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Just A Boy From New York City... (NYCW '08)

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[CENTER][COLOR="Purple"]Oo ah oo ah oo oo, Kitty Tell us about the boy From New York City Oo ah oo ah come on, Kitty Tell us about the boy From New York City He's kinda tall He's really fine, yeah, yeah, Someday I hope to make him mine, all mine yeah, yeah [/COLOR] The Ad Libs, 1965. "Boy From New York City." [IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii63/jesseewiak/ValadezValles.jpg[/IMG] [I]Handsome devil, huh? Proves that even a shlub like me can look good in a semi-tailored suit.[/I][/CENTER] I'd was born in the city. Lived here all my life. Went to school here. Got my first kiss outside the neighborhood deli from the cute Greek chick who Dad owned the deli. Graduated with honors from the local high school and got a few scholarship offers from the midwest. But, I knew I couldn't leave. So, instead, I went to City College. Got a job too. Of course, where that job was shocked the folks. They knew I was a wrestling fan of course, but they figured it was something I would grow out of. Probably right after I discovered girls. However, I persevered. Instead, I got wise to the business. Was smartened up by time I was ten even though I had inclinations when every Sam Strong match ended the same way. For some people, finding out what's behind the curtain ends their infatuation. In my case, it just made me wonder how it all happened. I subscribed to the Observer. Watched the rise of the SWF and the fall of the rest of the regionals. I still have the tape of the last AWF show in my collection somewhere. At the end of the day though, I should've lost my interest. Afryr all, that cute Greek girl grew up. So, did some other girls in the neighborhood and well I wasn't the toughest or greatest looking kid in the neighborhood (those honors went to Sammy Garafalo and Manuel Torres respectically), I could talk my way out of a jam and had a certain charisma that made people like me even if I had my geeky interests like wrestling and computers. It did help though that the East Coast Wars kicked in when I was thirteen or fourteen and really grew from a small fire to conflagaration by time I got my license. There was many a weekend when I took my junk '85 Buick Regal down to Philly to see a DAVE or RPW show or even go to the occasional SWF show when they came to town. But, there was one show where I had a standing ticket. Every month. New York City Wrestling. Yeah, it wasn't hardocre like XFW or had the edgy 'shoot' storylines or DAVE or even the great action of RPW. On the other hand, it had a few things. It had The Stomper. It had Whistler. It had Corporal Doom. By time I was about to enter college, most of the wrestlers knew me by sight. Doom even joked one time after a show as I hung out with my other geek friends at an all-night diner that it was almost time for me to join the training school. Of course, that was silly. I knew I couldn't be a wrestler. Hell, I couldn't even be a manager. Doom did give me an idea though. [CENTER][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii63/jesseewiak/TheStomper.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] So, it was the summer of 2001 when I went to the small warehouse in Hell's Kitchen that served as the NYCW offices, training school, and after-show party place. I'll be honest. I didn't think I had a chance. Stomper knew me of course. I was the [COLOR="Blue"]“kid that's always in the second row who knows the match history better than the guy's in the ring.” [/COLOR] At first, he thought I was angling for a spot in the next training camp. [COLOR="Blue"]“Look at you,” he said as he finished a puff of his stogie. “You're what, one-eighty soaking wet and you're only five eleven? Come on now. Maybe if we needed a manager.” [/COLOR] I disabused him of that notion. [COLOR="Green"]“I know I'm not going to be a worker. Believe me, I figured that the first time I saw Flash take a bump over the top on to the concrete. But, I need a job and I love this business. Let me help with putting the ring up, some office work, even doing the sound at shows. I mean, it's the twenty-first century and you guys are still using an ancient PA system to blast everybody's theme music. I don't need much. Just enough to have some walking around money and to help with the bills for my ma. I mean, I'm going to be at the shows every month anyway.” [/COLOR] Somehow, that worked. The next week, I was – well, I was scrubbing the floor after a training session. Thankfully, things got a little more enjoyable from there. Sure, I was still the gofer/after-session clean-up crew during training days, but I also helped scouting talent. [COLOR="Blue"] “After all kid, you're the one with the high-speed Internet and crazy ideas like flying people in from Mexico. Do I look like Eisen to you?”[/COLOR] He was still puffing on the cigar. OK, not my greatest idea but I had a point. It seemed like the same fifteen guys that had been there the last fifteen years. Sure, every so often a new guy showed up but he either went to the big-time quickly as NYCW was just a waystation or he stalled out here. The Big Problem, anybody? Or for the other end of the spectrum, Joey Freakin' Minnesota? I began to talk Stomper into things though. I know Flash was always going to win the Empire belt, but he was supposed to be a transitional reign to put it on Bailey to set up a Bailey-Whistler-Phunk three-way showdown for the belt. I talked Stomper into letting Flash keep the belt. It resulted in Chris Candido at grapplingfanatics calling Flash's reign with the belt, [COLOR="DarkRed"]“the first sign of creative booking since they gave Joey Minnesota the belt in a desperate gasp to keep him from DAVE.”[/COLOR] Which by the way, wasn't entirely true but Candido always had his own spin on things. It'd been seven years though. Now, Stomper had been generous. I was making decent money but the truth was, I was still living at home. I was barely making my student loan payments and for the most part, I was kind of looking for a real job after graduating from City College with my BA. Then came the biggest meeting of my life. I thought it was just another mid-month sitdown between Stomper and I. We always had a little chat. His reality check, he called it. I let him know what I thought needed to be tweaked, gave him any 'diamonds in the rough' I had spotted, and tried to talk him into opening up the shows a little more. Like I said, I think it was beginning to work. Flash was going to keep the title for a few months at least. Lee Wright, who was old and grizzled but hadn't been on NYCW shows for the last decade just took the Tri-State title off Sammy the Shark. It was almost like we had a direction. Then, he hit me with it. [COLOR="Blue"]“Jesse. Here's the deal. Bailey's been doing an OK job but I think he doesn't got that vision thing. Look, I'm an old man.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Come on. You're not -” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, I am. I know that though. That's why I got out of the ring. But, here's the thing. Bailey's no spring chicken and I think he wouldn't know what to with a golden goose if he got one because he'd be too worried about keeping old reliable in service.” [/COLOR] OK, it was a mixed metaphor. But, I got it. Which scared me. A little. [COLOR="Green"]“So, you're going to fire Bailey? He's not going to like that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Bailey's been around the block. He knows this happens.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“So, who's going to take over? I know it'd reek of politics, but Flash has some good ideas. I even think Lee could think of a few things.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“It's going to be you.” [/COLOR] It took me a second for my breath to get back to me, but I managed to form a word. I think. Or Stomper knew what my reaction would be. [COLOR="Green"]“What?”[/COLOR] A twinkle of a smile came upon Stomper's lip at this point. [COLOR="Blue"]“Look, kid. You've been here for seven years. Did ya' think I was bein' nice? I could've hired any mark off the street to clean up after training and file my paperwork for free. But, they would've been just that – marks. You love this business kid, but you're not _ in _ love with this business. You got your own deal. I like that. So, here's the deal. You take over as booker. Get some new blood in this old girl and see what we can do with a few fresh ideas.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Wow. I don't know what to say, boss.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Say yes, kid.” [/COLOR] Well, he was always direct. [COLOR="Green"]“OK. Yes. Now what?” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, I got a few conditions on this. We can't get any smaller. Any smaller and we should just have the shows in my backyard. Two, can't go into debt. We got a little kitty in the bank at this moment and I fully expect you to draw on it a bit, but that's my nest egg and my retirement, kid. All right?”[/COLOR] I had to laugh at that. I knew the books. We had two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in the bank. How could I spend that? [COLOR="Green"]“No problem. Hey, I'm still livin' with Mom, I'm not sure I could handle spending that much money.”[/COLOR] Stomper chuckled at that idea. Hey, it was true.[COLOR="Blue"]“You're now a booker. It comes with the territory to know how to spend too much money. A few more things. No geeks out there that treat a clothesline like a Roughrider or a Rebel Yell like a chop, OK? Also, nobody with problems with the law. We got good connections with the local PD, I don't feel like ruining them to get some bozo in here who's going to cause bar fights weekly. Finally, kid. I know you like the flippy, masked guys from over the border. But, this is still a wresting promotion. No weirdos in masks who can't spend English. Comprende?” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Si.”[/COLOR] After a moment, we each took our normal seats. Stomper in his ratty, old leather chair that reclined a bit behind his Office Depot special of a desk. I was sitting in the rickety thing that sort of counted as a computer chair with my laptop already flipped open and pulling up a couple of web sites. [COLOR="Blue"]“Cool. I'll let the boys know at the show in two weeks.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Umm...boss?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah?” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Can't I just e-mail most of them?” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“E-mail?” [/COLOR] I just shot Stomper a look. He was playing with me. [COLOR="Green"]“Don't play that luddite gimmick with me, Stomper. I saw you playing Halo online last week.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Heh. Hey, got to preform to expectations. But, yeah. I'll call the guys still stuck in the 20th century and e-mail the rest. Don't worry about Bailey, I let him know last night. Of course, I didn't tell him I was replacing him with you.” [/COLOR] Gulp. I'll take "Things I hadn't realized the consequences of for 500, Alex." [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh come on, this isn't Texas in 1979. He's not going to find you in the bathroom and kick the **** out of you, Jesse. He's a professional. Probably not happy he's not getting the bonus check for being booker, but he'll live. A decade in the SWF even as a mid-carder buys you some decent land, even in New York.” [/COLOR] He had a point. Still, I'd avoid dark or small areas around Bailey for a few months. Especially since I didn't have that big of plans for him. [COLOR="Green"]“Sure, sure. Look, I know we've got a stable roster but I'm thinking we've got to get a few guys in here for the next show.” [/COLOR] Stomper just shot me a grin and pointed at the calendar of doom that took up most of the back wall of his small office.[COLOR="Blue"]“You've got three weeks.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“True. I'll give you a list of guys in the morning. Now, about the location.” [/COLOR] At that, he actually was surprised. [COLOR="Blue"]“What?” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“We've been selling out The Weston for the last six months. I think we got make a step up into The Ministry.” [/COLOR] The middle-aged man took a moment to think. Was this going to be my first mistake in my booking tenure. He looked up as if he was doing math in his head, then nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“Fine, we'll do it in Feburary. It's in the contract I signed with The Weston I've got to give 'em thirty days notice.”[/COLOR] I nodded my self, then spoke. [COLOR="Green"]“Cool, cool. One last thing. Some of the names of the shows?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“What,”[/COLOR] Stomper asked with a grin. He knew some of 'em were lame but never got to changing them because he was too lazy to think of new names. [COLOR="Green"]“They are getting changed.”[/COLOR] At that, he just laughed. [COLOR="Blue"]“Kid, you've got a lot of work to do.”[/COLOR] Indeed, I did. But first, I had to find a new place. Living above a deli was fun, but with the new check from Stomper, I could actually afford a place actually in a decent part of the city. As I walked out of the front office of NYCW and into my waiting '96 Escort, I flipped open my phone and made my first official call as booker of New York City Wrestling. It was a number I had since a West Coast trip over a year ago. [COLOR="Green"]"Yeah, it's me. Look, I know we talked before about getting you in here. Guess what, Frankie. Time to book a plane to New York for the third weekend of next month..." [/COLOR] NEXT: ADDING TO A ROSTER.
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[CENTER][I]Chapter Two: In which, a couple of dozen half-clothed people look at you.[/I] [B]Friday, Week 1, January 2008[/B][/CENTER] It had taken a while to get everybody here. Other commitments, New Year's parties, and all the rest. Still, a couple of weeks later, it was still weird. No doubt about that. Only three of the people in the mass that were all sitting in fold-up chairs were younger than me. I was for all practical purposes, the boss of a bunch of men much larger, tougher, and older than me. Like I said, it was weird. So, I went with it. [COLOR="Green"]“As you can expect, this is sort of awkward for me. Some of you have known me for years, most of you have known me for only a little while, and a couple of you still aren't sure who I am.”[/COLOR] [CENTER]I got a few chuckles. [/CENTER] [COLOR="Green"]“The truth is, ole' Stomper entrusted me with this responsibility for a reason. I know this business. I've been watching you guys train, work, and talk for almost a decade. It's true I've never taken a bump. But, look at me. Nobody and I mean nobody wants to see me take a bump.”[/COLOR] [CENTER]A little more laughter. [/CENTER] [COLOR="Green"]“Now, some things are going to change and some aren't. First, the schedule is remaining the same. Once a month and that's it. We are moving to the Ministry. No, we won't sell it out. But, we'll do respectable business there and it'll got more eyeballs on us.”[/COLOR] [CENTER]A couple nods, but still mostly silence. [/CENTER] [COLOR="Green"]“As most of you know, I'm already planning on bringing in some new folks. Until everything gets worked out and we figure out who's going where, there are some people who might miss some shows. In advance, I apologize. However, everyone will get a fair shot with me. Nobodies getting fired on day one. Also, there is going to be a change to the announcing booth. Yes, Marv and Rock, you two are staying there. But, I'm going to join you guys. As the booker, I should be able to keep the storylines straight and try to move things forward. Put it this way. If I'm confused when we're calling a show, I'll know it needs some tweaks. However, I'm not here to take anybodies job. Marv, you're still play-by-play. Rock, you're still the back-up with the wit. I'll just be there to push the storylines.”[/COLOR] [CENTER]That got a laugh.[/CENTER] [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah, we're going to try those. That big projection screen we bough last year? We're going to use it more than for the occasional video. Now, we're not going to turn into Eisen-lite. We're still going to back it up in the ring but the fans want a story, not just two guys in black tights wrestling. Unless it's Flash and somebody. Then they're OK with it.”[/COLOR] [CENTER]OK, that broke them up. Even Bailey got a grin.[/CENTER] [COLOR="Green"]“Finally, there is going to be an open door policy here from now on. Got an idea? E-mail me or come in. Think you got a match that'll help us out? Call me. On a show somewhere else and somebody unknown is lighting it up. Text me. We're a team here in the Big Apple and without you guys, I'm just a mark thinking of stories with no one them to play them out. I'll e-mail or call everybody to let them know their role at Rush Hour. Remember, we're still at the Weston. At least for this show. Anyway. Let's have a good year.” [/COLOR] I got some light applause, then everybody began to mill around, some grabbing a soda (or a beer), some heading for the ring to work out some spots, and finally, a couple drifted over to Stomper. I got off my soapbox (literally) and headed to the office when I got tapped on the shoulder... [COLOR="Orange"]“Hey, Jesse. Or should I call you boss know?” [/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii63/jesseewiak/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I had to smile at that. [COLOR="Green"]“Steve, you could be my really cool uncle. You calling me boss would be wrong on several levels. But hey, what do you need from me?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]“I just want to thank you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Thank me?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]“Look, let's cut the bull****. I know if you hadn't spoken up for me with Stomper, it'd be about time for me to drop this belt to Bailey or Phunk. The truth is, it would've been cool with me. After all, I've lost to guys with far less talent. But at the same time, this is my last run Jesse. Thanks for giving me a little more time in the saddle.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Hey, don't talk like that. Any wrestling business that has you retired, but Big Smack Scott continuing to draw a paycheck is one I don't want to live in.”[/COLOR] At that, the old hand just rustled my hair and headed over to speak to Rock and Herb. Now, I still had to make a few more calls to finalize some deals...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii63/jesseewiak/ValadezValles.jpg[/IMG] [B]Saturday, Week 2, January[/CENTER][/B] It's been an interesting three weeks being a head booking of a fledgling independent wrestling promotion. For one, you'd think I'd have time to do the little things – like sleep and have a life. Not so much. From figuring out some long-term plans to contacting other wrestling not on contracts or with other indie groups, figuring out our calendar to make sure it didn't conflict with the other companies out there, especially those that were larger than us. In addition, Stomper hadn't let me hire a gofer of my own, despite the fact I now had residence in the former extra storage room which has been converted into my office. I even still had gotten Stomper to shell out for a T1 connection in the office. That even surprised me when he agreed. At the moment, though? I was talking to a current target to make sure he was coming in for Rush Hour. [COLOR="Green"]“Now, we have everything finalized. I know you won't be able to get up here until the night before the show, but I'm assuming we'll be working on a verbal handshake until then, right?”[/COLOR] I listened to the soon-to-be member of the NYCW roster ask for a few final kinks in the agreement. [COLOR="Green"]“Yes, we can do that. I understand you don't live in the area, so it's understandable we pay the travel expenses. We'll pay coach plane fare to the arena and back, but it'll be for the day before. After all, you're not working anywhere else.”[/COLOR] He agreed to that, then hit me with one other agreement. [COLOR="Green"]“Look, it's not like we're Connecticut, Los Angeles, or even down South. We make a few t-shirts, if that. But yeah, we'll give ya' twenty percent. Sure. It might be twenty percent of a only a few dollars though, so don't expect much.”[/COLOR] He was fine with it. [COLOR="Green"]“So, let's go over this. Standard nine-month contract, with NYCW getting first option on an extension, fifteen hundred a show, with an eight hundred downside if we don't use ya', we pay the travel, and of course, the plan we agreed to earlier. That all cool?”[/COLOR] He said yes. [COLOR="Green"]“Then, I'll see ya' next week. Look forward to working with you.”[/COLOR] At that, I hung up the phone and got back to my research. Of course, it was research of Easy Emma's latest bikini shoot... [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey kid, he sign up?”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii63/jesseewiak/TheStomper.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] No knock, just Stomper sticking his head in the door. [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah, he's in. Had to sweeten the pot a little bit though.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, you didn't give away the farm, did you? After all, he's good for this level, but he's not a superstar.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Nah. Nothin' over the top. We did agree to the big thing, but that was in the plans anyway. If he's a complete bust, it won't matter if renege on that anyway. But, we'll have to pay for his plane ticket and twenty percent of merch.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“So, twenty percent of fifteen bucks then,”[/COLOR] said Stomper with a laugh. [COLOR="Blue"]“Good deal, kid. Don't let you be run over by these guys. Remember, they've been going over these contracts for years in some cases. They know every way to get an extra buck or two from you and what everybody makes is an open secret in an industry.”[/COLOR] I spread my arms out wide to Stomper. [COLOR="Green"]“Don't worry about it, boss. I'm not giving away your retirement nest egg. Well, not all of it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey, I'm getting to the age where I'm going to need that nest egg,”[/COLOR] said Stomper as he chomped on his cigar. [COLOR="Blue"]“I did come in here for a reason, though. We're a week out from the show and outside of the main event that we set-up last month, I got no clue about the card and where we're sticking the new signings into the card?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“OK, I think I don't have to go over where our newest signing and the other guy that agreed today. After all, that's all fairly obvious.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Agreed.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“All right, let's go over this then,” I said as we opened up the files I had loaded up on the laptop.[/COLOR] I'd created the file system as my first big project when I got the job with the company. Before hand, we just had Stomper's notebooks and a large file cabinet with old contracts in it. I still think we had an agreement with Micky Starr for a match in '77 in there somewhere. Anyway, I opened up the program and brought up the first picture. [CENTER][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii63/jesseewiak/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Green"]“First off, Kashmir Singh.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"We're not going with the standard evil foreigner gimmick for him?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Nope. He's doing a great job as a fablous-ish, over-the-top type heel gimmick down in Puerto Rico and I figure we can use him in the same type of role, if a bit turned down here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“So, he actually has the skills?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah, he's not great anywhere. On the other hand, unlike some, he's not horrible in anything either. Also, he seems to be pretty consistent and since he's pretty young, he has stamina and is a pretty good athlete.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Aren't we a bit heel-heavy though?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Probably, but we can work it out and build him up pretty slowly. After all, like I said, he's young.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“That is a little weird to hear in this locker room.”[/COLOR] I had to chuckle at that. [COLOR="Green"]“Really?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, cut it out,”[/COLOR] the boss said with a smirk. [COLOR="Blue"]“Next.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii63/jesseewiak/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Green"]“OK, Frankie Perez. P-Dawg himself.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I got reports on this guy from guys out west I know. Supposed to be tough as nails and strikes like a son of a bitch,”[/COLOR] Stomper said with a grin. He still liked 'legit' tough guys even if they had no charisma. [COLOR="Green"]“That is all true. Plus, unlike a lot of the guys who have watched too many Tatsuko matches, he can actually cut a decent interview and has a star quality about him. On the other hand, he can't brawl worth a crap or go to the air.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Eh, if he can kick and throw out believable submissions, I'll let other guys worry about the punches and the high-flying stuff. But, where is he going to fit considering our current plans?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Again, start off slow. He'll be face at first but if need be, we can turn him heel. His basic underlying demeanor works either way.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“In other words, it looks like he could kick your ass no matter what?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Pretty much.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Always nice to have a guy the fans believe could kick their head in to make them believe. All right. Next?” [/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii63/jesseewiak/JumboJackson_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The next picture had Stomper sort of surprised and he was about to say something when I cut him off, [COLOR="Green"]“I realize this guy isn't exactly the biggest star or the most talented guy -”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“- but, I though we were turning into MAW North or something, kid. After all, that's what the Internet told me.”[/COLOR] Now, I realized the boss was having some fun at my expense. So, I shot back. [COLOR="Green"]“What have I always told you about believing what wrestling sites say?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“They have the same reliability as Rip Chord during the mid-80's?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Exactly. My plan isn't to turn the NYCW into a proving ground for a bunch of rookies. Yes, we need to lower the average age below 35 and get some young talent in here. But on the other hand, we need experienced hands who can work a match and let those youngsters grow. After all, the chance Flash, Bailey, Phunk, and Whistler are all here in a couple of years is pretty damn small.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You got a point there, kid. But anyway, wasn't he a whale or something for Eisen?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“A Jumbo Shrimp. Come on, I know you've got the t-shirt. But seriously, Jumbo's not going to be the second coming of Tommy Cornell. On the other hand, he has a solid grasp of psychology, can put off the presence of being a bad-ass, can pick up damn near anything -”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Even LM?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“- we'll just have to find out. He even has OK mic skills, especially for a guy of his size who could've got by just being a mute brute.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“All right, I'll buy into it. Now, where is he on the card?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Right now, getting built up in the upper-mid-card to make the fans forget Jumbo Shrimp. Down the road a bit though, Jumbo Jackson might be wearing the fifteen pounds of gold.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey, I put this girl in your hands for a reason, kid. If I didn't trust you, you'd still be scrubbing the mats and I'd be talking to Bailey right now.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I'm scrubbing the mats anyway.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Regardless, next.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii63/jesseewiak/TheDarknessWarrior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I brought up the last file knowing what Stomper would say and had my argument all planned out. [COLOR="Green"]“I know what you're going to say,” [/COLOR]I said as Stomper turned to me. [COLOR="Blue"]“Gimmicky crap.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“There ya' go. Look, we're not going down the road of the SWF here. Yes, his name will be The Darkness Warrior. But we're going to paint him as a disturbed individual with an affinity for cloaks and the color black, not a master of the dark arts or some bull like that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“The first mention of mysterious forces and you're going to working at Quizno's, son.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Don't I know it. But seriously, Raul's surprisingly big as he just looked smaller as he was in Steroidland, he has the scary act well, and he isn't horrible at anything. Also, he's still fairly over considering his lack of push in Connecticut.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“That's all well and good, but what will be his place in the company?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Mid-card heel with a proclivity for getting in large popular men's business.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“All right. I'll accept it. I don't think it's the best decision, but we'll see where it goes. Next?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Umm...that's it. Like I said, we've got [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] but they're involved in the title picture or should I say pictures, so you know what they can do and can't do.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Have you got a lineup?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah, I do need to confirm a few things though, but I'll e-mail it to you by the end of the day.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“All right. I'm heading over to Danny's. You want a sandwich?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Grab me a pastrami on rye with extra pickles and black olives.”[/COLOR] Stomper visibly blanched at the idea of that sandwich. [COLOR="Blue"]“I think living above that deli warped your appetite kid,”[/COLOR] he said as he headed out the front door. [QUOTE] From: Jesse Ewiak (jessethebooker@nycwrestling.com) To: The Stomper (stomper@nycwrestling.com) OK, here's the final lineup/plan for the show Steve Flash © v. Grandmaster Phunk Jumbo Jackson v. Honest Frank - Steinway & Dynamite v. Sanders & Mauler © [REDACTED] v. Lee Wright © American Machine v. The Darkness Warrior Frankie Perez v. New York Doll DDD v. Kashmir Singh Herb Statley makes his return and has a new client! I'll go over finishes and all that with you tomorrow, but I've got to meet my Mom for dinner. She's worried now that I'm actually going to move out. Call the cell if there's any big issues. Jesse [/QUOTE] RUSH HOUR! Easy Prediction Sheet: Flash © v. Phunk Jumbo Jackson v. Honest Frank Sanders & Mauler © v. Wiley Coyote Lee Wright © v. ????? Who's ???? American Machine v. The Darkness Warrior Frankie Perez v. New York Doll DDD v. Kashmir Singh Who is Herb Staley's new client?
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[B]Flash ©[/B] v. Phunk [I]Can't see Flash dropping the belt in his first defence.[/I] [B]Jumbo Jackson[/B] v. Honest Frank [I]Giving a debut win to the new talent[/I] Sanders & Mauler © v. [B]Wiley Coyote[/B] [I]Inexplicably Samders & Mauler are still the NYCW Tag Team champions in my FCW diary game (must have held the belt for about three years), mind you they hardly defend the belts, as I think the AI has forgotten that the tag titles actually exist. [/I] [I]Enough about my game, if there's going to be an early title change it'll be here, WC are pretty much toilet themselves but can't see the point of keeping the straps on Sanders & Mauler.[/I] [B]Lee Wright ©[/B] v. ????? Who's ???? [I]Haven't a clue who the mystery man is, but he's got five ? so he's definately goin over[/I] American Machine v. [B]The Darkness Warrior[/B] [I]Darkness Warriors another 'name' making his debut, so I'll go for him to make his mark immediatey also with a debut win[/I] [B]Frankie Perez[/B] v. New York Doll [I]Perez isn't going to lose on his debut to job fodder like NYD.[/I] [B]DDD [/B]v. Kashmir Singh [I]The only one who I think might lose on his debut.[/I] Who is Herb Staley's new client? [I]I'm guessing it'll be the same guy who made his debut against Lee Wright.[/I]
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More NYCW diaries can't be bad. I just hope you have good luck with Phunk and Bailey. Flash always seems to be a warrior and lasts for a couple of years, but I've played NYCW so many times, I've seen Bailey retire and Phunk get signed by SWF in February. I almost deleted the game right (glad I didn't, I had a blast having Commissioner Sawyer going into true heel mode (instead of more a tweener character) to try and get the belt off Flash because of his age. [b]Flash ©[/b] v. Phunk [i]Phunk is an awesome character and a solid worker, but you NEED to keep the belt on Flash[/i] [b]Jumbo Jackson[/b] v. Honest Frank [i]Speaking of that game where Phunk and Bailey "left," Jackson was the man I used as Sawyer's right hand man. So I'm going with him here.[/i] [b]Sanders & Mauler ©[/b] v. Wiley Coyote [i]Old School FTW[/i] [b]Lee Wright ©[/b] v. ????? [i]Wright might be old, but he's a good hand so unless you are unlucky and he's retiring I can't see him loosing right away.[/i] Who's ???? [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b] American Machine v. [b]The Darkness Warrior[/b] [i]Not the greatest work rate here, but I can see Warrior being a great character. The best I got for Machine was to bring in Smith as a liberal Masked Patriot and played it off against the conservative Machine (with the moderate Whistler in the middle).[/i] [b]Frankie Perez[/b] v. New York Doll [i]To be honest, I almost always sign Perez in NYCW. He's a perfect fit for the company and IMO will be your midcard ace for a while[/i] [b]DDD[/b] v. Kashmir Singh [i]Meh. I'd rather Sensational Singh teaming up with Triple D as the Sensational Diamonds or something.[/i] Who is Herb Staley's new client? [b]JD Morgan[/b]
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[quote] From: Jesse Ewiak (jessethebooker@nycwrestling.com) To: The Stomper (stomper@nycwrestling.com) First of all, I'd like to point out that it's odd that I'm the head booker, but still sending these monthly recaps to you. Are you sure there's no money in the budget for a gofer? Really? OK, I'm done bitching. Let's start at the top [B]THE BIG 2 + USPW [/B] [u]SWF[/u] All right, the beginning of the month saw a couple of solid shows from Eisen's troops continuing the weird quasi-feud between the Eisen's and Vengeance as the former Skull DeBones came in and whacked Eric Eisen in the main event of the first show of the year after Runaway Train had interfered for Eric. In addition, on the second show of the year, we had a very good main event between the team of Bruce & Frehley beating Vengeance & Runaway Train when the heel team miscommunicated and Vengeance left, allowing Bruce to pin Train. Then, after the match, Train & Faith had a little pull-apart while Richard announced Eric would get another title shot at the PPV. Not many other angles, Brandon James was paid off to take out Lobster Warrior and Robbie Retro suprisingly won a random #1 contender's match with Randy Bumfhole to get a North American Title Shot. Speaking of the PPV, let's go over it. Nothing too good or bad about it. Standard beginning of the show stuff, highlighted by Elmo Benson beating Zimmy Bumfhole and Valiant winning a battle of the rookie matches over Paul Huntingdon. Then, the show began to pick up. Lobster Warrior battled Brandon James and the two had a solid *** ½ star match with Lobster Warrior picking up the win and then going a little over board, nailing Brandon with a chair shot after the match. Money easily retained his NA title over Retro in a quasi-squash and DuBois got the strong win over Kid Toma. After that, in a solid match, Remo pinned Jack Geidroyc clean as a sheet. Then, it was time for the two main events. Christian Faith pinned Runaway Train and it was the usual Faith-Train match. Faith did all the work, kept it passable, and got the win. Finally, Bruce managed to keep his title over Eric Eisen in an entertaining little main event. Finally, the last Supreme TV before our show saw a couple of decent matches including the Bumfholes beating the Samoan Wildboyz and Rich Money getting the big win over Enygma, but the there were two main stories throughout the show. First, Big Daddy Eisen was pissed at Vengeance and his son, so he put him in a match together. Before hand, there was a meeting of the minds with Faith & Bruce meeting up with Vengeance and all three having a stense staredown. In the main, Vengeance took care of business and pinned Eric. However, after the main when Jack Bruce came out to meet the new #1 contender, he was shockingly blindsided by....Steve Frehley? Yup. Ladies and gentleman, we have a heel turn. As a side note, Eisen did sign who we thought they were. Steven Parker, Chris Caufield, Darryl Devine, and James Prudence are now proud members of the SWF. [u]TCW[/u] TCW continued their slow build toward Malice in Wonderland with a solid chunk of guns. The first Total Wrestling of the year started with the announcement of RDJ-Hawkins with RDJ getting a title shot if he won the match. Aside from that, not much of a show. The Machines squashed the Young Guns, Chance Fortune ended the Sammy Back All-Action title reign and Tommy Cornell beat Rocky Golden in the match of the night (****), but it was Tommy. Finally, in the main, RDJ got the pin over Wolf to set up the main event for the PPV. The following weeks a couple of other stories were set in motion. In two non-title matches, Cornell beat RDJ twice only for it to be announced after the last show that Cornell-RDJ at MiW would be in a steel cage. Also, Wolf Hawkins beat Scout in an International title match leading to Guide making a challenge after the match which Hawkins accepted. Scout got his heat back by pinning Rick Law. The only other news of note is that in a backstage promo last week, American Buffalo challenged Tyson Baine to a match at MiW and it was announced that Baine had sent a message to Buffalo's locker room....a stuffed buffalo head. It's the little things, right? No signings/releases. Change is no good. [u]USPW[/u] Some big news this month for USPW, some good and some not-so-good. First, as I noted earlier, they lost Caufield and Devine to Eisen. However, they did sign a contract to get their big shows on PPV through American Option so it seems Strong and the boys are going to make a run at really making this a three-horse town. No other big news, aside from the fact that they have their first PPV on Tuesday and I'll go over the lineup at the end. First show of the year was quite frankly a dud but then again, none of the main players were on it. Main event was Caufield pinning T-Rex clean and in other matches, Champion beat Redwood to keep his TV title and Cherry Bomb beat Nadia Snow. The next week was a much improved show which included Alicia Strong jobbing to Cherry Bomb in a non-title match, James Justice sending Caufield packing in a 'loser leaves USPW' match signed at the start of the show and Bruce the Giant jobbing to Valentine when T-Rex ran in. The final show so far had the announcement that Strong was giving Bruce the title shot at the first USPW PPV anyway, Jumbo Jackson being announced as Valentine's punishment for the PPV, and that T-Rex would have a mystery opponent. By the way, it's going to be Puerto Rican Power. Just heard today he signed with the company. The actual wrestling on the show was meh with Savage Fury winning a squash, Towers of Power beating The Hillbilly's, Des Davids squashing Anger, Peter Valentine 'pinning' T-Rex in a match made by Strong at the start of the night and in the main, the show 'running out of time' as Justice faced off w/ Bruce the Giant. From live reports, Justice beat Bruce in a solid match. Here's the announced lineup for the PPV. I'm sure there will be more added. Justice © vs. Bruce the Giant Peter Valentine vs. Jumbo Jackson T-Rex vs. 'a mystery opponent' (Puerto Rican Power) Cherry Bomb © vs. Nadia Snow Throw in a TV title defense and a couple of other random matches and it should be an OK show. [b]CANADA[/b] [u]NOTBPW[/u] The McFly's and Stone's were the McFly's and Stone's this month, even without the male McFly. In a sign that just maybe they were getting bored, the last show of 2007 ended with Dallas McWade of all people earning a title shot by winning a battle royal. On the first Championship Wrestling, they continued this push by...letting Dan Stone Jr. beat the champ, Johnny Bloodstone in a thirty-minute **** ½ match. Huh? On the same show, Jeremy Stone pinned John Maverick in a solid match of their own even though after the match, Dark Angel called out Jeremy for Big City Brawl. The very next week, there was an actual sign of a push as in a six-man, Dallas McWade pinned former Canadian champ R.K. Hayes clean as a sheet in the middle of the ring. Then, in the main event, The Stone Siblings put on another thirty-minute **** ½ classic with Angel & Bloodstone with the show ending with Jeremy Stone pinning Dark Angel. On to Big City Brawl, which quite frankly for a NOTBPW show, was kind of a disappointment. After the usual lower-card shenanigans, the meat of the card started with a solid couple of matches that resulted from the six-man the previous week. First, The Natural who was on Haye's team beat Tim Westybrook in an OK match, then Dean McWade beat R.K. Hayes in a match the was uuuuugly. After that, the three big matches of the show finished things off with Dan Stone Jr. beating John Maverick with a roll-up out of nowhere and possibly holding the tights, Dark Angel beating Jeremy Stone in a match at *** ¾ was the match of the night, and in the main event, Johnny Bloodstone making Dallas McWade tap out in the middle of the ring. The final show of the month so far was kind of a weird one as neither Jeremy or Bloodstone worked it, even though they were part of the final angle. Dean McWade continued his winning streak by pinning The Natural in a bad match, R.K. Hayes got some revenge by pinning Dallas McWade, then in a disappointing main event, Dan Stone Jr. beat Dark Angel. After the match, Bloodstone ran-in, but Jeremy made the save and it was Canadian stand-off time. [u]CGC[/u] In all honestly, so far this month, CGC has had a better run of shows than NOTBPW. Now, that'll probably end next week when Dan & Dark Angel have their re-match and Jeremy faces Bloodstone in non-title action, but hey, two and a half weeks is a good run. Anyway, the push toward Elimination continued after DaLay was announced as the #1 contender. In the first week of Title Bout Wrestling, DaLay got the quasi-clean pin over Alex DeColt while in the main event, Ricky & Steve beat the hired hands of Ryan Powell & Eric Tyler and after the match it was revealed Tyler would be Eddie Chandler's partner in the elimination tag match at Elimination. The last week of Title Bout was highlighted by a short, but solid match with Dan DaLay getting the non-title win over Ricky DeColt and in the main, Eddie Chandler pinning Steve DeColt pretty cleanly. The put heat on the two big matches of the show and we headed into Elimination. Elimination last night was a solid show with some weird booking. The show opened up with Steve DeColt absolutely murdering Zeus Maxmillion in the best squash of the year so far. Then, after some midcard filler, The Specialists easily retained their tag belts over Youth Energy and Ed Monton pinned Fate of the Soldiers of Fortune. Trent Shaffer & Ryan Powell then went to a double count out as the last match before the big two. In the semi-main, Ricky DeColt cleanly pinned Dan DaLay in an OK match. Then in the main event, the booking was obvious, but still worked well. Jack DeColt got eliminated fairly early on thanks to an illegal double-team, but in the end, Alex DeColt managed to eliminate Eric Tyler, then after back-and-forth wrestling between Chandler & Alex, the elder DeColt got the pin and as a result, won the title shot for Luck of the Draw. The next Title Bout Wrestling is Sunday and the only thing scheduled is a friendly tag with Ricky & Steve taking on Jack & Alex. [u]4C[/u] The only thing to mention about 4C is their annual Cage Rage show is next week and it's headlined by Duburry Excess getting a title shot against Sayeed Ali after winning a four-way last month, a four-way match for the Hardcore title, and Whippy the Clown debuting as Jacob Jett's tag partner against Joey Poison & Phenomenal E where the winning team both get title shots in a three-way match against the champ. [b]JAPAN[/b] A couple bit of news and notes before I get onto any big results. First, the raiding of GCG continues as Miyazaki and Samoan Machine signed up with Burning Hammer. In addition, Hoshino announced his coming to Burning Hammer on a short-term deal and Hell Monkey is going to add BHOTWG to his calendar. Virtually no news from PGHW and there was no news of note in INSPIRE. The other big news of the month was WLW being seen as a 'cult' sized promotion in the country now. This came right after a very good show in Kyoto that was highlighted by Narato beating Acid, KOBE beating KOKI, and in the two big main events, Dark EAGLE teamed up with Thunder to beat the WLW Home Team (Kojima & Kurofuji) and in the main event, Emerald Angel retained his title over The Great Hisato. As I said, GCG has a mixed month. After years, they finally rose back to 'Cult' only to get raided by Burning Hammer of two of their young stars. They did make some decent signings to make up for it, including SUKI & VENOM, Maita, and Fire Fox Inao. On the other hand, no huge results as of yet. [b]OTHER INDIES[/b] The month started out with CZCW having their annual Revolution show, highlighted by Mikey James pinning Fox Mask, Sparrow and Ultimate Phoenix going to a DDQ and in the main event, Prudence having his last match in the CZCW by retaining the title over former tag partner Donnie J. No, I don't know why they didn't take the belt off him either. Next up was AAA having their monthly show in the Northwest. Only thing to note is another defense for Wanda Fish over Christine Quine and Joanne Rodriquez pulling a decent match out of Steph Blake. PSW also had a solid show surprisingly but it did include the boneheaded booking decision of letting Steven Parker walk out with the PSW National title in a win over Lazy Joe. Main event was Martin-Morgan Part XXVIII with The Wolverine added in. Martin kept his belt. The final indie of note was FCW where in a shocker, PRP kept his belt...again. OK match, but it was overshadowed by what was supposedly a very good big-man match with Hell's Bouncer beating head booker Shawn Gonzalez. OK boss, that's it. I know you don't care about Mexico and nothing of real note happened over in the UK or Europe. I'll be at the Weston at 11AM tomorrow for the show set-up as usual. - Jesse[/quote] Show should be out tomorrow sometime...probably.
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Easy Prediction Sheet: [B]Flash ©[/B] v. Phunk [B]Jumbo Jackson [/B]v. Honest Frank [B]Sanders & Mauler ©[/B] v. Wiley Coyote Lee Wright © v. [B]?????[/B]By DQ or Count Out Who's ???? American Machine v. [B]The Darkness Warrior[/B] [B]Frankie Perez [/B]v. New York Doll DDD v. [B]Kashmir Singh [/B] Who is Herb Staley's new client?
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