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WWF: Winning The War

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Hey, I've been reading since the beginning.


The match ratings are depressing!


But, that's the nature of the beast unfortunately for the time period.


I was however surprised at the rating for the Taker/Vader match and the Hennig/Owen match. Those two should have pulled down at least a B.

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Hey, I've been reading since the beginning.


The match ratings are depressing!


But, that's the nature of the beast unfortunately for the time period.


I was however surprised at the rating for the Taker/Vader match and the Hennig/Owen match. Those two should have pulled down at least a B.


Thanks for the feedback, I was also shocked. Taker/Vader had bad chemistry, that's why I put them on so early, so they wouldn't bring down the show, and Hennig/Owen was just dissapointing.


Keep reading!

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Thanks for the feedback, I was also shocked. Taker/Vader had bad chemistry, that's why I put them on so early, so they wouldn't bring down the show, and Hennig/Owen was just dissapointing.


Keep reading!


Yep, nothing will kill a match faster then bad chemistry.


I'll keep reading for sure.

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Yep enjoying this diary and taking a look at how the match ratings work to see what needs changing in the next version of the mod.


I thought Wrestlemania had a pretty stacked card but yeah, a few match ratings a shade lower than expected (though I did try to make the mod a little tough).


I think Hennig's physical state due to him having some pretty severe back problems at this point may have been a factor in his match not doing as well as you would think it would. On paper Owen -vs- Hennig looks like a classic, but 25 minutes for a guy with a bad back who wasn't usually working as an active wrestler around this point may have been a bit much for him.


I'll definately keep reading this one, I'm interested to see where you go from here.

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WWF Monday Night RAW

April, Week 1, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with the usual pyro, and the camera pans out to the announce table, to reveal Vince McMahon & Jerry “The King” Lawler.


“Hello everybody, and welcome to Monday Night RAW! And we are coming off what could be the biggest night in WWF history!”


“It wasn’t that great.”


“Oh, you’re just angry that Vader lost last night.”


“He was robbed, robbed!”


“Whatever gets you to bed at night.”

Rating: B-


Shawn Michaels music then hits, and the new WWF Champion makes his way out to a huge ovation from the crowd. He gets in the ring, and grabs a mic.


“Last night, I walked into the biggest, the most important, and possibly the most grueling match of my career. I stood in this ring, and went pound for pound with one of the best athletes in wrestling history, and it was all for this prize.”


Michaels raises the WWF title.


“And you know what, it was worth every bone breaking second. Because now, I get to stand here and tell the world, that the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels, had FINALLY won the World Wrestling Federation world championship! Now, I’m not taking anything away from Bret, he put on one hell of a fight, but last night, the so called Excellence Of Execution found exactly why they call me the Showstopper, the Main Event. Bret Hart, last night the better man won.”


Michaels is then interrupted by the music of the former champion! Bret Hart makes his way out with a mic in hand.


“Shawn, you’re right. Last night, we went thirty minutes, thirty of the hardest minutes of my life. You managed to take everything I had. So yes, last night the better man did win. But, that was last night, and this is now. And now, I want my rematch!”


The crowd goes nuts, as Michaels replies.


“You want your rematch? You…”


But before HBK can continue, he is interrupted by non other than the King Of Hart, Owen Hart! Owen comes out, looking worse for wear, as he has a big bandage on his forehead, and he comes limping out.


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there. Bro, if memory serves me right, didn’t we make a little bet last night, to see who would walk out a winner. Now, who was it again? Oh, that’s right, it was me. Which means, that I am true King Of Harts. I just proved what everybody already knew, that your nothing more than an overrated joke, and I am the real talent in the Hart family. So if anyone deserves a title shot, it’s me!”


Bret just smiles.


“I’ll tell you what Owen, I’ll wrestle you for it.”


The crowd pops for this suggestion.


“You’d like that wouldn’t you? No, the doctor said it would be at least another 2 weeks before I could wrestle again.”


“So what do you suggest?”


“Well, how about this? Next week, you face off with somebody for the #1 contendership, then the week after that, I face the winner.”


“Well, who would my opponent be?”


“I get to decide that.”


“Oh no, I’m not leaving anything for you to decide, you conniving little brat!”


Owen and Bret then start arguing, as Michaels stands amused in the ring. Eventually, Gorilla Monsoon’s music hits, and the commissioner makes his way out.


“Stop it! Both of you! You wanna see who deserves to be the #1 Contender, fine. We’ll go for Owen’s suggestion, Bret, next week, you face off against an opponent for the #1 Contendership, than the week after that, Owen gets to face the winner.”


Owen seems amused at this decision.


“But, Owen, you will not be the one to decide who Bret will be facing, I will!”


Owen seems less amused.


“Enjoy the show everybody.”

Rating: B



http://s564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/th_Steve_Austin14.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/A%20Images/Ahmed_Johnson.jpg

The Ringmaster vs Ahmed Johnson

Ringmaster comes out with a new look, including a shaved head, an earring on one of his ears, and a beard. Ringmaster begins taking it to Johnson in a new, more aggressive style. The Ringmaster immediately goes on the attack, not giving Johnson any breathing room. He pounds away at him, before Johnson hits a clothesline that takes Austin down. Ahmed than attempts a running powerslam, but Ringmaster slips out of it, and hits a Stunner for the victory.


Winner: The Ringmaster at 5:00 minutes

Rating: C


After the match, Dok Hendrix made his way out to interview Ringmaster.


“Um, Mr. Ringmaster, last night…”


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what did you just call me?”




“Don’t you ever call me that. My name is not the Ringmaster. The Ringmaster was nothing but a character I used to get myself into the WWF. You see, after I was laid off by Fed-Ex Eric down south, I floundered in a Philadelphia for a few months. Then, I hear that the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiasi was looking for a successor for his Million Dollar Belt. So I decided to put on some shiny boots, some pretty tights, and million dollar smile, and good old Ted ate it all up! Next thing I know, I’m out here competing, and kicking all kinds of new ass! But, I soon realized that I didn’t need Ted DiBiasi, that he was holding me back, that he was preventing me from being the ass whoopin’ son of a b**** that I was! So I decided to let him go. That’s right, I let him go, not Pillman, not Monsoon, it was my idea. You think that I would actually lose to somebody like Brian Pillman? No, I needed a reason to get rid of the Million Dollar Man. So I marched into Wrestlemania, I lost, then give Ted DiBiasi the ass whoopin’ he’s been asking for, for a long time!”


“So, uh, what should we call you?”


“My name is Stone Cold Steve Austin, that is how you will address me, do you understand?”




“Yes what?”


“Yes, Mr. Austin sir.”


“That’s better. As of now, I’m putting the WWF on notice, I’m here to kick ass, so you better stay out of my way, or I will open up a can of whoop ass all over you! And that’s the bottom line ‘cause Stone Cold said so!”


Austin then goes to leave, but Hendrix is in his way. Austin smiles, Hendrix moves, but Austin says it’s okay. He then goes to the other side, before turning back and flipping off Hendrix! He then kicks him in the gut, and gives him a Stunner!

Rating: C+


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/MarkCanterbury.jpg vs http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/JonnyBlood/MartyJannetty2.jpg

Henry O. Godwinn vs Marty Jannetty

Henry seems fired up tonight, as he takes the fight to Jannetty, really taking him to town. Henry eventually finishes Jannetty off with a Pumphandle Slam.


Winner: Henry O. Godwinn at 4:00 minutes

Rating: D


After the match, Hunter Hearst Helmsley makes his way out. The Intercontinental Champion gets in the ring, all the while clapping at Godwinn’s victory.


“Bravo Henry, bravo. That was impressive, you truly are an amazing athlete. I just came out here to give you your reward for helping me last night. As I remember, when you debuted here, you had a partner, and you two set the WWF tag team scene on fire. But, ever since your partner left, you’ve been floundering. So, after a lot of consideration, I’ve figured out exactly what to get you. Henry, please welcome your partner, Phinneas Godwinn!”


Henry’s old partner makes his way out. But, he doesn’t look like a farmer, he comes out in a black vest, sunglasses, hair jelled back. He gets in the ring, as Henry looks at him, awestruck.




“That’s right Henry, it’s me, your old partner.”


“What happened to you?”


“Mr. Helmsley happened. You see, he came to me, and he offered me a chance to be a star, to make something of myself. And I took it.”


“That’s right Henry, I called him, and I told about your predicament. But, I knew he couldn’t come back as a hillbilly. Phinneas needed a change, and so do you. So, what do you say?”


Hunter offers Henry a handshake, and after consideration, he takes it! Phinneas then pulls out a pair of sunglasses, and gives them to his partner. All three men then leave the ring together.

Rating: C-


Backstage, Shawn Michaels is looking at his new title, when Sid Vicious walks in.


“Ah, Sid, here to congratulate me?”




“Oh, than what can I do you for?”


“I want a title shot.”


“Really? And what have you done to deserve this title shot?”


“What have I done? What haven’t I done? I’m then single greatest athlete in the WWF, look at me. Face it Michaels, you’re only half the man I am.”


“I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you a match next week against me, if you win, you get your title shot. Agreed?”




Sid leaves.


“Yeesh, no need to get snappy.”

Rating: B-


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/BretHart.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/JeffJarrett3.jpg

Bret Hart vs Jeff Jarrett

Hart seems pissed off after losing his title last night, then having to face a mystery opponent next week. Bret begins pounding away at Jarrett, looking like a possessed man, possibly trying to get out all of his anger. Jarrett, in a desperate attempt at some offence, kicks Hart in the knee. Jarrett then gets a little bit of offence, as he works on the knee. But, it doesn’t last long, as Hart counters a knee lock, and hits a clothesline, followed by the Sharpshooter, and it takes Jarrett about 5 seconds to tap.


Winner: Bret Hart at 10:00 minutes

Rating: C


After the match, as Hart celebrates, he is attacked from behind by…Diesel! Diesel lays into Hart, before picking him up, and giving a Jack-knife Powerbomb! Diesel then picks up a mic.


“Hey Hart, see you next week!”


Diesel drops the mic as the crowd boos Big Daddy.

Rating: B


Backstage, Hunter Hearst Helmsley is walking, when he bumps into Brian Pillman!


“Hey, how you doing there champ?”


“Excuse me.”


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s the hurry? I thought maybe we could have a little chat. I mean, I think after last night, I deserve a title shot.”


“You? You must be joking? What makes you think I would give somebody like you a title shot? I don’t give title shots to boot wearing, greasy haired, unbathed people like you. Face it Pillman, you’re nothing but trailer park trash.”


Pillman just laughs, and lets Hunter pass. But, he then attack Helmsley from behind! He begins laying into him, before officials finally manage to separate him. All the while, he is laughing.

Rating: C-


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/TheUndertakerOld.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/DustinRhodes5.jpg

The Undertaker vs Goldust

Isn’t it weird that in real life, these two feuded during ‘Taker’s feud with Mankind? It’s so forgotten. ‘Taker gets the early offence, backing Goldust into a corner, and pounding away at his ribs, but Goldust uses the technique he used last night, and begins avoiding ‘Taker’s grapple attempts, managing to slip out of ‘Taker’s every move. He eventually get the advantage, and begins working on ‘Taker with punches and kicks, not giving him a chance to get a lick of offence. But, Undertaker manages to find an opening after Goldust pauses to do a sexual movement, and hits Goldust with an uppercut that actually send shim jumping. Undertaker then takes the opening, and finishes Dustin off with a Tombstone for the pinfall.


Winner: The Undertaker at 13:00 minutes

Rating: B-


After the match, Undertaker celebrates, when suddenly he is attacked by a masked man! The man as long hair, is wearing all brown, and has a Hannibal lector type mask on! He begins laying into ‘Taker, before putting his hand in Undertaker’s mouth, choking him out! All the while screeching, and pulling out his hair! The show ends with the masked man choking out the Deadman.

Rating: C+

Final Rating: C+

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WWF Monday Night RAW:

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Ahmed Johnson

Razor Ramon vs Bob Backlund

Shawn Michaels vs Sid Vicious

Winner Faces Owen Hart For #1 Cont.:

Bret Hart vs Diesel

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Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Ahmed Johnson


Amhed sucks in the ring and HHH has a bright future ahead of him


Razor Ramon vs Bob Backlund


Ramon is one of your most popular guys keep him looking strong. Unless Diesle interferes thus giving Ramon the DQ win


Shawn Michaels vs Sid Vicious

One of the best of all time versus a man with half a brain? Gonna pick HBK for this one


Winner Faces Owen Hart For #1 Cont.:

Bret Hart vs Diesel


Either Hart wins by Ramon interference or clean so you can have the Hart/Hart match for next week.


A consistantly good diary looking foward to RAW. KUTGW

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What do you guys think of the logo I made. I know it's not the best, but it's the best I could do.


April Week 2, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show started with the usual pyro, and the camera pans out to Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler sitting at the announce table.


“Hello everybody, and welcoming to another exciting edition of Monday Night RAW! I’m Vince McMahon, here with Jerry “The King” Lawler, and King, tonight we find out who gets to face Shawn Michaels at Good Friends, Better Enemies.”


“Might McMahon, who might face Michaels, remember, they have to go through Owen Hart next week.”


“Yes they will. Also, tonight we find out who is the man that attacked the Undertaker last week.”


“I’m not looking forward to that!”

Rating: B-


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Triple_H43.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/A%20Images/Ahmed_Johnson.jpg

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Ahmed Johnson

Johnson’s losing streak continues. It’s amazing, he hasn’t won a match since the new year began, that is his biggest achievement. Anyway, Hunter finishes off his opponent with a Pedigree for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner: Hunter Hearst Helmsley at 7:00 minutes

Rating: C-


After the match, Brian Pillman storms to the ring and begins attacking Helmsley! He begins pounding on Helmsley, before the Godwinns come out! They begin double teaming Pillman, and when Helmsley gets up, it turns into a triple team. They finish Pillman off with a Pedigree, before posing in the ring.

Rating: D+


We return from the break, to see Dok Hendrix backstage, apparently approaching a boiler room.


“Hello, I’m about to interview the man who attacked the Undertaker last week. He has identified himself as Mankind, and he has agreed to this interview, only if it takes place in this boiler room.”


He goes in. It is completely black except for a light in the distance. He approaches it, and sees Mankind there, sitting on the ground, rocking back and forth, and pulling out his hair.


“Mr. Mankind?”


Mankind looks up.




“My name is Dok Hendrix, I’m here to interview you?”


“Have a seat.”


Hendrix looks around for a chair, but doesn’t find anything. He just sits in the floor opposite Mankind.


“Mankind, first off, why did you attack the Undertaker last week?”


Mankind lets out a creepy laugh.


“Let me tell you something Dok. Undertaker has built a career out of fear. The Undertaker instills fear in the people he faces. And you know why they fear him? Because he has claimed to have felt more pain than humanly imaginable, so much, that he doesn’t feel pain at all anymore! Well, let me tell you something, I have lived with pain, my whole life! I have been experiencing pain since I was a baby, whether it be emotional pain, like when the kids at school used to call me a freak. Or physical pain, like when I fell through about 30 c-4 explosives in Japan. Undertaker claims to have felt the greatest pain, he hasn’t felt the pain I feel every single day of my life! You know why I attacked the Undertaker? I wanted to show him the pain I feel, I wanted him to experience it. I wanted him to know, that he hasn’t felt pain! He hasn’t experienced anything! Undertaker, last week was nothing. Undertaker, you will feel the pain I feel, and then you will be able to go out there, and tell people that you have felt pain!”


Mankind then begins shrieking, and pulling out his hair as Dok runs out of the boiler room.

Rating: C


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Razor_Ramon2.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/BobBacklund.jpg

Razor Ramon vs Bob Backlund

Ramon seems still a little sore after Wrestlemania. I mean, who wouldn’t be after facing Big Daddy Diesel. Backlund gets the early advantage, working on Ramon’s back. He begins kneeing away at Razor’s back, pretty much taking out the Razor’s Edge. But, Ramon still has some fight in him, as after enduring a multitude of back shots, he still manages to hit a clothesline, followed by a crossface chicken wing! Backlund taps to his own finisher!


Winner: Razor Ramon at 6:00 minutes

Rating: D+


After the match, Ramon grabs a mic.


“Hey yo, Diesel thought that he can take me out? He thought that he can beat the Bad Guy down? Well let me tell you something chicko, I’m Razor Ramon. I am the baddest, toughest superstar in this place. And I…”


Just then, Ramon is interrupted by Steve Austin! Austin gets in the ring, and grabs a mic.


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, did I just hear you see that you are the baddest so of a b*** in this place? Well let me tell you something son, you don’t measure up to Stone Cold Steve Austin. You’re nothing but a greasy haired Tony Montana wannabe. I am the toughest S.O.B. to ever step foot in the WWF ring, and if you wanna test me, I will stomp a mud hole in your ass, and walk it dry!”


Razor just stands there.


“What nothing? I thought so, now get the hell out of my ring before I open up a can of whoop ass!”


Razor goes to leave, before turning back and laying into Austin with right hands! Both men begin brawling as officials try to separate them. The officially manage to do it, but both men try to get a piece of the other.

Rating: C+


After the break, The Smokin’ Gunns make their way out. They get in the ring, with the always beautiful Sunny. She grabs a mic.


“You know, after Wrestlemania, me and my clients did a lot of thinking. And after proving once again, that we are the dominant tag team in the WWF, we decided that there is nothing left to do, but retire! That’s right, this is the last time you will be seeing these two men in a WWF ring. But, don’t think that this means that we are giving up our tag team gold, oh no, we are taking the titles with us! I mean, after all, they are ours!”


Sunny & her clients then begin laughing, as the crowd boos incessantly. But, the are soon interrupted by the commissioner, Gorilla Monsoon! He comes out looking pretty pissed.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing? You think that you can just come out here, announce your retirement, and take those tag titles with you?”


“You’re damn right we can! We checked!”


“Oh you did, did you? Well let me tell you something. There is not a single chance in hell that I am gonna let you get out of this building with the tag team titles! So, either I strip you of your tag titles right now!”


“You can’t do that!”


“Like hell I can’t! Or, you defend them right here tonight!”


“Damn it, this isn’t fair, our contract says that if my clients choose to retire when they are still the legal holders of those tag team titles, then the titles go with them.”


“Well, your contract also states that you have an obligation to defend those titles, or you will be stripped of them. So choose. Either you defend them right here, right now, or you are no longer the tag champions.”


“Fine! It doesn’t matter anyway, we’ve beaten everybody that there is to beat.”


“Not everybody. Ladies & Gentlemen, please welcome the newest tag team on the WWF roster. The Eliminators!”


Two short muscled men come out. They are introduced as Perry Saturn, and John Kronus! They get In the ring, and immediately go on the attack!

Rating: D+


http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn68/Carmine85/WWF/BartGunn.jpghttp://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/BillyGunn2.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/Perry_Saturn8.jpghttp://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/JohnKronus.jpg

WWF Tag Team Championships:

The Smokin’ Gunns© vs The Eliminators

The Smokin’ Gunns don’t even get a chance to take off their belts, as the Eliminators are all over them with punches. Saturn hits a dropkick which sends Bart to the outside, and both men hit Billy with a double clothesline, as the ref finally manages to get Kronus to the corner. Saturn continues his assault, laying into Billy with lefts and rights, before hitting him with a fisherman suplex. The eliminators dominate the bulk of the match, frequently tagging, I swear, you’d think that the Eliminators were the heels the way they’re dominating. The match ends, when Bart reverses a Death Valley Driver attempt, and the Gunns decide to bail, getting themselves counted out.


Winners: The Eliminators by Count Out, at 8:00 minutes

Rating: E+


The Gunns, grin and laugh at the fact that they just outsmarted their opponents.

Rating: D


We are taken backstage, where Ahmed Johnson is being interviewed by Dok Hendrix.


“Ahmed Johnson, lately you’ve been in a bit of a losing streak, what do you plan to do about that?”


“Well Dok…”


Just then, he is attacked from behind by Steve Austin! Austin lays into Johnson, before grabbing the mic.


“Hendrix, I wanna take this time to challenge that Cuban sun of a b**** Razor Ramon to a match, next week! You bring the cups, and I’ll bring the can of whoop ass!”


Austin then lays a few more boots into Johnson before leaving.

Rating: C


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/ShawnMichaels4.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/Sid_Vicious.jpg

Shawn Michaels vs Sid Vicious

HBK enters looking as ****y as always, but Sid has a much more serious expression on his face. Sid dominates the early goings of the match, really taking it to the champ. He beats the champ down. Shawn, in a moment of desperation, attempts a Superkick, but Sid catches him, kicks him in the gut, and hits a Powerbomb! 1…2…no! Shawn kicks out! Sid attempts another one, but Shawn avoids it by getting out of Sid’s attempt to get him up, and hits a Superkick! 1…2…3!


Winner: Shawn Michaels at 11:00 minutes

Rating: C


After the match, Shawn picks up a mic.


“That is why they call me the Showstopper! Now, I have three people vying for my title, three people that claim to be the best. Three people, that I have beaten before. So, Diesel, Bret, Owen, you need to stop worrying about how to beat each other, and start worrying about what you’re gonna do when you get to the big stage. Because, as I have proved time and time again, nobody, can outperform Shawn Michaels when it comes to big match situations.”


HBK drops the mic, and struts out of the ring in style.

Rating: B


Backstage, Diesel is warming up in his locker room, when Owen Hart walks in.


“Hey Big Daddy, just wanted to make sure you’re focused tonight. You need to win this match, if not for you, than for me.”


Diesel turns to him and smiles.


“You’re talking to the wrong person.”


“Excuse me?”


“As scared as you are about the possibility of facing your brother, you should be even more scared about the prospect of facing me. Because, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have destroyed everyone, and everything that has gotten in my path to the WWF title. And next week, you will be in my path.”


Owen grows a worried expression on his face, as Diesel walks out of the room.

Rating: B-


Backstage, The Gunns are celebrating their smartness, when Gorilla Monsoon walks by.


“You guys think you’re pretty smart don’t you?”


“Yeah, we do.”


“Well, let me tell you this, smart guys. Technically you lost tonight, so if you’re still planning to retire, I can legally strip you of those belts, and give them to the Eliminators.”




“That’s right. So, still want to retire.”


The Gunns don’t respond.


“Good, and one other thing. At In Your House, you will be defending those titles in a rematch against the Eliminators. And if you choose to get yourselves counted out or eliminated, you will be stripped of your titles.”


The Gunns aren’t happy as Monsoon walks away.

Rating: E+


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/BretHart.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/KevinNash2.jpg

Bret Hart vs Diesel

Diesel gets the early advantage, backing Hart into a corner, and laying into him with punches. He really takes it to Hart, throwing him around the ring like a rag doll, and Hart of course sells masterfully like he always does. But, Hart finds an opening when Diesel goes for a Jack-knife, and grabs his leg, and trips him out of the ring. Hart then recovers while Diesel gets in the ring. Bret then goes straight on the offence, hitting a suplex before attempting to lock in the Sharpshooter. But, Diesel pushes him off, and Hart bumps into the referee! Diesel then attempts a Jack-knife, but Hart grabs his legs, and locks in the Sharpshooter! Diesel writhes in pain, as Hart presses on, not caring that the referee is out cold. Owen then comes running to the ring with a chair! He gets in the ring, and swings at Hart, who ducks, and Owen hits Diesel! Bret then tosses Owen from the ring, and makes the cover as the referee groggily counts, 1…2…3!


Winner: Bret Hart at 13:00 minutes

Rating: C+


After the match, Bret celebrates, as Owen looks on frightened. When Diesel gets up, he looks at Owen with an “I’m gonna kill you” look on his face.

Rating: B-

Final Rating: C

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Man do these ratings suck! It must be so annoying for you! But I guess it makes it a challenge and the important thing is this remains entertaining, which it is.


Brian Pillman vs The Godwinns

Whilst not a fan of one man beating two, the Godwinns can offer you so little and Pillman is all kinds of awesome


Mankind vs Marty Jannetty

Marty was still a decent hand at this point but directionless whereas Mankind is going to be so important for you.


Steve Austin vs Razor Ramon

Tough one! I'll go with da bad guy because he is further up the card at the moment. However, I've got no doubt Austin is going to be huge for you. Obviously!


#1 Contendership Match:

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart

Wow! Huge match up here. I'm going for a draw because while Bret is more obvious and the stronger all rounder, Owen is still incredibly talented and one of my all time favourites, which is obvious to any one who has read my diary. The draw leads to a Triple Threat to keep Bret vs Michaels being overused and meanwhile helping to elevate Owen to the level he really should have been at.


Looks like a good card, I'm looking forward to it!

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WWF Monday Night RAW

April Week 3, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with the usual pyro, and the camera pans out to reveal Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler at ringside.


“Hello everybody and welcome to another…”


“Do you always have to say the exact same thing?”


“Excuse me?”


“You always start the show with the exact same words.”


“I’m just introducing the fans to the show.”


“Well you could mix it up a little.”


“What would you say?”


“Hello and welcome to the elite show in wrestling, to the place where superstars are made, I’m Jerry “The King” Lawler, and what a show we have tonight!”


“You forgot to mention me.”


“I said what I said.”


“Let’s just go to the ring.”

Rating: B-


Handicap Match:

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Brian_Pillman.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/MarkCanterbury1998.jpghttp://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/DennisKnight2.jpg

Brian Pillman vs The Godwinns

McMahon explains that if Pillman wins, he gets a shot at the Intercontinental title at IYH. The Godwinns dominate the bulk of the match, double teaming Pillman. But, Pillman makes the comeback, sending Phinneas to the outside with a dropkick, before Hunter decided to come out. He gets in the ring, and tries to hit Pillman with his belt, but he ducks, and Henry gets a belt shot to the head! Pillman then made the cover! 1…2…3!


Winner: Brian Pillman at 8:00 minutes

Rating: D


Brian Pillman celebrates the fact that he get to challenge for the IC championship.

Rating: C


Shawn Michaels is backstage stretching, when Mr. Perfect walks up to him to a huge pop from the crowd.


“Mr. Perfect! Long time no see, how’ve you been?”


“Not well, my back is pretty messed up. But, the doctors said I will wrestle again.”


“Good for you!”


“And Shawn, I just wanted you to know, that when I do return, I will be coming after that WWF title.”


“I look forward to it.”


They shake hands, and Hennig leaves. Michaels returns to his warming up, when Bret Hart walks up to him.


“Well, well, well. Hello Bret.”




“Can I help you.”


“I just wanted to remind you that all the hell that I am being put through, it’s all for that title. I just wanted you to know the length I will go to get that title back, even if it means going against my own family.”


“Well Bret, you don’t how far I am willing to go, to keep this title. Even If it means taking you out… permanently.”


Shawn then leaves. As Bret looks back at HBK, he is attacked from behind by Owen! Owen pounds into Bret, before slamming his head on the locker. He then walks away laughing maniacally.

Rating: B


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/Mankind1996.jpg vs http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/JonnyBlood/MartyJannetty2.jpg

Mankind vs Marty Jannetty

Mankind making his debut here tonight against veteran Marty Jannetty. Mankind shows some very impressive brawling skills, really taking it to Jannetty. He takes him to a corner, and begins pummeling away with lightning fast punches, before setting him up in a tree of woe position, and hitting him with a running knee. Mankind finishes off his opponent with the Mandible Claw, which caused Jannetty to pass out!


Winner: Mankind at 7:00 minutes

Rating: C


After the match, the lights go out, and The Undertaker’s voice echoes throughout the arena.


“Mankind! 2 weeks ago, you attempted to show me what pain really is. Well let me tell you, that I am the Lord Of Darkness, I have seen the dark depths of the human soul, and I have felt pain beyond human understanding! Mankind, at In Your House, I will show the pain that I have felt, and the pain that I have caused my whole life! Mankind, at In Your House, you will rest…in…peace!”


The lights then come back on, to show Mankind kneeling at a turnbuckle, rocking back and forth, and pulling out his hair.

Rating: B-


After we return, we find Jim Cornette in the ring, with a mic.


“Ladies and Gentlemen! Since the events of Wrestlemania, my client has been absent from Monday Night RAW. You all thought that the Undertaker had put him away, well you were wrong! You see, me and my client were scouting! That’s right, we decided that taking over the WWF would not be an easy task, and my army needs more men, or more monsters if you will. So, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you, my newest client….Bam Bam Bigelow!”


The Beast from the East makes his way out, accompanied by Vader. They get in the ring, and await their opponents.

Rating: C


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/V%20Images/Vader8.jpghttp://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/Bam_Bam_Bigelow3.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/TomPritchard.jpghttp://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/ChrisCandido.jpg

Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow vs The Bodydonnas

The new team of Vader and Bigelow dominate the Donnas, destroying them. They throw them around for a couple of minutes, before Bam hits the Diving Headbutt for the pin.


Winners: Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow at 2:00 minutes

Rating: D+


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/Steve_Austin14.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Razor_Ramon2.jpg

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs Razor Ramon

This match is unfortunately short, but good for the time it got. Austin gets the early advantage, pounding into Ramon in the corner. But, Ramon’s experience eventually gets the advantage, frustrating Austin. Austin eventually bails from the ring, grabs a chair, and bashes Ramon in the head with it! Causing a DQ.


Winner: Razor Ramon by DQ at 5:00 minutes

Rating: C+


But Austin doesn’t seem to care that he lost, and he keeps pounding away at Ramon, causing him to bleed profusely. He then begins bashing his leg in with the chair. He then wraps the chair around his leg, goes to the top, and jumps off, smashing his leg on the chair! Austin laughs as the EMT’s check on Ramon.

Rating: C


After the break, we catch Austin backstage, walking and drinking beer after beer, when he bumps into Gorilla Monsoon.


“You’re very happy with yourself aren’t you?”


“Son of a b**** got what was comin’ to him.”


“Yeah, well at In You House, you’ll get what’s coming to you. Because I’ve decided to make a match between you, and Razor Ramon! And…it will be no disqualification!”


Austin just grins, toasts Monsoon, and keeps walking.

Rating: C


#1 Contendership Match:

http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/BretHart.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/OwenHart.jpg

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart

I know, it’s stupid to give this match away on free T.V. But, rest assured, this isn’t the last time they will go at it. Anyway, Owen uses some heel tactics to get the early advantage, but Bret quickly uses his superior technical skills to pounce on his baby brother. The match is much more even than most Bret Hart matches, as neither man seems to get the advantage for long. The match ends, when Owen dropkicks Bret on to the referee, sending them both down. As Owen taunts his brother, Diesel makes his way out! Big Daddy gets in the ring, and stares down the frightened Owen, before hitting a Jack-knife Powerbomb on Bret! Owen then celebrates, before he is also hit by a Jack-knife! Diesel then laughs and leaves the ring. Both men are down, as the ref gets up, and begins the count. 1…2…3…4…5…6, both men begin getting to their feet, 7…8…9…both men are up! Owen attempts a clothesline, but Bret ducks, grabs Owen’s legs, and locks in the Sharpshooter! Owen stirs a little, before tapping out!


Winner: Bret Hart at 12:00 minutes

Rating: B

Final Rating: B-

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Just gone through all of this diary and I'm really enjoying, I'll definitely try to keep up with it. I thought for sure Perfect/Owen would get solid ratings, guess not. Must be a bit annoying, but your Main Event for Mania definitely delivered. With Owen in the Main Event of Raw this week, I'm hoping he becomes a fixture in the Main Event.
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Just gone through all of this diary and I'm really enjoying, I'll definitely try to keep up with it. I thought for sure Perfect/Owen would get solid ratings, guess not. Must be a bit annoying, but your Main Event for Mania definitely delivered. With Owen in the Main Event of Raw this week, I'm hoping he becomes a fixture in the Main Event.


Thanks for the reply!


I was also dissapointed with Owen, Hennig. But, I guess it's like Burninghammster said, it's probably a bad idea to put somebody like Mr. Perfect with his back problems, in a 25 minute I Quit match. And of course, my main event delivered, that's why I'm having the rematch. As Owen, believe me, he's in for a big push. And he will definitely be a fixture in the main event.


Keep reading!

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Here are the results for the past month:

WCW Monday Nitro (Week 3 April):

Harlem Heat def. Bunkhouse & Norton to retain the tag titles (B-)

Brawl involving Randy Savage & Hulk Hogan (A*)

DDP def. Belfast Bruiser (C-)

Luger & Sting def. Road Warriors (B)

Big Bubba Rogers def. Randy Savage (B-)

Final Rating: B-

Nitro rating: 3.46

RAW Rating: 3.14


WCW Monday Nitro (Week 2 April):

Harlem Heat def. The Blue Bloods to retain the tag titles (B-)

Segment with Flair, Hogan, and Sting (A*)

Chris Benoit def. Kurosowa ©

Segment with Luger & Savage (A)

Eddy & DDP def. American Males (B-)

Luger & Sting def. The Road Warriors (B+)

Final Rating: B

Nitro Rating: 3.62

RAW Rating: 2.99


WCW Bad Habbit Results(PPV) (Week 1 April):

Orndorff & Shark def. Loch Ness & J.L. ©

Confrontation involving Sting & Hulk Hogan (A)

Benoit def. Cobra, Pittman, and Slater (C+)

Kurosowa & Bart def. Men At Work (D-)

Nasty Boyz def. American Males ©

The Barbarian def. Eddy Guerrero ©

Meng def. Walstreet & DDP (C+)

Road Warriors def. Blue Bloods (C+)

Brawl involving Randy Savage & Ric Flair (A*)

Luger def. Booker & Malenko (B)

The Zodiac def. Johnny B. Badd (C-)

One Man Gang def. Stevie Ray to retain the U.S. title (C-)

Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage went to a no contest (A)

Ric Flair def. Jim Duggan to retain the WCW title (A*)

Final Rating: A


WCW Monday Nitro (Week 1 April):

Sherri Martel drew with Madusa Micelli (D)

Brawl involving Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage (A)

American Males def. Nasty Boyz (C+)

Road Warriors def. Blue Bloods (C+)

Ric Flair def. Booker T to retain the WCW title (A*)

Final Rating: B+

Nitro Rating: 3.65

RAW Rating: 2.95


So, as you can see, WCW is kicking my a** in every way, and they have also risen to the #1 promotion in the world. But I have a plan.

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WWF Monday Night RAW:

Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Godwinns vs Brian Pillman & The Eliminators

Cornette's Army (Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow) vs The Bushwackers

Mankind vs Tatanka

Diesel & Owen Hart vs Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels

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Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Godwinns vs Brian Pillman & The Eliminators

Cornette's Army (Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow) vs The Bushwackers

Mankind vs Tatanka

Diesel & Owen Hart vs Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels


Sorry, I must get back up to speed with everybodies diary today, so these predictions are based more on instinct than anything else!

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Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Godwinns vs Brian Pillman & The Eliminators

Possible interference from The Ringmaster?


Cornette's Army (Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow) vs The Bushwackers


Mankind vs Tatanka


Diesel & Owen Hart vs Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels

I don't think HBK and Bret will get along, but if they're in the Main Event at the next PPV, then you definitely wanna keep them strong still.

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Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Godwinns vs Brian Pillman & The Eliminators

Tough one here. I guess I'm just going out on a limb. I love Hunter at this stage, but Pillman had such a bright future. :mad:


Cornette's Army (Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow) vs The Bushwackers

lol. :D


Mankind vs Tatanka

Tatanka puts up a decent fight here. But Mankind wins decisively. Have a nice day. :)


Diesel & Owen Hart vs Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels

Bret & Shawn is always a shaky team. And besides, Big Daddy Cool & The King Of Harts together? You cant stop that.


Great diary you got here too brother. Its kinda tough though working with a one hour RaW though aint it? At least when it comes to pushing people.

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WWF Monday Night RAW

April Week 4, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with the usual pyro, but instead of panning out to the announce table, it shifts to the entrance stage, where Shawn Michaels’ music hits, and the WWF Champion makes his way out with a mic.


“So, here we are, six days away from possibly the biggest rematch in wrestling history. After, getting my chance, taking it, and using that chance to win the WWF Championship, I head into my first title defense against the same man I won it from. Bret, let me ask you this, what exactly makes you think that you can beat me in six days?”


Bret Hart’s music then plays, and he makes his way out with a mic.


“Well Shawn, it’s funny you should ask. You see, you’ve been coming out here week after week, boasting about how you beat me at Wrestlemania. Well let me tell you, one win doesn’t make you something. I didn’t prove that I was the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be, by winning that title, I did it by defending day in, day out against anybody and everybody. So Shawn, until you’ve beaten people like Yokozuna, The Undertaker, Vader, and everybody else, you don’t get to come out here and claim to be better than me.”


“Very nice Bret, you really got me. That is, until I remembered that I’ve done everything you’ve done, just better. This title is long overdue for me, I’ve beaten everybody you’ve beat, that is why they call me the Showstopper. So, I think I’ve earned the right to come out here and brag. Oh, and you may have beaten everybody that there is to beat, but you haven’t beaten me!”


HBK then poses, as he and Bret stare each other down.

Rating: B


Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Godwinns vs Brian Pillman & The Eliminators

Saturn & Phinneas start the match off, with Perry getting the early advantage, taking down Phinneas with some powerful moves. The Eliminators then make frequent tags, taking down the Godwinns who try avoiding tagging in Helmsley so he can rest. But, Henry out of desperation makes a tag, and it just happens to be to Helmsley! Hunter gets in, but legal man John Kronus chooses to tag in Brian Pillman! Pillman goes to work on Hunter, really taking the fight to him. Hunter tags out after a cheap shot, and the match goes even again. The match ends, when the referee gets knocked out by Henry. Henry attempts a clothesline on Saturn, but he ducks, and preps Godwinn for a DVD! But, he is attacked from behind by Billy Gunn! Billy lays into Perry, as Bart is outside laying into Kronus! Pillman tries to make the save, but is attacked by Helmsley and the Godwinns! Helmsley hits Pillman with the Pedigree, just as the ref comes to, he makes the count, 1…2…3!


Winners: Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Godwinns at 12:00 minutes

Rating: D


After the match, the 5 heels continue to beat down on the 3 faces. The Gunns toss aside their titles to lay into the Eliminators. But, The Godwinns get distracted by the sight of tag team gold, and begin to admire the belts. The Gunns see this, and begin arguing with the Godwinns, as Helmsley tries to make peace. Meanwhile, Pillman & The Eliminator recover, and attack the heels! They toss out the Godwinns, and the Eliminators take turns hitting their finishers on The Gunns, before tossing them out, leaving only Hunter & Pillman! Pillman lays into Hunter, before finishing him off with an IC belt shot! Pillman then poses with the title as we go to commercial.

Rating: D-


After the break, we return to find Sid Vicious in the ring, and he has mic, Yeah!


“I’m pissed off!”


The crowd is already bored.


“I have been underutilized(big word!) on this show for too god damn long! I’ve been stuck doing nothing for over three months, and then two weeks ago, I was screwed by Shawn Michaels! I demand, someone come out here, and give some respect!”


Jim Cornette’s music then hits, and he makes his way out, his army following him. He gets in the ring, and grabs a mic.


“You know Sid, you are absolutely right. You have been given no respect at all, last year you dominated the WWF, and now you’ve been beat up, tossed aside, and left to die! I knew another worker who was treated the same way, his name, was Bam Bam Bigelow. But now, he has returned, and he is better than ever, because you see, that is what my army does, it takes people who are criminally underrated, and it gives them their chance to shine! And Sid, buddy, looks like you need some spotlight, and we are the people to give it to you.”


Sid thinks about it, before talking.


“No way Cornette! I work against people, not with them!”


“Okay, lucky for you, I don’t take no for an answer. So, here is what I’m gonna do, I was to go outside, grab a chair, and watch these two monsters in action. I guarantee you, after watching their match, you’ll be singing a different tune!”


Sid thinks again (that’s twice!), before going outside, setting up a chair, and sitting down to watch the following match.

Rating: C


Cornette’s Army vs The Bushwackers

Naturally, Vader and Bigelow dominate. What? Did you expect the Bushwackers to win? Anyway, Vader finishes it off fast with a Vader Bomb.


Winners: Cornette’s Army at 2:00 minutes

Rating: D


After the match, Cornette picks up a mic.


“So, what do you say?”


Sid gets up, gets in the ring, and begins staring down Cornette, before speaking into the mic.


“I’ll think about it.”


Sid leaves, leaving a disappointed Cornette in the ring.

Rating: C


Mankind vs Tatanka

Mankind has his second WWF match tonight, this time, he seems a little bit off, possibly afraid that the Undertaker might interfere. And his fears were met, when during the Mandible Claw, the lights suddenly went out! When they came back on, The Undertaker was in the ring! Mankind started screeching, before making his way out of the ring.


Winner: No Contest at 5:00 minutes

Rating: C-


Mankind started making his way to the back, but turned midway, and began making his way back to the ring! He got in, and he and The Undertaker began furiously brawling! As both men began wailing on each other, Mankind managed to get the advantage, and locked in the mandible claw! He kept it wrenched in, and ‘Taker eventually passed out! Mankind then left, as we went to commercial.

Rating: B-


When we returned, we caught up with Jim Cornette and his army, as they ran into Jeff Jarrett.


“Cornette! Well, if it isn’t my favorite manager in the whole world.”


“Nice to see you Jarrett, can you I help you something?”


“Well, I couldn’t help but overhear you earlier, talking about how you were giving underrated workers their chance to showcase their talent.”


“Yes? And?”


“And, I happen to have a butt load of talent that ‘aint being showcased!”


“Are you saying you want to join my army.”


“I knew a fellow southerner like yourself would figure it out! Think about, there is no better addition than J, A, double r, e, double t, j….”


“I get it. I’ll tell you what, since I couldn’t get through to Sid earlier, I say, if you can get him to join my army, you’re in.”


“Sid? Me and him go way back! Sure, I’ll get him to join, then, we will be the most dominant force in the WWF!”


“You’re damn right we will!”


Cornette and Jarrett then shake hands, and part ways.

Rating: C


We then go to Gorilla Monsoon’s office, when Owen Hart comes in.


“You wanted to see me Monsoon?”


“Yes Owen. It has come to my attention that you have been having trouble with another superstar.”


“You’re damn right! I am sick of Bret always getting title shots! And I…”


“I’m not talking about your brother Owen, I’m talking Diesel.”


“Diesel? Hahahaha! Me and him worked it out, we’re cool now, I mean, we’re teaming up tonight.”


“Nevertheless, I think you two need to sort out your differences. Which is why I’m making a match at In Your House, I’m making a match between you, and Diesel!”


“What?! No, no, that’s not fair! I told you everything’s fine!”


“No, it’s not, but after six days, it will be.”


“You’ll pay for this!”


He then storms out, as Jeff Jarrett walks in.


“Hey there Gorilla, how are things.”


“Can I help you?”


“Yes, as a matter of fact you can. You see, I would like a match, in six days, at In Your House, against Sid Vicious.”




“Well, I thought, what better way to convince him to join the army, than by showing him what the army is all about! And that means, the star of the army needs to show him how to wrestle.”


“Alright, the match is on.”


Jarrett then gets out.

Rating: C


Diesel & Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels & Bret Hart

You can see that these men don’t like who their teaming with. But, Michaels & Hart work better, as they take control of the smaller Owen, preferring to stay away from Big Daddy. But, Owen eventually makes the tag, and Diesel goes on a rampage, taking out everything in sight! Diesel throws Bret out of the ring, and begins working on the champ. Diesel’s rampage continues, until HBK eventually ducks a big boot, and hits a Superkick! HBK then makes the tag to Bret, as Owen tags himself in. Both brothers go at it, until Bret manages to lock in the Sharpshooter! As Bret clenches on, he is hit with a boot from Diesel! Diesel then hits a Jack-knife! He then follows it up with another one….on Owen! Diesel then leaves the ring, as HBK comes in, and drapes Bret’s arm across Owen, 1…2…3!


Winners: Shawn Michaels & Bret Hart at 10:00 minutes

Rating: C+


After the match, HBK celebrates, as a groggy Bret Hart gets up. Michaels shakes Bret’s hand, before turning to leave the ring, but he then turns around, and hits Bret with a Superkick! The show ends with HBK posing with the WWF title.

Rating: B

Final Rating: C

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WWF In Your House - Good Friends, Better Enemies


WWF Tag Team Championships:

http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn68/Carmine85/WWF/BartGunn.jpghttp://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/BillyGunn2.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/Perry_Saturn8.jpghttp://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/JohnKronus.jpg

The Smokin' Gunns© vs The Eliminators


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/JeffJarrett3.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/Sid_Vicious.jpg

Jeff Jarrett vs Sid Vicious


WWF Intercontinental Championship:

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Triple_H43.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Brian_Pillman.jpg

Hunter Hearst Helmsley© vs Brian Pillman


No Disqualifications Match:

http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/Steve_Austin14.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Razor_Ramon2.jpg

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs Razor Ramon


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/Mankind1996.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/TheUndertakerOld.jpg

Mankind vs The Undertaker


http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/KevinNash2.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/OwenHart.jpg

Diesel vs Owen Hart


WWF Championship:

http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/ShawnMichaels4.jpg vs http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss82/Aboodie-95/BretHart.jpg

Shawn Michaels© vs Bret Hart

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The Smokin' Gunns© vs The Eliminators

Haha, how un-WWF is that picture of Kronus?! Newbies aren't ready yet


Jeff Jarrett vs Sid Vicious

Sid is the bigger star at the moment


WWF Intercontinental Championship:


Hunter Hearst Helmsley© vs Brian Pillman

Probably won't happen but I love Pillman and would love to see him get some props in this bad boy


No Disqualifications Match:


'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs Razor Ramon

This could really elevate Austin but Razor needs to keep looking strong


Mankind vs The Undertaker

Hence making him a star for you


Diesel vs Owen Hart

I think you're trying to make Owen in to a legitimate threat so a big win over Diesel for him


WWF Championship:

Shawn Michaels© vs Bret Hart

He's not ready to lose it yet. Will be another great match


Looks like a good show mate, hopefully it gets the ratings you deserve.

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For the few of you who are still reading. And thanks to Keefmoon for being the only one to predict.


WWF In Your House: Good Friends, Better Enemies


April, Week 4, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with a video package, highlighting the main feuds going into the PPV, which include: the WWF title match, Owen & Diesel, and Mankind & ‘Taker.

Rating: B


Huge pyros then go off, as the camera pans around the arena, and settles into the announce table, where Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler are at the announce table.


“Hello everybody, and welcome to In Your House: Good Friends, Better Enemies! My name is Vince McMahon here with Jerry “The King” Lawler, and what a jam-packed show we have tonight!”


“Oh, you got that right, tonight, the King Of Harts proves to the world, that he is the true star of the washed up Hart clan.”


“I’m not getting into this, let’s just go to the ring.”

Rating: B-


WWF Tag Team Championships:

The Smokin’ Gunns© vs The Eliminators

The match starts off quick, with the Eliminators getting the early advantage, tossing Bart out of the ring, and laying into Billy. The match eventually starts, and Kronus gets the early advantage on Billy. But, the Gunns take the advantage, when Sunny trips Saturn when he tries to hit a running clothesline. Billy works on Saturn with some restholds, and the Gunns begin double teaming Saturn, isolating him from his partner.


But, Saturn ducks a double clothesline attempt, and hits Billy with a clothesline, before dropkicking Bart right into a back suplex to the outside from Kronus! Saturn then hits a Superkick followed by a pin attempt, 1…2…no! Bart breaks it up! Saturn takes Bart out with a DVD to the outside. Sunny then sneaks in the tag belt in for Billy to use. And, just as he is about to hit Saturn with it, he realizes that if he gets himself disqualified, they’ll lose the belts.


He tosses the belts to the outside, and turns around, right into a DVD attempt from Saturn! But, Billy rolls out of it, and pushes him off, right into the referee! Saturn turns around, ducks a clothesline, and hits the Superkick! Saturn then prepares for the DVD, but is hit with a belt shot from Bart! Saturn goes down, and Billy goes down on top of him! The groggy referee makes the count, 1…2…3!


Winners: And STILL WWF Tag Team Champions, The Smokin’ Gunns at 7:00 minutes

Rating: D-


After the match, the Gunns celebrate, as Kronus checks on his unconscious partner.

Rating: D-


We are taken backstage, where Jim Cornette is talking with Jeff Jarrett.


“Are you sure this is the best way to convince Sid?”


“Absolutely baby! Listen, I’ve teamed with Sid, I know every move he’s got, and that’s not a lot, believe me, I can take him. And then, he’ll see what Cornette’s Army is all about.”


“He better.”


“Cornette, you have to stop doubting the Army’s crown jewel.”


“I told you to stop calling yourself that.”


“Yeah, whatever you say baby.”


Jarrett then leaves. Cornette then turns to his two monsters.


“Okay, Jarrett obviously doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. So, it’s up to you guys to convince Sid, to join the army. I have a plan.”


The three men then huddle up, as Vader kicks the camera man out.

Rating: C+


Jeff Jarrett vs Sid Vicious

The match starts off with Jarrett trying to avoid getting too close to Sid, even resorting to hiding behind the ref, before Sid grabbed a hold of him, and threw across the ring. Sid then began pounding away at Jarrett. He begins throwing him around like a rag doll, before attempting a Chokeslam. But, Jarrett grabs a hold of Sid’s leg, and trips him, then locks in a leg lock.


Sid eventually powers out of the move, before proceeding to no sell it by hitting Jarrett with a boot to the face. Sid then attempts a Powerbomb, but again, Jarrett grabs his leg, and this time, uses it to trip him out of the ring. Jarrett uses this to recover, so that when Sid gets back in the ring, Jarrett begins pounding away at him with knees to the back. Jarrett then begins working on Sid’s leg, before locking the Figure-4-Leg lock!


As Sid screams in pain(maybe it’s better off he doesn’t sell), Jarrett begins laughing thinking he just got into the army, when he is snapped back to reality by a punch from Sid. Sid punches away at Jarrett, until the southerner releases the hold. Sid then attempts a Chokeslam, but Jarrett pushes him off. Sid attempts a big boot, but Jarrett ducks, and Sid hits the referee! Jarrett then grabs his guitar, and attempts to hit Sid with it, but Sid grabs the guitar, and smashes it over Jarrett’s head!


Jim Cornette then makes his way out, with Vader & Bigelow following close behind. The two monsters get in the ring, and Sid immediately goes on the attack. But, the two monsters take control of Sid, and begin pounding away at him. Each man takes a turn splashing Sid, before Vader hit a Vader-Sault, and Bigelow hit a diving Headbutt. Vader then draped the unconscious Jarrett over Sid, as the referee makes the count, 1…2…3!


Winner: Jeff Jarrett at 8:00 minutes

Rating: C-


After the match, Vader & Bigelow celebrate, as Cornette looks on, hoping his plan worked, and a groggy Jarrett begins coming to. Jarrett also celebrates when Cornette tells him he won. But, the celebration stops, when Sid gets back in the ring. He faces off with Cornette, who has his monsters backing him up, with Jarrett in the middle, inspecting. Sid faces off with Cornette for what seems like an eternity, before shaking his hand! Cornette then raises Sid’s hand, before turning to Jarrett…and raising his hand! All 5 men then celebrate, before heading to the back.

Rating: B-


A video is shown, highlighting the career of The British Bulldog! It talks about his time in Stampede, and Japan, and his tag team with the Dynamite Kid. It then says


“Coming back, next week.”

Rating: B+


Hunter Hearst Helmsley is shown backstage, talking to the Godwinns.


“Now, you guys know what to do right?”


“Of course, of course.”


“Good, try not to screw this up.”


Hunter then leaves for his title match….up next!

Rating: D


WWF Intercontinental Championship:

Hunter Hearst Helmsley© vs Brian Pillman

The two men circle each other, before locking up in the center of the ring. Pillman gets the early advantage, getting a headlock locked in on Helmsley, but Helmsley soon reverses it into an arm bar. Helmsley then backs Pillman into the turnbuckle, and clubs him in the back of the head. Hunter then works on Pillman in the corner, before the referee manages to separate them.


Hunter then begins working on Pillman. I always found Hunter to be a very talented worker, and he could always work a good match with the right opponent. But he isn’t the kind of worker that can carry somebody to a great match, and for a guy who idealizes Ric Flair so much, he works a completely different style. Hunter uses a more power style, that doesn’t really fit the whole Blue Blood gimmick, which I only keep because I don’t want to change everything from the beginning, and have things grow slowly. But, Flair is more of a seller, and he can sell like no other.


Pillman eventually gets control after hitting a dropkick. Now, I’ve already talked about Pillman’s style, but he really was one of the best high fliers of his time, and really introduced that kind of style to the U.S. Unfortunately, he had to slow down after his car crash, which really hurt him, doesn’t mean he still couldn’t have good matches, on the contrary, he could always keep up with the other members of the Hart Foundation, even Owen and Bret. Pillman could’ve brought his new style to the WWF, and introduced them to the high fliers, which would have made him hugely popular, and probably gotten him a bigger push, like it did for Rey. And, with his loose cannon gimmick, he could’ve been one of the most revolutionary wrestlers in the WWF at the time, and he would’ve done wonders in the attitude era, as he was really one of the people who launched it.


Both men keep up the even keel for about 10 minutes, before the Godwinns came out. They tried to get in the ring, but the referee prevented it. But, the distraction allowed Hunter to get some brass knuckles out of his trunks, and hit Pillman with them! Hunter then makes the cover, 1…2…3!


Winner: Hunter Hearst Helmsley at 11:00 minutes

Rating: C+


After the match, Hunter and the Godwinns celebrate. But, their celebration is stopped, when a pissed off Pillman gets up, and goes after them! Hunter & Henry manage to escape, but the slower Phinneas gets caught! Pillman drags Phinneas to the ring, before grabbing a chair, and hitting him on the head with it! He then sets up the chair, seats Phinneas on it, and gives him an Air Pillman! Hunter & Henry look on, horrified.

Rating: D+


Dok Hendrix is backstage, interviewing Steve Austin.


“Austin, in a few minutes you…”


“Shut your damn mouth Hendrix! Just sit there, and hold the mic so Stone Cold can talk! Tonight, I will drag that Al Capone wannabe into that ring, and open up a Stone Cold size can of whoop ass on him! Razor Ramon ain’t nothin’ for Stone Cold Steve Austin. Tonight, Razor Ramone’s career ends, and Stone Cold’s career begins. And that’s the bottom line….’cause Stone Cold said so!”

Rating: C+


No Disqualification Match:

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs Razor Ramon

Austin naturally gets the early advantage, working on Ramone’s injured leg. Austin was always a master at the picking apart a body part and working on it style, especially in 2001. He use to just pick a body part, and just destroy it until it was permanently useless. And mind you, this was before neck injury, so not only could he kick your ass in a brawl, but he had the scientific wrestling ability, to take you to town in wrestling. But, it never mattered what style Austin wrestled, as Austin didn’t get over by wrestling ability, like all wrestling icons, he got over with his gimmick, his great mic skills, and unmatched charisma. Face it, you don’t need wrestling ability to become popular, just look at Hogan.


Ramon eventually fight through the pain, and takes control. Ramon is a lot like Austin, in that he got by on his charisma, and mic skills rather than his wrestling ability, which he had in butt loads. Unfortunately, unlike Austin, who lost his ability because of an injury, Hall just stopped trying. Hall left the WWF about a month after this, but in the game, he still has about two years left in his contract, so I guess I’ll have to integrate him into the ever growing attitude era, and what better way to start than against the man who kick launched the era in the first place. Ramon manages to keep the advantage, using the barricade to his advantage, managing to use it without putting pressure on his injured leg.


Austin then takes the advantage back after he sends Ramon into the ring steps. He then dismantles the steps, before putting Ramon’s leg on the bottom step, and smashing it with the top one! He does it over, and over, and over! He then tosses Ramon back into the ring, and goes for the cover, 1…2…no! Ramon kicked out! Austin, pissed off, grabs a chair, and begins smashing Ramon’s leg over, and over! But, he doesn’t go for the pin, he decides to inflict as much damage as humanly possible. He folds the chair on Ramon’s foot, before grabbing another chair, oh my god, no! He attempts to con-chairto, but Ramon kicks Austin in the leg, before rolling him up, 1…2…no!


Ramon then tries to make a comeback, hitting Austin with everything he’s got. He then grabs a chair, and attempts to hit Austin in the leg, but he’s taken down by a chair shot to the head! Austin then does what he originally intended to do, and gives Ramon a leg con-chairto! He does it more than once, of course. He then locks in a Figure-4-Leg Lock! Ramon screams in pain, as Austin sadistically laughs. Eventually, Ramon passes out, as the ref rings the bell.


Winner: Steve Austin by knock out at 13:00 minutes

Rating: C+


After the match, EMT’s come out to check on Ramon, as Austin just stands there with a sadistic smile on his face. He then grabs a beer, and pours it over the unconscious Ramon. We follow the EMT’s as they stretcher him to an ambulance. As they load him in, we see Cornette and his army looking on. Cornette just shakes his head, and keeps saying.


“What a shame, what…a…shame.”


He then leaves, looking disappointed.

Rating: C+


A video is shown, hyping the match between Mankind & The Undertaker.

Rating: B


Mankind vs The Undertaker

Mankind surprised everyone last week when he made ‘Taker pass out, so it is no surprise now, when he gets the early advantage, laying into ‘Taker. Mankind is probably one of the most unique characters in the WWF, he started out as the psychotic Mankind who lived in a boiler room, and talked to a rat. He then developed the character of Dude Love, before moving on to his famous persona of Cactus Jack. He then began shifting between the three, sometimes having all three in one match, before shifting back to Mankind, only this time, he wasn’t psychotic, he was just a lovable loser. He then went on to win three world titles, and became one of the most popular superstars in the attitude era, being involved in RAW’s highest rated segment ever. But, as much as his character has changed, his style has always been the same, and that’s the tough as hell brawler, who’ll get up from anything. And we get the first glimpse of that tonight.


But, never count the Undertaker out, as he makes the comeback, taking him down, and laying into him. As great as Mankind’s career has been, it’s not nearly as impressive as this man. He came into the WWF in 1990 at Survivor Series, and exactly one year later, became the youngest WWF Champion at the time. His reign of domination has been unstoppable since then. He has won 5 other world titles, although by this time it was only the one, he has the legendary undefeated streak, and he is arguably the best big man in the ring. And, his character has managed to evolve with the times, he went from Deadman, to sinister cult leader, to biker, to Deadman again. Undertaker dominates Mankind for most of the match, with the psycho taking some sick looking bumps.


The two men go at it for about 12 minutes, before moving to the outside, where they brawl around ringside. Both men go at it, not caring that the referee is counting, 1…2…3…4…5…6…they move on to the ramp area, were neither man seems to back down, 7…8…9…neither man seems to be getting any closer to the ring, 10!


Winner: Draw by double count out at 12:00 minutes

Rating: C+


But, neither man seems to care that they lost, as they keep going at it. They eventually reach the edge of the stage, were both men keep wasting away at each other. Mankind get the advantage, and locks in the Mandible Claw! As Undertaker seems to pass out, he grabs Mankind by the throat! He kicks him in the gut, and gives him a Chokeslam off the stage! OH MY GOD!(Remember this is ’96). EMT’s come out for the second time tonight to check on Mankind, as ‘Taker just looks on.

Rating: B-


Diesel is shown backstage, warming up for his match. After he puts on his gloves, he begins laughing, before punching a locker, and heading out the door. We are then taken to Owen, who is watching Diesel on the monitor, and mumbling “Why me?” he then leaves for his match.

Rating: B-


Diesel vs Owen Hart

I know this is a weird match up, but when you think about it, Diesel has been booked more as a tweener, and Owen is a classic heel, and considering the altercations they had, it makes sense, I think. Diesel dominates the early goings of the match, throwing Owen around like a rag doll, and Owen escaping the ring every chance he gets, but always getting dragged back in.


Diesel is at his finest when he’s dominating(which isn’t saying much), I mean he can’t really sell that well, and not a lot of people can take down Big Daddy, especially not Owen Hart. Diesel has great charisma, which makes a likable character, but his in ring work needs improving, I mean, who has bad matches with Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, and Bret Hart! But, maybe they’re slowly causing him to improve, and Owen is just next in line. Besides, considering the WWF is heading into the Attitude era, wrestling skill didn’t matter as much then, and Diesel has all the other abilities, including mic skills, and charisma, so he fits perfectly in the coming era, and can still be a big star.


Owen soon uses his agility to reverse Diesel’s holds, and immediately goes on the attack, deciding to focus on the legs. That’s a smart strategy to use against an opponent like Diesel, because you wanna keep him down, and the best way to do that, is to work on a body part, especially the legs. Then, there’s the fact that most of Diesel’s moves are power moves, which involve the legs, so there’s another advantage. And, there is the fact of the Sharpshooter, which puts immense pressure on the legs. But, Owen soon gets a little too ****y, and begins showing off to the crowd. This gives Diesel time to recover, and he hits Owen with a clothesline, followed by a Jack-knife attempt! But, Owen reverses, and tries to get Diesel into the Sharpshooter, but Diesel uses his power to push Owen out of the ring!


Diesel then recovers while Owen gets back into the ring. He then goes back on the attack, dominating the rest of the match. But, Diesel’s leg gets to him, as he takes time to recover between every move. Owen uses this to play possum. So, when Diesel attempts a Jack-knife, he goes to pick up Owen, but Owen rolls him up, he uses the ropes, 1…2…3!


Winner: Owen Hart at 15:00 minutes

Rating: C-(Diesel can't have a good match with anybody!)


After the match, Owen Hart celebrates, before realizing that Diesel got up, and is seething right behind him. He turns around, before bailing out of the ring, and making his way to the back. Diesel follows close behind. They follow the two all the way to the back, where Owen is still running, with Diesel close behind. They run past a few locker rooms, before ending up in the parking. Owen manages to lose Diesel, as when we follow Diesel to the lot, Owen is nowhere to be seen. He looks around, but doesn’t see anything. Suddenly, he hears a car engine, and sees a car trying to drive away. He quickly runs over to the car, as Owen tries to escape. He begins punching at the window, before finally kicking it in! He opens the door, and begins going after Owen, but Owen bails. Diesel follows, and manages to catch up with him. Just as he’s about to bash his face in, a number of officials and wrestlers come, and separate him. They manage to restrain him, as Owen bails.

Rating: C+


When we return to the arena, a video is shown of a young worker with long blond hair, a long beard, and a lot of wrestling ability. We are shown footage of him doing a lot of talking, and wrestling some matches in house shows and dark matches. His name then appears on the titantron.


“Chris Jericho”

Rating: B-


Another video is shown, this time, it is hyping the main event WWF title match! We are shown footage of the original match, and the lengths Bret Hart has had to go through to get his rematch.

Rating: B+


WWF Championship:

Shawn Michaels© vs Bret Hart

The crowd is absolutely electrified for this match, as they chant both men’s names. Both men soak up the atmosphere for a while, before locking up in the center of the ring. This match is so similar to their previous one, yet so different. This time, the roles are reversed, Shawn Michaels is the champion, he is the man who has to make sure not to tap or get himself pinned instead of going for the pin himself, he’s on the defensive, while Bret now has to go on the offence. Bret has to take down his opponent, and make sure this match doesn’t end in DQ or count out.


Hart gets the early advantage, locking Shawn in a painful looking armbar. Shawn soon reverses, and puts Bret into a headlock. Bret soon reverses it back into an armbar, and this goes on for about another 3 times, before Shawn reverses the armbar, and hits a shoulder block. Shawn then gets the advantage, and goes on the offence, something Shawn is not accustomed to, as he is at his best when he is selling. Shawn begins using some heel tactics, as he decides to be the heel in the match. And he plays it very well, posing and taunting between moves, but, instead of getting boos, the fans cheer every arm and leg that goes up.


Bret eventually gets some momentum, reversing all of the champ’s restholds, and managing to hit a back suplex. Hart then begins working on Michaels’ legs, trying to wear them down for the Sharpshooter. Bret is the kind of guy, that once you’ve seen him as a face, you can never imagine him as a heel, but then, after you see his heel side, you think how you could’ve ever liked this guy. But, here Hart is a full fledged face, not using any heel tactics, as opposed to the champ, who taunts Bret every chance he gets. The match goes even for the 15 minutes, with some impressive moves being hit, such as Bret hitting Shawn with a Superplex that keep both men down for an 8 count. But, Michaels gets his share in, with a top rope tornado DDT.


The ending of the match comes, after Shawn hits the atomic drop, followed by the elbow drop! Shawn then begins tuning up the band! He goes for some Sweet Chin Music, but Hart ducks, and Michaels hits the referee! Bret tries to take advantage of a distracted Michaels, and attempts to hit a Piledriver, but Shawn pushes him off, and hits him with a Superkick on the rebound! Shawn then makes the cover, before realizing that the referee is out cold. He goes to revive him, giving Bret time to get up! Shawn notices, and attempts a Superkick, but Bret catches his leg, and locks in the Sharpshooter! Shawn is screaming and squirming to get out! And Bret doesn’t even seem to care that the referee is out cold! He keeps the hold locked in! Suddenly, a figure starts running through the crowd, we can’t seem to see who it is. Bret doesn’t notice, and keeps the hold locked in. But, when the crowd starts booing, he gets the hint, he turns around, but it’s too late, he is hit by a belt shot from…OWEN HART! Owen just grins, before reviving the referee!


Shawn slowly gets to his feet, and makes the cover, 1…2…3!!!!! Michaels retains!!!!!


Winner: And STILL WWF Champion, Shawn Michaels at 26:00 minutes

Rating: B


After the match, Shawn begins celebrating his first title defense. Meanwhile, Bret Hart is getting to his feet, and Shawn decides to bail before Bret takes out his frustrations on him. The show ends with a staredown between Shawn & Bret.

Rating: B+

Final Rating: C+

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WWF Monday Night RAW:

The Godwinns vs The Smokin' Gunns

Jake Roberts vs Bob Backlund

#1 Contendership For the WWF title:

15 Man Battle Royal:

Diesel, Owen Hart, Goldust, The Undertaker, Jeff Jarrett, Sid Vicious, Vader, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Brian Pillman, Tatanka, Ahmed Johnson, The British Bulldog

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