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WWF: Winning The War

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Great show man, very interesting. Sucks about Diesel, he really can't have a good match with anyone, can he?!


The Godwinns vs The Smokin' Gunns

Slightly more to offer

Jake Roberts vs Bob Backlund

Toss up, but Roberts is probably a bit more relevent at this point.

#1 Contendership For the WWF title:

15 Man Battle Royal:

Diesel, Owen Hart, Goldust, The Undertaker, Jeff Jarrett, Sid Vicious, Vader, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Brian Pillman, Tatanka, Ahmed Johnson, The British Bulldog

Well, it's not going to be Diesel, is it?! I say Owen so he gets a chance to see if he can cut it at the top


Looking forward to it.

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Great show man, very interesting. Sucks about Diesel, he really can't have a good match with anyone, can he?!


The Godwinns vs The Smokin' Gunns

Slightly more to offer

Jake Roberts vs Bob Backlund

Toss up, but Roberts is probably a bit more relevent at this point.

#1 Contendership For the WWF title:

15 Man Battle Royal:

Diesel, Owen Hart, Goldust, The Undertaker, Jeff Jarrett, Sid Vicious, Vader, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Brian Pillman, Tatanka, Ahmed Johnson, The British Bulldog

Well, it's not going to be Diesel, is it?! I say Owen so he gets a chance to see if he can cut it at the top


Looking forward to it.


Thanks for the prediction, you seem to be the only one predicting lately, I guess they've all jumped ship!:p


As for Diesel, who has C matches with Shawn Michaels & Razor Ramon, a C+ match with Bret Hart, and a C- match with Owen Hart! It takes a special kind of suck to do that.


Anyway, time for some in-game news.


WCW Monday Nitro Results:

Chris Benoit def Bunkhouse Buck (C+)(Bunkhouse Buck has better matches than Diesel)

Confrontation between Randy Savage & Ric Flair (A*)

Blue Bloods def Men At Work (D+)

Brawl involving Sting, Lex Luger, and Hulk Hogan (A)

Harlem Heat drew with American Males (B-)

Road Warriors def Lex Luger & Sting (B+)

Final Rating: B


Also, Chris Benoit got a Spinal Disalignment, and will be out for 2 months.


Also, here are WCW's champions:

WCW United States Champion: One Man Gang, 13 defences (Since beginning)

WCW Television Champion: The Zodiac, 1 defence (def Johnny B. Badd)

WCW Tag Team Champions: Harlem Heat, 6 defences (Since beginning)

WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Ric Flair, 10 defences (Since beginning).


I'll probably post an updated roster, and champions next time.

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WWF Monday Night RAW:

The Godwinns vs The Smokin' Gunns

Jake Roberts vs Bob Backlund

#1 Contendership For the WWF title:

15 Man Battle Royal:

Diesel, Owen Hart, Goldust, The Undertaker, Jeff Jarrett, Sid Vicious, Vader, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Brian Pillman, Tatanka, Ahmed Johnson, The British Bulldog

Gotta get ready for BEWARE OF DOG!

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The Godwinns vs The Smokin' Gunns

As keef said, slightly better team.


Jake Roberts vs Bob Backlund

DDT means: The End.


#1 Contendership For the WWF title:

15 Man Battle Royal:

Diesel, Owen Hart, Goldust, The Undertaker, Jeff Jarrett, Sid Vicious, Vader, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Brian Pillman, Tatanka, Ahmed Johnson, The British Bulldog

Don't really expect him to win but he's Brian F'N Pillman! And when he wins the WWF Title, he's gonna whip out his...well, you know the rest. And if you don't, look up his debut in ECW on youtube. lol.

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Thanks for the predictions guys, nice to know people are still reading.



WWF Monday Night RAW

May, Week 1, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with the usual pyro, and the camera pans out to reveal Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler at the announce table.


“Hello everybody, and welcome to Monday Night RAW! I’m Vince McMahon here with Jerry “The King” Lawler, and we are one day removed from one of the greatest pay-per-views of the year!”


“Oh, yes McMahon, it was great, Owen Hart finally got his chance to shine, it was great!”


“Yeah, he decided to interfere, and cost his brother the match!”


“Oh, he didn’t deserve the title in the 1<SUP>st</SUP> place.”

Rating: B-


Jim Cornette’s music then hits, and he makes his way out, with his army close behind. The all get in the ring, and step in the middle, and bow their heads down. Jim Cornette then speaks.


“Last night, was the night my army was complete. Last night, the final two pieces of the puzzles came in, the two men that I needed to make my army the most powerful have joined, I am of course talking about the army’s two newest recruits, Sid Vicious & Jeff Jarrett!”


Jarrett and Sid high five each other, before bowing their heads again.


“But, what was a celebratory night for the army, was also the night one man’s career possibly died. That man, is Razor Ramon! Ramon came to the WWF 4 years ago, and immediately made an impact, he proved himself to be one of the most impressive young athletes in the company, and quickly found himself headlining cards, and challenging for world titles. Over the next 4 years, Ramon won many championships, including 4 Intercontinental Championships. But, in 1996, something changed, Ramon didn’t seem to be the same person. He started the year off in a losing effort at the Royal Rumble, that didn’t seem like much, but then, 2 weeks later, he lost his Intercontinental Championship, not only that, but he also failed to regain his title one week later! Over the next 2 months, Ramon kept falling lower, and lower, not being able to get a win. And it all led up to last night. Razor came to that ring, expected to kick a**, but instead he got his a** kicked! Not only that, but he ended up spending the night at the hospital! That is when I knew that the final nail had been put in the coffin of Razor Ramon’s career. But, then I got an idea, I have a way to save Razor Ramon’s career, to prevent the inevitable, and that is for Razor Ramon…to join Cornette’s Army! Face it Ramon, it is the only way! Look at these 4 men, there careers were all in slumps, possibly over! But then they made the choice to join me, they knew that I was the only person that can save their careers, and now look at them, they are the dominant force in the WWF! Ramon, you have no choice, either join my army, or your career dies!”


But, instead of Razor Ramon coming, the WWF Champion, Shawn Michaels makes his way out! He gets in the ring, and grabs a mic.


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there. Now, Razor isn’t here tonight, he’s at the hospital nursing his injuries. But, I think I can speak for one of my best friends when I say, no! Razor has no reason to join your army, so his career is in a bit of a slump, and people are saying it might be over. But, let me remind you, that people were saying the same thing about my career last year! After my string of injuries, after getting beaten down outside a club, after I suffered a concussion in the ring, but then I came back, I won the Royal Rumble, I went on to Wrestlemania, and now, I stand before you the World Wrestling Federation Champion! So, before you come out here, and start saying this is dead, and that’s dead, maybe you should remember that Razor has been in slumps before, and just like the Heart Break Kid, he always bounces back!”


“That’s great Shawn, very impressive. But, let me tell you something, Razor will not be bouncing back from this, this isn’t like before, he has nothing left, he has no title, he has nothing, not even his health. I’m not doing this for me, I am doing this for Razor Ramon! And, Shawn, I’d leave the ring if I were you, considering there are 4 men right here, that are gunning for you, and your title.”


“Pffff, I’ve had more men come after me, and I’ve always dealt with them the same way. One by….one.”


At that moment, Shawn plants Cornette with a Superkick! Shawn then quickly bails the ring, before the other members can get at him. Shawn backs away from the ring, with a big smile plastered on his face.

Rating: B-


The Godwinns vs The Smokin’ Gunns

After last weeks debacle, Gorilla Monsoon decided to make a non title match between these two teams. If the Godwinns win, it could put them into serious contention for a title shot. The Godwinns have never been the best team, but when I started, my tag division consisted of the Gunns & The Donnas. Now, it has The Gunns, the Donnas, the Godwinns, Cornette’s Army, and another team soon to debut. The match is pretty even for the most part, as there is no long beatdown, considering they’re both heel teams. The match ends, after Billy slips out of a Pumphandle Slam attempt from Henry, and hits the Gunn Slinger. But, before he can make the pin, he is attacked by Perry Saturn! Causing a DQ!


Winners: The Smokin’ Gunns by DQ at 6:00 minutes

Rating: E+


After the match, The Eliminators continue to beat on the champs. With Saturn about to finish Billy off with the DVD, but Henry starts getting in his face about costing them the match. The Godwinns & The Eliminators argue, and soon begin brawling! This gives the Gunns a chance to sneak away.

Rating: E


Backstage, Dok Hendrix is standing by with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin!


“Mr. Austin, tonight you go up against 14 other men in that #1 Contendership battle royal. What is your strategy going into the match?”


“My strategy? My strategy, is to get in that ring, Stunner 14 unlucky sons of b*****, then get one, throw him over the top rope, and then I’ll do it to another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, until I’m the only one left standing! Then, I’m gonna go on to become the WWF Champion, and that’s the bottom line ‘cause Stone Cold said so!”

Rating: B


Jake Roberts vs Bob Backlund

I know this seems like a weird match, but it all leads somewhere. Anyway, Backlund dominates most of the match, but Roberts still manages to win with a rollup.


Winner: Jake Roberts at 7:00 minutes

Rating: D


After the match, Roberts points up, and thanks god for his victory.

Rating: D-


Another video is shown hyping up the young worker named Chris Jericho! It shows some more Jericho matches.

Rating: D+


#1 Contendership For the WWF Championship:

20 Man Battle Royal

Diesel, Owen Hart, Goldust, The Undertaker, Jeff Jarrett, Sid Vicious, Vader, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Brian Pillman, Tatanka, Ahmed Johnson, The British Bulldog<O:p</O:p


When we come from commercial, there are already 10 men in the ring. Owen Hart’s music then hits, and he make his way out to a chorus of boos. The arena then goes dark, and a gong rings through the arena, and the Undertaker makes his way out! After he gets in the ring, Diesel’s music plays, and he makes his way out. He is soon followed by Bret Hart! He doesn’t pose or anything for the crowd, but decides to run to the ring, and go after Owen! Everybody begins to brawl, when suddenly the British Bulldog’s music hits, and he makes his way out to easily the biggest pop of the night!


Everybody went after everybody else, but the camera focused on Bret & Owen, who were brawling on the mat, well not as much brawling, as Bret beating the living daylights out of Owen. But, Diesel pulls Bret off, and attempts to eliminate him, but Bret low blows, and goes straight for Owen who is leaning on the ropes. He runs at Owen, and hits him with a huge clothesline, that not only sends Owen, but him to the floor, eliminating both men! (Eliminations #1 & 2: Owen & Bret Hart). But, Bret doesn’t seem to care, as he continues pounding into Owen, until officials manage to separate him, and Owen makes a run for it.


Back in the ring, Diesel recovers from his low blow, and goes after Tatanka, backing him into a corner, and pounding away at him. Meanwhile, Austin is laying into Ahmed Johnson, finishing him off with a Stunner, and a clothesline over the top. (Elimination #3: Ahmed Johnson). Austin then goes after ‘Taker, which turns out to not be a good idea, as ‘Taker dodges Austin’s attacks, and pounds away at the Rattlesnake. Meanwhile, Davey, hot on his return, begins laying into every member of Cornette’s Army, taking them all down, before Tatanka charges at him, but Davey sees it coming, and backdrops him over the top rope! (Elimination #4: Tatanka). Hunter & Pillman are laying into each other in a corner, with neither man getting the advantage. But, that soon changes, when Hunter hits a low blow, and attempts to eliminate Pillman. But, Pillman uses his great high flying skills, to prevent himself from being eliminated, and hurricanrana’s Hunter out of the ring! (Elimination #5: Hunter Hearst Helmsley).<O:p</O:p


Bulldog continues his tirade, choosing Jarrett as his puppet, as he begins pounding away at him. But, the rest of the army attempt to interfere. But, Bulldog is helped by Pillman, and Austin for some reason, and when Jarrett attempts to cheap shot Bulldog, he throws Jarrett over the top rope! (Elimination #6: Jeff Jarrett). Sid then goes after Bulldog, laying into him, while Diesel dominates Pillman. Just as Diesel is about to eliminate Pillman, Sid sends Bulldog into Diesel, causing both men to flip over the rope, but Diesel manages to hold on! (Elimination #7: Brian Pillman). Diesel pissed, goes after…Sid! Knowing he nearly eliminated him, he gives Sid a boot to the face, and Jack-knife’s him over the top rope! (Elimination #8: Sid Vicious). Meanwhile ‘Taker is about to eliminate Austin, when he is attacked by a chair shot to the back from Goldust. This gives Austin the chance to eliminate him! (Elimination #9: The Undertaker). ‘Taker is not happy about this, and gets back in the ring, grabs Goldust, and tosses him over the top rope! (Elimination #10: Goldust). ‘Taker then grabs Goldust, and tosses him into the ringpost! He then leaves as officials check on Goldust.


Vader & Bigelow begin double teaming Bulldog, but it is soon stopped, when Diesel hits Bigelow with a running boot, that sends him over the top rope! (Elimination #11: Bam Bam Bigelow). And we are down to the final four: Diesel, Vader, Austin, and Bulldog. They all stare each other down, before the three heels decide to double team Bulldog! They begin beating him all around the ring. But, it doesn’t last long, as after a Vader Bomb, Austin nails Vader with a Stunner, followed by an elimination! (Elimination #12: Vader). Vader tries to get back in the ring, but officials prevent him. Austin flips him off, and turns around right into a boot from Diesel! Diesel tries to eliminate Austin, but Bulldog comes from behind, grabs Diesel’s leg, and tosses him over the top rope! (Elimination #13: Diesel). But, Austin manages to hang on, and begins pounding on Bulldog, and it is down to Austin & Bulldog! Both men go at it evenly for a while, before Austin ducks a punch, and hits a Stunner!


Austin then tries to eliminate Bulldog, but he manages to hang on, and both men struggle for a while, before Bulldog goes over the top rope, but not to the outside! Bulldog manages to hang on! Austin runs to the opposite rope, and tries to catch Bulldog with a forearm, but Bulldog ducks, and backdrops Austin to the outside! Bulldog wins!!!!!!


Winner: The British Bulldog at 25:00 minutes

Rating: B-


After the match, Bulldog celebrates to the crowd!

Rating: B

Final Rating: C-

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great shows man I'm really enjoying this.


Thanks alot man, I really appreciate it. Now, if only the ratings would show me that.


My Office

May 12 1996, 12:00 am


Another midnight work for me, as I stayed up late to prepare the following RAW. Ever since I became head booker, I haven't exactly turned this company around in terms of ratings, in fact, I think I decreased them a little, but that should all change soon, I hope.


So, as I was writing up the final segment of RAW, I get a phone call.




"It's done!"


I knew exactly who it was, as I was expecting this call for a while. The caller was the head of distribution, he is calling because a few weeks ago, I suggested we negotiate a new T.V. Deal for RAW. You see, currenty we are shown during the late evening, while Nitro is shown live each week, on prime time. So, I suggested to him, that we negotiate a deal, were we are shown on prime time, and we extend the show to two hours, as that will make my job so much easier in terms of building up talent, and providing my own atmosphere for RAW. And now, finally, I got the callback.


"It's done?"


"It's done."


"Did you tell Vince?"


"Of course, he's thrilled."


He then hung up, as I sat in my chair, thinking of the acclaim I would get for being the one who changed the ratings war, who brought WWF back to being the #1 promotion in the world. Soon, the 20 week winning streak for WCW ends. Mwahahahahahaha. Sorry, just excited.

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Journal Entry

May, week 2, 1996


Tonight is an important night for me, as tonight's RAW sets up a feud that will be the vocal point of the WWF for the rest of the year. While it is not a flashy segment, it is arguably the most important segment I have booked, because tonight sets up the match that will set up the rest of the year. This feud has been building for many months, hell years, but tonight's segment is the ultimate segment in the feud, that will set the WWF up. If it fails, then we have a big problem. but, I have faith in these two men to go out there and give the fans an exciting segment that will make them not only care about the upcoming match, but also care about the upcoming battles between these two men, and the other two that will get involved later in the story. While the talking is minimal for the participants, it is about mic time, this segment is about everything else, from eye contact, to facial movement, everything has to be right, up until the last hair, and while that seem pressuring, I have complete faith. There is also the case of Monsoon, who will have pretty much all of the mic time during the segement. He has to let the fans believe that this match means something, that this is the culmination of this big feud that has been going on for months now, and he has to sell the match just as much as the participants. This segment isn't flashy, there isn't alot of emotional drama involved, but there doesn't have to be, it just has to come across as a big deal that will get the people to buy the pay-per-view, if not just for the prospect of a legendary match like this, a match that could go down in history as one of the best. All they have to do is go out there, announce the match, have a little staredown, and the match is set.


But, tonight's show doesn't only revolve around that particular segment, as tonight we also find out if people will care to see The British Bulldog challenge for the WWF title. He has to go out there, and get the fans to care about the fact that after a month of inactivity he is back with one goal, and that is the WWF championship, and he has to make people care about his goal, he has to make them see the passion. But, it is not only up to him, 'cause Michaels has to be involved too, he has to get the fans riled up, to make Bulldog look like a viable challenger, if not in the first segment, then in the second, because these two will have more than one chance to get the fans to care. And I trust Michaels on the mic, to not only carry himself, but to carry the improving Bulldog.


Also tonight, the culmination of the masterful Cornette promo that was given last week, that was used to set up a program that will hopefully get to care about Razor Ramon as either a face or a heel, because it all depends on his involvement with Cornette and his army in the upcoming weeks, and the pay-per-view match that will set up the future of both Ramon & Cornette, with his army. It is a classic feud taken to the new generation.


There is also the Undertaker segment, that will revolve around one man, and his ability to sell to the fans the fact that he is tought, and able to take down somebody as big as The Undertaker, the Phenom, the man has been with the company for less than six years, yet has made an impression left by few others in wrestling history.


Tonight is an important night for the WWF. Here is how the RAW card looks until now:


WWF Monday Night RAW:

The Britsh Bulldog vs Ahmed Johnson

The Godwinns vs The Eliminators

The Undertaker vs Bob Backlund

Shawn Michaels vs Bam Bam Bigelow


And, the In Your House: Beware Of Dog card until now:


In Your House: Beware Of Dog:

WWF Championship: Shawn Michaels© vs The British Bulldog

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