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USPW - We're Not Just Wrestling!

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(OOC: There's a daunting number of really good USPW diaries around at the moment, which makes me wonder whether I can compete - but hey, hopefully some people will enjoy it at least.


Feedback on the layout would be appreciated, especially after the first show's posted - probably tomorrow or Monday, I have one more post to do before that and I'm trying to pace myself. I'm not sure whether all the different colours works or looks awful - if people find it hard to read I'll change them to normal black.)




Monday Week 1


“So, what’s the buzz?” Chris Caulfield asked James Justice, the USPW World champion, as the pair walked into the locker room for an emergency meeting called by Sam Strong.


Justice shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine. Last I talked to Sam he was too PO’d over this Lemtzer thing to concentrate on anything else.”


Darryl Devine took a seat next to them. “He still annoyed with Davy pointing out the lack of skill some of the guys here have?” He lowered his voice. “Face it, the guy’s got a point.”


Caulfield scowled at him. “Big mouth for a 25 year old, kid. Some of us have been wrestling since you were in elementary school.”


Devine shrugged. “Hey, not meaning you two, obviously. But… Giant Redwood? Anger? Hell, even Nicky Champion ain’t that great in the ring. Although neither was his mentor.”


The aforementioned mentor, who much to the pleasure of the two more experienced men had been standing directly behind Devine for the latter part of this conversation, coughed. “Nice to have such an honest opinion, Darryl. Now, mind shutting the hell up so I can tell all of you why we got you here?”


Devine flushed with embarrassment at Sam Strong’s words, and almost visibly shrunk in his seat as he tried to avoid displeasing the boss even more.


“Alright, guys. Thanks for getting here so early. I know most of you were probably planning on having the afternoon to yourself before the show and you still can – but there’s some big news and I didn’t want you to get in just before the start.”

Strong looked around the assembled roster, which was pretty much everyone in USPW, with the exception of Shane Sneer, who’d already been told the news, and his daughter Alicia, who he’d just left outside with the two people he was about to introduce. As he did so, he wondered how well the announcement would go down. Devine’s brash talk had hardly been a surprise, and he could imagine the ****y youngster disliking it – but Sam wasn’t expecting Double D to be a part of the federation for much longer anyway.


“Without dwelling on anything too long, I’ve decided that I need a bit more cash readily available. So I’ve been looking around for someone to bring on board, and, ladies and gentlemen… I’d like to present to you the new owner of USPW…


Mr John Avatar!”


The door opened, and a man in his fifties walked in, accompanied by a dark haired girl. On seeing the girl, Nadia Snow immediately nudged her friend Stephanie Wade. “Hey, isn’t she…”


John Avatar let the noisy conversation which had sprung up after the surprise announcement go on for a few minutes, as everyone tried to work out exactly what this meant, then clapped his hands together a few times to call for attention.


“First, it’s damn good to meet you all,” John nodded to them. “I’m a big fan, believe me. And really, that’s all you need to know about me – oh, and I have some money. I’m not Richard Eisen, but the federation is in safe hands. Secondly, I want to assure you that Sam Strong will continue to be the public face of USPW. I’ve been a big fan of his for all my life, and he still has a massive part to play in this company’s rise – and it will rise. Thirdly, I’d like to introduce you to the lady who is going to be making most of the decision around here… my daughter, Kate.”


“A woman as head booker?” Devine’s voice could be heard ahead of the general chatter.


“Doesn’t seem to have done NOTBPW any harm, Darryl,” Bruce the Giant pointed out to him.


Kate took a deep breath and stepped forward. She knew that unlike Vicky Stone, she didn’t have the legitimacy of a long wrestling heritage, and she was asking for some big changes here…


“Yeah, a woman. And not one of the Stone family. Darryl, I appreciate it’s a surprise to you all… but give me a few minutes to explain our vision.


How many people have seen those Dave Lemtzer articles where he whines about the lack of what he calls ‘wrestling talent’ in this federation?”


There was a chorus of uneasy assents.

“Well, Davy Boy thinks he knows how to solve this fed’s problems and get people watching Stars and Stripes Forever. He thinks that all we have to do is sign a couple of dozen new guys, let them flip around the ring, and watch the audiences sky rocket. But I have to ask… if that’s the recipe for success, why haven’t CZCW made the big time yet? Or NYCW? Or MAW? According to him, they all feature better wrestling that we do… but we’re the ones with a TV show, a new PPV deal, and more exposure than the three of them put together.


I’ll tell you why,” she continued, “It’s because you guys have something that barely anyone in those federations have. You have strong characters, you have great gimmicks, and you can ACT. And that’s why people come to USPW. Not to see 20 minute snoozefests that Lemtzer gives six stars to – but to see the kind of wrestling they grew up watching. If Davy wants to carry on making fun of us, let him. But we’re going to concentrate on giving our great fans even more of what they want – starting this week. Everyone on board?”

There was a surprisingly loud chorus of “Hell yeah!” from most of the assembled throng, with guys like Giant Redwood and T-Rex realizing that even less emphasis on in-ring talent would be a good thing.


She smiled. “I’ll see most of you in a few hours ready for the start of the show. Grant?” She turned to Demon Anger and gestured to the door to her new office. “Could you come through here? There are some things I’d like your advice on.”


Following Anger through to her office, she left behind a stunned locker room.

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Wednesday Week 1




“Miss Avatar,” Kate heard Chris Caulfield’s voice and looked up from her desk, although she was fairly sure that she knew what the main eventer was here to tell her.


“I had a phone call today from Richard Eisen,” he started.


She nodded. “I’ve seen all the rumours. I take it he offered you a contract.”


Caulfield nodded, looking embarrassed. “Miss Avatar, I’m sure you’ll do really well with USPW. You sound like you have some great plans, and I’d love to be a part of them. There’s a big part of me that would love to stay. But I’m 35, I have a wife and two kids, and this is probably my last chance at the big time – James Brandon’s really sold Eisen on me, apparently. I’d be happy to tell you what I’m being offered in the hope that you can match it, but…” His voice trailed off.


“But we’re not the ones running the world’s biggest federation, which is practically a license to print money according to guys like Lemtzer,” she finished for him. “I won’t say that it’s not going to be a huge loss, Chris. But thank you for being so up front with us, and all the best for the future. Now, let’s get to talking about how to give you the send-off you deserve.”

“Thanks for your understanding. And, not that I like to tell tales, but apparently that jerk Devine’s been offered a contract there as well. Not that I’d expect him to stiff you by not giving you a lot of warning, but…”


Kate smiled. “Thanks for the heads-up. In that case, I think we can make sure he gets the send-off he deserves as well!”

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[breaking news from



Sources inside USPW, the sane person's least favorite wrestling fed, claim that notoriously publicity-shy businessman John Avatar has become a major backer of the fed, and his daughter Kate has taken over from Shane Sneer as head booker. At a meeting on Monday, this delightful young lady gave yours truly a shout-out, and went on to say that viewers of USPW don't want six-star matches. Well, that's good, as there's no chance of them EVER getting them. My source went on to tell me that Miss Avatar is planning on moving towards a more 'soap opera' style in the future with less actual wrestling.


Normally, I'd say a reduction in time spent in the ring at a wrestling event is a bad thing, but if it cuts Giant Redwood matches down to under 8 minutes then I can live with that.


Sam Strong is expected to remain as on-air owner and figurehead.


Lineup for tonight, for those people who are tempted to tune in, includes the following:


Alicia Strong vs Nadia Snow

Jumbo Jackson vs Des Davids

USPW Tag Team Titles: Towers of Power vs Darryl Devine and Nicky Champion

USPW World Title Elimination Match: James Justice vs T-Rex vs Chris Caulfield

(OOC: Predictions welcome. There's more matches, but USPW haven't released them yet, as admitting that the Hillbillies and Happy Elwood will be on the show would just give Lemtzer further ammunition.)

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Alicia Strong vs Nadia Snow

I can't see Alicia losing this one.


Jumbo Jackson vs Des Davids

A bit of an upset but Des has a great upside.


USPW Tag Team Titles: Towers of Power vs Darryl Devine and Nicky Champion

Darryl takes the pinfall.


USPW World Title Elimination Match: James Justice vs T-Rex vs Chris Caulfield

Justice gets a strong defense of the title here.

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(OOC: Huge thanks to FINisher for the Alicia Strong pic, which should be up if I’m less technologically incompetent than usual.


Also, many thanks to people reading, especially if they’re commenting! I live for feedback. Well, actually, I live to try and push Al The Hillbilly into the World title scene… just kidding. For now.)

Live from the Huntsville Fairground…




We’re going straight to Danny Jillefski and Shane Sneer, who are sitting at ringside ready for the ensuing show.


DJ: Folks, do we have a show for you tonight!


SS: Do we?


DJ: Gee… that never gets old, does it? Coming up, Alicia Strong vs Nadia Snow!


SS: I hope Nadia manages to kick that brat’s ass.


DJ: Jumbo Jackson vs Des Davids!


SS: See, I KNOW my man Jumbo is gonna kick that guy’s ass.


DJ: Amen, brother! And two big title bouts, as Devine and Champion go up against the Towers of Powers for their tag belts, and there’s a massive World title match… hang on, apparently two of the competitors in that match are backstage now!


[We hit the locker room area, where James Justice and Chris Caulfield are facing each other.]


JJ: Dude… you all set for this triple threat?


CC: (nodding) Damn right, James.


JJ: So you think you can take my belt?


[before Chris can reply, the pair are interrupted by Sheik Mustafa and the monstrous T-Rex.]


SM: No, he can’t.


This man will take your belt, Mr Justice.


[He gestures to his charge, who makes a throat slashing gesture at Justice, then turns to Caulfield and repeats it, before turning to leave. The two faces look at each other.]


CC: You know, some guys are scared of him.


JJ: Really? Jeez… wimps. B-


[Notes: Great chemistry by T-Rex and Mustafa boosted this one.]


[back to our intrepid commentary team.]


DJ: Big words from our World champion, who looked like his pants just got a lot heavier!


SS: You gotta love a guy like T-Rex!


[There’s a cough, and Sam Strong, on-camera owner of the fed, joins the pair.]


Sam: Hello, brothers.


DJ: Mr Strong… this is an unexpected honour.


Sam: Didn’t you get the memo, brothers? It said fans are sick of hearing you two rave about guys like Valentine and T-Rex taking out their favourites, so a few of us will be joining you. And since my little girl’s out there now, I thought I’d get us started.





Given that these are two of USPW’s most talented wrestlers – admittedly, somewhat close to being the two healthiest people in a leper colony – this is a surprisingly poor match. The pair go at it for 7 minutes in a somewhat lethargic technical bout which is finished by Alicia’s Strong Arm Tactic. E+


(Notes: Sadly, this pair don’t click at all.)


Sam: That’s my girl!


DJ: I gotta ask, boss man, what’s with her make up?


[sam shrugs.]


Sam: Hey, kids these days. Doesn’t matter how she paints her face, she’s still my little Lissy. Right, I gotta go, brothers – see you later!


[in the ring, Alicia grabs a mic.]




[Force charges out, shakes the ropes, and leaps into the ring where he picks Alicia up before taking the mic from her.]












[The camera cuts to the duo at the announce table, who are practically in hysterics by this point.]


SS: Did Sam say he was coming back out?


DJ: Oh boy… I hope so!


[As Jim goes back to the locker room, Alicia joins the commentary team.]




SS: Nice to see you too, Alicia.




In roughly the time taken for that exchange, Elwood gets completely demolished by Anger, the former Demon destroying him with a massive running powerslam. E


(Notes: How can Elwood suck that badly? He seemed off his game tonight, despite picking up a pay check for less than 2 minutes work.)


We cut to a really good video highlighting Peter Valentine’s win over Bruce the Giant at the previous PPV (in other words, it contains as little of the actual match as possible, with lots of flash graphics for those with short attention spans) which segues into a preview of Justice vs Valentine at Stars and Stripes Forever B




When Des Davids is looking like a strong contender for in-ring performer of the night, it makes Kate Avatar very glad that USPW is moving to more of a soap opera style. He does a great job selling Jackson as a monster heel, getting in a little offense before being simply overpowered and falling victim to a Jumbo Avalanche, much to the delight of Shane Sneer.



[sneer gets in the ring to congratulate his man.]


SS: Look at this guy! Look at this awesome specimen of physical perfection! Jumbo Jackson is the true strongest man in USPW, unlike a certain heap of lard who sits on his fat ass collecting a pay check for doing nothing – that’s right, Bruce The Giant, I’m talking about you! So come Stars and Stripes Forever, how about you go up against this man?


[bruce lumbers out, to a massive pop from the crowd.]


BTG: You got it, Sneer.


[He lumbers back in. Can you believe this guy’s on about 20,000 bucks a month?!] B-




We long for the days when Alicia vs Nadia seemed like a bad match, all those moons ago.


Oh… hang on. Apparently, that was about an hour ago. It just SEEMS like moons when you’ve sat through Happy Elwood, Lex Appeal and Eric The Bull since then. The Hillbillies get the easy win here, Al hitting the Southern Legdrop. E-


Our new, state of the art, We’re Not Just Wrestling video plays. It features soundbites and catchphrases from most of the roster plus a selection of huge spots. C+




This is a huge improvement on the past couple of matches, while not really coming close to your average BSC bout. We do get some awesome commentary as Sam Strong rejoins us.






[strong glares at the pair.]


Sam: I once promised the fans I wouldn't use my position as owner to make any decisions affecting wrestlers here, brothers.


I didn't say anything about announcers or color commentators, though, so shut the hell up and stop mentioning that face-painted freak's name if you want to keep your jobs.


SS: Sorry, boss. But I think you're outta line calling your own daughter a freak...


[sam's blood looks like it may actually literally boil.]




In the ring - what, you think a match with Rushmore and Muscles in is going to be MORE entertaining than this commentary? - the quartet plod along for six minutes, until Devine shockingly blasts Champion with a massive enziguri to send him into a Muscles full nelson slam, then walks off.


Sam: What the...? Brothers, I'll see you later! D-


[backstage, Cherry Bomb has the Women’s title in one hand, and a mic in the other.]


CB: This is my preciousss… Can you see it, Alicia? Can you see my golden belt, Miss Force Maniac? It’s my most preciousss thing in the whole wide world… but I’ll let you try and take it from me.


[she cackles.]


Only because I know you can’t. Your Force is not strong enough to break the magnetic attraction I have to my preciousss. So next week, Alicia, you and me in the ring… get ready to taste defeat. Get ready to feel the BOMB! C-


[Cherry steps out of the way as a furious Nicky Champion charges past, bursting in through the door to Commissioner Doom’s office, where the Commissioner and Sam Strong are sat watching the show on a monitor.]




[Doom glares at him.]


CD: Since we’re watching the show and neither of us is blind, bud, you should probably guess we did.




CD: Lower your damn voice, kid.


[Champion turns to Sam.]


NC: I want him next week, Sam! Me and him! ONE ON ONE!


[strong turns to Doom.]


SS: Your call, Commissioner. But I’d sure like to see it.


[Doom nods.]


CD: You have the match, boy. But you know what they say… be careful what you wish for. D


[Nicky turns and walks out, when he hears a noise from up the corridor. Running towards the source, he sees Jumbo Jackson and Savage Fury have pounced on the unsuspecting Bruce The Giant! The team lift him up, then plant him back-first onto the concrete floor, as Jackson climbs on top of a vending machine and leaps down, driving a massive elbow into Bruce’s huge gut. Seeing Champion, the three walk away as Nicky runs over to check on Bruce. D+




This is surprisingly short, as we try to get everyone used to the new ‘more soap opera, less wrestling’ way of thinking. T-Rex throws Caulfield around like a rag doll, Chris doing a superb job of putting the heel over, then pins him with a powerslam, only for Justice to manage to nail T-Rex with a huge superplex very quickly afterwards to get the win.


(Notes: Justice looks sloppy here, which is worrying. The Sheik is awesome at ringside, really working the fans up to a fever pitch as he has them worried that his man is going to walk out of there with the gold.) C


Post match Caulfield has a challenge for T-Rex


CC: T-Rex! Tonight, I’ll admit it – you were a better man than I was. But next week, I want you one on one – in the main event!


[Outside the ring, T-Rex simply nods.] B


A ‘Coming Next Week’ video plays, which has Bruce the Giant heavily featured, alongside Cherry Bomb and Alicia Strong’s past confrontations, and plenty of clips of the main eventers for the show, T-Rex and Chris Caulfield. C+


C- overall.

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OOC: Thanks for the feedback angel! Here's a little newsflash, speculation as to the identities of the new signings welcome - admittedly it's not difficult as there's several clues on other threads to at least 2 - with the next show coming in a couple of days, and a proper preview before that.

Hands up if you were disappointed by the lethargic Strong vs Snow match on yesterday's USPW's show? Yup, us too! On the plus side, Cherry Bomb is as entertaining as ever and Alicia's Miss Force Maniac gimmick seems likely to get her a lot of time on camera in the near future - not that she's ever struggled for that, being Sam Strong's daughter.


Even more interestingly, as those amongst you who consider themselves 'smarks' will undoubtedly know, head booker for USPW is currently the delectable Kate Avatar, recently seen wrestling several matches for AAA and making an unforgettable BSC debut - for a reminder of how that went, you'll need to confirm you're over 18 by entering your credit card details.


A source tells us that Miss Avatar has just inked working agreements with both of the aforementioned feds and we can expect several cameos in the next few months from workers there in addition to a much stronger women's division proper - Strong, Snow, Bomb, Avatar herself and Steph Wade will reputedly be joined by at least 3 other long-term signings who are in negotiations to debut as soon as next week.


Given Avatar's insistence on 'soap opera' style booking, as seen by a few of the angles on her first show in charge - notably Darryl Devine's straight outta left field heel turn - we'd expect whoever is on board to be involved in love triangles and the like, but hopefully she'll remember that women like Strong and Bomb have a big advantage over the men when it comes to actual wrestling skills, and let them show their stuff.


No, NOT in the BSC way...


Well... that'd work for us too, actually!

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[show preview from



It’s nearly here! Tomorrow night is Episode 2 of the 2008 season of American Wrestling, The Monster, and we have a huge main event of Chris Caulfield taking on the man who beat the living daylights out of him in last week’s triple threat, T-Rex!


But that’s not the only show last week’s card set up – Miss Force Maniac Alicia Strong has accepted the challenge of Women’s champion Cherry Bomb, and the title WILL be on the line – as will the TV belt when Nicky Champion defends against the man who betrayed him in their tag title shot, Darryl Devine!


James Justice, Peter Valentine, Jim Force and Bruce the Giant will also be in action, and we’ll see not one, not two, not three but SEVEN new additions to the USPW roster!



[breaking news from



After last week’s abortion of a USPW show, in which even Alicia Strong phoned it in – as well she might after being persuaded that what the most famous wrestler in the world’s daughter really needed to get over was a Jim Force fixation – we’ve now had a provisional line-up for the upcoming episode of American Wrestling, subtitled The Monster, presumably in reference to T-Rex main eventing.


What kind of stupid excuse for a federation gives titles to each episode of its TV show, anyway?


Most of these matches are NOT currently confirmed on USPW.com as the guy running the official site doesn’t want to put people off tuning in.


TV Title match: Nicky Champion vs Darryl Devine

James Justice and Des Davids vs Anger and Giant Redwood

Peter Valentine vs Captain USA

Bruce the Giant vs Eric the Bull

Jim Force vs Lex Appeal

Women’s title match: Cherry Bomb vs Alicia

Chris Caulfield vs T-Rex

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TV Title match: Nicky Champion vs Darryl Devine

Darryl is out the door so an obvious win for Nicky.


James Justice and Des Davids vs Anger and Giant Redwood

I don't see Justice losing this one.


Peter Valentine vs Captain USA

Might as well push the useless sack of garbage, right?


Bruce the Giant vs Eric the Bull

Bruce in dominant fashion.


Jim Force vs Lex Appeal

Feeeeeel the FOOORRRCCCEEE!!


Women’s title match: Cherry Bomb vs Alicia

I just don't see Alicia winning it yet.


Chris Caulfield vs T-Rex

Caulfield is out the door so T-Rex has to go over, right?


Great start so far!

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Show's nearly done, but a small backstage segment which is taking place a few hours before the start to whet your appetites - hopefully.


Darryl Devine bursts in to Kate Avatar’s office and screams at her.


“Are you kidding me? You want me to bump my ass off and let Nicky goddamn Champion look like a million bucks?”


Kate nods.


“Kinda traditional when you’re leaving town to do the job on the way out, Darryl.”


“Well I’m not doing it, you stupid bitch!”


There’s a cough from the doorway, and Darryl turns and looks up…


And up…


And up…


to see Bruce the Giant putting on his gloves, smiling pleasantly.


“Problem, Miss Avatar?”


She shakes her head.


“I don’t think so, Bruce. There ISN’T a problem, is there Darryl?”


Devine gulps. “No, ma’am! No problem.”

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There's something fun about seeing Darryl getting shown up and humiliated. Guy gets pushed too much as is.



TV Title match: Nicky Champion vs Darryl Devine

If it was anyone else...I'd still bet on Nicky. Guy's got the best mullet since Steve Flash


James Justice and Des Davids vs Anger and Giant Redwood

Redwood CAN'T be allowed to win, plus Des is a good future prospect


Peter Valentine vs Captain USA

Much as I love USA, he's not good enough to beat Valentine, who's one of your top heels


Bruce the Giant vs Eric the Bull

I like Brucie


Jim Force vs Lex Appeal

C'mon...It's Lex Appeal.


Women’s title match: Cherry Bomb vs Alicia

Whilst I could see this going the other way, instinct says that if this is title match at this early going you're gonna put Alicia over


Chris Caulfield vs T-Rex

Caulfield's on the way out, and T Rex will benefit from the downplaying of matches

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(OOC: Thanks for predictions, guys! Also, massive thank you to FINisher for the alt pics of the two girls at the start here.)


We open with the expectation that Sneer and Jillefski are starting us off here again, but before they can say ANYTHING, we cut back to the locker room.


[sam Strong walks in on Nicky Champion as Nicky is preparing for his upcoming TV title defense against last week’s tag partner, Darryl Devine.]


Sam: Nicky! I know you’ve been down since that idiot Devine cost you the match last week, but son, I got something that will cheer you up here – Champion’s Cheerleaders!


Come on in, ladies!


[Three young ladies, recognizable to fans of women’s wrestling as Joanne Rodriguez, her Dream Team partner Raven Nightfall, and Kate Avatar, burst in waving pom-poms.]









[Joanne leaps forward, shaking her pom-poms, as Champion smiles massively.]


Sam: Here we, Nicky – let me introduce you to Joanne Jackson!


JJ: Gimme an N! Gimme an I!


[she steps back, and Raven somersaults to the front.]


Sam: Raven Ross!


RR: Gimme a C! Gimme a K!


[As she steps back, Avatar jumps to the front and does a perfect splits.]


Sam: And Katie Carter!


KC: Gimme a Y! What have you got?


All: NICKY! Who’s gonna win? NICKY!




Champion is a house on fire here, playing to the cheerleaders on the outside as he takes Devine apart. Devine sells reasonably well, presumably still terrified by Bruce the Giant, and eventually eats a Hawkeye Hammer to take the loss. E


[backstage, we’re with Chris Caulfield.]


CC: Last week, I had a shot at the USPW title. I gave it my all – and my all wasn’t good enough.


[He shrugs.]


CC: Hey, I wish it had been. But no point sitting around moping about it – I’m planning on getting back on track tonight. Starting with a win over T-Rex. Is it gonna be easy? Of course not. Is it doable?


[A smile.]


CC: I showed in DAVE, anything’s possible if you want it. And I want this BAD. C




This one is semi-competitive, certainly more so than the first match, but Valentine never looks like he’s really in trouble. A big boot then a Heart Breaker seals the win for him in a surprisingly acceptable bout by our lower-card standards. D


We cut to a hype vid of Valentine and Justice, plugging their upcoming PPV match. B-




James Justice may just be a miracle worker, as he makes the other three look reasonably good here. Giant Redwood and Anger work over Davids to start off with, he manages to make the desperation tag to Justice who comes in like a house on fire, then sells like crazy for the heel pairing as they regroup, before finally managing to tag in a recovered Davids who quickly fires away on Anger, getting the duke with the Quarterback Sack. C-



DJ: Who the hell is that? There’s two big men just come out here…






SS: They're not men, Danny - they're Boyz! The Dirty White Boyz, to be precise! The former SWF team just nailed Anger! Double clothesline, double suplex – and now they’re in the ring and going for a spiked piledriver! They got it! Anger is left lying, and this new pairing have made a big impact on their USPW debut.




Our new BRUCE – A LEGEND FROM DOWN UNDER music vid plays, showing highlights of those parts of Bruce’s career we actually have the rights to. It ends with Sneer’s challenge on Jumbo’s behalf from last week, and the Giant’s acceptance. B+



Eric picks up a sensational victory here… oh, who am I trying to kid? If anything, Bruce does LESS work than his three word interview last week, standing there and allowing the Bull to fire away at him with a barrage of punches which he no-sells, then reaching out and wrapping a massive hand around Eric’s throat and hitting a Giant Choke Slam.




[Cherry Bomb is in the back, stroking her belt.]


CB: Tonight the Force Maniac gets rewarded with the title shot I granted her last week…


[she laughs maniacally.]


CB: But she won’t get my preciousss… it and me, we’re like super-glue. I’ll do anything to keep my preciousss, Miss Maniac. In fact… I already have. The die is cast, Alicia. My work for the night is all but done. Later on, you will feel the Bomb! D



Total squash here, nearly as quick as the last match. Force shakes the ropes, hits a shoulderblock, and gets the Full Force for the victory. E


[sam Strong enters the ring to do the introductions for the Women’s title match, but breaks off after introducing the challenger, his daughter Alicia.]


Sam: Just before I bring out our champion, brothers and sisters, I’d like to give a warm welcome to the newest member of our fine women’s division. I’ve been an admirer of this little lady ever since she first came into the business, I’ve seen her classic matches in the US and Japan, and I have to thank her brother Sean for helping me persuade her to join us…


[HUGE pop as the crowd realize who he’s talking about.]


Sam: So I’d like to ask her to come and take a seat at ringside to scout out the competition.




Ladies, gentlemen… put your hands together for Miss TAMARA MCFLY!


[Tamara comes into the ring and takes the mic.]


TM: Thank you all.


[she leaves, to sit at ringside.]


SS: Is she on something? She really looks out of it, Danny Boy!


DJ: You can’t say that about our newest star, Shane-O! I gotta agree, though, she looked weird.





This is match of the night so far by some distance, with the pair going at it at a really high paced tempo – although compared to Force, Valentine and Bruce most 90-year olds could manage a decent tempo, to be fair. Strong seems to be dominating and looks like she might get the title until, shockingly, Tamara McFly leaps the guardrail, runs into the ring, and hits Sam’s daughter with a flying clothesline in full view of the ref!


The man in the zebra stripes, Baby Jamie, has no choice but to disqualify Cherry Bomb, awarding the match – but NOT the title – to Alicia. Cherry leaves, cackling maniacally, stroking her belt, with Tamara following her. D+


Darryl Devine could take some lessons here – Caulfield also gets barely any offense in his farewell match, but works his ass off to sell T-Rex as a huge monster, bumping like crazy. T-Rex is impressive, throwing Double C around like a rag doll, although the effort has him gasping for breath just halfway through a seven minute match – worrying! Still, a great performance from him which culminates in him locking on the Jurassic Crush and, to the horror of the fans, Caulfield screaming that he submits as Mustafa celebrates jubilantly on the outside. C-


Post match, T-Rex and Mustafa celebrate before leaving the ring, while Caulfield drags himself up to his feet.


CC: I don’t know what to say, everyone. I thought I had enough to beat T-Rex tonight, but I guess he proved he’s the stronger man. But I want to tell all my fans…


[There is a CRASH over the sound system, and a man swaggers out to confront Caulfield.]




DJ: Oh my Lord! That’s…


SS: PUERTO RICAN POWER, Danny Boy! That’s the Puerto Rican hero who hasn’t left the island in over a decade, here in USPW!


[Caulfield walks forward to speak to the man, who charges down the aisle, dives into the ring and doesn’t waste words – instead nearly ripping the main eventer’s head off with a massive lariat! Throwing Chris into the turnbuckles hard, he picks him up on the rebound to hit a massive powerslam, then scoops him up and presses him above his head, before walking over to the ropes.]


DJ: Oh sweet Lord have mercy…




[There are screams of terror from the fans as the 320 pounder looks over at Sneer and Jillefski and nods, before hurling Caulfield over the ropes and back first through the announce table.]


DJ: giveusthisdayourdailybreadand…




[Power steps over the ropes, leaps down to ringside, and walks over to the announce table’s shattered remains – where Shane Sneer steps forward and lifts up his arm.]


SS: Ladies and gentlemen, I want to present to you the legend of Puerto Rico, the San Juan Stormbringer… and the newest member of the Sneer Corporation – PUERTO RICAN POWER!




[Cut to quick close-ups of the stunned faces of men, the tears of women, and the absolutely petrified look shared by most of the children in attendance. Then fade to black.]


C- overall.

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Cheers Angel, glad you enjoyed it. Am trying to bring in new guys gradually and stick to the kind of guy I'd imagine USPW might hire, rather than my standard grabbing the pick of the indie scene - it's a lot more fun this way. (Although expect certain indie greats to eventually turn up under weird gimmicks, much to Lemtzer's disgust...)


I had the first three months planned out nearly completely but have had to make a few changes to take advantage of great chemistry notes - will be interesting to see how everything turns out!

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[show preview from



We all know what Wednesday means… tomorrow night is Episode 3 of the 2008 season of American Wrestling, The Can-Am Collaboration, and we have big changes coming for USPW! Alex DeColt, the Canadian legend, will be in town and he’ll be giving us the news on a massive deal that’s just gone down with his father’s fed CGC!


Speaking of new guys in town, last week saw the debut of the newest member of the Sneer Corporation, the monstrous Puerto Rican Power! He’ll be in action for the first time. And of the other new arrivals, we’ll see the Dream Team of cheerleaders Joanne and Raven take on Steph Wade and Nadia Snow. Lead Belly and Grease Hogg, the Dirty White Boyz, will also be around… as will Tamara McFly, who shockingly turned on Alicia Strong to save Cherry Bomb’s preciousss title belt for the champion.


Oh… and did we mention the World title match?


That’s right… JAMES JUSTICE defends against BRUCE THE GIANT tomorrow night!!! Are 3 exclamation marks enough for a match of this size? Who knows?! JOIN US AND FIND OUT!


[breaking news from http://www.davylemtzer.com]


USPW continues to do the impossible and get gradually worse. Although in fairness, it did it without Giant Redwood. Still, when you lose Devine and Caulfield and replace them with the Dirty White Boyz and Puerto Rican Power, you have problems.


Rumors that Power was finally tempted to leave the island by realizing that it’s the only chance he’ll ever have to be on a roster where 80% of the rest have even less of a grasp of basic wrestling than he does are unconfirmed – but how else would they have gotten him?


Oh, and there’s a title match this week as James Justice takes on Bruce the Giant in what’s probably the biggest match the fed HAS. Hotshot booking 2 weeks into Miss Avatar’s reign – is that a panic button I see before me?


A scurrilous rumor on the USPW website informs us that Alex DeColt will be there. I can safely guarantee there is no way on earth a federation like CGC would work with the morons at USPW. And you can take that to the bank.

Again, we bring you the matches USPW don’t want you to know you’ll be subjected to…


Alicia Strong vs Suzue Katayama

The Dream Team vs Nadia Snow and Steph Wade

Captain USA vs Java

World title match: James Justice vs Bruce the Giant.


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Alicia Strong vs Suzue Katayama

I will also have to rely on the Creative Control card


The Dream Team vs Nadia Snow and Steph Wade

The Dream Team debut win

Captain USA vs Java

Yes, I'm a Cap fan, Java, not so much.


World title match: James Justice vs Bruce the Giant.

Awesome match, but probably not a clean win, because we all know that this match will happen again.

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From http://www.davylemtzer.com/forums



DeColt Classic: LMAO... Davy's gonna flip!!!


ILuvAlex: OMG did you just see that!


TCWFan08: WTF? What show are you guys watching?


DeColt Classic: CGC, duh. Names not give it away, genius?!


TCWFan08: Bite me loser!


DeColt Classic:: If brains were money, you'd have more financial problems than Iceland.


I Like Wrestling:: Anyone wanna stop the arguing for a second and tell the rest of us WHAT THE HELL is happening on this show that's got you all worked up?


ILuvAlex: You know Davy said there was no way CGC would work with USPW?


I Like Wrestling:: Yeah...


ILuvAlex: Elite just claimed that Eddie Chandler was so much better than the rest of CGC that he'd take on anyone from any fed in the world...


And BRUCE THE GIANT walked out!


TEWFan08: OMG he is so lame. Tommy Cornell would kick his ass.


BruceTheGiantisinCGC: Whatever moron.

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OOC: As usual, huge thanks to FINisher for the pictures of the two cheerleaders and the guy who appears at the end!


USPW hits Texas this week, for USPW American Wrestling LIVE from the West Texas Coliseum! And we start off with Sam Strong in the ring.


Sam: As we all know, my daughter Alicia should’ve won the Women’s title last week, brothers, but Cherry Bomb had some insurance… she’ll get hers, sometime. But for the moment, Lissy’s gonna warm up against a foreign star – welcome to USPW, Suzue Katayama! C



Decent enough technical bout here, with Miss Force Maniac countering the Japanese star well. It goes for nearly 10 minutes until Alicia hits the Angel Driver for the winner D


SS: She may be crazy, but she sure can wrestle, Sam.


DJ: Uh-oh… looks like trouble! Tamara McFly and Cherry Bomb are out and they have Alicia in their sights!


SS: You gonna save her, Sam?


Sam: Ummm… hey! I can’t beat up on women, brother!


DJ: Here comes the cavalry!



DJ: Joanne, Katie and Raven, Champion’s Cheerleaders, are running down and chasing off the three women menacing Miss Strong!


Sam: Think it’s time to give those girls a pay-rise? D-


[backstage, Anger is looking for Commissioner Doom.]


Anger: The man they call Anger… is angry.


Doom: Well, I’m damn glad they don’t call you Puke. Although that’d be a dumb name for a wrestler, I guess.


Anger: I want one of the Dirty White Boyz in the ring… tonight!


Doom: The commissioner is feeling generous today, so here’s the deal. You can have BOTH of the Dirty White Boyz in the ring – in a 2 on 1 handicap match!


Anger: Bring it on! C-


[back in the ring, Sam Strong has a mic again.]


Sam: As those of you who watched the excellent CGC show last night, or read the results on the internet, will know, Bruce the Giant took to the ring in Canada against Eddie Chandler as part of a new link-up between USPW and CGC. Returning the favor tonight, I’m pleased to welcome to the USA… ALEX DE COLT! B-






The big difference in experience as partners tells here, as the two cheerleaders are far too wily for the heels. Raven’s Night Faller – renamed the Cheer Crusher, according to the two commentators – gets the win in a poor bout. E





[The pair look at each other, before Raven steps forward.]


RR: Count me in. D+


[sam returns, sighing as he walks in past his daughter.]


Sam: Brothers, I got someone else to introduce as well. First, I have to ask Captain USA, a long time buddy of mine, to come down!


[The Cap appears.]


Sam: Cap, I got a young guy in the back who’s a big fan of yours – he doesn’t say much – well, he doesn’t say anything. But he wrote down for me that he wanted to meet you and see if you were looking for a rookie to help out.


[Cap nods.]


Cap: Sure thing, Sam.


Sam: Then come on down, CAPTAIN USA JUNIOR! D+




[Hype vid plays for Justice vs Bruce – TONIGHT!]B+



Captain USA Jr is on the outside leading the cheers for the older man, but it’s never looking like he has a real chance of beating the much younger islander. Java’s Greetings From The Island puts him down to end a terrible match. E


[backstage, James Justice is cutting a promo.]


JJ: Dudes! Tonight I get to take on a legend in this sport, a true great – Bruce the Giant! He wants to take my belt from me, and you know – he might just do it. But JJ is gonna go out there, give it the ol’ college try, and do his best to beat the big guy. Because eventually… JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL!


Hey, I like that line! B-



Complete mismatch here, as the two younger men have the fitness AND numbers advantage. Lasts just two minutes before an RPM Bomb by Lead Belly puts the former Demon down. E+


DJ: Ouch… Anger got beaten badly there, and the Boyz haven’t finished yet! They’re continuing the assault…










DJ: SPITE IS BACK! Spite saves his former tag partner, and the Demons of Rage, possibly USPW’s greatest ever tag team, appear to have reformed! D



This is surprisingly poor, with PRP seeming well off his game tonight. No complaints about Alex, though, who does a very professional sell job to help build up our newest monster heel. Atomic Full Nelson wins it for PRP. E+



DJ: Oh my lord… can you not control this guy at all, Shane?!


SS: You don’t control a force of nature, Danny Boy!


[As he’s stretchered out, Alex motions for a mic and just manages to gasp out a few words.]


ADC: Screw… your… deal, USPW. D


[sam Strong is marching to the ring, and he does NOT look happy!]


Sam: DOOM! Get your wizened ass out here!


[Doom walks out.]


Sam: You know, for too long I’ve left you in charge here. For too long I’ve watched you stack things against the decent, hard-working wrestlers in favour of lazy asses like Valentine and tyrants like T-Rex and this Puerto Rican Power…


Well, not any more! Bad enough that you book Anger in an unwinnable handicap match – but to screw up the CGC deal so that this guy can get another win? Forget it, Doom! You are NO LONGER the commissioner of USPW!




But luckily, I have a ready made replacement in the back, someone I’ve been considering giving your job to for a few weeks!


Brothers… welcome, please,









If either guy could sell, this would have been awesome. As it was, it was merely very good by USPW standards, with both guys clearly respecting each other but going all out to win. Massive finish sees Justice take the duke cleanly, somehow managing to hit the Liberation Slam on the big guy! C+




We close with a video recap of the main parts of the show, notably the Demons reunion, Power’s demolition of DeColt, Steve Flash's introduction, and the title match’s ending. C+


C overall, our best show yet.

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[show preview from


Just a few nights now until our first PPV of 2008, but before Stars, Stripes and Slams Forever there’s the small matter of the final USPW American Wrestling of January. And there’s sure to be massive fallout from last week’s big announcement, when owner Sam Strong sensationally sacked Commissioner Doom!


Doom’s replacement, Sheriff Steve Flash, has promised he’ll start the show off with a bang – and rumors have it that Sneer Corporation may not like the results!


Also, the Strong/Bomb war continues, as Miss Force Maniac teams up with Raven to take on the women’s champion and her sidekick Tamara McFly!


Puerto Rican Power, who appears to have now eliminated Chris Caulfield AND Alex DeColt from USPW in successive weeks, comes up against Jim Force!

And in a massive main event champion James Justice teams with the man he defeated last week, Bruce the Giant, to take on the monstrous T-Rex and Giant Redwood!


Also in action, Des Davids, Captain USA, and the man who will challenge Justice at the pay-per-view, Peter Valentine!


This Wednesday, be there! And then recover just in time to do it all over again at Stars, Stripes and Slams Forever!

[breaking news from http://www.davylemtzer.com]


Just when I congratulated the brains trust at USPW for managing to lose Giant Redwood, they bring him back and stick him in an advertised main event for this week. Yes, he’ll team with T-Rex against James Justice and Bruce the Giant in a “Hey, who wants some oxygen?” match.


Contrary to my beliefs from last week, we did see a CGC/USPW angle across the two shows. George DeColt is clearly frickin’ insane. Thank the lord it appeared to be a one week only deal.


As for the rest of last week’s results or this week’s card… hell, they’re too easy to mock. Here ya go.

Alicia Strong and Raven vs Tamara McFly and Cherry Bomb

Des Davids vs Eric the Bull

The Hillbillys vs Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine

Captain USA vs Danny Rushmore

Jim Force vs Puerto Rican Power

Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs T-Rex and Giant Redwood.

What, no Demon Spite this week?

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Alicia Strong and Raven vs Tamara McFly and Cherry Bomb

Creative Control leads to Alicia pinning Tamara.


Des Davids vs Eric the Bull

Ohhhhh! And the Quarterback is TOAST!


The Hillbillys vs Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine

Jumbo and Valentine have more to offer. Did I just say that?


Captain USA vs Danny Rushmore

USA gets the win for something for Junior to look up to!


Jim Force vs Puerto Rican Power

PRP defeats the massive destrucity that is the FORCE!


Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs T-Rex and Giant Redwood.

The Giant and Justice are the better team.

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