, after the events of the past couple of weeks, Vladimir Kozlov and the Great Khali will go one on one here on Smackdown. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]The Undertaker vs. Umaga[/COLOR][/B] Undertaker stares down Umaga but Umaga pounds away at the Undertaker with a series of vicious chops to the chest, that causes the Undertaker to back off and return fire with throat thrusts that only back up Umaga but Umaga rears back and viciously attacks the Undertaker with a headbutt. The Undertaker staggers and Umaga unloads on him with chops before he steps back. Running hip attack in the corner but the Undertaker avoids the attack and kicks to Umaga. The wrist is grabbed and the Undertaker walks the ropes but [B]Umaga pulls him right into a sidewalk slam![/B] Vicious impact by Umaga and scores a two count. Umaga batters a downed Undertaker with a series of chops and applies a nerve hold to the Undertaker. The Undertaker fights out of the hold and shoves Umaga off. Umaga comes back up with a leaping hip attack and down goes the Undertaker. Umaga pounds away at the neck of the Undertaker with more chops and whips him into the corner. Running hip attack into the corner and Undertaker staggers out into another sidewalk slam. Umaga climbs to the top rope. High risk move on the way and [B]Splash off the top rope misses as the Undertaker sits up![/B] Umaga splatters on the canvas and the Undertaker is up and he pounds away at Umaga, before whipping him into the ropes. To the throat and choke slam drills Umaga down. The Undertaker crosses the thumb across the throat and the Tombstone is coming up. Umaga is scooped up but he drops down the back and shoves the Undertaker off the ropes. [B]Samoan Spike takes the Undertaker down![/B] The Undertaker crumples to the canvas and Umaga is not done yet. He picks up the Undertaker and throws him to the floor. The referee warns Umaga but [B]Umaga hoists up the referee with a Samoan Drop![/B] Umaga goes down to the floor as he beats down the Undertaker and throws him into the ring steps. The bell is rang, as a second referee comes out to throw this match out. [B]Winner: No-Contest Match Rating: C+(bad chemistry-**sighs**)[/B] Umaga keeps beating down the Undertaker at ringside and he picks up the ring steps, before he runs them right at the Undertaker before he nearly decapitates the Dead Man with the steps. He picks up the Undertaker and falls back with a Samoan Drop on the floor. Umaga picks up the Undertaker and dumps his prone form on the announcer’s table. Piper and JR clear out as Umaga is back into the ring, before he climbs up. Please don’t do it Umaga! Umaga looks to the heavens and [B]huge splash from the top rope all the way to the arena floor putting the Undertaker throw the announcer’s table![/B] The Undertaker has been destroyed along with the table! No one has ever has dominated the Undertaker like Umaga has. Have we seen the last of the Undertaker? He’s laid out, bleeding from the mouth, his ribs might have been crushed along with several internal organs. Umaga stands tall over the broken form of the Undertaker as we slowly fade to black(A) [B]Overall Show Rating: C+(damn bad chemistry, for not just this show but a bunch of future booking plans as well)[/B]
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Chuck Palumbo and Deuce defeated D’Lo Brown and Charlie Haas when Palumbo pinned Haas with the Full Throttle.(D) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Week Two November 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. Out comes new Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff who announces that Randy Orton has named the first three members of his Survivor Series as Priceless and JBL. Tonight member number five will team with JBL to square off against Cryme Tyme. Also Orton and Priceless will square off against the trio of Hardcore Holly, John Cena, and CM Punk who will be on the Punk captained Survivor Series team along with Cryme Tyme. Also Bischoff announcers that Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels will face off once again at Survivor Series, on opposing teams they will captain. Raw will show the world how its down for Survivor Series! (B) [COLOR=red][B]Rey Mysterio vs. Paul Burchill[/COLOR][/B] Rey returned last week from a Kane beatdown that put him on the shelf for months. Burchill hammers away at Rey after the match and throws him around with an overhead suplex for a nearfall. Burchill continues to batter Rey and power bomb is countered into a rana. Rey punches away at Burchill but Burchill goes for a clothesline but Rey ducks and running dropkick to the back of Burchill causing him to land on the middle rope. 6-1-9 connects and there goes Burchill. Rey to the outside but Burchill is up. Springboard Thesz Press connects. Burchill goes down and Rey back to the outside. [B]Springboard splash connects to Burchill![/B] Three slaps of the mat later and the crowd pops as Rey wins. [B]Winner: Rey Mysterio(w/a springboard splash) Match Rating: B-[/B] Rey gets his hand raised and Kane walks down to the ring. Kane enters the ring and Rey catches the big man with a running dropkick to the Kane. Rey forearms across Kane but Kane kicks Rey in the face. Rey drops down to the canvas and Kane pounds away at Rey. [B]Choke Slam destroys Rey![/B] Rey has been broken by Kane as he stands in the ring. Kane goes for the mask but out comes security to pull Kane off. Rey and Kane will be the captains of opposing Survivor Series teams! (B+) [COLOR=red][B]Mickie James vs. Victoria[/COLOR][/B] Two minutes in as the announcers talk about a five on five women Survivor Series match as Natalya runs down before the match can really get rocking and attacks Mickie from behind. The announcers remind us that Natalya and Mickie have been having their problems as of late, as the bell rings for the disqualification. [B]Winner By Disqualification: Mickie James Match Rating: D+[/B] Candice Michelle runs from the back but Beth Phoenix attacks her from behind. The WWE Women’s and Diva’s Champion is beating her down at ringside. Out comes Melina from the back as she runs down Phoenix on the floor, before she slides into the ring and takes out Natalya and Victoria with a double clothesline. It will be Mickie James, Melina, Candice, Maria, and Michelle McCool against Beth Phoenix, Katie Lea, Jillian, Natalya, and Victoria in a five on five women’s Survivor Series Match! (D+) Santino Marella is out as he announces that each and every week he is getting closer and closer to defeating the Honky Tonk Man’s record as the longest reigning WWE Intercontinental Champion of all time. Drum roll as Santino only has three hundred and seventy seven more days before he breaks the record! It won’t be long before Santino is the greatest WWE Intercontinental Title. Out comes Kofi Kingston, followed by Val Venis as this Triple Threat Match for the WWE Intercontinental Title (D+) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Kofi Kingston vs. Val Venis(w/Layla) vs. Santino Marella©(w/Beth Phoenix)[/B][/COLOR] Venis and Kingston take turns in knocking Santino around, battering the WWE Intercontinental Champion until they turn on each other when each of them tries to get the pin. Kingston takes out Val Venis with the Trouble in Paradise and Santino quickly grabs him into a waistlock, before delivering a rolling cradle and pulling the tights to score the pin and retain the WWE Intercontinental Title! [B]Winner: Santino Marella(w/a rolling cradle) Match Rating: C[/B] Out comes JBL with a smug look on his face. Tonight he is going to finish off those two thugs Cryme Tyme but Randy Orton has told him the fifth and final men for their Survivor Series team. He might not be pretty, but he is effective. JBL looks down the ramp and out comes Snitsky. Snitsky is a rough and tumble brawler, but he won’t win any beauty contests. It looks to be Snitsky, JBL, Orton, and Priceless against CM Punk, John Cena, Hardcore Holly, and Cryme Tyme at Survivor Series(A) [COLOr=red][B]Cryme Tyme vs. Snitsky and John Bradshaw Layfield[/COLOR][/B] Cryme Tyme use their speed and brawling abilities to knock the two men off balance but Snitsky catches JTG as he comes off the ropes and takes him down with a powerslam. Snitsky beats down JTG, before beating him down in the ring. JBL and Snitsky take turns, beating down the much smaller JTG in the ring. JTG fights out and hot tag made to Shad, who is fresh and he knocks around JBL and Snitsky. Snitsky gets knocked down and leaping clothesline knocks JBL down but Snitsky delivers a running kick to the back of the head. [B]Clothesline from Hell wipes out Shad![/B] JBL pins Shad as Snitsky cuts off JTG! [B]Winners: JBL and Snitsky(w/the Clothesline from Hell) Match Rating: C+[/B] We see Batista laying in a hospital bed in pain, from the severe burns he suffered at the hands of Kane at Cyber Sunday. Batista says that Kane nearly took him out but much like Rey returned, Batista will return and he will be ready for Survivor Series. Batista volunteers himself for Rey’s team for Survivor Series, sayng that he wants one more chance to get his hands on Kane. Kane will feel the wrath of the animal and Batista will rip him to shreds. Batista has a determined look on his face as we slowly fade off(A) [COLOR=red][B]Paul London vs. Goldust[/COLOR][/B] Goldust attacks London at the bell and slowly beats him down for about three minutes. London is scooped up but he drops down and Goldust turns around into a dropsault. This drops Goldust and London backs off, before he connects with a standing shooting star press. Three slaps of the mat later and the crowd gives a respectable pop because Paul London won a match! [B]Winner: Paul London(w/a standing shooting star press) Match Rating: D+[/B] Out comes the Rockers, Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty, as we see Jannetty saving Shawn Michaels from a three on one assault at the hands of Sid, Cade, and Jericho last week. Michaels says he has some back up in his old friend and former tag team partner in Marty Jannetty. He knows Jericho has Cade and Sid on his team for Survivor Series, so Michaels is going to put Jannetty as the first man on his Survivor Series team. As for tonight, Cade and Jericho are going to be rocked by the Rockers. Out comes Jericho and Cade with Psycho Sid so this tag team match can get under way(B-) [COLOR=red][B]The Rockers vs. Lance Cade and Chris Jericho(w/Psycho Sid)[/COLOR][/B] The Rockers prove they are not off in their timing at all, knocking around Cade and Jericho with the double teaming attacks that made them one of the most excited teams in the eighties. The attacks may be a couple of steps slower, but they are as crisp as ever. Michaels is alone with Cade as he knocks around Cade but Cade manages to cut off Michaels with a lariat. Cade makes the tag to Jericho, holding him for a running spin kick to the face. Jericho beats down Michaels in the ring and works him over with a backbreaker. Tag made to Cade as Jericho whips Michaels into a sidewalk slam for a two count. Cade beats down Michaels and goes to the top rope but he misses an elbowdrop. Race to the corner. Cade tags in Jericho but here comes Jannetty off the tag. Jannetty is pounding away at Jericho with a series of jabs. Into the ropes and leapfrog before Jannetty takes Jericho down with an armdrag takedown. Cade enters the ring and armdrag to Cade. Michaels is back into the ring and irish whip to Jericho sets up a double flapjack. Michaels bounces off the ropes but gets pulled to the floor by Sid. Michaels punches away at Sid as Jannetty slams Jericho down. To the top rope. Flying fistdrop connects to Jericho for a two count as Cade breaks it up at the last minute. Cade pounds away at Jannetty and whip into the ropes. Lariat is ducked and [B]superkick connects![/B]. Jannetty kicks Jericho and hooks the arm. Attempted Rocker Dropper but Jericho blocks the hold and Jannetty wrenches his knee hard. Jericho grabs the legs and turns him over into the Walls of Jericho. Jericho sits down on the back of Jannetty and Michaels attempts to make the save but Sid holds him back, behind the back of the referee. Jannetty taps out, giving Cade and Jericho the victory! [B]Winners: Chris Jericho and Lance Cade(w/the Walls of Jericho) Match Rating: B[/B] Michaels is rolled into the ring by Sid and Jericho catches Michaels with a cheapshot kick. Cade is up and he helps beat down Michaels as well. Sid is into the ring and he watches Cade and Jericho knock around Michaels. [B]Bryan Danielson runs down to the ring![/B] Danielson rushes down and goes after Lance Cade, who beat Danielson one on one last week. Danielson decks Cade with an elbow smash and knocks Jericho back before Sid hammers Danielson in the back and clotheslines him down. Sid picks up Danielson and hoists him up, before dropping him down with a Gorilla Press slam. The big man turns around and [B]Michaels catches Sid with the Sweet Chin Music![/B] Sid goes through the ropes to the arena floor. Jericho is up and Michaels throws Jericho to the floor. Jannetty is up and Cade rolls to the floor. Michaels announces that Bryan Danielson is the third member of his Survivor Series team. (B-) [COLOR=red][B]Hardcore Holly, John Cena, and the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk vs. the WWE Tag Team Champions Priceless and Randy Orton[/COLOR][/B] Cena, Holly, and Punk knock around Priceless and Orton at the bell, knocking them to the floor. Punk and Ted DiBiase are in the ring, where they trade holds on the mat, with Punk getting the advantage and delivering a series of knees to the head, followed by some kicks in the corner and whips DiBiase into the ropes. Dropkick takes DiBiase down to the canvas and Punk delivers a kneedrop to the chest, before he picks up DiBiase in a chickenwing and makes the tag to Hardcore Holly. Holly beats down on DiBiase, before whipping him into the ropes. Clothesline rocks DiBiase and Holly pummels DiBiase with stomps, before he picks up DiBiase and chops him hard in the chest. Whip into the ropes and Holly ducks the head, but DiBiase brings down Holly with a swinging neckbreaker. DiBiase picks up Holly and rams him into the elbow of Orton. Orton enters the ring and pair of European Uppercuts rock Holly, before he is whipped into the ropes. Powerslam by Orton connects for a two count and Orton applies a chinlock. Orton works over Hardcore Holly before he punishes Hardcore but Hardcore fights to his feet, elbows but Orton takes down Hardcore Holly hard, before he connects with a dropkick. Tag made to Cody Rhodes and Orton holds Holly, before Rhodes connects with a couple of kicks to the midsection, before whipping him into the ropes. Back elbow brings Holly down and Rhodes delivers a kneedrop for a two count. Tag made to DiBiase as the tag team champions set up Holly to bring him down with a double suplex. DiBiase covers for a two count and DiBiase picks up Holly, before chopping him. Into the ropes and punch to the midsection and DiBiase goes behind to connect with a Russian Legsweep for a two count. Stomps by DiBiase and DiBiase picks up Holly, before turning him into a Hangman’s neckbreaker for a two count. DiBiase picks up Holly and into the ropes. Elbow ducked but not the Million Dollar Dream. The Million Dollar Dream is putting Holly down to his knees but he fights out of the hold with some elbows. DiBiase goes for an elbowsmash but Holly ducks and leaping dropkick knocks DiBiase back into the corner where Rhodes is tagged in. Rhodes enters the ring and kicks Holly, but Holly blocks another kick and takes out Rhodes with a legsweep before he [B]makes the tag to John Cena![/B] Cena enters the ring and punches away at Rhodes, before whipping Rhodes into the ropes. Kick to the midsection and Cena backs off, before he explodes into Rhodes with a clothesline. DiBiase enters the ring and Cena cuts him off with a kick, before he delivers a DDT on DiBiase. Orton attacks Cena from behind but Punk is to the top rope. [B]Missile dropkick takes Orton to the floor![/B] Cena picks up Rhodes and punches away at him. Cena ducks the head and [B]Rhodes connects with a DDT![/B] Two and a half count before Holly breaks up the cover. Holly beats down Rhodes, but DiBiase clotheslines Holly to the floor. DiBiase is in the ring and he climbs to the top rope, with Rhodes holding Cena. [B]DiBiase leaps off with a punch but Cena moves and Rhodes gets struck![/B] Rhodes drops to the mat and Cena kicks DiBiase before bringing him down with the F-U! He kicks Rhodes and attempted F-U set up but Rhodes drops down and shoves Cena off the ropes. Back elbow smash is ducked and Rhodes rushes Cena but [B]drop toe hold right into the STFU![/B] Rhodes has been trapped in the hold and he has nowhere to go so he taps out, giving the trio of Punk, Cena, and Holly the win. [B]Winners: John Cena, Hardcore Holly, and CM Punk(w/the STFU) Match Rating: B[/B] Cena is up and Randy Orton goes for the running soccer kick to the head but Cena ducks and rolls, before Cena pounds away at Orton. Orton exchanges punches with Cena, as both men are brawling in the ring. Here comes security, as Eric Bischoff walks out. He says to clear Cena and Orton out but if they are so gung ho to fight, that next week on Raw, he’s making a match, between John Cena and Randy Orton one on one! The announcers hype up tag big match for next week as we fade out(C+) [B]Show Rating: B[/B]
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Ricky Ortiz and Tommy Dreamer defeated Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely in a dark match when Ortiz pinned Chavo with the Big O(D) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi Week Two November 2008[/COLOR][/B] Your announcers are Todd Grisham and Tazz. Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley arrive at the arena earlier in the day, they are glad to be back in ECW and ready for the ECW Tag Team Tournament. They remind us they are eight time ECW Tag Team Champions and after the tournament, they will be champions for a ninth time. As for Miz and Morrison, well the Dudleys have been chomping at the bit to get their hands on those two, they said they were the greatest tag team in ECW history but the Dudleys will prove them wrong. Bubba and D-Von hope they are going to face Miz and Morrison in the tournament at some point but tonight, La Resistance will fall to the might of the Dudleys(C+) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW Tag Team Title Tournament Round One: The Dudleys vs. La Resistance[/COLOR][/B] Brawl at the bell with Bubba knocking around Robert Conway and D-Von knocking around Rene Dupree, before the two Frenchmen get knocked to the floor. Eventually D-Von gets cut off and double teaming in the corner from La Resistance. Nice double flapjack set up a nearfall. Conway goes to the top rope but D-Von slams him off. Tag made to Dupree and tag made to Bubba. Bubba enters the ring a house of fire. Jabs to Dupree, jabs to Conway and D-Von leaps into the ring, knocking Conway to the floor. 3D connects on Dupree. Conway is kicked into the barricade as Bubba covers to make the pin to advance into the semifinals of the ECW Tag Team Title Tournament. [b]Winners: The Dudleys(w/3D) Match Rating: C[/B] A look at the New Bulldogs. DH Smith is of course the son of Davey Boy Smith and a third generation superstar, who has wrestled a handful of matches on Raw and Smackdown. TJ Wilson is a young unknown talent, that might not be as explosive as the Dynamite Kid was, but still a great talent in his own right and has the potential to grow to that level. Next, they make their in ring debut on ECW(E+) [COLOR=purple][B]Super Crazy and Stevie Richards vs. the New Bulldogs[/COLOR][/B] The New Bulldogs will be a part of the ECW Tag Team Title Tournament. Mostly a showcase for the Bulldogs and their double teaming assaults. The ending came when Crazy was lifted up with a Gorilla Press by DH Smith and TJ Wilson connects with a flying legdrop to the back of Crazy’s head as Smith drops him down. Smith covers and Stevie gets cut off, allowing the Bulldogs to score the win. [B]Winners: the New Bulldogs(w/a Gorilla Press/flying legdrop combination move) Match Rating: D+[/B] Paul Heyman is backstage to get a word with Mark Henry. Heyman announces that Henry’s return match with Rob Van Dam for the ECW Championship will be an Extreme Rules Match, as will all future ECW Championship and Tag Team Title matches in the future. Henry looks pleased at this news, saying it doesn’t matter that RVD is an ECW original and thus has more experience with these matches, but Henry ended the career of Finlay in a Belfast Brawl, another battle with no rules and he will do the same against RVD in this Extreme Rules Match. Henry will break Van Dam and for the second time in his career, the ECW Championship is coming to him. (B-) [COLOR=purple][B]Evan Bourne, Braden Walker, and Matt Hardy vs. The Miz, Elijah Burke, and John Morrison[/COLOR][/b] Hot start with Bourne taking out all three men on the opposing team with a shooting star plancha to the floor after a triple dropkick to the floor. Bourne gets cut off by a Burke knee and Burke stomps away at Bourne, before hitting a double underhook suplex and tag to Morrison. Morrison enters the ring and chops away at Bourne. Chops rock Bourne and Morrison tags in Miz as he lifts Bourne onto his shoulders. [B]Doomsday Device clothesline delivered on Bourne for a two count![/B] Miz beats down Bourne and tag made to Morrison. Double suplex takes down Bourne for a nearfall. Morrison continues to beat down Bourne and sets him up. [B]Corkscrew moonsault from Morrison misses![/B] Tag made to Miz quickly and Bourne manages to make the tag to Matt Hardy. Hardy enters the ring and he punches away at Miz, knocking him down with forearms. Burke enters the ring and Hardy takes him down with a clothesline. Clothesline to Morrison and Miz goes for an elbow but Hardy ducks. Kick sets up a Side Effect for a two count. Hardy beats on Miz and to the second rope. Elbowdrop misses. The Miz kicks Hardy and goes for the Reality Check but Hardy fights out and shoves Miz off. Kick and Twist of Fate connects. Hardy covers and Morrison and Burke attempt to save but [B]Bourne and Walker take them out with duel spears![/B] Hardy scores the pin on Miz winning this six man tag team match. [B]Winners: Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, and Braden Walker(w/the Twist of Fate on Miz) Match Rating: C-[/B] Rob Van Dam is stretching backstage, before he looks to the camera with a calm look on his face, the ECW Championship on the concrete floor. Eight days ago, he beat Mark Henry to capture the ECW Championship. Despite everything, Van Dam proved that he could hang with the big man and tonight, Extreme Rules, which Van Dam says that it suits him as well. He’s not a man who likes to play by the rules because he’s (thumb point) Rob-Van-Dam. Henry might have been a good champion but he’s not (another thumb point) R-V-D. He’ll prove he’ll go to any heights to keep his ECW Championship because no one gets higher than Rob Van Dam. (B-) [COLOR=purple][B]ECW Championship Extreme Rules Match: Mark Henry vs. Rob Van Dam©[/COLOR][/B] Henry attacks Van Dam with a double axe handle to the back and beats him into the corner but a clothesline is ducked and leaping dropkick by Van Dam takes him to the floor. Quick as a cat, Van Dam connects with a baseball slide, before he sends Henry into the barricade. Van Dam pounds away at Henry, before moving around and [B]Van Dam builds up a head of steam before he leaps onto the step and propels himself up right into a cross body on Henry![/B] Henry is down and Van Dam pounds away at Henry, before he climbs himself to the ring apron. Van Dam leaps to the middle rope and [B]moonsault to Henry as he laid on the floor![/B] Big pop from the fans and Van Dam picks up Henry, before delivering uppercuts and rolling him into the ring. To the top rope goes Van Dam but Henry pulls himself up and shoves Van Dam off the top rope. Van Dam lands on the ring apron and Henry beats on Van Dam, before locking him in a bearhug and pulling him back into the ring, before he delivers a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Henry drops a knee down across the chest of Van Dam and Henry picks up Van Dam. Forearms rock him and into the ropes. He hoists up Van Dam as he comes off the ropes and drops him down with a Gorilla Press drop. Van Dam has the wind knocked out of him and Henry measures Van Dam, before he drops all of his weight down across the back of Van Dam’s head with an elbowdrop for a two count. Henry pulls up Van Dam and elbows rammed across the head of Van Dam. Whip into the corner and corner clothesline crushes Van Dam. Henry scoops up Van Dam and onto the shoulders. [B]Running powerslam brings down Van Dam![/B] The ECW champion might be broken and Henry could begin his second reign as champion but only a two count! Henry rolls to the floor and he grabs the ring bell. He looks like he is going to ring Van Dam’s bell and anything goes for the ECW Championship! Henry motions for Van Dam to get up and Van Dam ducks. [B]The edge of the wood of the ring bell is jabbed into the chest of Van Dam. Henry raises the bell and the bell is rammed over the back of Van Dam with a solid ding![/B] Van Dam gets down and Henry picks up Van Dam, before he delivers a backbreaker! He attempts to shatter the spine of Van Dam across his bulky knee! Van Dam fights out with punches but Henry shoves him off. Running body attack collapses the ribs of Van Dam. Henry raises an arm and backs off the ropes. [B]Four hundred and fifty pounds down across the chest of Van Dam with the splash![/B] Van Dam has been destroyed and Henry covers Van Dam for a two and nine tenths count! Henry is enraged that the ECW Champion has remained in this one and Henry beats down RVD in the corner, before whipping him into the corner. Running knee into the corner but Van Dam avoids that attack. Henry hits knee first into the corner and Van Dam delivers a legsweep. The World’s Strongest Man staggers back and Van Dam goes for a kick. Henry blocks it and stepover spin kick brings Henry down. Van Dam backs off and [B]Rolling Thunder connects![/B] Van Dam covers but Henry powers out for a two count. Van Dam goes to the top rope but Henry is to his feet. [B]Cross body block is caught into the World’s Strongest Slam![/B] Henry covers Van Dam for a very close nearfall! Henry stomps away at Van Dam and to the floor. The timekeeper is thrown from his chair and Henry has the steel chair. Henry enters the ring as Van Dam is to his feet. The World’s Strongest Man swings for the fences. Van Dam ducks and Henry turns around. [B]Van Daminator drives the chair right into Henry’s face with a solid crack![/B] Van Dam manages to make the cover off of that move and it scores the pin! RVD has survived his match with the World’s Strongest Man and kept the ECW Championship. [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam(w/the Van Daminator) Match Rating: B[/B] [B]Show Rating: C+[/B]
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[COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown Week Two November 2008[/COLOR][/b] Recap from last week of the Undertaker getting destroyed by Umaga. Undertaker will be out indefinitely from the injures he suffered at the hands of the Samoan Bulldozer and Umaga has asserted his dominance over the Smackdown brand once again(A) Your announcers are Jim Ross and Roddy Piper [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Tag Team Title Match Festus and Jesse vs. Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder©[/COLOR][/B] Festus ran wild at the bell, knocking Hawkins and Ryder around. Jesse is cut off and beaten in the corner, slowly, with a prolonged beat down until he fights out. Festus is back into the ring and he runs over the WWE Tag Team Champions. Ryder is in the ring but Hawkins rolls to the floor. Festus beats on Ryder but Hawkins grabs the hammer to the ring bell and [B]rings the bell![/B] Festus stops his beating and looks around, cross eyed, with his tongue hanging out, which allows Hawkins to cradle him for an easy pin to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles. [B]Winners and Still WWE Tag Team Champions: Hawkins and Ryder(after ringing the bell on Festus and a cradle) Match Rating: D-[/B] Mr. Kennedy comes down to the ring, but instead of doing his intro, he talks about Umaga. He says a couple of weeks back, he was in a match with Umaga where Umaga brutalized Mr. Kennedy but Kennedy says that after what Umaga did last week, he brutally destroyed the Undertaker just because he could, it sickened Kennedy. While the Undertaker and Kennedy have had their problems in the past, Kennedy has respected the Dead Man and Umaga showed no mercy when he destroyed the Undertaker last week. Kennedy wants Umaga in the ring one on one down the road once more, so he can beat some respect into the Samoan Bulldozer. (B+) [COLOR=blue][b]Mr. Kennedy vs. Domino[/COLOR][/b] Kennedy is fired up early and other than a few bursts of offense, Domino could not fight off against Kennedy. A nice rolling fireman’s carry slam but Kennedy sets up the Mic Check to score the pin over Domino. [B]Winner: Mr. Kennedy Match Rating: C-[/B] Out comes Umaga after the bell and he enters the ring to beat on Kennedy. Kennedy returns fire with some chops as he’s backing off Umaga. Umaga is starting to stagger and Kennedy clotheslines him to the floor. Kennedy leaps onto Umaga and beats on him but [B]Umaga throws Kennedy into the ring steps hard![/B] Kennedy crashes with a thud and is up before he eats the Samoan Spike right to the throat. Kennedy drops to the floor as Umaga bellows. Give Mr. Kennedy credit, he tried to give it the old college try but Umaga is a monster. Triple H barely was able to beat him, he beat the Big Show, and destroyed the Undertaker. Now Mr. Kennedy has been wiped out by this monster Umaga(B) [COLOR=blue][B]Mickie James and Melina vs. Natalya and Victoria[/COLOR][/B] Victoria and Mickie had a match on Raw where Natalya interfered but Melina made the save. JR also reminds us that Melina was put on the shelf for several months in a match she had involving Natalya and Victoria. The five on five match for Survivor Series is hyped with Mickie James and Melina joining forces with Candice Michelle, Michelle McCool, and Maria to square off against Victoria, Natalya, Jillian, Katie Lea, and the WWE Women and Diva’s Champion Beth Phoenix. Natalya and Victoria use nasty heel tactics to keep Mickie off balance as she plays face in peril but she fights up from underneath and Chick kick rocks Natalya. Tag made to Melina who enters the ring to take down the dastardly divas. Flying clothesline delivered to Victoria and Melina scores the pin as Mickie James takes out Natalya. This Monday, Mickie James will face off against the Glamazon for the WWE Women’s Title. [B]Winners: Melina and Mickie James(w/a flying clothesline) Match Rating: C-[/B] We see Edge backstage, who announces that he will reveal members of his Survivor Series team against Triple H later on the evening. He also says he hasn’t forgotten about the WWE Championship and no matter who wins tonight’s match with Triple H and the Big Show, the Rated R-Superstar is coming for them. He will be World Champion for the sixth time soon. (B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Scotty Goldman vs. Carlito[/COLOR][/b] Goldman is a house of fire, beating down Carlito with chops and forearm smashes but a kneelift to the stomach and his momentum is just stopped in a hurry. Carlito beats down Goldman in the center of the ring and wears him down with a long chinlock but Goldman bridges out and elbows to Carlito, before whipping him into the ropes. Leaping dropkick and Carlito goes down. Goldman goes to the top rope and missile dropkick for a two count. He pulls up Carlito by the afro and pummels him with punches but [B]Gregory Helms is on the outside[/B]. Helms and Goldman have had their share of run ins over the past couple of months. Goldman sets up a Tornado DDT on Carlito but Carlito manages to stop his momentum cold by hanging onto the ropes. Down goes Goldman and Carlito delivers a running knee to the back, before setting him up for the Backstabber. It connects Carlito covers to score the pin. [B]Winner: Carlito(w/the Backstabber) Match Rating: C+[/B] Helms enters the ring and him and Carlito beat down Goldman in the ring but [B]here comes R-Truth![/B] R-Truth goes straight for Carlito, taking him down with a double leg takedown and punches. Helms grabs R-Truth but R-Truth elbows him back. Goldman is up and joins R-Truth in dropkicking Helms and Carlito to the floor. The duo of R-Truth and Goldman stand in the ring. (D+) [COLOR=blue][B]Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Ezekial Jackson and the Brian Kendrick[/COLOR][/B] The in ring debut of Jackson on Smackdown, as he beats down Moore at the bell, before he passes him off to Kendrick. Kendrick beats down Moore but Moore manages to make the tag to Jimmy Wang Yang. Yang is a house of fire, punching and chopping away at his opponents. He goes up top and connects with a moonsault to Kendrick but only gets a two count. Yang bounces off the ropes but Jackson enters the ring to cut him off with a clothesline. Moore enters the ring and clothesline by Jackson knocks him to the floor. Kendrick enters the ring and hooks Yang before he runs up the ropes to hit the Kendrick to score the pin! [B]Winners: Ezekiel Jackson and the Brian Kendrick(w/the Kendrick) Match Rating: C-[/B] Afterwards, Ezekiel pulls Shannon Moore into the center of the ring and sets him up. Huge power bomb destroys Moore. Moore might have been broken completely by the might of Ezekiel. (D+) [COLOR=blue][B]The Great Khali vs. Vladimir Kozlov[/COLOR][/B] JR compares this match to bowling shoes while Piper says its not going to pretty. Both men beat on each other for several minutes with punches, neither man giving. Khali clotheslines Vladimir to the floor but the big Russian pulls Khali to the floor until both men exchange chops and punches until the referee reaches ten. [B]Winner: Double Countout Match Rating: D(bad chemistry, which is not as damning as I would fear with that note with these two men)[/B] Kozlov and Khali continue to beat on each other on the floor. Khali throws Kozlov into the barricade, but he comes back with a running headbutt. Khali is doubled over and Kozlov goes around the ring, before he grabs a chair. He walks around and [B]chair to the back of Khali[/B]. Another pair of chairs and Khali is dropped. Kozlov gives a bellow as Khali is leaning against the ring apron, in pain as the Russian has left him in agony(C+) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE United States Championship Match: Shelton Benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy©[/COLOR][/B] Jeff Hardy beat Shelton Benjamin to win the title in a Ladder Match twelve days ago at Cyber Sunday and now this his Shelton’s return match. Both men lock up and a pair of armdrags by Hardy, before he whips Shelton Benjamin into the ropes. Tilt a whirl attempt by Shelton counter into a flying headscissors. Jeff Hardy dropkicks Shelton through the ropes to the floor. Running start by Hardy and pescado onto Benjamin. Hardy beats on Shelton, before rolling him into the ring. To the top rope but Shelton backs off and [B]crotches Hardy onto the top rope![/B] Jeff is doubled over and Shelton Benjamin chops away at Jeff Hardy, before climbing to the top rope with him. Superplex attempt but Hardy blocks it. Punches delivered on Benjamin and he’s shoved off. Benjamin lands in position for the Swanton Bomb. [B]Which misses![/B] Hardy cracks his back on the canvas and rolls him over, leaving him into perfect position for an Oklahoma Side Roll for a close nearfall. Hardy is on his hands and knees and Shelton kicks Hardy in the ribs. Kick to the face and Shelton Benjamin picks up Jeff Hardy, delivers chops, and Irish whips him into the ropes. Running dropkick crushes Hardy up against the ropes. Kneelift while Hardy is in the corner and [B]Shelton hooks Hardy before bringing him over with a picture perfect Northern Lights Suplex for a two count![/B] He picks up Hardy and seated guillotine hold works over Hardy. Jeff Hardy struggles as Shelton tries a submission hold to capture the United States Title but Hardy fights out with elbow smashes. Shelton Benjamin shoves Hardy off the ropes and reverse thrust kick brings the champion down. Cover for a two count. Stomps by Shelton Benjamin and he picks up Hardy, before elbowing him in the side of the head. Irish whip into the corner and Shelton Benjamin takes a running start. [B]Stinger Splash misses![/B] Jeff Hardy runs up the ropes as Benjamin staggers around. [b]Whisper in the Wind is ducked![/B] Cover by challenger and he was a half of a second away from winning the title back. Stomps by Benjamin and he picks up Hardy. Chops and backing off. Kick is blocked but [B]Dragon Whip is not blocked, as Hardy is cracked right in the face![/B] Cover by Benjamin and once again Hardy cheats defeat! Shelton picks up Hardy and whips him into the ropes. Hoisted up and falling back with a Hotshot! Rolled up into a sunset flip on the rebound for a two count. Quick as a cat, Benjamin is back up and running dropkick to the face. Kneedrop drills Jeff Hardy and Benjamin picks up Hardy, before delivering kicks. Whip into the ropes and clothesline is ducked before Hardy runs up the ropes. [B]Whisper in the Wind connects on Benjamin![/B] Hardy wiped out himself just as much as Benjamin on that move and can barely move over to drape an arm across the chest for a two count. Hardy pounds away on Benjamin and whip into the ropes. Back elbow catches Benjamin in the face. Benjamin is back up and Hardy rushes him. [B]Back body drop over the top rope but Hardy grabs onto the top rope before he pulls himself to the ring apron.[/B] Hardy grabs the head of Benjamin and snaps it back across the top rope. He falls back and Hardy is up, Swanton Bomb could connect. [B]Benjamin runs up the buckles and grabs Hardy in an overhead belly to belly superplex on Hardy![/B] Hardy folds up like an accordion as the challenger rolls over for the cover. Two and nine tenths count by Benjamin! He just came a split second away from winning the belt. Benjamin picks up Hardy and batters him with chops. He gives the signal. Kick to the midsection and Paydirt set up but [B]the United States Champion shoves Benjamin off![/B] Spin kick connects to Hardy on the rebound, causing him to stagger onto the counter. Benjamin steps back and running start. [B]Stinger Splash misses causing Benjamin to overshoot his target and strike headfirst into the ringpost![/B] Hardy climbs to the outside and to the top rope. [B]Swanton Bomb connects with Benjamin![/B] Cover and Jeff Hardy scores three to remain WWE United States Champion. [B]Winner and Still United States Champion: Jeff Hardy(w/the Swanton Bomb) Match Rating: B-[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Championship Match: The Big Show vs. Triple H©[/COLOR][/B] The Big Show attacks Triple H at the bell, overwhelming the Game with some vicious forearms to the chest and a side slam for a two count. Headbutt by Show rocks the Game and Big Show pounds Triple H in the corner, before choking him. Irish whip into the opposite corner and Show charges in but Triple H ducks it, allowing the knee of the Big Show to hit the corner. [B]Chop block takes the massive legs out![/B] Triple H pounds away on the knee of the Big Show, and takes him down with more kicks. The Big Show is down on the mat and Triple H continues to work over the knees, applying an Indian Deathlock but Show fights out. Triple H stomps the legs and figure four leglock applied to the Big Show. Two count in the figure four before Show sits up and wraps his massive hands around the throat of Triple H, pulling him back to the feet. That’s how he beat Ric Flair to win the WCW World Championship back twelve years ago, hitting the Choke Slam out of a figure four leglock but [B]Triple H counters with a low blow![/B] Show is staggered and Triple H climbs to the outside. Top rope chop block and Triple H delivers a high knee to the face of Big Show. Show is kicked in the knee until the Pedigree is set up but [B]here comes Curt Hawkins from the back![/B] Triple H attacks Hawkins and Zach Ryder is from the back as well. Ryder gets kicked and facebuster but [B]MVP attacks Triple H from behind with a double axe handle for the disqualification![/B] [B]Winner by Disqualification and Still WWE Champion: Triple H(after Hawkins, Ryder, and MVP interfered) Match Rating: C+(Bad Chemistry)[/B] Triple H is pounded three on one and out comes Edge. It should be obvious who is the first three men on Edge’s Survivor Series team. Hawkins, Ryder, and MVP are dissecting Triple H but out comes Jeff Hardy, followed by Festus and Jesse! Jesse and Festus go after the WWE Tag Team Champions while Jeff Hardy gets him some of MVP but Edge measures Triple H. Spear is ducked and Triple H clotheslines Edge to the floor. Hawkins, Ryder, and MVP go to the floor. Triple H looks at Festus, Jesse, and Hardy before he nods. It will be Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Festus, Jesse, and a partner yet to be name against Edge, Hawkins, Ryder, MVP, and a partner yet to be announced in a classic five on five Survivor Series Match(C+) [B]Show Rating: C+[/B]
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D’Lo Brown pinned Paul Burchill in a dark match with the Sky High(C+) [COLOR=red][B]Monday Night Raw Week Three November 2008[/COLOR][/B] A recap is shown of the history between Randy Orton and John Cena. Tonight another chapter is written in their feud when they go one on one tonight on Raw(C+) Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are your commentators [COLOR=red][b]World Tag Team Titles: Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless©[/COLOR][/B] The classic Survivor Series match involving CM Punk, John Cena, Hardcore Holly, and Cryme Tyme against Randy Orton, John Bradshaw Layfield, Snitsky, and Priceless is talked out. Cryme Tyme batter the champions, before knocking them around with high impact offense until JTG has been cut off and beaten down with a series of double team moves. DiBiase and Rhodes hit a double team front layout suplex for a nearfall. Rhodes applies a sleeperhold but JTG fights out, knocking him around with elbows. Tag to DiBiase and tag to Shad. Shad enters the ring, a house of fire, knocking the champions around. High back body drop to DiBiase and clothesline to Rhodes brings the back. The heads go together and Shad pounds away on DiBiase. Into the ring and G9 connects. Cover by Shad but Rhodes has the referee tied up. [B]JBL rushes into the ring and stomps the back of Shad’s head![/B] JBL leaves the ring as DiBiase is up, he grabs Shad in the Million Dollar Dream before he falls back with the Russian Legsweep that position. Rhodes cuts JTG off with a clothesline allowing DiBiase to get the pin, with Priceless retaining the World Tag Team Titles. [B]Winners and Still World Tag Team Titles: Priceless(w/the Million Dollar Legsweep) Match Rating: C+[/B] Chris Jericho is backstage with Sid Vicious and Lance Cade, before he announces the next member of the Survivor Series team, the WWE Intercontinental Champion Santino Marella! Santino says its an honor to be on Jericho’s team and reminds us that he has only three hundred and seventy more days before he breaks the record set by the Honky Tonk Man as the longest reigning WWE Intercontinental Champion. Right now it’s Jericho, Cade, Sid, Santino, and a partner to be named against Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, Bryan Danielson and two partners to be named in a five on five Survivor Series rules match at Survivor Series(B-) [COLOR=red][B]Val Venis(w/Layla) vs. William Regal[/COLOR][/B] Santino is at ringside, stirring up trouble, as he has been feuding with Val Venis as of late over the WWE Intercontinental Title. Venis and Regal have a good technical battle, with Venis gaining the advantage with the spinebuster and goes up top to connect with the Money Shot. Three slaps of the mat later and Venis has scored the pin. [B]Winner: Val Venis(w/the Money Shot) Match Rating: C-[/B] Venis gets the win and here comes Santino who attacks Venis, beating him down from behind. Belly to back suplex and Santino prepares to stomp a mudhole in Venis. Venis rolls to the side and Santino rams an elbow down across the back of the head. Another pair of elbows and out comes Kofi Kingston from the back. [B]Springboard dropkick sends Santino to the floor![/B] The WWE Intercontinental Champion bails as Kofi is in the ring(D) It is announced that it will be Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, Bryan Danielson, Val Venis, and Kofi Kingston against Chris Jericho, Psycho Sid, Lance Cade, Santino Marella, and William Regal in a five on five Survivor Series encounter. The match has been set. Kane is out with a sadistic grin on his face. He reminds us that he burned Batista back at Cyber Sunday and if Batista wants to come back for more, Kane in fact is looking forward to it. Tonight he has a match against Paul London and Rey Mysterio, who will both be on the opposing team of Survivor Series, but no tag team partner. Kane announces that his partner is the newest member of his team, from Smackdown, Big Daddy V! (B) [COLOR=red][B]Paul London and Rey Mysterio vs. Kane and Big Daddy V[/COLOR][/B] A clear mismatch right here, but London and Rey deliver a series of double teaming moves to keep their much larger opponents off balance. Right now it will be Kane, Big Daddy V, and three more partners against Rey Mysterio, Paul London, Batista, and two more partners for Survivor Series. Rey dives onto Kane and both men brawl to the back, which leaves London alone with the monster known as Big Daddy V. London tries everything but a Samoan Drop squashes London allowing Big Daddy V to score the academic pin as Kane throttles Rey at ringside to keep him at bay. [B]Winners: Big Daddy V and Kane(w/a Samoan Drop) Match Rating: C-[/B] John Cena is backstage, talking about how he was out for some time because of Randy Orton. A torn pec nearly ended his career and Orton was also out for quite some time because of a broken collar bone. Tonight will be the first true test of how well Randy Orton has recovered from his injury, as Cena will put him through the ringer. Cena plans to send a message to Orton and the rest of his team, that the quintet of Cena, Punk, Hardcore Holly, Shad, and JTG aren’t going to lay down without a fight. (B-) [COLOR=red][B]WWE Women’s Championship Match: Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix©(w/Santino Marella)[/COLOR][/B] A minute of offense before Mickie is tripped up by Santino allowing Beth to attack her from behind, and quickly hit the Glam Slam to retain the title. The announcers are in awe of how Beth Phoenix just mowed through another challenger, as she’s not only the WWE Women’s, but Diva’s Championship and will defend that Diva’s Title this Friday on MyNetworkTV against the former champion Michelle McCool. [B]Winner: Beth Phoenix(w/the Glam Slam) Match Rating: D+[/B] Randy Orton is backstage with Snitsky. Snitsky has a non title match against the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk next. Orton encourages Snitsky to rip Punk to shreds, to destroy him, to annihilate him. Snitsky looks pumped up to destroy Punk as Orton looks smug. The announcers speculate if Snitsky injures Punk, it may leave him vulnerable for any future title defenses, including against Orton(C+) [COLOR=red][B]Non Title Match CM Punk vs. Snitsky[/COLOR][/B] Snitsky attacks Punk from behind at the bell and beats him down with punches, before delivering knees to the face, before whipping him into the ropes. Clothesline is ducked and Punk delivers a Yakuza Kick backing Snitsky off. Punches by Punk and he bounces off the ropes, but Snitsky hoists up Punk and drills him with a vicious spinebuster. Snitsky kneels down and unloads on Punk with forearm smashes, before picking up Punk. Choke lift and Snitsky throws Punk into the corner, before delivering a clothesline and Snitsky hoists up Punk. Side slam brings Punk down to the canvas. Snitsky drops a pair of elbows, before picking up Punk and headbutt rocks Punk, before he sets him up. Gutwrench into a gutbuster and running soccer kick to the ribs. Snitsky hammers some forearms down across the back of Punk, before picking him up and throwing him across the ring with a vicious biel, nearly dropping Punk on his head. Punk attempts to fight up from underneath but Snitsky kicks him viciously in the face. A crack which might have been Punk’s orbital bone drops him to the canvas. Snitsky picks up Punk, before setting him up for a pumphandle slam but when he is put up to the shoulder. Punk drops down and dropkick to the back of the leg of Snitsky. Snitsky is staggered and Punk goes to the top rope. Flying cross body block, no blocked and Snitsky pivots before he brings down Punk with a powerslam for a two and three fourths count! Snitsky stomps away at Punk, before hoisting up Punk. Hammer blow right to the top of the head, before Snitsky delivers a kneelift, before hoisting up Punk by the throat and throwing him into the corner. [B]Running Kick in the corner smacks Punk in the face![/B] Punk drops down and Snitsky doesn’t cover, rather he chokes away at Punk! The referee counts away at Snitsky and he breaks at four and a half. Knee driven to the head and Snitsky picks up Punk, before hoisting him up for a suplex but [B]Punk counters with a small package for a two count[/B]! Snitsky pounds away at Punk and whip into the ropes but a charge into the corner, Punk drops down. Snitsky hits the corner and Punk delivers a running knee strike into the face of Snitsky. Snitsky staggers forward and Punk struggles to get Snitsky onto the shoulders, but turns with the Go To Sleep. He makes the cover to score the pin! [B]Winner: CM Punk(w/the GTS) Match Rating: B-[/B] Randy Orton is backstage, as he watches Punk to get his hand raised, clutching his side. While Punk won it was obvious that Snitsky gave him a beating. Orton turns to the camera, going into a promo about John Cena. This is Orton’s first singles match since he suffered his injury and he will not be going in a loser. Rather he will take out Cena, this time for good. Cena is called a future legend by some people but Orton kills legends and he promises to kick Cena right in the head hard to take him out of wrestling. (C+) [COLOR=red][B]Bryan Danielson, Marty Jannetty, and Shawn Michaels vs. Psycho Sid, Lance Cade, and Chris Jericho[/COLOR][/b] Danielson, Jannetty, and Michaels run wild early, knocking their opponents around early, including Jannetty delivering a running dropkick to Jericho knocking him back. Jericho is in the ring and Jannetty pounds away at Jericho, before tagging in Michaels. Double hiptoss sets up a double elbowdrop from the Rockers. Shawn Michaels picks up Jericho and punches away at him, going after the eye, as Cole and Lawler remind us that Jericho took out the eye of Michaels many months ago. Inverted atomic drop sets up a clothesline and stomps. Michaels picks up Jericho and gutwrench suplex for a two count. Michaels backs off but Sid clubs him from behind. Michaels turns around to deck Sid and this allows Jericho to connect with a knee to the back of the head and Jericho turns him around with a short clothesline. Up and spinning leg lariat further punishes Michaels, before he delivers a backbreaker. Jericho beats down on Michaels, before making a tag to Sid. Sid backs off and double axe handle to the head of Michaels. Irish whip into the ropes and Sid hoists up Michaels. Side slam brings down Michaels. Sid stomps away at Michaels and chokes him, before beating him down, whipping him into the ropes. Big boot brings Michaels down to the canvas. Sid makes the tag to Lance Cade, who pounds away on Michaels, before whipping him into the ropes. Sidewalk Slam brings Michaels down for a two count. Cade pounds away at Michaels, before mowing him down with a lariat for a close nearfall. Cade pounds away at Michaels with forearms and suplex before he climbs to the outside. [B]Flying Elbowdrop misses![/B] Michaels rolls out of the way and rolls to the corner. Cade is closer and makes the tag to Jericho. Jericho enters the ring and tag to Danielson. Danielson enters the ring and pounds away at Jericho with chops, before whipping him into the ropes. Clothesline knocks Jericho down as he comes off the ropes. Danielson waits on Jericho and cuts him down with a forearm strike. Cade enters the ring and Danielson ducks a shot, before lifting him up into a fireman’s carry. Airplane spin delivered to Cade. After several rotations, Cade is dropped into a front facelock and elbow smashes to the back of the head. Jericho is hooked in a wristlock and elbows rammed to the side of the neck before Danielson whips him into the ropes. Blind tag from Sid and [B]Danielson knocks down Jericho with the spinning elbow smash to the temple![/B] Jericho drops to the canvas and Danielson makes the cover but Sid is now the legal man. Sid stomps Danielson in the back of the head, before picking up Danielson. The head goes between the legs of Sid and Sid hoists him up. [B]Power Bomb folds Danielson up like an accordion on the back of his neck![/B] Danielson has been destroyed as the Rockers attempt to enter the ring but [B]Sid wipes them out with a double clothesline![/B] Sid covers Danielson to score the academic pin! [B]Winners: Sid Vicious, Chris Jericho, and Lance Cade(w/the Power Bomb) Match Rating: C+[/B] [COLOR=red][B]John Cena vs. Randy Orton[/COLOR][/B] Orton and Cena start at the bell trading punches, before Cena connects with a spear, before pounding away at Orton. Randy Orton attempts to get to the floor but Cena pulls him into the center of the ring. Cena stomps away at Orton, before picking up. Irish whip into the ropes and drop toe hold. Attempted into the STFU but Orton grabs the ropes in a second. Cena picks up Orton and jabs rock Orton. Into the ropes and flapjack brings Orton down to the canvas. Orton is on his knees and Cena forearms away at Orton. [B]Orton strikes Cena with a low blow![/B] Cena is doubled over and Orton backs off, before delivering a swinging neckbreaker bringing him down to the canvas for a two count. Orton stomps away at Cena and mocks him with the “You can’t see me” hand motion before pulling him up to apply a chinlock. The crowd boos as Orton applies the chinlock, working over Cena. Orton works over the chinlock for a couple of minutes and Cena fights to his feet, but Orton throws him into the ropes and leaping dropkick brings down Cena for a two count. Kneedrop to the top of the head sets up another two count and Orton picks up Cena, before pulling him up into an abdominal stretch. Orton works over Cena, as the announcers remind us of the torn pec that Cena suffered last year and this abdominal stretch is working over that part of the body. Cena fights out of the hold and Orton throws him into the ropes. Kick to the midsection and DDT brings Cena down to the canvas. Cena is rammed on his head and Orton is on his hands and knees, stalking Cena. Orton rushes Cena and attempted RKO but Cena blocks it and shoves Orton off the ropes. [B]Leaping shoulderblock brings Orton down![/B] Orton goes down and Cena pounds away at Orton, before hoisting up Orton. Belly to back suplex spun into a sidewalk slam for a nearfall. Cena pounds away at Orton with punches and irish whip into the ropes. Orton catches Cena with an European Uppercut as he ducks the head. [B]Attempted kick to the head is countered into the STFU![/B] Cena has the STFU locked into place and Orton is struggling against the hold. Orton manages to reach the ropes, forcing a break. Cena beats down Orton and whip into the ropes. [B]Flying clothesline is ducked and the referee gets wiped from the move![/B] Orton kicks Cena and goes for the RKO but Cena shoves Orton off the ropes. To the shoulders and F-U connects. Cena has Orton down but [B]out comes JBL from the back![/B] JBL enters the ring and Cena pounds away at JBL, but here comes Priceless as well. Priceless enters the ring and Cryme Tyme cuts them off. Cryme Tyme and Priceless are brawling at ringside and out comes Snitsky from the back. Snitsky enters the ring and attacks Cena from behind, to join JBL in the beating on John Cena. Out comes Hardcore Holly from the back and Holly knocks out Cody Rhodes, before entering the ring and attacking Snitsky. Cena fights back against JBL but Orton takes his leg out from behind with a chop block. Orton prepares for the running kick but [B]Out comes CM Punk from the back![/B] All ten men for Survivor Series are now brawling as the bell rings, this match is being thrown out as everyone brawls as the locker room empties of security and officials, as all ten men brawl as Cole and Lawler hype Survivor Series as we fade to black. [B]Winner: No-Contest Match Rating: B-[/B] [B]Show Rating: C+[/B]
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[B][U]Week Three November 2008[/B][/U] [COLOR=purple][B]ECW On Sci Fi[/COLOR][/B] A dark match took place with [COLOR=purple][B]Chavo Guerrero and Elijah Burke[/COLOR][/B] defeating Super Crazy and Nunzio in a tag team match that ended with Chavo pinning Nunzio with the Frog Splash(D+) A look at tonight’s main event, featuring [COLOR=purple][B]ECW Champion Rob Van Dam[/COLOR][/b] putting his championship belt on the line tonight against John Morrison. Morrison is a former ECW Champion and is looking to get the title back. (C) The ECW Tag Team Title Tournament continued with a battle involving [COLOR=purple][B]Tommy Dreamer and Ricky Ortiz[/COLOR][/b] squaring off against [COLOR=purple][B]The Puerto Rican Nightmares, Eddie Colon and Eric Perez[/COLOR][/b] with Armando Estrada. Ortiz brings the match down unfortunately, as the crowd gives him a lot of static, as he sells badly. Dreamer is tagged in and runs wild on the Nightmares, battering him with punches, kicks and a neckbreaker. Dreamer hits the Dreamer DDT on Colon but Perez is the legal man and he clubs Dreamer from behind. Perez hits a neckbreaker on Dreamer which allows Colon to score the pin and advance to the semifinals to tag on the Dudleys. (D) A look at the Boogeyman, who will be in action next on ECW(D) [COLOR=purple][b]Stevie Richards[/COLOR][/b] was intense and was ready even though his opponent was [COLOR=purple][B]The Boogeyman[/COLOR][/b] who enters the ring, beating down Stevie Richards. Richards was thrown around, firing a couple of punches, but the Boogeyman slams Stevie down, before applying a torture rack. Boogeyman sits out on the hold, racking the back of Stevie and makes the cover scoring the pin(D) [COLOR=purple][B]The Dudleys[/COLOR][/B] who have already advanced in the ECW Tag Team Championship Tournament are out to face off against the team of [COLOR=purple][B]Colin Delaney and Michael Starr[/COLOR][/B] . The Dudleys beat down Delaney and Starr, who are no match for the veteran former eight time ECW Tag Team Champions. Delaney was taken down with a double neckbreaker and the Dudleys hit the 3D on Starr to score the pin(D) John Morrison is backstage with the Miz, as he remarks that tonight is his night to win the ECW Championship. Rob Van Dam has been called the comeback of the year, but Morrison is a real star. Miz pumps up Morrison, as Morrison looks smug, before proclaiming that he will be ECW Champion for the second time. (C+) [COLOR=purple][B]Matt Hardy[/COLOR][/b] was out to square off against one half of La Resistance in [COLOR=purple][b]Rob Conway[/COLOR][/B], who had his partner Rene Dupree in the corner. Hardy has suffered a few losses and wants to get back on track, to get a shot at the ECW Championship held by Van Dam. Dupree manages to trip up Hardy after a brief offensive flurry and Conway goes to work on Hardy. Hangman’s Neckbreaker scores a nearfall and Conway goes up for the Flying Elbowdrop. Hardy rolls from the way and Side Effect connects for a nearfall. Second rope legdrop for another two count. Dupree runs in and gets clocked. Hardy is rolled up for a two count and Hardy kicks Conway, before delivering the Twist of Fate to score the pin! (C-) Rob Van Dam is backstage, with the ECW Championship Title Belt over his shoulder. Heyman walks in and informs us that Van Dam has to get together a team for Survivor Series to face off a team lead by the former ECW Champion Mark Henry. Van Dam nods, saying that’s cool but tonight he has to face off against John Morrison. Morrison is a former ECW Champion but Rob Van Dam is the man to beat. He crawled back to the top after two years and he’s not losing the ECW Championship. Van Dam turns to the camera, saying he’s going to keep the belt because he’s the best and no one gets higher than “R-V-D”. (B-) The ECW Championship was on the line with [COLOR=purple][B]John Morrison[/COLOR][/B] squaring off against the champion [COLOR=purple][b]Rob Van Dam[/COLOR][/B]. A few awkward exchanges but Van Dam and Morrison manage to get into things, with RVD connecting with a legsweep and Van Dam connects with a Rolling Thunder for a two count. Van Dam beats down Morrison and goes to the top rope but Morrison dropkicks him, causing Van Dam to get crotched. Morrison climbs up and superplex for a nearfall. Morrison with more forearms and he beats down Van Dam. Sitout faceplant brings Van Dam down for a two count. A running senton scores another two count and Morrison picks up Van Dam. Elbows rammed to the back of the head and front facelock. Running somersault neckbreaker brings Van Dam down to the canvas for a nearfall. Morrison picks up Van Dam and Michinoku Driver for another nearfall. Morrison climbs to the top rope and corkscrew moonsault misses! Morrison is down and Van Dam delivers some kicks as Morrison is up. Kick is blocked and Van Dam delivers a step over kick. Van Dam leaps to the top rope and Five Star Frog Splash connects. Cover by Van Dam and three slaps of the mat later. RVD keeps the ECW Championship tonight (C) [B]Show Rating: C[/B] [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=blue][B]MVP[/COLOR][/B] pinned [COLOR=blue][b]Jesse[/COLOR][/B] in a dark match with the Drive By Kick(C+) [COLOR=blue][B]Edge[/COLOR][/B] comes from the back, with a smirk on his face. He says that he has the greatest Survivor Series team, in Hawkins, Ryder, and MVP, but he is going to introduce the final member of his team, the crown jewel of his team. The man who has taken Triple H to the limit and has taken on the Undertaker. The Samoan Bulldozer known as [COLOR=blue][B]Umaga[/COLOR][/B]. Umaga walks down as Edge looks smug. For those keeping track, it will be Edge, Hawkins, Ryder, MVP, and Umaga squaring off against Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Festus, Jesse, and a fifth partner yet to be determined. Umaga looks savage as the announcers talk about how Edge has made a tremendous coup. (A) [COLOR=blue][B]Funaki and the Big Show[/COLOR][/B] squared off against [COLOR=blue][B]Shelton Benjamin and the Brian Kendrick, with Ezekial Jackson[/COLOR][/B]. Another Survivor Series match is talked about, with Shelton Benjamin, the Brian Kendrick, Kenny Dykstra, Carlito, and Gregory Helms facing off against the Big Show, Funaki, Jimmy Wang Yang, Scotty Goldman, and R-Truth in a Survivor Series rules match. Big Show pinballs Benjamin and Kendrick around, before hoisting up Funaki and dumping him down on top of the two. Show throws Kendrick around but Shelton Benjamin manages to catch him springboard clothesline as Kendrick delivers a dropkick to the knee. Kendrick and Benjamin double team on the Big Show in the center of the ring but Show fights back with headbutts and rolls over, before making the tag to Funaki. Funaki leaps into the ring, pounding away at Benjamin and clotheslines Kendrick. Benjamin gets punched over the top rope to the floor by the Big Show and Show goes to the floor. Funaki climbs to the top rope and cross body block is missed. Funaki hits the canvas and Kendrick hooks him around the head, before he runs up the top rope. Kendrick connects with the Kendrick on Funaki and scores the pin. (C+) Kane is backstage, offering Vladimir Kozlov a spot on his Survivor Series team, along with Big Daddy V and two other partners against Rey Mysterio, Batista, Paul London, Rey’s newest partner, Khali, and a fifth partner to be determined. Kozlov cracks his knuckles before nodding, wanting to get his hands on Khali. Kane looks sadistic, he has the undefeated Russian on his team at Survivor Series now. (B) [COLOR=blue][B]Michelle McCool[/COLOR][/b] took a crack at the WWE Diva’s Champion [COLOR=red][B]Beth Phoenix[/COLOR][/B]. It will be Michelle McCool, Mickie James, Candice Michelle, Melina, and Maria against Beth Phoenix, Victoria, Natalya, Jillian and Katie Lea at Survivor Series. Michelle McCool lasted a bit longer than she did at Cyber Sunday but in the end, Phoenix beat her down, connecting with the Glam Slam to score the pin and retain the championship. (D-) Natalya and Victoria run out to help Beth Phoenix, beating down Michelle in the center of the ring but the crowd makes a bit of noise, as Candice and Maria run out, to help Michelle fight off the trio of Phoenix, Victoria, and Natalya. The match quick goes into an impromptu tag team match(D-) [COLOR=blue][B]Natalya and Victoria[/COLOR][/b] squared off against [COLOR=blue][B]Maria[/COLOR][/B] and [COLOR=red][B]Candice[/COLOR][/B] in a tag team match. Candice pinned Victoria after some diva’s action with the Candy Wrapper(E-) Triple H and Jeff Hardy are standing by backstage. Tonight, they are squaring off against the Edgeheads. The United States and the WWE Champion promise they have each others back and they will walk out with the victory tonight as a preview for Survivor Series(C-) [COLOR=blue][B]Vladimir Koszlov[/COLOR][/B] had an open challenge, accepted by Raw’s [COLOR=red][B]D’Lo Brown[/COLOR][/B]. Kozlov beats down D’Lo in the center of the ring, but D’Lo came back with some clotheslines. The Battering Ram caught Brown and the pin was scored. (D+) R-Truth is in the ring, rapping, as he prepares for his match with Gregory Helms next on Smackdown. (D+) [COLOR=blue][B]R-Truth[/COLOR][/B] faced off against [COLOR=blue][B]Gregory Helms[/COLOR][/B] in a preview match for Survivor Series. Both men are on opposite teams for Survivor Series and this is a nice little preview. Helms works over the back of R-Truth but the Shining Knee to the back of the head was avoided. R-Truth delivers a running knee and Axe Kick connects to the back of the head of Helms. Truth rolls over Helms and scores the pin(C+) [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Tag Team Champions Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder[/COLOR][/B] fought [COLOR=blue][B]The WWE United States Champion Jeff Hardy and the WWE Champion Triple H[/COLOR][/B] in a short match. Hawkins and Ryder were beaten down but Edge rushes into the ring and chairs Triple H from behind or the disqualification after about ninety seconds to boos(C) Edge, Curt Hawkins, and Zach Ryder beat down Jeff Hardy and Triple H in the ring but the crowd cheers as [B]Mr. Kennedy runs from the back with a steel chair![/B]. Kennedy slides into the ring and chairshot knocks Hawkins for a loop, before Ryder and Edge bolt. Triple H is up to announce Mr. Kennedy as the fifth and final member of his Survivor Series team. Edge challenges Kennedy to a match tonight, where the stipulation is that if Edge wins, then he gets a title shot against Triple H. Triple H accepts, saying that Kennedy is going to beat Edge, to avenge that night where Edge stole the Money in the Bank title shot eighteen months ago(B) [COLOR=blue][B]The Great Khali[/COLOR][/B] squared off against [COLOR=red][B]Kane[/COLOR][/B] in a big man match. Even Khali could not put down the recently dominating Kane for too long. Khali chops away at Kane but Kane comes back with a low blow and a Yakuza Kick. Kane pounds away at Khali and chokes away at him in the corner. Khali fights out with more chops and whips him into the corner. Kane loosens the buckle behind his back, exposing the steel bolt as Khali charges. Duck and Khali hits chest first into the corner. Khali falls back, the wind knocked out of him and this allows Kane to score the pin(C+) Kane beats down Khali and goes for the chair. He enters the ring and raises the chair but Rey Mysterio runs down to the ring. Kane raises the chair and he turns around but [B]Rey delivers a missile dropkick driving the chair into the face of Kane![/B] A loud crash slams the chair into the face of Kane and Kane rolls to the floor before Rey dives onto him, punching away at him as both men are brawling around the ring, as the locker room empties, lead by Vince McMahon, who is pissed at the two Raw superstars causing some much chaos on his show(B+) [COLOR=blue][B]Umaga[/COLOR][/B] squared off against [COLOR=blue][b]Festus[/COLOR][/B]. The bell rings and Festus attacks Umaga but Umaga beats down Festus, connecting with the Samoan Drop before connecting with the Samoan Spike to pin Festus in less than two minutes. Festus might be tough but he was just destroyed by Umaga! (D+) [COLOR=blue][b]Mr. Kennedy[/COLOR][/B] faces off against [COLOR=blue][B]Edge[/COLOR][/B] in tonight’s main event. Both men exchange holds, having a great encounter, as Kennedy chops away at Edge, before delivering a short clothesline for a two count. Leaping kneedrop to the chest of Edge and Kennedy puts Edge on the top rope. Attempted superplex but Edge shoves him off and missile dropkicks him for a two count. Edge pounds away at Kennedy and kneelift, sets up a modified neckbreaker for a two count. To the top rope but Kennedy catches him off top, before bringing him down into a Forward Rolling Samoan Drop for a two count. Kennedy rams some knees into the side of the head of Edge and DDT scores a two count. He picks up Edge and European Uppercut. Jabs by Kennedy and whip into the ropes. Edge kicks Kennedy in the face and backs off. Spear is avoided and Kennedy delivers a kneelift. Attempted Mic Check but shoved off and Edge spears Kennedy. Three slaps of the mat later and Edge has pinned Mr. Kennedy(A) Here comes Vince McMahon who congratulates Edge on his victory and says that since Triple H has agreed to it, next week it will be Edge having one more chance to become the WWE Championship, when he faces off against Triple H next week. Edge gets on the microphone, promising to win and walk out of Survivor Series as champion.(A) [B]Show Rating: B[/B]
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