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1975: The War Begins SWF

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Wednesday Week 3 1975 [CENTER]Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]Presents[/SIZE][/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]SWF Supreme Warfare[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Being held at the Connecticut Symphony Hall Attendance: 9,047[/B] Our announcers Bob JohnsonPhotobucket Bob Johnson and Chaim Silverman [/CENTER] [I][U]Preshow[/U][/I] [QUOTE]barney Larussa...[SIZE="5"]VS[/SIZE]...Photobucket Barney LaRusso defeated Disco Stu in 5:33 by pinfall with a Pasta Noodle Trap. [B]Rated: C[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Photobucket...[SIZE="5"]VS[/SIZE]...Bill Popinowski Burt Selleck defeated Bill Popinowski in 5:47 by pinfall with a Bow to the 'Stache. [B]Rated: D-[/B][/QUOTE] [I][U]Live Show[/U][/I] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] Micky Starr comes to the ring and looks to be in a foul mood. He gets inside of the ring and asks for a microphone. Starr calls for Powerhouse to get his Benedict Arnold butt down here now or does he have turn his back to him to get a response. I challenge Powerhouse Patterson to a last standing match tonight. [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Bob Johnson: Yeah come on Patterson come on down and get your butt handed to you. Chaim Silverman: He did all right in my book last Sunday.[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Powerhouse Patterson finally comes down. Hey boy I don’t come out anymore and be your lackey anymore Starr. You turned your back on me. Since you won that title you have given everybody but me a shot at the title. Bet I got your attention now don’t I? If it ain’t for that title, I reject the idea to get in ring with you tonight. [B]Rated: B-[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Bob Johnson: What a coward. I can’t believe he won’t face Starr. Chaim Silverman: He knows what he is doing, keeping us sitting on our hands on the edge of excitement.[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Richard Eisen comes out from backstage. Gentleman, what we have here is a dilemma. I can’t have my world champion not headlining the show tonight. So Starr, you want Patterson in a match? Well boy you get him, as well as your nemesis Baron Von Rambis, in 2 VS 1 handicap match! [B]Rated: B+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Chaim Silverman: Ha-ha, The champ will be picked apart tonight. Bob Johnson: That’s not fair. How can Mr. Eisen rationally come to this kind of decision?[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER] Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket...W/Photobucket...[SIZE="5"]VS[/SIZE]...Photobucket [/CENTER] Rick Rumble defeated Womanizer Robbie Gordon in 15:16 by pinfall with a Crushing Running Axehandle. What a way to start off tonight action. These two put on a great show. Rick Rumble makes defense number 3 of his SWF United States title. [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Bob Johnson: What a huge win for Rumble as he retains the North American title. Chaim Silverman: I can’t believe that. Gordon was robbed.[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Frank Rock, Iron Michael Milligan, and Coach Pangrazzio are backstage. You pretty boy punks are gonna lose those titles to us. We are gonna hurt ya. Tonight the flame goes out. [B]Rated: C[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Bob Johnson: The Heavy hitters are a tough veteran team. But I still think the Flames will retain later. Chaim Silverman: No way. The Flames are going down.[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] Antonio Moretti is backstage preparing for his match later tonight. He tells us he is ready to end this feud between him and Ares Aegaleus that has raged on for to many years. Tonight it ends. [B]Rated: A+[/B][/QUOTE] [B] Bob Johnson: What a storied past that man has. Chaim Silverman: Storied, how many championships has he won? [/B] [QUOTE][CENTER] Photobucket [COLOR="blue"]SWF World Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] PhotobucketPhotobucket...W/Photobucket...[SIZE="5"]VS[/SIZE]...PhotobucketPhotobucket [/CENTER] The Heavy Hitters defeated Blazin' Flames in 11:46 when Iron Michael Milligan defeated Joey Flame by pinfall after using a roll of coins slipped in by Coach Pangrazzio. Heavy Hitters win the SWF Tag Team titles. [B]Rated: C-[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Bob Johnson: What a rip off. The Flames should have won if it wasn’t for the interference from The Coach they still would be champions. Chaim Silverman: Alright Coach. Way to manage your team to championship gold.[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Ares Aegaleus: Tonight Antonio, you will become my crowning moment in my career. Tonight the Greek God Ares beats you, and finishes your carrier. [B]Rated: A[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Chaim Silverman: First we get new tag team champion. Then we get to watch the destruction of a legend, as Ares is gonna rip into Antonio tonight. Ha-ha what a great night. Bob Johnson: I can’t believe you some times.[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...[SIZE="5"]VS[/SIZE]...Photobucket[/CENTER] Hagar Erikson defeated Chief Two Eagles in 7:56 by pinfall with a Viking Back Snapper. Hagar and Chief put on a great match. But in the end Hagar muscles his way to victory. [B]Rated: B-[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Bob Johnson: The Chief looked good there for awhile but the savage Canadien prevailed. A Good win I have to admit. Chaim Silverman: It was only a matter of time before Hagar pulled it off.[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] The camera sees Powerhouse Patterson and Baron Von Rambis talking backstage. Powerhouse Patterson tells Baron Rambis he turned his back on Micky Starr not for him, but for himself. He is tired of being passed over for title shots. Baron agrees and assures Patterson that if he will allow him, he can make sure he gets a shot at the title. Patterson is fine with it as long as he benefits from this arrangement. [B]Rated: B+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Bob Johnson: I still can’t believe Patterson would turn his back on his good friend Micky Starr like he did. Chaim Silverman: I finally found some respect for Mr. Patterson. He got fed up with the system and has learned to take matters into his own hands. Good for him.[/B] [QUOTE]Photobucket...[SIZE="5"]VS[/SIZE]...Photobucket The Masked Patriot defeated Jackson Andrews in 7:50 by pinfall with a Patriot Slam. This was good match to cool the audience down a bit. Not that they are horrible, I got what I expected and they did put on a good match. [B]Rated: C-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] A video plays featuring stock footage of the careers of Ares Aegaleus and Antonio Moretti. [B]Rated: A[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Bob Johnson: This is gonna be a great match. I can just feel it. Chaim Silverman: Easy there big fella. Little less feeling.[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket...[SIZE="5"]VS[/SIZE]...Photobucket[/CENTER] Antonio Moretti defeated Ares Aegaleus in 9:47 by pinfall. Wow, I mean Wow! What can I say? These two veterans put on a great match. All I can say is Wow. After the match Ares came up to Antonio, and broke kayfabe, but spun Antonio around and offered a genuine hand shake as a sign of respect. [B]Rated: A[/B][/QUOTE] [B] Bob Johnson: Those two really tore the house down on that match. I hope both are ok. Steel cages have a nasty habit of hurting careers in the long run. Chaim Silverman: Ares gave it his all but I have to admit, Antonio is a lot tougher than I thought. [/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] In the ring, Micky Starr cuts a promo against Baron Von Rambis and Powerhouse Patterson. It doesn’t matter if it’s the world against him. He wants both of their hides tonight. [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] [B] Bob Johnson: This is gonna be a great main event. Chaim Silverman: The Baron and Patterson are gonna rip Starr’s head off. Will there be anything left to defend the world title?[/B] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket...[SIZE="5"]VS[/SIZE]Photobucket[/CENTER] Baron Von Rambis and Powerhouse Patterson defeated Micky Starr in 14:43 when Baron Von Rambis defeated Micky Starr by pinfall. Micky held his own for a good chunk of the match but the numbers game took its toll causing his loss. Baron really screwed up a couple of his spots in this one. Patterson and Starr really shined. [B]Rated: C+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER] Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] As Baron Von Rambis and Powerhouse Patterson started to celebrate, Micky Starr slid out of the ring and grabbed a chair. Baron sees him and grabs Patterson to leave. Starr chases Baron Von Rambis and Patterson with the chair. [B]Rated: B+[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Final Overall Rating: B[/B]
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[QUOTE=tristram;525989]Predictionarios: The Womaniser by DQ The Blazin Flames Chief Two Eagles Go the Masked Patriot! Antonio Moretti[/QUOTE] 2-3 Sir. Tough break sir. If it makes you feel any better I almost did have The Womanizer win. [QUOTE=foolinc;526004]SWF North American Championship Rick Rumble SWF World Tag Team Championship The Blazn' Flames Chief Two Eagles The Masked Patriot. Ares Aegaleus[/QUOTE] 2-3 for you as well sir. Looks like I threw some surprises out there. Hope you both and the rest of the readers enjoyed the results.
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The show ended and everyone felt this was a very good show indeed. Me and Mr. Eisen were discussing preliminary gate receipts and the over success of this show when there was a loud commotion from the locker room area. I made like a beehive to see what was going on. Upon entering the room I can a quarter of the roster keeping Iron Michael Milligan and Bob Johnson apart. [COLOR="Blue"]ME:[/COLOR] What in the hell is going on here! We just come off of one of a best shows in recent history and you two numb nuts are trying to kill each other. Some one needs to explain. [COLOR="blue"]Bob Johnson:[/COLOR] Well boss its real simple. This meathead here sabotaged my best clothes. I go and take a shower because I have a hot date tonight. And this meathead put lice powder on my best suede suit. Now how in the hell am I gonna get any play tonight? [COLOR="blue"]Mike Milligan:[/COLOR] Look I was only playing a joke here. First and foremost. You seemed uptight, I thought this would help loosen you up for when you go out with your mom. And they start to go at each other again. Grrr! [COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR] Alright shut up both of you. Bob your gonna simmer down right now. It was a joke, a bad one, but only a joke. Mike, look dude, You and your partner are in line for a push now. It would be a shame for that to end over this. BUT I WILL END IT when I choose to. You gonna figure how to get Bob clean, plus your gonna supply Bob with some new threads tonight. Got it, Good, now make it happen. Lice, going out with your mom. Gesh, Milligan, he got a weird sense of humor. Wonder if his mom is single?
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"]SWF Sunday Slamfest[/SIZE] Week 3, April 1975 Held in the Huntsville Fairgrounds 5,000 Attendance[/CENTER] [I][U]Pre Show[/U][/I] [QUOTE]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Rocky Streets defeated Disco Stu in 5:37 by pinfall. [B]Rated: C+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket The Masked Patriot defeated Crazy Eyes McGrew in 5:54 by pinfall with a Patriot Slam. [B]Rated: D+[/B][/QUOTE] [I][U]Live Show[/U][/I] [CENTER]Bob JohnsonPhotobucket[/CENTER] Bob Johnson and Chaim Silverman welcome us to the show. They talk about what a great night Supreme Warfare was and play a short video highlighting the matches from Supreme Warfare. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] We come back and Micky Starr is in the ring. He calls out Richard Eisen. He isn’t leaving the ring until Eisen gets his butt in the ring and grants him a match between himself and Powerhouse Patterson. Mr. Eisen finally comes out grants Micky Starr to face Powerhouse Patterson for Starr’s title. [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: That should be a great match up. Finally Micky gets to avenge his beat down. Chaim Silverman: I don’t know about this one. I still think The Baron deserve one more crack at Micky. [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Ares Aegaleus is backstage waiting for Mr. Eisen. Ares pleads his case that he should be getting a title shot not Powerhouse. Eisen tells Ares that he lost to Antonio Moretti at Supreme Warfare, so until he does something to get noticed his decision stands. [B]Rated: B-[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: The boss is right on this one. If anybody deserves a shot its Antonio. Chaim Silverman: The ball is in Ares’s court. He should get a shot sometime in the near future. [QUOTE][CENTER]barney LarussaPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Barney LaRusso defeated R.J. Danzig in 7:58 by pinfall with a surprise roll up. After getting muscled around thru out the match Barney scored a surprise win with a roll up. Nice match that kept the fans going I felt. [B]Rated: C[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]barney LarussaPhotobucket[/CENTER] Barney LaRusso is celebrating in the ring when RJ. Danzig turns him around and sucker punches LaRusso. Danzig continues to work over LaRusso when SWF Officials come down and finally separate them. [B]Rated: C+[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: What a despicable act. Chaim Silverman: The way I see it, RJ should have won that one, but Larussa pulled his tights or something so he deserved it. [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Ares Aegaleus defeated Chief Two Eagles in 2:41 by pinfall. This started from backstage as Ares went ballistic. He had smashed Chief Two Eagle thru a few tables from the backstage before he decided to drag him down to the ring. He yells occasionally “Have I got your attention now!” [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: What has gotten in to him? Chaim Silverman: Well, he has my attention. [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Powerhouse Patterson is backstage warming up his bout with Micky Starr when Baron Von Rambis bursts into Powerhouse's locker room and advises him not to wrestle tonight. Baron tells Patterson that Starr just has a certain look in his eyes. You are better off let him simmer for a week then get him. Patterson tells Baron no way is he giving up his chance. And asks the Baron is he reneging on their arrangement? Rambis just stands there as Patterson storms off. [B]Rated: B+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Streets of Rage defeated Call of the Wild in 5:53 when Sid Streets defeated Cherokee Hawk by pinfall with a Paving the Way. [B]Rated: D-[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: A good win for the young Street brothers. Rocky would be proud. Chaim Silverman: Blah. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] A video airs to hype up the soon to be debuting Papa Voodoo, by showing him in various menacing poses, to show that he is coming to the promotion to dominate the competition. [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Blazin' Flames come to the ring and challenge Heavy Hitters to a match. You guys cheated at Supreme Warfare and we want our titles back now. The Coach comes out and tells the Flames that if they want his boys, they got them, Right now. The Heavy Hitters work their way from the crowd and enter the ring. [B]Rated: C[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]SWF World Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucket.../WPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Heavy Hitters defeated Blazin' Flames in 7:47 when Frank Rock defeated Teddy Flame by pinfall with a Gang Tackle after Coach Dick Pangrazzio interfered once again. Heavy Hitters make defense number 1 of their SWF Tag Team titles. [B]Rated: D[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: You have got to be kidding me. Chaim Silverman: Haha. Way to go coach. School them young guys. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Micky Starr defeated Powerhouse Patterson in 14:35 by pinfall with a Starr Treatment. Micky Starr makes defense number 3 of his SWF World Heavyweight title. Baron Von Rambis came down and became a factor. It looked like he had swung the tide to Powerhouse Patterson when Ares Aegaleus came down and took out The Baron. Everybody is shock including Patterson and Micky Starr. [B]Rated: A[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Micky Starr, Baron Von Rambis, Powerhouse Patterson and Ares Aegaleus are stareing at one another. Baron asks why has Ares gotten involved? Micky asks the same. Ares tells us it wasnt for you Micky Starr. And it wasnt for you two as he points to The Baron and PAtterson. It was for me. [B]Rated: A[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: I'm as confused as you guys are. Chaim Silverman: I'm gonna talk to Ares and get you a scoop next week. [B]Overall Final Rating: B We drew alot of praise and it looked like we struck gold again with this one. TV rating 2:45[/B]
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"]SWF Sunday Slamfest[/SIZE] Week 4, April 1975 Held in the Shakeshaft Auditorium 5,000 Attendance[/CENTER] [I][U]Pre Show[/U][/I] [QUOTE]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Womanizer Robbie Gordon defeated The Masked avenger in 5:37 by pinfall with a Hip Swivel Neckbreaker. [B]Rated: C[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketSensei IketaniBill Popinowski Blazin' Flames defeated Sensei Iketani and Bill Popinowski in 5:33 when Joey Flame defeated Sensei Iketani by pinfall with The Inferno. [B]Rated: D-[/B][/QUOTE] [I][U]Live Show[/U][/I] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Micky Starr calls out Ares Aegaleus to explain his actions last week. Ares comes out tells Micky that he did not save him last week because he wants to be friends. He is protecting his investment. “I want a crack at that title Star.” Baron Von Rambis and Powerhouse Patterson then come out and asks Ares why he interfered in their business. Ares responds because he is a god among mortals and he can do what ever he wants. Baron and Patterson start to move forward to Ares when Mr Eiesen comes thru the curtain. “Hold on you two. I‘ve got news for you four if you think your running this show. This is how it‘s gonna work. Patterson your taking on Antonio Moretti. Baron Von Rambis your facing Rick Rumble for the United States Championship. And Ares and Starr square off for the title tonight. O and by the way, you four will be in a tag match next week. Now how do you like that?” [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: Wow, this is gonna be great. Three main event bouts all in one night. Chaim Silverman: I don’t even know what to say. I’m starting to sweat. [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Powerhouse Patterson defeated Antonio Moretti in 13:43 by pinfall with a Crushing Shouldersmash.. What a way to start out the crowd with. These two put on a great show. The fans really popped for Patterson’s Shouldersmash. [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: I do not believe what I saw. What unbelievable power Patterson has. Chaim Silverman: Can anybody match his strength? [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Mr. Eisen is walking backstage when he comes up to the SWF World Tag Champs ,The Heavy Hitters. They ask him why are they not in a match tonight. Eisen responds, not tonight boys, but you will be next week. Against the new #1 contenders for your belts, against the Street brothers. [B]Rated: D+[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] He is coming. Next Week. Muhahaha. [B]Rated: B-[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: Who is this man? I can't wait to find out. Chaim Silverman: I'm kinda excited to find out myself. [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Powerhouse Patterson is backstage helping Baron Von Rambis get ready for is match with Rick Rumble. Patterson tells Baron he won his match now he needs to win his. Baron slams down a bottle of Vodka and proclaims the Red Terror is ready. [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] Bob Johnson: Barons been drinking again. This cant be good. Chaim Silverman: Da comrade. [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket...W/PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket [/CENTER] Rick Rumble defeated Baron Von Rambis in 9:46 by pinfall with a Crushing Running Axehandle. Rick Rumble makes defence number 4 of his SWF United States title. A open match that saw some good action. Ares Aegaleus came down to ringside and didn't directly get involved but his appearance alone was enough to distract Baron Von Rambis causing him to lose. [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Rocky Streets defeated R.J. Danzig in 7:38 by pinfall following interference from Barney LaRusso. Larusso gets alittle pay back from last weeks beatdown. [B]Rated: C[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Ares Aegaleus had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Micky Starr. Starr, we ain't friends. We don't see eye to eye on anything. But you got something I have been chasing for some time now. I'm taking it tonight. But don't worry. I'm not destroying you because I do need you to be my partner next week. But make no mistake that belt is mine tonight. [B]Rated: A[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] Micky Starr defeated Ares Aegaleus in 9:42 by pinfall with a Starr Treatment following interference from Powerhouse Patterson. During the match we also had Baron Von Rambis run in and attack The Greek God. Micky Starr makes defense number 4 of his SWF World Heavyweight title. [B]Rated: B[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER] Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] BVR and Powerhouse attack The Greek God in the ring. Micky attempts to make the save but is layed out as well. Coach Dick Pangrazzio comes down and directs the beat down. As official finally manage to come down and stop the beatdown from getting any worse. Coach, Baron and Patterson stand above their fallen victims and raise their arms in victory as we come to the close of the show. [B]Rated: A[/B][/QUOTE] [B]Final Rating: B Again we seemed to have struck gold. TV Rating: 2:48[/B]
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