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World Championship Wrestling 1991-The Rush to the Top

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After the Television Tapings:


Well, it was bound to happen. The drug tests that were proposed at the beginning of the year, have finally started, at this week's television. I think the folks at Turner got scared with the mess involving Dr. Zahorian over in the other company and decided to speed up the drug tests for both steriods and hard drugs.


Of course, someone would have to test positive and of course it would have to be someone who has been involved in a Pay Per View storyline.


So your winner(if you can call it that), is Steven Regal. Yes, the same Steven Regal that will be facing Dusty Rhodes at Halloween Havoc. Regal has been biding his time and this feud with Rhodes I felt would nudge him up to the next level. I mean, it's the hard working man against the snob who looks down at his nose at everyone less than him, it does make sense.


At least until Mr. Regal tested for hard drugs, thus scrubbing the planned match at Halloween Havoc. Dusty Rhodes will still be a part of Halloween Havoc, I got a new heel(or rather a rebranded old one) in the works that could use the high profile match against the Dream, who is in the twilight of the career and is still popular enough to give the rub to some up and coming heel willing to make a name for himself.


Steven Regal, the first casualty of the WCW drug testing policy, out for a one month suspension, with unfortunately more to come later.

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WCW Saturday Night Week Three October 1991


Sting was intense tonight, after losing out at a chance to face Sid Vicious for the Undisputed World Title and as a result, he gave the Equalizer a sound thrashing, that ended with a pair of Stinger Splashes and a Scorpion Deathlock. (B-)


Sting gets on the microphone, calling out Larry Zbyszko, but the Living Legend comes from the backside, laying out Sting with a double axe handle to the back of the head. Sting turns around and the Legend whacks him with a punch, enhanced by a roll of quarters. The quarters fly everywhere. Zbyszko calls Sting a fluke and a sham, before he challenges him to one more battle at Halloween Havoc(B)


Scott Norton brutalized Black Bart with the Shoulderbreaker. Norton looks ready for a tough battle with Vader at Halloween Havoc(D-)


Doom defeated Ken Shamrock and the Juicer when Simmons pinned Shamrock with the Spinebuster. We are reminded that Doom have to win the Undisputed World Tag Team Titles against the Destruction Crew at Halloween Havoc or split up as a tag team forever. (D+)


Dusty Rhodes is out, wearing an eye patch, after glass got in his right eye at the attack at the hands of Steven Regal. Rhodes says Regal was suspended after his actions last week, despite Dusty begging and pleading for Regal to stay around, so the Dream can put a clubbering on him. But Regal is out and Rhodes says he has an open contract, for the biggest, and the baddest to face off against at him at Halloween Havoc. Bring it on. Dusty looks intense, as he looks at the camera with his one good eye and balls up his fists, ready for battle. (B-)


The Destruction Crew defeated Robert Gibson and Tom Brandi when Enos pinned Brandi with the Spike Piledriver. The Undisputed World Tag Team Titles were not on the line. The match with Doom is hyped up. (D+)


Lex Luger cuts a promo, talking about his match with the Great Muta and promising to avenge the mist spit in his eyes last week on Saturday Night at Halloween Havoc. (D)


Lex Luger defeated Akio Sato with the Torture Rack in a two minute squash match. (D+)


Big Van Vader proved that since one man is often not enough, he fought two, in Joey Maggs and Ranger Ross, a duo that was overmatched by the power of Vader. A Power Bomb to both men and Vader pinned them. Ross and Dangerously talk about how Vader will be fighting Scott Norton, who has had a bit of dominance, even if its to a lesser extent then Vader. (D+)


Jimmy Garvin thought he was going to soften up the Undisputed World Champion Sid Vicious for his match with fellow Freebird Scott Hall at Halloween Havoc. Mr. Garvin thought wrong. Sid bulldozes Garvin with a Yakuza Kick, before finishing him off with the Power Bomb in less than thirty seconds. (D+)


Diamond Dallas Page tries to get some of Sid but gets Choke Slammed. Hall attacks Sid from behind, bashing him in the face with the Television Title Belt. The gold going into Sid’s face was enough to set him up for a stomping from Hall and Hall gets some shots in on his opponent for Halloween Havoc, before security pulls him off. Hall promises to win the title at Havoc and he took Sid out, albeit with devious means, tonight on the Superstation, on WCW Saturday Night. (B-)


Scott Steiner continued his training for Nikita Koloff and the WCW United States Title at Halloween Havoc, pinning Jimmy Golden with a huge belly to belly overhead release suplex. Steiner is looking sharp, winning a string of matches and looks to avenge his brother Rick, along with winning the United States Title at Halloween Havoc. ©


Nikita Koloff cuts a promo, bragging about his superiority and vowing to put Scott Steiner on the shelf. He will be the man who does what no tag team could do and takes put the Steiner Brothers out of WCW. He holds up the WCW United States Title, saying he’s going to hold this belt for as long as he chooses to wrestle. (B-)


Scott Hall rekindles an old rivalry against Beautiful Bobby Eaton, winning tonight with the Crucifix Power Bomb, to also retain his WCW Television Title. Eaton showed some impressive moves but missed the Alabama Jam, allowing Hall to take advantage and deliver the finish. (B-)


The main event grudge match between Arn Anderson and Barry Windham was based on honor and the legacy of the Four Horsemen. Windham feels that Anderson and Blanchard overstepped their bounds in taking out Ric Flair and Anderson feels that it is what needed to be done. Right now, there only appear to be two Horsemen, in Blanchard and Anderson and there is some doubt that there can even be a Horsemen faction without Ric Flair. Windham and Anderson have a nice battle, with some back and forth action, with Windham looking like he is going to win with the Superplex but Tully Blanchard runs out, kicking Windham in the ribs off of the cover for the disqualification, drawing boos from the crowd. (C+)


Anderson and Blanchard double team Barry Windham, until Ric Flair rushes out from the back. Flair strips off his suit jacket and enters the ring, chopping away at Anderson and Blanchard to cheers from the fans. Flair yells that legacy of the Horsemen runs through him and Anderson and Blanchard crossed a line. He says all friendship is out the window, this is personal. Flair also says that they made a huge mistake, they put him in the grave, but they forgot to check if the corpse had stopped breathing. Now he’s risen from the grave and will haunt them forever. Ric Flair pulls up Barry Windham, as they make a challenge, Barry Windham and Ric Flair against Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard at Halloween Havoc! The challenge is accepted and the match is made for Halloween Havoc! (C-)


Show Rating: C+


Power Hour Quick Results


Black Tiger pinned Kaz Hayashi with the Black Tiger Bomb


Ric Flair and Barry Windham talk about the match at Halloween Havoc


Wild Pegasus pinned Brad Armstrong with the Dragon Suplex


Sid Vicious promises to rip Scott Hall to shreds at Halloween Havoc


Brian Pillman pinned Scorpio with Air Pillman.


WCW Juniorheavyweight Champion Jushin Thunder Liger pinned Tom Zenk with the Brainbuster.

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WCW Saturday Night Week Four October 1991


We see Scott Hall cutting a promo, bragging how he took out Sid Vicious last week and how tomorrow night at Halloween Havoc, Hall will become the Undisputed World Champion. Big talk from Hall, but he’s shown to be tough enough to back it up, undefeated in singles competition in WCW. (B)


Scott Hall wins a fairly decent match with Tom Brandi, with Brandi getting some offense due to Hall’s arrogance, before Hall takes it home with a fallaway slam and Crucifix Power Bomb. ©


Big Van Vader squashed P.N. Newz with the Power Bomb. Newz played the world’s largest punching bag and was destroyed, as the Juggernaunt known as Vader continues to roll over the competition in World Championship Wrestling. ©


Dusty Rhodes cuts a promo, firing the fans up and reminding them about his open challenge at Halloween Havoc. (B)


Doom rolled over the State Patrol when Ron Simmons pinned Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker with the Powerslam in a squash match. The Destruction Crew will face off against Doom at Halloween Havoc with the Undisputed World Tag Team Titles of the Destruction Crew on the line against the tag team future of Doom. (D-)


Lex Luger beat the Nightstalker in a tough match with the Torture Rack. Lex Luger and the Great Muta will face off at Halloween Havoc. (C+)


Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard cut a promo, promising the end of Ric Flair and Barry Windham at Halloween Havoc. (D+)


Larry Zbyszko pinned Joey Maggs with the Shoulderbreaker. Sting tried to come out but was held off by security, as the Living Legend taunted him on the ramp. Sting and Zbyszko square off one on one at Halloween Havoc. (C+)


Sid Vicious squashed Diamond Dallas Page with the Power Bomb. Page fared no better than Jimmy Garvin did last week, as Sid destroyed his second Freebird in a row. (C-)


Sid beats on Page but Scott Hall runs out and attacks Sid. Sid is knocked backwards but he fights back. Hall throws powder into the eyes of Sid, drawing boos, before Hall manages to drop Sid with the Crucifix Power Bomb, showing surprising power. Hall has gotten the better of the Undisputed World Champion and the smug look on his face shows he’s really pleased with himself. (B-)


Scott Steiner defeated Steve Williams with a German Suplex out of the corner. Hype is made for Scott Steiner and Nikita Koloff for the WCW United States Title at Halloween Havoc, as Steiner gets another win over a rough and tumble competitor. (C+)


Afterwards, Nikita Koloff ran out and attacked Scott Steiner from behind. Steiner is beaten from behind but he comes back, delivering a high back body drop and a Steinerline. Koloff lands on his feet and Scott Steiner dives out onto him, with punches. Koloff and Steiner are brawling all over Center Stage, trading punches and kicks, until security pulls both men up with blackened eyes and swollen faces. The match for the WCW United States Title will be big and brutal between these two at Halloween Havoc. (B)


Sting made Michael Wallstreet submit to the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting kicked out of the Stock Market Crash prior to this. Sting is focused on his match with Larry Zbyszko at Halloween Havoc and beats Wallstreet to go into Havoc tomorrow night on a roll. (B-)


Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard had a brutal technical match in the main event, with chops. Blanchard pulls out the Slingshot Suplex but Flair is in the ropes. Low blow and Flair digs into the eyes, drawing cheers from the fans. Flair chop blocks the leg and delivers a knee crunching atomic drop, setting up the Figure Four Leglock. Blanchard struggles but Arn Anderson comes off the top rope with a flying kneedrop, earning a disqualification win for Ric Flair. (B-)


Ric Flair is pulled by Arn Anderson but Barry Windham rushes into the ring, and chases Anderson and Blanchard away at Flair. Windham stands over Flair, with an intense look on his face, as Anderson and Blanchard yell at him from the ramp. The Four Horsemen Civil War takes center stage at Halloween Havoc with Barry Windham and Ric Flair against Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson. Ric Flair cuts a promo, closing out the show, asking Windham if he can count on him to show these two what being a Horsemen truly means. Windham nods, swearing on the legacy of his father, the legendary Blackjack Mulligan,that he will stand beside Flair and do the right thing on Sunday. The crowd is pumped up for this huge tag team match! ©


Show Rating: B-


Power Hour Quick Results


Barry Windham and Ric Flair defeated the State Patrol


Scott Norton defeated Tracey Smothers.


The Halloween Havoc Hype.


Honky Tonk Man defeated Jim Cain with the Shake, Rattle, and Roll.


Honky Tonk Man beats on Cain, until Bobby Eaton makes the save, getting into a tussel with Honky, continuing their issue from a few weeks back when Honky pinned Eaton with the feet on the ropes.


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated the Youngbloods.


Sid Vicious rants about Scott Hall and Halloween Havoc.


The Great Muta pinned Johnny B. Badd with the Moonsault.

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WCW Halloween Havoc Card


Undisputed World Title Match

Scott Hall vs. Sid Vicious©


Ric Flair and Barry Windham vs. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard


Sting vs. Larry Zbyszko.


WCW United States Title Match

Scott Steiner vs. Nikita Koloff©


Lex Luger vs. the Great Muta


Scott Norton vs. Big Van Vader(w/Harley Race)


Undisputed World Tag Team Title Match:

Doom(w/Teddy Long) vs. the Destruction Crew(w/Paul E. Dangerously)


Dusty Rhodes vs. a Mystery Opponent


WCW Juniorheavyweight Title Match:

Wild Pegasus vs. Brian Pillman vs. Black Tiger vs. Jushin Thunder Liger©

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