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Money to Burn: 1 year of Wrestling!

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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Sunday Show Down Night 161 December 28th, 2008[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Will Feature: [B]Flash the Cash vs Pure Breed[/B] [SIZE="2"]Steve is looking for another shot at the Sultan's Favor, but first he must get through the Sultan's Pure Breed, will they even slow Steve Down?[/SIZE] [B]Brothers Gauge vs Dust Bowl Duo (c)[/B] for the Tag Team titles [SIZE="2"]Will the Royal ones be able to wrest the belts from the Duo, or will the Texan Tornados once again retain their gold[/SIZE] [B]Ali Wanna vs Snap Dragn (c)[/B] for the Pride of the Organization [SIZE="2"]Ali has gold faver, but Snap Dragon has his sites set on retaining the gold, this match threatens to tear the building down around it[/SIZE] [B]Steve Flash 'the Cash' vs Danny Rushmore vs Frankie Perez(c)[/B] for the Sultan's Favor [SIZE="2"]Steve Flash thinks he can buy the Gold, Danny thinks he is owed the Gold, and so far no one has been as good at holding onto the gold as Frankie Perez, who will win this war of wills?[/SIZE] don't miss the action live tomorrow night! [size="1"] DM: Stephanie Wade vs Angle vs Sieko[/size] [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="4"]Show Down 12-4 Sunday, December 28th 2008 Live from McAllen, Texas[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/StephanieWade.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AngelTakudome.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SeikoNanami.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] DM: Stephanie Wade over Angel and Seiko, to retain the Ladies Championship. The good news is that this contest was up to the amazingly high standards the women of OWYL have set recently. The Bad new is that it set a very high bar for the rest of the action to follow. Stephanie picked up the win with a pair of Super kicks and another double cover. [B](C)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/StephanieWade.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] DA: Steph grabs a microphone, [COLOR="DimGray"]“that’s 6 women in 7 days, 4 matches in a week, in which I Stephanie Wade have proven that I am the most dominate force in Women’s wrestling today. Is there any woman out there who stands a chance against the excellence of Stephanie Wade!”[/COLOR] [B](C-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/steveflash2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Steve Flash “the Cash” comes out,[COLOR="DarkGreen"] “Man Ali you said that if I could like defeat your Pure Breed, I could get a spot in tonight's main event. Well dude, my accountant peeled off a sweet wad and left the cash on your desk, so well take that match right now.”[/COLOR] [B](D+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/steveflash2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/KeithAdams3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/PitBullBrown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Steve & Keith over Pure Breed for a spot in the main event. The ref checked Pure Breed for weapons then made his way over to check Steve & Keith, who offered him a very large envelope, he took it and puts it in his shirt. That is pretty much how the match went down, Pure Breed could not catch a break and the Ref turned a blind eye to the antics of Steve & Keith, leading up to a huge Flash Bang, and Steve Flash ‘the Cash’ rolling Pit Bull up for he win. [B](C)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/GregGaug2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MatthewGauge2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Brother’s Gauge come to the ring, [COLOR="Indigo"]“For those of you who know us, bully for you. For the rest of you loosers, This is my brother Mathew, and I of course am Greg and together we are the Brothers Gauge. Now I will say that we have enjoyed our week off, but now we coming demanding that which is by birth rightfully ours! A real shot at the Dust Bowl Dou and the tag team titles.”[/COLOR] [B](D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MeanJeanCattley1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/al_coleman1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/GregGaug2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MatthewGauge2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dust Bowl Duo over The Brothers Gauge, to retain the tag team titles. The match was explosive, The Brothers coming close to winning several times. The final time even hitting the Birth Right Slam, and keeping Al down for two until Mean Jean pulled the referee from the ring to break the count. But the Duo always resilient battled back to land the Dust Bowl Drop and pick up the three count. [B](C+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ali Wanna comes to the top of the ramp, [COLOR="DarkRed"]“The Sultan spoke with me today, and it was a waste of my time! I make the decisions around here for the good of the Corporation, and I have decided that tonight Snap Dragon will loose the Pride of the Organization to some one who really deserves it…Me!”[/COLOR] [B](D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ali Wanna over Snap Dragon to win the Pride of the Organization. The battle went back and forth, with Snap Dragon staying just ahead of Ali most of the match. Finally Ali, countered the Dragon Sleeper by forcing Dragon back into the corner, and then repeatedly ramming him into it. Once Free Ali hit a spring board DDT to pick up the win, and become the new POO Champion. [B](C)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/steveflash2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Danny Rushmore over Frankie Perez and Steve Flash “the cash” to win the Sultan’s Favor. Steve started the match off by of course offering the ref a little cash, but this time the ref indicated his wallet was already being taken care of and begged off. Frankie used the opening to nail the Perfect Parity, essentially removing Flash from the early match. Danny and Frankie went toe to toe, and Rushmore slowly over powered Frankie. Delivering Silence is Deadly, and getting 2 and a half before Steve Flash flew back into the ring to break up the pin attempt. Danny and Steve then brawled around the ring, until Steve missed a Flash Bang leaving him open to experience a Silence is Deadly of his own, Danny rolled up Flash to pick up the victory and win the title. [B](B-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ali Wanna comes down and joins Danny Rushmore Parading around the ring with their newly acquired titles. Ali grabs a mic, [COLOR="DarkRed"]“The Sultan’s Corporation will not be denied, money moves this world, and with the Sultan’s money we can move mountains if they stand in our way!”[/COLOR] [B](D)[/B] [B]Show: C+ Atnd: 382[/B][/INDENT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="3"][SIZE="4"]End of Month Financials:[/SIZE] Losses eased back to just 462K, but a major down turn in the us Wrestling market is costing us huge numbers of fans, management is talking about moving to just 6 segments a show, and other measures to cut costs are also on the table.[/SIZE] Overness: Great Lakes: 29.7 Mid Atlantic: 29.7 Mid South: [B]42.7[/B] Mid West: 29.7 New England: 29.9 North West: 32.0 South East: [B]39.9[/B] South West: 31.9 Tri-State: 30.0 [SIZE="3"][SIZE="4"]Side Notes:[/SIZE] Seiko to retire (no loss there) Marc Speed enters the Super Junior ranks Lauren Easter named Female Wrestler of the Year[/SIZE]
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[INDENT][size="3"][center][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG][/center] Welcome to the One Year Wrestling League (OWYL) the brain child of the Sultan of Brunie. I Ali Wanna am the commissioner of this wrestling company in charge of bringing the Sultan a new wrestling card every day of his American tour.For those fans who may have missed our first 6 months here in America, I would like to take just a moment and bring you up to speed. As we debuted two things were clear. [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/bradyPrince2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] One, Brady Prince wanted to wear Gold, and he quickly got in my good favor securing our crowning title, the Sultan's Favor. [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MasutaroKataoka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/YuichiFukao.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DiamondFurusawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/HirokumiSaito-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/NariakiHitomi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Two our Japanese contingent were intent on proving their 'Japanese Supremacy' Mastaru, Yuichi and their Tag team Invasion (Nari & Hiro). proved a thorn in the side of all, exalting themselves with our second belt the Pride of the Orient. The group would eventually crumble, after outing Yuichi, and taking on Diamond Furasawa. Invasion would go on to find themselves on my bad side and thus suffer a string of humiliations at my hand. [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/ZeusMaximillion1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We grew at such a rapid pace, that a brand split was need, the Tag Brand and the Premier Brand. Enter Zeus Maximillion. Not just feuding with yours truly, Ali Wanna. but eventually gaining control of the Premier Brand as well as gaining the Sultan's Favor. [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/ErnieTurner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/StephanieWade.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SeikoNanami.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Behind the scenes a young upstart had gone from Zero to hero, Ernie Turner went months undefeated. As women debuted in OYWL, Stephanie Wade and Seiko Nanami tried to prove they were just as good as Ernie, but Turner prevailed. and his Winning streak carried him all the way to the Gold. [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MeanJeanCattley1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/al_coleman1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I told you about the fall of Japanese Supremacy, the Credit for that rests solely on the shoulders of one man, Snap Dragon. Dragon went on to team with Ultimate Phoenix as one half of our most successful Tag teams, Ultimate Dragon. The Dragons would go on to feud with the Dust Bowl Duo, Mean Jean Cattley and Al Coleman for much of the year, over the Tag Team titles. [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/ZeusMaximillion1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MarcSpeed.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Though Frankie Perez was Key to the success of Zeus Maximillion, Eve Grunge soon turns her back on her boyfriend for Zeus. This drove Perez to the point of destroying Zeus and all he had attained. at the same time Zeus is pestered by a minor group called Union Time local 01d p30p13. Split between two problems Zeusbrought in Marc Speed an old rival of Frankies and the two spent weeks trying to destroy one another. [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/WandaFish_Glamazon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Though Eve Grunge had won every promised match for a new women’s title, I, Ali Wanna repeatedly reneged on the deal. When the time finally came for me to live up to my promises or face the consequences, it was not Eve, but Wanda Fish that walked away the first official ladies champion. [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/KashmirSingh_nacht02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/bradyPrince2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I, Ali Wanna then took steps to secure the Sultan's power, recruiting Kashmir Singh to be my personal body guards, and The princely one, Brady Prince along with the Sultan's Assassin Sayeed, formed the Sultan's Army. [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/steveflash.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SnapDragon_FIN3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/UltimatePhoenix-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AirAttackWeasel2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/WandaFish2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This Leads me to the most important event in OYWL, the arrival of "No Trash" Steve Flash and the rise of the Green World Organization (GWO). this organization grew to include the tag champs, Earth Dragon (snap Dragon) & Fresh Air Phoenix (ultimate phoenix), Pride of the Organization champ Joey Poison and his friend Air Attack Weasel. Ladies Champ Wanda "Save the" Fish. And of Course Steve Flash holding the Sultan's Favor. along with several other minor players. [center][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/GenioVerde.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SoulTaker.jpg[/IMG][/center] The GWO would be brought down by a rival internal Group of Gernomino Wakam Onieda, who claimed to have sent the rampaging Burning Exile to Premier and Soul Taker to Tag. he took control of Souls in Exile and won Control of the GWO. Only for Frankie Perez to regain the title and essential castrate the GWO, though at one point Steve had considered Frankie part of his GWO. [center][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/EdwardCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/WhiskyJack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/KentuckyBill2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/HarumiOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][/center] As the Smoke from the GWO era cleared Frankie was the clear victor, but the Tag brand had become a power house. The Dust Bowl Duo had reclaimed the titles. a young Ed C. had debuted and was gaining notoriety with his tag team partner and mentor Whiskey Jack. The Fast Food Army had Debuted to punish Invasion. And Team HD, Harumi & Frankie Dee were trying to show the world wrestling in true High Deffinition. [center][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/WandaFish2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/LaurenEaster.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/StephanieWade.jpg[/IMG][/center] The Ladies Title had become a 4 way dance between Wanda Fish, Joanne Rodriguez, Lauren Easter and Stephanie Wade. Wanda would hold the title for quite some time, during the reign of the GWO but Lauren her body guard would eventually unseat her, after Wanda had hot shot the title Lauren was so busy defending. Lauren would go on to loose the title to Stephanie, As the best woman in wrestling Joanne Rodriguez could never manage to find herself winning a title match. [center][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/steveflash2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/KeithAdams3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/GregGaug2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MatthewGauge2.jpg[/IMG][/center] After the GWO Crumbled Steve Flash found out that he had made some serious dough on wall street and he debuted as Steve Flash "the Cash", with his new tag team partner Keith Adams, whom Steve had grown to respect, as Flash the Cash. They immediately ran into problems with another Debuting Tag team. The Royal pair of the Brothers Gauge who wasted no time telling everyone how great they were. [center][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/PitBullBrown.jpg[/IMG][/center] The end of the GWO did not bring stability to the Sultan's Court for long. I, Ali Wanna, did all I could to hold the group together. but before long Kashmir Singh became paranoid and left the group, his exit marked the departure of Brady Prince and Sayeed as well. I wasted no time in finding new talent though, and the Sultan's Corporation was born as the thorn in my side Danny Rushmore joined me along with a new tag team of Adam Bomb & Pit Bull Bown, my Pure Breed. [center][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SnapDragon_FIN3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/UltimatePhoenix-1.jpg[/IMG][/center] Earth Dragon and Fresh Air Phoenix's Tag team did not survive the crumbling of the GWO and soon the two found themselves bitter rivals. their battle driving many fans from their seats as these two’s brawls often spilled out into the crowds that were now attending. [center][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/K-Squared2.jpg[/IMG][/center] Though this is just the high lights of what has happened here in OWYL, I will offer you one last insight about the stars that have risen and fallen in just six months. While Ernie Turner seems to have had his day, the repackaged Kenny Kool has arrived and week by week is making waves, and landing huge victories. I hope to see you in the crowd when we come to your home town. -Ali Wanna Chief Architect of OYWL[/size][/INDENT] [B]Welcome to 2009![/B]
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[SIZE="4"]Night 162 Monday, January 1st 2009 Live from Pooler, Georgia[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AngelTakudome.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Eve Grunge and Angel, to a time limit draw. The two women who have had a problem since Eve dropped Angel to hook up with Zeus Maximillion, face off in a match arranged by Ali to make the two women face their anger. The problem is the two partners know each other so well they keep blocking and countering the other’s moves, taking the match to a time limit draw. [B](D+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AngelTakudome.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/HarumiOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the match, Eve and Angel rise from the canvass, shake hand and hug away the hard feelings. As they reconcile, Frankie Dee & Harumi come down behind them, and jump them. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]“Reality in high definition is always more exciting when Team HD arrives!”[/COLOR] [B](E-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AngelTakudome.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/HarumiOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Dirty Angels over Team HD, the ladies show why they were tag team champs at one time. Taking down team HD and making the men tap out to the Dirty Angel Dance. [B](C-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ali comes down to the ring, [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Wasn’t that heart warming? I can’t stand that kind of crap, there are no emotions in business and that’s what this is, so get the hell out of my ring so we can make some real money around here!”[/COLOR] [B](D+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/EdwardCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/WhiskyJack.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/PitBullBrown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ed & Whiskey over Pure breed, when the Brothers Gauge interfere. Pure Breed took it to Ed & Whiskey, Adam delivering a huge Power bomb to throw Whiskey off his game. Pit Bull locking in the dog collar choke to bring Ed into submission. It looked like this match would quickly be over, until The Brothers hit the ring with a pair of Chairs. The Gauges picked their spots, delivering huge chair shots behind the ref’s back that allowed Ed to hit the C-sharp and pick up the win. [B](D+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/GregGaug2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MatthewGauge2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Brothers Gauge climb into the ring, [COLOR="Indigo"]“It is quite possible that you do not know us, but I know for a fact we just got the attention of each and every person in this arena tonight. The Brother’s Gauge want, nay, we demand another shot at the tag titles, and we will prove here tonight why we deserve to be the only contenders for the titles."[/COLOR][B](E+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/GregGaug2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MatthewGauge2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BradyPrince.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Brothers Gauge over the Sultan’s Former Army. Brady Prince and Sayeed try to elevate their game to the level it was at under Ali, but they just did not seem capable of picking up the momentum. The match ended with Sayeed eating a huge Birth Right Slam, and Greg Gauge rolling him up for the three. [B](C+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/GregGaug2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MatthewGauge2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/PitBullBrown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Pure breed hits the ring, delivering stiff chair shots to both Brothers Gauge, in clear retribution for the attack that cost the Breed their match earlier. [B](F+)[/B] [B]Show: C Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)[/B][/INDENT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="4"]Night 163 Tuesday, January 2nd 2009 Live from Fort Stewart, Georgia[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ali leads Danny Rushmore down to the ring, “[COLOR="DarkRed"]The Sultan’s Corporation is running like the well oiled machine it is. In fact we were paid to be here tonight, to make the Premier brand appear like more than the Sultan’s after thought. So I hope each and everyone of you enjoys watching Danny Rushmore crush some unfortunate member of Premier here tonight.” [/COLOR][B](D-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Shingen and Frankie Perez to a time limit draw. Frankie starts the match strong, but Shingen comes back with and impressive series of kicks. Frankie appears to be caught off guard by the quality of wrestler Shingen actually is. Franky manages to battle back into the controlling position, but hits the Perfect Parity a little late, and runs out of time to make the pin, before the referee calls the match a time limit draw. [B](B-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AirAttackWeasel2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Shingen rises from the canvass and extends a hand, Frankie shakes his head and starts to turn a way, but Shingen catches him by the shoulder and again extends the hand. Frankie looks slightly annoyed but takes Shingen’s hand, just as both men get jumped by Joey Poison and Air Attack Weasel. [B](E+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AirAttackWeasel2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Frankie & Shingen over Poison & Weasel. Frankie and Shingen begin the match at a distinct disadvantage, but they battle back. Shingen and Frankie work well as a unit and isolate Air Attack Weasel in their corner. Shingen dazes Weasel with a shinning wizard, that sets him up for a Perfect Parity. This time Frankie makes the roll up with plenty of time to get the pinfall and win the match. [B](C+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Snap Dragon comes out, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Hey Ali, Hey Danny Rushmore, I think you underestimated the quality of Premier. This is my new home, and I will take you up on that open shot at the title you just announced. I’ll take it to make up for the title that Ali stole from me two nights ago at showdown.”[/COLOR] [B](D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/StephanieWade.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JoanneRodriguez.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/KristabelPlum.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stephanie Wade over Joanne Rodriguez & Kristabel Plum, to retain the Ladies Championship. The match explode with all three women looking to score a quick pinfall. Jo and Kristabel should have been able to out number and over come Steph, but they stopped to battle one another. Allowing Steph to hand out a pair of Super Kicks and roll up Kris for to retain her title. [B](C)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Danny Rushmore over Snap Dragon, when Fresh Air phoenix interferes to retain the Sultan’s Favor. The match was fairly open, though Danny size clearly lent him the upper hand in the exchange. That is until, Dragon managed to lock in the sleeper and bring the big man to his knees. But before Danny’s hand could fall for the third time, Phoenix pulled the ref from the ring. When Snap came over to Phoenix, Danny took the opportunity to hit Silence is Deadly, and get the quick roll up. [B](C+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Frankie comes to the top of the ramp, [COLOR="Blue"]“I had a good run, and I love each and every one of you fans, but I have to take some time. I have to regroup, to look into myself and find the strength that helped me be champion for so long. Fans I just wanted to tell you I was going so you could keep the light on, because when you least expect it, I will be back to regain my title, the Sultan’s favor will come home.”[/COLOR] [B](D)[/B] [B]Show: C+ Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)[/B][/INDENT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="4"]Night 164 Wednesday, January 3rd 2009 Live from Brunswick, Georgia[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ali Struts down to the ring, [COLOR="DarkRed"]“The Sultan Blah, Blah, Blah, lets jump straight to the good stuff! This is Belt is the pinnacle of the Sultan’s Corporate Success. I know your thinking, but what about Danny and the Sultan’s Favor, but you know that with his dominate Physique that was a for gone conclusion. My snatching the Pride of the Organization out of the grasp of Snap Dragon was a feat that will not soon be overlooked.”[/COLOR] [B](D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JamieAnderson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ali Wanna over Jamie Anderson, to retain the Pride of the Organization. Ali wore Jamie out, dragging him around the ring and punishing him from every angle. Hitting a Corporate Take over to pick up the win. [B](C)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Bob Casey runs down to the ring and get in Ali’s face telling him he can not treat his partner like that. [B](E-)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BobCasey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ali Wanna over Bob Casey, to retain the Pride of the Organization. In a match that was even more one sided than the last one. Ali hitting the Corporate Take Over to secure the win. [B](D+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ali rises from the canvas, and turns slowly to address the crowd. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I am Ali Wanna, head of the Sultan’s Corporation, and no one, and I mean no one will take Pride of The organization off my shoulder. Especially not two losers the caliber of Bob Jam. ” [/COLOR][B](D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AngelTakudome.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/HirokumiSaito-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/NariakiHitomi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dirty Angels over Invasion, the reunited duo takes up right where they left off, defeating Invasion to prove they are again on the same page. Invasion is forced to tap to the joint submission maneuver, the Dirty Angel Dance. [B](D)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SoulTaker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Souls in Exile make their way to the ring.[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"] “There is no team in OWYL, as bright, as talented or as gifted as the souls in Exile. And we are here tonight to prove that we deserve a title shot as much if not more than the two morons who call themselves the Brothers Gauge.”[/COLOR] [B](E+)[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SoulTaker.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BradyPrince.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Souls in Exile over the Sultan’s Former Army. The match was explosive. With Brady and Sayeed looking to prove something. But as the match wore on the end became clear. Exile handed out a pair of Exile Drivers, and Soul Taker locked in the Life force drain on Brady Prince forcing him to tap out. [B](C)[/B] [B]Show: C- Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)[/B][/INDENT][/SIZE]
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Night 165 Thursday, January 4rth 2009

Live from Jacksonville, Florida




Ali leads Danny Rushmore down to the ring,
“The Sultan’s Corporation is running like the well oiled machine it is. In fact we were paid to be here again tonight, to make the Premier brand appear like more than a place for losers to hang out. So I hope each and everyone of you enjoys watching Danny Rushmore crush another unfortunate member of Premier here tonight.”




Rafael Ruiz over Joey Poison. Joey took to the air adding a lot of high risk offense looking to score a quick win. Ruiz matched him, slowly wearing Joey down, and waiting for his spot. Finally Joey misses a huge top rope dive, and Rafael locked in the Ruiz Wrench to force Joey to tap out.




Zeus Maximillion runs into Marc Speed back stage,
“Marc do you realize that you have the honor of talking to the greatest wrestler alive today? And many have argued that Zeus Maximillion is the greatest Wrestler ever. We I have one more honor for you, right here tonight, for another shot at the Sultan’s favor you can get in the ring with the greatest wrestler you will ever have the honor of telling your grand kids you got your butt kicked by Zeus Maximillion!”




Zeus Maxmillion over Marc Speed. The match was amazing. Back and forth both men fought like the title itself was on the line. Zeus had to fight out of deadly heel hook barley making it to the ropes. Marc kicked out of Thunder Bolt, and fought back into control of the match. But Zeus caught Marc with a low blow and a rake of the eyes, a second Thunder Bold followed, and Zeus picked up the pinfall victory.




Stephanie Wade comes down to the ring. “
You know what, I learned something Tuesday night, I won’t face you pathetic ladies one on one any more, I demand you meet me two at a time or more, so I can truly prove how superior Stephanie Wade really is!”




Stephanie Wade over Wanda and Raven, to retain the Ladies Championship title. Wanda and Steph shared control of the match. Steph took Wanda out with a super kick, leaving Raven to face the champion alone. Another super kick, and Raven went to lala land for well over the three count Steph needed to pick up the win.




Ultimate Phoenix makes his way down to the ring,
“Snap Dragon comes out here and whines about how he deserves a title shot, just nights after loosing the gold he had. Well Ultimate Phoenix took care of that wrong, but know I am out here tonight to lay a claim of my own on the Sultan’s favor.”




Danny Rushmore over Fresh Air Phoenix, to retain the Sultan’s favor when Snap Dragon interferes. Danny goes toe to toe with the high flying Phoenix, but there is little doubt that Danny will eventually win this match. But when Snap Dragon shows up and distracts Phoenix, Danny takes advantage and rolls Phoenix up for a quick pin.


Show: C+

Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)
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Night 166 Friday, January 5th 2009

Live from Jasper, Florida




Ali walks out to the ring with the pride of the Organization over his shoulder.
“You know that the Sultan has provided all of this. But I as his CEO have turned those pitiful dollars into solid gold. I Ali Wanna have built a company that is the fastest rising power in the world of Professional Wrestling. And the Sultan’s Corporation is the most powerful force in this company. And this belt proves that I am not only the CEO, but a wrestler to be reckoned with."




Ali Wanna over Whiskey Jack, though Whiskey has found a lot of recent success in the tag division, Ali makes quick work of the older wrestler. Ali nails a spectacular DDT in order to pick up the win.




Ed & Whiskey over Maximum Rage. Zeus and Primal over estimate how much Whiskey’s beating had slowed down the team of Ed and Whiskey. Jack makes the tag back out to Ed, who quickly turns the tide of the match back in his teams favor. Ed then hands out a huge C-sharp to Primal Rage to pick up the victory.




Primal Rage stands up fuming that the count was fast, that Ed held his trunks, that there was no way he could have lost to Ed C. Whiskey bends over and whispers into Ed’s ear that he should not take these insults, but stand up for himself. Ed comes nose to nose with Primal, and gives him a push. The ref rings the bell and our next match is on.




Ed C over Primal Rage. Though the match was not nearly as electric and dynamic as the tag match. Primal and Ed brawled around the ring, to the delight of most of the fans. Ed hit another C-sharp and again Primal was unable to answer the three count, giving Ed his second victory of the night.




The Brothers Gauge come down to the ring,
“While I expect you to know who we are, etiquette dictates we introduce ourselves. This is my brother Greg, and I of course am Mathew, and we Two are the Brothers Guage. Now we have spoken at length together over the proposal of the SiE, and We together have reached a conclusion. Souls in Exile we are willing to accept your claim to a title shot, if you can but defeat us in open competition.”




Brothers Gauge and Souls in Exile to a draw. Both teams bring everything to this match. Burning Hammer quickly nails an Exile Driver that gives his team the early advantage. Greg Battles Back to hit a huge vertical suplex that swings the momentum back in the other direction. Soul Taker locks in Life Force Drain that almost makes Mathew tap out, but Greg Breaks it up at the last possible moment. Mathew gains his feet and the Duo deliver a Birth Right Slam to Taker. A four man brawl breaks loose, and when the referee can not restore order he gives up and rules the match a draw.




Ali comes down to the ring,
“Well if the four of you can not come to a peaceable solution, the I will have to make the choice that is best for my company. So both teams will meet the Dust Bowl Duo this Sunday for a shot at the Tag Team titles.”


Show: C+

Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)
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Night 167 Saturday, January 6th 2009

Live from Valdosta, Georgia




Air Attack Weasel is in the ring,
“The Best in the World, Rafael Ruiz, what a joke. The GWO may be gone, but we still protect our own, an I am out here to demand retribution for what you did to Joey Poison earlier this week.”




Rafeal Ruiz over Air attack Weasel. What ever wrongs Weasel thought he was going to right, quickly ran into a brick wall Rafael beat the other man from ring post to ring post, finally locking in the Ruiz Wrench and forcing Weasel to tap out.




Marc Speed is seen walking past Zeus back stage, the two smile politely as they pass each other, then Suddenly Marc turns and nails Zeus in the back of the head with a wicked punch. Marc then locks Zeus in a head lock and drags him out to the ring.
“Zeus if you though beating me would keep me from destroying you for a shot at the title, you don’t understand how determined Marc Speed is to be the next owner of the Sultan’s Favor!”




Marc Speed over Zeus Maximillion. The match was more of a beat down, Marc having already reigned in Zeus. Zues managed to kick out of several near falls, but he never really got back in the match. Marc locked in the deadly heel hook to pick up the victory, and the ref only got him to break the hold, after threatening to reverse his decision if Marc did not release it.




Danny Rushmore and Ali grace us with their presence.
“The Sultan’s corporation is not here because we are being paid. Tonight we are improving this squalid show pro-bono. But we have and agenda of our own, Snap Dragon and Fresh Air Phoenix, you have made a mockery of the Sultan’s Favor with your antics, but we are offering you one more shot at the title, if you can defeat my monster Danny Rushmore and I tonight, the tomorrow at show down, Danny will put his title on the line in a triangle match with both of you."




Ultimate Dragons over Danny & Ali almost by accident. Fresh Air and Dragon have been a tag team for so long, that despite their obvious problems with each other, they know exactly where to be as a team. Danny took Phoenix down with Silence is Deadly only to have Dragon break up the count. Ali hit Dragon with a DDT only to have Phoenix lock in a sleeper that ground the match to a halt. Danny rushed into the ring, only to have Snap Dragon lock in a sleeper of his own. And though Ali broke free of Phoenix’s grasp it was not quickly enough to save the fast fading Danny Rushmore for loosing the match, granting both halves of Ultimate Dragon a shot at the Sultan’s favor.




Back stage Jo and Wanda are working out a temporary Truce. Jo shakes Wanda’s hand.
“This is for one night only Fish, and I swear if you cost me this shot at Steph and the title here tonight, I will make sure you pay for it.”




Joanne Rodriguez & Wanda “sleep with the” Fish over April Appleseed & Lauren Easter, to win as shot at Stephanie Wade and the ladies Championship. While the match was amazing, it was only truly memorable for how Jo and Wanda worked flawlessly as a team, in the end handing out a stereo J-Rocker and Fisherwoman Suplex to pick up the win.


Show: C+

Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)
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Sunday Show Down

Night 168 January 1st, 2009


Will Feature:


Marc Speed vs Raphael Ruiz vs Zeus Maximillion

with a shot at the Sultan's favor on the line these men will leave it all in the ring


Brothers Gauge vs Souls in Exile vs Dust Bowl Duo ©

for the Tag Team titles

three teams willing to tear themselves a part to either gain the titles or hold on to them, will anyone survive?


Wanda Fish vs Joanne Rodriguez vs Stephanie Wade ©

for the Ladies Championship

The best three women in our sport vie for it's highest honor, but can Stephanie keep up her winning streak.


Snap Dragon vs Ultimate Phoenix vs Danny Rushmore©

for the Sultan's Favor

Danny wants to hold onto his title, but will Dragon and Phoenix rip each other apart before he has the chance?



don't miss the action live tomorrow night!

DM: Kenny Kool vs Shingen

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Show Down 1 – 1

January 7th, 2009

Live from Livingston, Texas




DM: Kenny Kool over Shingen, the match is spectacular for a dark match. Both men give the match everything they’ve got. Shingen takes a clear lead half way through the match, nailing Kool with the shining wizard. Kenny kicks out, but barley. Kenny then stays behind the eight ball, Shingen lines Kenny up for a second kick but, Kenny rolls out of the way and lands a surprising Too Kool. This keeps Shingen down for the count, as Kenny picks up a huge victory.




DA: Kenny rolls from the ring, and grabs a microphone,
“I got news that is totally cool man. That match was for a shot at the POO, and I know Ali Wanna’s not gonna like it, but Kenny Kool is like so coming for that massive bling!”




Rafael Ruiz is standing in the ring, Marc Screaming at him to get out from one side, Zeus from the other.
“Now look here both you losers Rafael won both of his matches this week, something neither one of you two can say. I demand to be part of this number one contenders match. I demand my shot at the title. I, Rafael Ruiz, am the best in the world, and I am going to prove it again here tonight!”




Marc Speed over Rafael Ruiz and Zeus Maximillion. Marc and Zeus nod to each other, and both unload huge rights and lefts on Ruiz, but the union does not last long, and Marc and Zeus soon turn on each other. Rafael recovers on the outside waiting for his spot, finally finding it as Zeus hits Marc with a tremendous thunder bold, Ruiz locks in the Wrench on Maximillion looking to make him tap. Speed recovers in time to lock in the Deadly Heel Hook on Ruiz forcing him to break the hold on Zeus, and tap out himself, making Marc Speed the number one contender.




Ali Wanna and Danny Rushmore come to the top of the ramp,
“Do you people understand how profitable Danny Rushmore is for the Sultan’s Corporation? I maybe the CEO, but this man is golden. He is what makes this company run, he is the element that has been missing for so long. I have no doubt after tonight that Danny will still be champion, and that every other wrestler in this company will learn to fear my enforcer!”




Dust Bowl Duo over The Brothers Gauge and Souls in Exile, to retain the Tag Team Championship. The Duo took a page out of the dragons’ book, hanging back and letting The Brothers and SiE take each other out. Exile Drivers & Birth Right slams were swapped, along with an arsenal of other high impact moves, as Mean Jean and Al picked their spots doing more to fuel the rivalry that inflict damage. Finally with both teams worn down, The Duo handed out Dust Bowl Drops, Al rolled up Taker, and Mean Jean rolled up Greg, and both members of the Duo scored a pinfall, to save their titles.




Joanne Rodriguez comes out to the ring,
“Stephanie Wade, I have had that title in my sites for months now, but week after week I get cheated out of what is rightfully ….”
Wanda “Sleep with the” Fish floors Jo from behind with a trash can and begins a brutal, assault, Stephanie runs down and the match is on.




Stephanie Wade over Joanne Rodriguez and Wanda Fish, to hold onto the Ladies Championship. Jo stumbles back to her feet only to get nailed first by a super kick from Wade, followed by a Fisherwoman from Fish. Stephanie and Wanda brawl around the ring, then outside the ring, then around the arena. As the two women work their way back into the ring, Wanda nails Steph with her patented suplex, 1..2..Jo lunges in to break up the count. Jo eats another big kick and another suplex. But as Wanda Rises from the canvas she catches a Super Kick of her own. Steph rolls up Wanda and gets the three to retain her title.




Snap Dragon comes down to the ring, and climbs up the ring post, pointing to his waist he addresses the crowd.
“This is the last time you are going to see this midriff. After tonight I will be your champion, and everyone will have to acknowledge the greatness of the Dragon, they will have to admit, that I am one of the best OWYL has ever had to offer. Finally Snap Dragon will get the respect he has earned!”




Danny Rushmore over Snap Dragon and Fresh Air Phoenix, to retain the Sultan’s Favor. The match was one of the best of all time, First Danny got beaten down by Phoenix, only to hit a desperation Silence is Deadly, and regain is feet. Dragon then started in on Rushmore, and everyone thought it was over when Snap locked in the sleeper, but after Danny’s arm fell twice he dug deep and managed to break the hold and deliver another Silence is Deadly. Danny then ran the ropes delivering huge clothes lines and shoulder tackles leading up to a double suplex, that let him hit a final silence is deadly for the win.


Show: B-

Atnd: 712
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And 19.5 beers later I come to the end of what was an awesome read, I started at 10pm Saturday night as was bored, havent checked in here for about 1 year, this was the 1st diaries title that caught my attention, i am glad to say it was well worth the read, its now 1:32pm sunday afternoon, so maybe time for some sleep ;)

A recored show to finish wasnt it ??


Keep u pthe good work

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This is awesome! What's your product? Glad to see you putting in some angles that don't drag the crowds mood down.


Ali Wanna see more of this diary!


Thanks go out to remi for this product, I found it in the discussion threads, where some on had asked how to get the crowd to respond to run ins while still having the matches rated on skill instead of overness.


Match Ratio: 80%


match intensity: 40%

match danger: 60%


Heel Face divide: none (it is not written this way, as TEW would hate how often I flip them back and forth)


Traditional: Key Feature

Main steam: Heavy

Comedy: Low

Cult: None

Risque: None

Modern: Key Feature

Realism: Meduim

Hyper Realism: None

Hardcore: None

Luche Libre: Meduim

Pure: None

Dare Devil: None


hope this helps you out. :)


And 19.5 beers later I come to the end of what was an awesome read, I started at 10pm Saturday night as was bored, havent checked in here for about 1 year, this was the 1st diaries title that caught my attention, i am glad to say it was well worth the read, its now 1:32pm sunday afternoon, so maybe time for some sleep ;)

A recored show to finish wasnt it ??


Keep u pthe good work


I've said it before and I will say it again. (hopefully often) Reading a diary start to finish in one sitting has got to be one of the greatest honors a writer on these boards can be paid! Thank you so much for taking the time, and I am glad you found it worth your while.


I do believe that is one of the best shows I have run. but I can say with certainty we are moving on to even bigger and better things here in OYWL.


So Stick around. :D

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Night 169 Monday, January 8th 2009

Live from Ashburn, Georgia




“I am the head of this corporation, I am Ali Wanna, and this is Tag, where the real business of OWYL gets pumped out!”





Invasion over Bob Jam, Invasion looking better than they have in along time, but Bob Jam adding little to the match drags the fans reaction down.




Invasion grabs a pair of microphones and beings to speak in tandem, their mouths do not move to what is heard over the loud speakers,
“We are Invasion your once and future Tag team champions, you will fear us!”




Greg Gauge over Keith Adams, in a singles match between two of the hottest Tag teams of the moment. Keith stays in the match, but eventually is forced to tap out to the Birth Right Figure Four.




Kashmir comes down and takes over the ring, Greg & Keith both wisely rolling out of his way.
“Kashmir has been wronged! Kashmir will get revenge! Kashmir will take POO!”




Kashmir Singh over Mathew Gauge. It was a stand out match, better than the fans had been expecting, Mat stayed away from Kashmir using hit and run tactics to bring him to his knees, but eventually Gauge ate a big boot coming off the ropes, a running power slam, a choke slam, and several more vicious maneuvers allowed Kashmir to make an easy cover.




Steve Flash comes out with a wad of cash in his hand, and Keith holding his brief case,
“Tonight we like face the Brothers Gauge, but you know what man? If like beating them is not enough, I just want to make sure the Duo knows Steve Flash is not above, like buying himself a shot at their title.”




Steve & Keith over The Brothers Gauge. Mat was not much help to Greg, and the match wound up being more a Steve Flash versus Greg Gauge singles, match. Steve eventually wore down Greg hitting the Flash Bang and making the cover for three.


Show: C

Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)
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Night 170 Tuesday, January 9th 2009

Live from Unadilla, Georgia




Seiko Nanami and the Sensei make their way to the ring,
“We have something to announce, We are here to thank the fans but we are retir….”
The rest goes unheard as April Appleseed Drop kicks Sensei from the ring, and bull dogs Sieko into the mat.




April over Seiko, the two women tear around the ring, Seiko recovers quickly and takes control of the match. That is until April hits a desperation Apple Slicer to score the victory.




Sensei who has been watching the match from ring side, climbs in to help Seiko to her to her feet, but Air Attack Weasel assaults him from behind, and out next match begins.




Air Attack Weasel over Sensei. The match is fairly one sided as Weasel dominates Sensei taking him out with a pop goes the weasel to finish the match.




Shingen over Primal Rage. The match marks one of the best performances for Shingen during his time with OWYL. Though he dug himself a hole early, failing to connect on a high risk move, he battled back to pick up a clean victory over Primal Rage.




Shingen calls for a microphone,
“Here me now, Kenny Kool, you screwed a true champion out of his shot at the Pride of the Organization, I will get my shot, and I hope that you’re the man I have to beat to become the next Pride of the Organization.”




Soul Taker over Joey Poison. There seems to be bad blood between these two, but then Taker did dismantle the old GWO and take all of Joey power so maybe that had something to do with the street fight this match devolved into. The two could not keep things in the ring, and the ref seemed inclined to let them fight. They brawled through the crowd destroying chairs, and spilling cokes & pop corn every where. Finally they battled back into the ring, where Taker locked in the Life Force Drain and Joey had little option but to tap out.




Soul Taker begins to head back stage but stops at the top of the ramp,
“I know what each of you is thinking, but beware the GWO will rise again!”


Show: C+

Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)
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Night 171 Wednesday, January 10th 2009

Live from Marietta, Georgia




Ali is back stage with the Pure Breed,
“Adam, Pit, tonight is important, you need to prove you are capable of being the next Tag Champs. I mean I have gold, Danny has gold, I expect the two of you to bring the gold home very soon!”




Pure Breed over Team Hd, the match is brutally one sided. Pure Breed unleashed on Harumi and Frankie, Finally Adam nails a pair of Adam bombs to clear any final resistance, and rolls both members of Team HD up, while Pit Bull tells the crowd how great he and his partner are.




Team HD flees from the ring and the camera follows them back stage where Frankie and Harumi are saying tonight was just a minor set back. But not watching where they are going Team HD runs into the Dust Bowl Duo.
“You boys called that a set back? Well I reckon we can show you a set back.”
Before team HD can react Frankie has taken a Dust Bowl Drop through a nearby table. Harumi fights back but soon suffers a similar fate.




Mean Jean Cattley over Harumi. The Duo drag Harumi out to the ring, and a second round of humiliation begins, Jean eventually locks in Cattle mutilation and forces Harumi to Tap.




Kashmir Singh over Al Coleman. The big man rushes to the ring and throws Cattley out, and begins to brawl with Al. Al does his best to go toe to toe with the big man but eventually eats a big boot and a Choke slam wracking up another win.




Mean Jean Crawl back into the ring and helps Al to his feet,
“Well as embarrassing as getting mule kicked by an over grown donkey can be, we know we are the best Tag team in OWYL today, and we have these here shinny gold belt to prove it!”




Dust Bowl Duo over the Sultan’s Former Army, to retain the Tag Titles. Mean Jean handled the early match wearing down both Prince and Sayeed. The match got a little sideways and Al barley tagged out to Jean, clearly show the effects of being man handled by Kashmir. Jean roared back into the ring, and wore Sayeed down, allowing the Duo to hit the Dust Bowl Drop on Prince to hold on for the victory.




The Duo return to the stick after their win,
“That was right narly. We got half a mind to take these titles and store’em up in the barn. But that just would be right unsightly of us, so until Sunday we ain’t saying exactly who we’re giving a title shot to.”


Show: C

Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)
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Night 172 Thursday, January 11th 2009

Live from Chattanooga, Tennessee




Seiko Nanami and the Sensei make their way to the ring, “
We have something to announce, We are here to thank the fans but we are retir….”
The rest goes unheard as Raven clothes lines Sensei from the ring, and hits Sieko with a flying elbow.




Raven over Sieko Nanami, the match was mostly Raven showing how dominate she can be, Raven lands the Night Faller to secure the victory.




Once again Sensei has remained ring side to watch the match, Joey Poison runs down and slide into the ring indicating he is ready to take on the Karate Master Sensei.




Joey Poison over Sensei. The match stays a stand up kick and counter contest, until Joey lands a judo throw to take Sensei off his feet. The two then trade mat wrestling holds until Joey locks in Kajita Clutch and forces Sensei to tap out.




Geronimo Wakama Oneida comes down to the ring,
“The Spirit have been talking to me, the Spirit have been demanding answers of me. I will do what the spirits bid me, and the GWO will rise from the dust of this broken federation.”




GWO over Air attack Weasel. Weasel controlled most of the match, but Geronimo after kicking out at the last possible moment seems to become a man possessed. GWO comes on with a series of punches Air Attack just can’t match, finally Geronimo steps inside of Weasels reach and delivers the Spirit Walk taking Weasel down for the three count.




Frankie Perez over Shingen. Shingen has a great match, but the former Champ has the match of the week. Frankie seems to be every where at once, and clearly back on his game. Frankie Blocks several attempts by Shingen to lock in his ankle lock submission. Finally Shingen walks right into a Perfect Parity and the match ends soon after.




Frankie rises from the mat and tours the ring posts, letting the crowd know he is back in fighting form.
“Danny Rushmore may have taken my title, may have been better than me on one night. But this Sunday at Show Down, Danny I will get my rematch, and I Frankie Perez will prove that one night proves nothing! That to keep the Sultan’s Favor you have to be better than me on any given night!”


Show: C

Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)
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Night 173 Friday, January 12th 2009

Live from Fort Payne, Alabama




Ali is in the ring,
“I, Ali Wanna, built this company by the sweat of my own brow. Now Invasion thinks that I will let a pair of two bit has beens become champions here in OWYL. I have news for you boys, I will never let that happen.”




Invasion over Fast Food Army. The match is short and sweet, both sides getting in some offense, and some defense. But Invasion manages to get the upper hand and hit Invasion Landing, making the roll up for the win.




Soul Taker over Keith Adams. Keith kept himself in the match, but the larger Soul Taker eventually wore the young faster man down, with a series of huge power move. Taker then locked in the Life Force Drain, forcing Adams to submit.




Kashmir Sing comes out to the ring,
“Ali afraid of Singh, Ali will get revenged, Singh will take Poo on Ali’s Waiste!”




Kashmir Singh over Burning Exile. Exile jumps Kashmir from behind, trying to get the upper hand. Burning even manages to take Kashmir up for the Exile Driver, but Kashmir flails and Burning is forced to drop the big man. The two then grapple for control, until Kashmir lands the big boot. Singh grasp Burning Exile by the throat and delivers a devastating choke slam to ensure victory.




Steve & Keith over Souls in Exile. The match is face paced, and both Keith and Burning Exile appear to have recovered from their earlier matches. But the fresh Steve Flash seems to be the deciding factor. Steve hands out Flash bangs left, right and center, wearing down the Souls, before making the cover. Exile tries to break up the pin attempt, but Keith clothes lines him from the ring.




Steve Flash grabs a wad of cash from a brief case Keith is holding open,
“Tonight we like faced the Souls in Exile, but you know what man? If like beating them was not enough, I just want to make sure the Duo knows Steve Flash is not above, like buying himself a shot at their title. Do you here me Dust Bowl Duo, I’ve got good ole American moola I’ll trade for a shot at those straps.”


Show: C

Atnd:300 (SOLD OUT!)
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Night 174 Saturday, January 13th 2009

Live from Gadsden, Alabama




Seiko Nanami and the Sensei make their way to the ring,
“We have something to announce, We are here to thank the fans but we are retiring effective tonight!”
having said their peace they turn to leave but Seiko gets hit with a shoulder tackle by Kristabul Plum and Sensei suddenly finds himself brawling out of the arena with Ed C.




Kristabul Plum over Seiko Nanami. Seiko fights hard in what the crowd is sure will be her final match here in OWYL. The fans get behind Seiko like never before in her career here, but Kristabul puts a thumb in her eye, followed by a low blow and quick roll up, during which she uses the ropes for leverage to secure the win.




Ed C and Sensei brawl back into the arena and right into the ring, a referee comes running down and we go into our next match.




Ed C over Sensei, the two men have beaten the crap out of each other before they even started this match, meaning the pace had slowed dramatically. The match continued evenly with both men inflicting punishment on the other. Ed C finally stepped it up long enough to hit the C-sharp, and pick up the win.




Lauren Easter comes out, “I have been back stage watching a legend of the women’s division be disrespected night after night here on the Premier brand. Tonight I challenge Seiko to come and retrieve her dignity. As for the three ladies who thought it was ok to disrespect her that way, well I will see you at Show Down. And I will even put my number one contenders spot on the line for a chance to teach you three a lesson.”




Lauren Easter over Seiko Nanami. Lauren helped Seiko into the ring, and even presented her to the crowd. The two then went at it hard, neither willing to give an inch. In the end Lauren lines Seiko up for a belly-to-belly suplex, drilling the older wrestler into the canvas, knocking her out and bringing the match to a close.




Burning Exile comes out to the ring,
“In the beginning I sought to make the whole world feel my pain. But the GWO showed me that it was not my pain, but the worlds I was chanelling. The GWO will rise again, and you will feel the planet's pain!”




Burning Exile over Air Attack Weasel & Joey Poison. Exile was like a man possessed, neither Weasel, nor Poison could stay on their feet, let alone take Exile off of his. Exile took his time, allowing his opponents to tag in and out frequently, but it was they, no he that quickly wore down. A pair of Exile Drivers, and wicked power slam to capitalize it all, led to the three count.


Show: C-

Atnd: 300 (SOLD OUT!)
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Sunday Show Down

Night 175 January 14th, 2009


Will Feature:


April Appleseed vs Kristabul Plum vs Raven vs Lauren Easter

Lauren is looking to teach the younger women of OYWL a little respect, she has even put here #1 contenders spot on the line to do it


Marc Speed vs Rapheal Ruiz

Both men will leave it all in the ring for a shot at the Sultan's Favor


Frankie Perez vs Danny Rushmore©

for the Sultan's Favor

Frankie is going to get a chance to get his title back, but how can he possible overcome the numbers advantage of the Sultan's Corporation?


Flash the Cash vs Dust Bowl Duo ©

for the Tag Titles

The Duo have dominated the Tag division, and Flash the cash has done little more than paid for their breaks. what will be the deciding factor in this match?



don't miss the action live tomorrow night!

DM: Kenny Kool vs Kashmir Singh

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Showdown 1-2

Sunday, January 14th 2009

Live from Atlanta, Texas




DM: Kenny Kool over Kashmir Singh, when Ali Wanna interferes. Kenny tries to go toe to toe with the big man, but eats boot for his effort, then suffers a humiliating choke slam. Kenny manages to kick out before the three, but the beating continues. Singh sends Kenny off toward the rope, but Ali turns Kashmir around from the apron, Kenny Manages to dive and take out the big mans knee. A Too Kool, latter and Singh rises infuriated that he was just cost the match.




DA: Kenny retreats up the ramp, with Ali just a few steps ahead. Kenny stops Ali at the top.
“Word to your mamma, that was slam’n. But look here G, whens I’m gonna get my shot at dat title, I earn’d?”
Ali just smirks at Kenny and walks off.




Lauren Easter comes out,
“Respect, it’s the corner stone on which wrestling is built. You have to give it to get it. Tonight I will show three of these ‘Ladies’ what respect looks like. And some day they will thank me for it.”




Lauren over April and Raven and Kristabul, to secure her spot as number one contender. Lauren began the match hot, taking all three ladies down, but numbers quickly overwhelmed her as the three teamed up to take her out. April then drilled Kristabul from the ring with a drop kick, only to have Raven clothes line her from the ring. Lauren clawed her way back into things, nailing each lady in turn with the Belly to belly, allowing Lauren to pick up a hard fought victory and secure her position as number one contender.




Raphael Ruiz comes out to the ring,
“I am the best in the World, I am Raphael Ruiz! Marc Speed you may have earned a shot a the Sultan’s Favor, but I believe that Raphael Ruiz can defeat you for that shot!”




Marc Speed over Raphael Ruiz to secure is title shot. An A for effort, but an F for execution. Raphael just did not have what it takes to challenge the likes of Marc Speed. The Speed freak quickly took control of the match, and locked in the Deadly Heel hook. And though Raphael managed to break it, he repeatedly found himself fighting his way out, until inevitably the only escape was to tap out.




Frankie Perez and Marc Speed pass each other back stage,
“Hey Marc good match. I just wanted to say that after I win my match tonight, you will still be number one contender as far as I am concerned.”




Frankie Perez over Danny Rushmore, to reclaim the Sultan’s Favor when Ali botches the interference. Frankie and Danny’s rematch was supposed to follow a script, Frankie gains control, Ali wipes out Frankie, Danny walks away victorious. Unfortunately it went more like this. Frankie gains control, Ali misses Frankie with a chair shot, but hits Danny, Frankie follows up with Perfect Parity, and pins Danny for the win.




Steve Flash comes out with a wad of cash in his hand, Keith is carrying his brief case.
“Man I like got the cash, so Dust Bowl Dudes can I like get a title shot or what.”
The Dou come down to the ring and get right in Steve and Keith’s faces.
“We don’t take the cash o’dirty Cattle rustlers like yourselves. We’ll be glad to deliver this ass whopping free of charge!”




Steve & Keith over Dust Bowl Duo, to win the Tag Titles, though it appears the ref was paid off. Steve Flash started out with Mean Jean but was quickly over whelmed and tagged out to Keith. Keith squared off with Al but could not seem to gain the upper hand. The Duo seemed well in control of the match, and dealt out a Dust Bowl Drop to Keith that looked like it would end it all, but the Refs count was so slow that Keith easily kicked out. Steve battled back and hit a Flash Bang on Al Coleman, Steve went for a quick roll up, and the refs hand banged out the three faster than a standard one count. Steve & Keith allowed the Referee to raise their hands as the new champions, and a conspicuous bulge appeared in the refs pocket as he raised their hands.


Show: B-

Atnd: 725
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Night 176 Monday, January 15th 2009

Live from Sandpoint, Idaho




Ali Wanna is in the ring,
“I hear that Kenny Kool thinks I should give him a title shot. Well Kenny the Sultan’s Corportion is all in favor of Charity, but not when I comes to this belt. You will have to really beat the best of the best to prove you’ve earned that shot of yours.”




Kenny Kool over Joey Poison. Kenny puts it all on the line, high risk moves are the mark of the day, and after Kenny misses one, Joey Poison almost get the pin fall. Kenny kicks out after a late two and battles back to hit the Too Kool and pick up the win.




Steve Flash
“the Cash” & Keith “ATM” Adams enter the ring, “Having money man, it like rocks! You can buy like anything, and people like want to be your friends man. Well Steve Flash is not just about the money, he is also about opportunity. So like any one back there not named the Dust Bowl Dudes, if they think they got what it takes we are challenging you to prove it right now!”




Burning Exile over Keith “ATM” Adams. The match was open, and Taker kept Steve Flash from interefering. Keith held his own almost picking up the win, but Burning Exile kicked out with authority clearly angry at how close he came to loosing and dominated the remainder of the match. Finally catching Adams with a huge Exile Driver to put an exclamation point on his victory.




Geronimo Wakama Oneida comes down and congratulates Exile on his win.
“The spirits have been moving around me, bringing me word of change. The time is at hand, it can not be denied, the GWO will soon return to cleanse OYWL!”




Steve Flash “the cash” over Soul Taker. The two men went toe to toe, Taker gaining the early lead, and almost forcing Steve to tap to the Life Force Drain. Flash how ever managed to make it to the ropes. Steve then ducked a huge clothes line, and hit a Flash Bang on a rebounding Taker that led to a solid three count.




Souls in Exile over Flash the Cash, When Ali Direct Pure Breed to attack Soul Taker & Burning Exile. Steve Flash and Keith work incredibly well together, fending off Exile & Taker as the Souls in Exile attempt to win the tag titles. Adams ties up Taker on the outside trading huge shots, after Steve hits Burning Exile with a Flash Bang and goes for the cover. Steve almost picks up the win, until Pure Breed flood into the ring, breaking the count, and attacking Burning exile. The ref shakes his head, and has not choice but to award the SiE the DQ victory.




Ali Wanna grabs a mic and almost screams into it,
“The GWO Will Never Ever Find A Foot Hold In This Company Again!!!”


Show: C

Atnd: 300 (Sold Out)
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Night 177 Tuesday, January 16th 2009

Live from Nampa, Idaho




Steph comes down to the ring,
“Well I have good news and bad news. The Good news is that all week we will be running a Female only Tag Team Tournament. The Bad news is that Lauren will have to wait until it’s over to get her title shot. Awww to bad for Lauren.”
Steph smiles and walks off.




Eve Grunge & Angel over April & Kristabul, to win their first round match up. Eve & Angel as the only established female tag team make quick work of the other two girls. Capping their match with an exclamation point double super kick to score the win.




Ali Wanna over Burning Exile, when GWO attacks, to retain the Pride of the Organization. Ali Wanna was hanging in the match with Exile, though clearly not in control. Geronimo on the side lines grew tired of watching Ali kick out and stormed into the ring, attacking Ali with a chair. Thus earning Ali the DQ victory.




Geronimo Wakama Oneida grabbed a microphone.
“The Spirits have driven me to this point. Have driven me to action. Have driven me to warn you that the GWO will return and claim what rightfully belongs to the planet!”




Snap Dragon over Brady Prince. The back and forth in this match up brought the fans to their feet. The man that was once the biggest champ in OYWL took Snap Dragon to the limit. Dragon though managed to lock in the sleeper as Brady came off the Ropes, and fought as he might, Brady just couldn’t break the hold.




Ali Wanna comes down to the ring, “
The Corporation took a mighty blow last night, one of our major stocks took a nose dive. But I Promise a second half rally. Danny Rushmore will get his title back, and he will do it inside a steel cage this Sunday on Show Down!”




Frankie Perez over Jd Morgan, to retain the Sultan’s Favor. The match pushed Perez to the limit. The Debuting Jd impressed the crowd, but came up short taking a Perfect Parity to end the match.




Frankie Perez rolls from the ring with his title and makes his way to the top of the ramp where he stops and addresses the fans.
“A steel cage? How does that hurt me, Ali? Last time I checked your boy has more to fear from you, than he does from me. I am not afraid to take on Danny Rushmore in any kind of match. So Sunday I will prove why I am the two time Favored one, Frankie Perez.”


Show: C+

Atnd: 300 (Sold Out)
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