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APW 2009 - This country ain't killed us yet!

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Inferno vs.[B] Dingo Devine[/B]. [I]Don't let that herb beat Dingo![/I] Megadome Qualifying match: Lanny Williams vs. [B]Blake Belushi[/B] [I]I am a huge Blake mark!!! Lets go Shake n' Blake[/I] Megadome Qualifying match: Harry Simonson vs. [B]Fuzzy Freeman[/B] [I]Fuzz is on something so he deserves the win[/I] Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]Triple S [/B]vs. Alyx Macquarie. (Non Title) [I]TripS is going to take this one and keep his lead going into the Megadome![/I]
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I am a regular reader of this diary and that's the reason why I hope that next episode of Australian Pro Wrestling will be up sooner then later. I haven't post here earlier because I was not able to do it (I have registered to this forum back in June or July, but my account was validated only today or yesterday), but I haven't miss a single APW show in this diary!! [B]Inferno[/B] vs. Dingo Devine Megadome Qualifying match: Lanny Williams vs. [B]Blake Belushi[/B] Megadome Qualifying match: Harry Simonson vs. [B]Fuzzy Freeman[/B] Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Alyx Macquarie. (Non Title)
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[SIZE="4"][CENTER]Here we go :) Welcome to new people, and hello again to my regular readers. Let me know who you are! [/SIZE] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/tv200906.png[/img] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website200906.png[/img] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Quick Picks for APW Megadome![/B] 1. Crime Wave vs. The Rising Sons. 2. Samoan Demolition vs. Old School Reunion. (APW Tag Titles). 3.. Boo Smithson vs. Dingo Devine (APW Australian title) 4.[B] APW Megadome Match[/B]: Swoop McCarthy vs. Alyx Macquarie vs. Harry Simonson vs. Triple S vs. Inferno vs. Blake Belushi [/CENTER][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Hope this comes up soon since I am looking forward to how this turns out. 1. Crime Wave vs. [B]The Rising Sons. [/B] [I]TRS will win this one because they are the more talented and more deserivering of this win[/I] 2. [B]Samoan Demolition [/B]vs. Old School Reunion. (APW Tag Titles). [I]SD is going to take this and walk I am thinking make it impossible for Simonson to make it to the Megadome match. I also believe this will set up a confruntation at the next show where it will be interupted by TRS setting up a 3 way tag dance for the next big show[/I] 3. [B]Boo Smithson [/B]vs. Dingo Devine (APW Australian title) [I]Boo Boo is giving Dingo the rub and I am sure we will see this match it a different outcome in the near future...[/I] 4. APW Megadome Match: Swoop McCarthy vs. Alyx Macquarie vs. [B]Rick Stantz(replacing the hurt Simonson) [/B]vs. Triple Svs. Inferno vs. Blake Belushi [I]So with Stantz winning this match by pinning the suprised Blake Belushi we see the break up of TMB and the start of a wonderful fued and also the launch of what is destine to be a long rise to the top for the former TMB members on a solo venture. As for Swoop and TripS they will end up fighting back and forth with Swoop getting rid of Inferno and Alyx, from there I see TripS knocking Swoop out of the match with a quick screwy situtation. From there TMB knock out TripS and Rick turns on Blake and beats the crap out of himmm....Just the way it looks like we are going to see it[/I]
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1. Crime Wave vs. The Rising Sons. -Rising Sons no doubt. 2. Samoan Demolition vs. Old School Reunion. (APW Tag Titles). -Samoan Demolition. 3.. Boo Smithson vs. Dingo Devine (APW Australian title) -Dingo Devine. 4. APW Megadome Match: Swoop McCarthy vs. Alyx Macquarie vs. Harry Simonson vs. Triple S vs. Inferno vs. Blake Belushi -Toughest one to call but i'll go with Belushi getting the win that will lead to a jealous Stantz turning heel and breaking up the Melbourne Blondes.
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[SIZE="4"][CENTER]Sorry it took a while, but I'm of the opinion it's the best write up I've ever done. Please let me know what you think, even if you don't want to do predictions :)[/SIZE] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/megadome.png[/img] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/postmegadomewebsite.png[/img] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Quick Picks for Monday Afternoon Thunder![/B] 1. Switchblade vs. Fuzzy Freeman 2. Julio vs. Inferno 3. Tag Team Battle Royale for APW Tag Team titles – Old School Reunion vs. Barracuda vs. Melbourne Blondes vs. Samoan Demolition. 4. Kenzi vs. Alyx Macquarie. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Nice swerve job with Nate returning, never saw that coming. Switchblade vs. Fuzzy Freeman -Fuzzy. Julio vs. Inferno -Julio. Tag Team Battle Royale for APW Tag Team titles – Old School Reunion vs. Barracuda vs. Melbourne Blondes vs. Samoan Demolition -Old School Reunion to retain. Kenzi vs. Alyx Macquarie. -Kenzi
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I think I love the APW so much because I've been able to mould it my way - no-one has done a diary before for them (and mine is the longest running for APW, I believe) so I've not had to worry about stealing ideas or re-using character ideas. It's like a blank canvas and the characters are mine to do what I like with. Again, thank you for the continued support. It means a lot :)
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;522441]I think I love the APW so much because I've been able to mould it my way - no-one has done a diary before for them (and mine is the longest running for APW, I believe) so I've not had to worry about stealing ideas or re-using character ideas. It's like a blank canvas and the characters are mine to do what I like with. Again, thank you for the continued support. It means a lot :)[/QUOTE] I would have kept up with mine but am not deciding to hold off and wait for GDS verse Beta to come out over the next week so I can run a diary off of that. I am looking forward to that. I can't wait to explore this whole new world and run the new diary....I will still use the formate you created b/c I believe it is the best one I have seen so far.
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Switchblade vs. [B]Fuzzy Freeman[/B] [I]DA FUZZZ!!![/I] [B]Julio [/B]vs. Inferno [I]Julio!!!! I have no idea who he is but I am hoping Julio wins this one.[/I] Tag Team Battle Royale for APW Tag Team titles – Old School Reunion vs. Barracuda vs. [B]Melbourne Blondes [/B]vs. Samoan Demolition [I]TMB take this one since they are the only faces in this match and now with the extra teams for them to battle with they could do some good things.[/I] [B]Kenzi [/B]vs. Alyx Macquarie. [I]Kenzi!!![/I] Well first off as always your doing great. Second, not sure how I feel about Kenzi...Seems a little wierd for me and not the way I would have done it. Also to have him as champion decide to step away for no reason? I hope something comes about this and we get more explination. Also this card seems like nothing special to me...Maybe it is b/c my dislike for the Kenzi gimmick right now or maybe it is b/c it seems like the only veiwable match tonight would be the tag team battle royal...Either way I'll be watching out for this.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;522564] Well first off as always your doing great. Second, not sure how I feel about Kenzi...Seems a little wierd for me and not the way I would have done it. Also to have him as champion decide to step away for no reason? I hope something comes about this and we get more explination. [/QUOTE] I did wonder what you'd think, and I can see your point. However, the storyline will develop further - he did not just decide to 'step away'. I know my booking is a bit all over the place, but it's not quite that bad... yet :P Cheers for the compliments - looking forward to your GDS verse diary.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;522567]I did wonder what you'd think, and I can see your point. However, the storyline will develop further - he did not just decide to 'step away'. I know my booking is a bit all over the place, but it's not quite that bad... yet :P Cheers for the compliments - looking forward to your GDS verse diary.[/QUOTE]Just so you know I wasn't slamming you but rather just suggesting that you don't go the way of "Vinnie Mac" and forget what you started or just drop it cause it might not get over.... Either way I will always follow your story...mainly cause I am still waiting for Big Daddy to show up and put Inferno in a freakin Wheel chair... nothing against him I have just always hated most user characters for different reasons but yours is on the edge of hate and enjoyment. I enjoy him when he is being enhancment talent to the up and commers and I hate him when he is in the spotlight......
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  • 2 months later...
[SIZE="4"][CENTER]I promised it would come back. I've missed it, but I had to put real life first. Welcome back to the home of the APW :)[/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/tv200907.png[/IMG] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website200907.png[/IMG][/CENTER] -- [QUOTE]Friday, week 4. 7pm. The Devil almost came charging through the door to the physio room, where Inferno was having his problem shoulder treated. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Boss, ****. Rick's done it again".[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What? He's not hit another fan?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"No, this is even dumber than that - he's kicked off with the King".[/COLOR] Inferno launched up from the table, sending the physiotherapist sprawling. He set into a run, just behind the Devil. It was just a short journey to the main locker room where the talent had been recovering after the event. There was uproar - King was at one end of the locker room being restrained by Mackenzie, Rick was at the other with Swoop and bizarrely the Barracuda were in the middle trying to block off any other passage. It took three cries of [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Stop it!"[/COLOR] to get the noise to cease. Being one of the smaller men in the room wasn't going to help. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Goddamn it Rick! What is going on this time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"This ****ing oaf blew three spots in the match tonight! Each one would have kicked arse! And he screwed it! He wasn't even meant to be eliminated that soon!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"He's learning, Rick! He's only been in the system for a few months. How the hell do you expect him to learn?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"I expect him to train harder and listen to us when we're calling it, boss! I expect him to not just barge ahead and try to get us out of the way!"[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"He knows that! He listens and he works hard. And you go on and **** all over him for it. I'm not having any of this, Rick. Get out of here, now!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"Whatever you say, boss."[/COLOR][/COLOR] Inferno threw Rick's bag at him, and left the erstwhile star to huff angrily from the room. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Let that be a notice to all of you. We are a promotion that believes in growing talent. You help each other, or I have to read out more riot acts like I had to do there. Don't make me do it."[/COLOR] [/quote] -- [CENTER][SIZE="4"]Quick Picks (if I have any fans left :() 1. Barracuda vs. Crime Wave. 2. Alyx Macquarie vs. Fuzzy Freeman. 3. Swoop McCarthy vs. New Zealand Pit Bull 4. Triple S vs. Rick Stantz [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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