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INSPIRE: I'm The One

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Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Rav "Rhino" Umaga


Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki vs. Sotatsu ""The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara


Frankie "P-Dawg" Perez vs. Mohamed "Lethal" El Yaaggoudi


Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka


Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada


Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato


Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki

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Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Rav "Rhino" Umaga

Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki vs. Sotatsu ""The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara


Frankie "P-Dawg" Perez vs. Mohamed "Lethal" El Yaaggoudi

Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka


Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada

Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato


Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki

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Seiho Kuroda & Hidetada Kozu







Doppo Ibu & Yo****ora "The ****" Shigemitsu


















Machines Of Hate Tour (Friday)

Friday, Week 2, January

Kyoto Arena, Kinki. Attendance: 2,000 (SOLD OUT)

















http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Bali.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Rav.jpg


Special Attraction:

The Samoan Showdown

Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo vs. Rav "Rhino" Umaga





Round One: Both Samoans rush to the middle of the ring, connecting with a barrage of strikes!! What an opener this is going to be. Lots of chops and slaps, the round ends with So'oialo suplexing Umaga to the canvas but can't continue as the time ends.






Round Two: Second round is quite similar but with Umaga getting the best of So'oialo, using his Rhino Charge succesfully a couple times, smashing So'oialo against the cage. So'oialo's mouthpiece drops out, the ref gives him a warning. The fight continues as aggressively, both wrestlers have bruises all over their body from all the strikes, especially the kicks and knees to the middlesection. Fight continues even, we go to the third round.






Round Three: Last round starts of standing but ends up being on the ground, So'oialo trying to get his Unbreakable sleeper locked in on smaller Umaga. So'oialo has Umaga's back, Umaga blocks the attempt with his hands, hitting few elbows along the way. So'oialo gets a nasty elbow strike on his eye socket but continues the fight, crossface punching Umaga and finally getting the Unbreakable sleeper locked in!! Just as the name suggests, Umaga can't break the hold and So'oialo wins the fight near the end, in 4.43 of Third Round.






Result: Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo defeated Rav "Rhino" Umaga in 4:44 of Round Three by submission with the Unbreakable Sleeper. Grade: C














http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Shingen.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Sotatsu.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Shingen "Stone" Miyzaki vs. Sotatsu ""The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara





Round One: Both fighters being submission fighters they take the fight to the mat, trying to prove themselves on the subject of who's the better submission specialist. A series of counters and reversals follow with each fighters always getting out of other's locks and holds. First round passes quickly.






Round Two: Fighters clinch and circle, trying to trip one over. Sarumara succeeds and takes side control of Miyzaki. Sarumara quickly goes for his patented arm locks, trying to get the hold locked in but Miyzaki keeps his hands together, not letting go easily. Sarumara starts doing hammer fists, Miyzaki has to let go of the protection. Sarumara tries again to lock an arm lock but can't, Miyzaki fights back. Sarumara is still on the side of Miyzaki, he starts to kick him in the middle section. Miyzaki tries to roll over, Sarumara quickly catches him and locks a Mounted Arm Lock!! Miyzaki taps!!






Result: Sotatsu "The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara defeated Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki in 4:46 of Round Two by submission with a Mounted Arm Lock. Grade: D+















http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Frankie.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Mohamed.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Frankie "P-Dawg" Perez vs. Mohamed "Lethal" El Yaaggoudi




Round One: Debut match of "P-Dawg" Perez againt El Yaaggoudi. Perez sets up the pace for the match, almost running as he circles Yaaggoudi. Perez tries to get as close as possible, Yaaggoudi answers with his famous kicks. Perez keeps the speed and finally gets closer, getting few forearm shots on Yaaggoudi's chin!! Yaaggoudi backs down, kicking Perez away. Perez comes running in, Yaaggoudi hits him with a series of kicks!! Roundhouse down and up, spinning back kick, another roundhouse, spinning elbow and the Arc Kick!! Perez falls to the ground, he's out!!








Result: Mohamed "Lethal" El Yaaggoudi defeated Frankie "P-Dawg" Perez in 4:47 in First Round by KO. Grade: D-



Kuroda: "Not a bad fight from Perez, I bet that his quickness and agility will give him the advantage over other opponents, El Yaaggoudi just wasn't the kind of fighter."
















http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Billy.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Masutaro.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka





Round One: Russell takes Kataoka quickly down right from the start!! Kataoka kicks Russell away, Russell keeps coming back, he's all over Kataoka. Kataoka keeps his guard, not getting Russell lock in any submission move on him. Russell keeps the pressure trough the first round, switching his position on top of Kataoka but not getting the finishing move locked in on his opponent.






Round Two: Kataoka kicks Russell away everytime he tries to take him down. Russell connects with a backhand and a middle kick, they clinch and go round and round, Kataoka tryint to suplex Russell to the canvas. Russell keeps his balance and eventually trips Kataoka to the ground, gets pass the guard and locks a Twisting Arm Lock on Kataoka, who taps out in few seconds!!







Result: Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell defeated Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka in 1:56 of Round Two by submission with a Twisting Arm Lock. Grade: C



Kozu: "Strong showing from Russell, he's now on a two fight winning streak and a strong canditate for the middleweight and openweight championship matches."













http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Mike.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tasuku.jpg


King Of Fighters Division

Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada





Round One: "Watson vs. Iesada, King Of Fighters Division! The bell rings and it's on!". Iesada starts of slowly, trying to grab Watson who on the other hand tries to keep the distance. Iesada tries to catch Watson but gets an uppercut as a reward. Iesada chases Watson, it's clear that Iesada wants to take this fight to the mat and apply a submission on Watson. Finally Iesada gets a hold of Watson who misses a punch, they clinch, Iesada grabs Watson's leg. Judo sweep from Watson, he gets on top of Iesada!! Watson gets the dominant position being on top of Iesada and starts pounding away!! Every other punch hits and with every connected punch Iesada gets more and more daized. Iesada's face is busted open, the referee "****" Shigemitsu gets in between and stops the match!! Iesada quickly jumps up, shouting at Shigemitsu for stopping the match too soon but it's no use since the fight is already over in 4.40.






Result: Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson defeated Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada in 4:40 of Round One by TKO. Grade: B-















http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tadiyuki.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Morimasa.jpg


King Of Fighters Division

Tadiuyki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato





Round One: Kato starts of strongly and being younger and more agile of the two, gets few good punches in, one that even makes a little cut on Kikkawa's forehead. Lot's of stand up brawling, Kikkawa seems to let Kato waste all his energy in the first round. First round ends with Kato being the aggressor, connecting with several good strikes.






Round Two: Kikkawa starts to warm up but Kato keeps attacking him with the same intensity!! One good right hook to the face of Kikkawa and his nose is bleeding. Kikkawa quickly realises that he has to take wake up or he'll get beaten by the youngster. The 23 year old Kato looks really good against Kikkawa who starts to slow down. This could end up being a major upset if Kato can keep this going. The fighters clinch, Kato connects with few good knees to the body, he starts swinging for the fences!! Kikkawa suddenly grabs Kato from the legs and takes him down with force!! Kikkawa keeps holding onto the legs of Kato, trying to turn him around!! He succeeds and locks in a boston crab!! Kato tries to twist and turn, trying to get out of the position. Kikkawa stands up momentarily and places his knee to Kato's back and applies even more pressure!! Kato taps!!







Result: Tadiyuki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa defeated Morimasa "Cage" Kato in 4:41 of Round Two by submission. Grade: B



"Wow! Didn't see that coming, Kato was looking so good in this match!"



"Agreed.. I think that Kato himself didn't expect that from Kikkawa, who usually uses strikes and especially his Kikkawa Lariat to get the victory. You have to remember that Kikkawa is much older than Kato, he had the experience factor in this fight."


"With that kind of intensity and toughness, I bet that Kato will have a bright future in INSPIRE. He almost beat Kikkawa, a multi-time world champion!! What a fight."



"Next: It's Marat Khoklov vs. Masaaki Okazaki, this should be one to watch ladies and gentlemen. For the King Of Fighters title!"


















http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Marat.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Masaaki.jpg




King Of Fighters Division

King Of Fighters Championship

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki






Round One: Okazaki starts the fight with the same strategy everyone else use when facing Khoklov: Hit and run. Okazaki gets few good strikes in until Khoklov grabs him, trying to manhandle him. Okazaki tries to throw Khoklov with the Okazaki Eruption (A trademark move, and invention, of Masaaki Okazaki, it is a Trapping Suplex) but he loses his balance and falls on his back!! Khoklov crouches when suddenly Okazaki locks in a choke sleeper variation!!







Khoklov is in trouble, the fans are on their feet!! Will Khoklov's title reign end before it even starts!!






Khoklov still hangs on, Okazaki applying more and more pressure into the hold!!






Okazaki looks confident when suddenly Khoklov positions his legs better and with all his strenght and power he stands up, lifting Okazaki up from the canvas with him!!






Khoklov holds Okazaki high in the air before he slams Okazaki to the mat with the Russian Legend Powerbomb!!






Okazaki releases the hold instantly as he is out cold from the slam!! Referee stops the match in 2.35, Khoklov makes his first title defence.






Result: Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov defeated Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki in 2:35 of Round One by KO. Grade: C+






Overall Grade: C+





  1. Bali "Samoan Machine" So'oialo defeated Rav "Rhino" Umaga in 4:44 of Round Three by submission with the Unbreakable Sleeper. Grade: C
  2. Sotatsu "The Master Of The Armlock Variation" Sarumara defeated Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki in 4:46 of Round Three by submission with a Mounted Arm Lock. Grade: D+
  3. Mohamed "Lethal" El Yaaggoudi defeated Frankie "P-Dawg" Perez in 4:47 of Round One by KO. Grade: D-
  4. Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell defeated Masutaro "Sunrise" Kataoka in 1:56 of Round Two by submission with a Twisting Arm Lock. Grade: C
  5. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson defeated Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada in 4:40 of Round One by TKO. Grade: B-
  6. Tadiyuki "Original Rebel" Kikkawa defeated Morimasa "Cage" Kato in 4:41 of Round Two by submission. Grade: B
  7. Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov defeated Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki in 2:35 of Round One by KO. Grade: C+








Kuroda's Korner

Fighter Overview







Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki


"Masaaki Okazaki is an aggressive submission style worker, who is respected throughout Japan for his ultra-physical approach to every match. He was a mainstay of the Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods heavyweight division for many years before he shockingly walked out alongside Tadiyuki Kikkawa to help form INSPIRE in 2006. Other than that, fans mostly remember him for his violent 2004 feud with Hooded Kudo, where they had a series of awesomely heated and bloody battles."



Trademark Moves: Century Crab Lift, Okazaki Explosion, Okazaki Kick Barrage

Title History: None.









TrekkieMonsta: 6 / 7

Hyde Hill: 6 / 7

Hrdcoresidebrns: 4 / 7




The Miyzaki vs. Sarumara was a surprise not only to me but to the readers aswell I see. Hope you enjoyed the show! :)




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Saturday, Week 2, January

The One's Diary



Yes, I got the deal signed. My first match will be on Wednesday's show, I'll be fighting against Shooter Sean Deeley.. Should be a great fight but I'm really nervous.. I feel like I have a lot to prove. Not to INSPIRE management, not to the fans.. But to myself. I need this. I must get the win in my debut match to give me some nice momentum. And later on I'll capture the Middleweight title, or the Openweight championship and when I have beaten everyone on the roster, I'll have the King Of Fighters title. I know I can do this. It's my destiny to become the greatest Fighters in the world, period.









From INSPIRE.com


INSPIRE will hold it's first Pay Per View of the year on Monday, Week 4 of January. The Event will be called INSPIRE: Infinity I. Card will be revealed after Friday's show when the contenders for each title are clear.






Announced matches for INSPIRE: Machines Of Hate Tour (Wednesday), Week 3:






http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Raul.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Morimasa.jpg


King Of Fighters Division:

Raul "Demolition Expert" Hughes vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Mystery.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Sean.jpg


Middleweight Division:

********* "The One" ******* vs. Sean "Shooter" Deeley







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Billy.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Roku.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Merle.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Shingen.jpg


Middleweight Division:

Merle "Irish Machine" O'Curle vs. Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Li.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tasuku.jpg


King Of Fighters Division:

Li "The Olympian" Bingci vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Marat.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Mike.jpg




King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson







http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Tadiyuki.jpg VS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/INSPIRE/Masaaki.jpg


King Of Fighters Division:

Tadiyuki "Orig. Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki








Prediction Sheet:


King Of Fighters Division:

Raul "Demolition Expert" Hughes vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato


Middleweight Division:

********* "The One" ******* vs. Sean "Shooter" Deeley


Middleweight Division:

Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura


Middleweight Division:

Merle "Irish Machine" O'Curle vs. Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki


King Of Fighters Division:

Li "The Olympian" Bingci vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada


King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson


King Of Fighters Division:

Tadiyuki "Orig. Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki

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Love the diary, as I've told you already. Setup and presentation are great. I enjoy the match write-ups a lot too. I'm not a real life MMA fan, so if the write-ups got too technical I wouldn't understand most of it, but the way you are doing it is perfect for a novice like me. Only suggestion I can offer is maybe a win/loss record next to competitors in the preview section. Not a biggie, but might add another MMA flavor to it.



King Of Fighters Division:

Raul "Demolition Expert" Hughes vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato


Hughes is great, hopefully the retirement bug doesn't hit him early in the game.


Middleweight Division:

********* "The One" ******* vs. Sean "Shooter" Deeley


"The One" is a fun wrestler, he's greatly underused in diaries (but then again, everything in Japan is underused in diaries).


Middleweight Division:

Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura


"The Rock" had a good win his last match out, but Russell one of the stars of the Middleweight Division.


Middleweight Division:

Merle "Irish Machine" O'Curle vs. Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki


I like Merle a lot, but "Stone" even more. I hope he becomes a big player.


King Of Fighters Division:

Li "The Olympian" Bingci vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada


How can you not root for Li?


King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson


I think Mike will be the first long-term champ.


King Of Fighters Division:

Tadiyuki "Orig. Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki


Can't bet against the Original.

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King Of Fighters Division:

Raul "Demolition Expert" Hughes vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato


Middleweight Division:

********* "The One" ******* vs. Sean "Shooter" Deeley


Middleweight Division:

Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura


Middleweight Division:

Merle "Irish Machine" O'Curle vs. Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki


King Of Fighters Division:

Li "The Olympian" Bingci vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada


King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson


King Of Fighters Division:

Tadiyuki "Orig. Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki

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King Of Fighters Division:

Raul Hughes vs. Morimasa "Cage" Kato


Middleweight Division:

********* "The One" ******* vs. Sean "Shooter" Deeley


Middleweight Division:

Billy "Tap Out Artist" Russell vs. Roku "The Rock" Sotomura


Middleweight Division:

Merle "Irish Machine" O'Curle vs. Shingen "Stone" Miyazaki


King Of Fighters Division:

Li "The Olympian" Bingci vs. Tasuku "Dangerous" Iesada


King Of Fighters Division:

King Of Fighters Championship

Marat "Russian Giant" Khoklov vs. Mike "Calgary Assassin" Watson


King Of Fighters Division:

Tadiyuki "Orig. Rebel" Kikkawa vs. Masaaki "Aggression" Okazaki

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to inform you but I'm afraid that this diary has ended. Reasons being that it lost all it's momentum when UFC-KING started his own INSPIRE diary which had, quite frankly, the exact same idea than this one did. I hope that UFC-KING will continue and devote himself to the diary so that I would not end this for nothing. :)


Be not afraid, I have a new idea for my 2nd diary right next to my BBW diary. I already started the game, the idea is really simple: Follow the footsteps of MAW but in Japan with a little twist; I'll only sign unemployed workers and try to create my own superstars, blatantly using the Loyalty setting of Japan as a helping hand in my quest.. I'll start the game from the Rock hard difficulty setting, I think I can get the diary started today. I hope you are interested :)

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Sorry to inform you but I'm afraid that this diary has ended. Reasons being that it lost all it's momentum when UFC-KING started his own INSPIRE diary which had, quite frankly, the exact same idea than this one did. I hope that UFC-KING will continue and devote himself to the diary so that I would not end this for nothing. :)


Be not afraid, I have a new idea for my 2nd diary right next to my BBW diary. I already started the game, the idea is really simple: Follow the footsteps of MAW but in Japan with a little twist; I'll only sign unemployed workers and try to create my own superstars, blatantly using the Loyalty setting of Japan as a helping hand in my quest.. I'll start the game from the Rock hard difficulty setting, I think I can get the diary started today. I hope you are interested :)


Ooh ! I'm excited ! Sorry bout' killing the momentum :)

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