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WCW: Rising From The Ashes

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/RisingFromTheAshes.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]Rising From The Ashes[/I][/B] A [URL=""]DOWWE-2008[/URL] Dynasty By [EMAIL="aznblusuazn@aol.com"]AznBlusuazn[/EMAIL][/CENTER] [B]Backstory From The [URL=""]DOWWE-2008[/URL] Readme[/B] [QUOTE][I]June 23, 2007[/I] - Chris Benoit no-shows a WWE live event in Beaumont, Texas. [I]June 24, 2007[/I] - WWE Vengenance takes place, with Chris Benoit also no-showing his scheduled ECW Title match against CM Punk. Johnny Nitro is slotted in to fill his place, which he does and wins the ECW Title. During the event, several WWE officials and friends of Benoit in WWE receive strange text messages. [I]June 25, 2007[/I] - Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Benoit are found deceased at their Georgia home. The scheduled three-hour RAW airs a Chris Benoit tribute, titled "RAW is CHRIS". [I]July/August 2007[/I] - Thoughout the next month, it is revealed that Benoit murdered his wife and son before ending his own life. Several bitter former WWE personalities appear on national news channels, lobbying for the federal government to get involved and regulate the business. During this time, former ECW wrestler John Kronus and former WWE/WCW wrestler Bryan Adams both pass away, giving the media more reason to run wild with the topic. [I]September 2007[/I] - The wrestling industry as a whole begins to suffer as many fans begin to alienate themselves from the business. WWE is hit with popularity drop after a series of doctors that are busted for steroid distribution, naming several of WWE's top names. Due to the inability to produce the proper paperwork and inconsistancies with the Wellness Policy, the federal government hits WWE with a multi-million dollar fine that is widely publicized. WWE is forced to make some massive cutbacks, including pulling its developmental deals with OVW and FCW. FCW closes while OVW owner Danny Davis is able to keep OVW alive. Antonio Inoki moves to the United States to meet with the remaining NWA board members about merging into one touring promotion. [I]October 2007[/I] - While WWE begins a dark era of the business, TNA's popularity seems to be growing, as many of the now-anti-WWE fans have turned to TNA. Spike! TV announces that TNA has a two-hour slot on Monday night, in an attempt to capture disgruntaled WWE fans, and is successful, with a series of 2.5 ratings. There are rumors that WWE will go out of business by the end of 2007, but Linda McMahon reassures the public that these rumors are false. Meanwhile, ROH is gaining momentum with their quarterly Pay-Per-Views. In other entertainment news, Paul Heyman hits a gold mine when his screenplay of "Zodiac Zombies" is picked up and is set to star, ironically, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. [I]November 2007[/I] - WWE, in an attempt to cut away loses, puts the WCW, ECW, and AWA trademarks up for sell. WWE Survivor Series 2007 saw the main event of WWE Heavyweight Champion Triple H defeat WWE World Heavyweight Champion Batista and ECW Heavyweight Champion CM Punk in a unificiation match for all of the titles. WWE then drops the World Heavyweight, United States, Cruiserweight, and Smackdown! Tag Team titles, due to possible copyright issues with the WCW name down the line. The ECW brand is dropped as a whole. Wrestling purist go wild of the idea that Triple H is the last ECW Champion. [I]December 2007[/I] - Despite the cutbacks, WWE is still bleeding money and cuts even more of their roster. WWE also drops the Smackdown! brand as UPN announces that they have killed the timeslot. WWE also drops the women's division. Down to pretty much the main draws of the company, WWE struggles as they are continously buried by the media. Meanwhile, Eric Bischoff purchases the WCW rights and trademarks with two wealthly investors, Hulk Hogan and Paul Wight. Bischoff also announces that he has hired Booker T and Jody Hamilton to head up a development territory called Georgia Championship Wrestling in Georgia. Paul Heyman uses the revenue from his successful screenplay to purchase the ECW rights and trademarks with some help from Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam. The AWA is purchased by Greg Gagne and two unlikely business partners in Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Hart. Antonio Inoki closes the deal with the NWA, along with Dusty Rhodes and his family, open the NWA promotion that will tour across the country. Steve Austin announces that he, along with Michael Hayes and Tully Blanchard have purchased the WCCW rights and trademarks and will start promoting tours of Texas soon. Jerry Jarrett and Tom Pritchard successfully purchase the USWA name and trademarks. [I]January 2008[/I] - It seems that the Death of WWE is intiment. TNA announces that Jim Cornette will be in charge of the first developmental territory for TNA, the revived Smoky Mountain Wrestling. The revival of ECW, WCW, NWA, AWA, and WCCW has sparked some interest amongst alienated fans from the Attitude Era, but is it possible to bring the business back out of the decline?[/QUOTE] [B]Now My Story...[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/Generic43.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]Micah Stanford[/I][/B][/CENTER] [U]Thursday, Week 4, December 2007[/U] [I]I'd just graduated from Stanford Law. Only 22 years old, I was living the American dream. I finished at the top of my class and actually passed the Bar on my first try right out of Stanford. So how did I get mixed up in this? It was really a coincidence that I met him. He thought he was being low eye, but I knew who he was. Any wrestling fan knew who he was. I was in a book store looking for some books for some of family members when I stumbled across the [U]Controversy Creates Cash[/U] book. I picked it up and started flipping through it. Then he walked right in front of me.[/I] [B]The Man:[/B] Well, I thought there was one more copy here... [I]Normally, I would ignore random interaction such as this, but I recognized that slick silver hair and that voice... The voice that was oh so familar...[/I] [B]The Man:[/B] Oh, that's where it is... Excuse me, young man, can I have that please? [I]He was asking for the last copy of the book I was flipping through.[/I] [B]The Man:[/B] I really need a copy for this marketing gig I got in town. I usually have one with me, but I left it on the plane... Look, I'll buy it from you. [I]It was him...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/E%20Images/Eric_Bischoff.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Bischoff[/B][/CENTER] [I]Bischoff pulled out his wallet and offered me a hundred dollar bill. He was offering me a $100 for a book that I was holding that I didn't own.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Mr. Bischoff, technically, I don't own the book. The store owns the book. You can have it. [I]I handed Bischoff his book. He slowly slid the cash back in his wallet, taking the book, and smiling.[/I] [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] So you know who am I? [B]Me:[/B] Yeah, Eric Bischoff, the new co-owner of World Championship Wrestling, congratulations by the way... [I]The WCW deal actually hadn't been announced. I got the news from an 'insider' website, so I actually gave myself away as being a 'smark'.[/I] [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] Thanks... so I take it, you aren't just a casual fan... [B]Me:[/B] I keep up on things through websites... Of course, me being a lawyer, I know you can't believe everything you read... Or can you? [I]I tapped the front of the book Bischoff was holding with a smile. He had a look on his face as if a light bulb had lit and said...[/I] [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] Lawyer, eh? ... I actually could use a personal lawyer. I had to fire my previous one because... get this... he lied to me! [I]Bischoff laughed, and I went ahead and laughed with him, although I really didn't think the joke was that funny. We actually cit chatted back and forth about 45 minutes or so about different things, wrestling related, several 'what-if' scenarios and 'what I would have done' scenarios, and then he made the offer of a lifetime.[/I] [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] I like the way you think, kid; I like how you think outside the box. Look, Hulk, Paul, and I have been looking for someone to run the creative side of things. Normally, Hulk or I would do it, but we want something different. Something fresh. Something like you. You seem to understand the concept of wrestling; you are young, and understand what our main demographic, people in your age group, like, listen to, and want to see. So here it is. Micah, I want to offer you a chance of a lifetime... I want to bring you into the new WCW as the head of creative. Now, it will be a trial basis... but I have a good feeling about this. What'da say? [I]As Bischoff extended his hand, the only thing I could think was... Was he serious? I had known this guy for maybe an hour and he is offering me any smart mark's dream... to run a wrestling promotion, especially one like WCW? I didn't mark out but, rather, remained cool.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Well, Eric, let me think about it overnight, and I'll give you a call tomorrow and let you know what I want to do. [I]Looking a little disappointed, Bischoff nodded in agreement and turned to the back of the book I had handed him earlier and pulled out a pen and started writing on one of the back pages.[/I] [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] That's respectable. It's a major decision, one that could change your life... So here... [I]Bischoff torn the page out of the book and handed it to me.[/I] [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] There's my number... Call me tomorrow, about this time. I'm going to talk with Hulk and Paul about the deal I offered you, and we'll look forward to hearing from you tomorrow... But I gotta go, man. Call me! [I]Bischoff raced out of the store before I could say anything else. I looked down at the sheet of paper and there was his number. Now what? What would you do? I started to walk out of the store and the owner exclaimed...[/I] [B]Store Owner:[/B] Hey, kid, who's going to pay for that book! [I]I sighed as I reached in my pocket for my wallet... ... ...[/I]
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[U]Friday, Week 4, December 2007[/U] [I]It was almost lunchtime. I found myself at a coffee shop staring at Bischoff's number, wondering if I should call. I mean I was still a little pissed about having to pay for that book that he ran out with. What did I have to lose? I could go on like all of my fellow law school students and go to Wallstreet or become a big time lawyer, but to tell you the truth, I only went into law for the money. And this was a big money opportunity to do something that I have always fantasized about being a part of. Being the Head Booker of a major wrestling promotion. Not just any promotion, it was WCW with Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan. I flipped open my cell and started dialing. I hesitated for a moment before I hit the send call button. The phone ran about six times, and I was thinking I was going to get the voicemail. So I started to plan out what I was going to say when...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/E%20Images/Eric_Bischoff.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Bischoff[/B][/CENTER] [B]Bischoff (on the phone):[/B] Hello, this is Eric Bischoff... [B]Me:[/B] Eric, this is Micah, we spoke yesterday in the bookstore... [B]Bischoff:[/B] Micah! Hey, man! Hey, did that store owner call the police? I realized I ran out with the book! [I]This annoyed me. I felt like he was trying to get one over on me.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] No, I actually paid for the book, Eric. [B]Bischoff:[/B] Wow! Thanks man... Look, I spoke with Hulk and Paul last night... Did you think about our deal? [I]Thousands of debates in college, hundreds of public speaking events, and I was nervous on a phone call.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Well, Eric, that's what I wanted to talk to you about... [I]He cut me off.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Now, Micah, before you make a decision, let me tell you want I want to offer you. First, I'm going to set you up on a $250k a year salary, all travel, food, and expenses paid. You will also have creative control to do whatever you feel is needed. Now, I will tell you that is limited to the existing contracts that are in the works. I mean, Hulk, Paul, Brutus, Horace, and myself have creative control in our contracts... [I]Brutus Beefcake and Horace Hogan with creative control? Is he serious?[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Brutus and Horace? ... [I]He cut me off again.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Yeah, those two are Hulk's boys. Couldn't do anything about those two... You will have creative control to do what you need to... within our discretion, but we are pretty open to what you have to offer... [I]Control without control? Sounds suspect...[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Now, if you take this deal, I'm going to need you fly out to Atlanta to the WCW headquarters to get start on Sunday night. I can have a fly booked for you. Don't worry about your things, I will have my people relocate you to Atlanta. We have a nice condo set up for you... [I]For a someone who hasn't made a decision, sure seems like they are riding on me taking the deal.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] We need to get you in on Sunday night so that we can get things started on Monday morning, first of the new year. We have a bunch of things to go over, looking at prospects and planning for our first Pay-Per-View of the year, Souled Out, which is actually in a few weeks, so we need to get things moving... So tell you what. Go down to the airport on Sunday, I've already got your booking set up; just show up and everything will be taken care of... Look, Micah, I gotta run man, see you on Sunday! Later. [I]Eric hung up. I sat there with my cell to my ear for a moment moved it. I looked at the words 'Call Ended' and realized that I never told him that I was taking the deal, but he is expecting me to be in Atlanta at WCW Headquarters on Monday morning. What just happened...?[/I]
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[U]Saturday, Week 4, December 2007[/U] [I]Packing. I was in my studio apartment packing my things. On one hand, I was pretty excited. $250k a year at 22 years old? This is why I went to law school, right? ... On the other hand, I felt pressured into this job. Now, don't get me wrong, I am excited about the job as the HEAD of CREATIVE for WCW, but the way it all happened... My cell rang. I looked at the number, it wasn't familar, so I picked up.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Hello? This is Micah. [B]Person on the Phone:[/B] Micah, brother, this is Hulk Hogan. How are you? [CENTER][IMG]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w93/Freakzilla86/aHulkHogan.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hulk Hogan[/B][/CENTER] [I]Hulk Freakin' Hogan? I don't care who you are, if you are a wrestling fan, and you have the chance to talk with Hulk Hogan, you are going to want to mark out. But I had to use those years of training in law school to keep my bearings.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Mr. Hogan... I'm doing well this evening... [B]Hogan:[/B] Listen up, brother. Eric told me about you taking the job and I just wanted to say welcome to the family... [I]'Taking the job'? I didn't want to correct him, but I never took the job.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] And I don't want what happened almost 7 years ago to happen again to WCW... Especially since my personal money is invested. So, this is what I have planned. It's obvious that I am the biggest draw that wrestling has ever seen... [I]Actually, one could argue that Steve Austin is the biggest draw within wrestling, and The Rock is the biggest draw beyond wrestling.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] And I know Vince has let go of a bunch of his guys over the past few months... So I tell you what. We can go out and sign a bunch of these jabronis and we can set up a tournament for Souled Out... Let's just say you can sign Kishi's cousin Umaga, or whatever his name is. You put him in a first round match against me. I walk in, he comes in while I'm posing for the crowd and he hits me with the spike of his before the bell rings. It looks like he has taken me out, but then I hulk up... then he tries to hit me with a few punches, no sell. Then I get him with a few rights, hit him with the boot, drop the leg, 1-2-3. I move on to the next round... [I]This conversation just went south. I'm sitting in my apartment and Hogan is booking himself over a guy that isn't even in the company yet.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] Then, you get Johnny Nitro from the WWE, and you put him in there with whoever, let him move on to the semi-finals to face me. He's younger and faster, so he gets heat on me for a while then I do my usual hulk up, right hands, boot, and leg, 1-2-3, Hogan moves to the finals... [I]Talk about egomanic![/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] Then, you got what should have headlined Wrestlemania last year, dude. You got the Immortal Hulk Hogan against The Giant for the WCW World Heavyweight Title... Just like at Wrestlemania III, dude, you got the monstrous giant dominating the Hulkster, dude. Then it looks like it's over, and the Hulkster hulks up, but The Giant is ready for him. It's looking like Hulkamania is done... until I hulk up again and no sell the Giant. Then I hit him with the rights, hit him with the boot to the face, but he does go down... So I hit with him a series of clotheslines, but The Giant's still at his feet... So then, just like at Wrestlemania III, brother, the Hulkster takes that 7 foot, 500 pound giant, picks him up, and slams him down to the mat... drops the leg, 1-2-3. The crowd cheers as Hulkamania runs wild again! [I]This would have been great... 15 years ago, but fans nowadays don't wanna see that![/I] [B]Me:[/B] Well, Hulk, sounds great but... [I]Hogan cut me off before I could finish.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] Great, brother, knew you would see things my way. Look I'll tell Eric and Show about things and I'll see you in Atlanta... Peace, dude. [I]Hogan hung up. What the hell just happened? I never agreed to that 1980's style of booking! ... This is going to be a long weekend...[/I]
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[U]Sunday, Week 4, December 2007[/U] [I]The flight to Atlanta was nice. It was a private flight. I was pretty much the only person on the flight with my own personal stewardess. Open bar, but I don't drink. Actually, it was more of a hotel room type setting. It was kind of awkward to take off and land without being strapped down in a seat like on normal flights. Anyhow, as I left the Atlanta airport, I was met by a limo driver with a sign that read 'Micah From Stanford'. At that moment, I decided my kayfabe name. Micah Stanford. I thought it was catchy.[/I] [B]Limo Driver:[/B] Mr. Bischoff request that you call him from the limo phone immediately. I will take you to your condo, sir. [B]Me:[/B] Thanks... [I]I got into the limo and picked up the phone. I called Eric and he answered...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/E%20Images/Eric_Bischoff.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Bischoff[/B][/CENTER] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Micah! My main man! How was the flight? [B]Me:[/B] It was good. [B]Bischoff:[/B] That's good to hear. Look, Micah, I talked to Hulk last night. I'm glad that you want to put the belt on him. Sounds like things are really going to work out. Hulk and Paul are excited about being the main event of the first Pay-Per-View... We are all excited. Hulk Hogan was the first new WCW Champion sounds like money. [I]Didn't want to be rude, but enough was enough.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Look, Eric, with all due respect, that's not happening. [B]Bischoff:[/B] ... Huh? But Hulk told me that he... [B]Me:[/B] I never agreed to that. As great of an icon that Hulk Hogan is to the wrestling industry, he is not want fans of 2008 want to see. They want to see someone in the late 20's to early 30's as the champ. They want to see someone with a great physique and the ability do to flashy moves. They want someone with that special charisma that captivates the crowd yet not so over the top that they can actually connect with him... And, once again, with all due respect, that person is not Hulk Hogan... [I]There was an awkward silence for a moment. Although I could only see his eyes in the rearview, I could tell even the limo driver looked nervous. Eric then responded with a slightly annoyed voice.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Well, Micah, I'll let you tell that the Hulk tomorrow.. We have a meeting at 9 AM. The driver will take you to the building in the morning... Hope your balls are as big as they are right now, because it's going to be me, Hulk, and Paul in the room. Have a good night. [I]Eric hung up. I chuckled for a moment, as I felt he was trying to intimidate me... then I realized that he had intimidated me. Hogan, Big Show, and Bischoff in the same room, staring down the table at me? ... Hope I can sleep tonight.[/I]
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Time to find out how big your balls are eh? :O I just realized that was probably the most homosexual post ever made on these boards. Good backstory so far! Put the belt on yourself... you wouldnt be the first WCW booker to do it!
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[U]Monday, Week 1, January 2008[/U] [B]The First Meeting[/B] [I]I walked off the elevator into the Creative meeting room. As I walked in, it was a surreal moment for me, as a fan, to see three of the biggest names in wrestling, at least of the last ten years of so infront of me.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/E%20Images/Eric_Bischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w93/Freakzilla86/aHulkHogan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii278/b2flyxballer/Big_Show.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Bischoff had a fake smile that he looked like he just put on as I walked in; Hogan was visibly annoyed, wearing his shades to avoid any reading of his eyes; and Show was leaning back in the office chair he was sitting in.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Micah... Good morning. I'd like to be the first to welcome you to WCW... I'm sure you know, Hulk Hogan and Paul Wight, formerly known as The Big Show... [I]I looked over at Hogan and Paul. Hogan did not move, while Paul extended his hand out to me.[/I] [B]Wight:[/B] It's a pleasure to meet you... [I]As I took his handshake, I felt an enormous amount of pressure in my right hand that caught me off guard and that brought me down to my knees instantly. Hogan snickered and shook his head in disgust, while Wight laughed.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] C'mon, Paul! Leave him alone! It's his first day! [I]Paul, thankfully, released the grip and pulled me up to my feet. He looked at me with a smile and said...[/I] [B]Wight:[/B] No hard feelings man, just some friendly messin' around... [I]I brushed myself off.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] It's cool... [I]I took my seat and the meeting started... Bischoff went on for about 45 minutes, talking about how Vince was going down because of the whole Benoit tragedy and the federal government breathing down WWE's necks, and how he, Hulk, and Paul purchased WCW from Vince. He went on to say that he wanted to pay Vince back for all the embarassing things he had him do in WWE and how he wanted to crush WWE and have Vince working for him. Then he went on to talk about TNA and their expansion, how they have been considered the 'new' WCW for a while, but with a WWE flavor. He said that Russo would eventually run out of ideas and TNA would suffer a fate similar to the old WCW. He then focused on the future of the new WCW...[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] So, Micah, what do you have planned for us? [I]Before I could say anything, Hogan, who had been sitting in silence, unmoved, for almost the entire 45 minutes, leaned over, took off his shades, and glared at me.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] You got something to say to me... brother?! [I]I actually felt a chill run up by spine. The thought of Hogan taking my 155 pound frame and breaking it in half ran through my mind. I pulled myself together in that split second that felt like an eternity and replied.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Actually, I do. Hulk... can I call you Hulk? ... I never agreed to your outrageous scenario of reliving your glory years of the 80's for the first show of this new era of WCW. It seems like you think that you are still the draw that you were ten... well, actually not even five years ago. I mean, if you really think you are the draw you were in the late 80's and early 90's, then why did you have such a hard time filling up that Memphis arena last year? [I]I saw Bischoff sink in his seat, while Hulk and Paul looked very annoyed.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] My point is, with all due respect to your legacy... you are not what fans of 2008 want to see. [I]Hogan slid his shades back on and sat back in his chair.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] Then if you know, so much, day one in the business, who do 'the fans' want to see? [I]Now I have his attention.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Fans want to see Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho... They want to see athletes. They want to see flashy yet realistic wrestling. They want to believe that wrestling is real even though they know it's a work. With all due respect, a 54-year-old man who's arsenal consist of clotheslines, bodyslams, right hand punches, a boot, and legdrop is not want fans of today want to see... [I]Hogan chuckled as if I had insulted his ego while Bischoff, who couldn't get any lower in his chair, continued to sink.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] They want to see high flying moves, MMA style submissions, power bombs, power slams... They want to believe that what they are watch is real. They want to have a reason to care about the product they are watching. They want to enjoy the storylines... They don't want to see promos that last the first thirty minutes of a two hour show. No, they want to see rivals fight, not talk... We have to be different than WWE. If WWE has Triple H talk for ten minutes to open the show, and you have John Cena looking at him face-to-face while he verbally tears him apart, and all you have Cena say is 'See you on Sunday'... That's completely unrealistic! If you had John Cena, who is supposed to be this bad ass tough former rapper being taunted by an arrogant prick like Triple H, Cena should listen to about three seconds and then nail him in the face. There should be ten minutes of him sitting there like a chump listening... [B]Hogan:[/B] Point man, but this isn't WWE, brother. We are WCW. [B]Me:[/B] And what exactly is WCW? The last time I saw Nitro in 2001, it was WWE-Lite. It was garbage. Even in the late 90's, when you, Eric Bischoff, took Nitro and put it head-to-head with Raw, it was the nWo that carried the company... [I]Bischoff must have found his spine because the mention of that idea got him up in his seat.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Yeah, that was a brillant idea I came up with. [B]Me:[/B] Wrong, you took the idea from Japan... [I]It looked like I struck a nerve with Bischoff there.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] My point is, it was the realism of the nWo that captured that audience in the late 90's. It was the realism of the idea of these WWE guys that came to WCW to take it over. Now, there's no way I'm going to bring back the nWo, but what I'm saying is, we need to push this product realistically. Not saying we go MMA; we have to keep the idea of storylines involved, but make them make sense. We don't have to be edgy, we don't have to be over-the-top. It can be a work, but seem real. [B]Hogan:[/B] Well, brother, right now, we got me, Paul, Booker, Brutus, and my nephew Horace on the roster. Obviously, we need to get some guys on board that are going to help us... We need some major players to be the future of WCW... Now I know we can probably get Luger and maybe we can throw some money at Flair to get him to come in. Hell, I know I can call Dennis Rodman to... [I]What? Dennis Rodman? What the hell?[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Dennis Rodman? ... Lex Luger? ... And with all due respect, Ric Flair? The future? You are kidding, right? ... No, we need a mix of the new and old... We need younger athletes with great physiques that are believable in the ring. [I]I pulled out a vanilla folder containing a report of available workers that I had worked on the previous night.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] This is what I have planned. [I]Bischoff, Paul, and even the annoyed Hogan moved forward to listen in.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] First, we need to capture that audience that left wrestling when WWE bought WCW in 2001. So we need to see if we can get some of those 'old' WCW names back. So I made some calls and found that there are several former WCW names that are either free agents or are not bound by a written contract... [I]As I moved though the report, I noticed Bischoff having an impressed smirk on his face, Paul looking interested, while Hogan looked disgruntled yet open.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] First, Bill Goldberg. [I]Hogan's frown actually turn into a slight smile.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Goldberg is pretty much what helped WCW defeat WWE in the late 90's. He's been out of the limelight for a while, he probably is a little out of ring shape, but he is still a name that fans from the 90's definitely remember, so he is one we can go after. [I]I actually had a unanimous decision in the room.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Next is one that you named, Hulk... 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair. Now he was the NWA and he was WCW in the 80's and 90's... I know he has had some family issues and questioned whether he should retire or not, but we can, as you said Hulk, throw some cash at him and see if we can get him to come in, for at least a couple of shows to start us off with... [B]Bischoff:[/B] If I may, Micah, I'm not to thrilled about bringing Flair in... [B]Wight:[/B] C'mon, Eric, let that go. [B]Hogan:[/B] Yeah, dude, at least see if he will come in and work for a little while. We all know there's still some beef on the table with you two... But, Eric, look at the big picture. How can you have WCW with Ric Flair? [I]For the first time since I walked in Hogan was on my side?[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Fine, just keep the cash at a reasonable rate. I'm pretty sure he's going to want an arm and a leg to come in. [B]Me:[/B] Next on my list, Rey Mysterio Jr.... Now, there is no denying that he was the highlight reel of the 90's, but wrestling, especially in the U.S., has evolved since then. He's not the worker he was then but he does hold name value. I say we bring him in and let him work in the uppercards on a even landscape with you guys... [B]Hogan:[/B] Now, I don't have anything against Rey, but he's a small dude. You talk about realism, there's no way that little Rey Rey could beat a 'Giant' like Paul! Start back the Cruiserweight Division and let him work there. [B]Me:[/B] Hulk, I have to disagree. If you look back, it was the departure of Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, and Saturn that started the demise of the old WCW. We have to learn from our mistakes. Now, I'm not say put the strap on Mysterio, but he can be a major player... [I]Hogan sits back in his chair as I continue on...[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Next would be a Dave Finlay. Sure, he was never WCW champ, but he is a great worker and can teach the younger workers a lot. He was released recented from WWE, so he still is familar with the fanbase. I say we bring him in to be a mentor to the younger guys, and at the same time, maybe help capture some of the old WCW hardcore fans that might want to see him. [B]Hogan:[/B] Well, you have to bring in Rodman, dude. He's a former WCW Main Eventer! [I]I completed disagreed with this idea.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Micah, Hulk does have a point. Rodman did main event a Pay-Per-View. [B]Me:[/B] Yeah, during one of WCW's lowest times! [B]Hogan:[/B] Well, Eric, I'm going to call Rodman and offer him a deal. I'm using my power as an owner here... [I]Nothing I could do there, so I just went on with my list.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Other former WCW names I thought I could throw out there... Juventud Guerrera, I think his AAA deal is about to expire... Psychosis... Raven... [B]Paul:[/B] Doesn't he work for TNA? [B]Me:[/B] Yeah, but I got word that his contract is about to expire, so I say we bring him back to WCW, maybe give the impression that we are taking TNA guys as well. [B]Hogan:[/B] What about Luger, brother? We could always use Flexy Lex in WCW, dude! [B]Me:[/B] Lex Luger... [I]I saw Bischoff nodding with approval and then I let out a deep sigh.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] I guess, but don't expect him to get pushed to the moon. He's in his late 40's now and he was never even a decent worker... So moving on... I think we could get some strong mid to lower card former WCW guys like Shane Helms, Hugh Morrus, Chavo Jr., and even Hak, better known as The Sandman... [B]Hogan:[/B] What about the Road Warrior, dude? [B]Me:[/B] You mean Buffét Warrior Animal? ... Why? [I]I actually got a chuckle out of Wight and Bischoff.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] Joe's one of those guys from back in the day. He's still pretty strong and can really be a powerhouse in the ring. [B]Me:[/B] He's actually pretty slow and limited in the ring. I'd rather hire some young guys that can fly before I spend money on a walking food disposal... [I]Hogan gave Bischoff a look, and Bischoff nodded.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Micah, I think you should contact Animal and see if he wants to come in and work for us. [I]I nodded with agreement, although I completely disagreed. I flipped the page in my report and actually, internally, got excited about the next subject.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Let's talk about the future of WCW... The new breed. The guys that are going to be leading the promotion for the next decade... Number One on my list is the man formerly known as Johnny Nitro, John Hennigan... [I]The three of them looked at each other for a second then looked at me.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] I say we bring him in to be our number one heel. He has the charisma, he has the look, he can talk on the mic, and he is a great worker in the ring. He has credibility with the fans, being a former two-time WWE Intercontinental champ and a former ECW champ. And he was just released from WWE, so people will know who he is... [B]Bischoff:[/B] One problem, we can't market him as Johnny Nitro, it's a WWE trademark. And John Hennigan isn't the flashiest name. [B]Hogan:[/B] I got an idea, brother... He could be the dorky lackey that he was when he came into WWE back in the day.. You know, when he was your apprentice, Eric, but play up that he is your illegimate son, Johnny Bischoff! [I]Hogan nodded to Eric, while Bischoff smiles, likely the idea. Paul shrugged. Was I the only one in the room with a brain? It was obvious that Hogan was trying to bury the kid with a horrible gimmick before I even called him![/I] [B]Me:[/B] Negative, Hulk. This is what we are going to do with John. He comes in, playing off his Johnny Nitro character, but calls himself Johnny Franchise. He is the new franchise player of WCW. He is the prototype. He is the future. He has all the tools to make it happen. We push him to the top, on equal playing field with top level guys, like you, Hogan, Paul, Flair, and I was thinking that we can even have him win the belt! [I]Hogan jumped out of his seat and Bischoff sunk down in his.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] There's no way I'm jobbing that the jabroni, dude! He hasn't been in this business long enough... [I]I got out of my seat, leaned over the top, looking up at Hogan, and got in his face.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] It doesn't matter how long he's been in the business, he's what fans want to see! He's young, talented, has the look, and can run laps around old fossils like you!!! [I]Wow! Did I just say that to Hulk Hogan? Hogan gave an arrogant smile and actually sat back down. I gained by composure and sat back in my seat as well.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] Okay... 'BOSS', whatever you say... I'm just letting you know right now, I'm not putting over that little jabroni. I'll enforce my creative control every time you try to make it happen. [I]I could tell then it was going to be a interesting ride from here. Wight jumped in, trying to change the subject.[/I] [B]Wight:[/B] I know though some of my friends in WWE that Lashley's contract is about to expire and he is looking to jump to TNA. Maybe we can offer him a deal and get him here. He's a good guy and has a good look to him. [I]Bobby Lashley? I wasn't too into Lashley, but other than the handshake, Paul's been pretty neutral in this first meeting.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] Alright, Paul, I'll give Lashley a call. See what he's talking about. Maybe we can get him in to the new WCW... ... Couple of other names I was looking at as potential future stars are Carlos Colón Jr., also known as Carlito, the former M.V.P., Alvin Burke Jr, and Eddy Fatu, the former Umaga. [B]Bischoff:[/B] Well, I know from my time in WWE and from what people tell me that Carlito's pretty lazy in the ring and is hard to control as an employee... [B]Me:[/B] Well, look at how he has been booked in WWE! ... You put him in a role that matters, you will have a happy worker! Simple management. [B]Bischoff:[/B] Then there's the former M.V.P. The name is trademarked by WWE. [B]Me:[/B] We can bring him in, let him play up the same M.V.P. gimmick but let him work under his indy name, Antonio Banks. He can call himself Mr. Banks. Maybe we could put him and Johnny Franchise in an on and off tag team of sorts, like The Franchise Players or something like that, playing up two arrogant upcomers. [B]Wight:[/B] I like it. [B]Bischoff:[/B] And what about Umaga? That's obviously a WWE name. [B]Me:[/B] We can debut him as a monster. He doesn't need the face paint. He doesn't need to play the savage Samoan role. Just a big guy that hurts people. That's what people what to see anyway. He could use his old indy name of Ekmo and there you go. I can definitely see this guy being at the top of the cards by the end of the year. [I]For the next two hours, we discussed other potential signings like The Basham Brothers, Mark Henry, the former Boogeyman, Ken Doane, Sabu, Super Crazy, Paul London (whose WWE contract was set to expire), Monty Brown, and short term deals for foreigner uys like Kensuke Sasaki, Jushin Lyger, and Yoshihiro Tajiri. Bischoff told me he wanted Diamond Dallas Page back in WCW, as he had been a loyal friend of his for several years. As much as I disagreed that he had nothing to offer, at the end of the day, Bischoff is the boss. Other guys, for the lower card I was going to contact were Lance Cade, Mark Jindrak, the former René Duprée, Nick Dinsmore, all decent workers. Wight suggested to bring in Balls Mahoney and Terry Funk to maybe get some of the old ECW crowd to watch WCW. Hogan lobbied for more members of the 'old boys club', Jim Neidhart and Rick Martel, both of which Bischoff told me to contact.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] What about the announcers, dude? We gotta have some guys that know how to call a match and put us over while were in the ring... [B]Me:[/B] I was thinking Joey Styles... [I]The three of them looked shocked... I mean Joey Styles in WCW? That's an interesting concept.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Joey Styles? I'm not doubt his ability, but do you think he would come to WCW, as much as he has stated that he hated it? [B]Me:[/B] I'm sure if there was enough money on the table, he would join. I mean, he went to WWE... [B]Wight:[/B] What about the color guy? [B]Me:[/B] I was thinking Joel Gertner... [B]Bischoff:[/B] Two ECW guys calling WCW matches? [B]Me:[/B] It's not like we can get Jim Ross or Mike Tenay. We have to work with what is available! [I]That statement actually made sense to them. From there, we discussed other minor things. Referees, Road Agents, Merchandising, Marketing, and before I knew it, it was almost 6 PM. I had been there all day! The chinese takeout boxes, reports, and papers were all over the desk. We all looked exhausted. Bischoff yawned.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Well, I think that about covers things... So, Micah, you get things in order... [I]Bischoff slid me a checkbook binder.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] You write the checks you need, do what you got to do to get the guys we discussed in here. If you get into amounts over, say, $300k a year, call me first, and we will have to reevaluate the situation. [B]Me:[/B] Sounds good. I appreciate your guys' patience and willing to work with me. [I]Bischoff and Wight seemed receptive to that comment. Hogan, on the other hand, stood up and took his shades off.[/I] [B]Hogan:[/B] Well, you may be the booker, but I'm still one of the bosses. Don't get it twisted, bruh... You... will never tell me... what to do... brother! [I]Hogan then stormed out of the room. Wight padded me on the back.[/I] [B]Wight:[/B] Don't worry... I'm sure he likes you deep down inside... [I]Wight chuckled to himself as he left the office. Bischoff walked over to me.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Look, don't worry about Terry. He's always been protective of his spot. You just do what you think is right, and I'm behind you 100%... I'm confident in you... Otherwise, I wouldn't have hired you! [I]Bischoff gave that annoying smile of his that is so obviously fake and then walked out.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Call me if you need anything... See you next week! [I]As the doors closed, I stood there. Then it finally hit me... I was the Head Booker of WCW... The future of this promotion lied in my hands...[/I]
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[U]Tuesday, Week 1, January 2008[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/PWInsiderElite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Major News[/B] - Ricky Steamboat signed with WCW today, after turning away offers from several promotions. It is rumored that he will be working in a referee role with the company. - Recently released former WWE stars Alvin Burke Jr. (M.V.P.) and Ken Doane (Kenny Dykstra) also signed with the new WCW. - In addition to those signings, former ECW color commentary and manager Joel Gertner was signed to a WCW deal. It is expected for him to work as the main color commentary for their shows. [B]Major Show Results[/B] [QUOTE][B]TNA Impact[/B] [I]Location: Florence Civic Center (South East) Attendance: 13,992 Show Rating: A[/I] Kaz d. Lance Hoyt Hernandez v. Matt Sydal Gail Kim d. Rebecca Bayless to retain the TNA Women's title A.J. Styles d. Brother Runt ANGLE: Brawl between Sting & Christian Cage Doomsday & Lesnar d. Macho Machzimo (Savage & Lethal) Kurt Angle d. Sting to retain the TNA World Heavyweight title[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]WWE RAW[/B] [I]Location: GIANT Center (Tri State) Attendance: 9,397 Show Rating: B-[/I] John Bradshaw Layfield d. Ron Simmons Jeff Hardy d. Big Daddy V Kane d. Matt Hardy Kennedy d. London and Lashley to retain the WWE Intercontinental title ANGLE: Backstage segment w/Vince McMahon, Triple H, & John Cena John Cena d. Randy Orton Triple H d. Shane McMahon[/QUOTE]
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[U]Tuesday, Week 1, January 2008[/U] [I]I'd just completed the signings of the new Antonio Banks, Ken Phoenix, Joel Gertner, and Ricky Steamboat, when my cell rang. It was Bischoff.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Micah, hey, I just hear about your signings. Could you try lowering the amounts you are handing out? [B]Me:[/B] I had to give them a reason to come to WCW. I had to give them a reason to believe that the company was here to stay. $300k a year will get anyone to stay. [B]Bischoff:[/B] Well, try to negotiate a little more... Now, I talked with Hulk and Paul, and I think our meeting went well yesterday... [B]Me:[/B] Well, you told me to bring it so I did... [B]Bischoff:[/B] Yeah, well, Hulk isn't too happy with you, but me and Paul are behind you. I know I told you have had control of the creative end and hiring, but there are some ground rules that the three of us have decided, since you are on a trial basis with the company... [I]Ground Rules?[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] First off all, this company is worth $50 million at the moment. Now, that's a lot of money, but I'm not going to let you spend it all, especially without a return. This is important. [B]The funds cannot drop below $8 million at any point[/B]; if they do, we are going to have to pull the plug on you and take the control of the company. [I]So I have $42 million to spend? C'mon I don't even think Russo could mess that up... Then again...[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Second, [B]Hulk Hogan and The Giant have to remain household names.[/B] I'm not say they have to be the champs or in the main events, but they have to be top names. This is a big deal with Hulk. [I]Politics...[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] [B]No hiring wrestlers with a decent athletic ability.[/B] This was actually something you suggested that we decided to put into writing... And last, [B]no former MMA guys[/B]. The last thing we want is to be confused with UFC or any of those guys. [B]Me:[/B] Sounds fair enough. I can do those. [B]Bischoff:[/B] Now, if you have already call some guys that fall in the non-athletic or MMA categories, that's fine, just no more from here on out. [B]Me:[/B] Sounds good. [B]Bischoff:[/B] Alright, Micah, keep me updated. We have a meeting next Monday to talk about the Pay-Per-View. It's about 12 days away. We've already talked to DirecTV, iNDEMAND, and Dish about the advertisements. If you get a chance, let's see if we can expand to a worldwide market... Talk with you later. [I]Bischoff hung up. Great, I have goals. But then again, I'm getting paid. So can I complain?[/I]
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[U]Wednesday, Week 1, January 2008[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/PWInsiderElite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Major News[/B] - Hall Of Famer Mr. Fuji announced that he was making a return to WWE, as he signed a deal with the promotion this morning. It hasn't been announced what role he will play. - In shocking news, PWInsider has gotten news that [B]current WWE World Tag Team champion[/B] Paul London signed a deal with WCW. There were several attempts made to keep this deal a secret, but PWInsider confirmed it this afternoon. I'm sure Vince can't be happy about that. - Recently released former WWE superstars Gregory Helms, John Hennigan, and Carlos Colón Jr. (Carlito) have signed WCW deals. Also, AAA has announced that Juventud Guerrera will be leaving for WCW in the next week. Looks like WCW is getting ready for the redebut on the national scene in less than two weeks on Pay-Per-View!
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[U]Thursday, Week 1, January 2008[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/PWInsiderElite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Major News[/B] - WWE announced that it had resigned JTG to the promotion, despite his 2007 release. Also returning to the company will be former ring announcer Tony Chimel. - WCW announced today that Scott Levy, current TNA star Raven, had signed a deal and would be debuting at the WCW Souled Out Pay-Per-View. It was known for a while that TNA's management was not happy with Levy's backstage attitude had been a problem. Levy had reportedly had a heated argument with TNA owner Dixie Carter late last year. This development is actually not a surprise to the inside wrestling community. Also announced former WWE referee Jim Korderas has signed a deal with WCW. - ROH announced that it would be bring in Stan Hansen as a full time asset to the company. When contacted, a ROH spokesperson said that Hansen would initially be a in-ring worker to give the rub to some of the younger talent on the roster. ROH also announced the signing of Puerto Rican star Ray Gonzales.
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[QUOTE=Joshua;502203]Time to find out how big your balls are eh? :O I just realized that was probably the most homosexual post ever made on these boards. Good backstory so far! Put the belt on yourself... you wouldnt be the first WCW booker to do it![/QUOTE] LOL. It was Eric Bischoff who said it. :) Actually, I have put the belt on Micah in a few games prior to me deciding to do this diary. Let's see if Bischoff/Hogan/Paul push Micah to doing it. :) [QUOTE=tizzyt;502272]I'm kind of liking this backstory, I'll be checking this out for a minute, keep up the good work[/QUOTE] Appreciate it. I was trying to come up with an interesting backstory, something that seemed original yet realistic. Hope you enjoy it! :)
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[U]Friday, Week 1, January 2008[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/PWInsiderElite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Major News[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/F%20Images/Fabulous_Moolah2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Fabulous Moolah[/B][/CENTER] - In sad news, the Fabulous Moolah passed away at the age of 82. The former 7-time WWE Women's Champion will always be remembered. - On a happier note, WCW made some huge signings today. Perhaps the biggest name was Bill Goldberg, who announced today on his website that he was leaving his retirement and returning to the ring at WCW Souled Out 2008. WCW also announced the signings of Rey Mysterio Jr., former NBA star Dennis Rodman, Psychosis, former ECW star The Sandman (who PWInsider can confirm will be working as Hardcore Hak), Yoshihiro Tajiri, Monty Brown, Diamond Dallas Page, and Lance Cade. - Also signed on the non-wrestling side of WCW, English referee Tony Barrat, the legendary Dory Funk Jr. (who is rumored to be the head Road Agent backstage), Arn Anderson (rumored to be in a Road Agent role), and Ted DiBiase Sr. (also rumored to be in a Road Agent role).
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[QUOTE=CQI13;502310]Interesting start, but if you thought DDP had nothing to offer, why would you even consider Boogeyman?[/QUOTE] Micah never said that he wanted Boogeyman. It was 'discussed', besides Boogey wanted too much money... $35k + a midcard title run. I turned it down. :D
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Those title runs'll kill ya if you let them get out of hand. Anyway, good start. As a long-time WCW fan I wasn't too sorry to see them going under way back when, on the off chance they could start back up a bit down the road and get back to the good times. Here's hoping you can get them on the right track :)
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[U]Saturday, Week 1, January 2008[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/PWInsiderElite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Major News[/B] - WWE announced that 'Mean' Gene Okerlund would be returning to the company. It is not known what capacity Okerlund would be working in, but his return has been confirmed. - WCW announced several huge signings today. The biggest signing amongst them all was that of 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair. It is reported that he was given a great salary yet it was lower than some of the less talented workers on the roster. Also, PWInsider has found out that current WWE superstar Bobby Lashley signed a WCW deal yesterday. It had been reported that Lashley had not been happy with WWE since the release of his girlfriend Kristal Marshall in 2007. - Other WCW signings included: Dave 'Fit' Finlay, Edward 'Umaga' Fatu, Doug Basham, Keiichi 'Jushin Lyger' Yamada, Mark Henry, Sabu, Mark Jindrak, Nick Dinsmore, Rick Martel, Terry Funk, Joey Styles, Les Thatcher (rumored to be a Road Agent), and Paul Orndorff (rumored to be a Road Agent). - Several PPV deals have been announced: WWE signed a deal with J Sports for PPV coverage in Japan. WCW signed a deal with Rogers Communications Inc. for PPV coverage in Canada. TNA signed a deal with Star Choice for PPV coverage in Canada. ROH signed a deal with Bell ExpressVu for PPV coverage in Quebec & Ontario (Canada). NWA signed a deal with Bresnan Communications for PPV coverage in Mid South & Mid West (USA). WCCW signed a deal with Midcontinent Communications for PPV coverage in Mid West (USA). [U]Sunday, Week 1, January 2008[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/PWInsiderElite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Major News[/B] - WCW announced that they had signed former WCW champion Lex Luger, one half of the legendary Road Warriors Joe 'Animal' Laurinaitis, and former WWE Intercontinental champion Sean 'Val Venis' Morley. Also signed was English referee Dashiell Faireborn. - PWInsider has found that former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis has signed with ROH. Whether she will be in an in-ring role or in non-wrestling role is yet to be known. - ECW.com announced today that Joey Matthews would be returning to the company. Matthews worked for the company prior to its original closure with Christian York. He was last seen on the national stage as Joey Mercury in WWE. [U]Monday, Week 2, January 2008[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/PWInsiderElite.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Major News[/B] - WCW announced the signings of former WWE/WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero Jr., former WWE/ECW star Super Crazy, and former WWE star René 'Duprée' Goguen. - ROH announced that Roderick Strong would be returning to the company under a written deal. Also, former UFC MMA fighter Quinton Jackson was announced to have signed a ROH deal as well. It will be very interesting to see how he transitions to pro wrestling. [B]Other News[/B] - WCW Road Agent Les Thatcher was sent to WCW's Developmental Territory GCW to help train the young workers there. There was no political reasoning behind it; the fact that Thatcher did run the former WWE Developmental Territory HWA years ago did factor in to the decision. Thatcher was reportedly thrilled to be a part of the developmental process for WCW and is happy to be in GCW. - WCW will also have it's first house show run. It is rumored that the first set of house shows will main event Hulk Hogan v. Johnny Franchise (formerly Johnny Nitro of WWE fame).
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[U]Monday, Week 2, January 2008[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/aznblusuazn/Generic43.jpg[/IMG] [B]Micah Stanford[/B][/CENTER] [B]Morning[/B] [I]One week in the company. I thought I'd done a pretty good job thus far. We were going to start a house show run to make sure that the guys didn't have any ring rust prior to the big show. With WCW Souled Out being less than 6 days away, I wanted to see how Franchise and Hogan worked, so I thought they could main event the house shows leading up to the Pay-Per-View. It was 8:57 AM, I was walking out of the elevator to the WCW Creative Room. As I walked in, I saw Eric, Hulk, and Paul. Eric looked annoyed, Paul looked indifferent, and Hulk sat there with his shades on looking like a disgruntled grandpa.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/E%20Images/Eric_Bischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w93/Freakzilla86/aHulkHogan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii278/b2flyxballer/Big_Show.jpg[/IMG] [B]Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, & 'The Giant' Paul Wight[/B][/CENTER] [I]I sighed to myself as I took myself, knowing what Bischoff was going to be upset about...[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Micah, what the hell were you thinking? [I]Here it comes...[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] These salaries are out of control! [B]Me:[/B] You told me to get the talent, I did that! It was the washed up has beens that wanted the most money! [B]Bischoff:[/B] I told you to call me if... [B]Me:[/B] Call you? In the middle of negotiations? ... Excuse me, Goldberg, I know you aren't interested in returning to wrestling, but your price ticket is a little high. I need to call Eric real quick... Um, no! I need to sign him before he lost interest... [B]Bischoff:[/B] Okay, Goldberg, I understand... but Chavo Guerrero for $40k a month? [B]Me:[/B] Chavo can run laps around Goldberg without being slightly exhausted! Look, I got Bobby Lashley, current WWE Main Eventer! [B]Bischoff:[/B] Well, I sure how you can turn all these expenses into profit... [B]Me:[/B] Eric, how is this any different than when you went to Turner over ten years ago and asked for the checkbook to turn WCW around? ... We are the 'new' WCW... we have to make an impact! We have to have the big names come in and at the same time build for the future. That's what I've done. [B]Hogan:[/B] Well, dude, what's the deal with me working with this jabroni for the house shows this week? [B]Me:[/B] I figured that you two are the centerpieces of the two factions that will be represented in the new WCW... you have Hulk Hogan, the leader of the legends; and Johnny Franchise, the leader of the future... [B]Hogan:[/B] Well, I'm enforcing Creative Control. I'm not jobbing to the jabroni this week. [B]Me:[/B] They're freakin' house shows! [B]Hogan:[/B] I'm Hulk Hogan, brother. I don't lay down for anyone! [I]Silence hit the room for a moment.[/I] [B]Bischoff:[/B] Six days until Souled Out, Micah, what do you have planned? [I]From here we talked about ideas for the WCW World Heavyweight Title tournament for the Pay-Per-View. I had issues with Hulk and his 'Creative Control' while Paul was pretty open to whatever. Bischoff, on the other hand, looked like a coward, sinking in his seat when Hulk and I clashed. After almost six hours of discussion, we had came up with the plan. It was on paper. Souled Out was decided. Now I had to get the message to each worker.[/I] [B]At The First House Show[/B] [I]I walked into the arena where our first house show of the new age was going to be held. I had requested a meeting with all the workers that were going to be at the show. Obviously, guys like Raven, Lyger, Juvi, Lashley, and London were going to be there because their contracts hadn't started yet, but I had the main audience I was trying to reach there. I stood before them, and the fan in me wanted to mark out. Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, The Giant, Rey Mysterio Jr.... All in the same room, all looking at me. The talk amongst the all stopped, and I cleared my throat.[/I] [B]Me:[/B] First off, I would like to thank all of you for being a part of the new WCW. We are going to make history with this revival of this legendary promotion, and you should all feel privileged to be a part of it... Now, for those of you who don't know me, or may have forgotten, my name is Micah Stanford. I am the Head of the WCW Creative Team... Now most of you probably don't know any about me, so I will start by saying that I have been a wrestling fan since the early 90's. I have a Law Degree from Stanford Law. I was the youngest in my graduating class, 22 years old, and passed the Bar Exam the following week on my first try... Now, I'm not here to brag about myself; I'm here to rebuild WCW into a money-making entity and have it reclaim its title of being Number One in the World! [I]I got an applause from the group of wrestlers, which was relieving for me. With there approval, I now have the confidence that I may have been lacking to move forward with my plans...[/I]
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