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WWE: How Long Will It Last?

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[IMG]http://www.staronetickets.com/images/wwe.jpg[/IMG] [B]Friday, Week 4, July, 2008[/B] I was frantically running around backstage at SmackDown! I can't believe I've been given this job, how am I supposed to book a wrestling promotion, let alone the WWE? I looked down at the roster I had available. I noticed Michelle McCool was the Divas Champion, supposing she should defend her title. I made my first note, that Michelle would defend her title against Maryse. I looked down at the time I still had to book, given the approximate times I thought segments would go on for. 40 minutes. That shouldn't be too bad, I should really focus that time around Edge and the World title he holds. Could Michelle and Maryse really go for seven minutes? With the title on the line hopefully the fans will care about that. We were at quite a big venue, I began to worry about how many fans would show up. I made the choice to shorten the Divas title match, cut it down by a few minutes. I could now see just how weak the SmackDown! roster was. I like Michelle McCool, she's a good looking girl. 40 minutes, wow. When I applied for this job I didn't think it would involve so much writing and planning. I kept thinking about that Divas title match, a bad defense for Michelle and nobody would take her seriously. I'll shorten it to four minutes, that's what I'd do. I planned to have the Divas strut their stuff a little before the match. No. I crossed it out. I'll just have the Women in an angle. I knew what all the Internet fans would be thinking. I would have thought the same thing, I was one of those fans a few weeks ago. If this show went bad, I could just focus on making next week's better. I felt like Vince Russo as I scrawled down next week's six person main event. It could go really bad. Brooklyn Brawler walked past me as I frantically tried to hide the booking notes. Brooklyn Brawler, I thought. I had a nine minute segment to fill in between commercial breaks. Why not give him something to do? Steve Lombardi was always loyal to the company, I knew that...
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[IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bb/SaturdayNightsMainEvent.jpg[/IMG] [B]Saturday, Week 4, July, 2008[/B] SmackDown! the night before didn't go down that badly, and based upon by booking it seemed there were still people who disliked me greatly. I woke up on Saturday to see that Joey Matthews had been crowned ROH Champion. Vince dropped the bombshell at the end of Friday's show to me that there would be a Saturday Night's Main Event on Saturday, and had already planned two six man tag matches. I now had the unenviable task of picking through the rest of the roster and deciding on how to use the others. Matt Hardy, Hornswoggle and Boogeyman taking on ECW Champion Mark Henry, Miz and Morrison should be good enough. I like Miz and Morrison, and think they make a great team. I was trying to build towards a Morrison/Batista interpromotional match at Summerslam though. Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly were still teaming up, but hadn't really done much since loosing the titles to the World's Greatest Tag Team. I decided to book them in a match at Saturday Night's Main Event. So now I had three successful tag team matches, with the main one being the RAW showcase match. Vince told me HBK, Kennedy and Jeff Hardy would be taking on Y2J, William Regal and Lance Cade. I still needed to book one more match. I was happy with the plan to put Rhodes and Holly over the Naturals. It would be the Naturals first match, and it's not like people would buy those little guys winning much anyway. By Unforgiven the plan was to have Cody Rhodes turn on Holly and align himself with Teddy DiBiase, who was, in late July, when I took over, teaming with Harry Smith on the RAW brand. I could see Cody and DiBiase together, and thought they would make great Tag Team Champions. At Summerslam London and Kendrick would be defending the titles against Carlito and Santino. Just before I was offered this job Vince McMahon had rehired Diamond Dallas Page. I had no problem with that, but DDP needed to be kept strong, and that finisher put over like nothing would stop it. I therefore booked an Interpromotional match for the first Saturday Night's Main Event of my era, with DDP facing Bam Neely, which would essentially be a job match. I don't have a huge problem with Bam, he seems to be a nice enough guy. The main problem is, in the ring, he's nothing without Chavo Guerrero. Vince said if this Saturday Night's Main Event was a success, we could do it every week as an interpromotional B show. I was sceptical of this, the main reason being that when we approached NBC to air the show, they basically laughed in our faces. For that reason although being screened internationally, the only way to watch it in America was on wwe.com I had so plany plans for Summerslam. Some I was looking forward to, such as the Morrison and Batista match, but some I wasn't sure of. For example I planned to build a stable named "Youngbloods", with Kingston, Davey Richards and Alex Shelley. Hopefully the six man tag against ECW's Big Show, Mike Knox and Nunzio would go down well, but it had the potential to ruin the show. Thankfully at this point we had around three weeks to build towards the PPV. I arrived at the arena for SNME that night in high spirits. Two of the four matches booked should deliver, and the others served the purpose of getting over Cody and Holly, and DDP making a literal "bang" in his first match back. Thankfully the show was only an hour long so I shouldn't be faced with the same difficulties that plagued me on SmackDown! Seriously, they need some new talent, wheras RAW has had a recent influx of employees. The arena was alot smaller than I had at first expected. I suppose the show itself not being on national television had dampened the crowd's spirits. I took a final look at the booking sheet, the plan was to get Shelley out there. Shelley went to the ring with his new found friends of Kofi Kingston and Davey Richards. The trio challenged Big Show and his pals to the six man tag match at Summerslam. Hopefully that all went well, I couldn't hear much from the crowd as I looked through the notes. It was now time for the Naturals first televised WWE match. Like an excitable teenager it didn't last long. They went out there for five minutes and basically made Rhodes and Holly look like stars. Still, it did the job. I felt bad about using Ashley on the show. She had achieved next to nothing since she returned and I felt bad about the publicity she was receiving, both inside the ring and outside...
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