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NYCW: The Butterfly Effect (CVerse '97)

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Sunday, Week 4, January 1997 [quote] To: [email]stomper@nycw.com[/email] Subject: Monthly Report for Jan 1997 Mr. Bradford, I know you don't care about those "internet hacks," but they just declared us the number one regional promotion in the Great Lakes, Tri-State, Mid Atlantic, and New England regions (the four regions we qualified for BTW). And something you'll probably be more interested in, we made $4,079 in profits this month. Looks like the two show experiment is a huge success. In other news our boy Morpheus decided to follow in Jack Bruce and Rich Money's footsteps and has signed with XFW and Chris Storm just recently won PPPW's Tri-State Tag Team titles with his partner Rick Sanders. You might want to congratulate them. Finally it's official, we've signed [b]Name Withheld[/b] and [b]Name Withheld[/b]! They been ready to make their debut at February Stars. James Heatly [/quote] [quote] To: [email]heatly@nycw.com[/email] Subject: Re: Monthly Report for Jan 1997 James, One thing. Stop calling me Mr. Bradford! Stomper P.S. By the way, what do BTW mean? [/quote]
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[QUOTE=FINisher;529931]It's always nice to get those good chemistry notes, isn't it? ^^ Especially in the main event..[/QUOTE] Yes it is! :D [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;530011]I see facial hair means power for many in this part of the 97 East Coast, too. :) Good show, man. Gonzales/Bruce seems a really interesting rivalry.[/QUOTE] The facial hair isn't as strong as it is PPPW, but yes the force is strong with the facial hair!
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[center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/flyers/February_Stars_97.png[/IMG] [u]Quick Picks[/u] NYCW World: Corporal Doom © vs. Shawn Gonzalez Non-Title: The Empire vs. Wiley Coyote NYCW United States Open Challenge: Barry Kingman © vs. ??? via CO Jungle Jack vs. Morpheus Clark Alexander & Michael Cook vs. Ernest Mason & ??? [/center]
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[center] [B][SIZE="5"]NYCW February Stars Saturday, Week 2, February 1997 881 people at The Ministry[/size][/b] After Jungle makes his way to the ring, the lights go dim and smoke fills the converted church. In a prolonged entrance complete with [url=http://www.foolinc.com/pics/NYCW/366536.mp3]dark, ominous music[/url], Morpheus and Karen Killer make their prolonged entrance. [b]Rating: C[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/AmericanBuffalo_alt5.jpg[/IMG] Jungle Jack vs. Morpheus[/b] I don't know if it was the smoke or if Jack had a headache or something, but it was clear Jack wasn't on his best tonight. That said, the match still was pretty good and got over that Morpheus is a man that's not to be messed with. Though, now that I think about it, something or someone trying to screw with Morpheus might lead to some hilarious moments. Hmm... [b]Result: Morpheus defeated Jungle Jack in 9:52 by pinfall with Phantasmagoria (Running Powerslam). Rating: D[/b] --- After Morpheus and Jack leave the ring NYCW's owner, The Stomper makes his way to the ring. [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Stomper:[/b] Chris Storm, I've got to hand it to you. Two weeks ago, we faced in the center of the ring and you were able to make me tap out. [/COLOR] The crowd instantly starts a "You tapped out chant." [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Stomper:[/b] As I was saying. I might have tapped out two weeks ago, but you didn't beat me. I looked at the tapes and I saw that your feet were under the ropes during the submission. This action is clearly illegal. So in the interest of fairness, the main event World Title match at NYCW Only In Dreams will be Corporal Doom versus Chris Storm versus myself, The Stomper.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG] The Empire vs. Wiley Coyote[/b] I'll probably say it countless times over the course of these reports, but man are Jack Bruce and Rich Money fun to watch. They also are far wiser than most wrestlers at their age. Knowing the limitations of Wiley Coyote in the ring, the duo used most of the time stalling and riling up the fans. In the end, it was this grandstanding that allowed The Empire get the win. Jack Bruce was able to verbally distract Wiley Steinway long enough for Rich Money to roll up the tag team champion (even if he did need a handful of tights to do it). [b]Result: The Empire defeated Wiley Coyote in 8:50 when Rich Money defeated Wiley Steinway by pinfall with a handful of tights. Rating: D-[/b] --- As Ernest Mason is making his way to the ring he is met up with by Carl Batch. The usually wordy Batch just shakes Mason's hand and walks away smiling. The camera pans to a slightly confused Ernest Mason who is looking at something Batch must have handed Mason, a business card. [b]Rating: D-[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ErnestYoungman.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/MichaelCook.jpg[/IMG] Brent Hill & Ernest Mason vs. Clark Alexander & Michael Cook[/b] And Mason's mystery partner is none other than RPW's Brent Hill! For those of you who don't know, Brent Hill's nickname is "The Complete Package." Tonight he was just that. If this match was any indication off Hill will do in the near future, I think Brent will do quite well for himself in NYCW. Not to be outdone by Hill, Mason was able to turn back the clock, pulling off moves that I haven't him seen pull off in years. And even though it was basically a squash, both Alexander and Cook were able to look good in the lost, most likely due to lasting as long as they did. [b]Result: Ernest Mason and Brent Hill defeated Clark Alexander and Michael Cook in 6:41 when Brent Hill defeated Michael Cook by submission with a Complete Package. Rating: D+[/b] --- Carl Batch once again finds Shawn Gonzalez in the back preparing for tonight's title match. [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Batch:[/b] Hey playa'. How's it going? I know ya like your privacy so I'll make this short and sweet. I got ya' your title match tonight. And I know with me at your side, you will go down as the greatest championship in the world. So I am going to... [/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][b]Gonzalez:[/b] Look Carl, I appreciate that you got me this title shot, but they don't call me the Lone Wolf for nothing. Thanks, but no thanks.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Batch:[/b] That's cool, catch you on the other side.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D+[/b] --- Barry Kingman is in the ring with a microphone. [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Kingman:[/b] The fact I have to demand an open challenge to get any challenge at all is laughable. I am Barry Kingman, a wrestling legacy, a member of the SWF roster, and YOUR United States Champion. [/COLOR] The crowd boos at the reminder that Kingman is the current holder of NYCW's prestigious United States title. [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Kingman:[/b] As I was saying, a wrestler of my caliber…[/COLOR] Interrupting Kingman is none other than HGC wrestler, Monty Walker! Barry Kingman is livid, throws down the mic, and attacks Walker as he makes his way to the ring. [b]Rating: E[/b] --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCWUS.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/MontyWalker.jpg[/IMG] NYCW United States Open Challenge: Barry Kingman © vs. Monty Walker[/b] I've heard about how Walker oozes charisma and have watched his matches in HGC and XFW, but even I was blown away with how well the fans responded to Monty. The man has perfected his gimmick to a point to where even the most hated made in New York, Sheik Mustafa, could take notes. As far as the match is concerned, I couldn't have been happier. While, Monty is known as a high flyer and is apart of HGC's cruiserweight division, he started the match off by showing the fans (and The Stomper) just how good he was as a mat wrestler, much to the frustration of Kingman. It was this frustration that led to the conclusion of the match. After an irish whip into the corner Kimgan went for a corner spear only to miss, getting a head and shoulder full of steel before falling to floor. After not responding to referee Dewey Libertine, Monty Walker was awarded the match via KO. Upon hearing the announcement, the once downed Kingman sprung to his feet, grabbed his title, and made he way to the back to the total disgust of the fans. [b]Result: Monty Walker defeated Barry Kingman in 12:49 by knock out. Barry Kingman retains the NYCW United States title. Rating: D+[/b] --- Backstage we see a down trodden Chris Storm speaking with the NYCW champion Corporal Doom. [COLOR="Blue"][b]Storm:[/b] This is complete bull. Stomper books himself as the mystery opponent and after losing just makes up some loop hole to book himself into our match! What the hell are we going we going to do?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][b]Doom:[/b] WE aren't going to do anything. Look kid. I got a lot of respect for you, but you need to stop your complaining and just prepare for the match. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Storm:[/b] But what about The Stomper?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][b]Doom:[/b] What about Stomper? You beat him two weeks ago and I beat him at Rush Hour, Stomper isn't going to be a factor. Besides, I've got bigger things to worry about, like Shawn Gonzalez tonight and hopefully you in two weeks.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Storm:[/b] I guess your right. Thanks Doom.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][b]Doom:[/b] Anytime kid. [/COLOR] [b]Rating: C[/b] Notes: Corporal Doom is learning to show more charisma. Corporal Doom is developing better performance skills. Chris Storm is improving at acting. --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/GenericWingedEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ShawnGonzalez.jpg[/IMG] NYCW World: Corporal Doom © vs. Shawn Gonzalez[/b] Shawn Gonzalez might have not wanted to get the title shot in the manor he did, but when the match started, it was clear that he wasn't going to waste the opportunity. The two fan favorites put a highly competitive match that what will no doubt be the measuring stick of main events to come, even if the ending wasn't exactly what the fans were hoping for. It seems that Carl Batch wasn't as "cool" with Gonzalez turning down his offer as we thought. The young manager made his way down to the ring and distracted Shawn. As Gonzalez turned around he was met with some Corporal Punishment to end the match, though the look on Doom's face as he pinned Shawn made it seem like he wasn't happy about winning the match in the fashion he did. [b]Result: Corporal Doom defeated Shawn Gonzalez in 18:07 by pinfall with a Corporal Punishment. During the match we also had Carl Batch run in and attack Shawn Gonzalez. Corporal Doom makes defense number 2 of his NYCW World title. Rating: C+[/b] [size=1](Corporal Doom and Shawn Gonzalez have pretty good chemistry)[/size] --- [SIZE="5"][B]Overall Rating: C-[/B][/SIZE] [/center]
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[center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/flyers/OnlyInDreams_97.png[/IMG] [u]Quick Picks[/u] NYCW World: Chris Storm vs. Corporal Doom © vs. The Stomper #1 Contender's Match: Carl Batch's Client vs. Shawn Gonzalez Big Cat Brandon, John McClean, and Rich Money vs. Eddie Peak, Freddie Datsun, and Jesse Christian Coyote Dynamite vs. Jack Bruce Clark Alexander vs. Earnest Mason [/center]
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NYCW World: Chris Storm vs. [B]Corporal Doom ©[/B] vs. The Stomper [I]Whilst I could see Storm taking the title, Doom and Stomper still have oomph left in their feud, and there isn't anyone for Storm to feud with if their feud moves away from the belt. So Doom keeps hold of the title as Stomper's too old to have a title run[/I] [B]#1 Contender's Match: Carl Batch's Client[/B] vs. Shawn Gonzalez [I]I'm gonna assume this is some big monster or other to pound on Gonales- it's what I'd do[/I] Big Cat Brandon, John McClean, and Rich Money vs. [B]Eddie Peak, Freddie Datsun, and Jesse Christian[/B] [I]I just like this team more[/I] Coyote Dynamite vs. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] [I]Coyote Dynamite sucks, JB doesn't[/I] [B]Clark Alexander[/B] vs. Earnest Mason [I]Mason's a good technician, but he's also about to retire in '97, and can put over Alexander before going out[/I]
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NYCW World: Chris Storm vs. [B]Corporal Doom © [/B]vs. The Stomper #1 Contender's Match: [B]Carl Batch's Client [/B]vs. Shawn Gonzalez Big Cat Brandon, John McClean, and Rich Money vs. [B]Eddie Peak, Freddie Datsun, and Jesse Christian[/B] Coyote Dynamite vs. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] [B]Clark Alexander [/B]vs. Earnest Mason
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foolinc, sadly I have never overly endowed myself with cornellverse diaries. But I opened up yours and I really enjoyed the opening. It was actually one of the first opening posts that I read word for word.... A quality start, mate. My predictions are no doubt going to be miles off the track having really not had too much exposure to the CV, and to be honest I could use the same tipping philisophy I use on race horses (lucky numbers and colours) but here goes... Quick Picks NYCW World: Chris Storm vs. [B]Corporal Doom[/B] © vs. The Stomper #1 Contender's Match: [B]Carl Batch's Client[/B] vs. Shawn Gonzalez - I'm picking a 350 pound muscleclad machine? [B]Big Cat Brandon, John McClean, and Rich Money[/B] vs. Eddie Peak, Freddie Datsun, and Jesse Christian - despite not knowing much about the CV, anytime my uncreative mind has attempted to book a CV show or two I've always had a load of time for Rich Money the character Coyote Dynamite vs. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] [B]Clark Alexander[/B] vs. Earnest Mason Consider this my grounding education to the CV proper, even if it is in 1997 when in real life the wrestling world was at it's peak. Look forward to reading on.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE=tristram;536579]foolinc, sadly I have never overly endowed myself with cornellverse diaries. But I opened up yours and I really enjoyed the opening. It was actually one of the first opening posts that I read word for word.... A quality start, mate. My predictions are no doubt going to be miles off the track having really not had too much exposure to the CV, and to be honest I could use the same tipping philisophy I use on race horses (lucky numbers and colours) but here goes... Quick Picks NYCW World: Chris Storm vs. [B]Corporal Doom[/B] © vs. The Stomper #1 Contender's Match: [B]Carl Batch's Client[/B] vs. Shawn Gonzalez - I'm picking a 350 pound muscleclad machine? [B]Big Cat Brandon, John McClean, and Rich Money[/B] vs. Eddie Peak, Freddie Datsun, and Jesse Christian - despite not knowing much about the CV, anytime my uncreative mind has attempted to book a CV show or two I've always had a load of time for Rich Money the character Coyote Dynamite vs. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] [B]Clark Alexander[/B] vs. Earnest Mason Consider this my grounding education to the CV proper, even if it is in 1997 when in real life the wrestling world was at it's peak. Look forward to reading on.[/QUOTE] Wow, this is big praise from one of the best diary writers in GDS. I'm sure everyone who reads this, reads your diary but if they don't here is the [url=]link[/url]. I've finally started to catch up and I'm really glad I took the time to do so! Also, with college finally over I am getting back into this game. Expect to see the results from Only In Dreams either later today or tomorrow.
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[center] [B][SIZE="5"] NYCW Only In Dreams Saturday, Week 4, February 1997 551 people at The Ministry[/size][/b] Alone in one of The Ministry's makeshift locker room is Chris Storm. The young challenger is sitting on a bench with his head in his hands, mentally preparing for his first World title match. He takes a deep breath before looking into the camera. [color=navy][b]Storm:[/b] I've been thinking for a long time what I wanted to say with the promo time I've been given. I want to say that I going to go into the match and steamroll Stomper and Doom to take the title. I want to, but I can't. The truth is that this is my first World title shot and both Stomper and Doom have years of experience that I don't know if I can overcome.[/color] Storm pauses a minute before cracking a small smile. [color=navy][b]Storm:[/b] But you know that in all their years of experience, neither man have that much experience in triple threat matches. You could say that I might even have an experience advantage when it comes this type of a match.[/color] Chris flips his newly won PPPW Tri-State Tag Team titles that he won with Rick Sanders over his shoulder. [color=navy][b]Storm:[/b]And as you can see I am half way to completing my New Year's resolution to win titles in both PPPW and NYCW. Maybe, just maybe the rest of resolution is realized tonight.[/color] [b]Rating: D+[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ErnestYoungman.jpg[/IMG] Clark Alexander vs. Ernest Mason[/b] I kind of feel bad for Alexander, kind of. The young man has a lot of potential, but he's still very green and needs to improve a bit in the ring before he'll be more than cannon fodder. But that's not the reason I feel bad for him. It looks like Mason is getting a might be a bit frustrated about his position on the card, taking it out on Clark. Ernest could have ended the match a long time before the match actually ended, but kept pulling Alexander's shoulders off the mat at a count of two so he could dish out more punishment to the youngster. [b]Result: Ernest Mason defeated Clark Alexander in 7:57 by pinfall with German Suplex. Rating: D-[/b] --- After the match Mason continued his assault on Alexander, delivering two more Germans before making his way to the back. [b]Rating: E[/b] --- Jack Bruce and Rich Money are in the locker room talking on their cellphones, seemingly oblivious of the camera. [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Money:[/b] Look, just put my money into sub-prime loans. In ten years, those things are going to be huge![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][b]Bruce:[/b] Babe, I'm sorry. That has never happened before, you can take my word….. What? Are you laughing at me? You better not tell anyone, or I'll tell everyone you’re a slut![/COLOR] Just after ending their embarrassing phone calls the duo realize that the camera has been rolling and start to chase after the camera man, all the way to the ring. [b]Rating: D+[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG] Coyote Dynamite vs. Jack Bruce[/b] As Jack and Rich chase the camera man into the ring, Coyote Dynamite's music starts to play and their match begins. Dynamite takes advantage of the match early as the flustered Jack Bruce is still a bit distracted after getting caught with his preverbal pants down by the sneaky NYCW camera man. However, the advantage didn't last long as Rich Money was able to distract Dynamite allowing Bruce to roll up one half of the NYCW champions. [b]Result: Jack Bruce defeated Coyote Dynamite in 6:51 by pinfall after interference from Rich Money. Rating: D-[/b] --- Shawn Gonzalez backstage with Marv Earnest. [COLOR="DimGray"][b]Marv:[/b] After coming so close to winning the World title, how do you feel about the actions of Carl Batch taking it upon himself to play a part in the match?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][b]Gonzalez:[/b] I am a man of few words, so I'll make this short and sweet. Carl Batch, if you think you can get under my skin by interfering in my title match you are sadly mistaken. I am my own man and I will get another World title match because of my wrestling skill, not because of someone bought me one. Though, the fact it's going to come against your first official client will make my victory a bit sweeter. [/COLOR] [b]Rating: D+[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BigCatBrandon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/EddiePeak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/FreddieDatsun_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG] Big Cat Brandon, John McClean, & Rich Money vs. Eddie Peak, Freddie Datsun, and Jesse Christian[/b] To be honest, this match was really nothing more than a filler match to pass some time and get a couple of wrestlers a bit more ring time. That said, it was a fun little match that saw the babyfaces come up on top after Freddie Datsun hit John McClean with a Patriot Press. [b]Result: Eddie Peak, Freddie Datsun and Jesse Christian defeated Big Cat Brandon, John McClean and Rich Money in 7:43 when Freddie Datsun defeated John McClean by pinfall with a Patriot Press. Rating: D[/b] --- NYCW's production staff puts together a video package covering the important moments that have gotten us to the World title match, which included: clips from Stomper's promo from Rush Hour, the World title match between Stomper and Doom, Stomper making himself Chris Storm mystery opponent, the controversial ending from the number one contender's match, and The Stomper interesting himself in tonight's World title match. [b]Rating: D-[/b] --- Carl Batch is backstage with a microphone in his hand. [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Batch:[/b] I read the dirt sheets, well I got people that read the dirt sheets and go on the forums all that junk for me. Anyways, they tell me that everyone is talking 'bout Carl Batch and who my first client is. The rumor is I've got this 350 pound monster that is going to pound Shawn Gonzalez into the mat. Well, your half right. My client is a monster who's gonna pound that good for nothing Gonzalez, but he's not 350 pounds. It's more like 250 pounds of chiseled muscle. My client has the power, the skill, and the brains to be the best wrestler in the world. In fact, y'all could say he's the complete package. [/COLOR] The camera pans out to show another man standing next to Carl Batch, someone who's pretty well known in the area. A man that just wrestled for NYCW new weeks ago. The former two time PPPW Tri-State, RPW World, and CZCW SoCal champion... [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] [b]BRENT HILL![/b] [b]Rating: D[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ShawnGonzalez.jpg[/IMG] #1 Contender's Match: Brent Hill vs. Shawn Gonzalez[/b] Considering the fans were thinking Carl Batch's client was going to be some Big Heavyweight, I don't think they were expecting much of a match in terms of quality. Well boy were they wrong on both counts. Brent Hill and Shawn Gonzalez tore the house down with a match that can be considered the best match NYCW's had in a long while that didn't involve Corporal Doom (which is good because Doom's like 9 years past his prime and could retire on me at any moment). Speaking of Corporal Doom, this match ended very much like the main event of February Stars as Carl Batch once again inserted himself into the match distracting Shawn Gonzalez to allow his client to win the match. [b]Result: Brent Hill defeated Shawn Gonzalez in 15:38 by pinfall with a King Of The Hill following interference from Carl Batch. Rating: C+[/b] --- Corporal Doom comes out to the middle of the ring, taking the house mic. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Doom:[/B] Privates, a-ten-tion! [/COLOR] The crowd cheers and gives Doom a salute. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Doom:[/B] At ease, soldiers. Tonight, I have not one but two challengers for my World title. Chris Storm, I have all the respect for you in the world and one day you will be a World champion. But today is not that day. [/COLOR] The crowd gives a mixed reaction as a good number of them wish to see Chris Storm become the NYCW World champion. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Doom:[/B] Stomper, I'll make this short so even your old, wrinkled mind can comprehend it. Tonight will end just like it did six weeks ago, with some...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Doom and the crowd:[/B] CORPORAL PUNISHMENT! [/COLOR] [b]Rating: C-[/b] --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/GenericWingedEagle.jpg[/IMG] [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/LobsterWarrior_alt1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/TheStomper.jpg[/IMG] NYCW World: Chris Storm vs. Corporal Doom © vs. The Stomper[/b] While the match couldn't match up to the stellar showing from Hill and Gonzalez, the trio did their best to entertain the fans. And I've got to give it to The Stomper. He might not be as good as he was back in the day, but man is he one tough son of gun. Being the only heel in the match, Stomper was one the receiving end most of the offense in the match. In any case, this match entrenched Chris Storm firmly into the NYCW main event scene. The young man dominated the later part of the match as Doom and Stomper started to get winded. After throwing Doom over the top rope, Storm was able to get The Stomper into a Fujiwara Armbar, this time in the middle of the ring. The Stomper tried to slip out of the move a couple of times, but Storm was able to stamp out each attempt. Unfortunately for Chris, The Stomper's attempts to get out of the submission took long enough for Doom to get back into the ring and break up it up before Stomper tapped out. Doom was then able to throw the stunned Storm out of the ring and hit a seriously fatigued Stomper with a Corporal Punishment to retain his title. [b]Result: Corporal Doom defeated Chris Storm and The Stomper in 17:57 when Corporal Doom defeated The Stomper by pinfall with a Corporal Punishment. Corporal Doom makes defense number 3 of his NYCW World title. Rating: C-[/b] --- [SIZE="5"][B]Overall Rating: C-[/B][/SIZE] [/center]
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[center][B][SIZE="6"]Sam Strong Retires; Enters the Hall of Immortals[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/SamStrong_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name:[/B] Sam Strong [B]Real Name:[/B] Samuel Stragavelli [B]Height:[/B] 6'9" [B]Weight:[/B] 302lbs [B]Birthday:[/B] June 8th, 1949 [B]Hometown:[/B] Originally New York, now residing in West Virginia [B]Trademark Moves:[/B] Strong Arm Tactic, Sam Strong Punch, Piledriver [B]Major Titles:[/B] SWF World Heavyweight (4), BHOTWG Burning Championship [B]Major Promotions: [/B] SWF (1979-1994), BHOTWG (1994-1995), HGC (1996-present) [/center] [quote] [center][FONT="Century Gothic"][size=5][u][b]Power - The Sam Strong Story[/size][/u] by Dan Mardayl, Pro Wrestling Hits Magazine (Feb 1997)[/b][/center] Samuel Stragavelli was born on the 8th June 1949 in Yonkers, New York to Robert and Dinah Stragavelli, the second of eight children. His first athletic accolades came in high school, where the naturally tall and powerful youngster was a star basketball player. By the time he his 17 though, Stragavelli had become obsessed with body building, and was spending almost all of his free time working out, building up his already muscular frame. He was a regular at body building events in the Tri State area, and throughout his late teens and early twenties his impressive physique led to several modeling jobs, including, critically, a brief cameo in an early TV advert for the Olympus chain of gyms. This cameo appearance came with a bonus of one year's free membership for Stragavelli, which he took, and was soon a daily visitor. In 1974, at the age of 25, he happened to meet one of the part owners of Olympus Gymnasiums, Michael Wilmington. Wilington was better known to millions of fans as Micky Starr, the reigning Supreme Wrestling Federation world heavyweight champion, one of the most popular wrestlers in North America. The 29 year old champion became close friends with Stragavelli, and convinced him that with his muscular look and natural athletic prowess, Sam could make a lot of money as a pro wrestler. Stragavelli, who was not a wrestling fan, took some persuading, but eventually accepted Wilington's offer to train him, figuring that it would be a good way to earn some money. In August 1975, following one year of training, Sam Stragavelli made his pro debut in Pittsburgh PA, working the opening match for the American Pro Wrestling Federation, formerly one of the biggest promotions around, who were now on the verge of closing down. In front of 300 fans, Stragavelli was soundly beaten in under ten minutes to Gorgeous George DeColt. Stragavelli would remain with APWF until July 1977, when the promotion folded. In that time he developed into a competent worker, who was particularly adept at getting the crowd into his comebacks, something that Micky Starr had taught him the psychology of over the past couple of years. In early 1979, after two years of working for various promotions across America under a variety of names (although he usually wrestled as Sam Stragavelli, he had also occasionally wrestled as Sam Starr and the heelish "Outlaw" Blackheart Jones), Micky Starr pulled some strings and Sam was brought in to wrestle for Supreme Wrestling Federation. Richard Eisen, the promoter of the company, quickly decided that the name "Stragavelli" didn't have a mainstream appeal, and so the new ring name "Sam Strong" was born. Eisen, spotting that the muscular 30 year old had a certain star power about him, wasn't shy about pushing him hard, and Strong spent the first year of his SWF career beating a variety of well known heels with relative ease. This young star caught the attention of the fans, and he quickly became one of the most popular workers in the company, even outshining his mentor, Micky Starr. He celebrated the one year anniversary of his SWF debut in style, when on February 2nd 1980 he used a piledriver to end Corporal Doom's two year reign as SWF champion. Strong would go on to have a marvelous four year reign as champion, including a personal career highlight when he defeated his mentor Micky Starr in a singles bout in Pittsburgh, only a few streets away from the gym where they had first met, in SWF's first ever pay-per-view event. Perhaps the most significant event happened in July 1981 though, when the man who would go on to become Strong's greatest nemesis for the next two decades, the incomparable Rip Chord, debuted. They fought a classic battle at The Supreme Challenge, which saw Strong knock out his ****y challenger to retain his title. They would go on to fight countless more times, but it wasn't until the summer of 1984, and the challenge of the awesome young super heavyweight Dread, that Strong would lose the title. Dread was perhaps the hottest young talent in wrestling at that time, and defeated Strong in a stunning ten minute demolition to claim the belt. Strong wouldn't reclaim the title until late 1986, when he began a series of world title exchanges with Rip Chord, leaving him a record breaking four time world champion by January 1992. His final reign ended in May 1993 at the hands of Bruce The Giant, and his final year with the promotion saw him reduced to fighting in special attraction tag team bouts, partnering Micky Starr against a variety of heel tandems. This saw an argument develop with Richard Eisen - Strong believing that he should be headlining events and fighting for the world title, Eisen wanting to develop the next generation of superstars as Strong had been on top for over a decade. This argument would see Strong leave the promotion in April 1994. Four months after leaving SWF, Sam Strong debuted for BHOTWG in Japan, defeating the massive Everest by pinfall. This match also saw the debut of Strong's new trademark finisher, a charging elbow to the temple. It was dubbed a Hurricane Express in Japan, although it would be referred to as the Strong Arm Tactic in the US. After a few more relatively easy bouts, Strong would have his first high profile bout in March 1995, where he took on Japanese legend Hooded Kudo for the prestigious Burning World Championship. After 22 minutes, Strong threw Kudo half way across the ring to counter the dreaded Kudo Kutter, and then hit the Hurricane Express on the smaller opponent to win the belt. Strong would manage three successful world title defenses (defeating Eiji Hamacho in May, Masaaki Okazaki in June, and Yoshinaka Toshusai in July) before going head-to-head with BHOTWG's newest star, Tadiyuki Kikkawa, in August. The match, which is considered one of the best singles performances of Strong's career, lasted just over half an hour, and saw Kikkawa take the title and end Strong's undefeated streak with a Kikkawa Driver. Strong would compete once more for the company, losing by pinfall to Hooded Kudo in October 1995, before taking a year out to get surgery on his troublesome left knee which had started to bother him toward the end of his SWF run. Strong returned to wrestling in a blaze of publicity in October 1996, signing with Hollyweird Grappling Company in the US. HGC was a brand new promotion that was being financed by a millionaire, and was the first real competition that SWF had had in that market in many years. Alongside Strong was his old enemy Rip Chord, marking the first time they would be in the same promotion since 1992. Of course this note is bittersweet because the two were never able to lock up in the ring for one more match before Sam Strong hung up the boots. With five major world title reigns, Strong has had an amazing career, and has been part of some of the most memorable matches in history. What's next for the man who once went by the name Sam Starr? Well, he still is the active booker for HGC and word is that Sam Strong is going into the announcer's booth as HGC's newest color commentator. Whatever happens, Strong is assured of a place in wrestling history as one of the all-time greats.[/FONT][/quote] [quote][SIZE="1"][b][i]OOC:[/b] Like the review of Cornell/Nemesis match, the bulk of this post was taken straight from Adam Ryland's Cornellverse website (sans the last bit of course which was changed to fit the way things played out in my game). I was going to do write up one myself, but like the match review, it was so good I just had to use it.[/i][/SIZE][/quote]
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[quote=Phantom Stranger;543599]Yeah, he's hit HOI in the Philly Pro game too. Dusty Streets just announced plans to end his career, too, so I'm curious to see whether he makes it.[/quote] Hmm. I'm in January '98 and Strong hasn't inducted to HOI, or even retired. Only Rip Chord and Luis Montero on HOI. :p
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[B]Sunday, Week 4, February 1997[/B] [quote] To: [email]stomper@nycw.com[/email] Subject: Monthly Report for Feb 1997 Stomper, Great news Stomper. We continued our success from January and once again were considered the top regional promotion in the Great Lakes, Tri-State, Mid Atlantic, and New England areas. The downside is that we lost $4,150 for the month, but taking in last months gain we basically have broken even for the year. Not bad for being some throwback promotion that the other East Coast Promotions don't consider a threat. James [/quote] [quote] To: [email]heatly@nycw.com[/email] Subject: Re: Monthly Report for Jan 1997 James, Good to hear, though we have a serious problem. Check out TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.COM as soon as possible. Stomper [/quote] [quote] To: [email]heatly@nycw.com[/email] Subject: Re: Re: Monthly Report for Jan 1997 Son of a bitch! I'm on it. [/quote]
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[quote] [center][size=5][FONT="Fixedsys"]TOTALEXTREMEWRESTLING.COM[/center][/size] - PPPW and NYCW's Jesse Christian Jesse has been named as one of the people to be involved with the Flogging Murphy Pharmacy Scandal of 1997. Word has it that he has been purchasing steroids with the company for over four years. More to come as more information arrives.[/FONT] [/quote] NYCW's Jesse Christian? The guy has wrestled two matches for us and he's NYCW's Jesse Christian!? I just had to put his name on the damn flier didn't I? What the hell was I thinking!? How the hell did I think that his body was natural! I should have known from the beginning that something was fishy. Oh well, at least this is going to be fun. As I picked up the phone and dialed Jesse's number, all the frustration of the past couple of minutes turned into a sick pleasure that I've never felt before. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Jesse Christian:[/B] Hello? [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]Heatly:[/B] Jesse, it's James Heatly from NYCW...[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Christian:[/B] Oh, umm what's up?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]Heatly:[/B] What's up? What's up!? You know damn well what's up. How could you? You know that match we were talking about with Barry Kingman? Well kiss that goodbye. In fact kiss goodbye your own career cause, YOUR FIRED![/COLOR] And that was that. I'd fired my first employee. Ok, technically he was a private contractor, but still I fired him. And you know what? It felt good, really good. Of course, he really deserved it. Firing someone because there just isn't any for him to do probably wouldn't be nearly as fun. It would probably suck. No sense in worrying about that now. Right now I have bigger things like finding someone to replace the hole that Jesse left as well as remake our next show's flyer. It's a good thing I have a list of talented wrestlers that I want to bring in or I'd be in big trouble. [COLOR="Navy"][B]???:[/B] Hello? [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]James:[/B] Hey [b]name withheld[/b]. It's James and do I have a storyline for you...[/COLOR]
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[center] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/flyers/JustSayNo_97.png[/IMG] [u]Quick Picks[/u] NYCW World: Corporal Doom © vs. Brent Hill Clark Alexander vs. Morpheus Rich Money vs. Wiley Steinway Freddie Datsun & Monty Walker vs. High Society US title #1 Contender's Match: John McClean vs. ??? [/center]
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NYCW World: Corporal Doom © vs. [B]Brent Hill[/B] [I]Brent Hill's the future of NYCW, and the future is now...well the future is 97 in this case. [/I] Clark Alexander vs. [B]Morpheus[/B] [I]Some guy who has the aura of career mid-carder at best about him or a monster heel ? Hardly the most difficult choice.[/I] [B]Rich Money[/B] vs. Wiley Steinway [I]Money's already making his mark, so I don't see any reason to give Wiley the win in this one.[/I] [B]Freddie Datsun & Monty Walker[/B] vs. High Society [I]Another no brainer [/I] US title #1 Contender's Match: [B]John McClean[/B] vs. ??? [I]I think ??? will put in a good showing, but will ultimately be undone by some good old fashioned cheating from McClean[/I]
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