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The little battler – Kiwi Wrestling Federation

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Because everyone loves those stories where a rag-tag group of rejects go on to achieve success. Well, here at KWF at least we have the rejects.




January 2008 - Live from the Mt Eden YMCA;


“Kiwi Wrestling”



Jake D'Angelo v Cody Cook


The match started out slowly with both Cody and Jake content to feel each other out. However before long Cody climbs to the top rope, managing to attempt what would have been a very impressive moonsault, if it had landed that is. After that the match fell apart after a bit, as both wrestlers attempted to land a series high risk moves. In the end Jake keeps Cook down long enough to connect with a Moonsault. From there the pin was academic.

Jake D'Angelo defeated Cody Cook in 9:45 by pinfall with a Moonsault. [F]


RA: And that was with scripting? Ugh.


After the match Cody looks livid at losing and throws some chairs around the ringside area as he makes his way to the back.




Announcer Matthew Diamond makes his way into the ring.

“I'd like to extend a big thank you to all of you who came here today. All eighteen of you. This is our first show and no doubt we will grow, it is my hope that this will just be a fir...” Matthew is interrupted as a theme we haven't heard before blasts through the speakers (although we've only had two entrances so far so that's hardly a surprise is it?).


“Allow me to introduce myself, I am Angus McMiller. I am here from Canberra to collect the taxes the federal government is owed by New Zealand.”

“You're what now?” Matthew responds quizzically.

“You heard me. I'm staying in New Zealand until I collect all $1004.63 that is owed to the Australian government.”

“Okay, well in that case you better take a seat, you may be here some time...”


And with that lame conclusion to the segment Angus joins Matthew at the commentary booth. [D]


Lloyd Banks is out now. “G'day Adelaide!” he chirps “I'm Lloyd Banks all the way from Gungellan and I can't wait to wrestle for you folk tonight!”



Francis Burke v Lloyd Banks


Lloyd was granted his wish as he faced off against the rookie Francis Burke. Unfortunately Lloyd soon found himself out gunned and on the wrong end of a series of quick counter moves. From commentary Angus had been cheering on Lloyd, although he now quickly abandoned him. The match then lost its way a little, although eventually Francis reached his endgame and scored a pinfall to end Lloyds night.

Francis Burke defeated Lloyd Banks in 11:49 by pinfall with a Flying Flip Neckbreaker. [F]


RA: Burke and Banks don't click, Also a lack of flow.


Matthew Diamond again makes his way back into the ring. “Folks, I hope you are enjoying the show so far. Now before we get onto the next match allow me to introduce one of the participants. Ladies and Gentlemen; Hardcore Henderson.” Henderson comes out and gets up close to Matthew, looking down at him. “Now before your debut match here at Kiw..” Henderson snatches the microphone out of Matthews hands and throws it to the ground. He then shoves Matthew, who was already backing off. Henderson emits a deep, slow rumbling laughs as Matthew goes tumbling to the mat outside.


Matthew Diamond scurries back to the announcing table as Henderson prepares for his match. [C-]



Hardcore Henderson v Adgee Cross


Poor Adgee Cross gulps before Gene Perry rings the bell, and who wouldn't be nervous going up against Hardcore Henderson. As everyone, probably even Adgee, expected this was a one sided affair. Henderson used his size and weight to the best of his advantage, throwing Adgee around the ring like a ragdoll. During the match Angus seemed to be more interested in asking for directions to Wellington than actually commenting on the match, however even he stopped to comment on how much of an underdog Adgee was. Several times Henderson could have covered him, however he kept pulling Adgee up to brutalise him some more. Finally Henderson ended the beating and the referee counted the three.

Hardcore Henderson defeated Adgee Cross in 7:39 by pinfall with a Lariat. [F]


RA: Great chemistry and a lack of flow. Adgee doesn't seem to like losing.


The match is over and Henderson strolls backstage, seemingly satisfied that he had made a big first impression. Angus however seems to be having a great time on commentary explaining how irresponsible New Zealanders are for not paying there taxes and doesn't bother to stop now the match is over. Finally a worker darts from the back and starts beating up on Angus, dragging him into the ring. Referee Gene Perry slides into the ring and we have a match!



Simon McBain v Angus McMiller


“It looks like I'm not the only one sick of Angus McMiller” Matthew gleefully notes from commentary. McBain takes the fight to Angus early on, making the most of his surprise attack. However he makes a mistake by going out to ringside to grab a chair. The referee is having none of that tonight and Angus uses the pause to gain the momentum, nearly gaining a quick pinfall. Angus controls the next part of the match, using his size advantage. His downfall comes when he gets confident that he has the match under control. While he is busy yelling at the crown about how they all owe him money, McBain manages to score with a DDT which is enough to get a (suspiciously quick) three count.

Simon McBain defeated Angus McMiller in 11:31 by pinfall. [E-]


Simon celebrates his successful defence of his nations honour as the fans file out the doors.


Overall: E-

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OOC: This is my second attempt at a diary, the first being “The Sam Keith Years”. I am going to use the same character that i did in that one however I have decided to go back on a default database rather than keep Sam Keith's California Mega Wrestling in the database. That means I am going from September-ish 2008 to January 2008, please ignore the time jump. Lets pretend that while flying back to New Zealand I zig-zagged around the international dateline somehow and time traveled backwards? That work for you? No? Okay, lets just assume New Zealand is a year or so behind the rest of the world, surely everyone can buy that...


If you never saw that diary don't worry, it wasn't anything special and you won't miss anything by not going back to look at it, its not really worth your time. Two things ended up in me dropping that diary, bad planning on my part and the lack of feedback. So please if you like this diary say so, it really does make a difference. And now, on with the show...or lack thereof.


A bit of a back story;

Upon hearing my mother-in-law had taken a turn for the worst and was near death we dropped everything in the States and rushed back to New Zealand. Coming home was the long term plan anyway, we just didn't expect to have to pack up everything in a week and ship it home. So by the end of October I was back home, a great deal poorer, unemployed and, worst of all, my mother-in-law had made a full recovery! It had been a pretty stressful time, filled with hospital visits, contingency planning, and dealing with the effects of uprooting our family and taking them to a brand new country. It helped that we were now surrounded by our family, but still, it was a stressful time. Anyway, back to wrestling.


While I had never taken much interest in the New Zealand scene when I grew up here I had been to a few big shows, for instance my first wrestling memory was seeing Wild Man Sullivan tour the country when I was eight. While in the States I had become deeply involved in the scene there, booking for a small Californian company. Now I was back home, and with plenty of spare time on my hands, so I vowed to attend a few small shows; experience the grass roots of wrestling and all that. The first show I had attended, up in Auckland, was a real eye opener. People recognised me. They wanted to talk to me about my experiences, ask me how Sam Keith really was. Being in such a small country meant that they relied on the Internet for most of their news and views on the wrestling scene and, while I didn't realise it at the time, they had taken note of a fellow countryman working in the American scene. That first show I attended was amazing. I talked to a few people in the crowd about my adventure and then even talked to some of the workers.


The next week I was down in Wellington for a job interview and I was lucky enough to attend another small show. It was pretty much the same, with people recognising me and asking me about my experiences. Granted some of the workers were the same ones I'd seen in Auckland (and two of them even worked the same match together) but it was still a surreal experience.


The fact that I was unemployed, and possibly the most recognisable wrestling character in the country quickly led me to a stark realisation. To save New Zealand Wrestling I would have to launch my own promotion and TAKE OVER THE WORLD! uhh...I mean...New Zealand...


Now I wasn't stupid, my first move – even before contacting and signing any talent – was obvious:


“Hello, Mr Quartermainne?”

“Yes son, what can I do for you.”

“Its Matthew Diamond here, from New Zealand, did you get my latest email?”

“Ah yes, yes I did. The proposal looks solid. Australian Pro Wrestling finds a non aggression pact to be acceptable.”

“Great, thats excellent news – perhaps we can share talent some day down the road”

“Ah, I wouldn't count on that son. Good luck though, You'll need it.”


Company News;

Well we signed up a roster and ran our first show. Thats pretty big news ain't it?

No backstage drama after the show.

Signed a non-aggression pact with APW.


C-Verse News;

From the only in Canada files; Cal Sanders was jailed one month for littering.




Kiwi Wrestling Two

Angus McMiller v Simon McBain (Table Match)

Francis Burke v Lloyd Banks

Smasher v Adgee Cross

Whirlwind Lee Wilkes v Cody Cook

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You've definitely got a reader here cuz, for the pure and simple reason that it's great to be a K1W1, from the land of the long white cloud *cough and Rugby League World Cup Champions cough* I come.


Angus McMiller v Simon McBain (Table Match) - stupid Australian!

Francis Burke v Lloyd Banks - ditto

Smasher v Adgee Cross - although I did note Adgee don't like losing

Whirlwind Lee Wilkes v Cody Cook

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OOC: Thanks guys for the predictions and comments, I might start to keep a running tally regarding the predictions if everyone hangs around.

*No New Zealand Pit Bull for several reasons; firstly he is far too expensive for a promotion like mine (KWF is just a company I started on Rock Hard btw) and secondly I wanted a non-aggression pact with APW to stop me turning the company into a APW-lite with Swoop and the like. Plus its fun to try and build a company from the 14 unemployed wrestlers available in the Australia region.

*Yes! Go the Kiwis! Hopefully you will recognise a few of the trophy designs I plan to use later on in the dynasty.

*And no title just yet – you'll have to wait for show four before we run the standard “knockout tournament to crown our first champion” angle.




February 2008 - Live from the Mt Eden YMCA;


“Kiwi Wrestling”


Whirlwind Lee Wilkes comes out to make his debut for the promotion. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Whirlwind Lee Wilkes and I am pleased to be here tonight. While I wasn't at the last show I do know a lot of the boys here quite well. Lately the behaviour of one of my peers hasn't been acceptable. Cody Cook, I heard about your behaviour in New Zealand last month and I've seen your behaviour backstage tonight. Quite frankly your attitude is poor, now come out here so I can teach you a lesson in manners.” [E-]



Whirlwind Lee Wilkes v Cody Cook


Whirlwind controlled the match, bringing Cody to the mat every time he tried to take to the air. Angus McMiller was again sitting at the commentary booth next to Diamond: “That Whirlwind is a menace. His dress sense is awful, why can't he wear plain black trunks like a normal competitor?” Cody had a rally in the middle of the match but by the end Whirlwinds...er...class shone through and he picked up the three count.

Whirlwind Lee Wilkes defeated Cody Cook in 10:45 by pinfall. [F+]




Two workers make their way into the ring, one is in a suit and tie while the other is in leather with a dangerous looking collar around his neck. The one in the suit, perhaps unsurprisingly, has the microphone. “Now, I'm sure you are wondering who that handsome man in the ring is. Well if you shut up I will tell you.” The man pauses as the crowd noise increases a notch or two. “No, not him! Me! I am the Big JB. Have you heard of me?” The crowd's silence indicates they haven't. “No, of course you haven't! I was once a brilliant wrestler in my own right, the next big thing to bless the business. However some jealous young competitor had to go and ruin my career by taking me out inside this very ring. Now my career may be over thanks to this cruel world, but I can still take pleasure in the misfortune of others. That is where my friend here comes in.” He gestures to his friend who manages to look somewhat menacing. “This here is Smasher. He is one half of the S&M Connection and he is here to inflict pain on you all. Bring out the victim!” [E]



Smasher v Adgee Cross


If the last set of competitors dress sense dismayed Angus then Smasher sent him into an outrage. “Although the Big JB is one snappy dresser, isn't he Diamond?” The match itself was a one sided affair as poor Adgee again got flung around the ring before being pinned by the imposing Smasher.

Smasher defeated Adgee Cross in 5:59 by pinfall. [F+]


As Big JB and Smasher made their way to the back, Lloyd Banks excitedly marches his way to the ring. He's wearing big overalls and a silly straw hat, in other words typical Australian clothing (just kidding). “Now I've'eer talked to some of the good folks in the back and they've been so kind to inform me that this ain't the great city of Adelaide. In fact, I've been told, we're in the town of Auckland. Well, let me apologise for my error last week, I'm just a country boy but I sure am proud to be here in the bestest littlest state of Australia.”



Francis Burke v Lloyd Banks


Burke and Banks lock up to start. Banks makes good use of his slight size advantage, pushing Burke away and getting some hard hitting shots in. Angus is full of praise for Banks, calling him the smartest of all of KWF's acquisitions. “He does need some polishing but he's quite the rough diamond”. “He's quite rough” Matthew agrees. However Bank's domination doesn't last long as Burke fights back and uses his speed to get around and wrap up Banks. With Burke in control Banks retreats to the far corner, calling for a time out. The referee heads over to see what the matter is when all of a sudden Angus leaps from the commentary table and whacks Burke over the head from behind. With Burke down Banks suddenly comes to life, covering for a quick pin.

Lloyd Banks defeated Francis Burke in 8:34 by pinfall following interference from Angus McMiller. [F]


RA: Burke and Banks don't click. Lack of flow.


Angus McMiller grabs a microphone and starts talking from ringside. “Did you see that? Did you see that?” He asks the crowd excitedly, “Allow me to introduce you to my new protégé, Mr Lloyd Banks. Isn't he something? Thank you Banks, the crowd has seen enough of you for one day, you may go.” Banks leaves victorious, and with a smile on his face. Unfortunately however McMiller had not finished with the microphone. “Francis Burke had failed to pay his takes, but now he understands what the Australian Taxation Office means when it says it never fails to collect. And that brings me to all of you, you see New Zealand is still owing a grand total of $1015.74 in federal taxes, that is Australian dollars might I add, and I am not leaving until I collect.”


Segment [E]


Once more McBain runs out from the back and attacks McMiller, sending him bundling into the ring. Then McBain grabs the fallen microphone. “Miller, I bet you fair and square last week yet you still haven't shut up. Well tonight I want a rematch, this time a tables match. If you lose, you leave.”



Angus McMiller v Simon McBain (Table Match)


Some useful ring attendants bought several tables to ringside and the match was on. McBain again started full throttle, swinging a chair at McMiller. Within minutes McBain had somehow managed to bust himself open and his blood flowed freely. After this McMiller was able to gain some control of the match, his superior technical skills showing through. McBain however got back into the match with a well timed Bulldog and headed outside to grab another chair. Unfortunately when he was making his way back into the ring McMiller struck, charging at him and knocking him off the ring apron and through the announcers table, nearly taking out Matthew Diamond as well. Gene Perry had no choice but to ring the bell and declare McMiller the victor.

Angus McMiller defeated Simon McBain in 9:48 when Simon McBain was put through a table. [E-]


RA: McBain was off his game, hmmm...


Angus McMiller surveys the carnage from the ring as McBain is helped to the back by the concerned KWF staff. (all two of them)


Overall: E- (again)

Crowd: 18 (again)

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Company News;

After making a tiny profit of $250ish the first month we made a whopping $1250 profit this month. Mostly on merchandise sales. I'm not quite sure who is buying the merchandise, but I do wish they'd also come to the shows. Now that the money I'm spending is my own rather than Sam's I'm a lot more careful with it, KWF is going to be operating pretty cautiously over the next year or so.


However, we did sign a brand spanking new talent for the March show, if you watch the Australian scene you'll probably guess who it is.


Sam Keith Watch;

Sam appeared on a local TV show yesterday, one of the interesting comments he made was that he and Eddie Peak don't really like each other. If I was still in California he would have saved such an outburst for my radio show...*sigh*


C-Verse News;

Ted Brady caught in possession.

Jesse Christian returns to wrestling – I worked with him in CMW, he thinks rather too much of himself.

New Zealand Pitbull teamed with Trehawke Phillips to win the APW Tag Team titles. I guess he won't be leaving APW anytime soon then...




Kiwi Wrestling Three

Simon McBain v ??? (Who is it? - only about three choices)

Mauler v Adgee Cross

Big Frankie v Lloyd Banks

Francis Burke v Cody Cook

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March 2008 - Live from the Mt Eden YMCA;


“Kiwi Wrestling”


Matthew Diamond is in the ring to launch the show. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for once again joining us here for Kiwi Wrestling. I have several items of business to attend to before we start our first match. First of all I'd like to announce that, as next month is ANZAC day, we here at the Kiwi Wrestling Federation will be holding a very special ANAZC Challenge. This event will crown the very first New Zealand Heavyweight Champion.

Secondly, it may sadden you to know that Angus McMiller cannot make the show tonight. But fear not! We have some exciting new talent here tonight, and let me introduce one of them – Cole Taylor!”


Cole Taylor emerges from backstage and struts his way to the ring. “You can go now skinny” he says to Matthew, bundling him out of the ring. “Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself again. Properly. I am Cole 'Tailor Made' Taylor and I am here to save you! Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!” He holds the microphone out to the crowd, receiving deadly silence as a response. “ahem...Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!” A few boos ring out this time. “Oh dear, we will have to work on that, won't we audience? I have a match against your Kiwi battler Simon McBain tonight, so in the meantime I'll just join the commentary booth shall I?” Cole makes his way to the – repaired - announcers table, not waiting for an answer.




Francis Burke v Cody Cook


With no back story to go on Cody looked as though he didn't really want to be there. Francis controlled the opening exchanges however the match quickly fell apart, with both workers just resorting to hitting some random moves. This gave Taylor some chances to get some zingers in on commentary, running the fans down for their failure to support what was obviously a technical showcase. Francis finished the match when he landed a Flying Flip Neckbreaker.

Francis Burke defeated Cody Cook in 10:50 by pinfall with a Flying Flip Neckbreaker. [F]


RA: Cody was off his game. And this was scripted...


Cody leaves the ring obviously unhappy with himself and has to be restrained by KWF staff before he leaves.


Matthew Diamond again takes to the ring, microphone in hand. “Ladies and Gentlemen please allow me to introduce someone very special.” Suddenly Real American – Sam Strong's theme song – hits the loudspeakers and the crowd pops. However the worker who makes his way to the ring doesn't look much like Sam Strong...He takes the microphone from Matthew.



“Hows it going brother? Allow me to introduce myself brother. I'm Big Frankie brother, and I'm here to stand up for Truth, Honesty and Dignity brother. One man that I'm afraid doesn't share my values is Angus McMiller. Brother, if you can hear me I'm coming for you. But you're not here tonight, brother and so I'm going to take on little Lloyd Banks. Lloyd, what you gonna do when Big Frankie comes for you brother.” He hands the microphone to Diamond and starts posing in the ring.





Big Frankie v Lloyd Banks


“Little” Lloyd Banks starts strong, perhaps inspired by his win last month. All the while Cole Taylor is near hysterics at the announcers table “who does this guy think he is? Get with the times man, this is the year two thousand and eight. This isn't some washed up Pro Wrestling company here, this is KWF!” By now Lloyd had Big Frankie down on one knee and was flailing widely at his head. Suddenly Big Frankie faces up and points at Lloyd. “YOU!” he shouts and gets up, on the attack. On big boot later and Big Frankie scores the win.

Big Frankie defeated Lloyd Banks in 7:52 by pinfall. [F+]




Big JB is out again, this time with a different, but equally as scary, monster next to him. “Last month I introduced you to one of my, uh...friends. Well here is the other half of the S&M Connection, Mauler. Mauler, say hello to the crowd.” Mauler grunts something into the microphone. “I see. Yes, this crowd is hardly worth our time, but such is life. I think its about time we inflicted some more pain on this joke of a roster. Bring out the victim!” [E-]


The hapless Adgee Cross makes his way to the ring, yet again faced with a seemingly impossible assignment.



Mauler v Adgee Cross


This match is pretty similar to Adgee's other two matches, except shorter. The audience seems to be experiencing deja vu as Adgee is flung around the ring. Mercifully Mauler makes short work of him.

Mauler defeated Adgee Cross in 4:51 by pinfall. [E-]


The KWF Projector splutters into life now and we see Hardcore Henderson on the wall...er...big screen.


“While I am not going to be in action tonight, I'd like to announce my participation in next months ANZAC Challenge. Anyone got a problem with that?”

Matthew Diamond gulps from ringside, but seems powerless to stop Henderson.

“Good. While I was doing my time in Mt Eden Prison I did a lot of thinking and came to the realisation that my calling in life is brutality. I'm a brutal person by nature so why bother fighting it? See fighting my calling was what got me into prison in the first place, I became sloppy, filled with regret. And in the end I became weak, and weak people make mistakes. But no longer. No longer do I have any regret for my brutality. That is why I am here in the Kiwi Wrestling Federation, I will brutalise anyone who is foolish enough to stand in my way. Next month you'll see my next victim. And mark my words, I will be crowned the first New Zealand Heavyweight Champion.”


The projector stops and Matthew Diamond breathes an obvious sound of relief. “Well folks, it looks like our first competitor in the ANZAC Challenge has just been announced!”



Simon McBain v Cole Taylor


Finally it is time for the final match and Simon makes his way into the ring, slapping the hands of those fans lucky enough to have ringside seats (pretty much all of the audience). Cole gets up from the announcing table, making a show of taking off and folding up his jacket and then tightening his boots. Finally he gets into the ring, referee Perry signals for the bell to ring, and we are underway. Simon quickly flings himself at his opponent, with seemingly no regard for his own safety. Once Cole gets over the shock of this tactic Cole manages to take control of the match, showing superior mat skills and using his size advantage. In fact he is so confident about the match that he takes a break to try and teach the audience his chant. “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!” Crowd: “Silence”. This gives McBain the opening he needs and he gets the victory with a quick roll-up.

Simon McBain defeated Cole Taylor in 11:52 by pinfall. [F+]


OOC: Ouch, bad match order.


Overall: E- (yet again)

Crowd: 23 (new record!)


OOC: Too many colours?
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Company News;

More good financial news. In just three months I have doubled my personal investment in the company. Sure, we are only talking about $5,000 (New Zealand) dollars here, but its a good start. In other good financial news, I've managed to find myself some regular employment, back on the radio. I'm hosting the morning show for NewstalkKGB, the largest talkback station in Auckland. Unfortunately my reputation for shameless self-promotion seems to have followed me from Los Angeles as I've been told that I'm not allowed to talk about Wrestling on the show.


Jake D'Angelo is complaining about not getting used much – luckily I had already planned to book him in the May and June shows.


Others News;

Jesse Christian has signed for CZCW, which was obviously the most logical choice.

Primus Allen has also joined him at CZCW.

Dan Stone has left the business, Victoria Stone inherits NOTBPW.

TCW has moved up to International size and has also picked up Sean McFly from the aforementioned NOTBPW.


News is thin on the ground at the moment so after the next show we'll likely be heading straight into Kiwi Wrestling Four without one of these posts.




The ANZAC Day Challenge

Angus McMiller v Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

Hardcore Henderson v Simon McBain



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April 2008 - Live from the Mt Eden YMCA;


“The ANZAC Day Challenge”


Angus McMiller is out to open the show! And he has a microphone!!

I have returned to this poor excuse for a gym after I was called away on business last month. I am told that in my absence some relic of a wrestler tried to called me out and then blindsided my protégé. Well whoever this oaf was, he couldn't even get himself included in tonights ANZAC Day Challenge so I will not pay him a moments thought. As you will expect, I am the hot favourite to win tonights challenge and when I do I will hold your precious New Zealand Heavyweight belt ransom. That's right ladies and gentlemen, if I do not receive the $1023.37 you people owe me in unpaid taxes you will never see your heavyweight title after tonight. Muahahaha....” [E+]



Whirlwind Lee Wilkes v Angus McMiller


For the first time here at KWF Angus McMiller was up against someone who could more than match him in the ring. Whirlwind, for all his bluster, is perhaps the best regular wrestler we have in the company and it showed here. After a lengthy (by KWF standards anyway) match Whirlwind Lee Wilkes managed to down Angus and advance to the final.

Whirlwind Lee Wilkes defeated Angus McMiller in 13:09 by pinfall. [E-]


Whirlwind raises his hand in victory before making his way backstage, his work for the night not over. In the meantime Matthew Diamond makes his way into the ring and asks McMiller how he feels. “How do you think I feel? I just lost my opportunity to win the most valuable object in New Zealand today. Now I will have to think of some other way to get you miserable people to pay up.” By now the ring rats had prepared for the next match and Hardcore Henderson makes his way from the backstage area. At the sight of him Matthew Diamond scurries out of the ring and, after a moments thought, Angus follows – joining Matthew at ringside. [D]


McBain comes out cautiously, knowing he is facing an uphill battle here. The presences of Angus McMiller at ringside also providing an additional unwelcome distraction. “It probably couldn't get any harder for McBain here tonight.” Diamond comments from ringside.



Hardcore Henderson v Simon McBain


This match was really not much more of a glorified squash. While McBain seems to be the pride of New Zealand he is still a lightweight, and in the ring against Hardcore Henderson it showed. Surprisingly McMiller didn't make the most of the opportunity to gloat and seemed distracted, leaving Matthew Diamond to call most of it. Instead, McMiller spent most of the time working on his Blueberry. The end came when Hardcore Henderson his a very stiff looking Lariat and picked up the three count.

Hardcore Henderson defeated Simon McBain in 7:56 by pinfall with a Lariat. [F]


Matthew Diamond again heads to the ring, this time trying to get a few words with Hardcore Henderson. Instead Hardcore Henderson just rips the microphone from Matthew's hand and roars at him, brushing past him as he walks to the back to quickly prepare for the final. [C-]



Whirlwind Lee Wilkes v Hardcore Henderson for the New Zealand Heavyweight Title (Hardcore Match)


This was a brutal match. Henderson relying on his size and brawling skills while Whirlwind could call on his Technical and Flying skills to at least keep things even. Angus McMiller was right into calling this match, having made a quick phone call in the interlude he had obviously finished his business for the day. After a few minutes Henderson took the advantage, it was a Hardcore match afterall, getting in some vicious shots with a trash can that busted Whirlwind open. Still Whirlwind would not stay down, showing sheer guts and determination to stay in the match. Whirlwind rallied, and after several chair shots he finally got Henderson down to his knees. Whirlwind then began to climb the ropes to deliver a final blow. Suddenly McMiller left his commentary position and pushes Whirlwind off the top rope, straight into a brutal Lariat from Henderson. The referee counts the three and we have our first New Zealand Heavyweight champion!

Hardcore Henderson defeated Whirlwind Lee Wilkes in 11:58 by pinfall with a Lariat following interference from Angus McMiller. Hardcore Henderson wins the ANZAC Challenge and the New Zealand Heavyweight title. [E-]


Angus McMiller now gets into the ring and offers his hand to Henderson...who accepts! Henderson kicks Whirlwind out of the ring while McMiller grabs a microphone. They are joined in the ring by Mr. Lloyd Banks. “Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the newest member of my team and the NEW NEW ZEALAND HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, The Debt Collector Henderson. Just fifteen minutes ago I made an offer to Mr. Henderson, one that he could not refuse. Now you will not be able to leave your taxes unpaid New Zealand, because Henderson is here TO COLLECT.” [D+]


Overall: E- (although we did increase our popularity, so it must be a 'high' E-)

Crowd: 23


Hopefully as the diary settles in my booking may get a little more predictable. Also, in one of those embarresing oversights that happens from time to time, I've noticed that I'd been listing matches with the winner always listed first, opps... Now it should be face first, heel second.


Kiwi Wrestling Four

Big Frankie v Angus McMiller

Simon McBain v Debt Collector Henderson (HC - Title)

Adgee Cross v Mauler

Jake D'Angelo v Smasher

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May 2008 - Live from the Mt Eden YMCA;


“Kiwi Wrestling”


Matthew Diamond begins the show in the ring. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for joining us tonight. Before we begin tonights show let me share with you some news from last months massive event. Firstly, after the event Whirlwind was taken to the local hospital for observation. Due to the brutality of the fight he will not be here tonight and is instead resting himself back home. Secondly, Simon McBain requested that he be Hardcore Henderson's first challenger. This request was granted by KWF management and therefore the New Zealand Heavyweight title will be on the line tonight in a hardcore match! Enjoy the show ladies and gentlemen.”


Matthew Diamond now takes his place at the ringside table. [D-]




Angus McMiller comes out now, flanked by Mr. Lloyd Banks and Hardcore Henderson – the New Zealand Heavyweight championship draped across his shoulder. “Last month you saw what brilliant preparation and planning can do. Last month you saw the power of the Australian Taxation Office. Last month you saw that the power of money can sway any man. I'd like to introduce to you my newest ally, and your NEW CHAMPION, The Debt Collector Henderson!” McMiller lowers the microphone but Henderson doesn't go to speak, instead he just stands there and grunts. “Henderson may have to put the title on the line tonight but know this” McMiller continues, “That McBain has no chance of winning this title, not tonight, not ever!”. And with that, the dominant faction in KWF heads to the back. [E+]


Next Up Smasher emerges from the back, flanked by the Big JB. They head directly to the ring, ready for the next match.



Jake D'Angelo v Smasher


Jake bounced out, seemingly unfazed by his bigger opponent and the presence of his ring-side advisor. Despite Jake's confidence however, the match was a short one and Jake didn't stand much chance against the bigger Smasher, who seemed determined to live up to his name. After not much more than four minutes Smasher had Jake down for the three count and the match was over.

Smasher defeated Jake D'Angelo in 4:34 by pinfall. [F+]


Now the Big JB takes a microphone. “You people are in for a treat tonight, both of my monsters are in action tonight – bringing their opponents great pain but bringing me great pleasure. Bring out the NEXT Victim!”. While he was talking Mauler had made his way into the ring and was now waiting for his opponent.



Adgee Cross v Mauler


This was the very definition of a squash...that is until Mauler got distracted by a fan and Adgee scored rolled up Mauler for the three! “Bah Gawd Adgee Cross has defeated Mauler! Adgee Cross wins!” Diamond shouts from ringside.

Adgee Cross defeated Mauler in 3:55 by pinfall with a roll up. [E-]


Adgee is euphoric in the ring and celebrates like he has just won a world title. The Big JB and Smasher look on in total disbelief from outside the ring.


Finally something snaps in the Big JB's head. “Get Him” he snarls, pointing at Cross. Smasher and Mauler jump on Cross and beat him down into the mat. Adgee Cross may have won the match but he has been left a mess in the middle of the ring. [D-]


As the KWF medical staff head to the ring to check on Cross, Simon McBain comes out to address the audience, a chair in hand. “Henderson, McMiller you two think you are so clever. Well Mister Big Shot, Mister Champion, tonight I'll show you what can happen when you don't have your new 'friends' around to help you.” By now Cross had been helped to the back and the audience were ready for the match to begin.



Simon McBain v Debt Collector Henderson for the New Zealand Heavyweight Title (Hardcore Match)


Simon McBain started off strong, seemingly a lot more confident when he was accompanied to the ring by a steel chair. However, just like last month, McBain is a lightweight and Henderson is a heavyweight and it showed. Henderson slowly but surely took control of the match, finally hitting his devastating Lariat to pick up the win.

Debt Collector Henderson defeated Simon McBain in 8:26 by pinfall with a Lariat. Debt Collector Henderson makes defence number 1 of his New Zealand Heavyweight title. [F+]


“Is this the best you got! Is this the best you got?” Debt Collector Henderson roars at the crowd as he heads to the back.




OOC: A big thanks to Nachtfalter for the alt. The work that comes out of the TEW 08 Alternate Pictures Thread is truly amazing.


Big Frankie now heads out to the ring, shaking the hands of the kids in the audience as he goes. “Angus McMiller, lets get right down to it brother. You've been running your mouth here in this company for far too long. Someone needs to put you in your place brother. And that someone is me. Tonight, one on one, I'm going to hit the big boot and have you down for the one two three. How do you like that, brother?”



Big Frankie v Angus McMiller

“Frankiemania is running wild here in Mt Eden!” Diamond comments from ringside as the match begins. Big Frankie started strong with some heavy power moves. Eventually however McMiller got him to the mat and tried to keep him there. This was short lived however and the match returned to more of a brawl. The end came when Angus scored a near pinfall off a DDT however it wasn't enough and Big Frankie began to psych up, destroying McMiller with a series of punches. Big Frankie finished it with a Big Boot and scored the pinfall.

Big Frankie defeated Angus McMiller in 14:12 by pinfall. [E-]


As soon as the match is over Debt Collector Henderson and Mr. Lloyd Banks race out and start to attack Big Frankie. Debt Collector Henderson gets a viscous steel chair shot that puts Big Frankie down to the mat. Angus McMiller now has a cricket bat and wails away at Big Frankie. The three of them finally leave, with Big Frankie a bloody mess in the middle of the ring. [D-]


Overall: E- (but again increasing popularity)

Crowd: 22 (we scared someone off)

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After Kiwi Wrestling Four;


As always we were in the back after the show having a few beers. I was deep in conversation with Jansen about the next rugby test when suddenly there was shouting from the other side of the locker room. Frankie Robertson and Tony Henderson were toe to toe and only some quick thinking (and stupidity) by Gene Perry, who jumped in between them, stopped a fight breaking out. Perry had seen the whole confrontation take place, apparently Henderson had added Laxative to Robertson's first beer and he had spent the last thirty minutes in the bathroom.


I pulled Henderson into the side room that doubles as my office and told him pretty clearly that it was unacceptable behaviour, especially if he wants to keep wearing the belt. Now Tony is a pretty scary dude, both out in the ring and back stage. He is really an ex-convict (which isn't unusual in Australia..) and has 'the look' which meant he could be successful in any wrestling company. Tony said I made my point loud and clear, but I had a feeling that it wouldn't be the last time he causes me trouble.


Company News;


It may not have seemed like it but Kiwi Wrestling Four was the most expensive card we've ever run by far. Despite this we managed to break even for the month, something I'm pretty happy about. I was worried that if we'd suffered a loss I would have to redraw my plans for the coming months.


Others News;


APW has risen to regional size after APW's Caged Showdown 2008. This should be interesting as there are only two unemployed wrestlers in Australia and one of them – The Comedian – has a rather large grudge with James J McMinster.


A few days later APW picked up Fuzzy Freeman, but as yet have not made The Comedian an offer. Somehow I think that is unlikely.


Milton Hittlespitz is now available. Had a talk to him and while he has pretty decent charisma I just don't think there is room to bring him in at the moment. Also, at $450 per show he would be near Main Event money. No doubt APW will snap him up pretty soon.




Kiwi Wrestling Five

Simon McBain v Cody Cook

D'Angelo and Cross v The S&M Connection

Big Frankie v Debt Collector Henderson for the New Zealand Heavyweight Title (Hardcore Match)

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