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Turner Non-stop Action Wrestling. Enemies Unite.

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The Months that never where.


Due to the financial crisis Panda Energy issues a statement that they are going to reavaluate their bussiness plan in favor of focusing on their core bussiness.


HDNet issues a statement that due to financial pressures they will not be able to take up full production costs of the ROH wrestling show.


ROH reveals that they needed that tv deal to stay financially afloat and are now considering their options.


Shimmer posts new quaterlies revealing that dvd sales are down. Insiders claim that the rise of the level of womens wrestling in both TNA and WWE have cost them viewers as well as the finacial crisis is hurting them.

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Panda energy issues a statement that they are officially looking for a buyer for TNA if none can be found Final Resolution will indeed be the final resolution.


The wrestling internet explodes and rumours abound about what wil happen to TNA if this happens.


Meanwhile storyline wise TNA set up a massive battle between the frontline and the main even mafia. Stipulation being that the winner of all the battles overall will gain control of TNA. The main event mafia makes it clear if they win they will shut it down.


Also they ad numbers to their ranks by calling some of the heels so called made men. Not main event mafia but people that will help back them up.

Robert Roode, James Storm and a returning Chris Harris are the first to become "made".

Hints are made about 2 new Main event Mafia members and one extra Made Man.



Card for Final resolution


Best of 7 for control:


Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Team 3D vs Booker T, Kevin Nash and ???, ????

Jeff Jarret vs Kurt Angle

Sting © vs Mick Foley

Rhino vs ???

Lethal Consequences vs AMW© freebird rule.

Eric Young vs Robert Roode

Petey Williams vs Scott Steiner




Awesome Kong © vs Taylor Wilde

Shiekh Abdul Bashir © vs Alex Shelley

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Meanwhile over at ROH rumour has it that a southern bussiness man has invested heavely in the company and that they are saved. Mark Cuban is the ods on favorite due to his ties with HDNet.


In SHIMMER meanwhile all is not well as Allison Danger is removed from her booking position to cut costs with dave prazek taking total control. This set a lot of bad blood backstage. At the same time rumours abound that there will be roster cuts in order to save costs.

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Assorted Press and Internet clippings in reaction to TNA´s possible downfall.


Paul Heyman in The Sun: Its their own fault! Like I said all along if they dont market their product in a right way and keep trying to become a WWE-lite they where going the way of the DoDo.

While Jeff Jarret and Dixie (Carter red.) did their best Jarrets vision slowly got distorted along the way, leading to a lack of vision and direction. The only direction that could result in that happend and that was down!


Eric Bischoff also in The Sun: Whell what ya expect with a bunch of hacks running the place! They where all people who couldnt hack it in WWE and where responsible for the downfall of WCW.

The company's management and creative team are "not the sort of people I would like to work with" and are folks "that couldn't get a job in WWE or shouldn't have had a job in WCW."

"There's no vision for that company. They are people who have never been to the dance. They've never been a part, really, of any of the decision-making processes that led to the success of the industry. Some of them happen to have been working there while other people did it, but have never really done it for themselves. They just don't have the feel for it." (The Sun.co.uk)


Raven on his blog: I feel sorry for the guys I know and like there in TNA it is a real shame that this had to happen. But given some of the decisions made backstage and the current financial crisis I am not wholly suprised.


Scott Hall accidental (drunk) youtube shoot : They are a bunch of BLEEP and F´N BLEEEP´S They shoulda let Kevin run it WCW was doing fine under his direction F Them!


Shane Douglas in PWI : It´s a real shame but what do you expect with fossils like Steiner and Nash hogging the lime light. TNA back in the day had something fresh and new and modern which atracted a fan base. A fan base they betrayed by becoming more and more like the WWE or dare I say it 2000 till end WCW.


Jerry Lynn on ROH website: I am sad to see them go but at the same time this could be a good development for us as many of their talent could work well within the ROH product. Now with this investor coming in things are looking up and we could trully become the second promotion in the US. Apart from being the premiere wrestling promotion already.


Ric Flair: Whooooow TNA Whoooooo?


Konnan: Puthas I hope I still get the money they owe me though.


WWE has so far denied to comment altough rumours abound that they are looking seriously into taking on some of TNA´s talent. Samoa Joe and AJ Styles being prime targets. And have fired Lance Cade, Val Venis, D-Lo Brown, Snitsky, Super Crazy, Paul Londen, Bam Neeley and Bob Holly as a cost cutting measure and in order to make room for new talent.

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Feel free to predict on Final Resolution plus who the mystery wrestlers are btw. It wont be with grade´s but is an integral part of the story. I am writing this from a watchers standpoint but personal and backstage snippets will be involved. I am playing it myself in freestyle mode but have set myself goals to reach which if I dont reach them will mean TNA´s downfall.

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Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Team 3D vs Booker T, Kevin Nash and ???, ????

Jeff Jarret vs Kurt Angle

Sting © vs Mick Foley

Rhino vs ???

Lethal Consequences vs AMW© freebird rule.

Eric Young vs Robert Roode

Petey Williams vs Scott Steiner



Awesome Kong © vs Taylor Wilde

Shiekh Abdul Bashir © vs Alex Shelley

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Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Team 3D vs Booker T, Kevin Nash and ???, ????

Jeff Jarret vs Kurt Angle

Sting © vs Mick Foley

Rhino vs ???

Lethal Consequences vs AMW© freebird rule.

Eric Young vs Robert Roode

Petey Williams vs Scott Steiner



Awesome Kong © vs Taylor Wilde

Shiekh Abdul Bashir © vs Alex Shelley

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Final Resolution. Part 1


The End or a New Beginning?


Awesome Kong © vs Taylor Wilde.


Before the match starts Taylor Wilde is viciously attacked by the Kong Tourage. They then bully Cornette into giving the shot to Raisha instead.


Kong the does the fingerpoke of doom and rolls Saeed up. 1,2 Roll through!!!? 1,2,3 and Saeed is the new champion?? It is quickly apparent that this wasnt the plan but Saeed has high tailed it out of there. As Kong makes to grab her she throws away her robe and covers her face with the belt to make a quick getaway. Kong is left with the headdress in her hand.


Kong takes out her anger and frustration on the rest of the Kong Tourage.


We cut backstage where we see a mystery attacker totally destroy Consequences Creed!! As he is lying in a pool of blood we hear the mystery attacker say in a familiar voice: "Thats what you get for messing with the Main Event Mafia Chico!


Alex Shelly vs Sheikh Abdul Bashir ©


Bashir gets shown how a true X division wrestler works and gets thrown from post to post. All his attempts at cheating don´t work as Shelly is just too quick for him. Shelly wins after a Sliced Bread and we have a new champ! After the match Shane Sewell gets his revenge and goes postal on the Sheikh.


We cut backstage where Jay Lethal is walking around looking for a new partner while cheking left and right for a possible attack. Too bad he doesnt look from above as someone comes from above! He spins Lethal around and Lethal swings. His swing gets blocked though and we finally get to see who it is. It´s Suicide! He stretches out his hand and Lethal shakes it! Seems hes got a new partner for tonight!


Petey Williams vs Scott Steiner


fast and strong vs stronger and cheating as former pupil and mentor collide in the first of the best of 7 series for control. Petey seems to have a real fire tonight and starts by taking the offence to Steiner. Using chops, his speed and areal moves to keep Steiner of balance. Every time Steiner goes for one of his power moves Petey either slips out, reverses it or Steiner misses completly. Things are looking up for the Frontline!


After a spinning ddt Steiner uses his "experience" to get the upper hand and while the ref isn´t looking he hits a low blow. From here on its all Steiner as he hits power move after power move. He gets Petey into the Steiner Recliner but after a valiant effort Petey gets to the ropes Steiner holds on for 4 more seconds before he breaks the hold. Steiner starts paint brushing Petey and generally showing off to the crowd before he sets Petey up for the Frankensteiner.


All the posing and taunting by Steiner has given Petey the chance to recuparate tough and he fights off Steiners attempts on top. Suddenly like a flash Petey pays Steiner back in kind and hits a low blow of his own. Puts his head between his legs and OMG he hits the Canadian Destroyer of the top rope!!!! It surely is over now! As Petey crawls over to Steiner and pins him he can already smell victory.


But wait where´s the ref? It seems Rudy Charles is being distracted by Steiner! Rick Steiner that is. As Petey slowly gets to his feet to get the ref´s attention back to the match and starts arguing with him Rick slides a pair of brass Knucks to Scott. Scott gets to his feet and gut punches Petey with the knucks before tossing them away and the ref has seen none of it! He then puts petey into the vicious Steiner Driver and that´s all she wrote 1 - 0 for the Main Event Mafia. After the match Rick hands Scott another foreign object, its an electric razor! Scott proceeds to shave off petey´s scalp and goatee leaving him bald.


OOC Doing this in parts as its quite the write up plus have to get my ideas straight hope you like it so far.

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Final Resolution. Part 2


We cut backstage as JB is interviewing Booker T about the upcoming 4 vs 4 match and how it feels to be one nil up. Before Booker can give a full answer Kip James walks up and says hes done with the Beautifull People, on acount of the palin stuff, and wants to become Mafia, or possibly made!


As an answer Booker T throws a superkick! And it connects! With JB as Kip ducked just in time a brawl ensues with Booker gaining the upper hand and wailing on Kip. But out of nowhere BG James comes to the rescue! Booker quickly hightales it outta there the situation now being 1 on 2 and realising hes got an important match tonight.


BG checks on the condition of Kip asking : "Billy are you ok?" In witch Kip responds: "You called be by my real name!" BG: "Yeah what you expect bro?" Billy:" Thanks bro, for coming to my rescue I have been a fool". BG:"We both been acting like fools man no problem." Hugs ensue and the James Gang have a hartfelt reunion on possibly the last show.


Eric Young vs Robert Roode


Scott D`Amore join Tenay and West on commentary playing up the fact that this is also a former Team Canada collision.


Eric Young and Roode pull out all the stops for a belter of a match, showing all their signature spots. Even Roode gets occasional positve responses from the die hard fans. Which he quickly cuts of by either cheating or cussing the fans out.


The Finish comes when Roode hits the Payoff and starts posing for the crowd, he then pick Young up setting him up for the Northern Lariat. Roode´s posing costs him tough as Young has recuperated enough to counter the move into a Death Valley Driver and he picks up the win. It´s 1-1.


As we cut backstage this time we see Matt Morgan and Abyss arguing about why they aren´t in the tag match for the gold. With Morgan blaming Abyss. After it gets more and more heated they finally get to blows and it keeps on escalating as they start using part of the set as weapons. It all ends as Abyss accidently hits Lauran with a jumbotron! And security and medics swarm the scene!


Lethal Suicide vs America´s Most Wanted ©


After the entrances for some reason Jay Lethal´s music hits again. And you guessed it, out comes none other then The Macho Man Randy Savage (black hair and "buff" again, think Spiderman)! The crowd erupts as he slowly but surely takes his place at the anounce booth as the guest commentator.


Luckily the match is of such a high caliber that it doesnt get overshadowed too much by Macho´s presence, altough Lethal does a lot of freaking out towards the commentator´s while not in the match which leaves Suicide in some difficult spots. Savage is doing a good job commentating too it should be noted.


AMW are as fluid as ever and seem to be having a good time being reunited. Suicide and Lethal are on the defensive for most of the match altough they do hit some nice individuel nice spots. Their lack of communication and Lethal being distracted costs them in the end tough as the ref is distracted telling Lethal to focus on the match and Storm hits Suicide with a beer bottle. Harris hits the Catatonic for the win! AMW aren´t done yet tough.


They start wailing on Suicide And Lethal. But here comes Savage from the anounce table to the rescue! AMW bail out the ring and savage picks up Lethal. He extends his hand for Lethal to shake it and just as he´s about to do so he hits Lethal with an elbow smash! AMW jump back into the ring with the booser cruiser emptying it of beer bottles and htting Suicide with bottle after bottle shredding the suit. Lethal meanwhile is hit by not one, not two but three Savage Elbow Drops! It´s 1-2 in the favor of the MEM.


Backstage we see the Mafia celebrating their lead and Nash telling everyone that he knew inviting Savage was a good idea. Booker then remarks that Rhino won´t know will hit him and the MEM will cruise to victory.


We then cut to Rhino preparing for his match looking intence and it´s up next!


Rhino vs ????


Rhino is first to the ring as he awaits his opponet. Music hits that is somewhat familiar to some of the die hard fans. As all the pyro clears out steps The Alpha Male! Monty Brown is back baby! He rushes to the ring and we are in for a slugfest as these two high powered and high octane wrestler´s go at it. We are treated to power move after power move, with the action see sawing back and forth.


When Brown whips Rhino of the ropes looking for the Pounce at the same time Rhino goes for a spear and they have a mid ring collision. The referee starts counting them out and he even gets to ten! Just when he wants to declare it a draw Cornette comes out and anounces that due to the circumstances of the night there will be no draws and he makes this a no DQ match!


Rhino is more familiar in these circumstances and uses it too his advantage gaining the upper hand. In the end he finishes of Brown with a Gore through a table. Its 2-2!

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That concludes part 2. Part 3 will be up later tonight prolly. Hope you like it so far and the format as I have gone for one which allows me to produce more easily as I want to set a nice pace on this diary. Future ppvs will prolly have pictures etc.


Hope you don´t mind all the swerves etc. But figuring this could be their last ppv and Russo is still running things (,or is he?,) they would pull out all the stops.


Any questions, comments, misc. are always apreciated.

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Final Resolution. Part 3


We cut backstage as Foley does a promo on his upcoming match with Sting. And how the young guys are the foundation of TNA and he finds it an honour to be in the frontline for them wrestling for control.


We then see Sting walking with the belt towards the entrance way before we cut to comercial.


Sting © vs Mick Foley


Mick really seems inspired tonight as he oppens up on all cillinders on the Icon. Sting is taken aback by the high energy of the offence and Foley has the better of the early exchanges.


Sting rallies back tough using a rake to the eyes and a double handed to chop to the ear(s). He then whips Foley into the corner setting him up for the Stinger Splash and connects!


He then beats his chest and those his trademark whoo to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He drags Foley by the hair too the middle of the ring and goes for the Scorpion Death Drop. It connects altough it seems kinda botched as Foley goes down early.


It soon turns out Foley was playing possum tough a because when Sting goes for the Scorpion deathlock Foley reverses it into a Mandible Claw sock and all!! Never before has Foley shown such speed! Before Sting can tap out tough Angle comes out and clobbers Foley with the title belt leading to the dq win for Foley. It´s 3-2.


As Foley is assisted to the back by staff Angle remains in the ring for his match. He still has the title belt in his hands tough and looks maniacly at it. Sting repeatidly has to ask for it back before he reluctantly hands it over. As Sting makes his way too the back Angle has a dubious look on his face watching him go.


Jeff Jarret vs Kurt Angle


All hell brakes loose in this technical affair. Kurt and Jeff´s hatred for eachother is palpable in each hit and each move. Angle looks to end things early by going for the Angle lock often but Jeff manages to counter.


After none of the combatonts seem to be able to get an advantage over one another Angle goes to re avaluate his tactics on the outside. Suicide dive by Jeff Jarret on Angle! Seems Jarret picked up some tricks watching all that X Division.


The action spills to the outside and into the crowd with the advantage see sawing back and forth. Both men are busted open and their faces are covered in blood. Andrew Thomas finally gets the action back into the ring.


Angle has changed his game plan and slowly and methodicly starts working Jarret´s leg ( ooc everyone works the leg) and ankle, setting him up for an eventual ankle lock. Jarret get´s in a fair amount of offense of his own tough.


All of a sudden Karen Angle is at ringside and starts distracting the ref. Angle slides out and collects a steel chair. Un beknownst to him tough Jarret has taken this opportunity to get his guitar! They both swing and connect! With Andrew Thomas! He is out cold from this guichairto!


Both men take this opportunity to use their experience and go for low blow´s, eye rakes and blatent chokes. Until someone in a ref suit comes out from the back. It´s Nick Patrick!


The end comes when Jeff Jarret goes for his pattented Stroke but Angle manages to reverse it into an ankle lock in the centar of the ring. Jarret doesn´t submit but after what seems like ages finally passes out. It´s even stevens 3-3!


We head to the back where we see the 4 combatents for Frontline getting ready. Samoa Joe and AJ styles do a promo saying they are the foundation of TNA and that if they crumble all goes down with them.


Brother Ray then takes a mike and says that the frontline will cross the line in the next match and beat the MEM to a pulp and save the company. Devon:" Oh my brother, Testify!"


Samoa Joe & AJ Styles & Brother Ray & Brother Devon vs Booker T & Kevin Nash & ???? & ????


War Games Match


As the (,in this case single,) cage is lowered Tenay explains the rules of the war games match. Each team starts with two combatents in the ring, every 5 minutes a new wrestler from one team is added. The team to get the first entrent is decided by coinflip. Once all combatents are in the ring the match starts. Tenay notes that in this case not just one but all of the oposing team has to be eliminated either via quitting, passing out or submitting.


AJ Styles and Booker T start us of. As it is the first time they meet one on one they start by feeling eachother out. Soon enough tough both start using their impressive agility to get in some nice spots, holds and counter holds with neither getting the advantage.


This soon changes as the clock starts winding down. 5,4,3,2,1! It´s Samoe Joe! In a rarity the faces have won the toss! Booker T´s eyes go wide as he realises the predicement hes in! He starts running around trying to dodge both Joe and AJ and pulls out his considerable arsenal of foul play in an effort to stay alive. In the end it doesnt help much and he gets one hell of a beating courtesy of the TNA originals. Just as it seems that Booker may be done for the clock starts ticking.


5,4,3,2,1! It´s Kevin Nash he rushes to the aid of Booker T (, well that´s what West called it it was more a slow walk,) And after tossing AJ into the corner of the cage he goes right for his former "pupil" Joe. They go at eachother toe to toe and blow for blow. Nash gaining the upper hand by using an eye rake followed by a big boot. After hitting Joe with a Side Walk slam he goes after a recovered AJ Styles but hes too quick for the big man. (suprise,suprise.)


As Nash is going after AJ amd Booker starts recovering and Joe is shaking out the cobwebs the clock starts ticking again. 5,4,3,2,1. It´s Brother Ray! But what´s the matter? He seems a little busted up and groggy. There´s some foul play going on backstage!


Altough Ray isn´t at 100 percent his arival does help turn the tide in favor of the Frontline as he goes after Nash and lands an Atomic drop. AJ then chop blocks the big man going after his weak knees.


While AJ and Ray start beating down on Nash, Booker T and Joe renew their rivalry picking up where they left of at Victory Road. (And doing a better job of it and making more sense mind you.) Booker gains the upper hand by kicking Joe between the legs and goes for the scissor kick. Just in time AJ Styles interferes taking a part of the kick but also bringin Booker down.


5,4,3,2,1. Ready Or Not! Marvelous Me hits and out comes the Bad Guy! It´s Scott Hall! After rescuing his buddy Nash from Ray using the toothpick as a weapon by jabbing it in Ray´s eye he and Nash go after a still prone Joe.


Joe tries valiantly to ward of the re united Outsiders but two on one is a bit much for him. The Outsiders do there classic lazy routine as they pander to the crowd between each move on Joe. Joe gets hit with another side walk slam, Hall´s fall away slam, snake eyes, a cobra clutch and lots of punches and kicks.


Meanwhile Booker and AJ are still going at it altough at a slower pace as the match has taken its toll on both competitors so far. Brother Ray finally get´s his eye cleared though and recovers enough to help AJ to get the upper hand. Its two 2 on 1´s each side of the ring.


This doesn´t last long tough as the clock starts the countdown again. 5,4,3,2,1! And out comes an equelly groggy and seemingly bruised Brother Devon. First he goes to help his tag team partner to beat up on Booker T. meanwhile AJ heers Joe screeming in pain from the combined assault and switches his attention to rescue his friend.


AJ gets the strength from somewhere to hit a spinal tap on Nash and then hits the Pele on a stunned Hall. Instead of following up on his advantage tough he goes to check on his fallen comrade. This gives Hall and Nash time to recuperate and they seem to have a renewed sence of ergency and vengeance on their mind!


Joe get´s up just in time tough and it´s 2 on 2. Outsider´s versus The Originals! A massive brawl ensues with neither side able to get the upper hand. At the same time Booker seems totally out of it as team 3 D ar toying with him.


5,4,3,2,1. No one? A long silence ensues untill http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/27A27_28PSF29-1.png hits the speakers! The match is on and he comes out with a vengeance! First turning the tide in favor of the Outsiders before the go over to rescue Booker T.


Just about as they are going to wail on 3 D they drop to their knees begging for mercy! Nash, Hall and their newest partner look at eachother quistianably. Is this a ploy? Have they surrendered? They grap Devon and Ray by their arms and hoist them up. All three of em wind up punches and....


Hug Brother Ray and Brother Devon!!!! It was a ploy all along!! All 6 of em now turn their attention on AJ and Joe. Booker seems remarkably fresh and it seems Ray and Devon have been pulling their punches on him. Joe and Styles don´t stand a chance and after Power Bomb after Power Bomb after Book End after 3D after Outsider´s edge they are left bleeding and onconcious in the ring. The Main Event Mafia Win! The Main Event Mafia Win!!!



Angle and Sting come out to join in the celebrations. Angle takes a mike and proclaims that the MEM has taken over TNA is their´s now!! And no they are not disbanding it they have pooled their collective resources and are going to buy it out and rename it Main Event Wrestling. And as of now all TNA originals are F......


The titontron flickers on and we see the backside of a nice leather chair.

A voice speaks with a wacky accent: "Well that mighta been a good idea, but I am afraid you are just dumb outta luck Kurt! Ya see I have taken over, and I ain´t selling this time. Ya see much like you I got me a score to settle. I am coming for ya Vince! And this time I have learned from my mistakes in the past. This time all I am gonna focus on is making (T) NAW a succes!


The man swivels around in his chair to reveal:




Ted Turner!!! The Wrestling Mad Millionaire is back!!!



Quick Results:


Raisha Saeed defeats Awesome Kong

AJ Styles defeats Sheikh Abdul Bashir

Scott Steiner defeats Petey Williams

Eric Young defeats Rober Roode

AMW defeats Lethal Suicide

Rhino defeats Monty Brown

Mick Foley defeats Sting by DQ

Kurt Angle defeats Jeff Jarret

MEM defeats Frontline

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Reactions from other companies.


WWE immediatly goes into a frenzy trying to sign as many wrestler´s, backstage staff and retired wrestler´s they can think of. Also all contracts are imediatly changed to written contracts. Christian has a high impact debut into the Jeff Hardy vs Edge fued with Ross comentating on the fact that he came back from another fed withing a heartbeat because that other fed was so two bit.


ROH meanwhile is in turmoil as their hopes of becoming the number 2 promotion quickly evaporate it turns out that that southern investor was Ted Turner! Many of their superstars and other indy talent had already signed long term written contracts in the assumption that ROH was going to take over TNA´s spot.


Cary Silken and Adam Pearce immediatly quite the organisation feeling as they have been duped. Turner quickly allays any fears the ROH roster may have as the t.v. deal will still go through and the product won´t change. Also he likes to be his own competition and has all inentions of further investing in ROH. The ROH wrestlers are promised an experienced booker and head of management to run things and who understands their style.


SHIMMER meanwhile suffers the consequences of the fall out and financial hard times and Turner´s acquisition of both ROH and TNA as it loses it´s most talented wrestler´s to both companies. The working agreement between ROH and SHIMMER remains in place tough as the talent that ROH picked up simply quit SHIMMER. TNA and SHIMMER sever all relations tough.


The internet meanwhile goes wild with rumours on who TNA will be signing, if a return of the monday night wars is possible? If any WWE talent will defect. Etc.Etc. It hasn´t been this exciting to be a wrestling fan in a long long time!

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Thanks mate and if you are intrested in playing the scenario let me know and ill release it. I haven´t uber powered TNA and made it somewhat challanging for myself and even inmho improved the WWE so it is going to be intresting.


Ill prolly be typing up the rest of the months that never happened later today and or tomorrow plus a rostrer brakedown and the first card that will have grades.


Prediction last card:


5/9 Foolinc

5/9 Mistaken


Prediction results so far:


5/9 Foolinc

5/9 Mistaken


It´s a draw and no one got at least 80 percent correct for a prize! At least I wasn´t predictable altough the MEM win was obvious maybe.

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The first episode of Impact is mainly one of technical changes as it is anounced that the Impact zone will be renovated to become adaptable in size and offer top of the line production values! It should be finished just in time for Victory Road. Also all ppv´s after Genesis will now take place on the first Sunday of the month. Also TNA Impact will now be recorded live!


On the following impact Foley anounces that the match he had with Sting made him realise he still has what it takes. In order to fully concentrate on his own dreams he steps out of the frontline vs MEM fued and that he has sold his share in the company. He then introduces the new executive chairholder Paul Heyman!! (ooc and new headbooker. If you chose to not play as TNA.)


The Frontline itself is in shambles after the losses at Final Resolution and the defection of Team 3D. AJ and Joe anounce that the only way to get back from this was to go back to the fundamentals and altough they apreciate all that Rhino has done for them this really is a war between the originals and the MEM. Rhino begrudgingly accepts Joe and AJ´s decision but let´s them know he will be there for them when needed.


The MEM meanwhile while thwarted in their atempts to take over the company are still on a high from their victory at Final Resolution.


Don West meanwhile fills in as backstage interviewer for JB and Lauren and the Macho Man is our new colour commentator.


The following week sees Joe and Styles calling themselves the Foundation. Other members are the Moter City Machine Guns, Abyss and Eric Young.


The Mafia laugh it off mocking it as being the floundernation and ad to the ranks of the Made Men with Lance Cade.


Rhino meanwhile has worked with his old buddy Paul Heyman to strengthen the new Frontline with Sabu and RVD! Promising two more mystery members and that they will stand by the side of the foundation.


The last impact before Genesis sees the shock return of Jay Lethal and Petey Williams (old style) to strengthen the numbers of the Foundation.


Lot´s of teasers are given who the two new frontline members will be and it is anounced they will be in action at Genesis.


Meanwhile over at the E.


The amount of ppv´s is reduced to 12 due to financial pressures and to allow for more storytelling. All ppv´s are now on the last sunday of the month. Dropped are cyber sunday and extreme rules. moved have been no mercy and judgement day.


Ric Flair takes over as GM of Smackdown. Ric Flair vows to bring back tradition and real wrestling to smackdown and his first act is making Roddy Piper the colour commentator with Michael Cole.


Jim Ross is reunited with Jerry Lawler and Striker returns to the ring as Tazz goes to ECW to give it at least still some credibility as being ECW apart from Dreamer.


The Cruiserweight title makes a return on RAW (ooc its becaus of cruisers doing better in entertainment then in traditional.) And the diva title and womens title are united by a returning Trish Stratus and moved to Smackdown along with its now holder Beth Phoenix and Santino and any other women who can actually wrestle (a bit) the eye candy is moved to RAW. Also ECW reintruduces the TV title (ooc youngsters, midcard. ECW title main event minumum prestige also youngsters)


The cruiserweights (,including Jeff, banished by Vicky in her last act as GM.) are moved to RAW while CM Punk, Regal and Kane are moved to Smackdown while MVP captures the Intercontinantal gold on RAW. ECW now have "talent agreement" with both Smackdown and RAW.


Also the E are recanting on going PG and moving back to the edgy risque stuff that made them so succesfull during the attitude era and as a pre emptive strike to Heyman might he chose to go that way.


Over at ROH Gabe Sapolsky is confirmed as the new GM and Headbooker to general aclaim of the locker room. The tv show will be held live on wednesday, will run for one hour and will be called Honour Wrestling. The twelve most prestigious events have been chosen as ppvs and they will be held the second friday of each motnh.

Despite all the good news there is also a shock as Jimmy Jacobs finds in the small print of his contract that he can be called up to TNA at any time. After thorough inspection all contracts seem to have this clause.

Altough at first there are some grumblings all the good news far outways the bad. Some of the talent decides to leave over this including Necro Butcher and Bison Smith among others.

They also anounce the creation of the ROH Women´s title (ooc midcard) with the women now wrestling in a division.


Victoria anounces her retirement only to pop up on the last show of TNA before Genesis to challange a now revealed Cheerleader Melissa for the Knock Out title. (ooc now set to midcard)


Also Low-Ki thinks better of signing a development deal with the E increasing speculation of him returning to TNA.


SHIMMER is having a hard time finding new talent to fill the holes in their roster as most have now been signed to exclusive deals with either TNA or ROH.

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At Genisis held in a sold out Philips Arena the two last Frontline members are revealed as being none other then Bobby Lashly and Brock Lesnar!! They quickly target the Made Men and defeat them in their respective matches.


Cheerleader Melissa hangs onto the gold getting a dq win due to interference not by Kong but by MsChif.


AMW retain as they are helped by the returning Naturals.


Alex Shelly looses his X division title in a four way tough to Jay Lethal as all the participents are stunned when a returning Christopher Daniels along with Senshi come to ringside. Lethal is the first to return to his wits and gets a roll up on Shelly.

The other two competitors where a returning Elix Skipper and Matt Betnley.


Booker T retains the Legends belt in a good match against Rhino.


Sting also retains his title in a four way featuring him Angle, Joe and AJ Styles. Due to massive interference on the side of the MEM. In the end the lights go out and over the speakers can be heard nevermore, nevermore, nevermore....

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OOC some misc notes.


Skill changes: Increased Brother Ray´s entertainment skills and Mike Tenay´s anouncing skills. Decreased Glen Gilberti´s entertainment skills.


Brought back some people from hiatus and retirement. Hogan and Bischoff have left the bussiness they will not be featured and The Rock remains gone. Goldberg has also left.


Set BG James and Sabu as fully active wrestlers again. Changed Bobby Lashley´s style to regular wrestler. Changed all potentials as far as could find the set ones to random.


Changed the product´s of WWE and ROH and TNA slightly will be highlited as I do a roster run down.


Set the region importances back to the Cornellverse settings (NZ and the 75´s of the UK at 80 tough) the only resulting drop I retained is TNA to cult to make it more challanging. Set all non TNA originals and ROH to two year contracts and all originals to 3 years and declared war on WWE. That´s the time I have to get to at least an equel footing before I prolly loose the lot.


Raised TNA´s bank balance to 10 million (hell it´s Ted Turner), added a medium, large and big impact zone to the venues.


Set Chase Stevens as equelly popular as Andy Douglas, Increased Chris Harris Sout East popularity.


Stan Hansen is now Japan only and Dory Funk is now on a written contract.


Bobby Orton, Ted Dibiasi Sr., Sgt.Slaughter, Harley Race, Paul Orndorff where added to the WWE. Christian now on a written on the smackdown brand (wasn´t in original version of the mod as well as Tomko.)


Added HDNet (small) and HDNet Sports (very small) to the tv roster. With ROH being on HDNet sports. Cancelled all ovelapping ppv deals (bad economy lol). Changed broadcast regions of some tv stations and cancelled some contracts also against overlap.


Some minor tweaks here and there only other unmentioned major one is that I upped the skills a little of a wrestler I mark out for but he is in development and unlikely to be called up quick so won't make much of a change. CHanges where from D range to C range anyways so not a big effect.


Thinking about adding a or multiple UK promotion(s) and adding some workers that can work there and as a result removing some possibly unecessary workers as to keep the speed at a decent level.

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Personally seeing this is my first attempt at a mod adaptation (altough 99 percent of the work is Jimmy Shaker´s kudos!) I am quite happy with the balance. It offers the challange as the WWE of staving of a surging TNA. A 2 year race for supremecy (or at least equel terms) for TNA. If you remove the child company from ROH and set the contracts to written an very Strong ROH roster. The rest of the indies are also more challanging as much of the top talent but not all by far has been raided.


I would love to send the files to someone for evaluatiuon so if you are intrested send me a PM.

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TNA Roster


Ones who havent "debuted" yet are whited out just highlight to read.


Name, Momentum, Gimmick, South East Overness, US Overness.


Main Event Heels:


Booker T, C, Arrogant Heel, B, B.

Brother Devon, B+, Extremist, C+, C.

Brother Ray, C, Extremist, C+. C.

Kevin Nash, F+, Enforcer, B+, B+

Kurt Angle, C+, Franchise Player, A, A.

Scott Hall, C+, Fabulous Heel, B-, B-.

Scott Steiner, B+, Fitness Freak, B, B.

Sid Vicious, B+, Bionic Redneck, C+, C+.

Sting, C, Mysterious, A, A.


Main Event Faces:


Bobby Lashley, B+, Knock Out Artist, B-, B-.

Brock Lesnar, A, Bad Ass, A, A.

Rhino, C+, Man Beast, C+, C+.

Rob Van Dam, B+, Dude, B, B.


Upper Midcard Heals:


Andrew Martin, B-, Berzerker, C, C.

Bob Holly, C-, Grizzled Veteran, C-, C-.

Chris Mordetzky, C-, Prima Donna, C-, C-.

James Storm, C, Redneck, C, D.

King V, B+, Lunatic, D+, D+.

Lance Cade, B+, Arrogant Heel, C, C.

Monty Brown, A, Street Thug, C, C-.

Robert Roode, C-, High Society, C, D.


Upper Midcard Faces:


BG James, B-, Armed Forces, C, C-.

Billy James, C, Bad Ass, C, C.

Peter Gruner, B-, Every-Man, D, D.

Sabu, C-, Extremist, C, C-.


Midcard Heels:


Chris Harris, C-, Old School Heel, D+, D-.

Elijah Bruke, D, Arrogant Heel, D-, D-.

Guido (Maritato), B-, Full Blooded Italian, D-, D-.

Joey Mathews, D, Prima Donna, D-, D-.

Juventud Guerrera, B-, Show Stealer, D-,D-.

Kenzo Suzuki, C+, Foreign Star, D, D.

Rick Steiner, B-, Pitbull, D-, D-.

Rob Conway, C+, Conman, D-, D-.

Tony (Mamaluke), D+, Full Blooded Italian, D-, D-.


Midcard Faces:


Abyss, D, Crazy, C, E+.

AJ Styles, E+, Old School Face, B-, D-.

Christopher Daniels, C-, Mysterious, C, E+.

Nick Dinsmore, C+, Machine, D, D.

Paul London, B, Show Stealer, D, D.

Sean Sexy, C, Comic Reief, D, D.

Samoa Joe, C+, No Gimmick Needed, B-, D-.

Senshi, C-, Martial Artist, D, E+.

Shannon Moore, D-, Grunge Rocker, D-, D-.

Stevie Richards, D+, Dude, D-, D-


Lower Midcard Heels:


Chase Stevens, C, Primma Donna, D, E.

Matt Morgan, C-, Prototype, C-, E+.


Lower Midcard Faces:


Alex Shelly, C, Teen Idol, C, E+.

Chris Sabin, C, Teen Idol, C, E+.

Hernandez, E+, Latino Thug, C, E+.

Homicide, D, Latino Thug, C, E+.

Jay Lethal, D, Showstopper, C, E+.

J-Pac, E, Degenerate, C-, E+.

Shane Sewell, D+, Staff Member, D-, E+.


Opener Heels:


Andy Douglas, F+, Prima Donna, D, E.

Johnny Swinger, D, Egomaniac, D-, E.

Sonjay Dutt, D, Guru, D+, E.


Opener Faces:


Eric Young, C-, Old School Face, D, E.

Petey Williams, E-, Old School Face, D+, E.

Shark Boy, E-, Comic Book Hero, D-, E.


Enhancement Talent Heels:


Doug Williams, D-, No Gimmick Needed, E-, E-.

Elix Skipper, D-, Show Stealer, D-, E-.

Matt Bently, F, Egomaniac, D-, E-.


Women´s Division Heels:


Amy 'Lita' Dumas, D, Straight Edge, C-, C-.

Angelina Love, C-, Bitch, D-, E-.

Awesome Kong, B-, Monster, D, E.

Jacqueline (Moore), C+, Bitch, D+, D-.

MsChif, B-, Goth, F+, F+.

Trinity, D, Bitch, D-, E+.

Varocity (Lisa Marie Varon), B-, Bitch, D+, D+.

Velvet Sky, C, Bitch, D-, E-.


Womens Division Faces:


Ashley (Massaro), D-, Happy-Go-Lucky, D, D.

Daizee Haze, D, Old School Face, F, F-.

Melissa, C-, Cheerleader, D-, E+.

Mickie Knuckles, C-, Streetfighter, E+, E-.

O.D.B, D, No Gimmick Needed, D-, E.

Roxxi, B-, Old School Face, D-, E-.

Sara Del Rey, D+, Equality Fighter, F-, F.

Taylor Wilde, D, Old School Face, D-, E.


Occasional Wrestler Heel:


Raven, E+, Loner, C-, C-.

Vader, D-, Monster, C, C.


Occasional Wrestler Face:


Diamond Dalles Page, C+, American Badass, C, C.

Jeff Jarret, D-, The Snake, B, B.

Mick Foley, D-, Hardcore Icon, A, A.

Terry Funk, D, Extremist, D, D.




Kaz, Face, C-, E+.

Nathan Jones, Heel, D, D.




Bill Alfonso, Face, Old School Manager.

Christy Hemme, Face, Old School Face.

Dawn Marie, Heel, Slut.

Donnie B, Heel, That 80´s Guy.

James Mitchell, Heel, Evil Doer.

Jimmy Hart, Heel. Sports Agent.

Sharmell, Heel, Bitch.

Shelly Martinez, Face, Sexy.

Stacy Keibler, Face, Secretary.

Torie Wilson, Face, Girl-Next-Door




Bryce Remsburg, Earl Hebner, Jim Korderas, Mark "Slick" Johnson, Nick Patrick, Rudy Charles.


Road Agents:


Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

Terry Taylor.




Mike Tenay

Joey Styles


Colour Commentator´s:


"Macho Man" Randy Savage, Macho Madness.

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas, Franchise Player.


Personality (In this case backstage interviewers):


Don West, Staff Member.

Becky Bayless, Cheerleader.


OOC there where no enhancement talent faces. I will un white each worker after debut.

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Feast And Fired!


One Week Before Final Resolution Jeff Jarret´s office.


A big table has been set in the center of Jarret´s office but he isn´t sitting at the head. Joining him at the table are Terry Taylor, Jim Cornette, Mike Tenay, Dutch Mantell and Jeremy Borash. The whole creative team is assembled with one noable exception.


On a large screen we see Dixie Carter adressing the assembled men via the intercom.


Dixie: "First of all I want to say what a pleasure it has been to be working with all of you fine people. It´s been a real joy to see TNA take step after step growing into what it is today.

Unfortunatly due to the financial crisis Panda Energy has decided to sell TNA. Fortunatly we have been able to find a buyer. One who we feel will be able to take TNA to the next level and become a full fledged challenger."


Cornette: "Who is it Dixie? It´s not Flair is it? Or that son of a bitch Bischoff or even worse Hogan or has Mick taken full shares?" (lookes hopefully)


Dixie: "No it is non of those and Mr.Foley has sold his shares to fully consentrate on what is left of his career as has Mr. Jarret."


Tenay: "Oh don´t tell me its Vince right? I can´t beleive this is happening again! If we are lucky we will become a dam B-Show like ECW."


Borash: "If we are lucky that is."


Dixie: "No for once it´s not Vince, you can even say it´s Vince´s worst enemy."


Cornette: "Heyman!? That SOB well I can let by gones be by gones if he can if it means taken TNA a step further."


As he says that a door opens and in steps none other then Heyman! Walking in behind him is Scott Levy (better known as Raven.) Heyman takes a seat at the head of the table and Raven also takes place at the table.


Heyman: "Glad you feel that way Jim, Scott here had the same sentiments. Seeing as we will be working together it´s good that we can at least get along or at least attempt too. That has always been Vince´s most underestimated strength is ability to split apart his enemies. Classic devide and conquer."


Speaking of Vince and enemies in walk´s Russo.


Russo: (suprised to see Levy and Heyman) "What´s up boys, don´t worry the creative genius is here to save you all. Now can someone tell me what Paul and Scott are doing here?"


Before Russo can take a seat Dixie speaks.


Dixie: "Good now that we are all here let me introduce your new owner he will make everything clear."


The Screen goes black for a second and after some haze it finally focusses to reveal Ted Turner! Everyone is in shock except Heyman, Raven and Jarret they just have a knowing smirk on their faces.


Ted: "Well howdy boys! First things first Heyman is the new Headbooker. Which alows me to say something I have wanted to say for a long, long time: Vince! You´re FIIIRRRREEEDDD!!!!! Too bad it´s the wrong one tough a well that time will come."


Russo screams angrily and tells the people there they will all go down without him and that he will go back to the E and book TNA off the map! This mainly elicits a round of chuckles of those assembled.


Turner: "While we don´t wish him well in his future endeavours. Dutch, Jeremy we do wish you luck in yours. Sorry guys we apreciate all you have done so far but don´t quite fit in the vision we have for the future. Tenay your job is safe but you are no longer a part of the creative team."


Ted waits while Jeremy, Dutch and Tenay quietly leave the room.


Turner: "Now gentleman Paul here know´s my thoughts and I wish you the best of luck."


The screen goes blank again and Heyman reaches into his briefcase and hands out some papers to the remaining men.


Heyman: "Ok here is the agenda for the rest of the meating. First we will discuss the current product, then the booking and responsibilities, then possible hirings and firings, then finances and business, then production and marketing and finally miscelangelous. Please read carefully before we begin our discussion."

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TNA Impact, February, Week 1:


Samoe Joe vs Scott Steiner


Joe must win this match to earn the right to face Sting at Against All Odds.


AJ Styles vs Scott Hall


Styles must win in order to face Booker T for the title otherwise non title match.


Christopher Daniels vs Sid Vicious


Angle looks to damage his opponent for Against All Ods by making him face this beast.


Ashley Massaro vs Awesome Kong


Ashley gets her debut her and gets a warm welcome, no Divas here baby!


Melissa © vs Jacqualine


Jacqualine has decided to fully concentrate on wrestling an looks to defeat the upstart Melissa.


Petey Williams vs Raven


Petey has called out the veteran wanting to know what he´s doing back. What better way then to beat it out of him?


DDP vs Rober Roode


DDP wants to make a Bang! Upon his debut. Roode has had enough of all these outsiders coming in to claim HIS limelight.


Abyss vs Adam Martin


The Monster vs The Punisher promises to be a hard hitting affair.


The James Gang vs AMW©


The reunited James Gang has their eye on the prize.




The FBI wants to teach these punks from Detroit a lesson Chicago Mobster Style!


Eric Young vs Kenzo Suzuki


The foreign star looks to make an impact in the X division by beating fan favorite EY.


Jay Lethal © vs Bob Holly


Bob wants to show all the X division talent what "real" wrestling is all about, and he is starting at the top.


Peter Gruner vs Sting ©


Every man Peter Gruner (aka Billy Kidman) earns a shot at the title here granted by Sting out of respect for their days together in that other promotion.


Nick Dinsmore vs Kurt Angle


This promises to be a highly technical affair as these two greats wrestlers square off.


Mick Foley vs Booker T©


Foley has proclaimed that he is THE Hardcore Legend and while Sting and him have too much respect for eachother he feels no such qualms towards Booker.


Quick Prediction:


Samoe Joe vs Scott Steiner


AJ Styles vs Scott Hall


Christopher Daniels vs Sid Vicious


Ashley Massaro vs Awesome Kong


Melissa © vs Jacqualine


Petey Williams vs Raven


DDP vs Rober Roode


Abyss vs Adam Martin


The James Gang vs AMW©




Eric Young vs Kenzo Suzuki


Jay Lethal © vs Bob Holly


Peter Gruner vs Sting ©


Nick Dinsmore vs Kurt Angle


Mick Foley vs Booker T©

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I think that this is a really cool idea but how the hell did AJ Styles , Samoa Joe etc. drop all the way to midcard?


Anyways here are my predictions:


Samoe Joe vs Scott Steiner


AJ Styles vs Scott Hall


Christopher Daniels vs Sid Vicious


Ashley Massaro vs Awesome Kong


Melissa © vs Jacqualine


Petey Williams vs Raven


DDP vs Rober Roode


Abyss vs Adam Martin


The James Gang vs AMW©




Eric Young vs Kenzo Suzuki


Jay Lethal © vs Bob Holly


Peter Gruner vs Sting ©


Nick Dinsmore vs Kurt Angle


Mick Foley vs Booker T©



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