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HGC: The war begins or an unmasking of a failure. (Cverse 97)

Guest cmdrsam

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BLZ Bubb VS Peter Valentine

Bryan Vessey VS Joel Bryant

Dark Eagle VS Dylan Sidle (for Dark Eagle's Cruiserweight Title)

Liberty VS Romeo Hearthrob(For Romeo's International Title)

The Blazn Flames VS Savage Fury

Dusty Streets VS Robert Oxford

Dread VS Rip Chord


Liberty vs Romeo is a tough one. :)

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Guest cmdrsam

HGC Hollyweird TV

Week 2. Febuary 1997

4,125 Attendance

Irvine Hall in the Mid-South Region




We Open with video footage featuring some of the highlights from last weeks show. Mainly on Rip Chord’s and Romeo Heartthrobs attack on Sam Strong, and Liberty running in to make the save.



1. Sam Strong comes out favoring his leg. He says he is not medically cleared to wrestle and apologies to the fans. Rip comes out and taunts Sam. He promises the next time they meet he will end Sam’s career. Sam says he has a message to Rip from MR. Stallings and Ryan Aitchison, he gets to face Dread tonight.

Rated: A




2. BLZ Bubb VS Peter Valentine


Bubb came down with his usual demonic theme as he slowly makes his way down to ringside. And as soon as he gets into the ring he precedes to pummel Valentine. Peter tries to rake Bubb’s eyes, but it makes no difference as Bubb hits his Hades Bomb to pick up the win.


BLZ Bubb defeated Peter Valentine in 6:03 by pinfall with a Hades Bomb.

Rated: C-




3. Bryan Vessey VS Joel Bryant


These two put on a technical display. For every hold Bryan would slap on Joel would have a counter for. But Joel has got a bit of a mean streak in him and got the advantage on Bryan and started to get ****y. And in the end Bryan Vessey put Joel away with a Vessey Driver.


Bryan Vessey defeated Joel Bryant in 7:49 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver.

Rated: C+




4. After the match Robert Oxford and Paul Steadyfast storm the ring. Seeing the assault, and being called out by Coach Dick Pangrazzio, Larry Vessey comes running in and fights all three of them off, saving Bryan Vessey from a serious beating.

Rated: D+




5. The Demons are featured in a video segment from Tokyo Japan hyping themselves and they decline the Flames challenge. Right now they are too busy to deal with the Flames because they are busy defending their belts all over the world right now.

Rated: C+




6. Dark Eagle VS Dylan Sidle (Cruiserweight Championship)


A serviceable match that was just a chance to get Eagle some TV time. Wish Sidle had some more name recognition because this could have been a great match. We were treated to several high risk maneuvers.


Dark EAGLE defeated Dylan Sidle in 5:36 by pinfall with an Eagle Shock.

Rated: D-




7. Liberty is backstage getting ready for his match with Romeo up next.


Liberty: Dude, you should just chill out man. That took some big Kaunas to attack Sam like that dude. Now tonight the powers to be having told me I get a crack at you and that belt. Well its time to ride the wave to victory Romeo. Hang 10 because Liberty is coming pal.

Rated: B



8. Liberty VS Romeo Hearthrob (International Championship)


Liberty came into the match fired up and wanted a high paced match up. But once again Romeo would slither out at the last minute to go outside of the ring. Liberty took a page from Strongs play book last week and gave chase. But Romeo had apparently counted on that and nailed Liberty with an axhandle as Liberty was stepping out of the ring. Liberty does mount a comeback and looked like he was about to put Romeo away when Rip Chord made his way to the walk way. Liberty sees him and directs his attention to Rip. This was enough time for Romeo to catch his breath and lock in The Cupid’s Clutch.


Romeo Heartthrob defeated Liberty in 9:41 by submission with a Cupid's Clutch after interference from Rip Chord. Romeo Heartthrob makes defense number 1 of his HGC International title.

Rated: B




9. After a commercial break we see Rip Chord in my office.


Rip: You know Ryan, I have been meaning to talk to you. I know we haven’t gotten alone since you became GM here in Hollyweird. But I have got to say you are doing a bang up job here.


Me: Thank you Rip I’m glad you approve. But the match is still on.


Rip: You know, That’s a great looking suit you have on there. I have a great tailor I know who does a really good job. I could give you his name if you’re interested.


Me: Once again Rip, Thank you, but the match is still on.


Rip: Look Ryan, wait a minute. Have you been working out? You thinking of making a comeback? I mean your looking pretty buff. I have got to say I think your in excellent condition here. You look great.


Me: Thank you, but the match is still on.


Rip: Look your piece of trash. You always wanted to be like me but couldn’t. Now you have just a slither of power you think your gonna ruin my quest to beat Sam for the title. I will beat Dread tonight. Or for that matter anybody else you march in front of me. But I will get Sam. And take his title too.




With that Rip reaches back to punch me but stops himself and storms out of the office.

Rated: B-




10. The Blazn Flames VS Savage Fury


Savage Fury tried with all of their might but is no where close to be able to beat the Flames. Once again the Flames show us why they are a multi time worlds champions as they pull off the win.


The Blazn Flames defeated Savage Fury in 5:42 when Joey Flame defeated Tribal Warrior by pinfall with a Blaze of Glory.

Rated: D-




11. After the match is over The Demons of Rage who we all thought were not even in the building attack The Blazn Flames in the ring, and leave them down and out.

Rated: D+




12. Dusty Streets VS Robert Oxford.


Dang it. These two just don’t have any chemistry. And it really showed as there were noticeable lag points during the match. Robert Oxford’s valet Janie "Pettle" Denby interjected herself in a timely fashion allowing Robert to roll up Dusty with a handfull of tights to secure the win.


Robert Oxford defeated Dusty Streets in 8:16 by pinfall after Pettle interfered.

Rated: D+




13. The Vesseys are in JK Stalling’s office and complain and request a match against The Untouchables. Stallings tells them he will take it under advisement but they will get a shot next week at the tag belts against The Demons of Rage.

Rated: D+




14. Our new backstage ring announcer Emma Chase is back stage interviewing Dread for his match against Rip Chord. Tonight Dread promises to tear off each of Rip’s limbs and beat him with them.

Rated: B




15. Dread VS Rip Chord


Rip Chord’s timing was off as he appears to have his mind elsewhere. Dread was all business tearing into Rip with move after move. Chord climbs out of the ring and attempts to grab a breather but Dread goes out after him and issues more damage to Rip outside of the ring. Eventually both get inside the ring. Dread throws Rip out of the ring over the top rope but Rip manages to hold on to the rope. Dread thinks he has fallen to the floor and gloats to the fans. He turns back looking for Rip where Rip is waiting for him. Rip grabs Dread’s head and snaps his throat onto the top rope. Dread is gasping for air as Rip climbs back in and rolls him up.


Rip Chord defeated Dread in 15:05 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.

Rated: B-




16. Rip Chord sees a chance to eliminate another top contender goes and gets a chair. He starts to hit Dread’s knee much like he was doing to Sam Strong last week. Liberty comes running down with a chair of his own and sends it crashing onto Rip’s back causing him to drop his chair and retreat out of the ring. The show comes to a close as we see Rip looking at Liberty with a snarl. Dread gets up and stares at Liberty also, as Liberty is still clutching his chair looks back and forth at Rip and Dread.

Rated: A



Overall show rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.94 on NCTV

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Guest cmdrsam
BLZ Bubb VS Peter Valentine


Bryan Vessey VS Joel Bryant


Dark Eagle VS Dylan Sidle (for Dark Eagle's Cruiseweight Title)


Liberty VS Romeo Hearthrob (For Romeo's International Title)

DQ or countout


The Blazn Flames VS Savage Fury


Dusty Streets VS Robert Oxford


Dread VS Rip Chord ~ Draw


5-2 Good Job Foolinc. One was a toss up I understand. The other one I hope you will see that I do hae plan for him. Thanks for participating.



BLZ Bubb VS Peter Valentine

Bryan Vessey VS Joel Bryant

Dark Eagle VS Dylan Sidle (for Dark Eagle's Cruiseweight Title)

Liberty VS Romeo Hearthrob (For Romeo's International Title)

The Blazn Flames VS Savage Fury

Dusty Streets VS Robert Oxford

Dread VS Rip Chord


5-2 Good job Lexa. Thanks for reading and participating.


BLZ Bubb VS Peter Valentine

Bryan Vessey VS Joel Bryant

Dark Eagle VS Dylan Sidle (for Dark Eagle's Cruiseweight Title)

Liberty VS Romeo Hearthrob (For Romeo's International Title)

The Blazn Flames VS Savage Fury

Dusty Streets VS Robert Oxford

Dread VS Rip Chord


6-1 You get a gold star as you are this shows winner. You get to laugh at me for not getting into Foolinc's NYC building. lol. Read his diary and you will get the joke I hope.


BLZ Bubb VS Peter Valentine

Bryan Vessey VS Joel Bryant

Dark Eagle VS Dylan Sidle (for Dark Eagle's Cruiserweight Title)

Liberty VS Romeo Hearthrob(For Romeo's International Title)

The Blazn Flames VS Savage Fury

Dusty Streets VS Robert Oxford

Dread VS Rip Chord


Liberty vs Romeo is a tough one. :)



5-2 Good job Blackman. Thank you for reading and participating.



I really felt this show was better than the last one. Unfortantly the grade wasnt there. For some reason I have trouble in the Mid-South. Guess they dont like us yankees much. But the next to shows are better grades atleast. Hope everyone enjoyed it and continue to read.

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Really? Because you commented on part of the prediction "prize" being able to laugh at cmdrsam only having $10s (which is a dollar short of NYCW's $11 tickets).


Well actually I just missed this part:


6-1 You get a gold star as you are this shows winner. You get to laugh at me for not getting into Finns NYC building. lol. Read his diary and you will get the joke I hope.
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Guest cmdrsam

It was a few days after the show when I realized how much things have changed since I last did this. What use to take a month at worst case to put together an event. You now had to plan four or five months ahead of time and had only days to make a decision, You had to go over venue contracts, logistics, space available, contracts, sponsors you want to bring in, Etc.



3 A.M. was enough for me. As I left my office, I noticed that Stalling’s Office was still lit up. There he was still playing another rough draft of Dwarfhammer. He put the game on pause as I walked by. Ryan, you got a second dude?



He asked me if everything was all right. I thought he was referring to the show. I told him I thought this weeks show was better than last weeks. He agreed but added it lacked heart. Maybe there was something on my mind. I was about to deny it when he said. I heard about Sam.



I didn’t think it was a big deal, and it never affected my duties.


Stallings: Look dude. You may or may not think I’m hands on. But trust me when I say, I know what goes on here everyday. This is my way of seeing who my leaders are. You dude, are my field general. You have done more in such a short time to help get this promotion off the ground. And I dare say more than Sam himself. For that I am grateful. For the record. You do have the authority to terminate any contract, but I get a final review.




Hollyweird Grappling Company

Presents Hollyweird TV preview



Peter Valentine VS Sam Strong (HGC World Title is on the line)

Mr. Lucha Vs Romeo Heartthrob (HGC International Title is on the line)

Cowboy Ricky Dale VS Giant Redwood VS Tom Gilmore (Winner goes on to face the winner of Romeo/Mr. Lucha at War to Settle the Score)

The Demons of Rage Vs The Vessey's (HGC World Tag team belts are on the line)

BLZ Bubb VS Monty Walker

Dark Eagle VS Robert Oxford

Rip Chord VS Dread/Liberty (Tables Match)

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Peter Valentine VS Sam Strong (HGC World Title is on the line)



Mr. Lucha Vs Romeo Heartthrob (HGC International Title is on the line)

Heartthrob went over Liberty (the same guy that is HGC's World champion in my NYCW diary), so he's not losing here.


Cowboy Ricky Dale VS Giant Redwood VS Tom Gilmore (Winner goes on to face the winner of Romeo/Mr. Lucha at War to Settle the Score)

Gilmore isn't ready yet


The Demons of Rage Vs The Vessey's (HGC World Tag team belts are on the line)


BLZ Bubb VS Monty Walker

Hurts to vote against the Walk


Dark Eagle VS Robert Oxford


Rip Chord VS Dread/Liberty (Tables Match)

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Peter Valentine VS Sam Strong (HGC World Title is on the line)

Mr. Lucha Vs Romeo Heartthrob (HGC International Title is on the line)

Cowboy Ricky Dale VS Giant Redwood VS Tom Gilmore (Winner goes on to face the winner of Romeo/Mr. Lucha at War to Settle the Score)

The Demons of Rage Vs The Vessey's (HGC World Tag team belts are on the line)

BLZ Bubb VS Monty Walker

Dark Eagle VS Robert Oxford

Rip Chord VS Dread/Liberty (Tables Match)

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Peter Valentine VS Sam Strong (HGC World Title is on the line)

Mr. Lucha Vs Romeo Heartthrob (HGC International Title is on the line)

Cowboy Ricky Dale VS Giant Redwood VS Tom Gilmore (Winner goes on to face the winner of Romeo/Mr. Lucha at War to Settle the Score)

The Demons of Rage Vs The Vessey's(HGC World Tag team belts are on the line)

BLZ Bubb VS Monty Walker

Dark Eagle VS Robert Oxford

Rip Chord VS Dread/Liberty (Tables)



Changed one result from the former to avoid picking the same, but my prediction is basically the same as his. :D

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Guest cmdrsam

HGC Hollyweird TV

Week 3. Febuary 1997

4,594 Attendance

Huntsville Fairgrounds in the Southeast Region




Before the start of the show we see Rip Chord arriving thru the parking lot. Emma Chase tries to get a quick word from Rip regarding his match with Liberty and Dread in a tables match. He stops and is about to say something, then shakes his head and walks off. We then cut to our usual opening video segment followed by Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes welcoming us to the show. They buy some time as I make my way down to ringside.



1. I welcome everybody to another exciting show that only hollyweird can provide. I announce that Sam Strong will defend his title in this very ring tonight which gets a loud pop from the fans. Also tonight the main event will see Rip Chord in a handicap match against Liberty and Dread, but this has a twist. The only way too win is to put someone thru a table.

Rated: B




2. Peter Valentine VS Sam Strong ( C ) (HGC World Title on the line)


Sam Strong made his way down to ringside to a loud ovation from the arena. Peter went to attack mode as soon as Sam got into the ring. Targeting Sam’s leg. But Sam does one of his patent comebacks and gets the pin with a Strong Arm Tactic.


Sam Strong pins Peter Valentine at 7.43 with a Strong Arm Tactic.

Rated: C-




3. Mr. Lucha VS Romeo Heartthrob ( C ) (HGC International Title on the line)


Romeo made his way down to ringside after Mr. Lucha is already in the ring. Romeo gyrates his hips a few time before the start of the match outside of the ring and Lucha does a suicide dive onto the unsuspecting Romeo. Romeo was almost pined a few times during the match but his ring awareness kept his title defense alive. The end saw Lucha come off the top rope and Romeo catches him in mid air and pancakes his man to the mat, then he locks on the Cupid’s Clutch to secure the win.


Romeo Heartthrob wins via submission against Mr. Lucha at 8:15.

Rated: D+




4.Sam Strong: You know what Brutha, people from around the world have been asking me, Sam how are you gonna respond to Rip’s attack on you? I’ll tell you, and there will be a day of reckoning Chord. A dark day in your life. A day where I still stand above you Chord and ask you, Whatcha gonna do Rip? Whatcha gonna do when all of my Strongamaniacs run wild over you. And one more thing while I’m here. Liberty, we have a date with destiny brutha. But in the end you have to ask yourself the same question. And right before I win, you look deep into your soul. And in the end you will find that its not about winning or losing. Its are you a good winner, or a good loser? I hope you’re a good loser because I am keeping this World Title around my waist.

Rated: A




5. Cowboy Ricky Dale VS Giant Redwood VS Tom Gilmore (Winner gets shot at International title a War to Settle the Score.)


Ok, I admit it. I kind of put this one together in a hurry. Redwood who I have been trying to get over some in dark matches to try and get some respectability out of him. And you have got Tom Gilmore who I have hopes for later. Giant is too much of a lump and Gilmore who has great stats but not known here in the States.


Winner: Cowboy Ricky Dale

Rated: E+




5. After the match Ricky asks for a microphone.

Ricky Dale: Romeo, I am coming after you boy. I may not be the fastest, the strongest, the prettiest. But let me tell you something boy. I have heart. I have the heart of a champion. And at War to Settle the Score, I am gonna prove it to you son. You are looking at the next HGC International Champion. And there aint a thing you can do to stop it boy.

Rated: C




6. The Demons of Rage ( C ) VS The Vesseys (HGC World Tag Team belts on the line)


The Vessey’s and The Demons went at each other hard. Plenty of slugging to go around. They pummeled each other inside the ring and out. The Vessey’s gained the advantage about the midway point in the match. An started to work over Demon Anger. But Demon Rage made a couple of quick saves for his partner. The end saw all for men battling each other when Demon Rage took out some brass knucks and hit Larry to pick up the win.


The Demon of Rage beat The Vessey Brothers when Rage pinned Larry Vessey with a foreign object at 9:12.

Rated: C




7. After the match The Demons make their way up the walk way. About half way up Emma comes down to meet them for a quick impromptu interview. The fans start to buzz which The Demons pick up on and play into it thinking they are the reason for the buzz. But it is because of the Flames who are making their way thru the fans. They leap over the guard rail and attack the Demons leaving them down and out. After the beat down The Flames tells us that they will be the next World Tag Team Champions.

Rated: D+




8. BLZ Bubb VS Monty Walker


Monty never did back down from Bubb. Perhaps he should have because no way can he trade blow for blow with Bubb. The end came when Bubb landed a huge Hades Bomb on Walker.


BLZ Bubb pins Monty Walker at 7:12 with a Hades Bomb.

Rated: C+




9. Rip Chord: I am just sick of this. This is just another feeble attempt by the powers to be to deny me a shot at Sam Strong. You think you can just stack these two meatheads in front of me your gonna deny me a shot at victory. Tables will be broken, alone with your hopes and dreams Ryan and Stallings. I will beat these two clowns tonight. And anybody else you want to march in front of me. And when I am done beating everybody else on the roster, you will have no choice but to give me my shot at the worlds title.

Rated: B+




10. Dark Eagle Vs Robert Oxford


Dark Eagle is the reigning cruiserweight champ. But his is not for his title. Robert kept his opponent on the ground for most of the match. The tide swung in favor Eagle when Robert missed a elbow drop. Dark unleashed a fury of kicks and lightning strikes onto Oxford. The end saw Eagle go for a crossbody block which Robert used his momentum to carry thru and grab a hod of the tights to secure the win.


Robert Oxford pins Dark Eagle with a hand full of tights at 7:42.

Rated: D+D+




11. Dread storms into Liberty locker room and asks Liberty what is his angle for helping him last week. Liberty tells him it wasn’t about Dread. He just wanted to help his friend Sam Strong for Rip’s attack on Sam. Dread tells Liberty to stay out of his way tonight because he want to beat Rip to a pulp.

Rated: B




12. Dread and Liberty VS Rip Chord (Tables match)


Rip went into hyper offensive mood and made every attempt to end the match early but the numbers were against him. The team of Dread and Liberty took turns to see who could inflict the most damage to Rip. Liberty blind tagged in on Dread as he whipped Rip into the ropes for a clothesline. Dread was about to put Rip thru the table when Liberty stopped him. They argued with one another on who was gonna get the win when Rip poked Dread in the eyes. A stunned crowd and Liberty stood for a second as Rip drove Liberty’s head thru the table.


Rip Chord wins when he put Liberty thru the table at 15:11.

Rated: B-




13. The stunned crowd could not believe the sudden turn of events as Rip made slid out of the ring. Liberty was dazed as Dread eyed Rip then Liberty. Boy was he hot. As Rip points to his head in a motion of yes, I did outsmart you, look. Look here comes Sam. Sam turns Rip and around a flattens him on the walk way as Liberty and Dread trade punches. The show comes to an end as all four men are trading blows with one another.

Rated: A+




Overall: B-

TV Rating: 1.98

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Guest cmdrsam
Peter Valentine VS Sam Strong (HGC World Title is on the line)



Mr. Lucha Vs Romeo Heartthrob (HGC International Title is on the line)

Heartthrob went over Liberty (the same guy that is HGC's World champion in my NYCW diary), so he's not losing here.


Cowboy Ricky Dale VS Giant Redwood VS Tom Gilmore (Winner goes on to face the winner of Romeo/Mr. Lucha at War to Settle the Score)

Gilmore isn't ready yet


The Demons of Rage Vs The Vessey's (HGC World Tag team belts are on the line)


BLZ Bubb VS Monty Walker

Hurts to vote against the Walk


Dark Eagle VS Robert Oxford


Rip Chord VS Dread/Liberty (Tables Match)


5-2. You have been consistant sir.


Peter Valentine VS Sam Strong (HGC World Title is on the line)

Mr. Lucha Vs Romeo Heartthrob (HGC International Title is on the line)

Cowboy Ricky Dale VS Giant Redwood VS Tom Gilmore (Winner goes on to face the winner of Romeo/Mr. Lucha at War to Settle the Score)

The Demons of Rage Vs The Vessey's (HGC World Tag team belts are on the line)

BLZ Bubb VS Monty Walker

Dark Eagle VS Robert Oxford

Rip Chord VS Dread/Liberty (Tables Match)


5-2. way to go Brock. But unfortantly we have a new champ this week.



Peter Valentine VS Sam Strong (HGC World Title is on the line)

Mr. Lucha Vs Romeo Heartthrob (HGC International Title is on the line)

Cowboy Ricky Dale VS Giant Redwood VS Tom Gilmore (Winner goes on to face the winner of Romeo/Mr. Lucha at War to Settle the Score)

The Demons of Rage Vs The Vessey's(HGC World Tag team belts are on the line)

BLZ Bubb VS Monty Walker

Dark Eagle VS Robert Oxford

Rip Chord VS Dread/Liberty (Tables)



Changed one result from the former to avoid picking the same, but my prediction is basically the same as his. :D


6-1. This card Champion. Congrats.





Ok this next card and War to Settle the Score is gonna be important. The over all winner for those two card will get to name March's PPV. Plus get a mention somewhere either on the PPV or somethign. Thanks you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it.

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Guest cmdrsam

Hollyweird Grappling Company

Presents Hollyweird TV preview



The last show before War to Settle the Score. All predictions for this and for War to Settle the Score gets to name March's PPV.


Dread Vs Peter Valentine

Monty Walker VS Romeo Hearthrob

The Nation Of Filth VS The Vessey Brothers

Joey Flame VS Demon Spite

Black Eagle Vs Dark Eagle (HGC Cruiserweight Title up for grabs)

BLZ Bubb and Rip Chord VS Liberty and Sam Strong

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