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~*~ GDS TEW Diary Awards 2008 Ballot Thread ~*~

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Sent. It's really hard voting in a lot of these categories as its tough separating some really superb diaries. Maybe that's why the numbers are currently so low.


I know, and hate pestering, but if it has to end in a tie, i want it 8 to 8 not 3,3 & 2,2 & 1.


But I know this, who ever runs this next year LESS CATERGORIES!!!


I am thinking best Character or Tag Team (combining compelling, hell and popular, manager & tag team)


I like the rookie category.


Don't know maybe only best promo's and best write ups, no best individual write up. I think gimmick match dies.


Best match & best show both have to stay. along with best fued but I don't know about the kafaybe breaking moment, it got strong nominations, but I am not sure how relavent it is.


I think 10-12 categories instead of the 20+ we had, would be far easier to nominate and vote for!

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I think 10-12 categories instead of the 20+ we had, would be far easier to nominate and vote for!


In my view, this is what the categories should be, the next time one of these is set up.....


Categories that should stay/Adjusted categories


Cornellverse Diary of the Year


Real World Diary of the Year


Writer of the Year


Show of the Year


Most Compelling Wrestler


Most Compelling Tag Team or Stable.


Most Compelling Non Wrestler - This would cover Manager of the Year but also things like commentators and authority figures.


Best Promos


Best Match Write Ups


Feud of the Year


Best Presentation- Borderline, but I think it should stay as it rewards those who go that little extra mile in the presentation of their diary.


Best New Writer


Best Kayfabe Breaking Segments- I actually like this category, because as with the presentation category it's given recognition to those who put alot of effort into that part of their diary. If Match write-up's should get recognition, then so should this category and this is coming from someone who's strength of their diaries is their Match Write-Ups (or so I'm led to believe !) and not the backstage segments.


Best Mod- Personally one I'm not that bothered about if it stays or not, as I tend to just stick to the original Cornellverse. But I recognise that it should be there, as those who have made mods have put alot of effort into them and there are plenty of TEW connoisseurs who do prefer other mods over the database the game came with.


That's 14 all together, which would be alot more manageable than the 24 we currently have.


What should go:


Indy Diary of the Year


Match of the Year- I think any category where people have to go back and read individual segments should be scrapped, they just don't know where to start or have the time.


Best Gimmick Match


Best Utilized Roster


Manager of the Year -Swallowed up into Most compelling Non wrestler


Most Hated Wrestler - Covered by most compelling Wrestler


Most Popular Wrestler - Same as above


Rocky Maivia Award


Tag Team of the Year - Covered by most compelling Tag Team or stable


Stable of the Year - Same as above

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Got my answer from Prime, got one more vote, So I will accpet Ballots until I have the awards written up.


but, officially this thread is closed and we are moving onto awards ceremony.



any thoughts on how we should run the presentations?


Prime you want to send me links to the art work you were going to use?


not sure, maybe Saturday or Sunday night for the ceremony I think.

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