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SSW: Stars, Stripes & Steroids

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/4803/sswng6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3]SSW: Stars, Stripes & Steroids[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3]"We would like to thank Jim Barnett for all of contribution's to Stars & Stripes Wrestling as head booker, termination of his contract is completely mutual as he wishes to work elsewhere, he will be welcomed back with open arms if he ever wants to return to SSW."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Ted Turner stood in front of the entire SSW roster, he had called a company meeting to announce that the man who had been booking shows for the company since it first opened was leaving, it came as a surprise to nobody really, because Turner and Barnett had been arguing recently about the fact that Barnett's booking was bringing in no new fans, it was the same faces each and every week and with ASW on the brink of going National, our number one priority was to bring in new fans.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]As Ted Turner went back to his office, the inevitable call-ups began. We needed a new head booker, so Turner was going to be interviewing the majority of staff, I knew my chances of getting the job weren't high, I was a lifelong wrestling fan who had debuted awhile back as a manager, I got a reputation as being one of the best annoying managers around, going as far as to attack enemies with my signature oversized clown boot, when SSW came calling I was excited, but they hadn't put me on-screen at all since the signing, I was basically working as a road agent.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Nathan Griffin, please report to Mr. Turner's office."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]I sighed as I prepared to kiss the boss' ass, I entered his office and saw Ted looking over my resume, he looked up at me and flashed one of those Ted Turner smiles.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Well, I think you know why you're here, what do you think would help this company grow."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"I have been thinking that Warrior's not being pushed properly."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"How is that?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Well, right now we're marketing Warrior as being unstoppable and having no equals, but if he has no equals nobody will tune in to watch him."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Hmmm...."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"I think we need to build somebody up to being seen as Warrior's equal, we have a lot of guys who could do it, Batista, Vader, even DDP."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"I'll consider that, but what do you think we need to do to bring in more fans? To make them all want to tune in to All-American Wrestling?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Bring in more names, the undercard has a lot of talented wrestlers, but the main event guys are starting to be exhausted, it's the same guys in the main event every week and I think the fans are just sick of seeing them."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]I then began to explain an elaborate plan to Turner, about how bringing in guys, like Steve Austin, would bring his fans along with him, it was about twenty minutes later that I realized my meeting with Ted had gone longer then anyone before me, as I left his office, I thought about all of the idea's I'd had, and thought that I might actually be good for the job.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Later that evening just as I was getting home, my phone started to ring, I answered it and heard the familiar voice of Ted Turner.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Hello, Mr. Griffin."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Yea-"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"I talked over some of your idea's with some of my associates, and we agree that you would be a good choice for the position of head booker, you start tomorrow, we need the line-up for this weeks All-American Wrestling."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Bu-"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Static is all I heard, I guess that's just the kind of person Ted Turner is. I was now solely responsible for the rise of the #3 Wrestling company in the world, just like that.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Should be fun.[/SIZE]
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[quote] [IMG]http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/1825/sswdr0.jpg[/IMG] [B]ssw.com/tv[/B] In what promises to be one of the most action-packed edition's of SSW All-American Wrestling ever, Ted Turner will be revealing the new commisioner of SSW! Turner will be ringside for the event alongside Tony Schiavone calling all of the action, as SSW's newest commentator. Last week, Scott Hall was revealed to be the #1 Contender to The Ultimate Warrior's SSW World Championship, these two will be in the same ring for the first time as Hall teams up with Big Van Vader to take on the champ Warrior and his partner "The Animal" Batista in All-American Wrestling's main event! Plus, don't miss the Legion Of Doom, Diamond Dallas Page and Lex Luger in action! [SIZE=1]Quick Picks:[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]The Legion of Doom vs. The Natural Disasters[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana for #1 Contendership to the US Title[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Lex Luger vs. Diamond Dallas Page[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Scott Hall & Big Van Vader vs. The Ultimate Warrior & Batista[/SIZE] [/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=white]aaa[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE=2][IMG]http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/5559/sswallamericanwrestlingxe9.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=3]The broadcast open's with SSW owner, Ted Turner in the ring holding a microphone.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is going to be a landmark night in the history of Stars & Stripes Wrestling, as I am going to be revealing the man who will be running the company, right here, right now... so without further ado here is the new commissioner of SSW... Nathan Griffin!"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Most of the fans don't even know who Nathan Griffin is as he comes from the backstage area, a quick google search shows a small-time manager who works behind the scenes at SSW, but he comes out with a huge fake smile on his face waving to the fans who have no idea whether to boo or cheer the new commissioner. He slides into the ring and begins to speak.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Thank you, thank you, you guys are great. I just want to thank Ted Turner for making the best possible choice for this job, as I plan on bringing all of you the best wrestling and entertainment in the planet each and every week!"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"As my first act as SSW commissioner, tonight's main event will feature a tag-team match with SSW World Heavyweight Champion The Ultimate Warrior teaming up with "The Animal" Batista to face Scott Hall and Big Van Vader!"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Griffin begin's to walk backstage, something about the tone of his voice must have set the fans off though as they are booing him, Ted Turner slips away to the announce table alongside Tony Schiavone. [B](D+)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][U]The Legion of Doom def. The Natural Disasters[/U] in 6 minutes, following a Doomsday Device. [B](C)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Backstage, Rena Mero is standing with the SSW World Champion, The Ultimate Warrior.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Warrior, what are your thoughts on tonigh-"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"AHHH! AS THE POWER OF ALL THE WARRIORS HERE GOES THROUGH MY VEINS I FEEL THAT THE STARS ARE ALLIGNING THEMSELVES TO PREPARE FOR ANOTHER VICTORY FOR THE WARRRRRRRRIOR!! SCOTT HALL STANDS BEFORE ME TO TRY AND TAKE THE BELT FROM THE WARRRIOR BUT HE WILL BE THROWN AWAY INTO A NEW GALAXY AS THE WARRIOR COMETH!!!"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Warrior storms off.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Thanks..." [B](B+)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Backstage, Diamond Dallas Page is warming up, he notices the camera and begin's to talk.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Lex Luger, tonight your gonna feel THE BANG! Everyone's going to watch, Luger get pinned 123 in the middle of the ring by D..D..P! And after that, I'm gunning for the SSW World Championship. Luger watch out, because I could beat you with one arm tied behind my back!" [B](C-)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][U]Tito Santana def. Greg Valentine[/U] in 7 minutes, to become #1 Contender to the US Title. [B](C-)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]As Tito Santana is celebrating his victory, the SSW United States Champion Mr. Perfect slips into the ring and pounces on Santana, beating him into the mat before hitting the Perfect Plex and leaving with the title in hand. [B](C-)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Backstage we see two of SSW's rising stars, Matt Hardy and Christian Cage who are arguing over something.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"I could beat you anytime Matt, you know it and everyone knows it, your just lucky I don't kick your *** right now."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Is that right?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Your damn right it is."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Alright, how about we settle this in the ring?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Well-"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"What? Are you scared?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"No, it's just that... I don't have my gear with me, nobody told me I'd be wrestling."[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Next week then?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Your on!" [B](B-)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Lex Luger and Diamond Dallas Page come out for there match, they lock up but suddenly the music of Nathan Griffin plays, the crowd boo's at the interuption of this anticipated match as Griffin appears on the stage.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Hold on a second, I'm a little bit confused about the rules of this match because earlier I could have sworn that I heard somebody say that they could beat Lex Luger with one arm tied behind his back!"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]The referee is now in the ring with a rope.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]"Tie him up and then the match begin's!"[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Lex Luger laughs as the referee ties one of DDP's arms behind his back and the crowd goes crazy with boo's, finally the rope is secure and the match begins.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3][U]Lex Luger def. Diamond Dallas Page[/U] in 7 minutes, with a roll-up while using ropes for leverage. [B](C-)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]A video airs promoting SSW, the video prominitely features The Ultimate Warrior, Batista and Big Van Vader. [B](B+)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][U]Muhammad Hassan def. Chris Sabin[/U] in 5 minutes, following interference from Daivari. [B](D+)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]A video plays hyping tonights tag team main event, featuring SSW World Champion The Ultimate Warrior and Batista vs. #1 Contender Scott Hall and his partner Big Van Vader. [B](B)[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][U]Scott Hall and Big Van Vader drew with Batista and The Ultimate Warrior[/U] in 11 minutes, after the referee lost control and stopped the match. [B](B-)[/B][/SIZE] [B][B][/B][/B] [B][B][SIZE=3](C+)[/SIZE][/B][/B] [B][/B] [B][/B]
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