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A strange morning: CCW (Rock Hard? No. Harder than that.)

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I woke up, opened my eyes and noticed that I wasn't in my appartment. That seemed odd as I remembered vaguely that last night I partied a bit, but knew for sure that I got to bed home. I took a better look around and noticed that the room looked like a normal one, but things were old-school. Suddenly, an old man with a long white beard opened my door and stayed there probably as surprised as I am.


???: Simon?


Me: Yes. What are you doing here. Wasn't the door closed.


???: Hmm... You're in my house.


Me: What the F---.


???: How could I tell it to you simply...




He told me he doesn't know how I got there, he has been studying this place for years looking for an answer, but hasn't yet found one. Several times a year, people appear unconscious in this room and have to fulfill goals and when these are accomplished they go to sleep in this bed and they disappear. He doesn't know for sure if this world or mine is an alternate world, but he told me some people have successfully completed their goals and disappeared while others are still in this world. He also told me that whenever someone appeared, a parchment was always beside them. He handed me an old-looking paper, I unfolded it and started reading:


* Wrestling doesn't exist yet and you are to start the first promotion in Canada and get the industry going. Your goal will be fulfilled when you'll ---. *


Parts of the paper was unreadable and it was written at the bottom:


* I have given you an item to aid you, since it seems unreasonable without it.*


The man told me another object was in the room when he found me. He has been studying it, but didn't understand how to use it. The object looked like a notebook. I opened it, turned it on and hold and behold... It was a notebook. I then took a quick look at the bizarre things that popped up (an application looking like Total Extreme Wrestling, but with some add-ons like contact information for workers, addresses, etc.).



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(Later that day)


The man's name is Jim Miller and he assured me he'll do his best to help me. I can't really describe my reaction when he told me that the current date is January 1 1920. I tried slapping my face to wake up from this dream and beside hurting and making Jim laugh it didn't seem to be a viable solution. So? It seemed as if I only had one option: Do what the parchment asked me to do.


I appointed Jim as my assistant for now by taking care of finances and contacting people we're interested in. I didn't know yet if he would be involved in the wrestling side of the promotion. Seconds later, a message popped up on the notebook screen and Jim was added as a personnality in the roster just above my name. Strange, I guess I'll have to get used to it.


The Fed

Canadian Championship Wrestling

Money: 0$

Popularity: None

Match Ratio: 70%

Face/Heel divide: Strong

Key feature: Traditional

Medium feature: Mainstream, Realism

Low feature: Modern, Hyper Realism, Pure


The actual roster will be announced in another post probably including another little story.




- This diary was started with the Effganic data by i effin rule available here (

- It is my second real diary and the format will probably fit in place after some shows.

- I've been planning this one for a while and have several shows ready.

- My goals: to provide an example of a rock hard game, do at least 1 year, creativity, my own enjoyment and to write in english which isn't my primary language.

- I'll go with small recap shows and stories in-between.


Don't worry, shows are coming. The backstory is a little bit longer that I expected, but I'm quite enjoying it and I'll be sure to write some more with this style. I have to give credit to the Neverending Story and Lost for this idea.

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(Monday, Week 3, January 1920)


We found an old boxing ring available for sale from a fed of the region, we contacted many workers and were almost ready for the first show, but I thought we still lacked some workers.


That day, I was talking with Jim about possibilities for the first show.



Me: several staff workers, 7 wrestlers, you, me... We really need more workers to start this month. Seriously, there isn't any other available workers somewhere? Have you contacted US boxing promotions?


Jim: Yep. Several feds in Canada and the US, schools, gyms... Answers were all the same and nobody was really interested in this sport or believed we would be able to pay a salary.


Me: If only we would be able to offer some downside payments. Well, I guess that first show will bring less than 100 people anyway and the sponsors are paying anyway for the exposure we're giving them when promoting. I believe we could work something out for this show.


(* Knock on the door. Two cute girls entered, smiled at me and sat around our table. *)


Me: Hello ladies, what brings you here. Are you interested in working for our promotion?


Girl 1: Huh? No! it seems really too dangerous for women. We came to see how things are going and to ask daddy some money to go to the general store.


Me: Ho. You mean...


Jim: Here are Rosalia and Michelle, my two daughters.


Me: You didn't tell me you had a wife, nor that you had 2 daughters.


Jim: It's a long story... My wife was brought here like you and one day she disappeared just like others.


Me: You mean?? Ho. Sorry.


Michelle: Simon do you think we could help you?


Jim: Michelle! We've got only male wrestlers, our staff is complete and I would prefer if you and Rosalia wouldn't be involved.


Me: Why not? There are women wrestlers where I'm from and I'm sure the two of you could be helpful.


Jim: What??


Me: Let them help us. I already have an idea for the next show.






Main Event

Daniel Loiselle - Quebecer - 30 - (250$ + 25$ in travel expenses)

??? - Masked Superstar - 25 - (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)

Levi Andrews - Pretentious Artist - 39 - (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)

Saita Kuroki - Sumo - 39 - (150$ + 25$ in travel expenses)


Upper Midcard

Joe Boone - Dual-Sport Superstar - 25 - (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)

Sir Anthony Henry - British - 32 - (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)

??? - Clown - 31 - (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)



Troy Stones - 20 - (450$)


Colour Commentator

Andre Garner - 19 - (200$ + 25$ in travel expenses)

Michelle Miller - 16 - (100$ written - 9 months)

Rosalia Miller - 18 - (100$ written - 9 months)



Jim Miller - 51 - (100$ written - 9 months)

Sara Punk - 18 - (400$)


Road Agent

Emily Helmsley - 19 - (250$)


Authority Figure




The first show 'Winter Fights' has been scheduled and will be held Friday, Week 3, January 1920.




The Effganic mod offers a unique gameplay by providing generated workers as the game advances and bringing new feds in the wrestling scene every couple of years. Currently I don't have any active competion because of a lack of worker. But it'll start really soon and I'll be sure to keep you informed on what happens in the wrestling world. Troy Stones (announcer), Andre Garner (colour commentator) and Emily Helmsley (Road Agent) are all canadians and it might save me a lot of cash in the future simply because of travel expenses, that's great. Beside my signings, the wrestling world is pretty "limited" right now.


The show is next.

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CCW - Winter Fights - Friday week 3, January 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 9

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Andre Garner, Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller







The show starts with Magik on the ring announcing that he is the new owner and commissioner of CCW. He presents

himself and confirms tonight's card which have been handed to each fans in attendance. (5.00 F)



Magik continued his announcements with a tournament that will take place tonight to determine the first CCW World Champion. (5.00 F-) (OOC: WOO! Lol.)



Rosalia and Michelle Miller entertained the fans with a karaoke contest. Fans came to see wrestling and it dragged

the segment down, but I was quite happy with the result. Michelle won after a quick survey in the "massive" crowd. (10.00 E-)







Levi Andrews comes in the ring with a microphone and challenges anybody to fight him for this tournament tonight. He

continued with a classic "I'm better than everyone on the roster" rant. (5.00 E)



Daniel Loiselle answers his challenge and asks Magik for a match. Magik accepts, but spices it up by making it a triple threat match by involving a third competitor. Loiselle seems ok with it probably because he simply wanted to let Andrews know that CCW's roster can wrestle and won't be beaten that easily. (4.00 F-)



OPENING MATCH: Levi Andrews vs Daniel Loiselle vs ???

Renegade, a masked luchador from Mexico made his debut. The match was well fought by each competitor. It ended by submission at 9.37 when Loiselle applied a submission move on Andrews. (12.00 E-)



MATCH #2: Joe Boone vs Sir Anthony Henry

Boone defended well and Henry couldn't apply key technical moves. Boone won it by pinfall at 9.49. I expected more

from them, but it was still an ok match. (12.00 E-)



MATCH #3: Saita Kuroki vs Friedry Sparkles

Ho man. The two got quite exhausted. A classic rumble match. Sparkles ended it by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage and still keeping Kuroki strong. Kuroki ended the night with the biggest momentum, he'll surely get other matches and he might be better in shorter ones. His physique makes him instantly a good heel. (10.00 F)



MATCH #4: Joe Boone vs Daniel Loiselle vs Friedry Sparkles (CCW World Title)

So... That's it. the first Main Event. I was really impressed with the result. Sparkles was exhausted from his last match and couldn't get much offense in at the beginning. In the end, Boone outpowered Loiselle and ended the match with a big move. The order of elimination was Friedry Sparkles first, and finally Daniel Loiselle.


Joe Boone wins the CCW World title and becomes the first champion. (17.00 E)



Final Rating: E-


Newspaper Feedback: Not so bad given the promotion size.



Monthly Report

Cash: +912$

Match Ratio: moved from 70 to 80 (might be temporary?)


OOC: I'm quite happy with the result as it's about my 5th show in TEW 2008. The next month will bring several new signings and the addition of the CCW Tag Team title. An event summary and a preview of the next show are up next, followed by the show itself.

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Kuniyoshi Iriye - Masked Superstar (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)

Jason Punk - British (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)

Ricky Gumble - Quebecer (400$) (OOC: Let's hope no travel expenses will do a difference in the long term)

Stanley Brooks - Dual-Sport Superstar (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)


Battle Lines card preview

- Stanley Brooks vs Ricky Gumble vs Friedry Sparkles

- Levi Andrews has challenged another wrestler and his opponent will be announced at the event

- Sir Anthony Henry & Jason Punk vs Renegade & ???

- Joe Boone © vs Daniel Loiselle (for the CCW World title)




CCW - Battle Lines - Friday week 3, February 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 14

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller






MATCH: Saita Kuroki vs Magik vs Friedry Sparkles

This match has been booked to get Magik some wrestling skills and it didn't work really well. At least, it helped all the competitors gain stamina which was the other goal. Saita Kuroki defeated Magik easily by pinfall in probably the worst 18.17 minutes of CCW. (20.00 F)







Rosalia and Michelle Miller entertained the fans with another karaoke contest. The contest pretty much ended in a draw as both competitors performed well. (10.00 F+)



OPENING MATCH: Stanley Brooks vs Ricky Gumble vs Friedry Sparkles

Sparkles experience made him get the upper-hand early on and he finally ended this rumble match at 7.56 by defeating Brooks by pinfall. (10.00 E-)



Andrews announced his next opponent and made sure to talk about Kuroki's size and tell that he's faster than him in the ring. He even added that these 20 minutes of crap at the beginning of the show will render him a dead weight that he'll easily pound down. (6.00 F+)



MATCH #2: Levi Andrews vs Saita Kuroki

Kuroki made an impressive return in this match. After seeing that he couldn't get him down, Andrews went down took a chair and slammed Kuroki with it. That got him DQ'ed and was pretty much the key moment of this match. (9.00 F)

OOC: Kuroki is harder to book well than I expected.



MATCH #3: Sir Anthony Henry & Jason Punk vs Renegade & ???

At the beginning the announcers told the crowd that this match will be for the NEW CCW Tag Team titles. Akutan Zero made his debut as Renegade's partner also wearing a mask and hailing from Japan. Japan? Yep, Japan. He made some impressive moves and worked really well. The brits got some offense, but Henry couldn't do anything when Akutan hit Punk and placed him ready for a top rope dive from Renegade that got the three count.


Winner and new Tag Team champions Renegade and Akutan Zero. (11.00 E)

OOC: their reign starts well with an excellent chemistry between them.



MATCH #4: Joe Boone © vs Daniel Loiselle (for the CCW World title)

Another good match by Boone. Loiselle got some holds in and some near falls, but couldn't get the win. It ended with Boone pinning Loiselle at 12.24. Joe Boone makes defence number 1 of his CCW World title. (14.00 E)



Final Rating: E


Monthly Report

Cash: +309$

Match Ratio: moved from 80 to 70 (hmm. I'll move it back and see if angles are better.)


OOC: That helped our popularity quite a bit and at least I'm staying profitable. It'll take some more shows to get things going, but at least it seems to be going the right way.

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Spring Warfare card preview

- Levi Andrews vs Stanley Brooks

- Daniel Loiselle & Ricky Gumble vs Renegade © & Akutan Zero © (for the CCW tag team title)

- Friedry Sparkles vs Joe Boone © (for the CCW World title)




CCW - Spring Warfare - Friday week 3, March 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 11

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller







MATCH: Saita Kuroki & Magik vs Sir Anthony Henry & Jason Punk

Kuroki pretty much kept Magik in this bout the entire time. Henry finally got an opportunity and pinned Magik for the win. Pretty much a training match more than anything else. (20.00 F+)







The show opened with Levi Andrews getting on the ramp and hyping his upcoming singles match with Stanley Brooks. (5.00 F+)



OPENING MATCH: Levi Andrews vs Stanley Brooks

There's not a lot to tell about this match. Except maybe that Andrews got the pin at 11.38 by upsetting Brooks with a handful of tights. (14.00 F+)



Rosalia and Michelle Miller entertained the fans with another karaoke contest. The result is always as constant. (13.00 F+)



MATCH #2: Daniel Loiselle & Ricky Gumble vs Renegade © & Akutan Zero © (for the CCW Tag Team title)

Renegade and Zero worked well together and out-did the contenders. Zero got the pin on Gumble at 13.44 for defence number 1 of their title reign. (16.00 E)



MATCH #3: Friedry Sparkles vs Joe Boone © (for the CCW World title)

A relatively easy match for Boone. He got the pin at 9.54 for defence number 2. (12.00 E-)



Final Rating: E-


Monthly Report

Cash: -110$

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Margarita Nunez - Happy-Go-Lucky (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)


SPW (Southern Pro Wrestling) a fed in the US got enough workers to run a show and scheduled one in April. So I offered them a 'working agreement' that they accepted the next day.


Then I offered them two trades:

* Akutan Zero for Jonathan McMahon

* Stanley Brooks for Ruben Runnels


They ran their show Thursday, week 3, 1920.


Here are quick results:

SPW Power Play

attendance: 44

Ricky Gumble df. Ruben Runnels E

Saita Kuroki double count out with Jason Punk E-

Daniel Loiselle df. Jonathan McMahon (for the SPW Arena Championship title) E

Joe Boone df. Akutan Zero E

Sir Anthony Henry df. Friedry Sparkles (for the SPW Heavyweight title) E

Show rating: E


The ratings are quite similar to mine and we're still yet to break the 'E' mark.



Warning card Preview

Ricky Gumble vs Saita Kuroki vs Jason Punk

Stanley Brooks vs Sir Anthony Henry

Akutan Zero & Renegade will defend their CCW tag team title against SPW's Jonathan McMahon & Ruben Runnels

Joe Boone will defend his CCW World title against Daniel Loiselle & Friedry Sparkles

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CCW - Warning - Friday week 4, April 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 9

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller







Training matches: Michelle Miller vs Rosalia Miller vs Margarita Nunez

4 five minutes matches took place and Michelle won 3 and Rosalia won the other one. Each of them ended by pinfall.

(5.00 F+, 5.00 F+, 5.00 F+, 5.00 F)







OPENING MATCH: Ricky Gumble vs Saita Kuroki vs Jason Punk

Kuroki the big sumo did it again and pinned Punk at 5.31 for the win. (8.00 E-)



MATCH #2: Stanley Brooks vs Sir Anthony Henry

Brooks shocked Henry and got the win at 9.38 by pinfall. (12.00 E-)



Yet another Karaoke contest between Michelle and Rosalia Miller. Michelle won this one. (14.00 F+)



MATCH #3: Jonathan McMahon & Ruben Runnels vs Renegade © & Akutan Zero © (for the CCW Tag Team title)

McMahon and Runnels the outsiders gave Zero and Renegade a run for their money in this match, but couldn't capitalise on their opportunities. Zero got the pinfall on Runnels at 11.49. Renegade and Akutan Zero retain for the 2nd time. (14.00 E+)

OOC: best match to date!



MATCH #4: Joe Boone © vs Daniel Loiselle vs Friedry Sparkles (for the CCW World title)

Another solid performance by Boone. He won by pinning Sparkles at 9.40. He made defense number 3 of his title reign. (12.00 E)



Final Rating: E


Monthly Report

Cash: -53$

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SPW Consequences quick results:

Attendance: 47

Joe Boone df. Ruben Runnels E-

Daniel Loiselle df. Renegade (to retain the SPW Arena Championship title) E

Ricky Gumble double DQ with Jonathan McMahon E-

Saita Kuroki & Levi Andrews df. Stanley Brooks & Akutan Zero E

Sir Anthony Henry df. Friedry Sparkles (to retain the SPW Heavyweight title) E+

Show rating: E





* I'm in my room talking with Jim about the promotion. *


Me: Well, SPW are doing pretty good for now. Their last Main Event was even as good as our best match to date. I guess we'll have to keep an eye on them in the future. At least we won't get in a regional battle with them.


Jim: What are you talking about?


Me: Ho. Nevermind. Jim, who were those that we traded last time with SPW?


Jim: Jonathan McMahon and Ruben Runnels?


Me: Yep. Runnels didn't impress me much, but I would want to get McMahon for another appearance, contact SPW and try to conclude another deal with them.


Jim: Hmm.. Ok, but our financial situation is so-so right now and the economy is still going down (falling below D).


Me: Well, that'll slow us down like if it wasn't difficult enough. Ok. I'll keep that in mind.



Mayhem card preview:

Michelle Miller vs Rosalia Miller vs Margarita Nunez (lingerie match)

Stanley Brooks & Saita Kuroki & Daniel Loiselle vs Levi Andrews & Sir Anthony Henry & Jason Punk (3 vs 3)

Joe Boone © vs Friedry Sparkles (for the CCW World title)

Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Ricky Gumble & Jonathan McMahon (CCW Tag Team title)

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CCW - Mayhem - Friday week 4, May 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 9

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller



OPENING MATCH: Michelle Miller vs Rosalia Miller vs Margarita Nunez (Lingerie Match)

match 5 between them and it might occur a penalty? It did quite good finally. Every girls were reluctant at first, but after seeing how many people the show brought each week and carefully planning the match it was accepted. Nunez got the win by pinning Rosalia. (7.00 E-)



MATCH #2: Stanley Brooks & Saita Kuroki & Daniel Loiselle vs Levi Andrews & Sir Anthony Henry & Jason Punk (3 vs 3)

Girls finally almost outdid the men. Ho well. Brooks got the pin on Jason Punk to get the win for his team. (13.00 E-)



Yet another Karaoke contest between Michelle and Rosalia Miller. Michelle won this one. (13.00 F+)



MATCH #3: Joe Boone © vs Friedry Sparkles (for the CCW World title)

Joe Boone defeated Friedry Sparkles in 7:35 by pinfall. Joe Boone makes defence number 4 of his CCW World title. (10.00 E)



MATCH #4: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Ricky Gumble & Jonathan McMahon (for the CCW Tag Team title)

Renegade got the pin at 15.18 on McMahon for yet another win for his team and defence number 3. (17.00 E+)



Final Rating: E


Monthly Report

Cash: -141$

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Hashigoro Yoshikawa entered the world of wrestling this month and showed a lot of potential, but I quickly decided to don't offer him a contract because of his attitude. One day after joining SPW, he already boast the medias telling he is carrying the company, I guess it was a good move.


CCW made two new signings thought (yes.. this month was really a great one):

Filip Carlsson - Street Thug (100$ + 25$ in travel expenses)

Darren O'Connor - Time Traveller (150$ + 25$ in travel expenses)



CCW Battlefield preview:

Stanley Brooks vs Ricky Gumble

Daniel Loiselle vs Jason Punk

Joe Boone © vs Jason Punk (for the CCW World title)

Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Darren O'Connor & Friedry Sparkles (CCW Tag Team title)




CCW - Battlefield - Friday week 3, June 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 13

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller



OPENING MATCH: Stanley Brooks vs Ricky Gumble

Brooks defeated Gumble at 9.49 by pinfall. (12.00 E+)



Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller entertain the crowd again with another karaoke contest. (10.00 F+)



MATCH #2: Daniel Loiselle vs Jason Punk

A technical encounter, which Loiselle won by pinfall at 9.08. (11.00 E)


MATCH #3: Joe Boone © vs Filip Carlsson (for the CCW World title)

Boone had trouble getting the upper-hand against the newcomer, but finally did it again for defence number 5. (16.00 E)



MATCH #4: Akutan Zero © & Renegade © vs Darren O'Connor & Friedry Sparkles (for the CCW Tag Team title)

Zero & Renegade are still giving good results week after week. They got the win at 8.31 by defeating O'Connor and made defence number 4. (11.00 E+)



Show rating: E+


OOC: Cool. That makes it the best show to date. It had put us as the #1 promotion for 2 weeks. We're closing in.



SPW Vital Signs result:

Attendance: 65

Renegade df. Ricky Gumble E

Levi Andrews went to a time limit draw with Jonathan McMahon E-

Jason Punk df. Daniel Loiselle for the SPW Arena Championship title E

Hashigoro Yoshikawa df. Saita Kuroki E

Sir Anthony df. Friedry Sparkles to retain the SPW Heavyweight title E-

Show rating: E


Monthly Report

Cash: +97$

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Troy Stones (CCW'S announcer) is dating Sara Punk (CCW's referee). They're both really useful and talented workers and we'll do what we can to keep them working together.




CCW - Day Zero - Friday week 4, July 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 9

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller



OPENING MATCH: Ricky Gumble vs Saita Kuroki

Ricky Gumble defeated Saita Kuroki in 5.31 by pinfall. (8.00 E)



Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller did another karaoke contest. (12.00 F+)



MATCH #2: Sir Anthony Henry vs Joe Boone © vs Stanley Brooks vs Friedry Sparkles (for the CCW World title)

A four way match here. Boone got an opportunity and pinned Sparkles at 8.26 for defence number 6. Is there someone in the CCW locker room who could beat him clean? (11.00 E)



MATCH #3: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Jason Punk & Levi Andrews (for the CCW Tag Team title)

A pretty one-sided match here. Zero got the pin on Punk at 12.12 for defence number 5. (14.00 E+)



MATCH #4: Daniel Loiselle vs Filip Carlsson vs Darren O'Connor (#1 Contender match)

Experience made the difference. Loiselle got the pin on Carlsson for the win. (15.00 E)



Show Rating: E




SPW Manifest Destiny result:

attendance: 37

Renegade df. Ricky Gumble E

Jonathan McMahon df. Joe Boone E

Jason Punk df. Saita Kuroki to retain the SPW Arena Championship title E

Friedry Sparkles df. Ruben Runnels E

Sir Anthony Henry df. Hashigoro Yoshikawa to retain the SPW Heavyweight title E

Show rating: E



Monthly Report

Cash: -385$

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Joe Boone and Jason Punk were announced as a new tag team in SPW and will be regularly teaming up in the future. Maybe we'll see them teaming up in CCW in the future? One thing is sure, they seem to have a pretty good chemistry.



SPW Last Gasp result:

attendance: 135

Renegade df. Ricky Gumble E

Joe Boone & Jason Punk df. Saita Kuroki & Levi Andrews for the SPW International Tag titles D-

Jonathan McMahon df. Daniel Loiselle E

Ruben Runnels df. Friedry Sparkles df. E

Sir Anthony Henry df. Hashigoro Yoshikawa to retain the SPW Heavyweight title E

Show rating: E


That tag-team match is actually the best wrestling match to date.




Judy Marsters - British (150$ + 25$ in travel expenses)



OOC: Seeing how I planned this diary as an help for playing Rock Hard a current roster will give you a better insight of the current situation. Note that the fed is currently still at 'F-' popularity in Quebec, but it is really close to making it to 'F'. Also, it might be useful for me because that travel expenses are slowly becoming a factor.





(* Note that card position is always subject to change and I follow recommandations and workers demands more than my personal preference since it really doesn't do much difference in my booking yet.)


* TE = Travel Expenses


Main Event

Stanley Brooks (100$ + 26$ TE)

Akutan Zero (100$ + 32$ TE) (CCW Tag Team)

Joe Boone (100$ + 48$ TE) (CCW World)

Renegade (100$ + 43$ TE) (CCW Tag Team)

Ricky Gumble (400$)


Upper Midcard

Jason Punk (100$ + 38$ TE)

Daniel Loiselle (250$ + 48$ TE)

Filip Carlsson (100$ + 25$ TE)

Levi Andrews (100$ + 29$ TE)

Saita Kuroki (150$ + 79$ TE)

Friedry Sparkles (100$ + 56$ TE)



Darren O'Connor (150$ + 25$ TE)

Sir Anthony Henry (100$ + 40$ TE)


Lower Midcard

Me (OOC: An easy fix for the minimum lol)


Women's division

Margarita Nunez (100$ + 25$ TE)

Judy Marsters (150$ + 25$ TE)



Troy Stones (450$)


Color Commentator

Andre Garner (200$ + 25$ TE)

Michelle Miller (100$ - written)

Rosalia Miller (100$ - written)



Sarah Punk (400$)


Road Agent

Emily Helmsley (250$)



Jim Miller (100$ - written)


The monthly show 'Uprising' is up next.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(OOC: Sorry for the delay in-between shows, I started working on other side-projects.)



CCW - Uprising - Friday week 3, August 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 9

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller



OPENING MATCH: Judy Marsters vs Margarita Nunez

Nunez got the win at 11.27 by pinfall. That match was too long for Marsters and they both don't click together. Hmm.. That's a bad one. (13.00 E-)



MATCH #2: Ricky Gumble vs Friedry Sparkles

Sparkles got the win after a decent rumble match. (9.00 E)



Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller did another karaoke contest. (10.00 F+)



MATCH #3: Joe Boone © vs Jason Punk (for the CCW World title)

Boone visibly tiring toward the end? Hmm.. I expected better from this match-up. Boone retained again for the 7th time. Daniel Loiselle will get his opportunity at the next event. (14.00 E)



MATCH #4: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Daniel Loiselle & Darren O'Connor (for the CCW tag team titles)

Who are becoming the Main Event duo? Renegade and Akutan Zero. That was a really good match with Zero & Renegade going against the best technical wrestlers in wrestling currently. the contenders got near falls numerous times, but Renegade got the pin at 11.46 on Loiselle. (14.00 D-)



Show Rating: E+


Monthly Report

Cash: +177$

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(I'm talking with Jim in his house)


Me: It seems it'll be a busy month, how many contracts do we have that we could extend?


Jim: A total of 14, counting me.


Me: Hmm. Would you agree to sign again as an on-screen worker?


Jim: Sure, as long as you try to keep me away from the ring as much as possible.


Me: Agreed.


*knock on the door*


(Michelle and Rosalia enter and sit at out table)


Me: What brings you here girls?


Michelle: We've worked a deal with a clothes shop nearby and they signed us as models for their local promotions.


Me: Ok. So, could you still work for us?


Rosalia: Sure. But we wanted to ask you if we could promote their stuff on the show.


Me: Why not.


(Jim and I continued dealing with contracts and finally we successfully got everyone extended.)




Levi Andrews (150$)

Joe Boone (100$) (nice deal)

Andre Garner (200$)

Emily Helmsley (250$)

Sir Anthony Henry (150$)

Saita Kuroki (150$)

Daniel Loiselle (300$)

Jim Miller (50$)

Michelle Miller (50$)

Rosalia Miller (50$)

Sarah Punk (600$) (200 more for a referee? OMG!)

Friedry Sparkles (150$)

Renegade (250$)

Troy Stones (600$) (probably that he felt he had to get as much as his girlfriend, who knows)



SPW Brain Damage result:

attendance: 152

Ruben Runnels df. Ricky Gumble E-

Jonathan McMahon df. Saita Kuroki E

Friedry Sparkles df. Daniel Loiselle E+

Renegade df. Levi Andrews E

Sir Anthony Henry df. Jason Punk to retain the SPW Heavyweight title E

Show rating: E




CCW - Dominance - Friday week 3, September 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 13

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Levi Andrews. Rosalia is announced as the winner. It's not just great for sponsors, it's also great in ratings. (5.00 C)



OPENING MATCH: Jason Punk vs Friedry Sparkles

Sparkles ended it by pinfall. Nothing really great out of it and Sparkles was even exhauted in the end. (9.00 E)



MATCH #2: Stanley Brooks vs Filip Carlsson

Another let-down. Brooks eventually got the win. (13.00 E)



Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller did another karaoke contest which Michelle won. (6.00 F+)



MATCH #3: Joe Boone © vs Daniel Loiselle (for the CCW World title)

It was Loiselle's contender match and he almost got it at one point by submission, but Boone reached the rope. He eventually rallied, got the pin and won. (12.00 E+)



MATCH #4: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Darren O'Connor & Ricky Gumble (for the CCW tag team titles)

Another good match by CCW's standard. the champ's experience eventually got them the upper-hand. O'Connor got outnumbered after Gumble was thrown down. Zero waited for Renegade to get to the top rope for a big elbow drop and got the three count. (15.00 D-)



Show Rating: E+


Monthly Report

Cash: -8$

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??? - (400$)




Raymond Gorman an ex-boxer decided to give wrestling a try. He is known for his hard strikes and bad attitude, but he would surely make an excellent wrestler. He was voted best overall wrestler by the newspaper and I tried signing him. Our last offer was 150$ + 475$ in Travel Expenses and it got rejected. CCW might contact him again in the future.




Stanley Brooks (100$)

Ricky Gumble (450$)

Jason Punk (150$)

Akutan Zero (100$)



SPW Nothing From Something result:

attendance: 104

Renegade df. Saita Kuroki E+

Hashigoro Yoshikawa & Jonathan McMahon df. Levi Andrews & Friedry Sparkles E+

Jason Punk df. Ricky Gumble to retain the SPW Arena Championship title E

Joe Boone df. Daniel Loiselle D-

Sir Anthony Henry df. Ruben Runnels to retain the SPW Heavyweight title E

Show rating: E



CCW - The End Is Near - Friday week 3, October 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 29

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller



OPENING MATCH: Joe Boone © vs Darren O'Connor vs Stanley Brooks (for the CCW World title)

Boone was slowing down a bit in the end, but he got the pin at 10.39 on O'Connor and the win. (13.00 E)



Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller did another karaoke contest while wearing our sponsor's clothes. (12.00 F+)



MATCH #2: Jason Punk vs ???

Pistol Pete made his debut. I expected more from him as he's talented and I gave him a substantial contract. He won it by pinfall after tiring Punk with submission moves. At least, both stayed in good condition until the end. (16.00 E)



MATCH #3: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Sir Anthony Henry & Filip Carlsson (for the CCW tag team titles)

Renegade & Zero disposed of them quickly and showed again how important they are to CCW with yet another good Main Event. (12.00 E+)



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Levi Andrews. Michelle is announced as the winner. Sponsors will be happy and I liked it too. (7.00 C-)



Show Rating: E+


Monthly Report

Cash: -218$

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SPW Epic result:

attendance: 150

Ruben Runnels df. Ricky Gumble E-

Hachigoro Yoshikawa df. Levi Andrews E-

Jason Punk df. Joe Boone to retain the SPW Arena Championship title E+

Friedry Sparkles df. Jonathan McMahon E+

Sir Anthony Henry df. Renegade to retain the SPW Heavyweight title E+

Show rating: E+



CCW - Supremacy - Friday week 4, November 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 31

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller

Road agent: Emily Helmsley



OPENING MATCH: Filip Carlsson vs Pistol Pete

Pete got the win by submission at 12.57, too bad that they just don't click at all. (15.00 E)



MATCH #2: Stanley Brooks vs Saita Kuroki

Kuroki got the pin on Stanley Brooks in a somewhat ok rumble match. (10.00 E)



Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller did a karaoke contest. A cheap segment and I only get my money's worth. (8.00 F+)



MATCH #3: Joe Boone © vs Ricky Gumble (for the CCW World title)

Now you're talking. A pretty good rumble match. Boone showed again why he's the champion by pinning Gumble at 9.53 in the best singles match to date in CCW. Let's hope the Main Event is good too. Please?(12.00 D-)



MATCH #4: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Sir Anthony Henry & Darren O'Connor (for the CCW tag team titles)

Doh, I shouldn't have given Loiselle a month off. Still an ok match. Henry and O'Connor were no match for Renegade and Zero thought. (10.00 E+)



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Levi Andrews. Another good ending. (5.00 C)



Show Rating: E+


Monthly Report

Cash: -163$

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SPW The Tempest result:

attendance: 168

Ruben Runnels df. Ricky Gumble E-

Saita Kuroki df. Jonathan McMahon E

Jason Punk df. Levi Andrews to retain the SPW Arena Championship title E

Friedry Sparkles df. Hashigoro Yoshikawa D-

Sir Anthony Henry df. Renegade to retain the SPW Heavyweight title D-

Show rating: D-

That makes it the best wrestling show to date.




CCW - Full Force - Friday week 3, December 1920

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 38

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller

Road agent: Emily Helmsley



OPENING MATCH: Joe Boone © vs Friedry Sparkles (for the CCW World title)

Sparkles tried to use the rope for leverage, but Boone overcame it and finally won by pinfall at 7.56 for defence 11 of his reign. It was a good match and it could have been better if Sparkles didn't get exhausted by the end. (10.00 E+)



Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller did a karaoke contest. Nothing extraordinary, but let's hope the next few segments will be able to do better and beat SPW's last show. (16.00 F+)



MATCH #2: Stanley Brooks & Jason Punk vs Pistol Pete & Daniel Loiselle

Doh, Brooks and Punk don't work well together. Loiselle got the pinfall on Punk to get a shot for the CCW Tag Team title for his team. (15.00 E)



MATCH #3: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Filip Carlsson & Darren O'Connor (for the CCW tag team titles)

Renegade and Zero were simply too strong for Carlsson and O'Connor. Zero got the pin on O'Connor and got the win. (14.00 E+)



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Levi Andrews. That segment ended the year 1920 on a sexy note. (5.00 C-)



Show Rating: E+


Monthly Report

Cash: 114$ (-303$)





Wrestler Of The Year: Renegade (CCW,SPW)

Young Wrestler Of The Year: Akutan Zero (CCW)

Promotion Of The Year: CCW

Most Improved Promotion Of The Year: CCW

Match Of The Year: Friedry Sparkles vs Hachigoro Yoshikawa D- (The Tempest, SPW, December 1920)

Show Of The Year: The Tempest by SPW in December 1920 D-

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Margarita Nunez (100$)




Nobuyoshi Itagaki - Loner (100$ + 25$ Travel Expenses)



SPW Night Of Glory result:

attendance: 157

Hashigoro Yoshikawa df. Ricky Gumble E-

Ruben Runnels df. Levi Andrews E-

Jason Punk df. Saito Kuroki to retain the SPW Arena Championship title E

Friedry Sparkles went to a double DQ with Daniel Loiselle D-

Sir Anthony Henry df. Renegade to retain the SPW Heavyweight title E+

Show rating: E+




CCW - Winter Fights - Friday week 3, January 1921

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 25

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller

Road agent: Emily Helmsley



OPENING MATCH: Nobuyoshi Itagaki vs Jason Punk

Itagaki debuted as himself to no reaction even after the announcers told he was hailing from Japan like Akutan Zero. He wrestled well against Punk, but Punk finally got the win after a pretty even match. (17.00 E)



Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller did a karaoke contest. As Always, it did the job. (10.00 F+)



MATCH #2: Ricky Gumble vs Filip Carlsson

Gumble beat Carlsson in a quite disappointing match. (12.00 E)



MATCH #3: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Pistol Dan & Pistol Pete (for the CCW tag team titles)

Daniel Loiselle debuted his cowboy gimmick as Pete's partner. Pete upset the champions by pinning Zero for the three count which made him and Dan the new Tag Team champions. (16.00 D-)



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Levi Andrews. (5.00 C-)



Show Rating: D- (OOC: Finally! I knew that we were close.)


Monthly Report

Cash: -118$ (-232$)

Economy (Canada): E- (Falling)

Wrestling Industry (Canada): D (Rising)

(little additions to the monthly report that I found interesting)

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Kathryn Cool - manager (100$ + 25$ Travel Expenses)

Arnold Vegas - manager (250$)




Darren O'Connor (150$)

Filip Carlsson (150$)



SPW Killing Machine result:

attendance: 227

Hashigoro Yoshikawa df. Saita Kuroki E

Levi Andrews df. Ruben Runnels E-

Jason Punk df. Ricky Gumble to retain the SPW Arena Championship title E

Daniel Loiselle & Renegade df. Friedry Sparkles & Joe Boone D

Sir Anthony Henry df. Jonathan McMahon to retain the SPW Heavyweight title E

Show rating: E+




CCW - Battle Lines - Friday week 3, February 1921

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 32

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller

Road agent: Emily Helmsley



Kathryn Cool reveals that she has been nominated as new commissioner of CCW for an unknown period of time. She tells the crowd that no bribes, no manipulations or whatsoever will happen and that she will do her best to deliver the best show while trying to keep the fed afloat in these difficult times. (5.00 D-)



OPENING MATCH: Filip Carlsson vs Jason Punk

Jason Punk defeated Carlsson in this opening match. It was a pretty good match and I didn't expect that much from them. (14.00 E+)



Kathryn Cool came to the ring and announced that Joe Boone will be defending his title againt Akutan Zero who has requested a title shot following his title lost last month. (5.00 E)



MATCH #2: Joe Boone © vs Akutan Zero (for the CCW World title)

Boone came back from his month off and delivered an excellent performance. Zero worked hard to get his hands on the title, but Boone prevailed and proved again why he's the CCW World champion. He's simply that damn good. (11.00 D-)



Kathryn Cool came to the ring and announced that Pistol Dan and Pistol Pete will be defending their titles against a newly formed tag team tonight. (5.00 E)



MATCH #3: Pistol Dan © & Pistol Pete © vs Darren O'Connor & Nobuyoshi Itagaki (for the CCW tag team titles)

Pete defeated O'Connor by submission to make defence number 1 of their title reign. (15.00 E+)



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Kathryn Cool. (5.00 C-)



Show Rating: E+


Monthly Report

Cash: 1,121$ (+1,239$) (OOC: that show was cheap, but it got CCW out of the red for some months)

Economy (Canada): E- (Falling)

Wrestling Industry (Canada): D+ (Rising)

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SPW Fight On result:

attendance: 227

Levi Andrews df. Ricky Gumble E-

Joe Boone & Jason Punk df. Jonathan McMahon & Hashigoro Yoshikawa D-

Ruben Runnels df. Saita Kuroki E-

Friedry Sparkles df. Daniel Loiselle D-

Sir Anthony Henry df. Renegade to retain the SPW Heavyweight title D-

Show rating: D-




CCW - Spring Warfare - Friday week 3, March 1921

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 28

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller

Road agent: Emily Helmsley



OPENING MATCH: Nobuyoshi Itagaki vs Akutan Zero

Zero took control early and eventually won by pinfall. (14.00 E)



A karaoke contest between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller got the crowd moving a bit. (10.00 E-)



MATCH #2: Filip Carlsson & Saita Kuroki vs Darren O'Connor & Jason Punk

Two new teams in this match. O'Connor pinned Kuroki in this somewhat disappointing segment. O'Connor and Punk didn't work well together and that dragged the rating a bit. (7.00 E)



MATCH #3: Pistol Dan © & Pistol Pete © vs Stanley Brook & Nobuyoshi Itagaki (for the CCW tag team titles)

Brook was announced as the challenger for the tag-team titles and couldn't find a partner in time. Itagaki was the first one to join him in the ring and Brook was quite surprised. Itagaki's first match drained his energy and Pistol Pete eventually got him in a submission hold to which he tapped. (13.00 E+)



MATCH #4: Joe Boone © vs Renegade (for the CCW World title)

Renegade's flying moves got him some near falls, but he couldn't get the win. Boone won by pinfall after a pretty close match. (13.00 E+)



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Kathryn Cool. (5.00 C-)



Show Rating: E+


Monthly Report

Cash: 1,047$ (-74$)

Economy (Canada): F+ (Falling)

Wrestling Industry (Canada): D+ (Rising)

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(Friday, Week 1, April 1921)


It was about 10 a.m. I was at Jim's house concluding a big signing on the phone. The discussions were going well and the deal was almost completed, but suddenly a young girl knocked on the door and immediately entered in. She took a deep breath, turned to me and started talking:


Girl: Are you Simon?


Me: Yes? What's so urgent?


Girl: It's Emily.. She's at the hospital.


Me: What? Which Emily? Emily Helmsley our Road Agent?


Girl: Yes. She..


(* I interrupted her to know more. *)


Me: What happened?


(* She was seemingly distressed by the situation. *)


Girl: I heard she did an overdose... Her mother told me she almost died.


Me: What?! How could that happened? She's only 19 years old and she didn't drink and didn't seem to take drugs.


Girl: I don't know. She had a boyfriend some weeks ago, I think he was violent towards her and he didn't stop stalking her even if she told him to stop.


Me: Where is she now? Where are her parents?


Girl: She's at the hospital with her mother. I don't know if she told you, but her father was a soldier and died at war some years ago.


Me: Ho. Do you think I could go visit her?


Girl: Her mother told me she's currently stable and others could visit her. I'm one of her best friend. Please, forgive her, she's a good girl. She probably did it because she was really depressed. She won't be an hindrance in the locker room.


Me: I don't know right now what my decision will be. I'll wait before I see her.






(* Some hours later at the hospital. *)


I got to Emily's room and stayed in the doorway a bit embarassed seeing Emily in this condition with her mother talking to her.


Emily: Hello Simon. I'm happy you came.


Me: Hello Emily. Are you alright?


Emily's Mother: Her condition is stable. The doctor told us she'll recover, but it might take some time.


(* She started crying. *)


Emily's Mother: She's only 19 years old. I don't know what brought her to take those drugs. It's so...


(* I sat on Emily's bed close to her. *)


Me: Emily, what happened?


Emily: I.. Didn't know what to do. My ex-boyfriend, the jobs. I don't know.. I..


Emily's mother: The government didn't compensate yet for my husband, I'm working full-time and Emily helped a bit by giving me most of her pay for me and her younger brothers. She also worked part-time in a little pub in town as a waitress.


Emily: Will you keep me in CCW Simon?


Me: Hmm. I can't really give you a salary until you're fully recovered and your contract is expiring in 40 days. I think it might be better if we parted ways, it would leave you the time you need to recover without being stressed about something. Unless you would really want to stay.


Emily: You mean.. You would allow me to stay?


Me: If you don't touch drugs anymore and get in better shape.. I would be happy to have you.


(* She started crying and hugged me. *)


Emily: I'll do what I can to get better. I promise.


Me: Ok. I'll be sure to keep you updated on whatever happens.


I then got back to Jim's house and talked to him about it. It was a bad day for CCW and wrestling in general, but Jim brought me two good news telling me that he completed one big signing and I'll probably be able to complete another tomorrow.

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Emily helmsley (19 years old) CCW's Road Agent had an overdose. (unavailable for 6 months)




??? - (150$ + 150$ Travel Expenses)

??? - (150$ + 150$ Travel Expenses)




Judy Marsters (100$)



SPW Power Play result:

attendance: 248

Friedry Sparkles df. Daniel Loiselle D-

Ruben Runnels & Hashigoro Yoshikawa df. Ricky Gumble & Saita Kuroki E+

Jason Punk df. Levi Andrews to retain the SPW Arena Championship title E

Joe Boone df. Jonathan McMahon E+

Sir Anthony Henry df. Renegade to retain the SPW Heavyweight title D-

Show rating: D-

That brought them to 'Small' size.




CCW - Warning - Friday week 4, April 1921

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 28

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller

Road agent: Levi Andrews



OPENING MATCH: Sir Anthony Henry vs ???

Raymond Gorman made his debut. Yep, that Raymond Gorman that didn't want to join us last year. He has some ring rust and really didn't click with Sir Anthony Henry, so that match totally bombed. Gorman ended it with a huge clothesline. (13.00 E-)



MATCH #2: Filip Carlsson vs Friedry Sparkles vs ???

In that match it was Harvey Meier's turn to make his debut. The ex rugby player showed some skills, but eventually tapped out to Carlsson. (11.00 E)



Kathryn Cool announced that the next match will be a triple threat for the CCW World title. (3.00 E)


MATCH #3: Joe Boone © vs Nobuyoshi Itagaki vs Darren O'Connor (for the CCW World title)

Boone got most of the offence and retained again by pinning O'Connor. (11.00 E)



Kathryn Cool announced that the next match will be a rematch for the CCW tag team titles. (3.00 E)



MATCH #4: Pistol Dan © & Pistol Pete © vs Renegade & Akutan Zero (for the CCW tag team titles)

That was a quite anticipated rematch. The former tag team champions delivered yet another solid performance and won the match when Zero pinned Pistol Dan. This segment alone made the show worth it. (14.00 D-)



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Kathryn Cool. (5.00 C-)



Show Rating: D-




Monthly Report

Cash: 1,213$ (+163$)

Economy (Canada): F+ (Falling)

Wrestling Industry (Canada): C- (Rising)

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Jason Punk had good things to say about Emily Helmsley on radio. (strong friendship)




Jim Miller (50$)

Michelle Miller (50$)

Rosalia Miller (50$)

Joe Boone (100$)

Saita Kuroki (150$)

Levi Andrews (100$) -50

Emily Helmsley (150$) -100

Sarah Punk (350$) -250

Renegade (200$) -50

Friedry Sparkles (100$) -50

Pistol Dan (250$) -50

Sir Anthony Henry (100$) -50

Troy Stones (450$) -150

Andre Garner (100$) -100



SPW Consequence result:

attendance: 247

Ricky Gimble df. Ruben Runnels E-

Saita Kuroki df. Jonathan McMahon E

Hachigoro Yoshikawa df. Renegade D

Jason Punk df. Levi Andrews to retain the SPW Arena Championship title E

Friedry Sparkles df. Joe Boone E+

Sir Anthony Henry df. Pistol Dan to retain the SPW Heavyweight title D-

Show rating: E+




CCW - Mayhem - Friday week 4, May 1921

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 35

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller

Road agent: Levi Andrews





PRE-SHOW MATCH: Stanley Brooks vs Raymond Gorman

Gorman outpowered Brooks, but had diffuculty adapting to wrestling. He finally won by pinfall and isn't rusted anymore. Good. (12.00 E)



Raymond Gorman stayed in the ring and asked for a mic. He made an open challenge to anyone in the roster for a match against him if they have the guts to fight him. (3.00 E-)



Kathryn Cool came to the ring frustrated about his actions, since he just won and it makes the roster look weaker. She immediately made a match for him against Friedry Sparkles later tonight. Gorman seemed quite happy about it. (5.00 E-)






OPENING MATCH: Ricky Gumble vs Harvey Meier

Gumble defeated Meier in another disappointing match. Meier really has trouble working in the ring. (13.00 E-)



MATCH #2: Raymond Gorman vs Friedry Sparkles

Gorman won again and surprisingly Sparkles was the one that was exhausted by the end. (10.00 E)



Kathryn Cool announced that the next match will be a a three way elimination match for the CCW World title. (3.00 E+)



MATCH #3: Joe Boone © vs Darren O'Connor vs Jason Punk

Boone eliminated O'Connor first. He had more trouble against Punk, but eliminated him too to retain. (12.00 E+)



Kathryn Cool announced that the next match will be a rematch for the CCW tag team titles. (3.00 E)



MATCH #4: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Pistol Dan & Pistol Pete (for the CCW tag team titles)

Another solid performance from all of them. Renegade got the pin on Pistol Dan and stopped them from retaking the titles. (14.00 D-)



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Kathryn Cool. (5.00 C)



Show Rating: E+




Monthly Report

Cash: 791$ (-422$)

Economy (Canada): F (Falling)

Wrestling Industry (Canada): C- (Rising)

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Pistol Pete (350$) -50

Akutan Zero (100$)

Stanley Brooks (100$)

Ricky Gumble (350$) -100

Jason Punk (100$) -50



SPW Vital Signs result:

attendance: 234

Ruben Runnels df. Ricky Gumble E-

Levi Andrews df. Jonathan McMahon E-

Hachigoro Yoshikawa df. Saita Kuroki E+

Renegade df. Jason Punk for the SPW Arena Championship title D-

Friedry Sparkles df. Joe Boone E+

Pistol Dan df. Sir Anthony Henry for the SPW Heavyweight title D-

Show rating: D-




CCW - Battlefield - Friday week 3, June 1921

Live from Quebec

Attendance: 34

Announcer: Troy Stones

Colour Commentators: Michelle Miller, Rosalia Miller

Road agent: Levi Andrews



Raymond Gorman came to the ring and asked for a title match against Joe Boone, but Kathryn Cool came on the ramp and told him he doesn't deserve one. (2.00 E)



OPENING MATCH: Filip Carlsson vs Raymond Gorman

Gorman again showed his strenght by defeating Carlsson by pinfall. (13.00 E)


MATCH #2: Harvey Meier vs Jason Punk

Meier still had trouble in this match and Punk couldn't really carry him well. Punk won by pinfall. (13.00 E-)



MATCH #3: Nobuyoshi Itagaki & Ricky Gumble vs Pistol Dan & Pistol Pete

A good matchup, Pete got a submission locked on Itagaki and Gumble couldn't save him as he was outside fighting against Pistol Dan. (11.00 E+)



Kathryn Cool announced that the next match will be for the CCW tag team titles. (3.00 E)



MATCH #4: Renegade © & Akutan Zero © vs Jason Boone & Jason Punk (for the CCW tag team titles)

A surprise teaming by Punk and Boone. Boone eventually got tired in this fast-paced match and Punk showed a lack of energy. They still gave the champions a run for their money and almost won. Zero got the pin on Punk at 11.25 for the win. (13.00 D-)



A bikini contest was held between Michelle Miller and Rosalia Miller hosted by Kathryn Cool. (5.00 C-)



Show Rating: D-




Post-Show incidents:


* Joe Boone had a cracked ribs in his match, but confirmed he would work throught it. No surprise he's quickly becoming a locker room leader. (6 days injury)


* Raymond Gorman is still being himself and commented in the newspaper that he's carrying the company. Well, start by having good matches against good competitors and I'll give a &%$#. Until then...




Monthly Report

Cash: 492$ (-299$)

Economy (Canada): F (Falling)

Wrestling Industry (Canada): C (Rising)

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