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World Championship Wrestling 1991-The Rush to the Top

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WCW Spring Stampede


A dark match took place before the show, featuring The Nightstalker pinning Bob Backlund with the Uranage Slam(D+)


A video package is shown hyping up tonight’s match for the NWA World Championship with Ric Flair putting the belt on the line against El Gigante. (C+)


Terry Gordy, Steve Williams, and Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. the Freebirds(Scott Hall, Diamond Dallas Page, and Jimmy Garvin)


Nice back and forth tag team match between two impressive trios of teams. Eaton gets isolated for a spell but fights back and makes the hot tag to Terry Gordy. Gordy unloads on the Freebirds, with help of the other two before it is just Scott Hall and Gordy in the ring. Hall delivers a low blow, softening up Gordy for the Crucifix Power Bomb. This scores the pin and Freebirds win tonight. (C-)


WCW Junior Heavyweight Title Finals:

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Brian Pillman


Both of these men threw everything that had at each other. Countless nearfalls, with Liger using several high impact moves, including a Shooting Star Press. A second one misses and Pillman hits a Flying Cross Body for a nearfall. Swinging DDT is thrown off and palm strike brings Pillman down. Fisherman buster scores a nearfall. Brain buster with another nearfall. Running Liger Bomb set up but Pillman counters with a Frankensteiner in mid run. He’s on the outside and springboards to the top rope, before he leaps, catching Liger around the head with a Swinging DDT with expert precision. The announcers are in a hush and Pillman covers to score the pin. Brian Pillman is the first WCW Junior Heavyweight Champion! (C+)


WCW Tag Team Title Match:

The Hardliners vs. The Steiner Brothers©


This was a great tag team match with lots of back and forth action and double teaming. Murdoch and Slater isolated Scott in the corner, giving him a vicious beating. Nice Spike Piledriver by the Hardliners but it does not put the champions down. Scott fights out with suplexes and tag made to Rick who unloads on them. Slater is dumped to the floor and Scott reenters the ring. Elevated Bulldog and Murdoch is pinned. The Steiner Brothers remained WCW World Tag Team Champions. (B)


Sting cuts a promo, talking about his match with Barry Windham, promising victory after a number of matches Windham cost him recently including the NWA World Championship. (B+)


Dusty Rhodes vs. Sid Vicious


Sid is a large monster and Dusty tries to chop him down earlier, to no avail. The monsterous member of the Four Horsemen beats down Dusty, throwing him to the floor, throwing him into the ring steps. An effortless powerslam brings Dusty Rhodes down and Sid shows his power, stomping Dusty. Attempted big boot is ducked and Dusty pounds on Sid, jumping on his back but Sid flips Dusty over onto his back and chokes him. Sid kicks Dusty and short arm clothesline sets up another choke. Choke slam brings Dusty down to the canvas. Sid is staggered but he lifts his arms up. The Power Bomb could be coming up but Dusty back drops out of it and pounds Sid. Series of elbows just barley rock the big Sid and Dusty climbs up to the top rope. Flying cross body press causes the crowd to rise to their feet. Sid tries to catch Dusty but his bulbous frame collapses on him for a nearfall. Dusty delivers the Bionic Elbow and covers Sid. Sid bench presses Dusty off at two and a half, no small feat. Dusty attempts to respond with a second Bionic Elbow but Sid rolls out of the way. Power Bomb drills Dusty down and Sid Vicious scores the pin. Dusty has been put down by the might of Sid! (B-)


WCW Television Championship Match:

Arn Anderson vs. Tom Zenk©


No time limit as a long feeling out process leads to Anderson taking apart the arm. That was a strategy that served him well before the time limit ran out. Zenk fights back, before Anderson can deliver too much punishment, delivering a sunset flip for a close nearfall before Anderson goes back to the arm. Short arm scissors applied but Zenk is in the ropes. Zenk fights out from underneath and double leg takedown into a jack-knife cradle. Anderson comes up and more of a beating from the Enforcer. Anderson to the top rope but Zenk dropkicks him as he comes off the top rope. Two count. Zenk goes to the outside on his own and Missile Dropkick puts Anderson down. Nearfall as Anderson brings the shoulder up at two and a half. Zenk pounds Anderson and goes up but Anderson catches him. Right into the Spinebuster. Anderson is down as well as the ten count is put on both men but the Enforcer drapes the arm over at the count of nine. For only a two and nine tenths count! He was just an instant away from winning the WCW Television Title. Anderson picks up Zenk and whip into the ropes. Head is ducked and Zenk catches Anderson in a cradle. Fisherman Suplex out of nowhere from Zenk and Zenk holds him down long enough to score the three. Tom Zenk has scored a big win over Arn Anderson! (B-)


Barry Windham cuts a promo for his match with Sting later tonight on Spring Stampede. ©


Terry Funk vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)


Funk attacks Vader at the bell, punching, scratching, and biting Vader, before delivering a low blow. The referee’s warning is paid no mind as Funk chokes Vader in the corner, punching him more and knocking him to the floor. Funk beats on Vader some more, before hammering him with his fists but Vader throws Funk into the railing and squashes him up against it. Back in the ring and back out, with Vader pounding away at Funk, before he slams him backfirst into the ringpost. Funk is staggered and Vader throws him into the ring, connecting with two splashes but Funk kicks out with a nearfall. Headbutts by Vader and a short clothesline, sets up another nearfall. Vader sets up Funk for the Power Bomb but Funk counters with headbutts to the groin. Vader is slumped in the corner and Funk chops at Vader, even raising welts on his chest. Into the ropes and vicious knee right to the face, knocking the mask off. Vader is up and Funk stomps him, setting up the Piledriver but Vader is too big. DDT connects instead. Nearfall and Funk climbs to the outside. Moonsault misses and Vader rolls over, grabbing the branding iron Funk brought to the ring. The crowd boos as Vader swings it and strikes Funk right across the side of the head with the branding iron. This draws a disqualification. (B-)


While it was not set on fire, it was still a blunt metal object connecting with the side of the man’s head. Vader prepares to beat Funk senseless with his own branding iron but the referee stands in his way. The referee gets shoved down but out comes Dusty Rhodes! Dusty slides into the ring and punches away at Vader before striking him with an elbow to the head, sending him through the ropes. Dusty has the branding iron in his hand and Race seems to convince Vader it might not be in his best interests to enter the ring. The look on Vader’s face indicates that he will murder Dusty the next time they get in the ring. Funk is up and he spins Dusty around, before clocking him with a punch. Funk leaps on Dusty, pounding him with punches, telling that him he did not need help from a “dirty egg sucking dog” like Dusty. Funk has the branding iron and he knocks Dusty right in the head with it. Funk still has a gash on the side of his head and he hobbles up the aisle, swinging the branding iron like a mad man. He wants a piece of Vader. Dusty is laying on the canvas, a crimson mask on his face after being busted open. (B- for Dusty saving and B for Funk beating Dusty)


WCW United States Championship Match:

Nikita Koloff vs. Lex Luger©


This is Koloff beating the back of Luger for most of the match, with Luger gaining some offense with punches and kicks. Russian Sickle miss causes Koloff to hit the corner and Luger rolls him up for a nearfall. Luger fights back, unloading with clotheslines and powerslam. The back is wrenched but Luger signals for the Torture Rack. He hoists up Koloff but the back gives out, allowing Koloff to slip behind. Luger turns around, eating the Russian Sickle. Three slaps of the mat later and Luger is pinned. We have a brand new WCW United States Champion! ©


Koloff beats down Luger, before he strips the turnbuckle pad, exposing the metal bolt underneath. Koloff batters Luger and prepares to ram his back into the exposed steel but Sting runs down to the ring, leaps over the top rope and dropkicks Koloff through the ropes to the floor. Koloff lands on the floor and Sting stands in the ring, eyes on Koloff. He may have just saved Luger from a crippling injury. Koloff glares at Sting but is forced to the back as paramedics check on Lex Luger, who looks to be only slightly staggered but able to walk out with only a little assistance. (B-)


Sting vs. Barry Windham


This was a great one on one match between two of the aces of World Championship Wrestling. Sting missed a Stinger Splash within the first few minutes and Windham worked over the knee of Sting, the same one that the Horsemen injured that put Sting on the shelf for months. Windham works Sting down, alternating between beating on his leg and keeping him off balance with power moves. A vicious brain buster by Windham nearly scores the pin before Windham puts the Scorpion Deathlock on Sting. The announcers talk about how bad this would be for Sting to lose to his own move but since no one knows the move better than Sting. He gets to the ropes. Windham goes for the Figure-Four Leglock, but can’t get it on as Sting kicks him into the corner. Windham rebounds with a lariat but Sting ducks that and spinning elbow smash drops Windham. Sting beats on Windham and throws him into the corner. Stinger Splash connects and Sting delivers a small package out of the corner to Windham for a nearfall. Inverted atomic drop sets up a clothesline which in turn sets up the Scorpion Deathlock but Windham is too close to the ropes. Sting limps slightly but continues to beat on Windham, before suplexing him down. To the outside goes Sting as he takes his time with Windham up. Windham accidentally shoves the referee into the ropes causing Sting to be crotched. A look on Windham’s face indicates that it might not have been that much of an accident as he climbs up. Superplex connects with both men standing on the top rope. Windham gracefully floats over and scores the pin over Sting! Big wind for Windham, under some rather shady circumstances! (B)


Ric Flair cuts one more great promo, promising to cut El Gigante down to size.


NWA World Championship Match:

El Gigante vs. Ric Flair©


Flair chops Gigante at the bell but nothing as Gigante shoves Flair off. Flair bounces off the canvas like a ping pong ball and Gigante’s punches rock Flair, knocking him back. The Nature Boy bounces into the corner and Gigante hoists him up into the air with a high back body drop. Once again, Flair bounces off the canvas as Gigante walks over, drilling Flair a forearm smash causing him to bounce through the ropes to the floor. Flair staggers to his feet before delivering a Flair Flop right down on the mats. Gigante slowly steps over the top rope and Flair tries to fight back but Gigante throws him into the ring. Flair begs off and Gigante pounds him. Gorilla Press and a vertical suplex, as Gigante takes a deep breath, looking a bit dazed before scoring a two and a half count. Flair takes the best Flair Flip you ever saw into the corner and Gigante headbutts him. Flair is busted open off of the headbutt. Gigante is hunched over against the ropes, sucking air but Flair gets him in the eyes and climbs up top. No the big man catches him and launches him into the ring. Flair is launched nearly twelve feet in the air and lands hard. Gigante reaches over but Flair thumbs him in the eye and catches Gigante with a low blow. Flair attempts to chop down the tree and a couple of chop blocks to the leg. Flair kicks at the leg and Gigante has sweat dripping down his face, before he shoves Flair down. The big man lumbers forward and swings but Flair ducks and the referee gets taken down. Flair rolls to the floor as Sid Vicious comes down on cue and attacks Gigante. Gigante fights off Sid Vicious but Flair is climbing to the top rope with a chair. He slams the chair right across the back of Gigante. Gigante is staggered and Flair drills Gigante with the chair once again. Gigante drops down to the canvas and Flair covers Gigante hooking the leg to score the pin as the referee comes to. Ric Flair is still the NWA World Champion. (B- and bless you Naitch, you did the best you could with that match. El Gigante was winded after seven and a half minutes, by the way, of which Flair did ninety five percent of the bumping.)


Show Rating: B-

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Last set of tapings before the end of April.


WCW Saturday Night:

Lex Luger vs NWA World Champion Ric Flair(Non Title Match)

Sting, Dusty Rhodes, and Terry Funk vs Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Sid Vicious of the Four Horsemen

WCW Television Championship Match: Michael Wallstreet vs. Tom Zenk©

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Dick Murdoch

"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs. Kevin Sullivan

Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. Doom

Big Josh and P.N. Newz vs. The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden

Rey Bucenero vs. Black Tiger.


WCW Power Hour

WCW Junior Heavyweight Championship: Terry Taylor vs. Brian Pillman©

El Gigante vs. the Master Blaster

Johnny B. Badd, Tom Brandi, and Shanghai Pearce vs. the Freebirds(Scott Hall, Diamond Dallas Page, and Jimmy Garvin)

Scorpio vs. Steven Regal

Octagon vs. Wild Pegasus.

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Lex Luger vs NWA World Champion Ric Flair(Non Title Match)

Sting, Dusty Rhodes, and Terry Funk vs Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Sid Vicious of the Four Horsemen

WCW Television Championship Match: Michael Wallstreet vs. Tom Zenk©

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Dick Murdoch

"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs. Kevin Sullivan

Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. Doom

Big Josh and P.N. Newz vs. The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden

Rey Bucenero vs. Black Tiger.



WCW Junior Heavyweight Championship: Terry Taylor vs. Brian Pillman©

El Gigante vs. the Master Blaster

Johnny B. Badd, Tom Brandi, and Shanghai Pearce vs. the Freebirds(Scott Hall, Diamond Dallas Page, and Jimmy Garvin)

Scorpio vs. Steven Regal

Octagon vs. Wild Pegasus.

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WCW Saturday Night:

Lex Luger vs NWA World Champion Ric Flair(Non Title Match)Sting, Dusty Rhodes, and Terry Funk vs Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Sid Vicious of the Four Horsemen

WCW Television Championship Match: Michael Wallstreet vs. Tom Zenk©

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Dick Murdoch

"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs. Kevin Sullivan

Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. Doom

Big Josh and P.N. Newz vs. The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden

Rey Bucenero vs. Black Tiger.


WCW Power Hour

WCW Junior Heavyweight Championship: Terry Taylor vs. Brian Pillman©

El Gigante vs. the Master Blaster

Johnny B. Badd, Tom Brandi, and Shanghai Pearce vs. the Freebirds(Scott Hall, Diamond Dallas Page, and Jimmy Garvin)

Scorpio vs. Steven Regal

Octagon vs. Wild Pegasus.

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Week Four April 1991 Television Tapings[/b]


WCW Saturday Night:


Ric Flair cuts a promo, about his non title match against Lex Luger tonight, saying that he beat Luger before and tonight will be no different. (C+)


Rey Bucanero vs. Black Tiger


Sadly, this was a match that went on slightly too long for the fans. Tiger won with the Black Tiger Bomb, but disappointment from an excitement standard for sure. (E+)


Big Josh and PN News vs. the Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden


Golden and Honky beat down News and Josh, put over on commentary as two friends of Van Hammer. At the end, News lands off the apron hard on his ankle and Honky quickly scores the pin with the Shake, Rattle, and Roll on Big Josh. (E)


Scott Hall cuts a promo, talking about how he is undefeated and he wants a piece of that WCW Television Championship. He challenges the winner of Tom Zenk and Michael Wallstreet to a match at Supebrawl. (D+)


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. Doom(w/Teddy Long)


Doom appears to be in a prolonged slump after losing the WCW World Tag Team Titles and that does not help. Williams puts down Ron Simmons with a high angle backdrop suplex as Gordy beats Reed down on the floor. This scores the pin and Doom loses again! (D-)


”Heavy Metal” Van Hammer vs. Kevin Sullivan


This match was ugly. Really ugly. Hammer is green and Sullivan is rather unmotivated as of late. The match comes when Honky and Golden come out. Honky distracts the referee and Golden jumps Hammer, allowing Sullivan to score a rather uninspired pin. Moving right along. (E-)


We see some shaky hand held camera footage of Arn Anderson and Barry Windham attacking the WCW World Tag Team Champions the Steiner Brothers in the parking lot after Spring Stampede and beating them up. We understand this was sent to us by a fan at the show and it explains why the Steiner Brothers were unavailable for this week’s show.(D+)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Dick Murdoch(w/Dick Slater)


Quick disqualification as Slater beats down Eaton for that. (D+)


The Hardliners beat down Eaton but Terry Gordy and Steve Williams make the save, triggering a brawl around the arena between both teams. The crowd is a bit unresponsive but these two bad ass teams are brawling around the arena. (E+)


WCW Television Championship Match:

Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York) vs. Tom Zenk©


Zenk and Wallstreet have a fun little back and forth encounter for the championship. Wallstreet is taking advantage of Zenk’s weakened state, as the announcers remind us of a recent match these two had on Power Hour that went to the time limit. Wallstreet got several nearfalls but a reversed Irish whip turned into a misguided trip by York. Quick fisherman suplex by Zenk and Wallstreet is pinned. (C-)


There is a bit of tension between Wallstreet and York afterwards but nothing comes of it, for now. (D)


Sting is backstage, trying to make peace between Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes, as they have to be on the same page for the six man tag team match with Sid, Windham, and Anderson or they will be eaten alive. Funk and Rhodes claim that the other is the problem, but grudgingly agree to work as a team. Still, Funk challenges Rhodes to a match at Superbrawl which Funk accepts, saying he will rip into Dusty. Sting says he hopes they save their aggression for each other for the Horsemen tonight. (B-)


Sting, Dusty Rhodes, and Terry Funk vs. Sid Vicious, Arn Anderson, and Dusty Rhodes


Funk and Rhodes got into it, with Sting having to play peacemaker. This allowed the Horsemen to isolate Sting quickly, beating him down, focusing on eliminating the threat the Stinger presents for the Four Horsemen once and for all. Sting fights out and makes the tag to Dusty, who unloads on the Horsemen. Unfortunately for Sting, Nikita Koloff, the brand new WCW United States Champion, comes down to the ringside. Sting goes after Koloff and as Sting brawls with the Russian Nightmare to the back, things break down quickly for Dusty and Funk. Dusty clocks Funk with the elbow, setting him up for the Spinebuster from Anderson. Sid wipes out Dusty and Anderson covers Funk to score the pin and another decisive Horsemen victory. (C-)


Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair(Non Title Match)


Luger looks beaten up from his match with Koloff but still gives it a go with Flair, winning a test of strength early and Gorilla Pressing Flair, proving that the back might not be as hurt as Flair would have liked. However, Flair focuses on the knee, going for the Figure-Four Leglock. The hold is put on Luger for a prolonged time but Luger reverses it. Punches, clotheslines to Flair but only a nearfall. Luger powerslams Flair down for another nearfall and throws him into the corner. To the eyes goes Flair and to the top rope but Luger slams him off. Luger staggers forward but gives the signal for the Torture Rack. He hoists up Flair but seems to learn his lesson from Starrcade 1988 where his knee gave out on him and suplexes Flair backwards for a nearfall. Luger goes for a corner charge but misses and Flair struts around, before grabbing the knee. Luger grabs Flair and small packages him for the three count in a flash! Lex Luger has just pinned the NWA Champion! (B-)


Flair pops up, looking like someone who is long overdue in taking his blood pressure medication, before yelling at Luger, demanding for him to come back in the ring. In fact, Flair challenges Luger to a match at Superbrawl, he will punish Luger for showing him up, for beating him with a wrestling counter. Luger asks for the title and Flair nods, face red and eyes bulged. He promises that he’ll make the beating that Koloff gave Luger look like a massage. (C+ and there’s your Superbrawl main event, boys and girls)


Show Rating: C


A trio of dark matches bridged the gap. The Patriots defeated the State Patrol, Tracey Smothers defeated Charlie Norris, and Dan Spivey pinned Ken Shamrock.


WCW Power Hour


Wild Pegasus defeated Octagon with the Wild Bomb(D)


Steven Regal cuts a promo before his match against Scorpio(E)


Steven Regal pinned Scorpio with a bridge roll up(E+)


Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Garvin, and Scott Hall defeated Tom Brandi, Johnny B. Badd, and Shanghai Pierce when Garvin pinned Badd with a DDT(D)


Flair cuts a promo about Lex Luger(B-)


El Gigante pinned the Master Blaster with a slam. Gigante vs. Sid Vicious in a No Disqualification, No Countout Match is announced for Superbrawl(E-)


Big Van Vader and Harley Race have some words for us(B-)


Brian Pillman retained the WCW Junior Heavyweight Title over Terry Taylor with a crucifix roll up. Pillman/Liger II is announced for Superbrawl(D+)


Show Rating: D

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First thing's first, PN News broke his ankle and will be out for the next couple of months. I knew that was a bad drop.


WCW Saturday Night:

Sting, Lex Luger, and the Steiner Brothers vs. the Four Horsemen

WCW United States Title Match: Terry Funk vs. Nikita Koloff©

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Ron Simmons

WCW Television Title Match: Dan Spivey vs. Tom Zenk©

Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. the Hardliners

Tom Brandi vs. Steven Regal

Ken Shamrock vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)

Robbie V and Mike Bucci vs Jimmy Golden and the Honky Tonk Man

Tiger Mask III vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


WCW Power Hour:

Bob Backlund vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)

Tom Brandi vs. Thomas Rich

The Equalizer vs. the Nightstalker

Johnny B. Badd vs. Scorpio

Ranger Ross vs. Buddy Landell

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Kevin Sullivan and Hiroshi Hase

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Week One May 1991


WCW Saturday Night


Tiger Mask III vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


Some good light heavyweight action kicking off tonight’s show as Liger will face off against Brian Pillman for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title at Superbrawl. Fisherman Buster pins Tiger Mask III after Liger avoids the Tiger Suplex. ©


Brian Pillman talks about Jushin Thunder Liger and his match at Superbrawl. ©


Robbie V and Mike Bucci vs. Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden


Bucci and Robbie V used their high flying offense to knock down Golden and HTM. HTM and Golden starts to beat them down with The Honky Tonk Man hitting the Shake, Rattle, and Roll on Bucci to score the pin. (D-)


Van Hammer comes out and gets into a brawl with Jimmy Golden but security breaks it up before it could get too far. (D-)


Ken Shamrock vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)


Shamrock works over Vader at the start, taking him down a couple of times but other than that, it was a four minute massacre at the hands of Vader. Vader pins Shamrock with the Power Bomb. (D+)


Tom Brandi vs. Steven Regal


Regal and Brandi exchange holds on the mat for a good part of this match but Regal outwrestles Brandi, pinning him with a belly to back suplex with a bridge in his WCW Saturday Night debut. (D-)


Ric Flair cuts a promo about Lex Luger and their NWA Championship Match at Superbrawl. (B-)


The Hardliners vs. Steve Williams and Terry Gordy


A huge brawl between two of these men, brawling around the ring and to the back within a few minutes, triggering a double countout, and they continue their brawl as security breaks it up. Nothing is settled between these two teams. (D-)


WCW Television Championship Match:

Dan Spivey vs. Tom Zenk©


Spivey works over Zenk for most of this match but Zenk comes back from underneath. Dropkicks and armdrags but Spivey goes to the eyes. Power Bomb is countered with a sunset flip for a nearfall. Spivey goes for a clothesline but Zenk ducks that, cradling him before connecting with a fisherman suplex to score the pin and retain the championship. (C-)


Zenk is in the ring when Scott Hall comes out, punking Zenk from behind and putting him down with the Crucifix Power Bomb. Hall poses with the Television Championship belt. It is announced that Scott Hall will go one on one with Tom Zenk for the WCW Television Championship at Superbrawl. Hall is undefeated, so he deserves a title shot based on his win-loss record. ©


Sting, the Steiner Brothers, and Lex Luger are interviewed for their eight man tag team match against the Four Horsemen. (C+)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Ron Simmons(w/Butch Reed and Theodore R. Long)


Eaton wins tonight after some mistimed interference from Reed. Simmons was knocked down and Eaton his the Alabama Jam for the pin. The crowd is cheering as Eaton gets a win and Doom has seen better days. (D+)


WCW United States Title Match:

Terry Funk vs. Nikita Koloff©


Dusty Rhodes is on commentary which enrages Funk to no end. The crowd is booing as Koloff beats Funk but Funk attacks from behind. Funk is shouting at Dusty and Dusty shouts back, telling him to keep his eye on the match. Funk drills Koloff in the head with a series of punches and runs up the ramp to the commentary desk to get into it with Dusty Rhodes. Koloff gets up as Funk has been counted out. ©


Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes get into a brawl, brawling all over the arena. Security is earning their pay tonight as they have to break this one up as well. (B-)


The Horsemen talk about their opponents tonight for the eight main event. ©


Sting, Lex Luger, and the Steiner Brothers vs. The Four Horsemen


Luger faces Flair for the NWA World Championship at Superbrawl, The Steiner Brothers defend the WCW World Tag Team Titles against Arn Anderson and Barry Windham, Sid Vicious takes on El Gigante, and Sting faces off against Nikita Koloff for the WCW United States Title. This was twenty minutes of great eight man tag team action with the Horsemen battering their enemies. It broke down into a brawl in the end where Lex Luger catches Ric Flair in the Torture Rack. The crowd cheers as Anderson attempts to save but Sting cuts him off. Flair has no choice but to submit. Lex Luger has beaten the NWA World Champion for the second week in a row. (B-)


Show Rating: C+


Dark matches between the taping featured Masahiro Chono beating Jim Cain, Charlie Norris defeated the Angel of Death, and Big Josh defeated Awesome Kong.


WCW Power Hour


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated Kevin Sullivan and Hiroshi Hase when Furnas pinned Hase with the Frankensteiner(D-)


Buddy Landell made Ranger Ross submit to the Figure Four Leglock(E-)


Vader talks about Bob Backlund(B)


Johnny B. Badd pinned Scorpio with the Badd Move(D-)


The Nightstalker pinned The Equalizer with the Uranage Slam(E)


Ric Flair talks about Lex Luger(B-)


Big Van Vader pinned Bob Backlund with the Power Bomb©


Show Rating: C-

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Before the Television Tapings


I got word from Dick Slater that he's planning on retiring at the end of the month. That's rather unfortunate...but he had a pretty good match with the Steiners along with Murdoch on the last Pay Per View, so going out on a high note here. Still the Streefight the Hardliners have with Murdoch and Slater at Superbrawl should be a good match and some angle should take place to work around it.


"Did you here the news?" asked Magnum and I turned to him.


"What news?" I asked and Magnum filled me in on the details of a business deal that Turner was involved in. I had known they had financial problems but I never thought that this would happen.


With storyline possibilities flowing through my head, I prepared to make arrangements for the June Pay Per View, I knew what would happen there but first I posted the television taping cards.


WCW Saturday Night:

The Steiner Brothers and Lex Luger vs. Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Ric Flair of the Four Horsemen

Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes vs. the Hardliners

WCW Television Championship Match: Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Tom Zenk©

Sting vs. the Angel of Death

Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs the Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden

Jim Cain vs. Big Van Vader

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Mike Bucci

Ranger Ross vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)


WCW Power Hour:

Tom Brandi and Bob Backlund vs. Doom

Robbie V. vs. Brian Pillman

El Gigante vs. Black Bart and Jacko Victory

Sam Houston vs. Steven Regal

Big Josh vs. Dan Spivey

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Kevin Sullivan and the Master Blaster

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Week Two May 1991


WCW Saturday Night:


Barry Windham, Arn Anderson, and Ric Flair talk about their match with the Steiner Brothers and Lex Luger, piecing together strategy for tonight. (B)


Ranger Ross vs. Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York)


Wallstreet is back on the winning track after some recent losses, pinning Ross with the Wallstreet Crash. (D)


Mike Bucci vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


Liger will face Brian Pillman at Superbrawl and Liger really gives Bucci a beating, with him getting a bit of offense, before a fisherman buster puts Bucci down for the pin. ©


Sting gives a promo, reminding us that he will challenge Nikita Koloff for the WCW United States Title at Superbrawl and the United States Championship is a stepping stone to the NWA World Championship, so Sting has his sights set on the gold to lock in a title shot for when Flair loses the belt to Lex Luger. (B)


Jim Cain vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)


Vader squashes Cain in seconds with the Power Bomb. ©


Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes have a heated confrontation backstage but tonight they are aligned against the Hardliners. Still Funk wants a match with Dusty at Superbrawl and Dusty accepts the challenge. (B-)


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. Jimmy Golden and Honky Tonk Man


Golden pins Williams after the Hardliners had interfered against Gordy and Williams in a pretty good tag team match. ©


Sting vs. the Angel of Death


The Angel of Death gets a good deal of offense but Sting connects with the Stinger Splash and locks on the Scorpion Deathlock for the submission. (B-)


After the match, Nikita Koloff runs out, attacking Sting from behind. Sting was stomped down to the canvas and Koloff backs off, delivering the Russian Sickle drilling him down to the canvas. Sting is hoisted up and Koloff drills Sting down to the canvas with the Russian Sickle. (B+)


WCW Television Championship:

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Tom Zenk©


Both men had their timing all off and over the place, despite being good workers. Zenk connected with the Fisherman Suplex to score the pin after Eaton ducked the head. (D+)


After the match, Jimmy Garvin, Scott Hall, and Diamond Dallas Page run out, attacking Zenk and Eaton, beating him down in the ring three on two. The Freebirds are beating them down in the center of the ring, leaving them laying. (D+)


Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes vs. the Hardliners


Funk and Rhodes work fairly well as a team in the early going but one miscommunication allowed the team to break down. Rhodes and Funk trade punches but Murdoch takes Dusty to the floor, allowing Slater to connect with the Piledriver on Funk to score the pin. (C+)


Afterwards, Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes brawl around the ringside area as security rushes out. Several guards get plowed down but finally wrestlers come out. Dusty knocks some people to the ground with bionic elbows as both men get dragged to the back. (B-)


Sid Vicious cuts a promo about El Gigante, promising to rip into him at Superbrawl. (C+)


The Steiner Brothers and Lex Luger vs. Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Ric Flair


Pretty good match with some back and forth action. Prolonged Horsemen beatdown segment on Scott Steiner in the corner but a belly to belly suplex puts down Windham. Tag to Luger, who rushes into the ring, knocking around the Horsemen. Anderson and Windham enter the ring as Luger powerslams Flair to down. The Steiner Brothers take Anderson and Windham to the floor. Luger puts Ric Flair in the Torture Rack as the other Horsemen are held at bay. Flair submits, giving Luger another win over Flair. (B-)


B- Show Rating


WCW Power Hour


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated Kevin Sullivan and The Master Blaster(D)


Dan Spivey pinned Big Josh with the Power Bomb(D+)


Lex Luger cuts a promo about Ric Flair(B-)


Steven Regal pinned Sam Houston with a bridging back suplex(E-)


El Gigante defeated Black Bart and Jacko Victory(E)


Ric Flair gives a promo about Lex Luger(B-)


Brian Pillman pinned Robbie V with a DDT out of the corner(D+)


Bob Backlund and Tom Brandi defeated Doom(D+)


Show Rating: C-

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Week Three May 1991


WCW Saturday Night


Ric Flair cuts a promo, talking about how him losing to Lex Luger over the pas three weeks were flukes and he will beat him at Superbrawl. Flair promises that he will join up with Sid Vicious to take out Gigante and Luger tonight(B)


Arn Anderson and Barry Windham defeated Charlie Norris and Ranger Ross when Windham pinned Ross with the Superplex. The number one contenders for the WCW World Tag Team Titles score the win and go off to face the Steiner Brothers at Superbrawl. ©


The Master Blaster squashed Joey Maggs with a sidewalk slam. Squash match as Maggs didn’t get in even once punch. The Master Blaster looks to be a star for the future, if he gets a little bit of seasoning. (E)


Jushin Thunder Liger pinned the Black Tiger with the Brainbuster after reversing the Black Tiger Bomb. The crowd was into this back and forth battle. Liger goes into Superbrawl with the win, against Brian Pillman for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title. ©


Dusty Rhodes cuts a promo about Terry Funk, preparing for their match at Superbrawl. (C+)


Scott Hall and Jimmy Garvin defeated Tom Zenk and Beautiful Bobby Eaton when Hall pinned Eaton with the Crucifix Power Bomb after Diamond Dallas Page interfered. The Freebirds score another victory as Scott Hall goes onto Superbrawl to challenge Tom Zenk for the WCW Television Title. (C+)


Michael Wallstreet pinned Star Blazer with the Wallstreet Crash. Squash for Wallstreet as he appears to be back on the winning record despite some losses recently. (D)


Big Van Vader cuts a promo, talking about his main event match with Dusty Rhodes and how he is going to rip into him, like he did in the First Round of the Omni Cup. (B-)


Nikita Koloff retained the WCW United States Title over Scott Steiner with the Russian Sickle. Steiner managed to take Koloff off balance with some suplexes but when he got going, there was no stopping the Russian Nightmare. Spinebuster sets up the Russian Sickle for the pin. (C+)


Nikita Koloff stomps Scott Steiner but Sting runs down to the ring. Sting leaps to the top rope and flying clothesline drops Koloff. Punches knock Koloff backwards and clotheslines him to the floor. The crowd is cheering but Koloff pulls Sting to the floor and both men are brawling around the ring to the back. (B+)


El Gigante and Lex Luger defeated Ric Flair and Sid Vicious when Luger pinned Flair with a belly-to-back suplex after Sid accidentally hits Flair. Flair did his best to lead the other three men to an acceptable match. (C+)


Ric Flair is yelling at Sid Vicious and both men have some tense words but Anderson and Windham come out, to smooth things over in the end. (B)


Paul E. Dangerously stands up from the announcer’s position, announcing that he has been intense negotiations during the month he was off and he has a big announcement that he will reveal at Superbrawl. Dangerously says that this may shake the entire foundations of World Championship Wrestling. (B+)


Big Van Vader battled Dusty Rhodes to a no contest when Terry Funk interfered, attacking both men. Rhodes had a battle trying to get Vader off of his feet and finally did but Funk rushed out, to attack both men. All three men brawled around the ring. (B-)


Show Rating: B-


The Juicer defeated Thomas Rich and The Youngbloods and Charlie Norris defeated the State Patrol and Akio Sato in some dark matches.


WCW Power Hour


Kevin Sullivan and the Nightstalker defeated Terry Taylor and the Equalizer when the Nightstalker pinned Taylor with the Uranage(E+)


Steve Williams pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the Doctor Bomb(D)


The Steiner Brothers talks(C+)


Big Josh pinned Shanghai Pierce with the Northern Exposure Drop(E+)


Scorpio and Jerry Lynn defeated the Patroits(D)


Sting cuts a promo about Nikita Koloff(B)


Barry Windham pinned Johnny B. Badd with the Superplex(C-)


Ric Flair cuts a promo(B-)

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WCW Superbrawl Final Card:


NWA World Championship:

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair©


WCW United States Title:

Sting vs. Nikita Koloff©


Dusty Rhodes vs. Terry Funk


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Big Van Vader


El Gigante vs. Sid Vicious


WCW World Tag Team Titles:

Arn Anderson and Barry Windham vs. The Steiner Brothers©


WCW Television Championship Match:

Scott Hall vs. Tom Zenk©


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. the Hardliners


WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Brian Pillman©

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WCW Superbrawl Final Card:


NWA World Championship:

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair©


WCW United States Title:

Sting vs. Nikita Koloff©


Dusty Rhodes vs. Terry Funk


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Big Van Vader


El Gigante vs. Sid Vicious


WCW World Tag Team Titles:

Arn Anderson and Barry Windham vs. The Steiner Brothers©


WCW Television Championship Match:

Scott Hall vs. Tom Zenk©


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. the Hardliners


WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Brian Pillman©

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WCW Superbrawl I Week Three May 1991


A video package is shown to kick off the show, showing the events leading up to Ric Flair defending his NWA World Championship against Lex Luger tonight, including the four victories Luger scored over Flair leading up to the show(B)


WCW Juniorheavyweight Title:

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Brian Pillman©


This match went a bit too long but it was a solid battle the entire way through. Pillman survived a Running Liger Bomb and a fisherman buster before Liger missed a shooting star press. That allowed Pillman to connect with a missile dropkick which held Liger down long enough to score the pin and allow Pillman to retain the title. ©


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. the Hardliners


The Hardliners give a good fight early but Gordy and Williams crush them in short order. With Murdoch tied up on the floor, Williams pinned Slater with the Oklahoma Stampede. Williams and Gordy lock in a WCW World Tag Team Title Shot as a result of this victory on Saturday Night. (D)


WCW Television Championship Match:

Scott Hall(w/Diamond Dallas Page) vs. Tom Zenk©


Page appeared to be the difference maker, taking Zenk down several times. Hall connects with a vicious fallaway slam and a belly to back suplex with both men on the top rope but he could not put Zenk down for three. Attempted Crucifix Power Bomb is countered into a backslide for a two count. Zenk drops Hall with a series of forearms and delivers a springboard dropkick for a nearall. Fisherman Suplex by Zenk but Page pulls Zenk to the floor. Zenk knocks Page, hitting him with the Fisherman Suplex taking him out but Hall grabs him by the throat and drills him with a bone rattling choke slam. Hall sets up Zenk and Crucifix Power Bomb scores the pin. We have a brand new WCW Television Champion! ©


WCW World Tag Team Title Match:

Barry Windham and Arn Anderson vs. the Steiner Brothers©


Paul E. Dangerously is on commentary, as the announcers attempt to grill him about the surprise he promised tonight, but he refuses to budge, saying that he wants to see this match. Scott Steiner is face in peril tonight as the Horsemen cut the ring in half. DDT by Anderson nearly pins him but he catches Anderson with a tilt a whirl suplex on the rebound. Tag made to Rick who cleans house with clotheslines. Anderson is taken to the floor and Scott reenters the ring to hoist up Windham. Bulldog off the shoulders of Scott by Rick to Windham and cover is made as Scott cuts off Anderson. The Steiners retain the WCW World Tag Team Titles. (B)


The Steiner Brothers win as two muscular men enter the ring and attack the from the behind. Dangerously informs them that these two men are Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom…THE DESTRUCTION CREW! They beat the Steiner Brothers down to the canvas, after that tough battle with the Horsemen. Ross tries to get Paul E. to tell them if this is the surprise or not. Dangerously responds that this is “a surprise” but “not the surprise”. Rick Steiner is put down with a spike power bomb. Vicious Doomsday Device style move dumps Scott Steiner and the Destruction Crew opens their jackets, to reveal the AWA World Tag Team Title Belts, before security ushers them away. ©


Sid Vicious vs. El Gigante


Sid Vicious takes advantage at the bell, using an international object to beat down Gigante. Gigante is down and Sid chokes him. Power Bomb is no go as Gigante powers out and knocks Sid around. Sid continues to fight up to his feet and Sid delivers three big boots but Gigante remains standing and headbutts Sid down to the canvas. To the throat and Gigante hoists up Sid before bringing him down with a vicious throat slam. The crowd boos as Arn Anderson is out, distracting the referee, allowing Ric Flair to enter the ring, sliding Sid a pair of brass knuckles. Gigante goes after Flair, choking him but Sid has the brass knuckles and he swings them at Gigante. The big man moves and Sid hits Flair, knocking him off the ring apron. Gigante hoists up Sid and massive slam brings him down. Anderson gets knocked off the apron and El Gigante covers Sid, for the three. ©


Flair enters the ring and he is irate at Sid, for falling to Gigante. He gets in Sid’s face before he slaps him right across the face. The crowd cheers as Sid grabs Flair by the throat. Flair struggles, begging off but Barry Windham slides into the ring and gives Sid a low blow. Sid enters the ring and Flair yells for Anderson and Windham to hold this “useless punk”. Flair puts on the brass knuckles and pummels Sid with them, yelling this is how you use these, with each shot. Sid Vicious has been busted open and Windham delivers a Lariat to Sid. Arn picks up Sid Vicious and DDT brings Sid down. Windham and Anderson hold Sid down so Flair can put the Figure-Four Leglock on him. Sid is in pain but unable to defend himself. The Horsemen are doing a number on Sid. After a couple of minutes, Flair breaks the hold and says as of this moment, Sid is no longer a member of the Four Horsemen. The announcers speculate Sid might not be a wrestler after what Flair, Anderson, and Windham did to him as the Horsemen leave the ring, as Sid is placed on a stretcher before he is wheeled out of the arena, the crowd chanting his name. The Horsemen are down one member but it might not be for long knowing them. (C+)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)


Eaton used his technical savvy to keep ahead of Vader for portions of this match but when Vader used his brute strength, it was the beginning of the end. Eaton was pinned with the Power Bomb. Vader bulldozes another opponent. ©


Dusty Rhodes vs. Terry Funk


There were not many headlocks, armbars, or drop toe holds in this match. This was a fight, plain and simple. They might have lost a few steps in quickness over recent years but neither man lost anything in toughness and they beat each other. Funk even pulls out a moonsault, which was ill fated as Dusty moved. Dusty rocks Funk with some jabs but Funk grabs the branding iron and attempts to strike Dusty but the referee takes it away. Funk goes after the referee but Dusty puts a sleeperhold on Funk. Funk shifts his weight, falling through the ropes but Dusty lands right on Funk. Funk yells, “you son of a bitch”, as Dusty falls on his back with all of his weight but he refuses to let up the sleeperhold. Funk thrashes around like a fish but the referee’s count reaches the high numbers and he counts both men up. Rhodes was too intent on choking Funk out that he ignored the count. (C+)


Funk manages to grab the branding iron and he strikes Dusty in the head with it. Dusty is down and Funk goes after Dusty but security comes out to pull the offending weapon out of his head. Dusty’s hair is rapidly turning red from the vicious cut Funk opened on his head but Dusty gets up and grabs Funk, ramming him backfirst into the ring apron and both men brawl, trading punches like two drunken men in a pub. Funk refuses to back off but neither does Dusty as an army of security, officials, and preliminary wrestlers try to pull these two tough men apart, as their bad blood that has nearly spanned a decade and a half continues to brew. Both men are pulled apart. ©


Lex Luger is ready, promising that his fifth victory in five matches against Flair will give him the NWA World Championship. (B-)


WCW United States Championship Match:

Sting vs. Nikita Koloff©


Sting manages to take Koloff down with a series of punches, clothesline and Gorilla Press Slam but a reversed whip into the ring steps put Sting down. Koloff beats Sting down into the ring and a series of two counts but Sting refused to go down. Russian Sickle missed and Sting sunset flips Koloff for a one count. Punches and Koloff is thrown into the corner. Three Stinger Splashes and Koloff still remains on his feet. Sting climbs to the top rope and flying clothesline drops the tree. Sting tries to the put Scorpion Deathlock on Koloff but Koloff kicks him off into the referee. The referee crumples to the canvas and Koloff goes for the Russian Sickle but Sting ducks it and leaping faceplant brings Koloff down. The crowd is booing and Barry Windham enters the ring to blindside Sting with a kick to the side of the head. Windham leaves the ring as Koloff gets up and plows Sting down with the Russian Sickle. Sting folds up like a piece of paper on the back of his neck and the referee crawls over to make the count. Koloff scores the pin and retains the WCW United States Title thanks to a bit of a help from Sting’s rival, Barry Windham. (B-)


Ric Flair cuts a promo talking that tonight he is going to prove his superiority by defeating Lex Luger one on one straight up in the ring. The beating Sid suffered tonight was just a sample of what Luger is going to receive. (B)


NWA World Championship Match:

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair©


Luger overpowers Flair to start, winning a test of strength and delivering a Gorilla Press. Flair Flip and Flair gets knocked off the apron with a clothesline. Luger pounds on Flair on the floor, hitting a backdrop on the floor and rolling him into the ring where he connects with a huge delayed vertical suplex for a nearfall. Luger pounds on Flair and powerslams him down. Attempted Torture Rack but Flair goes to the eyes and chops Luger, before delivering a snap mare and a kneedrop. Luger fights out from underneath and Luger delivers series of forearms, along with a huge gutwrench suplex. Flair is in the corner, begging off but Luger pounds him. Flair goes right to the eyes and takes the knee out. Flair dissects the knee of Luger, adding a nice knee crunching atomic drop and a half Boston Crab to the mix, along with the stomps, sitouts, and knee wrenches. Dragon screw legwhip by Flair, sets up the Figure-Four Leglock. Luger thrashes on the canvas but somehow fights out, reversing the hold. Flair pummels the leg and goes up top. He is slammed off and Luger limps around, battering Flair. Clotheslines and Luger manages a powerslam on Flair for a nearfall. Running clothesline for another nearfall. Belly to back suplex but Flair kicks out again. Piledriver is pulled out but Flair still manages to get the shoulder up just in time. Luger is hesitant to go to the Torture Rack, remembering what happened at Starrcade 1988 when he attempted to Rack Flair with a bum knee. Luger delivers another powerslam and climbs to the top rope. He leaps off but Flair ducks out of the way. The back of Luger’s leg hits the canvas hard and Flair has the Figure-Four Leglock locked onto the center of the ring. Luger submits, having nowhere else to go. Flair remains NWA World Champion. (B)


Paul E. Dangerously walks out, clapping for Flair, but says it’s down to business. Flair has held that NWA World Championship Belt for five months and while he has been impressive, he has mowed through his challengers. Flair gets on a microphone, asking Dangerously what he’s getting out. Dangerously says he has brought in a real championship wrestler for Flair to sink his teeth into, someone who can match up to Flair. Larry Zbyszko slides from the crowd, dressed in dress pants, a golf shirt, and a sport’s jacket. He has something in his hand and he hits Ric Flair from behind! The crowd is booing. Larry is the champion of a rival wrestling promotion and he just struck down the NWA World Champion with that shot. He drives the championship belt right into the head of Flair. Paul E. gets on the microphone, introducing us to the American Wrestling Association World Heavyweight Champion and the man who will be the next NWA World Champion, “The Living Legend” Larry Zbyszko. Larry stomps Flair before walking out and the announcers are in a hushed silence as the Pay Per View feed fades out. ©


Show Rating: C+

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WCW Saturday Night Card:


NWA World Championship Match: Terry Funk vs. Ric Flair©

Sting vs. Kevin Sullivan

WCW Television Title Match: Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Scott Hall©

WCW World Tag Team Title Match: Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. the Steiner Brothers©

Sam Houston vs. Big Van Vader

Octagon vs. Brian Pillman

Charlie Norris and Big Josh vs. the Destruction Crew


WCW Power Hour:

Wild Pegasus vs. Black Tiger

The Youngbloods vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. the Hardliners

Lex Luger vs. Dan Spivey

Van Hammer and Big Josh vs. the State Patrol

Ranger Ross vs. the Honky Tonk Man

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Week Four May 1991 Television Tapings:


WCW Saturday Night


Paul E. Dangerously announces Larry Zbyszko, the AWA World Champion. Larry talks about how he took out Ric Flair at Superbrawl and how he has his sights set on the NWA World Championship. As far as Larry is concerned this(and here he holds up the AWA Championship), is the only belt that matters, so when he wins the NWA Championship, he will melt it down into a set of golf clubs. Massive heel heat for that. Paul E. announces that NWA, WCW, and AWA officials have made the match, this June, a special Pay Per View called Battle of the Belts. Ric Flair versus Larry Zbyszko. The Nature Boy versus the Living Legend. Belt for Belt. The NWA Championship versus the AWA Championship, where the two belts will be unified into an Undisputed World Championship. Larry says he’s going to retire Flair like he retired Bruno Sammartino. The crowd boos as Larry leaves and Paul announces that if the Steiner Brothers has the guts, they can put those WCW World Tag Team Title Belts on the line against the AWA World Tag Team Title Belts of the Destruction Crew at Battle of the Belts as well. With that they walk off. (C+)


The Destruction Crew(w/Paul E. Dangerously) defeated Charlie Norris and Big Josh when Bloom pinned Norris with a modified Doomsday Device. Destruction from the Destruction Crew on Saturday Night. (D-)


WCW Juniorheavyweight Champion Brian Pillman defeated Octagon with the Springboard Cross Body Block. Pillman and Octagon had some exchanges, but a few of them were awkward. The announcers speculate on where Pillman will go from here. (D)


Ric Flair cuts a promo on a number of topics. First all of, Sid’s replacement in the Four Horsemen is coming soon and if Sid wants a piece of them, he can bring it. Since Sid has been hospitalized after the attack, it looks like he might not be able to do so this week. Also, Flair talks about Larry Zbyszko. He knows something about the AWA, Verne Gange, the former owner trained him but business passed him by and if he had to sell out to a sleazebag like Dangerously to make money to put food on the table, that’s just sad. Just like the fact that Zbyszko thinks he is on the level of Flair. Well at Battle of the Belts, Zbyszko will go into the ring with Ric Flair, belt for belt and to be the man, you have to beat the man. (C+)


Big Van Vader pinned Sam Houston with the Power Bomb. This was a crushing defeat by Vader as Houston got in one dropkick and some punches but that was the extent of his offense(C+)


Vader continues to beat down Houston afterwards but a large red haired man built like a tank enters the ring. Its Scott Norton! Norton slides into the ring, attacking Vader with forearms, beating him down. Vader charges Norton but the clothesline is ducked and Norton knocks Vader down. Norton gives a bellow and Vader rolls to the floor. He pumps his fists into the air and Vader is angered. Norton might be one of the few people in wrestling to be able to stand up to Vader by a power standpoint. (C+)


The Steiner Brothers retained the WCW World Tag Team Titles over Steve Williams and Terry Gordy when Scott pinned Gordy with the Frankensteiner. Both teams gave a pretty good match, throwing each other around with suplexes and the like. Scott pinned Gordy as Williams fought him off. (B)


The Steiner Brothers cut a promo, accepting the challenge that Dangerously laid down for a match against the Destruction Crew at Battle of the Belts. ©


WCW Television Champion Scott Hall battled Beautiful Bobby Eaton to a 15 minute time limit draw to retain the WCW Television Title. Hall’s first title defense was against a longtime rival in Eaton and Eaton takes him to the distance but the time just ran out. (B-)


Ric Flair cuts another promo, talking about his match with Terry Funk tonight and his match with Larry Zbyszko at Battle of the Belts(C+)


Sting made Kevin Sullivan submit to the Scorpion Deathlock. Sullivan beats down Sting and Sting comes back, beating down Sullivan and slapping on the Scorpion Deathlock for the submission. (B)


Sting wants a match with Barry Windham but out comes Arn Anderson. Anderson says that if Sting wants another match with Windham, he has to go through the Enforcer first at Battle of the Belts. Sting accepts the challenge, saying he will take the Horsemen down one by one. (B+)


Ric Flair comes out for his NWA World Championship defense against Terry Funk, but Paul E. Dangerously gets up from the announcer’s desk and walks over, getting in Flair’s face. Flair chases Dangerously around ringside and walks into a belt shot from Larry Zbyszko. Larry stomps Flair and is soon joined by the Destruction Crew, but Windham and Anderson fight off the Destruction Crew. Larry still knocks Flair around and out comes Terry Funk but Dangerously hits him from behind with his cell phone. Funk crumples down and Larry smashes him with the belt as well, as Flair is drilled down with a DDT on the ramp. Out comes Dusty Rhodes, along with several another wrestlers. If Larry wants a fight, Dusty will give him one and it looks like we have a new main event. [C](C+)[/b]


Dusty Rhodes defeated Larry Zbyszko by disqualification when Dangerously hit Dusty from behind with the AWA World Championship Belt. Rhodes was intent on knocking around Larry for disrespecting the legacy of the NWA World Championship but when Dangerously got involved, it was all over. (C-)


Larry stomps Dusty after the match but out rushes a crazed Ric Flair, with a baseball bat in hand. Flair slides into the ring and goes after Larry who wisely bails from the ring. Flair is yelling for Zbyszko’s head as we fade to back. (C+)


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour


The Honky Tonk Man pinned Ranger Ross with the Shake, Rattle, and Roll(C-)


Big Josh and Heavy Metal Van Hammer defeated The State Patrol when Hammer pinned Parker with the Slingshot Suplex(E-)


Flair cuts a promo(C+)


Lex Luger made Dan Spivey submit to the Torture Rack(C+)


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated the Hardliners when Furnas pinned Slater with a bridging back suplex(D+)


Sting talks about his match with Double A(B+)


Arn Anderson and Barry Windham defeated the Youngbloods when Windham pinned Chris Youngblood with a Lariat©


Wild Pegasus pinned Black Tiger with the Wild Bomb(D)


Show Rating: C-

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First of all, we made a profit last month, always a good thing.


WCW Saturday Night Line Up:

NWA World Championship Match: Terry Funk vs. Ric Flair©

Lex Luger and the Steiner Brothers vs. the Destruction Crew and Larry Zbyszko(w/Paul E. Dangerously)

Johnny B. Badd vs. Steven Regal

Dick Murdoch vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)

Sting vs. Black Bart

Brad Armstrong vs. Arn Anderson

Scorpio vs. Wild Pegasus

Ken Shamrock vs. Nikita Koloff

Scott Norton vs. Dick Slater


WCW Power Hour Line Up

WCW Television Title Match: Dan Spivey vs. Scott Hall©

Beautiful Bobby Eaton and Big Josh vs. the State Patrol

Tom Brandi and Joey Maggs vs. the Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden

Tom Zenk vs. Shanghai Pierce

Wild Pegasus and Brian Pillman vs. Black Tiger and Jushin Thunder Liger.

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my picks



WCW Saturday Night Line Up:

NWA World Championship Match: Terry Funk vs. Ric Flair©

Lex Luger and the Steiner Brothers vs. the Destruction Crew and Larry Zbyszko(w/Paul E. Dangerously)

Johnny B. Badd vs. Steven Regal

Dick Murdoch vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)

Sting vs. Black Bart

Brad Armstrong vs. Arn Anderson

Scorpio vs. Wild Pegasus

Ken Shamrock vs. Nikita Koloff

Scott Norton vs. Dick Slater


WCW Power Hour Line Up

WCW Television Title Match: Dan Spivey vs. Scott Hall©

Beautiful Bobby Eaton and Big Josh vs. the State Patrol

Tom Brandi and Joey Maggs vs. the Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden

Tom Zenk vs. Shanghai Pierce

Wild Pegasus and Brian Pillman vs. Black Tiger and Jushin Thunder Liger.

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Week One June 1991


WCW Saturday Night


A look at the recent events between Larry Zbyszko and Ric Flair(B-)


Scott Norton crushed Dick Slater with a Shoulderbreaker. This is Norton’s debut and pretty much Slater’s last match. He got in some offense but Norton plows him down for the win. (E+)


Nikita Koloff crushed Ken Shamrock with the Russian Sickle. Shamrock gave enough of a fight to show this was not a complete squash but when Koloff bulldozed Sharmrock, it was the beginning of the end for him. (C-)


Sid Vicious announces over the phone during the last match that he is on his way to the arena and he’s coming to get Ric Flair. (C+)


Wild Pegasus pinned Scorpio with the Wild Bomb. Typical Juniorheavyweight Action, with Pegasus facing off against Brian Pillman for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title at Battle of the Belts. (D)


Arn Anderson pinned Brad Armstrong with the Anderson Spinebuster. Brad returns from a three month layoff after a beating from the Freebirds but perhaps Double A was not the best opponent to step into there after a long layoff. He quickly outwrestled Armstrong, as it will be Arn Anderson and Sting going one on one at Battle of Belts(C+).


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy defeated Kevin Sullivan and the Nightstalker when Williams pinned Sullivan with the Oklahoma Slam. Williams and Gordy are still in the thick of things in the WCW World Tag Team Title division. (D)


Larry Zbyszko stands by, talking about the six man tonight and his unification match with Ric Flair at Battle of the Belts. (B-)


Sting defeated Black Bart with the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting gets the win, leading into his match with Arn Anderson at Battle of the Belts. ©


Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race) defeated Dick Murdoch with the Power Bomb. Murdoch gets a lot of offense, giving Vader his money’s worth but a short clothesline puts him down, leading to a savage beating, leading to a Power Bomb. Both Hardliners are leaving now as contract negotiations with Murdoch broke down when we were unable to come to a deal with him. (C+)


Dusty Rhodes cuts a promo, saying that he is on the mend after last week but will return to the ring in due time(B)


Steven Regal pinned Johnny B. Badd with a rolling cradle into a bridge. (D-)


Terry Funk cuts a promo about Vader, Dusty Rhodes, Larry Zbyszko, the Destruction Crew, and his match against the NWA World Champion Ric Flair. The Funker has not made many friends over the past couple of months but he promises to be the last man standing when the dust settles.


Larry Zbyszko and the Destruction Crew(w/Paul E. Dangerously) battled Lex Luger and the Steiner Brothers to a no contest when all six man brawled around the ring. Nothing was settled with this brawl, which will set up a Lex Luger versus Larry Zbyszko match at the Clash of the Champions the Tuesday before the Battle of the Belts. (C+)


Ric Flair cuts his great promo, about his recent problems with Larry Zbyszko and Sid Vicious, before talking about his match with Terry Funk. Flair beat Funk back in the I-Quit Match nearly eighteen months ago and he will beat him again tonight on Saturday Night. (B)


Ric Flair retained the NWA Championship over Terry Funk with the Figure-Four Leglock. Good match between these two legendary wrestlers. Funk misses a legdrop off the second rope which sets up the Figure-Four Leglock and causes Funk to pass out. (B-)


Out comes Sid Vicious from the back, with a psychotic look on his face. Windham and Anderson quickly run into the ring but Sid knocks Anderson down with a clothesline. Choke Slam to Windham and the crowd is cheering as Flair attempts to attack Sid. Sid shrugs off the chops but he grabs Flair by the throat. Before Sid can plant Flair a man dressed in black with a ski mask enters the ring and whacks Sid from behind with a lead pipe. Sid goes down like a sack of bricks and the man holds up the four fingers before pulling off his mask to reveal….Tully Blanchard. Anderson, Flair, and Windham join Blanchard in holding up the four fingers, as Sid has been struck down again by the Horsemen. They’re back at full strength once again! (D)


Show Rating: B-


WCW Power Hour


The Four Horsemen cut a promo(C+)


Black Tiger and Jushin Thunder Liger defeated Brian Pillman and Wild Pegasus when Liger pinned Pillman with the Fisherman Buster(D)


Tom Zenk pinned Shanghai Pierce with the Fisherman Suplex(D+)


The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden defeated Joey Maggs and Tom Brandi when Golden pinned Brandi with the Piledriver(D-)


Sting cuts a promo about Double A(C+)


Big Josh and Beautiful Bobby Eaton defeated the State Patrol(E+)


Scott Hall cuts a promo(C-)


WCW Television Champion Scott Hall pinned Dan Spivey with the Crucifix Power Bomb(C-)


Show Rating: C-

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WCW Saturday Night Card:

NWA World Championship Match: Brian Pillman vs. Ric Flair©

Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York) vs. Arn Anderson

Brad Armstrong, Tom Zenk, and Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. The Freebirds(Jimmy Garvin, Diamond Dallas Page, and Scott Hall)

Sting vs. Jimmy Golden

Scorpio and Jerry Lynn vs. Doom

Bob Backlund vs. Steven Regal

Wild Pegasus vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Joey Maggs vs. Nikita Koloff

Ranger Ross and Star Blazer vs. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon.


WCW Power Hour

Lex Luger vs. Kevin Sullivan

Tom Brandi and Big Josh vs. the Destruction Crew

Scott Norton vs. Buddy Landell

The Angel of Death vs. Barry Windham

The Southern Boys vs. the Steiner Brothers

Mike Bucci vs. Larry Zbyszko(w/Paul E. Dangerously)

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Week Two June 1991 Television Tapings


WCW Saturday Night


Sid Vicious cuts a crazed promo about his upcoming match with Tully Blanchard at Battle of the Belts and his problems with the Horsemen. They brought in Blanchard to replace him but this stint in the Horsemen will be short lived when Sid rips out his spine, reducing it to dust. Sid says he’s coming for Flair, he doesn’t care how many obstacles he has to mow down. He also mentions that he is teaming with former rival Sting at the Clash of the Champions this Tuesday to face off against Barry Windham and Ric Flair. ©


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated Star Blazer and Ranger Ross. Fans did not care too much about this one but Furnas and LaFon will take on the Destruction Crew for the AWA World Tag Team Titles as part of the Clash of the Champions. (F)


Nikita Koloff pinned Joey Maggs with the Russian Sickle. This was a squash victory for Koloff. (E+)


Koloff beats on Maggs but out rushes the AWA National Champion Greg Gagne who knocks Koloff back with punches. Koloff is still on his feet but security enters the ring. It looks like we may have another title unification match at Battle of the Belts. (E-)


Wild Pegasus pinned Jushin Thunder Liger with the Wild Bomb. Pegasus will challenge Brian Pillman for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title at Battle of the Belts and this is just a taste of what’s awaiting Pillman. [b(D)[/b]


Steven Regal pinned Bob Backlund after using the ropes for leverage. Both men wrestled a technically minded match until Regal pulled out a cheap tactic at the end that scored the pin. (D)


Ric Flair cuts a promo, talking about his match with the Larry Zbyszko at Battle of the Belts, his tag team match with Windham against Sting and Sid at the Clash of the Champions, and his match with Brian Pillman tonight. (B)


Doom defeated Jerry Lynn and Scorpio when Simmons pinned Scorpio with the Powerslam. Doom get one last chance to become WCW World Tag Team Champions as part of the Clash of the Champions when the face the Steiner Brothers. (E)


Larry Zbyszko promises to unify the belts at The Battle of the Belts. He also hypes up his AWA World Title defense against Lex Luger at the Clash of the Champions ©


Sting defeated Jimmy Golden with the Scorpion Deathlock. Both men did not click which made for a slightly awkward encounter. Sting has a busy week next week, teaming with Sid Vicious to take on Ric Flair and Barry Windham at the Clash of the Champions and then going one on one with “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson at Battle of the Belts. (D)


The Freebird Trio of Jimmy Garvin, Diamond Dallas Page, and Scott Hall defeated Tom Zenk, Beautiful Bobby Eaton, and Brad Armstrong when Hall pinned Armstrong with the Outsider’s Edge. Zenk will receive his return match for the WCW Television Championship against Scott Hall at the Clash of the Champions. (D)


Arn Anderson pinned Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York) with the Spinebuster. Anderson against Sting at Battle of the Belts and Wallstreet loses another high profile match. (D+)


Arn Anderson cuts a promo saying the road to another one on one match with Windham for Sting is through him and Anderson will not let Sting pass down that road. ©


Ric Flair retained the NWA World Championship against Brian Pillman after catching him in a Thesz Press and dropping him throat first onto the top rope with a Hotshot. Pillman’s WCW Juniorheavyweight Title was not on the line but he gave a go in trying to win the big belt. Flair was several steps ahead of him. ©


Out comes Larry Zbyszko from the back. He attacks Flair but Sid comes out as well, attacking Flair as well. Larry attacks Sid from behind and Sid returns fire. Somehow, Flair gets out of the ring, as two of his top challengers are pounding each other, trading punches. Sid gets the better of Larry, for the moment, but out come the Destruction Crew to fight with Sid but the Steiner Brothers come out as well. The rest of the Horsemen come out, Sting joins in on the fun and it is a wild brawl to close out the show. ©


Show Rating: C


WCW Power Hour


Larry Zbyszko pinned Mike Bucci with a Shoulderbreaker. (E+)


The AWA World Champion has some choice words about the NWA World Champion(C+)


The Steiner Brothers defeated the Southern Boys when Rick pinned Steve Armstrong with the Steiner Bulldog(D)


Barry Windham pinned the Angel of Death with the Lariat(E+)


Vader will rip into Norton(D-)


Scott Norton pinned Buddy Landell with a crushing power bomb(E)


The Destruction Crew defeated Tom Brandi and Big Josh(D-)


Lex Luger made Kevin Sullivan submit to the Torture Rack(D+)


Show Rating: D+

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WCW Clash of the Champions Final Card:


Sting and Sid Vicious vs. Barry Windham and Ric Flair

AWA World Championship: Lex Luger vs. Larry Zbyszko©

WCW World Tag Team Titles Last Chance Match: Doom vs. the Steiner Brothers©

WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match: Brad Armstrong vs. Brian Pillman©

WCW Television Title Match: Tom Zenk vs Scott Hall©

Dusty Rhodes vs. the Honky Tonk Man

Tom Brandi vs. Tully Blanchard

AWA World Tag Team Titles: Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. the Destruction Crew©

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My picks:


WCW Clash of the Champions Final Card:


Sting and Sid Vicious vs. Barry Windham and Ric Flair

AWA World Championship: Lex Luger vs. Larry Zbyszko©

WCW World Tag Team Titles Last Chance Match: Doom vs. the Steiner Brothers©

WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match: Brad Armstrong vs. Brian Pillman©

WCW Television Title Match: Tom Zenk vs Scott Hall©

Dusty Rhodes vs. the Honky Tonk Man

Tom Brandi vs. Tully Blanchard

AWA World Tag Team Titles: Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. the Destruction Crew©

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WCW Clash of the Champions Week Three June 1991


A video package is shown, hyping up Sting and Sid Vicious against Ric Flair and Barry Windham of the Four Horsemen tonight. (B-)


AWA World Tag Team Champions Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom defeated Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon to retain the titles when Enos pinned Furnas with the Doomsday Device. Furnas and LaFon tried to take the AWA World Tag Team Champions off guard but there power and double teaming were too much. Enos and Bloom, the Destruction Crew, win and will be going onto Battle of the Belts in the Title Unification Match. (C-)


Tully Blanchard pinned Tom Brandi with a Slingshot Suplex(D-). Just a match to get Blanchard geared up for his match against Sid Vicious at Battle of the Belts. Brandi was impressive but Blanchard scored the victory over him leading to his battle with Sid(D-)


Sting and Sid have words backstage, with Sting warning Sid this better not be a set up. Sid Vicious says he has Sting’s back but he better not mess up. A heated exchange between two men who will team up tonight in the main event at the Clash of the Champions. (C+)


Dusty Rhodes pinned The Honky Tonk Man with a pair of Bionic Elbows after Golden accidentally hit Honky with the guitar. Rhodes gets the win tonight, leading to his triangle match against Vader and Terry Funk at Battle of the Belts, thanks to a little mistimed help from Jimmy Golden. Dusty Rhodes has his sights set on two rivals and perhaps the NWA World Championship as well. (C-)


Scott Hall retained the NWA Television Title over Tom Zenk with the Crucifix Power Bomb. A tad under their Superbrawl encounter but still a perfectly acceptable match. Zenk fell short, as a mistimed Missile Dropkick lead to Hall putting down Zenk with the Crucifix Power Bomb for the pin. ©


The AWA World Champion Larry Zbyszko has words for Lex Luger tonight and Ric Flair at Battle of the Belts. ©


Brian Pillman retained the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title over Brad Armstrong with a cross body block on a criss cross sequence. Pillman won tonight and will put that belt on the line against Wild Pegasus at the Battle of the Belts. (D)


WCW World Tag Team Champions the Steiner Brothers defeated Doom when Scott Steiner pinned Butch Reed with the Frankensteiner. This was the last chance for Doom as long as the Steiner Brothers were the champions and they pulled out all the stops but came up slightly short. Scott takes down Butch Reed with a crisp Frankensteiner for the pin. (C+)


Lex Luger vows to beat Larry Zbyszko tonight and capture the AWA World Title(C+)


Larry Zbyszko defeated Lex Luger with a rolling cradle using the tights to retain the AWA World Title. Luger threw everything but this was an awkward encounter and a clash of styles. Larry uses his smarts to put Luger away and move onto his title for title match with Ric Flair at Battle of the Belts. ©


Flair and Windham are ready for tonight and Flair is ready for Battle of the Belts.(B-)


Barry Windham and Ric Flair defeated Sting and Sid Vicious when Windham used a chain to nail Sting and pin him. Windham beats Sting again as Sid chases Flair to the back where Blanchard and Anderson double team him, allowing Flair to escape the wrath of Sid. Sting can’t get another one on one match with Barry Windham, unless he beats Arn Anderson at Battle of the Belts. (B)


Show Rating: B-

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TV Tapings Week Three June 1991


WCW Saturday Night Report


Sting defeated Thomas Rich in a pretty tight opening match with the Scorpion Deathlock. Rich got in a few moves, showing why he is a former NWA World Champion but Sting caught him with the Stinger Splash and locked on the Scorpion for the submission. (B-)


Afterwards, Arn Anderson ran out and put a beating on Sting, reminding them they do have a match at Battle of the Belts. Vicious Spinebuster and mudhole stomping as the Enforcer of the Four Horsemen has laid out the Stinger. (B)


Diamond Dallas Page and Jimmy Garvin defeated Tom Brandi and Robert Gibson when Garvin pinned Gibson with a DDT. The return of Gibson, without his partner and he is just a JTTS for now. Another win for the Freebirds(D-)


Wild Pegasus pinned Mike Bucci with the Wild Bomb. Pegasus is ready to go for his WCW Juniorheavyewight Title Shot against Brian Pillman at Battle of the Belts. (D+)


Sid Vicious cuts a rambling promo about the Four Horsemen before talking about his match with the AWA Champion Larry Zbyszko tonight. Sid promises to tear into him tonight, Blanchard at Battle of the Belts, and he’s coming for Flair. (B-)


Big Van Vader pinned Hiroshi Hase with the Power Bomb. Vader gets a win over the Japanese superstar tonight, leading to his Three Way Match against Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes at Battle of the Belts. ©


Speaking of which, Vader cuts a promo, promising to rip Dusty and Funk apart at the Pay Per View. (B)


El Gigante pinned Kevin Sullivan with a slam off the top rope. Gigante beat Sid Vicious at Superbrawl and is just treading water right now until the next opportunity comes along(E+)


Nikita Koloff defeated Johnny B. Badd with the Russian Sickle, gearing up for his match with Greg Gagne at Battle of the Belts. The United States Championship was not on the line tonight. (C+)


Dusty Rhodes pinned Ron Simmons with the Bionic Elbowdrop. Simmons sent Teddy Long and Butch Reed to the back, saying he’s going to win this one on his own. Rhodes pinned Simmons after he missed a tackle off the top rope and hit the Bionic Elbowdrop. (C-)


Arn Anderson pinned Butch Reed with the DDT. Simmons ran out to get into it with Tully Blanchard, who was interfering and Anderson took advantage of this little distraction to plant Reed with the DDT. Doom’s losing streak appears to extend to singles matches. (C-)


Larry Zbyszko and Paul E. Dangerously are backstage, bragging about Larry’s victory over Lex Luger at the Clash of the Champions. At Battle of the Belts, Zbyszko prepares to win the Title Unification Match against Ric Flair and hold both belts. Tonight, Sid Vicious wants a piece of the Living Legend, well Larry will take Sid down and stretch him. He is nothing but a big goof. The announcers speculate that the AWA World Champion might be underestimating Sid, as many people more often then not, leave the ring on stretchers when they fight Sid. (B-)


Sid Vicious defeated Larry Zbyszko in less than two minutes, when Larry fled from the ring and ran to the back for the countout when his offense could not get Sid down. Sid was in the ring, as the AWA World Champion gets on the microphone, saying he’s not afraid, but he has more important things to deal with, in Ric Flair at Battle of the Belts. (D+)


Ric Flair is backstage, with Barry Windham standing in the corner. He says these AWA guys brought in by Dangerously are tough but the Four Horsemen will be damned if they let them run rough shot over World Championship Wrestling. Flair holds up the NWA Championship, saying this is the belt, this is the gold, this is the only world championship that matters and he will beat Zbyszko to unify his AWA Championship into the belt, becoming the Undisputed World Champion. Tonight the Destruction Crew will get a preview, as the Nature Boy will bring their destruction, with help of Barry Windham. (B-)


The Destruction Crew battled the Horsemen in the form of Barry Windham and Ric Flair to a no contest when Larry Zbyszko, the Steiner Brothers, Arn Anderson, and Tully Blanchard all got involved, throwing this tag team match out. It was a great encounter and the AWA World Tag Team Champions held their own against the Horsemen. Out comes Sid Vicious, who goes after Flair but Flair bails so he takes down Wayne Bloom with a choke slam, before knocking Anderson down with a clothesline and Blanchard takes him out with a pair of brass knuckles to the back of the head. It is chaos on Saturday Night! (B)


Show Rating: B-


WCW Power Hour


The Master Blaster pinned Joey Maggs with a slingshot into the buckles(D-)


Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson defeated the Youngbloods with a Spike Piledriver on Chris Youngblood. (D+)


Tully Blanchard cuts a promo on Sid Vicious. (E+)


Michael Wallstreet pinned Jerry Lynn with the Wallstreet Crash(D+)


Larry Zbyszko has words for Ric Flair. (B-)


Scott Norton pinned the Equalizer with the Flashback Shoulderbreaker(D-)


Sting and Lex Luger defeated the State Patrol when Sting made Buddy Lee Parker submit to the Scorpion Deathlock©


Greatness from Flair. (B-)


Scott Hall retained the WCW Television Title over “Heavy Metal” Van Hammer when Jimmy Golden and the Honky Tonk Man interfered. (C-)


Show Rating: C

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First of all, Scott Norton suffered an injury when wrestling on a NJPW card, so his planned match with Big Van Vader at the Great American Bash is scrubbed but that's in a few weeks. Right now is the Battle of the Belts and here's the final card.


WCW Battle of the Belts Final Card:


AWA World Heavyweight Championship vs. NWA World Championship Title Unification Match:

Larry Zbyszko(AWA Champion) vs. Ric Flair(NWA World Champion)


Triangle of Pain Match:

Dusty Rhodes vs. Terry Funk vs. Big Van Vader


Sting vs. Arn Anderson


Sid Vicious vs. Tully Blanchard


AWA World Tag Team Titles vs. WCW World Tag Team Titles Unification Match:

The Destruction Crew(AWA Tag) vs. The Steiner Brothers(WCW Tag)


If Hammer wins, he gets his match with Honky Tonk Man:

"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs. Jimmy Golden


WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match:

Wild Pegasus vs. Brian Pillman©


AWA National Title vs. WCW United States Title Unification Match:

Greg Gagne(AWA National) vs. Nikita Koloff(WCW United States)

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