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Hi Guys,


Working on some tweaks here and there on the pstats.dat file and I have a question. Well, actually a couple. In the TEAMS table of the database, there are a number of things that need to be entered. Now, most of them are pretty self explanatory, but I'm wondering about the RIVAL and RivalWeek areas. First, can one team have more than one team as it's rival? For instance, could Michigan State AND Ohio State have Michigan as their rival? Also, for RivalWeek, I notice they are all at 15. Can this be any week, or must it stay at 15? Does there need to be anything here? What purpose does it serve?


In relation to the RivalWeek in TEAMS, what about the SchedMatch table? Is this used to force certain games? Any insight you guys can pass along would be greatly appreciated. I'm very close to testing one I've been working on, but want to make sure I'm not really messed up before moving on.





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