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NYCW: The Butterfly Effect (CVerse '97)

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Just wanted to thank everyone who has been reading my diary and wanted to say that I am starting to write the report for Just Say No and will be posting it tomorrow around 12 noon EST (could be a bit earlier or later depending on when I get up). Now to get to the what I planned on announcing a couple of days ago before real life got in the way. Thanks to Reaper I actually have a US title! Also I am switching to his Generic version of the WWF Winged Eagle Heavyweight belt. It should be noted that I haven't gotten rid of the middleweight restriction that derek_b set for this belt. Why am I telling you this? That's something that you are going to have to figure out for yourself. ;) [center] [b]NYCW World[/b] From [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/Generic_WorldHeavy02.jpg[/IMG] to [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/GenericWingedEagle.jpg[/IMG] [b]NYCW United States[/b] From [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/originalbelt04.jpg[/IMG] to [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCWUS.jpg[/IMG] [/center] Thanks again Reaper!
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[center] [B][SIZE="5"] NYCW Just Say No Friday, Week 2, March 1997 765 people at The Ministry[/size][/b] [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG] Rich Money vs. Wiley Steinway[/b] Kicking off the night was the continuation of the ongoing Wiley Coyote/ Empire feud as Rich Money took on Wiley Steinway. When Wiley Coyote were the tag champs, they really didn't have a lot of singles matches. And you know, I kind of forgot how good of a singles wrestler Wiley is. The match really put over Wiley's wrestling ability, causing the fans to really react to when Jack Bruce ran in a brutally attacked Wiley with a pair of brass knuckles. This technically gave Wiley the win, but left the fan favorite in real bad shape. [b]Result: Wiley Steinway defeated Rich Money in 8:12 when Rich Money was disqualified when Jack Bruce ran in and attacked Wiley Steinway. Rating: D[/b] --- The lively Carl Batch and his client, the ever confident Brent Hill, are backstage in front of a stylish NYCW banner. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Carl Batch:[/B] I told y'all. I told y'all it would happen. After three short months the moment is finally here! Tonight, Batch International gains the World title. Tell'em Brent.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Brent Hill:[/B] Corporal Doom, I am a student of the game. I know what you've done in this business and I respect it. But the fact remains the you are not the man that beat Sam Strong all those years ago. Doom, you are in the twilight of your career. And tonight, I am going to extinguish that twilight into a dark, black void of nothingness.[/COLOR] The start to leave camera left, but Batch turns back to the camera. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Oh yeah, before I forget I just want to make a shout out to my boy, Ernest Mason. I know you are frustrated and I feel ya' pain. While you are sitting at home just think about what I told you. My deal still stands.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/AmericanBuffalo_alt5.jpg[/IMG] Clark Alexander vs. Morpheus[/b] I really wonder what Clark Alexander did to always get booked against guys with grudges (;)). Morpheus used this match (and Alexander) to send a message to the rest of the locker room that he a force to be reckoned with/ And like Alexander's previous opponent, Morpheus probably could have ended around the 4 minute mark if he wanted too. To his credit though, Alexander selling of Morpheus's (and his other opponents) offense like a champ. Enough so that one female fan brought an "Ice Man" sign to the show despite the wrestler not having a victory. I'm guessing it's a family member or his girlfriend, but a sign is a sign. [b]Result: Morpheus defeated Clark Alexander in 7:32 by pinfall with Phantasmagoria. Rating: D[/b] --- After the match, Morpheus's manager (and lover?) Karen Killer takes the mic. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Killer:[/B] Two nights ago the oracles passed on news to me. They said, "For The Master of Dreams to rise that the Great Leader must fall." I have been contemplating the meaning of this. The Master of Dreams is clearly Morpheus, but what about the Great Leader? Is it the owner of NYCW, The Stomper, or maybe it means the World Champion, Corporal Doom? NO! The Great Leader must be a reference to the greatest leader of them all, Alexander the Great. It was a prediction of the victory of my man, Morpheus, over the great, Clark Alexander. With this victory in hand it is only a matter of time before the rest of NYCW falls to the Lord of Nightmares! [/COLOR] [b]Rating: C[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/FreddieDatsun_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/MontyWalker.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/EdwinDBashford.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/Oscar.jpg[/IMG] Freddie Datsun & Monty Walker vs. High Society[/b] This match probably should have been switched with the Morpheus/Alexander match as it couldn't stand up to that match and the post match promo. But it still got the job done of giving Datsun and Walker some much needed ring time and gave Edwin and Hank some more time to gel as a tag team. [b]Result: Freddie Datsun and Monty Walker defeated High Society in 6:31 when Freddie Datsun defeated Edwin D. Bashford by pinfall with a Patriot Press. Rating: D-[/b] --- John McClean comes down to the ring to meet with Marv Earnest for a pre-match interview. [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] John McClean, it looks like you are moments away from potentially being the number one contender for the NYCW United States Championship. Your thoughts?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]John McClean:[/B] My thoughts? Well right now I am thinking that your dirty body is way too close to a pristine human such as myself. Secondly, what do you mean looks like!? I am the number one contender. This match is just semantics. There isn't anyone that Stomper could bring in that is better than me. [/COLOR] Marv goes to respond to McClean's words but John grabs the arm that Marv is holding the mic in. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]John McClean: [/B]And why's that you ask? It's because unlike of you people, I am straight edge.[/COLOR] The crowd boos after being insulted by John McClean, but Marv Earnest starts to chuckle. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]John McClean:[/B] What the hell is so funny Marv?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Oh, nothing. It's just that as the play-by-play man of NYCW I was told who your opponent was in advance. And I don't think you are going have that advantage here tonight.[/COLOR] Before John McClean can grab the mic again, [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AywjnBXnVZk"]music[/URL] that would be familiar to HGC and NOTBPW fans starts to play. [i] My reflection, dirty mirror There's no connection to myself I'm your lover. i'm your zero I'm the face in your dreams of glass[/i] And out from the back comes… [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [b]Tom Gilmore![/b] [b]Rating: D-[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] #1 Contender's Match for the US title John McClean vs. Tom Gilmore[/b] Some people might not know this, but Tom Gilmore is legitimately straight edge. This is mainly because Gilmore, in his very short career, has never made it publicly known that he is one and hasn't want to use it as a gimmick. However, with the steroid scandal that we would be stupid not to use his lifestyle to our benefit. As for the match itself, the battle of the straight edge superstars went very well. The talented men put together a solid contest that started out with some solid chain wrestling. The oddest thing about match was the fact that not once did John McClean try to cheat to win the match. Maybe John McClean is starting to turn over a new leaf? In any case, John McClean's clean tactics were not enough on this day as Tom Gilmore was able to hit a impactful Anger Management and pick up the win. [b]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated John McClean in 12:42 by pinfall with an Anger Management (Forward Russian Legsweep). Rating: C-[/b] --- This time was going to be spent on a Doom pre-match promo, but due to recent events decided to use this time to get across a message to the kiddies (and so we don't lose sponsorships). After the public service announcement we cut to the announcer's table with a stunned Marv Earnest and a highly assumed Floyd Goldworthy. After a moment of awkward silence, Floyd can't hold it anymore. The young color commentator starts to laugh hysterically almost falling out of his chair. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B]Floyd Goldworthy:[/B] PeeWee Herman? Out of all of the anti drug commercials we chose PeeWee freaking Herman!? What, did the purple dinosaur cost too much? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Uhhh…[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B]Floyd Goldworthy:[/B] And they didn't even get a steroid PSA. That one was about crack! HAHAHAHAHA![/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Uhhhh, and now time for the main event! [/COLOR] [b]Rating: C+[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] NYCW World Title Match Brent Hill vs. Corporal Doom ©[/b] And we have our new match of the year. Brent Hill might have been speaking some truth about Doom. It's true he's not the man he used to be, but '97 Doom is still good enough to have a great match with '97 Brent Hill. Hill took the advantage early and maintained it throughout most of the match. Doom was able to make a comeback, a comeback that Hill was able to squash after reversing a suplex. It looked like there was going to be a new champion as Brent Hill signaled to Batch to do sometime as he went to whip Doom into the ropes. However, Doom was able to reverse the irshwhip sending Brent into the ropes and into an inspecting Carl Batch who, with his back to the crowd, sneakily tripped Hill with his cane. Imagine Carl Batch's surprised after he started to celebrate as the ref counted to three only to hear that the winner of the match was Corporal Doom. [b]Result: Corporal Doom defeated Brent Hill in 17:55 by pinfall with a Corporal Punishment after Carl Batch botched interfering in the match. Corporal Doom makes defense number 4 of his NYCW World title. Rating: C+[/b] --- After the match Chris Storm comes from the back with a huge smile on his face and clapping. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Chris Storm:[/B] Everybody, a big hand to Corporal Doom for once again successfully defending his World title![/COLOR] The crowd cheers and starts a quick Corporal Doom chant. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Chris Storm:[/B] Now I didn't just come down here to congratulate you Doom. You see I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that The Stomper booked himself in a match at The Big Apple Battle two weeks from now. The good news is that he's going to be in a Gangs of New York match against Big Cat Brandon, Monty Walker, and Freddie Datsun. Now I also here that your opponent hasn't been decided on. Well with The Stomper out of the way, how about at The Big Apple Battle it's you versus me. One on one for the World title? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Corporal Doom:[/B] Kid. You've got yourself a match.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D+[/b] --- [b][size=5]Overall: C[/B][/SIZE] [/center]
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[center] They say what goes up must come down. Well, after putting on the best show of my short career as a booker (thanks to the incredible Doom/Hill main event), I got a piece of news that put a damper on my good day… [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]???:[/B] James? Got a minute.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]James Heatly:[/B] Sure Morph, what's up?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Morpheus:[/B] Got some bad news that I'd rather you here from me. I just got the word from Jerry [Eisen] that Jesse Christian is coming to NEW on a developmental deal.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]James Heatly:[/B] Oh that's good, I thought you were telling me you were leaving…wait, what!? How…why…[/COLOR] After taking some time to collect myself, I thanked Morpheus for telling me the information in person. Probably saved me from having to find a new monitor or telephone. In any case one thing was clear. If I ever saw that jerk off again, I was going to kill that 'roider with a spoon, a spoon. --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/flyers/BigAppleBattle_97.png[/IMG] [u]Quick Picks[/u] NYCW World: Chris Storm vs. Corporal Doom © NYCW Tag Team: The Empire vs. Wiley Coyote © NYCW United States: Barry Kingman © vs. Tom Gilmore Gangs of New York Match: Big Cat Brandon vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Monty Walker vs. The Stomper Ernest Mason vs. Jungle Jack Bonus Question 1: What is a Gangs of New York Match? Bonus Question 2: How long with the World title match last? [I][B]OOC:[/B] The bonus questions are optional, so don't worry about answering them if you don't want to. In other news, Phantom Stranger wins the prediction contest for going with the mystery opponent in the John McClean match. For his efforts he will be receiving a Morpheus "Sweet Dreams" sleeping cap. Congrats again to Phantom Stranger.[/I] [/center]
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NYCW World: Chris Storm vs. Corporal Doom © [I]I see Doom retaining the title [/I] NYCW Tag Team: The Empire vs. [B]Wiley Coyote © [/B] [I]Same with Wiley Coyote, who I might not write off so much, following Steinway's win over Rich Money at the previous show. [/I] NYCW United States: Barry Kingman © vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] [I]They'll be at least one title change though and it'll occure here. [/I] Gangs of New York Match: Big Cat Brandon vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Monty Walker vs. [B]The Stomper[/B] [I]In 1997 Stomper's the most over, plus it's his promotion so he'll get the win.[/I] [B]Ernest Mason[/B] vs. Jungle Jack [I]Jungle Jack's still a raw rookie at this stage, so for me this a no brainer.[/I] Bonus Question 1: What is a Gangs of New York Match? [I]I'd take a guess at this being a fans bring weapons match. Would NYCW have such a match ?[/I] Bonus Question 2: How long with the World title match last? [I]Even in 97 I can't imagine Doom being a big stamina guy, but he appears to be able to keep it going for around 15-20 minutes. So I'll say just under 15 minutes.[/I]
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[center] [B][SIZE="5"] NYCW Big Apple Battle Friday, Week 4, March 1997 645 people at The Ministry[/size][/b] [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCW_Tag_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG] NYCW Tag Team: The Empire vs. Wiley Coyote[/b] Opening the show is our first title match, The Empire taking on the current NYCW Tag Team champions, Wiley Coyote. The Empire were up to their usual tricks as they used every loop hole in the book to take advantage of the match. The veteran team of Wiley Coyote was able to come back with their raw power, but it seemed that The Empire still had one more trick in their bag. As the action broke down and both teams were in the ring at the same time, Rich Money was able to throw Wiley Steinway over the ropes on to the floor. While this might not usually be a big deal, Wiley landed on his head, the same place that Money had cracked with brass knuckles just two weeks ago. After witnessing the brutal fall of his partner, Coyote Dynamite turned around only to be met with the bitter taste of defeat as Jack Bruce delivered a brutal New York Minute. After the match, Jack and Rich celebrate with their newly won championship titles like it's a national holiday. Coyote Dynamite could only look on with disgust while he helps his partner to his feet. [b]Result: The Empire defeated Wiley Coyote in 8:07 when Jack Bruce defeated Coyote Dynamite by pinfall with a New York Minute. The Empire win the NYCW Tag Team titles. Rating: D- match, D celebration[/b] --- In front of the NYCW banner is the number one contender to Corporal Doom's World Heavyweight Championship, Chris Storm. The young man has gone through a lot in the last few months and while he hasn't gained the title, he has gained something almost as important, confidence. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Chris Storm:[/B] After five years, the moment I've been waiting for is finally here. Tonight, I face off for the World Heavyweight title in one on one competition. And to top it off I get the honor of facing a legend in this business, a man that I grew up watching wrestle as a child, Corporal Doom. [/COLOR] Storm pauses for a moment, chuckling to himself [COLOR="Navy"][B]Storm:[/B] You know it's funny. When I was a kid I pretended I was Sam Strong wrestling for World title against Corporal Doom, played by my pillow. Now it's seventeen years later and I am doing it for real. Though I don't think this match is going to be as easy as the ones so many years ago.[/COLOR] The camera zooms in for a close up as Storm starts to get serious. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Chris Storm:[/B] Corporal Doom, I respect you for all you done, but tonight I'm going to be the one holding the title when it's all said and done.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D+[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ErnestYoungman.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] Ernest Mason vs. Jungle Jack[/b] Back after a one show suspension, Ernest Mason makes quick work of one of the more promising prospects in the North American wrestling scene, Jungle Jack. Not too much to see here. [b]Result: Ernest Mason defeated Jungle Jack in 4:49 by pinfall with a German Suplex. Rating: D[/b] --- Ernest Mason is about to continue his assault when Carl Batch interrupts. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Batch:[/B] Woah, slow down there playa'. I know what you are thinking. I feel ya' pain. But you've travelled down that road before and it got you nowhere. Come join Batch International and you'll be set for life. [/COLOR] Ernest Mason thinks about it for a while, tosses Jack aside, and walks towards the back with Carl Batch. Has Mason joined Batch International!? [b]Rating: D[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BigCatBrandon.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/FreddieDatsun_alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/MontyWalker.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/TheStomper.jpg[/IMG] Gangs of New York Match: Big Cat Brandon vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Monty Walker vs. The Stomper[/b] For those of you that don't know, a Gangs of New York Match is NYCW's name for what other companies call a Four Corner Survival. The rules of the match are simple. Instead of a normal 4-way match were all four of the men are in the ring at the same time, in this type of a match two men are in the ring while the other two are on the outside awaiting for a tag. The reason we call it a Gangs of New York Match is because like the old gangs in New York, the competitors usually create loose alliances during the match that will most likely end in backstabbing. The start of this match felt like a tag match as recent tag partners Datsun and Walker joined forces to combat The Stomper and his part time bodyguard Big Cat Brandon. However, like all matches of this type, there is always a point were the alliances break down. Sensing the match was coming to an end, The Stomper sucker punched his bodyguard, Big Car Brandon, and then rammed his head into the ring post so that the big man wouldn't break up a future pin. The owner of NYCW then tussled with the other legal man, Freddie Datsun, was able to gained the advantage, and whipped Freddie into one of the turnbuckles. Stomper then followed it up with a brutal clothesline that actually sent Datsun over the turnbuckle and to the floor. There was one small problem with The Stompers actions, however. The corner Datsun was whipped into was the same corner that Monty Walker was positioned at. The crowd favorite was able to tag himself into the match and without Stomper noticing was able rolled up the owner for the win. [b]Result: Monty Walker defeated Big Cat Brandon, The Stomper and Freddie Datsun in 11:38 when Monty Walker defeated The Stomper by pinfall with a School Boy. Rating: C-[/b] Notes: The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Stomper is improving in Technical skills. The Stomper is improving in Performance skills. --- A menacing hype video for Land Mass. What? The big tub of lard needs some love too. ;) [b]Rating: B[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCWUS.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] NYCW United States: Barry Kingman © vs. Tom Gilmore[/b] This match didn't really live up to my expectations, but then again nobody in the US really cares about Barry Kingman at this point in time. In any case, the match flowed in the same manor of Kingman's last title defense against Monty Walker. Gilmore took it to the 2nd generation wrestler and looked like he was going to win the title when Kingman decided enough was enough and kicked Gilmore in the groin right in front of referee Dewey Libertine. Gilmore wins the match, but Kingman keeps his gold. [b]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Barry Kingman in 12:58 by disqualification. Barry Kingman makes defense number 3 of his NYCW united States title. Rating: D[/b] --- In front of the same NYCW banner Chris Storm stood before is NYCW World Champion, Corporal Doom. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Corporal Doom:[/B] Storm I'm going to say what I said last time. I respect your ability as a wrestler and see a bright future in your path. And I would be a liar if I said you would make a great World champion because one day you will be a World champion these fans can be proud of. But, today isn't going to be that day. The title is coming into the match with me and that's the way it's going out of it.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: C[/b] --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/GenericWingedEagle.jpg[/IMG] [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/LobsterWarrior_alt1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] NYCW World: Chris Storm vs. Corporal Doom ©[/b] After Doom's quick promo, the crowd was more than ready for announcer Marv Earnest to come out of introduce tonight's main event match. [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Now it's time for our MAIN EVENT! This match will be for the NYCW World title.[/COLOR] [B]Risin' up Back on the street Did my time took my chances Went the distance Now i'm back on my feet Just a man and and his will to survive So many times It happens too fast You trade your passion for glory Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive[/B] The challenger makes his way down to the ring looking as focused as he ever has in his career as Survivor's Eye of the Tigers plays over the PA. Forgoing his usually routine, Chris Storm makes a bee line into the ring to await the entrance of his opponent. [B]Far We've been traveling far Without a home But not without a star Free Only want to be free We huddle close Hang on to a dream[/B] As Neil Diamond's America blares through the speakers, the champion marches down to the ring in usual fashion, slapping hands and giving one special fan a mini USA flag before getting into the ring. Doom and Storm quickly shake hands before going into their corners so that Marv Earnest can introduce them. [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] In the corner to my left, hailing from New York City, New York. He weighs in tonight at 210 pounds, New York's Favorite Son, Chris Storm![/COLOR] [B]Crowd:[/B] New York's Number One! New York's Number One! [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] And his opponent, hailing from West Point, New York. He weights in at 245 pounds and is your NYCW World Heavyweight Champion, Corporal Doom![/COLOR] [B]Crowd:[/B] DOOM! DOOM! DOOM! After the introductions, the match was on. And what a match it was. While it didn't have the same type of drama of Doom/Hill, in match quality terms this match was right up there with the best matches NYCW has ever put on. The match had a lot of back and forth all the way to the end with each man getting in their fair share of offense. The end was, well I think I just let you hear the end... [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] And Chris Storm finally locked the Fujiwara Armbar on Corporal Doom! He's in the center of the ring. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B]Floyd Goldwothy:[/B] It looks like there is going to be a new champion. There is no way Doom is going to be able to get to the ropes now.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] I think you're right Floyd. Doom hasn't been able to move since being locked into the submission…[/COLOR] [B]*Crack* *ding* ding* *ding*[/B] [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] NO! Not that way! The Stomper just cracked Doom in the face with the NYCW World title… And now The Stomper and Big Cat Brandon are beating down both competitors. Somebody get in there and stop them![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][B]Floyd Goldworthy:[/B] Someone needs to do something about Stomper. This is getting ridiculous, even for me.[/COLOR] [b]Result: Corporal Doom defeated Chris Storm in 16:48 by disqualification when The Stomper and Big Cat Brandon attacked Corporal Doom. Corporal Doom makes defense number 5 of his NYCW World title. Rating: C[/b] --- [b][size=5]Overall: C[/B][/SIZE] [/center] [i][b]OCC:[/b] Well this is the last show I've actually run in the game, so I don't know when the next show is going to happen, but since NYCW just rose to Regional I think it's a good time to take a look at the rest of the wrestling world. If anyone has any suggestions on what you want to know about what's going on in the game, please go ahead of voice you opinion. Also any comments on the diary in general would be helpful as well. I also want to apologize to the other diary writers that I have been reading/participating in. I noticed that I was at 999 posts and wanted to have this be my 1000th post (which it is), so I pretty much banned myself from posting on this forum till I wrote up this show. Finally, Tiger Kinney beats out Phantom Stranger this show by remembering that Ernest Mason is far more over than Jungle Jack. He gets some Ernest "The Mace" Mason brand Mace! [/i]
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[CENTER][b][SIZE="5"]A World View Part One[/b][/SIZE][/CENTER] I'm not sure of everything I want to go over before going back to the events, but there was definitely something I wanted to showcase, the Promotional Rankings. [center] [b][u]Importance Rankings[/b][/u] 1. Supreme Wrestling Federation (USA) 2. Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods (JAP) 3. Hollyweird Grappling Company (USA) 4. Pride Glory Honor Wrestling (JAP) 5. Golden Canvas Grappling (JAP) 6. North Of The Border Pro Wrestling (CAN) 7. Canadian Golden Combat (CAN) 8. 5 Star Supreme Wrestling (JAP) 9. Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation (MEX) 10. Original Lucha Libre In Extreme (MEX) 11. Rapid Pro Wrestling (USA) 12. Danger And Violence Extreme (USA) 13. Xtreme Federation Of Wrestling (USA) 14. Philly Pro Power Wrestling (USA) 15. Awesome Max Wrestling (USA) 16. Men Of Steel Combat (UK) [b]*17. New York City Wrestling (USA)*[/b] 18. Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling (USA) 19. Angel Athletic Association (USA) 20. Hinote Dojo (JAP) 21. Canadian Charisma Championship Combat (CAN) 22. New England Wrestling (USA) [/center] Well we haven't moved up in the rating since the start of the year, but that's ok. The Stomper hasn't given me a goal concerning the ranking yet, so I'm not going to worry about this too much. Besides veteran players know that the real rankings are the Influence rankings. [center] [b][u]Influence Rankings[/b][/u] 1. Supreme Wrestling Federation (USA) 2. Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods (JAP) 3. Pride Glory Honor Wrestling (JAP) 4. Canadian Golden Combat (CAN) 5. Golden Canvas Grappling (JAP) 6. North Of The Border Pro Wrestling (CAN) 7. Hollyweird Grappling Company (USA) 8. 5 Star Supreme Wrestling (JAP) 9. Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation (MEX) 10. Original Lucha Libre In Extreme (MEX) [b]*11. New York City Wrestling (USA)*[/b] 12. Danger And Violence Extreme (USA) 13. Xtreme Federation Of Wrestling (USA) 14. Rapid Pro Wrestling (USA) 15. Philly Pro Power Wrestling (USA) 16. Men Of Steel Combat (UK) 17. Hinote Dojo (JAP) 18. Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling (USA) 19. Canadian Charisma Championship Combat (CAN) 20. Awesome Max Wrestling (USA) 21. Angel Athletic Association (USA) 22. New England Wrestling (USA) [/center] Hell yeah! Moving up eight slots since the beginning of the year is pretty impressive, especially considering that I lost like 8 prestige percentage points because of Jesse Christian. But what sweeter is seeing who I jumped. That's right, as of April of 2009 New York City Wrestling is THE East Coast promotion to work at. And in case you guys were wondering NYCW continued the domination in the Great Lakes, Tri-State, Mid Atlantic, New England regions, taking home the #1 spots in all four. And thanks to hitting Regional, our sponsorship money increased giving us a healthy $18,006 in profit. On a sour note, Jesse Christian was calling up to the SWF roster and had his first match for the company. He lost in a dark match against The Magnificent Mark (E+ rated).
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[QUOTE=FINisher;555332]Speaking of Land Mass, I was playing WreSpi II the other day and was wrestling against Mass in a NYCW ring and something like this came up: :eek:[/QUOTE] Ouch. I'm surprise the game didn't just tell you that he broke your arm. :D [QUOTE=1PWfan;555338]That. Was. AWESOME. Especial kudos on the main event write-up. It just felt so cool.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the praise. And good luck with your newest diary. Looks promising. [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;555472]Cool and Ernest Mason Mace, just what I wanted :) And well done with reaching a 1000 posts[/QUOTE] Thanks and I thought about going with an actual mace, but I thought a can of mace was funnier.
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[SIZE="6"][center][B][U]Company Overview: United States[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/SWF.jpg[/IMG] [B]1. Supreme Wrestling Federation Size:[/B] International [B]Prestige:[/B] A [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] SWF World Heavyweight: Sam Keith SWF North American: No Way Jose SWF Tag Team: The Lords of War [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Sam Keith, Bruce The Giant, Christian Faith, Sean McFly, Rory McCallum --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]3. Hollyweird Grappling Company Size:[/B] Cult [B]Prestige:[/B] D+ [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] HGC World Heavyweight: Liberty HGC World Tag Team: The Demons of Rage HGC International: Bryan Vessey HGC: Cruiserweight: Dark EAGLE HGC Hardcore: Demon Anger [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Rip Chord, Liberty, Dread, BLZ Bubb, Larry Vessey --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/RPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]11. Rapid Pro Wrestling Size:[/B] Regional [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] RPW World: Steve Flash RPW Double Act: Henderson and Erza [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Brent Hill, Steve Flash, Alex Braun, Blue Sky, Cosuin Ezra --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/DAVE.jpg[/IMG] [B]12. Danger And Violence Extreme Size:[/B] Regional [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] DAVE Extreme: Johnny Martin DAVE Tag Team: Black Murder [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Teddy Flame, Johnny Martin, The Wolverine, Fumihiro Ota, JD Morgan --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/XFW.jpg[/IMG] [B]13. Xtreme Federation Of Wrestling Size:[/B] Regional [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] XFW World: The Insane Heat XFW Blood Brothers: The Peak Brothers King of the Deathmatch: Genghis Rahn (Aug '96) [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] American Buffalo, Genghis Rahn, Shawn Gonzalez, The Insane Heat, The Walk --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/PPPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]14. Philly Pro Power Wrestling Size:[/B] Regional [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] PPPW Tri-State Championship: Whistler PPPW Tri-State Tag Team: Devil Playthings (Chris Rockwell and Rick Sanders) [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Krusher Karloff, Man Mountain Cahill, Whistler, Travis Century, Chris Rockwell --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/AMW.jpg[/IMG] [B]15. Awesome Max Wrestling Size:[/B] Small [B]Prestige:[/B] F+ [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] AMW World Heavyweight Championship: Puerto Rican Power AMW World Tag Team: Anarchy Rulz (Elijah Black and The Rev) [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Puerto Rican Power, Travis Century, Archangel, Joel Kovach, The Rev --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/NYCW.jpg[/IMG] [B]17. New York City Wrestling Size:[/B] Regional [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] NYCW World: Corporal Doom NYCW Tag Team: The Empire NYCW United States: Barry Kingman [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Corporal Doom, Sheik Mustafa, Shawn Gonzalez, Ernest Mason, Land Mass --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/CZCW.jpg[/IMG] [B]18. Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling Size:[/B] Small [B]Prestige:[/B] E [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] CZCW SoCal Championship: Fumihiro Ota CZCW SoCal Tag Team: The Gilbert Brothers King of the Indys Trophy: Fumihiro Ota (July '96) [B] Top Five Workers:[/B] Brent Hill, Fumihiro Ota, Brent Hill, Alex Braun, Chris Storm, JD Morgan --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/AAA.jpg[/IMG] [B]19. Angel Athletic Association Size:[/B] Small [B]Prestige:[/B] F+ [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] AAA Femme Fatale: Anne Stardust AAA Tag Team: Glorious Power (Wanda Fish and Suzue Katayame) [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Anne Stardust, Catherine Quine, Farrah Hesketh, Suzue Katayama, Victoria Stone --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/NEW.jpg[/IMG] [B]22. New England Wrestling Size:[/B] Local [B]Prestige:[/B] F- [B][u]Titles[/u][/B] New England Championship: Whistler New England Tag Team: The Kings (I, Butcher and J.J. Coles) [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Bandit #1, Whistler, Genghis Rahn, Morpheus, Prince Jafar [/center]
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[center][SIZE="6"][B][U]Company Overview: Canada[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/NOTBPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]6. North Of The Border Pro Wrestling Size:[/B] Cult [B]Prestige:[/B] C- [B][U]Titles[/U][/B] NOTBPW Canadian: Dan Stone Jr. NOTBPW Tag Team: Jeremy Stone and Steve Flash NOTBPW Women's: Reese Paige Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup: Jeremy Stone and Dan Stone Jr. [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Dan Stone Jr., Jeremy Stone, Duane Stone, R.K. Hayes, Craig Prince --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/CGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]7. Canadian Golden Combat Size:[/B] Cult [B]Prestige:[/B] B- [U][B]Titles[/B][/U] CGC World: Alex DeColt CGC World Tag Team: Jack DeColt and Alex DeColt CGC Television: Dan DaLay [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Barry Bowen, Steve DeColt, Jack DeColt, Alex DeColt, Craig Prince --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/4C.jpg[/IMG] [B]21. Canadian Charisma Championship Combat Size:[/B] Small [B]Prestige:[/B] E- [U][B]Titles[/B][/U] 4C World: Brad Kelley 4C Tag Team: System X (Lefty Jenson and Tempest Appleby) 4C Hardcore: Big Trouble [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Brad Kelley, Matty Phatty, Big Trouble, Prince Jafar, The Wizard Of Ottawa --- [SIZE="6"][B][U]Company Overview: Japan[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/BHOTWG.jpg[/IMG] [b]2. Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods Size:[/B] National [B]Prestige:[/B] A [B][U]Titles[/U][/B] Burning World Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa Burning Junior Championship: Naoya Ashikaga Burning Japanese Tag: The Rebellion (Miyamae and Shimedzu) Burning International Tag: Fukusaburu Inao and The Awesome Kiyaru Best Of The Super Juniors: NONE [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Elemental, Hooded Kudo, Motoichi Arakida, Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Optimus --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/PGHW.jpg[/IMG] [B]4. Pride Glory Honor Wrestling Size:[/B] Cult [B]Prestige:[/B] B [B][U]Titles[/U][/B] PGHW Glory Crown: Hito Ichihara PGHW Glory Crown Tag: Team Strength Rush (Lee Wright and Raymond Diaz) PGHW Historical Japan: Eisaku Hoshino Elite Series: Koryusai Kitoaji Elite Series Tag: NONE [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Danger Kumasaka, Hito Ichihara, Koryusai Kitoaji, Mito Miwa, Yodo Nakane --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/GCG.jpg[/IMG] [B]5. Golden Canvas Grappling Size:[/B] Cult [B]Prestige:[/B] C- [B][U]Titles[/U][/B] GCG World Heavyweight: Kazu Yoshizawa GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team: Naoonbu Murkami and Shotaro Ikina [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Kazu Yoshizawa, Tasuku Iesada, Yoshifusa Maeda, Saionji Omura, Viper --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/5SSW.jpg[/IMG] [B]8. 5 Star Supreme Wrestling Size:[/B] Regional [B]Prestige:[/B] D [U][B]Titles[/B][/U] 5 Star World: Nyoko To****ala 5 Star Tag Team: The Replacements (Kiko Sakakibara and Kit Hatoyama) [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Crusher Ichihara, Namiyo Muro, Nyoko To****ala, Sensational Ogiwara, Thunder Hike --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/HINOTE.jpg[/IMG] [B]20. Hinote Dojo Size:[/B] Small [B]Prestige:[/B] E [B][U]Titles[/U][/B] Hinote Dojo All-Japan: Ayuta Fujita Best of February Trophy: Torajiro Sekozawa Best of April Trophy: NONE Best of June Trophy: NONE Best of August Trophy: NONE Best of October Trophy: NONE Best of December Trophy: NONE [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Dan Chow-Mein, Junnosuke Kukazawa, Ayura Fujita, Golden Scorpion, Torajiro Sekozawa --- [SIZE="6"][B][U]Company Overview: Mexico[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/MPWF.jpg[/IMG] [B]9. Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation Size:[/B] Regional [B]Prestige:[/B] D [B][U]Titles[/U][/B] Campeon de Herencia de Mundo MPWF: Spanish Superfly Campeones de Parejas MPWF: Demonio y Beast (Mexican Beast and El Demonio) Campeones de Trios MPWF: Mexican Beast, El Demonio, and El Monje Negro Top Five Workers: Domino, Luis Montero, Mr. Lucha, Pablo Rodriguez, Spanish Superfly --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/OLLIE.jpg[/IMG] [B]10. Original Lucha Libre In Extreme Size:[/B] Regional [B]Prestige:[/B] D [B][U]Titles[/U][/B] Campeon de Universal OLLIE: Marcos Flores Compeones de Parejas OLLIE: Balas de Vuelo (Bala Azul and Bala Carmesi) Compeones de Trios OLLIE: The Gatekeeper, Silver Shark, and Phoenix [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] El Bandito, El Critico, Marcos Flores, Neutron, Phoenix --- [SIZE="6"][B][U]Company Overview: United Kingdom[/U][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/logos/MOSC.jpg[/IMG] [B]16. Men Of Steel Combat Size:[/B] Regional [B]Prestige:[/B] E- [B][U]Titles[/U][/B] MOSC UK Championship: The Steamroller MOSC UK Tag Team: The UK Wrecking Crew (Bruiser and Thug) [B]Top Five Workers:[/B] Cliff Wilson, Donny Damage, The Highland Warrior, The Steamroller, DJ Reason [/center]
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[center] [SIZE="4"]And now it's finally time for some more wrestling action from New York City![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/flyers/RtR_97.png[/IMG] [u]Quick Picks[/u] Big Cat Brandon vs. Chris Storm NYCW United States: Barry Kingman © vs. Tom Gilmore Special Exhibition: Crippler Ray Kingman vs. Sheik Mustafa Coyote Dynamite vs. Jack Bruce vs. vs. Rich Money vs. Wiley Steinway Shawn Gonzalez vs. Thomas Morgan [/center]
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[B]Quick Update:[/B] There is some good news and some great news. The good news is that the next show should be up sometime tomorrow. The great news is that I broke through my writer's block (or would it be booking block?) and was able to not only play through the end of May, but was able to get a very good idea of what I want to do all the way through July.
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[center][B][SIZE="5"] NYCW Road To Redemption Monday, Week 2, April 1997 887 people at The Ministry[/size][/b] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCWUS.jpg[/IMG] [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] NYCW United States: Barry Kingman © vs. Tom Gilmore[/b] The match might have been a return match from the event before, but the crowd didn't seem to care. Actually the fans were into the match a little bit more than they were two weeks ago. The match started off similar to their last encounter as Tom Gilmore got the advantage after a bit of back and forth chain wrestling. It was about this time that Kingman decided that he had enough and started to make his way towards the back, only to be met by Monty Walker! It looks like The Walk has had enough of Kingman's dastardly ways and forces him back into the ring before Kingman is counted out. The match continued on with a some more chain wrestling, and once again Gilmore was getting the advantage. This time Kingman pulled a trick out from two weeks ago and blatantly low blowed Gilmore. Barry starts to celebrate, but the bell doesn't ring and the announcer doesn't say a word. A shocked Kingman looks to the referee, Dewey Libertine, who has he's hands over he's eyes pretending he didn't see Kingman's foul. A furious Kingman starts to argue with Libertine until getting hit with an Anger Management from a recovered Tom Gilmore for the win. [b]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Barry Kingman in 12:03 by pinfall with an Anger Management. Tom Gilmore wins the NYCW United States title. Rating: D+[/b] --- As Barry Kingman, who has just signed a written deal with SWF, slinks to the back to light applause. A blond, medium sized man with glasses enters the ring. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]???:[/B] Hello New York City! My name is James Heatly. You might not know who I am…[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][B]Guy from crowd:[/B] You're the booker man![/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]James Heatly:[/B] Uh, that's a good guess. Actually as of yesterday, I am the first ever Commissioner of New York City Wrestling.[/COLOR] The crowd murmurs to each other, not sure what to make of this. As far as they knew the only authorities in NYCW were The Stomper and the New York Wrestling Commission. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]James Heatly:[/B] The Stomper has made it seem like he was the only owner of this fine promotion. This is not the case. In fact, The Stomper only owns 49% of the company. While this is by far the largest percentage any of the owners, it isn't a majority and he has needed at least one supporter to make any decision in NYCW. However, after the action of The Stomper and his 2nd, Big Cat Brandon, the minority owners pooled their resources and have given their collective power to me.[/COLOR] The crowd cheers that the power mad Stomper isn’t control anymore. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]James Heatly:[/B] Now before I leave, I do have a couple of announcements. First of all, I have added a stipulation to tonight's main event grudge match between Chris Storm and Big Cat Brandon. The winner of said match will be able to pick the stipulation of the upcoming Storm/Stomper match, which will take place at a date to be named later. And finally to spice things up a bit, I have decided that the winner of the four way match between The Empire and Wiley Coyote will get the opportunity to wrestle Corporal Doom for the NYCW World Heavyweight Championship next week right here at The Ministry! And that match is starting now.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D+[/b] --- [B][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG] #1 Contender's Match: Coyote Dynamite vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money vs. Wiley Steinway[/B] With the announcement that the winner would be facing Corporal Doom for the World championship next week, all four men seemed to kick it into another gear for this match. As expected, The Empire and Wiley Coyote aligned with each other to begin the match. As the match got heated, Jack Bruce and Wiley Steinway went over the top rope to the floor after Wiley laid in a brutal clothesline. This gave Money the opportunity to hit his splash from the top rope known as Dollars From Heaven on Coyote Dynamite netting himself a chance to become a world champion. [b]Result: Rich Money defeated Jack Bruce, Coyote Dynamite and Wiley Steinway in 10:24 when Rich Money defeated Coyote Dynamite by pinfall with a Dollars From Heaven. Rating: D[/b] --- In the back, Jack Bruce and Rich Money are throwing themselves a party. Both are drinking lots of what looks like champagne and Jack Bruce is wearing one of those plastic hats that you would see at New Years parties. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Jack Bruce:[/B] Wooo! The Empire does it again. We told everyone that if they got in our way that they would get dropped. So when those bikers got in our way what happened?[/COLOR] Jack raises his NYCW Tag Team title into the camera. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Jack Bruce:[/B] We are now the tag team championships of the only city that matters, our home town, New York City. That's what happened! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Rich Money:[/B] And now that I have a title shot against Corporal Doom, it's only a matter of time till I will be YOUR World Heavyweight Champion![/COLOR] [COLOR="darkRed"][B]Jack Bruce:[/B] Hey, after you beat Corporal Snooze why don't I just take the United States title from that Canuck, Tommy Gilmore?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Rich Money:[/B] Then we'll both have double gold! High five![/COLOR] [b]Rating: D+[/b] --- [B][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CripplerRayKingman-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/SheikMustafa_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Crippler Ray Kingman vs. Sheik Mustafa[/B] This match was a bit of a disappointment for me as Ray and Sheik didn't click in the ring, but I don't think the fans minded too much about that. They were too busy telling their kids stories about seeing these guys wrestle as children or reliving their childhoods to care that the two vets missed a couple of spots. As the match went on it looked like Ray Kingman was going to win when none other than the massive Land Mass came into the ring and attacked Crippler. [b]Result: Crippler Ray Kingman defeated Sheik Mustafa in 8:24 when Sheik Mustafa was disqualified when Land Mass ran in and attacked Crippler Ray Kingman. Rating: D[/b] [SIZE="1"](Crippler Ray Kingman and Sheik Mustafa don't seem to click)[/SIZE] --- Land Mass and The Sheik attack Crippler Ray Kingman in the ring, and leave him down and out. [b]Rating: D[/b] --- [B][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ShawnGonzalez.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ThomasMorgan_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Shawn Gonzalez vs. Thomas Morgan[/B] God I love competitive squash matches. There is just something about taking a match that the fans already known the outcome of and making it entertaining. Of course, for that to happen you need quality wrestlers and it just so happens that Gonzalez and Morgan are just that. [b]Result: Shawn Gonzalez defeated Thomas Morgan in 7:41 by submission with a Latino Crab. Rating: C-[/b] --- A serious Corporal Doom is standing alone backstage. [COLOR="Navy"][B]Corporal Doom:[/B] Ernest Mason, we've known each other for a long time now. You might have gotten the breaks that I have, but I know how skilled you are in that ring. And it kills me seeing you joining up with that slime ball Carl Batch. So, I have a proposal for you. Next week I have a title match against Rich Money and I know that no good Jack Bruce is going to be in his corner and try to interfere. I'm going to need someone in my corner to watch my back and I want you to be that someone. You do this for me and I'll guarantee that you'll be the next person to challenge me for my title. You have my word as a man on that.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: C+[/b] --- [B][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BigCatBrandon.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/LobsterWarrior_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Big Cat Brandon vs. Chris Storm[/B] After getting screwed out of yet another match by The Stomper, Chris Storm got a bit of revenge by taking on Stomper's bodyguard/student/second/whatever you want to call him, Big Cat Brandon. Big Cat Brandon is a strong wrestler in his own right, but today he was no match for Storm. Storm punished Brandon throughout the match with a combination of strike and painful looking submission. Brandon was able to use his power to try and keep up with the vengeful Storm, but in the end the fury of Storm's attack was just too much. [b]Result: Chris Storm defeated Big Cat Brandon in 20:01 by submission with a Fujiwara Armbar. Rating: C-[/b] --- After the match, Chris Storm refuses to break the submission, stating to Dewey Libertine that[COLOR="Navy"] "he took my championship. I'm taking his arm."[/COLOR] It took five wrestlers to forcefully remove Chris from the hold and took him to the back to the cheers of the crowd. [b]Rating: E+[/b] --- [b][size=5]Overall: C-[/B][/SIZE] [i][b]OOC:[/b]A day, a week, what's the difference :o. Anyway Phantom Stranger wins by default. For winning the predictions he will receive a Barry Kingman replica United States title belt.[/i] [/center]
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[center] [quote] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][CENTER][b][u][size=4]NYCW Newswire[/size][/b][/u][/CENTER] - It seems the new alliance of Sheik Mustafa and Land Mass will be known as the Sheik's Army. We say seem because when we asked the Sheik about the aftermath of his match with Crippler Ray Kingman all he had to say was, "Sheik Mustafa Number One! Iraq Number One! Sheik's Army Number One!" At NYCW's upcoming event Sheik's Army will take on the young team of Jungle Jack and Michael Cook, who the fans have nicknamed Team Headband (because they both wear headbands, get it?). - Word from Ernest Mason's camp has said that he hasn't signed anything with Carl Batch and will be taking up Corporal Doom's offer on the 20th to be in his corner for the big World title match between Doom and young upstart Rich Money - Debuting at NYCW's next event is Jack Geidroyc. Jack is a true rookie to the wrestling business and has said that he is wants to follow in fellow Englishman Tommy Cornell's footsteps by making his name in North America. Taking on Geidroyc in his debut match will be the Straight Edge Irishman, John McClean.[/FONT] [/quote] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/flyers/MoneyTalks_97.png[/IMG] [u]Quick Picks[/u] NYCW World: Corporal Doom w/ Ernest Mason vs. Rich Money w/ Jack Bruce Brent Hill vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Monty Walker vs. Shawn Gonzalez Sheik's Army vs. Team Headband Jack Giedroyc vs. John McClean Eddie Peak vs. Hollywood Hank [/center]
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[u]Quick Picks[/u] NYCW World: Doom w/ Ernest Mason vs. [B]Rich Money[/B] w/ Jack Bruce [I]Probably a DQ or similar as Mason turns.[/I] [B]Brent Hill[/B] vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Monty Walker vs. Shawn Gonzalez [B]Sheik's Army[/B] vs. Team Headband Jack Giedroyc vs. [B]John McClean[/B] [B]Eddie Peak[/B] vs. Hollywood Hank
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NYCW World: Doom w/ Ernest Mason vs. Rich Money w/ Jack Bruce [I]Both Mason and Bruce get involved leading to a schmozz finish and either a special attraction Tag match involving all four or re-match with a stipulation at next month's show. [/I] [B]Brent Hill[/B] vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Monty Walker vs. Shawn Gonzalez [I]It's not unfeasible for any of the four to pick up the win, but I think Hill will the winner[/I] [B]Sheik's Army[/B] vs. Team Headband [I]Team Headband will be on job duty for this one[/I] Jack Giedroyc vs. [B]John McClean[/B] [I]It's 1997 so Giedroyc has yet to really make his mark[/I] [B]Eddie Peak[/B] vs. Hollywood Hank [I]Can't see past a Peak victory[/I]
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[QUOTE] [FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/NYCW_alt.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][SIZE="6"]Special Announcement from the NYCW Offices[/SIZE][/B][/U] At our last event, Road to Redemption, Chris Storm refused to let go after his opponent submitted. While we hear at the NYCW front office feel for Storm and understand his reasoning for his actions, we can't look idly by and show bias of any kind. That is why I, James Heatly, have the unfortunate task of announcing the one month suspension of New York's Favorite Son, Chris Storm, effective immediately. However because he won his match with Big Cat Brandon, Chris Storm will still be able to choose the stipulation in the upcoming match between himself and The Stomper. A match that I can now say will take place one month from today on Saturday, Week 3, May 1997 at an event we will be calling Redemption. [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JamesHeatly.jpg[/IMG] [B]James Heatly Commissioner of New York City Wrestling[/B][/CENTER][/FONT] [/QUOTE] ...
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[center][B][SIZE="5"] NYCW Money Talks Friday, Week 3, April 1997 SOLD OUT at The Ministry[/size][/b] [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JackGiedroyc.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/SqueekyMcClean.jpg[/IMG] Jack Giedroyc vs. John McClean[/b] It was a good showing by the rookie, Jack Geidroyc, in his debut. The young man showed that he isn't someone to be taken too lightly despite his lack of experience and was able to keep up with the more experienced McClean in the beginning of the match. However, as the match went on McClean started to take advantage and ended up winning with a Stain Removal after stretching the kid out for a couple of minutes. [b]Result: John McClean defeated Jack Giedroyc in 10:30 by pinfall with a Stain Removal. Rating: D-[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/EddiePeak.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/Oscar.jpg[/IMG] Eddie Peak vs. Hollywood Hank[/b] Not much to say here. Eddie Peak just did what Eddie Peak does best. Beat the crap out of a jobber. Word from the boys is that the only reason the match lasted as long as it did was because Eddie set a frozen dinner in the microwave and it needed to be cooked for 5 minutes. [b]Result: Eddie Peak defeated Hollywood Hank in 5:17 by pinfall with a Peak Of Perfection. Rating: E[/b] --- [COLOR="Green"][b]Marv Earnest:[/b] Tom Gilmore, one week ago at Road To Redemption you defeated Barry Kingman for the NYCW United States championship. How do you feel.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"][b]Tom Gilmore:[/b] To be honest, the feeling is bitter sweet. I am proud to be the United States champion, however I would have loved to have been able to beat Barry Kingman in a less controversial contest. Truth be told, I respect Barry Kingman in a way. He's not as respectful as his father, but if you noticed the man never once attack a single wrestler before or after a wrestling match. Sure, during the match he'd do anything to win, but outside of it, he was a true gentleman. And that's more than I can say about some people in this business. [/COLOR] Tom Gilmore looks straight into the camera with a look of determination on his face. [COLOR="Navy"][b]Tom Gilmore:[/b] Sheik Mustafa, what you did to Crippler Ray Kingman last week was despicable and is something that I am not going to stand for. That's why I am challenging you to a match. Accept it, if you are man enough.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: D[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/LandMass_altFIN.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/SheikMustafa_alt2.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/MichaelCook.jpg[/IMG] Sheik's Army vs. Team Headband[/b] While the Sheik got a nice return pop before his match with Crippler Ray Kingman, because of his actions during and after that match (with the help from his newest associate, Land Mass) the Sheik got booed out of the building. Jack and Michael have get careers ahead of them, especially has a tag team, but tonight they were at the mercy of the Sheik's impressive ground game and the power of Land Mass. [b]Result: Land Mass and Sheik Mustafa defeated Team Headband in 8:03 when Sheik Mustafa defeated Michael Cook by pinfall with a Mustafa Victory. Rating: D-[/b] --- [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/flyers/Morpheuspromo.png[/IMG] [b]Rating: D+[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/FreddieDatsun_alt1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/MontyWalker.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ShawnGonzalez.jpg[/IMG] Brent Hill vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Monty Walker vs. Shawn Gonzalez[/b] I'm not going to lie. I knew the undercard was a bit weak, which is why I booked this match. And boy do it deliver. The four relatively young workers went all out to entertain the crowd. After Datsun and Walker were taken out of the picture, Shawn Gonzalez was able to get the better of Brent Hill in a bit of chain wrestling and slapped on the Latino Crab in the middle of the ring. Without Datsun and Walker to break up the pin, Brent Hill was forced to tap out to the man he defeated back in February. [b]Result: Shawn Gonzalez defeated Freddie Datsun, Monty Walker and Brent Hill in 19:39 when Shawn Gonzalez defeated Brent Hill by submission with a Latino Crab. Rating: C[/b] --- In the workout area of The Ministry stand NYCW's World Heavyweight champion, Corporal Doom, and his second for tonight, Ernest Mason. [COLOR="Navy"][b]Corporal Doom:[/b] Rich Money, you say that you are going to drop anyone that gets in your way and that you are apart of The New Empire of Wrestling. Well boy, the last time I check for you to be the "new" empire of anything you have to take the old empire down. [/COLOR] Doom looks back to the emotionless Ernest Mason and smirks. [COLOR="Navy"][b]Corporal Doom:[/b] After this match, just like before it, this old empire is still going to be standing tall.[/COLOR] [b]Rating: C[/b] --- [b][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/GenericWingedEagle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG] NYCW World: Corporal Doom © vs. Rich Money[/b] [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Now it's time for our MAIN EVENT! This match will be for the NYCW World title.[/COLOR] [B] A certain shade of green, Tell me, is that what you need? All signs around say move ahead. Could someone please explain to me your ever present Lack of speed? Are your muscles bound by ropes? Or do grudges cloud your day? My sources say the road is clear, And street signs point the way. [/B] The challenger makes his way with his tag team partner, Jack Bruce, to Incubus's "A Certain Shade Of Green." The duo grandstand and mock the crowd, till they see something they didn't even expect, Empire fans. That's right, there were two guys in the front row and not only did they have a Empire sign, but they were dressed up AS Rich Money and Jack Bruce. Seeing this Rich Money and Jack Bruce pull Dewey Libertine put of the ring and makes him take a picture of The Empire and their two look-a-likes, much to the disapproval of the rest of the building. [B]Far We've been traveling far Without a home But not without a star Free Only want to be free We huddle close Hang on to a dream[/B] As Neil Diamond's "America" blares through the speakers, the champion marches down to slapping hands with the veteran Ernest Mason right behind him. Mason doesn't slap any of the fans hands, but he's new to the whole concept of the fans actually liking him thing. [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] In the corner to my left, hailing from New York City, New York. He weighs in tonight at 230 pounds and is a one half of the NYCW Tag Team Champions. He is Rich Money![/COLOR] [B]Crowd:[/B] BOOOOOOO! [COLOR="Green"][B]Marv Earnest:[/B] And his opponent, hailing from West Point, New York. He weights in at 245 pounds and is your NYCW World Heavyweight Champion, Corporal Doom![/COLOR] [B]Crowd:[/B] Doom's gonna kill you! Doom's gonna kill you! After the introductions, the match was on. The beginning had Rich Money's technical prowess matched up against the power of Corporal Doom. In a bit of a surprise, Rich Money was able to take advantage at this point. The rest of the match had Corporal Doom try and get back him momentum with Rich Money using under-handed tactics trying to stop him. Outside of the ring, we also had Jack Bruce trying to help Rich Money in his attempt at becoming the next champion without getting destroyed by Ernest Mason. Neither plan by The Empire worked out well as Ernest Mason caught Bruce trying to pull the ropes closer to Rich Money while he was in a rarely used submission from Doom, threw the young rocker into the barricade, and then beat Jack to the back. Without his partner, Money didn't last much longer and fell to Doom's Corporal Punishment. [b]Result: Corporal Doom defeated Rich Money in 15:37 by pinfall with a Corporal Punishment. Corporal Doom makes defense number 6 of his NYCW World title. Rating: C[/b] --- The moment after the bell rang and Corporal Doom got his hand raised, Brent Hill and Carl Batch storm the ring to put the boots to the World Heavyweight champion. The Mace comes in for the ring and gets into a stare down with the Complete Package before joining in on the attack on Corporal Doom! [COLOR="Green"][b]Marv Earnest:[/b] You've got to be kidding me. It was all a set up from the start![/COLOR] [IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/ErnestYoungman.jpg[/IMG] [b]Rating: C-[/b] --- [b][size=5]Overall: C-[/B][/SIZE] [/center] [I][B]OOC:[/B] And it looks like both Tigerkinney and Phantom Stranger had the same number of matches guessed correctly. As their prize, they will get free tickets to the next event at The Ministry and get to laugh at cmdrsam for not having enough money to get into the building. ;)[/I]
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