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Hard Lines Wrestling: A "Hard Hitting" New Tradition

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ooc: Hi all, I know I've started and then failed on a few dynasties up until now but I'm looking to get something going with this one after I read back through my DPW one and wanted to have a go with a product that has been tailored to perfection!


I hope you all enjoy...






Roster and First Event coming soon...

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--- Headline Six ---


The Landlord


Old School Heel Middleweight Brawler

Although The Landlord has no title history to speak of, he looks the most probably contender for capturing the HLW World Championship.


"Rock Solid" Keith Adams


Middleweight Law Enforcing Wrestler

Keith Adams is the man foremost capable of preventing The Landlord from taking HLW by storm. He too is looking to capture his first title.


"The Mean Machine" Gabriel Green


Middleweight Extremist Brawler

Green is a sadistic hardcore fiend, Keith Adams will be sure to be watching his back with this one around.


Pigeon Mask


Fun Babyface Cruiserweight

Pigeon Mask brings the fun and flair to the main event scene. He lacks the size of his fellow main contenders but has alot of heart and is adored by the fans!


The Hammer


Big Heavyweight Bully Brawler

The Hammer has the size and power to completly crush all the opposition. He looks a dominant force against a mostly smaller roster. It should also be noted hes a former UCR European Champion.


Derrick Merrick


Gypsy Style Middleweight Wrestler

Merrick is the outsider of the top six, He's a good all-rounder with some potential to be a reasoned with force.


--- The Undercard ---


"The Panic Attack" Jake Panic

"The Dublin Destroyer" Gerry Kilbane

"The Tiger" Tim Reed

"The Total Package" Arthur T. Turtle

Ultra Fly

Brilliant White

"Trancemaster" Robbie Coleman

The Storm (Thunderbolt & "Lightning" Phil Cox)

The Youth Bandits (Cannonball Logan & Ian Vincible)

"Stormin' " Norman Gates

The Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPont & Jacques DuPont)

"Angry Man" Glen Ward

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HLW Rock Adventure

@ The Norman Blue Centre (Midlands UK)


The cameras are in place for DVD and Internet broadcasts.

Kev: “Hello and welcome to the debut show of Hard Lines Wrestling!”

“…I’m here with my co-host at the announce table Melvin The Fantastic!”

Melvin: “… hehe! I need no introduction from you my young friend… these fans know Melvin The Fantastic!”

“… The HLW fans can enjoy an hour of my amazing finds and thoughts on tonight’s action!”

Kev: “They sure can as we have the start of the Elimination Tournament for the HLW World Championship tonight…”

Melvin: “…and there’s not half a cast of superstars on show as Derrick Merrick, Keith Adams, The Hammer and The Landlord all compete in the Preliminary Rounds tonight to qualify for the divisional bracket fatal-five clashes!”

Kev: “The Landlord has been picked out as a favourite to be the first ever HLW World Champion but I’m sure the likes of Keith Adams and The Hammer will have something to say about that!”


Grade: E


Unfamiliar music hits as Richard Garlick makes his way into the ring, microphone in hand…

Richard: “…tonight is the debut show of HLW and we kick off with the previously advertised Elimination Tournament… and I can promise you it will be hard going, hard not to watch and most of all hard hitting!”

“… but I can also promise you that this promotion is not for sissies so if your gna flinch then get out of my sight!”


Grade: E-



Match #1

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Derrick%20Merrick.jpg V http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Glen%20Ward.jpg

Derrick Merrick vs “Angry Man” Glen Ward


…nearing the end of the match


Kev: “There can’t be much left in the tank for Glen Ward…”

Melvin: “He’s a’ swinging and a’ missing…”

“…Come on Glen… give up already…”

Kev: “Whoa he’s missed wildly there…”

“… Oh My! What a clothesline from Merrick!”




“Its all over for Glen Ward, that’s Merrick through to the Fatal-Five Match!”


Winner: Derrick Merrick, progresses to East Divisional Fatal-Five Match


Grade: F+


Kev: “Well that puts Derrick Merrick through to the Fatal-Five Match…”

Melvin: “Without doubt… He was always the winner there!”

Kev: “Later on we’ll be finding out if The Landlord can avoid an upset and join him in the East Fatal-Five!”

Melvin: “On the other side we have two West Division matches tonight, Keith Adams takes on the unpredictable Norman Gates later but next we have a man I truly love seeing wrestle, The Hammer!”



Match #2

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Herschel%20The%20Hammer.jpg VS http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Jacques%20DuPont.jpg

The Hammer vs Jacques DuPont


…nearing the end of the match


Kev: “…By god! He’s torn Jacques limb from limb here!”

Melvin: “This is great to watch!”

Kev: “He’s gna kill him!”

“…He’s grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, he must be lining up the Hammerblow?!”

“…Up he goes… OOHH!!”

Melvin: “Oh man!!”


Kev: “This is over as Hammer lays one foot on DuPont’s chest…”




“Its over… The Hammer progresses to the Fatal-Five!”


Winner: The Hammer, progresses to West Divisional Fatal-Five Match


Grade: E


Kev: “Whats he doing?”

Melvin: “Oh man I don’t think he’s finished here Kev!”


The Hammer looks back as Pierre tries to get Jacques to come around. He grabs Pierre and delivers a Hammerblow to the young Frenchman before grabbing him again and smashing him repeatedly with the elbow.


Melvin: “Oh boy! What Fantastic destruction! … and I should know!”

Kev: “The Foreign Legion are down and out!”

“…and Pierre still has a match tonight!”


The Hammer leaves a wake of destruction behind him as medics attend to the DuPonts.


Grade: C-



Match #3

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Keith%20Adams.jpg VS http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Norman%20Gates.jpg

Keith Adams vs Norman Gates


…nearing the end of the match


Kev: “I think Adams has this finished up…”

“oh no! what a horrid low blow… how didn’t the ref see that?”

Melvin: “…what the ref don’t see… never happened!”

Kev: “Wait now where’s he going?”

“…is he talking to himself?”

Melvin: “I think its no secret that Gate has a few screws loose!”

Kev: “Hes grabbing a chair here from ring side…”

“…Adams is still reeling from that low blow…”



“…The ref saw that one and has called this is favour of Adams but he’s paid for it!”

Melvin: “*sarcasm* What a classy way to enter the Fatal-Five!”


Winner: Keith Adams (by DQ), progresses to West Divisional Fatal-Five Match


Grade: E


Melvin: “Now this is just weird… hahaha!”

Melvin bursts into a fit of hysterics

Kev: “I think he’s talking to that chair?”

Norman Gates appears to be stroking the chair he just laid out Keith Adams with and talking to it…

Kev: “I think he just said its name was Jerry?”

Melvin: “Boy! I don’t usually feel sorry for guys like Keith Adams but that Jerry is one hard bastard!”

Melvin bursts into more fits of hysterics


Grade: E-


The cameras find Ultra Fly backstage with The Foreign Legion. A medic is holding a icepack to Pierre’s head while another is bandaging Jacques’ knee.


Fly: “Man you guys got beat, but you can’t quit now!... the fans need you!”

Pierre: “Il nous battre à une pâte!!”


“Il nous battre à une pâte!!!”


Jacques: “Calm down Pierre… I believe in you… you go out there and show that The Foreign Legion will be taken seriously”


Pierre: “C'est tellement injuste”


Pierre leaves with Ultra Fly in a huff as Jacques receives more treatment.


Grade: E-


Kev: “Those of you watching this on the DVD or Internet just saw how badly beaten Pierre is going into this match… is there any chance of victory against The Landlord?”

Melvin: “Are you kidding me? Pierre should simply forfeit”

Kev: “Something tells me our ‘illustrious’ Commissioner wouldn’t allow that after his speech earlier…”

Melvin: “Are you mocking our great leader and founder of this company? You better be careful or you’ll find yourself back at home on Saturday nights eating soup from an old crumbly mug!”

Kev: “… what? Wait? Oh never mind… The Lardlord and Pierre DuPont are next!”


Grade: E-



Main Event Match

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/The%20Landlord.jpg VS http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Pierre%20DuPont.jpg

The Landlord vs Pierre DuPont


…nearing the end of the match


Kev: “The Landlord has taken complete advantage of Pierre’s condition…”

Melvin: “Yeh but in this business you’ve got to do anything to win!”

Kev: “I don’t think Pierre is going to last much longer…”

“A clothesline…”



“Kick Out!”

“How did he manage that…”

Melvin: “I’ll give him credit there! That was a fantastic effort to kick out!”

Kev: “The Landlord is lining up for a Powerbomb… This must be it!”





“Its over and Landlord enters the Fatal-Five!”


Winner: The Landlord, progresses to East Divisional Fatal-Five Match


Grade: D-


Familiar music hits as The Hammer appears from the curtain and idles towards the ring…


Kev: “Oh no, not again!”

Melvin: “this is Fantastic!”


The Hammer grabs hold of the groggy Pierre DuPont and pummels his face before throwing the Frenchman from the ring…

… he turns his attention to The Landlord… the four members of the crowd get rowdy in anticipation of what’s to come…

… The Landlord makes a beeline for The Hammer… striking him in the head as much as he can but The Landlord is too tired. The Hammer lifts him up and delivers The Hammerblow!


Kev: “OOOH!! It looks like The Hammer is taking no prisoners!”

Melvin: “He just levelled the tournament favourite!!”

Kev: “On that…’Hammerblow’ … we bid you good night!”


Grade: C



Attendance – 4

Show Rating – E+



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Quick Picks:

Gabriel Green vs Lightning Phil Cox

Pigeon Mask vs Jake Panic

Arthur T. Turtle vs Robbie Coleman

Cannonball Logan vs Gerry Kilbane


Last Show Feedback:

UFC-King - 3/4 (3) - You bolded all of The Landlord v DuPont match so I didn't know who you wanted here...

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Thank You, now I will warn in advance my spelling and grammar suck for someone who considers themselves a decent writer :p So excuse the mistakes now and again, I'm hoping to catch 90% of the mistakes before I post but you never know.


I just simmed the next show through, it'll be up tomorrow.

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HLW Meltdown

Norman Blue Athletic Centre (Midlands UK)




In the pre-show, fans saw Glen Ward and Norman Gates team up and defeat The Foreign Legion






The show starts with a camera on Ultra Fly, Pierre DuPont and Jacques DuPont. They appear to be plotting something.


Ultra: “We can’t allow that Fat Austrian, Hammer, push guys like us around any more. Its time we arrange an alliance to protect the little guy from bullies like him!”

Jacques: “What do you propose then mousier Fly?”

Pierre: “I don’t wanna get beat again… It hurts too much to drink my wine!”

Ultra: “No need to worry, how bout you two arrange a 2 v 1 against him?!”

Pierre: “*worried* I don’t know…”

Jacques: “We’ll do it… to put down that Austrian Pig!”


The three leave the room…


Grade: E-



Match #1

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/The%20Dublin%20Destroyer.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Cannonball%20Logan.jpg

“The Dublin Destroyer” Gerry Kilbane vs Cannonball Logan

Kev: “So we kick off our second event in HLW history with this opening bout between two fan favourites…”

Melvin: “Exactly the kind of match I can’t get excited about! Somebody cheat already!!”


Nearing the end of the match…


Kev: “Kilbane is really taking it to Logan now… Logan off the ropes, ducks under a clothesline… OH! But he didn’t see that dropkick coming!”

“… Kilbane looks ready to end this…”





Melvin: “Yawn!”

Kev: “Well my broadcast partner may not be amused but it does mean that Kilbane makes it into Fatal-Five and is currently set to face Derrick Merrick and The Landlord…”

“…wait! I’ve just heard word that The Foreign Legion are in Mr. Garlick’s office!”


Winner: Gerry Kilbane, progresses to East Divisional Fatal-Five Match


Grade: E-


Pierre: “Nous voulons le marteau de monsieur dans l'anneau!”

Richy: “Wait! What?!”

“I don’t speak French so calm down and quit with the jibba jabba! I aint got time for you!”

Jacques: “We want The Hammer in a 2 v 1!”

Richy: “Really?”

Richard burst into laughter as the DuPonts look confused…

“Sure you can have The Hammer…”

Richard still snickering

Jacques: “good!... when?!”

Richard: “At the next event, HLW Anarchy X!”

Jacques: “Sounds good to me… come on Pierre…”

Richard grins as they leave the office


Grade: E-



Match #2

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Trance.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Arthur%20T%20Turtle.jpg

“Trancemaster” Robbie Coleman vs Arthur T. Turtle


Nearing the conclusion of the match…


Kev: “…a hard dropkick from Coleman as it puts down Turtle…”

Melvin: “…c’mon Trance! Finish him!”

Kev: “Trance?... oh your referring to his former name!”

Melvin: “… Trance, Robbie … whatever… time to end this … fantastic!”

Kev: “…Turtle is put down by yet another flying elbow!”

“…This could be it… Trance Effect!”


“Coleman wins! He’s through to face Keith Adams and the ever vicious and feared Hammer!”

Winner: Robbie Coleman, progresses to West Divisional Fatal-Five Match


Grade: E


Kev: “We have another match coming up here almost straight away as “The Mean Machine” Gabriel Green faces “Lightning” Phil Cox”

Melvin: “Green is such a extreme sadistic ****! Its gna be a seriously FANTASTIC match to watch!”

Kev: “…don’t count out Cox though… he’s been around the block a few times and hes one tough cookie!”

Melvin: “Well I’m sorry my fri… forget that… basically this cookie is gna crumble!”


Grade: E-



Match #3

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Gabriel%20Green.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Stardust%20Phil%20Cox_alt1.jpg

Gabriel Green vs “Lightning” Phil Cox


Nearing the end of the match…


Kev: “Green is using all his experience in the ring here tonight!”

Melvin: “He’s taught Cox a few things, that’s for sure…”

Kev: “…off the ropes, Cox goes for a cross-body but Green has caught him!”



“That’s all she wrote as Green progresses to the Fatal-Five!”


Winner: Gabriel Green, progresses to West Divisional Fatal-Five Match


Grade: E-



Main Event Match

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Pigeon%20Mask.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Jake%20Panic.jpg

Pigeon Mask vs Jake Panic


Kev: “Green leaves triumphant as we await our main event of the night!”

Melvin: “I hate to say it but my prediction goes in favour of the bird!”

Kev: “Pigeon Mask is one heck of an exciting competitor but does lack in the weight department!”

Nearing the end of the match…


Kev: “Panic looks dazed and confused as Pigeon Mask has literally run rings around his opponent tonight…”

“…off the ropes into a fearsome dropkick!”

“Pigeon Mask is flapping his arms to signal the Flying Rat Splash!”

“…He sprints to the ropes … Moonsault…”



“Its over as the crowd applaud Pigeon Mask for his win!


Winner: Pigeon Mask, progresses to East Divisional Fatal-Five Match


Grade: E


Pigeon Mask’s music cuts out and The Hammer’s starts!


Melvin: “Uh Oh! Someones in trouble!”


Panic flees the ring area with haste leaving Pigeon Mask staring down towards the curtain area to see The Hammer emerge!


Kev: “This does not go well for Pigeon Mask…”


The Hammer hits the ring, Pigeon Mask battles hard to defend himself but is simply out-muscled!

Hammer lands the Hammerblow on Pigeon Mask leaving the Fatal-Five competitor out cold before he is treated by medics with the sound of Hammer’s music playing as he triumphantly returns to the back!


Grade: C-


Attendance – 4

Show Rating – E-


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HLW Anarchy X

@ The Norman Blue Athletics Centre (Midlands UK)




In the dark match, two experimental pairings faced off. The new pairing of Arthur T. Tutle and Gerry Kilbane (Final Fantasy) defeated Jake Panic and Norman Gates (Mega Hardcore).






Kev: “Hello and welcome to another ‘Hard Hitting’ edition of Hard Lines Wrestling!”

“…Over the past few months, The Hammer has dominated the headlines with his sickening attacks against anyone and everyone! Tonight he faces both the members of the Foreign Legion, Pierre and Jacques DuPont”

Melvin: “You got to ask though… why is Jacques and Pierre are doing all the work for Ultra Fly?”

Kev: “It does beg the question what his motives are but maybe we’re all being too unkind as the trio are trying to calm this giant’s rampage throughout the HLW roster!”


The French National Anthem plays as The Forign Legion make their way out through the curtains before it descends into a military drums drill style of music.


Grade: F+


Match #1

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Jacques%20DuPont.jpghttp://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Pierre%20DuPont.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Herschel%20The%20Hammer.jpg

The Foreign Legion vs The Hammer


‘Its time to drop the hammeerrrrr!!’ the opening line of The Hammer’s music drowns out the arena as The Hammer pushes through the curtain.


Kev: “You can see the fear on Jacques and Pierre’s faces!”

Melvin: “Fantastic!”


Nearing the end of the match…


Kev: “Pierre and Jacques have fought bravely here but they’re no match for Hammer’s sheer power!!”

“…another thunderous strike levels Pierre!”

Melvin: “Oh boy! He’s got Jacques by the scruff of his neck… up he goes!”


“1…2… Oh Pierre breaks it up just in time!”

Kev: “Guts and determination but Pierre is gna pay for this!”



“The Hammer wins!”


Grade: E+


Richard Garlick arrives in the ring…


Richard: “Derrick… Landlord… get out here cus I got a little surprise for you both!”


Derrick Merrick and The Landlord make their respective entrances…


Richard: “Derrick, I know your itching for a match right?”


Derrick nods…


Richard: “…and Landlord… we all know you just wna fight all day all night!”


The Landlord has a huge grin across his face as he downs half a pint of lager…


Richard: “Well my surprise is we’re gna give you two a tag match tonight, a little preview if you will, against Keith Adams and Pigeon Mask!”


The Landlord and Merrick smirk gleely…


Richard: “That is all!”


Grade: F+



Match #2

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Brilliant%20White.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Ultra%20Fly.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Ian%20Vincible.jpg

Brilliant White vs Ultra Fly vs Ian Vincible


A tentative start to the match gives White the upper hand…


Nearing the end of the match…


Kev: “Ultra Fly is down Melvin… Its between Vincible and White now!”

Melvin: “Yeh and Brilliant White has dominated most of the offence tonight… it can only end one way!”

Kev: “…both men off the ropes… Oh They Collide on each other with a clothesline a piece!”

“both men struggle to return to their feet… but wait a minute… Ultra Fly is on the top rope!”

Melvin: “He’s gna fly!!!”

Kev: “…Oh My! He just landed a corkscrew type attack on them both… he covers White!”

“1… 2… 3!”

“Fly Wins!!!”


Grade: E-


‘Its time to drop the hammeerrrrr!!’


Kev: “oh no… here comes Hammer… it looks like hes here to finish off Ultra Fly!”


Ultra Fly attempts to flee but is blocked off by Hammer… He delivers a devastating elbow smash to Ultra Fly leaving the lightweight out cold.


Grade: C


Hammer gets a mic and addresses the fans…


Hammer: “ ‘Why?’ you all ask? Why attack The Foreign Legion? Why attack Ultra Fly? Why attack Pigeon Mask? Why attack The Landlord?... truth is I don’t care about what you want to ask… but! The Hammer aims to be the greatest competitor in HLW… in fact… I deserve to be the number one wrestler in HLW history of all time! My master agrees… he said to me… ‘Hammer, you’re the one to take this promotion by storm… to show the world what true domination looks like’… because of that I’m willing to sacrifice all those who stand in my way and look… I’ve taken out Ultra Fly just now… it only took a moment! I took out The Landlord… you guys hate him no? Well I don’t… but he’s in the way… he’s expendable!... and just so you all know… the destruction of HLW’s entire roster has only just begun and will not stop until everyone has gone!”


Hammer drops the mic and returns to the back…


Kev: “Master? The Landlord is expendable?... I’m keen to know whats in The Hammer’s head but we’re gna be forced to wait as Tim Reed and Thunderbolt are up next!”


Grade: E-



Match #3

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Tim%20Reed.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Thunderbolt.jpg

Tim Reed vs Thunderbolt


Nearing the end of the match…


Kev: “Its been a crowd pleaser as both men have put their bodies on the line tonight…”

“…Thunderbolt off the ropes as Phil Cox urges him on…”

“....Thunderbolt has ducked the first attack from Tim Reed… oh but not the second… he looks dazed and Reed has him locked in for a Tiger Suplex…bang!”

“1… 2… 3!”


Grade: E-


Main Event Match

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Derrick%20Merrick.jpghttp://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/The%20Landlord.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Keith%20Adams.jpghttp://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Pigeon%20Mask.jpg

Derrick Merrick and The Landlord vs Keith Adams and Pigeon Mask


It was a true display of main event quality from the four men in the ring, hailing HLW’s best match yet!


Nearing the end of the match…


Kev: “Merrick whips Mask towards The Landlord who back body drops him onto the mat… Adams comes in looking to save the match… The Landlord kicks Adams in the gut, looking for the ‘Last Orders’… Merrick has Mask pinned against the ropes…”

“…Up! Down!”


“…well is this a preview of who will win the first ever HLW World title?!”


“Tune in HLW next time to find out!”


Grade: D-


Attendance – 3

Show Rating – E


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Quick Picks:

The Hammer vs Keith Adams vs Gabriel Green vs "Trancemaster" Robbie Coleman vs Ultra Fly

The Landlord vs Derrick Merrick vs Pigeon Mask vs Gerry Kilbane vs Tim Reed

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HLW Execution Square

Norman Blue Athletics Centre (Midlands UK)




In the dark match, Jacques DuPont got a much needed with over Norman Gates ahead of the Tag Tournament!






Match #1

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Thunderbolt.jpghttp://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Stardust%20Phil%20Cox_alt1.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Glen%20Ward.jpghttp://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Brilliant%20White.jpg

The Storm vs Glen Ward and Brilliant White


Kev: “Welcome fans to the newest edition of Hard Lines Wrestling!”

“…tonight hosts the two Fatal-Five matches to see who qualifies to face each other in HLW World Championship Match at HLW Dead on Arrival!”

“…but we kick off tonight with a warm-up match for The Storm, Lightning and Thunderbolt, as they take on a make-shift team in Glen Ward and Brilliant White.”


Nearing the end of the match…


“Thunderbolt gets the fans behind Lightning as he struggles to get back to his corner…”

“… is he gna make it? He does… Thunderbolt comes in ready to do some damage!”

“… he sprints across and dropkicks White off the apron! Ward looks to clothesline Thunderbolt! … he misses… SHOCK TREATMENT… a fabulous capitalisation by Thunderbolt … 1 … 2… 3!”


Winner: The Storm


Grade: E-


The Hammer ambles to the ring as his music rings out around the centre!


Hammer: “The time is now for The Hammer to place himself in the final two to decide the fate of the HLW World Championship… The Hammer knows he is great enough to be champion but The Hammer will enjoy this moment as he shows everyone exactly why he is the best!... You have little pests like this “Ultra Fly” character… he’ll be the first to be ejected…!”


Grade: E-


Match #2

Fatal-Five HLW World Championship Contender Match

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Herschel%20The%20Hammer.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Keith%20Adams.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Gabriel%20Green.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Trance.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Ultra%20Fly.jpg

The Hammer vs “Rock Solid” Keith Adams vs “The Mean Machine” Gabriel Green vs “Trancemaster” Robbie Coleman vs Ultra Fly


Kev: “The bell rings and we’re under way, Ultra Fly makes a bee-line for Hammer… Coleman joins in the on the attack… Adams and Green go toe-to-toe in the other corner of the ring…”


Nearing the end of the match…


Kev: “The Hammer has torn apart the ring tonight!”

Melvin: “… hammers ARE good for smashing things up!!”

Kev: “Well hes about to drive a nail into the mat here… a ferocious elbow drop to Coleman!”

“… Green makes an attempt to battle down the giant Hammer!”

“… and he gets clocked!!”

Melvin: “Oh my!... guess even an extremist like him can’t deal with that much damage to the head!”

Kev: “Its Adams now! He’s throwing punch after punch and… oh hes been blocked… ELBOW SMASH!”

“…Adams is down!”

“…Ultra Fly plucks up the courage to launch an assault on Hammer… oh but The Hammer grabs him… lifts him up… HAMMERBLOW!”

“…he’s got this… 1… 2… 3!!”


Winner: The Hammer, qualifies for the HLW World Championship Match!


Grade: D-


Kev: “well after that display I think we had the Bracket Favourite win with sheer dominance!”

Melvin: “There was nothing Fantastic about that… that was sheer awe!”

Kev: “Up next… The Landlord claims to be the number one wrestler in HLW and will have to prove it in the next Fatal-Five match!”

Melvin: “Cunning? Yes! Skilled? Yes! Drinks too much? Well… I guess the answers Yes!!”

Kev: “His drinking skills aside, The Landlord has a tough task with the likes of Derrick Merrick and Pigeon Mask in there with him… “


RAWRRR! A loud tiger growl echoes through the centre


Kev: “…I guess we’re about to get underway as “Tiger” Tim Reed makes his way to the ring!


Grade: E


Main Event Match

Fatal-Five HLW World Championship Contender Match

http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/The%20Landlord.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Derrick%20Merrick.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Pigeon%20Mask.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/The%20Dublin%20Destroyer.jpg vs http://richygarlick.co.uk/hlw_dynasty/workers/Tim%20Reed.jpg

The Landlord vs Derrick Merrick vs Pigeon Mask vs “The Dublin Destroyer” Gerry Kilbane vs “Tiger” Tim Reed


Nearing the end of the match…


Kev: “The Landlord has gone wild and is destroying both Tim Reed and Gerry Kilbane here right next to the announce table!”


‘Yeh! Rock Solid Baby!’


Kev: “That’s Keith Adams music?”

Melvin: “Whats he doing out here?”

Kev: “Adams is making his way to the announce table here…”

“The Landlord is fixated on Adams…”

“But look in the ring!”

“Pigeon Mask has Merrick out cold on the ground!”

“Flying Rat Splash!”


Melvin: “The Landlord has just realised!”

Kev: “2… The Landlord scuttles into the ring but he isn’t gna get there!”


“Pigeon Mask wins!!”


Winner: Pigeon Mask, qualifies for the HLW World Championship Match!


Grade: E+


Pigeon Mask jumps over the barrier and celebrates with the fans!


Grade: E-


The Landlord has a microphone and looks ready to say his bit…


The Landlord: “…cheated out of victory! ME?!... I’m the best here! Not Pigeon Mask! Not The Hammer! … and defiantly not Keith Adams!... what right did you have out here? … you call yourself rock solid well lets see how solid you are when I tear you limb from limb! … Two Months from now… Dead on Arrival… You! ME! Ring! HARDCORE!!”


The Landlord drops the microphone and retires to the back as the show goes off air…


Grade: E+


Attendance – 3

Show Rating – E+

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OOC: I've lost my fanzine template :( so I made this new one that will be used from now on, I was going to do it in line with rising to small anyway but being early isn't really a problem...






Quick Picks:

Grudge Match

Keith Adams vs The Landlord

HLW World Championsip Match

The Hammer vs Pigeon Mask

Tag-Team League Match

The Storm vs The Youth Bandits

Tag-Team League Match

Final Fantasy vs Mega Hardcore

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  • 2 weeks later...
OOC: Those who actually read my diary at all will notice the lack of activity, thats because I'm desperatly trying to get my portfolio together to go job hunting with properly. As a result its eating up all the time I have outside of my current job (low pay crap). Therefore, as this is a start-up company diary I'm summerising my events down to simple results so you can track my way up to Regional at least before I start doing full shows again.
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HLW Dead on Arrival

@ Norman Blue Athletic Centre (Midlands)


Dark Match: Ultra Fly vs Glen Ward

Winner: Ultra Fly


ANGLE: Final Fantasy hype themselves over Mega Hardcore


Tag-Team League Match: Final Fantasy vs Mega Hardcore

Winner: Final Fantasy


Tag-Team League Match: The Storm vs The Youth Bandits

Winner: The Storm


ANGLE: The Hammer laughs off the threat of Pigeon Mask


HLW World Championship Match: The Hammer vs Pigeon Mask

Winner: The Hammer, The Hammer becomes the first ever HLW World Champion


ANGLE: Reveal of Mastermind - Richy Garlick is revealed as the one who has been pushing The Hammer to tear up HLW


ANGLE: The Announcers talk about the main event


Grudge Match: Keith Adams vs The Landlord

Winner: The Landlord


ATTENDANCE: 5 (new record high)



Next Card Announced Matches:

Tag-Team League Match

The Storm V The Foriegn Legion

Tag-Team League Match

Mega Hardcore V The Youth Bandits

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HLW Immortal Challenge

@ Norman Blue Athletic Centre (Midlands)

Saturday, Week 4, November 2008


Dark Match: "Trancemaster" Robbie Coleman vs Arthur T. Turtle

Winner: Robbie Coleman


Debut Match: Glen Ward vs "Bruiser" Matt Jackson

Winner: Matt Jackson


ANGLE: The announcers discuss Matt Jackson's ovening match


Tag-Team League Match: The Storm vs The Foreign Legion

Winner: The Storm


ANGLE: An Alliance is formed between The Hammer, The Landlord, Derrick Merrick and Richard Garlick... based on Garlick's notion that Landlord and Merrick are better off with them than against them.


Tag-Team League Match: Mega Hardcore vs The Youth Bandits

Winner: The Youth Bandits


ANGLE: Pigeon Mask and Ultra come to the ring and demand that Landlord and Merrick come to the ring face them right now since they've decided to align themselves with The Hammer and Richard Garlick.


Main Event: Pigeon Mask and Ultra Fly vs The Landlord and Derrick Merrick

Draw - The match was thrown out when the match descended into a hardcore brawl.


ANGLE: The Hammer hits the ring, Landlord and Merrick retreat and allow Hammer to destroy Ultra Fly and Pigeon Mask.






Next Card Announced Matches:

Tag-Team League Match

Final Fantasy vs The Youth Bandits

Tag-Team League Match

Mega Hardcore V The Foreign Legion

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International totalextremewrestling.com Awards


Wrestler of the Year

Bryan Vessey


Young Wrestler of the Year

Emerald Angel


Veteran Wrestler of the Year

Haruki Kudo


Female Wrestler of the Year

Kit Hatoyama


Promotion of the Year

Total Championship Wrestling


Most Improved Promotion of the Year

World Level Wrestling


Hard Lines Wrestling Annual Review


Finances: $81,379 [DOWN $18,621]

Prestige: 0.6% [UP 0.6%]


--- Popularity ---


3.4% [UP 3.4%]


Match of the Year

Derrick Merrick and The Landlord def. Keith Adams and Pigeon Mask (May 2008)


Show of the Year

HLW Rock Adventure (Jan 2008)


HLW Wrestler of the Year

The Hammer


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HLW Rock Adventure

@ Norman Blue Athletic Centre (Midlands)

Saturday, Week 4, January 2009


Dark Match: "Lightning" Phil Cox vs Glen Ward

Winner: Phil Cox


Tag-Team League Match: Mega Hardcore vs The Foriegn Legion

Winner: Mega Hardcore


ANGLE: Johnny Highspot appears in the ring and promises he's here from ROF to help the HLW fans to defeat the commisionary


Tag-Team League Match: Final Fantasy vs The Youth Bandits

Winner: Final Fantasy


ANGLE: An Alliance is formed between The Hammer, The Landlord, Derrick Merrick and Richard Garlick... based on Garlick's notion that Landlord and Merrick are better off with them than against them.


Tag-Team League Match: Mega Hardcore vs The Youth Bandits

Winner: The Youth Bandits


"Brusier" Matt Jackson vs Brilliant White

Winner: Matt Jackson


ANGLE: Brusier is interviewed by Melvin The Fantastic


Main Event: The Commisionary vs Ultra-Fly, Pigeon Mask and Johnny Highspot

Winner: The Commisionary


ANGLE: The Hammer isolates The Hammer and destroys the ROF loanee.






Next Card Announced Matches:

Tag-Team League Match

Final Fantasy vs The Foreign Legion

Tag-Team League Match

Mega Hardcore V The Storm

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HLW Meltdown

@ Norman Blue Athletic Centre (Midlands)

Saturday, Week 4, March 2009


Dark Match: Brilliant White vs Ultra Fly

Winner: Ultra Fly


ANGLE: Final Fantasy are interviewed by Melvin, they state they have what it takes to win this league.


Tag-Team League Match: Final Fantasy vs The Foriegn Legion

Winner: Final Fantasy


ANGLE: Tim Reed is interviewed in the ring by Melvin when Robbie Coleman comes out and interupts and claims Tim Reed has no place in this ring and grabs the mic and takes over to address the crowd, Reed looks far from pleased.


Tag-Team League Match: The Storm vs Mega Hardcore

Winner: The Storm


The Streak goes on?: Ivan Ivanoff vs "Brusier" Matt Jackson

Winner: Matt Jackson


ANGLE: The Commisionary are seen backstage plotting something but no one can hear what


Main Event: The Landlord vs Pigeon Mask

Winner: The Landlord, (after Richard Garlick distracted Pigeon Mask)






Next Card Announced Matches:

Tag-Team League Match

The Youth Bandits vs The Foreign Legion

Tag-Team League Match

League Winners and New Champions will be decided on this match as both teams are on 9 points and The Youth Bandits can only manage a maximum of 6 points

Final Fantasy V The Storm

Tim Reed V Jake Panic

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HLW Anarchy X

@ Norman Blue Athletic Centre (Midlands)

Saturday, Week 4, May 2009


Dark Match: Gabriel Green vs Ultra Fly

Winner: Gabriel Green


ANGLE: Richard Garlick comes out and announces the introduction of a new title, The HLW Commisionary Title. He then calls out Pigeon Mask and says he has a shot a this title tonight, against The Landlord. However, if he loses, hes out of HLW!


Tag-Team League Match: The Youth Bandits vs The Foriegn Legion

Winner: The Youth Bandits


ANGLE: Melvin interviews Final Fantasy before their League Championship match, which is the decider for the first ever HLW Tag-Team Championships. They declare they're ready to do anything to capture the titles.


Tag-Team League Championship Deciding Match: The Storm vs Final Fantasy

Winner: The Storm, they become the first ever HLW Tag-Team Champions


ANGLE: The Storm offer their hands to Arthur T. Turtle and Gerry Kilbane, however, Final Fantasy are not willing to be so graceful in defeat and attack the new champions triggering a heel turn.


Tim Reed vs Jake Panic

Winner: Tim Reed, Reed won after Robbie Coleman tried to distract Reed but it failed and Reed launched a Tiger Suplex for the win!


ANGLE: Post-Match Coleman jumps in the ring and cuts short Reed's celebrations.


"Bruiser" Matt Jackson vs "Stormin" Norman Gates

Winner: Matt Jackson


Main Event: The Landlord vs Pigeon Mask

Winner: The Landlord, He wins the Commisionary Title, Pigeon Mask is fired. The match saw alot of interference as Merrick, Hammer and Garlick all got involved in Pigeon Masks demise, Ultra Fly tried to save Pigeon Mask from defeat but was to no avail.






Next Card Announced Matches:

Tag-Team #1 Contender's Match

The Youth Bandits vs Final Fantasy


Thunderbolt vs "Stormin" Norman Gates



  1. The Storm - 12 pts
  2. Final Fantasy - 9 pts
  3. The Youth Bandits - 6 pts
  4. Mega Hardcore - 3 pts
  5. The Foriegn Legion - 0 pts




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HLW Execution Square

@ Norman Blue Athletic Centre (Midlands)

Saturday, Week 4, July 2009


Dark Match: Glen Ward & Brilliant White vs The Foreign Legion

Winner: Glen Ward and Brilliant White


ANGLE: Keith Adams returns! He has Ultra Fly at his side. They claim to be the revolution and make a statement to bring down HLW's Commisionary.


Tag-Team Championships #1 Contenders Match: The Youth Bandits vs Final Fantasy

Winner: Final Fantasy, will face The Storm at HLW Dead on Arrival.


"Stormin" Norman Gates vs Thunderbolt

Winner: Thunderbolt


ANGLE: After the match, Final Fantasy storm the ring and beatdown both memebers of The Storm with the help of Norman Gates and his chair.


ANGLE: Robbie Coleman baits Tim Reed to the ring area, he then challenges Reed to a match at the next event, Reed quickly accepts.


ANGLE: Richard Garlick comes out to respond to Revolution's earlier statement. He says he has the power to make any match he wants and sets up a match for Revolution to face The Commissionary 2 v 3.


"Brusier" Matt Jackson vs Psycho

Winner: Matt Jackson


ANGLE: The Announcers briefly talk about the return of Keith Adams.


Main Event: The Revolution vs The Commisionary

Winner: The Revolution, the match descended into a mass brawl where Keith Adams took advantages of the chaos and finished off The Landlord for the win.






Next Card Announced Matches:

Tag-Team Championship Match

The Storm © vs Final Fantasy

Grudge Match

Robbie Coleman vs Tim Reed

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