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The Kid and The Business

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Thanks everyone for the feedback.


Im glad that you all like how Vince's speech was connected to The Kids which was connected to Hogan's Promo. I was really reluctant to include the Vince speech because it served no real purpose on it's own so I'm happy that people enjoyed it as a whole.

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The Kid stood outside the arena taking in the Florida air and reflecting on an eventful evening. Who would have thought that after everything that had gone on between him and Hogan, that The Kid would be the one to get through to him? Shane McMahon passed through the side door and stopped to chat.


“So are you gonna tell me who you and your dad were talking to tonight?”


“ McMahon family secret I’m afraid… You‘ll find out next week though. Patterson told me what happened with you and Hogan.”

“Oh that? It was nothing.”


“Nothing? I heard he was gonna **** all over our Mania plans but you convinced him otherwise. I don’t call that nothing. That deserves a drink! Me and my friends know a great little bar just around the corner, you coming?”


The Kid remembered what Pat had told him earlier. He liked Shane, but he didn’t want to get a reputation as someone whose work suffered for a good party. After all, his last name wasn’t McMahon.


“Thanks Shane, but I’m gonna get an early night. We got a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, everything in moderation. Don’t worry, tomorrow will take care of itself. Well I’ll Seeya later then, don’t have nightmares!”


A car horn alerted Shane to his friends, and they headed off to paint the town red, or perhaps green considering the amount of money they would be spending. The Kid got back to his thoughts. He was busy working through the brackets for the Intercontinental Title Shot Tournament when he saw someone he didn’t want to. Not yet anyway. Fortunately, Gorilla didn’t look his way. When the coast was clear, The Kid started the short walk to his motel, and the comfort of the mini bar.


He walked at a quick pace, the streets might have been empty, but they were still pretty daunting at night. He heard raised male voices coming from an alleyway, he knew something wasn’t right, but decided to keep on walking. He felt like a coward. A safe coward. He heard the voices getting louder and stopped dead in his tracks. He would have known that voice anywhere.


The Kid turned around and headed straight down the alleyway, where he saw The Ultimate Warrior surrounded by men who he presumed were not fans of his work.

“ Dude, I can’t believe you enjoy rubbing up against other men! That’s so gay! It‘s not even real!” said one of them loudly, slightly intoxicated.

“I know, man! Ultimate Warrior is an Ultimate Queer!”


At that moment, something snapped inside The Warrior. Words were no longer enough.

“What did you just call me, punk?”


Warrior got face to face with the man and grabbed him by his shirt collar as The Kid raced onto the scene.

“Jim! Put him down!”


The Kid tried to put his body in between The Warrior and the drunk man but Warrior was seeing red. Warrior raised his arm as if to strike.

“Come on Punk, I dare you, call me that one more time!”


“Ultimate Warrior, you’re a Qu…”


That’s all he managed to get out before Warrior swung wildly. Fortunately for the intoxicated man, it didn’t land. Unfortunately for The Kid, he’d managed to get in between the fist and it’s target. The group of men saw The Kid fall to the floor and decided to make a hasty getaway.




The Warrior slapped The Kid across the face to try and wake him up.

“Kid! Get up you wimp! I barely touched you!”


He slapped The Kid again and this time it did the trick. The Kid stared up at the double vision image of The Ultimate Warrior standing over him.

“How many fingers I got up Kid?”

“ Fifty Six?”


The Warrior scooped The Kid back up to his feet and brushed him off. He looked almost human for a second. It was a very short second.

“Why the hell did you get in my way you lunatic! I wanted to teach that Punk a lesson. Nobody calls me…that!”


“ I was trying to stop you doing something you’d regret! If it gets back to Vince that you’ve been attacking innocent people in the street he’d fire you in a heartbeat! He’s got enough on his plate trying to keep the companies image intact with all the steroid investigations. What the hell were you thinking Warrior?”


Warrior struggled to control himself and get his words out in a coherent order.

“You heard what those jerks were saying! What was I supposed to do!”

“You were supposed to be the bigger man and walk away. They were looking for trouble. Do you realise how much publicity, and more to the point, money, those idiots would get out of you if you actually hit one of them?”


Warrior was clearly still full of adrenaline. He backed off, punched the wall, and felt the pain more than he let on.

“ Look! I’m sorry OK!? What do you want from me!”


“I want to know why you’re so pissed off over a gang of morons.”


Warrior sat down with his back to the wall, discreetly nursing his injured hand, and let out a sigh.


“I aint pissed off at them Kid. Hell, my dad calls me worse than that when I visit him for thanksgiving.”

“Then what’s the matter?”


The Warrior opened his bag to reveal the faceplate of the WWF title.


“You see this Kid? I’m supposed to be the WWF champion, although you wouldn’t think it with the ****in merry go round going on with Savage, Taker and Hogan. I’ve had this thing for nearly a year, but I’ve never really been the main attraction. Everything’s about that bald headed retard Hogan!”


The Kid sat down next to The Warrior and felt the swelling around his eye.

“I don’t think your going to have to worry about Hulk anymore. I think he knows he can’t stay in the main event scene forever, I mean, it’s not like he’s gonna be headlining for the next ten years!”


The Kid and Warrior laughed at the thought of Hulk holding titles into the new millennium.

“Yeah, maybe your right, Kid! I’m just so stressed lately, I feel like I’m gonna explode! You think Vince is going to find out about this?”

“ Well I’m not going to tell him, don’t worry.”


“Thanks Kid. I owe you….but that eyes gonna come up nice in the morning, what you gonna say about that?”


“I dunno, I’ll think of something. I’ll tell you one thing though, you sure hit harder than Hogan!”

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Ahh, pure greatness. Subtle little thing with Warrior not liking gay people, and you portrayed that nicely. I love the characterization of the Kid and each member of the roster, and each time something happens to further his life. Pure brilliance.
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The Events Center Update for WWF Superstars


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Welcome to this special WWF update, I'm your host Sean Mooney. Todays edition of WWF Superstars is scheduled to feature four first round matches from the Intercontinental title tournament, but we have just recieved some late breaking news. Jimmy Snuka was scheduled to take on Demolition member Crush but we are hearing that neither man has been seen since the brackets were announced. This has forced WWF President Jack Tunney to make a late change. Crush's tag partner Smash has taken his place, and The Barbarian will replace Jimmy Snuka. We will give you more information as we recieve it. The four matches confirmed for tonight are now as follows.


Smash vs The Barbarian


The Big Bossman vs Rick Martel


Dustin Rhodes vs Haku


Owen Hart vs Max Moon


Be sure to tune in as these matches are exclusive to Superstars.


(OOC) Feel free to predict

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Recorded Live in front of 10,000 screaming fans at The Joyce Athletic Center, Indianapolis


Gorilla- Welcome to Indianapolis! We are live at the Joyce Athletic Center in front of ten thousand screaming fans for another blockbuster edition of Superstars! Tonight we have four quality match ups exclusive to this broadcast, and we start with a change to the scheduled broadcast, as Smash will take on The Barbarian. I’m joined as always by my broadcast partner Bobby the Brain Heenan, and Bobby, you have a vested interest tonight, seeing as you manage the IC champ Mr Perfect and one of the competitors tonight Rick Martel.


Heenan- You know me Gorilla, I’m a professional broadcast journalist, and I’ll stay as impartial as ever. ..


Gorilla- Wait a minute, what’s that you’re wearing under your jacket?


Heenan- This? This my friend is the brand new Rick Martel T-shirt, available at all quality stockists for a very reasonable price.


Gorilla- Oh yeah, and what’s your cut?


Heenan- I’m not going to lower myself to discuss money on the air!


Gorilla- Oh brother… Ok, let’s take this one to the ring.


(Smash and The Barbarian make their way to the ring but before the match can start, they are interrupted by the very familiar music of The Million Dollar Man.)


Dibiase- I’m sorry to interrupt you guys, but I promise this will only take a minute of your time. On Prime Time this week, Hulk Hogan had the nerve to tell me that The Titles in the WWF are not for sale. Now I know you two are a lot smarter than The Hulkster. You both know that everything, and everybody, has a price for The Million Dollar Man!


When I heard that Snuka and Crush had “Disappeared,” I thought it only made sense that I would get one of the open positions, but it seems Jack Tunney didn’t agree. That’s ok though, I’m not a bitter man, I’m a rich man! That’s why I want to offer either of you $5000 to let me take your place.


(Both men stay silent in the ring.)


Dibiase- OK, OK, you guys drive a hard bargain! I like that! How about we double it? Ten grand guys!


(Again, there is no movement in the ring.)


Dibiase- No takers? Fine…Here’s my final offer, because I know you’re gonna accept. Twenty grand to the first guy out of the ring!


(Finally, The Barbarian leaves the ring and collects the money; The Million Dollar Man laughs manically and enters the ring.)


Heenan- Smart move by The Barbarian! Think of all the furs he can buy with twenty grand!


Gorilla- I’m not sure if this is even legal folks, but it appears that Ted Dibiase will be wrestling in the tournament tonight.


Heenan- Of course it’s legal! And if its not, Dibiase can pay to get the law changed!


Gorilla- Your probably right Brain.


The Million Dollar Man vs. Smash


Gorilla- What a travesty of justice this will be if Dibiase wins!


Heenan- What, you really want that fruit loop smash taking on Mr Perfect?


Gorilla- I think smash would make an excellent challenger Bobby.


Heenan- You would. Look at the state of all that make up on his face! He should have a license for being so ugly!


(The match begins with Million Dollar Man at his usual ****y best. He keeps Smash grounded with a

controlled combination of power moves and submission moves.)


Gorilla- Ted Dibiase certainly seems to have Smash’s number at this juncture. Russian leg sweep by The Million Dollar Man! He goes for the pin…and Smash just gets the shoulder up!


Heenan- A smart man would have stayed down…but I guess were talking about Smash here.


Gorilla- He picks Smash up…but Smash gets a clothesline out of nowhere! He’s hitting him with those brutal double axe handle blows! Dibiase is struggling here…Smash throws him against the ropes, a duck by Dibiase…Oh no! He has the Million Dollar Dream locked in!



Heenan- Goodnight Smash, nice knowing you!


Gorilla- Smash looks down for the count, the ref checks on him…and calls for the bell, this one is over.

Here is your winner: The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase


Gorilla- Whether by hook or by crook, Ted Dibiase has progressed to the next round of the tournament, and on that display I wouldn’t bet against him going all the way.


Heenan- There’s a lotta tough guys in this tournament but Dibiase is up there with the best of em Gorilla…speaking of tough guys, have you seen the new Rick Martel action figure?


Gorilla- I can’t say I have Brain


Heenan- Well luck for you I have one right here!


Gorilla- What a surprise. Fans, if you tuned into Superstars last week you will have seen the shocking return of The Outlaw Ron Bass, who seems to have aligned himself with The Unknown Cowboy, or as he called him, The Curse of Texas. Let’s take you backstage now where Mean Gene is standing by.


Okerland- Thanks Gorilla, Monsoon, I’m here with The Outlaw Ron Bass and his friend….


Bass- Gimme that Mean Gene! First of all, The Curse of Texas don’t have any friends, he just hates some people a little less than others, so watch your mouth! When I was drove out of the WWF by that hippie Brutus Beefcake I vowed that I would make my return when the time was right. Well that time is now Mean Gene, because I found myself the roughest, toughest son of a gun in the whole lone star state! See, I decided to open my own wrestling school down at White Deer Lands ranch. All these scrawny kids turned up, me and my faithful Miss Betsy tried to “whip” em into shape, but none of em ever came back! I was all but giving up before he rolled into the ranch like tumbleweed. Around my neck o’ the woods they call him The Curse of Texas, cos he rolls into town and takes what he wants. No man can stop him, and no prison cell has ever contained him, so you can imagine my surprise when he turned up at my ranch!


I promised to teach him how to wrestle, and he promised not to kill me in the night. I bent him like a dinner bell everyday for months and he never said a word in anger or pain, he just kept showing up, getting stronger every day. Nobody knows where he came from, but I do know where he’s heading, and that’s straight to the top! Roddy Piper, your gonna regret the day you ever crossed paths with The Curse of Texas boy! Now get outta my face fore me and Miss Betsy crack a tune on your be-hind Mean Gene!


Gorilla- Mark the date in your calendar folks, March 21st at WrestleMania is the only place to see the Hotrod against The Curse of Texas!


Rick The Model Martel vs. The Big Bossman


Gorilla- Back to the ring now for our second feature bout of the evening, and Bobby, please try and stay impartial during this one


Heenan- Sorry what gorilla? I was busy applying this arrogance for men cologne…


Gorilla- Will you stop clowning around and call the match! I’ll grant you that The Model is a great athlete, but you have to search far and wide to see a man as imposing as The Bossman


Heenan- I’ve seen plenty of people like him before….I just usually have to pay an admission!


Gorilla- What are you talking about Brain?


Heenan- I’m just saying, when there was a jail break at The Boss mans prison, he had the perfect weapon to get the convicts back to their cells…his face!


(Martel tried to gain a technical advantage over the Bossman early on, using his speed and technique to bamboozle the big man, but once he caught up with The Model he made him pay. A thunderous uppercut sent Martel crashing to the canvas)


Gorilla- Wow, what strength he gets behind those punches!


Heenan- That was a closed fist ref!


(Martel tries to work his way back into the match by trading blows with The Bossman…not a good idea, as Martel swings and misses, giving Bossman the opportunity to hit The Boss Man Slam for the 1,2,3.)


Here is your winner: The Big Bossman


Heenan- Martel was robbed, Gorilla! Bossman should have been disqualified for reckless behaviour!


Gorilla- I think Martel got a fair few closed fist shots in himself Brain, turnabout is fair play.


Heenan- Martel was defending himself! I demand a recount!


Gorilla- Maybe you should have invested in some Rick Martel handkerchiefs to wipe away your tears Bobby!


Heenan- Oh very classy Gorilla, kick a man whilst he’s down…


Gorilla- Let’s take you backstage now, where I believe Sean Mooney has a very important guest.


Mooney- Thanks guys, I’m here with WWF President Jack Tunney, who would like to address a couple of issues. Mr Tunney?


Tunney- Thanks Sean. First of all, I would just like to state that whilst I don’t agree with Ted Dibiase buying The Barbarians slot, on this occasion I will let it stand. I will say however that if Mr Barbarian values money over title opportunities so much, it will be a long time before he receives another.


This brings me to the situation regarding who will be the number one contender to The Ultimate Warriors WWF title. All I can say is that me and my team are currently taking the matter under advisement, and hope to clarify the situation on next weeks Prime Time.


Finally, before we go back to the ring, I have one more announcement to make. At Saturday Nights Main Event in two weeks time, The Nasty Boys will be defending their newly acquired WWF titles. The Rockers have been on a roll lately, and as they have previously beaten The Nasty Boys at The Royal Rumble, they will be the number one contenders….however, another team have also impressed me a great deal lately, the team of Hawk and Animal, The Legion of Doom, so they will also be involved in the match. Further to that, as the previous champs, The Hart Foundation has requested to cash in their tag title rematch clause at The Main Event too. So, as I can’t separate them, were gonna have a four way tag team match! Back to you Gorilla.


Gorilla- What a match that’s going to be! You certainly don’t want to miss Saturday Nights Main Event!


Heenan- What a disadvantage the champs have in that match! They don’t even have to be pinned and they could lose! Who does Jack Tunney think he is!


Gorilla- He’s the president Brain!


Heenan- Yeah, well he should be impeached!

Dustin Rhodes vs. Haku


Gorilla- This is a match up that I’ve really been looking forward to Brain. Both these young guys have a tremendous upside…


Heenan- And were gonna see Haku beat the Upside right out of Dustin Rhodes! How old is Rhodes anyway? 16, 17?


Gorilla- He’s 21 Brain, like you didn’t know.


Heenan- 21? He doesn’t look old enough to shave, let alone vote!


Gorilla- Might I suggest next time you shave Bobby, you stand an inch or two closer to the blade?


(The young lion Dustin Rhodes tries to match power with Haku early on, but it proves fruitless. Haku head butts Dustin who falls into the corner. Haku sees the opportunity to attempt a corner splash but Rhodes moves just in time.)


Gorilla- Great move by Dustin Rhodes! He is certainly a plucky individual!


Heenan- Yeah, well remember that plucky is only one letter away from lucky


Gorilla- Oh I think he’s a lot more than lucky Brain, you don’t grow up with The American Dream and not pick up a few tricks along the way.


Heenan- Well he could certainly learn from a few of his father’s mistakes, like maybe use birth control.


(Rhodes starts to gain the advantage as the crowd rally behind him. He has Haku reeling but shows his inexperience by going for a one handed bulldog off the ropes, which Haku proves too strong to fall for. Haku goes for his trusty Savate Kick, but Dustin ducks under and scores a quick rollup for the shock victory!)


Here is your winner: Dustin Rhodes



Gorilla- Dustin Rhodes advances! A lot of people will consider this a shock victory.


Heenan- Including Dustin himself! Look at him, celebrating a rollup!


Gorilla- A victory is a victory here in the WWF, Brain! You don’t get points for style!


Heenan- Lucky for you Monsoon. Y’know, your red shirt really matches your eyes.


Gorilla- Next up, in our main event of the evening, Owen Hart will be looking to follow in the footsteps of Dustin Rhodes, The Big Bossman and Ted Dibiase, and stake his claim to a spot in the next round. Mean Gene is standing by with the young Canadian backstage.


Okerland- Owen Hart, last week you distracted your own brother Bret…


Owen- Don’t say that word!


Okerland- I’m sorry…they lost the tag titles because of you Owen, and now, you and both members of …that tag team have been put in this tournament. How would you feel about facing either of them, or perhaps both.


Owen- First things first. I never cost anybody a thing. I’ve every right to scout the opposition, and never put my hands on anybody during that match.


Second…how would I feel about facing them? I’d love every second! I can’t wait to slap on MY sharpshooter and show everybody who the real Hitman is! My so called brother says he doesn’t want to fight me, so I guess I’m gonna have to make his life miserable until I get what I want. As for The Anvil? Anytime, anyplace big man!


Owen Hart vs. Max Moon


Gorilla- This should be an interesting match…nobody has quite been able to work out a way to gain a consistent advantage over this unorthodox superstar, but Owen Hart is so far undefeated in The WWF


Heenan- You know, Owen The Hitman Hart has a real ring to it, don’t you think?


Gorilla- To be honest, I think it suites Bret better


Heenan- Shhh, he’ll hear you!


(This is a fast paced, frenetic match compared to the other matches on the card tonight. Neither man takes complete control until Owen tips the balance in his favour with a poke to the eyes.)


Gorilla- Blatant cheating from Owen Hart!


Heenan- Moon had something in his eye, Owen was just trying to get it out for him.


(Owen gets a gut wrench suplex and covers for a 2 count. Max tries to rally back but is stopped by a missile dropkick for another two count. Owen calls out for the sharpshooter but Moon has it well scouted. He kicks Owen into the corner and connects with a corner clothesline. Moon backs out of the corner and runs back at Owen with a rolling thunder Lariat!)


Gorilla- Oh my! What do you even call that!


Heenan- I call that showing off.


(Moon goes for the pin attempt but Owen gets his feet to the ropes. Both men are up and Moon charges again, but Owen clips the knee. Owen continues to work Moons knee with several chop blocks and a leg grapevine. Moon is in tremendous pain but gets to the ropes. Moon gets back to his feet and gets the better of a Owen with a combination of blows. Moon sees the opportunity to go for a German suplex but his knee isn’t strong enough. Owen counters into a northern lights suplex but fails to make the pin attempt straight away, helping Moon kick out at 2.)


Gorilla- How on earth did he manage to kick out of that!


Heenan- Moons gotta be running on fumes now. Stay on him Hitman!


(Owen applies a headlock but Max Moon works his way up to his vertical base. He elbows Owen to release the hold and signals for the Cradle DDT but Hart dropkicks his knee out from under him! He tries again for the sharpshooter, and despite Moons best efforts, he rolls him over and gets the submission victory.)


Here is your winner: Owen Hart


Gorilla- An impressive display from both men, but in the end there can only be one winner, and that man is Owen Hart.


Heenan- It was never in doubt Gorilla! The real Hitman just showed why he’s the King of all the Harts.


Gorilla- Thanks for watching everyone, be sure to tune in next week for four more first round matches, only on WWF Superstars

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Thanks for the feedback chaps. Appreciate your comments about the layout Greg, Im constantly trying to improve that aspect so glad you liked it. I wanted to bring in Owen slowly at first but I couldnt help myself!


Well countdown, most of the Heenan stuff writes itself to be honest. He was such a great colour commentator.


Im off work tomorrow so hope to have something new up very shortly!

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“What’s up Billy Big-time? Didn’t you get the memo? “Wearing sunglasses indoor’s went out in the eighties man! Well, unless you’re my brother!”


It was Owen Hart, fresh from his main event victory and still on a high. He snatched The Kids glasses, revealing a huge shiner courtesy of The Warrior.


“Holy hell! What happened to your eye?”


“This..? It’s nothing; I just walked into a door.”


Owen took a closer look


“Yeah…well doors don’t leave knuckle marks so you might want to change your story eh? Everything alright Kid? You know me and the guys got your back if somebody’s giving you trouble.”

“I know, I appreciate it Owen, but its fine. Nothing I can’t handle.”

“OK, well me Davey and Curt are hitting the bars, you wanna tag along?”

“I’d love to, but Vince has called a meeting tonight, I don’t know what time it’s gonna finish. Plus, I’m not sure Davey Boy’s got over being dropped from the IC title programme.”


“Don’t worry about Davey. He just likes working with Curt, it aint about the strap. Anyway, Shane told him he’s got the programme with the new guy now, right?”

“Err right…that’s right.”

“Wait, Shane told you about that right?”


“Yeah sure, why wouldn’t he?”

“Oh man! He hasn’t told you who’s coming in has he?”

“…No. He said it was being kept secret until he debuted.”


“Jees,like half the locker room knows Kid! You wanna know who it is don't you?”

“Yeah, course I do!”


Owen pulled The Kid in closer and looked around to make sure nobody was listening in

“….Well your gonna have to wait a while longer because I don’t know either! Bulldogs been sworn to secrecy! See you around Kid!”


Owen walked off to get changed as The Kid was left with the feeling that Owen was going to make a habit of getting the better of him. He continued through the backstage area to a small office that Vince had commandeered. Every time Vince called one of his little meetings The Kid knew things were going to get heated, and he‘d be on the receiving end of most of it. Hopefully though, Vince would leave the sex talk at home this time.


“ Evening gentlemen. I won’t keep you too long. Shane, Kid, pretty good show tonight guys, a big improvement over last week anyway.”


Perhaps this wouldn’t be such a bad meeting after all.

“ However…”


There was always a however…

“ What the hell where you doing booking the tag match for SNME without clearing it with me!”


Shane had wanted to surprise his dad by booking a match that he thought he would. The Kid had been reluctant to go along with it, but the McMahon’s are notoriously difficult to negotiate with.

“ We thought you’d be happy dad. It’s gonna be a hell of a match!”


“OK, starter for ten points. Who wants to tell my son why this match is a bad idea?”

“Too many faces” offered Gorilla Monsoon.

“Correct. Now for a further point, do you want to tell us all why having three face teams against heel champions is never a good idea?”


“Well…” continued Gorilla hesitantly. “You’re putting the heels at a major disadvantage. How do you expect the fans to boo them when they’ve got to overcome such odds to win? You’re also making the faces look weak if they win.”


“Bingo! So now, since you guys screwed up, you’ve got to figure out a way to even the odds a little.”


The Kid looked over at Gorilla and Gorilla looked back, shrugged his shoulders and turned away.

“Now, onto other news, it seems as though after The Kids talk with Hogan last week, Hulk feels like he did us a favour, so now he’s refusing to put over The Undertaker at SNME or WrestleMania. Nice going Kid! We had Hogan where we wanted him, owing us, and now you’ve turned everything on its head! What were you thinking?”

“I was just trying to…”

“You know what, I don’t care, just deal with it.”

“Yes Mr McMahon.”


How could Hulk do this? The Kid really felt he had connected with Hogan and that he understood he was only as strong as his challengers. The Kid was pissed off, but more than anything he felt hurt that Hogan had used him to gain an advantage against Vince.

“Finally, Rob Szatkowski officially signed yesterday on a short term deal. I’m giving him three dark matches to get over or he’s out of here. Patterson, you’ll be working with him, give him a gimmick and an opponent and see what he can do.”


“But dad, I thought we were gonna be working with Rob?”

“You two are lucky to still be working here. I suggest we leave it at that. Now let’s get out of this dump.”


The bookers left the tiny room one by one. Gorilla pulled The Kid back to talk.


“Look, I’m sorry to do that to you Kid, but Vince has a point. I apologise if I came across as harsh but you’re still learning the ropes around here. You’ll get it in time.”

“If people keep “helping” me like you Gorilla, I won’t have time for anything”


The Kid stormed off.


“Whatever Kid, just remember I tried to help you.” shouted Gorilla down the hallway.

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Damn it, Monsoon's just trying to help you! He can't always be nice but he's got your interests at heart! Argh! :mad:


Still loving it, man. As much as I voted for Tristrams work for DOTM, that takes nothing away from this and it is still a very worthy winner in my book, it was a really tough decision to make this month. With Tristram seemingly retired for the time being and Nevermore being semi-active your are without doubt, along with iMac and perhaps a couple of others, one of the very best real world authors on here, no question. It actually annoys me that I didn't come up with this diary idea, but in a way that makes me respect you more. :)

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Thanks Keef.


Its funny because in the diary, I'm trying to make The Kid pay as many dues as possible on his way up to make it seem more realistic, yet after only two months I've been honoured enough to win rookie and diary of the month! I hope nobody takes this the wrong way, because I continue to be amazed and deeply grateful of everyones support, but in a way it all feels too soon. I just hope I don't let anyone down! Guys like Tristram, imac and Nevermore and of course your good self are out of my league in my opinion at least.


I think The Kids going to realise soon enough that Gorilla is one of the few good guys. He might have to learn the hard way though...

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I've been meaning to lay down a comment or two for a while now, I just never found the time, but your diary was always on my mind.


Anyhoo, must admit, this is rather awesome. The backstage touches are real nice, and I like how well you've established different backstage characters from their on screen personas. After all, I'm sure Ultimate Warrior never talked about taking control of brain planes and sending them into a nosedive in real life... well maybe.


But yeah, liking your work boomy (nicknames FTW!) and Wrestlemania will be quite the show I'm sure.

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I've been meaning to lay down a comment or two for a while now, I just never found the time, but your diary was always on my mind.


Anyhoo, must admit, this is rather awesome. The backstage touches are real nice, and I like how well you've established different backstage characters from their on screen personas. After all, I'm sure Ultimate Warrior never talked about taking control of brain planes and sending them into a nosedive in real life... well maybe.


But yeah, liking your work boomy (nicknames FTW!) and Wrestlemania will be quite the show I'm sure.


A hundred times thankyou for the feedback iMac! Another of my favourite writers likes my diary! It's great to write all the backstage stuff, and theres so much I want to write about, but I find have to limit myself or I could bore you all stupid with incidental little things and take six weeks to build up to one episode of superstars!


I hope that WrestleMania is going to be a great show when we eventually get there. I think I have my WrestleMania card finalised barring any last minute injuries/suspensions/deaths and I'm quite excited about where it's heading. I just hope that it lives up to the images I have in my head. So far, every match on the card has a purpose and a reason to be there, but one of the problems with not writing up every show is that sometimes I make the fueds bigger in my mind than they seem on paper (or monitor I guess.)


So yeah, thanks for reading!


I'm off work today and plan to spend the next few hours writing so look for a decent update soon.

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Onwards now to a small bar in North Dakota where we find our two young protagonists Shane McMahon and the man affectionately known as “The Kid,” enjoying an evening of drink, conversation and Prime Time Wrestling.


“Hey Barkeep!” enquired Shane. “Can you turn it up? We’re watching that!”


“**** you!” came the curt response. “TV’s fer lookin, Jukebox is fer listenin.”


Shane approached the bar with a certain confidence distilled into him by his father, and tried to solve the problem the old fashioned way.

“Look pal. We don’t want any trouble.”


Shane reached into his top pocket.

“Here’s fifty bucks, now turn up the volume and stop watering down this gnats piss you call beer, and there’s plenty more where that came from. We got ourselves a deal?”


And so it came to pass that Shane and The Kid watched Prime Time Wrestling from the comfort of their twin bet hotel room, fifty dollars and incalculable ego lighter. Luckily, the Best Western was around the corner and so all that was missed was a winning effort by The Big Bossman over Haku. They settled down to see The Bossmans victory celebration cut very short.





Gorilla- A hard fought victory by The Big Bossman and the crowd is going banana’s….but wait just a minute!


(A masked man, dressed in all scarlet red boots trunks and a red mask covering the top of the head and eyes but leaving the jaw free, enters the ring and attacks Bossman from behind as he celebrates on the top rope. )


Gorilla- Who is that masked man? Can the cameraman get a close up, I can’t work out who that is!

Whoever it is just laid waist to The Bossman, and he’s not stopping! We need to get security out here right now!


Heenan- I like this guy! He doesn’t waste any time making a point!


(Various officials hit the ring and the man flee’s the ring.)


Gorilla- Thank goodness that’s over! Bossman didn’t know what hit him.


(The masked man surveys the damage in the ring as the officials reprimand him to leave the ringside area. He turns to the crowd who boo heavily, including an attractive woman on the front row. He grabs her and draws her close, before kissing her on the lips and hightailing it backstage.)


Gorilla- What a fiend! That poor woman!


Heenan- I like his style! Seems to me like she enjoyed it Gorilla!


Gorilla- Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m sure this isn’t the last we have seen of this…this masked villian…this Kissing Bandit.




Back to the hotel room where The Kid and Shane watch on transfixed by the action

“So, you figure out who it was?” asked Shane, knowingly.

“Well, a moustache like that can only mean one man…”


“ You know Vince wanted to play the boys on this one, keep them on their toes, but I think they’ve all got it figured out now!”

“So what’s the deal? What’s the story?”


They continued to talk as Ted Dibiase faced Jim Duggan in a great little TV match with a lot of chemistry. The Kid made mental notes as he listened to Shane


“Well, my dad had this whole storyline planned out for Brutus Beefcake. This attractive guy who just runs in and saves people from beat downs. But, well, you know he had the accident and everything went by the wayside.”

“Yeah, how’s Beefcake doing anyway?”


“He’s doing ok. I don’t think he’s going to be parasailing anytime soon! So anyway, Vince liked the idea so much that he wanted to run it with another guy, we just changed it from saving people to hurting people.”

“And he’s gonna feud with Davey Boy?”

“That’s right….wait, how did you know that?”

“Owen told me…you know you could have told me that much?”


“I’m sorry dude, I was told to keep it secret.”


They went back to watching the show. Dibiase had beaten Duggan, thanks in part to a run in from Sgt Slaughter. Hogan had come to the ring to cut another promo on his WrestleMania opponent The Undertaker, but the apparent mystical powers of The Deadman caused the arena lights to flicker and smoke to rise from the ring.


“Do you think the fans really buy all this Undertaker stuff? I mean, it’s a bit of a stretch.”


“I dunno if they believe it or not, but Taker plays it so straight, you can’t help but get sucked in.”



Meanwhile, Bret Hart was making short work of Tanaka in a competitive matchup, and gained victory with the Sharpshooter. The bell rang and Bret still had the hold applied, until Owen Hart brutally attacked Bret with a steel chair shot to the back of the head.


“Well that’s one way to get The Hart Foundation out of the SNME match kid!” chuckled Shane.


“Yeah, I figure we keep Bret off screen for a couple of weeks, let Neidhart challenge Owen on Brets behalf.”


As if by magic, (or as if this crazy world of professional wrestling was scripted in some way…) Jim Niedhart rushed to the ring to fend off Owen, and challenged him to a match at SNME.


The Kid smiled to himself as he saw everything go as he had intended for once. “Shane?” he said. “I wanted to ask Vince something, but I think it might sound better coming from you.”


“What is it?”


“Well, I want to add somebody else to the Harts feud, someone to even the sides up to two on two. The thing is, Vince has been keeping him off TV because of this whole steroid thing. I want to bring Dino Bravo in.”


“Wait a minute Kid…look, I don’t know if I should be telling you this, but all the bookers have been told not to interfere in this feud. This is all on your shoulders pal, it’s your signature feud.”


“My what?”


“ It’s the first time you’ve been left on your own to book something solid, and your going to live or die by it, Kid. Everybody’s been there. Gorilla, Patterson, everyone. This is your chance to prove you have what it takes. To show my dad that when times are tough, you’re the guy to keep around and that when times are good, you’re the one to promote. You need to make sure that when this is all said and done, Bret and Owen and anyone else you bring into it are better off than when they started.”


“I…I didn’t realise. I just thought people were beginning to trust me.”


Shane thought about what to say next, and whether he had said too much already. The unmistakable figures of The Legion of Doom came to the ring, accompanied by Andre The Giant, to the chagrin of their opponents Rhythm and Blues.


“That’s partly true. You’ve got this far and you’re still here aren’t you? Just be wary that to some people around here, it’s in their best interests if you fail. Anyway, what I’m saying is you need to think long and hard before you add anybody to the mix, and if you still want Bravo, you gotta ask Vince yourself.”


The Kid hadn’t realised that his every move in this storyline was being scrutinised. He thought back and realised it must have been going on since he asked Vince to take a look at bringing Owen in. And who had been the one to convince the elder McMahon? Gorilla Monsoon. The man who The Kid had turned his back on not once but twice.


The LOD gained a victory by disqualification, as the nasty boys attacked them. The two teams brawled to the back, leaving RnB and Andre at ringside. Their manager Jimmy Hart challenged Andre to a 2 on 1 handicap match at SNME which was duly accepted.


“Damn, Patterson sure likes his run ins, the hack! When me and you are running things, I’m limiting you to one run in a night, right Kid?” said Shane, sensing that his previous words had an affect The Kid.

“What…? Oh yeah right! We’re gonna do things our way “Mr McMahon sir” said The Kid with a half smile.


Rowdy Roddy Piper came to the ring next, full of beans despite the attacks and the war of words with The Curse Of Texas and his manager Ron Bass. He conducted a Pipers Pit interview with the aforementioned Bass, in which a match between the tag teams of Piper and Hulk Hogan against The Curse and The Undertaker was declared for Saturday nights main event.


Finally, Randy Savage stated his intent to beat Ted Dibiase at SNME in a backstage interview, before making short work The Barbarian in the main event.


“Wow, no Warrior again tonight. And Vince calls us for not giving the fans what they want.”


The Kid remembered Warriors words about being overshadowed and started to see some truth in what he had said.


Although the night had not gone as either man had planned, The Kid felt a little closer to the usually aloof Shane than he had previously. He had a lot to think about and certainly didn’t want to make any false moves with the Hart Brothers storyline knowing what he now knew. Did he want to risk things by adding Dino Bravo to the mix? Was the reward worth the risk? Was he destined to be overshadowed as The Warrior felt he had become? It was only ten pm, but The Kid knew he was in for a restless night.

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Wow! Who is that masked man? Hmmmmm.


Cant wait for RVD to job out to stardom.


Always love Dino Bravo way back, sigh nostalgia




<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/tom%20selleck" target="_blank"><img src="http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f278/thepich/tom_selleck.jpg" border="0" alt="tom selleck Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>


The masked man is Tom Selleck

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Welcome to the event center for this late breaking update. Following Bret Harts vicious beating at the hands of his brother Owen on last weeks Prime Time Wrestling, Bret has been forced to withdraw from the intercontinental title tournament. This is the second time in two weeks that a tournament match has been cancelled, and WWF President Jack Tunney is said to be less than happy about the situation. Bret will be replaced by Marty Jannetty, who joins his fellow Rocker Shawn Michaels in the tournament. The matches now scheduled for the WWF Superstars broadcast are now as follows:









All of tonight’s competitors will be hoping to claim their place in the second round of this illustrious tournament, joining the names of Owen Hart, The Big Bossman, The Million Dollar man and Dustin Rhodes.


The current WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr Perfect will be in attendance as he continues to scout his potential WrestleMania opponents. Will the braggadocios superstar have something to say?


The Macho King Randy Savage is also scheduled to appear, and apparently he has something he wants to get off his chest. Speculation is running wild as to the subject matter, but it is apparently something close to The Macho Kings heart.


Remember, all of tonight’s matches and all matches in this tournament are exclusive to Superstars, so be sure to tune in.


Predictions are welcomed

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