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From Tragedy to Triumph (WWE)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u192/erikomoondo/wwe.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]WWE.com[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="5"]Mourning a Loss[/SIZE] December 27, 2008 It has been confirmed today that Vince McMahon and Linda McMahon was fatally injured in the car accident that was reported yesterday on WWE.com. There car was hit by a drive who lost control of there car and slammed into the McMahon's car as they were heading home for the Christmas weekend. Details on the subject are being withheld for family issues. "This is a hard time for our family but my father would expect nothing less than the show to go on for the fans," stated Shane McMahon in a public release this morning. He also stated that the planed Monday Night RAW for the 28th of December will continue as planned but that the following Smackdown! and ECW events will be up in the air due to the need to "company re-structuring". It is also unknown at this time whether Shane or Stephanie McMahon is now the owner of the WWE. Shane has refused to answer questions on the subject at this time. In response to the tragedy and ambiguity as to ownership of the WWE, company stock as sharply dropped. Many fans look towards Monday night as a telling of things to come and where things are headed. While Monday will be the final page in the chapter of the man who revolutionized Pro Wresting as it is today many look to the bright future ahead. [I]More to come shortly...[/I]
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[B]Emergancy Creative Meeting Saturday, December 27, 2008 4:00 pm Titan Towers Stamford, Connecticut, USA[/B] I had never been so antsy in my life. I had finally made it to the big time, but at the wrong time. While there was a was order, an agenda, and a plan it was a bit more like controlled chaos to me. Who am I? I'm not surprised you asked, everyone has. I'm Kris Thomas. I was hired back in September to work more on the developmental side of things but they need a spot filled for the Smackdown! think tank so up I went. A bit too fast for my liking but I can't complain too much. All three shows creative was here, cramped into a press room arranged to deal with the issues ahead. The McMahon family arrives both Shane and Stephanie are still burdened by the deaths of the parents but the seem distant to me. I mean the only time I met any of the McMahon's it was Vince shortly after I was moved up to Smackdown! creative. Shane takes the podium. [B]Shane McMahon[/B]-"Alright I've brought you here all today for obvious reasons. I just finished getting the plans set for next Monday. However after that show there will be no more shows till next year. After earlier meetings with the board I have been named chair and Stephanie is the new CEO. We, or more precisely, I would like to take this company in a new direction." [B]Staff Member A[/B]-"Isn't this a bit sudden, especially given the circumstances, to be messing around with the company? We should be focusing on finishing out the year." [B]Shane[/B]-"We are, that would be next Monday's RAW. I want to take our product off for a bit to help transition this change. I want to liven things up and surge into the new year with a new energized WWE because lets face it to solid portion of our audience we have become stale. We should use this moment to wake them up and come out a fresh and better product for it. So any ideas?" Things were rather silent. I would have to say things were on short notice. People had to be expecting some planning but this was a bit of a bombshell. No one Shane looked over the crowed of creative as if asking for something, anything. [B]Kris Thomas[/B]-"I have an idea." Immediately I felt like I just swallowed my heart as the whole room whipped around to me. [B]Shane[/B]-"Well I'd like to hear it then...whats your name? [B]Kris[/B]-"Kris Thomas." [B]Shane[/B]-"Well then lets see what you got." [I][Ya um not giving away the fun stuff sorry.][/I] [B]Flight 254 bound for Kansas City, Missouri, USA Saturday, December 27, 2008 6:45pm[/B] I felt like a load of bricks just was dropped on me. Kinda destroyed the brief moment of relaxation and comfort of knowing my idea wasn't laughed out of the room, something about writers and insecurity issues. It was all happy and well thats a relief to hey were now putting you in charge of creative have fun. Most people would be like: "Awesome man you got exactly what you wanted didn't you, well?" but I can't help but feel like someone went and popped my balloon. The success and failure of THE wrestling company in the world is on me. I guess the worse thing I could do is get fired. I hear TNA is hiring anyway.
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*This card wont be put on the game because it starts in '09 but I wanted to put the show on since is part of the story anyway* [CENTER][B]Card for RAW December 29, 2008[/B] (Last to first) "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Shane McMahon Kiss My Ass Club Match William Regal vs. Shawn Michales vs. Mick Foley vs. Hornswoggle McMahon's Men Match Big Show vs. Armando Estrada vs. JBL vs. Kenny Dykstra vs. Umaga vs. Elijah Burke -Break for Vince McMahon tribute- Champions Match Chris Jericho vs. Triple H vs. Matt Hardy Cody Rhodes & Ted DeBiase Jr. vs. London & Kendrick Beth Phoenix w/Santino Marella vs. Kelly Kelly with Special Ref. Stephanie McMahon Funaki vs. Jimmy Wang Yang[/CENTER]
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[B]"Stone Cold" Steve Austin[/B] vs. Shane McMahon Kiss My Ass Club Match William Regal vs. [B]Shawn Michales[/B] vs. Mick Foley vs. Hornswoggle McMahon's Men Match [B]Big Show[/B] vs. Armando Estrada vs. JBL vs. Kenny Dykstra vs. Umaga vs. Elijah Burke Champions Match Chris Jericho vs. [B]Triple H[/B] vs. Matt Hardy (but I'm hoping for Jericho!) [B]Cody Rhodes & Ted DeBiase Jr[/B]. vs. London & Kendrick [B]Beth Phoenix w/Santino Marella[/B] vs. Kelly Kelly with Special Ref. Stephanie McMahon Funaki vs. [B]Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] Just thought I'd offer some predictions. I like this so far, looking forward to the first show.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/luigiracer88/RAWlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Monday Night RAW December 29, 2008 LIVE from Kemper Arena[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]Michael Coal[/B][/COLOR]-"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Monday Night RAW on this cold 29th of December 2008. Tonight will be a tribute to the man that created the greatest wrestling empire the world has ever known, Vince McMahon." [COLOR="Red"][B]Jerry Lawler[/B][/COLOR]-"Indeed, tonight the show rolls on but not without stopping to remember the man that has done so much for the business and left so many memories. [CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Funaki[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"]Jimmy Wang Yang[/COLOR][/U][/B][/center] Solid cruiserweight showing to get things underway. Jimmy Wang Yang picks up the win by Pinfall with the Moonsault Press. [CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Red"]Beth Phoenix w/Santino Marella[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Kelly Kelly[/COLOR] Special Guest Ref. Stephanie McMahon[/U][/B][/CENTER] The match was mainly dominated by Beth Phoenix. Whenever it seemed like Kelly Kelly was about to get a handle on things Santino Marella would distract the obviously emotionally distraught Stephanie McMahon. Beth Phoenix looked to have the win when she hit the Glam Slam but a slow count from Stephanie McMahon allowed Kelly Kelly to kick out. Beth Phoenix then went after Stephanie McMahon allowing for the roll up pin victory by Kelly Kelly. [CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Red"]Cody Rhodes & Ted DeBiase Jr.[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]London[/COLOR] & [COLOR="Blue"]Kendrick[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] London & Kendrick had not been a tag team for some time and there were obvious chemistry issues. The match had a lot of flash to it but in the end Rhodes & DeBiase Jr. pick up the win. [CENTER][B][U]Champions Match [COLOR="Red"]Chris Jericho[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"]Triple H[/COLOR] vs. Matt Hardy[/U][/B] [/CENTER] The match was a exciting one leading into the Vince McMahon memorial segment. The action was high and the crowed was heavily into it. Late in the match Matt Hardy tried to hit a moonsault on Chris Jericho and instead bumped the ref. Triple H returns from being outside of the ring with a sledgehammer and takes out Matt Hardy. When Triple H turns around to hit Chris Jericho he ends up eating a steel chair. Jericho then kicks the weapons out of the way and hits the Codebreaker as the ref comes through for the pinfall win. [center]-[I]Vince McMahon Tribute[/I]- [B][U]McMahon's Men Match [COLOR="Blue"]Big Show[/COLOR] vs. Armando Estrada vs. [COLOR="Red"]JBL[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"]Kenny Dykstra[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Umaga[/COLOR] vs. Elijah Burke[/U][/B] Big Show seemingly dominated early in the match up. Eventually though with everyone ganging up on him Big Show lost control of the match. Estrada and Burke were taken out of the match rather early and as it started to come to a close the only ones really standing was a fatigued Big Show, JBL, and Umaga. Both JBL and Umaga clotheslined the Big Show out of the ring. Taking advantage of the situation JBL thumbed Umaga in the eye and geared up for the Clothesline from Hell when Estrada grabbed his boot. JBL turned around and kicked him away but when he turned back around Umaga hit him with the Samoan Spike for the pin. [B][U]Kiss My Ass Club Match [COLOR="Red"]William Regal[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Shawn Michales[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Silver"]Mick Foley[/COLOR] vs. Hornswoggle[/U][/B] Shane McMahon comes out while everyone is in the ring and with the winner of the last match, Umaga, to state that since it is most defiantly him that will become the new Chairman of the WWE that a new era of the "Kiss My Ass Club" has to begin. Therefor the looser of the match, whoever gets pinned, submitted, DQed, or Counted Out must kiss his ass. Any resistance will be enforced by Umaga. The match gets going quickly as it turns into an every man for themselves showdown as they try to be the one not to lose. The match ends with Shawn Michaels hitting the Sweet Chin Music on Mick Foley. Foley is then forced to kiss Shane's ass. Stone Cold Steve Austin the cuts the festivities short as it's time for his match with Shane. [B][U][COLOR="Silver"]Shane McMahon[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Steve Austin[/COLOR][/U][/B] Steve Austin starts the match off in a dominating fashion. It almost seems like the win is going to be too easy for Austin when Umaga comes in and interferes on behalf of McMahon. McMahon begins to take the upper hand in the match leaving Austin with little offense. Any time it looks like Austin looks like he's going to take the lead Shane finds new and cleaver ways of getting Umaga involved and keeping the ref blind to it. Finally Shane sets up for the Coast to Coast raising his hand to the sky as if to say "This is for you dad." he hits the Coast to Coast for the 1,2,3.[/CENTER]
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[B]"Stone Cold" Steve Austin[/B] vs. Shane McMahon Kiss My Ass Club Match William Regal vs. [B]Shawn Michales[/B] vs. Mick Foley vs. Hornswoggle McMahon's Men Match Big Show vs. Armando Estrada vs. JBL vs. Kenny Dykstra vs. [B]Umaga[/B] vs. Elijah Burke -Break for Vince McMahon tribute- Champions Match [B]Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Triple H vs. Matt Hardy [B]Cody Rhodes & Ted DeBiase Jr[/B]. vs. London & Kendrick Beth Phoenix w/Santino Marella vs.[B] Kelly Kelly[/B] with Special Ref. Stephanie McMahon Funaki vs. [B]Jimmy Wang Yang[/B]
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[QUOTE=pat21532;505213][B]"Stone Cold" Steve Austin[/B] vs. Shane McMahon Kiss My Ass Club Match William Regal vs. [B]Shawn Michales[/B] vs. Mick Foley vs. Hornswoggle McMahon's Men Match Big Show vs. Armando Estrada vs. JBL vs. Kenny Dykstra vs. [B]Umaga[/B] vs. Elijah Burke -Break for Vince McMahon tribute- Champions Match [B]Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Triple H vs. Matt Hardy [B]Cody Rhodes & Ted DeBiase Jr[/B]. vs. London & Kendrick Beth Phoenix w/Santino Marella vs.[B] Kelly Kelly[/B] with Special Ref. Stephanie McMahon Funaki vs. [B]Jimmy Wang Yang[/B][/QUOTE] :rolleyes:
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[I]Alright folks I know I said that after this that I was going to be working straight from the game material but that didn't work out so 100% after these last two posts it will and will be starting from the first Monday in January.[/I] [B]Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:45 am Titan Towers Stamford, Connecticut, USA[/B] [B]Secretary[/B]-"Good morning, Mr. Thomas." After last night it was not a good morning for me. I was walking in looking like night of the living dead. Between trying to come up with how I was going to get things started in a week from now and everyone on Upper card wanting to buy me a drink I was not looking so good today. [B]Me[/B]-"If you got me a nice big can of Monster it might be a good moarning and leave me dead by this afternoon." [B]Secretary[/B]-"Well you look pretty dead right now so it probably wouldn't hurt too much." I nodded in agreement and walked into my office. I noticed a note on my desk and went and picked it up. [QUOTE]I need to see you in my office to get ready for the New Year then we can get to the celebration tonight. -Shane P.S. I here you're in charge of drinks, just kidding. See you there. [/QUOTE] I walked back out. If I even remember anything at this meeting I'll be lucky. I turn to my secretary. [B]Me[/B]-"If anyone calls let them know I'm in a meeting." She nods and I walk down the hall. I get to the end where the last office marked "Chairman of the WWE Shane McMahon". The door was shut so I knocked. [B]Shane McMahon[/B]-"Come in. It will just be a second." I walk in and Shane is on the phone. It seemed he was a bit distressed, but then given the position he's in right now, I would be too. When the conversation was done he hung up the phone and looked up at me. [B]Shane[/B]-"Whoa, someone shoot you with a tranquilizer dart?" [B]Me[/B]-"Something like that. You called for me?" [B]Shane[/B]-"Yes that was the...friendly folks down at CW. They say they still want a show for Friday night no if ands or buts about it. [B]Me[/B]-"But we've already canceled the show taping that was originally for tonight. We can't get an arena and just **** out a crowd whenever they feel like it." [B]Shane[/B]-"Believe me I tried to tell them that. Luckily I managed to get us an arena." Shane hands me a folder full of information and I start looking trough it. The arena was way small compared to most WWE take ins and looked more like something along the lines of TNA. [B]Shane[/B]-"We got a crowd by calling it our New Years Party special. Hopefully you can get somethings going." [B]Me[/B]-"I guess will just have to move the story along form here. I don't see what else we can do." [B]Shane[/B]-"That's fine then. I'll be down there in a couple hours I just have to tie some last things down." This New Year's is going to suck.
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Interesting stuff so far, I quite like the concept. I like the backstage bits you've been doing, especially including the thoughts of your character, basically thrown in at the deep end. I'll be reading. (Just thought I'd return the favour for the review for New England Wrestling Federation. Cheap plug! Lol.)
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[I]Before the Show:[/I] [B]Me[/B]-"Alright everything is ready right?" [B]Staff Member[/B]-"We have a slight problem. One of the people scheduled for the bit with Shane no showed. [B]Me[/B]-"WHAT!?!?!?! I bury my hand into my face [B]Staff Member[/B]-"Well it is New Year's Eve and we just threw this thing together on the fly. We still need someone with some skills to go out there and cover the part." [B]Me[/B]-"Fine then I'll do it. If something else is going to get messed up tonight I'm going to be the one to do it." [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/luigiracer88/Untitled-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]New Year's Special Smackdown! December 30, 2008 LIVE from somewhere in New York City[/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jim Ross[/COLOR][/B]-"Hello ladies and gentlemen to Smackdown! Tonight is a very special night as we are hear in the city that never sleeps getting ready to celebrate the new year." [The camera pans around the ring showing fans as well as staff members and former WWE wrestlers in the audience partying and having a good time.] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tazz[/COLOR][/B]-"Ya, this IS the party zone here in New York. Shame when people see this Friday it will have already happened. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jim Ross[/COLOR][/B]-"Sadly so, but we do have..." [Shane McMahon's theme hits as he makes his way to the ring.] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tazz[/COLOR][/B]-"Well apparently we have Shane McMahon making his way to the ring." [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jim Ross[/COLOR][/B]-"After his antics on RAW last Monday you have to wonder is he's just going to continue his father's line in his absence or if that chapter of the McMahon family is closed and Shane is looking to move on? [The music stops as Shane McMahon is now in the ring. He's handed a mic and gets ready to address the crowed.] [B][COLOR="DimGray"]Shane McMahon[/COLOR][/B]-"I hope you all are enjoying your New Year's Eve tonight on the penny, nickel, and dime of the WWE...which in short is me. You see tonight makes it final at midnight tonight, which is in...4 hours, I will be Chairman of the WWE, or for those at home watching on Thursday I'm sure you can come to the conclusion that I'm the boss. The man. So... [Stephanie McMahon's theme hits as she makes her way to the ring with an unknown man wearing a nice suit and carrying a briefcase. Both make there way to the ring and the man hands Stephanie ha mic.] [B][COLOR="DimGray"]Shane McMahon[/COLOR][/B]-"What's this all about Steph and who is this? [B][COLOR="DimGray"]Stephanie McMahon[/COLOR][/B]-"You lied. You lied to the board, to me, and to all the fans of the WWE just for...for... [Stephanie breaks down emotionally as the man tries to comfort her. He takes the mic picking up from where she left off.] [B][COLOR="DimGray"]???[/COLOR][/B]-"What she means is you lied about the will your father wrote. After going through your father's office..." [B][COLOR="DimGray"]Shane McMahon[/COLOR][/B]-"Wait you did what?" [B][COLOR="DimGray"]???[/COLOR][/B]-"Yes, we found what you had been trying to hid from the board. [The man opens his briefcase and shows a paper.] [B][COLOR="DimGray"]???[/COLOR][/B]-"A court has already ruled that this is the official last will and testament of your father, Vince McMahon." [Triple H's music begins as he makes his way down to the ring. He grabs a mic on his way in as the music stops.] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Triple H[/B][/COLOR]-"No, no, do continue I just figured that I AM part of this family that I should be down here for this. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jim Ross[/B][/COLOR]-"This could be interesting. What is in the will for the McMahon family that remains. [COLOR="DimGray"][B]Shane McMahon[/B][/COLOR]-"I don't care what you want to call that piece of paper. I want to know who you are and why you're trying to make me out to be a lier? [COLOR="DimGray"][B]???[/B][/COLOR]-"I am Kris Thomas and I represent the WWE Board of Directors and as for the lier part it's not hard to make someone into a lier when one has already proven himself to be so." [Shane looks visibly angry as Triple H steps over.] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tazz[/B][/COLOR]-"That seems to have touched a nerve." [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jim Ross[/B][/COLOR]-"Well sometimes the truth hurts." [COLOR="Blue"][B]Triple H[/B][/COLOR]-"So what does this will say?" [COLOR="DimGray"][B]Kris Thomas[/B][/COLOR]-"Well I'm glad you asked. After reading it the document clearly states that he trusts no single member of his family with the company upon his death. Though I can say I'm not totally surprised." [COLOR="Blue"][B]Triple H[/B][/COLOR]-"Save the commentary for another day and just get to the point." [COLOR="DimGray"][B]Kris Thomas[/B][/COLOR]-"Right, well, the company is to be divided between the three of you. Each member has been given a show which they will draft there own roster two and compete against the other two. The current assets of the WWE is to be divided between the three and you will act as independent shows with WWE board oversight to make sure things are fair. Current WWE assets will be divided between the three acting members but all further assets must be acquired by show performance. The first to get the other two to give up there show right through bankruptcy or any other LEGAL means will be the owner of the WWE." [COLOR="Blue"][B]Triple H[/B][/COLOR]-"And these benefactors are...? [COLOR="DimGray"][B]Kris Thomas[/B][/COLOR]-"You, Shane, and Stephanie. I have been appointed by the board to chair the over site after finding this document they felt that I was trustworthy enough for the job. After this next match..." [COLOR="DimGray"][B]Shane McMahon[/B][/COLOR]-"Since when do you get to make matches?" [COLOR="DimGray"][B]Kris Thomas[/B][/COLOR]-"Since you decided to be a fraud. Now where was I, yes, after this next match we will begin the draft. Starting with announcing staff, womens contenders, and male wrestlers. Will take care of all this technical stuff in the back. These people don't need to have to listen to this." [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tazz[/B][/COLOR]-"Woah, did you hear that?" [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jim Ross[/COLOR][/B]-"Yes I did and I can't believe my ears. Things are going to change big time around here. I can't even imagine what might happen next." [CENTER][U][B][COLOR="Blue"]Jimmy Wang Yang[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Black"]Val Venis[/COLOR][/B][/U] Jimmy Wang Yang handily dealt Val Venis a loss. Jimmy was in control of the match from start to finish. Something tells me that with two wins under his belt that Jimmy Wang Yang may have put himself up there as one of the guys to be up there in the high end of the draft. [U][B]Draft Selections Commentary Team[/B][/U] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]RAW (Triple H)[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR="Red"]Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][U]Smackdown! (Stephanie McMahon)[/U] Jim Ross and Freddie Prinze Jr.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Black"]ECW (Shane McMahon)[/COLOR][/U] Tazz and Joey Styles [U]Draft Selections Women's Division [COLOR="Red"]RAW (Triple H)[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR="Red"][LIST=1] [*]Beth Phoenix [*]Mickie James [*]Katie Lea Burchill [*]Jillian Hall [/LIST][/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Blue"]Smackdown! (Stephanie McMahon)[/COLOR][/U] [COLOR="Blue"][LIST=1] [*]Melina [*]Natalya Neidhart [*]Michelle McCool [*]Brie Bella [/LIST][/COLOR] [U]ECW (Shane McMahon)[/U] [LIST=1] [*]Victoria [*]Kelly Kelly [*]Maria [*]Nicole Garica [/LIST][/B] [B][U][COLOR="Yellow"]Women's Title Match[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Beth Phoenix(c)[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"]Melina[/COLOR] vs. Victoria vs. [COLOR="Red"]Mickie James[/COLOR][/U][/B] Beth Phoenix retains is a rather good womens match. But what is to be expected when you put some of the top stars of the WWE women's division in a match together. All women had high points and low points in the match but the match ended with Beth Phoenix hitting the Glam Slam on Mickie James. [U][B]First 10 Rounds of the Male Draft[/B][/U] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]RAW (Triple H)[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][LIST=1] [*]The Rock (back from Hollywood) [*]Shawn Michaels [*]Randy Orton [*]Batista [*]John Cena [*]Umaga [*]MVP [*]John Morrison [*]Sanino Marella [*]Cody Rhodes [/LIST][/COLOR] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Smackdown! (Stephanie McMahon)[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][LIST=1] [*]The Undertaker [*]Chris Jericho [*]Brock Lesnar [*]Ken Kennedy [*]JBL [*]Big Show [*]Shelton Benjamin [*]William Regal [*]Kofi Kingston [*]Lance Cade [/LIST][/COLOR] [B][U]ECW (Shane McMahon)[/U][/B] [LIST=1] [*]Steve Austin [*]Jeff Hardy [*]Kane [*]Rey Mysterio [*]Edge [*]CM Punk [*]Bobby Lashley [*]Matt Hardy [*]Finlay [*]Mark Henry [/LIST][/CENTER] [Kris makes his way out onto the ramp and the conclusion of the 10th pick by ECW to make an announcement.] [B][COLOR="DimGray"]Kris Thomas[/COLOR][/B]-"Alright, I just have a decision in from the board. After tonight the WWE title will be the only main event title to help elevate the level of compition between the two brands which will make our main event tonight Triple H has surrendered his title to the man who last defeated him Chris Jericho and he will take on The Rock, The Undertaker, and Steve Austin. Also tonight the Tag Titles will be merged and on the line as Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBase Jr. will take on Carlito and Primo Colon . Lastly the Women's title is no longer brand exclusive and will be fought for like the WWE title and the returning Cruiserweight title." [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jim Ross[/B][/COLOR]-"Some more big news tonight from the temporary Chairman of the WWE, Kris Thomas." [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tazz[/COLOR][/B]-"You know what I'm starting to like this man. What a Main Event. Since this is our last night I'm going to have to go for Stone Cold. Bring that title back for ECW my man." [CENTER][U][B][COLOR="Yellow"]WWE World Tag Team Title Match [COLOR="Blue"]Carlito and Primo Colon[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]vs.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][/U] The match got of to a rocking start as both tag teams have there roots deep in wrestling through family ties. The match shifted back and forth several times with brawls the spilled outside the ring. The inexperienced Primo Colon however ended up costing the match for his team as Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes will be taking the titles with them wherever they are drafted to. [B][U]Rounds 11-20 of the Male Draft[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]RAW (Triple H)[/U][/B] [LIST=1] [*]Ted Dibiase Jr. [*]Carlito [*]D-Lo Brown [*]Elijah Burke [*]Shad [*]The Miz [*]Jamie Noble [*]Armando Estrada [*]JTG [*]Paul Burchill [/LIST][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B][U]Smackdown! (Stephanie McMahon)[/U][/B] [LIST=1] [*]The Great Khali [*]Kenny Dykstra [*]Paul London [*]Brian Kendrick [*]R-Truth [*]Festus [*]Hurricane Helms [*]Deuce [*]Charlie Haas [*]Jimmy Wang Yang [/LIST][/COLOR] [B][U]ECW (Shane McMahon)[/U][/B] [LIST=1] [*]Tommy Dreamer [*]Hardcore Holly [*]Jim Duggan [*]Super Crazy [*]Chavo Guerrero [*]The Boogeyman [*]Vladimir Kozlov [*]Mike Knox [*]Snitsky [*]Zack Rider [/LIST] [I] *The rest of the roster will be added in a supplemental draft and the final rosters will be posted after the show!!!!*[/I][/CENTER] [COLOR="Yellow"][CENTER][B][U]WWE Title Match[/U][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Blue"]The Undertaker[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Jericho[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]The Rock[/COLOR] vs. Steve Austin[/U][/B] The match starts off with The Rock pumped and back from Hollywood cleaning house. The fans get amped and behind him but The Undertaker does his traditional set up and then removes The Rock from the ring forcefully. Stone Cold then makes his way back to the ring and starts getting on top. After that the match settles down to where there is no clear winner. Finally the Undertaker hits the Chokeslam on The Rock. Just as The Undertaker is about to make the cover when Chris Jericho hits him with an Enzuigiri and covers The Rock for the win to take the WWE title with him back to Smackdown![/CENTER] *End* [I]Show booking for next week will be up soon![/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u192/erikomoondo/wwe.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]WWE.com[/SIZE] There have been some big names trades and some nice pick ups in the supplemental draft. Here is the list of the final roster. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/luigiracer88/RAWlogo.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][U][B]RAW Roster[/B][/U] General Manager: Triple H Main Event: Big Show The Rock Randy Orton Shawn Michaels Umaga Upper Mid: Cody Rhodes Bobby Lashley MVP Santion Marella Midcard: Armando Estrada Carlito D-Lo Brown Elijah Burke Jamie Noble Shad The Miz Lower Mid: JTG Paul Burchill Val Venis Opener: Jack Swagger Manu Rick Ortiz Enhancement Talent: Gavin Spears Women's Division: Beth Phoenix Jillian Hall Katie Lea Burchill Mickie James [/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/luigiracer88/Untitled-1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"][B][U]Smackdown! Roster[/B][/U] General Manager: Stephanie McMahon Main Event: Batista Brock Lesnar Chris Jericho JBL Undertaker Upper Mid: Kofi Kingston Lance Cade Shelton Benjamin The Great Khali William Regal Midcard: Deuce Festus Hurricane Helms Kenny Dykstra Paul London R-Truth The Brian Kendrick Lower Mid: Charlie Haas Jesse Jimmy Wang Yang Opener: Funaki Scotty Goldman Enhancement Talent: Primo Colon Ryan Braddock Women's Division: Brie Bella Melina Michelle McCool Natalya Neidhart [/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/luigiracer88/ECW_Logocopy.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]ECW Roster[/U][/B] General Manager: Shane McMahon Main Event: Edge Jeff Hardy Kane Rey Mysterio Steve Austin Upper Mid: John Morrison CM Punk Finlay Mark Henry Matt Hardy Midcard: Chavo Guerrero Evan Bourne Hardcore Holly Jim Buggan Super Crazy The Boogeyman Tommy Dreamer Vladimir Kozlov Lower Mid: Chuck Palumbo Curt Hawkins Mike Knox Snitsky Zack Rider Opener: Bam Neely Dolph Ziggler Enhancement Talent: Chase Stevens Women's Division: Kelly Kelly Maria Nicole Garcia Victoria[/center]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/luigiracer88/RAWlogo.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]Monday Night Raw[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Live From the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, CA [/SIZE] Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix Shad and JTG vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes The Miz vs. Carlito vs. Jamie Noble vs. Elijah Burke The Rock vs. Randy Orton AND MORE!!! [SIZE="4"]Get your tickets while you still can![/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] Also noted that ECW will move from a 1 hour show to a 2 hour show.
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/luigiracer88/RAWlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]Monday Night RAW Live from the Arrowhead pond in Anaheim, CA Monday, January 1, 2009 9,999 in Attendance[/COLOR][/B] Michael Cole-“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Monday Night RAW. Tonight we have a great show for you. We have Cryme Time vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. & Cody Rhodes, and three #1 Contendership matches. First is Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James if Mickie James wins she gets a shot at the Women’s Championship, second the Fatal Four Way to decide the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship and our Main Event Randy Orton vs. The Rock to decide RAW’s representative in the WWE Championship match at the Royal Rumble. “ Jerry Lawler-“And don’t forget the match just made tonight Umaga & Estrada vs. Swagger & Ortiz. Michael Cole-“All of those are great matches but first lets go to our new General Manager, Triple H who has an announcement for all the RAW fans tonight.” [U]-Triple H’s Announcement-[/U] [The camera shows Triple H setting at his desk with almost the feel of a presidential address from the White House.] Triple H-“WWE fans nationwide, I have come to address you tonight to talk with you about the future of this business, company, and most importantly right now RAW. Tonight starts a chance for a new era. Since the early 90’s the McMahon family has had de facto rule over the wrestling industry. Tonight that power can be challenged. With the click of a remote on Monday nights you can tell the world that you are ready for a new era of professional wrestling. Just hold on, I know what you are thinking. You think I am a part of them two. How else can I be a part of this and be in Vince’s will. Here lies the difference. I work for you. I’m an outsider in that family. They are going to fight for what is best for them and them only. Just watch. There is one thing that is going to be sure though. I’ll be fighting for you. Giving you the matches you want to watch and the wrestlers you want to see. All I ask in return is that you help RAW. The future of wrestling is in your hands. Do you want to continue the almost decade long McMahon tyranny or do you want to see the future of pro wrestling in the hands of someone who will make it grow?” Michael Cole-“Moving speech from the General Manager, Triple H.” Jerry Lawler-“I’ll tell you right now that RAW for sure is going to come out on top and tonight is going to prove it.” Michael Cole-“I’m with you on that one so let’s get this show going with our first match of the night.” [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [U]-Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James-[/U] The match started out as a back and forth fight between Beth Phoenix and Mickie James. Santino continued to cheer for his girl but as the match drug on it became clearer and clearer that Mickie James was going to pull this one out of the bag. Santino then distracted the referee after Mickie James hit the Long Kiss Goodnight. A frustrated Mickie James kicked Santino in the balls and he crumpled over. Turning back towards the ring Mickie James is then attacked by Katie Lea Burchill who rolls Mickie James back into the ring where Beth Phoenix hits the Glam Slam for the win at 7:35. [B]Match Rating: C+[/B] [U]-Bad Girls Unite-[/U] [Katie Lea Burchill gets in the ring with Beth Phoenix and Santino after the match to address the crowd.] Beth Phoenix-“For too long this company has just been promoting a bunch of prissy little pretty girls to pull in the ratings, as if guys haven’t seen boobs before. Well I guess a good portion of you out there are closet dwelling mama’s boys but that’s beyond the point. Tonight marks the night when the real girls take over, those girls that know how to kick ass and take name. You can call us bitchy, you can call us Tom boys, you can call us whatever but you had better know that the Bad Girls are going to be on top and that’s why we don’t give a ****. Don’t get in our way if you know what’s best for you.” Michael Cole-“Well it looks like we have quite a sassy group of girls looking to keep the Women’s division here on RAW in their favor.” Jerry Lawler-“Poor Mickie James, I looks like she’s going to have it rough here on RAW.” Michael Cole-“Indeed, hopefully she can find some friends on the roster or she could be have trouble with the Bad Girls.” [B]Segment Rating: C-[/B] [U]-Triple H & HBK discussion-[/U] [Shawn Michael’s walks into the General Manager’s office as he gets further into the office the camera pans and we see Shawn standing in front of the GM’s desk with Triple H setting at the desk.] Shawn Michaels-“You asked for me to see you?” Triple H-“Yes, Shawn, I need you to help me get a group together. You see we can only reach so many people on this show and I figured we need to get a group together to do some…advertising on other shows.” Shawn Michaels-“I think I have just the kind of group you’re looking for.” Triple H-“Well then who would that be?” [Shawn smiles as the camera fades back to the arena where Umaga and Armando Estrada make their way to the ring as a tag team with Umaga’s entrance theme.] Michael Cole-“Sounds like something big is brewing over in the GM’s office.” Jerry Lawler-“What’s so big about it. He’s talking about advertising. You read too much into things.” Michael Cole-“Either way it looks like the next match is getting ready to start Umaga and Armando Estrada vs. Swagger and Ortiz next.” [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [U]-Umaga & Armando Estrada vs. Swagger & Ortiz-[/U] Plain and simple Umaga and Armando Estrada dominated this match. They drug it on a bit just to break their unfortunate opponents even more. Only one point in the match did there seem to be a glimmer of light for Swagger and Ortiz as Swagger got the tag to Ortiz and isolated Estrada for awhile but once Umaga was back in the match was pretty much over. The match ended with a Samoan Spike at 10:10. [B]Match Rating: D-[/B] [U]-D-X marches to war-[/U] [D-X’s music hits as Triple H and Shawn Michaels come out to the ring.] Michael Cole-“I have to say I’m a bit confused. What are Triple H and Shawn Michaels up to?” Jerry Lawler-“Well the fans have always liked D-X and Triple H said he was going to give them what they want so there you go.” [Both Shawn Michaels and Triple H grab mics and get into the ring.] Shawn Michaels-“Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeello, Anaheim!” [The crowd roars.] Shawn Michaels-“Well, I’m sure you’re all wondering why were doing here. Well here’s the thing D-X is planning to have a party for some of the unfortunate folks who would rather watch ECW or Smackdown. Were going over to show them why they should tune into us Monday Night and why RAW is THE brand they should be watching. Now I understand that Triple H here has business to take care of so the Master of Ceremonies needs a new assistant.” [D-Lo Brown’s music plays as he makes his way into the ring.] Shawn Michaels-“Well welcome to the team. And to anyone else in the locker room, if you’re looking to make an impact, if you want to get noticed and move up in the world, if you want to show off your skills, get that all important title shot, and are cool like us make sure to sign up at Tirple H’s office but if you want to be a bunch of weenies than you can just…” D-Lo Brown, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels-“SUCK IT!” Michael Cole-“Looks like Triple H is sending out D-X to send a message to the other brands and woo their fans to RAW.” Jerry Lawler-“Well it’s time we take the fight to them anyway. Get ready Smackdown and ECW because RAW’s boys are coming for you.” [B]Segment Rating: B-[/B] [U]-Cryme Time vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. & Cody Rhodes-[/U] The match was an all out fight for both teams. Cryme Time seemed to be in a rhythm that would not be stopped tonight. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. seemed to be just a bit off their game and it showed. Cryme Time picked up the win with a G9 at 10:31 [B] Match Rating: C-[/B] [U]-The Rock is Back-[/U] Todd Grisham introduced The Rock who made a moving speech on his return to the WWE full time. He said he was going to be out of in order to get back in touch with the fans of the WWE. He said his first order of business though was to get a certain superstar back on track. [B]Segment Rating: B+[/B] [U]-Orton vs. Rock Speak Off-[/U] [Randy Orton’s music comes on as he makes his way to the ring with a mic to confront The Rock vocally.] Michael Cole-“I know Randy Orton is a great wrestler in this business but I don’t think it would be wise for him to cross The Rock on his return night.” Jerry Lawler-“I think the exact opposite. I know what he is thinking this is the time to add The Rock to the Legend Killer’s list of Legends Killed.” Michael Cole-“I don’t know Randy maybe be biting of more than he can chew if that is his plan.” [Randy gets into the ring and he and the Rock stare each other down for a bit before Randy starts to speak.] Randy Orton-“So the ‘Great One’ has returned to save pro wrestling from its horrid slum. Seriously, a return from Hollywood, I doubt it. What is it this time a book, maybe something different like a CD, I mean seriously not another movie. I mean I know Be Cool was your big coming out of the closet and all…” The Rock-“Whoa, whoa, let The Rock tell you something. See The Rock knows his roll. I am the People’s Champ. And if the people want The Rock to write a book, The Rock will write a book. If the People want a CD The Rock will sing his heart out and give them a CD. If the people want a movie then The Rock will give them their damn movie. But The Rock knows most of all when the people want him to come home so I am here on MONDAY NIGHT RAW…to set some things straight. And ironically enough it starts with you Randy.” Randy Orton-“Is that so. I don’t need anything from you. I’m a true star in the WWE. Former World Heavyweight Champion, the youngest ever and a two time WWE Champion. I am the perennial star and you are a has been of the 90’s.” The Rock-“Funny you should say that, that’s three major title reins right. Try nine. Don’t even try to upstage The Rock. I’ve held that WWE title you’re so adamant about more times than anyone in this business. And that’s the thing about you. You, you, you, you. You have so much potential and are so much better than that yet The Rock has heard much on how you’ve chosen to squander that. The Rock has been there done that. All The Rock wants to do right now is help you Randy.” [The Rock holds out his hand for Randy to shake it.] Randy Orton-“You see Rock, the only thing I, Randy Orton, care about is getting that WWE Championship back around my waist. Rumor is that you are the #1 contender for RAW. The only thing I want from you is to get out of my way.” The Rock-“Well then in our match tonight The Rock says bring it, but remember The Rock knows what’s up with you and you are not ready for The Rock.” Randy Orton-“I doubt that, but I guess will see tonight.” [B]Segment Rating: A[/B] [U]-The Miz vs. Carlito vs. Jamie Noble vs. Elijah Burke- [/U] At the beginning of the match the two factions of The Miz and Elijah Burke and Carlito and Jamie Noble team up and try to get an early advantage in the match. Using dirty tactics The Miz and Elijah Burke get the early lead. Then the teamwork of the two former ECW members fades as they fight to decide who will be on top. They forget about their other two opponents who seize the moment and beat up The Miz and Burke and toss them out of the ring. Then Carlito manages to catch Noble off guard with the Backstabber for the win at 14:40 giving Carlito the win and the #1 Contendership for the Intercontinental Championship. [B]Match Rating: B-[/B] [U]-Santino warns Carlito-[/U] Michael Cole-“What an amazing match.” Jerry Lawler-“Well done by Carlito. He could be well on his way to being the Intercontinental Champion once again.” [Santino Marella’s theme hits as he walks out to the entrance ramp with a mic and the title on his shoulder.] Santino Marella-“Look closely Carlito. This is the closest you’ll ever be to the title as long as I have it. Don’t even think about walking out with this at the Royal Rumble because I am an Italian Stallion and a true athlete and unlike you I can get the girls. You can continue to chase the uncatchable but at the Royal Rumble it will only be your undoing.” Michael Cole-“Sounds like Santino is trying to threaten the challenger to his belt.” Jerry Lawler-“Well Carlito had better watch out then. Who knows what Santino is up to?” [B]Segment Rating: B[/B] [U]-Ready Randy?-[/U] [Randy is seen warming up for his match.] Michael Cole-“Well it looks like Randy is getting ready for his match and it is coming up next.” [B]Segment Rating: C+[/B] [U]-Randy Orton vs. The Rock-[/U] The crowd was red hot for this match. Randy starts out of the gate with a head full of steam and going right after The Rock. Showing that he had not missed a step though his time missed he evades Randy. Randy continues to try and plow over The Rock but The Rock continues to evade and outsmart Randy. Finally The Rock starts coming after Randy and The Rock takes over the match. The Rock then tries to go for the Rock Bottom and gets thumbed in the eye by Randy. Randy then takes back over the match. Randy then gets over confident. He sets The Rock up for the Clothesline and springs off the ropes towards The Rock. Showing his true form The Rock grabs him and hits the Rock Bottom covering Randy for the win. [B]Match Rating: B+[/B] [End] [B][I]Overall Show Rating: B[/I][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u192/erikomoondo/wwe.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]WWE.com[/SIZE] Tuesday, January 2, 2008 [U][SIZE="3"]ECW on SiFi[/SIZE][/U] Today some great news was announced. ECW is getting two hours of programming time on SiFi. Announced yesterday by Shane McMahon in a press conference, Shane and the SiFi network has come to terms with a deal that will extend ECW to two hours for the rest of the current contract so that it can compete with Smackdown! and RAW. Shane called it,"A large step forward. Making ECW competitive with the other two brands is just one of the first steps in our road to victory." In other news for ECW due to the current roster divide ECW will no longer tour with or run shows with Smackdown!. Because of this Smackdown! shows will be moved to Wednesday nights but will still air on CW on Friday. [I]Lastly here is the current card for ECW tonight[/I]: [B]To decide who ECW's #1 Contender for the Women's Championship is at the Royal Rumble Victoria vs. Kelly Kelly First Pick for the ECW's Royal Rumble Spot CM PUnk vs. Finlay For the ECW TV Championship Hardcore Holly vs. Tommy Dreamer Winning Tag Team will verse each other to Decide who is the ECW #1 Contender at the Royal Rumble Morrison and Kane vs. Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio[/B] [U][SIZE="3"]Randy Orton Fined[/SIZE][/U] Also in a public release today by the WWE, Randy Orton has been fined for failure to comply with the WWE Heath and Wellness policy. After Monday Night RAW last night it has been confirmed that Orton has tested positive for drug use. At this time however it hasn't been released to WWE.com the details on Orton's drug problem. Temporary Chairman Kris Thomas stated,"It is sad that it has had to come to this. Randy Orton is one of this generation's finest stars and a great athlete, however Orton has been told that this conduct is not acceptable. Failure to comply with the WWE Heath and Wellness policy a suspension and if necessary termination. No member of the WWE roster is above the rules nor is anyone above the well being of this company. These measures will be given to anyone who fails to abide by there contract. We hope that Orton will think about his actions and move on a better man as we know he will." [U][SIZE="3"]Releases[/SIZE] [/U] The following were released from there WWE contract today: [LIST] [*]Todd Grisham [*]Ron Simmons [*]Ryklon Stephens [*]Tony Chimel [*]Mike Adamle [*]Justin Roberts [/LIST] [U][SIZE="3"]Possible hiring[/SIZE][/U] We have heard that the WWE is contract negotiations with several wrestlers that are currently free agents. Though we have not been given any details except negotiations with current member of the roster Bobby Lashley, who's contract is about to expire, we expect them to be great additions to the WWE roster. [B][U]Keep up to date with WWE info here only on [I]WWE.com[/I][/U][/B] [/CENTER]
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