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Chaotic Championship Wrestling

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[CENTER][B]I have a great belief in the fact that whenever there is chaos, it creates wonderful thinking. I consider chaos a gift.[/B] - [I]Septima Poinsette Clark [/I][/CENTER] We've been through this before. It seems that whenever the industry hits a lull point... My father starts spouting off about how "they are doing it all wrong". How "they" are taking a golden opportunity and "flushing it straight down the toilet". I wish I could say this is the first time I've been subjected to this mindless rant... however, It's been a common occurrence now for the last few years. Now my father will be the first man to remind you that he has acquired millions upon millions of dollars by being a cut throat business man. By sensing a weakness in his competitors and then using that weakness to his advantage. What was it that he use to say? Something like... "When they show their true selves... The un-inspired, the non-creative, the mindless drone... Is when they've made their biggest mistake. The second they show their downfalls... You go in for the kill... And you step on their throats until they are unable to go on". I'm sure it sounds rather morbid in a way, however, this is how he made his fortune... This is how he became relevant. So recently when my Father started to rant once again about how those in wrestling were "dropping the ball".... I thought of it as nothing more than a once proud business man who was now trying to find any certain way to stay.... relevant. He had sold off his company years ago and had very deep pockets to show for it. He had everything he had ever wanted... and yet.... He found himself unbelievably alone. He needed a project... He needed something to, once again, challenge his intuitive sense. However, I never thought it would be this... Over the years he had been a silent donor for most upstart wrestling promotions based out of the South West. He would strut into a business meeting with said promotions and lay out his "vision" for the companies future. He had that gleam in his eye again... He felt in control again... but that would all come crashing down each and every time as these companies would take money from him and then pretty much shove him aside like the useless ATM machine they thought of him as. He was there to serve one purpose..... that was to dispense donations and then disappear from the room as fast as he came in. You could see it starting to boil under his skin. Starting to ooze from his eyes uncontrollably... Like a plague of the soul. Hatred.... Disgust..... Vengeance.
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While my father would be an obvious tool in my professional career, I never used our name to "climb the ranks". The name itself is quite common.... Thomas. The legacy of our branch has been that of white collar development. A borderline sense of celebrity status within the knife wear industry. I could have sat back and done nothing for myself... Been a trust fund child far beyond my childhood and sucked my father dry financially until we both scrambled to find a new way to acquire wealth. I've seen how those people live their lives and I wanted nothing of the sort for myself. So I sought out to make a career for myself. A life long wrestling fan (even with my Father's obsessive ranting playing on a loop in my ear like some subway system PA) I wanted nothing more than to find my niche within the industry. I started at the bottom of the food chain... Selling merchandise for a local wrestling company or two. Even found myself doing so for one of the most prominent West Coast promotions in history (The CZCW) but... It never left me fulfilled. Sure, I enjoyed hanging around with the boys in the back... It gave me a peep hole's glimpse into the world that I desperately wanted to be apart of... but... at the end of the day... I was just another lowly expendable volunteer who meant nothing to nobody. I had spent the last 6 months trying to land a wrestling columnist job with no real progress to show for it. That was until my resume peaked interest with a popular online wrestling publication based out of Los Angeles. They never mentioned the fact that they knew who my father was but I was sure that was one of the main reasons I landed the job. Probably because they felt they could use me as a "tool".... An unwilling, unaware operative into my father's wealth. That may be the reason they hired me (Which they still deny to this day)... but it was my "voice" that kept me there for the next 2 years. I started to sound like my father more and more every week... The SWF would generate a stupid sense of logic and there I was... Bashing them as if they were a glass jar holding millions of dollars ripe for the picking. When TCW and the USPW began to push for more "wholesome entertainment"... There I was.... Crying out to the wrestling gods to somehow bring SOMETHING... ANYTHING to the table that could challenge this "kiddy friendly" wrestling that everyone was seemingly raving about. Praying selfishly on my knees for some sense of counter-culture to the "after school special" we were all being subjected to. Little did I know.... That it would be my Father who would answer my pleas.... A plea for Chaos... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/GilThomas.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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My father was seemingly locked in a state of absolute lust. He knew the time had come... that the point was right.... and that it was now time to "start again". Not truly in the personal sense but rather in the financial sector. He would proceed to leave voice mail after voice mail on my cell phone about "big news" and how I had to call him back immediately. If you knew my Father then this sort of behavior would end up as quite alarming. He never really found himself that excited.... mad... yes... Driven... yes.... Excited? Hardly ever. In our next phone conversation (the first one since his constant shock and awe tactic of phone messaging) I found myself on the other end of a talk I thought I neverwould have with my Father. He wanted to open his own wrestling promotion based out of California. The same place he had once had success before... developing one of the strongest national brands in knife wear in our countries history. With any other person I would have written it off as another "pipe dream"... Another sense of wishful thinking... however... With my Father, Anything was possible. Cliche? I guess.... But it was the truth. If my Father, Mr. Gil Thomas, says that he is opening a new wrestling promotion... then don't bet against the man. He will do so and he will not rest until it's the most successful company within its industry. He has done it once before... and he will do it again. For a second I was somewhat afraid... Would I loose my job at the wrestling publication that I had worked my ass off for years at? Would they cut me from their roster claiming that my affiliation with my Father's new company would pose a "conflict of interest" that would dilute my opinion? The fear was creeping more and more into my mind as I completely spaced out on the conversation with my Father and began to drift elsewhere. That was until he said something that changed my life... Something that would change our relationship for the rest of our lives... and something that would change the course of the wrestling industry for years to come (even if no one knew it at this point).... He commended me on my work as a wrestling columnist (something he had never done before... Honestly, I didn't even know he read my articles since it was never brought up in any way... shape or form) and felt that my vision for the future of pro wrestling was not only a "breath of fresh air in an industry full of copy cats" but also a catalyst for change. Change.... that he wanted to capitalize on. The conversation ended with him officially offering me the position of head booker. A position where I would be in full control of creative decisions within the company. I didn't hesitate..... I declared my love for the project and within a matter of seconds... I had an official contract streaming out of my fax machine.... A contract with [B]Chaotic Championship Wrestling[/B].... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW_Logo04.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE] [I][OOC: The logo above is one I just found in a google search. I was looking to pick up a logo for the company that was specific to this dynasty... So I didn't have to steal some real companies logo, but for the time being this will work.][/I][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B]Chaotic Championship Wrestling[/B] Owner: Gil Thomas Head Booker: Sean Thomas[/CENTER] [U]Company Profile[/U] Chaotic Championship Wrestling is exactly that... Absolute Chaos cloaked in rebellious, "never say die", quazi-self destructive warfare that carries a sense of counter-culture to the current U.S. wrestling scene. In a day an age where most companies are leaning towards "Family Friendly" products, The CCW is unapollogetically focused on delivering a more adult-based form of entertainment. Not necassarily in an overt way, however, cheating away from "Over the top" childish characters and shifting more towards a darker collective persona. From an organizational standpoint, The company is owned by West Coast based millionaire Gil Thomas. Mr. Thomas over sees the financial outlook of the company as his son, Sean, is dedicated primarily to the creative end of the CCW. [U]Product[/U] Key Feature: [I]Traditional[/I] Heavy: [I]Cult, Mainstream[/I] Medium: [I]Risque, Modern, Hardcore, Daredevil[/I] Low: [I]Comedy, Realism[/I] Very Low: [I]Pure[/I] Match Ratio: [I]80% PPV / 70% TV[/I] Match Intensity: [I]40%[/I] Match Danger: [I]55%[/I] T&A Levels: [I]High[/I] Face/Heel Divide: [I]Medium[/I] [U]Prestige Levels and Starting Cash[/U] Company Size: [I]Regional[/I] Starting Cash: [I]1,000,000[/I] Prestige: [I]E[/I] [U]Popularity Levels[/U] Great Lakes (USA): [I]F-[/I] Mid Atlantic (USA): [I]F-[/I] Mid South (USA): [I]F+[/I] Mid West (USA): [I]F[/I] New England (USA): [I]F-[/I] North West (USA): [I]E[/I] South East (USA): [I]F-[/I] South West (USA): [I]E+[/I] Tri State (USA): [I]F-[/I] Puerto Rico (USA): [I]F-[/I] Hawaii (USA): [I]F[/I] [U]Importance Levels[/U] Great Lakes (USA): [I]F-[/I] Mid Atlantic (USA): [I]F-[/I] Mid South (USA): [I]F+[/I] Mid West (USA): [I]F[/I] New England (USA): [I]F-[/I] North West (USA): [I]E-[/I] South East (USA): [I]F-[/I] South West (USA): [I]E+[/I] Tri State (USA): [I]F-[/I] Puerto Rico (USA): [I]F-[/I] Hawaii (USA): [I]F-[/I] [U]Owner Goals[/U] Goal #1: You cannot hire or extend the contact of anybody who is known to have problems with the Law. Goal #2: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than D- safety.
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[QUOTE][B]Exert from CCW.com[/B] We, here at Chaotic Championship Wrestling, are excited to announce that our first event will take place on the 4th Saturday of January 2008. While the roster is still quite tentative, We are focused on delivering a show that will not only be worth the money of admission... but... Will stand as a Historic day in the wrestling industry here in the United States. With that being said, We've decided that our first event will be titled "CCW - Chapter 1". The name was developed to illustrate the beginning of a new chapter in American pro wrestling. An event that will not only lay the foundation for "future chapters" but will also shake the very foundation we've been forced to accept by un-inspired companies proclaiming that they are the best, however, then falling short with a real lack of true wrestling entertainment. While speaking with CCW owner, Gil Thomas, we received a short message to those who are curious to attend the show & or watch it streamlined through the internet. He states: "The CCW has made it our mission to not only entertain you as wrestling fans but also deliver a cutting edge, provocative, counter-culture product that will force you to leave the kids with a babysitter. Chaotic Championship Wrestling will be your escape from the overly sensitive childlike programming we've seen in Pro Wrestling for quite some time now and will usher in a new era of mainstream challenging wrestling. I'm not saying that we are going to pick the ball up from where DaVe left off, however, we are the new face of rebellious wrestling." For more information, Visit [url]www.CCW.com[/url]. [/QUOTE] ...
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Hardcore Harry? That's just.. An understatement. Of all the names Larry Wood has had from Kaos to Pisschrist to Larry "Hard" Wood.. :P I'll be reading, depending on how you construct your shows. :) I'm glad that you are alternating the names and personalities, it always refrehns the feel.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;532185]Hardcore Harry? That's just.. An understatement. Of all the names Larry Wood has had from Kaos to Pisschrist to Larry "Hard" Wood.. :P I'll be reading, depending on how you construct your shows. :) I'm glad that you are alternating the names and personalities, it always refrehns the feel.[/QUOTE] Yea, Hardcore Harry was something that I wanted to go with him. In the past I've always pushed him as "Patient X". A legit psychopath with doctors and everything, however, I plan on pushing some other monster heels over him... So, I needed something for him to make it obvious who he is... A Hardcore wrestler. I plan on pushing him as a dim-whited, weapon wielding fighter. So, pretty much Hacksaw Jim Duggin but the old school version of him when he was more of a vicious guy. Thanks to everyone who has checked out the dynasty so far! I plan on constructing the first show over the next two days (Since I have off on Sunday and Monday) and should have it up hopefully soon!
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[QUOTE][B]Exert from CCW.com[/B] The CCW's historic debut event, "Chapter 1", is only days away and we have received fragments of the official card. Listed below are a few matches that have been cemented for the event. The McWade Brothers vs. The Tokyo Express Teddy Powell vs. Ultimate Phoenix Vic Violence vs. Hardcore Harry vs. Dante Vicious [Hardcore Match - Bring your own weapons from home to pass along to your favorite superstar] And Finally.... A match inolving the likes of: Steve Flash, Alex Braun, Mr. Morgan, Killer Colossus, Grandmasta Phunk, and Jumbo Jackson. The final outcome of this match will declare who the Number One Contenders are to the CCW Universal Championship. Plus, many more matches from some of your favorite CCW superstars all in one night! CCW: "Chapter 1".... The Inception of Chaos! [/QUOTE] ...
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[QUOTE]Instead of posting the pictures of the CCW superstars in every show post, I thought it would be better to create a superstar's page towards the beginning of the overall thread. For those new readers who come in later, I'll always leave a post at the bottom of shows to tell them that there are pictures of the superstars located on the first page of the thread. That way, You can have a visual of the wrestlers and have a better idea of the characters being developed. This page will be updated every time a gimmick/picture changes for a superstar and will also show updated tag teams and champions! So all in all, Treat this post as the superstars website of sorts.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/CCW_Logo04-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]CCW Universal Championship[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/CCW_Universal.jpg?t=1228086473[/IMG] [B]CCW United States Championship[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/CCW_United.jpg?t=1228086525[/IMG] [B]CCW Tag Team Championships[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/CCW_Tag.jpg?t=1228086558[/IMG] [CENTER][B][U]CCW Superstars[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Alex Braun[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/AlexBraun.jpg?t=1228084319[/IMG] [B]Apocalypse[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/TheBigProblem_alt2.jpg?t=1228084259[/IMG] [B]Cat Jemeson[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/CatJemson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dallas McWade[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/DallasMcWade.jpg?t=1228084371[/IMG] [B]Dante Vicious[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/TheDarknessWarrior_alt.jpg?t=1228084439[/IMG] [B]Dean McWade[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/DeanMcWade.jpg?t=1228084488[/IMG] [B]Des Davids[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/DesDavids_alt.jpg?t=1228084523[/IMG] [B]Genio Verde[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/GenioVerde.jpg?t=1228084578[/IMG] [B]Grandmasta Phunk[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg?t=1228084641[/IMG] [B]Grunt[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/Grunt.jpg?t=1228084690[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Harry[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/LarryWood.jpg?t=1228084776[/IMG] [B]Hollywood Hernandez[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/MainstreamHernandez_alt4.jpg?t=1228084816[/IMG] [B]Jack Griffith[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/JackGriffith.jpg?t=1228084854[/IMG] [B]Jumbo Jackson[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg?t=1228084905[/IMG] [B]Kazu[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/KazumaNarato.jpg?t=1228084945[/IMG] [B]Killer Colossus[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/HellsBouncer_alt.jpg?t=1228085010[/IMG] [B]Manic Mario[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] w/ Katie Cameron [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/MattSparrow.jpg?t=1228085048[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mick Muscles[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/MickMuscles.jpg?t=1228085092[/IMG] [B]Mr. Morgan[/B] w/ Aldwin [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/JDMorgan_alt.jpg?t=1228085147[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/PlayboyJakeSawyer.jpg?t=1228090402[/IMG] [B]Ota[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/FumihiroOta.jpg?t=1228085189[/IMG] [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/PuertoRicanPower.jpg?t=1228085234[/IMG] [B]Sam Pratt[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/TheCannonballKid.jpg?t=1228085283[/IMG] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg?t=1228085325[/IMG] [B]Silver Shark[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/SilverShark.jpg?t=1228085362[/IMG] [B]Steve Flash[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/SteveFlash.jpg?t=1228085402[/IMG] [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/StevieGrayson_alt1.jpg?t=1228085442[/IMG] [B]Stink[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/Stink.jpg?t=1228085464[/IMG] [B]Teddy Powell[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/TeddyPowell_alt2.jpg?t=1228085496[/IMG] [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/UltimatePhoenix.jpg?t=1228085539[/IMG] [B]Vic Violence[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/LeadBelly.jpg?t=1228085580[/IMG] [CENTER][B][U]CCW Tag Teams[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]The Geek Squad[/B] - Genio Verde & Sam Pratt [B]The McWade Brothers[/B] - Dallas & Dean McWade [B]The Nation of Filth[/B] - Grunt & Stink [B]The Societal Misfits[/B] - Jumbo Jackson & Teddy Powell [B]The Tokyo Express[/B] - Kazu & Ota [CENTER][B][U]CCW Annoucing Team[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Sean Thomas[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/SeanThomas.jpg?t=1228085931[/IMG] [B]Sienna DeVille[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/SiennaDeVille.jpg?t=1228086030[/IMG]
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[B]Saturday, 4th Week of January - 2008[/B] The Snake Pit Attendance: 1,000 [QUOTE]Sean Thomas, headbooker of CCW, opens the show as he makes his way out to the ring with a mic in hand. Those within the Snake Pit gave Thomas a respectful ovation as the son of the owner stood before the crowd and proclaimed tonight as the beginning of a NEW ERA in Pro Wrestling. He goes on to talk about how the CCW may look different than your SWF's... your TCW's... Hell, even your USPW's... However, this was the true home for pro wrestling. He would continue to bash the "family friendly" wrestling product that the "big three" have decided to move forward with and vowed that here in the CCW... You will never see us stripping our product down just to make more money! In the end, He hyped Steve Flash... Grandmasta Phunk... Killer Colossus, and Mr. Morgan... Saying that these are the true faces of Pro Wrestling... men who have busted their backs for years on the indy scene... Men who don't make millions of dollars like those in the SWF.. Men who will put their lives on the line every night just because they love what they do. These are the REAL superstars in wrestling... Not those fluffy, high priced, pri-Madonnas in the "big three" who call their craft "wrestling". In the end, Thomas perpetuates the image that the CCW is here because YOU allow it to be here... YOU want a counter-culture wrestling promotion and WE will give it to you! By the end of the promo the crowd is seemingly eating this all up as they begin to chant "Thank you" over and over again. Segment Grade: D+ Segment Length: 3 Minutes[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The McWade Brothers vs. The Tokyo Express[/B] [I]Tag Team Match[/I] The opening match was your quit essential battle of speed and power. The McWade Brothers (both Big Heavyweights) worked the match extremely stiff and used their intensely aggressive fighting style to beat the much smaller Tokyo Express into the mat repeatedly. Whenever Ota or Kazu found themselves on the offensive it was often short lived. A high spot here.... A quick, and almost always, flashy strike there.... Their high impact style would normally grant them a victory rather quickly.... However, The McWade Brothers always found a way to once again control the tempo. At one point, Kazu was viciously pushed off of the top rope and sent crashing to the cement on the outside (as there is really no padding outside of the CCW ring). The fall looked quite sick as Kazu landed harshly on his shoulder... finally coming to a stop as he lifelessly rolled into rusted metal security barrier surrounding the ringside area. As the referee stuck his head out to check up on Kazu, Ota (The actual legal man at the time) staggered to his feet and was met with a double chokeslam in the middle of the ring. Ota laid lifeless as Dallas McWade quickly rolled out of the ring leaving Dean for the pin fall victory. Winner: Dean McWade over Ota via double chokeslam at the 6:47 mark. Match Grade: D+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]We cut backstage to see Sam Pratt getting ready for his match in a hysterical manor. Pratt stands in the shot wearing a black cape, a ninja turtle like mask, and wielding a cardboard sword that was obviously cut out of a box and drawn on by a handful of crayons. He dives behind boxes, kicks himself off of walls all the while swinging his make-shift sword around in the air as if he was in some sort of ancient roman battle. As this is going on we see various CCW employees standing in the hallways watching... Some laughing their asses off... and some watching on as if to say "What the hell are you doing?". All in all, Pratt lands... what seems to be... a kill stab on an imaginary warrior in front of him as he yells out "I am the Victor!!! Puerto Rican Power... You will fall victim to Lord Pratt's Wrath!!!". Finally, ending the sequence off with Pratt running down the hallway as his cape flaps behind him. Segment Grade: D+ Segment Length: 2 Minutes[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Dante Vicious vs. Hardcore Harry vs. Vic Violence[/B] [I]Triple Threat Hardcore Match - "Weapon's from the Crowd!"[/I] While the match suffered to deliver a knock-out response from the crowd, This all-out hardcore brawl was the most talked about match with the CCW internet viewers. A sickening bloody affair, The three warriors in this match did not disappoint. From the very start Vic Violence made a shocking move when he put out his cigarette on the chest of Hardcore Harry. The crowd's response was that of horror as Harry staggered backwards rubbing his chest in immense pain. This would ignite (no pun intended) a hellacious brawl between Hardcore Harry and Vic Vicious through out the rest of the match. Whenever one was actually able to pull themselves back up to their feet... They went right back towards the other. Almost forgetting completely about Dante Vicious in the process. That was until Dante received a Louisville slugger from the crowd and practically broke Vic's back with a crushing swing on the outside. This would mark the last time that Dante Vicious was ever really in control as Hardcore Harry dominated.. Taking advantage of the injured Vic Vicious. As the match grew closer to it's end we found all three men bleeding heavily from their foreheads (and Hardcore Harry sporting a burn spot on his chest). Their bodies were scattered in the isle way to the ring as the fans were chanting "we want more" over and over again like a pack of wolves thirsty for blood. Hardcore Harry was the first to his feet as he set up Vic for a powerbomb on the concrete floor, however, he was unable to get Vic up much past a piledriver.. Slamming Vic's his head into the ground. It looked as if it was all over... but somehow... Vic Violence kicked out. This was followed by a resounding "Holy F*ck" chant filling the arena. Harry would then try to seal the deal by staggering to the ring and taking a chair wrapped in barbed wire with him back to the now semi-conscious Violence. Harry lifted the chair high above his head and Violence in an act of desperation lands a thunderous low blow with his right leg.... Kicking Harry square between the legs with as much force as he could muster. Harry tries to still swing the chair, however, falls to his knees in a quick thud. This opened the door for Vic Violence to get back to his feet... Picking up the chair and landing it square on the forehead of the still recovering Hardcore Harry. Harry falls to the ground screaming out in pain as he quickly grabs his face. Vic would land 3 more shots from the barbed wire steel chair before he barely lifts a unconscious Harry to his knees... Quickly DDT'ing him down onto the cement. It was the DDT that finally put the beast to rest. Winner: Vic Violence over Hardcore Harry with a DDT on the concrete floor at the 7:40 mark. Match Grade: D-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The match comes to an end as Vic Violence slowly pulls himself up by using the steel security rail behind him. He leans his back up against it, seated on the cement, as blood flows from his forehead like a waterfall. The referee raises his lifeless hand as Violence actually begins to smile... A twisted moment in CCW history Segment Grade: E+ Segment Length: 1 Minute[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Puerto Rican Power vs. Sam Pratt[/B] [I]Singles Match[/I] The match-up between the towering powerhouse (Puerto Rican Power) and the socially awkward high flier (Sam Pratt) was hands down the worst match of the night. Both men meant well, however, their in-ability to work well with each other ended up as the "nail in the coffin". The two CCW superstars looked completely lost the entire time and the crowd quickly picked up on it as they declared the match "boring" through their feverish chanting. It looked as if the two finally had settled into the match when Sam dodged a San Juan Rush from PRP and instead landed a spinning heel kick moments after... You would think that would set the tone for the rest of the match, however, PRP killed that notion when he completely no sold the heel kick... Instead, overpowering Sam back down to the mat and then finally landing the second attempt of his famous San Juan Rush in the corner of the ring. There was nothing Pratt could do... He was motionless as PRP made the cover for the three count. Winner: Puerto Rican Power over Sam Pratt with a "San Juan Rush" at the 7:38 mark. Match Grade: E+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Grandmasta Phunk is seen standing in front of his locker room backstage with a smug grin running across his face. He would take this opportunity to rip into his opponents Alex Braun, and Mr. Morgan for being only "stepping stones in the way of his championship win". He even went as far as to attack his own tag partners, Steve Flash and Jumbo Jackson... calling them "un-worthy of his alliance". Phunk would reiterate that he is the real attraction here in the CCW... While other superstars are just trying to pick up a win.... He is pulling in title shots and headlining events. Before the promo came to an end, Phunk would stop for a second... smirk.... And then proclaim that "Tonight, The CCW.... the world... Will understand why... Phunk is the only TRUE wrestling superstar!".... "So, get out your popcorn... Dim the lights... Whisper something sweet in that hunnies ear.... and watch a TRUE playa take one step closer to what is truly his.... the CCW Universal Championship!" Segment Grade: C- Segment Length: 6 Minutes[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Teddy Powell vs. Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [I]Singes Match[/I] This match was, hands down, the best match of the night as both Powell and Phoenix delivered a match that could only be summed up as a "High Octaine Affair". Their obvious Aerial skills made for a jaw dropping performance as the two of them held nothing back. At certain points through out the match it seemed as if these two competitors were spending more time jumping off of the top rope than actually focusing in on pinning the other. High spot was followed by High spot as the match really could have gone either way. The tide started to shift towards Powell pretty heavily towards the end of the match as it seemed that Ultimate Phoenix was starting to physically slow down. A top rope full extension elbow drop from Teddy was thought to be the end of the match until the resilient Phoenix found a way to kick his left foot up onto the bottom rope. This enraged Powell, thinking he had the win, as he began to recklessly assault Phoenix... Throwing him into the corner... Hoping to execute a running double knee strike... but... Phoenix, in a veteran move, ducked aside... Having Powell smash into the turnbuckle with both knees. He looked to be in a great deal of pain as Phoenix would quickly capitalize... Landing move after move until he finally hit the Phoenix Firebird Splash!! Before the referee could drop for the count he was closelined from behind by an emerging Jumbo Jackson. The referee never saw it coming and laid in the middle of the ring holding his neck.. face down and in obvious pain. Jackson would then proceed to lay out Ultimate Phoenix in overwhelming fashion... Finally finishing the assault with a Jumbo Avalanche! Phoenix is out cold as Jackson helps Teddy up to his feet. Powell motions for Jackson to lift Phoenix up and he does so... As Powell swings in and lands the Motion Censor on a semi-conscious Phoenix. Teddy drops down for the pin as Jackson exits the ring... Nudging the ref's leg with his foot on the way out. The referee slowly raises his head in pain.. wincing the entire time as he counts to three. Winner: Teddy Powell over Ultimate Phoenix with a "Motion Censor" following an run-in assault from Jumbo Jackson at the 12:48 mark. Match Grade: C-[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The match comes to an end as the Societal Misfits Tag Team (Jumbo Jackson and Teddy Powell) celebrate in the ring following Powell's tainted victory over Ultimate Phoenix. The crowd is boo'ing like crazy as the two of them start to leave the ring. Powell turns back and flips the crowd off as this turns their boo'ing into an enraged chant of "F*ck you Powell". Segment Grade: D- Segment Length: 1 Minute[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Jack Griffith stands before crowd a recovering addict... A man who wants to get back to the world he once knew about his downward spiral. At least, That's what he says in his promo in the ring. Stating that he is ashamed of his previous behavior.. That he is saddened that he turned his back on the one thing that he loves... Pro Wrestling for the one thing that would come to destroy his life... Alcohol. He quickly then goes on to talk about how rehab has changed his life and he now stands before us as a changed man... A man looking to "turn over a new leaf". The crowd cheers accordingly for the once fallen superstar as Jack Griffith drops the mic in the middle of the ring and gets ready for his match with Stevie Grayson. Segment Grade: D+ Segment Length: 3 Minutes[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Jack Griffith vs. Stevie Grayson[/B] [I]Singes Match[/I] The match-up between Jack Griffith and Stevie Grayson was seemingly going to be a stale match on paper. Stevie Grayson has been working independent shows roughly ever since he was released by TCW and was considered to be a virtual unknown on a national scale as of late. The other half of the match brought us a struggling Jack Griffith... A man who is desperately trying to put his life back together and is using his vice, Pro Wrestling, as his form of mental and emotional therapy. You could see it on Griffith's face as he looked to be not only wrestling Stevie Grayson in the ring... but himself as well. The two went back and forth through out the entire match. It was clear to see that both men were completely on the same level both physically and mentally... Both wanted the win... And it showed. Griffith would gain the upper hand towards the beginning of the match as his pure intensity was enough to slow down the young Grayson. A string of simple technical moves from Griffith would ground Grayson... Only to finish the combo up with a leg lock that was considered to be a long rest hold by Griffith. Not sure if he already needed to slow his own attack down, not wanting to wear himself out early, or whether or not it was to actually inflict pain upon Grayson's right leg. The match would shortly teeter back to Grayson down the road as he caught Griffith off guard with a leaping superkick. After a few short counts, Grayson would consider his assault on the recovering Griffith... Throwing him all over the ring and landing a few high impact diving moves (closelines, kicking strikes, etc.) that would send Jack reeling to the mat. The match would continue to go back and forth as the two superstars seemed to be carbon copies of each other.... So much so that both of them tried to execute a cross body block at the same time while coming off of the ropes... Having both collide in mid air and crash to the mat. This impact would almost end the match at a Double Ten Count, however, Grayson would be the first man back to his feet. However, this is where the match got really interesting. At around the 8:00 minute mark, Stevie Grayson would attempt to hit Jack Griffith with yet another Super kick... However... A wounded Griffith would seemingly nudge the referee into the action.. Having the kick connect on the referee instead of Griffith. The move looked to be a complete subconscious decision... no thought process... Just an action of trying to save himself in a desperate manor. Griffith would land a high leaping dropkick to the face of Grayson having him fall hard on his back. Then, Griffith would roll out of the ring seemingly looking pissed off.. but for what? He mutters under his breath and grabs a steel chair from the ringside announcer... Not looking like the same man who had just proclaimed that he was "turning over a new leaf" and was a "Changed man". Griffith would throw the chair back into the ring and would slowly follow... He went to pick it up, however just as he went to swing it on a fallen Grayson.. He stopped himself. A true internal war was going on within the recovering addict as he wanted to do what was right... but only knew how to "cheat his way in life". He raised the chair again and then threw it back down on the mat. He would help Grayson up and try to beat him cleanly (well, as clean as he can now since he had a hand in the Ref being knocked out), however, Grayson found a second wind and started to comeback... Every move Griffith would try to land... Grayson had a counter. This seemingly enraged Griffith to the point that when Grayson went up top for an Aerial assault... Griffith quickly grabbed the idle steel chair and "swung for the fences" catching a flying Grayson on his way down from the top rope square in the face. It made a loud, sickening thud as Griffith stood in the right with a look of absolute disgust on his face. He threw the steel chair down onto the mat, shaking his head the entire time... Slowly dropping to his knees for the pin in an unwilling manor as he finally makes the cover. The referee wakes up in just enough time to count the three count as Jack Griffith wins the match... but he has shown that he is still a victim of his addict like behaviors. Winner: Jack Griffith over Stevie Grayson with a steel chair shot to the head at the 9:40 mark. Match Grade: D+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The referee goes to raise the hand of Jack Griffith but he refuses to comply. Instead, Griffith storms out of the ring in absolute disgust over what has happened tonight. Walking through the isleway to the back, Griffith is seen looking down at the ground as he mutters under his breath. Obviously not happy with the outcome of the match, Griffith shakes his head and goes into the back Segment Grade: D Segment Length: 1 Minute[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Grandmasta Phunk, Jumbo Jackson, and Steve Flash vs. Alex Braun, Killer Colossus, and Mr. Morgan[/B] [I]3 vs. 3 - The winning team will face off in a Triple Threat match for the CCW Universal Championship at a later date[/I] In the first ever CCW main event we saw two teams set for battle with the winning team coming away with a guaranteed triple threat match for the CCW Universal Championship. With that being said, Neither team was very happy with who was designed as their tag team partners. Grandmasta Phunk has made it very apparent that he dislikes Steve Flash and has gone even as far as to verbally attack Jumbo Jackson (another heel on his team). On the opposite team, We have the fading veteran Alex Braun having to team up with two heel's who are truly set on their own game plans. At the beginning of the match Braun is seen trying to talk to both Killer Colossus and Mr. Morgan about who should start the match, however, both Morgan and Colossus don't seem to be paying attention to him what so ever. Instead, Colossus shoulder bumps Braun as he steps into the ring and starts the match out against the indy icon, Steve Flash. This match-up would pose as a major mis-match as Killer Colossus ends up throwing Flash around the ring like a rag doll. Whipping him into the corner on several occasions and each and every time Flash goes flying to the ground holding his back in pain. Colossus would lift Flash up into the air with a double arm chokehold and looks as if he has Flash close to an early submission when all of a sudden Mr. Morgan slaps Colossus on the back and yells at Colossus to "leave the ring". Colossus stairs down Morgan and finally drops Flash to the ground as Morgan would go for the quick pin. When that fell short of the three count, Morgan would continue the assault on a fallen Flash as both Phunk and Jackson look quite pissed at the fact that Flash is without any offense. Morgan would deliver a large array of hard impact suplexes and following them up with ground-based submission holds that not only look to wear down Flash but, at some points, look as if he is about to make a quick defeat of the fallen Flash. The ice cold Morgan would lock in devastating submission move... Butterflying the arms of Steve Flash and shoving his knees into his back, rolling over and stretching out the injured back of Flash. This hold was quickly broken, however, by an emerging Alex Braun. Steve Flash would not be able to tag out for another 5 minutes as Morgan and Killer Colossus tagged in and out of the ring, mowing over the obviously broken down Flash. That was until, Steve finally fought off Morgan enough to dive towards Phunk for the tag. Phunk, however, would back away from the tag and laugh.. Instead, slapping the back of Steve Flash and stepping into the ring. Morgan nods his head and the two lock up and spar for short time before Alex Braun was shocking tagged in by Morgan. Phunk and Braun would carry the match for awhile as both men went back and forth with the upper hand. The match started to shift in tone though as Phunk lands a cheap shot on Braun as the referee was trying to pull them apart. This would spark a huge assault by Phunk... Dominating Braun down to the mat and finally fishing him off with a twisting neck breaker in the middle of the ring. Phunk would then dance around the ring like a C*cky ass... Strutting his way around the ring and grabbing for his jewel topped cane which laid in the corner of the ring. The referee goes to grab the cane from Phunk as Jumbo Jackson reaches out and tags himself in. Braun would go after Phunk, thinking he was the legal man, however would be mowed over by the powerhouse.. Jumbo Jackson. At one point, Jackson even ran at Morgan and knocked him off the apron with a thunderous big boot. Morgan crashed to the floor as Killer Colossus just watched on and smirks. Braun would slide in, however, for a quick pinfall... Only getting a one count. In the end, however, Jumbo Jackson gained the upper hand again and this time hits his "Jumbo Avalanche" on the unsuspecting Braun! Steve Flash, knowing that the match is in the bag, runs into the ring and dives at Killer Colossus who stands on the aipren.... And while he doesn't knock him off... He takes up his focus enough to allow Jumbo Jackson to take the pin fall. Winner: Jumbo Jackson over Alex Braun with a "Jumbo Avalanche" at the 12:46 mark. Match Grade: D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]The match comes to an end as Killer Colossus steps down from the apron.. Obviously pissed. Morgan struggles to his feet and begins to kick everything in his way around the ring as the two men make their way into the back. Meanwhile, a broken Steve Flash goes to celebrate the win... however... It's short lived as Grandmasta Phunk slides in from behind and assaults Flash with his jewel topped cane. A shot to the head, a shot to the back repeatedly, and finally ending the assault with Phunk jamming the end of the cane into the back of Steve Flash... over and over again. The event would come to a close as Grandmasta Phunk leaves the ring with his arms raised high in the air as if he was the one who won the match. Meanwhile, the crowd is throwing garbage down upon the New York pimp... and a fallen Steve Flash lays motionless in the middle of the ring. Segment Grade: D+ Segment Length: 1 Minute[/QUOTE] [B]Overall Show Grade: D+[/B]
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[QUOTE][B]Exert from CCW.com[/B] With the historic "Chapter 1" event behind us; CCW is looking towards the next great event in our immediate future. This next event will be entitled CCW "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" and will take place on the 2nd Thursday of February 2008. A live broadcasting will be done through CCW.com on the night of the event. So far, The only match that has been confirmed is a triple threat match for the CCW Universal Championship between Grandmasta Phunk, Jumbo Jackson, and Steve Flash. This match was developed from the fallout of the Main Event from "Chapter 1" where the team of Phunk, Jackson, and Flash were victorious in a 6 man tag match to declare the number one contenders to the Universal title. This match has been declared a "Elimination Match" by CCW owner Gil Thomas and will be the final match of the night. We are also excited to announce the signing of a new superstar to the CCW roster. Manic Mario is a flashy young flier who has acquired a heavy cult following in the South West region. A former CZCW Champion and a former 2 time SOTBPW Campeon de Menor... Mario is considered to be a highly talented young superstar and will certainly find much sucess within the CCW environment.[/QUOTE] ...
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[QUOTE][B]"St. Valentine's Day Massacre" Card[/B] [I]2nd Thursday of February - 2008[/I] * Grandmasta Phunk vs. Jumbo Jackson vs. Steve Flash [CCW Universal Championship match] * Killer Colossus vs. Alex Braun * The McWade Brothers vs. The Tokyo Express vs. The Nation of Filth vs. The Geek Squad [CCW Tag Team Championships Match] * Teddy Powell vs. Silver Shark * Apocalypse vs. Matt Sparrow[/QUOTE] ...
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* Grandmasta Phunk vs. Jumbo Jackson vs. [B]Steve Flash[/B] [CCW Universal Championship match] * [B]Killer Colossus[/B] vs. Alex Braun * [B]The McWade Brothers[/B] vs. The Tokyo Express vs. The Nation of Filth vs. The Geek Squad [CCW Tag Team Championships Match] * [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Silver Shark * Apocalypse vs. [B]Matt Sparrow[/B]
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* [B]Grandmasta Phunk[/B] vs. Jumbo Jackson vs. Steve Flash [CCW Universal Championship match] * [B]Killer Colossus[/B] vs. Alex Braun * The McWade Brothers vs. [B]The Tokyo Express[/B] vs. The Nation of Filth vs. The Geek Squad [CCW Tag Team Championships Match] * [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Silver Shark * Apocalypse vs. [B]Matt Sparrow[/B]
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Thank you both for making predictions!! I would love to make this Dynasty as interactive as possible (while also leaving some ambiguity so there is some shock to the whole thing as well). For every show I'll post a few matches on the card and there will most likely be at least a match or two that will take place that won't be on the original card. Anyways, Just wanted to say thank you for reading so far and going as far as to make predictions! :) It's nice to know that people are reading so far! "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" should be up sometime by the end of this week I'm thinking? Possibly earlier if I find some free time. Cheers.
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This is a good read so far. * [B]Grandmasta Phunk[/B] vs. Jumbo Jackson vs. Steve Flash [CCW Universal Championship match] * [B]Killer Colossus[/B] vs. Alex Braun * [B]The McWade Brothers[/B] vs. The Tokyo Express vs. The Nation of Filth vs. The Geek Squad [CCW Tag Team Championships Match] * [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Silver Shark * Apocalypse vs. [B]Matt Sparrow[/B]
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[CENTER][B][U]Random CCW Superstar Focus[/U][/B] [I]Alex Braun[/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Zobeto1/CCW/AlexBraun.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]How can you still seem like a threat in the wrestling world when you've obviously lost a step... or three. Alex Braun is trying to decipher this exact notion. While Braun was once a low level midcarder with the SWF under the gimmicky persona name "Ace Freeze"... It wasn't until he came to wrestle in DaVE where he became relevant in the wrestling world (With some saying that it went as far bask as his time in another East Coast Promotion - RPW). Now with the CCW, Braun is staggering into the twilight of his career. How can a seasoned veteran be taken as a considerable threat when he can be seen icing almost his entire body after each and every event. He has finally come to a point where, most nights, he seems to be a broken old man who is too proud to call an end to his own career... Rather, Subconciously praying for someone to end it for him. While this may be true... You would never hear an admission from the old-school Braun. He's a head strong competitor with the itch to do what he loves... Wrestle. Will the aging superstar ever find himself in the position of sucess again or rather are we witnessing the final lap in a long and respectful career? He is currently slated to compete against Killer Colossus at the upcoming CCW event, "St. Valentine's Day Massacre". While many believe that his heart alone may be enough to defeat the youngster... Many question whether or not heart is enough to score a pinfall on a Monster like Colossus. [/QUOTE]
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* Grandmasta Phunk vs. Jumbo Jackson vs. [B]Steve Flash [/B][CCW Universal Championship match] * [B]Killer Colossus[/B] vs. Alex Braun * [B]The McWade Brothers[/B] vs. The Tokyo Express vs. The Nation of Filth vs. The Geek Squad [CCW Tag Team Championships Match] * [B]Teddy Powell[/B] vs. Silver Shark * [B]Apocalypse[/B] vs. Matt Sparrow ...
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