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SWF: Generation Supreme

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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;621651]Pistol Pete really is gonna have a good last run, huh? Cool.[/QUOTE] I think so. He's been the biggest surprise of my game so far, except for maybe Troy Tornado. But at least Tornado was signed with the expectation he would be a solid upper midcarder. Pistol Pete was actually signed as a trainer, and started his SWF career at RIPW as that. He came up to do a few matches on Generation Supreme and it just came together from there. He has all C+'s for his Entertainment skills, but I doubt he would have found a place in my SWF without the brand split. If he sticks around for awhile, who know? No reason the big cowboy can't hold one of the big titles... But time will tell. Might have to work on the gimmick a bit - "big old hoss who likes to hit people real hard" has some legs but not sure its going to cut it.
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/Avatars/Small/AvatarSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] Random thought of the day… it doesn’t feel good to stand in the way of someone else’s dream, even when it’s your job to do so… The emails had been flying around Supreme One since the late morning. As the afternoon wore on, the tone of the emails got more and more self-congratulatory. I read them and found myself continually surprised that there were so many different ways to pat yourself on the back. I started to ignore many of the emails as the happiness of them became unbearable. The smug self-satisfaction infecting the office had started with news this morning that the DVD release of The Supreme Challenge 28 looked set to not only hold the number one spot on Billboard’s Sports DVD released this week, but could possibly break into the top ten of overall DVD sales. That was unbelievable. Topping the Sports release charts was solid, thought a number of other Supreme Video releases had managed that. None had managed to crack the top ten of DVD sales, though. The DVD had been released on Tuesday, a barebones set rushed to production to capitalize on the buzz that was still resonating from the event less than two months ago. Everyone expected it sell well, but no one had quite expected this. Though it would be days before the numbers were official, the sales thus far had exceeded all the projections from the business office. Everyone was trying to hone in on the credit. Supreme Video certainly deserved some credit for getting the DVD out so quick, but they did it without most of the special features that an event release like this would normally have. The event production crew was taking credit. Creative was, of course, taking credit. As soon as the talent found out, I’m sure they will take credit as well. Instead of reading or responding to all the emails of the Supreme Wrestling Federation hierarchy basking in their own glory, I worked on the script for next weeks Supreme TV. Well, that and spending a lot of time on Grey Dog Wrestling. My online world of forums had grown smaller in recent weeks, as no other forum I could find entertained and enthralled me the way that Grey Dog did. The posters on the forum were great – knowledge, eloquent, opinionated, argumentative, and humorous. One or two of them offered up some great ideas and I had toyed with the notion of contacting them to offer a position with creative. How would they react? I still didn’t post much. That was difficult sometimes, especially when they were discussing rumors that I had obvious first hand knowledge of. The entire SWF4Life “stable” had taken on a life of its own and was very entertaining to read. They were actively trying to recruit remembers and “feuding” with those who opposed the dominance of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. It was intended in fun, but there seemed to be some venomous intent behind some of the arguments. One of my new favorite posters on the forum was a guy with the username “The Phantom S.”. I have no idea what the “S.” stood for, but he was a solid poster. He had a “veteran fan” of the East Coast Wars, something he constantly reminded everyone of, and had been a huge fan of DaVE. He even claimed to have met Phil Vibert on several occasions. The poster admitted he had disliked Supreme for a long time, especially after his favorite promotion closed. Phantom gave the SWF something of a chance when Vibert, Caufield, and Tyler joined at the start of the year, and he was shocked the Eisen didn’t bury them. He was loving the Legends brand and the way that the whole “DaVE” angle was playing out. He seemed reluctant to admit it, but we had won him over. There was CM Drama, a long-time SWF fan from Illinois who had been very skeptical of the brand split and the new main event title. He had come around as well, and was very vocal in his defense of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Perhaps my favorite poster was still The Tiger’s Kin. He was like the only “self-professed super-fan” of FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling in the entire world. The man is quite eloquent in his arguments and he rarely lost a debate… if you can truly “win” a debate on a forum. There were simply a ton of great posters on that forum – guys like Foolish Incorporated, Ginger Rob, and so many more. And so many of them liked or at least respected the SWF and what were doing. And no 12-year olds posting in text talk. The most surprising development of late on the board was how so many of them had taken a liking to Pistol Pete and his heavy-handed approach. Even guys who strongly disliked Supreme and were vocal proponents of TCW admitted that they loved the way the guy worked and what he did in the ring. I found myself spend more of the afternoon browsing the Grey Dog forum than doing actual work. But late in the afternoon, that was interrupted by Toni buzzing me. “A couple of… uh, guys here to see you, Av,” she told me. “Send ‘em in,” was my reply, without even really considering who they might be. Or what. My office was suddenly filled with five kids. Not quite kids, but I doubted any of them had reached legal drinking age yet. Four of the kids were white – one of whom had blue hair – and one black kid who seemed to be the leader. None of them were particularly big – maybe 220 pounds tops. They were all dressed pretty casually and seemed in awe of the building, all except for the black kid. He was staring at me pretty intently. “Uh, hi,” I said awkwardly as I sat behind my desk. “You Avatar?” “Yeah.” “I’m Xavier,” the leader told me. “Xavier Reckless.” He waited a second, as if expecting me to recognize the name. I gave him a blank stare in return, because the name simply didn’t mean anything. I finally nodded, saying, “Okay.” Xavier then went through and introduced me to the rest of his crew. Daredevil Aero. Fearless Blue. Super Sonic. Extreme Deluxe. Unless the entire group had very very mean parents, they were wrestlers giving me their ring names. “We’re the XDW Crew,” Reckless told me after the introductions. “Okay,” I repeated. I didn’t have to feign ignorance. “Man, he don’t know,” the one introduced as Super Sonic complained. “Told y’all he wouldn’t know.” “You’ve never heard of The Quest, sir?” Blue asked politely. I had to shake my head. “Can we tell you our story?” Xavier asked. I was still wondering how this motley crew had got past security downstairs. Didn’t matter, I guess. “Sure, why not,” I told them. The five some regaled me with their tale. The narration duties were passed around rather seamlessly and the story was interesting. Basically, these five had found some degree of fame through 2007 while Reckless was running the Xtreme Danger Wrestling, a backyard federation that actually pulled a fair few fans. But it was putting their stuff on Youtube that got them noticed. When XDW had to shut down at the end of last year – Xavier’s dad sold the property they used – these five decided to actually make a go of it. So they were competing to see who could get a job with one of America’s big two promotions first. Now nine months into that quest, they were still struggling with it. “Interesting story,” I admitted. “But what can I help you with?” “Give us a job,” Deluxe responded immediately. I laughed, though not in a mean way. “You’re talking to the wrong guy for that,” is what I told them. “I came here as a developmental wrestler and they have me doing some stuff with creative. But I don’t hire people.” “We heard you’re the booker now,” Reckless told me. He stared me straight in the eyes when he said it, too. I laughed again. “Don’t tell Peter that,” I giggled. “It’s a fun thought, but I do a bit of writing and make some suggestions. Most of my suggestions get ignored, and the occasional one or two get turned into something. Trust me, they don’t listen to me on who to hire or I would have a whole bunch of my friends here with me.” “So there’s nothing you can do to help us?” Deluxe asked, a touch of despair in his voice. I slowly shook my head. It was true – the hiring part, at least. I told them, “I can offer a bit of advice.” They nodded eagerly. “Don’t try to jump straight to Supreme or Total. It’s tough. I tried to do it and now I’m in an office instead of the ring. Put some time in somewhere like Coastal Zone or Pittsburgh Steel. You’ll get some experience, and if you do well, you’ll get noticed.” Their disappointment filled the room like somebody cut wind. I didn’t really want to crush their hopes and dreams, but I was being truthful when I told them I didn’t make personnel decisions. I can influence personnel decisions if I have a good idea, but that’s about it. I glanced over at the clock and realized I had to be getting on the road to the Eisen Center soon. I said, “Look, guys, I gotta go. But I’ll tell you what – if you make it out to the Eisen Center, I’ll let the guys there know. You can watch Generation Supreme. Maybe talk to Nero. The man has connections all over – he might be able to get you’re a tryout somewhere. That’s all I can offer.” There were some quiet thanks as I shuffled them out of the office. Toni was waiting to escort them out. “One question,” I said before she herded them down the hallway. “Where did you hear that thing about me being the booker?” “It’s a rumor,” responded Reckless. “Yeah, its everywhere, man,” Blue told me. I nodded, smiling. I gave them one last piece of advice, “Careful about those rumors, guys. They wrong more often than not.” There were nods, and then Toni led them away down the hallway to the front elevator. I headed to the back to take the back stairs to the parking lot. That felt weird. I could appreciate the ambition it took for them to simply try to come and talk to who they felt could help them, and I was very curious how they managed to get past security. I definitely understood the desire. But there really wasn’t much I could for them. I did make a mental note to check out their Youtube stuff and the website they had up for The Quest later tonight. The persistent rumors about me being the booker for the SWF were annoying. Well, I guess you can’t really call it just a rumor, given that it is true. But we’ve done a ton to keep it under wraps. That was something I was going to have to address and soon. Friday, Week 1, September 2008 Avatar[/quote] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;622138]Hee. I like this forum Avatar's found...[/QUOTE] Just having some fun. I've done it before in a Random Thoughts segment and have been meaning to get back to it. Hopefully none of the posters on this forum will take offense to being made into fictional posters on a fictional forum... So the Legends show I posted was the only one I had booked and ready to go. So it basically means the diary is on hold until my laptop comes back. If I would have been smart, I would've had a couple of shows ready to go. I plan to the point where the shows are ready to book, but I don't have the game right now to do it. I will do some writing - at a nice leisurely pace - so that when I do get back up and running, the shows should not only be quick to book but pretty easy to put together on here as well. Which is good, as I'm damned eager to get to that pay per view. It should be a fun one. Since I don't have the game, I can't even post some random "world update" stuff just to fill time. Or get my front page as up-to-date as possible - I try to keep that pretty current, but it does lag a bit at times. I guess I could post a whole bunch of Random Thoughts segments, but that would very much kill the idea behind those. So its basically a waiting game now. Sorry guys. Regarding the adjustments I'm considering making to the show write-ups, one thing I am strongly considering dropping is the music links. I like that aspect to the game, but it actually takes a fair amount of time. The copy-n-paste from the front page isn't too bad, but I have to check each of the links every time as they have a bad habit of dying. So I figured since they are on the front page, its not as necessary to have them in the diary. I would throw them in occasionally when it would be a big moment - signaling that someone from one brand is showing on the other, stuff like that. Just curious if anyone would seriously miss those music links in the show reports themselves?
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Really enjoyed that last post - almost doesn't matter that you can't get access to the game when you come up with stuff like that anyway. I think it's a good idea to cut down on the music links if that's time consuming. It's probably good to put it in for debuts or when someone switches brand. But I know I don't click on everyone's music when I'm reading a show report...and I'm almost caught up on this thing now!
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;622662]Really enjoyed that last post - almost doesn't matter that you can't get access to the game when you come up with stuff like that anyway. I think it's a good idea to cut down on the music links if that's time consuming. It's probably good to put it in for debuts or when someone switches brand. But I know I don't click on everyone's music when I'm reading a show report...and I'm almost caught up on this thing now![/QUOTE] Thanks, MF! Glad to hear you're catching up and hope you're enjoying the hell out of it. If the delay is too long before I can get my laptop and the game back, I'm going to end up getting really tempted two do either one of two things. One would be posting a show that I haven't actually booked... which is something I want to avoid for all the obvious reasons. The other would be purchasing the full version of the game for the backup laptop, which would be expensive (already purchased TEW 2008 twice) and a waste.
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A little late to the discussion here....For purely selfish reasons I hope this diary goes on and on and on, because I'm enjoying the heck out of it but if it is becoming a chore for you and you don't feel you will be able to get back into it, then don't hesistate about bringing it to an end. However I get the impression you do want to carry it on, but are finding it too much of a strain in the current format (in alot of ways you are a victim of your own success !- with the mega sized roster and brand split). I'd actually use the current enforced downtime to re-charge your batteries. Believe it or not, I was starting to find my FCW diary was becoming a chore but the recent break away from it has given me a renewed vigour. I'd definitely drop the music links. They were a nice idea, but to be honest don't really add anything to the diary. They're hardly the reason why myself and others have continued to read on.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;622794]A little late to the discussion here....For purely selfish reasons I hope this diary goes on and on and on, because I'm enjoying the heck out of it but if it is becoming a chore for you and you don't feel you will be able to get back into it, then don't hesistate about bringing it to an end. However I get the impression you do want to carry it on, but are finding it too much of a strain in the current format (in alot of ways you are a victim of your own success !- with the mega sized roster and brand split). I'd actually use the current enforced downtime to re-charge your batteries. Believe it or not, I was starting to find my FCW diary was becoming a chore but the recent break away from it has given me a renewed vigour. I'd definitely drop the music links. They were a nice idea, but to be honest don't really add anything to the diary. They're hardly the reason why myself and others have continued to read on.[/QUOTE] I definitely do not want to end things yet. It would feel like I'm leaving things off in the middle if I do end it before the end of the year in the game. I will say that I do want a definitive end - when the day comes that I decide I just do not want to go further, my intent is to make a big post explaining where everything was going and what my plans were. So that anyone who was reading and following can see and understand where everything was going. I've started to plan out that post about three times through the life of this diary so far, so I guess you can say I've come close a couple of times. But right now, I very much want to continue. The point of me posting the "I think I might be burning out" thing wasn't a chase for affirmation from the readers. I get that often enough and you guys have been very supportive throughout. I think this kind of thing happens to a lot diary writers, I just happen to be one who feels the need to vocalize it. And in this case, it was really because i was looking for suggestions. Which I received, so thank you. And I am glad you want to keep reading, TK, regardless of your motivation. I was really expected the break I took from the game and the diary while I was in Houston for WM would have me come back renewed and reinvigorated. And it did, to an extent, as I did some brainstorming and came up with a bunch of stuff I like. But the laboring feel to the writing started up right away. Now this enforced break due to the laptop - which isn't a complete break, as I'm still doing writing - will hopefully even things out again. I can say that I've done a bit of writing yesterday and today, and it felt rather enjoyable again - just easy, lazy writing as I'm just putting together segments for future shows. The idea at this point is simply to reduce the time and effort it takes to post up each show. I'm hoping that will get rid of the frustration, which is what really seems to be behind that burnout feeling. I'll be dropping most of the music links starting on the next show, but will maintain the basic graphical layout. Starting after the Under Control 2008 pay per view, I will scale back to 2 hours for each of the A shows, and will go to a slightly more minimal approach. Though some angle segments will still get full dialogue write-ups, most will simply be descriptions of what happens. Some matches will get full match write-ups (or what I pass of as such...), but most will just get a short description - was a squash match, who looked good, did someone bleed, was there inference, and there finishing sequence. I will likely keep things status quo for pay per views, which should make the PPVs seem more important for the readers. In the future, I may go to more of a simple recap style, as was suggested by several readers, and just full write-ups for the PPVs, but we'll see what happens with this approach first. Now I'm definitely still open to further suggestions on ways to streamline the process without abandoning the real goal of the diary, which is to tell the stories.
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I started reading the diary on April 27, 2009. I read all the pages of your diary so far, which is 41. All of THEM. This diary is GREAT. GREAT. To be honest, I found that read all 41 pages of it got tedious... EXCEPT for the random thoughts of the day. I don't really mind what you cut down, but I would love to see you maintain the random thoughts, heck, even EXPAND it. :) They are the sole reasons why I read all 41 pages of your diary in one day. :) However I do notice, and it's just an observation, not a complaint at all, is your are a great booker. Way better one than I am. I have to struggle to get B+ shows, while you seem to accidentally churn out A shows, sometimes, even A* shows by accident. However, it seems your Avatar is (so far, anyway) not doing any of the business side of things. It also seems you have a unusually large roster... scratch that - that can so happen when you play as the SWF, so it's a rather normal situation. I'm not so sure I can I don't end up doing that sometimes with the SWF. :) But I do seem a bit shocked at the lack of showing the business side of things... I actually like them more than booking, personally. By the way, where did you get your alernate photos? I don't see them in-game. Can I use them? Or they by someone else?
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[QUOTE=ampulator;623060]I started reading the diary on April 27, 2009. I read all the pages of your diary so far, which is 41. All of THEM. This diary is GREAT. GREAT. To be honest, I found that read all 41 pages of it got tedious... EXCEPT for the random thoughts of the day. I don't really mind what you cut down, but I would love to see you maintain the random thoughts, heck, even EXPAND it. :) They are the sole reasons why I read all 41 pages of your diary in one day. :) However I do notice, and it's just an observation, not a complaint at all, is your are a great booker. Way better one than I am. I have to struggle to get B+ shows, while you seem to accidentally churn out A shows, sometimes, even A* shows by accident. However, it seems your Avatar is (so far, anyway) not doing any of the business side of things. It also seems you have a unusually large roster... scratch that - that can so happen when you play as the SWF, so it's a rather normal situation. I'm not so sure I can I don't end up doing that sometimes with the SWF. :) But I do seem a bit shocked at the lack of showing the business side of things... I actually like them more than booking, personally. By the way, where did you get your alernate photos? I don't see them in-game. Can I use them? Or they by someone else?[/QUOTE] The entire thing? Wow! That is a long read. Kudos, sir. Glad you enjoyed it as well. The Random Thoughts segments won't be cut. I think I may have a few readers protesting if I even suggested it. They seem pretty popular. To be honest, I find those very easy to write. I never seem to struggle for ideas and simply write them in my "natural writing tone", so they are pretty quick. I have toyed with the idea of making them more frequent - one after every show, maybe - but that seems overkill. The Avatar character has yet to get involved in the business side of things, but that's coming. Its been intentionally avoided thus far, because I don't think they would throw a kid in that situation into the business end. But it will happen and I think its going to be fun. The consistent grades is really just down a few rules I use when booking shows. Some of the "rules" I have found here on the forum, often in the Tip thread. Others come from a series of test games I ran with SWF. None of them are anything truly eye-opening or special, but basically just a series of things I always try to do to ensure every show gets the best possible grade. I've been thinking about putting those rules together for a SWF tips thread, which I may get around to soon enough since I can't do anything much with the diary until my laptop returns. As for the images, almost all of the alt pics I use are from the Alternate Pictures thread in the Mods forum. You can certainly use them from my diary, but the ones I post are all reduced down to 75x75. Might be better to grab them from the Alternate Pictures thread. There is even a table of contents post for it somewhere, which makes locating specific images much easier.
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I'm also a bit surprised how similar our wrestler choices are: Champagne Lover, Davis Wayne Newton, Larry Wood, Art Reed, Jacob Jett, Mainstream Hernandez, Remmy Skye, Steven Parker. I'm a bit surprised you didn't get Jungle Jack or Hell Monkey, though. As Brawlers, they work great as high midcarders (possibly even main eventers). I'm also surprised that you don't have Mario Herio or Joey Beauchamp yet. Both make great Entertainers and are definitely midcard material. As for Pistol Pete Hall... I have been eyeing at his stats for awhile, and I would definitely hire him. As for Kirk Jameson... I might sending him to develop first. He's got potential, but he needs work. Ayso, why haven't you gotten Eddie Peak yet? I think he suits SWF pretty well. As for Troy Tornado... what can I say? I'm not surprised. On Jack Bruce: Technically, he should be doing better Vengeance when it came to matches, as Jack Bruce has better Performance skils. However, I noticed that Jack Bruce's Consistency, Intensity, Stiffness, is only a B, C-, E+, while Vengeance is a B+, B+, B. I can't see otherwise why Vengeance is doing better in the ratings. I also think that, at least for Main Eventers, skills do maf?tter, much more than midcarders. That's why it's generally a better idea to push better wrestlers anyway, because it makes your booking easier in the long term. I was also wondering, any more SWF vs TCW stuff? And what of the Avatar/Cornell conversation?
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[QUOTE=ampulator;623203]I'm also a bit surprised how similar our wrestler choices are: Champagne Lover, Davis Wayne Newton, Larry Wood, Art Reed, Jacob Jett, Mainstream Hernandez, Remmy Skye, Steven Parker.[/QUOTE] Of course you will sign the best talent. Why not? Altough creating your own stars is always more interesting and rewarding. If you know what I mean. On topic: I still read this pretty regularly, but not whole shows. Just segments from here and there.. Keep going.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;623203]I'm also a bit surprised how similar our wrestler choices are: Champagne Lover, Davis Wayne Newton, Larry Wood, Art Reed, Jacob Jett, Mainstream Hernandez, Remmy Skye, Steven Parker. I'm a bit surprised you didn't get Jungle Jack or Hell Monkey, though. As Brawlers, they work great as high midcarders (possibly even main eventers). I'm also surprised that you don't have Mario Herio or Joey Beauchamp yet. Both make great Entertainers and are definitely midcard material. As for Pistol Pete Hall... I have been eyeing at his stats for awhile, and I would definitely hire him. As for Kirk Jameson... I might sending him to develop first. He's got potential, but he needs work. Ayso, why haven't you gotten Eddie Peak yet? I think he suits SWF pretty well. As for Troy Tornado... what can I say? I'm not surprised. On Jack Bruce: Technically, he should be doing better Vengeance when it came to matches, as Jack Bruce has better Performance skils. However, I noticed that Jack Bruce's Consistency, Intensity, Stiffness, is only a B, C-, E+, while Vengeance is a B+, B+, B. I can't see otherwise why Vengeance is doing better in the ratings. I also think that, at least for Main Eventers, skills do maf?tter, much more than midcarders. That's why it's generally a better idea to push better wrestlers anyway, because it makes your booking easier in the long term. I was also wondering, any more SWF vs TCW stuff? And what of the Avatar/Cornell conversation?[/QUOTE] Yeah, I signed most of the "usual suspects" for SWF. Most of the younger guys did spend a bit time, at least, with RIPW. That's why Jameson is only getting introduced now - he was developing at Rhode Island. Quite nicely, actually. Jungle Jack I didn't grab when I had the chance. He was one of many I eyed up, but decided not to sign as I didn't want to sign everyone who I would find useful.... as that would be half the available CornellVerse workers. He's now a written contract with TCW but he's one I'm watching. Hell Monkey went to Burning Hammer right away, but there may be some developments with him in the future. I did look at Mario Heroic and Joey Beauchamp when I started up the Sky Club Division. I may still sign one or both at some point, but I didn't want to load up the division with veteran workers - especially ones who don't have great overness in the US - as its supposed to be a showcase for some of the younger guys, for the most part. A way for them to show off, and possibly eventually move up the card. Ah, Eddie Peak. I would absolutely love to sign the insane monster and make him a cornerstone of the Legends brand. I would do in an instant. Unfortunately, he's on a massively long contract to TCW - the next several years, I believe. He also picked up a major injury (knee? back?) early in the game and will be out the remainder of 2008 and part of early 2009. Sammy Bach is similar to Peak, minus the injury - would to land him, but he's tied to Total for a long time. I either have to wait it out or completely sink TCW so I can buy them out... There will be more TCW stuff coming. I just didn't want to make that too much of the focus early, as I think the story of Avatar should be diverse rather than focused just on that. The Tuesday Night War might be over for now, but the war as a whole is far from over. As for Vengeance and Bruce, they really are both pretty good quality workers. Not great, but very good. I'm being pretty picky when I complain about them. Its just that the consistent quality of guys like Christian Faith and Rich Money has given me a remarkably high standard of expectation. And given that I am shooting to never grade an A-show below a B+, I have to be picky. I do absolutely agree that the quality of worker matters in the SWF, though. Supreme is fun in that you can push anyone and get them over, but a terrible worker is not going to give you great matches just because they are popular. Not very often, anyway.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;623203]I'm also a bit surprised how similar our wrestler choices are: Champagne Lover, Davis Wayne Newton, Larry Wood, Art Reed, Jacob Jett, Mainstream Hernandez, Remmy Skye, Steven Parker. [/QUOTE] Hee... 1998, and following the drop to Cult, Richard Eisen hands the book to Larry Wood. Amazing how gameworlds sometimes seem to echo.
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So I have mentioned a few times that I've thought of putting together an "SWF Tip Thread" based on the "rules" I use to book my diary. Finally got around to it. Turned out to be about 25 tips, but its a long post. If you are interested, see [URL=""]here[/URL]. Oh, and thanks FlameSnoopy.
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If TCW falls or you buy them out, there is a bigger fish to get than even Sammy Bach or Eddie Peak... and that's Tommy Cornell. That's it. You beat TCW. You win when you get Tommy. That reminds me: do you ever plan to build a Women's Division? I know you got a lot on your plate, but you have made tiny hints here and there, and some of your hirings prefer to be wrestlers (Sara Marie York, Dharma Gregg, Jen and Kathy Neptune) and you have Sara Silver. You even suggested Alicia Strong at some point in your random thoughts. That said, you building a women's division would potentially damage AAA, and from the looks of your hirings, BSC lost a lot of its better members (as the rest of roster is pretty much of slop, except the Honey Golight and Sienna Devil, who both make pretty good managers/color commentators).
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[QUOTE=ampulator;624020]If TCW falls or you buy them out, there is a bigger fish to get than even Sammy Bach or Eddie Peak... and that's Tommy Cornell. That's it. You beat TCW. You win when you get Tommy. That reminds me: do you ever plan to build a Women's Division? I know you got a lot on your plate, but you have made tiny hints here and there, and some of your hirings prefer to be wrestlers (Sara Marie York, Dharma Gregg, Jen and Kathy Neptune) and you have Sara Silver. You even suggested Alicia Strong at some point in your random thoughts. That said, you building a women's division would potentially damage AAA, and from the looks of your hirings, BSC lost a lot of its better members (as the rest of roster is pretty much of slop, except the Honey Golight and Sienna Devil, who both make pretty good managers/color commentators).[/QUOTE] Sinking TCW is one of my primary goals in this game. Which seems weird, as I really quite like TCW under any other circumstance, but they The Enemy in this game. I've seriously consideration to signing away the likes of Kyle Rhodes when his written deal came up, just for the thought it might hurt TCW even a little... And landing Tommy Cornell is a thought that makes me smile. I honestly avoid looking at his skills in the game, as it makes me either want to blatantly cheat in this game or start up a new one with Total Championship Wrestling. I have thought of a women's division. More than a few times. I've eyed up the SWF Vixxen's title the Reaper created and done a bit of planning. I came close to posting the idea on here once or twice and asking for a response, to see if people liked the idea. Its been a couple of things that kept me from pursing it. One is that I already have a huge roster. Two is that I already have so many talented workers that I feel greedy, and signing up all the talented women's wrestlers would hardly alleviate that. And the third reason is that I'm still trying to get the Sky Club Division off the ground. It could be a possibility down the road. Much like the Sky Club Division is meant as a unique attraction for the Legends brands, the Vixxen's Women's Division (or whatever it would be called) could be the same for the Supreme brand. Maybe even drop the Generations title at this point... Then again, it would make sense to start setting up soon and build up a few of the workers with regular matches on the B show so that I have some popular talent to debut on Supreme TV in the near year... Anyone else have any thoughts on the idea?
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I love the Sky Club Division, but I'm believe the majority of SWF's fans will probably only see it as a midcard attraction as best. Generally speaking, none of high flying styles in the game do well in the SWF. (I think you've seen my analysis in your SWF Tips thread). That brings me to another question. Who is exactly in your Sky Club Division? And if they are in it, have they changed their styles yet? I would think Jacob Jett would eventually change to an Entertainer approach. And speaking of styles, both Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling have stats that suggest they can do well in high-flying styles, but are Regular Wrestlers to better fit SWF's style. At some point, your wrestlers are probably going to change their styles, to freshen themselves up, or to better fit your promotion. As for women's division... well, at some point, you are going to have to do some talent raiding on the AAA. I would think it would be difficult (though not impossible) to take Alicia Strong from USPW. You can probably get Cherry Bomb from them when her contract comes up. The 5SSW wrestlers either don't fit SWF, can't speak English, are too old, and/or won't leave 5SSW out of loyalty. That leaves AAA. By the time you are finished, AAA would be lifeless husk :p
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[QUOTE=ampulator;624219]I love the Sky Club Division, but I'm believe the majority of SWF's fans will probably only see it as a midcard attraction as best. Generally speaking, none of high flying styles in the game do well in the SWF. (I think you've seen my analysis in your SWF Tips thread). That brings me to another question. Who is exactly in your Sky Club Division? And if they are in it, have they changed their styles yet? I would think Jacob Jett would eventually change to an Entertainer approach. And speaking of styles, both Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling have stats that suggest they can do well in high-flying styles, but are Regular Wrestlers to better fit SWF's style. At some point, your wrestlers are probably going to change their styles, to freshen themselves up, or to better fit your promotion. As for women's division... well, at some point, you are going to have to do some talent raiding on the AAA. I would think it would be difficult (though not impossible) to take Alicia Strong from USPW. You can probably get Cherry Bomb from them when her contract comes up. The 5SSW wrestlers either don't fit SWF, can't speak English, are too old, and/or won't leave 5SSW out of loyalty. That leaves AAA. By the time you are finished, AAA would be lifeless husk :p[/QUOTE] The Sky Club Division is actually much of the Legends brand, from the midcard on down. With the obvious exception of a couple big brawlers. I'm actually okay with much of those guys staying in the midcard. A few have the diverse skills to go beyond that, especially guys like Mainstream Hernandez and John Greed. I think their Star Quality alone could see them build up popularity over time. Even if it doesn't happen, I'm okay with the division being an opening attraction for the most part. I think the reality of having to completely destroy AAA's roster to build myself a decently-skilled women's division for the SWF is part of what keeps me from doing it. Not that I have any real attachment to AAA, but I don't feel the need to destroy every other C-V promotion... Just Total Championship Wrestling. That said, the idea is intriguing. I'm wondering what any other readers feel about the idea?
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[FONT=Arial][CENTER][SIZE=6]SWF.com: Vengeance News[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Workers/SWF/Alt/SkullDeBones_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]"The Harbinger" Vengeance[/B] [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Friday, Week 1, September 2008[/CENTER] [/B] [quote]Once again proving to be every fan's prime source for all Supreme Wrestling Federation news, SWF.com is the first to break some news about one of the SWF's biggest stars. And its not good news for him... Supreme Legend™ Vengeance has been put on "administrative leave", according to multiple sources within SWF management. One anonymous internal source was willing to provide slightly more details, telling SWF.com that the duration of the leave was currently unknown and that it amounted to a suspension. The suspension could, potentially, see the big man out of action for an extended period and there is a very real possibility he might never step into an SWF ring again. The masked man known as Vengeance has been a constant presence on the SWF scene for much of the decade. Known as Skull DeBones, he developed a big fan following. In late 2007, he started changed his look and started calling himself "The Harbinger" Vengeance. The fans turned on the big man when he attacked Christian Faith, but it was Jack Bruce's SWF World Heavyweight championship that Vengeance wanted. When Vengeance proved unable to take the title from the man known as "The Long Island Angel" and "The Decadent Champion", his behavior become more erratic. In-ring attacks gave way to backstage attacks. When Vengeance was brought onto the Legends brand, it was hoped by SWF management that a long-term friendship with Phil Vibert would bring the big man's behavior back in line, but that has not proven to be the case. A post-match attack on Christian Faith after the main event at SWF Welcome to the Jungle 2008 was the last straw for Phil Vibert and SWF management. Vengeance was given one more chance, but he proved unable to change his ways, resulting in him being forcibly being removed from the arena. The anonymous source within SWF management has indicated that Vengeance will not be welcome back without serious alteration to his attitude and behavior. That has bee made clear to representatives of "The Harbinger". More on this story as it becomes available. [/quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Wrestling/Media/SWFWebMid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;624845]The Sky Club Division is actually much of the Legends brand, from the midcard on down. With the obvious exception of a couple big brawlers. I'm actually okay with much of those guys staying in the midcard. A few have the diverse skills to go beyond that, especially guys like Mainstream Hernandez and John Greed. I think their Star Quality alone could see them build up popularity over time. Even if it doesn't happen, I'm okay with the division being an opening attraction for the most part. I think the reality of having to completely destroy AAA's roster to build myself a decently-skilled women's division for the SWF is part of what keeps me from doing it. Not that I have any real attachment to AAA, but I don't feel the need to destroy every other C-V promotion... Just Total Championship Wrestling. That said, the idea is intriguing. I'm wondering what any other readers feel about the idea?[/QUOTE] Well, you don't have to destroy their roster, but what other options do you have? You can take some from USPW, but they don't have that many women wrestlers anyway. As for NOTBPW, the only one I would take right off the bad (not that the rest are that bad) is Grace Harper who's part of AAA also anyway (Victoria Stone is retired anyway). 5 Star Supreme Wrestling? None of them fit SWF. And I bet the better ones won't leave (Japan has loyalty on). EWA? Only immediate pick would be Geena. As BSC, well, they need a lot of work. And most unemployed women wrestlers aren't that good, save for a few. Most are going to need to work. Considering the amount of work you would have to do... Besides, some of the women wrestlers with the highest Star Quality at the start of the game are working at AAA. Catherine Quine, Joanne Rodriguez, Raven Nightfall, Sara Marie York (who you already have).
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[QUOTE=SeanMcFly;624896]How much longer until you get your laptop back ? I'm Anxious to see the next show, Great Read ![/QUOTE] Thanks! And soon, I hope. I'm convincing myself it should be early next week, based on what the guy told me when I dropped it off. But who knows? The upside is that I'm getting some writing done - and enjoying it - so it shouldn't take long to get a show up once I have the thing back. I'm really wondering why I only thought to book one show before I took it in... What was I thinking? [QUOTE=ampulator;624907]Well, you don't have to destroy their roster, but what other options do you have? You can take some from USPW, but they don't have that many women wrestlers anyway. As for NOTBPW, the only one I would take right off the bad (not that the rest are that bad) is Grace Harper who's part of AAA also anyway (Victoria Stone is retired anyway). 5 Star Supreme Wrestling? None of them fit SWF. And I bet the better ones won't leave (Japan has loyalty on). EWA? Only immediate pick would be Geena. As BSC, well, they need a lot of work. And most unemployed women wrestlers aren't that good, save for a few. Most are going to need to work. Considering the amount of work you would have to do... Besides, some of the women wrestlers with the highest Star Quality at the start of the game are working at AAA. Catherine Quine, Joanne Rodriguez, Raven Nightfall, Sara Marie York (who you already have).[/QUOTE] BSC is worth raiding for personalities and valets, but not so much for actual wrestling talent. USPW only has a few, and its the same with NOTBPW. So it would mostly be stealing AAA's talent. I wouldn't need a ton of workers, as it would probably be about one match per night, and they quite honestly wouldn't make it on PPV for quite awhile. I'll have to take a look and give it some actual thought when I get my laptop and game back.
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