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CWWF - Pride or Stupidity?

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In The Beginning...






It just wasn’t fair. I knew that. That’s why this all started.


Steph had warned me from the beginning that this wasn’t a fair business, but this was just ridiculous. Vicky had made a decision that was nonsensical on every conceivable business level. I knew how good I was and so did she. I could make any of those other girls look a million bucks. The fans were starting to buy into me. I was only improving as time went on, and I think the NOTBPW Women’s Division was improving with me. So for her to just fire me like that… It smacked of jealousy and pettiness on her part.


We just don’t have the resources to focus as much on a shrinking market like women’s wrestling at this time,’ she had said, with a comforting – and obviously fake – smile on her face, ‘but maybe in the future, when there’s more of a market for it, you could come back?


No. I couldn’t. Dad had always said that my pride would be my downfall, and he might just prove to be right. On that fateful October night in Victoria Stone’s office, I severed all ties with NOTBPW and the Stone family for good in a barrage of verbal abuse and bile. It was the hypocrisy, I think, that set me off. When Vicky was active there was no mention of markets or demographics, yet now with Vicky retired that was the excuse used to can me, Tammy and Jana? Something is rotten in the state of Canada, methinks.


Somewhere in my ranting to my former boss I told her that I knew the real reason she was firing me. In between personal insults I promised that I was going to figure out a way to prove it. As she had me escorted from the building she warned me that would be a stupid thing to do.






My name is Katie Kraven and I am about to do something very stupid indeed…

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Getting My Boots On



CWWF Press Release:





Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation to open!



This January will see the introduction of the newest Canadian professional wrestling federation in the form of the Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation (CWWF)! That’s right, taking its cue from the successful AAA and 5SSW promotions in the US and Japan, Canada will finally have a promotion that caters entirely to female athletes! The company is the brainchild of former NOTBPW star Katie Kraven, who had this statement to make:


I think that women’s wrestling, particularly in Canada, has often been treated as a sideshow attraction or a diversion from the ‘real action’ of the male stars and I started the CWWF to try and redress that balance. The girls we have working for us are just as talented as any of the men out there competing and we plan to prove this through sheer hard work and the exciting action we will deliver in the ring! I am confident that there is a market for a federation like the CWWF and am looking forward to the ride! It should be a rollercoaster!


The CWWF will hit the ground running in January, with their debut show ‘Chapter 1’ at the Windsor Arena Hall in Ontario! Talent scheduled to appear include Principessa (NOTBPW’s Stephanie Hazel), Melody Cuthill, Tamara McFly, ‘Hell Kat’ Katie Kraven, the Dream Team of Jennifer Rodriguez and Raven Nightfall, ‘The Glorious One’ Wanda Fish, ‘Puro Power’ Suzue Katayama and many more amazing athletes!


More details will be available closer to the event, but tickets are available online from CWWF.com and in person at the Windsor Arena Hall Box Office right now! Buy now to reserve your ringside seat at this historic debut show!




I wasn’t sure about the wording of the press-release.


Hell, I’m not sure about any of this. Using my inheritance to further some personal vendetta on a risky venture like opening a wrestling promotion? There might just be a reason why noone has ever tried to start a women-only wrestling federation in Canada. I keep telling myself that I’m doing this to shine a spotlight on an underappreciated aspect of the wrestling business, but deep down I know the real reason. Pride.


So you’re really sure about this?




Stephanie ‘Principessa’ Chee taught me everything there is to know about this business. She trained me, mentored me and got me my big break in NOTBPW. When I had the idea for the CWWF, there was no doubt in my mind that she’d be involved. That didn’t mean I was going to give her an honest answer.


I have never been surer of anything in my life, Steph.


I gotta say, it seems like a hell of a risk. An untested market, a first-time promoter… Not to be negative or anything, but you might be in for an uphill struggle.


Absolutely. It’ll be an uphill struggle we’ll make together, though! The girls we have working for us are just as talented as any of the men out there and we’ll prove that with sheer hard work and-


You’re just quoting the press-release at me, Kat. And you sound like an idiot.


Yeah… The wording is a little off. It’s sent now, though.


There was a pause. Steph sighed a little and shook her head.


Come on ‘boss’, let’s go get a drink. We’ve got some hill-climbing to prepare for.


I’d best get my boots, then.


I glanced at the press-release on the computer-screen again and grimaced, before switching off the PC and leaving my office.




I can’t believe I have my own office. If dad could see me now…

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Card for Chapter 1


From CWWF.com:



CWWF’s debut show ‘Chapter 1’ is this Thursday and looks to be a fantastic start for the finest female athletes Canada (and the rest of the world) has to offer! The final card has been confirmed and is detailed below:



Main Event

Melody Cuthill vs. Principessa


In other companies, this match would be presented as ‘bonus match’ or ‘special attraction’, but in the CWWF it gets the Main Event status it deserves! Melody and Principessa (a.k.a. Stephanie Hazel) are both Championship level competitors who are no strangers to one another and in the CWWF they will get a chance to show what they are truly capable of!



Wanda Fish vs. Tamara McFly


This match could main event just as easily as the previous match, featuring as it does wrestling royalty in Tamara McFly and the ever-arrogant but always impressive Wanda Fish! ‘The Glorious One’ does not like to lose, but the honourable McFly will also be looking for a strong debut victory. Something’s gotta give in this clash of personalities at ‘Chapter 1’!



Suzue Katayama vs. Suzanne Brazzle


Fish’s erstwhile tag-team partner will also be in action as ‘Puro Power’ takes on ‘The Miracle Blonde’. Katayama is a devastating force inside the squared circle, but Brazzle has heart and determination that few competitors of either gender can match!



The Red Terror vs. The Odd Squad


This tag-team match promises to be a bizarre contest. CWWF management received a threatening letter from Nikita Czech (a.k.a. Vixxen) and Zoe Ammis (a.k.a. Agent 69) declaring that, as far as they were concerned, Canada and their apparent homeland of Russia are still in the middle of the Cold War and they promise to fight it on the wrestling front. That’s not to even mention their decidedly weird opponents of Kristabel Plum and Eve Grunge, the Odd Squad…


Jennifer Rodriguez vs. Katie Kraven


Despite founding the CWWF, Katie Kraven has insisted that she wrestle while the other members of CWWF management handle the running of the company. Nevertheless, the former NOTBPW star will be raring to prove both herself and her company as she takes on international star Jennifer Rodriguez! J-Ro has contacted CWWF management to request a less violent opponent than the ‘Hell Kat’, claiming that her pretty face is what will bring the CWWF success and that a jealous Kraven would try to mess it up. We didn’t listen to her plea.



Raven Nightfall vs. April Appleseed


J-Ro’s tag team partner in the Dream Team will also be in action as she takes on a veteran of the Canadian wrestling scene in April Appleseed. Both women will be looking to prove themselves in front of the Windsor audience.



Dragon Machine vs. Lilly & Rose


The card is rounded off by more tag-team action as the plucky young team of Debbie Rose and Kate Lilly take on the ice-cold Japanese team of Nene Ebina and Ginko Kuroda!



It promises to be an action-packed and historic night as the CWWF debuts at the Windsor Arena Hall this Thursday, so don’t miss ‘Chapter 1’!



I looked over the card. It wasn't perfect, but I think we had a good collection of talent to put on a solid, if not spectacular, debut. The show was only one day away and nothing had gone catastrophically wrong yet. We had Matthew White from NOTBPW set to referee and Craig Prince working as an agent, both guys I knew could get the job done. Prince's attitude towards this 'chick' fed might get annoying after a while, though. I had, against some people's advice, hired 4C valet and all-round unknown commodity Katie Cameron to do the color commentary alongside Rock Downpour, an announcer I have always felt was a solid as, well, a rock. Only Amber backed that decision and she's not in the company yet. She promises she'll be in the front row, though.


There has been quite a bit of buzz about us on the net, especially due to how much interest AAA and 5SSW are getting at the moment. Maybe this wasn't such a stupid idea after-all. I let myself feel a little confident as I opened an envelope that lay on my desk. I read it and felt my confidence drain away.


I didn't even know you could write in sarcastic font until then:


'Good luck for tomorrow, Katherine. I'm sure you'll prove us all wrong! - VS'




God help me, I will prove her wrong... Or go broke trying.

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From ExtremeWrestlingInsider.com:



CWWF: Chapter 1

Thursday of Week 3, 2008

Windsor Arena Hall in Ontario, Canada

Review by Michael E. Dawson



If you didn’t know, the Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation is an all-woman wrestling federation based in, uh… Canada. Obviously. I’ve always been a casual fan of AAA and a bit of 5SSW, so I jumped at the chance to review CWWF’s debut show on DVD.



Our hosts are Rock Downpour and Katie Cameron.



PROMO- The event opens up with former NOTBPW wrestler and CWWF founder Katie Kraven coming out to put over all the girls in the back and lay out the manifesto for the CWWF. She reaffirms that while she started the promotion she is here to wrestle, not manage. Case in point: one Joanne Rodriguez, whom she calls out as a daddy’s girl and a diva. (E+)



Joanne Rodriguez w/Raven Nightfall vs. Katie Kraven


I’ve always liked what I’ve seen out of J-Ro in the past, and Kraven was on the verge of big things before being canned by the Stones, so I was expecting big things here. It’s interesting to see J-Ro play heel here, but she does a great job, constantly bailing from Kraven’s ferocious strikes to her partner on the outside to check her make-up. Thankfully she doesn’t let the gimmick get in the way of her skill as once the match gets going, it’s wall-to-wall back-and-forth action, eventually ending with Rodriguez slipping out of the Hell’s Cradle (Perfect Inside Cradle) and scoring with the J-Rocker (Twisting Face-Crusher) for the win! This was exactly the kind of opening match they needed, as these women can just flat out go, and they’ve already managed to establish themselves. Good solid stuff.


Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (C-)



Dragon Machine vs. Lilly & Rose


I’ve seen Lilly & Rose in the AAA a couple of times and they’re a decent little team. Dragon Machine are ‘The Dragon’s Daughter’ Ginko Kuroda and ‘The Machine’ Nene Ebina, two technically styled competitors from Japan. Ebina, particularly, has some great skills and even some MMA experience! They wrestle a pretty basic old-school Canadian style tag match with Debbie playing ‘Whipper’ Spencer Marks for a while as Kuroda and Ebina work her over. It’s nothing too exciting and when Lilly does get the tag, it’s more lukewarm than hot. The match ends when L&R hit a Lilly Launch Pad (Rocket Launcher) on Kuroda.


Winners: Lilly & Rose (E+)



Raven Nightfall w/Joanne Rodriguez vs. April Appleseed


Raven wrestles the same gimmick as J-Ro, but her opponent is very different, being the high-flying veteran April Appleseed. I like how they’re mixing up the wrestling styles as we progress through the card. The match is pretty decent, but not on the level of the opener. Appleseed just comes across as a little bland. She picks up a win by countering the Night Faller (Reverse DDT) and getting a schoolgirl roll-up for the three.


Winner: April Appleseed (D-)



Suzue Katayama vs. Suzanne Brazzle


Talking of different styles… Katayama, naturally, plays the monster in this bout and spends the majority of the match pounding Brazzle into the ground. Brazzle is fantastic at hope spots and constantly gets the crowd to buy her flurries of offence, getting an especially big reaction for a crucifix pin that gets a close two count! In the end, however, she’s just delaying the inevitable devastating Sit-Out Powerbomb and a dominant victory for Katayama.


Winner: Suzue Katayama (D)



The Red Terror vs. The Odd Squad


I presume this is our comedy match of the evening. The Red Teror are AAA’s Vixxen and independent wrestler Agent 69 playing Russian sympathizers who seem unaware that the Cold War has ended. They come out to the Russian anthem with the flag to some huge, hopefully post-modern, heat from the crowd. Nikita’s (Vixxen) Russian accent is fantastically awful. Their opponents are Eve Grunge and Kristabel Plum, who appear to be playing kooky space-cadet gimmicks. The match features its fair share of comedy spots, but there is still some decent wrestling on the go. One notable spot sees Nikita controlling Grunge’s arm and singing the Russian anthem, only to have it countered and for Grunge to sing ‘O, Canada’ to a huge pop. Later, Ammis (Agent 69) and Plum have a similar exchange, but with Plum loudly singing the ‘Royal Canadian Yaksmen’ anthem instead! The finish sees those dastardly commies distracting the ref and nailing Plum with the Russian flag for the tainted victory. A victory that I’m sure they’ll share throughout all the workers. Was fine for what it was.


Winners: The Red Terror (E+)



PROMO- Melody Cuthill (NOTBPW Women’s champion at this point) comes out to announce to the audience that she is the only thing on the card worth watching tonight and proclaiming herself the Gold standard everyone else, especially her opponent tonight Principessa, in the promotion should measure themselves by and aspire to. I’m guessing she’s the heel, then… (E+)



Wanda Fish w/Suzue Katayama vs. Tamara McFly


I like the touch of having Katayama second Fish, but not the other way around. I’ve always been a fan of Glorious Power’s dynamic. McFly isn’t really in Fish’s league skill-wise, but the Canadian fans are into her in a huge way, which helps Fish’s dastardly Old-School act a lot. ‘The Glorious One’ uses every shortcut in the book to get an advantage and the crowd hang onto every comeback McFly makes. The story of the match seems to come down to Wanda not being able to come close to hitting either of her finishers and McFly always nearly getting the Delorean Driver, (Northern Lights Bomb) with Fish either cheating or bailing her way out of it. In the end, Suzue slips Fish a chain which she wraps around her fist to deliver a knockout blow for the (VERY cheap) victory! I could have done without that finish just after the similar finish to the tag match, but these were two professionals delivering a fine match.


Winner: Wanda Fish (D+)



Melody Cuthill vs. Principessa


This is a match that has happened countless times in NOTBPW, with the hook being that they get the time and stage to show what they are truly capable of. Which turns out to be a good thing. I was worried after the promo earlier that this match might be a bit similar to the Fish/McFly bout before, but Melody is playing a very different kind of heel to Wanda. She is c0cky and full of herself, but also backs it up by out-wrestling ‘Pessa, to the crowd’s dislike. Of course, in the end, that c0ckiness is Melody’s downfall as Principessa shocks her with a pop-up superplex as she show-boats in the corner for the win in CWWF’s first main event! A good exhibition of what both women are capable of, but nothing outstanding.


Winner: Principessa (D+)



OVERALL: As with any new company, I have to give CWWF the benefit of the doubt. While there was no MOTYC’s, the girls showed an awful lot of potential. I’m sure that as time goes on and they gain confidence and their own identity the CWWF could become something of a must-see. For now, though, just a mild recommendation.




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Penny for Your Thoughts



So that was that. Our first ever show.


It felt good. For the length of that one show, in front of 240 paying guests, I felt like I wasn’t wasting my time. That I wasn’t just making a fool out of myself. Ideas were forming in my head for storylines already. The prospect of long term booking for female athletes was something that just never came up in NOTBPW, but here I could unfold some Vibert-style layered feuds and angles and…


I’m getting ahead of myself. Sure, there were 240 people there for the first show, but what about next month? Yeah, it was a decent show, but it was far from a great one. Maybe I’d blew it already? I knew J-Ro and I would put on the best match of the night, so should I have made that the Main Event? I remember someone saying that you should leave the crowd buzzing like that, but I left them with a match they saw on NOTBPW TV the night before. Okay, it got a lot more time, but was it worth it? Was I booking around sticking it to Vicky and not around putting on the best show?


Penny for your thoughts, Kat.




Amber Allen was my best friend in the whole world. I knew she’d make this better. I ran to give her a bear hug.


Alright already! It’s not been that long since I saw you.'


It’s still been too long. Glad you could make it, Bambi.


Wouldn’t have missed it for the world. You put on a pretty great show.


Yeah. like you mean that...


Of course I do! And it can only get better s it goes on. There’s so much potential here it’s absolutely mind-boggling. The crowd loved every second of it. They’re gonna love it even more next week. Especially when they see Double A in there tearing it up.'


My eyes lit up.


You mean…?


Yup! Steph and I were talking, and we think I’m ready. That show tonight was an inspiration, Kat. You said you were going to show everyone that we are just as capable as the men, and you did it. Where better for me to make my debut?


I hugged her again. Suddenly, I wasn’t worrying as much…

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Card for Supremacy


From CWWF.com:



CWWF’s debut show ‘Chapter 1’ is in the books, and it was an amazing night! But it’s not a ‘one-and-done’ deal, as CWWF’s sophomore show ‘Supremacy’ takes place this Thursday, once again coming from the Windsor Arena Hall! We can exclusively reveal the complete card:



Main Event

Melody Cuthill vs. Katie Kraven


Neither Cuthill nor Kraven were victorious in their respective matches at ‘Chapter 1’, but Melody contacted CWWF management shortly after that show to tell us she will refuse to wrestle unless she’s in the main event. Upon hearing this, Kraven demanded to be her opponent in order to prove that the CWWF she started is about every one of the women in the locker room, not just one of them. At ‘Supremacy’ it’s the ‘Hell Kat’ against the ‘Gold Standard’ in a battle for… Well… Supremacy!



Glorious Power vs. Tamara McFly & Suzanne Brazzle


Wanda Fish and Suzue Katayama, collectively known as Glorious Power, were both successful at ‘Chapter 1’ and will look to continue their winning ways at ‘Supremacy’. However, their opponents will be out for Vengeance! Tamara McFly was cheated out of her rightful victory over Fish after the illegal use of a chain and the ‘Miracle Blonde’ was treated like a rag-doll by ‘Puro Power’. Can the desire for revenge win out over the experience of Glorious Power?



Nene Ebina vs. Principessa


Principessa was victorious over Melody Cuthill in last month’s main event and will be looking to make it 2 and 0. Her opponent will, however, have other plans. With many years of experience in the squared circle and a history in MMA fighting, Nene Ebina isn’t called ‘The Machine’ for nothing. Unsuccessful in tag-team action last month, Ebina will be out to prove herself against one of the best in the world at ‘Supremacy’!



Ginko Kuroda vs. April Appleseed


April Appleseed showed her veteran high-flying skills to good effect last month in a victory over Raven Nightfall, but her opponent at ‘Supremacy’ is a very different proposition. ‘The Dragon’s Daughter’ Ginko Kuroda is often cited as one of the berst pure technicians in the business, male or female, and looked impressive even in defeat last month. A victory over the veteran Appleseed would be even more impressive!



The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose


Despite winning a battle last month, Comrades Nikita and Zoe have made it clear that the war is not over. Claiming that the bizarre antics of the Odd Squad are not indicative of the Canadian people, they have demanded a match against Lilly & Rose. They have informed CWWF management that they will wipe the smiles off the faces of the young tandem and, by proxy, wipe the smiles from the face of all Canada in the name of Mother Russia! We hadn’t the heart to tell them that Debbie Rose isn't Canadian…



The Dream Team vs. The Odd Squad


Speaking of the Odd Squad, the kooky twosome will be in action this month against the well-travelled and dangerous Dream Team. Jennifer Rodriguez and Raven Nightfall are deadly enough separately, but as a team they can often appear unstoppable. Will Kristabel Plum and Eve Grunge’s unorthodox style throw them, or is this just the first of many victories for the Dream Team?



Katherine Goodlooks vs. Amber Allen


Two more competitors make their debuts for the CWWF at our second show! Kat Goodlooks is a regular with the AAA, particularly in her Goodlookin’ Bunny team with Jessica Bunny and is a skilled technician. ‘Double A’ Amber Allen, meanwhile, is making her debut in not only the CWWF, but in wrestling in general. A protégé of Principessa, she promises to be another exciting addition to our roster of amazing athletes!



This isn’t the ‘difficult second album’ for the CWWF, by any means! ‘Supremacy’ promises to be just as action-packed and exciting as our debut, if not more so, so make sure you join us!



Prediction Form:

Melody Cuthill vs. Katie Kraven

Glorious Power vs. Tamara McFly & Suzanne Brazzle

Nene Ebina vs. Principessa

Ginko Kuroda vs. April Appleseed

The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose

The Dream Team vs. The Odd Squad

Katherine Goodlooks vs. Amber Allen

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Melody Cuthill vs. Katie Kraven

Glorious Power vs. Tamara McFly & Suzanne Brazzle

Nene Ebina vs. Principessa

Ginko Kuroda vs. April Appleseed

The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose

The Dream Team vs. The Odd Squad

Katherine Goodlooks vs. Amber Allen

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Good start so far, appears you're following the Shimmer model, where you're going to put on a few 'exhibition' type shows before introducing titles into the mix.


Melody Cuthill vs. Katie Kraven


Not sure how much you intend to push your user character but I expect Cuthill to bounce back from defeat.


Glorious Power vs. Tamara McFly & Suzanne Brazzle


Glorious Power have dominant heels written all over them. Seems like you might build up Katayama as your Kong.


Nene Ebina vs. Principessa


You don't follow up a win over Melody Cuthill with a loss to someone who will probably be a jobber despite her legit fighting experience.


Ginko Kuroda vs. April Appleseed


Appleseed's win over Nightfall suggests she could have a career rennaissance.


The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose


Unless Red Terror are going to be pushed as a total joke, I don't see them losing to Lilly & Rose, a team that has enhancement talent duo written all over them.


The Dream Team vs. The Odd Squad


No brainer, J-Ro and Nightfall are just superior to their opponents.


Katherine Goodlooks vs. Amber Allen


Allen became 5SSW World Champion in my FCW diary game, so that suggest to me she has the potential to go right to the top.

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Something Special


It’s hard to describe the emotions that you feel in the hours before a wrestling show. Especially one that you are entirely responsible for. And are main-eventing.




That’s the only word I can think of. Complete and abject terror. The sheer amount of things that can go wrong is staggering when you think about it. Mistimed spots resulting in embarrassing botches and potential injuries. The crushing fear that a crowd of people will simply sit on their hands and stare at you in stony bored silence. Or worst of all: noone shows up…






I was thinking all this when Melody Cuthill snuck up on me. I’m sure she didn’t do it on purpose, mind you. When it comes to being a genuinely good person behind the scenes, you don’t get much more genuine that Melody Cuthill.


I’m glad I caught you. I wanted to talk over our match tonight. If that’s okay with you, of course.


Yeah, absolutely…


She looked at me with a puzzled expression.


You okay, Kat?


Hmm? Yeah. Fine…


You shouldn’t worry so much, you know. Everyone loved the show last month and this month’s show is going to blow it out of the water! You and me are gonna put on a main-event that they’ll remember for years, and you better believe that all the other girls are going to work their hardest to match us! Tonight is going to be special, Kat. I can feel it in my bones. This is why I got into wrestling, y’know? I mean, I have nothing but respect and love for the Stones for my opportunities there, but going out to be the main event? That’s something amazing Kat. Thank you. Just, thank you.


I smiled. Something I hadn’t done all day. The infectious enthusiasm of Mel and Bambi was a definite help. So long as I have people like them giving me pep talks, I’m going to be okay.


Hell, I’m going to be better than okay. I’m going to be the head of the most successful women’s wrestling federation in the world.


Because we’re something special.

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From ExtremeWrestlingInsider.com:



CWWF: Supremacy

Thursday of Week 3, February 2008

Windsor Arena Hall in Ontario, Canada

Review by Michael E. Dawson



I reviewed the CWWF’s debut show last month and thought there was an awful lot of potential, even if it wasn’t quite there yet. Let’s see if they manage to build on that potential in their second show, shall we?



Our hosts are Rock Downpour and Katie Cameron.



PROMO- The event opens up for the second month in a row with Katie Kraven coming down to the ring. I’d made some comment about her being the owner of the company and hogging the spotlight, but she’s a pretty good talker, so it doesn’t matter. She puts over the first show, the fans and all the girls in the back. Except Melody Cuthill, whom she promises to put in her place tonight. That’s our main event set up, then. (E+)



Nene Ebina vs. Principessa


Principessa makes sure that the crowd are into the show from the outset, as she gets a huge reaction. Rock and Katie keep putting over Nene’s legit fighting experience and her experience, but they’re not fooling anyone. Principessa won the main event last month, and Nene is basically a jobber. This fight is really just a formality. ‘Pessa goes out of her way to make ‘The Machine’ look good, but inevitably scores with the Royal Butterfly (Double Underhook DDT) for the victory. Solid work all round, but I never really bought it.


Winner: Principessa (D)



The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose


Comrades Nikita Czech and Zoe Ammis are clearly having a ball with this gimmick as they berate the Canadian fans in some kind of bizarre pigeon Russian on their way to the ring. This match is very similar to the L&R match last month, as Debbie plays ‘Whipper’ for a while. It’s a tried and true formula, and the antics of the Reds keep it from getting boring. At one point Nikita goes to her corner for a time-out and Ammis hands her a hip flask. Czech takes a drink and shouts ‘Vodka to a Russian is like the spinach to your Popeye!’ and levels a recovering Debbie with a huge lariat. Surreal. Eventually Debbie gets the hot tag and the young duo get in some nice flashy offence. Lilly, particularly, looks good. It’s not enough, though, as the Terror finish Kate the same way they won last week: a good old fashioned flag-pole to the skull.


Winners: The Red Terror (D-)



Ginko Kuroda vs. April Appleseed


April is an odd case for me. I understand she’s a good wrestler and a veteran, but I just find it very difficult to get behind her. Case in point, this match is very similar to her match last month against Raven Nightfall. Her first comeback is almost completely identical! Ginko switches things up with some good chain-wrestling on the mat, but it seems clear she’s just leading April through it. Appleseed wins with a top-rope crossbody and we just move on. Nothing much to see here.


Winner: April Appleseed (D-)



The Dream Team vs. The Odd Squad


It is clear from the start that J-Ro and Nightfall have far more star quality than their opponents, as their diva-ish mannerisms on the way to the ring are perfect. I was a bit unsure on this gimmick at first, but the two girls are making it work through their skill in and out of the ring. The Odd Squad are no slouches in the ring either, though, so we get an entertaining little tag match. The focus is, once again, very much on the characters than the action though. One memorable spot sees Eve Grunge break a top wristlock by just licking Rodriguez’ face, much to her disgust. The Dream Team pick up the duke with the Sweet Dreams (Double Falling Reverse DDT) on Kristabel Plum in reasonably swift fashion. I hope they can move away from complete comedy matches once the characters have been fully established.


Winners: The Dream Team (D)



Katherine Goodlooks vs. Amber Allen


Both women are making their debuts here. I’ve seen Kat in her Goodlookin’ Bunny team in AAA a few times, and she is a very solid technician. Allen is an unknown commodity, as this is her first ever pro-wrestling match. Ordinarily I’d worry about that, but she, like Kraven, was trained by Principessa. Both women shake hands to start and wrestle a classic exhibition style match. ‘Double A’ has a very fluid technique and if she gets her psychology down, I can see her going far. There are a lot of pinfall reversal sequences in this and some impressive, if not too exciting, submission work. Katherine gets the debut win with a sunset flip, but the winner wasn’t really important. Good introduction to these two young athletes.


Winner: Katherine Goodlooks (D)



Glorious Power vs. Tamara McFly & Suzanne Brazzle


Our third tag match of the evening is a very different proposition from the other two. Brazzle and McFly are both out for revenge after last month and start this match on a hot note. The crowd are completely in love with the quintessential babyface team and both members of Glorious Power work that perfectly. Fish’s constant stalling after the faces initial flurry is just great old-school tactics for getting heat and when Katayama is tagged in she just destroys both faces in, pardon the pun, gloriously destructive style. Brazzle makes for a fantastic face-in-peril as she bumps like a pinball for Suzue and Fish just toys with her. The eventual tag to McFly is molten and the match really kicks into a high gear. The story of the match builds to a fantastic ending where Katayama is about to set up Suzanne for a powerbomb, but the arrogant Fish demands to be tagged in, only for the ‘Miracle Blonde’ to duck the Dish of the Day (Roundhouse Kick) and get a quick cradle for the victory! A very well done tag match. Fish, naturally, berates Katayama after the loss, but is keen to point out to the camera that McFly didn’t beat her, so she didn’t get her revenge. Good point.


Winners: Tamara McFly & Suzanne Brazzle (C-)



PROMO- Miss Melody Cuthill comes to the ring to tell us all how talented she is, and I find it hard to disagree. She repeats her spiel from last month about being the CWWF’s ‘Gold Standard’ and, despite a slight blip last month, the only woman worthy of main-eventing. She does, however, concede that she will need an opponent, otherwise she’d have to fight herself. This brings out Katie Kraven for our main event of the evening! (D-)



Melody Cuthill vs. Katie Kraven


This should be good. I was shocked to discover that this match only happened once in NOTBPW and was a two minute squash for Cuthill. Both women can really go, so I’m willing to overlook the oddity of having two women who lost last month in the main event. They start with a coy cat-and-mouse game, feeling each other out. Kraven’s tenacious style means she gets the best of these early exchanges. The match has a great back-and-forth rhythm to it as it goes along, much like Mel’s match with Principessa last week. Katie is probably a better wrestler than her mentor at this point, though, so the match manages to reach a higher level than that match. After a good twenty minutes of fantastic action Mel slips out of Kraven’s Hell’s Cradle (Perfect Inside Cradle) and instantly follows up with the Melody Maker (Cradle Piledriver) for the 3 count! A very good main event here.


Winner: Melody Cuthill ©



OVERALL: That’s what I was hoping for. While there were still some flaws, CWWF’s second show built very well from their debut. I hope they can keep this kind of momentum going and continue to improve, because if they do we could have something special on our hands. I look forward to finding out.




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Paranoia is Subjective


The second show had been and gone, and the world hadn't ended. I was shocked.


I was really proud of what the girls had done out there, and I could really feel the crowd getting more into the night as we went on. There was only 213 of them this month, but something was definitely starting to click. They were red hot for Mel and I. What a rush! For the first time since I'd walked out of Victoria Stone's office 5 months before, I felt hopeful.


There was a knock at my office door.


'Come in'




Wanda Fish is one of those athletes that just oozes star-power. Even just standing in my office, she looked like a superstar.


'Hey boss, just a couple of things I want to talk to you about.'


'My door's always open to you Wanda. Go ahead.'


'Well, I just wanted to congratulate you on how well everything's going. I've not had much experience in front of Canadian crowds before now. They're pretty crazy.'


'Yes we are.'


'Gotta love them, boss. Unless you're Nene, of course...'


She rolled her eyes as she said it. I sighed. I had heard about Nene's behavioural problems before. Nearly 40, but with the temper of a 4 year old.


'What did she do?'


'She threatened to break a fan's leg.'


'I don't suppose she was joking?'


'Hard to tell. Her English isn't great... Listen, I can get Suzi to talk to her if you want? They've worked together in the past and Suzi can be, uh... Pretty persuasive.'


I bet she can.


'No, thank you. I'll handle this myself. That's what being the boss is all about, I guess. Was there anything else?'


'Nope... Not really...'


She got up to leave, but I could tell there was something. The thought of Vicky Stone with a written contract screamed in my mind. She stopped at the door.


'Well, there is one other thing... You know Grace Harper?'


I knew Grace. We were on pretty good terms while I was in NOTBPW.


'What about her?'


'It's just... We were talking at the last AAA show, and she's a bit, how should I say it, put out that you haven't contacted her about making an appearance here. She's one of the best in the world, boss, and I can't help but feel she'd be an asset.'


I sighed, again, and shook my head. I was wondering when I'd have to explain this.


'Yes she would. But not for us. Not now.'


'I don't think I understand...'


'Well, it's complicated... See, I'd love to sign Grace. And Emma, for that matter. Only, I have to be wary that my main event are in a stable position. If my 4 biggest stars are all working for NOTBPW, what's to stop Stone from just up and taking them away? Steph I know I can trust, and Mel hasn't got a malicious bone in her body, but I just don't want to leave myself vulnerable with the other two. You have to be very careful when dealing with Victoria Stone. She'll tear this company down without a second's thought!'


Wanda listened to my explanation, then just stared at me for a second.


'You really believe that she'd do that?'


'To get at me? In a heartbeat.'


Wanda sucked air in through her teeth.


'Gotta say, boss. You're sounding a little bit paranoid. Just give Grace some more thought, huh? She's one of the best.'


And then she left. Good thing, too. It's very difficult to convince someone you're not paranoid. Every explanation you try to give just works against you. I'm not, though. Vicky IS watching us. I know that. Any day now, she's going to strike. Wanda might well be one of her first targets, and I have BIG plans for Miss Fish!




However, before I get to that, there's the small matter of dealing with Nene Ebina. Thankfully, I have a pretty good idea how to solve that....

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Card for Crossfire


From CWWF.com:



Rivalries are starting to form and the competition is beginning to heat up as the CWWF holds it’s third show ‘Crossfire’ this coming Thursday at the Windsor Arena Hall in Ontario! The complete card is as follows:



Main Event

Melody Cuthill vs. Alicia Strong


After a strong victory over Katie Kraven last month, Melody Cuthill has proven that she belongs in the main event. The ever-confident ‘Gold Standard’ issued an open challenge to anyone outside of the CWWF, claiming that she was already so far above the rest of the current roster that she didn’t want to waste her time with them. The woman who accepted that challenge needs little introduction. The only daughter of the most famous wrestler in history, Alicia Strong has the heritage and, with the training of Joshi legend the Sensational Ogiwara, the skill to be a major challenge to Cuthill!



Wanda Fish vs. Suzanne Brazzle


Last month, the ‘Miracle Blonde’ was able to score a pinfall victory over ‘The Glorious One’ in tag-team action. Fish was quick to demand a singles rematch to prove that Brazzle’s win was just a fluke. There are some rumours that Fish is actually avoiding Tamara McFly’s call for a rematch from ‘Chapter 1’ and just using Brazzle as a pawn, but you overlook the ‘Miracle Blonde’ at your peril!



Suzue Katayama vs. Tamara McFly


Unable to get the match she wanted against Wanda Fish, Tamara McFly has instead challenged Fish’s partner, the powerful Japanese import Suzue Katayama! It was Katayama that provided Fish with the steel chain that led to McFly’s loss at ‘Chapter 1’, but you have to feel that McFly is still focused on getting revenge on ‘The Glorious One’, not her lackey. ‘Puro Power’ is a dominant force in the squared circle, but McFly has the power of vengeance on her side!



Good Lookin’ Bunny vs. Principessallen


Last month saw the debut of two young talents to the CWWF as Katherine Goodlooks pinned Amber Allen in an honourable exhibition match. This month they will meet again, but this time they will be bringing tag team partners. Goodlooks’ partner is Jessica Bunny, the pair bringing their very successful Good Lookin’ Bunny team to Canada. Allen’s partner is her mentor Principessa, forming a team that they naturally call Principessallen. Will the veteran presence of Principessa be able to counter the tag team experience of GLB?



Raven Nightfall vs. April Appleseed


In a rematch from ‘Chapter 1’, Raven Nightfall has a demanded a ‘do-over’ against the veteran Appleseed. Apparently Raven was ‘not ready’, she had ‘nearly been involved in, like, a crash or something’ earlier that day and she ‘totally had a speck of dust’ in her eye. April gladly accepted the match, citing a desire to embarrass Raven once again.



Joanne Rodriguez vs. Eve Grunge


Last month’s tag-team match between the Dream Team and the Odd Squad resulted in a victory for J-Ro’s side, but she sought out CWWF management soon after to complain. At one point during the match Eve Grunge licked Rodriguez’ cheek, and this was apparently a source of much distress for Joanne, who fears she may catch ‘skank-ilitis’. When asked to comment, Grunge simply stated that Rodriguez ‘tastes like chicken’.



The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose


Both of the Red Terror’s matches so far in the CWWF have ended the same way: a flag-pole to the skull. Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose lost out to such tactics last month, and have requested a rematch. Comrades Zoe and Nikita responded that ‘all is fair in wrestling and Cold War’, but did concede that they didn’t need to lower themselves to cheating in order to beat ‘Canadian pigs’…



Ginko Kuroda vs. Kristabel Plum


Both Kuroda and Plum are yet to score a victory here in CWWF, but that’ll change at ‘Crossfire’. The distinctly odd Kristabel Plum is an often under-rated all round wrestler, while ‘The Dragon’s Daughter’ is often mentioned as being one of the finest technical wrestlers of either sex in the world. One of them will be able to chalk a first one up in the W column this month!



Nene Ebina vs. Katie Kraven


This match is very similar in construction to the Plum/Kuroda bout, featuring a strong technical wrestler against an all-rounder in a battle for that first CWWF victory for either woman. Ebina has a huge experience advantage over the young Kraven, but the ‘Hell Kat’ has never backed down from a challenge in her life!



We can reveal exclusively that next month the CWWF will crown its first Champion at the Windsor Arena Hall. Therefore every match at this month’s ‘Crossfire’ event will carry extra weight as our exciting athletes look to gain momentum heading into a championship tournament! Business is starting to pick up!



Prediction Form:


Melody Cuthill vs. Alicia Strong

Wanda Fish vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Suzue Katayama vs. Tamara McFly

Good Lookin’ Bunny vs. Principessallen

Raven Nightfall vs. April Appleseed

Jennifer Rodriguez vs. Eve Grunge

The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose

Ginko Kuroda vs. Kristabel Plum

Nene Ebina vs. Katie Kraven

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Really enjoying this markish, one of my favourites at the moment.


Melody Cuthill vs. Alicia Strong

Wanda Fish vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Suzue Katayama vs. Tamara McFly

Good Lookin’ Bunny vs. Principessallen

Raven Nightfall vs. April Appleseed

Jennifer Rodriguez vs. Eve Grunge

The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose

Ginko Kuroda vs. Kristabel Plum

Nene Ebina vs. Katie Kraven

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Melody Cuthill vs. Alicia Strong


I'll go the safe bet here and say that Strong is just a one shot deal, so Cuthill goes over. BTW you've got it as Cuthill-Strong on the prediction form, you may want to change that


Wanda Fish vs. Suzanne Brazzle


Brazzle may have got the win in the tag but I see Fish winning the singles bout.


Suzue Katayama vs. Tamara McFly


DQ win, Katayama gets to look like a beast but the McFly- Brazzle alliance get at-least one win over Glorious Power.


Good Lookin’ Bunny vs. Principessallen


Principessallen doesn't exactly roll off the tongue does it ? I'll go for GBL, simply because of their edge in tag team experience.


Raven Nightfall vs. April Appleseed


I doubt Nightfall is destined for job duty, so she'll get a win back over Appleseed.


Jennifer Rodriguez vs. Eve Grunge


No contest, J-Ro is much better than Grunge and should be pushed as such. Interesting thay you've gone with J-Ro as a heel.


The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose


In a battle of lower-card and probably not all that good teams. I'll go for the team with the more interesting gimmick.


Ginko Kuroda vs. Kristabel Plum


Kuroda chalks up her first win.


Nene Ebina vs. Katie Kraven


Give your user character a first win, plus I get the feeling that Ebina needs to be put in her place too.

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Strong Sentiments



It was our third show, but I still felt as nervous as our first as I stretched in the locker room. Part of me thought I was crazy. The other art of me KNEW I was. I had decided to teach Nene Ebina a lesson in respect. In the ring.


This is a woman who has fought in MMA bouts before.


I figured that a good stiff shot or two would be the only language she’d understand. MY vision for the CWWF is a Federation above the others. Classier. I want a friendly backstage and a good relationship with fans. Otherwise I would have set up in the Tri-State area and hired the Crazy Midget Clown Klan. Sure, that kind of thing has it’s palce. But not in my promotion. I was going to lead by example…


Hey there.




I was starting to expect people to sneak up on me like that. Alicia Strong was the culprit on this occasion. It was great to have a big name like her on board.


Hey Alicia. Just warming up.


Yeah. You’re looking pretty intense. Are you okay?




Yeah. Don’t worry about me. I’m all kinds of good. Listen, I’m glad you popped in. I wanted to thank you for taking time out of your schedule to come and wrestle for us.


It’ll be my pleasure, Katie. The ability to work in a different environment than USPW and with different girls? It should be a great experience. Also, it lets me scout new girls for USPW’s Women’s Division. Hope you won’t mind me taking them off your hands!


She smiled. I knew she was half-joking, but I didn’t find it very funny.


How is that going? Did I hear right that you were booking the whole division?


Yeah. Dad wanted to start me off slowly, and he’s a bit clueless when it comes to Women’s wrestling. Different generation, y’know?'


It was odd to hear the biggest wrestling star in history being casually referred to as ‘dad’. I knew what she meant, though. Most of our crowds were a younger generation. It was something that had bothered me, actually, because of the old-school booking style I’m trying to implement. I’ll just have to train them to get used to my way of doing things, I guess…






You were miles away just there. Are you sure you’re okay?


Yes. Fine.


You know I was joking about taking your girls, yeah? I want USPW and CWWF to have a good working relationship. I’ll be available to you as often as is possible. It’s just a shame that can’t be all the time. But with all the bureaucratic stuff… Well, you know what it’s like.


Sounds like your dad is really grooming you to take over one day.


Oh, sure. He’s big on family that way. He’s being careful to lead me in gently, though. He’s told me some horror stories about perfectly good people being corrupted by the role. How they’ll start off trying to please the fans, but then become bitter towards them when they don’t react ‘right’ and the person just starts booking for themselves, or for their political allies. He’s got so many examples of people who were everyone’s best friend until they became an owner or a booker. Too many times, he says, has he seen a booker put their own ends above all else. He wants to make sure that doesn’t happen to me…


I knew exactly what he meant, and exactly what Alicia was getting at. I had known Vicky Stone before she was in power, and the change was obvious. Alicia was looking at me hopefully, but I didn’t feel like getting into that whole thing. She sighed.


Well, I guess I’ll see you later. Thanks again for the opportunity. You’re one of the good ones Katie.


I know. Good luck tonight Alicia. I know you’ll blow them away.


She turned and walked away. As she did so, I noticed her shaking her head. She must have really wanted some dirt on the Stones. I’d give her some one day, over a beer. I wouldn’t be able to help myself.


I laced up my boots and got myself psyched up. I was going to go out there and teach Nene a lesson: in the CWWF, you answer to me…

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From ExtremeWrestlingInsider.com:



CWWF: Crossfire

Thursday of Week 3, March 2008

Windsor Arena Hall in Ontario, Canada

Review by Michael E. Dawson



After a second show that was a good improvement on the first, I have high hopes for CWWF’s third show. They announced that this is the lead up to a title tournament too, so I have that look forward to!


Our hosts are Rock Downpour and Katie Cameron.



PROMO- The show starts with some very familiar music playing as Sam Strong’s music brings out his daughter Alicia. She gives a pretty basic ‘aw shucks’ promo about how she’s glad to be here, rightly toning down her usual patriotic side. She promises to shut Melody up in the main event. (D-)



Nene Ebina vs. Katie Kraven


This is the second show in a row that ‘The Machine’ has been in the opening match, and I don’t think I agree with that. She’s a good solid hand, but hardly has the flash needed to start the show with a bang. Thankfully flash is something that Kraven has in spades. The match is pretty much a foregone conclusion, but they at least try to make it look competitive. There’s an obvious lack of communication between the two, though, and at one point they just start stiffing the hell out of each other. Not sure what that’s all about, but it added a bit of spice to the match. Katie finally locks in her Hell’s Cradle (Perfect Inside Cradle) and on commentary Rock rightfully points out that noone has ever escaped it. Nene doesn’t either.


Winner: Katie Kraven (D+)



Ginko Kuroda vs. Kristabel Plum w/Eve Grunge


The crowd aren’t really into this match from the off, as both women are fairly low on the totem pole. They are both highly underrated talents, though, and are able to put on a decent match out there. Outside of tag team competition, Plum is able to incorporate a lot more proper offence into her oddball shtick, including one wonderful counter of a Mexican surfboard stretch into Plum using Kuroda as an actual surfboard. Grunge is okay on the outside too, promising a cookie to Plum if she wins, and using this as motivation whenever Ginko slaps on a painful looking stretch. Kristabel gives as good as she gets, though, and picks up a win by countering the Dragon’s Clutch into a Stretch Plum (naturally) for the submission! Perfectly acceptable wrestling.


Winner: Kristabel Plum (D-)




The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose


I can’t help but feel I’ve seen this match before. This rematch from last show doesn’t really build on what they did there and, as a result, drags a bit. They really needed to pull off something a bit different, but as it is this is just the same formula tag match with the Reds’ antics being the only real bright spot. The only big difference is that Zoe and Nikita finish Debbie off clean with an Iron Curtain (Doomsday Device) this time. Not much to see here.


Winners: The Red Terror (E+)



Raven Nightfall w/Joanne Rodriguez vs. April Appleseed


More déjà vu here. But then, every April Appleseed match is like that for me. I really don’t have much to say about this match, other than to continue to praise J-Ro and Nightfall for their commitment to their gimmick. Nightfall’s stalling at the beginning of this match is better than most of the match. She forces referee Matthew White to check Appleseed for weapons three times, then accuses him of sexual harassment when he tries to do the same with her. The actual match is a fairly dull but solid affair, ending with a Crossbody from the top by Appleseed for the victory. Really, Raven deserves far better than losing to someone as bland as April.


Winner: April Appleseed (D-)



Joanne Rodriguez w/Raven Nightfall vs. Eve Grunge w/Kristabel Plum


Honestly, I’d much rather see J-Ro against Plum. I think that could be pretty awesome. Grunge is pretty good with the gimmick, but Plum is by far the better wrestler of the two. There is a lot to like in this match. J-Ro starts of by sulking with the referee for counting the pin on Raven in the previous match and starts to use him as a human shield against Eve, ending up with Grunge giving him the old Canadian lip-lock, to which the Dream Team nearly vomit. Once they get down to the actual wrestling J-Ro yet again proves why she’s one of the best in the world as she is just so crisp and graceful to watch. The bickering on the outside between the two partners keeps up the gimmickry, while Rodriguez picks up a deserved win with the J-Rocker (Roll of the Dice) to gain revenge for being licked last month. Well, it’s certainly one way to start a feud…


Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (D+)



PROMO- Wanda Fish gets on the microphone before her upcoming match with the ‘Miracle Blonde’ Suzanne Brazzle, but spends the entire time running down Tamara McFly. She taunts McFly by pointing out that she hasn’t been able to pin her in revenge for ‘Chapter One’ and stating that Katayama will destroy her later in the evening. She then declares that the only thing miraculous about Suzanne Brazzle is her ability to gain fluke victories over far superior athletes, which naturally brings her out. Not Wanda’s best promo, but the story is definitely laid out. (E+)



Wanda Fish w/Suzue Katayama vs. Suzanne Brazzle


Wanda absolutely shines in this match. Brazzle, as I’ve noted before, is wonderful at taking punishment, but Wanda is, if you’ll pardon the pun, glorious at dishing it out! The little heelish twists she throws in with every move, whether it’s a hair pull in a headlock or a choke with her boot while talking to referee, she is just on top form. The Windsor crowd are definitely learning to hate the ‘Glorious One’ and are very quick to rally behind all of the ‘Miracle Blonde’s comebacks. Fish is just too much for the sparky young wrestler, though and is able to nail her with the Dish of the Day (Roundhouse Kick) on a second attempt after Suzanne ducks the first one. Fish isn’t finished though and hoists the already out cold Brazzle into a Delorean Driver (Northern Lights Bomb) for the three count, clearly sending a mocking message to Tamara McFly.


Winner: Wanda Fish (D+)



Good Lookin’ Bunny vs. Principessallen


It’ll take a while to get used to that tag team name, but I’m all for portmanteaus in wrestling. This is a face/face match, as the crowd aren’t about to boo ‘Pessa and GLB are just too darn sweet to be heels. They give a teddy bear to one of the younger fans at ringside and everything. The story of the match is a simple one, GLB are the more experienced team, so they try to isolate one of their opponents in the tried and true tag team tradition. Heh, alliteration. ‘Double A’ manages to get a nice run of offence on Kat’s arm, though, and in the end that proves the deciding factor as Jess and Kat set ‘Pessa up for a GLB Buster (Double Fisherwoman’s Buster), only to have Kat lose her grip. ‘Pessa seizes the chance with a Royal Butterfly (Double Arm DDT) on Bunny before tagging in Amber who hooks Goodlooks into the Allen Key Lock (Cattle Mutilation) for the tap out win! The match was a bit too long for its story, but did its job.


Winner: Principessallen (D)



Suzue Katayama vs. Tamara McFly


McFly starts this match off with a fire lit under her and spends the first part of the match playing a good hit and run game with ‘Puro Power’. Her offence doesn’t seem to have much effect on the squat powerhouse, but McFly remains relentless in her attack. Tamara starts firing off pinning combinations like the Majistral cradle and the crucifix roll-up, but they only get one counts. Suzue, whose frustration is growing throughout, finally manages to catch her with a Powerful Lariat that nearly beheads McFly! From there it is all Katayama as she just dominates McFly with her great looking offence. McFly gets an opening when Suzue misses the Katayama Cannonball, (Top Rope Senton) but is only gets a two count off a DDT. McFly unwisely attempts the Delorean Driver (Northern Lights Bomb) and nearly gets caught with that devastating Sit Out Powerbomb, only to counter THAT into a jack-knife roll up for a VERY close two! Katayama decides she’d had enough after that and rolls outside to grab a steel chain which she nails Tamara with for a very anticlimactic DQ. She pounds on McFly repeatedly on the face and then wrecks her with a Sit Out Powerbomb after the match. This was rolling along fine until the meh finish. I don’t know why they didn’t just have her win and then destroy McFly with the chain?


Winner: Tamara McFly by DQ (D-)



Melody Cuthill vs. Alicia Strong


I’ve not seen Alicia wrestle yet, due to my allergic reaction to USPW. I have heard only good things, though, and a woman trained by Ogiwara cannot be a bad wrestler. They start out slow and steady with some lovely exchanges on the mat, before building to the old indy stand-off on their feet. The crowd, initially a bit cold to Alicia, begin to show their appreciation more and more as the match progresses. Her blue collar attitude that she showed in her show-opening promo comes through as she makes Melody work for every offensive manoeuvre, which only serves to frustrate the c0cky Cuthill. They don’t do anything spectacular in this match, but the sheer polish and crispness of everything they do elevate it above any male USPW match. After nearly twenty minutes of old-fashioned back-and-forth, Melody manages to upend Alicia with the Melody Maker (Piledriver) for the victory. Really good main-event. I hope Alicia is sticking around as a regular.


Winner: Melody Cuthill (C-)



OVERALL: As with every promotion, especially anew one, not every show can be a blow away show. There is a strong feeling of treading water before the big tournament show next month, with a fair few matches just going through the motions and a few odd booking decisions. I can’t really recommend this to anyone who is not already a fan, but for a promotion still finding its feet, it’s not half bad.




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Card for Crowning a Queen


From CWWF.com:



The ladies of the CWWF have had three months to introduce themselves and prove themselves in competition, but this month things really heat up! This month will see an 8 woman single elimination tournament to crown the first ever CWWF Champion! CWWF management has picked the cream of the crop to battle it out at the Windsor Arena Hall for the right to call themselves Queen of the CWWF! There will also be two Sudden Death Four-Way matches taking place outside the tournament, making sure our fans remember it’s not all about the gold!



CWWF Championship Tournament:


Melody Cuthill vs. Principessa


The random draw for the tournament’s first round came out with three rematches, but this is perhaps the most intriguing. In our three month history Principessa is unbeaten in both singles and tag competition, while Melody Cuthill has only suffered one loss. To Principessa herself! Melody is obsessed with being the Main Event superstar in the CWWF, but in order to do that this month she needs to go through two other women first and Principessa isn’t about to stand back and let that happen! Will the ‘Gold Standard’ live up to her name or will history repeat itself at ‘Crowning a Queen’?



April Appleseed vs. Alicia Strong


April Appleseed has quietly amounted a perfect record over the past 3 months, but this month sees her take on her toughest challenge yet in the first round of the tournament. Alicia Strong may not have been victorious in her CWWF debut last month, but her performance, as well as her reputation, was certainly good enough to justify her place in this tournament. Both women are fan favourites, but that won’t hold them back when gold is on the line!



Joanne Rodriguez vs. Katie Kraven


In our second of three rematches from ‘Chapter 1’, the ‘Hell Kat’ will try to get revenge on J-Ro for the defeat she suffered in the CWWF’s very first match. CWWF management was contacted this week by Joanne Rodriguez, who complained that Kraven had not done enough to deserve her place in this tournament, having only won one match, compared to J-Ro’s three. She cited favouritism towards the woman who started the company and demanded Raven Nightfall take her place. We refused, and the Kraven/Rodriguez rematch remains!



Wanda Fish vs. Tamara McFly


As well as the call from J-Ro, we were bombarded by communication from Wanda Fish. Since cheating her way to victory over McFly at ‘Chapter 1’, the ‘Glorious One’ has relentlessly teased McFly and claimed she will never get the revenge she wants, refusing to give her a rematch. Luck of the draw, however, has meant we will see that rematch this month! Wanda has demanded a reshuffling of the card, claiming CWWF management to be corrupt and guilty of rigging the tournament. Tamara, to her credit, simply smiled when we told her the match would stand. There’s revenge and a short at gold on the line as McFly meets Fish at ‘Crowning a Queen’!



Non-Tournament Matches:


The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose vs. Good Lookin’ Bunny vs. The Odd Squad


Four of the premier teams in the CWWF will meet in our first non-tournament match of the evening. The Red Terror have looked dominant since our debut show, but their opponents in this match should not be overlooked. The chaos of a four-way tag match may well make this anyone’s game and an exciting athletic contest. The Red Terror have, as usual, been in contact with CWWF management, joining the growing list of people complaining of corruption as the deck is allegedly stacked against them in favour of ‘Canadian capitalist pigs’. The fact that only a third of their opponents are Canadian once again passes them by…



Suzue Katayama vs. Raven Nightfall vs. Amber Allen vs. Suzanne Brazzle


Our other non-tournament match should prove to be very interesting. All four women will have something to prove after being left out of our title tournament, and a victory over three other women would surely force CWWF management to take notice. Katayama and Nightfall have already had their case made for them by their partners, but as one deliberately got herself disqualified last month and the other has yet to score a victory by herself, we feel we’ve made the right call. Will one of them prove us wrong? Will Suzanne Brazzle pull off another Miracle win? Or will the sudden death format help the newcomer in ‘Double A’ to an impressive victory?



Business is about to pick up in the CWWF! If you give a chance for gold to eight already hungry athletes, it’s a recipe for an intense night of competition! Join us this Thursday at the Windsor Arena Hall as we Crown a Queen in Canada’s only all-female wrestling federation!




Prediction Form:

Melody Cuthill vs. Principessa

April Appleseed vs. Alicia Strong

Joanne Rodriguez vs. Katie Kraven

Wanda Fish vs. Tamara McFly

Tournament Semi-Finals

Tournament Final

The Red Terror vs. Lilly & Rose vs. Good Lookin’ Bunny vs. The Odd Squad

Suzue Katayama vs. Raven Nightfall vs. Amber Allen vs. Suzanne Brazzle

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From ExtremeWrestlingInsider.com:



CWWF: Crowning a Queen

Thursday of Week 4, April 2008

Windsor Arena Hall in Ontario, Canada

Review by Michael E. Dawson



So far I have been impressed by the CWWF, but never blown away. This show sees an eight woman tournament for a newly created championship that will hopefully provide the blow-away action I’m waiting for!



Our hosts are Rock Downpour and Katie Cameron.



Melody Cuthill vs. Principessa


We kick right off with a rematch of the CWWF’s first Main Event, with its two arguably biggest stars. Both women are canny enough and skilled enough to build off of that match, with many of the moves and combinations that were successful in that match being countered in this one. The crowd’s love for ‘Pessa really brings out the best of Mel’s c0cky side as well, which serves to make this match a cut-above. The finish is a great nod to their previous match as Cuthill again spends too much time posing on the turnbuckle and falls prey to a superplex, but this time she’s able to hook Principessa’s leg after the impact and score a quick fall to advance in the tournament! Good opening match


Winner: Melody Cuthill (C-)



April Appleseed vs. Alicia Strong


Maybe Alicia can make April exciting to me. I REALLY hope Alicia wins, because the prospect of seeing two Appleseed matches on one DVD may drop the overall grade a whole letter. This match is really more of a Strong showcase than a competitive contest, but considering her opponent, I don’t mind that too much. She shares a lot of her father’s mannerisms, which is odd to see. She finishes April off in short order with a Strong Arm Tactic (Runni- ah, you already know) and follows up with the Angel Driver (Tiger Driver) for the three count. Basically a glorified squash, this really helped get Alicia over with the Windsor crowd.


Winner: Alicia Strong (D)



PROMO- Wanda Fish comes out with Suzue Katayama to complain about having to face Tamara McFly. She questions the random draw and gives a first warning to CWWF management. I’m glad they acknowledged how conveniently the ‘random’ draw created several storyline based rematches and Wanda really makes it work to her heelish advantage as noone likes a whiner. She stops whining as I type that, though, and promises that this match will have exactly the same result as their previous one because Tamara will never be able to pin her. (E+)



Wanda Fish w/Suzue Katayama vs. Tamara McFly


Like the opener, this match builds well on their previous encounter. Tamara is less susceptible to Wanda’s tricks and is therefore able to mount stronger offence. Not only is that good story-telling, but it allows the match to be more competitive and have some excellent offensive exchanges that their previous encounter wasn’t able to have. Wanda still has some unseen tricks up her sleeve, though, particularly making use of Suzue at ring-side. That factors into the finish especially as Katayama trying to slip Fish that chain again, only to have McFly know what was coming and intercept. As McFly disposes of that chain and Suzue keeps the referee distracted, however, Fish pulls a second chain out of her top and nails Tamara with that illegal knockout blow for another cheap victory! Hey, she was right. That WAS exactly the same result, only to a slightly better match.


Winner: Wanda Fish (C-)



Joanne Rodriguez w/Raven Nightfall vs. Katie Kraven


This is our third rematch of the first show to take place in this tournament. Thankfully they switch it up a bit and have a completely different match than their previous encounter, otherwise this show would start to just feel like a rehash. Whereas their first match was a back-and-forth sprint, this match is a slower and more methodical technical encounter. J-Ro is very quick to target Kraven’s knee, which Cameron on commentary points out as recurring weak-point of Kraven’s. Both women show why they are considered among the best in the world as they manage to wrestle an exciting match that is so completely different from not only their own previous match, but also the first three matches of this show. The match is far longer than the previous opening round matches too, but neither woman even seem winded by the end. Kraven tries the Hell’s Cradle, (Perfect Inside Cradle) but her leg is too injured to properly hook it up, so J-Ro escapes and looks for the J-Rocker (Roll of the Dice) only to have THAT countered into the STRAIGHT TO HELL!!! (Lightning Spiral) Goddamn that move is brutal and it doesn’t matter that Kraven is slow to cover because J-Ro is legally dead. MOTN so far for sure.


Winner: Katie Kraven ©



The Red Terror vs. Lily & Rose vs. Good Lookin’ Bunny vs. The Odd Squad


This is under scramble rules, meaning all eight women are in the ring at once. As such, it’s a very difficult match to recap. There are certainly plenty of nice spots, both wrestling and character-wise, but if you’re looking for a coherent in-ring story, look elsewhere. The previous match would do. Saying that, it does provide a nice breather and is a definite change of pace, while showcasing much of what is starting to become quite a deep tag division. The home stretch is, as is natural in this kind of match, a finisher buffet. First Lilly & Rose interrupt a dance-off between Eve Grunge and Kristabel Plum (don’t ask) and hit Grunge with the Lilly Launch Pad (Rocket Launcher) only to then get caught by Good Lookin’ Bunny who plant Debbie Rose with the GLB Buster (Double Fisherwoman’s Buster) only for THEM to fall prey to the Red Terror and the Iron Curtain (Doomsday Device) on Jessica Bunny is enough for the three count. Good for what it was.


Winners: The Red Terror (D)



PROMO- Melody Cuthill is out for her semi-final match against Alicia Strong, but grabs a microphone first. She points out that she has already beaten Alicia at the last show and states that Alicia is just going to be embarrassed again by the ‘Gold Standard’. She goes on to beg Wanda to win her match against Kraven so she doesn’t have to spend her whole night beating the same old people and reliving past glories. She gives Alicia one last chance to forfeit the match, but that just brings Strong out fighting! (E+)



Melody Cuthill vs. Alicia Strong


Alicia wastes absolutely no time in going to work against the ‘Gold Standard’ of the CWWF as they start brawling before the bell has rung. Alicia gets the upper-hand in that exchange and Melody bails to the outside. That goes on to be the story of the match as Alicia just seems to be too much for Cuthill in the early going. The match is a lot more one-sided than their match last show, but not on the levels of Alicia/April from earlier. As the match progresses, Melody is able to find more openings, but can never get a (pardon the pun) strong offence going. The match seems to have been booked backwards, as the crowd aren’t into Alicia enough to get behind her as a dominant face, so are forced to just sit on their hands as Melody struggles. The match settles into a more even rhythm towards the end, until Melody counters an Angel Driver (Tiger Driver) into a jack-knife roll-up for a place in the final. That’s the second match she’s won with a roll-up tonight. The action was as good as last month’s bout, but there was just something off with this match.


Winner: Melody Cuthill (D+)



Wanda Fish w/Suzue Katayama vs. Katie Kraven


Now, this should be good. Kraven continues to sell the knee injury from earlier as she limps down to the ring, and I can’t help but feel that that might come into play in this match. Indeed, from the off Wanda is focussed right on that left knee with kicks, despite Kraven’s best attempts to avoid her. Working on a body part really allows the ‘Glorious One ‘to shine as she gloats after every successful attack on the knee. Kraven, for her part, is excellent at getting sympathy from the crowd as she desperately tries to fight back with flurries of offence. Some of their exchanges are sloppy and I’m not sure they’re quite on the same page at times, but both women are far too talented for that to have a huge effect on the match quality. All of Wanda’s leg-work comes to a head as she locks in the Blonde Ambition (Figure Four) in the centre of the ring. Kraven struggles against it and is just able to make the ropes after a long time. Fish drags her into the middle of the ring to reapply the hold, but Kraven rolls her up for a very close two count. The smirk that Fish has had throughout the match is gone and she gestures to Katayama for help. Kraven is quick to knock Suzue off the apron, however, and is then able to duck the attempted shot with the chain from Wanda and quickly lock I the Hell’s Cradle for the sudden victory! Wanda looks stunned and as soon as the bell is rung loses it completely, stomping away at Kraven’s already injured knee and then angrily storming out of the ring! They told a great story in here, with only a few minor niggles. The final should be great.


Winner: Katie Kraven (C-)



Suzue Katayama vs. Raven Nightfall vs. amber Allen vs. Suzanne Brazzle


Our second breather scramble match of the evening is a very different beast to the erlier tag match. ‘Double A’ and the ‘Miracle Blonde’ are quick to team up on the powerful Katayama, while Raven hangs back on the outside, J-Ro noticeably absent from her corner. The two blondes still aren’t enough to take ou Katayama who promptly dominates then and then military presses Brazzle out of the ring and onto Raven! Allen tries to take Katayam down with some holds and mat-wrestling, but Suzue easily powers out of most of them over she tries. The match settles into a groove of the two blondes making hit and run attacks on ‘Puro Power’ while Raven tries to avoid the action, but is keen to pick on someone who has already been hurt, almost stealing a pin on Allen after a Katayama Cannonball (Top Rope Senton) connects. The crowd are denied seeing Raven getting squashed by the angered Japanese star by Brazzle’s intervention, however. Katayama continues to look dominant right to the end, nailing Brazzle with a Powerful Lariat that turns her inside out and then going for the Sit Out Powerbomb on ‘Double A’ the young technician takes Suzue up and out of the ring with a hurricanrana however, leaving Raven in the ring with the downed Brazzle. The Dream Team member goes for her Night Faller (Reverse DDT), but Suzanne escapes and quickly hits the Miracle Tonic (Yoshi Tonic) for the win! Katayama, who was beating Amber down on the outside is shocked as the bell rings and Brazzle is quick to get outta Dodge! A fun, if somewhat slight, match.


Winner: Suzanne Brazzle (D)



PROMO- Katie Kraven again limps out, this time with a microphone. She gets a cheap pop from the fans by thanking them for making the CWWF possible, then turns her attention to Melody. She says she started the CWWF to highlight great female wrestling in Canada, not as a personal playground for a stuck-up witch like Melody. She notes that she’s been through some wars tonight, but finishes by saying that she is a one-legged woman who is going to win this ass-kicking contest! Ordinarily I’d disagree with a wrestling booker putting themselves in the position of the Superman (Supergirl?) face, but Kraven has put on the best matches in the CWWF so far, so it’s justified… (D)



Melody Cuthill vs. Katie Kraven


This is Melody’s third rematch of the night and she starts with the definite advantage as Kraven rolls in with a bad wheel. This match is again one-sided, and comes dangerously close to Kraven’s previous two matches, but they are able to switch it up with Kraven fighting through the injury for the most part, with Downpour noting her famed passion on commentary. It does remain the main focus for Melody, however, and she is always quick to take advantage any time it slows the ‘Hell Kat’ down. After a slow start, they kick into high gear with a huge exchange of forearm strikes in the center of the ring that gets the crowd on their feet! From there out it is non-stop action as the two women just tear into each other with everything that have, Melody trying to hit the Melody Maker (Piledriver) on several occasions to end things. She is able to roll out of the Hell’s Cradle and quickly rebound into a Golden Boot (Running Yakuza Kick) for a great nearfall. Eventually the two women are on their knees, exhausted, but still firing off with those strong strikes as the crowd are eating it up. Kraven, in a last ditch effort, goes for the Straight To Hell, but her knee buckles under her and Melody floats out of the move, then finally hits the Melody Maker! Kraven is down and out as Melody covers for the three count, the deserved victory and the belt! Both women must have been tired going into this, but you wouldn’t tell as they put on a show worthy of a title match. Excellent stuff.


Winner and NEW CWWF Champion: Melody Cuthill ©



OVERALL: They are definitely getting there. The women are, on the whole, settling into their roles nicely and the match quality is increasing because of this. Melody is a great choice of first champion as she has yet to have a bad match for them and has the name value, star power and wrestling skill to build a promotion around. With all that said, this event was only just above average, with some unnecessary filler and too much déjà vu to be a truly special event.




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Damn missed the predictions for this, anyway good show.


A little unlucky to just get a D+ in my opinion but I suppose the mediocre semi main event brought the overall rating down. That tends to be the problem with tournament shows, in that you really need some other marquee match going on outside of the tournament. You could always just put on the semi finals and then the finals, but I personally like to put on a buffer match between the semi's and the finals when running these sort of shows.

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I should have been pleased. The show had gone well as a whole, the tournament delivered, I'd put on three of my personal best ever matches and we'd crowned a deserving first champion in Melody. I definitely should have been pleased...


I just want to know what you were thinking, Craig.




Craig Prince had always been a pain. The first day I walked into the NOTBPW locker-room he completely ignored my attempt to shake his hand, and he hadn’t improved his attitude to me since. I only hired him as a Road Agent because I thought his expertise in match psychology would outweigh his negative personality.


I may have been wrong.


I don't see what the big deal is.


I know you don't Craig. That's what I don't understand. Why do this to Matthew? I thought you were friends.


Well, y’know... It wouldn't be polite to prank one of the girls. Matt's the only other guy here, so it had to be him. Or Rocky. But he'd kick my ass.


Wow. And they say chivalry is dead. However, your decision to lock our only referee in the bathroom before the show as a ‘prank’ caused the show to start 30 minutes late, end 30 minutes late and cost us an unnecessary fine from the arena which we will be paying out of YOUR wages! Was it worth it Craig? Really?


I really don't know what you're problem is, little girl. I was just blowing off steam...


I am your boss, Mister Prince! And I don't take kindly to you calling me ‘little girl’!


He laughed at me. To my face.


Whatever. Vicky’s right about you.


Ah, of course! Victoria Stone is behind this! Why am I not surprised!


He laughed again. Louder.


Man, she said you were paranoid, but I didn’t realise you were this bad! You honestly think Vicky spends her whole day planning ways to get at you? What, you think she’s paying road agents to sabotage your show? It was just a rib. Nothing more. The guys in the Stone’s dressing room are right. You’re a fruitloop. Everyone knows you just started this company to make some stupid point to Vicky for hurting your precious pride. Wrestling is a business. People get fired. Deal with it!


I looked at him open-mouthed. It’s fair to say I was angry. I pulled myself together and spoke calmly and concisely.


I think you’d better go. Just try and be more respectful in future, okay?


Yeah, whatever.


He bowed to me, mockingly, and left. To distract myself I turned on my computer and put in the DVD Steph had given me. I was loathe to watch a NOTBPW match, but this was important to her, so it was important to me. The day before ‘Crowning a Queen’ she had, as Stephanie Hazel, defeated Melody to win her second NOTBPW Womens Championship. That worked out well for us, of course, as it meant we couldn’t be accused of ripping them off.


I watched the match, which was far too short, and felt proud of my mentor. She suited the gold. There was no doubt she deserved it.


But there was something else. One niggling little thing that crept into my brain. As I watched the match I could swear Tom Townsend was being harsher on Melody, the face, than he usually was. One particular comment stood out to me when he, quite out of the blue, stated that he ‘wouldn’t pay money to see a promotion where she was the main champ’…


It couldn’t be aimed at us. I was just being paranoid. It’d be stupid to think that they somehow found out we were going to make her our champion and were trying to undermine us…




Wouldn’t it?

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Obsession with Vicky and not just paranoia. Blame everything to Vicky, blah blah:eek:


Yeah, it's starting to get a bit repetitive. A bit yada yada yada. All of the backstage stuff so far is mainly important in setting up some stuff that happens later on, see. Any backstage stuff will have less focus on that aspect of the story for a bit. Now that I have some in-ring storylines up-and-running expect to see transcripts of some CHIKARA-style video interviews from the girls in-between shows instead of Katie just freaking out more. Until she's given reason to...



A little unlucky to just get a D+ in my opinion but I suppose the mediocre semi main event brought the overall rating down. That tends to be the problem with tournament shows, in that you really need some other marquee match going on outside of the tournament. You could always just put on the semi finals and then the finals, but I personally like to put on a buffer match between the semi's and the finals when running these sort of shows.


That's one of many instances in my games of real-world logic seeping in and clashing with game mechanics, as I know that the buffer match will lower my rating, but the logic of their presence takes over. It's even more fun when in-character decisions have a negative effect on grades. For instance, April Appleseed is there entirely because I imagine Katie would want her there as a NOTBPW cast-off. My own thoughts on her are made clear in the reviews.


No worries about missing predictions. THere'll be more up soon, see. :D



Thanks to anyone who's left predictions or other feedback. I'd keep writing anyway because it's fun, but it's nice to know some folk are reading.

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Card for Frontline


From CWWF.com:



Last month saw the CWWF crown its first ever champion in Melody Cuthill, but her reign may prove to be a short one as she defends the gold this Thursday at ‘Frontline’! Rivalries are beginning to come to the boil and momentum is staring to build for the ladies of Canada’s only all-female wrestling promotion! You will not want to miss the aftermath of last month’s historic tournament, live once again at the Windsor Arena Hall in Ontario! The full card is as follows:



CWWF Championship

Melody Cuthill vs. Tamara McFly


After reviewing the tapes from last month’s show, it is clear that Wanda Fish’s victory over Tamara McFly was a direct result of the illegal use of a foreign object. While CWWF management obviously cannot overturn the result of that match, they have decided to redress the balance by allowing McFly the first shot at Melody Cuthill’s CWWF Championship! Melody was predictably arrogant about the result of the match, claiming that her star-power eclipsed even Sean McFly, never mind his sister. These two women have met before, but never with the CWWF Championship hanging in the balance!



Katie Kraven vs. Alicia Strong


As the crown jewel of USPW’s Womens Division, Alicia Strong is a much in-demand athlete and, as such, her match at ‘Frontline’ will unfortunately be her last with the CWWF for a while. Knowing this, she has specially requested a match against CWWF founder Katie Kraven! Though both women came up short against Melody Cuthill last month, they are among the best in the world and it should be one hell of a farewell for the daughter of a legend!



The Red Terror vs. Principessallen


According to Comrades Zoe and Nikita, this match is the final step in the complete Russian Domination of the CWWF. Citing their undefeated streak over the first three shows and emphatic ‘shared’ victory over three other teams last month, the Red Terror may well have a point, as a victory over Principessallen could mean they are nigh-on unstoppable. The student/teacher team of impressive youngster Amber Allen and the well-travelled veteran Principessa will not be an easy team to beat, however!



Glorious Power vs. Good Lookin’ Bunny


Wanda Fish was absolutely furious after last month’s event. Her loss to Katie Kraven and her partner’s loss in the four-way match have been blamed entirely on CWWF management’s bias. Somehow. In order to appease her, the ‘Glorious One’ demanded a tag-team match against two ‘sacrificial lambs’ to boost her self-esteem with an easy win. CWWF management gave her Good Lookin’ Bunny instead. A team that never seems to be far from gold, GLB are sure to be anything but an ‘easy win’!



Lilly & Rose vs. The Odd Squad


Two teams struggling to make their mark in CWWF will face off against each other. The team of Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose started out well with a victory over Dragon Machine, but have since then dropped two back-to-back matches to the Red Terror and lost out to them again in last month’s four-way match. The Odd Squad, on the other hand, have yet to win a match as a tandem at all, their only success coming with a singles victory for Kristabel Plum over Ginko Kuroda. When asked about her chances in this match, Eve Grunge simply informed CWWF management that she liked pudding. Will she get her just desserts at ‘Frontline’?



Joanne Rodriguez vs. Suzanne Brazzle


The ‘Miracle Blonde’ defeated Raven Nightfall to win last month’s four-way match, a result that did not sit well with the Dream Team. With Raven Nightfall out of town this Thursday on an ‘important hair-styling mission’, it is up to J-Ro to restore their honour and gain some manner of revenge! A war of words has already been started by Rodriguez, who claims the ‘only thing miraculous about Skank-anne Brazzle is that noone has, like, shot her for that totally heinous dye-job’. Brazzle was unavailable for comment over this accusation.



Nene Ebina vs. April Appleseed


April Appleseed, the veteran Canadian high-flier, had a dominant run of victories cut short at last month’s tournament losing out to Alicia Strong in the first round. Clearly disappointed and with something to prove, she will roll into ‘Frontline’ looking to get back on track. ‘The Machine’ is, however, a dangerous competitor who should not be looked at as just a stepping stone!






Prediction Form:

Melody Cuthill vs. Tamara McFly

Katie Kraven vs. Alicia Strong

The Red Terror vs. Principessallen

Glorious Power vs. Good Lookin’ Bunny

Lilly & Rose vs. The Odd Squad

Joanne Rodriguez vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Nene Ebina vs. April Appleseed

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