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This dynasty is based off the RIPVKM mod, which I started using ECW as a way to recreate what Nevermore has done for his rendition of ECW. So this diary could also be described as a honage to his great booking skills. In game time I am up to June 2010, so this diary will definitly last, which can't be said for some of my other attempts. Probably because I wasn't as in to them in game, but this game, I have fallen in love with :p. This diary starts back in September 2008. So without further ado...
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[B][CENTER]After Vince's death, everyone was made well aware that Heyman had got ECW back. But what was he going to do with it? First of all, Legion's of hardcore fanboys kept visiting news sites every 10-15 minutes to check if there was any update. None. Days went past, less and less started visiting, nothing. The days rolled on and the return of ECW didn't seem as imminent as it once did. Fans were starting to accept the fact that ECW was dead. They gathered that Heyman bought ECW back just to save more memories being ruined in the rotting carcus of a WWE brand. And just as it got to the point where ECW [U]WASN'T[/U] coming back, the landscape of hardcore wrestling was majorly tilted for the first time since 2001. For the first time since ECW went belly up.[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Other%20Pics/ECWWebpage.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Hackers. Nothing but foolish hackers many smarks would tell each other. Its all BS. Isn't it? There was only one way to find out (and as quoted by ecw.com)...attend the f*cking event![/CENTER][/B]
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Guess who's f*cking back! *[I]This is just the opening to the show*[/I] [B][CENTER]The Manhattan Center had never seen anything like it. Never had there been such rapturous support for anything ever held there. This is in a building that has held Motörhead, Jay-Z and Fatboy Slim, yet still, the rabid ECW Fans, who of course had to purchase their tickets prehand for a great sum of money, could have sold the whole damn building out, the atmosphere was that electric. After half an hour of tickets being collected, many fans were getting impatient. Then the door opened and the 1000 ,to be exact, fans were lead into a pitch black room. ECW chants broke out, and then all went quite as one small, white ray of light split down the middle of the ballroom. The ring was glimpsed upon very quickly, blink and you'll miss it. A second beam of light struck down the center. Then another and another and another, and then black. The old ECW music then hit and the light's were slowly and slowly turned up and up until the whole arena was showing. The ring, the announce desk and the old stage area. It was all there. Silence struck for a moment, the fans perhaps overwhelmed that it was real. ECW was back! ECW was back? ECW [U]WAS[/U] back!! And just when it couldn't get anymore emotional...[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The fan's all around the arena were booming out with noise, noises they haven't been able to boom out with for more than 7 years. EEE SEE DUB! EEE SEE DUB! Paul Heyman strutting down to the ring, soaking up all the noise, knowing that with just one phrase out of his intellectualy masterful accumilation of words, the ECW fans would go into a frenzy. Those words?...[/CENTER][/B] [B]Paul[/B]...ECW IS BACK!! [I]*The crowd lapped it up, going crazy.*[/I] [B]Paul[/B] I don't think you heard me, I said, ECW IS BACK!! [I]*The crowd go from crazy to absoloutely bananas*[/I] [B]Paul[/B] I SAID, ECW IS BACK!! [I]*The crowd are going apesh*t, gooesbumps can be felt, as Paul nearly bursts into tears, knowing that the new era is upon us.*[/I] [B]Paul[/B] Please, I just want to talk about a couple of things. First of all, this is no joke. ECW is back. Before we didn't have the funding, now we do. And y'know, it was only 7 and a half years ago I was in this ring, moping around, not knowing what was around the corner, not only regarding ECW and my job. Not only regarding all the wrestler's in the back, who hadn't had a payday for almost 2 years because we just couldn't afford it. I was regarding mine, and I know all of your's damn lives! ECW is my life!...I was biting my nails...I was biting my nails, in a room, negotiating with the..well I guess I can't saythat anymore because he's dead, but by golly I was negotiating with the devil's protege himself, Vince McMahon, knowing that ECW was coming to an end. Everyone had thought it, but nobody had ever said it. The countdown was reducing by a second each second, the clocks were ticking. ECW was dead. Or so everybody thought, everbody but Vince. See, he decided to bring ECW back, to make fun of my legacy. Our legacy. I would stand in a WWF ring, talking some stupid scripted promo about ECW, written by someone who never even heard the letters E C W, let alone breathed ECW like me. It was just generic sh*t that may as well have been written by a f*cking monkey, or Vince f*cking Russo. Then the Federation went lower, jobbing guys like Dreamer, Sandman, Rhino out to jacked up freaks who think the meaning of hardcore is the pun of a Joel Gertner joke. Guys, who couldn't powerbomb somebody without breaking their neck, let alone through a damn ablaze table covered in tacks! And then, just to kick us in the balls, ECW was merged with WCf*ckingW. Are you kidding me? But enough of the past. ECW is no longer the past. ECW is the future. But let's get things straight, the old firm are still here. Sandman, Sabu, Raven, Dreamer and the rest. Y'know why they're here? They said f*ck you WCW, WWF and TNA, this is our f*cking home. This is where we belong. We're ECW through and through, noone, not even Vince from down there, can take that away from us. These are guys that live, eat, sleep ECW. These guys [U]ARE[/U] ECW. But, some of those guys are getting on abit. There not all spring chickens. We need new extremists. New extremists to carry ECW into the next generation and so on. People like Mistico, The Motor City Machine Guns, Bryan Danielson, Shelton Benjamin, the Thomaselli's and plenty more which I have failed to mention, that will be moulding this company into a new shape. They will be pushing it into a new era. A new era which not only begins tonight, but continues every Thursday, because ECW is back on the box! Forget the old ECW, the next generation of wrestling is ECW. ECW is the next generation of wrestling. The future is ECW. ECW IS THE FUTURE!! [I]*Paul Heyman then left the ring to 'Thank you Paul' chants and after he was into the back, ECW's theme played loud and proud on the speakers in the ballroom, then emerging from the back to the ring came two of ECW's staples.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/CactusJack.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Joey[/B] Thanks alot, and I guess i'm here to welcome you back to ECW, alongside my commentating partner, Cactus Jack - Mick Foley. [B]Mick[/B] Hey, thanks alot Joey, man I'm so pumped for tonight and for ECW in general as we look to drive forward with the company that was so good to us. [B]Joey[/B] That's right Mick, and like you said, tonight is going to be huge! We got the Motor City Machine Guns taking on fellow ECW debutants The Briscoe Brothers in tag team action. [B]Mick[/B] Plus, we got old school vs new school. Its ECW origional Jerry Lynn squaring off with Bryan Danielson. Aswell as that, we've got what could be a potential show stealer as another 2 ECW debutants face off, but don't let that fool you, both have plenty of ring experience. One in more ways than the other, as former UFC star Ken Shamrock takes on Shelton Benjamin! [B]Joey[/B] Oh yeah, that's going to be one hell of a battle between two athletic gods. But I have to say, I've got my eye on one, if not two matches in particular. The first is our sub-main event, in what will be a real gritty, straight up, show the world what we're about match between two faces of ECW, two wrestlers that without, ECW may never have been as popular as it ever was. It's going to be Sabu vs The Sandman! [B]Mick[/B] That's right, and I can't wait for that one. But the main event is something else, isn't it Joey? [B]Joey[/B] That's right, and it's pointless hyping it up so much, because we all know it is going to be absoloute gold, between another two ECW origionals. Not only that, but it's for the vacant ECW Championship. The proper one aswell, not the sh*tty Mark Henry sweat covered, plastic silver belt. The real ECW Belt. And the match for the title will be between...Raven and 'Mr ECW' Rob Van Dam! [B]Mick[/B] Holey Sh*t! [B]Joey[/B] Oh yeah, but without further ado, out first contest of the evening, to kick off the new era of extreme, another old school vs new school battle, as 'Little Guido' Nunzio will take on a man who is making his American debut, the man with no fear, it's the always amazing Mistico!
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Guess who's f*cking back (The rest)! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JamesMaritato.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/Mistico.jpg[/IMG] The crowd are hot for the first match of the new ECW era. And the action doesn't dissapoint, as Mistico looks good in his first match on American soil. A solid, and at times spectacular affair on the part of Mistico, the match did it's job in warming the crowd, and when it was all said and done, Nunzio wrapped things up with an Arriverderci. [B]Winner: Nunzio in 6:58. Match Rating: C[/B] ------------------------------ [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/MotorCityMachineGuns.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/TheBriscoeBrothers.jpg[/IMG] From one match, straight into another. No tag team titles have been announced yet, but you have to think that the winner of this match will certainly have a valid claim to those belts. As it were, The Briscoe's just fell short to some great team work by the Guns, with the match ending after Sabin hit Jay with a Future Shock. [B]Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns in 9:43. Match Rating: D[/B] Post match, The Motor City Machine Guns pick up microphones. [B]Sabin[/B] Now, I know we've not been here long, but I think we have already earned our tag team title shot when they are reinstated. [B]Shelley[/B] Damn right Chris, hell, we're unbeaten in ECW! [B]Sabin[/B] And Paul, I know you probably have alot on due to this being the first night ECW has officially been back but, would you please, please... [B]Shelley[/B]...please, please, please... [B]Sabin[/B] Give us some competition, because those sucka's we just beat... [B]Shelley[/B] They simply weren't good enough, and were no match for the awesomeness of... [B]Both[/B] The Motor City Machine Guns. ------------------------------ Once the Machine Guns leave the ring, Jerry Lynn comes out for his match with Bryan Danielson... [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JerryLynn.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/BryanDanielson.jpg[/IMG] Bryan played the heel in this match, where he taunted the crowd, and at times tried to show up Jerry Lynn by taunting him and just generally taking the p*ss out of him. As far as the wrestling, despite Lynn's age, he kept up to Danielson, but Danielson was just too much for Lynn and after escaping an attempted Cradle Piledriver attempt, Danielson hooked Lynn in for a Cattle Mutilation, forcing Lynn to submit. [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson in 14:16 Match Rating: D+[/B] [B]Styles[/B] A hard fought victory there for Bryan Danielson, and he looks like he's got something to say. [B]Danielson[/B] That is just opponent number 1. That is just ECW origional number 1. You see, it's about damn time the old, washed up ECW origionals handed the limelight over to the new origionals like myself. [B]Mick[/B] Dude, did he just call himself a new origional? [B]Styles[/B] More to the point, what the hell is a new origional :confused:? [B]Danielson[/B] I am not going to stop until I have rid ECW of all of it's origionals. Lynn is the first, who's next? [B]Styles[/B] Dude, did he just say who's next? [B]Mick[/B] More to the point, f*ck WCW. [B]Joey[/B] lol. [B]Danielson[/B] So, before I leave you to watch some sh*tty wrestlers eat each others blood like sharks on dog food, here is your last chance to get a glimpse of me, the new origional, Bryan Danielson. Now I shall leave you, but not before I leave you with these words...Bryan Danielson Rocks! Now I bid you, fairwell. *Danielson leaves as Foley and Styles look at each other puzzled.* [B]Styles[/B] Well, at any rate, next up we have a potential show stealer. Ken Shamrock will take on Shelton Benjamin! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/KenShamrock.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/SheltonBenjamin2.jpg[/IMG] A great match between two great athletes. Shamrock looked to win it early, locking in Shelton with the Ankle Lock, but after a great bit of rescilience, Shelton managed to squirm his way out of it. With both men on their feet, aswell as the crowd, both worker's went all out, and the match took a nice shape. The match hit the 10 minute mark, and the match was still very even, then out of nowhere, Ken managed to lock in the ankle lock yet again. After almost 2 minutes, Ken let Shelton go, and left the ring...before returning with a steel chair. Ken pulled the chair above his head, looking to smash it down on Shelton's ankle, but Benjamin rolled out, and hit a superkick out of nowhere. The match took abit of a rest from there, with both worker's down. The fans were still on their feet when both men got up, and started teeing off at each other, one shot then another, taking it in turns. Benjamin then ducked out of a Shamrock left hand, and went for the superkick. Unfotunatly for Shelton, Ken caught his foot, and for the third time in the match applied the ankle lock. Third time lucky for Ken, Shelton couldn't find a way out, and was forced to tap out. [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 17:50 Match Rating: C-[/B] [B]Styles[/B] What a performance by both Ken and Shelton tonight, they looked on fire in their ECW debuts. [B]Mick[/B] Too right Joey, that match could have gone either way, but Ken's experience and expertee's just pipped Shelton at the last hurdle. [B]Styles[/B] Well, from two ECW debutants, to two superstars who have probably had more hardcore matches than any one else in the world. It's Sabu vs Sandman, next! [B]Mick[/B] Man I'm stoked! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/Sabu3.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/Sandman.jpg[/IMG] As far as violence goes, this mach did not dissapoint one bit. Both origional's showed no ring rust whatsoever, and their thirst for blood being still second to none. Except maybe each other. Sandman used his cane quite a fair bit during the match, and at one point even wrapped it in barbed wire. Not only was the cane barb wired up, but at one point Sandman attempted to set it alight, until Sabu managed to steal the lighter Sandman was using. Sabu then shoved the lighter down his boot. After the tussle continued for a while, Sabu gained the upper hand. He placed Sandman on the announcers desk, and from the top rope, Sabu lept with a steel chair and delivered a leg drop to Sandman. Sabu rolled Sandman back in the ring to inflict more pain, but Sandman managed to find a way back into the match, and at one point hit Sabu with a Heineken-rana! The Sandman then went to lift Sabu up and maybe finish him off with a White Russian Legsweep. Sabu, however, pulled the lighter out of his boot that Sandman tried using earlier to light his cane. He then proceeded to burn and 'blind' The Sandman. How many times have we heard that one before? With The Sandman down and out, Sabu set up a chair, followed by a Triple Jump Moonsault to the prone Sandman. That was enough for the 3 count. [B]Winner: Sabu in 15:20 Match Rating: C-[/B] [B]Styles[/B] Wow, that match did not dissapoint! [B]Mick[/B] Definitly Joey, fantastic back and forth action by two of the greatest in ECW. [B]Styles[/B] Two of the, but not [I]the[/I] two. [B]Mick[/B] That's right, because I happen to know two people who would disagree with you about that. [B]Joey[/B] Oh yeah? [B]Mick[/B] Yeah! [B]Joey[/B] They wouldn't happen to be the two wrestlers in our main event would they? [B]Mick[/B] They certainly would, because tonight for the vacant ECW World Championship... [B]Styles[/B] It's going to be Raven vs Rob Van Dam! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG] *[I]Heyman's music hits and he comes to ringside to do commentary with Joey and Mick.[/I] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Other%20Pics/ECWWorldHeavyweight3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RAVEN2.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] The fans can sence something in the air as both men come to the ring. There's an undeniable taste of optism in the ballroom. One main event. If everything goes right then this day will truely be golden and will have the cream on the cake it deserves. If this match goes badly, then can ECW's new generation really be taken seriously, if there old, reliable generation can't even put on a good match? Fortunatly, the match is undoubtedly one which any promotion would welcome. A fantastic effort by both men, really solidifying there place at the top of the card. But back to the beginning, a collar and elbow tie up. Neither men wanting to give anything up, not budging an inch. RVD looks to be getting the advantage when Raven cuts his losses and cheaply gives RVD a thumb to the eye, resulting in a chorus of boo's from the fans. Raven then goes for a lowblow, but RVD scouts it and sweeps Raven's leg, bringing the crowd to their feet. The match continues in this fashion for a while, with both trying to counter each other, and Raven blatantly cheating. Raven then introduces a steel chair to the match, and wraps it around RVD's head, busting him wide open. Raven then sets the tone for the match as he grinds down Van Dam, not before introducing even more weapons, including an iron. Raven starts to get c0cky however, and after taunting RVD, he takes his eye of the game to start taunting Paul Heyman at ringside, which brings him allsorts of catcalls from the fans. Raven then goes over to RVD, who starts a fight back, culminating with an enzeiguri, rolling thunder and split-legged moonsault. Rob Van Dam then wishes to seal the victory, and goes up top looking for his pattented 5 Star Frog Splash. Just as he goes to leap, however, Paul Heyman himself jumps from the commentary position and pushes Rob off the top tope! [B]Styles[/B] OH MY GAWD! (There had to be one :p) The fans are booing the sh*t out of Heyman, apparently the booing could be heard in New Jersey! RVD's neck snapped back off the ring ropes, and Raven zoned in on the victory, hitting a lowblow, followed up with a Raven Effect DDT for the 3 count and the title. [B]Winner: Raven in 15:34 Match Rating: B[/B] [B]Joey[/B] Holy sh*t! Heyman just sold out RVD, I...I can't believe this. [B]Mick[/B] Not only did he sell him out, but he robbed him of the championship, RVD had this match won! [B]Joey[/B] To make it worse, he was sitting here just 10 minutes ago hyping RVD up as the greatest extremist ever, and now he's...he's...oh f*ck it. F*ck you Heyman...what the f*ck. [B]Mick[/B] Calm down Joey, I'm sure Heyman did this for a reason, or for the good of the company, coz if not... [B]Joey[/B] If not then he's just tainted ECW's first PPV since being free. Damn it! What a slimey little f*ck! [B]Mick[/B] And on that note, I think we should end it here. Thank you everybody who ordered this, and everybody who has supported us through the bad and good, and everybody who has supported us... [B]Joey[/B] Yeah, like Heyman...that greasey little f*ck. [B]Mick[/B] through the thick and thin. We have a new ECW Champion, his name is Raven, my name's Mick Foley, and he's... [B]Joey[/B]...p*ssed off! [B]Mick[/B]...and he's Joey, goodnight everybody. [B]Joey[/B] Yeah, night. [SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"][B]END OF SHOW - SHOW RATING C+[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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This has to be the best out of the three new ECW dynasty's going right now. I am liking the Heyman and Raven alliance instead of someone like Show and Heyman. But Raven I have a feeling will keep the belt for a long long time. Good first show you embodied ECW with your show. Just keep it up.
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[QUOTE=ECWRulz32;496477]This has to be the best out of the three new ECW dynasty's going right now. I am liking the Heyman and Raven alliance instead of someone like Show and Heyman. But Raven I have a feeling will keep the belt for a long long time. Good first show you embodied ECW with your show. Just keep it up.[/QUOTE] Hey, my first reader :). Thanks alot mate and we'll see what happens :D.
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Thursday, Week 4, September 2008. [CENTER][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Other%20Pics/ECFNW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/CactusJack.jpg[/IMG] [B]Styles[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight is going to be an extra ordinary night, as Television finally welcomes back Extreme Championship Wrestling! [B]Mick[/B] That's right Joey, we are back! And I can't wait for tonight! But incase you missed it, last Sunday, ECW made it's official return, and on a night of crazy goings on, Raven left as the ECW World Champion. Let's take a look at Guess Who's F*cking Back! [I]*A video plays, recapping what happened last Sunday on ECW's return with Guess Who's F*cking Back.*[/I] [B]Joey[/B] I still can't believe that worm Heyman, selling RVD and ECW out like that. But why? [B]Mick[/B] Well, I think we are going to find out later on, as Paul Heyman wishes to adress his actions tonight! [B]Joey[/B] It best be for a damn good reason. [B]Mick[/B] Not only that, but Heyman will no doubt be accompanying Raven tonight, who will defend his ECW World Title against Mistico, who made his debut last Sunday! [B]Joey[/B] Let's just hope he doesn't fall to Raven like he did Nunzio then eh. [B]Mick[/B] Certainly, but first up, the man who calls himself the 'new origional' will take on an ECW origional, and all round old school wrestler, Steve Corino. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/BryanDanielson.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/SteveCorino.jpg[/IMG] Steve put up a valiant effort, but it wasn't really much of a contest, and when Bryan locked in the Cattle Mutilation, Corino was out for the count. [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson in 10:19 Match Rating: C[/B] [B]Mick[/B] Well, there you have it, another impressive victory for the 'new origional' Bryan Danielson. [B]Joey[/B] Yes, very impressive, he looks like he could make waves in this company, but, unfortunatly for us, it looks like he isn't going to settle with just the victory. He's grabbed a microphone, let's see what he has to say. [B]Bryan[/B] That's right. Another old school superstar falls prey to the man who releatively soon is going to be ECW Champ by default, because I will have taken everybody on the whole damn roster out. And if you didn't know, i'm talking about myself. [B]Joey[/B] What an arse! [B]Mick[/B] Why are you even looking at his arse? [B]Bryan[/B] That's right, the man who is unbeaten in ECW. The man who has already taken out 2. Count 'em 2, ECW origionals. The man who critics have cited as 'The greatest technical wrestler on the face of this globe'. The man who is the 'New Origional'. And before I go, I leave you with one more chance to get a glimpse of Bryan Danielson. Now I bid you fairwell, but not before uttering these words...Bryan Danielson... [B]A voice from the back[/B] Sucks horse d*ck. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [I]*Tommy Dreamer emerges from the back to a huge pop.*[/I] [B]Dreamer[/B] May I just say it feels great to be back home! [I]*The fans pop loudly yet again*[/I] [B]Dreamer[/B] But when I come home, I find some stuck up little kid running around my ring, claiming he is the greatest this company has ever seen, simply because he has defeated two well respected veterans but they were never truely ECW origionals. None the less, you claim to be ridding ECW of all of it's origionals? That will never happen, and you know why? Because you will never take me out of ECW. You will never take ECW out of me. ECW is my life, hardcore is the way I choose to live. No-one can take that away from me, especially not a young kid who has never had a true hardcore match in his life! [I]*The crowd pops as Danielson intervenes.*[/I] [B]Danielson[/B] Your on! [B]Dreamer[/B] What? [B]Danielson[/B] I'm not going rid ECW till i've gotten rid of the heart and soul which would be you. And you'll never accept me till i've had a hardcore match? Well how about you and me in a hardcore match at our next PPV, One Extreme Rodeo! [B]Mick[/B] Wow that'd be huge! [B]Joey[/B] Yeah! And I can't wait for Tommy to kick Bryan's arse all over the ring! [B]Mick[/B] Wow, you really like Danielson's arse don't you! [B]Joey[/B] Oh, shut up. [B]Dreamer[/B] I gotta' hand it to you kid, you got balls, just no brains. [B]Danielson[/B] Yeah, and you've got brains...but no balls! [I]*Danielson swung his leg straight into the crotch area of Dreamer, causing Dreamer to double over in pain. Danielson then locked Dreamer in the Cattle Mutilation. After several seconds, road agents and officials stormed the ring to pride Danielson off of Tommy. Danielson then left on his own accord, grinning all the way to the back.*[/I] [B]Mick[/B] Man, what a coward that man is! [B]Joey[/B] Yeah, but I wouldn't start what you can't finish Bryan, cause Tommy will be after you from now on, and he won't stop at anything till he gets his hands on you! [B]Mick[/B] Amen Joey. [B]Joey[/B] Well next up, we have Ken Shamrock taking on Jay Briscoe in one on one action. Ken, who defeated Shelton Benjamin at Guess who's f*cking back. Jay Briscoe, who lost a tag team match with his brother Mark Briscoe at Guess Who's F*cking Back against the Motor City Machine Guns. [B]Mick[/B] Form says Ken, but who will come out on top? [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/KenShamrock.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JayBriscoe2-1.jpg[/IMG] A surprisingly poor affair between two rather decent technical wrestlers to say the least. The formbook came out on top in this one when Ken forced Jay to tap with the Ankle Lock. [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 06:01 Match Rating: D-[/B] [I]*The camera's cut to the back where Brandon, Salvatore and Vito Thomaselli are walking backstage*[/I] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/BrandonThomaselli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/SalvatoreThomaselli-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/U-Z/VitoThomaselli-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vito[/B] Dude, did you see those damn Machine Guns last week, thinking they're all that. Man, I think we could take 'em. [B]Sal[/B] Take 'em? We'd whoop they're asses all over that there ring. [B]Brandon[/B] No doubt bro, but just who do they think they are demanding shots like they're going out of fashion. Yeah, they won one match, but we still haven't had our chance to shine yet. [B]Vito[/B] Talk of the devils. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/AlexShelley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sabin[/B] You seriously think you could take us? [B]Shelley[/B] Man, we'd run so many rings around you, you'd look like the olympic [U]flag[/U] [B]Sabin[/B] There's no way you could beat us in a straight up two on two [U]tag[/U] [B]Shelley[/B] You think you could take us? That's just plain [U]daft[/U] [B]Sabin[/B] We'll make you fall to your knees faster than your's mum on our [U]shaft[/U] [B]Vito[/B] OK, that does it. [I]*Vito went to strike Sabin, but was pulled back by his brothers, as the Machine Guns walk off*[/I] [B]Brandon[/B] Let's just leave this to the [U]ring[/U] [B]Salvatore[/B] Yeah, coz when the bell goes [U]ping[/U] we're gunna [U]win[/U] [I]*Brandon and Vito just stare at their brother blankly*[/I] [B]Brandon[/B] Shutup. [B]Salvatore[/B] Sorry bro, they just got me in the mood. [B]Brandon[/B] I thought I said shutup. [B]Salvatore[/B] But... [B]Brandon[/B] Shutup. [B]Salvatore[/B] But... [B]Brandon[/B] Shutup. [B]Salvatore[/B] You shutup. [B]Brandon[/B] No, you shutup. [B]Salvatore[/B] No, you shutup. [B]Brandon[/B] You shut up. [B]Vito[/B] Shut the f*ck up both of you! [B]Brandon[/B] :eek: You said a swear word! [B]Vito and Salvatore[/B] SHUTUP! ------------------------------ [B]Mick[/B] Haha, those Thomaselli brothers crack me up. [B]Joey[/B] Me too, they're so disfunctional! [B]Mick[/B] Yeah. Well, at any rate, Shelton Benjamin, who just lost out to Ken Shamrock at Guess Who's F*cking Back, will challenge Nigel McGuiness in his ECW debut. And that match is next! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/SheltonBenjamin2.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/NigelMcGuinness.jpg[/IMG] Shelton and Nigel really gave it their all in a relativley short, but ever fantastic technical affair. It really stole the show to say it was so under hyped. The back and forth encounter really saw each wrestler bring the best out of eachother, but when it was all said and done, a Dragon Whip out of nowhere enabled Shelton to pick up the victory. [B]Winner: Shelton Benjamin in 08:22 Match Rating: C[/B] [B]Joey[/B] Wow, that match was fantastic! [B]Mick[/B] I've got to agree with you on that Joey, this match really showed what the next generation of ECW is capable of! [I]*Benjamin picks up a microphone from ringside*[/I] [B]Benjamin[/B] That's right, the most athletic extremist in ECW is up and running! [I]*The crowd pops*[/I] [B]Benjamin[/B] After my loss to Shamrock, many didn't think I could bounce back, well look at me now. All credit due to Nigel, because I'm sure you all agree, that was one hell of a match! [I]*The crowd cheers in appreciation as Benjamin works the crowd*[/I] [B]Benjamin[/B] And that is what I plan on doing here in ECW. One quality match after another, and I shall pave myself to the ECW Championship. So let it be known, Shelton Benjamin is officially making an open challenge to anybody who thinks they can put on a quality match with yours truely. And if you didn't know...now you do! [I]*Benjamin has the adoring crowd hanging on his every word. But then silence occurs as the lights shut down to darkness*[/I] [B]Mick[/B] What the hell? What's going on here? [I]*The lights come back on and Sabu is behind Benjamin with a steel chair in hand*[/I] [B]Joey[/B] I think I know Mick! Sabu has officially answered Shelton's challenge. [B]Mick[/B] And I think he's about to seal his acceptance off with a chair shot to the head! [B]Joey[/B] OH MY GAWD! What a sick chair shot! Benjamin is out for the count! [B]Mick[/B] Jesus, I think Benjamin is out cold! That was a wicked chair shot to the cranium of Shelton! [I]*Sabu points to the skies as a hostile crowd jeer him. The lights then shut off again, and when they return, neither Benjamin or Sabu are anywhere to be seen*[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Where the hell? [B]Mick[/B] They were there just a second ago! [B]Joey[/B] I think Sabu has made his intentions pretty damn clear. He wants to take Shelton out! [B]Mick[/B] Well Joey, you play with feathers, you get your arse tickled. [B]Joey[/B]...touchay. Well it's that time. [B]Mick[/B] That's right. The time the whole roster has been waiting 4 days for. [B]Joey[/B] Paul Heyman is going to explain his alliance with Raven, and he's going to do it, right now. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG] *[I]Boo's are a ready as Heyman's music hits. The whole crowd is in unison, not one person can be seen not jeering the loathed individual known as Paul Heyman. He is the target of alot of objects which are thrown at him on his way to the ring. One anti-kayfabe nobhead even tried jumping the guardrail and attack Paul, but security prevented that from happening. Heyman then grabbed a mic from ringside*[/I] [B]Joey[/B] This better be good. [B]Heyman[/B] Now, alot of you have been rather angry at me to say the least. Many have threatened me. As you've just seen, one idiot has tried attacking me. But why? Can you honestly tell me why? [B]Joey[/B] Yeah, coz your a selling out slimeball of a coward! [B]Mick[/B] Woah, easy on Joey. He is your boss afterall! [B]Heyman[/B] Why? People have called me a sellout. Is that true? Not one bit. Because if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be sitting here tonight. [B]Joey[/B] If it wasn't for the devil welcoming back his son more like. [B]Heyman[/B] Frankly, you can call me what you want. But you cannot call me a sell out with justified reason. If you do, your a moron and don't know the meaning of selling out. I am not the one who sold you out. You are the ones who sold ECW out! [I]*The fans jeer this supposedly popostorous statement*[/I] [B]Heyman[/B] When ECW was gone, you didn't do anything about it. You simply just tuned into WWE and watched them suck all our fans away and turn them into brainless slobs who were idiotized by kayfabe and the way the Federation worked! [B]Joey[/B] And this is coming from the man who went and joined WWE to be head booker and on screen general manager?! [B]Mick[/B] As I recall, you also jumped ship and became commentator of WWECW. [B]Joey[/B] And as I recall, you've always been brown nosing with the devil Vince McMahon. [B]Mick[/B] I know your p*ssed off, so i'm going to ignore that and not break your f*cking neck. [B]Heyman[/B] If you seriously want the definition of sell out, then look no further than the three letters, 'R...V...D'. [I]*The fans are almost in riots from Heyman trying to disgrace 'their man'*[/I] [B]Heyman[/B] Boo all you want, it doesn't make you right. You see, who did RVD snub in the early 90's to go work for World Crappy Wrestling? RVD snubbed ECW. Who did RVD no show on prospect of working for WWF for a 'bigger paycheck'? He no showed ECW. Who did RVD eventually leave to join WWF and get jobbed to Paul Levesque? RVD left ECW. RVD sold ECW out. [I]*Although Heyman has a point, and the fans can see that, they still boo as loud as ever*[/I] [B]Heyman[/B] Why Raven though? [I]*The fans get aggitated just at the sound of Raven's name*[/I] [B]Heyman[/B] Raven was always loyal to me. He was always loyal to me back in the day. Even when he left to WCW for very valid reasons, he still returned to me. Hell, he encouraged me to get ECW up and running again, when I origionally just bought ECW back to spare more humiliation. Well and truely, if it wern't for not just me, but Raven also, none of you would be here tonight. Raven well and truely puts butts in seats! [B]Mick[/B] Hey, that butts in seats bit is my shtick! [B]Heyman[/B] So before his match and what will no doubt be a successful title defence tonight, I would like you to all stand up and appreciate YOUR ECW Champion...Raaaavennn! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RAVEN2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joey[/B] Oh come on, are you kidding me. [I]*Raven's music hits, and when he comes out is met with alot of middle fingers to say the least as he clambers into the ring and holds his ECW Title proudly above his head*[/I] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Other%20Pics/ECWWorldHeavyweight3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RAVEN2.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/Mistico.jpg[/IMG] Mistico, for obvious reasons, gets a very warm reception from this unforgiving crowd. They are even more behind him after the opening few minutes, as he has Raven bamboozled after a great series and combinations of high risk attacks. Raven goes out to take a few moments and rethink his strategy, when he is met with a suicide plancha from Mistico! The fans chant 'Holy sh*t!' Mistico then takes some time to taunt to the crowd. Bad mistake. Raven the veteran managed to swing the match his way literally, using a steel chair from ringside to aid him. Raven rolled Mistico back into the ring and went for the cover, but to no avail. Mistico kicked out at 2. The match went on, and Raven ground down Mistico more and more, preventing him from going to the top rope - where he does the most damage. Just when Raven thought he had him in prime position for a Raven Effect, Mistico slipped out and started to mount some offence. Mistico then took to the air, and after a great bit of versatility, managed to get Raven in the La Mística. After a few dozen seconds of struggling, the champ looked in danger of losing his title, but Heyman made the save with a singapore cane shot to the back of Mistico's head. The two then started a two on one assault, until... [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] [I]*RVD came running down the ramp with a steel look in his eyes, completely focused and locked in on Paul Heyman. Easily pop of the night for RVD, the roof nearly blew off!*[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Go get 'em Robbie! [B]Mick[/B] Yeah Rob, yeah! Rob rolled into the ring, as Heyman fled. Rob then ran up to Raven and went to superkick him in the chops, but Raven ducked... [B]Mick[/B] My god, Rob just accidently knocked Mistico out. Rob then turned to Raven who went for a kick to the midsection, but RVD scouted it and gave Raven a kick to the temple for his troubles. With both men out, Rob left the ring and up the ramp. When Heyman thought it was safe, he came out of hiding, rolled into the ring, and drooped Raven's arm over Mistico's chest. The ref was then compelled to count... 1 . . . 2 . . . 3! [B]Joey[/B] Damn, what a b*asterd! He got him. Raven retains the title. Damn it! [B]Winner: Raven in 15:40 Match Rating: C-[/B] [B]Mick[/B] Raven is still the champion, but Rob aint going away without a fight unfortunatly for Heyman and Raven. Man, what a night we've had here on our television redebut. I'm Mick Foley, and he's... [B]Styles[/B] Joey Styles... [B]Mick[/B] Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next week, on Extreme Championship F*cking Wrestling! [I]*The camera fades to black, as Raven and Heyman are seen celebrating in the ring.*[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]END OF SHOW - SHOW RATING C-[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
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i don't often comment on diaries, but this one's got something about it, you seem to be able to mix the old school ECW well, and get "authentic" like interviews/announcements and the like to be read in the same manner as the person involved, and you've manged to bleed in the new indy guys into the ECW shows very well. KUTGW :) Extreme Championship F*cking Wrestling - Predictions. Vito & Brandon Thomaselli vs [B]Nunzio and Terry Funk[/B] - Can't have Funker losing on his return! Nigel McGuiness vs [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] - Seems he's in line for more of a push out of the two Steve Corino vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] - Most Dangerous Man In The World, can't see him losing to the King of Old School [B]Mistico and Shelton Benjamin[/B] vs Sandman and Sabu - I'd have gone for the Originals, but i see Shelton picking up the win for his team
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[QUOTE=hurricanendp;497267]i don't often comment on diaries, but this one's got something about it, you seem to be able to mix the old school ECW well, and get "authentic" like interviews/announcements and the like to be read in the same manner as the person involved, and you've manged to bleed in the new indy guys into the ECW shows very well. KUTGW :)[/QUOTE] Haha thanks bud. Yeah I kinda wanted an old school ECW feel, but with the new generation bursting through kinda thing :). [QUOTE]Vito & Brandon Thomaselli vs Nunzio and Terry Funk - Can't [B]habe[/B] Funker losing on his return! [/QUOTE] and I can't [B]habe[/B] bad spelling in my thread :p. On a more serious note, the show should be up tomorrow at latest.
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Thursday, Week 1, October 2008. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Other%20Pics/ECFNW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/CactusJack.jpg[/IMG] [B]Styles[/B] Hello once again to Extreme Championship Wrestling! I'm Joey Styles, and the man sitting to the right of me is 'The Hardcore Icon' Mick Foley. [B]Mick[/B] Hey thanks Joey. Yes it is I, the Hardcore Icon himself Cactus Jack Mick Foley, welcoming you to what is bound to be a very eventful night in a company more hardcore than the sky 900 channels. It is only Extreme Championship Wrestling! [B]Joey[/B] And Mick, we're in for a big night tonight. Not only do two ECW origionals team up in the form of Sabu and Sandman to take on two of the most athletic individuals in ECW in Shelton Benjamin and Mistico, but Paul Heyman will also be offering Rob Van Dam an official apology. [B]Mick[/B] I smell insincere to be frank. [B]Joey[/B] All I smell is sweaty feet, you really need to clean that sock y'know. [B]Mick[/B] Haha, I know my friend. But moving swiftly on, the most disfuntional trio of triplets, The Thomaselli's, will take on Nunzio and his surprise partner...Terry Funk! [B]Joey[/B] Oh, and that match is next! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/BrandonThomaselli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/U-Z/VitoThomaselli-1.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JamesMaritato.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/TerryFunk.jpg[/IMG] A surprisingly poor affair, where the majority of the workers didn't quite bring all they could offer. Funk dominated the opening of the match, and fed off the cheering crowd, who were glad to see the Funker back in the ring once again, if only to put over younger talent. When Nunzio got the tag, he was grounded down by the great teamwork displayed by Brandon and Vito. After a while of trying to tag in Funk (who all the while was getting chants of 'Cant [B]habe[/B] Funker Losing'), Nunzio managed to get the hot tag to Terry, who cleared house. The Funk then got Brandon in position for a piledriver, only to be suprkicked into unconciouncness by an illegal interfering Vito. Brandon then made the easy cover to a fallen Terry Funk. [B]Winners: Brandon and Vito Thomaselli in 6:46 Match Rating: D-[/B] [I]Vito grabs a mic, only for Brandon to snatch it off him. Vito then does the same till they start scrapping and drop the microphone all together. Salvatore then picks it up[/I] [B]Salvatore[/B] Wassup' everybody! [I]The crowd give a mild pop[/I] [B]Salvatore[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to officially reveal to you that the ECW Tag Team Championships... [B]A voice from the back[/B] Are going to be ours come the end of the month! [I]The Motor City Machine Guns appear in the rampway to the distain of the fans[/I] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/MotorCityMachineGuns.jpg[/IMG] [B]Sabin[/B] That's right everybody, not only are the Machine Guns going to walk the Thomaselli's when we meet... [B]Shelley[/B] But we will also be swiping the vacant ECW Tag Team Championships. [B]Sabin[/B] That's right. And you know what else? [B]Shelley[/B] What else? [B]Sabin[/B] Sal, Brandon just called you a d*ck. [I]The Machine Guns start laughing as they leave. Meanwhile, Sal stood up to Brandon and pushed him over before trying to beat him down, only for Vito to step in and sperate them before they left the ring.[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Man, those Thomaselli's are so disfunctional! [B]Mick[/B] Tell me about it man, but they put me in stitches. [B]Joey[/B] And god knows you've got enough of them. [B]Mick[/B] Yep, from all those hardcore matches. [B]Joey[/B] Speaking of hardcore, our ECW World Champion is backstage now. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RAVEN2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Raven[/B] The meaning of sell out has been tossed around alot lately. He's a sell out. You're a sell out. I'm a sell out. Everyone is a sell out. Everyone lets people down and goes against what they are for every now and then. But it's to the degree of selling out, if there were such a thing, that makes the people who they are. Are you mercenary? Are you loyal? But what about me? What about Raven. Two things have been loyal to me over the years. One of them being Paul, who has been there for me throughout the years, through the thick and thin. That makes him loyal in my eyes, not a sell out. What has been just as loyal to me, the ECW World Championship. It has been around my waist for longer than anyone elses. It is back on my shoulder, where it belongs. Where it calls home. Where it has been and will always be. Why? Because there is no wrestler on the face of this planet who can stop me, especially with the power of Paul having my back. Quote the Raven, Nevermore. [B]Mick[/B] Man, he chills me to the bone when he gives promo's like that. [B]Joey[/B] I have to agree. And I gotta agree with him. It doesn't look like there are many people on this earth that can stop Raven at the moment. [B]Mick[/B] The same applies to this man, who so far is unbeaten in ECW. It is of course the one and only new origional, Bryan Danielson. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/BryanDanielson.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/NigelMcGuinness.jpg[/IMG] As was unexpected, these two technical wizards put on a pretty stale match, which lacked a bit of flow in the middle section. Nigel especially looked abit lost in the ring for once. Bryan looked to wrap up the win after hitting Nigel with a Dragon Suplex, but Nigel managed to roll backwards, pick up Danielson's legs and pin him down, 1 . . . 2 . . . [B]Mick[/B] Nigel's got him, Bryan's streak is ended... . . . NO! Danielson managed to roll backwards once again, and nearing the ropes, managed to hook Nigel's legs, 1 . . . 2 . . . [B]Mick[/B] Dammit, Bryan's using the ropes for leverage... . . . 3! [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson in 05:36 Match Rating: D-[/B] [I]Nigel rolls out of the ring as Bryan grabs a microphone.[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Oh great. He's got a microphone. [B]Bryan[/B] Tommy, that is exactly why you should stay at home, rest your feet and call it a day. I just beat one of the best technical wrestlers in my generation, in the current generation, within 6 minutes. What contest is a balding, fat, ageing, out of shape oldie like you going to be to me? Seriously Grandad, you need to get off that medicine, because there is no way in hell that you could have me in a straight one on one. Now I think i have cleared my mind, and hopefully give some damn good advice to Tommy the Dreamer. But, before I go, I shall give you chance to get one last glimpse at the New Origional. Now I bid you fairwell, but not before stating, Bryan Danielson Rocks! [B]Mick[/B] Man, what a jerk that Bryan Danielson is. He doesn't deserve to be working, let alone working in this great company tat is ECW. [B]Joey[/B] Agreed, but you have to admit, he's not all mouth. He can back it up too. [B]Mick[/B] Oh, no doubt. But he's still a jerk. Even if he is undefeated. [B]Joey[/B] And speaking of undefeated, The World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock, is in action next against 'The King Of Old School', Steve Corino. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/KenShamrock.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/SteveCorino.jpg[/IMG] There was no chance in hell that Corino could have won this match. He didn't even get a chance, Ken looked sharp, and as always, dangerous. He punished Steve for every little mistake, and in the end, the Ankle Lock ended the punishment, as Steve squirmed whilst tapping. [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 03:55 Match Rating: D+[/B] [B]Joey[/B] Man, time doesn't half fly! It's main event time already! [B]Mick[/B] And what a main event! [B]Joey[/B] That's right. It's going to be a cracker. [B]Mick[/B] Yup, two ECW origionals will team up in the form of Sabu and Sandman. [B]Joey[/B] And their opponents? [B]Mick[/B] Their opponents are two of the most athletic extremists we have. Their opponents are Mistico, and Shelton Benjamin! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/Sabu3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/Sandman.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/Mistico.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/SheltonBenjamin2.jpg[/IMG] Shelton Benjamin looked dead on form, and very impressive in the match of the night. After he tagged in Mistico, who delivered some great ariel maneouvers at first, things took a turn for the worst for his team, as The Sandman and Sabu bet down Mistico like a little puppy. The Sandman especially, took time in verbally beating down Mistico, and kept on doing until Mistico snapped. Mistico then acted as if he got a hot tag, and cleaned house. He then finished off his crazy period with a Tiger Feint Kick on Sabu, (which drew chants of F*ck the 619, and WWE copied this sh*t). Instead of going for the cover though, Mistico tagged in Shelton. Shelton then waited and waited on Sabu getting up, and when he did, he was met with a T-Bone Suplex. Shelton then made the pinfall on his rival, to pick up the win for his team. [B]Winners: Shelton Benjamin and Mistico in 16:57 Match Rating: C[/B] [I]Post match, Sabu and Sandman got frustrated with each other. But rather than attack each other, they ambushed Mistico and Benjamin from behind. Fortunatly for the victors, they managed to fend off the Origionals. The Sandman then started insulting Mistico, whilst of course, heading up the ramp away from him.[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Wow, what a great match. But we still haven't seen what I know I came here to see. [B]Mick[/B] What's that? [B]Joey[/B] Paul Heyman getting on his dirty knees and apologizing to Rob Van Dam personally. And yes I agree Mick, I smell insincerity. [B]Mick[/B] Nope, that's still Socko ;). [B]Joey[/B] Ahh, ok...and we all know that music. Ladies and Gentlemen, Paul Heyman is in the building. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG] [I]Heyman casually enters the ring to yet more jeers and more crap, targeted at him.[/I] [B]Heyman[/B] Now, there is no point apologizing to a camera. Ladies and Gentlemen, Rob Van Dam. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] [I]Rob comes to the ring to chants like 'F*ck him up Rob, f*ck him up!'[/I] [B]Joey[/B] This should be good. [B]Heyman[/B] Rob. I know it might sound cliched, but the word sorry is tossed around alot these da.. [B]Rob[/B] Get to the f*cking point. [I]The crowd pop.[/I] [B]Heyman[/B] It was Raven. He suckered me into his evil ways. He almost forced me to prove my loyalty to him by guiding him to the ECW Title. Now i've done that, I am no longer affiliated with him. [B]Joey[/B] Even though Raven clearly stated earlier that Heyman is quite obviously still managing him? [B]Heyman[/B] No word of a lie. We made a pact, I held up my agreement, he held up his. That's it, there's nothing more to it... [B]Rob[/B] If you think I should f*ck this little c*nt up right now, then make some noise! [I]The crowd gives their pop of their night, and just that statement alone has the crowd pumped up and sniffing blood.[/I] [B]Heyman[/B] No, no Rob, no please. All I need is you to say you forgive me. No need for violence. Please Rob. Hell, Rob, I'll get on my knees. Look Rob, I'm begging. Please forgive me. [B]Rob[/B] Now, i've had just enough of this tirade. I've had enough of listening to you. F*ck, I've just had enough of yo... [I]Rob Van Dam and the whole damn crowd are silenced by a sickening chairshot from Raven, who just so handily happend tobe hiding under the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RAVEN2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joey[/B] OH MY GAWD! [B]Mick[/B] You have got to be f*cking kidding! It was all a set up. [I]Raven then continues to lay into RVD, with chair shot after chair shot to RVD's broken carcuss, which resides in a pool of it's own very blood.[/i] [B]Joey[/B] Now Heyman's adding insult to injury the pr*ck! [B]Mick[/B] I don't think I've ever seen RVD like this in my life. [I]Raven turns to leave, when Heyman pulls him back. He slams the chair on the floor next to RVD and demands he finishes the attack properly.[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Now what! [B]Mick[/B] Raven's got RVD's lifeless body in position for the... [B]Joey[/B] Raven Effect DDT to the steel! Oh my...days! [B]Mick[/B] Wow, i'm more shocked that you didn't say OMG than Raven attacking. It was a set up from the get go. I told you I could smell insincerity, and no, it's not Mr. Socko. It's that damn scumbag Paul Heyman. [B]Joey[/B] Well folks, that's all we got time for here on Extreme Championship Wrestling, but join us again next week, if not for the prospect of RVD kicking Paul Heyman's ass. [B]Mick[/B] To Be Honest witcha' Joey, I don't think RVD is going to be able to make it next week! [B]Joey[/B] Maybe not. Well, we'll catch you next week, I'm Joey Styles... [B]Mick[/B]...and i'm Mick Foley. Goodnight everybody. [I]The show ends with Raven and Paul Heyman grinning as they head to the back. The A&E's come to help RVD, but he refuses their help, and heads to the back also, holding his gashed head in his hands.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"]END OF SHOW - SHOW RATING C-[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
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[B][U]Extreme Championship F*cking Wrestling - Predictions.[/U][/B] Bryan Danielson vs Nunzio Ken Shamrock vs Vito Thomaselli Salvatore Thomaselli vs Chris Sabin Rob Van Dam* vs Jushin Liger** --------------------------------------------------------------- *RVD has recovered sufficiently enough to take on Jushin Liger... **...who makes his ECW Debut
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[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Other%20Pics/ECFNW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/CactusJack.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joey[/B] Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Extreme Championship Wrestling! [B]Tazz[/B] We're live here from the Hammerstein Ballroom as usual, and tonight's main event is going to blow the roof of this fantastic building! [B]Joey[/B] Definitly. Rob Van Dam will take on Jushin Thunder Liger, in Liger's ECW debut. [B]Tazz[/B] That's right Joey, but one has to wonder what condition RVD is in physically and mentally. [B]Joey[/B] Well, physically due to the beating he took from the slimey champion, Raven's, sneak attack last week. [B]Mick[/B] Although we do know he is well enough to compete tonight which is good to hear. [B]Joey[/B] Not only that, but it should be good to see. A great high-flying but technical affair I cannot wait. [B]Mick[/B] Ditto. Also, what part does the mental strain on RVD play in? [B]Joey[/B] Well, Jushin's gotta be sharper mentally. He's making his debut, and with debuts usually comes alot of momentum. Plus RVD will be constantly looking behind his back incase Raven is there. [B]Mick[/B] Which is exactly the point I was going to make. [B]Joey[/B] Anyhow, we shall discuss the main event when it gets closer to the time, because right now, the New Origional Bryan Danielson is going to open the show in a bout against Nunzio. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/BryanDanielson.jpg[/IMG] [I]As Bryan makes his way down to the ring, he grabs a microphone.[/I] [B]Bryan[/B] Hush hush. No times for cheers for yours truely. Nope, I have a more serious issue to talk about. [B]Joey[/B] Cheers? He has a funny concept of that word. [B]Mick[/B] Either that or he got cheers mixed up with jeers. [B]Bryan[/B] For it is I, who so far has never suffered one defeat. Not one, since I have been in ECW and that's almost a whole, long, victory filled month. And you know something. I still haven't had a challenge yet. Not one. I rolled Jerry Lynn over in my debut, and outclassed the king of old school in my second match. Nigel McGuiness came next, and now I can add a pesky Italian runt to my list in say, what, about 10 minutes at the very most. You see, there is nothing like abit of competition every now and again, but still, despite that, I have to take on Tommy Dreamer at One Extreme Rodeo. It's just utterly pointless, because I know the outcome. You know the outcome. Tommy frickin' Dreamer knows the outcome. The outcome? The New Origional forcing Tommy Dreamer to tap to the most dangerous hold in wrestling, The Cattle Mutilation. Why? Because that's how it always goes down. It always goes down as Bryan Danielson with the win and some shmoe with the loss. Dreamer will be no different. Now I shall give you a prehand glimpse of the New Origional, before I defeat the little Italian curtain jerker, and I shall bless you with these words of utter truth...Bryan Danielson Rocks! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/BryanDanielson.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JamesMaritato.jpg[/IMG] No surprises here, Bryan Danielson simply outshines Nunzio, with an excellent performance that really carried the match to a good rating. Danielson put Nunzio away with the Cattle Mutilation. [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson in 07:43 Match Rating: C-[/B] [I]Danielson hears the bell but doesn't release Nunzio from his hold. After a dozen or so seconds after the bell has sounded, he still has it locked in. Road agent's and various other backstage staff flood the ring to get Danielson off of Nunzio, but in vein hopes. Nunzio, now bleeding from the mouth, squirms and squirms, but then just stops and looks out of it. About a minute later, we all hear entrance music we all reckognize.[/I] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joey[/B] Tommy Dreamer is in the building! [B]Mick[/B] Yeah, and Bryan Danielson has left the building! [I]Dreamer comes sprinting to the ring, which leads Danielson to release the hold on Nunzio and flee the ring and out through the admiring crowd. Nunzio is helped to the back, as Dreamer taunts for the crowd.[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Well there you go folks. The proposed New Origional just fled from abit of competition like he has been pining for. [B]Mick[/B] Well, and i'm in no way sticking up for Danielson, but when Dreamer gets that look in his eye as if to say you've p*ssed him off to the point of snapping, would you stay and fight him? [B]Joey[/B] Nope. [B]Mick[/B] Me neither, and i'm the hardcore icon, let alone a scrawny little announcer. No offence. [B]Joey[/B] None at all taken :mad:. [B]Mick[/B] Good. [B]Joey[/B] I was being sarcastic. [B]Mick[/B]...that's right folks, The World's Most Dangerous Man, will take on one third of the most dysfunctional trio of triplets in the world. The Thomaselli's. It's Ken Shamrock vs Vito Thomaselli, and that's up next. [B]Joey[/B] Arsehole. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/KenShamrock.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/U-Z/VitoThomaselli-1.jpg[/IMG] A surprisingly open affair, Ken doesn't dominate as per, and Vito gives him a good fight. After Vito had Ken down on the mat following a , Vito looked to be zoning in on the victory by setting up the Superkick. But with his backs against the ropes, Alex Shelley came sprinting down the ramp, and instead of attacking, he simply tapped Vito on his shoulder before hiding under the ring apron. Vito looked over to see no one. He decided to look over the other. He saw noone. He then started to run around in circles looking to see what tapped him on the shoulder. Vito then did too much running in circles, and got dizzy and fell over. [B]Mick[/B] Man, he is dysfunctional. The ditz. [B]Joey[/B] He's like a big kid! [B]Mick[/B] All three Thomaselli's are the same though to be fair. [B]Joey[/B] Yeah, there all f*cking retards. With Vito on the floor, and Ken up on his feet after recovering, Shamrock urged Thomaselli to get up. When he did, Ken nailed him with a nasty looking [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestling_throws#Double_knee_facebreaker"]finisher[/URL] for the win. [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 08:31 Match Rating: D[/B] [B]Mick[/B] Man, what a vicious looking finisher allowing Ken to pick up the win. [B]Joey[/B] Well, I was talking to Ken backstage before the show and he said he's been practising a new finishing maneuver rather than having to revert to the Ankle Lock all the time. [B]Mick[/B] Really? What does he call it? [B]Joey[/B] Yep, apparently he's named it the Chin Swing. And what a way to debut it! He nailed it with emphasis. [B]Mick[/B] I've gotta' agree my friend. Well talking about debuts, we have another ECW debut upcoming in the main event. The debut is that off Jushin Liger. [I]The lights go dark and a video is shown to hype Jushin Thunder Liger.[/I] [CENTER][/CENTER] [B]Joey[/B] Man, I cannot wait to see this dude in action. And no doubt he's going to be competing in a show stealer if he is matching up with Rob Van Dam. [B]Mick[/B] Yeah Joey, but RVD aint one hundred percent. Could it hurt the match? [B]Joey[/B] Probably. But it will still be better than Santino Marella defeating Mark Henry, which happend to be the latest Smackdown's main event. [B]Mick[/B] lol. WWE suck so much ass. [B]Joey[/B] No doubt about it Mick. But you was a WWE announcer for sometime. [B]Mick[/B] Your point? [B]Joey[/B] Another ECW legend and former WWE announcer makes his ECW return next, as he shall host his own talkshow here on ECW whenever he feels. [B]Mick[/B] Who isit? [B]Joey[/B] All I can reveal is the name of his segment is 'Tazzmania!'. [B]Mick[/B] Oh you are kidding :D. I cannot wait for this badboy! [B]Joey[/B] And it looks as though they are getting the ring set up... [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Other%20Pics/HowtosetupTazzmania.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/TazzOld.jpg[/IMG] [I]Tazz comes to the ring whilst getting undoubtedly the pop of the night. The harcore fans are going nuts for the Tazzmaniac, whilst the kids are going mad for the ex-Smackdown announcer. It is beddlam in the Hammerstein, the fans are bananas. Tazz grabs the microphone[/I] [B]Tazz [/B]Now I didn't come out here to say how great it is to be back in the old ballroom! [I]The crowd remain to pop at his sarcasm before settling[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] Plus I didn't come out here to thank every single one of you brilliant people for welcoming me back to ECW with such a fantastic reception. [I]The crowd go mental again until they calm.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] And I certainly didn't come out just to get a feel of this magnificent ring that I have missed for all these years, as I cried myself to sleep everynight at the fact that ECW could be going bust. [I]The crowd, who are being emotionally played, clap for Tazz's respect for ECW.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] I'm back, and i'm back for good! I'm here to present to you the greatest segment to hit ECW since the Bam Bam Exam hit ECW Worldwide. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Tazzmania! [I]The crowd pop again. Tazz has the crowd in the palm of his hand.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] Now, at one point I was the, and not boasting, greatest technical wrestler in ECW, and one of it's best athletes. Now the new generation has come through, and there is a new technical wizard and exceptional athlete. So ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for Shelton Bennnnjaaaaamiiinnn! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/SheltonBenjamin2.jpg[/IMG] [I]Shelton makes his way to the ring to cheers from everyone. He then sits on the sofa.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, Shelton Benjamin. [I]The fans aplaud the introduction in an [U]almost[/U] passing of the torch moment.[/I] [B]Shelton[/B] Thanks alot Tazz, and may I say i'm a big fan... [B]Tazz[/B] Don't say a word just yet, Shelton my friend. You say your a fan of me? [I]Shelton looks at him, almost expecting Tazz to be hostile after his reply.[/I] [B]Shelton[/B] Yeah? [B]Tazz[/B] Well that must be a coincidence. Because I happen to be the biggest Shelton Benjamin fan in our great country! [I]Shelton is grinning from ear to ear, knowing that such a great wrestler is now a fan of himself.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] Then again, I reckons there are bigger Shelton fans than me. [I]Tazz turns to the audience.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] If your a Shelton Benjamin fan and you happen to be here at the Hammerstein Ballroom then I want you to cheer your heads off and chant. Shelton Rules. Shelton Rules. Shelton Rules. [I]The crowd take over Tazz's efforts to get a reaction for Shelton. Tazz is trying his best to get Shelton over with the fans and it's working a treat. The fans are in full flow chanting Shelton Rules. As the camera pans to an unaware Shelton Benjamin he looks genuinly completely overwhelmed.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] But I know one person, who happens not to be a fan of you. That person, or thing, or whateva' you wanna call him/it is Sabu. [I]The fans boo loudly.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] But. I've been around the block. I know these ropes of by heart. I know this buisness inside and out and back to front. And I know for a fact that Sabu is no match whatsoever for you Shelton... [I]The lights all of a sudden black out and nothing can be seen for a good ten seconds. They do however come back on, and when they do, the sofa's are upside down, the TV is on the floor, the table is on the outside, Shelton is layed out, and Tazz is begging for the maniacal Sabu not to hit him with the car door which is in his hands.[/I] [B]Mick[/B] What's happened to Shelton? [B]Joey[/B] By the looks of things, he's been hit with that cardoor that b*sterd Sabu is holding. [B]Mick[/B]...holding and threatening Tazz with. [B]Joey[/B] OH MY GAWD! [B]Mick[/B] Did I say threatening Tazz with? I meant smashing the brains out of Tazz with. What a sick shot to the skull of Tazz. [I]Sabu drops the door and exits the ring, clearly proud of himself. A&E's storm to the ring and both Tazz and Shelton are stretchered out.[/I] [B]Mick[/B] Man, that sadistic freak! Neither man deserved that. Especially not the retired Tazz. [B]Joey[/B] Agreed bro. Agreed. Now we have to switch subject, and talk about the next match which we will see next. It is The Motor City Machine Gun's Chris Sabin going against Salvatore Thomaselli. Of course, the two will once again be on opposite sides of the ring at One Extreme Rodeo in two and abit weeks time. That match of course will be for the vacant ECW Tag Team Titles. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/A-G/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/SalvatoreThomaselli-1.jpg[/IMG] Brandon joins Mick and Joey at ringside to commentate on his brother's match. [B]Joey[/B] Brandon ;). [B]Brandon[/B] What? [B]Joey[/B] Nothing, just saying hi. [B]Brandon[/B] You didn't, you said Brandon. [B]Joey[/B] Yeah, meaning hi. [B]Brandon[/B] Brandon doesn't mean hi :confused:. [B]Joey[/B] Just sit down. [B]Brandon[/B] There isn't a chair though. Can I borrow yours? [B]Joey[/B] Why don't you just get a different one? [B]Brandon[/B] Where from? [B]Joey[/B] Ikea, where dya' think. [B]Brandon[/B] I'd of thought somewhere around ringside. [B]Joey[/B] That's where I meant. [B]Brandon[/B] But you said Ikea :confused:. [B]Joey[/B] I was being sarcastic. [B]Brandon[/B] LIKE STRETCH ARMSTRONG :D! [B]Joey[/B] No. That is elastic. [B]Brandon[/B] But you said... [B]Joey[/B] You know what else rhymes with sarcastic? [B]Brandon[/B] Rhyme :confused:? [B]Joey[/B] Spastick. You are one. [B]Brandon[/B] Nope, I'm Brandon. [B]Joey[/B] I know you are Brandon. [B]Brandon[/B] Hello to you too. [B]Joey[/B] What? [B]Brandon[/B] You said Brandon means hi. [B]Joey[/B] Oh, shutup. [B]Brandon[/B] You shutup. [B]Joey[/B] I'm not going to bother. [B]Brandon[/B] No. You shutup! [B]Joey[/B] I dind't say shutup :mad:! [B]Brandon[/B] No you shut up! [B]Joey[/B] Just get a chair and sit down. [B]Brandon[/B] I know you are, you said you are, so what am I? [B]Joey[/B] Ehh. [B]Brandon[/B] Takes one to know one! [B]Joey[/B] You make no sence. [I]All the while Mick Foley is p*ssing himself laughing as Brandon puts his fingers in his ears. [/I] [B]Brandon[/B] La la la la la, i'm not listening. [B]Joey[/B] Well why are you doing commentary then? [B]Brandon[/B]......stay away from my cats. As far as the match goes, it is largely just filler. No-one watching it on TV were even watching the decent solid bout between Salvatore and Sabin, they were too entertained just listening to Brandon and Joey argue. The match actually ended when Sabin nailed Sal with a Future Shock out of nowhere. [B]Winner: Chris Sabin in 06:57 Match Rating: D+[/B] [B]Joey[/B] Well I guess that's it. It's over. [B]Brandon[/B] So I win :D? [B]Joey[/B] Win what? [B]Brandon[/B] Our argument! [B]Joey[/B] It wasn't a contest Brandon. [B]Brandon[/B] Well what is over then? [B]Joey[/B] Santino Marella in WWE? [B]Brandon[/B] The internet? [B]Joey[/B] No that's WWW. [B]Brandon[/B] Oh. I knew that. [B]Joey[/B] You know nothing. [B]Brandon[/B] You know nothing. [B]Joey[/B] I'm not arguing Brandon. [B]Brandon[/B] You are. [B]Joey[/B] I'm not. [B]Brandon[/B] You are. [B]Joey[/B] I'm not [B]Brandon[/B] Are. [B]Joey[/B] Shutup :mad:! [B]Brandon[/B] You shutup. [B]Joey[/B] Look Brandon, it's time for you to go. YouR brother lost Brandon... [B]Brandon[/B] He can't of be lost, he knows his way around the area! Whaay. Self high 5 for me. Woop Woop, i'm the best, I win. [B]Joey[/B] Brandon :mad::mad:!! [B]Brandon[/B] I've already said hello. [B]Mick[/B] Brandon, could you please leave, we need to get on with the show. [B]Brandon[/B] Yes sir, my hero Mick Foley, sir. [I]Brandon then goes and meets Salvatore half way up the ramp and the two walk backstage.[/I] [B]Mick[/B] It's because he's got respect for me. [B]Joey[/B] Oh shutup. [B]Mick[/B] You shutup. [B]Joey[/B] DON'T START! [B]Mick[/B] Well, despite Joey having a period here, Mistico is coming out next to adress some issues he's having with his time in ECW at the momnent. Sounds ineresting... [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/Mistico.jpg[/IMG] [I]Mistico comes to the ring to a decent pop. He hten grabs a microphone and reveals he [U]can[/U]speak English.[/I] [B]Mistico[/B] Doo nat gett meh vrong. Iama not out hera toh bbeatch aboutt ma treatament hera in ECW. Iama arving a grayt tarm. (OK let's just pretend from now on what Mistico says is subtitles so we can understand his variation of English ;)). But there are a few things that have got me upset. On my ECW debut I lost to an Italian going by the name of Little Guido. No offence to him, but I should have defeated him easily. It turns out I expected an easy match and was defeated. I got a title match in my second match which I did not take full advantage of and was cost the match by Rob Van Dam. No offence to Rob, but I had a good chance of winning the title till the point I was attacked. Last week I was yet again attacked. This time was by a kendo-swinging maniac. And it is for those reasons I feel I need some guidance whilst i'm here. Some guidance from a fellow experienced lucha star. My advisor happens to be a worldwide regarded superstar. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to my advice councillour...[U]Mil Mascaras!![/U] [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/MilMascaras.jpg[/IMG] [I]Mascaras is cheered quite a fair bit for a wrestler who has primarily worked his entire career in Mexico, not America. Both Mistico and Mascaras hug in the ring for a while.[/I] [B]Mascaras[/B] You better watch out Sandman, you drunk slob. Because I've got Mistico's back and he has got mine. [I]The two then embrace in another hug before exiting the ring.[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Man, I feel so privelidged and honoured. Mil Mascaras is working for the same company as myself. [B]Mick[/B] Yep, big respect for Mascaras, he is one of the main reasons that I got into wrestling. Hell, that stunt where I jumped off my roof was inspired by him. [B]Joey[/B] Well, from a Mexican legend to a Japanese legend. Jushin Thunder Liger makes his debut against Rob Van Dam...NEXT! [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/H-N/JushinThunderLiger.jpg[/IMG] Liger gets a great reaction by the vocal ECW crowd. The match starts a little cagey, but it's not long before the match explodes into full flow. The two really give it there all, and it results in an absoloutly brilliant and vibrant affair. Liger hits some amazing looking moves, but RVD gives 'em back just aswell. The two also do a sequence of reversals, irish whips, contests and other things, and it really draws the crowd into the match. Liger's quality and experience then begins to show, and he pulls away in the match, leaving RVD flabergasted by the ability of Jushin. It's probably safe to say that RVD has never met an opponent quite like Jushin Liger. Ie. Someone who can match up to RVD in every department. Easily the greatest match since the rebirth of ECW, and the crowd are going bonkers for it. [I]The match rules! The match rules! The match rules! The match rules! The match rules! The match rules! The match rules! The match rules! The match rules! [/I] Even on the verge of the end, the two competitors are still going all out. Rob out of nowhere then hits a Van Daminator and goes to the top, looking for a 5 Star Frog Splash. [IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/RAVEN2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i530.photobucket.com/albums/dd347/ecwnationwide/Workers/O-T/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG] [I]The fans jeer them out of the arena.[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Well, I guess it was inevitable. [B]Mick[/B] But why? What's the point in spoiling such an awesome match. [I]Raven pushes Rob off the top rope, landing RVD on his neck. The fans chant 'Holy sh*t' at the angle of the bump. Raven and Heyman then head up the ramp, watching on from the top.[/I] [B]Joey[/B] And Liger should go for the cover here and win the match. [B]Mick[/B] What the hell? [I]Jushin Liger gives Rob a hand up. Instead of a tainted win, Liger clearly would much rather have this great match have a proper finish. The crowd chant 'Thank You Liger'.[/I] RVD's neck though hampers the rest of his performance. The finish eventually comes after Liger rolled out of the way of Rolling Thunder. When RVD got up, he was met with a brainbuster for the 3. [B]Winner: Jushin Thunder Liger in 15:55 Match Rating: B[/B] [B]Joey[/B] Liger wins! RVD loses, even after getting up after that nasty bump he took to the back of his neck. [I]Post match Rob Van Dam and Liger celebrate together in the ring, whilst Raven and Paul look p*ssed off whilst watching from the top of the ramp.[/I] [B]Joey[/B] Wow, what a main event. [B]Mick[/B] And I cannot wait for the aftermath. Which will happen next week, same time, same place. [B]Joey[/B] I'm Joey Styles. [B]Mick[/B] And I'm Mick Foley, thanks for watching... [B]Joey Styles[/B]...and we hope to see you next week. Goodnight everybody. [CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="7"][B]END OF SHOW - SHOW RATING: C[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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Hey, thanks for reading :D, and yeah, I got a very big and very interesting plan for those boys ;). [B][U]Extreme Championship F*cking Wrestling - Predictions[/U][/B] Vito Thomaselli vs Tommy Dreamer Nova vs Ken Shamrock Super Crazy vs Mistico Raven, Salvatore and Brandon vs Rob Van Dam & the Motor City Machine Guns
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