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World Championship Wrestling 1991-The Rush to the Top

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AWA World Heavyweight Championship vs. NWA World Championship Title Unification Match:

Larry Zbyszko(AWA Champion) vs. Ric Flair(NWA World Champion)

As good as "The Living Legend" Is, he's not gonna beat the Nature Boy

Triangle of Pain Match:

Dusty Rhodes vs. Terry Funk vs. Big Van Vader

I don't forsee that Vader would lose during this monster push that he's getting.

Sting vs. Arn Anderson

Sting, hasn't won a big match in a while so he's due


Sid Vicious vs. Tully Blanchard

Like Vader, Sid is getting a big face push. So I don't forsee him losing here. Which is too bad because I like Tully


AWA World Tag Team Titles vs. WCW World Tag Team Titles Unification Match:

The Destruction Crew(AWA Tag) vs. The Steiner Brothers(WCW Tag)

This one is a tough one. As much as I think that the Steiners will win. I think that the Destruction Crew should win, because it would give a much needed, heel force in the tag team divison. Jobbing them out early on would make them seem weak.

If Hammer wins, he gets his match with Honky Tonk Man:

"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs. Jimmy Golden

Hammer wins this one, but would lose against Honky Tonk


WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match:

Wild Pegasus vs. Brian Pillman©

Another tough match to call. I'll go with Pillman.


AWA National Title vs. WCW United States Title Unification Match:

Greg Gagne(AWA National) vs. Nikita Koloff(WCW United States)

Easiest match to call. Koloff wins

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WCW Battle of the Belts Week Three June 1991


An extensive video package is shown, hyping up tonight’s title for title match between the AWA Champion Larry Zbyszko and the NWA World Champion Ric Flair. ©


Nikita Koloff unified his WCW United States Title with the AWA National Title of Greg Gagne with the Russian Sickle after Gagne was fired up but his offensive flurry was all for nothing. Still, even the power of Rambo Gagne could not put down the Russian Nightmare who caused Gagne to eat the Sickle and he was put down for the pin. Afterwards, Koloff wiped him out with another Sickle and drapes the AWA National Title Belt over his shoulder, before strapping the WCW United States Title over his waist. ©


Before Koloff could leave, Lex Luger ran out and got into it with Koloff. Both men brawled around ringside, as they have some unfinished business. Luger, since Koloff just wrestled a match, got the advantage, slamming Koloff into the railing at ringside and hitting him with some punches, and a clothesline. Security pulls Luger off, as he yells he wants a chance to become WCW United States Champion once again and Luger never did get his return shot at the title. (B)


Brian Pillman retained the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title over Wild Pegasus after countering the Wild Bomb into a sunset flip out of nowhere. Both men hit a lot of high flying and high impact moves, that got the crowd into it. Dragon Suplex and the Wild Bomb were brought out by Wild Pegasus, but he was unable to capitalize. Pillman’s diving cross body was barely escaped and Pegasus chopped Pillman, brutalizing him and attempting another Wild Bomb which Pillman countered for the pin. Pegasus gives Pillman a grudging nod but this might not be over between these two great athletes. ©


“Heavy Metal” Van Hammer pinned Jimmy Golden with a cobra clutch slam out of the corner. As a result of a prematch stipulation, Hammer will get his match with the Honky Tonk Man at the Great American Bash. (D)


Speaking of Honky, he runs out and hits Hammer from behind with a guitar. He does a dance in the middle of the ring as Hammer has been knocked out by that vicious blow with the guitar shot. (E)


The Destruction Crew unified the WCW World Tag Team Titles with their AWA World Tag Team Titles against the Steiner Brothers in a hard hitting tag team match when Enos pinned Rick Steiner, after Paul E. Dangerously pulled down the top rope, to take Scott out of the match and they hit modified Doomsday Device to put Rick down. Dangerously announces this is a sign of things to come, when Flair and Zbyszko collide later tonight. (C+)


Larry Zbyszko is backstage, hyping up his match with Ric Flair, promising to be the one to take Flair to school and win both belts. ©


Sid Vicious defeated Tully Blanchard with the Power Bomb. Blanchard spent most of this match, staying one step ahead of Sid due to his experience but once Sid got his hands on Tully, it was all over. (D+)


Sid cuts a promo, challenging the winner of tonight’s main event to a match for the unified World Championship at the Great American Bash. ©


Sting made Arn Anderson submit to the Scorpion Deathlock, but it wasn’t easy for the Stinger. Rather it was a bit difficult, as Anderson threw everything at Sting and made him earn his match with Windham. One Stinger Splash was ducked and Anderson hit a DDT for a nearfall. Second Stinger Splash hits and sets up the Scorpion Deathlock for the submission. (B-)


Sting doesn’t have much time to catch his breath as Barry Windham runs out and attacks Sting from behind. Anderson joins in a good old fashioned Horsemen mauling on the Stinger. Thankfully, security breaks it up before things get too serious. ©


Next was the Triangle of Pain Match and Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race) tore a path of destruction through Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes. When Funk and Dusty could work together, they managed to take Vader off balance for short times but Vader was relentless in exploiting the problems between the Funker and the Dream. Eventually, Dusty was throw hard into the ring steps and that left Vader to demolish Funk. Huge power bomb and Funk folds like a cheap accordion. Race holds off Dusty and Vader pins Funk. Afterwards, Vader splashes Dusty off the second rope and stomps him, until Race calls him off. ©


Ric Flair talks about his match with Larry Zbyszko and makes a bold prediction since he will be the champion after tonight, he is going to accept Sid’s challenge and finish him off once and for all. (B-)


Ric Flair become the undisputed World Champion over Larry Zbyszko, in a back and forth match, that featured the Living Legend to work over Flair’s back, which had been broken in a plane crash, for most of the match. Once Zbyszko missed a kneedrop, Flair ruthlessly picked apart his knee and locked on the Figure-Four Leglock. Dangerously yells but Larry is trapped in dead center and submits, giving the Nature Boy the win. Flair is the undisputed World Champion. ©


Show Rating: C+(fell slightly flat but I’m hoping the Great American Bash makes up for it. Sid/Flair for the Undisputed Title and a bunch of other great matches)

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Week Four June 1991 Television Tapings


WCW Saturday Night


Unified AWA and WCW World Tag Team Champions The Destruction Crew defeated Doom when Wayne Bloom rolled up Butch Reed for the pin. The titles were not on the line but this was a hard hitting tag team encounter. Sadly for Doom, they could not hit hard enough to get the win. ©


Sid Vicious cuts a loud promo, saying that his time comes at the Great American Bash. He will take Ric Flair and rip him into chunks. The man will be beaten and Sid will be the man, the Undisputed Champion, and the Ruler of WCW. Sid comes off as crazed in this promo. (C+)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton defeated Michael Wallstreet(w/Alexandra York) after a sunset flip. Wallstreet was angry and had words for York, before challenging Eaton to a return match next week. (C-)


Terry Gordy and Steve Williams brutalized the team of Tom Brandi and Robert Gibson when Williams pinned Gibson with a high angle backdrop suplex. (D)


The Nightstalker squashed Big Josh, hitting him with a pump kick and a Uranage Slam. Josh was came but the Nightstalker really beat him down for this match. (E+)


Sting is ready for Tully Blanchard tonight and Barry Windham at the Great American Bash (D+)


Larry Zbyszko pinned Jerry Lynn with a gutwrench into a shoulderbreaker. Lynn knocked the Living Legend off balance with a series of high flying attacks, including a missile dropkick and a dive to the floor. Larry used his smarts to swing the match under his control and delivered the Gutwrench Shoulderbreaker for the pin. ©


Zbyszko continues to beat on Lynn until El Gigante rumbles from the back. Gigante enters the ring and Zbyszko is hoisted up over his head. Gigante slams the Living Legend to the canvas. El Gigante has arrived and he knocks Zbyszko to the floor. Paul E. Dangerously is yelling for Larry to get up but Gigante stands in the ring, motioning for Larry to come get some. ©


Arn Anderson defeated Terry Funk via countout, when Funk got into it with Dusty Rhodes, who was commentating for this match. Funk slapped Dusty, after having Anderson down and was counted out when he decided not to return to the ring. (C+)


Funk and Dusty get into a brawl. Both men are trading punches, as the crowd is cheering. Ross and Dangerously hype up the upcoming match at the Great American Bash between Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes which will be a Texas Death Match! (C-)


Lex Luger made Jimmy Golden submit to the Torture Rack. Golden beat Luger down for most of the match but Luger fought back with clotheslines and a powerslam before he slapped the Rack on Golden. Honky Tonk Man dressed down Golden afterwards, for losing to Luger and Van Hammer as well last Sunday. (C-)


Nikita Koloff comes out, with the United States Title over his shoulder. Koloff slides in the ring and punches Luger but Luger fires back. The two men brawl, nothing having been settled. Luger knocks Koloff to the floor with a clothesline but Koloff pulls him out through the bottom rope and rams him into the ring apron and beats him down. The crowd is cheering as both men brawl, a United States Title Match announced between these two men at the Great American Bash. (B+)


Sting made Tully Blanchard submit to the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting has beaten three of the four Horsemen in the past year but can he beat Barry Windham? We’ll find out as they square off in the Great American Bash, Best Two Out of Three Falls. (C+)


Ric Flair cuts a promo, that he is the Undisputed Champion and there is no one in the wrestling world that is his peer. Flair says he will take down Sid at the Great American Bash, Sid will be the one who will be ruled, not Ric Flair. No one leaves the Horsemen without a few beatings and Sid will be no exception. (B-)


Ric Flair and Barry Windham defeated the Steiner Brothers when Windham pinned Scott Steiner with a DDT after Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard interfered. All four Horsemen overwhelm the Steiners, after this great tag team match. (B)


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour:


The Master Blaster and the Equalizer defeated the Youngbloods(E+)


Charlie Norris pinned Akio Sato with a roll up(E+)


Ric Flair cuts a promo(C+)


Steven Regal pinned Robbie V with a bridge suplex(D+)


Big Van Vader pinned Johnny B. Badd with the Power Bomb(C+)


Sid Vicious cuts a maniac promo on Ric Flair(C+)


Scott Hall pinned Bob Backlund with the Crucifix Power Bomb to retain the WCW Television Championship. (C+)


Show Rating: C

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Week One July 1991 Television Tapings:


WCW Saturday Night


Ric Flair cuts a promo, promising to beat Sid Vicious in the six man tag team main event match for this evening. It will be Flair, Anderson, and Blanchard against Sid Vicious and the Steiner Brothers (B)


Barry Windham pinned Brad Armstrong with the Lariat in a back and forth match, as Windham gears up for his Best Two Out of Three Falls Match with Sting at the Great American Bash. ©


Larry Zbyszko pinned Greg Gagne with the Shoulderbreaker in a match that was mostly an extended squash for the Living Legend. (C+)


Larry then cuts a promo, saying that he will face and defeat El Gigante at the Great American Bash. (B-)


Unified World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew defeated Shanghai Pierce and Ken Shamrock when Enos pinned Pierce with the Fallaway Slam off the top rope. (D)


Michael Wallstreet cuts a promo, saying that while he had some slumps recently, he will beat Beautiful Bobby Eaton tonight. Alexandra York says that the computer says that Wallstreet will beat Eaton in ten minutes or less. ©


Scott Hall pinned Steve Williams to successfully retain the WCW Television Championship with some help from Jimmy Garvin and Diamond Dallas Page. Hall will put his belt on the line against both Tom Zenk and Beautiful Bobby Eaton in a triangle match at the Great American Bash. ©


Hall cuts a promo, saying he beat both men in singles matches and will beat them both in the Triangle Match as well. (C+)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton pinned Michael Wallstreet with an inside cradle after Alexandra York accidentally hit Wallstreet with her laptop(C+)


Wallstreet yells at York before firing her and saying he’s going to strike it out on his own. (D+)


Lex Luger continued Doom’s losing streak, defeating Ron Simmons with the Torture Rack. Luger then put Butch Reed in the Torture Rack afterwards, gearing up for his United States Title Match where United States Champion Nikita Koloff cut an insert promo on Luger(C+ for the match, B for the Koloff promo)


Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race) defeated Jimmy Golden(w/the Honky Tonk Man) with the Power Bomb to continue his dominance. Golden was a rough and tumble brawler but Vader beat him down, before breaking him down with the Power Bomb. ©


Sid Vicious rants about Ric Flair, promising to tear him down at the Great American Bash and win the Undisputed World Title. He also says he will take out all of the Horsemen, with help of the Steiner Brothers in tonight’s six man tag team main event. (B)


Sting made Black Tiger submit to the Scorpion Deathlock, after catching him with a springboard rana and power bombing him. Sting looked good in this match but Black Tiger scored a lot of offense as well before he was locked in the Scorpion Deathlock. ©


Ric Flair cuts another promo, promising to own Sid Vicious. (B-)


The Horsemen of Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Ric Flair defeated Sid Vicious and the Steiner Brothers when Anderson pinned Scott Steiner with the Spike Piledriver. Sid chased Flair to the back and Rick Steiner was thrown into the ring steps, allowing a two on one beating for the Horsemen. Anderson and Blanchard will face the Steiner Brothers at the Great American Bash and of course Ric Flair puts that Undisputed World Championship on the line against Sid Vicious. (C+)


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour


Jushin Thunder Liger pinned Kaz Hayashi with the Fisherman Buster. ©


Sid Vicious cuts a promo about his upcoming match with Ric Flair(B-)


The Master Blaster pinned Robbie V with a catapult into the corner(D-)


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated Akio Sato and Black Bart when LaFon pinned Sato with a Bridging Back Suplex(D+)


Ric Flair about his Undisputed World Title Defense Against Sid Vicious at the Great American Bash(C+)


The Nightstalker pinned Terry Taylor with a choke slam. (E+)


Big Van Vader and the Nightstalker get into a brawl at ringside, with the Nightstalker holding his own against Vader and it is announced that he will replace Scott Norton against Vader at the Great American Bash. ©


WCW Juniorheavyweight Champion Brian Pillman pinned Tom Brandi with the Flying Cross Body Press. (D)


Dan Spivey pinned Butch Reed with the Power Bomb. (D)


Show Rating: D

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Week Two July 1991 Television Tapings:


WCW Saturday Night


Sting made Jimmy Garvin submit to the Scorpion Deathlock in an impressive encounter. Garvin missed a diving kneedrop, jamming his knee and opening him up for Sting to slap on the Scorpion Deathlock for the finish. (B-)


Sting cuts a promo, promising that Barry Windham’s luck has run out at the Great American Bash and he will beat Windham Two Out of Three Falls. (B+)


The Patriots scored an upset victory over Doom when Firebreaker Chip rolled up Butch Reed after a miscommunication spot. Doom have been having their share of problems as of late and this did not help matters at all, losing to a mostly unproven team like the Patriots. (E+)


Wild Pegasus pinned Star Blazer with the Wild Bomb. Pegasus will face off against Brian Pillman for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title one more time at Battle of the Belts. (D+)


Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard cut a promo, promising pain for the Steiner Brothers at the Great American Bash. (D+)


Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard defeated Robbie V and Mike Bucci when Anderson pinned Robbie V with the Spike Piledriver, as they prepare for their number one contenders match with the Steiner Brothers at the Great American Bash. ©


Dusty Rhodes cuts a promo, promising to put a clubbering on Barry Windham in tonight’s feature bout. (B)


WCW Junior Heavyweight Champion Brian Pillman pinned Tracey Smothers with a catapult sunset flip. The title was not on the line but Pillman is ready for his return match with Wild Pegasus at the Great American Bash. (C-)


The Steiner Brothers defeated Buddy Landell and Thomas Rich when Rick Steiner pinned Rich with the Steiner Bulldog. Just a squash to get the Steiners geared up for their battle against the Horsemen at the Great American Bash. (C+)


WCW United States Champion Nikita Koloff brutalized Joey Maggs, as an insert promo for Lex Luger was shown, hyping up his United States Title Shot at the Great American Bash(D+ rating for the match, B+ rating for the Luger promo)


Big Van Vader defeated Tom Zenk with two Power Bombs. Zenk fought Vader hard but Vader was a machine. At the Great American Bash, Vader takes on the Nightstalker and Tom Zenk faces Beautiful Bobby Eaton and WCW Television Champion Scott Hall in a triangle match for the belt. (C+)


Sid Vicious cuts a promo about his chance to become Undisputed World Champion against Ric Flair at the Great American Bash. (C+)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton pinned Kevin Sullivan with a roll up. Eaton will be part of that WCW Television Title Match at the Great American Bash with Zenk and champion Scott Hall. (D+)


Dusty Rhodes and Barry Windham fought to a no contest when Terry Funk and Sting both got involved. It was shaping up to be a pretty good match until Funk and Sting interfered. Terry Funk squares off against Dusty Rhodes in a Texas Death Match at the Great American Bash and Sting takes on Barry Windham, Best Two Out of Three Falls. (C+)


The four men get into a brawl afterwards, with Funk hitting at everything that moves. Security breaks up this chaotic scene. (B-)


Ric Flair closes out the show, with words for Sid Vicious, promising that Sid will not leave the Great American Bash with the Undisputed World Championship. (B)


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour


Sam Houston and Robert Gibson defeated the State Patrol(E)


Scorpio pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the Scorpio Splash(C-)


Steven Regal pinned Big Josh with a cradle suplex(D-)


Sid Vicious rambles about Ric Flair(C+)


Lex Luger made Jacko Victory submit to the Torture Rack(D+)


El Gigante squashed Akio Sato in seconds(E+)


Larry Zbyszko mocks Gigante in a promo, calling him large in size but a mental midget. (B-)


Jimmy Golden, Honky Tonk Man, The Equalizer, and the Master Blaster defeated Van Hammer, Tom Brandi, Jerry Lynn, and Brad Armstrong when Golden pinned Brandi with a Piledriver. (D-)


Scott Hall pinned Terry Gordy to retain the WCW Television Title with the Crucifix Power Bomb(C-)


Show Rating: D+

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WCW Great American Bash Final Card


Undisputed World Title Match:

Sid Vicious vs. Ric Flair©


Best Two Out of Three Falls Match:

Sting vs. Barry Windham


Texas Death Match:

Terry Funk vs. Dusty Rhodes


WCW United States Title Match:

Lex Luger vs. Nikita Koloff©


WCW Television Title Triangle Match:

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Tom Zenk vs. Scott Hall©


Number One Contenders Match:

The Steiner Brothers vs. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard


El Gigante vs. Larry Zbyszko


The Nightstalker vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)


"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs the Honky Tonk Man


WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match:

Wild Pegasus vs. Brian Pillman©

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WCW Great American Bash Week Two July 1991


A video package hypes up the Undisputed Title Match between Ric Flair and Sid Vicious. ©


The opening battle for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title between champion Brian Pillman and challenger Wild Pegasus was an intense one. Both men went back and forth, with several nearfalls. Despite a Dragon Suplex and a Top-Rope Power Bomb, Pillman kept fighting back. After a Swandive Headbutt missed, Pillman rolled Wild Pegasus into a La Magistral Cradle to hold him down for the pin and keep his championship! (C+)


A short encounter happened next between the Honky Tonk Man and Van Hammer. Hammer threw around the Honky Tonk Man for most of this match, but the craftiness of HTM came through, namely he threw powder into the eyes of Hammer, before delivering his patented Shake, Rattle, and Roll Neckbreaker for the pin. (D)


Dusty Rhodes cuts a promo, promising to put the clubbering on Terry Funk in the Texas Death Match tonight. ©


Two big men collided with Big Van Vader against the Nightstalker. The Nightstalker has been on quite a winning streak lately and he showed his power, choke slamming Vader for a nearfall. After a few more exchanges Vader fought back with a choke slam of his own and the Power Bomb. Nightstalker was dropped for the pin. Vader wins and shows his dominance once more. (C+)


Larry Zbyszko and El Gigante was a match not without controversy. Paul E. Dangerously was in the corner of the Living Legend tonight and Gigante knocked Larry around, slamming him down with a huge vertical suplex before he choked him in the corner and knocked him down with a powerslam. A low blow managed to stagger the big man and Zbyszko grabbed a chair but the referee took it away. He resorted to Plan B when the referee was returning the chair to ringside, the mobile phone of Dangerously, cracked against Gigante’s skull. This floored the big man and allowed the Living Legend to pick up the win. (C+)


The Horsemen of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard did battle with the Steiner Brothers in a number one contenders match where the winners will face the Destruction Crew at Fall Brawl in the month of September. The Steiner Brothers were on fire with suplexes early but the Horsemen used their tactics to swing the match, double teaming Rick Steiner. The Spike Piledriver was evaded and double Steinerline before Rick makes the tag to brother Scott. House of fire and Frankensteiner on Anderson, but he was not the legal man. Blanchard tries to catch a quick roll up on Scott but only a nearfall. Huge belly to belly suplex dumps Blanchard and Rick knocks Anderson to the floor with the Steinerline. Elevated Bulldog on Blanchard and the Steiner Brothers score the victory tonight against the Horsemen! They are the number one contenders for the WCW World Tag Team Titles.(B)


Terry Funk cuts a promo, rambling about Dusty Rhodes. (C+)


Scott Hall had two rivals to contend for when he put the WCW Television Title on the line against Tom Zenk and Beautiful Bobby Eaton. Hall has yet to taste defeat in WCW and his Freebird Cronies, Diamond Dallas Page and Jimmy Garvin have been banned from ringside. Zenk and Eaton used some double teaming tactics but fell back into beating each other and then Hall some more, including the Missile Dropkick to the floor from Zenk. Zenk goes for the Fisherman Suplex but Eaton fights out and huge backbreaker, before he delivers the Alabama Jam. Two and nine tenths count before Hall breaks up the pin with an elbow to the back of the head. He chucks Eaton to the floor and pulls up Zenk, before drilling him with the Crucifix Power Bomb. Hall covers Zenk for the pin, who is out of it after two finishers. Eaton doesn’t make the save in time and Hall retains the WCW Television Championship. (B-)


Lex Luger and Nikita Koloff had a fight before Koloff’s United States Championship. Luger managed to win a test of strength early and a vicious powerslam scores a close nearfall. Koloff dumps Luger into the guardrail and works over his neck for the Russian Sickle. Koloff hits a neckbreaker and a sleeperhold which Luger powers out of. Koloff bounces right back and goes for the Russian Sickle but Luger ducks it. Flying forearm knocks Koloff down to the mat. Luger delivers a pair of clotheslines and vertical suplex on Koloff. Luger applies the Torture Rack but Koloff manages to slide down before Luger can get it on all of the way. Koloff delivers the Russian Sickle right to the back of the head. Luger falls down on the canvas and Koloff covers Luger. Luger manages to kick out at just two and nine tenths. The crowd is cheering for Luger, as no one has ever kicked out of the Russian Sickle(or so says the announcers). Second Russian Sickle but Luger side steps that one and Koloff goes to the floor. Luger slides out after him and Koloff beats on Luger, before slamming his head into the ring post. The United States Champion just barely beats the count but Luger does not. Luger has been counted out. This was his last chance to become champion and Koloff looks pleased that he basically railroaded Luger out of the United States Championship. (B-)


While the fans were excited about the Texas Death Match between Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes, a knee injury suffered by Funk early on had really impaired his mobility. Dusty Rhodes battered Funk with a chair and hit a chair assisted Bionic Elbowdrop for the pin and Funk could not answer the ten count. Sadly, Funk’s injury made what was determined to be a classic encounter, short lived. (D, Funk was injured wrestling an independent show the day before, able to wrestle but severely limited and that’s why the match was a disappointment)


Ric Flair cuts a promo, saying tonight he is going to beat Sid Vicious and prove to the world why he is the Undisputed World Champion. (B-)


Best Two Out of Three Falls Match between Sting and Barry Windham featured some of the best wrestling action you’ll see anywhere in the world. Thirty minutes of greatness, with some feeling out at the beginning. Windham managed to catch Sting on the top rope and Superplex him down for the first fall. Windham tried to get two in a row but Sting kicked out. Pounding by Windham rocked Sting and Lariat but Sting is in the ropes. Windham goes for the Bulldog but Sting shoves him into the corner and Stinger Splash. Scorpion Deathlock but Windham manages to be turned over into the ropes. To the eyes of Sting and clawhold locked on. Sting struggles and pounds out. Leaping DDT and Sting dives off the top rope with a cross body. Nearfall on Windham. Stinger Splash is missed and Windham scoops up Sting but gets rolled up into a small package for a nearfall. Both men are a fall a piece and Windham kicks Sting in the groin, for a warning from the referee and Lariats him nearly out of his boots. Unfortunately for Windham, only a nearfall. Clawhold applied and faceslam from the clawhold. Another nearfall and Windham will not be denied, beating him down. Attempted Superplex but Sting pounds him. Flying bodypress misses! Windham goes for a lifted DDT but Sting punches out. Into the corner and Stinger Splash. Windham staggers and Scorpion Deathlock hooked in. Sting has it on and Windham is squirming. He can’t get to the ropes and Sting has it on. Does he…yes Windham submits! Sting has beaten the man who cost him the NWA World Championship Two Falls to One at the Great American Bash. (B)


Sid Vicious cuts a crazed promo on Ric Flair, declaring that tonight, he is going to Master the Nature Boy and Rule him in the ring. (C+)


Ric Flair walked to the ring, with his back against the wall, as the Horsemen are 0-2 tonight and he goes to defend his Undisputed World Championship against a man who he kicked out of the Horsemen for dropping the ball, in Sid Vicious. Flair is not backing down and throws everything he has at Sid. Chops, kickings, punches, biting, scratching but Sid shoves Flair down twice and beats him down. Nice delayed vertical suplex gets the ball rolling for a Sid offensive flurry but he misses a boot in the corner, ramming his leg. Flair goes up top and hits a rare offensive move off the ropes, in a double axe handle chop. Flair works the legs of Sid but his legs are too big for the Figure-Four Leglock. Flair continues to work them over but Sid shoves Flair off. Flair goes on top but Sid slams him off. Flair begs off but Sid just clotheslines him down. Sid brutalizes Flair and side suplex. Flair has been driven down and two count. Yakuza Kick delivered to Flair and nearfall. Sid sets up the Power Bomb but low blow. Sid is doubled over and Flair cradles the legs. Feet are draped over the top rope but Sid kicks out at two and nine tenths. Flair beats on Sid Vicious and chop block. Figure-Four Leglock set up once again but Flair is kicked into the corner. He bounces off and Sid has him by the throat. Flair is doing everything in his power to break the choke but it doesn’t phase Sid. Choke Slam rocks The Nature Boy! The crowd has rose to their feet as Sid kneels down, looking towards the heavens. Sid picks up Ric Flair, as the crowd looks towards the back briefly, for any signs of the Horsemen but Sid does not waste any time in drilling Ric Flair with a bone rattling Power Bomb before the Horsemen could come out. Sid covers Flair hooking the leg. Three count is made. Sid Vicious has pinned Ric Flair and is your brand new Undisputed World Champion! (B-)


The crowd is on their feet as Sid hoists the big gold belt over his head. Ric Flair has been defeated by Sid Vicious at the Great American Bash and now the era of Sid begins in World Championship Wrestling.


Show Rating: C+


(And now this is the half way point of the year as now we begin moving the wheels into motion for Starrcade starting at next weeks Television.)

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Week Three July 1991 Television Taping


WCW Saturday Night


A recap from the Great American Bash was shown when Sid Vicious triumphed over Ric Flair to capture the Undisputed World Title. (B-)


Brian Pillman had another successful title defense of his WCW Juniorheavyweight Title against Johnny B. Badd in a great back and forth encounter, with Pillman connecting with a Swinging DDT out of the corner after Badd missed a slingshot splash. (C-)


The Freebirds of Scott Hall, Jimmy Garvin, and Diamond Dallas Page defeated Greg Gagne, Mike Bucci, and Charlie Norris when Garvin pinned Bucci with a DDT (D)


Michael Wallstreet cuts a big promo, hyping his feature bout against Sting. (D+)


Nikita Koloff scored another dominant performance as WCW United States Champion over Kevin Sullivan, beating him with the Russian Sickle. Sullivan was outmatched, and brutalized by the Russian Nightmare. (D+)


Sid Vicious cuts a promo, saying that he’s willing to take on all comers and announces that he will defend the Undisputed World Title against Ric Flair in a return match at the Clash of the Champions. (C+)


Big Van Vader continues his roll, rolling right over Terry Taylor with the Power Bomb. (D+)


Van Hammer came out for his match with Dan Spivey, but Vader continued his rampage, beating down Van Hammer. Vader delivers a rib crushing splash and the Power Bomb, beating down Hammer, leaving him laying. ©


The newest member of the WCW Junior Heavyweight Division, Scotty the Body defeated Robbie V with a Springboard Clothesline. (D)


Undisputed World Tag Team Champions The Destruction Crew defeated Jerry Lynn and Scorpio when Enos pinned Lynn with the modified Doomsday Device. In September, the Destruction Crew will put their WCW World Tag Team Titles on the line against the Destruction Crew. (C-)


The Horsemen of Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Tully Blanchard defeated Brad Armstrong and the Southern Boys when Anderson pinned Brad Armstrong with the Spinebuster. (D+)


Out comes Ric Flair, dressed in a suit, congratulating the Horsemen for the win. He sends Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham to the back, to get the party started but he wants to talk to Double A. Flair hypes up Anderson as a tough man but he’s never really gotten his chance. Unfortunately, at the Great American Bash, Ric Flair suffered a minor back injury in his match with Sid. Nothing too heavy, but the fact remains that he will not be up for a match with Sid Vicious. However, Arn Anderson has never received a shot at the World Championship and that is crime. Ric Flair is offering the Enforcer his match with Sid Vicious at the Clash of the Champions, because he knows The Enforcer can do it. Ric Flair says its about Double A now and it’s his time to shine as the champion. Arn Anderson nods, saying that he won’t let the Nature Boy down and will bring the Undisputed World Title back to the Four Horsemen. The announcers speculate on Ric Flair’s injury, wondering if he is ducking Sid and using Anderson to soften up Sid at the Clash of the Champions for a future shot at the gold. (C+)


Sting cuts quick promo about Michael Wallstreet. ©


Scott Steiner defeated Larry Zbyszko by disqualification when the Destruction Crew ran out and attacked Scott Steiner, as he had Zbyszko taken down with the Frankensteiner. (C+)


The Destruction Crew and Larry Zbyszko beat down Scott Steiner, stomping away at him, beating him down. Out comes Rick Steiner to make the save but he gets overwhelmed as well, until Sting ran out as well to make the save. (B-)


Sting made Michael Wallstreet submit to the Scorpion Deathlock in the main event. (B)


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour


Honky Tonk Man cut a promo, saying that he will end Sid Vicious’s reign as Undisputed World Champion before it begins. (C+)


Lex Luger made the Equalizer submit to the Torture Rack(C+)


Jushin Thunder Liger pinned Sam Houston with the Fisherman Buster(C-)


The Steiner Brothers cut a promo on the Destruction Crew(C+)


Steven Regal pinned Ron Simmons with the Bridging Back Suplex(D-)


Tom Zenk pinned Butch Reed with a Victory Roll(C-)


Sid Vicious cuts a promo on the Honky Tonk Man for tonight©


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated the Patriots when Furnas pinned Firebreaker Chip with the German Suplex(D)


Undisputed World Champion Sid Vicious pinned Honky Tonk Man with the Power Bomb in thirty seconds(D)


Show Rating: C-

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Week Four July 1991 Television Tapings:


WCW Saturday Night:


Tonight Sting squares off against Larry Zbyszko in our feature bout(C+)


Undisputed Champion Sid Vicious crushed Black Bart in seconds with the Power Bomb. (D-)


Sid Vicious cuts a promo, saying that while Arn Anderson might be the Enforcer, he won’t stop Sid Vicious, who claims himself to be the Executioner of the Four Horsemen. He promises to destroy them, he started by taking Flair’s belt and will end by taking their livelihood one by one. (B-)


Scotty the Body pinned the Juicer with a second rope clothesline. (E-)


The Steiner Brothers defeated the Angel of Death and Shanghai Pierce when Rick Steiner pinned the Angel with the Steiner Bulldog, this match was just an opportunity to hype up the fact that the Steiner Brothers are the number one contenders for the WCW Undisputed Tag Team Titles held by the Destruction Crew. (C-)


The Steiner Brothers cut a short promo, saying they have their sights set on the Undisputed Tag Team Titles. (C+)


Black Tiger pinned Jushin Thunder Liger with the Black Tiger Bomb to become the number one contender to the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title held by Brian Pillman. As a result, Black Tiger and Pillman will meet at the Clash of the Champions. (D+)


Arn Anderson cuts a promo, saying that Sid Vicious made a huge mistake by letting down the Four Horsemen. He beat Ric Flair and sure enough, every dog has his day. Sid has grabbed the brass ring that most would only dream about. At Clash of the Champions, that dream turns into a nightmare. And speaking of dreams, the Enforcer’s match against the American Dream will serve as a preview to the pain and suffering Sid will suffer for his crimes. Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious for the Undisputed World Title at the Clash of the Champions, tune in on TBS for what should be an epic championship encounter. (C+)


The Horsemen in the form of Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham were in the house, with Ric Flair in their corner, defeating Tom Brandi and Big Josh when Blanchard pinned Josh with the Slingshot Suplex as Windham fought off Brandi. Ric Flair joined Paul E. Dangerously and Jim Ross at the commentary’s desk, saying the Horsemen were stronger than ever. (C-)


Big Van Vader squashed the returning P.N. Newz with the Pump Splash. (D+)


Big Van Vader cuts a promo about his match with Van Hammer at the Clash of the Champions. Vader says he’s the baddest man in WCW, not Hammer, not Scott Norton, not even the Undisputed World Champion Sid Vicious. (B+)


Robbie V. and Mike Bucci defeated Jerry Lynn and Scorpio in a Juniorheavyweight tag team encounter when Robbie pinned Lynn with a split legged moonsault. (D-)


Lex Luger beat Col. Debeers with the Torture Rack. (C-)


Sting cuts a promo, promising to take down the Living Legend in tonight’s feature contest. (C+)


Arn Anderson(w/Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, and Barry Windham) pinned Dusty Rhodes with the DDT. Needless to say, Dusty Rhodes was a bit outgunned tonight, as he had the contend with the Horsemen at ringside. He decided to strike first, catching Ric Flair right in the face with the Bionic Elbow. Unfortunately Blanchard distracts the referee and Barry Windham enters the ring, hitting Dusty Rhodes in the back of the head, setting him up for the DDT for the pin. If Anderson hits that move against Sid Vicious at the Clash of the Champions, we could be looking at your next Undisputed Champion. Dangerously and Ross speculate Dusty Rhodes might have a bit of a beef with Barry Windham for costing him that match. ©


Sting defeated Larry Zbyszko by disqualification when the Destruction Crew ran out and laid a beating on Sting when Sting had Larry in the Scorpion Deathlock. (C+)


The Steiner Brother save Sting from a three on one beatdown, setting up a six man tag team match at the Clash of the Champions. (C-)


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy defeated Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon when Williams pinned Furnas with the High-Angle Belly to Back Suplex(D)


Dan Spivey pinned Johnny B. Badd with the Power Bomb(D+)


Sid Vicious will crush Arn Anderson(C+)


The Freebirds defeated Ranger Ross, Charlie Norris, and Joey Maggs when Scott Hall pinned Ross with the Crucifix Power Bomb(D)


Wild Pegasus pinned Brad Armstrong with the Wild Bomb(D+)


Words from Arn Anderson about Sid(C+)


Nikita Koloff squashed the Star Blazer with the Russian Sickle(D+)


Brian Pillman pinned Michael Wallstreet with a sunset flip(D+)


Show Rating: C-

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Week One August 1991 Television Tapings


WCW Saturday Night


Tonight the WCW World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew will take on Sting and Lex Luger. The belts will be on the line in the feature bout on TBS. (B-)


Dusty Rhodes pinned Kevin Sullivan with the Bionic Elbow. Dusty was a man on a mission tonight, incensed about Barry Windham’s interference last week and those two men will meet at the Clash of the Champions. Sullivan brutalized Dusty but even he could not stop the unmatched fury of the Dream, who won with the Bionic Elbow. (C-)


Dusty Rhodes cuts a promo, saying it will be gutcheck time for Barry Windham this Tuesday at the Clash of the Champions and Dusty promises a stiff clubberin’ (B-)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton pinned Thomas Rich with the Alabama Jam, as the announcers hype up that Scott Hall and Beautiful Bobby Eaton will square off one more time for the WCW Television Championship as part of the Clash of the Champions. (C-)


The Steiner Brothers won a dominant tag team squash against the State Patrol when Scott Steiner pinned Buddy Lee Parker with the Frankensteiner. The Steiners will team up with Sting to face off against Larry Zbyszko and the Destruction Crew in a six man tag team match as part of the Clash of the Champions. (C+)


The Steiners cut a promo, saying they will be waiting in the wings for whoever wins the WCW World Tag Team Title Match later tonight. (B-)


Big Van Vader defeated Charlie Norris and Joey Maggs in a handicap match when Vader pinned Norris with the Power Bomb. Vader brutalized two men tonight and Van Hammer will be having an upward battle at the Clash of the Champions. (D+)


WCW United States Champion Nikita Koloff pinned P.N. Newz with the Russian Sickle after Newz missed a frog splash. Koloff has an open challenge for anyone in the world to get a shot at the United States Title at the Clash of the Champions. (C-)


Arn Anderson cuts a promo, saying the Clash is his time to shine as the champion of the World. (C-)


Arn Anderson pinned Tom Zenk with the Spinebuster in a great match. These two men have had classic bouts for the Television Title earlier this year where Zenk triumped but Anderson will not be denied. Ric Flair watched his friend and teammate from the ramp, but did not get involved. Arn Anderson has been on fire over the past few weeks and Sid Vicious might have a tough title defense coming up at the Clash. (B-)


The Destruction Crew talk about their WCW World Tag Team Title Match against Sting and Lex Luger tonight and their six man at the Clash of the Champions. (C+)


Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham defeated the Youngbloods when Blanchard pinned Chris Youngblood with the Slingshot Suplex. Another dominant performance from the Four Horsemen in the form of Blanchard and Windham.


Van Hammer pinned Shanghai Pierce with a cobra clutch drop, giving him some momentum leading into his match at the Clash of Champions against Big Van Vader. (E+)


Sid Vicious cuts a crazed promo promising to discombobulate and disembowel Arn Anderson at the Clash of the Champions and keep the Undisputed World Title. (C+)


WCW Television Champion Scott Hall battled WCW Juniorheavyweight Champion Brian Pillman to a fifteen minute time limit draw where only Hall’s Television Championship was on the line. Pillman had Hall pinned but whether or not he would have got three, we might never know as the bell rings. Hall goes into the Clash against Eaton and Pillman against Black Tiger, both men putting their respective titles on the line, but both men might have to fight again after the Clash. (B-)


Sting and Lex Luger gave a tough fight and had the champions on edge, but the Destruction Crew proved to be smart enough to keep their titles, having exploited a rule in the WCW rulebook. That was Enos deliberately throwing Sting over the top rope for the disqualification as Sting was about ready to put Bloom in the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting and Luger win the match but not the WCW World Team Titles. ©


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour


Michael Wallstreet pinned Brad Armstrong with a cradle using the ropes for leverage. (D)


Jimmy Garvin and Diamond Dallas Page defeated Doom when Garvin pinned Reed with a small package. (D+)


Arn Anderson will beat Sid Vicious to win the Undisputed Title. (C+)


The Nightstalker pinned Steve Armstrong with the Uranage Slam(E+)


The trio of Zbyszko and the Destruction Crew hype up their battle with Sting and the Steiner Brothers at the Clash of the Champions. (B-)


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated the Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Golden when LaFon pinned Honky with the Fisherman Suplex.(D-)


Steven Regal pinned Dan Spivey with a cradle.(C-)


Show Rating: D+

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WCW Clash of the Champions Final Card:


Undisputed World Title Match:

Arn Anderson(w/Ric Flair) vs. Sid Vicious©


Sting and the Steiner Brothers vs the Destruction Crew and Larry Zbyszko(w/Paul E. Dangerously)


Dusty Rhodes vs. Barry Windham


WCW Television Title Match:

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Scott Hall©


WCW United States Championship Match:

Dan Spivey vs. Nikita Koloff©


"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)


Tom Zenk vs. Scotty The Body


WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match:

Black Tiger vs. Brian Pillman©


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. Doom(w/Teddy Long)

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WCW Clash of the Champions Week Two August 1991


Hype for tonight’s Undisputed World Title Match involving Sid Vicious and Arn Anderson. (B-)


Terry Gordy and Steve Williams defeated Doom when Williams pinned Butch Reed with the High Angle Backdrop. Gordy and Williams score an impressive win tonight and Doom continues to hit the skids with a loss. (C-)


Another impressive back and forth high flying encounter took place between Brian Pillman and the Black Tiger for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title. It was Pillman who came away with the victory after several nearfalls. The finishing move, one of the most brutal and death defying moves in WCW history, a DDT with both men standing on the top rope. The Juniorheavyweights continue to innovate to new heights in WCW and Pillman leads the way as the champion. (C+)


The Destruction Crew and Larry Zbyszko cut a promo, promising to triumph in the six man tag team match against Sting and the Steiner Brothers later tonight. (C-)


Scotty the Body scored the biggest win in his WCW career over the former WCW Television Champion Tom Zenk with a flying clothesline. Zenk was outmatched by Scotty on this night and was pinned in this impressive, but slightly heatless, encounter. (D)


Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race) crushed Van Hammer with the Power Bomb. Hammer threw a great deal of high impact offense at Vader but the big man is like a tank, rolling over everything that stands in his way. (C+)


Nikita Koloff proves his dominance as WCW United States Champion with a win over Dan Spivey. Spivey came to fight and his Power Bomb, while not on the level of former Skyscraper partner and Undisputed World Champion Sid Vicious, is a force to reckoned with. Sadly, Koloff kicked out at two and a half before Spivey ate the Russian Sickle and was the latest notch on the Russian Nightmare’s reign as United States Champion. (C-)


Sting and Steiner Brothers, all three men with their faces painted, are unified for the battle against the Destruction Crew and Larry Zbyszko tonight. (C+)


Scott Hall retained the WCW Television Championship against Beautiful Bobby Eaton in a pretty good back and forth encounter. Eaton had several nearfalls but Hall managed to roll out of the way out of the Alabama Jam. The Freebird delivered the Crucifix Power Bomb and Eaton was pinned. (B)


Arn Anderson cuts a promo, promising to bring the Undisputed World Title back to the Horsemen. It should be noted that it’s Ric Flair standing right beside the Enforcer nodding, instead of Vice Versa. ©


Barry Windham manages to score a victory over Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes was on fire throughout most of this match but Windham managed to catch Rhodes with a headbutt to the groin. This sets up two huge lariats and Dusty crumples to the canvas, allowing Windham to pin the Dream. The announcers speculate that the sun might be setting on the American Dream’s career sooner rather than later. (C+)


Larry Zbyszko and the Destruction Crew triumphed over the face painted crew of Sting and the Steiner Brothers, but Paul E. Dangerously and his mobile phone was the deciding factor. Namely it was bashed upside Sting’s head, allowing the Living Legend to score a pin over the Franchise Player in WCW, as the Destruction Crew and the Steiner Brothers exchanged punches around the ringside area. (C+)


Sid Vicious cuts a promo, promising to walk out with the Undisputed World Title. (C+)


Arn Anderson used every dastardly trick in the book and Ric Flair interfered shamelessly when the referee’s back was turned but it was still not enough to stop Sid Vicious’s title reign in its tracks. Sid survives a brass knuckles shot and two DDTs, before countering the third with a back body drop. Yakuza Kick and Power Bomb and despite Flair spazzing out at ringside, Sid pinned the Enforcer to retain the belt at the Clash of the Champions. (B-)


Show Rating: C+

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Week Two August 1991 Television Tapings:[/b]


WCW Saturday Night.


The Horsemen are standing by backstage in full force and tonight it is announced that Barry Windham will try his luck against Sid Vicious and the Undisputed World Title. Windham is psyched up, promising to bring back the championship to the Horsemen tonight. (B-)


The Lightning Kid pinned Jerry Lynn with a Moonsault off the top rope. The Kid is a brand new addition to the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title division and has a good debut match with Jerry Lynn. ©


Larry Zbyszko scored a win over Sam Houston with the Shoulderbreaker. (D+)


Dusty Rhodes pinned Jacko Victory with the Bionic Elbow in less than a minute. (D+)


Big Van Vader and Van Hammer had a return match from the Clash of the Champions and Vader once again proved his dominance, rolling over Hammer, ending his night with the Power Bomb. ©


Vader continues to beat on Van Hammer and some extras come from the back but Vader rolls them over. Dusty Rhodes comes from the back and attacks Vader getting into a brawl with them. Vader is staggered back in the ropes, but he fought back, pounding the American Dream, staggering him back into the ropes. The Dream has been dropped by two clotheslines but Rhodes fights back until security comes back, separating both of these men. (B)


Brian Pillman pinned Tom Zenk with a sunset flip in a pretty good back and forth match. Pillman’s WCW Juniorheavyweight Title was not on the line but it did not matter, was he put Zenk for the three count and moves onto Fall Brawl, where he will fight Scott Hall for the WCW Television Title with no time limit. ©


Speaking of Scott Hall, he runs out, attacking Pillman from behind with the WCW Television Title Belt. Pillman drops down to the canvas and Hall delivers the Crucifix Power Bomb laying him out in the center of the ring. (C-)


Lex Luger made the Nightstalker submit to the Torture Rack. The Nightstalker was trying to score a big win over the Total Package, but Luger proved to be one step ahead, locking the Nightstalker in the Torture Rack for the submission win. (C+)


Sid Vicious cuts a rambling promo on Barry Windham, promising to beat yet another member of the Horsemen and keep his Undisputed World Title tonight. (B)


Sting made the Honky Tonk Man submit to the Scorpion Deathlock. The Honky Tonk Man nearly beat Sting on several occasions but the Stinger was a step ahead. Larry Zbyszko watched the match from the ramp. (B)


Scott Steiner had Mike Enos pinned but Wayne Bloom ran out for the disqualification, as the Destruction Crew prepared to beat down Scott Steiner. (B)


Fortunately Rick Steiner runs out and makes the save, fighting off the Destruction Crew, leading to the Undisputed Tag Team Match at Fall Brawl between the Steiner Brothers and the Destruction Crew. (C+)


Sid Vicious defeated Barry Windham to retain the Undisputed World Title with the Power Bomb in an epic encounter. Windham threw everything at Sid, including a flying clothesline, a jumping DDT, and several lariats, not to mention a big punch with a chain wrapped around his hand but Sid kept fighting. The Superplex set up did not even put Sid on the top rope as Sid reversed into a suplex before choke slamming Windham and hitting the match ending Power Bomb. (B)


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Jimmy Garvin when Furnas pinned Page with a belly to back suplex. (D+)


Scotty the Body pinned Ranger Ross with a springboard clothesline(E+)


Michael Wallstreet pinned Bob Backlund after holding onto the ropes for leverage. (D+)


Sid Vicious tells the Horsemen to set them up and he’ll knock them down. (C+)


Tully Blanchard pinned Johnny B. Badd after using brass knuckles(D+)


Ric Flair talks about how the Undisputed World Title Belt will be coming back to the Horsemen one way or another(B-)


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy defeated Doom when Gordy pinned Butch Reed with a roll up, after Ron Simmons accidentally speared him when going for Dr. Death(D)


Show Rating: C-

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Week Three August 1991


WCW Saturday Night


Ric Flair cuts out, crazed look on his face, eyes widened in absolute rage, with the Enforcer Arn Anderson, walking behind him. Ric Flair throws off his suit jacket and stomps it, before entering the ring, saying that Sid Vicious has made a mockery of the Undisputed World Title for long enough. Flair demands the champion come out and surrender the belt and he might be able to walk out of WCW with some dignity and in fact, he might just be able to walk out period. The announcers speculate Flair has lost his mind because of the Horsemen’s inability to lift the title from Sid Vicious. (B)


Out comes Sid Vicious from the back, the Undisputed World Title draped over his shoulder. Sid remarks he beat Tully Blanchard back at Battle of the Belts. He beat Ric Flair for the gold at Great American Bash and he beat Arn Anderson at the Clash of the Champions. Then he beat Barry Windham, so he’s four for four against the Horsemen and he was kicked out for not being able to cut it. Flair tells Vicious to shut his mouth and demand that he puts the title on the line tonight. Sid Vicious sizes up the competition, before calmly remarking that since Flair and Anderson together couldn’t take the title from him at the Clash, with Arn Anderson and Ric Flair interfering, why doesn’t Sid take it one step further? At Fall Brawl, Sid Vicious against Ric Flair and Arn Anderson, two on one, with the Undisputed World Title on the line in a handicap match. Ross wonders if Sid has lost his mind and Dangerously remarks that he was never that sane to begin with. Flair naturally accepts the challenge, with what promises to be a two on one mugging, but adds a couple of stipulations. First, the Horsemen who pins Sid will be the champion. Second, it will be under Texas Tornado Rules, which means both Horsemen will be in the ring with Sid at the same time and third, Sid will have to beat both Flair and Anderson, so it will be an Elimination Handicap Match. Sid calmly accepts these added stipulations but the announcers once again wonder how wise this is for Sid Vicious to put his belt on the line in such conditions against the cornerstone of the Four Horsemen at Fall Brawl. The clock could be wound up and ticking for the end of Sid’s title reign. Flair closes the promo, announcing that he pulled some strings tonight and Sid is in the ring with a big surprise(C+)


Arn Anderson pinned Brad Armstrong in a fairly good back and forth match that got eight minutes. One of the Horsemen who could potentially be walking out of Fall Brawl as Undisputed World Champion put down Armstrong with the Spinebuster. (B-)


Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race) squashed Sam Houston with the Power Bomb. ©


Out rushes Dusty Rhodes from the back to save Houston from an attack but Race grabs Rhodes from behind. This allows Vader to take down Rhodes from behind and vicious pump splash to the legs of Rhodes. Rhodes twitches as four hundred pounds was dropped onto his legs. The announcers talk about how Dusty Rhodes will take on Tully Blanchard later tonight and that match might be compromised. (B+)


Undisputed Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew defeated the Patriots when Enos pinned Todd Champion with a hammerlock belly to back suplex in a non title match. (D-)


Larry Zbyszko pinned Robert Gibson with a hammerlock DDT in a pretty good back and forth match where Gibson scored a series of nearfalls but missed a flying legdrop which lead to the finish. (B-)


Sting cuts a promo, saying that he will beat Larry Zbyszko when they square off at Fall Brawl. (B+)


Two great juniorheavyweights squared off between Jushin Thunder Liger and Brian Pillman but their epic encounter was tainted by controversy. Several nearfalls took place in this fifteen minute battle for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Championship and Pillman delivered a plancha to the floor, wiping Liger out. Liger is thrown into the ring but as the referee checks with Liger, Scott Hall comes down to the ramp and punches Pillman right across the back of the head. Pillman is staggered and Hall clotheslines him. Pillman is staggered as he enters the ring at nine before he walks right into a vicious palm strike to the chin. Pillman has been knocked cold and Liger covers Pillman for the pin. We have a new WCW Juniorheavyweight Champion and his name is Jushin Thunder Liger. (C+)


Scott Hall cuts a mocking promo on Brian Pillman, flashing the WCW Television Title, while Pillman has lost his belt, Hall still has is and Hall is still undefeated. It will be Brian Pillman and Scott Hall for the WCW Television Title at Fall Brawl with the fifteen minute television time limit waived. (C-)


The Steiner Brothers rolled towards another opportunity to become the top of the heap at Fall Brawl against the Destruction Crew, crushing Buddy Landell and the Angel of Death when The Angel was pinned with the Frankensteiner. (D+)


With Dusty Rhodes out, Lex Luger replaced him to a countout loss against Tully Blanchard. When one Horsemen is around, the others will follow and that’s what happened when Barry Windham ran out and attacked Luger, knocking him into the ringpost for the tainted countout win. ©


Blanchard and Windham give Luger a little something to remember them by in a Horsemen beating. (D)


Ric Flair comes out to the announcer’s desk, announcing the man who will bring the destruction to Sid Vicious tonight, a man who has gold of his own, the WCW United States Champion Nikita Koloff! (B)


While neither title was on the line, the fight between Undisputed World Champion Sid Vicious and United States Champion Nikita Koloff was one to watch. Not too much technical wrestling but stiff strikes and power moves a plenty. Koloff zeroed in on Sid Vicious, in an attempt to pin Sid and perhaps move in line for a future title shot but Sid fought back with a running axe handle and a Yakuza Kick. Choke slam but Koloff powered out at one. Power Bomb is countered as Koloff powers out and he prepares for the Russian Sickle but the Horsemen rush into the ring. Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, and Barry Windham all slide into the ring, stomping Sid while he is down. A four on one mugging with Sid fighting back as the referee calls for the disqualification. Koloff is not too happy with the Horsemen and he walks forward. As Saturday Night goes off the air, Tully Blanchard is wiped out with the Russian Sickle and the other Horsemen take steps to jump on Koloff but we go off the air because we are out of time. (B)


Show Rating: B-


WCW Power Hour


Tom Zenk pinned Scorpio with the Fisherman’s Suplex(D)


Diamond Dallas Page and Jimmy Garvin defeated Terry Gordy and Steve Williams when Page pinned Gordy with a pair of brass knuckles(D-)


Honky Tonk Man pinned Ranger Ross with the Shake, Rattle, and Roll(D)


Flair and Anderson will dethrone Sid©


Beautiful Bobby Eaton pinned Robbie V with the Alabama Jam(D+)


El Gigante squashed Ken Shamrock in seconds with a head vice and headbutt(E+)


Rambling Sid promo of fun(B-)


Sting made Steven Regal submit to the Scorpion Deathlock(B-)


Show Rating: C

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Week Four August 1991 Television Tapings:[/b]


WCW Saturday Night


The announcers hype tonight’s feature bout involving Arn Anderson and Barry Windham against Lex Luger and Sid Vicious. (C+)


Sting made Buddy Landell submit to the Scorpion Deathlock after Landell missed a flying kneedrop. (B-)


Sting cuts a promo, talking about Larry Zbyszko. The Living Legend may have pinned the Stinger at the Clash of the Champions, but at Fall Brawl, Sting will take down Zbyszko and make him submit to the Scropion Deathlock. (B)


The Honky Tonk Man pinned Robert Gibson after a pin using the ropes for leverage. Gibson knocked around Honky for a good part of this match but HTM cheated to win. ©


Doug Furnas, Phil LaFon, Steve Williams, and Terry Gordy defeated the Freebirds and Doom when Gordy pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the lariat. These four teams will be involved in a fatal four way match for the number one contendership for the WCW World Tag Team Titles at Fall Brawl. (D)


Brian Pillman pinned Bob Backlund in a technical match after reversing a small package for the pin. (C-)


Brian Pillman gets on the microphone, announcing that since Scott Hall cost him the Juniorheavyweight Title against Jushin Thunder Liger at Fall Brawl, Pillman will take the Television Title at Fall Brawl. (D+)


The Steiner Brothers beat Ranger Ross and Ken Shamrock in their typical tag team squash when Scott Steiner pinned Shamrock with the Frankensteiner. ©


Afterwards, the Destruction Crew ran out and laid a beating on the Steiner Brothers. The Steiners fought back, but the Undisputed Tag Team Title Belts to their skull caused them to be put down for the pin. (C-)


Ric Flair and Arn Anderson cut a promo for their handicap match at Fall Brawl, where they promise to take down Sid and bring the Undisputed World Title back to the Four Horsemen where it belongs. (B-)


Dusty Rhodes pinned Jimmy Golden with the Bionic Elbowdrop in a pretty dominating performance for Dusty. (D)


Out comes Big Van Vader but this time Dusty Rhodes is ready for the big man. Dusty fights off Vader, knocking him backwards. Rhodes beats on Big Van Vader and he is sent through the ropes, all the way to the arena floor. Vader gets up, but Harley Race holds him back as the announcers hype up the match these men will be having at Fall Brawl. (B-)


Scott Hall retained the WCW Television Championship over Tom Zenk after crotching on the top rope and hitting a belly to back superplex. Hall then hit Zenk with the Crucifix Power Bomb to pin the former Television Champion and moves into his title defense with Pillman at Fall Brawl with momentum on his side. ©


Sid Vicious cuts a crazed promo, promising to break the Horsemen down. (B-)


Arn Anderson and Barry Windham defeated Lex Luger and Sid Vicious when Sid was too busy brawling with Ric Flair at ringside, allowing Windham and Anderson to put Luger down with a Spike Piledriver, with Anderson pinning the Total Package. (C-)


Show Rating: C


WCW Power Hour


Jushin Thunder Liger pinned Robbie V with the Fisherman Buster to retain the WCW Juniorheavyweight Championship. (C-)


Sting cut a promo, promising to beat Zbyszko at Fall Brawl. (B-)


WCW United States Champion Nikita Koloff squashed Greg Gagne with the Russian Sickle. It is announced during this match that Koloff will put the WCW United States Championship on the line against Tully Blanchard at Fall Brawl. (D+)


Johnny B. Badd pinned Tom Brandi with a flying sunset flip(E+)


Nikita Koloff will tear Blanchard down. (D+)


El Gigante ran over both members of the State Patrol in thirty seconds. (E-)


Scotty the Body pinned Sam Houston with a springboard clothesline. (E+)


Barry Windham, Arn Anderson, and Tully Blanchard defeated Joey Maggs, Charlie Norris, and The Angel of Death when Anderson pinned the Angel with the Anderson Spinebuster. (D)


Horsemen will run down Sid Vicious at Fall Brawl. (C+)


Show Rating: D

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Week One September 1991


WCW Saturday Night


It is announced tonight that in our feature battle, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson will have a tune up handicap match for their battle with the Undisputed World Champion Sid Vicious. Their opponent tonight is the seven foot, six inch and three hundred and seventy five pound El Gigante. (C+)


Scott Hall pinned Robert Gibson in a non title match with the Crucifix Power Bomb. Hall will square off against Brian Pillman at Fall Brawl in eight days time, putting his WCW Television Title belt on the line. Tonight he showed some impressive moves against the veteran Robert Gibson(D+)


Wild Pegasus pinned Scorpio in a fairly decent, but slightly heatless Juniorheavyweight battle. Scorpio tried for a Frankensteiner but Pegasus countered with a huge Wild Bomb and that was enough to put Scorpio down for a pin. Pegasus has had a couple of title shots against former WCW Juniorheavyweight Champion Brian Pillman in the past and has a few battles with current champion Jushin Thunder Liger over in Japan. (D)


Nikita Koloff cuts a promo, talking about the Four Horsemen, in particular Tully Blanchard, saying that he took the match against Sid Vicious, not for them, but as a chance to show that he is the dominant force. Blanchard got in his way and was nailed with the Russian Sickle. At Fall Brawl, Koloff will put his WCW United States title on the line and beat down Blanchard, proving why he is the dominant champion. (C+)


Undisputed World Tag Team Champions Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom defeated Charlie Norris and the Juicer in a non title match when Bloom pinned Norris with the Doomsday Device. The Destruction Crew are ready for their battle with the Steiner Brothers for the gold at Fall Brawl. (D-)


The Steiner Brothers won a squash match against the Southern Boys after Rick Steiner pinned Steve Armstrong with a Bulldog off of Scott’s shoulders. The Steiner Brothers are equally ready for a chance to become WCW World Tag Team Champions once again. (C-)


Sid Vicious cuts a promo, ranting about how he’s going to take down the Horsemen at Fall Brawl when he defends his Undisputed World Title against both Ric Flair and Arn Anderson in an elimination handicap match. (B-)


Dusty Rhodes pinned Awesome Kong with the Bionic Elbow in a squash for the Dream. (D-)


Rhodes cuts a promo, talking about his match with Vader. He doesn’t care how big the man is, there is no man that is too big for the American Dream to lay a whooping on. Vader might be dominant but Dusty will take him down this time and show the world that the Dream still has it. (B)


Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard defeated Doom when Windham pinned Reed with a sunset flip after Simmons accidentally tackled Reed. The heat between Doom is such that if they don’t win the Fatal Four Way Elimination Match at Fall Brawl with the Freebirds, Furnas and LaFon, and Williams and Gordy, it may be the end. (C-)


Big Van Vader won a tough brawl against Steve Williams. Williams threw everything at Vader but in the end, the Power Bomb scored a crushing with for the Mastodon from the Rocky Mountains. (C+)


Dusty Rhodes rushes out and gets into a brawl with Vader that spills all over the Center Stage Theater, until referees, security, and a few preliminary wrestlers come out. The prelims serve as punishing bags for Vader. (B+)


Sting made the Nightstalker submit to the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting gears up his match for Larry Zbyszko with a match and Larry taunts Sting, doing some commentary for this match. Sting remains focused on the big mountain at hand and Ross puts over the roll Sting has been on recently, which causes Zbyszko and Dangerously to mock Ross, calling him out on playing “favorites” and saying that Zbyszko pinned Sting in that six man tag team match back at the Clash. The same will happen at Fall Brawl.


Ric Flair cuts one more promo, about Sid Vicious. (B+)


Ric Flair and Arn Anderson used their combined forces to beat El Gigante, namely Flair distracted the referee while Anderson leveled his knee with a steel chair multiple times. Flair locked the Figure-Four on Gigante as Anderson covered him. He was unable to kick out and this scored the pin. The announcers talk about how much Sid will be getting to based on this showing from the Horsemen beating the biggest man in WCW, a man who beat Sid back at Superbrawl. (C+)


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour


P.N. Newz and Big Josh defeated The Angel of Death and Jacko Victory when Josh pinned Victory with the Northern Exposure Drop. (E)


Dan Spivey pinned “Heavy Metal” Van Hammer with the Power Bomb. (D-)


Vader cuts a promo on Dusty Rhodes. (B-)


Black Tiger pinned Jerry Lynn with the Black Tiger Bomb. (C-)


Honky Tonk Man pinned Beautiful Bobby Eaton after a cradle using the ropes for leverage. (C+)


Sid Vicious rambles about the Horsemen. (B)


Brian Pillman pinned Kaz Hayashi with the DDT out of the corner. (C-)


Lex Luger made The Equalizer submit to the Torture Rack. (D)


Show Rating: C-

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Week Two September 1991


WCW Saturday Night:


A great Horsemen Six Man Tag Match is announced for tonight involving The Horsemen of Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Ric Flair squaring off against Sid Vicious, Lex Luger, and Sting, an interesting trio to be sure as they’ll all former members of the Four Horsemen as well! (B)


WCW Juniorheavyweight Champion Jushin Thunder Liger and the Lightning Kid defeated Wild Pegasus and Jerry Lynn when The Kid pinned Lynn with a moonsault to a standing Lynn. While the Lightning Kid and Jushin Thunder Liger are on the same team tonight, they’re opponents for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title on Sunday. ©


Tully Blanchard pinned Van Hammer with the Slingshot Suplex as Nikita Koloff watched from the ramp, gearing up for his United States Title Match with Blanchard at Fall Brawl. (D)


Nikita Koloff returns to the commentary desk, cutting a promo on Blanchard, saying that while Blanchard is a former United States Champion, he doesn’t have the superior breading that the Russian Nightmare has and he will break Blanchard at Fall Brawl. (B)


Larry Zbyszko pinned Robert Gibson in a good match where everything clicked and the Living Legend pinned Gibson with an Oklahoma Side Roll Cradle after a low blow dropped Gibson to the canvas. (B-)


Zbyszko promises to stretch Sting at Fall Brawl and leave him in more knots that a pretzel. (B-)


Doug Furnas, Phil LaFon, and Brian Pillman defeated the Freebirds of Diamond Dallas Page, Scott Hall, and Jimmy Garvin when Furnas pinned Garvin with a Bridge Suplex as Pillman and Hall traded punches, leading up to their WCW Television Title Match at Fall Brawl. Also Garvin and Page will meet Furnas and LaFon again in a four way tag team elimination match for the WCW World Tag Team Title Shot at Halloween Havoc, along with Williams and Gordy and Doom. (D+)


Big Van Vader vows to end the American Dream when he crushes Dusty at Fall Brawl. (B-)


Big Van Vader pinned Tom Brandi. Brandi had about as much chance in this match as a condemned building going against a wrecking ball and that’s what Vader was, a wrecking ball, as he pinned Brandi with his massive Power Bomb, as the announcers talk about how Vader has the best power bomb this side of the Undisputed World Champion Sid Vicious. ©


Sid Vicious cuts a promo, promising the destruction of the Four Horsemen at Fall Brawl. (B)


Beautiful Bobby Eaton pinned Scotty the Body with the Alabama Jam, earning Scotty his first defeat in WCW. ©


An action that Scotty did not take too kindly too, beating up Eaton and laying him out. The normally preppy competitor showed a great deal of rage and angst as he beats up Eaton, obviously losing pushes him to great deals of dark violence. (D-)


Dusty Rhodes cuts a promo, promising that Fall Brawl will be the fall of Vader and Dusty will brawl until he can’t beat down Vader anymore. He says Vader might be a big old boulder but water keeps flowing no matter what and eventually the boulder crumbles. Dusty is that water. (B+)


The Steiner Brothers and Doom had the latest chapter in their storied rivally and Doom seemed to bring a lot of fire to the table, absolutely enraged from their recent inability to win a match. The Steiners looking forward to the Undisputed Tag Team Title Holders cost them and Doom ravaged the Steiners. Rick Steiner was hit with a huge Spinebuster but the Destruction Crew was caught beating Scott Steiner on the floor, so Doom has been disqualified. (B-)


The conflict between The Destruction Crew and the Steiner Brothers were marred when Doom, none too happy that the Destruction Crew’s interference got them disqualification, attacked the Undisputed World Tag Team Champions. Reed and Simmons showed fire, as Ross wonders if Doom might have rediscovered the fire that made them one of the most feared teams in WCW not too long ago. The Steiner Brothers get into the fun, no love loss for Doom and all three teams brawl to the back. (C-)


The Horsemen get a promo, with Flair telling the fans to tune into Fall Brawl to see the crowning of a new Undisputed Champion. Flair promises Anderson the first title shot if he beats Sid and Arn does the same, to ensure there are no conflicts when Fall Brawl hits. (B+)


The Six Man Tag Team Main Event never really got going when Larry Zbyszko got into it with Sting and they brawled to the back. Lex Luger and Windham got into it, leaving Sid Vicious two on one against Anderson and Flair, a preview for Fall Brawl. Sid, knowing he was outgunned, grabbed a chair and fought off the Horsemen(joined by Tully Blanchard), this time. While a weapon might have helped Sid tonight, in the handicap match, it won’t be. Sid Vicious might have put his foot in his mouth accepting a handicap match against two of the Horsemen and not just any two Horsemen, but the foundation of the Horsemen in Anderson and Flair. (C+)


Show Rating: B-



WCW Power Hour


Robbie V and Mike Bucci defeated the State Patrol when Bucci pinned Buddy Lee Parker with the Springboard Legdrop. (D)


Black Tiger pinned Sam Houston with the Black Tiger Bomb. (C-)


Sting talks about his match with Larry Zbyszko at Fall Brawl. (B-)


Steve Williams and Terry Gordy defeated the Youngbloods when Gordy pinned Chris Youngblood with a belly to belly suplex. (D-)


Steven Regal pinned Brad Armstrong with roll up. (D+)


The Horsemen remind us that we will see a new Undisputed World Champion at Fall Brawl. (B-)


Buddy Landell pinned Charlie Norris with the Corkscrew Elbowdrop. (E+)


Michael Wallstreet and Dan Spivey defeated Big Josh and P.N. Newz when Spivey pinned Josh with the Power Bomb. (D-)


Show Rating: D-


(Ah Power Hour, the show where I put people who are complaining about not being put on TV often enough and where P.N. Newz fans can get their weekly fix. Final Fall Brawl card up in a short spell)

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WCW Fall Brawl Final Card


Undisputed World Title Handicap Elimination Match

Arn Anderson and Ric Flair vs. Sid Vicious©


Dusty Rhodes vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)


Sting vs. Larry Zbyszko(w/Paul E. Dangerously)


Undisputed World Tag Team Titles:[/b]

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Destruction Crew©(w/Paul E. Dangerously)


Lex Luger vs. Barry Windham


WCW Television Title Match

Brian Pillman vs. Scott Hall©


WCW United States Title Match

Tully Blanchard vs. Nikita Koloff©


Fatal Four Way Elimination Number One Contenders Match for the WCW World Tag Team Titles

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Jimmy Garvin of the Freebirds vs. Doom(w/Teddy Long)


WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match

The Lightning Kid vs. Jushin Thunder Liger©

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  • 2 weeks later...

WCW Fall Brawl Final Card


Undisputed World Title Handicap Elimination Match

Arn Anderson and Ric Flair vs. Sid Vicious©

Even though I like Ric Flair & Double A a lot, I don't see Sid losing this early in his title run

Dusty Rhodes vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)

Vader all the way, he's awesome

Sting vs. Larry Zbyszko(w/Paul E. Dangerously)

Even though The Living Legend is the "newer" star, Sting is one of the faces of WCW and should win here

Undisputed World Tag Team Titles:[/b]

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Destruction Crew©(w/Paul E. Dangerously)

The Steiners will get there revenge for losing the titles


Lex Luger vs. Barry Windham

Luger hasn't won a big match in a long time, so he's due

WCW Television Title Match

Brian Pillman vs. Scott Hall©

Hall all the way, even though I like Pillman


WCW United States Title Match

Tully Blanchard vs. Nikita Koloff©

Koloff, Tully was getting old by this point


Fatal Four Way Elimination Number One Contenders Match for the WCW World Tag Team Titles

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Jimmy Garvin of the Freebirds vs. Doom(w/Teddy Long)

This won is tough to call, Furnas&LaFon are good but they aren't as over as the other three. Doom has been depushed lately so it leaves the Freebirds and Williams&Gordy. In a toss up, I choose Williams & Gordy

WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match

The Lightning Kid vs. Jushin Thunder Liger©

Another toss up, but I'll say that Liger wins since he is the face of the division

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  • 4 weeks later...

WCW Fall Brawl 1991

A video package is shown at the top of the show, highlighting the recent events involving Sid Vicious and the Horsemen, leading up to tonight’s handicap match with Sid Vicious putting the Undisputed World Title on the line against Arn Anderson and Ric Flair(B-)


The opening bout featured an impressive bout for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title, involving Jushin Thunder Liger and the Lightning Kid. The Kid showed a dazzling array of high risk offense, keeping up with Liger, including a breath taking moonsault press and a spinning kick from the top rope. Liger caught the Kid and finished him off with the brainbuster to retain the title. An impressive title defense for Liger. ©


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon, Steve Williams and Terry Gordy, the Freebirds, and Doom all fought for the number one contendership for the tag team titles in a fatal four way elimination match. Furnas pinned Garvin quickly with a Fisherman Suplex taking him out of the match. Then, we saw Furnas and LaFon eliminated from the match, when Ron Simmons pinned LaFon with a huge powerslam. This left Doom against Steve Williams and Terry Gordy, a vicious brawl with all four men, trading kicks, punches, and suplexes, but in the end, Simmons caught Gordy with an impressive Spinebuster as Reed knocked Williams to the floor with a spear tackle. Simmons pinned Gordy and Doom has swung their fortunes around tonight winning this match. (D+)

Tully Blanchard had a few tricks up his sleeve but Nikita Koloff was a bit more brutal, as he knocked Blanchard down with a vicious Russian Sickle for the pin, after blocking the Slingshot Suplex. Koloff keeps his WCW United States Title and the Horsemen go home without the gold, perhaps a bad omen for things to come. (D)


Vader cuts an intense promo, promising to crush Dusty Rhodes and annihilate him. He promises the American Dream will be haunted by nightmares when Vader is done with him. (C+)


With no time limit, Brian Pillman and Scott Hall had a classic encounter for the WCW Television Title. Pillman came close to unseating Hall with that vicious springboard clothesline he calls “Air Pillman” but Hall is in the ropes. Several more nearfalls, with the momentum shifting back and forth a couple of times during the course of this match. Cross body is ducked and Hall puts Pillman away with the Crucifix Power Bomb. (B-)


Lex Luger and Barry Windham had a great encounter, both men having feuded in the past for the WCW Television Champion. Windham, typically like a Horsemen, took apart one body part, in this case the knee, working over Luger, who fought out. Vicious powerslam sets up the Torture Rack but Luger can’t hold Windham up. He opts for a clothesline but Windham low blows him before decking Luger with the Lariat for a nearfall. Windham applies a figure four leglock on Luger, shades of fellow Horsemen Ric Flair and it’s too much for Luger, who submits, giving Windham the win. (C+)


Dusty Rhodes cuts an intense promo, saying that Big Van Vader may be as big and tough as a grizzly bear but the American Dream will not give up. He promises to give Vader a clubbering he will never forget. Rhodes is ready but being ready and dealing with Vader are two different things. (B)


The Steiner Brothers were victims of the crime of the century, when they were screwed out of the Undisputed World Tag Team Titles, with Paul E. Dangerously’s mobile phone hitting Rick Steiner across the back of the head. This allowed The Destruction Crew to double team Scott Steiner and deliver a Spike Piledriver for the victory. (C+)


Sting and Larry Zbyszko fought next and Sting was taken down by the Living Legend, his ribs worked over. Abdominal stretch and a gutbuster were among the highlights before Sting fights back. Stinger Splash but the Living Legend moves and Sting hits the corner, before he is rolled up for a two count. Rolling cradle and Zbyszko scores another two count. He throws Sting into the corner but Sting reverses. Stinger Splash, Scorpion Deathlock is applied. Zbyszko has nowhere to go so he submits giving Sting the win. (B)


Sid Vicious cuts a psychotic rant on the Four Horsemen, promising pain. Lots and lots of pain, as he says the Undisputed Title will be his. (C+)


Dusty Rhodes knocked around Big Van Vader a bit but Vader just got more angered the harder Dusty fought and nearly knocked his head off with a clothesline. This one blow swung the battle into his favor and Vader assaults Dusty, drilling him. Other than a brief offensive flurry of jabs and an elbowsmash, it’s all Vader, who delivers a running body attack and Power Bombs Dusty. We’re going to have to peal the Dream off of the mat with a spatula and Vader scores the pin. (B-)


Ric Flair and Arn Anderson cut a promo, mostly Flair, with Anderson standing in the background, offering a few words of wisdom. The main idea is the belt will come back to the Horsemen, one way or another. (B)


The Handicap Elimination Match for the Undisputed World Title took place next, with Flair and Anderson attacking Sid at the bell but Sid fighting back with a double clothesline. Sid holds his own with the Horsemen for a while, but a double teaming effort puts him down. Two DDTs from Anderson sets up a flying kneedrop from Flair, a rare successful high risk move, but despite the Horsemen dogpiling Sid, they could not him put down for more than a two and a half count. Sid fights back again, managing to take out Arn Anderson with a choke slam and turn his attention fully to Flair, knocking him around. Flair gets bounced around, flipped over the buckle, back dropped, slammed off the buckle, the usual fun involving the Nature Boy. The referee gets taken out, and on cue, Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham come out, as Ric Flair pulls out a pair of brass knuckles, as Blanchard and Windham take their turns punching Sid. Flair goes for a shot but Sid manages to block and take the brass knuckles away from Flair. Sid unloads on the Horsemen, using the brass knuckles to take them out! The crowd is cheering wildly as Blanchard and Windham are on the floor. Power Bomb to Anderson! Power Bomb to Flair! Sid kneels down, before he covers both of them, as the referee counts the pin. Sid Vicious has retained the Undisputed World Champion, taking advantage of the brass knuckles Ric Flair brought into the equation to keep the Horsemen at bay! (B-)


Show Rating: B-

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WCW Saturday Night Week Three September 1991


We cut out to the arena an hour before the show, where a limo containing the Four Horsemen arrive, with Arn Anderson and Ric Flair in the midst of a heated argument, talking about the results of last Sunday, mainly their lack of progress in beating Sid Vicious for the Undisputed World Title. Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham linger in the background. Flair blames Anderson, which prompts Double A to bring up the very valid point that Flair bringing the brass knuckles into the equation allowed Sid to fight off the Horsemen and keep the title in his hands for another night. Blanchard sides with Anderson, saying that Flair’s always taken credit for the successes but placed blame with the failures. Windham gets in the middle of Blanchard and Anderson and Flair, telling them to both cool it, that’s what the enemies of the Horsemen want, them fighting among each other. Windham acts as the voice of reason and cooler heads prevail. Flair says maybe he put too much on Anderson’s shoulders, telling him that Sid might have been too much for him to handle, which gets him a cold look from the Enforcer. Flair says Anderson, Windham, and Blanchard can take on Sting, Lex Luger, and Dusty Rhodes tonight, settle some unfinished business with three men. As for Flair, he’s taking the night off, because he pulled some strings and next week on WCW Saturday Night, Ric Flair will square off against Sid Vicious for the Undisputed World Title. Anderson and Blanchard are not happy but Windham nods, saying that Flair can count on him tonight to make sure Sting, Luger, and Rhodes are put out for good. Flair leaves in the limo, as the Horsemen walk to the building, with Anderson and Blanchard looking very angered at Flair blowing off supporting them in the six man tonight to focus on preparing for his chance to regain the title against Sid next week. (B-)


Tom Zenk and Michael Wallstreet had another good match, in a mini-series they have been having on and off this year. Both men briefly feuded for the WCW Television Title this past Spring and rekindled this rivalry, showing some of that old chemistry, with Zenk pulling out the Fisherman Suplex to pin Wallstreet. ©


Out comes Doom, cutting a promo, saying that their lack of success recently had to do with a lack of focus, but they made up for that in a big way, when they beat three top tag teams in WCW. They say the Destruction Crew’s days as WCW World Tag Team Champions are numbered, which Paul E. Dangerously disputes on commentary, saying Doom is the past and Enos and Bloom are the future of tag team wrestling. (D+)


WCW Juniorheavyweight Champion Jushin Thunder Liger pinned the intense second generation wrestler Brad Armstrong in this non title match with his vicious palm thrust and Brainbuster. Brian Pillman, Black Tiger, and Wild Pegasus were all watching from the crowd, spread throughout the arena, perhaps a sign that they all want a chance at Liger’s belt. (C+)


Speaking of Black Tiger, he was in action against the Star Blazer, in what was pretty much a showcase of the Black Tiger, hitting a Swinging DDT and a Black Tiger Bomb out of the corner for the pin. (C-)


Steven Regal pinned Van Hammer with a cradle suplex. Hammer showed some flashes of brilliance but Regal outclassed him in everyway before pinning him. (D+)


Regal cut a promo, calling Hammer pathetic and a musclebound buffoon. He grudgingly admitted that at least Hammer looked presentable, unlike someone else, a common man by the name of Dusty Rhodes. Regal takes Dusty to task about being a fat, overweight slob who panders the lowest common denominator. He takes some pride at being a common man and he disgusts Regal. Regal is a refined man with an upper class upbringing and the fact that Dusty Rhodes dares sully the noble art of combat, disgusts him. He promises to clean WCW up of rogues like Dusty Rhodes. (E+)


Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race) murders Terry Taylor with two Power Bombs. (C-)


Vader continues to beat down Terry Taylor after the match. Out comes Joey Maggs and he gets killed. Charlie Norris, sorry Charlie, power bomb to him as well. The Patriots, brutalized by Vader, who is going on a rampage and out comes Scott Norton! Norton is back, having been put on the shelf at the hands of Vader and he enters the ring, beating down Vader with punches, knocking him backwards. Vader is staggered and Norton clotheslines Vader over the top rope to the arena floor. Vader throws a chair and the steps and enters the ring, with Norton giving him more punches, with Vader fighting back. Both big bulls are exchanging punches and Norton is not backing down, but neither is Vader. Security enters the ring, but you might have to get the national guard to separate these two men. After some time, order gets restored. (C+)


Undisputed World Champion Sid Vicious pinned Jimmy Golden in a non title match when Vicious delivered a huge power bomb, ducking the loaded boot of Golden. (C-)


Sid cuts a promo, promising to drive the final stake into the heart of the Horsemen. He beat Anderson and Flair at Fall Brawl and next week, one on one, one more time, he will take down the Nature Boy. Flair might often say he takes his opponents to school, but Sid promises to burn the school down next week and keep his title, which gets him a big pop from the crowd. (B)


The Destruction Crew come out, saying that Doom doesn’t sweat them. In fact, Enos and Bloom challenge Doom to a non title match tonight and if Doom beats them, then they get their title shot at Halloween Havoc. (D+)


And it will be Doom against the Destruction Crew for the Undisputed World Tag Team Titles at Halloween Havoc as Doom won a brutal brawl against the Destruction Crew. Simmons put down Bloom with a Spinebuster, allowing Reed to hit a flying tackle on Enos. Double pin by Doom as Dangerously nearly has a heart attack. Teddy Long walks down to the announcer’s desk and gets into it with Dangerously, telling him that his team is better. The two managers exchange shoves but it is broken up. (C-)


Dusty Rhodes, Lex Luger, and Sting pump each other up, promising to put down the Horsemen of Blanchard, Anderson, and Flair tonight. (C+)


Rick Steiner had a chance of a lifetime to become WCW United States Championship against Nikita Koloff. Koloff was given a tougher title defense, with Rick’s overhead belly-to-belly suplex nearly winning the belt. Rick Steiner was speared into the buckles, before hit with a Russian Sickle in the corner and a Russian Sickle in the center of the ring for the pin. (C-)


Nikita Koloff is not done, as he clocks Rick Steiner after the bell with the Russian Sickle. Steiner is crumpled down on the canvas and Koloff drags him to the floor, ramming him against the guardrail. Ross says that Scott Steiner is not here, as Koloff beats on Rick Steiner on the floor, before delivering another Russian Sickle. The Dog Faced Gremlin has taken four Sickles, normally one is enough to put one out of commission! The crowd is booing Koloff as he rips a section of the guardrail off and raises it over his head, showing inhumane strength. He slams the guardrail down across the back of the Dog Faced Gremlin! Security is in to prevent fans from getting into the arena, some of them looking like they want to attack Koloff. Dangerously admits that even he can’t condone this and he hates the Steiner Brothers. We see medics coming out and carefully pulling the dented guardrail off of Rick Steiner. The Gremlin is unable to move, yelling about how he can’t feel his arms or legs. Ross and Dangerously wonder if Koloff had gone too far and speculate that Scott Steiner will not be happy with what the Russian Nightmare did to Rick. Ross apologizes for the carnage. (B)


The main event featured Lex Luger, Sting, and Dusty Rhodes defeating Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, and Barry Windham when Sting rolled up Blanchard for a pin, after a miscommunication between Blanchard and Windham and Rhodes and Luger took out Anderson and Windham. Typical six man tag team match, with Luger playing face of peril for most of the match, but he fights out, leading to the finish. Windham is shoved by Blanchard as he walks off, with Anderson following. Ross and Dangerously speculate whether or not the Horsemen may be falling apart before our very eyes. ©


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour Quick Results


Big Josh and P.N. Newz defeated the State Patrol


Honky Tonk Man pinned Ken Shamrock


Wild Pegasus pinned Kaz Hayashi


Sid cuts a promo on Flair


Scotty the Body pinned Jerry Lynn with a backslide, using the ropes.


El Gigante squashed Jacko Victory and the Angel of Death


Ric Flair promises to win the title, brushing off the fact there are problems in the Horsmen.


Ric Flair made Johnny B. Badd submit to the Figure Four Leglock.

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WCW Saturday Night Week Four September 1991


Ric Flair is on the parking lot, with Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Barry Windham, as things appear to be patched up between the Horsemen. Flair is giving them the night off, saying that he is confident in his ability to beat Sid Vicious tonight and capture the Undisputed Title. He encourages them to get the party started and Flair will join them. Double A nods, saying he’s looking forward to seeing that gold belt once again once Flair beats Sid. The Horsemen leave, as Ric Flair is awfully confident in his ability to beat Sid, so you’ve got to believe the Nature Boy has a game plan in mind. (B+)


Scott Norton crushed Awesome Kong with the Power Bomb in a less than ten seconds, sending a message to Vader. (E+)


Vader cuts a promo backstage, promising to bring Norton to his knees when they meet up in the ring and finish the job he started, putting him out once and for all. Race hypes up Vader and adds that he may be coming after the Undisputed World Title before too long as no one can stand in his way. ©


In an epic Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Match, with lots of nearfalls, Wild Pegasus and Brian Pillman defeated Jushin Thunder Liger and Black Tiger when Pillman pinned Tiger with Air Pillman, as Pegasus held off Liger. (C-)


Larry Zbyszko triumphed over Tom Brandi with the Shoulderbreaker. Brandi got a few nearfalls but the former AWA World Champion was the victor tonight. ©


WCW Television Champion Scott Hall squashed Sam Houston with the Crucifix Power Bomb in a non title match. In this two and a half minute encounter, the announcers remind us that Hall is undefeated in WCW. (D+)


Sid Vicious cuts a promo, talking about his victories as Undisputed World Champion, reminding us that he’s defeated all Four Horsemen and tonight everything comes full circle as he steps into the ring with Ric Flair. Sid says he will lose the Undisputed World Title, when Flair pulls it out of his cold dying hands. (B-)


Dusty Rhodes made The Equalizer submit to a sleeperhold in less than three minutes in another squash. Steven Regal watched from the rampway, turning his nose up at the antics of the American Dream. (D+)


Doom defeated Michael Wallstreet and Akio Sato when Ron Simmons pinned Sato with the Spinebuster in a quick match. The Destruction Crew ranted about Doom, saying that they lost nearly every match since losing the belts, while Enos and Bloom have never been pinned or forced to submit as a tag team in WCW. (D+)


Lex Luger beat Black Bart with the Torture Rack. Bart got more offense than most tonight, but the Total Package has scored the win. The announcers talk about how Luger has been in limbo since losing the WCW United States Title to Nikita Koloff and has an open contract out at Halloween Havoc. (D+)


Scott Steiner comes out, saying he was on vacation last week but he wished that he had been there, after what the Russian Nightmare did to his brother Rick. Koloff took out Rick, beating him severely. The feeling is beginning to come back to his arms and legs, but it will be some time where he can walk, much less wrestle. Scott Steiner overturns the announce desk, causing Dangerously and Ross to scatter, yelling how he wants Koloff’s head for taking out his own flesh and blood and his United States Title as well. Scott Steiner yells he is going to beat every big man in this promotion, as training for the ultimate test, a battle with the Russian Nightmare, where he will avenge the beating his brother suffered. Scott storms out to the ring based on this note. ©


Scott Steiner destroyed Dan Spivey, who had some moments offense but was no match for Scott Steiner, who took him apart with ruthless efficiently. He delivered three Frankensteiners before he decided to put Spivey out of his misery, pinning him. Steiner looks ready for Koloff but will the United States Champion accept? (C+)


Sting made Steve Williams submit to the Scorpion Deathlock in a great back and forth battle, with Williams coming close to beating Sting. The announcers put over the roll Sting has been on and talk about how he has to be among consideration for the status as number one contender for the Undisputed World Title. (B)


Ric Flair cuts a promo, looking rather reserved and somber, saying that the Undisputed World Title is the cornerstone of this company and he will beat Sid Vicious this time, walking out with the belt. He says he hopes Sid’s at his best, because that will make his next title victory that much better. (B+)


Ric Flair and Sid Vicious had a great battle for the Undisputed Title, with a focused Ric Flair really taking it to Sid, until Sid brought the power game, throwing Flair around, with a side slam being the culmination of the offense. Low blow sets up Flair to take out the knee and begin working over Sid. Figure-Four Leglock applied but Sid reverses the hold and Flair is in pain. Flair is knocked around, clotheslined and choke slammed. Flair staggers around, fighting the Power Bomb and low blow to Sid. Flair reaches in his tights for the brass knuckles but decides against it, given the trouble it got him into at Fall Brawl. That and it appears he wants to beat Sid cleanly to prove a point. Flair chops away at Sid and goes up top, managing to dive off with a flying axe handle, that gets a mild pop from the Center Stage crowd but Flair only gets a two count. Flair looks towards the knuckles again but delivers a running soccer kick to the head and an Oklahoma Side Roll. Sid kicks out of that one as Flair looks for the knuckles again, debating on whether or not to use them and decides to finally toss them to the floor and get grabbed by the throat by Sid. Choke Slam rocks Flair and Sid covers Flair hooking the leg to score the pin! Flair has been pinned once again, after the toughest match of his career and other than a low blow, Flair didn’t use any dirty tactics at all! Sid looks at Flair, before nodding and leaving with the belt, grudgingly respecting the man he just beat. (B-)


Show Rating: B-


WCW Power Hour Quick Recap

Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated Big Josh and P.N. Newz


Bob Backlund pinned Jacko Victory


Nikita Koloff promises to take out Scott like he did his brother


The Nightstalker defeated El Gigante via countout, knocking him out on the floor.


Scotty the Body pinned Joey Maggs with the Slingshot Clothesline.


Ranger Ross and Charlie Norris defeated Mike Bucci and Robbie V.


Sid Vicious rants.


Honky Tonk Man defeated Beautiful Bobby Eaton after using the ropes for leverage.

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WCW Saturday Night Week One October 1991


We see hype for tonight, where Ric Flair will square off against Sting. These two legendary rivals square off once more on WCW Saturday Night. (B+)


Dusty Rhodes pinned Michael Wallstreet with the Bionic Elbowdrop in a by the numbers encounter. (D+)


Lord Steven Regal ran out to the ringside area afterwards and laid out Dusty Rhodes, taking him out with a neckbreaker, before pounding him with punches and stomps, knocking him around. Regal sticks his nose up into the air, as if he was disgusted with the American Dream. (C-)


Wild Pegasus, Brian Pillman, and Black Tiger had a great triangle match, for the number one contendership for the WCW Juniorheavyweight Title held by Jushin Thunder Liger. Fifteen minute match, with several nearfalls. Pegasus wiped out Tiger with a top-rope power bomb and Pillman comes off the other end with Air Pillman, but the television time limit runs out, leaving this match a draw and no clear cut number one contender determined. (C+)


Larry Zbyszko and the Destruction Crew defeated Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Barry Windham when Zbyszko nailed Windham with the ring bell, as the other members of the Horsemen were beating on the Destruction Crew on the outside. Windham had words with Windham and Blanchard afterwards, but the other Horsemen snub him. (D+)


Sting cuts a promo, talking about his past with Ric Flair and saying that his future will have one more victory over the Nature Boy tonight on Saturday Night. (B-)


Scott Steiner pinned the Nightstalker with the Frankensteiner, beating another big man. Nikita Koloff was on the ramp and Steiner invited him into the ring, but Koloff declined, walking to the back. (B-)


Ric Flair cuts a promo, reminding Sting to be the man, you had to beat the man. (B-)


Sting and Ric Flair started at the top of the second hour, with it announced that there are standby matches ready, but given the fact these two fought for forty five minutes at the first Clash of the Champions, we’re expected for this one to go for a long haul. Sting and Flair trade holds, with Sting winning with the power game, pressing Flair over his head and slamming him, before clotheslining him to the floor and nice cross body to the floor. Sting batters Flair, Scorpion but Flair scratches the eyes. Flair chops away at Sting and goes for the leg, working over the right leg that Sting injured eighteen months ago. Flair applies the Figure-Four Leglock but Sting fights out, beating Flair but Flair takes control with a clothesline and a double underhook suplex, before he pulls a piledriver out of the mothballs for a nearfall. Figure Four Leglock is countered with a small package and Flair goes right back to the leg, low blow sets up Sting for a vertical suplex but Sting pops up. Flair backs off and Sting beats on him. Flair flip sets up a shoulderblock and Flair flop on the corner, before Sting drags him into the ring, propping him on the top rope for a superplex for a nearfall. Sting sets up the Scorpion Deathlock but Flair is in the ropes. Flair low blows Sting and chops Sting, before throwing him into the ropes. Head is ducked and leaping DDT to Flair. Nearfall off of that one and Sting goes for a Stinger Splash. Missed in the corner and sleeperhold applied by Flair, but Sting fights out with a belly to back suplex, as we go over thirty minutes of action. Some more back and forth actions, with Sting pulling out a lot of nearfalls, highlights including a backslide, a sunset flip, and a powerslam, with Flair fighting dirty, but Sting shrugging it off. Sting delivers a flying clothesline and slaps on the Scorpion Deathlock, with Flair just barely getting to the ropes. Flair slingshots Sting to the floor, causing him to slam into the railing and Flair beats him down on the floor, climbing up top but gets slammed off. Flair staggers around and Sting delivers a pair of dropkicks, into the corner, Stinger Splash and Scorpion Deathlock applied to Flair, right in the center of the ring. Sting leans back and Flair thrashes around, reaching for the ropes with all of his might but he deflates and submits, giving Sting the win! (B-)


Sting releases the hold, having scored another huge victory after nearly forty two minutes of great action on the Superstation. Flair lost two big matches in back to back weeks and Sting leaves with the victory, as Ross and Dangerously speculate that he might be the number one contender for Sid’s title based off of this win. Out comes Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard who look at Flair. Flair has words, but he sticks up the four fingers. Anderson and Blanchard respond and Blanchard decks Flair from behind! Flair goes down and Anderson steps in, pretending to help Flair up before dropping him with a DDT! Anderson and Blanchard are stomping on Ric Flair. Ross yells this might be because Flair failed to win the title, despite basically vowing on the legacy of the Horsemen he would beat Sid! (C-)


Anderson and Blanchard are beating down Flair, knocking him around, but out comes Barry Windham. Windham enters the ring as Anderson and Blanchard look at him, offering Windham a shot at Flair. Windham is yelling at them to leave the ring and raises his fist angrily. Blanchard and Anderson leave the ring, as the battle lines have been drawn and the future of the Four Horsemen is in doubt. (C-)


Show Rating: C+


WCW Power Hour Quick Results.

Jushin Thunder Liger pinned Chris Youngblood with a Brain Buster


Doom defeated P.N. Newz and Big Josh when Simmons pinned Josh with the Powerslam(originally planned as a Saturday Night Stand By Match)


Dusty Rhodes cuts a promo on Regal


Big Van Vader destroyed Tom Brandi with the Power Bomb


Sid Vicious rants.


Tom Zenk pinned Diamond Dallas Page with the Fisherman Suplex.


Dan Spivey pinned Robert Gibson with the Power Bomb(Planned Standby Match for Saturday Night)


WCW United States Champion Nikita Koloff pinned Steve Williams with the Russian Sickle(Planned Standby Match for Saturday Night)

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WCW Saturday Night Week Two October 1991


Sting is brought out to the arena, with it being announced that after extensive review and the numerous victories of Sting over the likes of Barry Windham, Ric Flair, and Larry Zbyszko over the past few months, the WCW Executive Committee has come to the obvious conclusion that one man should be named the number one contender for the Undisputed World Title and that is the man known as Sting. Before Sting could accept the match, out comes Scott Hall, holding his WCW Television Title over his shoulder. Hall says Sting has scored some impressive wins but he has never beaten Scott Hall. In fact, no one has beaten Scott Hall. Hall says if Sting has the guts, he should put up that number one contendership on the line tonight against the undefeated WCW Television Champion. Sting accepts the challenge, saying he fears no man and he’ll end Hall’s unbeaten streak tonight, solidifying his status as number one contender for the Undisputed World Title. (B)


Nikita Koloff brutalized Joey Maggs with the Russian Sickle. (D)


Nikita Koloff gets on the microphone, cutting a promo on Scott Steiner. Koloff says just like he crushed the Dog Face Gremlin, Scott Steiner is next in line for the brutalizing of the Russian Nightmare. (B-)


Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson defeated the Youngbloods when Blanchard pinned Chris Youngblood after the Spike Piledriver in an extended squash match. (D+)


Out comes Barry Windham, who asks Anderson and Blanchard why they attacked Ric Flair. Anderson gets on the microphone, saying that the Nature Boy became a problem, a liability for the Horsemen just like Sid Vicious, just like Sting, and just like Lex Luger had in the past. Anderson says it’s like a family member being on life support, sometimes, the plug just has to be pulled, no matter how hard it may be. The Horsemen will live, through Anderson, through Blanchard, and through Windham, but Windham corrects them, stating that Anderson stabbed Flair in the back, his friend, they have been up and down the road for decade, and that means Windham can’t be a Horsemen because he can’t trust Anderson. In fact, he wants Arn Anderson in the ring one on one next week. Anderson accepts, saying that he’s not the villain in this situation, Flair’s ego got in the way of glory, but if Windham wants to be a problem, then there will be a problem next week. Arn concludes the promo with saying this is going to hurt him a lot more than it hurts Windham. (C+)


Scott Norton pinned Michael Wallstreet with the Shoulderbreaker. Wallstreet had a few tricks up his sleeve but none of them were enough to finish Norton off. (D)


Big Van Vader pinned Tracey Smothers in another match that was pretty much an exhibition for Vader’s brutality, climaxing with a huge Power Bomb. Vader and Scott Norton for Halloween Havoc is hyped. ©


The Great Muta beat the Juicer with the Moonsault. The announcers hype up Muta’s past and say he’s looking to make an impact on his latest United States tour. (D+)


Lex Luger comes out but Muta meets him in the entrance way. A bit back and forth, leads to Muta spitting mist in the eyes of Luger. The Total Package staggers around, blinded, thus post poning the scheduled Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker against Lex Luger match, because Luger is not in any condition to compete. (D+)


Ron Simmons pinned Mike Enos with the Spinebuster. It is announced that when Doom squares off against the Destruction Crew at Halloween Havoc, it will be Doom’s career as a tag team on the line against the Undisputed World Tag Team Titles of the Crew. If Doom can’t win the belts, then they have declared they don’t deserve to be a tag team at all. (C-)


Scott Steiner pinned Terry Gordy with a belly to belly suplex in a hard hitting match. Scott Steiner and Nikita Koloff for the WCW United States Title is hyped up for Halloween Havoc and Steiner beats another big man in his training for the Russian Nightmare. (C+)


Sid Vicious destroys the Equalizer with the Power Bomb. (D+)


Sid Vicious cuts a ranting promo, talking about how no one is going to take the Undisputed World Title from him. The fans are eating out of the palm of the hand of Sid, cheering him big time. (B+)


Dusty Rhodes pinned Larry Zbyszko with the Bionic Elbow after blocking a shoulderbreaker and back dropping him out of it. Steven Regal watches this match, drinking tea on the ramp(C+)


Steven Regal enters the ring and attacks Dusty Rhodes from behind. Regal pounds away at Rhodes, battering him, before hitting him right in the head with a glass container. It breaks over the head of Dusty, sending tea flying everywhere. The camera goes to a wide shot as Dusty screams that he has glass in his eye. Regal sticks his nose up in the air in smug superiority.


Scott Hall and Sting fought for the number one contendership. The Freebirds of Diamond Dallas Page and Jimmy Garvin rushed out, but Sting dispatched of them easily. Hall works over Sting, pulling out some impressive offense but the Stinger fights out. Stinger Splash and Hall is set up but out comes Larry Zbyszko from the ramp. Sting stands on the second rope, to yell at the Living Legend and it allows Hall to low blow him, before launching him off the second rope with the Crucifix Power Bomb. Hall covers and scores the pin (B)


Scott Hall cuts a promo, promising to knock Sid Vicious off the mountain and capture the Undisputed World Title, naming Halloween Havoc as the perfect night to do so. (B-)


WCW Power Hour Quick Results


Bob Backlund pinned Jimmy Golden with a small package


Sting and Larry Zbyszko for Halloween Havoc is announced


Honky Tonk Man pinned Jim Cain with the Shake, Rattle, and Roll.

Robert Gibson and Tom Zenk defeated the State Patrol


Sid Vicious cuts a promo about his Undisputed World Title match against Scott Hall at Halloween Havoc.


Brian Pillman pinned Ken Shamrock with the Air Pillman


Wayne Bloom and Butch Reed battled to a no contest when Ron Simmons and Mike Enos ran in, causing all four men to brawl around the arena.

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