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SWF: Generation Supreme

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Steve Flash vs [B]Troy Tornado[/B] [I]This isn't some indy fed, so Flash is just there to make others look good[/I] [B]The Supreme Nightmare[/B] vs Pure Energy [I]Pure Energy = Pure Jobbers[/I] [B]Mass Effect[/B] vs The Samoan Wildboyz [I]Frehley & Diaz will be too much for the Wildboyz to handle[/I] [B]Brandon James[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez [I]One of those glorified 8 minute squash matches, that the SWF fans seem to lap up as much, if not more so than a good even contest between a pair of mid-carders[/I] High Concept + Art Reed vs [B]The Watchmen + Acid[/B] [I]Acid is heading into a big match with Gilmore at the PPV and the Watchmen need a solid win to be established as a threat. High Concept might be the Sky Club Tag champions but like their partner for the night Reed are generally just floating about in the mid-card.[/I] [B]Rocky Golden[/B] vs Chris Caufield [I]Golden needs a win against an established name, to start backing up his big mouth. It'll come via some form of cheating (probably inteference based) but he should end up with the win here.[/I] Bart Biggz vs[B] Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship [I]Absolutely no chance of Biggz winning this title[/I] Kurt Laramee vs [B]Christian Faith[/B] for the SWF Supreme Championship [I]Even less chance of Laramee beating Faith for the Supreme Title.[/I]
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[QUOTE=bitlos;633230]Have to agree with Tigerkinney's predictions, mostly for the same reasons. Really enjoyed the Supreme TVs show, good build towards the ppv.[/QUOTE] Thanks. Building towards each PPV is something I don't feel I did well enough in the early going of the diary and I like to think I've gotten better at it. So I got both this episode of Legends and the Under Control pay per view booked last night. Didn't take that long, as I had the cards pretty much laid out already. I was reminded of a couple of things, though. One, my TV cards tends to be pretty predictable and straight-ahead. And second, the size of this thing is out of control. The PPV is 4 hours long and features 11 matches, plus a few angles. To get there, I had to leave out several main eventers and a fair number of upper midcarders. I really need to scale back the roster a bit... but finding guys I feel are expendable is tough. There are few who will be getting "Future Endeavors" wishes soon enough, but only a few so far...
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Steve Flash vs [B]Troy Tornado [/B] [B]The Supreme Nightmare[/B] vs Pure Energy [B]Mass Effect[/B] vs The Samoan Wildboyz [B]Brandon James[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez High Concept + Art Reed vs [B]The Watchmen + Acid [/B] [B]Rocky Golden[/B] vs Chris Caufield Bart Biggz vs [B]Bloodstone[/B] for the SWF Legends Championship Kurt Laramee vs [B]Christian Faith[/B] for the SWF Supreme Championship
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Figure I can give you a hand here. These are workers I'd cut from your roster. Whether it's lack of direction, talent, popularity, or general redundancy, their roster spots would be under review if I were to take over from you tomorrow :p [B]Akima Brave [/B][I]Just can't see them getting over[/I] [B]American Elemental [/B][I]A superhero should fit into SWF perfectly, whether played for laughs or as an ultra-dark modern style... but it's not happening for AE here[/I] [B]Andre Jones[/B] [I]Every company needs its jobbers, but you could cut your roster and have ETs capable of main eventing many smaller feds...[/I] [B]Art Reed[/B] [I]I love Art. This is mainly jealousy - but he has so much potential and I'm not sure that's coming across right now[/I] [B]El Leon[/B] [I]Meh. A luchador in SWF? Talented, but is he really worth the time?[/I] [B]Enygma[/B] [I]Controversal, but maybe he could go and be a trainer in RIPW. I don't think [U]any[/U] SWF diary has found a use for him...[/I] [B]Erik Strong[/B] [I]See Andre Jones[/I] [B]Greg Rayne[/B] [I]See Andre Jones[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] [I]This may be precipitous, but right now I'm not feeling it. However, recent appearances could show that he's on the up...[/I] [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]I just don't [U]get[/U] Joe Sexy - he seems to get by on his gimmick, which even in SWF shouldn't be enough[/I] [B]John Greed[/B] [I]Um, who? Honestly, I couldn't even have told you this guy was on the roster...[/I] [B]John McClean[/B] [I]I... just don't like him?[/I] [B]Kid Toma[/B] [I]As above. I guess they have their uses, but they just don't seem to fit into SWF[/I] [B]Knuckles[/B] [I]Personal experience suggests that this guy has probably peaked already...[/I] [B]Kurt Laramee[/B] [I]Your backstage segments suggest you feel a bit sorry for this guy - but being the better half of a tag team with BSS could be his career highlight, and it's not anything to boast about[/I] [B]Lee Rivera[/B] [I]Unless you're high on this guy, his popularity should see him spending time in development at best[/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]I love Mainstream, but unless his gimmick has him adding a new nickname every month, or possibly searching for a lucky nickname as he keeps losing under them... Something about him always makes me feel like he's a poor fit in SWF *shrug*[/I] [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] [I]I know he's recently (re)debuted, but the guy just screams 'jobber' to me, regardless of characterisation[/I] [B]Paul Huntingdon[/B] [I]About the one worker you and I share, and I can't ever see him getting over in SWF - much too much of a lightweight[/I] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] [I]Not doing much, doesn't really fit SWF's style... Throw CZCW a bone ;)[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [I]As with Toma and Akima[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B] [I]Nah, just kidding...[/I] [B]Shady K[/B] [I]See Knuckles[/I] [B]Shane Nelson[/B] [I]See Lee Rivera[/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] [I]Okay, a big ask - Swoop is ideal for SWF... But can he make an impact in a fed this overpopulated?[/I] You have 96 workers on your roster, all told - no wonder it seems bloated... The above list makes 24 [I]wrestlers[/I] and in a couple of cases I think I may have missed tag partners - I haven't touched on the non-workers although for the most part i think they're playing their part. You're also employing Ash Campbell. Now, fair enough, he has a role in the stable... But he's [U]Ash Campbell[/U]!
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[QUOTE=James Casey;633280]Figure I can give you a hand here. These are workers I'd cut from your roster. Whether it's lack of direction, talent, popularity, or general redundancy, their roster spots would be under review if I were to take over from you tomorrow :p [B]Akima Brave [/B][I]Just can't see them getting over[/I] [B]American Elemental [/B][I]A superhero should fit into SWF perfectly, whether played for laughs or as an ultra-dark modern style... but it's not happening for AE here[/I] [B]Andre Jones[/B] [I]Every company needs its jobbers, but you could cut your roster and have ETs capable of main eventing many smaller feds...[/I] [B]Art Reed[/B] [I]I love Art. This is mainly jealousy - but he has so much potential and I'm not sure that's coming across right now[/I] [B]El Leon[/B] [I]Meh. A luchador in SWF? Talented, but is he really worth the time?[/I] [B]Enygma[/B] [I]Controversal, but maybe he could go and be a trainer in RIPW. I don't think [U]any[/U] SWF diary has found a use for him...[/I] [B]Erik Strong[/B] [I]See Andre Jones[/I] [B]Greg Rayne[/B] [I]See Andre Jones[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] [I]This may be precipitous, but right now I'm not feeling it. However, recent appearances could show that he's on the up...[/I] [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]I just don't [U]get[/U] Joe Sexy - he seems to get by on his gimmick, which even in SWF shouldn't be enough[/I] [B]John Greed[/B] [I]Um, who? Honestly, I couldn't even have told you this guy was on the roster...[/I] [B]John McClean[/B] [I]I... just don't like him?[/I] [B]Kid Toma[/B] [I]As above. I guess they have their uses, but they just don't seem to fit into SWF[/I] [B]Knuckles[/B] [I]Personal experience suggests that this guy has probably peaked already...[/I] [B]Kurt Laramee[/B] [I]Your backstage segments suggest you feel a bit sorry for this guy - but being the better half of a tag team with BSS could be his career highlight, and it's not anything to boast about[/I] [B]Lee Rivera[/B] [I]Unless you're high on this guy, his popularity should see him spending time in development at best[/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]I love Mainstream, but unless his gimmick has him adding a new nickname every month, or possibly searching for a lucky nickname as he keeps losing under them... Something about him always makes me feel like he's a poor fit in SWF *shrug*[/I] [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] [I]I know he's recently (re)debuted, but the guy just screams 'jobber' to me, regardless of characterisation[/I] [B]Paul Huntingdon[/B] [I]About the one worker you and I share, and I can't ever see him getting over in SWF - much too much of a lightweight[/I] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] [I]Not doing much, doesn't really fit SWF's style... Throw CZCW a bone ;)[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [I]As with Toma and Akima[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B] [I]Nah, just kidding...[/I] [B]Shady K[/B] [I]See Knuckles[/I] [B]Shane Nelson[/B] [I]See Lee Rivera[/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] [I]Okay, a big ask - Swoop is ideal for SWF... But can he make an impact in a fed this overpopulated?[/I] You have 96 workers on your roster, all told - no wonder it seems bloated... The above list makes 24 [I]wrestlers[/I] and in a couple of cases I think I may have missed tag partners - I haven't touched on the non-workers although for the most part i think they're playing their part. You're also employing Ash Campbell. Now, fair enough, he has a role in the stable... But he's [U]Ash Campbell[/U]![/QUOTE] [B]Akima Brave, Kid Toma, Rhino Umaga:[/B] Agreed. I think these guys would do well in Japan. However, I'm taking a long-shot guess that Bigpapa42 wants to eventually bring in Samoan Machine at some point but can't because he signed up with the BHOTWG, before they had hit cult. I'm guessing Bigpapa42 might have considered some sort Samoan stable. Unforutnately, and this merely a suggestion based on a guess, most the extended family of Samoan's are only merely above average to good. Malili Umaga (Akima Brave), certainly has the potential to be a big star, but he needs a lot of work. I think he won't do much better in development, though, at least in my games, that's what he stated when I tried to send him down to development. Rhino Umaga is only a bit better than his brother (Malili Umaga/Akima Brave) is, but he's only going to be a midcarder, unless his star quality increases. Kid Toma has great Basics, but his other performance stats needs serious work, and his star quality is quite poor, a midcarder at best, most likely not even upper midcarder. Samoan Machine, on the other hand, has good Star Quality with great Menace, and great Performance skiils. I know I'm jumping the gun on this, but that's only reason I can see why Rhino Umaga is in the SWF. [B]Andre Jones, Greg Rayne, Knuckles, Shady K:[/B] Agreed. These are unlikey to ever make it big in the SWF. [B]Erik Strong, Nevada Nucear, Remmy Skye:[/B] Agreed. But they got potential. They need a lot more work in development at the start of the game. If they don't gain much more in development, I would release them. [B]Enygma, Joe Sexy, John Greed, John McClean, Kurt Laramee, Paul Huntingdon, Shane Nelson:[/B] Hmm... I don't know. These guys make good midcarders, either because of good mic skills or good performance skills. [B]American Elemental, El Leon:[/B] Somewhat agreed, but as long as they are good at what they do, They can make solid midcarders for the mean time. [B]Art Reed[/B]: I have to disagree here. He may not have the Entertainment skills, but he certainly has the Perfomance and Physical Skills to make it SWF. That's Dharma Gregg is for, anyway - to assist his Entertainment Skills. [B]Jacob Jett, Lee Rivera, Mainstream Hernandez, Swoop McCarthy:[/B] These guys got serious potential. I would probably use them mainly to push others, but ther's no good rationale to immediately cut them. As for Ash Campbell... I don't know. This guy needs a lot of work.
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It feels strange to be asking the reader for their input on my roster, but this is the kind of thing I was hoping for, JC. A few notes... It might seem odd given the size of the roster currently, but I actually avoided the "sign because I can" syndrome for the most part. Pretty much everyone who was signed with some specific intent, role, and often stories in mind. Unfortunately, I lost perpsective on whether or not I'd be able to squeeze those particular intended elements in, and many got pushed to the side. I would decide that I needed to add to the lightweight tag division, for example, so I would end up adding 7 teams instead of 2 or 3. Overkill. As well, I did have a few workers signed who never ended up on TV, usually by intent, as they were really only signed to be dark match jobbers. They are pretty much all gone now. And one more note - Tana, Andre Jones, and Greg Rayne have not been on TV in forever as all three have been at RIPW developing. My thoughts, keeping mind that "no one is safe"... [B]Akima Brave[/B] - probably the only one of the Samoans who is safe at the moment. Skilled enough to make a go of it solo, even if he's never going to be a world champion. [B]American Elemental[/B] - I had some ideas when I signed him but nothing has come through at this point. He's talented enough to stay on as a mid-level jobber, depending on how many I end up with for that role. [B]Andre Jones[/B] - developed a bit in his stint at RIPW, but not enough to save himself. The ideas I had put in place for him have fallen through. Likely gone. [B]Art Reed[/B] - I really don't mean to job Reed as much as I have. I do have plans for him. He's never likely to be a world champion, but he's definitely a very solid midcard presense. Plus, I have a switch lined up for him that might work in his favor (hint!) [B]El Leon[/B] - he was never intended to be anything more than a jobber in the Sky Club Division. Figured if he ended up getting over just based on his Star Quality, then that was cool. Plus, part of the idea of the Legends brand was a style of wrestling that would appeal beyond that mainstream American style, which I think he fits into. His skills alone make him valuable. As for the fact that he could be a world champion in Mexico while he'll be lucky to be a Shooting Star champion in SWF... well, that does kinda suck for him... [B]Enygma[/B] - a tough one. Even though I have no owner goals, I never intended to bury him. I even brough him in a manager! I need to find a role for him, even if it means going back to the other brand. A stint off TV while he's working as a trainer for RIPW is a pretty good idea for the short term... [B]Erik Strong + CL Machine[/B] - both are decent workers who aren't good enough yet to get by based just on that. Came in when I decided I needed to add to the lightweight and lightweight tag ranks. They might stick around, dependent on who else goes. [B]Greg Rayne[/B] - he's been at RIPW and he's developed a bit. Probably has a future just based on some plans I have for him. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] - he's not ready to be a centerpiece of the lightweight division, but he could get there. The hope is that developing him in a tag team in the mean time gives him some use. [B]Joe Sexy + John McClean[/B] - there are plans for them. McClean might be pretty capable of a solo run down the road, though they have more value to me as a team right now. [B]John Greed[/B] - much the same Jett. His Star Quality means he has value in the SWF, and he's a decent worker besides. If I clear out the roster a bit, he should find a role. [B]Kid Toma[/B] - I never should have put the Shooting Star belt on him, as it soured me on him a bit. He's a full step behind Akima Brave as a worker and his value right now is basically in his tag experience with Akima Brave, and I'm really starting to debate whether that means he's worth keeping... [B]Knuckles[/B] + [B]Shady K[/B] - their only value is their tag experience, to be hoenst. They are not skilled or over enough to make a go of it as a single's worker. I had tentative plans to have Death Row support Laramee for awhile, then flip to the other brand (possibly with Laramee), but I think Death Row would get lost in the Supreme brand tag division as well. I don't even think their Menace is quite enough to keep them around for (B-???). I have them up to B+ experience now, but I just don't see the value of them at this point given that I've developed a pretty strong tag division for both brands. [B]Kurt Laramee[/B] - he's one I've struggled with. Its not that I feel sorry for him so much as I think the Laramee-Vibert storyline could be interesting at some point. But he just doesn't have a lot of value as a wrestler. He's not that great in the ring and not over enough for that not to matter. I've had a few ideas for him, but everything just keeps getting pushed back. I think it might be time to retire him as an in-ring performer and just make use of his Entertainment skills somehow... [B]Lee Rivera + Shane Nelson[/B] - a stupid signing. I saw a decently-talented tag team with plenty of experience. One of them had been on a PPA deal for awhile, and the other came off their written deal right at the same time as I was looking for some lightweight tag teams, so I jumped at them. Without concidering that they have no overness and don't really have any qualities to get over based on. Sure, I could give them a hard-push and build up overness that way, but they just don't give me any reason to. Their match on Legends against Eisen and Train is basically a send off match before they get "future endevoured". [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] - much the same as Jett and Greed. [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] - not necessarily a future superstar, but I think he's going to be a solid upper midcard guy for a long time, and I think Duke Nukem gimmick could carry him for awhile. I would have to give serious concideration to getting rid of him if I was cutting back to the point of moving back down to one brand and one show... but I'm not at this point... [B]Paul Huntingdon[/B] - he's actually a young guy I'm kinda high on. He's not a superstar in waiting, but he seems like he should develop into a solid midcard guy. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] - I'm still on the fence on him. I still think he can be solid guy for the Sky Club Division, but he's just not there yet. He's a possible for either staying or going, and I think its going to just come down to who else stays or goes. Another stint at RIPW might be the best option, now that I concider it - his Consistency is still poor. [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] - a stupid signing, to be honest. I looked at the tag team experience (A*!!!) with Akima Brave and the potential to be a monster heel. I overlooked the complete lack of overness. The disparity in overness makes the tag experience useless at this point, and I just don't need a new monster heel right now. I could give him a big hard push up the ranks get him to the point he's over enough to be useful, but I don't like doing that and I just have no need. I have some guys in development who will make better monster heels when they are ready. [B]Rich Money[/B] - well, I did so no one was safe, so... Okay, Money is pretty safe. If its not already very obvious, he's basically become the central player of the diary. He's very fun to write at this point. If I knew how central he was going to become, I could have just named this diary "SWF: Generation Money." [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] - I've been moving him forward gradually as its just not necessary to over-push him to rush him into the upper reaches of the card. He has a role in the Generation Supreme deal. Some other thoughts... [B]Ash Campbell[/B] - I was honestly hoping he'd develop more, as both Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey have. I pulled him away from RIPW sooner than I should have. He's never going to live up to his father, I'm afraid, but he does have Entertainment skills... Those could prove very useful... [B]Blood Bonham + Blood Elderberry[/B] - the Black Label Fight Club, aka The Dirty White Boys. They are very similar to Death Row in most ways. By memory, they are a bit better as individual talents than DR, though with slightly less tag experience. They seem content with jobbing endlessly, and they've actually built a bit of overness from being in a few angles on Generation Supreme based around their Menace. I did once have plans of making the BLFC a stable of bloody brawlers but that's kind gone by the wayside. The only real difference between the two and DR is that one team is face and one is heel currently. One of them is gone, possibly both... [B]Tana[/B] - the first guy I stole away from TCW. He has some potential, and with a much smaller roster I think he could definitely do things in the SWF. Not in this game, though. [B]Texas Pete[/B] - I'm sure there would be some celebrations if I did get rid of TP. Its kind of funny that he's still kinda floating along, while the rest of the Golden Faction are all A or over in popularity at this point (excluding Pearce). I've toyed with the idea of a few options for him, including teaming him with Pistol Pete Hall. At this point, I'll probably just keep him as the muscle for the Golden Faction, getting in the occassional sqash match and being menacing under his big hat. [B]The Tokyo Underground[/B] - a team I brought in almost entirely because of the wicked new alts (Fin did them, I think?). Like a number of tag teams I have, they have some decent experience and Ota isn't a bad worker on his own. While they don't add a ton of value, but they will probably stick around, if just becuase I like the idea of having some Japanese workers on the Legends brand. I scrapped the idea of building a Japanese stable, though I could go back to it in the future if certain workers were to come available... [B]Non-Wrestling Wrestlers[/B] - I've got a number of these, playing roles like bodyguard or manager. And while they make the roster look a little more bloated in the game, I can't say I'm concerned with that. Someone like RK Hayes has yet to wrestle a match of me and probably never will, as he's happy being on TV occasssionally in a bodyguard role. So the rosters will shrink, which is a good thing. Even if it means cutting a bit of talent I still view as useful in certain ways. There will still be the occassional addition, as there are a number of workers currently on written contracts who I will sign if and when they become available. Or at least try to. There is also talent I still have in development that will emerge eventually, though I actually already cut down on the number of workers I had in training. Those additions will be occassion and fit a specific role. I am looking at some other options to simply things for the diary as a whole. As always, I am open to suggestions and always welcome discussion.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;633331][B]Akima Brave, Kid Toma, Rhino Umaga:[/B] Agreed. I think these guys would do well in Japan. However, I'm taking a long-shot guess that Bigpapa42 wants to eventually bring in Samoan Machine at some point but can't because he signed up with the BHOTWG, before they had hit cult. I'm guessing Bigpapa42 might have considered some sort Samoan stable. Unforutnately, and this merely a suggestion based on a guess, most the extended family of Samoan's are only merely above average to good. Malili Umaga (Akima Brave), certainly has the potential to be a big star, but he needs a lot of work. I think he won't do much better in development, though, at least in my games, that's what he stated when I tried to send him down to development. Rhino Umaga is only a bit better than his brother (Malili Umaga/Akima Brave) is, but he's only going to be a midcarder, unless his star quality increases. Kid Toma has great Basics, but his other performance stats needs serious work, and his star quality is quite poor, a midcarder at best, most likely not even upper midcarder. Samoan Machine, on the other hand, has good Star Quality with great Menace, and great Performance skiils. I know I'm jumping the gun on this, but that's only reason I can see why Rhino Umaga is in the SWF. [/QUOTE] Didn't see this when I started to write the previous post. Well, I explained the "reasons" I signed Rhino Umaga in my previous post. I was going to put together the Samoan stable without Samoan Machine. I had visions of having two tag team variations in the stable, each with really high experience. Tana as the comedy touch, a bumbling giant capable of turning into a destructive hulk when angered. BJ O'Neill as the force driving the whole group forward. It seemed like it would be a fairly unique stable in that regard. It just never really came together. Partly it was not really pushing the group as I should have. Its also partly some poor planning, as I should have realized that Rhino wouldn't be that useful for a long while until his overness gets boosted. So it just kinda died, and now I'm looking at getting rid of most or all of those Samoans. You are correct that Samoan Machine is a worker that I covet. Probably moreso than any worker not named Tommy Cornell. Though he needs some work on his Entertainment skills, SM always reminds me of The Rock. I could easily see him as a world champion in the SWF. Its going to be a long while before I get him away from Burning Hammer, though. So I can't really claim the Samoan stable plans I had were based around his (hopefully) eventual arrival. I would likely use that said stable as an initial introduction for SM, either aligning with me them as a heel before an event face turn and feud, or having him feud with them right from the start. I guess I could always still do it down the road and rehire the Samoans that are available if I really still want to do it...
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[QUOTE=James Casey;633280] [B]Akima Brave [/B][I]Just can't see them getting over[/I] [B]American Elemental [/B][I]A superhero should fit into SWF perfectly, whether played for laughs or as an ultra-dark modern style... but it's not happening for AE here[/I] [B]Andre Jones[/B] [I]Every company needs its jobbers, but you could cut your roster and have ETs capable of main eventing many smaller feds...[/I] [B]Art Reed[/B] [I]I love Art. This is mainly jealousy - but he has so much potential and I'm not sure that's coming across right now[/I] [B]El Leon[/B] [I]Meh. A luchador in SWF? Talented, but is he really worth the time?[/I] [B]Enygma[/B] [I]Controversal, but maybe he could go and be a trainer in RIPW. I don't think [U]any[/U] SWF diary has found a use for him...[/I] [B]Erik Strong[/B] [I]See Andre Jones[/I] [B]Greg Rayne[/B] [I]See Andre Jones[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] [I]This may be precipitous, but right now I'm not feeling it. However, recent appearances could show that he's on the up...[/I] [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [I]I just don't [U]get[/U] Joe Sexy - he seems to get by on his gimmick, which even in SWF shouldn't be enough[/I] [B]John Greed[/B] [I]Um, who? Honestly, I couldn't even have told you this guy was on the roster...[/I] [B]John McClean[/B] [I]I... just don't like him?[/I] [B]Kid Toma[/B] [I]As above. I guess they have their uses, but they just don't seem to fit into SWF[/I] [B]Knuckles[/B] [I]Personal experience suggests that this guy has probably peaked already...[/I] [B]Kurt Laramee[/B] [I]Your backstage segments suggest you feel a bit sorry for this guy - but being the better half of a tag team with BSS could be his career highlight, and it's not anything to boast about[/I] [B]Lee Rivera[/B] [I]Unless you're high on this guy, his popularity should see him spending time in development at best[/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]I love Mainstream, but unless his gimmick has him adding a new nickname every month, or possibly searching for a lucky nickname as he keeps losing under them... Something about him always makes me feel like he's a poor fit in SWF *shrug*[/I] [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] [I]I know he's recently (re)debuted, but the guy just screams 'jobber' to me, regardless of characterisation[/I] [B]Paul Huntingdon[/B] [I]About the one worker you and I share, and I can't ever see him getting over in SWF - much too much of a lightweight[/I] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] [I]Not doing much, doesn't really fit SWF's style... Throw CZCW a bone ;)[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [I]As with Toma and Akima[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B] [I]Nah, just kidding...[/I] [B]Shady K[/B] [I]See Knuckles[/I] [B]Shane Nelson[/B] [I]See Lee Rivera[/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] [I]Okay, a big ask - Swoop is ideal for SWF... But can he make an impact in a fed this overpopulated?[/I] You're also employing Ash Campbell. Now, fair enough, he has a role in the stable... But he's [U]Ash Campbell[/U]![/QUOTE] As a fellow SWF booker (my game is in the end of 2009) I agree mostly with these. I also have couple of suggestions who you could cut off: JD Morgan, Bryan Holmes and Steve Flash: These low star quality, 40 years old veterans are mostly useless. They can serve as trainers in development. Use their overness to push some guys who need it. If Eric Tyler needs bodyguards, I think he should get more younger guys to project him. Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine and maybe Jay Chord: Every 2nd generation wrestler don't deserve to wrestle in the big leagues. I think you have enough c***y youngsters in your roster already. In my game C-V-2 have been jobbers for a year and will continue to do so until I decide that they have showed enough. Jay Chord got kicked out because his poor attitude and his lack of character.
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[QUOTE=Kovic;633639]As a fellow SWF booker (my game is in the end of 2009) I agree mostly with these. I also have couple of suggestions who you could cut off: JD Morgan, Bryan Holmes and Steve Flash: These low star quality, 40 years old veterans are mostly useless. They can serve as trainers in development. Use their overness to push some guys who need it. If Eric Tyler needs bodyguards, I think he should get more younger guys to project him. Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine and maybe Jay Chord: Every 2nd generation wrestler don't deserve to wrestle in the big leagues. I think you have enough c***y youngsters in your roster already. In my game C-V-2 have been jobbers for a year and will continue to do so until I decide that they have showed enough. Jay Chord got kicked out because his poor attitude and his lack of character.[/QUOTE] Its always nice to hear what another SWF booker has tried and done... [B]Steve Flash[/B] - he basically is just an occasional jobber who is mostly there for training purposes. Which probably enrages a few readers who love Mr. Flash, but this is Supreme and not a cult promotion. He was at RIPW for the first few months, and came up just work some matches with the younger guys on the B show. Very similar to Pistol Pete Hall, and the success of Hall made me wonder if Flash could do the same. He'll always have value for me, in some capacity. He probably won't be on TV too much. [B]Bryan Holmes + JD Morgan[/B] - they aren't typical SWF workers (with Enforcer Roberts being the exception), but I like them at this point. For one, they fit in moreso with the direction I want to take the Legends brand. And two, they have the DaVE history. Though I could have grabbed a couple Menacing big guys and used them, it wouldn't add to the Tyler-Vibert storyline as well. [B]Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine[/B] - quite honestly, I look at them as one of the future cornerstones of my tag division. They are decently skilled, already have decent tag experience, and have a role simply due to the Four Kings stable. I don't intend to push them just yet, but they will have their time down the road. [B]Jay Chord[/B] - a guy I actually look back on as a questionable signing, to be honest. He still has value to me because he's formed a decent tag team with Parker, and they seem like they have a future. But Chord has a horrid attitude and that means he gets a short leash. He's only had one incident, to my memory, but he won't get a ton of chances. Yes, he's skilled enough to be a future superstar but that's not so rare to be worth it. Another one I'm considering... [B]Runaway Train[/B] - mainly because his contract is coming up before long. I had fully intended to resign him, simply because of his Menace and acting as Eric Eisen's bodyguard. He's pretty expensive for that role, but money is not the biggest concern for me at the moment. He doesn't have a great attitude and he's definitely not great in the ring, but that A* Menace sure is nice. So is the history, which I would lose if I replace him with someone barely known youngster with A Menace....
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I wouldn't get rid of Runaway Train, unless he starts getting displaced. I've played games where he didn't lose much or any popularity, but another worker simply went ahead in terms of popularity and displaced his main event spot, knocking him down to upper midcard status. Another question: I know you are high on ex-DAVE workers. Why haven't you hired Johnny Martin or Freddie Datsun? These two guys actually have decent star quality, and good performance skills. A side note: It seems that TCW managed to snap most of the popular AND talented workers: Eddie Peak, Joey Minnesota, Sammy Bach, and the New Wave (Guide and Scout), while SWF got Emma Chase, Brandon James, Jack Giedoroyc, and Kurt Laramee. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling has a lot of the rest: Mitch Naess (obviously), R.M. Stones, Alex Braun, JD Morgan, Johnny Martin, Tank Bradley, Teddy Powell, and the Wolverine. FCW has most of the lower card: Carl Batch, Shawn Gonzalez, Hell's Bouncer, Ryan Holland, and the Latino Kings (Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez, and Rudy Velasquez). Other than Carl Batch and Shawn Gonzalez, the rest I wouldn't even think about hiring. As for the rest who are employed, Acid moved to WLW, Chris Caulfield moved to USPW, Eric Tyler moved to CGC, Travis Century is touring with WEXXV, and Art Reed is touring with PGHW. Dallas McWade and Dean McWade both remain in NOTBPW, and Nathan Coleman remains in GCG. Cat Jemson and Vin Tanner are unemployed, while Nemesis and Phil Vibert are on hiatus. Indeed, it does look like TCW got the best deal.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;633692]I wouldn't get rid of Runaway Train, unless he starts getting displaced. I've played games where he didn't lose much or any popularity, but another worker simply went ahead in terms of popularity and displaced his main event spot, knocking him down to upper midcard status. Another question: I know you are high on ex-DAVE workers. Why haven't you hired Johnny Martin or Freddie Datsun? These two guys actually have decent star quality, and good performance skills.[/QUOTE] I always planned to keep Train around. Its just because his deal is coming up soon and I'm doing some house cleaning that I even concidering it, though. If money was tight, I would probably have to give it serious thought. But as it is, there really isn't enough reason to get rid of him. He has dropped out of the main event, but he's still in the upper midcard and I give him enough wins so he doesn't drop further. His role as Eisen's bodyguard helps, too. As for DaVE, its not so much that I'm high on them as its a natural storyline to use. I was actually going to avoid it initially, as bringing in Phil Vibert, Chris Caufield, and Eric Tyler was intended to make everyone expect it. I was going to tease it but not deliver it, at least not for a long while. That changed when the brand split came up. A brand split where both brands deliver the exact same thing seems useless to me, so I always wanted to differentiate the Legends brand. With my storyline presentation of Vibert being brought in by the "board of directors" to bring back the wrestling to the SWF, I thought it made perfect sense for Vibert try to create a brand that offered more tradition wrestling and a bit less of the storyline and drama. Like DaVE, I liked the idea of a slightly diversified product, hence the Sky Club Division and even the luchadores. When Tyler retired and I decided to make him GM, I figured it would make for a good twist to the whole thing, including the DaVE workers coming. Instead of just having some standard invasion angle (which could have been fun) as most would expect, I thought it was an ironic twist to have Tyler bring in the DaVE guys to try to keep Vibert from "turning the brand into DaVE" when all Vibert is really trying to do is the job he was hired to. It is a storyline that will be continuing for awhile, as I think it has some legs. As for Martin and Datsun, I did actually hire them both. I brought them in before The Supreme Challenge, along with Morgan and Alex Braun (PPA only) when I was first setting up the whole Tyler as GM idea. Morgan was originally going to be Martin's tag team partner, until Holmes became available and surprised me by signing with Supreme. They all worked dark matches and on Generation Supreme a bit. Datsun is at RIPW as a trainer right now. I ended up releasing both Martin and Braun when I first started cleaning up my roster a bit near the end of August. Either or both could be brought in at some point in the future, even if its just for a run in the storyline. But it will have to fit the storyline, as I don't want to bring them in just to bring them in. That's the kind of thing that got me into trouble in the first place with my roster size. Edit - as for where all the former DaVE workers ended up, I do think that TCW probably came out of it slightly ahead. They also have Shawn Gonzalez right now, who is doing pretty well for them. I tried to sign him but he couldn't/wouldn't - the whole PPA/written loop. I think TCW is a bit more natural for an actual DaVE invasion storyline, especially since they can sign Nemesis while with Supreme, you can't.
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Chord is feckless and need slapping around. I know that better than most. Maybe having him job to Morgan and the other Watchmen in dark matches would help his attitude - and skills? I adore Morgan, so would never advise losing him :) Train, I think, should be kept for his history if nothing else.
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As for TCW being more natural for a DAVE invasion I agree. Because TCW is rated equally on popularity and performance, a lot of the talented workers (that also have lower star quality), can do quite well in TCW. Some of the DAVE workers would be REALLY out of place in SWF, considering their low star quality. That said, I really feel that Brandon James fits better in TCW. I know SWF and TCW had bidding war for him, but I feel that he wasn't the best fit for SWF (though I can still push him easily). However, SWF sort of dropped the ball in this case. They roster is smaller than it should be. It's not like SWF didn't have money to get Eddie Peak, Sammy Bach, Joey Minnesota, and the New Wave. And if you ask me, kind of stupid they let Freddie Datsun go. With their roster being smaller than it should be, they had no reason NOT to go after them.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;633740]Chord is feckless and need slapping around. I know that better than most. Maybe having him job to Morgan and the other Watchmen in dark matches would help his attitude - and skills? I adore Morgan, so would never advise losing him :) Train, I think, should be kept for his history if nothing else.[/QUOTE] Does the discipline with Chord actually work? He's the kind of guy that I've just kind of assumed wouldn't take to attempts at discipline and would just end up hating me, much like Big Smack Scott. By the way, I really love the discussion that happens in this diary. I love the readers being active participants in a diary, rather than being restricted to simply reading and this is it. I suppose such discussion and debate could be annoying to those readers who do simply want to read and then move on. So if anyone dislikes all this, I apologize. But as the writer, I love it and find it very helpful. Another question, that I bring up because of the mention of young Jay Chord... What are people's thoughts on editing wrestler size? I try to stay away from the editor, because those "simple tweaks" can be tempting and really amount to cheating if they benefit you some way. But as far as I am aware, a wrestler's size is one of the only things that the game won't change at all. So a young middleweight is a middleweight for their entire career. Which isn't that realistic, when you concider it. So I have thought about doing the occassional size edit, for young guys who would build some muscle mass as they "grow into their body" and older guys who pack on some pounds as their bodies age. So if a lightweight youngster like Gino Montero is edited to be a middleweight at some point with the idea that he's worked on his size to help is SWF career, would anyone have major issue with it? Obviously a rare and minor thing, but I'm curious as to people's thoughts.
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I Guess it depends on how tall they are, for me. If they are 6'0" and are a lightweight, upping to middleweight isn't much of an issue. I mean, too much weight for a shorter guy isn't going to look too well, unless they have a hellish and/or unique physical training. And if I remember correctly, isn't Jay Chord anti-social? That's actually a very bad quality, because he isn't going to be easily pressured by other people. At least Big Smack Scott does what he does because he thinks it gets him over - he thinks, in his twisted mind, that being a roided out freak is what people want to see. He does what he does to get a response out of a people - whether the response is good or bad. Jay Chord doesn't give a !@#$%^ what others think of him. You have to work on his anti-social tendencies, selfishness, AND ego. That's a tall order.
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A side note on the Steve Flash question: in early 2011 in my save, an A momentum, A* overness Steve Flash just took the SWF championship off previous champ Rich Money. Match rating was A. It won't last long, and was mostly a can-I-do-this/thankyou push, but for the past six months I've had Flash as a main event face in SWF (he speaks only through the medium of Tamara McFly, who has FINALLY learned to talk). After this? Defence against the retiring Train and then Vengeance will more or less destroy him, leading to a vacated title. Six more months and Flash will be in RIPW, where I predict with his current overness he'll rapidly be champ, and will be boosting segment ratings for a while.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;633743]As for TCW being more natural for a DAVE invasion I agree. Because TCW is rated equally on popularity and performance, a lot of the talented workers (that also have lower star quality), can do quite well in TCW. Some of the DAVE workers would be REALLY out of place in SWF, considering their low star quality. That said, I really feel that Brandon James fits better in TCW. I know SWF and TCW had bidding war for him, but I feel that he wasn't the best fit for SWF (though I can still push him easily). However, SWF sort of dropped the ball in this case. They roster is smaller than it should be. It's not like SWF didn't have money to get Eddie Peak, Sammy Bach, Joey Minnesota, and the New Wave. And if you ask me, kind of stupid they let Freddie Datsun go. With their roster being smaller than it should be, they had no reason NOT to go after them.[/QUOTE] I've always thought of DaVE as closer to Total. Just my perception, but that's how I've always looked at it. I think that Big Cat fits Supreme and Total about equally. He's not quite perfect for either. He's not quite menacing enough to be a true monster heel in the SWF, plus they have that role filled already well (more than once). In TCW, his skills are not quite ideal either - much like Tyson Baine, he can main event but giving him a world title run would have to be booked carefully. As for the rest, I do think The New Wave are more suited to TCW, as they lack anything to truly get over with beyond talent. Emma Chase could succed with either. Jack Giedroyc could probably do quite well with either, though his Star Quality makes him almost a sure star in the SWF. Laramee went to the SWF before the death of DaVE, but I'm guess he's best suited for Surpeme, just becuase his best asset is his Entertainment skills. Sammy Back and Joey Minnesota would be superstars for either promotion, I think. The are two guys I would love to land with Supreme. With his talent and Star Quality, Back could be the lightweight superstar that the SWF seems to be lacking (unless you think Eric Eisen or Bart Biggz count...). As for Eddie Peak, he's a bit of a tough call. He has good Star Quality, Menace, and I'm pretty sure he has solid Entertainment skills. He should be able to succeed in the SWF based on that. But would his style go over? I think it could work - and I desperately want to sign him to try - but I'm not absolutely certain. I almost see him as a new version of Nemesis, even though he's obviously a different type of worker. I do think Peak usually does well in Total, even if he doesn't end up as world champion. As for the undersized SWF roster, I've always wondered about that. I've alwyas just kind of assumed it was so that Supreme would add some new blood (even if its older new blood) at the start of every game. I just wish there was a bit more variety to who they signed rather than the same couple of workers every time.
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That makes me wonder - how much does Star Quality/Sex Appeal/Menace correlate with popularity? It's obvious that Overness CAN be more than one's Star Quality/Sex Appeal/Menace. And I'm pretty sure Star Quality/Sex Appeal/Menace is very closely related to what's minimum popularity one can get, and how fast popularity is gained. But generally speaking how do you know if someone with low Star Quality has a high popularity cap? [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;633763]I've always thought of DaVE as closer to Total. Just my perception, but that's how I've always looked at it. I think that Big Cat fits Supreme and Total about equally. He's not quite perfect for either. He's not quite menacing enough to be a true monster heel in the SWF, plus they have that role filled already well (more than once). In TCW, his skills are not quite ideal either - much like Tyson Baine, he can main event but giving him a world title run would have to be booked carefully. As for the rest, I do think The New Wave are more suited to TCW, as they lack anything to truly get over with beyond talent. Emma Chase could succed with either. Jack Giedroyc could probably do quite well with either, though his Star Quality makes him almost a sure star in the SWF. Laramee went to the SWF before the death of DaVE, but I'm guess he's best suited for Surpeme, just becuase his best asset is his Entertainment skills. Sammy Back and Joey Minnesota would be superstars for either promotion, I think. The are two guys I would love to land with Supreme. With his talent and Star Quality, Back could be the lightweight superstar that the SWF seems to be lacking (unless you think Eric Eisen or Bart Biggz count...). As for Eddie Peak, he's a bit of a tough call. He has good Star Quality, Menace, and I'm pretty sure he has solid Entertainment skills. He should be able to succeed in the SWF based on that. But would his style go over? I think it could work - and I desperately want to sign him to try - but I'm not absolutely certain. I almost see him as a new version of Nemesis, even though he's obviously a different type of worker. I do think Peak usually does well in Total, even if he doesn't end up as world champion. As for the undersized SWF roster, I've always wondered about that. I've alwyas just kind of assumed it was so that Supreme would add some new blood (even if its older new blood) at the start of every game. I just wish there was a bit more variety to who they signed rather than the same couple of workers every time.[/QUOTE] Eddie Peak's style? I think he's good enough that he's going to get over. And considering he could easily adjust his style to either being a regular wrestler or an entertainer (as opposed to being brawler, who actually only do a bit worse than regular wrestlers), he can do fine. I definitely see Eddie Peak as championship material.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;633768]That makes me wonder - how much does Star Quality/Sex Appeal/Menace correlate with popularity? It's obvious that Overness CAN be more than one's Star Quality/Sex Appeal/Menace. And I'm pretty sure Star Quality/Sex Appeal/Menace is very closely related to what's minimum popularity one can get, and how fast popularity is gained. But generally speaking how do you know if someone with low Star Quality has a high popularity cap?[/QUOTE] Keep pushing them and see where it stalls out? SQ is, I believe, a factor that influences the Destiny stat to some small degree, as does Potential. I think Destiny determines the overness cap - so if they're a Next Big Thing, then you might have something. Or they might be pushed too high in your small promotion to feature in it. Or you might get someone who's got a high Destiny and a high cap, but who's outranked by higher-SQ workers.
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In my opinion Eddie Peak is one of the most underrated and overlooked wrestlers in the Cornellverse, just like Big Cat Brandon. And of the "Next biggest thing"; You can manipulate the view by manually pushing people in different pushes momentarily, to see who's in the list and what information it gives to you. :)
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;633772]Keep pushing them and see where it stalls out? SQ is, I believe, a factor that influences the Destiny stat to some small degree, as does Potential. I think Destiny determines the overness cap - so if they're a Next Big Thing, then you might have something. Or they might be pushed too high in your small promotion to feature in it. Or you might get someone who's got a high Destiny and a high cap, but who's outranked by higher-SQ workers.[/QUOTE] I generally find that people with high SQ seem to be able to be reach to at least their SQ. For example, if the SQ is B-, then their minimum popularity cap is B-. That's the least they reach.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;633757]I Guess it depends on how tall they are, for me. If they are 6'0" and are a lightweight, upping to middleweight isn't much of an issue. I mean, too much weight for a shorter guy isn't going to look too well, unless they have a hellish and/or unique physical training. And if I remember correctly, isn't Jay Chord anti-social? That's actually a very bad quality, because he isn't going to be easily pressured by other people. At least Big Smack Scott does what he does because he thinks it gets him over - he thinks, in his twisted mind, that being a roided out freak is what people want to see. He does what he does to get a response out of a people - whether the response is good or bad. Jay Chord doesn't give a !@#$%^ what others think of him. You have to work on his anti-social tendencies, selfishness, AND ego. That's a tall order.[/QUOTE] Height is definitely something I would consider, but I don't know if there's any way to check "official" heights for newer workers. I would definitely try to do things realistically, and its something I want to work into the diary in backstage terms as well. If nothing else, I think an on-and-off screen storyline of a worker in their late 30s getting soft and doughy could be great fun. Yeah, Chord isn't just a slightly negative personality - he's all very very negative. If you're lucky, he doesn't also have a negative personality trait. Can you imagine dealing Jay Chord and his personality if he also had a major steroid abuse problem? He could make Big Smack Scott look like a fun-loving angel... [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;633762]A side note on the Steve Flash question: in early 2011 in my save, an A momentum, A* overness Steve Flash just took the SWF championship off previous champ Rich Money. Match rating was A. It won't last long, and was mostly a can-I-do-this/thankyou push, but for the past six months I've had Flash as a main event face in SWF (he speaks only through the medium of Tamara McFly, who has FINALLY learned to talk). After this? Defence against the retiring Train and then Vengeance will more or less destroy him, leading to a vacated title. Six more months and Flash will be in RIPW, where I predict with his current overness he'll rapidly be champ, and will be boosting segment ratings for a while.[/QUOTE] That. Is. Awesome. So many readers would love that, just for the sheer fun factor behind it. Flash seems to be a beloved CV character. I did consider giving him something of a push, and it may still happen down the road, but I figure I have enough veterans at the top right now. I do need to have some younger guys get up there into the main event to make the entire Generation Supreme storyline work... Though it wasn't really intended, Pistol Pete Hall is sorta getting that kind of push right now. The "accidental superstar", at least so far. He's proof that even in the SWF, sheer quality of matches can move you up the card. Even when they are losses. Hall doesn't have outstanding Star Quality or Entertainment skills, yet after his loss to Money, he now auto-pushes to main event. Not something I intended to have happen with him and no idea how long he'll keep going, but its pretty fun at the moment. [QUOTE=ampulator;633768]Eddie Peak's style? I think he's good enough that he's going to get over. And considering he could easily adjust his style to either being a regular wrestler or an entertainer (as opposed to being brawler, who actually only do a bit worse than regular wrestlers), he can do fine. I definitely see Eddie Peak as championship material.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=FINisher;633780]In my opinion Eddie Peak is one of the most underrated and overlooked wrestlers in the Cornellverse, just like Big Cat Brandon. And of the "Next biggest thing"; You can manipulate the view by manually pushing people in different pushes momentarily, to see who's in the list and what information it gives to you. :)[/QUOTE] I would expect Peak to succeed in Supreme. I'm sure I could have him as a global superstar and world champion in short order. I just won't say he absolutely would succeed, as I haven't tested it. And I do agree that Peak is overlooked, Fin. The TCW game I want to start quite badly would feature him as a key player and quite possibly the man to take the world title away from Cornell. Peak is one of the guys I covet most. Him and the rest of the "TCW foursome" of Cornell, Sammy Bach, and Joey Minnesota probably make up the top five of guys I would love to sign the most, with those four probably making up the top five. Samoan Machine is in there as well. Guys like Sean McFly are obviously targets, but I like those five are not only very talented but relatively young. I really don't need them, in the basic sense, but I would love to add them to the Supreme Wrestling Federation.
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