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WMMA Online League ?

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Not unless you ran it like an e-fed. Letting guys cut promos on one another while they wait for the next card to start and/or try to get guys into accepting a fight. To add a random variable to the mess you could also use CPU controlled fighters as well to mix it up a bit
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Posted this in the gen discussion thread so I figured I'd post it here too. I run an online league in which there are 9 teams, each with their own stable of 10-15 fighters. The league is tracked on a forum, and twice a week there is an event where each team has 2 fighters. Each team's record is kept track of and at the end of the year the two top teams have 1 fighter in each weight class faceoff to determine the champion (plus there are individual weight class belts throughout the year) You only need 1 person with the game, but the main problem is that it's almost impossible to be unbiased while booking events, setting up title fights, etc - so you need a commish who is willing to not take a team, and just run the league.
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If anyone fancies starting a new one of these I don't mind being the commish! I used to run a very succesful wrestling e-fed and am completely unbiased. Let me know if you're interested, and if you are, which data you would prefer. I'll then get a board together and take it from there. I reckon a max of around 6-8 people as players Each player with a stable of 12-15 fighters I won't take a team - in fact i'd prefer it that way We need to decide whether other promotions will be active within the game. This could mean fighters are stolen etc. As per mattwright's game, 2 events per 'real life' week will be held. I will hold some matches between unused fighters with a view to building them up as worthy opponents. These may possibly be TV matches.
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Ok, I have a whole host of ideas and am looking now to put a basic website and message board together for this project. Website established:- [url]http://nawdrum.tripod.com/index.htm[/url] Very basic, but so are my HTML skills, when we have a name for the game hopefully we can persuade one of the arty types to make us a logo!! If anyone else wants to join in the mean time please reply via this thread. We are looking for 6 teams to begin this game with initially. Probably using the default game data and will hold an online draft at that point.
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We seem to be 50/50 split on this. I don't mind either way, I just think that going with default means there's less arguments of "Thats not realistic", "That wouldn't happen" etc. But still, I don't mind. On the flip side it would be interesting to see how real world data developed. Thoughts? I've now added a forum with a poll so please sign up and vote for your favourite data. I hope to have a draft soon as we've got almost enough people to start this. [url]http://nawdrum.tripod.com/index.htm[/url] Still space for a couple more people. After that, if anyone wants to join they are welcome to go on a waiting list for if someone drops out. I have also added my initial thoughts re gameplay to the webpage.
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