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Pro Wrestling SAISHO - The sauna soap opera

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Meetin’ with ”the” boss


”So.. Are you Elias? The consistent, show stoppin’ head booker prospect?”


“Yes, sir.”


“Where are you from?”


“Finland. But I earned my money mostly in USA, though I have tons of respect back in my homeland, though I say it myself ;)


Merle O’Curle was with me, as I couldn’t really understand everything in Japanese. All the basic stuff, and a bit advanced but nothing else. Nishimuraya liked me after the first few hours, and I liked him. Who wouldn’t like a guy who likes sauna? Yeah, I thought so. It’s the only thing we can be proud in my homeland. Well, not exactly but mostly. Well, enough of the bull****. Because Nishimuraya couldn’t find a better booker at the time, he signed me for a “1-show deal”. You know, if I would put on a good show, he would keep me, otherwise, he would kick me out of his promotion. Obviously the first show seemed to be their best in sometime, and it wasn’t even the best I could do! He signed me again, now to a “2-show deal”. You know, if I wouldn’t be consistent, I would be kicked. “When Shooter meets Ironman” was a huge success, and I was immediately signed to a contract length of two years! Yes, you heard me. And I was given huge pile of money. And my own sauna. And my “home” was near Matsumoto Hall, SAISHO’s most visited place. I felt proud of myself. I am only 24, and I have a life ahead of me!

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A little.. ”tour”


Nishimuraya wanted to know me better, and me to know him better. So he took me to his home, for a “tour”. He had a beautiful home, with an amazingly detailed backyard, with all that Japanese “Buddha” stuff. All that gravel, some big rocks and silence with a view to the sky. He had some nice items and bonsai trees. I was a bit shocked when I saw a HUGE iron claw when I entered Nishimuraya’s home. I asked where he got it, and he told me “I got it from my old job, when I retired.” he continued shortly after: ”where I worked. It wasn’t just a wrestling promotion. Like isn’t SAISHO. It’s a community. A small community. You are going to become part of the community now: you need to know the wrestlers, make friendships, but you shouldn’t get too close. Then they are going to begun taking advantage of you.” I kinda like my new boss. He is nice, but also smart.. But who wouldn’t be smart if they sign me ;)

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Takin’ a break in a relaxing 110 celsiuses


We took a sauna with Nishimuraya, or Sadakuno, as he preferred me to call him. We were mostly talking about the wrestlers of SAISHO.


”So.. Who is Eien Miyamoto?”


“Eien Miyamoto is our champion. He is the young, fresh and technical champion.”


I really had no idea who the guys were.. So I suggested that we would watch some matches from SAISHO’s recent events. Sadakuno thought it was a great idea, and said it would happen when we get out of the sauna – or “sweathut” as Nishimuraya called it. I kinda like that name. Sadakuno threw some water to the “stove” for a stiff pair of pressure. Suddenly, he slapped me with a knife edge chop and shouted “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~!!!!!!!” after that. I asked why would he want to do that? ”Kid. You need to be ready. Always.” and then he left me alone to the sauna, and took a shower.

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The Recap..


I really got to know Sadakuno better. He is wise, nice and polite. Everybody liked him backstage, and nobody wanted to have trouble with the “Iron Claw” as he was called back when he wrestled. He is very old school, so he didn’t trust me until some hmm.. about 6 months? That’s a long time, but finally he gave me the rights to do whatever I wanted in shows and in roster, signing and firing business.


I gained a huge reputation as a consistent booker in just one and a half year time. Only MYSTIC Dragon has had some simmering tension with me, because he failed a SAISHO rarity: a drug test. I didn’t like him anyways, so I kicked him out of Sadakuno’s promotion. My consistency of my booking was also because of Nishimuraya’s great tips and hints.

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The name of the diary :D Oh man..


I don't know how good you are in english Snoopy but one tip if you may: If in doubt, google the word or the whole sentence if you are unsure of how something is written properly. That's how I do my events. ^^ I'll be following just because you have been a constant reader of my diaries which I'm really happy about :)

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This one has the potential to be fantastic, as I don't remember the last time somebody did a SAISHO dynasty (I seem to remember somebody doing one a while back, but I could be confusing it with D-lyrium's RIPW dynasty. Should be interesting, and I'll be reading. I've got plenty of puro diaries to try and stay up to date on. :D
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Really interesting roster, props for that! I'm intriqued to see what happens with SAISHO with a roster that is so varied and different. And even more huger props for that you don't sign all the best talent that's out there.. To prove that there's WEXXV's Chaos Demon and Zeshin Makioka :D
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SAISHO: Agility and Ability Tour




http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/GiantBrody.jpg VS. http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/ArthurDexterBradley_alt3.jpg


Giant Brody made his debut against the undefeated ADB, and just dominated his way through. In 5:32, after ADB had got about two strikes, Giant Brody nailed his finishing manouver: Single Handed Choke Slam.



http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/NigelSvensson.jpg VS. http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/ShibaMizoguchi.jpg


Nigel Svensson beat Shiba Mizoguchi in our second pre-show match of the night. The clock stopped at 5:43 when Mizoguchi couldn’t hold on with Svensson’s Hyper Extension Arm Lock.




http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/TorchNakazawa.jpg VS. http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/TotoyaMunakata_alt2.jpg


Torch Nakazawa made his entrance first, getting a small amount of cheers from the crowd, and carrying the SAISHO Destiny Tag Team –title with him to the ring. He warmed up in the ring for some time, waiting for The GREAT MYSTIC to make his entrance, and in-ring debut. MYSTIC didn’t wait too long though, walking the entrance ramp, staying focused and keeping his eyes in Torch. He slid to the ring and immediately attacked Nakazawa.


“The Man Of Mystery” kept Doppo in the ground for a small amount of time, before Torch kicked MYSTIC’s brains out with a devastating enzuigiri. Nakazawa tried to get his finishing move, “Tsunami Legdrop” completed early, as he was obviously intimidated, but missed it, as MYSTIC jumped from the ground to his feet. GREAT MYSTIC continued keeping his opponent on the mat with painful holds like the cross kneelock and a cloverleaf. Torch was about to tap out, but he was able to hang on for a little longer, escaping the holds to take a rope break. “Man of Mystery” threw Nakazawa to the corner and Doppo knocked the referee in his way there. This gave MYSTIC chance to spit his purple mist in the eyes of Nakazawa. He woke up the referee and pinned Torch Nakazawa in 3:32.


The GREAT MYSTIC defeated Torch Nakazawa in 3:32 with Purple Mist.







Tsutomu Watnabe is in his office, organizing some of his papers. Suddenly someone knocks, and Watnabe asks him to get in.




“Oh it’s you Eien. Look. I need to tell you something”


“So what is it?” Eien asked, looking curious.


“I have just made a stipulation to your match..”


“WHAT? A stipulation.. I just offered an open challenge. An open challenge, nothing else.”


“I know. “Shooter” Sean Deeley came to my office earlier this night to accept your open challenge..”


“AND? What’s the stipulation?”


“If Sean wins, you don’t get your title shot at KAZ’s title..”


“THAT’S RIDICULOUS! I deserve a re-match! I held the title for two years. TWO years Tsutomu.”


“I know. I am sorry.”

Eien stormed out of the office, looking very unhappy..




http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg VS. http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/EienMiyamoto_alt3.jpg


“Shooter” Sean Deeley makes his entrance first, taunting a bit in the ring, before starting to wait for Eien’s entrance. Eien Miyamoto made his entrance, throwing his “Hawaii” shirt to the crowd and ripping his white t-shirt to two pieces. Watnabe rang the bell, and Eien Miyamoto brutally assaulted Deeley.


Miyamoto threw large rights to the forehead of Sean, being very frustrated, and continued to so long, that Watnabe had to separate these two, and gave Miyamoto his first warning. After Tsutomu checked that the “Shooter” was OK, Eien continued his assault, now putting pressure to Deeley’s neck, so he can lock his finishing hold, the feared STF. After taking a few minutes a brutal punishment, Sean stood up and blasted Eien with an overwhelming lariat to drop Miyamoto to the canvas like a dead tree.


“Shooter” lifted his opponent up again, just to throw him to the corner and strike Eien with a powerful running fist to the face, which received a huge cheers from the crowd! Deeley tried to pin the longest reigning “SAISHO Destiny” champion, but Miyamoto barely kicked out to save his chances to get a title shot at KAZ’s title. Deeley thought differently, as he lifted the crawling Eien back to his feet, just to almost knock him out with a thunderous german suplex trying to finish Miyamoto, only to have a two count.


If he thought he had survived, he was wrong: “Shooter” locked his different finisher, the uncomfortable “Seated Stretch Armbar”. Eien Miyamoto almost singed from pain, as he was being hurt so much by Deeley. Sean didn’t care and just continued to stretch Eien’s arm. Miyamoto tried to crawl to the ropes, but just couldn’t move, when Deeley kept him in the hold. Sean really tried to make his opponent to submit, but Eien really just hangs on, so “Shooter” needs to do something differently. He locks the Front Choke Lock and makes the longest Destiny title reign holder tap out in just three seconds! Sean Deeley rolls out of the ring to celebrate, as Eien Miyamoto coughs and holds on to his arms. He is obviously really pissed off, as he just lost his title shot! He beats the canvas being so pissed off.

Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Eien Miyamoto in 14:38 by submission with a Front Choke Lock.



http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/TakayukiAvatar.jpg VS. http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/GregGauge_alt2.jpg


Takayuki Tochigi comes first to the entrance ramp, receiving pretty big pops from the crowd. He walks down the ramp with his dark green robe in his shoulders, putting high fives with the fans, but looking concentrated, having lost the earlier two matches where Gauge was involved. First it was Greg Gauge vs. Takayuki Tochigi in the best match in SAISHO’s history, where Gauge got the pinfall in sweating 35-40 minutes. Second time it was made a triple threat, and Gauge stole the victory from Tochigi, by pinning Merle O’Curle. This time, it’s again one on one and both men are expected to put their best.


Greg Gauge has already made his entrance and removes his tie, but keeping his light blue shirt. Tochigi removes his robe and both men are ready to fight! The bell rings and Tochigi starts rapidly punching Gauge to his forehead, almost busting him open in the first minute! Watnabe gives Takayuki his first warning as he splits both of the wrestlers up, and asking Gauge if he is OK. Gauge answers positively and the match continues.


Takayuki Tochigi rushes into Greg and knocks him down with a stiff knee kick to the forehead, busting Gauge open! The crowd is surprised as “The Ironman” continues to stomp his enemy down to the ground and running from the ropes to get some speed. “The Perfect” jumps up from the mat and floors his opponent with a spinning corkscrew crossbody, only receiving a two count. Gauge continues raising his momentum by locking aggressively a cloverleaf lock, which has made even Eien Miyamoto to submit. Tochigi tries to crawl for the ropes, but every time Greg pulls him back to the middle of the ring and putting a lot of pressure. Finally, centimeter by centimeter, Takayuki reaches for the ropes, giving him a break he deserves, and needs.


Gauge wipes the blood from his forehead and goes for the attack – again, aggressively – but Tochigi is faster and rolls out of the ring to take some oxygen. This might not be the smartest thing to do, as Greg runs from the ropes, jumps over the ropes and bounces from (the apron side) second rope with just perfect moonsault! This knocks Takayuki out cold, as his head just hit the announcers table! Watnabe calls the paramedics, but “Ironman” tells them to go away: he wants to continue the match, like a true fighter. Gauge is looking extremely surprised and knows that Tochigi is going to try to get a win over him, putting an “all or nothing -mode” ON.



Gauge rolls back to the ring, also to take some oxygen. Tochigi slides in, holding the back of his head, which stills hurts. Both wrestlers are ready, and Gauge tries to get a hold, but gets stopped by Takayuki who strikes him to the stomach, knocking the air out of him. Tochigi runs from the ropes and increases his momentum by doing a one-handed bulldog and locking an arm bar straight after. Gauge puts his leg to the rope, and lifts himself back to his feet with the help of the ropes.


Both wrestlers are on their feet as Takayuki slams his opponent to the canvas with a short clothesline, runs to the ropes, but gets surprised by Gauge WHO LOCKS THE PROTON LOCK! PROTON LOCK is locked in~! Tochigi tries to crawl to the ropes, screaming in pain and trying to lighten the pain by releasing Gauge’s arms from the hold. He has no chance, he has to tap out, letting down the fans and himself, as he was sure he could beat Gauge.. Greg jumps from the mat and starts celebrating, as Tochigi looks extremely frustrated, losing again.



Greg Gauge defeated Takayuki Tochigi in 17:31 by submission with a Proton Lock



http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/MerleOCurle.jpg VS. http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/Kaz.jpg FOR THE SAISHO DESTINY TITLE.


First to make his entrance was Merle O’Curle, who got HUGE cheers from the crowd. There were even some little pyros exploding, as O’Curle walked towards the ring. “The Irish Stretching Machine” puts high fives with the fans, and gave a few signatures too for the little boys to have something show to their fathers. O’Curle started warming in the ring, knowing he needs to put everything on the line if he wants to win the SAISHO Destiny –title.


After a short waiting, KAZ’s cool music starts to sound from the speakers, and the champion walked to the entrance ramp with his “Destiny” title on his shoulder. Merle O’Curle applauded in the ring, as KAZ walked towards the ring also high fiving the fans and slides to the ring. KAZ hands his title and Watnabe shows that it is on the line. Both workers shake hands and the bell rings.


Both wrestlers lock horns, but the more powerful and larger athlete Merle O’Curle wins it easily and locks on a side headlock, KAZ moves backwards and throws O’Curle on to run to the other side of ropes. KAZ ducks “Irish Stretching Machine’s” attempt to clothesline his head off, and runs to the opposite ropes. O’Curle gets into a position to throw his opponent with a backbody drop, but KAZ jumps over him and blasts him with a nice looking sunset flip. “Sensational Super Junior” goes for a quick pin, and only gets one and a half, as O’Curle retaliates fast. The Champion lets Merle to get up without any distraction.


They both again lock horns, but before they can do that, KAZ ducks and locks quickly a hammer lock, to create pressure on O’Curle’s body. “Machine” blasts two elbows to KAZ’s young face, and runs from the ropes, lifts the champion up into the air and smashes him back to the canvas with a really stiff powerbomb. The crowd claps and O’Curle goes for a pinfall, but only gets two count, as KAZ quickly kicks out and rolls back to his feet.


KAZ answers with intense and lightning fast kicks to O’Curle’s head and lifts him up for a fisherman’s suplex, snaps Merle to the mat and runs from the ropes and does a text-book rolling thunder. 1..2..2½! “Irish Stretching Machine” barely lifts his shoulder off the mat as KAZ looks disappointed, that O’Curle has a second chance to win his title. “Sensational Super Junior” takes a break, breathing well and resting in the corner, as the referee is counting in 7, and “Machine” is still in the ground. KAZ lifts Merle back up again and throws him back to the mat with an arm drag. He lifts his opponent again to his feet, and throws him down to the canvas with another arm drag. KAZ tries a new tactic, keeping O’Curle in the mat, not letting him get a single move. He works well with the tactic, only to get knocked to the mat with a single reverse by Merle. “Irish Stretching Machine” locks a tough looking crossface, having KAZ’s arm locked between his legs. The champion tries to escape, but his attempt fails, as O’Curle just moves back to the center of the ring. KAZ finally kicks in some of his fighting spirit and releases himself from the crossface –lock by reaching the ropes.


O’Curle lifts KAZ to his feet and tries to toss his opponent to the canvas with a Northern Lights Suplex, but KAZ reverses by flipping to his feet and dropping “Machine” to the mat with a beautiful neckbreaker. The champion takes some oxygen and runs to the ropes to make a picture perfect moonsault! KAZ goes for a pinfall, but only two count as Merle hangs on for a little longer. “Sensational Super Junior” lifts up his opponent, who surprisingly fights back and attempts to set up KAZ to the corner. KAZ reverses by almost kicking his opponents head off and lifts O’Curle sitting to the corner. He runs from the ropes, jumps and does his finishing maneuver, The Super Rana. He runs for the pinfall, 1..2..3 and retains his SAISHO Destiny title! The crowd give huge cheers to both performers and KAZ even lifts O’Curle from the ground for a sign of respect.

KAZ defeated Merle O'Curle in 15:07 by pinfall with a Super Rana. KAZ makes defence number 5 of his SAISHO Destiny title






((OOC: I seems a bit weird to write in English, so it takes a few shows to get to the rythm.. I wrote the last part of Gauge vs. Tochigi just a moment ago, as I was bored and as I look at it, it looks pretty short. I might try a few styles too, so you need to wait a few shows before I can get my A-Game on ;)))

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http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/GemmeiOonishi.jpg & http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc347/flamesnoopy/MasakazuKaima_alt3.jpg Both Gemmei Oonishi and Masakazu Kaima have been signed to long term contracts (9 months.) Kaima will be starting as an active midcard competitor and Oonishi will probably be a full time manager. + A couple of stars have been loaned to other promotions and we have received a few too.



SAISHO Agility and Ability Tour Night 2



“Welcome to SAISHO Agility and Ability Tour, and this is Hirokichi Hatakeda, night 2.”


“Our first match of the night is a battle between Nigel Svensson and Arthur Dexter Bradley. The General Manager of SAISHO put a challenge to both Bradley and Svensson, as ADB lost his first match in SAISHO last week. Svensson took a win with his “hyper extension arm lock”.


“Both men have now entered the ring, and start by shaking hands.”


“Bradley tries to start off fastly, but gets stopped by Svensson’s excellent technical skills. Nigel knocks him down to the mat and locks a deadly arm bar.”


“ADB holds on for a while, and finally reaches to ropes to release the painly hold.”


“He now starts to build up his momentum with a good looking crossbody and a hurricanrana, but out of nowhere Svensson locks the hyper extension arm lock! Bradley taps out the mat as fast as he can, stopping the time at 7:19, giving Svensson his second SAISHO victory.”




“Following men are both from UK, Adam Matravers and Eric Future, being loan from Ring Of Fire.”


“Adam starts really quickly by dropping his opponent to the canvas with a beautiful dropkick, following a running senton, pin: 1..2. kick out!”


“Matravers lifts Future back to his feet, just to put him out cold with a fisherman’s buster! The crowd is shocked!”


“Here it comes: the mile high moonsault!! Pin, 1..2..3, Adam captures the win!”




“The unexpected pairing of Jonni Lowlife & Zeshin Makioka are going to face the reigning tag team champions.”


“Nakazawa & Yoshikawa are escorted to the ring by Gemmei Oonishi.”


“Yoshikawa and Lowlife start in the ring, and Lowlife is trying to get a handshake. Yoshikawa disagrees and throws Lowlife with an arm drag.”


“Quick tags by both teams, executing nice tag team moves.”


“What an open match by these two teams, as they both change the “leading team” –title back and forth. Chops, slaps and kicks, everybody’s taking constantly damage!”


“Finally the tag team champions take the win, when Torch is able to pin Lowlife after the finishing move of Nakazawa, the Tsunami Legdrop. Champions retain their titles.”




“Gemmei Oonishi comes to the ring, holding Stone’s hands up in the air!”


“It looks like Yoshikawa just betrayed his friend and tag team partner!”




“I am really not recovered from that brutal assault by Yoshikawa to his tag team partner! But it’s time to move on, as Watnabe has given Eien Miyamoto a second chance to regain the title shot he lost last week. If Miyamoto can get the pinfall over Yamanoue or Shooter Sean Deeley, he will get his title shot, if not, then he.. won’t get it.”


“His tag team partner tonight is Captain Chaos.”


“Yamanoue and Miyamoto start in the ring.”


“They lock horns, and Yamanoue is stronger, just pounding Miyamoto to the corner! Hirokazu disrespectfully taunts, and receives a huge booing concert.”


“Miyamoto tries to go again for an attack, but gets again pounded to the corner! The crowd boo’s heavily, and Captain Chaos is frustrated too.”


“Yamanoue stops being an arrogant ******* for a while, as he locks Eien to a headlock.. But here we go again: He throws Eien back to the mat, receiving again, huge boo’s and “Yamanoue sucks!” –chants.”


“Hirokazu lifts again Miyamoto up, and this time Eien is able to unload all the rights and lefts, knocking Yamanoue to the mat. Though he also drops to the mat, being so tired and hurt.”


“Hirokazu already is up, running in the ropes and Eien is just rising. Everybody is expecting Yamanoue to nail a perfect lariat.. BUT WHAT! Eien shocks everybody by doing an excellent looking northern lights suplex, and is able to change Captain Chaos to the ring!”


“As the referee is stopping Deeley from getting to the ring, Hirokazu kicks Chaos to under the waterline! Yamanoue locks the cross armbreaker, and Captain submits! Eien won’t get his title shot after all! Deeley is also frustrated, being in the ring only about a minute. Yamanoue rolls out of the ring, escaping from Deeley’s brutal assault.”




“Merle O’Curle is looking to get revenge against Gauge, NEXT!”


“They both put their best in the start, showing their awesome submission moves and technical skills. After a great chain wrestling session, O’Curle is now looking to get the “leading” title. He succeeds with an intense snap suplex.”


“Irish Stretching Machine” holds Gauge in boston crab, and Greg is almost going to tap out!.. Is he really going to have his first loss in SAISHO here?.. He tries to crawl for the ropes, tries to release the hold, he tries everything to get out of it, but O’Curle keeps the hold, and even adds some pressure.”


“With a quick adrenaline boost Gauge is able to jump to the ropes, getting a small break. O’Curle tries to go for the Celtic Wreath right after it, but fails, as Gauge escapes from the ring. Both men take some oxygen, and Gauge enters the ring.”


“Both men are standing..! BUT BUH GAWD~! WHAT IS THIS!?!?!?!? I THINK O’CURLE JUST KNOCKED HIS OPPONENT OUT COLD WITH A KNEE KICK!! GAUGE FLIES OVER THE TOP ROPE, DOWN TO THE FLOOR! This could be the opening Merle O’Curle needs to win Greg Gauge!!!”


“Now “Machine” exits the ring to throw Greg back to ring.. OH MY! Gauge just played possum and gives Merle no mercy in the mighty Proton Lock!! Merle O’Curle hangs the longest of anyone, keeping in the hold approximately 42 seconds, after having to tap out! The crowd gives a standing ovation to both of the guys, but Merle still looks very disappointed.”




“The next match is a four way match, making first his entrance, on loan, KEEEEVIIIN JOOOONEEESS~!”


“And one of his opponents, the veteran, HIIIDEEEEKAAZZUUUUUU~!”




“And making the last entrance, he is the reigning SAISHO Destiny- & Junior Champion: KAAAAAAAAAAAZ~!!!”


“Everyone attack everyone, everybody trading punches, chops and kicks.”


“KAZ drops Hidekazu to the canvas with a devastating spinning kick to the side of the head!”


“Kevin Jones shows his UK style of wrestling by blasting Tochigi out of the ring with a CRUCIFIX POWERBOMB!!!!”


“KAZ now attacks Kevin Jones, who is ready and snaps his opponent to the mat with a text-book belly to belly suplex.”


“Jones seems to be dominating this match, and now he continues attacking the champion, by doing a german suplex.”


“Jones is just amazing, continuing with a back suplex.”


“Three suplexes in the row, but he gets punched from behind by Hidekazu, who now tries to pin KAZ, which would make him the DESTINY champion: 1..2., but the champion is ready, kicks out and jumps to his feet from the ground!”


“What an amazing performance by the champion, who now does a gorgeous wheel kick, followed by an elbow drop. Pin 1..2.. KICK OUT!”


“Tochigi has now entered the ring, and blasts the champion flipping him over with a lariat.”


“The Ironman” drops KAZ to the canvas neck first with a brainbuster, pinfall, 1..2..3… ALMOST, but not 3!!!”


“Both Hidekazu and Kevin Jones surprise Takayuki Tochigi from behind, obviously having some kind of plan, “teaming” together.”


“Hidekazu holds Tochigi in the ground, while Jones goes for a really unexpected move, climbing to the top rope.”


“But KAZ has stood up, running, planting his knee to Hidekazu’s neck, continuing his run, SUPER RANA TO KEVIN JONES!!! WHO FLIES ON TOCHIGI! What an awesome move by KAZ, who now pins both to retain his titles!”


“Whoa what a match, but KAZ still retains, making his sixth SAISHO Destiny title –defence.”




((OOC: As I said: I would try a few different styles, and 2nd is this.. I like it better than the first, but I might try one style more ;)))

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SAISHO Agility and Ability Tour Night 3


Nigel Svensson defeated Jonni Lowlife


Nigel Svensson faced probably the hardest competitor he has ever faced: Lowlife brought his great flashy moves and good aerial skills as well as typical for him, his athleticism. Lowlife didn’t expect the most from the youngster hailing from Sweden. And that’s where he made a mistake: Nigel Svensson brought his A-game and defeated Jonni Lowlife at 5:32 with his “undefeated” Hyper Extension Arm Lock who nobody has been able to get out from.


Three Way Tag Team Match (Brute Kikuchi & Heichachiro Sakai vs. Masked Cougar & Zeshin Makioka vs. Adam Matravers & Torch Nakazawa)


After the “incident” what happened last week, as Stone Yoshikawa betrayed his friend and tag team partner, Watnabe decided to vacate the tag team belts and put on a three way tag team match. Former champion Torch Nakazawa was given a chance to win the titles with Adam Matravers: and he succeeded. He was crowned the first ever 3 -time SAISHO champion and 1st ever 3-time SAISHO Destiny Tag champion. The clocks stopped at 7:58, when Adam Matravers pinned Zeshin Makioka for the win.


Nobody could believe their eyes, when Stone Yoshikawa betrayed his good friend and tag team partner Doppo “Torch” Nakazawa last week, leaving Watnabe to make his decision: they were vacated from the titles, and Stone asked for “a better competition”. He said Torch “didn’t have enough what you need in the big leagues”. Watnabe started with putting Stone against another SAISHO tag team competitor: Nathan Ca$ino. The new and improved version of Stone Yoshikawa, calling himself “Every Women’s Dream” defeated Ca$ino in a fairly open and decent match at 6:24 with the painful Ankle Lock.


1st: I am pretty sure nobody expected another “United Kingdom” –faceoff. 2nd I am pretty sure nobody expected Kevin Jones to go with Merle O’Curle a HUGE 21 minutes. It was an excellent match between the two of these: both put their best performance to show the Japanese crowd what they can do in United Kingdom (and Ireland). After Kevin Jones had put out his opponent to the canvas two times with his finishing move the belly to belly suplex, he was clearly frustrated: Merle O’Curle refused to get pinned. Three minutes after that, he BLASTED O’Curle to the mat from the top rope with again, belly to belly suplex. Another annoying two and seveneight count: After “Irish Stretching Machine” used his effective knee kick he debuted against Gauge, he was able to lock his finishing move, the Celtic Wreath. Jones didn’t want to submit, as he had already fought twenty minutes, done three finishers and all of his signature moves.. but he had to. After this good battle, both men shook hands.


Greg Gauge was given a chance to win the SAISHO Destiny title, as he has won the last eight matches he has had in SAISHO, defeating the kinds of Merle O’Curle, Takayuki Tochigi, Hirokazu Yamanoue, Eien Miyamoto and “Shooter” Sean Deeley. But, what could end Gauge’s title dreams could be the 15 minute time limit set by Watnabe after the long matchup between O’Curle and Jones.


The Match itself was an awesome one: KAZ using his high flying skills and Gauge mixing some brawling and technical, to make this an all around match. We saw suplexes, deadly holds, death-defying flying moves and many, many near falls. In the end KAZ was in big trouble, as Gauge locked the proton lock, which had made a lot of superstars submit before: KAZ didn’t fall to this category, as he made to the ropes, and Gauge tried to pin him with surprise pin falls, but failed, and so KAZ retained the title when the time ran out! Both men lost their winning streaks, but still holding their undefeated streaks.



((OOC: This would be the third style. I like this the most, and I probably will start using this one. :p))

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