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USPW: Real American Heroes

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Once upon a time, saying you were a member of the USPW booking team would have been a cause for sympathy and/or mockery. These days, with the company poised to become the next big thing in wrestling, it suddenly becomes something that people envy. The company had skyrocketed over the last year, taking a firm hold on a TV deal that’d looked close to disappearing altogether and using it to get into negotiations with


Well, kind of. There were at least a dozen applicants when I applied for the job opening; apparently I landed the job because the first words out of my mouth were “This is how I’d try and get the Hillbilly’s over” rather than “here’s how I’d phase out Valentine and get Devine in the main event.” I’m not sure Sam Strong or the rest of the team saw any merit in the ideas I threw out there, but they saw something – a desire to work with the company rather than rebuild it from the ground up.


Or maybe it was just the fact that I wasn’t kidding about the Hillbillies.


I came on-board towards the end of 2007 and spent those early weeks getting a feel for the company, just sitting in on the booking meetings and throwing my 2 cents in when asked rather than volunteering ideas outright. It gave me a pretty good feel for what was and wasn’t negotiable:


• Peter Valentine and Bruce the Giant were the stars of the company, their overness and momentum was to be protected at all costs

• The front office was still concerned about money and falling back into debt after the dark times that’d hit in the early days of their TV deal

• Athletic ability was paramount when looking at new hires – USPW had done well by playing on the big man culture, but the average age of the locker room was getting older by the day.

• The company’s tolerance for flakes and trouble-makers was lowering by the day. Sam Strong wasn't hypocritcal enough to outright ban the drug users or hard-core egotists, but he sure wasn't thrilled about anyone who might get caught and damage the promotion's reputation.


By the start of 2008 I’d become a little more confident – I could call Shane Sneer by his first name and suggest directions for the Sneer Corporation, even if I still had trouble doing the same with Sam Strong.


I got given the lower-card and the women's division to play with, creatively speaking, and a small budget for new hires – Sam made it clear this was all a trial basis; if I could make the lower-card work and close the disparity between the mid-cards popularity and the main-events, then he’d let me start playing fast-and-loose with the big draws as well.


That worked well-enough for me; I drafted a short-list of people to bring in, brainstormed some tag-team combinations, then went to work…

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American Wrestling

Week 1, January, 2008

Recorded at the Huntsville Fairgrounds ; Telecast on Sports America

Attendance: 4,468 / Ratings: 0.38



The show starts, as most of them do, with Bruce the Giant hitting the ring to cut a promo.


Bruce: G’Day, how’s it going?


By now I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors, but just in case you’ve been living in the back of burke, let me fill you in – USPW management is in negotiations to take our show national on Pay-Per-View. Now I can’t come out here and say anything definite at this juncture – and mate, you can bet I would if I could – but there are also rumors that our first live event is just three weeks away.


Yeah, mate, you heard me – Stars, Stripes and Slams, live and in your house.


Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking that a show like that needs something special. Something that’ll show all our new fans exactly what USPW is all about. That’s why I went to Commissioner Doom and pitched an idea for match, one that’d showcase the talents of two men who helped build this company into the powerhouse we’ve become and made this deal possible.


I pitched, and Doom agreed, and now the match is on: me versus the Heart-Breaker, Peter Valentine, one-on-one. Get ready to rumble…mate. (Rating: B)


Bruce has barely finished announcing the match when the lights go dark and a familiar voice rumbles through the loudspeakers: “Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage, against the dying of the light.” The heavy metal guitar starts a few moments before the red-flame pyros in the ringposts go off, illuminating Bruce the Giant on his knees as Anger chokes the life out of him. Our commentary team goes nuts.


Danny Jillefski: Oh my god, he’s choking the life out of him.

Shane Sneer: I guess the Demon is less that impressed by Bruce’s claims to have built this company.

Micky Starr: You got that right, brother, but he’s picking on the wrong man. If there’s one wrestler in USPW who isn’t afraid of the demon it’s Bruce.

Danny Jillefski: You might be right, Micky, but Anger’s got the giant at his mercy right now. That chokehold is locked in tight; Bruce can’t take his revenge if he’s dead.


Bruce slumps to the mat, turning blue, as Anger presses his weight down on him. The situation escalates quickly, and it’s only when security swarms the ring and pulls Anger off that Bruce can start to grab some heaving breathes. He glares at Anger as the big monster is pulled out of the ring. (B)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaseyValentine.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CameronVessey.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlTheHillbilly.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg


2-CV vs. The Hillbillys


Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine are on loan from MAW for a while, serving as our jobber-fodder in the tag-team division in exchange for some national exposure. They provide the energy and movement; the Hillbilly’s provide the tag-team experience and size. We play it for comedy, with Al picking up the pinfall after Valentine tries to spear the big man in his abundant belly and bounces off, setting him up for the southern legdrop.


The Hillbillys defeated 2-CV in 7:23 when Al The Hillbilly defeated Casey Valentine (E)



Sheik Mustafa is backstage, his client T-Red looming over his shoulder.


Mustafa: Greetings America, it is I, the Sheik. I come to you as a man who has been champion, a man who has made champions, and a man who can engineer a champion’s defeat. This man, the T-Rex, is a champion to be. He has the size, he has the power, he has the drive, and with me in his corner he has the knowledge he needs to topple the puny James Justice and take away his belt. But no longer does he stand alone, for today we are joined by a man who hates the James the Justice, the Brus the Giant, and Caulfield the American as much as we.


Giant Redwood steps out of the shadows.


Mustafa: Today sees the birth of a nightmare for USPW, the joining of two monsters. If there is gold in this company, these men will take it. World Champion; Television Champion; Tag-Team Champions; All these things will be ours. And it starts tonight, our domination, for the Monsters size and power shall dim the lights of two of USPW brighters stars. Chris Caulfield; James Justice; be prepared for pain. (D+)




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AliciaStrong.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NadiaSnow.jpg


Alicia Strong vs. Nadia Snow


Our women’s division is basically broken into two parts: Alicia Strong and everyone else. She puts on a competitive match with Snow, looking confident throughout. Snow cheats constantly, but never really seems to hold the advantage – the only time she gets a serious two-count on a pin-attempt is when Women’s Champion Cherry Bomb comes out of the crowd and waffle’s Alicia with the belt while the referee’s not looking. Strong kicks out and rallies, picking up the victory with the Angel Driver.


After the match Alicia claims a microphone from ringside.


Alicia: Cherry Bomb, I don’t know what your problem is or why you’re getting involved in my match, but if you’re spoiling for a fight then I’m the gal that’s going to give it to you. Stars, Stripes and Slams – what do you say?


Cherry Bomb is still ringside, her title slung over one shoulder. She rolls in and claims the microphone, giving Alicia a three word response: Bring it, Blondie; before stalking off.


Alicia Strong defeated Nadia Snow in 9:34 by pinfall (Match Rating: D; Challenge Rating: C)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Oscar.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NickyChampion.jpg


Lex Appeal vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Television Title


Champion has been riding a Jesus push ever since Sam Strong endorsed him on-air as the hottest young talent USPW has. Lex Appeal makes his living by staring at the lights and we let him do his job to the best of his abilities. Champion hits the Hawkeye Hammer after giving Appeal some token offense, picking up the pinfall.


Nicky Champion defeated Lex Appeal in 7:50 by pinfall (E+)



We go backstage to the locker room of Captain USA and Jim Force.


Captian USA: Jim, what are you doing?




Captain USA: Really? Because it looks like you’re playing with a pair of rock-‘em, sock-‘em robots.




Captain USA: The tag says it’s made in China.




Captain USA: You know how I feel about stuff made in China, Jim. You said you'd buy American from now on.




Captain USA: Jim.




Captain USA: Jim, you know what you have to do.


Jim Force sighs and pouts. Captain USA pats him on the shoulder. We get a voice-over from the commentary desk, as Shane Sneer expresses his displeasure: Who gave this idiots promo-time? For the love of god, will someone shut up these guys up?


That’s all that Savage Fury need; the two savages burst through the door, crashing into Force and USA like a tidal wave of snarling, fish-eating fury. Jim Force goes down to a flying head-butt from Java, while Captain USA manages to land a few futile punches on Tribal Warrior before being laid low by a Head Hunter Special.


Sneer: You got to give it to ‘em, they aren’t too bright but they deliver. Thank you, boys. Now, on with the show… (C-)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarrylDevine.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DesDavids.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DannyRushmore.jpg


Davids & Devine vs. The Towers of Power

USPW Tag-Team Title


Towers of Power tag-team matches are all about putting over Mick Muscles, and this one did the job in a moderately satisfactory manner. Davids and Devine came out looking good – they have the talent to wrestle rings about their opponents – but they played up the lack of cohesion that came with being an inexperienced tag-team and left themselves open a lot. Muscles did the damage when he locked Davids in a torture rack/samoan drop combo, and Rushmore picked up the pieces by hammering Des Davids with an atomic boot for the cover.


The Towers Of Power defeated Davids & Devine in 11:39 (D)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg


Bruce the Giant vs. Anger


These two know psychology better than 95% of our roster, so we basically tossed them out there and let them call the match as they went. It worked well, with Bruce giving Anger enough offense to keep the tag-team veteran some legitimacy as a solo performer. Not much selling on either side, but Bruce came out looking like a million bucks and Anger picked up some solid heat prior to going down to the Giant Choke Slam.


Bruce The Giant defeated Anger in 7:08 by pinfall (C-)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisCaulfield.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TRex.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GiantRedwood.jpg


Justice & Caulfield (w/Seduction) vs. The Monsters (w/Sheik Mustafa)


It plays just like you expect it too – Caulfield and Justice claim an early advantage by attacking the Monsters as soon as the bell’s rung, using surprise and quick double-teams to bring them down to a manageable level. The monsters rally, unleashing some horrific offense, but start to slow as the match wears on. Justice turns on the juice and get a run of good luck, chopping down the Giant Redwood with a series of low drop-kicks before tagging in Caulfield to hit the Danger Drop for the win. Solid main-event fodder that makes Justice look a million bucks, the Monsters look terrifyingly strong even in defeat, and transforms Caulfield into our third true superstar face alongside Justice and Bruce.


Justice & Caulfield defeated The Monsters in 7:36 when Chris Caulfield defeated Giant Redwood ©



We end the show with a video promoting Stars, Stripes and Slams. There’s a series of quick-flash montages that highlight all our roster, with the bulk of the time reserved for Bruce, Caulfield and Justice. The ticket details and dates for Stars, Stripes and Slams scroll across the bottom of the screen throughout. (B-)


When it finally ends there’s shots of Justice, Bruce and Caulfield in freeze-frame and a slogan slams down in patriotic lettering:


United States Pro-Wrestling: Real American Heroes.



Overall Show Rating: C

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The Latest news from USPW.com


USPW Comes to Pay-Per-View


The rumors are true: USPW is coming to Pay-Per-View. We’ve just signed on the dotted line to secure a deal with My-Select USA to broadcast one show a month. The first will be Stars, Stripes and Slams on Sunday, January 21st, and there’s already approved two big matches for the show: Bruce the Giant taking on Peter Valentine and Alicia Strong taking on Cherry Bomb for the Women’s title.


Title Match for Al & Pete


Commissioner Doom announced that next week’s American Wrestling will feature a title clash between The Towers of Power and The Hillbilly’s, Al & Pete. It’s been over two years since the Hillbilly’s held gold in USPW and they’ve been celebrating the news with an extensive family hoedown.


Valentine’s Fury


Peter Valentine is none-to-pleased to discover that he’s fighting the Australian Behemoth, Bruce the Giant, at Stars, Strips and Slams. Apparently the Heartbreaker has his eye set on challenging for James Justice’s World Title at the debut PPV and he’s petitioned Commissioner Doom to overturn the original decision. Doom responded in the only way he knows how – by making a match.


Valentine has until the next American Wrestling to find himself a tag-team partner for a clash with James Justice and Bruce. If Bruce’s team wins, he fights Valentine at the PPV. If Valentine’s team wins, he gets a shot at the world Title.


Heatwatch: Stars, Stripes and Slams


Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb (D-)


Matches Announced for USPW American Television Next Week


Savage Fury vs. Freedom Force

The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power (USPW Tag-Team Title Match)

Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex (USPW Television Title Match)

Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood

Bruce & James Justice vs. Peter Valentine & ??????

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Savage Fury vs. Freedom Force

Savage Fury with the big win to kick things off!


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power (USPW Tag-Team Title Match)

Some kind of cheap win for the ToP


Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex (USPW Television Title Match)

Nicky looks decent against T-Rex and maybe T-Rex gets himself DQed.


Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood

The Hardcore American lives on!


Bruce & James Justice vs. Peter Valentine & ??????

Generally ??? teams get the win but this time I'm gonna say they don't. My prediction is Jumbo Jackson for the mystery partner and he becomes the weak link of the team, getting pinned and costing Valentine his shot.

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this diary does sound very interesting... PUSH GIANT REDWOOD!!!! :D


Savage Fury vs. Freedom Force

coin toss for me, and it's always good to have some different predictions, right Angel :p


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power (USPW Tag-Team Title Match)

So you're trying to make the hillbillies over?? That's no easy job my friend.

Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex (USPW Television Title Match)

I think you're gonna put T-Rex go after the World Title, so he doesn't need the TV title.


Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood



Bruce & James Justice vs. Peter Valentine & ??????

Valentine will face Bruce, and T-Rex will face Justice.

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I absolutely love USPW diaries that stick to what it is. On top of that your writing style, and use of pics makes me very happy. I love how USA is keeping Force in check too. That was a good segment.


Savage Fury vs. Freedom Force

coin toss for me, and it's always good to have some different predictions, right Angel


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power (USPW Tag-Team Title Match)

I think the titles are staying put here.


Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex (USPW Television Title Match)

Nicky Champion is a Champion with no title so I think its his time.


Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood

Redwood can't be chopped down by a normal man. You need a machine to bring him down. Give Redwood as big a push as possible.


Bruce & James Justice vs. Peter Valentine & ??????

I think Bruce's team will win. Bruce and Justice are too over to lose this match. As for Valentines partner Im gonna guess that its Fumihiro Ota maybe...

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American Wrestling

Week 2, January, 2008

Recorded at the Arkansas Collesium; Telecast on Sports America

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) / Ratings: 0.45





Folks showing up prior to the official start-date were treated to a four-team tag match featuring a combination of lower-card wrestlers and new hires. Nothing particularly awe-inspiring, but there was enough indie talent on display to keep people happy and none of the tag-team combinations we put together looked like they were being dragged down by bad chemistry. (E)



The show opens with Bruce the Giant and James Justice out in the ring.


Bruce: G’day, how’s it going?


Last week, Commissioner Doom approved a match: me versus Peter Valentine, live on pay-per-view at Stars, Stripes and Slams. I thought it was good idea; Doom thought it was a good idea; you, the USPW faithful, though it was a good idea. The only person who seemed to object it Peter Valentine; it seems the Heartbreaker isn’t man enough to step into the ring with me. And mate, I gotta tell you, it pisses me off that Doom is giving him this once chance to duck me. You see, tonight, James and I are going to face off against Valentine and the partner of his choice; if we win, I get my wish and Peter faces me on one in the ring. If they win, Valentine challenges James Justice for the title.


James: Now lets be honest; the only mystery about tonight is who Valentine brings in. Bruce held this title for longer than any man has before, laying waste to all comers, and I’m James Justice, the giant-killer, the only man good enough to take the belt off his shoulder. When you put the two of us in the ring together, you’re looking at over twenty-years of wrestling experience and an unstoppable combination of strength, speed and power.


Bruce: It doesn’t matter who you bring in, Peter. You might be a former champion, but so am I, and Justice is the one man whose proven he can hold his own on the ring. Whoever you bring in is going to be crushed, mate, I promise you.


He turns on James Justice and lifts the champion up by his shirt.


Bruce: Two things you gotta know, mate. One, if we loose tonight, I holding you responsible. You won’t like it if that happens, yeah? So try to avoid it. Two, and this is the big one mate, I haven’t forgotten that you’re the one who stole that title your so proud of. At Stars, Stripes and Slams I *will* take out Peter Valentine, and after that I’m asking Doom to name me the number on contender for your belt. One day very soon we’ll have a rematch, and when that happens I’m going to walk out World Heavyweight Champion once again.


Bruce drops James and stalks off. James Justice picks himself up, shaking his head, andholds the world heavyweight title up for the fans prior to leaving. (B+)



Savage Fury vs. Freedom Force


Freedom Force are Bradford Peverell and Kirk Jameson, a couple of new hires who primarily work FCW shows out in Puerto Rico. They were here to put Savage Fury over, but they’re both long-term prospects we’re plenty interested in so the match stayed competitive throughout. Java hits Bradford Peverell with a Greetings From The Island after absorbing a couple of stiff punches from the youngster.


Captain USA and Jim Force hit the ring as soon as the match is over, rushing in and clubbing Java from behind as referee Robbie Sanchez is raising his hand in victory. Tribal Warrior comes in to help his partner, only to take a double clothesline from the patriotic pairing himself.


Sneer is less than impressed: Idiots; only those two would wait until *after* a match to interfere.

Micky Starr: The Captain just has a sense of justice and fair-play your savages lack, brother.

Sneer: That’s why my boys win, son. That’s why my boys win.

Jillefski: And they look so triumphant right now, all crumpled against the mat after having their heads punched in…


Jim and the Captain mug for the crowd, posing over the prone bodies of Savage Fury. It isn’t until Java stirs, pushing himself up off the mat, that the veteran patriot and his psychotic side-kick disappear into the safety of an adoring crowd.


Savage Fury defeated Freedom Force in 10:02 when Java defeated Bradford Peverell (Match: E+; Attack: E+)



Commissioner Doom is in his office, talking to Darryl Devine and Jumbo Jackson. Both of them are rattling off a list of qualifications, talking over one another as they try to convince the boss that they deserve a shot that Television title at Stars, Strips and Slams.


Doom: Listen up, Maggots, and listen good; both of you think you’ve got the goods, then I’ll give you the chance to prove it. Tonight you can fight it out and the winner gets the shot.


Anger comes through the door. Not the doorway – the door. There’s an Anger-sized hole left in the wood. Devine and Jumbo scatter, leaping towards the walls as the big demon barrels towards the Commissioner’s desk; Doom barely even flinches, though he eyes the wreckage with approval.




Doom: Fine, you’re in too. Three way, winner takes the title shot. Get out of my office and into the ring.


Anger’s lips curl into an ugly smile as Darryl and Jumbo slink towards the door. (D+)



Jumbo Jackson vs. Darryl Devine vs. Anger

Number One Contenders Match for the USPW Television Title


A tight three-way that allowed Jackson and Devine to protect Anger, keeping him fresh through a series of careful exchanges that allowed the demon to stay competitive. Devine copped the worst of it, taking beatings from both Jackson and Anger as they played “whose the bigger bad-ass.” Anger looked like he was going to pull out a win when he locked a devastating choke around Devine’s neck, but at the last minute the hold was broken by Jumbo who promptly sent Anger into the turnbuckles and put him away with a Jumbo Avalanche. Shane Sneer exults in the fact that the main event player of the Sneer Corporation is going to have his first shot at USPW gold.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Darryl Devine and Anger in 10:01 (D-)



Dueling banjos are piped through the loudspeaker to herald the arrival of the Hillbillys for their tag-team title match. The camera sweeps the crowd, focusing on an array of rednecks and bumpkins sitting in the front row, with a particular focus on a six-five monster of a man whose all wild beard, facial scars and dirt-stained overalls. Danny Jillefski notes the crowd as members of Al & Pete’s extended family, including their Cousin Beauregard, a bare-knuckle fist-fighter who’s famous for once fighting a wild bear at a county fair in his youth. (E+)


The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

USPW Tag-Team Title


The Hillbillys gave it their all, but they just didn’t have what it takes to bring down the tag-team champions. Once again their size was their greatest strength – most of the six minutes was spent teasing the audience with Mick Muscle’s inability to lift either of the massive Hillbilly’s into position for his high-impact Bulldozer Powerbomb, often allowing his opponents to tag out every time he attempted and failed. While the eventual success of the move wasn’t quite a magic moment, it did produce a better match than anyone expected from the two teams.


Unfortunately for Mick his tag-team partner isn’t content with victory. Danny Rushmore lines the two Hillbilly’s up for a post-match Atomic Boot. This incenses their Cousin Beauregard, who comes up and over the guard rail. The big man cracks Rushmore in the mouth so hard that the tag-team champion crumples, then sends Muscles flying with a well-timed forearm shot when Mick tries to come to his partner’s aid. A dozen or so hillbilly’s sitting at ringside urge Bo on, so he starts laying into the fallen tag-team champions with a flurry of punches as security swarms the ring and starts escorting Bo from the building.


The Towers Of Power defeated The Hillbillys in 6:32 when Mick Muscles defeated Pete The Hillbilly by pinfall

(Match: D-; Post-match Attack: D)



Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex

USPW Television Title


Champion’s biggest test since winning the belt. It’s a desperate fight and he gives it his all, but T-Rex out powers Champion at every turn. The big man doesn't actually seem all that concerned about winning the title - as evidenced by his eventual victory via count-out as he torpedos Champion over the top rope and into the announce desk.


T-Rex defeated Nicky Champion in 9:13 (D+)



Alicia Strong is backstage when Cherry Bomb approaches her.


Bomb: Looks like daddy’s little girl’s been pulling strings.

Strong: Huh? I haven’t seen my father in week.

Bomb: Girl, please; like you’ve done anything to deserve a match with me.

Strong: Um…weren’t you the one who attacked me last week?

Bomb: You’ve been ducking me, Strong. I didn’t like that.

Strong: Is that actually making sense inside your head?

Bomb: You're a sneak. I don't like sneaks.

Strong: Cherry, there’s only one reason I haven’t taken your title yet – I wanted to pay my dues, to earn a name for myself rather than trading on my dads. I was happy to leave you alone until you stuck your nose in my business.

Bomb: Blah blah blah; you talk a big game, Strong, just like your daddy, but you just don’t get it, do you? I am the true bombdigity, the femme fatale whose got it all, and if you step into the ring with me I will…Kick…Your…Ass.

Strong: Yeah, whatever. Just bring it

Bomb: Oh, I’ll bring it.

Strong: I’m not kidding, bring it.

Bomb: I'll bring it. Sunday the 20th. Stars Stripes and Slams. You beter get ready, because I'm gonna pop your cherry.


There’s a pause as both of them contemplate that. Cherry Bomb looks mortified, Alicia looks confused.


Strong: Listen, I don’t swing that way.

Bomb: That came out wrong.

Strong: Suuuure it did… ©



Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield


Caulfield plays the underdog to perfection in this, letting Redwood rough him up while maintaining just enough offense to make it seem like all hope isn’t quite lost. Seduction does some outstanding work at the sidelines, urging the hardcore American to rally, and eventually he does, picking up the pinfall when he hits the Danger Drop out of nowhere.


Chris Caulfield defeated Giant Redwood in 7:55 by pinfall ©



Peter Valentine comes out, dressed to compete.


Valentine: For two years Bruce the Giant has terrorized this company like the monster he is, and his opponents have brought in even more monsters to try and hold him in check. This company is full of men aching for another crack at you, Bruce, and even more who want a chance to get in the ring with the world champion. Me, I’m not stupid enough to give them that chance. Size won’t beat you, Bruce. Neither will power. That’s why I contacted the Kode, the ancient clan of Japanese ninja, and hired myself an assassin. Tonight I team with Fumihiro Ota, greatest of the kode and the most lethal man to step into a wrestling ring. This man can kill you with his pinky, Bruce. All your size means nothing to him.


Out comes Fumihiro Ota, and joins his partner in the ring. (C-)



James Justice & Bruce the Giant vs. Peter Valentine & Fumihiro Ota


The lithe cruiserweight proves an solid choice for a partner, out-manuevering Bruce and making him seem like a lumbering giant. The commentary team keeps Bruce strong; Danny Jillefski noted the ineffectual nature of Ota’s furious ninja strikes against the Australian Behemonth and Micky noted that it’d take only one giant choke slam anyway. Only Shane Sneer seemed to notice Valentine’s game-plan – Ota didn’t have to win against Bruce, he just had to distract the giant while Peter Valentine concentrated on beating James Justice and getting the title shot.


Only some sloppy tagging and bad luck kept Valentine’s from working – he managed to overpower Justice and claim a two-count, but Bruce realized what was happening quick enough to break it. Valentine tagged out rather than meet Bruce face-to-face, and the big man caught Ota as the super-ninja applied his ineffectual ZOMG THE NINJA CLAW! finisher to the big-man's forhead. As predicted, one Giant Choke Slam is all it takes, and its over fast enough that even Valentine can’t break the count.


Starr: Well that’s it, Brother; Bruce and Peter Valentine are on for Stars, Stripes and Slams, and you can bet after this it’s going to be a barnstormer. The only question that remains is who will be challenging for the USPW World title – there are several candidates, but thus far no-one has stepped forward and made a definitive claim on the main-


Starr’s post-match pushing of the USPW main event is interrupted as the Monsters, Redwood and T-Rex, emerge from the backstage area, Sheik Mustafa trailing along in their wake. The two big men charge the ring, double-teaming a celebrating Bruce. The Giant may seem unstoppable in a match, but the quick assault by two men who can almost match his size and power is too much for even him to handle.


James Justice tries to help, but all it earns him is a Jurrassic Crush from T-Rex that leaves him hanging limp in the big monster’s arms. The show ends with T-Rex holding Justice over his head in a full-press before throwing him towards the announce table.


A jittery Jillefksi offers the final parting words of the show: When Commissioner Doom sees this, Micky, I think the question of who deserves the next title shot is going to be moot.


James Justice and Bruce The Giant defeated Peter Valentine and Fumihiro Ota in 7:56 when Bruce The Giant defeated Fumihiro Ota (Match Rating: C; Beatdown Rating: B)



Overall Show Rating: C+

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Bomb: I'll bring it. Sunday the 20th. Stars Stripes and Slams. You beter get ready, because I'm gonna pop your cherry.


There’s a pause as both of them contemplate that. Cherry Bomb looks mortified, Alicia looks confused.


Strong: Listen, I don’t swing that way.

Bomb: That came out wrong.

Strong: Suuuure it did… ©


A genuine laugh-out-loud moment :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

American Wrestling

Week 3, January, 2008

Recorded at the Arkansas Coliseum; Telecast on Sports America

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) / Ratings: 0.45



Alicia Strong opens the show with an in-ring promo.


Strong: Next Sunday, at Stars, Stripes and Slams I take on Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s title. It’s a match that many of you have been waiting for, ever since we introduced the women’s division last year, but I’ve been avoiding it. Not because I’m afraid of Cherry Bomb, or because I don’t want the title – I’m not afraid of anyone, man or women, and I’d be proud to stand in this ring as your Women’s champion – no, it’s a match I’ve avoided because of who I am. I’m Alicia Strong and my father owns this company; I didn’t want to put me, him, or the division itself in a position where it could be compromised; I didn’t want people saying “oh, the USPW women’s division only exists so Sam’s daughter can wear a belt.”


That’s why, earlier today, I went and saw Commissioner Doom and made a request – that my match with Cherry Bomb be a non-title match. He said no.



Then he said something else: my title match won’t be the only women’s match at Stars, Stripes and Slams. USPW management has been scouring America and Canada for some of the best female talent there is; experienced superstars like Tamara McFly and April Appleseed, and fresh young talent besides. These women will be making their debut in a number-one contender’s rumble to determine who will get the next shot at the USPW Women’s title and it promises to be a match every bit as good as my clash with Cherry Bomb.



USPW has shown its commitment to women’s wrestling, and I couldn’t be happier. Because that means I don’t have to worry about little things like public perception and protecting the integrity of the division; I can just focus on whooping Cherry Bomb’s butt and walking out of Stars, Stripes and Slams with a belt around my waist. (Rating: C+)



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The Wolverines vs. The Hillbillys


Bob Casey and Dave Wallace make their main-show debut as the Wolverines, an ice-hockey themed tag-team that borrows liberally from Red Dawn when it comes to catch-phrases. Al and Pete come out with their cousin Beauregard in their corner, with the giant bar-brawler doing some good work at ringside. All four men bumped around for a bit, then Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles hit the ring and unleashed some payback against the Hillbilly’s, causing them to pick up the victory by DQ.


The Hillbillys defeated The Wolverines in 6:27 by DQ (E-)



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Jumbo Jackson vs. Bradford Peverell


Jackson had size and power on Peverell, but they played this match for a long stretch by putting over the scrappy FCW competitor’s resilience and punching power. No matter how much damage Jackson did, Peverell kept coming back, often hammering home a stiff punch that’d lead into a swift flurry of offense. Eventually Shane Sneer got involved, hitting a low-blow on Peverell after he was tossed into ringside, and that gave Jackson the opening he needed to end it.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Bradford Peverell in 11:57 by pinfall (D)



Peter Valentine is backstage with Fumihiro Ota, fuming with anger.


Valentine: A match with Bruce the Giant. I have a MATCH with BRUCE the Goddamn GIANT. I hired you to avoid this situation; are you sure you’re a ninja assassin?


Ota: For reals, yo; Fumihiro Ota be kickin’ in, wicked West-Coast Ninja Style.


Valentine: And that claw thing you did – the one that did nothing?


Ota: ZomygodtheNinja! Claw!


Valentine: That one, yes. It’s truly deadly and dangerous.


Ota: Word.


Valentine: Word? Really? That’s your answer.


Ota: Word.


Valentine sighs. Very well; you’re an idiot. But you’re still my idiot, so this is what you’re going to do – tonight you’re going to fight Bruce the Giant and you are going to cripple him. I don’t care how you do it – break his leg, dislocate a shoulder, kill him with your claw hold-


Ota: ZomygodtheNinjaClaw!


Valentine: Whatever. Just incapacitate him. Make sure this match doesn’t happen. If I have to step into the ring with that Australian idiot on Sunday, I shall be very vexed. Am I understood?


Ota: Yo.


Valentine: Oh, dear god. (B-)



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The Forces of America vs. The Towers of Power


The Towers of Power came out with an edge this week, obviously fired up from their attack on the Hillbilly’s. The bulldozed through Captain USA and Jim Force, using their size advantage to toss the patriotic pairing around the ring like ragdolls. Mick Muscles eventually scooped Captain USA up into a torture rack that he held in place for a full minute, literally trying to break the Patriot in two when it became apparent the Captain wouldn’t quit.




Serious injury was only averted when a slim youth in a white jumpsuit and familiar mask charged out the backstage area and launched a springboard dropkick into Muscles in order to break the hold – a move that saved the Captain career, but cost him the match.


A furious Muscles is helped to his feet by his tag-team partner and they close on the Forces of America and their youthful ally. Fortunately for the patriots, Cousin Beauregard came over the guardrail and stormed the ring before the Towers of Power could initiate their brawl. Beauregard unleashes a flurry of offense, laying both Muscles and Rushmore out.


The Towers Of Power defeated The Forces Of America in 8:09 when Captain USA was disqualified. (Match: E+; Attack: D)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Oscar.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarrylDevine.jpg


Lex Appeal vs. Darryl Devine


Devine’s been putting over a lot of our upper-card of late, so tonight he gets a match with USPW’s resident jobber to pick up some momentum. It’s an even contest that ends when Devine puts Lex away with the Devine Dream Drop.


Darryl Devine defeated Lex Appeal in 7:39 by pinfall (E+)



Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore come charging into Commissioner Doom’s office, both of them livid. Mick Muscles is sporting an impressive black eye in the aftermath of his confrontation with Cousin Beauregard.


Muscles: I want him, Doom. I want the miserable little hillbilly that dared put his hands on me. I want him in a match, no disqualifications, and you’re going to give it to-


Doom stands up, nostrils flaring.


Doom: Shut the hell up, maggot.


Mick Muscle’s gapes, while Danny Rushmore snaps to attention out of some inexplicable instinct.


Doom: You really think I give a good goddamn what you want? You think I’m giving out matches on your say-so? Stand at attention when I talk to you, boy, and I’ll lay out the reality of the situation for you. One – I cannot give you a match with Beauregard Wood because he is not an employee of United States Pro-Wrestling; Two – I do not give out matches to insolent little punks who don’t know the meaning if discipline; three – I do not give out matches that will not make this company money. Am I understood?


Mick Money fumes.


Doom: I said, “Am I understood” maggot?


Muscles: Understood.


Doom: Good. (He smoothes his uniform and takes his seat) Now here is what I will do for you – I’ll give you a match at Stars, Stripes and Slams - a tag-team title match against the Al Wood and his cousin Pete - and I’ll make that match no-disqualifications, anything goes. Maybe, if you maggots are very lucky, mister Beauregard Woods will see his way clear to getting involved and you can take this up with him. Am I understood? Good. Now get the hell out of my office. (D)



We cut to James Justice’s locker room where the world champion is taping up, looking a little dejected as he tapes up for tonight’s match. He’s joined by Chris Caulfield, who sits down and cracks his knuckles with a grim smile.


Caulfield: Right now, brother, I figure you’re the only guy in this company who knows what I’m thinking, because you’re the only other guy in this company who has a match at Stars, Stripes and Slams with a sadistic giant. Me and the Redwood going one more round; you and the T-Rex, going one-on-one for the first time. And tonight, because that’s not enough fun, old man Doom’s got us fighting them both just for the heck of it. For a whole week now, I’ve had people coming up to me, wishing me luck and smirking at me, making out that there’s now way I can beat a man like Redwood legit.


Justice doesn’t say anything to that, just keeps taping up, ignoring Chris.


Caulfield: And I’m guessing it’s gotta be worse for you, brother, ‘cause you’re carrying that strap on your shoulder; see, I know what it’s like, better than anyone, to be wearing fourteen pounds of gold. Three times I wore a belt just like that one, in a company much like this, and I know what it’s like; People come after you, friends and enemies alike; they pull crap like Bruce did last week, getting into your head and telling you that one day, very soon, it’ll be you and him for the belt. When you’re wearing a belt that says you’re the best, everyone comes after you; you don’t have the luxury of friends.


Justice stops taping now; he turns his head, all slow and cautious, to look at Chris.


Justice: You got a point with all this?


Caulfield: Yeah, brother, I do. My point is this – you can trust me. I’m here to tell you that tonight – hell, anytime you need me – I’m going to have your back, no questions asked. I’ve been to the top of the mountain before; I don’t need another title to prove I’m good at what I do. I got into wrestling to help out a friend; I stick around to do exactly the same thing. You don’t have to worry about me at all, brother. No matter how long that title’s around your waist, you and I aren’t going to have a beef. You get what I’m saying?


Justice nods. He stands up, looking serious.


Justice: Chris, for real, are you actually sweating Redwood?


Caulfield: Hell no. Brother, all I’ve been doing for three weeks is chop that guy down to size; Doom can throw us together from now until eternity and I’ll keep picking up the deuce.


Justice cracks a slow smile, and Caulfield joins him. The pair shake hands and start laughing, confident in their camaraderie. (Rating: B)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg


Bruce the Giant vs. Fumihiro Ota


Ota looked strong in this match, despite the size difference; he pulled the Australian giant down onto the mat with a series of quick kicks and blows to the knee, even laying Bruce out for a two-count when he landed the dreaded ninja-strike enziguri. It was all applied methodology, with Shane Sneer noting that Ota had obviously re-evaluated his game-plan after last week’s failure to put the Giant away. Once again, however, it was when Ota unleashed the dreaded ninja-claw that things went wrong – Bruce’s skull’s just too thick for the lethal hold to take effect, allowing him to scoop Ota up for the Giant Choke Slam and the victory.


Bruce The Giant defeated Fumihiro Ota in 8:34 by pinfall (C-)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisCaulfield.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GiantRedwood.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TRex.jpg

James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. The Monsters


Caulfield and Justice played underdogs from the get-go, getting thrown around the ring by the imposing duo of T-Rex and Giant Redwood. The Monsters looked spectacularly dangerous as they battered their opponents, balanced with increasingly desperate flurries of offense that kept the faces competitive. Things went south for Justice when Caulfield was knocked out by Giant Redwood, leaving the World Champion to fight two Super-Heavyweights on his own. He held on for two minutes on his own, eventually managing to eke out a victory by ducking a T-Rex clothesline that took out Giant Redwood when the big man couldn’t halt his momentum; Justice drop-kicked the Jurassic Assassin over the top rope and quickly rolled Redwood up for the victory.


James shook off the referee trying to raise his hand in victory and went to check on the comatose Caulfield. This gave T-Rex all the opening he needed – the big man barreled through Referee Robbie Sanchez and locked Justice into a deadly Jurassic Crush, cinching the hold in for a full five minutes while shaking Justice like a rag-doll the entire time. The final image as we go off the air is a swarm of referees and security hitting the ring and breaking the hold, with T-Rex dropping Justice’s body limp on the floor for the second week in a row.


Justice & Caulfield defeated The Monsters in 8:25 when James Justice defeated Giant Redwood by pinfall (Match: D+; Assault: A)



Overall Show Rating: C-

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Coming up at Stars, Stripes and Slams

- live on Pay-Per-View -


James Justice vs. T-Rex

USPW World Title Match


Justice is no stranger to fighting giants, having liberated the USPW World Title from the dominant Bruce the Giant back in October of last year, but T-Rex's raw power has twice left Justive limp and unconscious after a vicious assault. Pundist suggest this could be Justice's biggest challenge to date, especially if T-Rex's ally Redwood gets involved.


Bruce the Giant vs. Peter Valentine


The clash of the USPW Icons is here - Valentine and Bruce have long been two of USPW's biggest stars and they'll be locking up one more time for our inaugeral PPV. Bruce is the odds on favourite in this match, but Valentine's ally Fumihiro Ota has proven remarkably adept at distracting the big man (albeit without claiming victory) - he could easily tip the scales in his bosses's favor.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Television Title Match


The impact player of the Sneer Corporation defeated both Darry Divine and Anger to earn this title shot, and you can bet his boss won't be happy if he fails to bring home the belt. Champion is confident in his abilities - the television champion is Sam Strong's favoured student and a capable wrestler who isn't going to go down without a fight.


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

No Disqualifications USPW Tag-Team Title Match


The Hillbilly's cousin has been getting under the skin of Mick Muscles of late, resulting in this no-disqualifications match after the Towers tried to intimidate Commissioner Doom. The question isn't really whether Cousin Beauregard will get involved in the match - it seems almost inevitable - but rather whether or not Mick Muscles' desire to get his hands on the giant mountain-man will distract him from the task of keeping the gold around his waist.


Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

USPW Women’s Title


Cherry Bomb's desire to be the best has constantly been thwarted by Strong's desire to avoid title shots and the accusations of favouritism that could accompany it; now the issue comes to a head as Sam Strong's little girl finally gets the chance to prove herself against the women's champion.


The Forces of America vs. Savage Fury


A grudge match between two teams that've been trading blows for weeks without getting a chance to work it out in the ring. Savage Fury come into the match with the backing of the Sneer Corporation, but recent events have suggested that the Forces of America may have some back-up of their own if things get out-of-hand.


Anger vs. Des Davids


The volatile Anger has been showing his deadly side of late, so much so that USPW officials were hesitant to give him a match on the PPV. We're not entirely sure what happened when Anger went to "talk" with officials last week, or why he's now been allowed to offer an open challenge, but Des Davids has answered.


Number One Contender's Scramble

April Appleseed vs. Devil’s Daughter vs. Jaime Quinn vs. Nadia Snow vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly


The women's division explodes into action with several new additions that join Snow and Wade in a six woman scramble to determine who will be the next challenger for the USPW women's title. April Appleseed and Tamara McFly are fresh from long stints with the NotBPW women's division, while Devil's Daughter and Jaime Quinn are both stars from the prestigious Angel Athletic Association. All of these women are competent, beautiful and deadly - promising you a fight that shouldn't be missed.


Darryl Devine & Partner vs. 2-CV vs. Freedom Force

InterPromotional Tag-Team Three-Way


Darryl Devine and a mystery partner will defend the honor of USPW against two of the top tag-teams on the indy circuit today in a three-way elimination tag. 2-CV hail from Rip Chords MAW promotion and have a fine pedigree in the form of Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey - second-generation wrestlers related to some of the best there have ever been. Freeom Force hail from the sunny Carribean where Bradford Peverell and Kirk Jameson fight for the FREEDOM promotion, earning accolades as some of the freshest talents to hit America in a long while. The winning team will get the choice of a $2000 purse or a one-year contract with USPW.


Quick Picks


T-Rex vs. James Justice

Peter Valentine vs. Bruce the Giant

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

The Hillbilly's vs. The Tower's of Power

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

The Forces of America vs. Savage Fury

Anger vs. Des Davids

April Appleseed vs. Devil’s Daughter vs. Jaime Quinn vs. Nadia Snow vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly

Darryl Devine & Partner vs. 2-CV vs. Freedom Force

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T-Rex vs. James Justice


Don't see Justice dropping the belt yet.


Peter Valentine vs. Bruce the Giant


Not that talent really matters in USPW ;) But the lumbering 7 ft Giant has more talent than Valentine and is more over.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion


Title switch here, Jumbo gets the job done.


The Hillbilly's vs. The Tower's of Power


Towers retain the belts.


Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


DQ win, after a belt shot from Cherry Bomb. Strong wins but doesn't get the title.


The Forces of America vs. Savage Fury


Forces take a beating for most of the match but win, thanks to help from 'Captain USA Jr'


Anger vs. Des Davids


Davids time will come, but Anger appears to be getting one last good push, in the twilight of his career.


April Appleseed vs. Devil’s Daughter vs. Jaime Quinn vs. Nadia Snow vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly


McFly's the most experienced so I'll stump for her, but it could be any of this lot.


Darryl Devine & Partner vs. 2-CV vs. Freedom Force


The MAW pair win and take the money ! I just think it would go well with their characters as c0cky young-un's who would view USPW as an old man promotion. :p


Also Devine's such a massive misfit in USPW, it's like in the default data he's only working for USPW because they're on T.V and he's hoping he'll get noticed by either SWF or TCW.

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Stars, Stripes and Slams

Week 3, January, 2008

Live from the Louisiana Auditorium on Pay-Per-Veiw

Attendance: 9,141 people / Buy Rate: 0.25



There’s all sorts of speculation as to who Devine’s partner will be as Freedom Force and 2-CV make their way out for the opening match. Devine comes out last and calls for silence.


Devine: A lot of people have been wondering who I’d be calling up as my partner to defend the honor of USPW. Would it be a veteran like Freddie Datsun on Chris Caulfield? Another promising rookie like Happy Elwood or Des Davids?


To be honest – it’s neither. When I heard about this match I saw the opportunity to do a favour for a friend, and I took it. My partner tonight isn’t a USPW wrestler, but once we win this match you can bet he will be.


Tonight my partner is my best friend, a guy I’ve been hanging with since we were kids; a guy whose been making waves up in Canada, and now he’s ready to come home; ladies and gentlemen, I give you the newest superstar to hit USPW – the rock-god of 4C – the Triple J himself - Jammin’ Jacob Jett! (E+)




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Darryl Devine & Jacob Jett vs. 2-CV vs. Freedom Force

Inter-Promotional Tag-Team Three-Way


I’ll be honest – I wanted 2-CV to win this; Valentine and Vessey have talent to burn and Cameron, in particular, plays an arrogant heel so well he can generate heat just by smirking. Unfortunately the boys of 2-CV are locked into MAW contracts and dedicated to Rip Chord, so any thought of getting them on full-time are pretty much done before we even put the offer on the table. Fortunately Jett proves to be almost as good a hire – a talented work who has experience tagging with Devine and a rock-star gimmick he slips into like an old, familiar glove. The Misfits (the name used for Devine and Jett) burn through the opposition and claim victory in short order.


Result: The Misfits defeated 2-CV and Freedom Force in 11:44

The order of elimination was 2-CV first, and finally Freedom Force. (D-)



We cut to Nicky Champion’s locker room, where the young champion is warming up as Alicia Strong steps into the room. Champion is so busy stretching, I-pod blaring, that he doesn’t notice Alicia until she taps him on the shoulder.


Strong: Nicky. Hey Nicky.


Champion: Wha? (He pulls the earplugs out) Hey, Alicia. Sorry, I was in another world there.


Strong: You were focused, that’s good. Big match coming up tonight.


Champion: You’re one to talk.


Strong smiles: Yeah, I guess I am. Listen, Nicky, my dad just wanted me to come past and wish you good luck on his behalf. He’ll be cheering for you tonight; he believes in you. She hesitates a moment, then stands on tip-toes as kisses Champion on the cheek. For luck.


Champion blushes as Alicia bounces out of the locker room. Yeah, he says, a little muted, still stunned by what just happened. You too. (D+)



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April Appleseed vs. Devil’s Daughter vs. Jaime Quine vs. Nadia Snow vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly


A short, fast-paced match; primarily intended to affix each of the debuting wrestlers styles and gimmicks in the mind of the viewer. Appleseed is a veteran, a tomboy cruiserweight who plays down her femininity even as she bounces across the ring. Devil’s Daughter is an all-rounder with a vampire gimmick; Jaime Quinn is a rugged, rookie brawler who has her potential played up by the commentary team; and Tamara McFly is the technically competent sister of Sean McFly whose mat-work puts the rest of the women to shame. Every woman gets some time to shine, eventually finishing with a sequence of finishing moves that sees one contestant after another taken out. Devil’s Daughter is last on the chain, picking up the victory when she locks in the Going Down Below on Nadia Snow and forces her to tap.


Result: Devil's Daughter defeated April Appleseed, Jaime Quine, Nadia Snow, Stephanie Wade and Tamara McFly in 11:32 (E+)



We cut the lavish locker-room of Sneer Incorporated, where Shane Sneer stands flanked by his wrestlers – Java, Tribal Warrior, Jumbo Jackson – and his bodyguard Eric the Bull.


Sneer: Let’s be honest – it’s all about the money. I know it, you know it, and every man who steps foot into a USPW ring knows it. That’s why these four men, the hottest talents in wrestling today, signed their contracts with me and threw their lot in with Sneer Incorporated. It’s why I pay them the big money contracts and keep them here, fighting night after night. These men are the best there is, and they belong to me.


Tonight, they earn their money. Tonight, the sleeping giant awakes. Tonight, we stake our claim and begin our rise back to the top of United States Pro Wrestling. And we start with Jim Force and Captain USA – two men who have seen the very heights this business can offer, veterans of the game. And they will fall, ladies and gentlemen. They will fall in the face of Savage Fury – the toughest, hardest, most dangerous men to step into a wrestling ring. These boys are goin’ to take Force and USA apart, piece by piece; they may not be bright, but you can bet your bottom dollar they’re as dangerous as they come. (C-)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DesDavids.jpg


Anger vs. Des Davids


Anger may be getting on in years, but he can still pull together a short angry brawl like no-ones business. Des Davids does a great job of matching the veteran when it comes to power, but Anger’s size and experience means he eventually gets into position to lock in his new choke-hold – the Last Breath – and use his superior weight to drop David’s to the mat.


The bell rings as a desperate David’s taps out, but Anger doesn’t let go of the hold. Referee Babie Jamie breaks the hold – that earns him a smack in the chops that knocks him out before the decision can be reversed – and Anger is right back on Davids, applying the choke even as the rookie gasps for breath.


Result: Anger defeated Des Davids in 6:01 by submission. (Match: D-; Choke-out: D+)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Java.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TribalWarrior.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JimForce.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaptainUSA.jpg


Savage Fury vs. The Forces of America


This was a swift brawl, with every man relying heavily on big power-moves and high-impact tag tactics. Captain USA slowed first, age catching up with the patriot moments before Sneer Incorporated’s Eric the Bull slithered under the ropes while the ref’s back was turned – hitting hit a Pancake Maker on the Captain that left him impacting with the mat skull-first. Java seized on the injury, mauling a concussed Captain USA until a desperate tag to Jim Force got the Captain out of the ring. Then, as Tribal Warrior and Eric the Bull started a ring-side assault, the youthful Captain USA Jr came vaulting off the crowd barrier to lay the Sneer Inc. out with a senton. The victory in the ring almost came as an afterthought to the ring-side action, as Java hit the Greetings from the Islands on Jim Force to pick up the pinfall.


Result: Savage Fury defeated The Forces Of America in 9:49 when Java defeated Jim Force by pinfall. (Rating E+)



Cherry Bomb hits the ring, ready for her match, the title slung over one shoulder.


Bomb: Tonight, I teach Sam Strong’s little girl a lesson in manners. She’s been talking big about taking away my title, about the importance of all these new women coming in to challenge for this belt, but none of it means a damn thing – when you’re the true bomb-diggity, you don’t sweat the small stuff. This belt says I’m the best. I’m not giving that up, no matter who they’re daddy is. (D+)


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CherryBomb.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AliciaStrong.jpg


Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

USPW Women’s Title Match


We overestimated, perhaps, the appeal of this match by giving it so much time, but damn if the women didn’t make the most of it. They both put 100% into the match, chain-wrestling at high-speed, with Alicia Strong coming up trumps on every exchange without quite managing to put Cherry Bomb down for the three count. The champ grew increasingly frustrated as things wore on, especially as the growing realization hit that Strong was, in fact, a competent enough grappler to be here equal, and eventually Cherry Bomb chose discretion as the better part of valor – she rolled out of the ring and left the match with her title, taunting Alicia the entire way as the count-out reached 10.


Result: Alicia Strong defeated Cherry Bomb in 15:12 by count out. (D+)



We play a short video highlighting the assaults of Giant Redwood and T-Rex, with lots of quick freezes on the moments of impact and impassioned please for mercy cut from Micky Starr’s commentary and used as sound-bytes. The production department does a great job of making the two look like savage monsters capable of tearing apart everyone, ending with a slow-motion replay of T-Rex being pulled off a near-unconscious James Justice at the end of the last show. The crowd in the Auditorium goes crazy as they scream abuse at the video-screens, raining heat on the Monsters; I can only imagine what it’s like watching at home, but that video is so…damn…sick that even I believe the two super-heavyweights are menaces worth fearing. (A)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlTheHillbilly.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DannyRushmore.jpg


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power


Nothing technically brilliant here, just four big men hitting one another with everything they had while making the most of the no-disqualifications stip. Cousin Beauregard started the fight at ringside, only getting involved when he handed Hillbilly Al a chair, even staying seated when an irate Mick Muscles tried baiting him with a slap across the face. It wasn’t until Danny Rushmore hit a Downhill Rush on Pete Woods that Beauregard jumped the railing, pulling Rushmore off at a two-count. Rushmore and Beauregard brawled at ringside while Pete Hillbilly lay dazed on the mat – Mick Muscles spent an agonizing moment choosing between helping his partner beat-down the Hillbilly’s cousin and picking up the victory before choosing to retain the titles.


With the three-count done the brawl begins in earnest. Al the Hillbilly starts helping Beau with the beat-down on Danny Rushmore, Mick Muscles breaks things up by catapulting Pete Woods over the top rope like a human missile, and fists fly for several minutes while security rushes out to break up the fight.


Result: The Towers Of Power defeated The Hillbillys in 9:47 when Mick Muscles defeated Pete The Hillbilly. (Match: D-; Post-Match Brawl: E+)



Chris Caulfield and James Justice are backstage in the gorilla position, James wishing his partner luck as the camera approaches them. They shake hands, exchanging easy smiles, and Justice speaks to the camera as Caulfield warms up.


Justice: This is it, the night of nights, the moment on our first Pay per view when the big matches get rolled out and we show America what USPW can do. And it doesn’t get bigger than our opponents tonight. Chris Caulfield versus Giant Redwood…


Caulfield: …James Justice versus the Jurassic Assassin, T-Rex…


Justice: … men who’ve got it all when it comes to size and power, men who dwarf me and Chris when we square off across the rings. Former champions, lethal monsters…


Caulfield: …and stone-cold losers, brother, once you and me get through with them.


Justice: Damn straight.


The duo bump fists.


Caulfield: Tonight we’re going out there and proving something – pro-wrestling isn’t about size…


Justice: …it isn’t about strength…


Caulfield: … and it sure as hell isn’t about power or what you’ve done in the past. You see, wrestling’s all about the heart – about refusing to quit – and it doesn’t matter how much these two monsters hurt us


Justice: …or maim us…


Caulfield: …or beat our bodies down – James Justice and me, we keep coming back. We refuse to quit. We fight until we can’t fight no more, brother.


Justice: And that’s why, when tonight’s over, Chris and I will be the men with our fists raised in the air, no matter how dangerous our opponents might be.


Caulfield: You can’t keep a good man down, brother, and me and James are the best you’re going to see. (B)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisCaulfield.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GiantRedwood.jpg


Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood


A solid big-man, little man bout that saw Chris Caulfield maintain a tenuous grip on the match as Giant Redwood mauled him. Things took a turn south when T-Rex came charging down the ramp and got involved in the match, smacking a meaty fist into the small of Caulfield’s back as he ran the ropes, and Redwood picked up a very close two-count. Caulfield rallied, getting back into the game, all the while staying wary of T-Rex at ringside. The hardcore American fought back hard, eventually stunning Giant Redwood with a Danger Drop, but T-Rex retaliated with a chair-shot that left Caulfield comatose. Robbie Sanchez didn’t see the assault, but spent precious moments trying to send T-Rex back to the locker room while both men lay groggy on the mat. Seduction used the chance to crawl into the ring and drag Caulfield on top of his opponent, drawing Sanchez’s attention just in time to get a three count before Red came-to.


Result: Chris Caulfield defeated Giant Redwood in 7:42 by pinfall. (D+)



Back to the Sneer Incorporated locker room where Shane Sneer stands flanked with Jumbo Jackson.


Sneer: One match down, America, and one victory for Sneer Incorporated. You know what that means – bigger pay-days, bigger purses, more money for me. You might hate us, but you can’t deny us – we sneer at you because we’re better than you. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t.


And now it’s time for phase two of tonight’s plan – the hostile take-over of Nicky Champion’s Television title by the Impact Player of the Sneer Incorporated – Jumbo Jackson.


Sneer turns on his client: You know the plan. Jumbo nods, his expression grim. Then go out there and claim what’s ours. (C-)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NickyChampion.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JumboJackson.jpg


Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson


A sticky, mucky mess of a match that saw everything telegraphed from the outset. Jumbo came roaring through with a big Avalanche for the win, despite a valiant defense from Champion. I go and re-write my plans to have these two fight a rematch at the next PPV.


Result: Jumbo Jackson defeated Nicky Champion in 14:57 by pinfall. Jumbo Jackson wins the USPW Television title. (D)



Backstage, Bruce the Giant’s locker room.


Bruce: Peter Valentine. Peter-bloody-Valentine. USPW Legend; Former World Champion; One of the biggest stars in our company today. Too bad for him the same things could be said about me, except no-one’s being ironic when they say I’m big. And Pete, mate, you made a mistake. I just wanted a clean match, a big match, a clash of the titans that’d make us both proud – and you just washed that all away with your ninja’s and your whinging, mate. You ducked me and attacked me and now you’ve pissed me off. Tonight I’m gonna have to break ya, mate, you and that little pipsqueak you’ve got sitting in your corner. And then, once I’m done with ya, I’m gonna turn my attention back to the one thing that truly matters in this company – *MY* world title. (B+)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PeterValentine.jpg


Bruce the Giant vs. Peter Valentine (w/Fumihiro Ota)


A surprisingly even match between the big man and his opponent, largely thanks to Peter Valentine’s talent for cheating like nobodies business without drawing the attention of the referee. Big slams and punches are met with eye-pokes and low-blows, with Valentine taking advantage of every injury his ninja’s inflicted on Bruce to keep himself competitive. Unfortunately it can’t last forever, and Bruce eventually hits a Giant Choke Slam and closes in on the victory - then Fumihiro Ota hits the ring, climbing up onto the top rope to launch a flying cross body on the Giant.


Ota leaps and Bruce catches him, holding the lithe ninja in one hand as he prepares for the chokeslam. Unfortunately for Bruce, Ota’s prepared for this – he twists and lands a stiff kick to the base of Bruce’s skull, staggering the Giant and getting himself dropped. Robbie Sanchez sees it all, so he immediately throws the match out on a DQ and awards the victory to Bruce.


Unfortunately for Fumihiro and Valentine, that’s not enough for the giant. He recovers and smashes into the pair, bowling them over with sheer size and power. Valentine tries to fight back and goes down to a clothesline. Ota fights back and goes down to a chop to the skull. Bruce roars, beating his chest like King Kong, then gathers up both men – a double Giant Choke Slam that vibrates through the ring, and the crowd goes wild. Sanchez doesn’t bother trying to stop Bruce – he scrambles out of the ring and pulls both Ota and Valentine out, getting them away from the big man’s rampage, as security swarms the ring and hustles an agitated Giant backstage.


Result: Bruce The Giant defeated Peter Valentine in 9:45 when Peter Valentine was disqualified (C; Post-Match Rumble: B-)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TRex.jpg

James Justice vs. T-Rex

USPW World Title


Justice picks up the psychology of this match well – play the underdog, take some bumps, but fight clear every time it looks like Rex is even close to locking in the deadly Jurassic Crush. The challenger comes out looking strong and Justice’s offense grows increasingly desperate – this time he picks up the victory by sidestepping a charging T-Rex, sending the big man into the turnbuckles and using the momentum to roll him up for the three. It’s quick and sudden, leaving Justice the winner and still USPW World champion.


T-Rex is far from happy with the result, but before he can continue his trend of attacking the world-champion post-match our attention is distracted by Bruce the Giant fighting through a swarm of security personal and hitting the ring. T-Rex flees, not willing to face the giant yet, and Bruce is allowed to climb into the ring. He applauds Justice, all mocking grin, and makes the international sign for “I’m taking your belt, punk” by motioning at his waist. Justice shakes his head, holding the title high as the fans go crazy. It’s a bad call – Bruce takes that as all the enticement he needs to take Justice’s head off with a clothesline, leaving him spread-eagled on the matt as our PPV draws to a close.


Result: James Justice defeated T-Rex in 9:44 by pinfall. James Justice makes defence number 1 of his USPW World title. (Match: C-; Bruce Confronts the Champ: B)



Overall Show Rating: C

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Latest News from USPW.com

  • The world title scene is in dissarray yet again following the PPV, with multiple challangers stepping forward and no firm number-one contender in sight. Bruce the Giant is certainly the hot favorite for the match at next month's Red, White and Blue, but is a DQ loss to Peter Valentine enough to catapult him to the front of the que no matter how devestating his actions outside the ring?

  • The women's division saw the debut of four new faces at Stars, Stripes and Slams, including the new number-one contender for Cherry Bomb's Women's title - Devil's Daughter. That clash is scheduled to happen at Red, White and Blue, but you can bet that Alicia Strong isn't going to be content with her count-out victory over the champion.

  • Backstage buzz is that USPW management has signed a deal with three exciting new superstars who'll be present at next week's American Wrestling taping.

  • Sneer Incorprated is riding high over Savage Fury's victory and Jumbo Jackson's claiming of the Television title. Unfortunately Jumbo's opponent, Nicky Champion, has been sidelined by a shoulder injury for two weeks following the bout.

  • James Justice and Chris Caulfield have been dubbed the Giant Killers by many in the USPW locker room after their string of successful matches against T-Rex and Giant Redwood. While both men are admired for their success, not many people envy them - especially when Commissioner Doom got wind of their new nickmane and promised them a special match at the next American Wrestling.

  • Jammin' Jacob Jett has signed a one-year deal with the company after winning the Interpromotioanl Tag-Team Challenge with Darryl Devine. The new tag-team, dubbed the Misfits, is looking to make a splash on the next show.

  • Anger has been chastised and fined for his actions on at the PPV, where he risked the life of USPW blue-chipper Des Davids by choking the youngster after the match was over. Commissioner Doom has promised to monitor the situation and take further steps if Anger's volatile temper isn't brought under control.

Matches announced for next week's American Wrestling broadcast


Jaime Quinn vs. Devil's Daughter

The Forces of America vs. 2-CV

Roderick Remus vs. Eric the Bull

The Misfits vs. The Wolverines

Al the Hillbilly vs. Mick Muscles

Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine

James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce the Giant & The Monsters

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Jaime Quinn vs. Devil's Daughter - Gotta build up the #1 contender

The Forces of America vs. 2-CV - Forces are full time. 2-CV aren't

Roderick Remus vs. Eric the Bull - Sneer's good run continues for now

The Misfits vs. The Wolverines - establish the Misfits

Al the Hillbilly vs. Mick Muscles - I think this'll get thrown out

Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine - momentum for Valentine

James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce the Giant & The Monsters - not sure if Bruce will turn, but I expect the big men to pick up the win here. If they do lose, it'll be due to in-fighting.

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Jaime Quinn vs. Devil's Daughter

The Forces of America vs. 2-CV

Roderick Remus vs. Eric the Bull

The Misfits vs. The Wolverines

Al the Hillbilly vs. Mick Muscles

Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine

James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce the Giant & The Monsters

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Jaime Quinn vs. Devil's Daughter


Daughter's just earned the No.1 contendership, she wont be losing here.


The Forces of America vs. 2-CV


Only in USPW would the Force of America warrant a considerable push, oh this is USPW


Roderick Remus vs. Eric the Bull


Squash, can't see Remus being anything other than job fodder in USPW.


The Misfits vs. The Wolverines


Misifts are going to go on a bit of roll, until they come up against one of the hoss pairings


Al the Hillbilly vs. Mick Muscles


Muscles has some talent for a 'hoss', Hillbilly doesn't


Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine


Valentine probably as about an ounce worth of Jameson's wrestling talent, but that wont matter one jot.


James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce the Giant & The Monsters


As good as Justice & Caulfield are, I can't see them getting a clean win over three giants, that being said I think they will come away with a DQ victory, becausing losing the match would be too obvious.

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Jaime Quinn vs. Devil's Daughter

The Forces of America vs. 2-CV

Roderick Remus vs. Eric the Bull

The Misfits vs. The Wolverines

Al the Hillbilly vs. Mick Muscles

Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine

James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce the Giant & The Monsters

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American Wrestling

Week 4, January, 2008

Recorded at the Arkansas Coliseum; Telecast on Sports America

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) / Ratings: 0.43



We start the show backstage as Alicia Strong comes charging into Commissioner Doom’s office. Doom’s in the middle of doing paperwork, but he looks up with a stern expression.


Doom: Yes?


Strong: Cherry Bomb.


Surprisingly, Doom’s not his usual blustery self when confronted with a woman. He goes back to his paperwork.


Doom: That’s a name, maggot, not a request.


Strong: You saw what happened at Stars, Stripes and Slams. I want a rematch.


Doom: We already have a number-one contender for Cherry Bomb’s title.


Strong: Who cares about the title, I just want a rematch.


Doom slams his pen down on the desk and stands up.


Doom: Miss Strong, I don’t give a damn what you want. Your father may own this company, but he hired me to run it and make money. I’ve endured you little games about not wanting to challenge for the title for months, despite the fact that you’ve been our natural number one contender. If you face Cherry Bomb again, it will be for the title, because it will make…this…company….money. Am I understood?


Alicia hovers, halfway between anger and surprise. You’re understood.


Doom picks up his pen again.


Doom: Very well. I’ll consider your request and take it under advisement. Please close the door on your way out. (B-)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JaimeQuine.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DevilsDaughter.jpg


Jaime Quinn vs. Devil’s Daughter


Devil’s Daughter seemed to dance around Quinn’s high-impact slams and clotheslines, using a series of technical counters and sneaky underhand moves to stay dominant throughout the match. Daughter’s insistence in hitting a “lurking Dracula” type pose before locking in the Going Down Below hurt things a bit – her vampire gimmick comes off as a little too goofy even for USPW – but she looked good as she forced the taller and heavier Jaime Quinn to tap out.


Result: Devil's Daughter defeated Jaime Quine in 7:20 by submission with a Going Down Below. (E)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JimForce.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaptainUSA.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CameronVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaseyValentine.jpg


The Forces of America vs. 2-CV


A clean victory for the Forces of America, although they did a good job of making both members of 2-CV look credible as we sign off on the MAW boy’s last match and send them home to Rip. Captain USA Jr came out with the patriotic tag-team, doing a good job of hyping the match at ringside, but didn’t get involved in the match. Captain USA salutes his young protégé before hitting the Hail to the Chief on Cameron Vessey for the win.


The camera focused on the celebrating Forces of America is suddenly wobbly and falling. When we switch to the second camera we see Anger charting to the ring, leaving a swathe of broken camera-men, junior Captain USA’s, and security guards behind him. The former Demon hits the ring, choke-slamming Jim Force on his way through, then locks in the Last Breath on Captain USA. He chokes the Captain out as security swarms the ring and we go to a commercial break.


Result: The Forces Of America defeated 2-CV in 5:46 when Captain USA defeated Cameron Vessey by pinfall. (Match: E; Anger’s Assault: D)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RoderickRemus_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BullWrecker.jpg


Roderick Remus vs. Eric the Bull


This match starts off looking like a squash for the youngest member of Sneer Incorporation – Eric the Bull hits the ring flanked by Java and Tribal Warrior, and Roderick Remus is a debuting indie kid with a grunge gimmick who gives up so much size to the trio that he may as well have the word jobber pasted across his forehead.


And indeed, The Bull does dominate Remus from the opening bell but, gradually, as things progress, the momentum shifts – Eric gets a two-count, but Remus doesn’t stay down. Java clubs Remus from behind and the rookie responds with a quick tope con hilo through the ropes to take-out the Bull’s back-up.


Then, just as the crowd realizes that the debuting jobber has the momentum on his side, Roderick locks in the Remus Clutch, forcing Eric to tap within the space of four seconds. The crowd’s stunned and Remus is out the ring and away before Savage Fury can catch him, celebrating the entire way back to the locker-room. Shane Sneer is livid, spewing all sorts of bile about the shaggy newcomer, but a confident Starr undercuts it all by naming Remus a newcomer to watch.


Result: Roderick Remus defeated Eric The Bull in 5:47. (E)



A short video vignette filmed in the Florida airport; Mexican super-start Antonio Marquez is front-and-centre in a black suit, his valet-come-girlfriend Jennifer Heat by his side. Flanking him are two young wrestlers, one dressed in silk robes and a feather boa, the other dressed in shiny silver club-wear.




Marquez: Ola, USPW, I am Antonio Marquez and these are my associates, Singh and Raphael; together, we are the Three-Count Jetsetters and we’re coming to USPW to show America what the rest of the world can do. (E+)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarrylDevine.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JacobJett.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AirAttackWeasel.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BobCasey.jpg


The Misfits vs. The Wolverines


This match starts off looking like an extended squash for Jammin’ Jacob Jett and Darryl Devine, and though Devine had the bright idea to tease a similar about-face as the previous match, it ended just like one too. The Misfits have training and talent on their size, and Jett eventually pins Dave Wallace after hitting the Jett Take Off.


Result: The Misfits defeated The Wolverines in 7:02 when Jacob Jett defeated Dave Wallace by pinfall with a Jett Take Off. (E+)



Backstage in the Sneer Incorporated Locker room, with Shane Sneer berating Eric the Bull while Java and Tribal Warrior look on. He continues for a few seconds before her realizes the camera is there, then snaps into interview mode.


Sneer: Stars, Stripes and Slams was a night of triumph for Sneer Incorporated. Jumbo Jackson became your new Television champion; Savage Fury decimated the Forces of America; we were winners again, champions again, and the money rained down on us like dollar bills from heaven.


So what if some punk scrubber pulled of a fluke victory over our junior member; it means nothing! Sneer Incorporated still carries the belts; Jim Force and Captain USA have had what little sanity they still possessed rattled out their ears by the pounding they took; and we’re still in the money, no two ways about it. One win isn’t enough to change the world, people, and we’ve still earned the right to sneer at each and every one of you.


Now, lets get down to business – Nicky Champion – yesterday’s news. Looks like his rematch clause for the title needs to be used within the fortnight, and as you might know Jackson ensured he’ll be off the bench for longer than that. Until Commissioner Doom announces a new number-one contender, it appears that my client will be getting an extended holiday.


Which means we can focus our attention on another little problem and take care of it once and for all – Jim Force; Captain USA – take my advice and get out of USPW while you still can. ‘Cause if you stay, my boys Savage Fury are going to be looking for a way to end this, final-like, in a way that'll make that little hug you got from Anger seem like a pleasant memory. ©



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlTheHillbilly.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MickMuscles.jpg


Al the Hillbilly vs. Mick Muscles


Ringside gets crowded for this one – Al comes out with Pete and Cousin Beauregard as is seconds, while Muscles has Danny Rushmore in his – and the tension runs high as Al and Mick lock-up. The lack of real talent in the ring is countered by the simmering tension – Danny Rushmore does, eventually, try to get involved in the match-up, but he’s caught by referee Sanchez – while Sanchez in the midst of warning Rushmore, Beauregard and Pete come looking for a brawl at ringside. Sanchez ducks out of the ring to break things up, holding the two sides apart and sending them away, but the distraction is all Mick Muscles needs to low-blow Al and hammer the victory home with a Bulldozer Powerbomb for the three-count.


Mick Muscles should have taken the victory and run, but instead he takes a moment to mock Pete and Beau; *they* take it as an opportunity to climb into the ring and square off with the man who just beat their cousin. Mick Muscles is a big man – near six-three and rippling with muscle – but both Pete and Beau stare down at him and they’re built like a pair of particularly dangerous outhouses. Both sides trade insults, escalating the tension, and then it breaks – Pete kicks Muscles in the gut, doubling him over – Beauregard drops an elbow on the back of Muscles’ head, dropping him to the mat – then they both lift him into position for thunderous leaping lariat-power-slam combo that visible shakes the ring. Beauregard adds insult to injury by dragging Al over Muscles and counting off the three while the crowd voices their approval of the hillbilly’s assault.


Result: Mick Muscles defeated Al The Hillbilly in 6:37 by pinfall with a Bulldozer Powerbomb. (Match: D-; Beat-down: D+)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KirkJameson.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PeterValentine.jpg


Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine (w/Fumihiro Ota)


Kirk Jameson gets in some good offense from the outset, locking up with Valentine and using superior technical ability to counter Peter’s strength and size. Valentine responded to the challenge as he always does – by cheating. Sly eye-rakes and groin-shots allowed Valentine to fight back to a standing base and start throwing Jameson around like a rag-doll. Jameson started a comeback, but got tripped by Ota while running the ropes and stumbled straight into a Heart-Breaker from Valentine which lead to the win.


Result: Peter Valentine defeated Kirk Jameson in 6:45 by pinfall with a Heart Breaker. (D-)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisCaulfield.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrucetheGiant.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TRex.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GiantRedwood.jpg


Chris Caulfield (w/Seduction) & James Justice vs. Bruce the Giant & The Monsters


The crowd’s firmly behind Justice and Caulfield in this one, with every against-the-odds victory they’ve pulled off against the duo of T-Rex and Giant Redwood fresh in the audience’s minds. Bruce’s presence in the ring, especially in a three-on-two handicap match, ups the ante considerably and both Caulfield and Justice do a great job of teasing yet another against-the-odds victory.


They get some advantages – all three of their opponents are chasing James Justice, aware that a pinfall on the champion could put them in line for a title shot – and they play it for all their worth. They tag out often, pushing the pace, tiring out the lumbering giants as best they can. They refuse to give in, holding on despite the thunderous slaps and chops and slams they’re on the receiving end of.


Unfortunately it’s not enough, and the punishment dished out by three monumental powerhouses is too much even for the hardcore American and the World Champion. Bruce finally skittles Justice with a shoulder tackle, setting up for the Giant Choke Slam, and it’s only a desperate tag from Caulfield on the leg of a barely-conscious James Justice that keeps the champion from falling prey to the big man. Bruce glares at Chris, obviously angry, then softens a little, as though slowly remembering he’s meant to be one of the good guys. Eventually he nods and applauds Caulfield’s dedication to his friend, shrugs, and choke-slams Chris for the three instead.


There’s a roar from ringside as both T-Rex and Giant Redwood climb in and celebrate the victory. Bruce doesn’t look pleased to be with either of them, especially when all three turn their covetous gaze towards the world title the referee hands to Justice as he comes too. T-Rex and Redwood make a move, their minds obviously on another beat-down of the champ; Bruce intercepts. He launches a flurry of punches, rattling both the Monsters, then lifts Giant Redwood, press-slamming him into the mat, then follows up with a power-slam that sends T-Rex into the prone form of his partner. The Giant stands triumphant in the ring, the comatose bodies of three other men around him, and he points at James Justice with a single clear message – you, me, that belt – as the show closes.


Result: Bruce The Giant and The Monsters defeated Justice & Caulfield in 7:58 when Bruce The Giant defeated Chris Caulfield by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam. (Match: C; Bruce Triumphant: B)



Overall Show Rating: C-

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The Latest News from USPW.com

  • James Justice has promised to confront Bruce the Giant about his unpredictable actions at the next taping of USPW American Wrestling.

  • Newcomers the Three-Count Jetsetters are scheduled to make their in-ring debut at Red, White and Blue, but leader Antonio Marquez has informed managment that they "intend to make start making waves immediately"

  • Anger has received another fine from USPW management in light of his attack against the Forces of America. Captain USA will be absent from next weeks taping as he recovers from injuries sustained during the attack.

  • Commissioner Doom has taken exception to Shane Sneer's claim that Jumbo Jackson will be having an extended holiday; in the absence of a clear number-one contender from the singles ranks, Jacob Jett and Darryl Devine have both been granted title shots to be taken over the forthcoming weeks.

Matches announced for next week's American Wrestling broadcast


Freedom Force vs. Generation Lex (Lex Appeal & Warren Technique)

The Masked Patriot vs. Java

Alicia Strong & Jaime Quine vs. Cherry Bomb & Devil's Daughter

Roderick Remus vs. Dave Wallace

Darryl Devine vs. Jumbo Jackson (Television Title Match)

James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine & Fumihiro Ota

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American Wrestling

Week 1, February, 2008

Recorded at the Arkansas Coliseum; Telecast on Sports America

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) / Ratings: 0.40



The show starts with James Justice in the ring, title slung over his shoulder.


Justice: Last week, Chris Caulfield took a hit for me when Bruce the Giant made it clear he was out for blood. Now Chris is a great guy, and I thank him for watching my back like he does, but enough is enough. Bruce has always been a monster, a destructive force of nature almost, but he’s been honorable about it. Now, not so much, and I can’t help feeling that I’m a little bit responsible, so I figure it’s time we had a talk - Bruce, if you’ve got an issue with me, why don’t you come out here and we’ll hash it out.


Bruce the Giant appears to a roar of approval from the crowd – despite his tweener actions of late, there’s no doubting he’s the most popular wrestler we’ve got – more popular than Sam himself these days, if you go with the reports from the dirt-sheets. Justice tenses up, ready for trouble, but Bruce holds up both hands to placate him.


Bruce: James, mate, this isn’t the time for that. You want to has it out, lets hash it out, by I gotta start by saying one thing…I’m sorry. I’ve been hounding you, goading you, and that wasn’t the right way to go about things. There are only a few people who can say they beat me, clean and simple, in the centre of this ring, and you’re one of them. And losing to you that way, losing the title I held for over a year…it’s been making me crazy. Mate, I’m going to man up and admit it – it’s been making me crazy, and it wasn’t until I saw my hand being raised alongside T-Rex and Redwood that I realized how close I’d become to what I hated. So I’m here, right now, to offer you an apology, man to man.


Bruce extends his hand, and James Justice takes it. They shake, the crowd roars. Then Bruce snaps, jerking Justice in and locking him into a bear-hug. He squeezes for a few seconds, then stops, letting James go. Justice scrambles away, shocked. Bruce falls back against the ropes, clearly struggling.


Bruce: I'm sorry, mate. I'm so sorry, I just can’t help it. Every time I see you and you’re holding that strap...I just get so angry, it boils up behind my eyes and I can’t think straight. It makes me do things. It makes me crazy.


Justice picks himself up.


Justice: So that’s it? You’re losing it because of this? He holds up the title and Bruce’s eyes glint with cold anger. The Giant takes a menacing step forward, then catches himself. James nods. Well, Bruce, I get it, I understand. You’re used to being the best, and so am I, and this belt means more to me than life, blood, and sanity. Maybe we’re both a little crazy for wanting it that bad, and if that’s true then I figure we’ve got two choices. One, we can ask Commissioner Doom to take us off active duty while we see a shrink and get our issues worked out-


- The crowd roars, obviously not liking the idea -


Justice: Then lets go with option two - you and me squaring off for the belt at Red, White and Blue and determine whose the best once and for all. I’m not ducking you, man, and I’ve never been afraid to put this belt on the line against a man who deserves it. You think you deserve another shot at the title, and I agree – so why don’t we just agree to make that happen?


Bruce blinks a few times, obviously stunned; it’s rare that anyone’s willingly stepped into the ring with the big man when there’s a belt on the line.


Bruce: Mate, I just…yes. You and me, for the title.


James: You and me, for the title.


James holds out a hand. Bruce hesitates, obviously afraid of what might happen, but after a few moments he shakes and there are no violent outbursts.


James: Well, look at that, you’re cured. Best of the best, man, that’s who we are. It’ll be an honor to face you, and I figure it’ll be one hell of a show. (B)



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Freedom Force vs. Lex Appeal and Warren Technique


Resident ultra-smarmy jobber Lex Apeal gets given a lackey in this match, with rookie technician Warren Technique playing the role of Lex’s servant throughout. Freedom Force have their own status of part of the USPW job-squad, which keeps anyone from getting two excited about the bout, but they pick up the win when Kirk Jameson catches Lex in the Bullseye while the announce team puts over the Force’s lack of success in the promotion.


It’s a big moment for Jameson – his first victory in USPW – and it goes horribly wrong in a matter of seconds. Anger hits the ring, bulldozes through everyone else, and locks the Last Breath on the celebrating Jameson. Kirk goes down, gasping and clawing at the arm pressing against his throat, until the familiar sight of security hits the ring and pulls Anger away.


Result: Freedom Force defeated Warren & Lex in 8:34 when Kirk Jameson defeated Lex Appeal by pinfall. (Match: E-; Anger Attacks: D-)



Shane Sneer is in the ring with Java, Tribal Warrior and a microphone. This alone is enough to generate some mild heat with the crowd.


Sneer: Patriots. Everywhere I look, I’m surrounded by patriots. Men dressed in flags, men who shout USA at you idiots, men who believe America means something. Let me drop some truth on you, son – your patriotism is yesterdays news. America is all about the money, now, and there isn’t anyone in this company with more money than Sneer Incorporated. Now since Jim Force, Captain USA and their little buddy Junior aren’t scheduled for a match tonight, I’ve gone ahead and arranged for my own little demonstration of what’s going to happen when next they meet my boys. Why don’t you go ahead and bring out the challenger. (D)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Java.jpg


The Masked Patriot vs. Java


The challenger turns out to be MAW’s Masked Patriot, a masked heavyweight who carries a flag and plays to the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. What follows after the bell is nearly eight minutes of torture as Java toys with the rookie, giving him openings for the expressed purpose of countering them and cheating for the sheer thrill of it rather than a particular need. The Masked Patriot ends up bruised and battered, still fighting, when Java puts him away with a Greetings from the Islands.


The beating starts up again the moment the bell is rung, only this time Tribal Warrior comes in to help. The Masked Patriot is victim to two flying headbutts courtesy of Savage Fury, while Shane Sneer taunts The Forces of America on the microphone: You boys better come face us soon, is this good little patriot is dead – you hear me, dead!


Fortunately, this is enough – Jim Force and Captain USA come charging down the walkway, Captain USA Jr right behind them, and Sneer’s boys leave off their assault. Jim Force hits the ring first, leaping straight up onto the ring apron – only to get cut in two by a diving tackle through the ropes from Java. Captain USA comes up the stairs, a fraction slower thanks to his advanced age, and he gets met by Tribal Warrior who suplexes him into the ring and starts laying in with a series of stops. Captain USA JR gets clocked on the head with Sneer’s microphone, knocking him out, leaving us with the visual of Savage Fury stomping a mudhole into the Forces of America as we go to a commercial break.


Result: Java defeated The Masked Patriot in 7:42 by pinfall. (Match: E+; Post-Match Brawl: C-)



A vignette plays, featuring two bikers dressed up in leather and helmets so you can’t see their faces, all done in black-and-white with celluloid scratches designed to mimic a 50’s movie. They cruise down the highway, their Harley’s snarling, and one points at a nearby road-sign. The other nods and they take the next turn. The Camera remains stationary, watching them disappear into the sunset, then pulls back to reveal the sign they’re following: USPW 100 miles. Then the screen goes black. A short voice-over lifted from The Wild One plays:


What are you rebelling against?

What have you got?


Then a deep voice speaks over the roar of a motorcycle: The Wild Ones are coming… (D)



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Alicia Strong & Jaime Quine vs. Cherry Bomb & Devil’s Daughter


Tension between Devil’s Daughter and Cherry Bomb dominated this match, allowing Alicia and Jamie Quine to get the early advantage and play the women’s champion and the number one contender against each other; unfortunately Quine lacked Strong’s experience, and her lapses in judgment quickly saw the heels get the advantage back. Momentum see-sawed back and forth, with the heels picking up the win after putting aside their differences long enough to hit Strong with twin super-kicks to take her out of the match before Devil’s Daughter swarmed over Quine and picked up the submission with the Going Down Below.


Result: Cherry Bomb and Devil's Daughter defeated Alicia Strong and Jaime Quine in 9:50 when Devil's Daughter defeated Jaime Quine by submission with a Going Down Below. (D-)



A short pre-taped interview with Roderick Remus, who is lying on a couch with the Ramones playing in the background. He’s the very antithesis of a USPW wrestler – scruffy, unshaven, skinny as a rake – but he makes the grunge look work for him.


Remus: I’ve been hearing it for a week now – sloppy, lucky, scruffy, no chance, fluke-win, useless – the same words I’ve been hearing for the last fives years whenever people tell me I’ll never make it in this business. And, you know what? Whatever; like I care. I’ve been hearing those words all my life, and look at me now. So I’m making the best of it, defying the odds – and Jumbo Jackson, one of these days I’m coming for you. ‘Cause Roderick Remus will never sell out just to get ahead in this business, and I’ve got no respect for a champion who did. (D)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RoderickRemus_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DaveWallace.jpg


Roderic Remus vs. Dave Wallace


Another weak start for Remus, despite the fact that Wallace doesn’t have the size and power advantage that Eric the Bull did last week. Both Wallace and Remus fight at a swift pace, throwing one-another across the ring with arm-drags and dropkicks, and as the crowd warms up Remus starts to get the edge – he performs the first moonsault press seen in the company for several years, then picks up the victory by locking in the Remus Clutch submission that seems strangely at odds with his cruiserweight approach.


Result: Roderick Remus defeated Dave Wallace in 8:57 by submission with a Remus Clutch. (E)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarrylDevine.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JumboJackson.jpg


Darryl Devine vs. Jumbo Jackson

USPW Television Title Match


Jackson and Devine are an odd mix that never really synchs together, spoiling what should have been an okay match with bad chemistry. Devine refuses to be intimidated by Jackson’s size, using speed and agility to counter the big man’s advantage, but Jackson has mobility enough to keep pace with the young all-rounder and the match stays awkward-but-even. Devine looks strong, even coming close to picking up the win, but there’s a loud thump from the gorilla position and we see Jacob Jett crawling through the curtain, bloodied and desperate, screaming for help. Devine pauses, uncertain as to what’s going on, and Sneer strikes – he’s up on the ring ropes in a moment, seizing the momentary distraction, and delivers the low-blow. Jumbo takes the advantage and rolls up Devine for the win, but even then he needs his feet on the ropes to make it stick.


Micky Starr is still calling foul on commentary as Danny Jillefski announces the switch-over to a backstage camera to get a closer look at what’s happening. It turns out that Jett is being assaulted by Antonio Marquez, the Sensational Singh and Raphael, and the camera has arrived just as they’re putting the final touches on their assault. Raphael takes a moment to get up-close with the camera: Consider this a warning – the 3C Jetset is in the house.


Result: Jumbo Jackson defeated Darryl Devine in 9:09 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage after Shane Sneer interfered. (Match: D; Attack: F+)



Commissioner Doom hits the ring, flanked by a security team that’s dressed up in military fatigues.


Doom: Bruce the Giant? Get your oversized butt out here, maggot. I got something to say to you.


There’s a short wait, but Bruce’s music starts and he comes down to the ring, eyeing the assembled ranks of security guards as he comes. Bruce looms in the way that only Bruce can, trying to intimidate Doom. The commissioner backs off a step, but his grim visage never wavers.


Doom: Alright, maggot, stand down and that’s an order. You and me got business, and if you touch me there’s no chance – none! – of you getting what you seem to think is your right. Am I understood?


Bruce: Yeah, mate. Understood.


Doom: Excellent. Now, it’s come to my attention that you and James Justice have been making the choice of whether or not you fight for that title all on your own, without the involvement of USPW management. This news concerns me, maggot. It concerns me a great deal. I’m in charge here, and you will respect my authority.


Bruce frowns and takes another menacing step forward. This time Doom doesn’t give ground.


Doom: Touch me, maggot, and I’ll have you suspended. Now, you may yet be the challenger for the USPW at Red, White and Blue, I haven’t yet made my choice. But I respect your initiative, and I respect your abilities, so I’m making a match that’ll give you the opportunity to prove that you’re worthy of that spot – next week, maggot, you’ll be in a match with T-Rex and Giant Redwood – a no-disqualification handicap match – and if you get the pinfall there I’ll give you your match against James Justice.


Bruce smiles at this; Doom isn’t happy to see the expression, and immediately gets in the giant’s face.


Doom: Of course, if you loose next week, I’m going to have to suspend you for your attempt to circumvent the chain of command earlier. So bring you’re A game, maggot, because I promise you the Monsters will come looking for a war. (B)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisCaulfield.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PeterValentine.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg


James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine & Fumihiro Ota


A solid, swift match designed to give Caulfield and Justice some momentum back after the pounding they took at the hands of Bruce, T-Rex and Giant Redwood last week. Valentine and Ota present a very different dynamic to the monsters – heels that specialize in cheating and cowardly behavior rather than awesome beat-downs – and Justice in particular seemed to thrive against them. Valentine’s team picked up some heavy momentum, but once again things went bad when Fumihiro Ota locked on the OMG-Ninja Claw! to fantastic lack of effect – Justice endured the hold, gritting his teeth against the pain, and pulled Ota in for a Liberation Slam and a three-count.


Result: Justice & Caulfield defeated Peter Valentine and Fumihiro Ota in 8:40 when James Justice defeated Fumihiro Ota by pinfall. (C-)



We end with a short promo video for Red, White and Blue, focusing on the question of who will be the next contender for the World title and showing off the recent acts of brutality and power performed by both T-Rex and Bruce the Giant. The final shot is of Bruce lifting the massive T-Rex into position for a power-bomb, freeze-framing on the moment when T-Rex rained futile shots down on the giants head. (B+)



Overall Show Rating: C-

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The Latest News from USPW.com

  • USPW PPV is set to expand to Japan, allowing our fans in the orient to experience the exploits of their favourite superstars like Bruce the Giant, Java and Anger. Red, White and Blue is set to debut on Jade 237 later this month.

  • The Masked Patriot is looking for payback after being manhandled by Jave and Sneer Incorporated this week, and Captain USA has offered the services of his young protoge as the masked man's partner in a tag-team match.

  • Jammin' Jacob Jett will miss next week's American Wrestling taping, courtesy of injuries sustained at the hands of the 3C Jetsetters at last night's show. His scheduled title shot against Jumbo Jackson will take place when he's cleared to wrestle once more.

  • Injured USPW star Freddie Datsun has sent news to the front office that his injured leg is almost fully rehabed and he's ready to return to active competition. His first order of business - taking on his long-time adversary and the man who put him out, Giant Redwood.

  • Peter Valentine has been in the ear of Commissioner Doom yet again, pushing for a title shot despite a string of contraversial loses against the likes of Bruce the Giant. Doom has agreed to meet the Heartbreaker in a closed-door discussion at the next USPW American Wrestling taping.

Matches announced for next week's American Wrestling broadcast


Al the Hillbilly vs. Fumihiro Ota

Nicky Champion vs. Lex Appeal

The Masked Patriot & Captain USA Jr vs. Savage Fury

April Appleseed vs. Stephanie Wade

Roderick Remus vs. Anger

Bruce the Giant vs. The Monsters

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American Wrestling

Week 2, February, 2008

Recorded at the Arkansas Coliseum; Telecast on Sports America

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) / Ratings: 0.51



Al the Hillbilly vs. Fumihiro Ota


Ota looked like a toothpick compared to the big heavyweight, but that didn’t stop the fast-moving lightweight from holding his own. Ota ran circles round Al, literally, and took control of the offense despite the lingering threat of Cousin Beauregard on the outside. Ota picks up the victory after rolling out of the way of a Southern Legdrop and hitting a Ninja Strike enziguri for the three.


Shane Sneer makes an offhand comment suggesting that the ninja has far better luck when he’s not trying to use the ZOMGNinjaClaw to finish a match, but Danny Jillefksi and Micky Starr both argue for the moves lethality in the right hands.


Fumihiro Ota defeated Al The Hillbilly in 5:15 by pinfall (D)



We go backstage to Commissioner Doom’s office, which is dark and being shot in green night-vision. The door to the office opens and the gaint form of Mick Muscles slinks in, waving a flashlight around. He heads towards Doom’s desk, putting the flashlight on top as he opens a drawer, but then the beam flashes the camera and the picture dissolves as the nightvision lens is overwhelmed by the sudden flash light. (D-)




Nicky Champion vs. Lex Appeal


The returning Nicky Champion came out like a house on fire, smashing Lex Appeal from pillar to post. Lex eventually gives up trying to wrestle, settling for fleeing the infuriated youngster, but Champion cuts him in two with a spear before putting Lex away completely with the Hawkeye Hammer.


Nicky Champion defeated Lex Appeal in 7:28 by pinfall. (E+)



A short backstage segment that sees Alicia Strong walking towards the arena from her car, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with her bag slung over her shoulder. There's dim light out there, making it hard to see, and it provides Cherry Bomb all the cover she needs - the women's champ leaps out, nails Strong with a Cherry-Popper, and lays in with a few kicks before a security guard notices the attack and comes charging through the parked cars. Bomb dissappears into the night, but the guard leans over Alicia: We've got an assault victim, female, caucasion; get me an anbulance, I think she's hurt. (D)


We cut to the backstage area, where Captain USA and Jim Force are putting the Masked Patriot and Captain USA Jr through their paces before the big match. While Jim continues to give advice (NO, YOU MUST USE THE FOOOOOOOORCE!), Captain USA turns to the camera.


USA: If there's one thing I respect, it's a man brave enough to wear the colours of his country - to dedicate himself to living up to the ideals required when you wear the Red, White and Blue. These young men, one of them my own protoge, will do this tonight when they enter the ring with a pair of scallywags named Savage Fury. Now these kids are young, but they're good - heck, I hand-picked one of them to take my place when I retire, though that's a day a long way distant - and tonight's going to be a test for them, a crucible of fire. Tonight they have their faith in their country tested, and whether they win, lose, or draw you can bet they'll come out the stronger for the experience.


And if Sneer and his boys try something? Well, lets just say it's a good thing they've got me and Jim to watch their backs. (E-)



The Masked Patriot & Captain USA Jr vs. Savage Fury


This was always going to be an uphill battle for the young patriots, and they did a decent job of holding their own against a team that outclassed them in both size and power. The Masked Patriot stood toe-to-toe with Java, trading punches, and Captain USA Jr hit a spectacular senton on Tribal Warrior for a two-count. Unfortunately for the faces, Savage Fury were still the better pairing and their quick tags and double-teams carried them to victory. Java hit the Greetings From the Islands on Captain USA Jr for the three-count.


Predictably, the fun didn’t stop there – Savage Fury started to stomp a mud-hole into both their opponents, drawing Captain USA and Jim Force out. This week Savage Fury met the patriot pairing on the ramp, with the Forces gaining a momentary victory when Jim Force powerbombed Tribal Warrior into the ramp. Sadly, the victory was short-lied – Java laid out both Force and the Captain on his own, almost snapping the latter in two with a back-breaker.


Savage Fury defeated The Masked Patriot and Captain USA II in 6:34 when Java defeated Captain USA II by pinfall. (Match: E+; Post-Match Brawl: D)



Backstage in Remus’s locker-room, Pearl Jam playing on a battered tap-deck as the young wrestler stretches out on a bench, napping.


Remus: Anger? Man, I don’t sweat Anger. He might have been a demon in his time, but I live with demons, you know what I’m saying? Everything I’ve had, I fought for. Everything I am, I fought to be. I fought hard to get here, I’ll fight just as hard to stay here, and like the man says – you do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light. Demon or no demon, Anger’s going to know he was in a fight tonight. (D)



April Appleseed vs. Stephanie Wade


A solid filler-match to remind the audience that other parts of women division are still around. Basic storytelling, with April Appleseed picking up the victory with a sweep kick and a roll-up after Stephanie Wade misses her superkick.


April Appleseed defeated Stephanie Wade in 8:21 by pinfall. (E+)



A short video plays, showcasing the highlights of Freddie Datsun’s time with USPW. There’s a strong focus on his matches with Giant Redwood, including the horrific moment when a botched suplex from the big man injured Datsun and put him on the shelf. The final message: At Red, White and Blue, the Working Class Warrior returns and claims his revenge… (D-)



Roderick Remus vs. Anger


Remus mentioned backstage that he’d been a long-time fan of the Demons of Rage, and it certainly showed in this match – his familiarity with Anger’s signature spots gave the pair great chemistry. Anger dominated, but Remus clung on and retaliated with a kind of morose savagery. Eventually he got lucky, ducking a charge from Anger that saw the big man injure his shoulder on the ring-post; REmus capitalized, rolling Anger up and getting a quick three.


The injured Anger isn’t pleased by the loss, immediately pulling Remus in and locking on the Last Breath. Remus fought against it, struggling to be free, but he goes down to the matt and starts gasping for air regardless. Once again the security team swarms the ring, pulling Anger off his opponent, and a gasping Remus staggers back to his feet. Anger is snarling, frothing at the mouth as he spits curses as Remus, but Remus stands tall…


…then one of the security guards turns and nails Roderick with a mafia kick, sending him back to the matt in a comatose lump. The crowd roars their disproval as the Security guard pulls off his riot-mask and reveals Jumbo Jackson, who leans over the young rookie.


Jackson: You’re coming for me, kid? Really? Do yourself a favor and back off, otherwise things are going to get really nasty.


Jackson stalks off, not even looking back, as Anger roars with laughter and paramedics hit the ring.


Roderick Remus defeated Anger in 5:31 by pinfall with a roll up. (Match: D-; Double Beat-Down: D)



Bruce the Giant vs. The Monsters


It’s rare that you’ll see either Bruce or either of the monsters go all-out, but this time they tried it. A furious two-on-one brawl that starts before the bell is even rung and see’s massive super-heavyweights thrown across the ring with alarming regularity. Bruce holds his own, just barely, and starts to edge ahead…


…then Fumihiro Ota hits the ring, ducking between the two Monsters to nail Bruce in the side of the skull with a Ninja Strike. Baby Jamie throws the match out immediately, declaring it a DQ for Bruce, but neither Bruce nor T-Rex seems particularly happy with that result. T-Rex charges Bruce immediately, locking in the Jurassic Crush and lifting the Giant off the mat. It’s a fantastic display of dominance, but it isn’t until T-Rex sends Bruce crashing to the concrete at ringside with a suplex that people get a glimpse of exactly how-much strength the Jurassic Power has. Bruce takes the bump well and lies there, selling as best he can, while T-Rex roars and stomps around the ring.


Bruce The Giant defeated The Monsters in 6:52 by DQ. (Match: C-; T-Rex Triumphant: B+)



We go backstage to Doom’s office, where the Commissioner and Peter Valentine are watching the match on a monitor.


Valentine: Well?


Doom scowls at the monitor: Alright, maggot, you’ve made your point and I’ll give you your chance.


Valentine: That’s all I asked, Commissioner. T-Rex is good, Bruce is better, but Peter Valentine is smarter than both of them. You may think Bruce and Justice will sell seats at the Pay-Per-View, but we both know the name Valentine will sell even more.


Doom: There’s just one problem, maggot – by your argument, neither of those men is a good choice for a contender because neither has a clean victory over a worthwhile opponent?


Valentine: You’ve grasped the essence of my argument, yes.


Doom: Well, neither have you, maggot. You want a shot at that title, you gotta pick up a victory. A clean victory.


Valentine: I’m happy to oblige, Commissioner, just name the time and the place.


Doom actually cracks a smile at that.


Doom: Right here, right now. You versus Chris Caulfield, one-on-one, and if your little ninja-boy gets involved in the match, I guarantee you there will be no title shots in your future, ever. Am I understood?


Valentine’s surprised, obviously unprepared for the match, but he nods. Understood. (C+)



Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine


This turned into one of those rarest of things – a solid, entertaining Peter Valentine match that didn’t involve cheating or interference. Caulfield really carried the flow of the match, letting the advantage trade back and forth, selling the fact that Valentine was his equal in the ring. Valentine played it straight for the most part, engaging in just enough heeling shenanigans to keep the crowd hating him, and picked up the victory with a Heart Breaker.


We close the show with Peter Valentine celebrating in the ring, Seduction comforting Chris Caulfield at ringside, and Micky Starr wandering what this means. Shane Sneer brings it home for the audience: Isn’t it obvious, you idiot? Valentine’s pipped them both, T-Rex and the Giant. He’s cut a deal and earned himself a shot at the title. It’s genius….


Peter Valentine defeated Chris Caulfield in 9:36 by pinfall with a Heart Breaker. (Match: C+; Valentine vs. Justice Hype: B-)



Overall Show Rating: C

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">The Latest News from USPW.com</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><ul><li>Bruce the Giant is livid after seeing his title shot stolen by Peter Valentine due to the Heartbreaker's interferance. He's promised revenge, starting with Valentine's lacky Fumihiro Ota.<br /></li><li>Captain USA has issued an open challenge to Sneer Incorporated to face the Forces of America and Captain USA Jr in a three-on-three war at Red, White and Blue.<br /></li><li>Commissioner Doom has booked a match between Alicia Strong and number one contender Devil's Daughter; if Alicia Strong wins she'll be added to the clash between Devil's Daughter and Cherry Bomb at the PPV.<br /></li><li>Jammin' Jacob Jett is having a busy month - he's returning to USPW for a Television Title shot after recovering from the injuries suffered at the hands of the 3C Jet-Set, and he's already been named as one of the opponents that will face the international trio at Red, White and Blue.<br /></li><li>USPW recently held a short charity event to raise money for the Florida Orphan's Trust. Results can be found at the USPW website.</li></ul><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Matches announced for next week's American Wrestling broadcast</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jim Force vs. Tribal Warrior</p><p>

Alicia Strong vs. Devil's Daughter</p><p>

Jacob Jett vs. Jumbo Jackson</p><p>

Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood</p><p>

James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. The Towers of Power</p><p>

Bruce the Giant vs. Fumihiro Ota</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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  • 1 month later...

Week 3, February, 2008

Recorded at the Arkansas Coliseum; Telecast on Sports America

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) / Ratings: 0.45




We start the show with the commentary team running down some recently announced matches for Red, White and Blue.


Jillefski: Good evening, America, and welcome to American Wrestling. We’re just a few days out of our second ever Pay-Per-View, Red White and Blue, and Commissioner Doom has a list of big match announcements.


Starr: You’ve got that right, Jim. At Red, White and Blue the war between the Forces of America and the Sneer Corporation comes to head with a three-on-three battle between the trio dubbed Team Patriot – Jim Force and both Captain USA’s – and the representatives of Sneer Inc -Savage Fury and Shane Sneer’s Bodyguard, Eric the Bull.


Sneer: Lets be honest, Micky, this isn’t a match, it’s a demonstration of our superiority. Captain USA was a great wrestler once, but his time is long past and that kid he’s training is about as dangerous as a blunt toothpick. There ain't no way any of them can stand up to the combined power of the Fury and the Bull. (E-)



Jillefski: I'd hate to agree with a man with your obvious bias, Shane, but I gotta agree with you on that one. Still, in a business like this, you should never count a man out - it only takes three seconds to pick up a victory.


Of course, that’s not the only grudge match on the card – the returning Freddie Datsun is going one-on-one with the man who put him out of action six months ago – the Giant Redwood.


Starr: And, oh, I can’t wait for this one, Brother. Big Red likes to think that he’s the kind of the USPW mountain, but Datsun is one tough son-of-a-gun.


Sneer: Datsun may be tough, but he’s not a monster. I don’t think there’s a man alive who can stand up to the raw destruction of a falling Redwood. (D+)



Jillefski: And our Red, White and Blue main event – James Justice taking on the Heartbreaker, Peter Valentine, who literally snuck this title shot out from the grip of Bruce the Giant on our last show.


Starr: This’ll be a tough one for the champ, brother; he’s held his own against monsters like T-Rex and Bruce the Giant, but he hasn’t had to face an opponent as sneaky and downright dirty as Peter Valentine for a long stretch.


Sneer: What my esteemed colleague is trying to say, naturally, is that the champ hasn’t had to face someone sufficiently motivated to win. Valentine lays it all on the line when he’s out there, and no result but victory is acceptable.


Jillefski: True that, Shane. Valentine's so damn sneaky and underhanded you almost have to wonder why he isn't part of the Corporation.


Sneer: I don't like your tone, Jillefski.


Starr: Like it or not, brother, its time to snap your eyes towards the ring because one of your boys is due a whipping... (B-)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JimForce.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TribalWarrior.jpg


Jim Force vs. Tribal Warrior


The Forces of America have frequently come out second-best on their clashes with Savage Fury, but tonight everything seemed to go the right way for Jim Force. Captain USA did a great job of countering Java’s presence at ringside. A short, fast brawl that resulted in Force hitting the Full Force and picking up the three.


Jim Force defeated Tribal Warrior in 6:38 (E)



A new Wild One’s vignette plays, featuring two bikers dressed up in leather and helmets so you can’t see their faces, all done in black-and-white with celluloid scratches designed to mimic a 50’s movie. This time it’s a montage, showing the pair cruising through mountains and small towns, until they finally catch sight of the skyline in the distance. The screen goes black. A short voice-over lifted from The Wild One plays:


What are you rebelling against?

What have you got?


Then a deep voice speaks over the roar of a motorcycle: At Red, White and Blue, the Wild Ones arrive… (E)



Marquez: Ola, America! It is I, Antonio Marquez, and my compatriots Raphael and the Sensational Singh. It is our pleasure to address you, just as it will be a pleasure to wrestle these paltry heroes you’ve found to defend your United States Pro-Wrestling at Red, White and Blue.


Raphael: Jacob Jett, you’ve had your warning. We came, we beat you down, and now we’re just going to beat you. I know you and your boy Devine are tight and you think you’re ready for anything, but the Jet-Set is like a well-oiled machine and we don’t accept failure.


Singh: Sing it, Raphael-Sahib, for it is nothing but truth. USPW is home to the best in America, but my brothers-in-arms represent the best in the world! We strike like the cobra! We fight like the mongoose!


Marquez: And when it’s all over and the three-count is ours, we party like no-one else on earth. (E+)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AliciaStrong.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DevilsDaughter.jpg


Alicia Strong vs. Devil’s Daughter


A fast-paced match that saw Devil’s Daughter stay on top and force Strong to work hard for every scrap of offense. Cherry Bomb came out and joined the commentary team during the match, taking the time to run down both workers but putting her faith in DD to keep the title match at Red, White and Blue one-on-one. Unfortunately, her faith was misplaced, as Strong ducked a super-kick attempt and hit the Angel Driver from seemingly no-where to pick up the three.


Alicia Strong defeated Devil's Daughter in 9:46 (D+)



We go backstage where Beau Woods and Al the Hillbilly are sitting down, chugging on bottles of moonshine as they shoot-the-breeze in a nearly-incomprehensible southern drawl. Pete sits in the background, thumbing a few notes on a banjo that he clearly has no clue how to play.


Then Mick Muscles walks in, fronting up to Beau. The big man stands, nostrils flaring, and he’s still got a few inches on the already giant Muscles. Mick stares him in the eyes, not even flinching, and slaps the envelope he stole from Commissioner Doom’s office against Beau’s chest. Beau looks down at it, sneering.


Muscles: It’s a contract, Grizzly Adams. Slap your X on it and get it to the office, they’ll handle the rest. Then, once I’m done humiliating those overgrown bears you call Cousins, I can turn my attention to you – all neat and official-like.


Jillefski: Wow! It seems that USPW will be getting a new superstar!


Starr: Indeed it does, brother. It may not be the most honest way of getting a match, but I can’t say I’ll be sorry to see Cousin Beau in the ring.


Sneer: I can’t say it’s well-timed, but it’s probably necessary. The people seem like watching those overgrown in-breeds get beat-up, and I don’t think there’s going to be much left of Beauregard Wood’s cousins once the Towers of Power finish grinding them into a paste on Sunday. (Contract Negotiation: C-; Hype: E+)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JacobJett.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JumboJackson.jpg


Jacob Jett vs. Jumbo Jackson

USPW Television Title


Jammin Jacob Jett pulls out all the stops in this match, laying everything on the line in order to pick up his first title in USPW. He refused to be daunted by Jumbo’s size, laying into him with a series of punches and kicks as soon as the bell rang, catching the big man on the back-foot and pressing the advantage for all it was worth. The momentum shifted when Jett tried a flying cross-body press from the top rope – Jumbo’s just too big for the move, and he steadied himself well enough to catch and slam the flying rock-star. Jett fights back, setting up a series of false-finishes, but Shane Sneer proves the deciding factor when he slips out of the commentary position and distracts Jett. Jumbo takes the opportunity to nail the challenger with a clothesline to the back, then throws him into the corner for a Jumbo Avalanche to retain the title.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Jacob Jett in 8:36 by pinfall (D)



Jumbo and Sneer remain in the ring as a dazed Jett is helped backstage by Darryl Devine. Jumbo Jackson claims the microphone and waits for the crowd to finish screaming before he begins.


Jackson: Two challengers, two victories for the double J, one belt that isn’t going anywhere. I am your television champion, the Impact Player of Sneer Incorporated, and there’s no-one out there who can stop me. Not Jett, not Devine, and sure as hell not that scruffy little punk Roderick Remus. Kid, you might think you’re tough, but everyone knows you’ve got no business being in the ring with me.


The Television Champion’s rant is cut off when Rod Remus walks out from behind the backstage curtain to a mild pop.


Remus: Man, you talk like it means something, and everyone knows it doesn’t. Tell you what, sell-out, how about you and me get crazy at Red, White and Blue to see whether you can walk better than you talk?


Shane Sneer moves to restrain Jumbo, but the big man shakes him off. Remus, you’re on.


(Taunting: C-; Challenge: D-)



Jillefski: That’s another big title match confirmed for Red, White and Blue, and we’ve just got news from the back that Commissioner Doom’s made *another* match official.


Starr: You got that right, brother. The women’s championship is being decided in a three-way dance between champion Cherry Bomb and the champions Alicia Strong and Devil’s Daughter. (E+)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NickyChampion.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GiantRedwood.jpg


Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood


Nicky Champion is fresh back from injury and going up against one of the monsters of the main event, Giant Redwood. It’s a short, grueling brawl of a match that sees Champion use speed and raw power to outclass Red, surprising everyone when he actually lifts the big man and powerslams him into the mat. Redwood’s comeback is derailed when Freddie Datsun appears at ringside, glaring at the big man and slitting a thumb across his throat. Champion takes advantage of the laps in Red’s concentration, spearing him in half before hitting the Hawkeye Hammer for the win.


Nicky Champion defeated Giant Redwood in 5:35 by pinfall (D)


Champion is celebrating his victory when the familiar voice-over starts - Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light – and Anger comes charging down into the ring. Champion is ready for the assault, brawling with the demon as he slides into the ring, but it isn’t long before Anger sidesteps a charge and locks in the Last Breath to bring Nicky Champion to the mat. Champion holds on for longer than most, but eventually the demon’s weight drops him to the mat and security is forced to come separate the pair. (D+)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisCaulfield.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DannyRushmore.jpg


James Justice & Chris Caulfield vs. The Towers of Power

USPW Tag-Team Titles


Justice and Caulfield stayed strong in this match, standing toe-to-toe with the tag-team champions in a way that haven’t been allowed to do against opponents like T-Rex and Redwood of late. Solid brawling from all four men, with a long tease with the possibility of Justice becoming a double-champion as he goes into a series of close pinfalls. In the end it’s Mick Muscles who acts to save the championships for the Towers, using one of the belts to clock Chris Caulfield I the head and pick up the DQ.


Justice & Caulfield defeated The Towers Of Power in 8:43 ©


Jillefski: Ladies and gentlemen, in light of what we saw earlier tonight, Commissioner Doom has made one more match for Red, White and Blue – a match between Nicky Champion and his attacker, the demon Anger.


Starr: That’s not all, either, brother, because Champion has asked that the match be no disqualifications.


Sneer: I’m amazed, that almost sounds like a smart call.


Starr: How do you figure, brother? It seems like an open invitation to let Anger use that Last Breath?


Sneer: Who cares? The demon’s been fined for using that hold for months now and it hasn’t stopped him – Champion’s just evened the playing field a little - anything Anger wants to unleash, Champion can dish right back without recriminations. (D)



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg


Bruce the Giant vs. Fumihiro Ota


Ota wasn’t so much an opponent as a victim in this one, having the stuffing beat out of him by an enraged giant as he scrambled to find some way to stand up to the unstoppable Australian. Not a great match for technical purists, but the fan’s were behind Bruce all the way and both men did a good job of playing up the fact that Bruce is now a man unleashed. After nearly seven minutes of action, Bruce finally hits the Giant Choke Slam and covers the battered Ota for the victory.


Bruce raises his fist in the air, soaking in the approval of the crowd, when his moment of triumph is cut short - T-Rex thunders into the ring, steel chair in hand, and smacks Bruce across the back of the head. Bruce goes down like a ton of bricks and T-Rex looms over him, placing one foot on the giant’s chest as he exalts in the boos of the crowd. Our final image of the show is Bruce the Giant going down from that chair-shot, replayed over and over from a variety of angles.


Bruce The Giant defeated Fumihiro Ota in 6:48 by pinfall (Match: B-; Attack: B+)



Overall Show Rating: C+


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