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wCw 2001 - The Start Of History

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[IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee200/CQI13/newera2copy.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z54/Widget_9/EWR_net3.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Quote: Originally Posted by wrestling-heat.com March 20th, 2001 [B]BREAKING NEWS: ERIC BISCHOFF PURCHASES wCw![/B] [IMG]http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/4667/200105bigbangku4.jpg[/IMG] In a move shocking to all, Eric Bischoff has secured the deal along with Fusient Media Ventures to have the rights to wCw. However the deal did not include Nitro to air on any of the Turner stations. It's noted that this upcoming Nitro will be the last on TNT. Also it is unknown who will be on the new wCw's roster. Bischoff says that they will relaunch the new wCw with there PPV, the Big Bang which will air May 6, 2001 in the Phillps Arena, in Atlanta, Georiga. The poster is right above. More details will be posted as soon as we get them.[/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] OCC- This is my third time. This is the prequel to my WWF vs WCW: A Change in History as I felt I should have started over. Hopefully I can focus on this full time.
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[CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]{The scene is in Atlanta, Geriga where WCW Headquarters are. There's the whole active roster there minus Nash. Politics is a dangerous game. Anyways. Sitting in the chair was "Easy- E" himself. He has a determined look on his face. [B]Eric:[/B] If I can have your attention please. {The roster is quiet and looking at Easy himself. Easy continues to speak.} [B]Eric:[/B] As you know, wCw is a dying product. The fans are sick and tired because we put on the same **** that we put on in 97'. Meanwhile Vince and his family are enjoying success as the #1 company in America. We should have been there but we got lazy. And now look at us. {The roster doesn't say anything.} [B]Eric:[/B] As you know I along with Fusient Inc. are the owners of wCw. Tonight is our last night on televison for awhile. After tonight you are all free agents. We don't have a roster and we will only pick up the people who are loyal to this product. No more politics. We will push only the wrestlers who have talent. Wrestlers who don't politic and give 110% out there every night. You will be rewarded. if your not for this company the door's open. {Ric Flair gets up out of his seat and stares Bischoff right in the face.} [B]Ric:[/B] You know I hate your guts. I hated everything that you did to this company. Hogan, The NWO, The death of The Horsemen. I thought you were one of those corporate jackasses. But after this, .... I respect you. You're trying to regain the tradition and I respect that. So consider me to say that I will be WCW for life. Count me on board. [B]Eric:[/B] Thank you for your loyalty. But besides that go out there tonight and put on the best goddamn show you've ever put on! {The roster claps and leaves Bischoff all alone. Bischoff looks at his phone, before picking it up and dialing some numbers.} [B]Eric:[/B] Hello, is Mr. Crabgrass in........ [SIZE="5"][B]To Be Continued....[/B][/SIZE] [/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="5"][CENTER][B]wCw Monday Night Nitro: March 26, 2001 Results:[/B] [LIST] [*]Nitro open with a spectacular pyro. Pyro was infact everywhere. [*]Your commentators are Mike Tenay and Scott Hudson [*]Eric Bischoff came out and did a shoot promo on the WWF saying how wCw will beat them [*]He also pugs the Big Bang and tell people to order it on May 6th, 2001 [*]The first match was a Ladder Match for the Crusierweight Title between Chavo Guereruo and Shane Helms [*]Helms wins in an awesome high flying contest. [*]Flair talks about how he wants Sting to bring out the best in him. [*]In a Three Way Tag Match for the wCw Undisputed Tag Titles. The Flithy Animals (Rey Rey and Kidman) beat the Insiders and The Natural Born Thrillers after Nash turned on Page. [*]Post match, Nash continued to beat down on DDP, leaving him a bloody mess. [*]Dustin and Dusty Rhodes talk about how they can't wait for the new era of wCw. [*]Jeff Jarrett who has been fueding with Dustin (One of the only things they were doing right.) started to mock Dustin and said that he was trying to avoid Jarrett because he was scared. [*]Dusty challenged Jarrett to a match where if Dusty loses, he must retire at the Big Bang. [*]Jarrett promised that Dusty will go out with a BANG, come May 6th [*]The next match saw Goldberg come back and beat Lex Luger in a surprisingly awful match. Thank god it was only 12 minutes long! (Sarcasm inserted) Goldberg proceed to taunt the fans who are clearly on his side. [*]Booker T hyped up his match saying he will be a double champion! [*]A video airs hyping the recent fued between Booker and Stenier. [*]Steiner come out to a fantastic entrance. Filled with pyro and cheerleaders. He says that the title ain't going nowhere. [*]Booker T comes out to another awesome entrance. [*]These guys hve a fantastic match despite having Steiner into the equation. Booker won in a 21 minute match after a Scissors Kick [*]He celebrates with the titles. [*]Ric Flair and Sting have the Match Of The Night. This 26 mintue match was awesome and saw Sting win and the two celebrating in the ring as Nitro goes of for perhaps the last time? [/LIST][/CENTER][/SIZE]
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And here we go... [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][CENTER]Quote: Originally Posted by wrestling-heat.com March 28th, 2001 [B][SIZE="5"]10 PEOPLE CONFIRMED FOR THE NEW wCw.[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]We have gotten a confirmation of the ten peope who will be in the new wCw. Here is the list:[LIST] [*]Scott Steiner [*]Mike Awesome [*]Booker T [*]Goldberg [*]Ric Flair [*]Jeff Jarrett [*]Diamond Dallas Page [*]Dustin Rhodes [*]Rey Mysterio Jr [*]Chris Kanyon [/LIST] It is interesting to note that there has been no confirmation of two key players in wCw. Kevin Nash and Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes is looking to retire and put Jarrett over. If he does land a role expect it to be a Road Agent who makes occasional apperances. For Nash, it seems as if wCw doesn't want him around. He is known to be a huge politician and is often blamed as one of the reasons why wCw nearly went out of buisness. That plus Nash isn't getting any older might be a factor. He is however scheduled to be at the Big Bang PPV on May 6th so don't be suprised if he is still there. Another reason behind why he still might stay is due to the fact that he's friends with Bischoff himself. Another thing to note is that WCW has launched a new website called [URL="http://thewCw.com"]http://thewCw.com[/URL] On there is the updated card for "The Big Bang": Main Event: wCw Championship 5 Ways To Gold Match Bill Goldberg vs Sting vs Scott Steiner vs Ric Flair vs Booker T(c) Retirement Match Jeff Jarrett vs Dusty Rhodes NoDQ Match: DDP vs Kevin Nash More matches will be announced[/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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Here another update. Probally post a meeting or two. IDK. [QUOTE]Quote: Originally Posted by wrestling-heat.com March 28th, 2001 [B][SIZE="5"]6 MORE SUPERSTARS AND 3 BACKSTAGER ROLES!!!![/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]We here can confirm 6 more wrestlers for the new wCw which brings the total to 16 active wrestlers. Here's the list. [LIST] [*]Steve Corino [*]Jerry Lynn [*]Jushin Lyger [*]K-Kwik [*]Raven [*]Shane Douglas [/LIST] And along with that wCw has signed 3 Road Agents. Here's the list:[LIST] [*]Arn Anderson [*]Ricky Steamboat [*]Johnny Ace [/LIST] Which brings the roster to look like this:[LIST] [*]Booker T [*]Sting [*]Ric Flair [*]Scott Steiner [*]Jeff Jarrett [*]Dustin Rhodes [*]Rey Mysterio [*]DDP [*]Goldberg [*]Chris Kanyon [*]Shane Douglas [*]Steve Corino [*]K-Kwik [*]Raven [*]Jerry Lynn [*]Jushin Lyger [*]Arn Anderson - Road Agent [*]Ricky Steamboat - Road Agent [*]Johnny Ace - Road Agent [/LIST][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="2"][FONT="Arial"]{I was nervous. To think that I would get the biggest job in my life. I'm glad that I gave Bischoff my number, otherwise I don't know if I ever were to have an opportunity like this. I just wish it would have been for the WWF but I didn't let him know that. I've been a fan of both companies every since I saw then on TV. See I wanted to become a wrestler but I didn't follow my heart and tried to please my parents by going to Law School. Too bad I didn't give a damn about the law and I got kicked out. I now live ith my parents in the basement until I could make some money. Anyways as I walked down the hallway I was given strange glares from people who work here. I wish they would try to do that outside of this building. I finally got to the door and opened it. I couldn't belive what I saw. Steamboat, Flair, Anderson, Rhodes, and Bischoff. All men I grew up watching were now here in this room.} [B]Flair:[/B] Who's this? {Bischoff looked at Flair.} [B]Bischoff:[/B] This? This is our way back to the top of the food chain. This is our ace in the hole. This is the new Head Booker for wCw! {All looked suprised.} [B]Flair:[/B] What in the blue hell did this kid prove to deserve to run an entire empire? Huh? He gave ya a blow job or something? Are you out of your damn mind? {I started to get pissed. Noone disrespects me like that.} [B]Bischoff:[/B] This kid may not have "paid his dues" yet. But when I ran into him at Barnes and Nobles. I asked him how would he steer wCw back up if he had the opportunity. He told me some of the most fresh, original angles that I've ever heard. He did in 45 minutes what you guys couldn't do in 3 years. So I suggest you guys shut the hell up! [The place went silent. I got ready to speak.} [B]Andy:[/B] Men, my name is Andrew K. Crabgrass. I am 23 years old. You're right I'm just a punk. But I'm willing to put it all on the line for wCw. It is my main priority to make sure that wCw regains it's spot as the #1 company in Wrestling. Now onto buisness. Is everything ready for the Big Bang? [B]Arn:[/B] Yes all of the major things are done for the Big Bang. We're just fixing the minor things. [B]Andy:[/B] Ok. I was thinking that we make the Big Bang a huge spectacular. The fireworks, the production, the everything. [B]Bischoff:[/B] I approve. I'm also adding in a Fan Festival. [B]Steamboat:[/B] As long as you keep all of the wrestling aspect to it, I'm in to. [B]Flair:[/B] I'm in to. [B]Dusty:[/B] I sa fixin to be agreeing to if you weeeel. [B]Andy:[/B] O.K. next thing. The dirt sheets. They're more and more starting to be a problem. What do we do about this? [B]Steamboat:[/B] Well, I think that we make sure they get as little information as possible. They still think that you're not with our company yet, Dusty. Just like how they don't know is that we have our roster complete except for 1 superstar. [B]Andy:[/B] And who might that be? [B]Arn:[/B] Kevin Nash. [B]Andy:[/B] Oh yeah. I say we don't sign him. He's a known politician and will hold back all of the talent that we're looking to push. [B]Dusty:[/B] I's agree, dat funka monka isa reel prowbelm backstage. [B]Eric:[/B] We're keeping him. [B]Andy:[/B] What?! [B]Eric:[/B] We're keeping him and that's final. [B]Arn:[/B] What the hell? You know he's buried alot of people and is a prick backstage. [B]Eric:[/B] He's entertaining. Plus if we let him go, that would be an open invite to the WWF! I don't care what you guys say were keeping him. End of discussion. [B]Andy:[/B] Fine, that brings us to the end of this meeting. We'll meet in a couple of days. {Everyone got up and left, obviously irratated at the outcome. I got my jacket and started to think about what I've truely go my self into...} [SIZE="5"]To Be Continued.....[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Arial"][U]Loads of wCw News: Head Booker, Website, Television Deal[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [B][U]The first shots of war have been fired![/U][/B] Date Added: April 15, 2001 Story By: wrestling-heat.com -wCw President Eric Bischoff have signed the Head Booker. His name is Andy Crabgrass. Not much is know about Andy. -wCw is already talking to several TV Netwworks to try and get a Television Deal. One source has said that their extremely close to get one. -Suprisingly wCw hasn't updated their website page yet. - Tickets will go on sale tommorow for the Big Bang. Hurry up and get them before it's too late.
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Thanks for the feedback guys. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][U] MORE INFO ABOUT wCw: Russo, Deal with MGM, And More on Tonight [/U][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="2"][FONT="Arial"]Quote: Originally Posted by wrestling-heat.com May 6th, 2001 - Vince Russo tried to apply for a job at the new wCw but was immediatly shot down. This is what Crabgrass had to say about it: [QUOTE][I]"I appreciate Russo's work for the WWF. He helped usher in there so called "Attitude Era" but his work while he was here didn't exacvtly help us out in a time when we needed it. Besides that "Crash TV" stuff is only for the amateur promotions. Thanks but no thanks."[/I][/QUOTE] - wCw haved come to an agreement with Disney to make the MGM Studios in Orlando there new permanent home. wCw Management hope to get wCw back on the road by this time next year. - Tonight is The Big Bang. Tickets sold out it's fastest in years. With them heavily advertising, They have made success. - It's also noted that Kevin Nash is backstage along with Scott Hall. No word if Hall will play a role in tonight's event. - We will have back to back corverage on the results while it's airing. [/QUOTE][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B][U]wCw Presents: The Big Bang 2001[/U][/B] [B]*PREDICTIONS CAN NOW BE MADE!*[/B] [B][U]wCw World Heavyweight Title Match:[/U][/B] Booker T© versus Scott Stenier vs Ric Flair vs Sting vs Goldberg [B][U]Retirement Match:[/U][/B] "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs Jeff Jarrett [B][U]No Disqualifications Match[/U][/B] Diamond Dallas Page vs "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash [B][U]wCw US Championship[/U][/B] ??? vs ??? vs ??? [B][U]wCw World Tag Team Titles[/U][/B] Da Flithy Animalz© versus ??? and ??? [B][U]wCw Crusierweight Open:[/U][/B] [/CENTER]
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wCw Presents: The Big Bang 2001 *PREDICTIONS CAN NOW BE MADE!* wCw World Heavyweight Title Match: Booker T© versus Scott Stenier vs [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs Sting vs Goldberg [I]Ric Flair IS WCW!! Whooooooo![/I] Retirement Match: [B]"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes[/B] vs Jeff Jarrett [I]The Dream deserves to go out on top.[/I] No Disqualifications Match [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B] vs "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash [I]It isn't called "The Big Bang" for nothing, right? Self-High Five![/I] wCw US Championship ??? vs [B]???[/B] vs ??? [I]Two is good, right?[/I] wCw World Tag Team Titles [B]Da Flithy Animalz©[/B] versus ??? and ??? [I]Quite Filthy![/I] wCw Crusierweight Open: [B]???[/B]
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wCw World Heavyweight Title Match: [B]Booker T©[/B] versus Scott Stenier vs Ric Flair vs Sting vs Goldberg Even if it is the first show, the Book man is still gonna take it Retirement Match: "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] From what I have read I think Dusty will play more a backstage character. Plus Jarrett still has a lot left in him. No Disqualifications Match [B]Diamond Dallas Page[/B] vs "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash I'm not even going to comment on this one, angeldelayette's was gold :D wCw US Championship ??? vs ??? vs [B]???[/B] I'm going for the mystery option. wCw World Tag Team Titles [B]Da Flithy Animalz©[/B] versus ??? and ??? Unless Tony Marinara can get involved, not a contest lol wCw Crusierweight Open: [B]Jerry Lynn[/B]
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[CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]{Less than six weeks ago World Championship Wrestling was thrown into turmoil when AOL Time Warner broadcast the final edition of Monday Nitro. A golden era in porfessional wrestling came to an end with two WCW legends Sting and Ric Flair displaying their respect for each other in the middle of the ring. The death of WCW left legions of wrestling fans in shock and with no alternative but to turn to Vince McMahon's WWF. However, one man was determined not to let WCW rest. He had a vision. As impossible as it seemed, Eric Bischoff wanted to resurrect World Championship Wrestling. With the backing of his consortium, Eric Bischoff purchased the WCW name and video library from AOL Time Warner. No sooner had the epitaph for WCW been written than Eric Bischoff was planning its re-birth. The creation of the new WCW was underway and tonight - LIVE on Pay-Per-View! - WCW is re-born. The wrestling world is about to be shaken to its very foundation once again as The Big Bang re-creates World Championship Wrestling! } {After the video promotion ends, the camera pans out to the the sold out crowd in the Phillpis Arena. The crowd is on there feet knowing that the new era of wCw has arrived. The pyrotenics go off as it lights up the whole entrance way to the offical theme for wCw 'New Generation' by Limp Biskit. You can see the fans going crazy. Some off the signs that are most notable are Vince Fears Bischoff, Hogan Sucks, and I Paid To See DeMott. The camera pans to highlight your announcers for this evening Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay.} [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] A new era in professional wrestling is here! wCw is back, baby! [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Wow....! [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] We're coming to you from the sold-out Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georiga where World Championship Wrestling is re-born! You heard that right, folks. wCw is back against all the odds. [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Can you believe this? Six weeks ago they had us dead and buried. But here we are, back on Pay-Per-View where we belong! [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] It's incredible. This whole night is shaping up to be the greatest night in the history of our sport. We've got ALL titles set to be decided tonight, with our headline match seeing Booker T defend the wCw World Title against FOUR different wrestlers including the former champ himself, Scott Steiner. [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] And that's not all. We're getting ready to see a brutal No Disqualifications Grudge Match between DDP and Kevin Nash [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] Oh! Would you listen to this! The new president of World Championship Wrestling is here... [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] What a way to kick off the new wCw! {'Back in Black' by AC/DC hits the P.A.as the new owner of wCw Eric Bischoff comes out to a hero's welcome despite being so despised in the past. He comes out wearing a wCw: Ressurected T- Shirt on. He has his custom leather jacket over the T- Shirt and some black jeans on. He gives off a ****y smirk as he enters the ring. he demands a mic.} [B]Eric:[/B] Welcome to The Big Bang, the second coming of World Championship Wrestling! {The crowd pops and break out in a 'Bischoff' chant. He smirks and brings the mic to his mouth} [B]Eric:[/B] No- {The chant continues obviously irritating Bischoff.} [B]Eric:[/B] Will you people SHUT THE HELL UP! {The crowd's mood changes and Bischoff gets an all out foul reciption from the crowd.} [B]Eric:[/B] You nimrods must be dumber than I thought. You honestly thought I bought this, this company for you people. You thought good ol' uncle Eric bought World Championship Wrestling a global enterprise for the fans? You bastards must be out of your damn, pathetic minds! {The crowd is booing} You see I bought World Championship for a reason. I was a respected man in this indrusty. I reinvented wrestling. I should be the king. But no. I was embarssed because of the crap that was passable in wCw. I mean a Judy Bagwell on a Pole Match? Are you serious? What ever happened to the days where we were beating the WWF and Vinny boy himself? Now wCw settles for mediocre? Not on my watch. I don't give a damn what any of you say. Ted Turner didn't make World Championship Wrestling. I did. Bill Watts didn't make World Championship Wrestling. I did. And I know for sure none of you idiots made World Championship Wrestling. I did. So from now on, I'M the boss and i'm only going to do "What's best for buisness." {Eric Bischoff drops the mic to enormous heel heat. He smirks and walks up the ramp. Untill he stops then gets another mic.} [B]Eric:[/B] Before I forget, my first order of buisness to do what's right for wCw, is to change the god awful announcing team. We deserve to have only the best and one of you are doing your job while the other is mediocre at best. Tenay, your staying. However Shiavone, your being demoted to Backstage Interviewer. Your lucky I don't fire our sorry ass, too! {Shiavone takes off his headsets as the crowd is booing Bischoff. He walks up the ramp looking uber sad. He's such a sad panda bear.} [B]Eric:[/B] To replace that crappy announcer, I've gotten someone who has controversy follow him where ever he goes. One of the best wrestlers to never win the World belt say hello to my friend and your new Color Commontator, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper! {Those bagpipes hit the P.A. system as the crowd boos Mr. Piper himself. A large 'You Sold Out' chant hits as he shakes Mr. Bischoff's hand and flips of the fans. He enter the Announcer's Booth.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Well, welcome back to wCw. [B]Piper:[/B] Since when did they let women commontate? [B]Tenay;[/B] I'm not a woman, I'm Mike Tenay. Remember they call me "The Proffessor". [B]Piper:[/B] Hey, Susan for a woman, you are so ugly. [B]Tenay:[/B] Well up next is the Crusierweight Invitational Match which should be fast pase and exciting. [B]Piper:[/B] The Vanilla Migets and the Jumping Beans are getting a push? We're not in the WWF are we? {Before Piper can make another rude remake, 'Superstar' by Saliva hits. The fans are unknown to this song until Shane Helms comes out along with Shannon Moore. He has a more serious, legitimate look now obviously getting rid of that ridiculous boy band look he had. He has this title firm around his waist and slides into the ring. He gets a mic.} [B]Helms:[/B] Now, my fellow Helmsanettes, I'm no longer a stupid boy band singer. Nope. Your looking at single handly the greatest Crusierweight Champion of all time! Better than all of you fans that want to be muah but can't be. Don't worry I'd be jealous if I wasn't me but that would be too much for you fans to handle. I'm a superstar babah. Now who is this pathetic fool who dares to challenge ~DA GREATEZT EVA~? {The fans boo as Helms drops the mic and waits for his opponent. Some unfamilar Japanesse music hits the P.A. as Jushin Lyger emerges to a mild pop. He waists no time and slides into the ring to get this match started!} This match is a high flying contest but started out with some chain wrestling to begin with.Lyger got an early offence but the tide turned when Lyger missed a Moonsault to the outside and crashed on the floor. Helms took advantage of this and started to beat down on Lyger and even to go so far as by choking him with a cable wire. The momentum switched again when Helms missed a Shining Wizard in the corner and hit his "boys" on the post. From there it was all aeirial and a nice flash back of the Crusierweight Division back in 96' - 99'. The match ended when Moore distracted the referee long enough for Helms to hit Lyger with the title and slided it out of the ring. Helms went for the three count. 1,2,3!" Winner via Pinfall in 8:16 : Shane Helms {Post match Helms is dancing around like a buffoon celebrating his winas he flips off the crowd much to there disgust.} [B]Tenay:[/B] What has happened to Helms? Just six weeks ago he was one of the nicest guys you could ever meet but now he's a certifed *******! [B]Piper:[/B] You see, Tiffany, Helms has learned that nice guys finish last! That's why he's the Crusierweight Champ! I for one like his new attitude. [B]Tenay:[/B] (Sigh) Lets just cut backstage with "Mean" Gene Okerland. {The cameras pan to see "Mean" Gene Okerland alongside with wCw World Champion Booker T who gets a huge pop.} [B]Mean Gene:[/B] Thanks Mike. Now Booker, tonight you have to defend your title against four of the best wCw has to offer. How do you feel? [B]Booker T:[/B] Well sucka, I feel great, dawg. You see Booker T is finally back at home where he belongs. Thats right I'm talking about wCw ya dig? {The fans pop.} [B]Booker T:[/B] But besides that. The face of the matter is this, You can line up the best on God's green earth. I will defend this title sucka and the honor of wCw while I'm at it every single night. I don't care who they put in that ring you best believe dawg that the 4- Time, 4-Time, 4-Time, 4-Time, wCw World Heavyweight Champion will go in there as champion and come out as champion. Now can you dig that... SUCKA? {The crowd cheers as Booker leaves.} {The screens in the arena show Sean O’Haire standing against a white backdrop wearing a long black overcoat. The word “adultery” flashes across the screen.} [B]O’Haire:[/B] You thought you married a sex bomb? Huh? Look at her now. She’s carrying your child. That’s all she can think about. That means there won’t be any action in the marriage for a while. So why not hook up with the secretary, the girl next door, the blonde that passes you on your way to work? Hell, no-one needs to know. It's just between you...and this lucky lady. She’s so busy caring for her unborn child that she won’t notice. And hey, she'll still want you to be a part of this kid's life. She's not going to deny a child it's father. 'What she doens't know won't hurt her.' 'While the cat's away, time to play'. 'You only live once...' Remember...I’m not telling you anything...you don’t already know. {After that distubing message the cameras cut back to where Mike Tenay and Roddy Piper are.} [B]Tenay:[/B] I still can't beleive that sick Sean O' Haire. To advertise Adultery is quite sick! [B]Piper:[/B] Yeah, sick indeed. (Supisous eyes) {'Flithy Animals' hits the P.A. as wCw Tag Team Champions, Rey Mysterio & Billy Kidman come out with Konnan, Torrie Willson, and The Juice. The fans cheer as they are oozing with coolness. The Tag Champs roll into the ring as they wait for there mystery opponents. Suddenly The Canadian National Anthem hits on the P.A. as the fans boo Lance Storm. Storm points to the stage and out from the Gorrila Position comes Justin Credible. The fans boo as they roll into the ring and wait for the last tag team. 'Bad and Dangerous' hits the P.A. as the fans pop. Could it be? Yes the Road Warriors come out to a great reciption and are accompanied with Paul Ellerning. They slide into the ring and starts the match.} This was a great display of Tag Team action with all teams getting roughly the same amount of offence. Due to me being lazy and not giving in the least bit a damn about this match those damn Flithy Animals won after a new move that Mysterio calls the '619' on Road Warrior Animal to retain. By the way who's smart idea was it to call them the Flithy Animals. Sounds like the name of an Aminal Porn movie. Might rent me one of those. Winner via Pinfall in 13:12: The Flithy Animals. {Post match the Animals celebrate with the crowd and leaving Storm pissed I say! The scene switches to where Awesome is. He is with Tony Shiavone.} [B]Tony:[/B] I'm here with Mike Awesome and Awesom- {Awesome snatches the mic from Tony.} [B]Awesome:[/B] All day, I had to hear the new wCw this, and the new wCw that. I don't see what's so goddamn new about wCw. I mean quite frankly all I see are the same old has beens who nearly killed this promotion holding back the new fresh talent like me. I'm here to prove a statement that I WILL be heard. And that starts with you! {Awesome grabs Tony and throws him against the Interviewing Set and in the process destroys it. He grabs a chair and cracks it over Tony's head causing him to bleed. He then lifts Tony up for an Awesome Bomb and sends him straight through a table. As the fans boo, Awesome leaves with no expression on his face as medics tends to Tony.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Oh, come on. This is just sick. How can someone do that to a staff member? [B]Piper:[/B] You don't know how? Didn't you just see Awesome demonstrate how? A side note though. Shiavone has to be the biggest loser in the planet. First getting demoted to a backstage interviewer then getting sent though a table. If I had some popcorn and some prostitutes this would be the best day of my life. [B]Tenay:[/B] I'm going to ignore that statement and just say that we are about to crown the next Untied States Champion. {A silence is heard until 'Guerrila Radio' by Rage Against The Machines hits the P.A. as Mystery Compitior #1 is introduced as none other than the debuting Jerry Lynn. Lynn comes out to a nice responce and slides into. The crowd waits until 'Welcome To The Jungle' by Guns n' Roses hits as Steve Corino comes out. He is mystery Compitior #2. He comes out to large heel heat. He doesn't let the fans touch him. He warms up until '****y' by Kid Rock and out comes Chris Kanyon comes out with bodyguard, Bam Bam Bigleow. They get the most heel heat as they strut to the ring to start of this match.} This match was entertaining with the two heels agreeing to team up against the one babyface Jerry Lynn. There allaince soon runs out due to the huge egos on both of these men and they begin to brawl with each other which gives Lynn some time to recooperate. Towards the end, Lynn seemed on fire despite beeing busted open. The match ended when Corino double crossed Kanyon and pinned Lynn for the three count. Your Winner via Pinfall in 13:45: Steve Corino {Post match Corino celebrates with his newly won title. The fans boo as the camera switches to the locker room were Pamula Paulshock is with Diamond Dallas Page. He recieves a huge pop and has a serious expression on hiis face.} [B]Paulshock:[/B] DDP, what are your thoughts on your match with former best friend Kevin Nash? [B]DDP:[/B] Kevin Nash. It's your judgement day. Prepare to get the worst beating of your life. {DDP heads towards the entrance way.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Well this match is looking to be physical to the core, two former best friends will battle out in A No Disqualifications Match. [B]Piper:[/B] Oh no doubt Rachel, you wouldn't know but this match can have a long term effect on their careers. {'Smells Like Team Spirit' by Nivara hits the P.A. as the fans are on there feet as DDP comes out. No pyro. No high fiving the crowd. Not even Kimberly with him. Just DDP. DDP grabs a chair and enters the ring. The infamous Howl rings the P.A. as 'Wolfpac' plays. The whole crowd give enoroumus heel heat as "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash comes out with a baseball bat in hand. He walks and stares at DDP the whole entire time.} To say that this match was brutal would be an understatement and a half. These guys brawled throughout the ring and the outside. Weapons were used. But not ridiculous weapons. We're talking about Chairs, Pipes, and Tables. Towards the end there was just blood. I mean Page and Nash sluging it out. but at the end Page ducked an attempted chair shot, kicked Nash and hit the Diamond Cutter for the three count. Your winner via Pinfall in 20:57: DDP {Post match the crowd are on there feet as DDP wins. DDP staggers to his feet before taunting to the fans. He is helped to the back by officals.} [B]Tenay:[/B] That was a brutal match. [B]Piper:[/B] Bischoff should have fired your dumbass. Of course it was brutal. What the hell did you expect it to be? A pillow fight? [B]Tenay:[/B] Ughhh. I don't know why I bother. [B]Piper:[/B] I will give my respect to both men though. They both had a hellauv match. [B]Tenay:[/B] You can say that again th- [B]Piper:[/B] Why would I want to say it again if I already said it? [B]Tenay:[/B] Lets just cut backstage. {The camera pans to see Stacy Keibler with her man, Big Poppa Pump.} Steiner: I can't wait until I kick that punk Booker T's ass tonight! [B]Keibler:[/B] I have faith in you baby. [B]Steiner:[/B] But I NEED to win. I have to make sure that I win. I am the franchise Player and Bischoff's top star. He needs to make sure he does what's best for buisness and give that damn belt to me! [B]Keibler:[/B] I can make sure of that.... {The camera switches to Dusty's locker room where the American Dream himself is. He is getting ready for his match. That when his son comes in.} [B]Dustin:[/B] Tonight is your night, Dad. Are you sure you'll be able to do this? I mean you've haven't been wrestling in a while an- [B]Dusty:[/B] Dustin babah. Dis iz yo dadda you talkin bout'. Da 3 Time Ehn Doubya Ayh Champion. I'z can take dat scum Jeff Jarrat! [B]Dustin:[/B] But the stakes are high, Dad! You can permently retire if you lose. You don't have to do this D- [B]Dusty:[/B] Don't woorah Dustin babah! Nobodda disrespect Da American Dream's son. No way. I luv you son. Now if I retire or not I'm glad to defend yo honur. [B]Dustin:[/B] Thanks Dad. {The two enbrace in a hug as Dusty walks off for his match.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Well up next is the Retirement Match and personally I hope Dusty wins this thing. [B]Piper:[/B] That fat sack of crap is still wrestling? Please don't tell me he's wearing speedos. Ewwwww. [B]Tenay:[/B] Will you please grow up? [B]Piper:[/B] But I'm taller then you, Molly. {The ever classic American Dream them hits the P.A. as the fans are on there feet for the "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes comes out and starts dancing and high fiving the fans much to the fans delight. Rhodes enters the ring and waits for Jarrett. 'Chosen One Remix' by Metallica hits as the fans boo Jarrett. His pyro goes off and he enters the ring but cracks Dusty over the head with a gutiar to start the match.} At first this was an unfair fight, with Jarrett toying with Dusty and knowing that Dustin can't interfere to help. Dustin continued to watch in anger. That is until Dusty turned the momentum in his flavor. It was an open fight and just as Dusty was going to win. Stroke. Jarrett hit him with the Stroke. As the fans throw trash in the ring Jarrett instead decides to apply the Figure Four Lock on Dusty which gives him no choice but to tap out in his last match ever. Your winner via Submission in 17:24: Jeff Jarrett {Post match the fans boo Jarrett out of the building as he taunts his ass on out of there. Dusty eyes start to tear up as he mouths to the crowd, thank you. A whole Dusty chant rises.} [A video airs to hype up the main event.} {In the ring we see Micheal Buffer the most famous Ring Announcer in history.} [B]Buffer:[/B] Are you ready for tonight's main event?{Crowd pop.} For the thousands in attendance here in Atlanta, Georiga and for the millions watching at home. LETTTTTTTTTT'S GET READY TO RUMMMMMMMMMMMBBLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! {The first person to show up is Scott Steiner himself who gets the biggest heel heat of the night. He comes out with his freaks as the fans continue to shout abuse at the man. He enters the ring and does a pose in the ring. The next man to come out is Ric Flair who gets a mixed reaction. He's wearing an unique robe as he struts to the ring . He enters the ring and lets out a "Whooooooooooo!" The next person to enter is Sting who gets a huge pop. He comes out face paint and every thing and enters the ring. Then comes 'GOLDBERG!' Bill Goldberg comes with the Georgia Police surrounding him. He's showered in fireworks. He lets off his classic pyro as the fans chant GOLD-BERG over and over again. He enters the ring and taunts for the fans. The last person to come out is Booker T. He taunts and lets his pyro go off as well. As the crowd goes crazy he's high fiving the fans. He enters the ring to start this match.} The main event match was pretty good and very enjoyable. It started when Flair and Steiner teamed up against Goldberg while Booker and Sting brawled it out. steiner then turned his attention on Booker and started to beat the crap out of him. As the match progressed we see them get more and more desperate for the win. A memorable spot is when Goldberg Jackhammered Sting through the Announcer's Table. As the crowd got more excited it was at the end when Steiner hit Sting with the Frankensteiner and had him in the Steiner Recliner but out of nowhere, the Book Man hit him with a huge Round House Kick. to knock him out. He picked up Steiner and ended him with the Book End for the three count. Your winner via Pinfall in 26:01: Booker T {The fans in the arena explode as Booker T is handed the wCw World Heavyweight Champion. Booker celebrates with the title as confetti falls from the celling. All of a sudden 'Back in Black' by AC/DC hits the P.A. as the crowd boos. Eric Bischoff has the mic in his hand.} [B]Bischoff:[/B] Well, well, well. My hats off for you. Good job. I would just like to inform you that tommorow night at 9PM EST on the Fox Network, Monday Night Nitro RETURNS! And what better way to shake things up is that you will defend your title against wCw's newest signing and here he is! {The fans wait with anticipatition as 'Walk' by Pantera hits as the fans ERUPT and out comes "The Whole ****ing Show" Rob Van Dam. Van Dam is doing his signature thumb pose while Booker T is staring back at him as the Big Bang comes to an end. What will happen next? Tune in tommorow night on Fox! at 9PM EST to find out!}[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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OCC- I was wondering if anyone could make me a Nitro header if possible please. anyways here your daily dose of rumors [CENTER][QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]Quote: Originally Posted by wrestling-heat.com March 28th, 2001[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="5"]MORE ON ROB VAN DAM'S DEBUT AND wCw NEWS:[/SIZE][/B] -That's right, ECW legend RVD debuted in wCw last night. It's believed that management is high on him and he will recive a push. Some members of wCw Management are cautious bdefore pushing him as he is known to have a drug problem and the last wCw wants, is to have him exposed as a druggie to the public. - Also wCw Nitro debuts tonight in the MGM Studios. With a capacity of roughly 10,000, they hope to sell out tonight. - Another note is that wCw have announced their offical roster which brings the total to 43. Here's the list:[LIST] [*]Booker T - wCw Champion [*]Scott Steiner [*]Road Warrior Hawk [*]Road Warrior Animal [*]Goldberg [*]Sting [*]Shane Douglas [*]The Great Muta [*]Disco Inferno [*]Shane Helms [*]Jushin Lyger [*]Steve Corino [*]Raven [*]Mike Awesome [*]Rey Mysterio Jr. - wCw Tag Team [*]Billy Kidman - wCw Tag Team [*]Sean O' Haire [*]Chris Kanyon [*]DDP [*]Kevin Nash [*]Jerry Lynn [*]Ron Killings [*]Justin Credible [*]Lance Storm [*]Konnan [*]The Juice [*]Ultimo Drogan [*]Mr. Perfect [*]Chavo Guerreruo [*]Rob Van Dam [*]Jeff Jarrett [*]Blitzreg [*]Chuck Palumbo [*]Mark Jindrak [*]D'Lo Brown [*]Tajiri [*]Mike Sanders [*]Buff Bagwell [*]The Cat [*]Chris Candido [*]Bryan Clark [*]Brian Adams [/LIST][/FONT][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[quote=Sarcasm;531228]No feedback?[/quote] I wouldn't be expecting feedback as you just started the diary.. I know it sounds harsh but people are like that.. It takes time for the readers to get into the story and characters, and as it has been mentioned many times before that a lot of people just stop by and read, without giving comments and/or feedback. Just keep on writing and posting, doing everything just like before. And hopefully the readers will come, read, and comment. :) EDIT: I know.. When I started my first diary a while back, I was so frustrated. But eventually the readers will come. Just concentrate on the diary and try to do your best. Have fun with it, don't take it too seriously. It's not life and death.. :p
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[QUOTE=FINisher;531230]I wouldn't be expecting feedback as you just started the diary.. I know it sounds harsh but people are like that.. It takes time for the readers to get into the story and characters, and as it has been mentioned many times before that a lot of people just stop by and read, without giving comments and/or feedback. Just keep on writing and posting, doing everything just like before. And hopefully the readers will come, read, and comment. :)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the advice. I guess I just get too impatient at times.
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][SIZE="2"][B][U]wCw Nitro preview:[/U][/B] World Championship Wrestling has risen from the grave and has a new home on the FOX! Network. Monday Night Nitro returns tonight live at the sold out wCw Arena. With a huge line up in store for the premire this is a Nitro that you dont want to miss. At The Big Bang, Booker T silenced all of his critics when he retained his World Heavyweight Champion against four of wCw top wrestlers in a great 5 way brawl. But the real suprise came after the match when new owner of wCw, Eric Bischoff announced the newest signing for World Championship Wrestling in "The Whole ****ing Show" Rob Van Dam. Arguabley one of the biggest free agents out there, this will be making waves here in wCw. Then Bischoff announced that on the premire of Monday Night Nitro, Booker T will have to face his biggest challenge yet when he defends his wCw Champion again RVD. Can Booker retain his momentum? Or will RVD be the first person in wCw history to win the World Title in their debut match? Tune in tonight, 9PM EST only on FOX! Also here is the scheduled matches: "Superstar" Shane Helms vs AJ Styles [B][U]A Perfect Re-Debut Match:[/U][/B] Mr. Perfect vs The Cat The Flithy Animalz vs Chavo Guerreruo and Disco Inferno Shane Douglas vs Jerry Lynn Jeff Jarrett vs DDP [B]wCw World Championship:[/B] Booker T vs RVD[/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT]
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"Superstar" Shane Helms vs [B]AJ Styles[/B] [I]I hope AJ gets a push here in this WCW Diary, it would of been good to see AJ reach the heights of the real WCW back in the day so with that never going to happen now maybe we can all relive that dream here. Beating Helms should be a good start as AJ pushes on...[/I] [B][U]A Perfect Re-Debut Match:[/U][/B] [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] vs The Cat [I]Curt has to win here, his perfect re-debut wouldn't be perfect otherwise lol[/I] [B]The Flithy Animalz[/B] vs Chavo Guerreruo and Disco Inferno [I]Disco is the weak link on his and Chavo's team so i'll go with The Filthy Animals. [/I] [B]Shane Douglas[/B] vs Jerry Lynn [I]Shane Douglas deserves a really big push in a WCW diary, hopefully he gets it in this one. [/I] [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs DDP [I]As a Jarrett mark I'll always pick a Jarrett victory[/I] :cool: [B]wCw World Championship:[/B] [B]Booker T[/B] vs RVD [I]It would be silly to end his run now, RVD needs to earn his shot first in WCW. Booker is the man right now.... well that's how I see it anyway...[/I]
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[QUOTE=Sarcasm;531231]Thanks for the advice. I guess I just get too impatient at times.[/QUOTE] Its understandable. It can be frustrating when you see the Views count go up, but there aren't many posts, except for maybe some predictions. I think a big part of the reason for that is because so many promising diaries are started but then get abandoned after a couple of shows. So a lot of readers will give you time to run with it a bit and prove you will keep going before getting too involved. It can make the first month or two of a new diary a bit tougher to write, it seems.
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